#slight hanzo x reader
tiredfox64 · 2 months
I had this idea based on Tomas's intro with Ashra about having nightmares about demons, that Tomas would have nightmares on the enenra but the nightmares would also include the reader getting hurt and fearing for her safety that something might happen to her, Tomas would keep his distance and avoid the reader as much as he can to try to keep her safe even going far as talking to other female warriors to make the reader think he has no interest in her which would leave her confused and heartbroken where she struggles with training and shuts down a lot leaving Hanzo, Kaui Liang and Harumi worried about the reader enough to send her to Wu She Academy.
Kuai Liang finally gets answers from Tomas and sends him to the academy to have Liu Kang help Tomas with his issue. Upon arrival, the reader does everything she can to avoid Tomas who feels extremely guilty, chases her down until they are in a room alone together and he breaks down to the reader.
The Pain You Made Me Face
Yip notes: It appears that we don’t want peace WE WANT PROBLEMS
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Angst
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“The worst are the Enenra,” that’s what Ashrah told Tomas once. He found her words to be true.
For many nights he has experienced the horrors of demons that were made of pure smoke and darkness. Malevolent beings that only the purest of hearts could witness. Yet they decide to infect his dreams with their retched forms.
With mouths as their heads and claws for hands, they’ve come to cause harm to the one he loves the most. You.
A low, continuous groan is let out. There is a slight wheeze to it like the body it’s coming from has little to no air left. Tomas’ eyes turn to look for the source of the pained noise. His eyes land on your body as you lie on the ground.
He doesn’t want to believe it’s you but it seems too real. The cuts on your back are as fresh as could be. Your clothes were sunken into cut flesh. It looked like a ravenous beast ambushed you. Tomas wanted to run to you and help you, he needed to know who attacked you. The moment he took a step towards you a figure manifested behind you. A hunchbacked monster stood above your body. Its body waved like smoke off of a flame.
The Enenra started to shift and change its body. It slowly morphed into a more human shape. Tomas was frozen in place, forced to watch the Enenra become something else. It was changing itself to look like Tomas.
It was the shape of Tomas, but it was not him. Its body was still made of black smoke. Its hand reached down and grabbed hold of your hair. You didn’t make a sound. You were too tired to make a sound. You’re not gonna survive through this. Their other hand came around and showed that it was holding Tomas’ karambit. It gripped it tightly like there was rage involved. The hand lifted with the intent to strike your head with the sharp blade.
“NO!” Tomas yelled as he ran towards you.
The hand swung down with the point being inches away from your frontal lobe.
And just like that Tomas was back in his bed. His body broke out in a cold sweat. His heart slammed against his chest before realizing that it was just another nightmare. A nightmare that is always the same. Visions of demons that come to attack you. This was the worst of them all. Morphing into him was a foul move. Yet it got him badly.
Tomas has been theorizing that his nightmares were bad omens. They were signs that something bad would happen to you. Why else would you be involved?
But this one really struck a nerve in him. He took a moment to think about what this nightmare meant. The Enenra became him before striking you. Could that mean that…he will hurt you? His heart dropped the second he thought of that conclusion. Even if it won’t be him that hurts you he feels like this demon will harm you because of him. He doesn’t want any harm to come to you. He’d never forgive himself.
This concern has been building up for so long and that last nightmare was the nail in the coffin. He loves you. You’re the one person who he finds solace in. When he’s with you he feels safe. The moment he sees you, the nightmare flashes in his head before he remembers it’s just a dream. You’re alive and well right in front of his eyes. And you look as beautiful as ever.
But he doesn’t want to sit around and wait for something bad to happen. He doesn’t want to wake up one day and find that you are no longer alive. A shiver ran up his spine just thinking about finding you the same way he sees you in his dreams. It’s sickening.
He had to make a choice. Continue spending time with you and risking your death, or distance himself and save you from a painful demise. He preferred the second option.
It’s been nearly a month since Tomas started ignoring you. At first, you thought he was just tired from hunting down Bi-Han and dealing with restless sleep. He told you at some point that he was having nightmares constantly. He never went into specifics of what they were about, he just said they were nightmares. You reassured him that they were probably due to stress.
But no matter how hard you tried to make him relax he always experienced nightmares. You did everything you could, made him food, cheered him on during training, helped out with Hanzo, and much more. It did nothing to ease the tension inside of him. What did that leave you with?
Nothing. You had nothing. Not a thank you or a question if you could do something specific for him. All you got was him ignoring you.
You saw he wasn’t eating your cooking. Alright, maybe he wasn’t craving the dish you made. But then he started training by himself. The moment you’d walk up to him he’d say he just finished and walk off. He always seemed to be in a hurry to leave, like he wanted to get away from you immediately. It broke your heart when Hanzo started talking about how weird Tomas was when it came to you. When you asked what he meant he laid it all out.
“He won’t allow me to practice with you. When I’ve asked why, he says I can but he won’t stick around for it. And when I asked if he could bring you over so you could rewrap my wounds he told me to find you myself. That was rude.” Hanzo let out a huff since he was irritated by his mentor’s aggression.
You immediately reacted to that news. You felt your heart squeeze, it physically hurt.
“O-oh well…let’s deal with your bandages first.” You said softly.
Hanzo could see that you were trying to hold yourself together. You gave him a weak smile to reassure him that things were fine. But the sadness in your eyes says otherwise. He’s not dumb, he understands that something is wrong. Though he can see that you are just as clueless as him. He doesn’t say anything else for the remainder of the time.
Later that day you decided to confront Tomas on his behavior. You needed to know what was going on with him. Was he stressed? Did you say something? Was there an unknown reason? You had to find out. When you found him you were surprised by what he was doing.
He was surrounded by some of the female members. They were acting like lovesick teens who were talking to their crush at school. You could hear what they were saying to him.
“I wish you talked to us earlier, you’re so nice.” “Do you think you can help me practice later? I could really use your help.” “Damn, you’re really strong. I bet you could pick me up.” “You seem cuter up close.”
What is going on? Since when did he become a womanizer?
Your heart shattered the moment you realized what he was doing. He wanted you to see this. He wanted you to hear everything they were saying. How do you know? He was looking at you. Tomas was occasional glancing at you. He knew you were there. And yet he wasn’t giving you the time of day. He was smiling at these girls as they praised and flirted with him.
All went numb. You barely felt your heart pumping. The noises around you became dull as you turned around and walked away. With your back towards Tomas, you missed as his eyes lost any hint of happiness in them. When you were out of sight he excused himself from the girls and walked away. There, it was done. Maybe now you’ll keep your distance.
You did just that. You kept your distance…from everyone. That wasn’t his plan.
You were so confused and heartbroken by Tomas’ actions. You felt like you were being led on this whole time. He was playing with your heart, pulling at the heartstrings before cutting them in one fell swoop. You are left with the remnants of your heart. You tried to put it back together and continue living but it was harder than you could imagine. Everyone could see how you struggled except Tomas.
Hanzo already knew you were in a tough place. He went to check on you the day after he spoke with you, only to hear you crying in your room. He felt in his gut that something bad happened. He’s not good at dealing with other’s emotions, he can’t even control his own, so he walked off. He tried getting your mind off whatever happened by asking you two to train together but that fell flat. He would ask if you could teach him something you’ve been wanting to teach him, only for you to forget what that move was. When you two tried to spar, your arms were in a weak position. It was like you forgot how to fight. Hanzo knew that it was really bad then. He told Kuai Liang about your situation since he could only do so much.
Kuai Liang thought it would be good if Harumi checked in first. It might be a woman issue. One day she came knocking at your door and asking if she could come in. You let out an unenthusiastic ‘sure” and she came in. She thought bringing you some mixed fruits would make you feel better. A fresh bowl of your favorite fruits, how could you say no?
She sat with you and slowly tried to work her way into the issue. She would ask how you’ve been feeling and how training was going. You’d start talking but then just stop. Harumi thought you were trying to think but then you would tell her you forgot what you were about to say. You did the same with the fruit. You would start taking bites then suddenly stop. It’s like you were repulsed by it and would put the half-bitten honeydew back into the bowl. Then a minute later you’d go back to eating. There was certainly a disruption in your mind to be causing these pauses.
Harumi made the mistake of saying something about Tomas. She never knew there was a problem between you two.
“Did you want me to bring Tomas here? I know he makes you feel better.” She gave you a warm smile, thinking that was the right move.
She grew worried once she saw your lips quiver before you bit your bottom lip. You swallowed hard; she could see it was difficult for you to do that. You looked like you were in pain from doing that.
“I’m…feeling tired. I think I should take a nap.”
You didn’t give Harumi time to respond to that. You lay down and curled up. She took the bowl of fruit and said okay. All the progress she made was trashed the moment she talked about Tomas. It did give her an idea that it was him that was troubling you. She said goodbye and to rest well. The moment she closed the door you felt tears slip down your face.
Harumi informed Kuai Liang of everything. Now he believes this is more of a him issue since it’s his brother. He gave you time to nap, or cry actually, and he would talk to you the next day.
The next day rolled around and he saw you wandering around outside. Your movements seemed as sluggish as a zombie’s. You were clearly not okay. He went up to you and walked by your side. He didn’t say anything for a minute, he waited to see if you wanted to speak first. But since you didn’t he would say something.
“I have heard from others that you have not been yourself recently. Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked in a firm but warm tone.
“…no, I’m fine, just tired.”
“Is that so? Are you sure it has nothing to do with Tomas?” he asked bluntly.
You stopped in your tracks. Your body shook as the tears came rolling out. Your loud cries told Kuai Liang how upset you were. He pulled you into a warm embrace in an effort to comfort you. He hears you ask why continuously. There was more that you wanted to say but your tears choked you up. Kuai Liang guided you to a nearby bench to sit on.
He waited for you to calm down so he could ask what the problem was. For a good five minutes, you were unable to say much. You’d cough and stop breathing for a second every time you wanted to say something. You collected yourself eventually and you spilled everything. You talked about Tomas’ distance and how he’s purposely doing it. You saw it with your own eyes and you don’t know what you could have done to deserve this.
Kuai Liang was shocked to hear that his brother was doing all that. He knew how crazy Tomas was about you. He knew he was planning to ask you out eventually. Why would he switch up like this? No one said this grandmaster mess would be easy.
This was a messy situation and he had to organize it. He knew keeping you with the Shirai Ryu would do no good. Having Tomas close by and having people continuously ask you what’s wrong won’t help. He would have to sadly send you away. But he knows a place that will openly accept you.
“I want you to listen to me. I want you to go to the Shaolin at the Wu Shi Academy. They will help with this heartache. I will figure out the problem. But you cannot continue going on in this state. I want you to feel better. Once you are better, you will be with the Shirai Ryu again.”
You listened to Kuai Liang and what he suggested. You knew he wasn’t kicking you out. He only wants you to heal. To heal, you must separate yourself from the situation. The Shaolin will definitely help with that.
You accepted his proposal. He said he would send you off in the morning and told you to pack your essentials. You got up and started packing for your healing journey.
A few days passed since you went to the Wu Shi. That information stayed between Kuai Liang, Harumi, and Hanzo. Only they knew where you were. Word spreads fast however and soon lots of people realized you were missing. That word got to Tomas. His heart stopped the moment he found out you with MIA. His thoughts were interrupted when Kuai Liang asked to speak with him.
Kuai Liang took him to his office to speak in private. The moment the door closed Tomas was quick to ask if he knew where you were.
“Kuai Liang, I’ve been hearing from others that they haven’t seen-“
“Yes, I know. She is fine. I know where she is.” He responded bluntly.
Tomas let out a sigh of relief knowing that you were still alive. Worry set in again once he saw the disappointed look in Kuai Liang’s eyes.
