#i had to hold myself back from following less i reveal myself XD
veilleur-de-nuit · 3 years
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A late-valentines-gram for @kinocharlley!! ^-^ afhjdksgjfkd my apologies for my tardiness- i hope you had a lovely valentines nonetheless~ (*hands flower* 🌻 also your art is so very lovely i absolutely adore you line work-)
you included both wilm and fox-man, so i decided on having the young family making valentine's day cookies!! ^-^ (perhaps sally took the photo dont at me-XD)
also sending my love to @mcytblr-valentine-grams!! :DD thank you so much for organizing the event, i hope you've had a lovely valentines as well <3
(no background/transparent version under the cut :))
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modx-reborn · 3 years
It Dosen't Feel Like Falling
One of the three fic's I have been working on! I felt like it was high time I did another DreamXD piece and as I do write for Philza that I do a full piece with him in it.
This is inspired by an ask I had gotten once. So! Here we are, two in one!
Old gods, new, gods, server gods, the minor gods with the name of admin. You had met them all, served under just as many as you had met and yet here you are, serving another serve god when you could have branched off, made your own server, reached beyond what you had been before but no of that seemed appealing to you. Days of crafting landscapes, months of an empty plane as mortals come and go not settling as you would have invited them to do, just a total lack of appeal.
But working under one of the established gods? Now that you can do, this is familiar and easy to work around, even if this was the third server you had served in.
Unlike the others, this servers god was very shall we say inactive in the early days of the server, not really doing much bar sending you to pass messages to the admins and keep the portal to the server clear of the unwelcome.
In doing this you met someone new, a traveller with letters from the server tales of what had been going on with one of the mortals that had been building and bombing each other as of late. Each time he came to the server entrance he would wave the letters at you, asking when he could come through even just for a visit to the one sending the messages, but every time you only could tell him 'No one comes to visit here, if you step through you cannot leave.'
Each time you told him the same look would pass over his face as he looked at the portal, longing but confused, it's not till he comes back with no letter in sight just his cloak and a small bag that you get a name and an explanation for his eagerness for a visit.
His name was Philza, a man that much like yourself had spent years serving one of the older gods and earning his title of the angel of death, and through the portal lay his son. A young man he called Wilbur, telling you this and that from the letters, flitting every now and then to the bag to reach for something only to change his mind, likely some of his son's letters lay inside.
The visit felt like a bid for him to earn your favour so that he could eventually walk the path to the server his son had settled in, yet time and time again he returns. No letters insight, but looking to hold a conversation with you, enjoying the access to someone that may be just as old as he is, if not older, it's enjoyable, to say the least having someone to chatter with on these long periods that you spend perched on top of the entrance portal.
It's almost a friendship if not for the vast difference in your roles, especially when the day comes that he holds an actual invite to the server, the portal is now open to him and he looks so happy as he calls to you. Excitedly calling out that he was finally going to see his son, that even if he couldn't come back the way he came right this second he was finally going to see the person he had been so eager to visit.
But we all know how that tale ends, you were unfortunate enough to have not been at the portal that day, standing beside the server god as he flicks through image after image of the server. Marking areas and places for things to come, writing out invites that will beckon new faces and bring new activities, but one of the images hold stead against the shifting masses, an image of the large settlement that had been in strife since day one.
There amongst the rubble stands your friend, the crow winged man Philza, cradling the body of what you assumed to be his son.
That was death, a final one for this server of three lives, the list of active mortals blinks with two lost names, but your god XD barely reacts, casting his hand across the list and marking their deaths as true, there would be no coming back from that not without XD stepping in and granting them life once again.
Days after that are spent in the endless white halls of the server gods realm, pointing other servants of the world to their duties, never far from the main hub where XD would oversee the server.
"My lord, if I may I have a question for you?"
"And what would that be little one? It is not often one of you who serve have questions."
"I just wanted to ask about the crow, I grew rather fond of him when he was attempting to visit the realm in the early days and I-"
The abrupt answer stops your questioning, most times anyone talks with XD he is not this blunt, rather sticking to the vague and avoidance of clear answers and yet here he is, clearly expressing a dismissal of your question and bringing more questions to mind.
"My lord what do you mean-"
"It means no little one. No, I will not tell you about the crow or what he may be up to. No, I will not let you into the server to see him, and it means no more questions are to be asked do you understand?"
Server gods do tend to be possesive of their underlings in the presence of other gods, but the crow was a mortal now, bound to a law of another server that was allowed to carry over with him. Blessed or cursed depending on the person, to have only one life and one life alone, but the way XD had reacted was beyond how he would when any of those in his service would be baited into another gods control.
Yet you had not served as long as you had to know that blind loyalty would get you what you want, letting the subject drop and returning to your watch over the server alongside XD.
The moment you had an excuse to leave his side, being called to aid one of the admins in cleaning something from the server did you start to act out. Leaving the admins side to search out Philza, using the knowledge you have of how often XD was watching to weave your way around till you found him, sitting locked away in a house amongst the rebuilt city. Knocking against his door before slipping in, knowing that XD rarely watched inside the mortal's homes, not being interested in watching what went on inside.
This was all you needed to anchor a point of entry for yourself in the home of the crow, watching how his face lit up at the sight of you, springing to his feet and reaching out to take your hands in his own. Seeming excessively happy at the sight of you, pulling you into another room of his home offering you a seat and something to drink, accepting despite knowing you would get nothing out of the substance.
"Been a long time since I last saw you mate! How have you been? Still posted out by the portal, or have you been moved?"
"No no I am no longer by the portal, X-Ahh the lord prefers to have me help with the observations. Actually, I am not even meant to be here right now..."
The look you cast at him when you admit to breaking the god's rule is pure mischief, one that he returns with a slight laugh, knowing exactly what it has been like to the same.
"Well regardless I am glad to have some company, not many people come round these days. Landed myself on the-ahh wrong side of things for the moment, tried to keep someone safe is all."
The visit is short knowing that you would be cutting it close even as you left Philza's home, quickly returning to the post you had abandoned temporarily, not even batting an eye when XD looks down at you. He may not have visible eyes when he wears the mask that mimics his head admin, but you can feel the way he looks at you, trying to unravel just why you were so happy now that you were back.
Things are quick to change between you and the server god when you would normally stand beside him, now one of his many hands are keeping you seated in his lap, unrelenting in their grip on your waist. Trapped in the truest sense and even when you dare to attempt to ask why the only response you are given is a distorted 'mine' and the hands-on you waist tightening their grip.
There are a few more sneaky visits to Philza when you are allowed onto the server, your friendship shifting more and more each time, the hands the guide you to sit in his now tundra bound home linger longer than before, friendly gaze now turning dark when you come in your less casual and more revealing clothes meant for the work you had been planned to aid in.
Somedays even having to bat him away as he follows you back to your return point, laughing when he grabs you trying to keep you from the portal back, enjoying the time you spend together and basking in the understanding that another servant of the gods can bring. Letting yourself slip further from the idea of friendship as well, welcoming the lingering touch and brushing your hands over some of the dark feathers as you pass him by.
All in all, it is a dance around each other to find out who will be the first to falter and give in, enjoying the play as much as you do the person you are playing with despite the way you know in the back of your mind that XD is watching, building to whatever punishment may be coming for defying him and his 'No' from so long ago.
But the punishment you face is so different from what you had in mind, thoughts of being stripped of your service and made mortal being the main ones and yet this outcome is not unwelcome after all these days under watch and quite blatantly breaking a rule that had been set for you and you alone.
Today had been another chance to break free of the hands holding you to the server god, another day that you could spend with someone that had become dear to you. But when it came time to leave Philza's lingering hands stop you, pulling you close and pressing his head to your own, eyes flicking across your face before he speaks.
"You don't have to leave you know dove, you could stay here for a little while longer..."
And so you are made weak, nodding and giving in, letting him lead you back into his home, hands pulling at each other's clothes and stripping down till skin meets skin. Minds to caught in each other to feel the static building in the air, foretelling the arrival of someone that had laid claim to you long before the crow had even known of anything like you.
It's the moment when you are bent over, braced on all fours as he holds your hips to his, buried in you, leaning over you to place more marks on your bare skin looking forward to the blooming marks that will likely not survive past the next few hours, not that he cared. But in how you moan at the feeling of his lips on your skin, you hear the static once again only this time it's not just noise.
Before you forms XD, your lord, god of the server and from how green light is spilling from the cracks of his mask, and his ever manifested hands reach for you lifting your head and pulling you away from the hybrid that had been fucking into you and making you sing, the actual physical hand of your lord wraps around your throat not squeezing just reminding you that he is in control.
His mask is tilted away from you, pointed at the man behind you, whose hands have once again found their way to your hips hoping beyond hope to pull you back and away from the being that had just manifest in his home.
"They are MINE crow, not yours. There is nothing here for you, no matter what you may think, no matter what may happen they are mine."
Any words that may have come from you is lost when your lord's grip falters for a mere second allowing you to be pulled back and into Philza's chest when he speaks, the ghostly hands of XD now pressing into your mouth silencing you as they press against your tongue, a clear show that this was between the hybrid and the god.
"I do believe they chose me mate, seeing as they are here with me, breaking your rules and taking my cock like a good little thing. Not yours."
The pressure on your jaw increases for a moment before distorted laughter fills the air, the bottom half of XD's mask dissolving to show a sharp smile, the display nothing but teeth in truth.
"Maybe so crow but so long as they serve me, they will belong to me. You can have your fun, but not alone."
The few sections of the conversation that reach your mind are muddled the moment your legs are spread once again, still pressed flush to Philza's chest he is quick to lift and line himself up once again, using how you are seated in his lap to have you sink down on his length, once again being fully sheathed in you. While the ethereal hands in your mouth dissipate letting you release an almost feral noise at being filled once again.
To soon after your mouth is emptied are you being pulled forward, the hands of your lord forcing you down onto all fours, putting you at the perfect height for him to press the head of his cock to your lips using the way your mouth falls open as Philza starts to move to press in, weaving a hand into your hair guiding you further and further down his length with every jolt forwards.
The god's doubled voice was louder than the sounds of skin on skin, and even your own choked noises.
"That's it little one, take all of me. It's time you knew your place, you can play with the mortals all you like but you will always come back to me. Always."
And he was right, even if you kept sneaking down here to see philza there were things beyond explanation that bound you too XD, and yet feeling the way Philza was fucking you, thrusting with little care for how it was making you almost choke on the length that was already pressing into your throat was intoxicating in its own way.
There was nothing to prepare you for what was about to come, hearing XD release a breath before his hips begin moving in a proper sense, short thrusts turning to rough snaps of his hips, using your mouth to chase his own pleasure. Watching how tears began to build and fall from your eyes, his smile still nothing but teeth as he fucks your face at the same pace as Philza was.
Neither mortal nor god was caring at that moment for anything beyond showing you their claim on you, from the drool that had slicked your chin as XD kept up his brutal use of your throat, to the bruising grip on your hips as Philza finally begins to find his end. The crow hybrid giving in to the feeling of you clutching around him even though throughout this ordeal neither of them had been focused on your own pleasure.
Selfish they may have been, but there is something that feels so good about being pressed between a mortal that had worked his way into your care and the god of which you had sworn service to, despite the voice in the back of your mind that whines when Philza pulls himself from you his hands moving from your hips to spreading your cheeks to watch how his cum drips from your hole there is nothing but want still colouring your thoughts.
Strings of spit connect you too XD when he pulls free from your mouth, ethereal hands once more form to grab at you, pulling you away from Philza and into the god's lap.
"What comes next little one is for my eyes only."
You can feel a brief moment when Philza tried to reach for you, fingers slipping through the fading form of you and the server god, leaving him alone on his bed.
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anisstories · 3 years
I Don't Want This
Chapter 6
The Next Morning
When Y/N awoke in the morning, she panicked, she didn’t know this room, and then she turned around. There was Anakin asleep, the sun shining on his face. His hair seemed to become even more golden. Y/N still felt tipsy. She looked at the foot of the bed and there were her clothes. It was 5 in the morning and no sound was heard. I doubt anyone’s awake, I’ll change, leave a note, and get a cab to the company. Shit, how strong is a Flameout? I'm falling back into a drunken state. Before that could happen she stood up, put her clothes on, went to Anakin’s desk grabbed a post-it, and started to right:
Hey Anakin,
I didn’t want to wake you up. Thanks for letting me crash here last night. Sorry for being such a bother. I promise I will never drink when you're around.
Next time I see you we'll be "happily married".
Warm Regards,
Heiress to the Aridam Empire XD.
Anakin awoke to the sound of shuffling in his room. He turned around and saw Y/N writing something on a sticky note. The events of last night came to his mind. WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE? I should have kicked her out yesterday. She'll pay at this moment. Anakin got out of bed and stalked over to her. Y/N turned around only to be met with Anakin's bare chest. His pectorals glistened in the sunlight. "Hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you. I was just about to leave. Sorry for-" "Last night I brought you into my home and you know who saw? Padmé. You already ruined my relationship. So you're going to stay here and we're going to be caught sleeping together. I don't care if your dignity is at stake." Anakin said as he pushed Y/N onto the bed. "Strip" Anakin said his voice and face were void of emotion. "w-what do you m-mean strip?" "Strip. Don't make me repeat myself." She felt a weight next to her. "I don't want to touch your disgusting body. So strip and go back to sleep. If you don’t I’m going to have to strip you myself, and you won’t like that." Y/N felt so embarrassed but she started stripping, fearing what Anakin would do if she disobeyed. She hesitated when she reached her panties. "Keep your underwear on." He opened the comforter for her. She stepped in, her back facing his chest, and felt Anakin's arms wrap around her bare waist. She felt so vulnerable in only her bra and panties. She knew that if someone walked in she would face the biggest embarrassment of her life. She started to squirm, to get away. But his grip tightened. "I said go to sleep," he growled. Anakin wasn't human anymore. He had gone feral. The love of his life was probably lost and all because of this stupid girl that laid next to him.
There was no going through to him. He roughly turned Y/N around. "Stop squirming. You said you'd follow my lead, so do it." He pulled her closer. Y/N started hitting his chest, muttering I hate you. Anakin grabbed her wrists. "Stop" his voice an octave lower. Y/N stopped. I hate you too, Y/N. Once we get married, I'll make your life a living hell. Anakin started to rub her back. Trying to get her to sleep. He wanted this to seem natural. He finally heard light snoring from Y/N. He went to grab his phone but feared the messages he would find there. He placed it back and started playing with Y/N's hair to help him fall asleep.
At 7 there was a knock at his door. Y/N jolted but Anakin held her tighter. He pulled the comforter low enough to reveal his bare chest and Y/N's bra. Then he heard Owen's voice "If I don't hear shuffling in 1 second I'm coming in." Of course it had to be this asshole. He grabbed Y/N's chin and started nuzzling into her neck. This caused Y/N to start whimpering. "You’re a piece of shit, you know that?" she said as she tried to push him away. “So I’ve heard” he mumbled. Anakin got tired of getting pushed away, so he flipped them over. He was hovering above her. Y/N’s arms got tired so he just pulled them to her side. This caused the comforter to fall off the bed. Owen walked in to see Anakin on top of Y/N. "Oh Maker. Fuck. Oh shit, I'm so sorry." Owen stuttered. "Can you stop staring at MY girl?" Anakin growled. "I wasn't staring at her. I was staring at you. Are you that insatiable?" Owen started laughing. "What do you - " and Anakin groans. Y/N accidentally brushed her leg against Anakin's groin and he felt a strong surge of pleasure coarse through his body. Shit, I was supposed to be mad. Not get turned on. "USE PROTECTION KIDS '' Owen closed the door and Anakin’s alarm clock hit it. He could hear Owen's laughter down the hall.
Y/N looked at Anakin’s sweatpants. There was a large bulge in them. When I brushed against it, his face contorted, I think it was out of pain. Y/N started brushing her knee against it. Anakin's eyes nearly popped out of his socket. "Mm..stop." Anakin was becoming less mad. Fuck this is bad... "No, this is payback for this morning." Y/N started brushing faster and harder. "Y-Y/N, h-hold o-o-oh Fuck!" Anakin spit. He fell on top of her chest. Y/N would've been mad. But when he fell onto her chest she had better access to that spot. Anakin started thrusting his hips into her knee. Y/N's name falling out of his lips. At this moment Y/N realized he hadn't groaned out of pain, he had groaned out of pleasure. So she pulled her knee away. Anakin's hips thrust into the air. Y/N heard Anakin moan out in pain. "Y-you, you’re a bitch" he growled. “Says the guy who forced me to strip.” She tried to get up only to fail, as Anakin had a death grip on her waist. "Hey let go," Y/N grumbled. Anakin refused. His breathing was labored and his forehead had a layer of sweat. "It hurts. Give me a fucking second!” he yelled. Y/N rolled her eyes, muttered I hope you die of pain and reached for her phone, or that’s what she thought at least. When she opened “her” phone she saw a bunch of messages.
Anakin I can’t believe you did that.
I fucking knew it. You’re a piece of shit.
I hope you get thrown into a ditch.
I can’t believe you got with my best friend.
I hope you both die.
We are done.
Don’t look or try to talk to me.
