#kit herondale x ty blackthorn
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balladofbells · 24 days ago
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I just know they brought the duck blanket for Mina because Will would HATE it
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kitty-gray · 5 months ago
"You took yourself away from me" motherfucker you left the country
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tyaesthekit · 2 months ago
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starrieshq · 3 months ago
Kit: Never let them know your next move
Kit: *confesses love to his crush then flees the country for 3 years*
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livingforjordeliaandkitty · 2 years ago
I just remembered how Kit told Julian once something about his "weird brother" and Julian (being Julian) just went immediately like "Ty is not weird", and our beautiful Kit looked at Jules (like if he said something completely stupid) and said "I know, Ty is not weird, is autistic. I'm talking about Mark". In that moment I knew guys, I fucking KNEW THAT KIT WAS THE STANDARD!!!
Let me tell you, I just love how Kit doesn't even hesitate because Ty is neurodiverse and love him like doing it is the easiest thing. As it should be!
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poetpony6890 · 2 months ago
Dru: Do you know this guy? He’s on ash’s Instagram he’s kinda hot.
Kit: That’s my uncle 😐
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kate-read-that · 8 months ago
Fanfic idea I'll never do anything with: once this next set of books are over, Drusilla, Ash, Kit and Ty form a four-men team of elite Shadowhunters that travel around the world helping institutes deal with demonic problems too big or complex for them. Ash and kit are parabatai, and have all the special fighting abilities given by their respective lineages. Dru and ty help balance the team, being also lethal but a lot more used to institutes and people. Ash and Dru are the new Morticia and Gomez minus the goth and Ty and Kit are finally on the same fucking page too.
A few years down the line, when Rafael Lightwood-Bane becomes 18 and he's entitled to a year in a different institute to complete his formation, he doesn't omwsnt to go any institute because he's scared everyone's going to baby him for being the Consul's son, so he chooses the only people he knows won't baby anyone no matter what.
There are a few near-death experiences and probably a 3-book worth adventure with the now 5-men team, and by the end of it they're so famous, Shadowhunters parents fight each other to get their children to spend their last year with the Fantastic 4 (terrible name but you get the gist).
Kit is horrified by the approval and the attention, Ash and Ty are just super uncomfortable with the whole niceness and acceptance of everyone and Dru is ecstatic that she'll get to make the parents go through a million tests for fun.
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heavydirtysoulzz · 2 months ago
Everytime I think about Ty and Kit, I get sad, like what do you mean Ty and Kit have been seperated for three years? What do you mean they don't kiss in the queen of air and darkness? What do you mean Kit thinks Ty doesn't love him and Ty thinks that Kit doesn't care about him?
I can't deal with all this angst, I actually REQUIRE them to get together in the last king of faerie or else I think I may have a mental breakdown
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arcs-01 · 1 year ago
KitTy vibes :
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jeans-marrow · 2 years ago
After overanalyzing the comic I've come to the conclusion the first panel IS canon (I want to kiss you, but—) and we don't know why Kit won't kiss Ty cuz it'd be a HUGE spoiler. Not need to say I'm terrified for my life.
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starchasing-cryptid · 1 year ago
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balladofbells · 19 days ago
Ty pulling up to kit’s house to ask for his help:
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kitty-gray · 5 months ago
I wholeheartedly believe that, at least from Ty's perspective, Livvy was such an elemental part of his identity that it was impossible for him to even think he could belong anywhere without her, and that that was one of his motivations for the ritual.
Then Kit, who really wanted a life with Ty, goes and says "When you brought Livvy back, you changed yourself. You made yourself a different person than the one I loved, I don't know the person you are now. You took yourself away from me. I can't forgive that." I think it's Cassandra's way to say that, by performing the ritual, Ty's perspective of not fully existing without Livvy became true. Now, they really can't be apart for too long before Ty starts dying. (There's something to say about the necklace but This Is Not That Post)
Thematically, this makes it more about identity than about the ritual per se.
So here's my take:
Ty wants Kit's forgiveness more than anything. But for Kit to forgive him, he has to be Ty again. He has to learn that there's a Ty without a Livvy. And he has to choose it for himself, because Kit would never ask Ty to choose him over Livvy. Ty has to let Livvy go to be his own person again, and it has to be his decision. (There's also something to say about the stages of grief but again: not that post)
And that's the kind of soul wretching torture character development Cassandra would makes us go through.
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walkingaftermidnight07 · 2 years ago
im sorry y'all but this is where my brain immediately went
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i really would like to be wrong but it seems likely that this would happen
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starrieshq · 1 month ago
can't believe the Kitty fanart was 1 year ago 😭
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livingforjordeliaandkitty · 2 years ago
Currently rereading Lady Midnight and I can't wait to get to the part where Kit and Ty meet each other for the first time
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