“The reason I had to send her away,” Kuai Liang hesitated to say the last part, “…was because of you.”
“What?! Me? I know I wanted to distance myself from her but I didn’t mean for her to leave the clan.”
“So you admit that you did it on purpose? What is the matter with you? I thought you loved her. You do not drive people that you love away. So tell me, why did you do it?” Kuai Liang’s harsh tone got to Tomas. It made him feel like the bad guy when all he wanted to do was keep you safe.
He gave in. He told his brother the truth. He explained the dreams about the Enenra and how you always got hurt. He explained how traumatic the last one seemed to him and it was his breaking point. He felt like he would be the cause of your pain or even your death. He could never live with himself if he saw the signs and did nothing about it.
Kuai Liang saw how erratic Tomas was acting. The guilt and fear were eating the man alive. He found Tomas’ actions to be idiotic but he knew he would make a mistake himself if he were in the same situation. If this Enenra issue was truly a cause for concern he would have to fix it immediately. He can’t help his brother but maybe Liu Kang could. He’s a god, why wouldn’t he deal with demons?
“Tomas, you need to fix this, all of this. Go to Liu Kang to see if he can help you. If not, the Wu Shi could definitely do something for you. While you are there, I want you to apologize for what you have done.” He left it at that.
Tomas was a bit confused by the last part but he understood that he needed help for this. He agreed to leave in the morning to see Liu Kang at the Wu Shi Academy. After that, he will make everything right with you. That’s if he can fix your broken heart.
Tomas was at the academy by the next day. He urgently asked to see Liu Kang but the monks informed him that Liu Kang was in Outworld right now. They told him he would return in a few days. They let him know he could stay in a spare room until Liu Kang returned since they could see Tomas was a mess. He was in desperate need of the fire god.
He settled down quickly and thought about finding Kung Lao and Raiden to catch up with them. When he went around looking for them he was surprised to see a familiar face. It was you. You were with Kung Lao and Raiden. You were sparing with Kung Lao who was going easy on you since you were still recovering. What Kuai Liang said before now made sense to Tomas. He needed to apologize to you. He walked up to you which stopped Kung Lao in his tracks. You were confused until you turned around to see the man who broke your heart. Your expression turned sour quickly.
“Hey…” He said softly.
“Hey…I gotta go.” Without letting him speak you walked away from him. It didn’t matter if you weren’t finished with your fight, you needed to leave.
You left Tomas stunned as Kung Lao gave him a disapproving nod. He would be experiencing that until Liu Kang returned.
Tomas wanted to apologize for his actions. He wanted to say he was sorry for hurting you and explain why he did it. He knows his fears are not an excuse, but you still deserve to know the reason. But every attempt was a failure. You treated him like he treated you.
You walked away and acted like you had somewhere to be. You spent your time around Raiden and Kung Lao, almost using them as bodyguards. You would meditate for hours with the other monks to prevent Tomas from disturbing you. You pulled a reverse on him.
Every failure made his heart hurt. He sees that what he did was stupid and did more harm than good. He learned his lesson and he wants to beg you to give him a chance. The guilt inside of him will drive him insane. Even if Liu Kang helps him with his Enenra problem the guilt will stay with him forever. He’s made everything worse by being a fool.
It got to the point that Raiden and Kung Lao had to confront him. Raiden was more passive while Kung Lao was giving him a mean eye. They told him to back off. They said they knew what happened and don’t think it’s a good idea to make amends now. Tomas begged them to help him out. He explained everything and Raiden actually grew concerned about the Enenra problem.
Although they understood, they told him they couldn’t force you to accept an apology right now. They will be easier on him but they won’t force you to do anything. Tomas was still on his own in this situation.
It would still be another day till Liu Kang returned. If Tomas is gonna make it up to you he has to do it now. He had patience and waited for nighttime. You’d be pretty tired by the point so it’d be easier to catch you. The moment he saw you walking into the building you were staying in he followed you.
You didn’t see Tomas once and you thought he took the hint to leave you be. But when you went to close the door to your room it was stopped by someone. You looked back to see Tomas who did not look like the same man you loved before. His eyes were tired like he hadn’t slept for days. There was no sparkle to them. It’s just a void of guilt left behind. For a second you wanted to forget the pain he put you through and hug him. But to deny what happened won’t fix anything. He has to live with the consequences of his actions.
“Please, I know you are mad at me but I want to make this right. I’m sorry.”
“Sorry is not gonna cut it. Just leave me alone already.” You tried pushing the door but he was much stronger than you. He pushed his way in and shut the door behind him.
“I know it won’t but I’ll make it up to you. I never meant to hurt you I swear. I just wanted to keep you safe.”
“Safe? From what exactly? You’re not making any sense!”
“I’ll explain everything if you give me a chance! Just please believe me when I say I never meant to harm you.” His voice cracked as he struggled to keep himself together.
Your eyes widened after hearing him speak. His eyes grew wet and soon you heard him take deep, shaky breaths. Tomas ran up to you and hugged you tight. He hugged you as if he were to lose you again. He let out all of his emotions. Tears streamed down his face and droplets fell onto your back.
“I’m…so sorry. You’re the best thing…that’s ever happened to me. I’m an idiot for driving away the woman I love.”
Your arms slowly went up as you decided to hug him back. It was by instinct; your mind was more occupied with what he was saying.
“I just couldn’t imagine finding you dead one day…because of me. I saw it happen so many times I couldn’t take it anymore!”
“Tomas!” You had to yell to get his attention, “You’re still not making any sense. Breathe, we’re gonna figure this out right now.”
You pulled away from him so you could guide him to your bed. You had him lie with you. You waited for him to calm down and gather his thoughts to tell you why he was acting up. Once he did, he explained the whole situation. The nightmares, the Enenra, your death, and the mimic. He told you how scared he would be in his dreams and when he’d wake up. He talked about how he thought it was a bad omen that would eventually happen and it would be his fault for not doing anything.
“Tomas…why didn’t you tell me from the start?”
“I didn’t want to scare you. I was scared myself.” His eyes shifted down as he struggled to look into your eyes after saying that.
You took hold of his head and forced him to look at you, “Even if I was scared, I’d know you would never hurt me. I would have done everything to help you figure out what was wrong. I love you too much to let you go through this alone.”
Your vision blurred as the tears came up again. It’s fine, Tomas has the same blurred vision since he’s about to cry as well. You brought his head closer to yours and gave him a gentle kiss. It was a kiss that told him that everything would be alright and you loved him.
He brought you close to him and held you in his arms. He wanted to have you close after distancing himself for so long. He wanted to smell your scent and have his fingers play with your hair. He wanted you.
Emotions are quite draining. It sure made you two sleepy. The tears died down and the only emotions left were relief and love. You held each other and slowly fell asleep. Your once weakened bond was now strengthened.
That was the first night Tomas had no nightmares.
Morning came and Tomas told you that he had to see Liu Kang immediately. He let you know that he wanted to ask the god for help. You two walked hand in hand to find Liu Kang to sort out this situation.
The fire god was surprised to see you two here. He immediately knew something was wrong when he looked at Tomas’ tired expression. Once again he went over the whole Enenra problem which Liu Kang took seriously. He asked Ashrah for help to deal with this pesky demon. The duo got to work as you stayed by Tomas’ side.
For hours they tried to figure out where this all was coming from. And although there was an Enenra messing with Tomas’ mind, that’s all it did. It could do nothing else to him. It was only there to weaken him into an unhealthy state. It wanted to gain a hold of his physical form. Seeking out Liu Kang was the right decision since the task became unworthy to the demon.
So in the end, the Enenra failed. Those nightmares were purely nightmares.
“See, told you they were just dreams.” You said.
“No need to rub it in.”
Yap notes: So when I first started writing this I was watching As Above, So Below cause I'm a sucker for Dante's Inferno stuff. Tell me why they threw a smoke bomb in the movie. Where do you just casually get one? It was in France so things could be a little unorganized. Also I'm too emotional sometimes. I want to sleep now. Adiós!
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Hear me out this. Hanzo falls in love with a woman who's in the Lin Kuei.
(You can make it as horny as your brain wants)
Oooooooh our resident spicy boy!
Fire & Ice
Hanzo Hasashi x Fem!Lin Kuei!Reader)
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, Sexual tension, pining, opposites attract, slight spanking (briefly) unprotected sex, bath sex, PiV sex, temperature play(?) wee bit of Kanon fudging
A/N: Hanzo is just MMMMF also Raiden is Light Aligned here for a wee bit of context
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It all started during one of the first peace talks after the budding brotherhood of your Grandmaster, Kuai Liang (AKA Sub-Zero) and the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.
Once the cease-fire between the clans was initiated, it was met with mixed results. The original Shirai Ryu were annihilated (including Hanzo's wife and child) by the forces of the previous Grandmaster, Bi-Han (whom everyone later discovered was actually the evil sorcerer Quan-Chi in disguise).
However it came to light that the initial fires of hatred that were lit were orchestrated by the Grandmaster before Bi-Han himself; before Bi-Han became the void-creature known as Noob Saibot, before Cyrax and Sektor were "cyberized".
All of course, with Quan-Chi's aid...
But when Kuai Liang and Hanzo Hasashi buried old prejudices and hatreds and pursued an avenue of peace and allyship, they proposed training scenarios between the ninjas.
You were one of Sub-Zero's top members. Your flexibility and cryomancy a deadly and graceful combination.
Naturally, at some point you found yourself pitted against your complete elemental opposite, Scorpion.
Not only was he your elemental opposite, he was vastly more skilled than you. Having spent years as a revenant under the control of Quan-Chi, training others in the way of the Shirai Ryu, working with Lord Raiden... Yeah. You were a child compared to his prowess.
But you however, did get some ideas for your own weaponry from him. Instead of a normal kunai attached to a chain, you settled for a chain with blunt ends, allowing your cryomancy to shape various weapons at the ends. After all, they'd been useful for making things like spears, scythes and various others in the past...
And to say the man was floored when you used his own techniques against him--and mastering them with your own twists while you were at it--was an understatement.
It became rather normal for Hanzo to seek you out for sparring sessions, seeking to experiment with your respective powers you both created various attacks and techniques to better battle one another.
However it was during one of your sessions, where you were to be chased and he the hunter, that the two of you finally figured out that what was between the two of you was more than camaraderie, more than diplomatic friendship.
Hanzo himself realized a lot sooner than you did. The warmth in his heart (and not from his flame) and the increased rate of beats when you were around, how his thoughts would drift back to you when it was quiet, when he would pace the Fire Gardens...
It was a feeling he hasn't felt since Harumi.
He was hesitant to bring it to your attention, for fear of a repeat performance of some cruel twist of fate robbing him of the one he loved once again.
He couldn't dare hope one as vibrant and beautiful as you could feel the same.
Until that night, when he had you pinned to the tree, breathing hard from the chase.
He barely had a moment to realize how close he was to you before masks were torn from faces by your hand and lips met lips in a kiss balanced in his hot and your cold; a kiss so passionate steam wafted as your mouths parted.
It was under the snow-heavy branches of that tree where your hands first explored each other. Not in heated sexual passion, but with the desire to map out every detail you could, so when the two of you parted ways again you would always be able to mentally trace those lines, commit them to memory like a well-read book.
Kuai Liang had suspicions of a budding relationship between the two of you. If anything, you had to wager that he probably knew your true feelings for one another even before the two of you figured it out for yourselves; but he wouldn't bring it forth. He knew you two needed to figure it out at your own pace.
After all, his friend was still nursing a broken heart from the loss of his wife and child. But he knew this was still good for him, for the two of you, for both clans.