Y/N dropped the cellphone. It fell on Anakin’s head. “I’m already in pain and you dropped a cellphone on my head. I fucking hate you.” as he looked up he saw Y/N looking at him with guilty eyes. “I thought that was my phone and I read the messages Padme sent you. I’m sorry I fucked up your relationship,” she mumbled. “What do they say?” he asked, his tone cold and detached. Y/N started to read aloud the messages and Anakin felt his heart crack piece by piece. “Oh well, it was bound to happen,” he felt a sharp sting on his cheek. “How can you say that? I mean you have her as LOML on your contacts. You said you were gonna get us out of it and suddenly you're okay with getting married to me?” she said. “You don’t even feel a tiny bit sad. Don’t you want to scream or cry? If that was me I'd be very outraged." Y/N looked out the window. "Can you be logical? You think we were going to convince our parents. That was a false hope Y/N. They were gonna force us to get married. Padme isn't the type to share her boyfriend so its end was inevitable anyway." Anakin grumbled. I can't make her life miserable. She is suffering just as much as I am. I mean Y/N's here saying sorry for ruining my relationship. And it wasn't even her fault. I should be the one on my knees begging for forgiveness. I forced her to strip. Anakin got up and knelt before her. "Huh?! Anakin what are you doing?" She asked as she sat up. "I'm sorry. I was just so mad and so sad that I had lost Padme. I lost all human decency and forced you to strip. I'm sorry. I know that's not enough but I'm afraid that's all I have." Anakin's voice cracked. He was so ashamed of what he'd done.
Y/N felt bad. She knew he had done those things out of rage, but it doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt her. She reached for his arm and pulled him up. “It’s okay, I know you did them out of rage.” Anakin’s face lit up, he was so happy he could hug her, as he was about to, she opened her mouth. “But, can I ask you for a favor?” She asked. Anakin blankly looked at her. She panicked and spoke up “I’m sorry, never mind, I just-” “Hey, I didn’t even answer. What is your request?” Anakin grabbed onto her shoulders. “I was wondering if you could convince my father to let me finish my Master's?” She asked while looking at her lap. “I don't know if I could convince your Father” Y/N’s eyes started to get sad, “But I can convince my father to pay your college tuition and you can go secretly.” Y/N jumped up and into Anakin’s arms. He lost his balance so before he fell he pushed himself onto the bed. His cheek falling against her lips. “Oh damn, I smeared your lipstick.” “It’s fine.” Y/N started to giggle. “Thank you, Anakin,” she smiled so brightly and softly, but she was also crying, his heart fluttering. “Yea, no problem.” Anakin's voice sounded wistful, but Y/N didn’t hear it, she was too busy swimming in his clear blue eyes. “I never noticed,” Y/N whispered. Anakin hummed, asking her to continue. “Your eyes, they look like a lake.” she giggled. “They are pretty. If you looked up at the sun, your eyes would probably glitter like a real lake.” Anakin felt so flustered. No one ever complimented his eyes. Well, they had, but not in the way Y/N had. It was always nice eyes. You probably get all the chick with those eyes. “Thank you, your eyes are pretty too.” “Your E/C eyes lit up. “They get all bright and shimmery when you're excited about something. They get dull when you’re sad or frustrated. When you get embarrassed they glitter more than they’re supposed to.” Anakin started leaning in. The moment was shattered when they heard a commotion downstairs.
My summer classes have started so I will begin to post on Mondays. Thank you for understanding.
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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➳ his room in the crowded dorm
➳ "That’s right, choke on it."
➳ "I think, my roommate just got back!"
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Gender of the Reader: male
Word Count: 1k
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut (Comedy/Crack)
Warnings: Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; Swearing; Ass Cheek - Biting (yeah, I know xD); Oral; gentle Face-Fucking; Gagging; Choking; Deepthroating; Interrupting; fucking shameless and sassy Reader; Namjoon's soul dies 1000+ times out of embarrassment; Yoongi is badass; in general is the end a bit cringyyy 😂🙈
A/N: the title explain what I thought about myself after I finished the writing and re-read it... Why I'm just like this?
I'm sorry anon when it's not your taste 😓😭 Love you!!💖💖
Info: Because it fits better for the story, I changed the second Quote into "I think, the other Members just got back". I hope that's okay🙈
BTS Smut Drabbles
My official Masterlist
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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“Good Morning, Baby! Did you slept well?", asks you Namjoon, who just came back into the room after he took a shower.
"Hey Joonie, yes I slept well but I had this really weird dream-...o-ohhhh."
Your voice stopped abruptly and changes into a soft, longing sigh when you look up from your book and see your boyfriend standing infront of the bed.
Namjoon's back is facing you and stands in front of his closet, he's trying to figure out, want he wants to wear for this day. His Body is covered in nothing more than just a loose towel, that hangs low on his hips and exposes the curve of his ass and the muscles in his shoulders just in the most delicate way possible.
After a few seconds a playful and dirty little smirk manifests on your lips. His sensual appearance only screams at you, to do something naughty with him.
Like a sneaky little tiger, you crawl forward to the end of Namjoon's bed and tug on the hem of the damp towel to reveal your prey.
You purr in satisfaction when you see his slightly muscular, perfect round ass with this flawless soft skin. This erotic sight seduce you to bite him playfully into the right butt cheek before you place right after it a soft kiss on the spot to soothe the pain.
This cheeky action makes him jump in surprise and light pain, let him turn around to you almost automatically. Now you're on the same eye level with his half erected cock, you can't hold back a small giggle when you see how worked up your boyfriend already is.
"Hm, Joonie? Seems like your dick loves my shameless looks and my little bite into your butt... fuck I love it how fast I can turn you on! Well, I think, I'm a loving and caring boyfriend, so I'll help you with your problem~", you wisper and wrap one hand around his cock. Kissing his precum leaking tip before you take his thick length inch for inch deep into your mouth.
A deep groan rises up in Namjoon's chest and is followed by fast, breathy gasps. God, Namjoon loves you're so eager to give him a blowjob. Especially when he knows that you like it a little more rough as well, that deepthroating and choking on this fat cock is one of your favourite activitiy. How you sometimes literally stuff his cock into your mouth until you have to choke on your thick crown. Fuck, you're so damn perfect for him!
"Hmm, fuck yes! That's right, Baby, choke on it. Choke on my fat cock until I mark that sweet mouth of yours with my thick creamy cum. You'll swallow every single drop of my cum, right?", grunts Namjoon, runs his fingers gently through your soft hair and slowly face fucking you.
You don't know why, but it turns you on beyond belief when you're able to bury your nose into his neatly trimmed pubic hair and to inhale his musky scent down here. Fuck you love it to hear his moans and grunts that shows you that he's really struggling not to cum too fast from your master-like work. Your incredible technique makes his head spin even more, he feels it coming-
...until he hears the familiar buzzing sound of the opening dorm door.
"Damnit! I think, the other Members just got back way too early from the Shooting! F-Fuck, Y/N stop! N-No, not more, I-I can't cum now!!", pleads Namjoon with a trembling voice and make a half-hearted attempt to push you away.
But you don't even think about it to stop right now. You didn't make such an amazing job here for nothing and you'll not stop your work until you taste Namjoon's cum in your tongue!
"It's still so dark in here, are Namjoon and Y/N still not up? It's 11 a.m. right now! I'll look after them!", you hear Hoseok's muffled voice in the hallway.
Then should Hobi come in, you couldn't care less. Your one and only goal right now is to get your favourite and well deserved milkshake, only then you'd let Namjoon go.
Just nobody expected to hear such an ear-piercing, high pitched scream from a damn rapper when Hobi opens the door and slams it shut again right after it. Out of reflex, let you slip Namjoon's cock out of your lips to shut your poor ears from the eardrum splitting scream and to turn angry to the door.
Behind the door you hear Jungkook asking Hoseok if he saw a ghost to start screaming like a tail amputated cat.
"I wish, I would be a fucking ghost! Because then I'd be invisible and I would have all goddamn freaking time of the world to deepthroat my boyfriend's cock properly! Oh my fucking God!", you scream in a pretty hoarse voice back before  Hoseok has even the chance to say something.
Namjoon didn't planned that his soul would die today and that the cause of death would be embarrassment.
Now it's Jin's turn to let a traumatized "Oh my Gooood! Too much Information, TMI, TMI!" out. 
Somewhere in there is Taehyung and Hoseok cringing for never wanting to know these kinds of facts while Jungkook and Jimin are laughing their asses off.
And then there is Yoongi, who came really pissed after Hoseok's opera-like performance out of his room, snorts by your sassy response audibliy and answers you chuckling: "I heard you two through the whole apartement and fuck, Namjoon, I've to say that I'm pretty jealous right now! Guys, come on, let's go to the studio. Let Joon getting at least a great blowjob and let Y/N having his needed load of cum. See you later, Joon."
The boys whined or laughed even louder, depends on how they're dealing with this fucked up cringe situation, when they leaved the dorm again.
With a satiesfied smile you return to Namjoon's cock, looking cheekily up to him.
"See, Yoongi understands me! And now, let me get my cum!"
Sometimes Namjoon asks himself what kind of a freaky boyfriend he has. You're just lucky that he loves you above everything else and just let you do your thing now, to pleasure him and satisfy yourself to the very end.
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hunterguyveriv · 4 years
Hidden Beauty
Here is my submission for Days 1(First Sunrise/Set) & 2(Late Night Adventure) of Kacxa Week I had this plan to do quick ficlets for these 2 days but no matter what I did they merged into one and Kind of ties in with “The Promise.”
This post would have been up sooner, but I kind of pepper sprayed myself. Harvested hot pepper seeds from plants I grew earlier and apparently I didn’t wash the oils off well enough xD xD xD 
Anyway, here is my submission for days 1 & 2 titled Hidden Beauty
"Let me take you somewhere in which you will feel young and take your mind away from all this..."
It was nighttime on Verolgah-VI. The two planetoid moons did their annual dance across the evening sky as shooting stars streaked the upper atmosphere. The devastated planet's temperature was chilly, but nothing like what most of the Paladins were used to, save for one.
He looked to the lions with 3 out of the 5 charged up, Red was in the final stages of charging up. He let out a sigh; some things were going to plans, but he had to remain on edge as the leader. Shit tends to hit the fan when one least expected it, and with friends still about 2 maybe 3 more days away, anything could go wrong.
Since they first landed on, well, more or less crashed when the lions collapsed from low energy, the Paladins all slept in the cave with Acxa. But tonight was different; it was cold enough to drive them to the lions that were charged. Hunk, Lance, Shiro, and Coran were sleeping in the Yellow Lion. Allura, Pidge, and Romelle were sleeping in Green, with Blue-Powered down to preserve power. Krolia and Keith's wolf were snuggled up in Black, which was somewhat comfier than the ground from the Star-whale, but nothing close to temperature.
Keith only grabbed his red & white jacket from Black's storage locker, from when he grabbed what little belongings he left on the Castle when he took a sabbatical from the Voltron-Force. Krolia was ready to get some sleep when she asked if he would turn in. His response was he had too much on his mind and was going for a walk. When his mother saw Acxa walk out of the cave, she gave him her sly "mother knows all" smirk and responded with "you kids don't stay out too late" before turning and taking his wolf with her.
Blushing and stammering at her, he turned to see Acxa wearing something similar to an Earth styled tank top in the moons' light, which her blue skin radiant. When he got within range of her, she gestured her head to follow her. He threw his jacket on which even over his Paladin Armor slightly loose. He put his belt with his Marmoran blade on and started walking with her. She took him to her favorite spot in silence. It had been three long years since she saw him last and even though she had so much to tell him, opening up was something relatively new for her. Even taking him to a spot she had grown to love in her mind was a huge gamble, that she was surprised she was doing.
It was one of the most stunning sights next to her that he had ever seen. It was a massive valley with a small creek like waterfall leading into a small shallow lake. Further behind were some of the most gorgeous mountain ranges he had ever seen with millions of stars. Even the nearby Argola nebula was just barely seen. Its blues, greens, purples, & reds intensified by the planet's atmosphere. His mouth agape, Acxa finally broke her silence. "I found this place about a year and a half after I was left here by the coalition."
Keith walked forward, taking in the beauty of the water, reflecting the moons and stars. The water droplets flying into the air reminded him of fireflies he used to catch with his father when he was a small boy, "It's beautiful." She walked up to match his location, slowly wrapping her arm around his. She sensed him tensing a little and then relax, but she knew he was much like her. Both introverted warriors, just starting to let their feelings show on the surface. "In the morning this spot reminds me of my homeworld, before it was officially... 'indoctrinated' into the Empire."
He looked to her, seeing a sorrowful look on her face. "Tell me about it?" She looked at him softly, smiling, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. She started to sit down, but he stopped her taking his jacket off, laying it on the ground gesturing for them to sit on it. She slowly sat down on his coat. She looked at him. "Won't you get cold?" He shook his head, "Nah, I grew up in the desert for the most part. I am used to brutally hot and brutally cold temps."
Acxa nodded and looked up to the stars and looked back at him. "From what I remember, it wasn't like this planet. For the better part of a deca-phoeb the planet was a relatively fridgid planet, but it was no barren froze wasteland. My mother's people were born in a region in which it was neither barely above freezing or frozen. The closer you got to the planet's polar region the darker blue their skin got, towards the equatorial sections they were either a lignt blue almost white color almost like that little girl & those two Alteans. But regardless of our skintone we all loved Aaenergola..."
Keith continued to listen to the Acxa tell him of her homeworld. The architecture, the lore, some of the history, the customs, and so much more emphatically. But when it came to the story of the Empire coming to her world, her demeanor and tone changed. Her planet had fought the best it could but ultimately was indoctrinated into the Empire.
She revealed her father was a doctor and her mother a Galra Lieutenant who he had saved from dying. Both harbored no ill will towards the other's race. When she was born, both parents wanted her yo have a decent education despite being a half-blood. But it wasn't until she got to her parents' death when she was 9 that she became bitter. When Aaenergolan Terrorists executed her parents for helping Galran citizens while Aaenergolans were starving. She trailed off as she remembered coming out of her hiding place. Finding her father brutally murdered, protecting the area she was hiding.
Keith, for the first time, saw tears streaking down her face and her lip trembling. He placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to scoot closer to him. He had asked if she wanted to stop, and she nodded her head, wiping some of her tears away, asking about his homeworld.
As she did to him, he told her of Earth and his life on the distant planet they were trying to get back to. Of the blue skies and oceans, everything that made the planet one of the most beautiful he has ever lived on. Growing up with just a father before he died fighting a fire. His life before his adopted brother Shiro came into it.
Keith told her it wasn't until he was on a Blade mission did he learn who his mother was and later on in the Quantum Abyss, the reasons why he grew up without her in his life. Just hearing his voice caused her to relax and snuggle up to him. He felt her wrap an arm around his waist, prompting him to wrap an arm around her shoulders. When he stopped talking about Earth, she was fast asleep, snoring softly on his shoulder. Not long after, he fell asleep after repositioning, so her head was on his chest armor.
Many Vargas later, Acxa sat right up as one of the suns started to rise. She was expecting to be alone, which typically happened when she let her guard down, showing a side people typically never see. But was relieved seeing Keith still sleeping next to her. She pulled her legs to her chest and started watching the suns rise.
He started to stir, feeling the warmth on his face. When he woke up, he saw Acxa sitting up, his jacket draped over her shoulders. He slowly sat up and beheld one of the most stunning sights as the twin suns started to dance across the sky. The water, especially the waterfall, looked like it was molten lava. Like the sky, the vegetation itself looked like it was ablaze, swaying in the wind with colors of reds, blues, greens, and purples.
Both half breeds talked a little while enjoying the beauty of the sunset heads perched against each other. When the bottom of the second sun was just barely over the distant mountains, they decided it was time to head back to the group. But before leaving, he took one last look at their surroundings and turned to her.
She had a nervous look on her face, "About last night..." He had a delicate look on his face and softly smiled, "I want to thank you for last night. You bringing me to this beautiful place was as if you were opening your true self to me." She closed her mouth, being a little surprised at being thanked; she started to blush purple. "It takes great courage and trust to open up to someone, and I hope I am worthy of both."
Almost 2 hours later: The group was starting to freak out that Keith was nowhere to be found, nor was Acxa. Most of the group was searching the compound, while others were searching the immediate area. Some were worried that the pirates took them, one worried that their host handed him over to the pirates, while another knew all too well where they were. She refused to answer anyone's questions about why she wasn't worried. But Coran soon put two and two together, once being a parent himself.
When the group regrouped, it wasn't until his wolf snapped his head up, ears perked that everyone put their attention elsewhere. With their leader and hostess missing, The Paladins drew their bayards ready for anything. If it were an ambush like last time, they'd be prepared to fight.
Two figures were walking towards them with the suns at their backs, nearly blinding everyone. When the wolf bolted and teleported, everyone got on edge, waiting for the inevitable attack. But it never came. Instead, they could barely make out one figure stopping greeting the wolf and the three of them walking back.
As they got close, enough everyone realized that it was Keith with Acxa wearing his jacket. But what really caught their attention was that they were both holding hands and that their demeanor was different. It was no longer of two socially awkward Galrans who tried hiding there was something there to clearly having broken the ice with each other.