Hanzo Hasashi had finally fallen in love again.
Your first real "intimate" moment with Hanzo was when you showed him to the hot springs in the mountains. Heat, ice and snow all together in a blissful harmonious oasis.
Not unlike your love for one another, a peaceful respite in tumultuous times.
"This is... Beautiful." Hanzo said, his breath coming out of him in a cloud that swirled with the snowflakes. "But won't it still be too cold to bathe?"
You chuckled and pulled off your mask. Shaking your hair free of icy flakes. "Well, Hanzo, that's why the goal is to stay in the water. Where it's warm."
He blew out a chuckle and shook his head. "Obviously." He turned and looked around, the red leaves of the maple trees surrounding you casting a beautiful scattering of color among the white and gray.
"But it--"
His voice died in his throat as he watched you strip your uniform from your body.
You held no shame, clearly, as you stripped bare in front of him, your wonderous body on full display for his longing, hungry eyes.
You took pride in your athletic frame, muscles and soft curves in all the right places, your body a gorgeous shell for the violence you were capable of committing.
His dark eyes met yours, a twinkle dancing in their depths as your smile reached your ears. You beckon him towards you, your fingers curling in a silent request for him to come closer.
It is a silent request his body obeys before he realizes he's even moving, his blood rushing in his ears.
When your fingers wrapped around his tabards you begin undoing each bit of his ornamentation slowly, peeling it off of him like a juicy piece of fruit you couldn't wait to take a bite out of.
Maybe you would... later.
Once he was naked, you gave him enough dignity to spare looking between his legs, knowing he wouldn't be ready for you to look at him there just yet, you felt like he would set the very air ablaze; each snowflake that landed on his body melted with a soft hiss as it came into contact with his skin.
At first you were concerned that maybe he was too hot, that the spring might make him sick with the extra heat added to his body; but as you sank into the water, he didn't seem bothered in the slightest. In fact, his eyes continued to take your form as he thought you weren't looking.
Every scar told a story, and he wanted to hear them all, wanted to hear a symphony of your voices together as you breathed your love into one another s lungs as you shared scorching kisses.
You could have sat next to him. You could have.
But you didn't. As shameless as you were, you sank down in front of him between his parted knees, slowly, a soft noise escaping you as the water crept up your cold body and you pressed your back against his chest.
You pretended not to hear the sharp inhale of breath as his raging erection pressed firmly against your back, the heat from it almost hotter than the water you were reclining in.
You hummed softly as he slipped his arms around you, pressing a hot, damp kiss to your icy shoulder.
You'd swear he could probably leave burns with those lips of his.
"Hmm... How did your meeting with Lord Raiden go, Hanzo?" You ask him, sliding your hands up his thighs and to his knees, feeling the knotted muscles tighten and flex beneath your touch.
"Ah..." He said, his voice tight in an effort to control himself.
"It... Went well. Young Takeda was there, it was good to see him again."
"How is Takeda doing?"
"He's spending more time with his father, and I believe he and Jacqui Briggs are officially a couple." Hanzo chuckled.
"That's good, they're a nice match." You sigh, relaxing into him more, maybe, just slightly intentionally grinding your ass against his cock.
His arms tighten around you and he leans in, his lips at the shell of your ear.
"You're playing a dangerous game, my lotus." He growls.
"You know me... I live for danger." You purr, grinding against him once more.
He groaned in your ear and rolled his hips to meet yours.
"I have to ask..." Hanzo said, one of his rough and calloused hands rising to give your ribs a feathery touch.
"I'm experienced, don't worry." You assure him playfully.
Was that... disappointment you heard in his voice?
"Awww..." You reach back and comb through his ebony locks. "Hanzo... Are you sad you're not my first?"
"No..." He lied. "I'm merely content to know this will be fully enjoyable for you, then."
You gladly take a mental note and stow that information away for a later scenario you wanted to play out with him...
You turn your head slightly and capture his mouth in an awkwardly-angled kiss, teeth and tongues grazing, nipping, and twining together in a passionate affair.
You lift your hips enough in the water so the head of his cock is squished between your thighs. You roll yourself against him, letting his cock stroke between your legs as you flex your muscles, gripping him as tight as possible.
"Agh... You truly live for danger, hm?" Hanzo groaned hotly in your ear. His hands kneaded your breasts, his fingers heating up as he pulled and twisted your nipples in time with the lazy rolling of your hips.
"Hanzo..." You keened softly.
"You need to stop." Hanzo said, gripping your hips, effectively stilling you.
You pout in protest, and look at him over your shoulder, waiting for an explanation.
Hanzo's tongue darts out to lick at a bead of water that rolls down your shoulder, and nips at the skin, there.
"When I finish, I want it to be inside you." He growled against your skin.
His voice and the way he was touching you sent a jolt of excitement racing up your spine.
"Yes." You breathe, your heart beginning to flutter in your chest like a flighty bird.
"Do you want me, my lotus?" Hanzo asked you. "Do you want me inside you?"
"By the Elder Gods, yes." You reply, your voice shaky but certain.
Hanzo quickly helped you up, turning you around so your breasts were squished against the rocks below you, your hands balling in the snow, ice creeping out from beneath your fingertips.
You eagerly spread your legs for him, water rolling off your body as his searing grip kneaded and squished the flesh of your ass, spreading your cheeks as his chest heaved while his eyes drank in your swollen and waiting sex and prone form.
"Hanzo, please?" You pant, pushing back into his grip.
His cock twitched at the sight of you, at the feel of your icy skin in his hands. Any normal person would be a shivering mess, being practically face down in the snow. But not you. You were Lin Kuei, a cryomancer.
His little ice lotus.
He gripped the base of his cock and took his time lining up, a small smile crinkling the corners of his eyes as you squirm impatiently.
He wasn't sure why, but something told him to raise his hand and slap your ass in a reprimand.
The squeak you made at first gave him the impression that he'd seriously hurt you, but when he noticed how demure you became, he chuckled softly.
"Behave, lotus. You must learn patience. It is a ninja's greatest asset." He said, his chest tightening as the tip of his cock slipped through your wet folds, the walls of your pussy gripping him in a greedy vice.
"Please, Hanzo..." You cried softly, trying to sink yourself deeper against him to sheathe his cock fully in the waiting velvet of your body.
Hanzo's hands prevented that, and it frustrated you, but your complaint died before it could form as he slowly eased himself inside, inch by torturous inch, until the tip of his cock just barely kissed your cervix.
He certainly had girth and length that was definitely going to make you see stars, tonight... His size complemented the roped muscles all throughout his body.
You make a deep, throaty moan as his weight settles into you, your muscles squeezing him down, trying to pull him deeper.
You feel the short coarse hairs that reached his navel brush the skin of your ass as he brought his hips firmly against yours.
He leaned in, kissing up your back and over your shoulder until his mouth was at your ear.
"How do you want me, love?"
"Fuck me hard. Please?"
He kissed your shoulder, biting down and sucking the skin, marking you as he pulled out and slammed his hips back in.
Your cries shook birds from the trees, the sensation of his balls slapping against your clit sending shivers up your spine, the pressure of his cock pounding you and pressing against that one divine spot within you, each drag of the vein running up his length driving you further and further into madness.
No other man you'd ever been with had been so precise or skilled in the art of sex.
Your previous partners were paltry compared to the sharp, angled thrust of Hanzo's hips, his cock cramming into you at such a harsh and heavy rate that you swore you were going to cum at any second, gushing around him, leaving a nice creamy ring at the base of his dick as he fucks into you like a man possessed.
He grips your shoulders and pulls you up against him, so your back is pressed against his chest.
His hands rise to your breasts, his fingertips almost glowing as he pinches your nipples, the soft mounds bouncing and jiggling in his hands with each upward thrust of his hips into yours.
"Hanzo!" You cried out, tossing your head back with a wail of ecstasy, your vision going cross as he brings one of his searing hands to your clit, rolling vigorously, the heat feeling like it set every nerve in your body alight with fire.
"Come for me." He softly commands.
And just like that, your body obeys him, clamping down, squeezing him, trying to mold yourself around him; commit his shape and size to memory so he and only he could ever fuck and satisfy you ever again.
He hisses out a breath, steam rising in waves off his body as he fucks up into you again, riding out your orgasm as he rapidly approaches his own.
Hanzo eases you back down, his hand sliding up your sweaty, chilly spine as he tips his head back, his lips parting in a moan as he cums, jerky thrusts and loud whimpers from you as his boiling hot load paints your insides a nice, pearly white, threatening to burn a hole right through you.
He lazily fucks you, some of his spend leaking out around him and dripping down your thighs as he rides out the blinding high that took over every range of his senses.
Once the two of you regain your breathing, he keeps you firmly seated on his cock as you both sink back into the water, relaxing as the heat soaks through your chilled core while Hanzo gently pours palm fulls of water on your skin, massaging your shoulders.
"Mmmh..." You sigh, relaxing against him as he kisses the top of your damp head.
"You seem content." He chuckled.
"Hanzo, I'm pretty sure you're going to have to carry me back home." You laugh. "Had I known what kind of weapon you were packing, I would have been just slightly more hesitant..."
"Only slightly, hm?"
"Just a bit." You murmur, kissing the knuckles of one of his hands.
Hanzo grins and plants a kiss over the bruise he'd left on your skin.
"You will get used to it, my lotus."
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izzabela · 4 months
Seeking Peace - Tomas (+ slight Bi Han) x fem!reader
in which fate turns out a bit differently, and Bi Han seeks peace with you and his family
ship[s]: tomas x reader, bi han x reader (past)
warnings: mayhaps a bit of angst, no "y/n" bullsh!t
This will be a long-ish one, so be prepared
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You happily walk around the compound, humming a light tune as you stroll through the large home. The wind brushes against the trees softly, the leaves rustling quietly. You can hear the grunts and and shouts of Shirai Ryu initiates in the distance, training hard under the tutelage of either Harumi, Kuai Liang, or Tomas.
Ever since the issue of Shang Tsung, Titan and current timeline, the soul stealers, Armageddon, and the betrayal of Bi Han, things have changed greatly. Splitting from centuries of history, of family, was hard for Tomas and especially Kuai Liang. While Kuai Liang and Bi Han were related, Tomas wasn't, yet he still missed his eldest brother, yearning for his redemption.
However, family still prevailed with the creation of the Shirai Ryu, named after Kuai Liang's wife, Harumi Shirai. She proved a valuable teacher, a wonderful wife, and great friend to you and Tomas. Yet, it could not replace the missing piece of your former beloved.
In the past, when the mission to try and take Shang Tsung into questioning took place, you waited patiently at the Wu Shi academy with Geras, Liu Kang, and the rest the champions of Earthrealm. While they did not know of you, you knew of them due to Bi Han's story of Liu Kang's test. With worry, you paced around the room and your pace quickens, the only calm being Geras's warm hand on your shoulder.
Suddenly, the sound of the portal at the entrance of the academy captured your attention, and all of you rushed to meet the three assassins, but your eyes only saw two.
"Kuai Liang, what is the meaning of this?!" You screeched, your daggers drawn at him, "Why are you two only here? Where is Bi Han?!"
You remember the memory well. Tomas and Kuai Liang took their masks off, and you saw Kuai Liang's scar over his left eye. Tomas's eyes were filled with sadness, and he walks to you weakly before engulfing you in a warm, solemn bear-hug. That was all you needed before you dropped your weapons, accepted his hug, and sobbed into his arms.
You shake your head at the memory, a bit confused over the sudden resurfacing of a memory you thought you had buried and gotten over. You sigh and continue walking, only to be surprised with Tomas's magic. He manifested right in front of you, a bright smile on his face. You're shocked, but you welcome it with an equal action, your eyes crinkle with delight.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, darling husband?" You ask playfully, poking his chest.
He chuckles lightly, "My duties of teaching have been overtaken by sister-in-law, so I decided to find my own darling."
You blush at his flattery. After the events of the old fortress, the betrayal of your ex, Tomas's presence was a great help to you. He kept his distance while you grieved the loss of your former husband, but as you began to heal, his intentions for your heart came bursting forth like fireworks. Wary, you accepted them slowly, and him respecting your boundaries. Overtime, though, your heart warmed again and you began to love him wholeheartedly.
You wrap your arm around his, and walk with him around the compound. You talk about the mundane topics of your new lives: the mention of the initiate Hanzo Hasashi, plans against the Lin Kuei's plots, and what you, Tomas, and the other couple will enjoy for dinner.
Unfortunately, your conversation was cut short as a scout ran up to you and Tomas. He comes with urgency, bowing before he speaks.
"Do not be alarmed, Tomas, sir, but we've received an unprecedented report that...."
You look at him with a tilted head, "Well? What did you have to tell us?"
The ninja looks sheepishly to the side, "Well... your brother, Bi Han, is presently at the front of the compound. No one is by his side, and our scouts surveyed the area that no other Lin Kuei have been spotted within five kilometers of the compound."
You both look at each other and immediately rush to the front, not forgetting your salutations to the ninja. You can feel Tomas's gaze at you, worried and a bit jealous. You don't bother to look at him, though, as emotions you had buried, forgotten, and locked away now bubbled and brewed.
You were spared the sight of Bi Han's capture, the ninjas of the Shirai Ryu bringing him into the courtyard. At Kuai Liang's order, all initiates and staff left the area, retreating to their rooms and private quarters, leaving Bi Han at the mercy of his younger brother, Harumi, Tomas, and you.
Bi Han kneels at the sight of all four of you, his hands bound behind him, his head down, and mask gone. Your heart breaks at the sight, but he had brought this upon himself when he made his choice all those years ago. You feel Tomas's warm, calloused hands intertwine with yours as you face your former lover.
You hiss at him, drawing your daggers towards him "What brings you here, Bi Han? And unarmed? Do you have a death wish?!"
You notice how his eyes are tired, bags dragging them down. There are signs of his stress and aging, the lines over his forehead and mouth area. He looks up at you, and you can see how his eyes change every so slightly, his guard down for once.
"Cyrax and Sektor had betrayed me- I killed them and the Lin Kuei's forces have dwindled to less than half."
You're all shocked, turning to each other to try and understand what you all will do next. You turn back to Bi Han, his eyes remaining on yours.
Kuai Liang speaks this time, "Why tell us then? You made your choice many years ago... why seek us out for such a confession?"
"I come to tell you this because... of reflection," he admitted, his gaze turning away and facing his brothers.
You scoff, frustration transforming into pure anger as you lunged towards him, your daggers at each side of his neck. The cold metal presses into Bi Han's neck lightly, nicks of blood slowly spilling out.
"Have you gone mad?! Reflection?! After what you had done?! To your late father, your brothers... to me! I should have your blood spilled with this nonsense!"
Tears form in your eyes, and through your blurry vision, you see Bi Han's face morph into the rare emotion of sadness and regret.
"What you had done to me," you begin, voice shaky, "What you had done to all of us! You betrayed your family, broke my heart... and you think 'reflection' will help you seek peace?!"
Tomas runs up to you and quickly takes your arms to hold you back, picking you up and taking you away from Bi Han. You're taken aback by Tomas's actions, kicking and writhing in his strong grip, trying to get your vengeance.
"Darling please! We must hear brother out! Look at him- he comes to us without ill-intent! You heard the ninja before, a five kilometer radius and no sign of Lin Kuei."
Kuai Liang sits him up, which Bi Han takes this time to continue, "I had long wished for our clan to do more: more power, ambition, leadership. Our manpower could be used more than just defense, but in offense, in bringing Earthrealm to heights it had not seen in ages, eons even."
He turns to Kuai Liang, "Brother, I should have heeded your words, listened to your warnings. After Cyrax and Sektor stabbed my back, I thought about the both of you. A fool I have become, only realizing the gravity of my actions when I was in your place."
With you still in Tomas's grasp, the men look amongst themselves and communicate through silence and hopeful understanding. You couldn't help but look at Bi Han, who looks helpless as he pleads with his kin.
He took this opportunity to speak again, "I took a gamble coming here, plotting my own path to meet you. Now that I have, I offer my own olive branch- a beginning to peace amongst one another, amongst our clans."
You became still in Tomas's arms, listening to the shocking revelation of a real, heartfelt apology. Was this the same man that scarred Kuai Liang, that insulted Tomas's birthright, that broke your heart those years ago?
You yield to Tomas, tapping his arm to let you go. He does so, warily, and watches as you come around Bi Han's back, past Kuai Liang, and untie his arms. You do not help him up, though, and watch him as he comforts the ache in his wrists. He turns to you and offers a slight nod, his eyes glimmering with hope and the slightest hint of change.
In front of Bi Han, you watch as Tomas and Kuai Liang approach their traitor brother carefully. Tomas is the first to bear his true feelings, throwing his mask away to the pebbled ground and tackling his brother into his famous bear hug. You don't hear a sound come from him, but you see his shoulders racking violently as he digs his head into Bi Han's shoulder. Awkwardly, he holds onto Tomas and pats his back softly.
Kuai Liang sighs, joining his brothers in the hug. The warmth his pyro magic provides creates a wave of comfort of all three of them, a peaceful mood amongst them. You visibly see Bi Han relax, feeling peace for the first time in years.
Bi Han slept separate from everyone, having slumbered away in the prison that stood in the depths of the forest near the compound.
You were the first to wake, sneaking out of yours and Tomas's shared room to see Bi Han in the holding cell. Arriving, you were taken to him and saw him meditating.
He never did that during your marriage. It seems he finally listened to your advice after all these years.
You sat in a chair in front of him, and his eyes open from his mediating trance. He takes in the sight of you fully, not knowing if this will be the first or last time he'll see you. Your beautiful hair fell over your face, framing it like a Renaissance piece. Your figure, despite covered in your kimono, looked healthy and full, proof that your marriage to Tomas was treating you better than Bi Han's ever did.
And, oh, your eyes. The color that seemed so dull during your time with him looks so much more colorful now. They seem to burst forth with a vibrancy that lacked with him. Tomas truly brought you back from the pits of the Netherealm.
"You look well," Bi Han mentioned softly, "The years apart from one another truly show."
You scoff, "It seems time did not treat as well."
He shrugs, a soft laugh leaving his lips, "As they say, it is not too late to learn."
He looks down just a bit to see a glimmer of metal on your ring finger, the symbol of unity once again on yourself. He subconsciously touches his ring finger, fiddling with the empty space that should have housed his promise to you.
"Is Tomas treating you well?" He asks, pointing to the ring on your finger.
You smile softly, also playing with your finger, "More than you can imagine. I never thought I could achieve such bliss once again."
He nods, "I am glad."
Silence engulfs you two once more, and Bi Han speaks (which is starting to freak you out).
"I know you may not forgive me, nor take me back, but believe me when I say I want peace. I want nothing more than to see us not at each other's necks, plotting death or downfall of one another."
You sharply inhale, closing your eyes to meditate on his words. While they pull your strings just a bit, you think about them, lingering on every word. You sensed no malice, a drop of anger, nor bloodlust from him, which puts you at ease.
"Bi Han," you began, "You must know I am a married woman once again."
He nods.
"While I will not take you back, nor forget the pain you've caused me and your brothers.... I will accept your offering of peace."
He lets a breath out, glad your choice was more positive than negative.
"It will take a long time for me to trust you again, an even longer time to forgive you, I believe you will achieve the absolution you desire..."
"Our paths may be separate," you continue, "but it does not mean we cannot traverse it together."
The entirety of the Shirai Ryu is behind you, Tomas, Kuai Liang and Harumi as you see Bi Han out of the compound the day after your prison visit. It's bright and early, the sun peaking over the hills that shroud the compound. He stands with Liu Kang, Earthrealm's protector, who was brought to Japan after Kuai Liang sent an alert to him.
Under Liu Kang's guidance and patience, he has agreed to help rebuild the honor and reputation of the Lin Kuei. Under the watchful eye of him, Geras, and Madame Bo, Bi Han will be relieved of his duties and retrain as an initiate, the first step of his redemption as a man, Lin Kuei, and grandmaster.
He utters not a word as he leaves the compound, only turning back to you and his family one last time before leaving. You can hear the gravel under his feet shift and move, his steps moving farther and farther away.
Tomas yells, "Brother~! I hope to see you again~!"
You turn to him and see him smile, and if you squint, you can see a ghost of a smile on Bi Han's face as he waves to his youngest brother.
"You look like a little kid waving to him," you point out playfully.
He turns beet red, his hand scratching the back of his neck, "Do I look that childish?"
You wrap your arm around his beefy one, leaning onto him. For some reason, you felt calm looking at the distant figure of Bi Han, no longer feeling anguish or pain at his sight. You sigh and lean into Tomas's arm.
"Are you alright, my darling?" he asks, "Do you need anything?"
You shake your head, "No, I am quite alright. In fact, I feel quite at peace right now."
He nods.
"Do you believe that Bi Han will achieve what he plans to do?" You ask gently, looking into the ashen man's eyes, "Do you believe in him?"
He nods confidently, "Brother is a stubborn man, but he is resilient. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."
Tomas's words confirm the feelings you harbored for Bi Han. While you two were no longer together, you hoped with great heart that he will honor his words. You smile happily, locking hands with Tomas and bringing it up to your mouth to kiss it briefly.
You meant every word you said to him that morning of the prison visit. While traveling this rocky road of change and forgiveness will be difficult, seeking this peace would be one hundred percent worth the toil.
guys I have never been so happy writing anything ever. MK1 and the entire cast is just so much fun to write for.
if yall can't tell, i love tomas vrbada with all my heart- he's just a pookie, cutie patootie. don't worry though, i'll write for more characters besides tomas and the lin kuei brothers
if you want to request something, please do! i'd love to test the limits of my writing and creativity
until next fic (which is probably really soon)
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froggibus · 2 years
Can you do a jealousy headcannon for the Shimada bros? (Genji and Hanzo)
Shimada's + Jealousy
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Pairing: Hanzo Shimada x reader, Genji Shimada x reader
Genre: fluff/slight angst? headcanons lol
Summary: how jealous are the Shimada brothers + how they react to someone flirting with you
Word count: 1k
CW: slight harassment (Genji's), naïve reader (Hanzo's), drinking, slight possessiveness, protective! genji
so this is my first ever time trying to do headcanons...definitely felt a little awkward but it was fun to try! if i ever do more in the future it will definitely be the same as this format (a few hcs and then a written scenario). this is short oops
Hanzo Shimada:
Hanzo is definitely the jealous type IF there was something he genuinely had to be jealous of
He’s not really the kind to get jealous/possessive over you just talking to a guy
But if someone starts flirting with you?
Its over
He gets SO annoyed for no reason
Not that he would do anything about it (except pout)
He’s spent most of his life learning to be diplomatic so he knows how to keep things to himself
Still, doesn’t mean he likes seeing some guy flirting with you
If they get touchy?
He's there in an instant to give them a silent reminder to back off
Hanzo watches you silently, dark eyes narrowed. You’re talking to an old coworker, giggling about something he had said about your old manager. There’s a bitter taste in his mouth at the sight that he couldn’t explain.