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wichols · 4 years
Angst/Fluff Writing Prompt Fun Wrap Up!
Now that I have finally finished all the submitted prompts I thought it would be fun to do a cute little wrap up in case you might have missed any of the stories along the way, along with some background/thoughts/feels about each one! Duration May 13th - July 15th (that was longer than I expected but cool!) 1.  Rain and Confessions (Kyoya X Haruhi WC: 1,662)  Prompt: “And yet, you’re still not enough.”  Summary: After her graduation from law school, Haruhi and Kyoya pack up her apartment in preparation of Haruhi moving back to Japan. Kyoya has been waiting years for this moment and he is going to let Haruhi know exactly how he feels about Haruhi and isn't going to let a little rain ruin his plans for them. AO3, Tumblr, FF.Net Thoughts: This prompt is a canon insecurity for Kyoya and so it was easy for me to write- considering I posted the prompt list on the 13th and uploaded it on the 14th. But also it was so hard to write because they are my OTP!! It pained me to make them suffer like this. To make Kyoya vulnerable is tough. To bring down his walls in front of someone is a struggle. Upon reading back through it I dare say there is a peep of inspiration from Pride and Prejudice (can you spot the hidden Mr. Darcy-like quote?). Favorite Line:  “You say that you will do all these things out of your love for me but it is because of my love for you that I cannot accept your offer because you become less of who you are and more of the person you think I need.”  2. Public Masks for Private Matters (Takashi x Haruhi WC: 1,269) Prompt:  “Being alone would be better than being married to you.” 
Summary: Haruhi has finally reached her breaking point. After winning her career-defining case her world comes crashing down. Blame has been assigned and trust has been broken between Haruhi and Takashi. 
AO3, Tumblr, FF.Net Thoughts: The TakaHaru ship is by far one of the hardest ships to use with angsty writing because of the nature of Takashi. The hurt he could inflict on Haruhi isn’t something so obvious like physical/mental/emotional abuse. I think in my mind that it is his lack of response is the most believable response to causing conflict between them- his inability/insecurity to say the right thing at the right time. At least that is what it would come off to others. Takashi is an introvert/observer. If he was experiencing emotional distress he would probably cave in and bottle things up, holding the burden alone.  (Spoliers!!) The real secret behind this fic is that Takashi only ever told her the truth. Haruhi busted a major company for the terrible working conditions of their low income employees. A week after the close of the trial she was jumped by a group of people and was sent to the hospital. They had know she was pregnant for a short while and wanted to keep it a secret because of the high profile nature of the case- not even telling friends or family. They lost the baby and it broke them. To this day they still have not mentioned the loss of their child. So naturally they suffer alone, putting on masks for the public. I honestly thought about writing something more with this background information but it just seemed a little difficult to set up the scene. Favorite Line:  “The love I held for you is what blinded me.“ 3. Cameras and Questions (Kyoya x Haruhi WC: 1,181) Prompt:  An almost kiss Summary:  Yet again Kyoya convinces Haruhi to be his date to another gala event. Haruhi asks a question that gets answered in the most unusual way. Is there more going on between a young no-name lawyer and one of Japan's Top 5 Eligible Bachelors than the public is aware? AO3, Tumblr, FF.Net
Thoughts: This was so fun to write! I love writing snarky Haruhi. I also love writing the back and forth between them. I mean they are my OTP I love the chase. XD I feel like they both can be very up front with each other but that they enjoy the subtleties of their conversations. I love the challenge between them, and how they push and test each other. I think in the beginning I didn’t quite know how to put them in a situation where there was an almost kiss, mostly because I still couldn’t get myself to fully commit to a fluffy piece of writing. But I think with what I did I could classify it as fluff defined by my standards (nobody died and everyone is happy). Favorite Line:  “I don’t know any Ootori man to half-ass anything.” 4. Disgust and Devotion (Hikaru x Haruhi WC:1,083) Prompt:  “Please don’t cry.” & “It’s three in the morning. What could you possibly want?” Summary:  They said that it wouldn't work between them. Are their worlds so far apart that it is impossible? Hikaru is caught up in another scandal and Haruhi has reached her limit. Does she love him enough to stay or is she just too weak to leave? AO3, Tumblr, FF.Net Thoughts: I think at this point in the prompts I still couldn’t get myself to write fluff and this ask was a fluff/angst mix with the two prompts provided. I do enjoy writing the HikaHaru ship even if there is not much out there. Originally when I was working on brainstorming ideas the end game was for them to have angry makeup sex. But I just couldn’t twist what I had in a way that would flow naturally with the base plot. I think I like writing Hikaru slightly drunk. It curves his temper and makes him more mellow. But he is still our impulsive little boy and he still has a ways to grow up. This wasn’t the first time that something like this has come up. Though both times he was not at fault (though in the original idea he totally did cheat one drunk night but couldn’t really remember). If anything the fluff is implied at the end.... Favorite Line:  “The media can make it look like anything they want to with a well-timed photo.” 5. Love Over Reason (Takashi x Haruhi WC: 2,102) Prompt: “Are you blushing?” Summary: Loving someone is complicated. Sometimes we feel as though the ones we love deserve more than we can give. Does spending six months apart change Takashi and Haruhi's feelings for the better or for worse? AO3, Tumblr, FF.Net Thoughts: There was about 5 days between this fic and Disgust and Devotion and I still couldn’t really bring myself to write straight fluff... But this turned into quite a piece. I think I was hitting a stride of coffee shop AUs and I just couldn’t help myself. Ever love someone so much you push them away because you think it will be better than dragging them through your mess? Well same. I think the fluff in this fic is subtle. They care so deeply for one another that they don’t want to hurt each other more. And just to be kind I added more fluff at the end. I’m not sure I really like how I used the prompt for this one but what’s posted is posted. Favorite Line:  “All I have ever wanted from you is you.” - This line still gets me all sorts of choked up when I read it.
6. Brutality Mixed With Intimacy (Takashi x Haruhi WC: 1,455)
Prompt:  'Please don't cry' or 'You know I have feelings for you, right?'
Summary:  After months of following dead ends, the Ouran Association finally has a solid lead to obtaining useful information on the ring leader of a major underground human trafficking organization in Japan. All other hits had gone to plan for Takashi but this one hit too close to home. With Haruhi as their next target, he couldn't handle the risk of possibly losing her.
AO3, Tumblr, FF.Net
Thoughts: Cue the beginning evidence of my current obsession with Mafia AU’s... The mafia au is just the perfect setting for my dark angsty heart! I just couldn’t resist. Especially when fluff was so far down the list of things I still wanted to write. I won’t name names but a certain TakaHaru shipper threatened me that they were going to write a fix it fic so that Haruhi actually ended up with Takashi instead of Tamaki. And of course she would end up with Tamaki, he of all of them would have the least blood on his hands.
Favorite Line:  “You were never going to make it to the drop off location.”
7. Fashion and Feelings (Hikaru x Haruhi WC: 2,691)
Prompt: “You know I have feelings for you right?”
Summary: After years of silently watching and pining for Haruhi from afar, Hikaru finally gets the courage to reveal his true feelings for her. With his new spring line debuting in a few short days Hikaru is going to lay his fashion reputation and love all on the line in hopes of having his feelings reciprocated.
AO3, Tumblr, FF.Net
Thoughts: Finally, FINALLY, finally I was able to pull out just the most fluffy fluff I could write! Like it took everything I had to put no angst in this one at all. This prompt sat for weeks and weeks without progress. I didn’t have a clue with what I was going to do with it. Like, it laughed at me with it’s blank doc. I wanted this final prompt to be just fluff so I left it to sit until I finally had a spark of fluff. This can be read alone or as part of the back story for Disgust and Devotion.  
Favorite Line:  “Most people would be creeped out by someone other than a significant other who bought them lingerie.” Final Thoughts:
Shortest- Cameras and Questions Longest- Fashion and Feelings Combined Total Word Count: 11,443 Title Themes- I really wanted to give this round of prompts a slightly longer title theme. My favorite is probably Brutality Mixed With Intimacy but a close runner up is Public Masks for Private Matters.
Favorite- Fashion and Feelings Least Favorite- Love Over Reason Thanks to everyone who submitted requests! It is always a pleasure writing for you!
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The Bounty | [Fem!Twi’lek!Reader x Din Djarin] | The Mandalorian
Notes: This will get a 3rd part which will probably be the last one. It took a little longer since I had so many fanfics in my drafts and I just added stuff when I was in the mood but I still hope you enjoy it :) Also If you don’t play Star Wars: The Old Republic you might not have realized it in the first part, but Eli is a Miraluka. What this species can do will be revealed here or you just google it I guess xD
Fandom: Star Wars, The Mandalorian
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Some Angst, Original Characters, Longing, Slight OOC
Summary: Din Djarin and Y/N, the smuggler meet again, but their circumstances do not benefit the relationship Din wishes they could have.
Word Count: 5534
Once again, the Reader is a Twi’Lek!
Part I
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Months went by and their journey continued on. His and the child's. They traveled across the galaxy, landing on desert planets, hiding on moons, hunting a bounty here and there even though he wanted to stop, and more often than not they had to flee in a hurry.
It was the same old routine. The only thing that changed was that Din couldn't go to sleep right away. The occurrence wasn't rare at all but now he didn't stay up because of his insomnia, or bad memories which would haunt his dreams.
He laid awake in his cot, the child on his chest and all he could think about were those mesmerizing eyes. It felt like a joke. He had met her only once and the time they spent together had been less than 3 hours but he still got swept off his feet. He wouldn't admit it, he couldn't. If he told Cara that a random smuggler was able to catch his heart she would probably laugh out loud and say something like: "I knew you were a big softie."
But he couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. The way her eyes had lit up when she laughed, how she swayed slightly with her hips when she walked. The way her clothes complimented her figure. There was a burning in his heart, a longing, and Din felt shame for thinking about a woman he barely knew in such an intimate manner. He tried to tell himself that he only felt that way because he was starving for affection and body contact, and anybody would do but his heart told him otherwise.
He tried to busy himself, tried to forget her or that she ever existed and it seemed to work, at least a little until fate appeared like it wanted to torment him.
They met again. But as things seemed to always go wrong for him, she was his bounty. And he was supposed to bring her in cold.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing, Kecha?”
Y/N stabbed his hand with her knife. The Delphidian cried out in pain and tried to grab her wrist but she warned him with a glare. His bodyguards pointed their blasters at her, even so, the Twi’Lek didn’t react.
“I told you I won’t give you shit if you can’t pay the full price!” 
She twisted the knife in his wound and he groaned. His pitiful state satisfied her anger a little and she jerked her knife out of his hand. Kecha pulled his hand back and used his robe to stop the bleeding. Slowly, she sat down again and leaned back in her seat, her eyes not leaving his hunched figure. Since their boss didn’t say anything his gang members lowered their weapons.
“We had a bad month, Y/N, I can only pay the amount I have here...”, he stopped and pointed to the credits laying on the table, "but I can pay you in another currency."
The smuggler wiped her blade clean with a cold expression. 
"I'm not interested in slaves, you should know that." 
The pirate boss nodded, of course, he knew. She had almost split his skull once for offering her a male Twi'Lek slave. 
He hesitated and then waved one of his boys over. He whispered a few words in his ear while Y/N watched him with a wary look. The pirate left to get something and returned some seconds later with a bounty puck and a tracking fob. She narrowed her eyebrows. Somehow she had a bad feeling. 
"This puck was in the possession of a Duros we encountered a week ago." 
He didn't need to explain how their encounter ended, the green blood on the device told enough. He activated the puck and Y/N's expression darkened instantly when she recognized her own face with Wanted written in Basic underneath. Her right hand traveled to her hips where her blasters were located. 
“So what now? You wanna kill me?” 
The Delphidian shook his head and she relaxed slightly. Nonetheless, her hand rested on her gun.
“Of course not, you’re a valuable business partner.” 
Y/N snorted but her eyes looked unamused. She grabbed the tracking fob and activated it. The beeping was obnoxiously loud and fast. Well, its quarry was holding it after all. The thought of someone putting up a bounty for her worried her more than Kecha probably imagined. Her demeanor was unfazed but unease claimed her heart. 
“Anything else you found out?”
The pirate boss nodded and rubbed the sweat from his forehead, pain was clearly visible in his eyes. The fact that he didn’t lash out at her for injuring him showed their unusual bond. After all, they had been partners for years. She started to feel a little guilty for hurting him but she would never admit it. 
“They want you dead. 300′000 credits for your cold body.” 
His voice had a worried undertone and the Twi’Lek paused. So many credits for her? The amount was intimidating and she wondered who the rich stranger was, who wanted to pay so much for her death.
“Wait, why would they - whoever wants me dead - hire the bounty hunter’s guild for this? This sounds more like a job for an assassin.”
Kecha shrugged his shoulders. 
*I don’t know but if I were you I would lay low for a while.”
Y/N let out a small laugh. 
“You know I can’t do that. Business is everything and I can’t lose any customers.”
The Delphidian frowned but she couldn’t tell if it was because of his wound. He used his uninjured hand to push the credits on the table towards her then he leaned back and let one of his henchmen give him a cloth to wrap around his hurt hand.
She took the credits and put them in a bag attached to her hip. She also grabbed the puck and deactivated the tracking fob. The smuggler stood up and walked over to the spice containers she brought him. With quick fingers, she unlocked all of them and deactivated the lock feature. When she turned around to see if he was satisfied, she noticed Kecha’s troubled expression. Her eyes softened.
“Don’t worry, I won’t get killed that easily. I can defend myself just well.” 
He sighed and replied with an annoyed undertone:
“I know, you don’t have to remind me.” 
Y/N turned her lips into a grin and she grabbed something in her bag and then threw it to him when she turned around to leave. Kecha caught the bacta patch and smiled. 
“Thanks, Cap.”
She waved dismissively and left the room. No one followed her and she walked back to the Icarus. The moment the door closed behind her, the corner of her lips dropped. How would she get out of this mess? A bounty for her head? That was something new and Y/N she didn’t like it. 
If Din had known who exactly he had to find he wouldn’t have taken the tracking fob. But that was the problem; he didn’t know. He didn’t receive the bounty from the guild, obviously not, after all, he left them behind. He got the job from a fellow on Taris while staying there. They needed supplies but he realized that they were short on money. 
So he left the child on the Razor Crest - his heart clenched in worry but they needed food desperately and when he watched how the ramp of his ship closed, his child looked at him as if he understood. 
It hadn’t really been his plan to do a bounty, he wanted to leave the profession behind because he needed to care for a baby but it was the quickest way to get good money. 
Only once more, was his thought when he received the tracking fob. Neither did he know who put the bounty up nor who he had to hunt, but it was more than a guild traitor could ask for so he didn’t complain. He would get the money from his informant, he would make sure of that.
The beeping was slow and all he knew was the last location of his bounty and the fact that he should bring it in could but he didn’t let himself get discouraged. It had been the same with the baby and he found the little womp rat so he didn’t worry too much. Since he had one crucial information, the person he was about to hunt, was a notorious smuggler. Which meant he needed to be careful with his approach.
The first thing that went through his head when he heard that was, of course, Y/N. Stars, that woman stole his heart and he let her. Why was he so careless? With the cock of his blaster, he chased the beautiful Twi’Lek out of his mind and left the cantina.
He bought a rusty but still functioning speeder with the last of his credits and set off. He had no destination in mind, he just drove around to see where the tracking fob would start to beep louder. 
He saw the remains of a city void of any intelligent life, fragments of former wars and battles. Nature took back what once was hers and the beauty of how she did it, made him pause. Would he be able to settle down in a quiet place like this? 
It made him wonder why this was the first thing that crossed his mind but after seeing so much violence and death in his life, dying like a warrior seemed less desirable for him. 
Peace and quiet, a goddamn second for him to take a breather and an evening where the child could eat and sleep without any disturbance was a wish that resonated deep within his soul. Maybe he got old. But he wasn’t old enough yet to not hear how the fob’s beep turned louder. 
He stopped the speeder and jumped off. In a radius of 10 meters, he walked around it and listened to any change in the rhythm of the device. He needed to head north. The beep was not fast enough yet so he mounted the speeder again and continued to drive towards his bounty. What he didn’t realize, he wasn’t the only person who listened to his tracking fob.
“You sure it’s going to work out fine? You have a bounty on your head now...” 
Eli voiced his concerns and she sighed. Of course, she knew, but as she had already told Kecha, her customers weren’t waiting and business was important. She couldn’t stop now, not when she almost got enough money to save her.
“It’ll be alright. This will be the last deal for a few months, okay? We can lay low for a while after this.”
His expression showed how he wasn’t exactly pleased with her answer but she ignored it and once again checked her datapad. It was almost time for her customer to show up. 
She could understand his worry. Not only did the deal happen in a location where they would be presented on a silver tablet to any enemy, but they also didn’t have back-up like usual. But she had had no choice. The customer wanted it like that. And she wouldn’t dare anger a Hutt. Especially not him.
Y/N licked her lips and realized how dry her throat was. She decided to grab something to drink from her backpack, which laid in the shade next to the containers with the spice and their speeders. She had just drunk a few sips when a speeder approached. 
“That must be the announcer”, remarked Eli and his head turned to the direction from which the approaching person came. She laughed.
“Well, Taro always had a flair for the dramatics. Announcing your arrival, does he believe he’s royalty?”
Her mocking tone caused the Miraluka to smile and she raised her voice when the roar of the speeder engine came to a stop a few meters away. Eli shifted and gasped. Was the announcer so ugly? She grinned.
“What a nice day isn’t it?”, she turned on her heel, “For a deal with spi-”
Their eyes met. Actually no, her eyes and his T-shaped visor met. Her breath hitched. She recognized the armor immediately. It had some more scratches and traces of blaster shots but she had dreamed about it so many times that she just knew.  “It’s time for us to leave. Thank you for your hospitality.” The flutter in her chest from that day returned. What... What is he doing here?
Her eyes traveled to the thing in his hand that beeped obnoxiously. Oh.
Y/N raised her head and stared at his visor again. A bitter grimace crossed her face. Both of them exhaled slowly, almost painfully.
Din’s mind was a mess. How was it possible that the person who stole his heart suddenly appeared before him like this? Oh, Mand’alor, how could fate be so cruel? His bounty was her companion?! How could he kill him, what was his name - Eli, who traveled with her and obviously meant much to Y/N? 
He felt slightly dizzy from the storm inside his head and all he could do was curse. When she said the same thing as him, his heart clenched and he almost let out a breathy laugh. This situation was the worst. 
“So we meet again.”
Y/N started talking first and her voice was as melodious he remembered. Her e/c eyes were filled with something that caused his heartbeat to quicken and he was once more thankful that she wasn’t able to see his face. This way she couldn’t see what she did to him. His cheeks and ears were burning and he prayed that his voice regulators weren’t sensitive enough to pick up his quick breathing. 
While he seemed to have completely forgotten what the tracking fob in his hand meant for both him and the other two, the Twi’lek continued to speak with an ugly grimace on her beautiful face.
“This isn’t exactly how I imagined we’d meet again, Mando.” 
He realized how her hand landed on the blaster on her right hip. The gesture was like a bullet to his heart. Did she seriously believe he would do something to her friend? The thought didn’t cross him when the storm in his mind continued raging. Of course he was worrying about the child and the money but still. No way.
“I- It’s good to see you again, Y/N”, he replied lamely.
He wanted to tell her so many things but it looked like his brain had a short circuit. The woman’s grip tightened around her weapon but she didn’t point it at him. Her smile was still bitter and his heart seriously ached from seeing the frown.
“I don’t know if it’s really good. I see you’re here for the bounty. So what now?”
Her hostility was clearly audible in her voice and Eli stepped beside her as if he wanted to protect the smuggler. The way his hand touched her shoulder so casually made jealousy flare up in him. Were they together? This possibility struck him like lightning. He never even thought about it that the stunning woman could already have someone in her heart. 
Actually, he didn’t even know what he thought. All he ever daydreamed about was holding her close. Seeing her laugh, watching how her charming eyes light up because of something that he said. 
Okay, truthfully he had also had some rather... impure thoughts about her but that was when his mind wandered late at night when he wasn’t able to sleep at all and the snores of his child couldn’t help him to doze off. 
But that wasn’t the point. The point was that he never actually imagined meeting her again much less, what he would say to her. He groaned because of his own stupidity. On what cloud had he been floating?
“Y/N, this doesn’t seem to be a good time to discuss this...”
The brown-haired man tilted his head and the veil in front of his eyes swayed slightly. Din disagreed with him. 
“I’m not here to hurt you”, he tried to show his sincerity in holding up his hands with the tracking fob still in his grip.
“You sure about that, big guy?”
Seeing her antagonizing him with a fierce look in her eyes and a dark expression on her face, made Din think: Fuck, she’s hot. His brain clearly turned to mush after meeting her again. There was no other way to explain the lack of his reasoning and rationality. He could only nod, his stance was extremely stiff.
Y/N pursed her lips, and his heart skipped a beat - Mand’alor, in what kind of lovesick fool have I turned? She relaxed her hand slightly but her expression was still as cold. 
Unknown to Din, the Twi’lek’s mind had turned into a mess too. Delight, Anxiety, and Helplessness coursed through her veins all at the same time and she had troubles trying to figure out what she was supposed to do now. 
The man she had fed and protected and who had infatuated her a few months ago, suddenly showed up in front of her, right before she was about to wind up the last deal for her goal. She was filled with joy but at the same time with dread, since he was obviously here to kill her. Definitely not the reunion she had expected.
But the way he stood there, no intention for attacking visible from his body language gave her hope. Maybe they could talk this one out. 
“You know...”, his voice sounded emotionless through the regulators of his helmet but the way he hesitated showed his uncertainty, “I wanted to tell you something. After the child and I left your ship I...” 
She didn’t see his eyes but she knew they were focused on her. She could feel the burning of his stare. 
“Y/N, I wanted to tell you that I-”
A single gunshot ringed through the air and the smuggler staggered. A round burning hole appeared in her chest, her armor didn’t protect her at all.
At that moment Din realized that he had it all wrong. Eli wasn’t the bounty. It was Y/N. And somebody just fucking shot her.
A shout reached his ears and when he leaped forward to catch her, Din didn’t realize he was the one yelling. 
Eli caught her first. How the apparent blind man managed to do that, he didn’t know but at that moment he didn’t care. A noise in his ears was all he could hear when he pushed the other man and Y/N to the containers to take cover. 
He turned around, his rifle already in his hand, the tracking fob had been dropped to the floor mindlessly when he tried to catch her. 
His eyes found the shooter immediately. It was a human man with a sniper rifle. He wore a blue jacket with a red symbol Din had seen before. The man wasn’t far away, in fact in shocked him how close he was able to get. Had his senses become dull? Or was it because he was talking to the person he liked? Burning fury exploded in the Mandalorian’s chest.
While Eli cradled the Twi’Lek in his arms and spoke to her in a panicked manner, all he could see was red. His hands moved automatically and efficiently when he cocked his gun and he seemed deadly calm when he slowly raised his rifle. His outside appearance was completely the opposite of his inner turmoils but maybe his rage was able to get him to focus. 
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. KILL. KILL THAT BASTARD!!!
He shot once, then twice and he continued to shoot until he had to reload. His finger still pulled the trigger when his plasma gun didn’t have any ammunition left. But Din hadn’t shot the man fatally. His aim was slightly off because his hands had suddenly started shaking when Y/N’s friend called her name in a desperate attempt to stop her from fainting. Nevertheless, he had wounded the foolish bastard who dared to attack the person he loved. 
He was about to stomp over to the soon-to-be-dead fucker, who had tumbled to the mossy ground behind some trees when a painful grunt cut him short in his tracks.
“Sith, that hurt like a b... bitch...” 
Y/N’s breath was haggard and her grip on Eli’s arm was weak but she didn’t lose consciousness. At least not yet. The way her eyes had turned misty was a warning which made both men’s blood run cold. The Mandalorian’s wrath extinguished as fast as it ignited. All that was left was cold dread and the feeling of helplessness. He ignored the man who shot her thinking: That bastard will die of his wounds anyway.
Din walked to the fallen smuggler and her companion and fell to his knees. His distress was clearly audible through the regulators of his helmet. 
“I don’t have a b-bacta patch”, was all he could say through his gritted teeth. 
“Neither do we...”
Her tone was light but she couldn’t hide her pain. The Twi’Lek grabbed her companion who seemed to be in a daze. Her face showed a grave expression.
“Fuck... Eli, promise me you’ll free her... okay?”
Din had no idea what she was talking about but she was obviously talking as if she was about to die. Which could be because she was only lightly injured right? There was no way that the woman, who melted his already frozen heart, would just die here when they just met again. Right?! 
The blind man choked and his arms who held her trembled. The scars on his face wrinkled when he frowned and Din felt how ice-cold terror washed over him. No, no no, this can’t happen!!
He grabbed her hand without thinking and the fact that she wasn’t cold yet stopped his spiraling momentarily. Her e/c eyes found his visor and she tightened her grip as if to tell him that everything was going to be fine. Y/N smiled weakly and it was a wonder that he didn’t keel over right then and there.
“Don’t say that. I won’t do it. I’m not promising you shit, Cap!”
The brown-haired man exhaled slowly. 
“I’ll make sure you hear what that stupid Mandalorian wanted to say to you before you got shot like an idiot. I told you it was a dumb idea!”
He swallowed. What was Eli even talking about? They had no way to help her without a bacta patch! He held the Twi’lek’s hand like it was a lifeline. He felt like he was the one who was dying. And maybe he was. If Y/N left him here and now, he was sure he would never recover from the loss. The loss of never having something he wanted. The loss of never being able to tell her what he wished they were. The loss of a lover who never was one. 
“It... not... my fault...”, murmured Y/N, her face definitely paler than before. 
He wanted to say something to her, at least tell her how he felt when they had first met but no words escaped his lips. It was as if he lost his voice. He could only watch with burning eyes how Eli put his hand on the deadly wound. The man breathed out slowly and Din could see how his jaws clenched. 
“After this, you’ll need to pay me back with a kyber crystal”, growled Eli, his expression totally different from the harsh tone of his words. Once again he had no clue what the blind man meant.
It was as if the galaxy took a second to breathe and slowed time while doing so. Din could see how the eyes of Y/N widened slowly, her mouth turned into the shape of an ‘o’, wind ruffled the brown hair of the man and the blue veil lifted only for the Mandalorian to see that Eli had, in fact, no eyes at all. 
This revelation shocked Din more than it should. But what shocked him the most: Y/N sucked in a breath and when the man whose species he couldn’t name right now took his hand away, the wound was gone. He blinked. A memory crossed his mind.
His child did the same thing. A few months ago. He lifted his head to watch Eli closely and the man exhaled and started to smile. This person had just saved her from dying in his arms. 
“Still got it”, he whispered and Y/N whose expression had turned from pained to baffled laughed disbelievingly. Her chest heaved and even though her body was healed she still looked like she just survived a deadly injury. 
Her fingers gripped Din’s tighter and she turned her head slightly to face him. Maybe it was because the sun had already set but her eyes looked so beautiful right now it took his breath. The way she stared at him, stars. The relief that washed over him turned his whole body into jelly. He weakly fell on his ass and leaned back, his hand never leaving hers. 
His tone was stunned when he whispered: “Mand’alor, I thought that was the end of the beginning.”
He said it in a low voice but both of the others heard him.
“The beginning of what?”
Y/N’s eyes were full of innocence and Din was too shaken up to get embarrassed when Eli responded jokingly instead of him:
“Your relationship.”
But the reaction of the smuggler made his heart flutter. Her cheeks flushed and she stuttered wide-eyed:
“Wa-What? What are you saying, Eli?!”
She looked between the two men but both of them looked away. Din out of shock because of her strong reaction and the other because he felt a slight headache. 
Y/N realized immediately that something was wrong.
“You okay? I thought you said you wouldn’t use the force anymore?”
The Mandalorian perked up, while Eli waved his hand.
“I just saved your ass, might as well be grateful, don’t you think?”
His teasing undertone couldn’t hide his exhaustion but the Twi’lek didn’t seem like she wanted to point it out. She wanted to say something else but a voice interrupted her. 
“My, what do we have here? Captain L/N what happened?”
It was spoken in Huttese and Din turned around alarmed. On the hill behind the shooter stood a male Weequay. The newcomer looked surprised seeing the smuggler lying on the floor, two men hovering over her and holding her close to them. 
“We had run into some problem, but”, responded Eli and shot a glance to the trees where a stiff body laid, “we got rid of it.”
“Do you need medical attention?” 
Din guessed that this was a customer and the reason why Y/N and Eli were even here. The fact that the man seemed rather friendly surprised him quite a bit. 
“Thank you, but there is no need. When will Taro arrive?”
How the woman could just go into business-mode after almost getting killed, was a wonder to him, but it also raised her even higher in his eyes. Stars, what just happened?
After that, they had somehow wrapped up the deal with Taro and her eyes almost filled with tears of happiness when she received the credits who would buy the freedom of her little girl. 
The Mandalorian watched over her like a hawk during the talk and even though they really didn’t know each other at all, she didn’t mind at all. In fact, it felt natural. When she remembered his presence next to her, she smiled. 
Taro had left and they decided to ride back on their speeders. Eli insisted on her riding with Mando and even though she had glared at him, she silently praised him when she held onto the sturdy frame of the man. She had leaned her head on his back and she could sense how his heartbeat sped up, which caused her to crack a smile.
Their meeting had started shitty but it turned out well if you forget the fact that she had almost died. But who cared about that. If she pondered over every little thing or accident that happened in her life she would have already died from sadness. 
She remembered how it had all begun. How her thoughts were invaded by the Mandalorian. 
When they first met, she had looked at him longingly. The way he was able to hold his child while she couldn’t hold hers. It made her jealous. A reaction that was unreasonable but natural for her. Every parent she had met caused this feeling. But with him it was different. There was something else. 
An appeal she hadn’t been able to name. But when he had held her hand during her “time of dying” she realized what she felt. 
“You know... The thing you said before. It kinda sounded like a love confession wouldn’t you say?”, she told him when they dismounted the speeders at a landing bay where the Icarus stood and both men had turned around to face her.
He had stiffened and she noticed that she might really like to tease him. Eli rolled his eyes and walked past behind her to get to the ship. 
It was then that an invisible force caused her to lose her balance and she tumbled into Mando’s arms. She knew immediately who made this accident happen but she got distracted by the strong arms that caught her and held her close to the man’s chest. Damn, he really was hot. Her cheeks began to burn and she averted her eyes. 
He only grunted and put her back on her feet. Her hands lingered on his chest a little longer than intended but he didn’t comment on it.
“It’s fine.” Fine. Great. Absolutely perfect.
Din’s chest was feeling light and he felt a sudden urge to talk to his Ad’ika and tell him about what he encountered today.
He remembered the child he had left on the Razor Crest and when he looked to the Horizon he saw the setting sun. Fuck.
“My boy”, was all he could say while he stood there frozen. 
“You forgot your child?”
Y/N didn’t hide her teasing undertone at all but her face showed a slightly worried expression. 
“He’s still on the ship, I didn’t want him to come with me on the bounty hun...”, he trailed off and his head turned to watch her. She tilted hers.
“So you really were chasing after me, huh?”
He ignored the ambiguous words and lowered his eyes. Guilt burned in his heart and he seriously worried that she would hold this against him.
“I didn’t know it was you. I apologize. I would’ve never accepted it if I had known it was you.”
The way he said you made her chest tingle and she raised an eyebrow and the corner of her lips. She stepped closer to him, sudden confidence coursing through her veins.
“Are you saying you wouldn’t chase me?”
She twisted his words in his mouth and he knew but damn, it attracted him even more to her. He also liked the way she smirked, it made her look alluring. 
“No, I’m saying that I would never chase you if it meant you have to die at the end of it.” 
The seriousness in his voice caused her e/c eyes to soften. They turned into crescents and in a swift motion, she grabbed his hand, stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his helmet.
“Well, then you better be happy that my best friend can use the force!”
He couldn’t even react, she already scurried inside the Icarus laughing.
Din stood there dumbfounded for a moment. Heat crept up his neck and his cheeks flushed. 
“Shit... What is that woman doing to me?”
He didn’t know if he was happier about the kiss or about the fact that Eli apparently was only a friend and she seemed to welcome his advances but one thing was clear: Today was a good day. 
The comlink inside his palm was proof. He clenched his fist in victory and stood there for a second before turning around to return to his child and tell him about that one woman.
What he didn’t know...
“So you gave him our channel?”
Y/N nodded, her whole face still hot but she grinned from ear to ear. 
“And you kissed him?”
“Not a real Mandalorian kiss, of course, but who knows what’s next.”
The smuggler winked at him and passed the Miraluka. Eli laughed and pressed the button to close the ship. With the force, he was able to see the dust that the Mandalorian’s speeder kicked up. 
“Who knows what’s next...”, he mumbled and when he turned around he reached out to the force connection and told the little boy that everything was fine with his father. He was on his way home and had many things to tell.
End Note: Wohooo, second part finished yaaay :D Actually I feel like this one is a little rushed. For me it’s like the reader is suddenly shot, Din is like D: and then Eli swoops in to save the day but I was rewriting that part 3 times and in the end just left it like that xD Also, was it a plot twist that Y/N also has a child? I wanted for her to have a reason why she became a smuggler but this will be adressed in the last part. Also, also, there wasn’t that much “action” as in romantic stuff at all but I wanted to leave that for the last part, since these idiots seriously only met twice... But yeahhh, hope you enjoyed it anyway :)
Part I, Part III [Coming soon]
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sandalaris · 4 years
send a character: Dakota Block & Paloma Gutierrez :D
Dakota Block
First impression: I was initially excited for her potential, giving us another sibling dynamic on a show that does so well with them, as well as the idea of there being someone who’s both in-the-know while not being dead center of the action. By the end of the season my excitement had dimmed somewhat, probably because they didn’t get a chance to really explore her and the dynamics she was part of, and because I was distracted by other aspects of the show so that she sort of faded into the background for me.
Impression now: I’m back to being excited over all the potential she holds and wanting to explore them in fics (if canon won’t do it, I’ll just have to do it myself :P). I overlooked her immediately following my first watch of season three. But upon rewatches, I feel like there is just so much there, just beneath the surface of what we are shown.