He couldn’t quite remember when he had started to feel this way—maybe it was when he shifted closer to you during the conversation? He wasn’t sure. He was sure that this man had feelings for you, though. It was clear as day by his body language.
You didn’t seem to notice, though. He sighs. That was typical. You were so friendly and loving towards the people you cared about, you had tunnel vision when it came to these things. 
“That’s so funny!” You choke out between giggles, face turning pink from lack of air.
Hanzo suppresses an eye roll. The joke wasn’t even that funny. Just some stupid impression of a character he knew you liked. Not even a good impression, at that.
You shoot a look his way, giving him a big smile. Hanzo tries to return it, but even he knows it looks more like a scowl. His ears perk up when he hears what your friend says next, though.
“So, are you doing anything tomorrow?”
You tilt your head to the side, thinking for a second. “I don’t think so.”
“What if we went to dinner?”
You raise an eyebrow. That seems a little strange—just the two of you? You look over at Hanzo, who’s now scowling clear as day. Oh, you realize. Oh. He’s been flirting with you this whole time, hasn’t he? And Hanzo is clearly jealous.
“I have a boyfriend, actually,” you admit sheepishly.
Hanzo has to bite his lip to keep from smiling. Your friend apologizes, and feeling the awkward tension between the two of you now, decides it's time to leave. You wave him goodbye, waiting until he’s out of earshot to return to your beaming boyfriend.
“What are you so happy about?”
“Nothing, nothing,” but he can’t seem to hide his smile anymore. 
You jab him in the ribs. “Don’t act like you weren’t jealous.”
“Jealous? That man is an idiot.”
“So if I did want to go to dinner with him…?” You tease.
“Not a chance.”
Genji Shimada:
Also the jealous type (must run in the family oops)
Definitely gets more jealous than Hanzo
Less discreet about it too
As soon as someone starts flirting with you, he’s watching like a sparrow hawk
Tries to respect your space cause he knows you can handle yourself
But will literally pout the whole time like a child
Reads lips/body language to see what’s going on
Eventually just gives in and forces himself into the conversation
Will hug you from behind or wrap his arm around you 
You’re at the bar, ordering drinks for you and the boys. He was hesitant to go out tonight, but with some light convincing from you and Cassidy, he agreed. Of course, now the boys were in a heated battle of who was better at darts. No, not the game of darts. Just the theoretical topic of who would beat who.
That left you to get the next round, grateful to be away from their testosterone for a minute.
“Those all for you, honey?” 
You roll your eyes at the man who had just sidled up to you. “Yeah, I’m actually a binge drinker. Hoping it’ll make this interaction more enjoyable.”
“Damn,” mischief flashes in the man's eyes. “Too bad I like them sassy.”
You hate the way his eyes scan over you, like you’re some sort of prey. You silently wish that Genji was at your side just so this asshole would leave you alone. Hell, you would even settle for Cole at this point.
The bartender gives you your drinks and you hand her a twenty. While you wait for your change, the man tries to chat you up more. You stick to giving him one worded answers, and ignore the passes he’s making at you. It’s not worth it.
Meanwhile, Cassidy had wandered off to the bathroom, leaving Genji to wonder where you were. You had said you were getting drinks, but that was at least ten minutes ago. He scans the crowd, eyes falling on you at the bar next to a tall, burly looking man.
He’s chatting you up, and you just sit there and take it. Genji shoots silent daggers his way, even though you clearly look disinterested. He wants to step in and save you, but he knows you can defend yourself. His chest tightens at the sight.
It isn’t until you try to leave and the man grabs your shoulder tight enough that you wince that Genji decides to get involved. He’s at your side instantly, ripping the man’s hand off of you.
“Back off,” he glowers at him.
The man’s eyes widen in fear at the sight of your cyborg boyfriend, and he raises his hands in defeat. You wrap your arms around Genji’s waist tightly, mumbling your thanks into the fabric of his sweatshirt.
He takes you back to the table, Cassidy still not back from his washroom trip. You wonder if he got his poncho stuck in his fly again.
“Thanks again for the save,” you sip your drink.
Genji shrugs, “I’m here to protect you.”
“How did you even know to come help me?”
“Well,” he says sheepishly, cheeks burning, “I may have been watching him.”
“You were watching us?” You laugh, “were you jealous, Gen?”
He rolls his eyes. “Me? Jealous?” 
You raise an eyebrow.
“I was just looking out for you.”
You giggle, planting a quick kiss to his cheek. It’s clear that he was jealous, but you figured it wouldn’t hurt to let it slide this one time. After all, he did save you.
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rat-king-writes · 4 months
Hey hi hi hey
I love your work and I was wondering if I could request Hanzo from overwatch x male reader fluffy?
( Hello , thank you for the ask . I didn't know how you wanted it formatted , so I just followed my previous style . Hope you enjoy this . )
Synopsis; Hanzo and reader ( pre-established relationship ) go on a date after a tough mission .
Cw ; Brief violence , only brief .
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- Everything started off good. You woke up in Hanzo’s arms, smothered into his chest as you both regained consciousness. The first sensation you feel is a light kiss pressed into your hair, the second was cold air enveloping you as your boyfriend moved up and out of the bed. You sigh, knowing you also probably need to get up.
- You sit up with a yawn, smoothing your mussed up hair with one hand and pushing the covers off with the other. Judging by the absent sound of feet, Hanzo must have already gone out of your shared room, probably to go to his so he can retrieve some clothes. You do the same, standing up with a low grunt and begin to get ready. Everything was normal.
- But now you're on a battlefield that's too loud, in gear that's too tight. While you had managed to safely secure yourself a spot behind some sort of structure, you were previously all over the place trying to help those who seemed to be injured. But the worst part is: you couldn't find hanzo.
- You knew the archer was more than capable of defending himself. You knew his past, his strengths. But still, you couldn't help but worry about your lover. You couldn't do much, the bullets were still clearly ringing out behind the object you were hiding against. You would wait for an opening, though that meant you would wait to find your archer.
- Speaking of Hanzo, he is deathly worried. He saw you scurry about the wide expanse of the street, he watched you help others. What he didn't see was you ducking behind a building. All he knows is that you're gone, and he's worried.
- He's perched atop a building, bow in hand as he effortlessly takes out targets. Usually, you would be there right next to him, admiring his skills; a routine you both enjoyed greatly. But now you weren't here, and you were possibly in danger. Hanzo could not let you get hurt.
- Hanzo's tracking skills found you immediately, and he was relieved to find you unharmed and safe. You smile upon seeing him, scrambling up to hug him as tightly as you could. You could feel him squeeze back. You both pull away. Disregarding your tasks would be unwise. Hanzo swings you over his shoulder and scaling a building for high ground. Thankfully, you both have long range weaponry.
- The rest of the mission went smoothly from there, no big casualties or mistakes. The two of you leave shortly after you're cleared to. Something weird happened before though. Hanzo, the PDA hater. Grabs your hand. In front of everyone. This catches you extremely off guard, yet you make no complaints as you both head back to base. A small smile on your lips the entire way home.
- The first thing you both do is shower, the built up sweat and grime on both your bodies is nearly unbearable. Plus, a second shower never hurts. Once you're both dressed in more comfortable clothing you settle down in Hanzo's room. It's silent except for the soft breathing coming from you two contently cuddling. You're practically on top and wrapped around Hanzo, but he doesn't seem to mind. His hands are gently rubbing your back.
- Sadly, he does eventually ask you to pull away and you frown as you do so, scooching onto the actual bed instead of being on him. He apologizes, kisses your forehead and explains he'll be right back. He just has to do something quickly. You nod in slight confusion, it was late at night. But you wouldn't question it, you just waited. You trusted Hanzo entirely.
- About ten minutes pass before Hanzo is back, by this time you're sitting upright and staring at the door like a dog whose owner had left. And like a dog you get incredibly excited when Hanzo comes back. You are about to ask him if he's alright, but the items in his hands stop any noise from coming out of your mouth.
- Hanzo spreads out an array of snacks and drinks on a small pull-out table. Moving said table to the middle of the room where he places down some carving tools and various sized wood blocks. Your heart swells when he looks up at you from where he's seated on the floor.
- You're quick to jump off the bed, taking your own place facing Hanzo. You smile widely, and he smiles back. He speaks calmly, telling you he wants to do something special with you because of the rough day you both had. You nearly sob and quickly reach out to hug Hanzo tightly, pulling back only so you could pepper light kisses over his face. He chuckles at your actions.
- The rest of the night runs beautifully, you both sit in primarily silence, only talking when either of you want to show off what you carved. Hanzo even put on light music and lit up his favorite incense candles. It was perfect, peaceful, and incredibly fun. Hanzo carves up some intricate piece which you fawn over and praise him for. You carve up a heart, it's for him. And though it is rough, Hanzo nearly tears up when you nervously place it into his hands. He adores it, adores you.
- After cleaning up and finding areas for your artworks. You both sluggishly climb into Hanzo's bed, immediately grasping each other for closeness and warmth. A kiss on the lips leaves you breathless, and you are almost giddy with energy when Hanzo pulls back. Thankfully your sleepiness catches up to you when Hanzo turns off the lights and holds you close to his chest. You both drift off to sleep peacefully, and to no one's surprise, your dreams are filled with Hanzo's image.
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Savior: Cole Cassidy x Reader
You were drenched. From head to toe, you were sopping wet and the biting cold was starting to get through your thickly padded suit to the point where you started to feel a slight tingling sensation at the tips of your fingers. Your hair was practically pressed flat against your skull, strands clinging to your face no matter how many times you’ve wiped it clean.
And despite such wet and humid conditions, your eyes felt like they had been left in the desert heat for a week straight with no protection. Pressing the cold binoculars to your eyes made the feeling even worse. Blinking, you couldn’t help but wince as it felt like you had glass in your eyes.
How much longer will this take? You’ve already been out here in the pouring rainstorm for over three hours now and you had nothing to show for it. Genji and Hanzo both brought back so much from their own stakeouts and Cole even managed to nail down exactly who all were here in the streets of Prague. And here you were, staking out the supposed hideout for the Talon soldiers on top of a rundown and abandoned business office in the pissing rain.
You could see your own breath rising up in puffs of near-clear clouds, fogging at the lens and making it even more difficult to see through them. So much for this new tech Winston had been hyping up.
Your communicator chirped to life in your ear and that sweet southern voice soon made you suddenly forget that you were freezing your ass off in the middle of nowhere.
“How’s it goin’, pumpkin?”
Oh, that voice. Smooth and deep like the finest of chocolates, it never failed to make your spine tingle and your brain go fuzzy in all of the best ways possible. The things you could think of with just his voice alone.
Your lips curled into a smile at just those few simple words, heat bloomed at your cheeks.
“Well I’ve been out here and I have fuck-all for info.”
He laughed, his baritone chuckle vibrated so nicely in your ear.
“Ya got nothin’?”
“I probably caught something scouting out in this rain.”
You pulled the binoculars away from your eyes to rub them, allowing them to flutter shut for some relief. You could hear him moving stuff around from his end.
“I can bring ya somethin’. How’s coffee sound to ya?”
“My hero,” you purred back.
You suddenly drowned out all the noise, even Cole’s sweet words he was purring directly into your ear when you saw movement through one of the lit-up windows before you. Looking through the binoculars once again, you felt a shrill spike of unease wash over you as you caught sight of Maximillion walking past the window. Talon soldiers filtered into the room, his personal escort and guards all kitted out with weapons and such.
“Cole, he’s here-” you cut him off.
“Shit!” he barked before he barked out for the Shimada brothers as he scrambled to get up. Your heard the wooden chair scrape against the floor causing you to wince. “We’re comin’, pumpkin, just keep lookin’ out.”