Favorite moment: I love the reveal of who she is, right where she’s shown to be Earl McGraw’s daughter and pulls out a shot gun to shoot Richie with. She has no regrets after either, she made a plan to seek justice for her daddy and she executed it. Rather flawlessly too I might add. (She couldn't have accounted for vampires being real.)
Idea for a story: I still want to write the Enemies with Benefits story between her and Richie. XD I just gotta get more comfortable writing sex scenes first. 
Unpopular opinion: I feel like most of the fandom dislikes her, so it’s very likely that any positive opinion I have about her is unpopular, lol. 
Favorite relationship: Canon-wise it’s probably her and Richie. They have all this underlining tension and sort of pull towards each other that just screams “explore me.” But the sibling relationship I’ve built up in my head for her and Freddie (unlike their limited interactions in canon) probably beats it by a hair.
Favorite headcanon: She resented Freddie at first, for taking so much of her daddy’s limited attention away from her, his “real kid” (her words), especially when Freddie would stay at their place while his mom worked extra shifts. It wasn’t until they were in middle school and her parents started fighting more that the two of them developed the sort of step-sibling relationship they have today.
Paloma Gutierrez
First impression: I full on thought she was going to be an unnamed background character for a while so I didn’t really start paying attention to her until the dressing room scene at Blanchard’s, and then she disappeared shortly after. By the time she showed up again at the end I once again sort of forgot/overlooked her. *shrug* I’m not entirely sure what I thought of her in the beginning.
Impression now: She slowly grew on me. I didn’t dislike her at all, but was rather fairly neutral about her. With every rewatch I like her just a bit more. She’s got spunk and is smart enough to play along with/play into her captors if she thinks it’ll benefit her in some way, and she held strong to her beliefs even when faced her diosa in all her flawed glory (at least until she was turned).
Favorite moment: It’s a tie between the moment when Kisa pushes her hair back and you can see her take note and start tying to figure out how she can use Kisa’s attraction to her advantage (just that look on her face! It’s such the perfect look for that moment!) and when she first sees Kisa vamp out and realizes that the goddess she’s praying too is already there, both using her and protecting her in her own twisted way.
Idea for a story: I have nothing that centers on her personally but I do have an idea floating where she *SPOILER!* in my fic *cough*
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I have one. :/ 
Favorite relationship: Her and Kisa probably
Favorite headcanon: Less a headcanon about her and more just a headcanon that she was the reason for: Culebras aren’t entirely themselves upon first being turned. At first, they are easily influenced by those who turned them and have a sort of instinct to follow/obey/take the side of the one who’s venom is in their veins. Paloma so utterly flipped after Malvado turned her, suddenly resenting and hating her goddess who, while having kidnapped and been cruel to her (although gods aren’t necessarily known for being nice to mortals in most mythos), had also saved her repeatedly by the end of their time together, kept her word about letting her go free once she had the trail she needed, and told her enough about Malvado to know that he was the source of her cruelty. It never really made sense to me why it is that she seemed to so completely drink the kool-aid where Malvado is concerned when she repeatedly refused to accept her fate when Richie and Kisa took her. And it also had the added bonus of explaining why Scott was so willing to believe Carlos when he told him he’d find his family for him and Richie dropped a lot of his anger towards Santanico right after being bitten.
Oh, I do headcanon that her soul was pure, kind of like Kate’s. Her faith was different obviously, but it was still pretty strong up until Malvado got his hands on her, and there had to be a reason that Kisa felt she was going to be extra attractive to whatever culebra Malvado sent to buy their next supply of girls (who happened to be Carlos that time), enough to make her the primary bait.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Forty-Three: Ice Cream] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
Gaze caught in a shop window, Hinata nearly doubles over as a voice suddenly sounds behind her, heart rate climbing in surprise. A rather ungraceful turn reveals it to be none other than Sasuke! “S...Sasuke-kun…?”
The Uchiha has - since the end of the war - become a slightly unintended friend. With how many bridges he burned (and admittedly many of them with reason), he wasn’t left with many people to socialize with. Not...that he’s been in much of a mood to socialize. But for some reason, the pair of them have just...ended up running into each other more often than not.
Not that Hinata has been opposed, per se. She just...didn’t expect it. Sasuke had barely spoken ten words to her before he’d left to seek power outside Konoha. And yet...part of her wonders if that’s the point. She’s one of the few people he hasn’t directly affected in any negative way.
...nor she in any way to him, either.
Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that - common friendships, odd parallels in their pasts they’ve been discovering...and their meshing social circles have meant it almost being impossible to go without running into one another for long.
And so, for whatever his reason may be, Sasuke has been extending a rather awkward, formal olive branch. Hinata, in the meantime, has had no real reason to reject it. Hence their budding but...rather undefined friendship as of late.
He’s still...adjusting, after all. And in some ways, so is she. The war has left its scars upon all of them...but few, she knows, more so than Sasuke. The situation involving his clan and the village - still a work in progress to be solved - immediately earned her sympathy. As someone from a ‘royal’ clan who has its share of troubled years past...she, more than most, can relate...even if not in exactly the same way.
Still, that’s not the current issue on the table.
He’s dressed in warmer clothes as per the season, given that it’s nearly the new year. And to her delight, he’s sporting the knit gloves and scarf she made him a few weeks past. And as is most usual, he’s without anyone else she knows. He tends to just...wander about on his own, for the most part...save for when the rest of team seven drags him out.
“...a-ano...was there something you, um...something you wanted, Sasuke-kun?”
“Was on my way to pick up lunch and saw you. Thought I’d say hi.”
“...oh!” She allows a small smile. “Well...hello! C-chilly day, isn’t it? Keeping, um...warm?”
“Yeah. That knitting of yours must be good.” He doesn’t admit that he rarely gets cold, anyway - his father used to tell stories about an Uchiha’s inner fire keeping them warm against any degree of dropping temperatures. Of course...he doesn’t know if that’s true, but it takes a fairly bad day to chill him. “Knitted anything else recently?”
“Yes, lots! I just finished a set for Hanabi, actually. And Naruto-kun said he’d like some. Orange, o-of course,” she lightly giggles.
Barely perceptible, Sasuke’s expression sours at the mention of the blond. “...keeping busy, then.”
“Yes, quite so. It, um...it’s relaxing, though. I like how repetitive it is. Lets me just sort of...zone out and go, you know?”
“Never had a hobby like that, so I wouldn’t know.”
“...oh! Well...it’s nice to have a little, um...change of pace. It lets me take my mind off of...everything else. Clan politics, or...missions. Maybe you could...find a pastime, Sasuke-kun.”
“Maybe. Mostly I just train when I want something to do, honestly.”
“That’s good, too!”
...they then reach a small impasse.
“W-well, um...I don’t want to keep you from your lunch,” Hinata then offers, smiling again. “But it was n-nice talking to you!”
“Have you eaten yet?”
The rather blunt question makes her pause. “Well, um...no. No, I haven’t. I was going to just make something at home, um…”
His expression remains carefully blank. “I won’t interrupt, then.”
“Did...did you want some company?”
A few months ago, Hinata would never dare ask a question so bold, not even of her best friend. To presume to be wanted wasn’t something she could really...do. But she’s done a vast amount of growing as of late, and...well, she’s tired of hesitation taking opportunities from her. Her years wasted chasing Naruto only to lose out taught her that much.
Sasuke, too, seems a bit taken aback by her forward response, dark brows lifting a smidge. “...sure,” is his reply once it sinks in. “If you don’t have anything else…?”
“Nope! I delivered a mission report earlier, and was just...w-wandering around before heading home.”
“...all right, then.” Well, his plans were to order out some yakiniku and take it home, but...well, he can’t really do that with a guest. Or, so he tells himself. Seems he’ll be sitting down to eat.
Hinata doesn’t object to the place, and they find a table off to one side of the restaurant. As their meat grills, they mostly pass the time with idle conversation.
“So, what was your mission?”
“Just a simple track and retrieve mission. Solo. A fraudulent jewelry maker was caught selling fake pieces to some n-noblewomen during that conference last week. He fled with the money and was heading to Iwa, but I c-caught up with him and dragged him back. It really wasn’t anything difficult, he w-wasn’t even a shinobi...he’d hired a few missing nin to help guard him but they were chūnin level at best. Probably oversold themselves to get in, and then were going to r-rob him after. Brought them in, too.”
“Must have earned you a fair bit.”
“Not too bad. In truth I have a good amount of savings...I don’t like to spend money. Even before I lost my inheritance I was frugal.”
The familiar topic makes him pause nonetheless. Hinata’s recounted the events leading to her loss of title - though mostly vaguely - before. “...good habit to have.”
“It drives my sister crazy.” Hinata cracks a small smile. “She’s...not so careful. Overall sure, but...she has many little splurges. Tries to get me to do the same. And when I don’t she b-buys me things herself.”
Before he can stop it, a small smile pulls at Sasuke’s lips. Were Itachi alive...he’d likely do the same. “I guess siblings always have to have some traits that are opposites.”
Once their bellies are full, Sasuke pays the tab (much to Hinata’s annoyance (“It was me who invited you.” “I i-invited myself!”)) and they head back outside where a light snow has begun to fall.
“Looks like we’ll get a decent dusting,” Sasuke muses, watching it fall for a moment.
“...ne, Sasuke-kun?”
“Would you l-like to get some ice cream?”
Eyes still skyward, his brow sharply furrows before looking to her as if she’s grown a second head. “...what?”
“Ice cream!”
“I...why would you want ice cream when it’s snowing? Aren’t you already cold?”
That earns a giggle. “What, like you don’t ever eat h-hot food when it’s hot?”
He just stares at her.
“I a-always have ice cream after yakiniku - it helps calm my tongue from the spices!”
“...you’re so strange.”
“It’s not that weird -”
“Yeah, it is.”
“W-well you don’t have to get any!”
“...I’ll get some sherbert. I don’t like sweet things, remember?”
“I know, but I just thought…” She trails off with a small shrug, hands in her coat pockets. “...a-and this time I can buy. Because I asked.”
Ah, so that’s what this is really about. Snorting in amusement, he doesn’t object a second time, just following as she beelines to the nearest shop. To his surprise, a few other people are in line, all who get incredulous looks from him. “...I can’t believe people think this is normal.”
“Shush,” she gently chides, stepping up to the counter. Her own order is a simple chocolate milkshake, which she struggles to consume through a straw with how thick it turns out. “Your turn!”
“...lime sherbert,” he eventually relents, receiving a small bowl of the stuff.
Seeing his gloved hands holding a frozen treat just makes him feel all the more ridiculous.
But Hinata happily works at her milkshake, so...he doesn’t complain. At least she’s happy, and she got to get him something, cheap though it was. Spooning the stuff into his mouth a small bit at a time, he aimlessly follows as she seems to wander back outside.
“Like it?”
“See? It’s not so bad!”
“Now I’ll be cold on the outside and the inside.”
Mouth on her straw, her cheeks puff before lifting to counter, “I t-thought you said you were w-warm?” Was he lying about her knitting?
Giving her a glance with his uncovered eye, Sasuke snorts and ruffles her hair with a free hand, much to her dismay. “I’m joking. I can do that, you know.”
Huffing and puffing as she tries to tame her hair, she gives him a second pout. “...I-I know that. I just...didn’t want you to actually dislike it.”
“It’s fine, Hyūga. Stop worrying so much over a bit of ice cream.”
“You didn’t even g-get ice cream…”
“I told you, it’s too sweet…”
The pair fade down the street with their treats, gentle snowfall trailing in their wake.
     Random fluff is random. Not necessarily a sequel to anything in particular, since I write so many odds and ends in ALAS, anyway xD But I remembered having a piece where she made him some knitted stuff, so...wherever that was, consider this a followup, lol      Slowly but surely getting through things! Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to reply to some comments. I'm now a whopping twenty days behind, BUT I'm feeling a bit better and less burnt out, so...here's hoping I'll plough through the rest and finish this baby up! Then it's fic vacation time for a while xD      Aaanyway, I'm gonna go get some sleep, since I finished a wee bit early for once lol -thanks for reading!
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foxwatchesanime · 4 years
How I stopped caring about comments: A rambly post by me
This is rambly so hold onto your seats, I apologies. 
I’ve been thinking a lot about comment/review culture in the last few months, particularly after returning to a brand new fandom as a writer and regular content creator. Maybe this is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, maybe not, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the way I perceive comments, how it’s changed for me since I’ve been in fandom and I’d love to hear from other people what their opinion is and how they relate to comments on their work.
I’ve been creating content in fandom spaces for about eleven years now. I started out on YouTube when I joined my first fandom, Merlin, and I made my first fanvideos in 2009. In December of 2009, I published my first fanfiction, plus one sequel which remains unfinished as well as a few other smaller projects. In October of 2010, I published my first podfic and would go on to publish two more. My focus in fandom had always been YouTube, where I regularly created fanvideos. My schedule was never consistent, as with most vidders back in the day, but I’d be comfortable in saying I posted regularly discounting three unintentional hiatuses, one in 2013 following the Merlin finale, one in 2015 probably due to a lack of inspiration and one in 2017 after what I was sure was going to be my permanent comeback to YouTube, only for my hard drive to break and delete all my footage yeeeeeey. 
I’ve now made an actual, official return to my original platform, this time creating videos for my new passion and fandom: anime. Since February of 2020 I’ve also been regularly publishing fic and have no desire to stop doing so. I’m thoroughly invested in new fandom spaces again and am engaging with its fans and the content. 
But the one thing I have seen change drastically in my approach to things is commenting, following and general engagement. 
Let’s take a step back. 
When I first started posting content, comments were not something I even had in my consciousness. I think I knew YouTube comments existed, but I didn’t really pay attention to it. I didn’t even know what subscribers were until I started hearing other people talk about them and then I suddenly felt like it’s something I should be keeping an eye on myself. 
In a centuries old vlog of mine that is now private on my channel, I noticed that when I hit 100 subscribers, I made a video thanking everyone because I was so excited that with more subscribers, I was going to “make more friends.” Oh dear xD 
But the truth is, I have been consistently and chronically bad at keeping up with or caring about the analytics of my various platforms. It wasn’t till writing this post today that I went to check my FF.net account to see how many comments my first two Merlin fics ever got. I still couldn’t tell you my exact number of YouTube or Ao3 subscribers, how many hits or kudos my fic have and I don’t think I’ve ever checked my bookmarks for notes, or whatever you’re able to leave on there. 
Commenting culture on YouTube, for all my joking earlier, was primarily about connection, at least back then. Most of the old guard have moved on and those who have remained are now vidding in other fandoms. The social aspect of YouTube in my opinion has changed dramatically since I was at my peak output on there, but I remember how interactive the comments sections used to be. They literally were, where you made friends.  
A couple of years ago, me and a friend of mine started a Merlin podcast called Merlisten. We created it for fun and without many expectations of what might come out of it. And it was this that changed my relationship with commenting for good. 
Doing Merlisten felt, for the first time in a long time, like pure creativity and passion without anyone’s permission. We always encouraged people to leave feedback as one does, but I don’t think either of us expected to get much, if any. Even considering the incredible support we’ve received with feedback coming in almost every single episode now, there is still a clear and overwhelming gap between the amount of comments given to an episode of Merlisten, to one of my old fanvids or fics. It’s even more interesting when one considers how much more effort and time went into creating Merlisten compared to say, editing or writing, at least for me personally. The amount of man hours spent on creating one 2.5 hour episode from pre-production to final posting often outweighs any other video or chapter I’ve created. Not always, but often. 
What struck me as interesting, however, was that even though comments weren’t always consistent and I always love and continue to love reading them, it’s not what was fuelling me to work hard on this project. I was doing it because I adored it and I knew it was something I was proud to put into the world. 
And that literally changed everything.
I think for a long time, I was always trying to cater my art to what might get the most attention or please the widest demographic of people. It’s how you think when you’re young and you don’t know any better. But for the first time, I was creating something on my own terms that I had no idea if anyone would even listen to and the actual creative process of making said art was ten times more rewarding than any single comment I could ever read. Which really, what I realised, is what art is supposed to be. I can safely say that if Merlisten didn’t get a single comment from here on in, I would still want to see it to its conclusion for one very simple reason: Because I had something to share. 
This brings me to my recent return to writing fic in fandom and it’s not a decision I’ve regretted for a second. More than anything, I’ve realised how personal art can really be, especially when it’s in writing. I’ve found it revealing and cathartic and fascinating in a way that I didn’t ever imagine.
But more importantly, I’ve realised that the real beauty for me in engaging in art is the ability to get an emotional response from it or to relate to it. And that goes for both other people’s work and my own. I can feel just as invested in my own work as someone else’s and that’s not because I think my work is amazing, it’s because I know it’s come from something that was living in me. When I put something out there that I made with my own two hands, that feeling now trumps any sort of feedback I could possibly get and that’s the endorphin I live off. 
Don’t mistake this for me not liking comments, that’s obviously not true. My brain gets the same dopamine hit as anyone’s when I get a notification for something or other, but I’ve realised that I have a very specific relationship with comments that I definitely didn’t have before, if my requests for review on FF.net is anything to go by.
Now, what I find exciting and thrilling is the thought that, if writing this fic got this sort of emotional response out of me, the writer, I wonder if there are other people out there who think the same way I do? Who have a similar way of experiencing joy or suffering or humour or who like the same things as me? That, is an insanely invigorating feeling. And then when someone chooses to take time out of their day to tell you that what came from your head is the same sort of way they feel about life? That’s not a comment, that’s not feedback, that’s a connection you have with another person. And that’s where I start to get excited. And it’s taken me this fucking long to realise it. 
Honestly, I was really worried upon returning to writing and vidding this year that my experience working in digital marketing, where everything is about numbers and social media is all about engagement and nothing else, that I would be overwhelmed and not be able to switch off the part of my brain that’s been trained to think like that. I’m so relieved that that’s not the case. 
As previously mentioned, I suck at giving a shit about analytics and looking at my own stats. I couldn’t give a flying fuck. But I did just go and check my YouTube videos since returning back to vidding. Not a single one of them has views over 200 at this point. Most have less than 100. My most viewed video on YouTube has 57,000 views. And the thing is, there might have been a time when I looked at that and thought, well, this means I suck. This means I can’t make art. This means there’s no point to it.
But no, that's not true.
The point is not how many people see it, how many people like it, how many people comment on it. The point is that I made it. I’m going to continue making YouTube videos despite the fact that the algorithm will destroy any chances they have at getting engagement or views. Even if not one single person comments on them. Because when I’ve finally rendered a new video, or finished proof reading a new chapter, I feel so fucking happy that everything else is just window dressing to me now. 
Because not only is online engagement and following such a stab in the dark these days anyway with algorithms changing and trends moving constantly, but this is the real truth about comments, following and feedback:
The truth is, I don’t need a stranger on the internet to praise me so that I can feel good about my art. The day that I start doing that, I’ve already lost. I used to think that way on a regular basis. Guess what, it didn’t make me produce better art. It didn’t make my life better. Because being validated by others never does. It doesn’t matter how many keysmashes I might get or how many sonnets or kind words, because If I don’t like what I create, there isn’t a single human being on the planet who will make me like it, no matter what they say or how they say it. For others, this might not be the case. But this is my reality. 
I know this, because I recently speed-wrote and published a fic for a fanweek. I wrote 13k in about 8hrs. So far, it’s received nothing but positive words. But it doesn’t matter. After I published it, I had a crisis about how it wasn’t good enough, that there should have been an extra arc, that it ended too quickly, that there wasn’t a climax. Even as the comments came in, it didn’t change my mind. Because other people’s comments will never really lead to fulfilment. 
I want you all to know that I get emotional over every single comment that is sent to me. Every personal story, ever keysmash and heartfelt thoughtful message that took the time to analyse my work. Connecting with you guys has been one of the biggest joys of entering this fandom. But it’s not going to be what fuels me to create and to carry on doing the best work I can. All I can do is treat it as the wonderful privilege that it is, and not any part of the reason I do it.  
In conclusion:
Finally, at age 27 and in the midst of enjoying fandom after a very long period of being either meh about it or lurking, I finally feel content with the fact that I want to create in order to put things out into the world that I worked hard on, that I’m passionate about and that hopefully, in whatever way it might be, it might have touched someone who feels the same things too. It makes me feel accomplished, it makes me feel like I might be contributing something small to the world and it makes me feel like maybe one other person was made happy by it. And even if they never tell me that and if no one else ever comments on what I create, or even if they comment on it in spaces that I never see; private servers, chats between friends or blogs that I don’t follow, that’s also fine. Because there’s always at least one person who is going to feel happy that she made something. And that’s me. 
The short version: I never used to care about comments, then I did, and now I no longer do. 
Sorry for the ramble, but I wanted this here for myself to look back upon in case my opinion ever changes on this or I ever start to lose my way again and feel overwhelmed. I’d love to hear your guys’ experiences with this sort of thing and whether you’ve ever felt bogged down by the need for feedback.
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keisskyrunner · 5 years
Burning Bright [Hanzo-Centric, Slight Hanzo/Reader]
I felt like that there was no need for conversation
Some questions are better left unreasoned
Callused hands gripped the expensive sake vessel, lifting it in a well-practiced movement, pouring a thin stream of the clear liquid into a matching sake cup. There was perhaps no need for the whole bottle. Yet.
For now, he could still pretend to have a sense of control and moderation.
And I would rather reveal myself than my situation
Now and then I consider my hesitation
Cup to his lips, Hanzo downed the alcohol in one swift movement, his hands automatically moving in perfect motion to perform yet another pour.
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
Yare, yare how did he end up here. He’s been through this a million times, ran through all the scenarios, the choices and decisions. Drank more than his lifetime’s share of sake. Cheap. Expensive. Rare. Common. Watered down. He must have tasted them all in his quest to forget. Or perhaps to remember.
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I’m burning bright
He was here now. Far away from Hanamura, years apart from the scene that haunted his memories. Sitting, no less, in the base of an organization that was once highly venerated only to fall from grace. Fate’s irony? Perhaps, but Overwatch was rising again. Did it mean he would rise with it? No. He did not have ties with it, save for one frayed thread.
I wonder if the things I did were just to be different
To spare myself of the constant shame of my existence
This Genji had seemed happy to see him when Hanzo had first stepped into the base. But the archer would never forget. He had crossed paths with his brother once before, back when he was still in Blackwatch. Till the day his last breath leaves his body and his soul was judged by whichever power saw fit, Hanzo could never forget how those crimson eyes burned with hatred. He would never know how they did not come to blows that day. Or whether he would have cast his bow aside and let his brother have his revenge, as was his right. Those eyes, now hidden behind a helmet, may still hold the very same look.
Hanzo was told Genji’s eyes was now back to his original brown.
I would surely redeem myself in desperation
Here and now I express my situation
He could never stand to be near Genji now. Every single time his brother came close, start a conversation, glanced his way… he could not… he could not help but analyse over and over again every single action, every single word, every single second of silence. What was he thinking? What were his motives? What were his feelings?
Hanzo wanted to rip that fucking helmet off
...Did he still look the same?
There’s nothing ever wrong, but nothing’s ever right
Such a cruel contradiction
They knew. The whole of Overwatch knew the history between the both of them. At least, the basics of it. The most damned important part of it. And they still smiled at him. Still tried to talk to him. Still tried to become friends with him.
Still… fell in love with him.
I know I crossed the line, it’s not easy to define
I born to indecision
He pushed, and pushed and pushed. And they pulled right back. Wrapped him in their arms. They knew didn’t they? He had snapped and asked. Yes. But you were not who you were. Who he was? He threw back his head and laughed, a sound filled with such bitterness and pain. Who he was, was a born and bred assassin, his weapons sharpened with his heart till there was not a shred of it left. A merciless monster they wanted, and a merciless monster they got. It wasn’t enough, it was never enough. And he, was never enough.
And yet they all looked at him with kind eyes.
There’s always something new
Some path I’m supposed to choose
With no particular rhyme or reason
The monk, his brother’s teacher was perhaps the worst of all. You are free to make your choices, hummed the omnic. Choices? The blade embedded dangerously close to the monk’s head.
Calm as can be the monk said
Genji did that too.
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
A roar of rage ripped through his throat as he flung the cup against the far wall, followed closely by the vessel.  He surged up and slammed his fist against the nearest wall, once, twice and again, his mouth opened in a wordless yell.
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I’m burning bright
The dragon stirred in his anger, the room began to be illuminated in the blue fury of a man so lost.
I pretend…
Hanzo didn’t hear the door slam open as you rushed into the room and took in the scene before you. He didn’t see the expression on your face nor see you cross the room to him. He only felt your arms wrap around him and his body stiffen. He only felt his body turn around and bury his face into your neck as he cried uncontrollably and your hand moved gently and soothingly up and down his back.
Why do you love me?
Why do you accept me?
Why did Genji forgive me?
Why… am I here?
Those were the words he wanted to utter but remained unspoken.
I feel like there’s no need for conversation.
A/N - Song Lyrics from : Burning Bright (Sanford Mix) by Shinedown (if you want to listen to it while reading!). So this was a fic/drabble that I've wanted to write for a long while now and have rewritten it several times till I'm somewhat satisfied with it, though I may drop a few edits in the future. You might have noticed that it shares the same name as my blog, which is partially because the song means a lot to me (it has helped me through the times I've felt conflicted), and partially because I felt the song, too, fits Hanzo's struggle. Yeah, I'm not sure what else to say XD, but I hope you enjoy it. Cheers with Love.
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saltynemo · 6 years
Drunk In Love
Warnings: Underage drinking, sexual content, swearing, eDgY tEeNs xd,
Tumblr media
This picture is so pure oMG!
Ok so Y/n has had a crush on her childhood friend, Josh, for a very long time and when Josh invites her over for some illegal drinking, Y/n accepts. She never planned to confess to him.
Word Count: 1.7k words
  Just as I feel myself doze into a sleep in front of my computer, my phone erupts into my ringtone. I yelp, immediately picking my head up. I grab my phone and look at the caller ID. Oh, its Josh! Why is he calling me at nearly 1 am?
     I swipe my phone screen, answering Josh’s call. “Hello?” I speak, the butterflies in my stomach beginning. I always felt like this talking to him.
     “Hey!” He cheers, a smile obvious on the other end. “Um, I was wondering if you could come over-like, right now...” He asks.
     “I cant, Josh! Do you understand its 1 in the morning!” 
     “Its actually 12:57.” He sasses. I laugh at his response, wondering why he would want me to come over. “Please come over, Y/n. My parent’s aren't home and it’ll be worth it.”
     “Oh, um, ok. Yea I’ll be over in a bit.” We say our goodbyes and hang up. His parent’s aren't home I wonder, my heart skipping a beat at the thought. No, no, no he’s too innocent for sex. Is he?
     I shrug, slipping on a jacket and my phone in my pocket. I close my computer down by holding the power button, not caring to exit out of the windows still up. I slide my feet into my shoes and carefully sneak out my bedroom door, making sure not to wake up my mom. I tip toe my way to the front door, hesitating when I heard a creak.
     I successfully sneak through the door, slowly closing it. I begin to walk down the sidewalk, looking forward to me and Josh’s night out.
     As I approach the young man’s house, I text him, alerting him that I was outside. In less than a minute, I see the door swing open, revealing a cutie in a cat muscle shirt.
     “Y/n!” Josh cheers, smiling brightly. “Come in, quick.” He hurries me, motioning his hand to me. I hurry inside the house, hearing the front portal shut behind me. I observe the house, wondering how Josh’s parents let me come this late, or should I say early, at night.
     “So,” I begin, turning to the handsome boy. “Why did you bring me here?” He chuckles, happiness and excitement obviously in him.
     “I’m glad you asked.” He runs into the kitchen, my curious personality following him. I see him dig around in the fridge, glass clinking together. Suddenly, he pulls out a 750ml bottle of Iceberg Vodka. I choke on my breath, finding myself laughing. He smiles as he holds the bottle up for me, presenting it.
     “Josh,” I shake my head, smiling like a goofball. “We cant drink this!” I say, beginning to take off my jacket. “We’re literally 19. And we’re both not turning 21 anytime soon.” He chuckles, putting down the bottle.
     “So? I know you’ve told me before about stealing alcohol.” He grins, fishing through the cupboards for glasses.
     “I know, but what are your parent’s gonna say?”
     “They aren’t here.” He winks, already pouring us a drink. I roll my eyes, walking over to the soon-to-be-drunk Josh. He pours us both short glasses, one that’s pink and the other red. I hold up the pink glass and study it, the words ‘Twerk Queen’ imprinted on it.
     I laugh, “’Twerk Queen’? Really?” He chuckles, picking up his own shot.
     “My mom is a freak when she isn’t at church.” We both share a giggle at his remark. “Ok, enough chat; I wanna get drunk.”
     “You better not become an alcoholic after tonight.” I warn, watching Josh down his shot. I bring the glass up to my lips and slowly drink the liquid, forgetting it’s a shot. I make a sour face as the vodka buzzes through my veins and up to my brain, making me cringe.
     “Y/n!” Josh chuckles, setting his glass down. “You aren't drinking a can of beer. Its a shot. You have to just down it.”
     “Yea, yea, I know. I forgot.” I shush, the strong taste still in my mouth. “ I’m a first time drinker you know, right?”
     “Yea, I am too. I just thought it would be logical for you.”
     “Shut up” We both share a laugh as Josh pours another shot for both of us. He hands me my filled shot as he takes his own.
     “Remember, its a shot.” He giggles, raising the glass to his lips.
     “I know, dummy.”
     As time went on and more and more alcohol was consumed, we became more and more unaware of what reality was; In other words, we got drunk as hell. After shots became too strong for us, we moved to regular beer, Corona specifically.
     I laugh at a joke Josh slurred, covering my mouth with my hand. We were smashed as fuck.
     “Hey, I got a question.” Josh suddenly says, wiping a tear from his eye. I nod my head, telling him to continue. “Are you a virgin?” 
     “No, far from that.” I giggle. “Once I turned 18, I went crazy.”
     “What do you mean by that?”
     “Well,” I began, setting my drink on the counter. “I lost my virginity to Tyler.” I hear Josh silence a laugh, an apparent smile trying to be hidden. “What?”
     “Nothin’, just continue.” He takes a sip of his beer, watching me intensely as I went on.
     “I also fucked Zach, to get payback for Tyler dumping me.” I chuckle, now remember the scene. “And recently, I fucked my old childhood friend, who we can just call Cody.”
     Josh holds a hand up to me, stopping me. “Out of all your fuck buddys, who was your favorite.”
     “Oh, definitely Cody.” I say without hesitation, taking a quick sip of my beer. “He was so rough, called me degrading names and shit.” 
     Josh is taken back by this, not expecting that coming from my lips. “I always thought you were soft and everything.”
     “Well, not anymore.” I laugh.
     “I bet I can fuck you better than him.” He smirks, chugging the rest of his beer down.
     I roll my eyes at his words, “Yea sure, buddy. You cant fuck me good enough to see stars.”
     I see Josh’s eyes turn dark, jaw clenched. “Bet.” He says bluntly.
     “I bet you’re a bottom boy.” I chuckle, seeing how far I could push his patience.
     I see him slam down his glass, making me jump. “Excuse me?” He says aggressively. He slowly walks over to me, bending down close to me. “I’m sorry, I couldn't hear you.” He says, sarcasm dripping from his lips. “Can you say that again?”
     “I said ‘I bet you’re a bottom boy’.” I repeat, making sure to emphasize the B’s. I smirk, hoping to ignite something inside him. He nods his head, chuckling.
     “That’s funny,” He straightens up his posture, staring directly down at me, making me feel small. I feel his hand, snake up my torso, suddenly gripping my neck. He pulls me close harshly, making my heart pound in my chest. “I don’t remember a little slut like you dominating me.” He barks, leaning down so his mouth is right near my ear. “I should fuck you and show you how dominating I can be to a little fucktoy like you.” He grins, slowly tightening the grip around my throat. I was able to breathe, but it felt like I couldn’t. “I’m gonna plow you right here on the hardwood floor; little sluts like you don’t deserve to be fucked on a bed.”
     Josh lets go of my throat and goes for my hair, pushing me down onto my knees. I struggling to bend down without hurting my joints, but was able to accomplish it. He releases his grip and begins undoing his jean button. I push his hand out of the way, finding myself become excited from the idea of being dominated by Josh. I quickly unzip his pants, tugging them down his thighs. I’m met with his underwear, causing me to realize what was going on. I’m gonna fuck Josh? Here, now?
     I hesitantly pull down his underwear slightly, revealing his shaft, then head. His rod bounces up from excitement, smacking my chin. I hold his dick softly, admiring his size. I pump him slowly, spitting on his cock to lube him up. He groans lowly, watching me do my job closely. I pick up my second hand, giving him the two hand twist; that’s what I call it, at least. I slow down and speed up randomly, teasing him. He groans in satisfactory, watching me kiss the tip of his glazed cock. I smirk up to him, watching him unravel beneath my touch.
     “Top teasing me, Y/n.” Josh moans, grabbing me by the hair. In shock, I let go of his dick, gripping his thighs. He guides my mouth to his rod, pushing it against my lips. I open up wide, letting him insert it all. I feel his 7 inches grind against my lower throat, making me choke. “Pretty girl can’t take it?” He chuckles, still holding my hair. “I thought little sluts like you can take this big cock. I guess not.”
     I shut my eyes, trying to halt myself from gagging anymore. My nose presses against his pubic bone, letting me know his dick was in all the way. He doesn't stop there, pulling my head forward and backwards, face fucking me steadily. My eyes begin to water, blinking away tears. His movements pick up quickly, soon fucking my mouth senselessly. I take a deep breath through my nostrils, hoping this would be over soon. No matter how much I want to please Josh, this can’t go on for much longer.
     Suddenly, he pulls out of my sloppy mouth with a groan, looking down at the mess he made of my face. “I’d love to cum in your mouth, baby.” He huffs, leaning down close to me. His lips brush against my ear, making me shiver, “But I would love to cum in something much sloppier...”