You were so entranced with keeping an eye on the omnic that you failed to feel the eyes land on the back of your head until you heard him breathing. You whipped around, dropping the binoculars and snatching at your gun, cocking it and bringing the nose up to the intruder’s head. Shock washed over you like a pail of ice cold water, your hands nearly letting the gun slip from your fingers when you saw the amused face of Doomfist at the other end of the gun. Your finger tensed on the trigger as you took a step back.
“Ah,” he tutted, “you wouldn’t want to give away your position and jeopardize your mission, would you Agent?” You wanted to smack that taunting look off of his face so badly. He took a lumbering step towards you, leading you to take another step back. You only had so much room left before you would fall. “All alone up here in the cold?”
“I’m not alone,” you lied through your teeth.
Akande looked unimpressed, throwing his eyebrows up in amusement at the fact that you really were alone. How far out were Cole, Genji and Hanzo? They wouldn’t make it to you in time if they even tried.
He took another step towards you, you took two back. You cursed softly as your heel caught the edge of the building, your leg almost sliding off. You didn’t know what to do. If you shoot him, you might not even kill him and that fucker Maximillion will get away. If you don’t, you don’t know what would even happen to you and there’s still the chance that he’ll still get away.
You needed Cole.
You quickly reached up and pressed the distress indicator, the communicator crying out with life directly into your ear as Doomfist surged forward. You could only fire off one bullet that ended up slugging into his shoulder before he grabbed you. He hoisted you into the air and threw you back towards the center of the floor, your gun skidding across the floor. You winced and cried out upon contact, scratching at the floor to pick yourself up when you found him looming over you suddenly.
Your communicator crackled with life again, Cole’s panicked voice ringing through your ears.
“(Y/n)! What’s wrong?” He sounded so terrified.
Akande snatched at your soaked clothes and hoisted you up by your collar, completely ignoring your kicks and scratches and attempts to get away. His mechanical grip on you was too much as he dragged you away into uncertainty.
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It was the distant slamming of metal that kept you alert for God knows how long; Door opening and slamming shut, heavy footfalls against weathered linoleum and steel, the rickety old air ducts that probably had a few rats crawling around inside.
But that really wasn’t what kept you awake.
It was the screaming of the poor souls that lived in the dungeonous halls.
How many others were in here, how many were like you? Taken by force by Talon, tortured and abused, starved and neglected, bruised and experimented on. How many more have you heard pass? Whether it was by whatever Talon solider or grunt putting them out of their misery finally with a bullet to the skull or the poor soul finally expiring, you couldn’t keep track.
What you do know is that you’ve been alive the longest, but even you had your limit.
Your body ached as you laid on the hard floor, your spine popping as you turned to eye the door to your cell as you heard a door open somewhere down the hall. You tried to keep your breathing soft, tried to lessen the wheezing, tried to stipend the coughs that wanted to wrack your lungs. If the poor things could grab you by the ribs and shake your entire chest, they would.
You didn’t have the strength anymore. When was the last time they fed you? What day was it? Is it morning or night? Your windowless cell was barren, unfurnished, with not even a standard military-issued cot or even a thin pad to sleep on. All there lay in the cell was your battered body and the locked door you couldn’t see out of.
You nursed your throbbing arm, unsure if it was broken or just horribly bruised. The pain hadn’t dulled since you had gotten a visit from one of the Talon guards that patrolled the halls. Your hands were twitching, trying to get any spark of life back into your fingers. Your entire body was trembling, you were so cold, your uniform having being stripped off of you and tossed in some sort of prisoner outfit. Your mind was hazy, like a ship lost in the foggy ocean with no lighthouse in sight, the lack of sleep and food was really starting to get to you.
The footsteps were getting louder down the hall.
It was almost like you knew that whoever it was had been making a beeline straight to your cell. You tensed, tucking your knees as close to your chest as you could without pulling on your aching muscles as whoever it was stopped right in front of your cell door before it slid open with a loud thud. You didn’t dare to turn to see who it was, hoping that it was just some guard here to drop a tray of disgusting food and poor-quality water on the ground and leave, but you didn’t smell the awful food.
Instead, whoever it was just walked up to you, stopping just a few feet behind you. You still didn’t dare to look.
“You’ve been here a month and they still haven’t found you,” the stranger said. Another Talon soldier. None of the bigwigs ever saw you except for that night with Doomfist. “It’s almost like they’ve forgotten about you.” Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything and don’t give into his bullshit. “Look at me.” You didn’t. You just continued to stare at the wall in front of you, still nursing your arm and trembling from the cold and starvation. “I said look at me!”
You suddenly cried out in pain as you were violently flipped over onto your back, your head smacking against the metal floor as your entire body screamed in pain. You stared up at the soldier, noticing that in his other hand was a gun cocked and loaded.
“Fuck you,” you sneered at the soldier.
He raised the gun to level with your head but you didn’t flinch. That’s what he wants you to do. He wants you to cry and plead and beg for some sick twisted enjoyment, the fucker probably gets a boner from doing shit like this.
“You better watch your fucking mouth or I’ll put a bullet in y-”
A single gunshot rang out as blood splattered across your face and body. The soldier dropped like a bag of rocks to reveal-
“Cole!” you cried.
The way his eyes lit up, the way his shoulders sagged like the weight of the world was taken off of his shoulders. He rushed towards you, getting on one knee to assess you injuries before carefully scooping you up as gently as he could. He whispered sweet sorries when you whimpered and cried out in pain, before he carried you out into the strangely empty hallways. Your hand grabbed at his chest plate, getting his attention again.
“You came for me,” your words were breathless.
The sad look in Cole’s eyes as he looked back down at you made your heart skip a beat.
“I’ll always come for you.”
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thesunwithstars · 2 years
Some good Overwatch boys x slightly!chubby, insecure reader
Writing must has come back so lets write while I have it! (gifs aren't mine) Warnings: None, just fluff
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🪐Sigma🪐: ➼ He loves you for you! And nothing will ever change & his love for you never falters. ➼ When insecurities are bad, he's right there, giving you endless compliments, snuggles, kisses & going on rambles of how much he adores you. ➼ If he sees anyone looks at you wrong or says anything mean, he's right behind you looming & giving slight daggers ➼ If that don't work, then he'll scoop you up, float away with a flustered you, he might deal with them after showing plenty of love to you.
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 🛡 Reinhardt 🛡 : ➼Much like Sigma, he loves you, he'll say it loudly & very proudly. ➼Rein will boast about you a lot to whose who will listen about you, he loves that he can pick you up & kinda squish hug you ➼He will forever love just holding you, kissing your every insecurity away plus cuddle them out of you. ➼ If anyone, absolutely anyone, makes one bad remark about you, his mood will flip. He'll defend you then will flip around, flinging you on his shoulder, despite protest from you to put you back down, until in the away to put you down & checking to see if you're okay.
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🐲Genji🐲: ➼ He's a proud to call you his, & he makes sure he says that every once in a while, especially when you feel insecure about your body. ➼ If you can't find anything to wear, he can be the go to person to help you out with an outfit. He has good taste! ➼ God help the person who makes a mean comment, if it isn't Genji, it's his noodle dragon they've got to worry about or both they have to worry about. ➼ Talking of his noodle dragon, she loves to snuggle with you! You're so warm & soft, if Genji can't find her, 9/10 he knows she's having cuddles with you. (He's totally not jealous of it) ➼ Zen also has taken a liking to you, often asking Genji about you or always stopping hello or having a chat with you, often asking you to join himself & Genji for meditation or some tea. ➼Hanzo likes you & Genji together, & although, he likes to keep some distance, he will greet you or have small talk with you. May or may not see if you & Genji would like to accompany him for tea when he is done battling his demons,
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ya-zz · 1 year
Okay, so if you feel comfortable! Can you write am AU (Genji never was murdered) where Hanzo marries fem!reader in an arranged married due to their families status? And when they're finally alone, reader just goes straight to the point and asks when he'd like to produce their heir.
Maybe reader seems a little unapproachable because she's covered in diamonds and jewelry due to their wedding and she has a more carefree personality!
Just fluff and a little funny story!
It's almost 2am as I upload this, let's not talk about my dwindling sleep schedule coming back. ANYWAY, I enjoyed writing this and I hopefully you enjoy reading!
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Hanzo x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1514
You knew it was happening, you knew for years what was going to happen, and everything inside of you despised it. Your parents drove it into you each day, ‘nurturing’ you into the perfect wife. 
“You have to be proper!”
“You have to wear make-up like this.” 
“Ladies don’t do that!” 
“Stop slouching! Straight back and head high!”
Each and every day. 
It tired you out, it wasn’t what you had in mind for your life and marrying one of the Shimada brothers was certainly not on the list. 
You knew of their history, what they had done, who they were, and the thoughts alone would always send a chill down your spine. Your destiny was set in stone, there was no way out of it no matter how much you protested. If that’s how it was to be, then you were going to have some fun regardless of what’s in store. 
Disobeying your father was one task you had done countless times. Sneaking out at night to party, or even to watch the starts on the beach front. Anything to take your mind off of the days coming. The one day you had dreaded for months. It was approaching, and quickly. 
You hadn’t even met your future husband, only word of mouth got you the information you wanted. A few pictures here and there but you hadn’t actually been face-to-face with him, only a name, Hanzo Shimada. No matter the begging and pleading to see him before the wedding, you were always met with a resounding “no.”. It irked you, and part of you wanted to leave to go find the man you were going to marry. 
“You will see him a few days before the big day.” Your mother said.
All you could do was groan and leave the room, heading upstairs and flopping down onto your bed, releasing a scream into your pillow. 
Being kept in the dark like this was annoying but there was nothing that you could do about it, except hope that your husband wasn’t a total asshole. 
As time passed, your routines got more severe, more demanding. Practising walking, dress fitting, how to be a proper wife. 
It was borderline torture, or at least it felt like it. You were too tired to even think straight, but eventually the day arrived where you were to meet your future husband. 
It’s like your mind woke up, finally awake from the tiredness of the routines. Your parents were almost shocked at you when you rushed into the car. Finally! The moment of truth! Your heart was racing as the car started, pulling out of the driveway and going deeper into Hanamura. 
You were like a kid at Christmas, giddy to the point of throwing up. 
“Will you calm down?” Your mother spoke out from the front seat of the car, head turning slightly. 
“Sorry!” You weren’t, and you were pretty sure your mother knew too as a small smile crept onto her face before she turned back around. 
There was the slight anxiety coursing through your body as the car approached the Shimada castle, hands shaking in your lap. The season was perfect, cherry blossoms falling in the slight breeze, clouds littered the sky but weren’t threatening rain, and with the Shimada castle behind the trees, it was practically picture perfect.
As the car slowed down, a group of men approached, dressed in all black suits. Intimidating was the first word that popped into your head, and despite their small smiles, it didn’t change that first opinion. 
“Behave, [y/n].” Your fathers voice was stern as he turned to look at you, eyes glaring deep into your own. You nodded quickly as the car door opened and a hand offered to help you out. 
Hesitantly, you took the hand, getting out of the car and facing the man in front of you. 
“[y/n]. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” He spoke out, a small smile on his face as he looked you up and down. “I have heard a lot about you.”
“Likewise.” Was all you could muster. You had seen the photos of him but by god was he a lot more handsome in person. “It is nice to meet you also, Hanzo.”
“Come, allow me to show you around.” With his hand still in yours, he pulled you along gently and you followed beside him. 
His hair was done up, slicked and black, golden silk ribbon draping over his back, bouncing slightly as he walked, talking to you as if he had known you for years. His stride was confident, strong arms by his side except for the one holding onto you. The short kimono shirt of his hung loose on his shoulders, yet his muscles were still prominent behind the fabric. Every part of him was screaming at you to touch him, yet you refrained. It was your first meeting. In the next three days were you to marry him. 
“I would introduce you to my brother, however, he is currently running errands.” 
You snapped out of your thoughts, looking at him, cheeks flushed warm. ”I’m sure I’ll meet him soon.” 
He chuckled in response to your expression. “You haven’t been listening to anything I have been saying, have you?”
“That obvious?” You look away, the embarrassment rising. 
“Yes, but it is cute, seeing you blushed like this.” His hand came up and gently caressed your cheek as he turned you to face him.
Your breath caught in your throat as you locked eyes with him, the anxiety of marrying this man had disappeared, and in fact, you were looking forward to it. 
“There is still so much to show you.” His smile was warm as his hand left your cheek. The pair of you continued to walk around the building, talking as if you were old friends, while the adults, your parents and his, were talking in another room. Talking about your wedding day. 
And it came quicker than you had expected. It felt like you were in a daze for most of the day until the final few hours when the party was coming to an end. You had yet to meet his brother, but your attention quickly shifted back to your now husband. His eyes were on you, watching you for a few minutes, admiring your beauty. His hand held your thigh under the table, giving a it gentle squeeze. 
A playful smile embraced your cheeks as you looked at him before looking back around the room. You had realised a while back that other family members hesitated to approach you. Maybe the Shimada you had married was intimidating to everyone else until Hanzo whispered into your ear. 
“Don’t worry about them. You look beautiful.” His breath was hot against your ear, sending a chill over your body. “It’s all this jewellery.” 
“That… That would be my mothers doing.” You whisper back to him. 
He nods in response. “A little overboard, I won’t deny that, but-” 
“Please, I’m glad I’m not the only one to think that.” You laugh quietly and Hanzo joins you, small creases at the corners of his eyes. Oh how you could look into them all day… 
“But-” He continued, “I still find you the most exquisite thing in the room.” 
You could feel the heat rising inside of you, cheeks flushing hot as you look at the man who only chuckles in response. 
“Let’s leave, shall we?” He offers a hand as he stands up to which you take, standing beside him. A few members of the party whistle towards you and Hanzo as you walk away and out of the room, the music slowly quieting down as he leads you to the car that had been waiting outside.
His hand never left yours even as you reached the hotel, his grip only tightening as you reached the elevator. The moment the doors closed behind you, his hands were all over you, pulling you close to him and kissing you passionately. His lips were soft against yours, hair tickling you as your hands tangled in his hair, pulling out the silk ribbon and letting his hair rest on his shoulders.
As you pull away, gasping for air, you speak out. “I suppose this is when we make our heir, huh?” 
Hanzo laughs, shoulders rising and falling as he does, a faint blush on his cheeks. “You’re funny.” 
You smile at him, pulling him down to kiss him once more before the doors open. His hands pull you up, carrying you as he walks down the hallway. 
“Lets have some fun first…” His voice was low in your ear as he fumbled with the keycard to the room. He kissed you again, lips locking to yours as the door opened. He stepped into the room with you still in his arms. “We have all night…” He kicked the door shut, not breaking any contact. Soft gasps and giggles were barely audible from behind the door, slowly leaving earshot.
Perhaps my parents won’t mind waiting a little longer…
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sanrioluver222 · 24 days
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is it wrong?
hanzo shimada x farmer!reader nsfw! (afab but i use gn pronouns >_<)
‘you got your eyeliner, long hair, walk around like you don’t care. you got me in the back of your car”
content warning: face sitting, fingering, oral, scratching, thigh play & slight nipple play. enjoy!
Hanzo had moved to a small town for his own sanity. His work was shit, him and his wife divorced, and that house was just too big for just him. So he moved. He moved to a small town to get away from all the big city life.
Once he arrived at his new home, he thought it could use some work but nothing he couldn’t buy. Just as he was examining the house their neighbor gave him a visit.
“hey there!!!” they said in a cheerful voice. He turned around to see a shorter figure. The boots scuffed, jeans hugging their thighs, and the buttoned shirt slightly unbuttoned, showing off their chest just a bit.
Hanzo gave a small smile, though his thoughts were thinking that he would eat them up in a second. He remained friendly and tried not to think about unholy thoughts.
“Hello.” he said, his voice deep. the person smiled back. “hiya! i’m your neighbor, this house has been empty for quite some time. If you ever need some assistance holler at me and i’ll come help ya! oh i’m y/n by the way. And you?”
Hanzo nodded. “Thank you so much. I have no idea about renovation or anything but i’ll be sure to drop by if i need help. And the name is Hanzo Shimada.”
They nodded as they went their separate ways for the day.
Next couple days Hanzo noticed a lot of problems within the house. There were some holes in the walls, the paint was chipping on the floor, the pipes were slow draining. He needed some help.
Hanzo walked over to the farmers house. A scent of sweet apple came towards him as he approached the door. He gave a sturdy knock to get someone’s attention.
Then after a few seconds the farmer opened the doors with a sweet smile. “Hello again neighbor. Supposed to be a surprise but i made you an apple pie!” they smiled. “What can i do for ya?” they questioned.
Hanzo gave a smile back before responding. “Yeah um, there’s quite a few things wrong with the house. Think you could look at it?” he asked.
The farmer nodded. “of course, let me package up your pie and we’ll head over!.” they said heading to the kitchen. They packaged it up before heading back to Hanzo and handing it to him.
Hanzo wrapped his arms around the glass pan to make sure it didn’t break. They walked towards it his house. “So why’d you move here?” the farmer asked politely.
“Many different reasons but mainly I was done with all the big city shit. I just wanted to live somewhere calm and peaceful without disruptions.” He said as they arrived to his house. He opened the door and held it open for the farmer in which they responded with a smile and a nod.
As they walked in, Hanzo sat the pie on a side table. The farmer looked around taking in the imperfections on the walls, floors, and even ceiling. They nodded. “I can help you out, it’ll take awhile but i’ll do it.” they smiled. “but all i ask is that you allow me to teach you during the process, we’ll get it done much faster and you’ll have some new skills.”
Hanzo smiled and nodded. “Yes, thank you so much.”
Days and nights progressed. Hanzo and the farmer were successfully revamping the house. New paint, hole patching, deep cleaning, and overall maintenance. The two learned more and more about each other as time went by.
One day after all the all the painting was done the farmer came over with another apple pie. The scent was strong and they were ready for the objective.
Hanzo smiled at them. “Well y/n, i think we’ve finished up pretty much everything besides a few things.” he said while they sat at the kitchen table. Two slices of pie lay in front of them.
They both ate their pie. “I can’t believe how long it’s been, but it was fun working with you Hanzo.” they smiled.
Hanzo stared in their eyes. a small smile on their face. “Let me pay you.”
Their face came to confusion. “No I don’t want your money.” they said softly. Hanzo huffed slightly. He leaned closer to their face.
“Okay let me pay you without money hmm?” He said with a smirk. The farmers mouth dropped slightly. Blush creeping up on their cheeks. Small stutters came out.
Hanzo slowly leaned in, placing a soft kiss onto their lips. They instinctively wrapped their hands around his neck as he did the same to their waist.
Hanzo picked them up and walked over the bedroom. They kept interlocking lips as Hanzo pulled off their jeans. once they were off, he smacked their thighs and jiggled them a bit. He loved them.
Hanzo laid on the bed switching spots with the farmer. They took off their shirt by quickly unbuttoning it. Their matching light pink undergarments turned Hanzo on. More than he had ever felt with anyone.
He admired them above. Their thighs against his chest and their hands raising his shirt over his head.
He grabbed their thighs and pulled them towards him, his face specifically. He rubbed them a bit with a smirk on his face. “God, i need these thighs around my head.”
A nervous blush reappeared on the farmers face. Hanzo chuckled before spreading their legs and pulled their underwear to the side. He admired their soft wet cunt, dripping with arousel.
Hanzo took one finger and stuck it in their hot cunt. Their walls immediately tightening around his finger. A small, entertained smirk appeared on his face as he started moving his finger in and out.
Soft moans came out of the farmers lips. With his other hand, hanzo removed their bra. He grabbed one tit and massaged it with his hand. A whine came out of the farmers mouth.
The farmer felt a small pinch from Hanzo as he grabbed their nipple. Another whine spilled out. The farmer changed positions. Now their cunt in front of Hanzos face, and their head near the hardened cock of Hanzo.
Y/n unzipped his pants to reveal his cock. A smile smirk appeared on Hanzo’s face as he moved his face towards the cunt in front of him. He started to devour the meal in front of him.
He grabbed the fat of their ass and slowly massaged it as he licked all around. The farmer had let out moans before sticking his cock in their mouth.
The vibrations from both sides felt great. The farmer taking his cock and started moving up and down at a steady pace as Hanzo ate their pussy like it was his last meal.
Muffled moans filled the room as they both continued. The farmer, picking up their speed, as Hanzo licked their clit and stuck two fingers in their cunt.
Overwhelming pleasure could be heard throughout the house. They both focused on making the other cum. As they reached the final mark, the farmer deep throated his cock, causing loud groans.
Hanzo did the same, focusing on eating his way to the finish line. His nails digging into their ass and thighs leaving scratch marks.
And just like that both came. The overwhelming sensations filled both of them. Hot cum shot up into the farmers throat as their cunt dripped.
Hanzo licked up the juices from their finish. Their sensitive cunt twitching as he did so.
“Sweet as pie.”
a/n: i hope this wasn’t too terrible, my first nsfw fic ^.^
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zantia10 · 1 year
Hanzo Hasashi x reader
Mortal Kombat
Warning: I use a translator, English is not my first language.
reading it is not that difficult, but writing it is😭
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The sun shone announcing a new day, outside the great master's home the gardens of fire showed their beauty. Such a scenario almost seemed unreal, Hanzo allowed himself a moment to look around him, the anger, hatred and thirst for revenge that once held him prisoner, making him unhappy, had now been considerably reduced, only in the depths of his soul he He found the pain of loss, but he could not continue to be haunted by a past that he could not change.
Getting to where he now was was difficult, after being submerged in misery, finding the right direction in his life seemed almost impossible, but now as the crimson leaves swayed from the trees his face relaxed.
He had managed to restore his clan.
A few delicate steps behind him made him come out of his musings, he calmly faced the female figure that was a few steps away from him.
It was you, his beloved
The crimson leaves falling from the trees seemed to encircle you in a slow dance in the wind under the blazing sun, Hanzo watched your breathless features, your beauty rivaling gardens of fire. He could see a slight smile grow on your face, the look you gave him made his heart beat faster, knowing perfectly well what that expression on your face was trying to convey.
Love, pure, sincere and unconditional love.
He watched you shorten the distance, nailing your orbs into his, your hands took his face for a few seconds, giving him delicate caresses before pulling them away, it was a short contact that left him yearning for more. Being deprived of any feelings and affection like the one he now experienced, it was impossible for him not to find himself yearning for your delicate touch.
However, he appreciated your actions and the respect you had in the face of his refusal to show affection in public. Even if he was left wanting more it was more appropriate to do it behind closed doors, where no one from the clan or from outside could watch the grandmaster display one of his weaknesses.
He couldn't bear to lose you too.
Being able to read the expression on his face, you let out a few words to reassure him. Hanzo was a man who had been through a lot and deserved to be happy free of that constant fear.
—I will always be with you—those words came out in a whisper, comforting the worried-looking man—No matter what happens, even if death comes to separate us, I promise we will meet again.
Hanzo used all his self-control not to hug you, the mere mention of your death caused him an unpleasant feeling but trusting your words, he hoped with all his heart that life would fulfill his wish and unite their paths if either of us came to be missing in the life of the other.