     (I apologize it’s quite short, but I really wanted to finish this. Im sorry I disappeared for a while; my life has been hectic and i just got introduced to new classes etc. Not a real excuse but i do apologize. I hope u enjoyed at least some of this content lmao)
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lovelyjasmari · 5 years
Kingdom Hearts OC Week 2019 ~ Day 3
Kalai’s has many people she’s close to but her closest friends are Kairi and Ienzo, having known them ever since she was a child. She is also very close to her youngest sister Adelen. As far as lovers go, Kalai has two. She’s in a very happy poly relationship with Lauriam and Elrena! They all met while still in the Organization and while Marluxia immediately goes out of his way to become close to her, Larxene is more reluctant. But by the time they arrive at Castle Oblivion, they are all clear partners in crime and their bond only increases during their time with the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness. I’ve kind of taken to calling them the “Treacherous Trio” in my mind. XD
Enemy wise, Kalai’s main enemy is Master Xehanort, obviously, but that is more of a default because of the situations she finds herself in. On a more personal level though, her enemies are Xemnas, and Young Xehanort. She despises Xemnas because of his deceit of herself and the other members of the first Organization and she blames him for when Marluxia and Larxene perish in Castle Oblivion. Young Xehanort she hates because he was the one who forced her back into the Organization after re-completion. And nearly the second after she reawakens, he goes out of his way to antagonize and “break” her as a way of amusing himself before the final battle since he's apparently very bored. Their rivalry is extremely fierce. 
For today’s prompt, I’m going to share a bit from Kalai’s second installment that deals with her time in the Organization and her first meeting with Marluxia. At this point, she has already met Larxene and their first meeting is less than ideal. Though intrigued by The Graceful Assassin, she has decided to keep her distance. Let’s just say...that doesn’t go exactly to plan.
The long white hallways, decorated throughout with the Nobody emblem, seemed to stretch on forever; much larger than that of another castle that she had once resided in her other life. She had been thinking often lately about her past life, in the first few days of her new existence everything had been more or less a blur to her.
But now after nearly a week of residing in this strange new place with a strange new name, small fragments of her memories had begun to return to her. Images of the magnificent castle and the glittering fountains of her home that seemed to come out of a fairy tale, the five kind men who were her caretakers, and also…
Alixka stopped at a set of large glass doors that from outside she could see led to an immense greenhouse. This was a was a new discovery of the castle for her and she could not help her desire to explore. As she slowly pushed open the doors she was immediately taken in by the familiar scent of a greenhouse bursting with life; she remembered, yes, she had loved the flowers that grew in the gardens around her previous home. And her next home before coming to this strange place, Traverse Town, had a vast garden as well where she learned more about her botanical skills as well as her skills with magic. The memories caused a strange burning sensation to flicker in her chest that she could not understand. She wasn’t supposed to have a heart, what was this feeling?
She forced herself to move forward in order to distract herself, she recognized many of the plants as ingredients used to make things like potions and elixirs but others were new to her. In particular there were several rose bushes in every color imaginable as well as a large tree of cherry blossoms in full bloom. Toward the end, a glass roof looked out to give a view of the eternal night sky with a clear view of the golden heart shaped moon that would, hopefully, one day be the salvation of her and those around her. The only other room in the castle that had such a clear view of Kingdom Hearts was the Addled Impasse and Alixka knew by now that she was never to go there without explicit permission from Siax. But gazing up at it gave her a strange sense of solace that she felt she could keep.
That is, so long as no one knew she was here.
Just as the thought passed her mind she heard the glass doors open and soft footsteps coming her way, she panicked.There was no time to make a stealthy escape, and she was not yet used to summoning the Dark Corridors to move from one place to the other.
“Who’s there?”
Alixka quickly hid behind the trunk of the large cherry blossom tree, crouching down and covered by some conveniently placed bushes. Now what did Zexion say to me about the corridors? She thought frantically. The footsteps were becoming louder.
“I know someone else is here. Reveal yourself to me!”
Right! He told me not to think about it. That they would come to my call as naturally as blinking an eye.
It didn’t seem like the most informative advice at that moment though as she shut her eyes constantly but every time she opened them, there she was in the same place as before.
“Very well, have it your way then.”
She heard the door open and close again.
Cautiously, she peeked from behind the tree to see that no one was there. A few tense seconds passed and she realized also that the footsteps had stopped.
"I’ve stayed long enough." She smiled to herself in great relief. "Maybe now I can focus on leaving but not under duress."
Eyes closed once more, she stood up and turned to leave, extending her hand to summon a corridor that would return her to her room. But as she did so she felt something grab hold of her hand tightly, her eyes snapped open to find a live vine wrapped around her wrist and in a second another vine slipped around the other, keeping her from escaping.
“Wha...huh? What the…”
Alixka gasped as she looked up at the graceful pink haired man, gazing at her struggling form with a devilish look in his blue eyes and a smirk on his pale pink lips.
“Well well, I’m certain I’ve never seen a flower like you before.”
“Uh...I...I’m sorry...I…”
She couldn’t finish her sentence because the next thing she knew he was standing right next to her, she tried to turn away from him but he took her chin into his hand to face her. Those wicked blue eyes flashed with amusement.
“Our newest member. The Maiden of Tempests. You’re quite a lovely one aren’t you?”
He was so close to her that she could feel his warm breath ghost over her skin softly. She swallowed hard, unsure whether she disliked the contact or not.
“I take it you were enjoying my garden?”
Her violet eyes involuntarily locked with his and she could feel the heat rise in her face, Alixka did not know much about Marluxia, except that he seemed to be always hanging around the sharp tongued Larxene and she had made no effort to hide her disdain of her despite no longer being the only girl in the Organization. 
If that wasn’t enough for Alixka to know to keep her distance, she had seen him from time to time in the training room sparring with other members and she had formed the idea that he could easily be one of the more powerful members of the Organization. He wielded his pink and green scythe with such a lethal style that she could see why he was considered “The Graceful Assassin”.
But now with Marluxia so close to her, she could not help but feel intrigued in spite of her nervousness. He didn’t sound angry or annoyed so much as playfully curious. She bit her lip, refusing to let her guard down.
“Forgive me for trespassing. Saix instructed me to learn my way around the castle and…”
Marluxia removed his hand from her chin and took a lock of her long dark hair into his hand, letting the strands slide through his fingers as easily as water. He smirked again.
“You couldn’t help but be taken in by so many beautiful flowers could you?”
Alixka hesitated, she hadn’t realized at first that the vines had disappeared and her hands were free. She remained silent, she could escape at any moment if she wanted. Slowly she took a small and cautious step back from her pink haired captor, biting her lip again when she felt Marluxia place his hands on her shoulders.
“You think I’m admonishing you, but I’m not.” He tilted his head and gave her a slightly kinder look. “I’m just curious is all, what drew you to this place?”
“You...you’re right.” She replied softly. “All the plants here are beautiful, and this place has such a fine view of Kingdom Hearts…but…” Turning her face away. “...I swear I won’t come back if you don’t want me too.”
There was a long pause before another smirk covered his face.
“Oh no, it’s fine with me if you wish to come here from time to time. It’s nice to have another within our ranks that has the same appreciation for botany as myself.”
A small smile crept up on Alixka’s face, along with another strange warmth in her stomach she was not used to. She nodded and backed away to leave.
“Leaving so soon, Rosebud?” Marluxia folded his arms and glanced at her curiously. Once again she felt the heat rise in her face.
“Th...there is so much more of the castle I haven’t seen yet. I...best be on my way.” She said quickly as she FINALLY managed so summon a Dark Corridor, disappearing in the fading black and purple one moment and finding herself in her room in another. Zexion was right, somehow she wasn’t even thinking of it, now if only she could learn to control it.
She sat on her bed, wondering to herself why she found herself drawn to Marluxia all of a sudden despite logic telling herself she should avoid him. She couldn’t understand it, but hopefully it probably wouldn't matter much soon; tomorrow she would be assigned her first mission and she had a feeling that she would likely be paired with Zexion or maybe even Lexaeus considering those were the two members she had managed to quickly form a bond with. Alixka was certain that she likely would not see Marluxia again for some time, particularly with Larxene seemingly always attached to him.
Early the following morning Alixka went, on instruction, to The Grey Area where she would be assigned to her first mission. Saix was not there when she arrived so she took a seat on one of the couches. Three or four other members were sitting silently but she noticed at once the pink haired Nobody glancing at her from across the room with a small smirk on his face. Almost as though he knew something she didn’t. She turned away as she saw Saix enter the room. Alixka rose from her seat respectfully.
 “Alixka.” Saix said, “You will be paired with Marluxia for your first mission today.”
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venus-says · 5 years
Aikatsu Friends! Episodes 58-63
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Smiles are the seeds that bloom into flowers of happiness.
Me? Posting Aikatsu again? Oh boy, I think I’m sick. XD
Okay, jokes aside, aikatsu is back in the blog. I promise I still like aikatsu, the thing is, the subs come out very late and I kinda forget about it because I have stuff to do, and since doing these without subs ain’t the best idea (you gonna see why in a minute) the episodes end up pilling up. I’m a mess, sorry. XD
But anyway we got a lot to cover so let’s get going.
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Episode 58 is the start of the Sorbet Kingdom ark.
So to starters, I have to apologize. I always very mad about the whole borders situation last time I did this mostly because I thought Sorbet was like an entire country and what they’ve shown us was just the capital, but from this episode is clear that this isn’t the case. Sorbet is either a city-state or a microstate, pretty much like what Monaco is (the difference being Monaco doesn’t have a king, when sorbet has one), so denying their visa wouldn’t do much since they were traveling to another country that has free passage to Sorbet. So I’m sorry.
Now back to the episode itself, I think they went a bit overboard with how Alicia treated the girls. I’m not saying that she should receive them with open arms and everyone be happy forever, but when you have a scene of she coldly saying that they should fuck off and in the next scene she says to let them use rooms from the castle it gives mixed signals and it just seems dumb. I think they should either had toned her coldness in the first scene and denying Hibiki in a less rash way or make Charles find another place in town to put the girls and be something like “my sister doesn’t want you all here, but I know she’s in pain and I wanna help so I’m gonna sneak you guys to X place”, either option would’ve worked better.
That little flashback about the kingdom was nice, but I don’t think it had a lot of purpose. I think it serves to show Hibiki why Alicia went back to her country and never went to meet her again, but seeing that their relationship was already going places via their text messages and phone calls, it’s odd that this was never brought up by Hibiki or Alicia. I must say for a show about friendship, people in this universe don’t seem to talk to each other at all and is just weird.
The performance... it was okay, I guess. I still don’t know why they had to perform the most basic song in their most basic outfit but I really don’t care that much. What I’m more curious about, as someone who lives in a country where snow isn’t a thing, is can you actually make a stage out of snow and have people stand on top of it without the whole thing collapsing? XD Friends from the northern hemisphere, please tell me.
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I kinda wanna skip talking about Episode 59, because I don’t have a lot to say about the episode itself and all I have in my mind is Mirai’s performance because that’s the only interesting thing this episode has going on for itself.
Like, LMT is there and that’s nice (even though I don’t see why they traveled separated from the main group), I didn’t really understand the whole evol ustakia thing (but those three sisters were a lot of fun), and I honestly didn’t see the point of having Tamaki flashing here and there having troubles just to upload a video.
That final scene with Hibiki and Alicia was nice, we got a little bit of the jeweling dresses lore and a lovely moment of Hibiki promising that she’ll bring everyone’s smiles back. But that’s not enough to hold the episode high.
Mirai’s performance does lift things up a bit, Nice na to meet you is an A M A Z I N G song and it was very refreshing to see something new (which for some reason it seems to be a very rare thing for friends!). This reveal could’ve been more impactful if the opening hadn’t spoiled Mirai’s dress? I believe yes. But even that can’t take away the positives of this performance that was, without a doubt, the highlight of the episode.
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While 59 was meh Episode 60 was kinda good, I quite enjoyed this one, I dare to say this is the best one of this ark.
This episode goes hard on the emotional side, we all know this is the first time in the Aikatsu series we see a character die, and it is a very strong scene. Sadly it seems that all of the emotional parts were focused only on the flashbacks and they forgot of bringing this to the present a little bit.
Like, in the present we see more of Alicia’s struggle on trying to be a good ruler for the people and the country she loves while still wanting to do Aikatsu, but everything is still very undertoned. We know she didn’t want to stop Aikatsu but she had to because in her mind that was the correct thing to do, but we don’t see that being verbalized or acted in the present, we see glimpses of it which is interesting, but we could’ve seen more of that.
The main conflict of this episode works just fine, and I like how Tamaki deals with the situation, but when they pull out a kotatsu out of nowhere they lose me in that scene, like how’s that supposed to work outside? Aren’t those things electric? Where are they plugging it in????? C’mon people. I’d like much more to see more of Alicia, maybe she talking to Charles about her duties and everything so that we can see in her the desire to do Aikatsu again rather than the kotatsu scene (even though Mirai’s impression of Aine was really fun to watch).
Seeing Hibiki perform is always great, but seeing Alicia asking Hibiki to perform holds more meaning and is one of those glimpses that I mentioned that I wish we could’ve seen more. Regardless is still great and the moment when Hibiki reassures her promise to Alicia from the last episode just crown up this episode as a good one, despite its flaws.
Loose notes from the episode: Hibiki and Mirai’s competition was fun, I like Karen being the one who gets to win even though she wasn’t competing; the three sisters again are a treat like always; Charles remains the goodest boy ever and I want a plushie of him; and to top it all we got to see Honey Cat for a little bit so we know at least someone in the writing team didn’t forget they exist so, points for this episode.
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Episode 61 is the polemic one.
So, the first time I saw this episode I watched it without subs and I watched it alone without watching the 3 episodes past. And at that moment it worked for me, it seemed like a good resolve for this mini-ark.
But watching now with the subs I don’t like it as much.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love Alicia’s performance and the moment she and Hibiki reconciliate is pretty good. I also appreciate having more lore in the Jeweling dresses, I feel like we desperately need a lot more info on them because so far they all just seem like a gimmick and they don’t have a purpose or reason to exist at all so any bit of info we get I’m happy.
This episode has a massive throwback, everything on this episode was build upon a lie. I get that Mio’s suggestion was supposed to be a “white lie”, a lie that causes no harm. But that doesn’t work when you make AN ENTIRE CITY LIE and tells them TO PRETEND THEY’RE LIVING AN EXPERIENCE THAT CAN GET THEM DEAD just to make their princess sing and dance on a stage. This is so selfish and so wrong. *sigh* I don’t even want to continue talking about this. Let’s just move on.
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Episode 62 is a good change of pace after the low point that 61 was.
Yeah, it was silly. I have a lot of questions about how Love Me Tear got there earlier than the other, and what was the point of the frogs, and how they didn’t give much of a reaction to knowing about Karen’s house when none of them went there before.
But I’m okay with all of that because this episode was very sweet and it was good seeing the “side” girls get some attention. And how good of a combination that Reflect Moon and Wakaba was, I’m legitimately surprised I wasn’t expecting this to work so well, but they formed a very good group to follow around for this period of time.
Having two performances on this episode was a cheap move probably to fill up time but you know what? I’m not complaining. I’m just glad I got to clear my pallet from the terrible after taste last episode left in my mouth.
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Episode 63 was nice. I like that they had an episode to reintegrate Alicia in the idol world. Sadly the episode had to share space with Karen's plot that wasn't as strong and interesting and makes a potentially great episode become just a regular one in the end.
And this time I'm being true to my words when I say I don' have anything else to comment about this episode. Like, Karen's dress looks good and her song is nice as well, but I like her old ones better. I don't see the point of Karen hiding to read her fan mail in the middle of the night. And most of Alicia's adapting process was very fun but there's not a lot there to create a conversation on my eyes.
Like, my brain didn't have a lot of work going on while I was watching it, it was a nice watch to just space out a bit while I was thinking in the job application I just dropped in the mayor's office today. I'm sorry if I wasn't as invested in this one as I was for the other ones I promise to dedicate myself more next time FOR THE HONEY CAT EPISODE THAT I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT. See ya~ XD
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HEY YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE ACTUALLY WRITING BLACKWALL/CASSANDRA! YOU DARK HORSE! XD Well now I definitely need me some "Grace, Dark, Holding" for Baewall and Cass! xoxo
Hoho! Got you by surprise there, didn’t I? Figured since nobody else was writing them, I’d step up to the plate :D
Blackwall/Cassandra, “Dancing in the Dark” (AO3)
The Winter Palace.
“Ugh,” Cassandra groaned as she stepped out onto the balcony.
“What’s the matter?”, Blackwall asked, looking out into the night sky.
“As though we have not had enough maudlin drama this evening already, I had the misfortune of walking in on our beloved Inquisitor and Solas being sickeningly sentimental,” she said as she joined him on leaning on the parapet.
“Why, Lady Seeker,” he said, “you sound envious.”
Groaning again, she turned to him, unamused. “Ever with the clever comments, Blackwall. When we first met, I thought you a completely different individual.”
She explained, “The perfect picture of the stolid, honour- and duty-bound Grey Warden, with perhaps the rare ironic statement. Now, as it turns out…”
“…you really are no better than the comedians the Inquisition seems to attract. I shudder to think what terrible foolishness Sera would have unleashed upon the collective Orlesian nobility, for example.”
“Here I thought you would have approved,” Blackwall said. “You’ve never had a kind thing to say about all this poncery and artifice, have you?”
“I suppose not. But at the expense of the Inquisition’s reputation…”
“One could argue that it would simply playing the Game with different rules, such as the former Grand Duke’s affectations of gruff rejection of the whole thing.”
Rolling her eyes, Cassandra retorted, “Or one could reject that for the sophistry that it is, given that I see very little diplomatic or political point to shoving an open jar of bees down a marquis’ breeches. Oh, stop smirking. As though you’ve never considered it, either.”
“You see, Lady Seeker,” Blackwall said mirthfully, “you can keep up with the best of us.”
“Maker help us all if I ever did. Someone like Sera, who cannot even explain one of her demented plans without breaking into laughter over her own cleverness, anyone could see a mile coming, Blackwall. Who in this age would ever expect me to come up behind someone and pull their trousers to their ankles?”
Blinking, he said, “Maker’s balls, you’re right. Perhaps you should corner the market on the grim and stolid types.”
“But seriously, Blackwall,” Cassandra asked, “How do you manage it?”
“Manage what, milady?”
She shifted on her foot, choosing her words carefully. “Manage to…switch between modes. Many whom I know have said that there is no difference between my public and private personas. That I present such a stark image of myself in both spheres that it is impossible to imagine any other side to my character. And yet…”
“And yet?”
Staring down at the gardens, she said, “And yet, you at first were not so different, but in your time here you have seen fit to reveal your…well, shall we say, more spontaneous side to us, your companions.”
Turning himself around so that they were now both leaning away from the Winter Palace, Blackwall faced Cassandra, asking, “So, the Lady Seeker’s one weakness, the one flaw in her shield, is that she lacks spontaneity?”
She stared him coldly in the eyes. “Warden Blackwall, I assure you that if I wished to seek out mockery, I would gladly subject myself to the mercies of whatever Varric has planned for me back in Skyhold.”
“No mockery, none at all,” he said gently. “Unsurprising at it may be to you, it certainly numbers low amongst many people’s evaluations of your…imposing stature.”
“Yes,” she muttered, “quite so. I know I can confess this to you given that you have proven the height of discretion, if not necessarily sombreness.”
“A secret between two, milady, is a secret broken. Shall we put your spontaneity to the test, Lady Seeker?” Blackwall asked, stepping away from the parapet.
“Should I be concerned?” she retorted, suspiciously.
“Not at all.” Clearing his breath, Blackwall performed a perfect Orlesian bow, asking her, “I believe the band is playing on into the night. Lady Cassandra, may I have this dance?”
Looking hurt, she said, “So you are mocking me.”
“I am not, and I apologise if I sound as though I have. I suspect that despite your total rejection of the ways of the court that you had to have learned the Cumberland Two-Step at the very least. Besides, everyone in there is so drunk that we could perform a duet of Shepherd’s Shuffles and they would declare it the new style of the Age.”
Unable – despite her best – to suppress a chortle at the image alone, Cassandra regained her composure, saying, “You may well be right. But why should we dance?”
Leaning in perhaps a touch closer than strict professionalism permitted, Blackwall pressed on, saying, “Imagine it, Milady, the ball winding down to its close, its torches burning down to their embers, most of the guests retired to their quarters, just the dashing hero and his companion, or well, the spirited heroine and her partner, dancing to the gentle beat of the last song of the night right in the middle of the Winter Palace…is that not spontaneous?”
Exhaling sharply, she said, “You read far too many novels.”
“As, I suspect, you do too,” he replied.
Cassandra’s eyes narrowed. “Now who have you been talking to?”
“Oh, that’s not important,” Blackwall said, waving carelessly. “I doubt there is much, if any, shame, in your past, but I can well suspect that might be cause for embarrassment. Confronting that surely is a key step in developing your spontaneity?”
“Sophistry and more sophistry,” Cassandra said, stepping away from the parapet. “I shall be seeking out the author of Swords and Shields with extreme prejudice when we return to Skyhold. But…you may well have a point. It is not as though there are any functionaries of importance left save our advisors in the ballroom, and I trust Rivka and Solas can keep this to themselves at any rate, assuming they can bear to pry themselves away from each other.” She extended her hand towards Blackwall, saying, “However, right that you are, it has been…a while. How well can you lead?”
Smiling, he stepped towards her, grasping her hand with his, and gently taking her by the waist. “I confess to being…a little rusty myself. Maker, this was a better idea when I was a little less sober.”
As they stepped experimentally on the balcony, slowly remembering where to place their feet around each other, Cassandra let out a little laugh, saying to Blackwall, “You lead well. Tell me, Blackwall, was this part of your training in the Orlesian Army?”
They were close enough for her to not only see, but feel, the hot flush on his neck. “Ah, well, In a sense.”
“In a sense?” she asked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.
“You see, even the lowest of chevaliers in the imperial orders is expected to participate in the Game, what with the hiring of bards and throwing of balls and dances, so – mind the back-step there, Milady – Ser Lanval, freshly accoladed and promoted to command my cohort, needed to learn all of the necessary waltzes and courantes.”
“I don’t understand.”
“He…ah, paid a very fine bard to teach him all of these things, but he didn’t have enough coin to keep her around all the time. Among all his captains, I had his total confidence, so…”
Her eyes widening, Cassandra released him and took a step back, unable to keep amusement from creeping into her voice. “Are you saying the great Warden Blackwall has a history of tutoring chevaliers in the courante?”
“Let us just say that he needed a partner to recall all the steps involved in both leading up to his cotillion ball and never bring this up again,” he huffed.
“My, Blackwall,” she said, “that does not seem spontaneous.”
“And so the tables are turned,” he replied. “What will you do with your newfound power over me, Lady Seeker?”
“Why,” Cassandra said, smiling, “I think I shall request another dance. A waltz, if you will. That at least is more personal than the ridiculous skipping and hopping of a courante.”
“So you do know the steps,” he said, taking her by the hand and waist again.
“Yes. Maker knows what forces you have unleashed this night, Blackwall. Dancing with you here, now, in the dark hallways of the Winter Palace, may well start me on a path to degeneracy on your level.”
“The world will tremble,” he said.
“Come,” Cassandra said, gently breaking away from him, softly leading him by the fingertips on their gloves. “Not here. I still hear the music playing in the ballroom. Shall we prove how spontaneous the two of us can be?”
Slowly following her by her hand, never breaking their brief, slight, contact, Blackwall paced into the corridors leading to the ballroom which had been the site of so much drama this evening. Maker help him, he was falling in love with this woman.
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kaleidopewrites · 7 years
Golden Feathers
Summary: You feel like you’ve known Bucky Barnes all your life. But, you soon realise, there’s more to your secret crush than meets the eye
Pairing: Angel!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2343
Warnings: just so much fluff i can’t breathe
A/N: I’ve worked on this all day and, honestly, I’m just gonna frame it and put it up on my wall, that’s how proud of it I am XD Thank you so much to the Anon that requested, I love this idea! I hope y’all like it ^_^
Requests are open | Masterlist
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Bucky Barnes is one of those friends that you don’t even remember meeting. You know, that one friend that, one day, you realise that you had never even met them, you’d just indefinitely hung out.
But what you did know, was that Bucky was your best friend. And your crush.
You’d tried to ignore these feelings you had for him, knowing full well he didn’t return them. You were certain he didn’t see you in that light. He was a friend, and that was it.
“(Y/N)!” You jumped when you heard your name, realising that you’d been zoning out again. You worked at a bakery, constantly smelling like bread and getting icing on your skin.
You weren’t complaining, you loved working at the bakery. Maybe not a bakery in the middle of New York, where people argued over whether you should be using blue or pink icing on a cake you’d been baking for years, but you still loved it.
You quickly did the last of your chores, stacking dough into the big ovens and sweeping the floors to keep the place clean. You were ten minutes into icing the display cake when one of your co-workers walked into the back room, grinning from ear to ear.
“Someone flirt with you again to get a discount?” You tease and they shake their heads before pointing a thumb over their shoulder.
“No, but you might want to talk to our new customer before he eats some of the display cakes,” They grinned and you shake your own head before stepping out of the back room, rubbing your hands to free them from icing.
“What’ll it be, sir?” You hum, stopping at the register before looking up. Leaning on the counter, is a very familiar face and you smile.
“Good afternoon, Bucky,” You grin, dropping your work façade. It’s Bucky, he’s not gonna care if you act unprofessional.
“How’s work?” He asked, looking over his shoulder to make sure no new customers were arriving. You shrug your shoulders, also leaning on the counter slightly.
“I can’t complain too loudly, my boss is in the other room,” You joke and he laughed, tilting his head to the side with a soft smile.
You couldn’t help but admire him like this, his hair soft and curling around his cheeks, the afternoon sunlight filtering through the windows, giving him a soft halo of light. He looked like something straight out of a stained-glass window.
“When do you get out of work today?” He asked raising his head so that the halo disappeared. You look to the clock on the wall for a moment.
“Not for another few hours. Why, have you got something planned?” You say cheekily, the door dinging open to reveal a new customer.
Bucky turned to the person before stepping back, giving you a small shrug. You watch him go for a moment, stepping back and falling silent before turning to the customer, putting on a big smile.
You quickly take down their order before another customer rushed in, demanding their cake. You could tell Bucky didn’t enjoy the way this particular customer was talking to you, but there really wasn’t anything either of you could do.
At least they thanked you as soon as you gave them their cake.
Bucky returned to the counter once the shop was once again void of other customers. “I did have something planned, yes,” He agreed, nodding his head.
Bucky’s surprises were the best. He didn’t care if there was an occasion or not, he’d take you places you’d never even heard of. Everything was no less amazing and some days it made you wonder if maybe Bucky did share your feelings for him.
“Am I allowed to know what this plan is, or…?” You trail off, looking up at him after fiddling with the register.
“Nope,” He smirked, popping the ‘p’ sound. You shake your head as you’re called back into the back room. You quickly excuse yourself and head back to continue with your work.
“Look, just, chew on that,” You sigh as you give him one of the cupcakes that didn’t sell that day. Bucky takes with a big smile, leaning against one of the counters to eat the food.
You finish stacking things and putting others back, before grabbing your own cupcake and taking a big bite out of it. “Alrighty. Ready to go?” You smile, shrugging on your jacket after hanging up your apron.
“Hmm, yeah,” Bucky said through mouthfuls of cake, quickly moving to join you. You step outside, spotting the reflection of the sun against the buildings.
Bucky quickly takes your arm in his, holding it tightly as he walked you down the street, headed towards his car. You usually walked to work, so you weren’t overly worried. You step into his car, throwing your bag over your shoulder into the back seat.
You spin to make sure it landed softly, and you spot a picnic basket resting in one of the seats.
“Is that a picnic basket?” You ask as Bucky starts the engine, tugging on his seatbelt. You can see the sly grin spreading across his face as you also buckle up. He turns to you, the grin widening before taking off from the carpark.
You lean back, letting the stress of the work day slowly fall away as Bucky drives, taking the highway out of the city. You watch the scenery pass, suburban houses and small hills coated in the colours of the drawing sunset.
Bucky has his window open so you can feel the cool breeze as it whips back your hair. It swishes his hair around, and every now and again you take a moment to admire his brown locks.
He eventually starts turning off to the side, taking a backroad towards one of the hills outside of New York. You’d never been out this way, so you’d have to tick this off your list of places Bucky knows about but you didn’t.
You watch as the city turns from layered buildings into a background canvas, lights flickering on throughout the landscape as the sun begins to dip against the horizon. Bucky pulls up along the edge of the hill and turns off the engine.
With a soft smile, he climbs out and you follow, allowing him to grab the basket and lock the car. You stand on the top of the hill, watching the streams of light filter between the buildings and blind you every now and again.
Bucky stands next to you, taking a moment to admire the view before setting up the blanket and the basket. You kick off your shoes, letting your toes sink into the grass before collapsing onto the plaid blanket, letting your legs relax as you lean back.
“Sandwich?” He offered and you grinned, taking the food from him and slowly unwrapping it, taking a bite. It was no less delicious.
“So, this was the plan?” You asked, looking over at him lounging on the blanket. Bucky took a bite of his own sandwich before shrugging his shoulders, nodding.
You smile before you continue to eat, turning your attention to the horizon once again. You both watch in near silence as the sun slowly descended upon the landscape, turning what was once silver and grey to a mirage of yellows, oranges and pinks.
“This is beautiful, Bucky,” You whisper, having leaned back a little more after finishing the sandwich. When you didn’t hear a response, you turned your head to your friend, only to find him also looking at the horizon, his long hair creating shadows across his face.
You think for a moment that he’s being pensive. He’s got that look on his face, where he evaluates everything before he does something important. Maybe he didn’t drag you out here just to watch the sunset.
Your cheeks begin to blush and your stomach flutters with nerves at the possibility of him proclaiming his affections. You have this image of him turning to you, holding you tightly to him as he whispers you thinks you’ve only heard in romcoms.
Your train of thought is interrupted when he stands suddenly, walking a few paces forwards so he becomes part of the landscape. You watch as he becomes just a silhouette, an outline against the bright colours of the sinking sun.
“Bucky?” You ask, watching as a breeze rippled across the hill, shaking his hair to the side. The breeze had this warning feeling to it, red flags going up but you had a feeling it wasn’t for you.
“I need to tell you something,” He whispered and you could only just hear him, sitting up on the blanket.
“And you have to promise not to tell anyone else. This is my secret, and I want to pass it on to you,”
The way he spoke, it made it sound like it was the most important piece of information in the world. It was something treasured to him, something he wouldn’t tell anyone else; but you. He was sharing some deep, dark secret, with you.
“I promise,”
You watch as he tenses, as if your words weren’t correct, like you’d pressed the wrong button and you’d struggle to crawl back to the surface. And as much as you wanted to speak, you knew that maybe you should just keep your mouth shut.
You felt like you had been sitting there for hours, waiting for him to speak, to move. He seemed to be at war with himself, lost in a conflict you couldn’t see.
He then turned to you, the last of the sun shielding you from seeing his expression but he held out his hand, beckoning you towards him.
Slowly, you rise from the blanket and take the few steps towards him, letting your hand slide into his as he grasps it gently. He lets you stand before him, looking up as the previous shadows slowly disappear from his face.
“I want you to know, that the reason I am exposing myself to you, is because,” he pauses and you level his words in your mind for a moment. Exposing himself? What could that mean? You feel like it should unsettle you, but your gut trusts him.
“Because I realise that I love you,” He whispers. You pause, watching as the words curl into the air before you, twinkling and sparkling as if to prove to you that they were real. You watch as they dance around your mind before disappearing, letting your eyes focus on him again.
“But, as your Guardian Angel, I wasn’t allowed to harbour these feelings for you. But I cannot deny them, not matter how hard I try,” He says and you furrow your eyes slightly, knowing you should be paying a little more attention to his honeyed voice.
“Guardian Angel?” You ask aloud, wondering if you had heard him correctly. Slowly, and before your eyes, you witness a pair of golden wings begin to form from behind his back, the sunlight making the feathers glow.
You felt the need to take a step back, especially when Bucky started to curl them, move them around to give you a better look. The revealing of his wings was sudden and unexpected, and you didn’t know whether to call the hoax or not.
But Bucky was serious, and this was important to him. This was the secret he wanted you to keep, the secret to defend. You owed him everything. Besides, him having wings didn’t make him any different. He was still your Bucky.
“I was assigned to you a few years ago. My mission was clear, but the more I stayed with you, the more I was around you, the less I could control these Earthly feelings. And now, I cannot hide them, I cannot be apart from you without you knowing the truth,”
“Angels cannot reveal themselves, and what I have done may force us apart, or it may cause me to Fall. But I will travel to Hell itself a thousand times, if it meant I could be in your arms, if it meant I can feel your lips against my own. If it meant, I could be in your presence for only a second,”
“(Y/N), please, I don’t think you--”
“Bucky, I love you too,” You interrupt. You’d never heard him speak like this, talk so soft and so ancient. It was like he was finally showing just who he was. It was almost proof alone he was some celestial being.
Your words stunned him, silencing whatever speech he had planned. He was left to ponder this new information, left to churn this behind his steely blue eyes; eyes that sparkle and draw you in with every emotion under the sun.
With his decision set, he slowly leans towards you, gently putting a palm to your cheek as his soft lips brush against yours, seeking permission before acting. You give it to him by closing the gap, meeting his lips.
He was soft and gentle and everything you thought he was. He’d pull you close, encompassing you in a shield of warmth and safety. You felt the butterflies lift from your stomach and settle pleasantly against your chest.
It makes you believe it fills you with a warm, golden glow and by the time you open your eyes, you realise the glow is coming from Bucky’s feathers, still reflecting the last drops of sunlight, as if it was made from the golden substance itself.
As you break away, you realise that Bucky had wrapped his wings around you, shielding you from the outside. The warmth and safety of it made you realise that he’s done this before. This was a feeling you had felt before, whenever you needed Bucky.
His hugs, his touch.
And you know, when you return your gaze to his eyes that twinkle down at you, filled with admiration and love, you know.
You know you had fallen in love.
And you’ll never leave Bucky’s side.
Tagging: @bucky-in-paradise @lokiandbuckyaremine 
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