Spanish version
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vewyscawywriting · 11 months
Kinktober Week 3 - Threesome
Fandom: Mortal Kombat (I specifically had MK11 in mind with this one)
Pairing: Scorpion x reader x Sub Zero
Wordcount: 877 words
Tags: threesome, not really temp play but i mean-
Summary: After weeks of mediating between the two rivals you suddenly find yourself between them in a completely different way. Too good to be true? You intend to enjoy this while it lasts.
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Unsure still of any specifics through your reeling mind, you found yourself between your master Sub Zero and his former enemy Scorpion. And instead of figuratively, the way you were before, trying to mediate between them in the last couple of weeks, it was now figuratively. Burning heat at your back and shivering cold at your front, it was both dizzying and arousing. 
"Master Sub Zero," you gasped as you felt him throb against your stomach. At your back was Hanzo, equally as aroused as you shivered in the overstimulation of the temperatures around you. 
How had this happened? Your brain was fuzzy as all you felt was the throbbing in your core as cool lips pressed against your mouth and heated kisses were placed along your neck. Trying to remember what brought you to this point only distracted you from this dream come true, so you stopped trying, focusing instead on the delicious feeling of the two men against you. 
"You did so well, Snowflake," Kuai whispered between pecks, the usual distance of the man you called Grandmaster replaced with fond passion, he even used a nickname just for you, and you swooned. What had you done well? A battle? A mission? You didn't know, but his pride for you emanated from every inch of him. 
"You deserve a reward," came from Hanzo behind you, as his teeth found your sensitive spots and nibbled down on it making you squirm and arch further into Kuai in front of you who hummed against your lips as his hands dug harder into your hips. Hot and cool fingers found their way under your clothes, inching further and further towards your sensitive spots as you started bucking your hips against them for friction. Pleased sounds escaped both men as slowly your outfit was peeled off of you. Your own hands working hard to pull at their clothes, not actually succeeding well it seemed, but at the end of the dance all of you were naked all the same. 
Both of them were perfect, godly bodies that were sculpted by years and years of training were now laid bare to your greedy eyes. Your own body, now fully undressed as well screamed for them, your arousal practically dripping down your legs as your masters former rival ran a single finger over your slit. You heated up further as another finger was added, opening you up to show the man in front of you how ready you were for him. 
Your face was pulled towards Scorpion, as searing lips sought yours. Your hips were pulled forward with frigid hands towards your master as he lined himself up with your core. Throbbing cock bumping into your clit as he rubbed himself against you before slowly pushing inside, a gasp of his new nickname for you on his lips as you shivered against him. Scorpion's fingers ran over your clit as Sub Zero slowly fucked you open, bottoming out before long as you moaned out their titles. Scorpions dick was against your back and you felt him rut against you as you moved between the men, almost burning your skin everywhere they touched. One with heat and the other with ice, you were so dizzy you almost lost touch with reality. Every stroke from Kuai brought you further towards the edge, as Hanzo started rubbing at you more insistently. 
"Come for me, Snowflake," Kuai groaned as you felt him throb deeply inside of you. Hanzo meanwhile was rubbing himself between your cheeks, smearing precum on the skin of your back that left a searing burn. The feeling of the slight sting overwhelmed you, gasping out as you came harshly, tightening over Kuai who groaned and closed his eyes, coming with you. The cold feeling that spread inside you made tears spring to your eyes, whimpering at the foreign feeling and feeling yourself throb harder with each undulation of your orgasm. 
Hanzo stopped his onslaught on your clit, instead kissing your temple as both you and Kuai came down from your height, slowly turning you towards him. 
"Think you can take more?" He said, growl tinging his words, and you felt yourself nodding as the world around you swirled. His throbbing length replaced your master's and with one swift stroke he was inside, Kuai's cool cum squirting out with your own. You felt disgusting in the best of ways as you moaned their names, feeling like you were floating on the clouds. Another orgasm was building swiftly as you felt Scorpion's rhythm falter, Sub Zero's cool hands helping to keep you grounded as his lips were against your temple. You were so close, and you realised so was Hanzo as your hips moved with his' in a desperate rhythm that was impossible to follow, until-
You awoke with a start on your bed inside the Lin Kuei temple. No one else was around and you gasped for air as you came down from the dream that was both incredibly realistic and the most fantastical thing you could've thought up in your frustrated little brain. It had been too good to be true after all...
You were still throbbing as you started your new day, hoping that one day this dream would turn into reality. 
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d1strxct · 2 years
Nights Like These
Hanzo Shimada x Reader
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It was nights like these that brought pure bliss into your life and kept your heart lively. The sound of steady breathing and the feeling of calloused hands softly rubbing up and down your back made you melt. There was nothing you loved more than cuddling with your boyfriend, Hanzo Shimada.
Your face was snuggled deep into his neck and you let out a content sigh. Closing your eyes, you thought of how you managed to get so lucky. There was so much said between the two of you even if words weren’t spoken. Your souls intertwined together and created a perfect little bow, making the two of you a perfect match.
The moonlight came in through the window and illuminated the dimly lit room, save for the small lamp on the nightstand beside the bed. The scent of Hanzo filled your nose and brought a comforting aura over you. Moments like these were the ones you wish you could live in forever, and Hanzo felt the same way.
Opening your eyes, you fluttered your eyelashes up to glance up at him. He looked at peace and the smallest of a smile graced his features. Looking at Hanzo was like looking at an angel. His messy hair, his brown orbs that glisten in the light, his tattoos. Everything about him was flawless in your eyes.
With your steady breathing blowing on his neck, there was a slight twitch of movement evident on his face. His smile grew wider and his breath hitched for a second. The hand stroking up and down your back stopped and you internally whined at the lack of touch. You smiled at him and made a move to speak.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to tickle you.” He slowly opened his eyes and stole a glance at you. A quiet hum rumbled deep in his chest and he closed his eyes again, faintly shaking his head. “You didn’t.” You raised your eyebrows at his blatant lie but decided to ignore it. You tucked your head back into his neck and stuck your nose in his collarbone, breathing in his comforting scent. His hand went back to lovingly caressing your back and you sighed.
Once again, Hanzo’s breathing pattern changed and you felt him tense. You grinned into his neck, asking the dreaded question Hanzo knew was coming.
“Are you sure I’m not tickling you?” He tilted his head down at you and huffed. You looked up at him and met his gaze, a tiny grin on your face. He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around your body. “Okay, fine, you did.” An idea popped into your mind. Slowly, you batted your eyelashes against the side of his neck. He grunted and moved his head away from you. “I would advise you not to act on it though, or else you’ll rouse the dragon.”
You giggled innocently as Hanzo shifted again so your head was resting on his shoulder. You brought up your arm to lay it on his chest, your hand moving up and down as he breathed. Your fingers traced the tattoos on his pec and he squirmed, coughing as a way to cover up an unwanted chuckle. Stopping your movements, you rolled your eyes and scoffed with a smile.
“Seriously? You’re that ticklish?” He looked away from you and stared off at an empty wall. His silence gave away his answer. Your fingers started up again as you wiggled them against his skin. Hanzo whipped his head back to you and grabbed your wrist. His eyes were fierce with playful mischief and you gave him a toothy grin.
In one swift movement, Hanzo had you lying on top of him with your wrists trapped at your sides. His arms wrapped around your waist tightly and you gasped. “Hey! Let me go!” You tried to squirm out of his grip but it was inevitable. He had you pinned.
“I told you to act against your thoughts. Now, there is no escape.” Your eyes widened and your struggles increased. A crimson blush painted your cheeks and you felt them grow hot. Tilting your head upwards, you saw Hanzo staring at you with an intimidating smirk, his eyes flaming with playfulness. With his arms crossed against your torso, his fingers slowly started crawling up your sides. A squeal left your lips and you fell into small giggles.
The maddening sensation of flutters against your skin sent you into a giggly panic and you squirmed the best you could. You turned your head so it was lying on Hanzo’s chest. From above, you heard his deep chuckle and the rumble of his voice. “H-Hanzo! It tickles!”
As his fingers scribbled on your sides, he hummed. “Good.” His hands moved to the sides of your ribs and he repeatedly poked the bones. Your giggles increased and your voice grew louder. With each prod, you wiggled side to side. Hanzo basked in your laughter like it was the sunshine. Hearing the bubbly squeaks and hiccups always brought him peace. He could listen to it all day.
You continued to giggle loudly while Hanzo continued to tickle your ribs. Your fingers flexed and your hands curled into fists. “P-please! It’s so, hah, bad!” He snickered and slowed the pace of his fingers. You sucked in giggly breaths and breathed out slowly, silently thanking him for the break.
“Are you alright?” Hanzo asked. You nodded and sighed, taking in the warmth of his body. “Yes.” You answered. All of a sudden, his hands were on your back and skillfully wiggled against the lower section of your posterior. You squealed and tried to arch away, but it seemed to be pointless, as you just succeeded in leaning more into his touch.
The feeling of his ghostly fingers drifting over your lower back sent shivers up your spine and you squeaked. Hanzo walked them up your back like a spider and back down, eliciting tiny snickers from deep within your chest. Your body seemed to melt into his and your arms turned into jelly. He repeated this motion for several moments, switching from fast to agonizingly slow. Your reactions were quite endearing to him and he couldn’t get enough of them.
Hanzo never stayed in one spot for too long so you couldn’t get accustomed to the sensations. He changed tactics and his hands strayed to your shoulder blades. Your eyes widened and you shook your head over and over again. “No! Not there!”
“Where? Here?” He asked innocently, prodding your shoulder blade on his last word for emphasis. He knew how bad of a spot this was for you, as you could never sit through one of his back massages. Shrill and high-pitched giggles emerged from your lips and your back tensed. Hanzo stopped his movements for a few seconds before softly kneading into the muscle.
You were instantly sent into booming laughter. You shrieked and squealed and cackled out while doing your best to squirm out of his hold. You pulled at your arms, your head lifting up and landing back down onto his chest repeatedly. Hanzo didn’t say anything, he just looked down at your head and smiled contentedly. How did he manage to get so lucky?
After minutes of his merciless torture on your oh-so-sensitive back, he noticed your laughter had gotten hiccupy and your squirming had slowed. Giving one final prod to your spine, he moved his hands so they rested on the middle of your back. You felt him shift underneath your weight and from the corner of your view, Hanzo was staring lovingly into your eyes. Residual giggles started up as you peeked at him. Watching as his face grew a teasy smile, you blushed and you planted your face into his chest.
Hanzo laughed and rubbed up and down your back soothingly. “Oh, oh my goodness! That was torture, Hanzo!” You had a goofy smile on your face as you turned your head to look at him again. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Don’t be dramatic. That was not even my full potential,” he continued, “I haven’t used my worst weapon yet.”
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion as you listened to the last sentence. Before you could ask what he was talking about, he flipped you onto your back so you were above the mattress. Hanzo crawled on top of you and lied down on your body. You yelped at the sudden movement and grunted.
“Hanzo! Get off me you big dork! You’re crushing me!” Your hands pushed against his shoulders but it was fruitless. You weren’t going anywhere, and he wasn’t either. Hanzo scooted up so his chin was pushed into your neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist and breathed out deeply.
His breath sent tickly shudders up your spine and his beard gently scratched against your skin. Your breath hitched in your throat and you moved your head away from his face. It dawned on you what he was doing. Hanzo Shimada was about to end your life with neck tickles. And that stupid scruff of his was the ultimate weapon.
No matter which way you turned your head, his would follow yours and end up right back into the side of your neck. You squealed and fell into a fit of giggles. Hanzo shifted his chin back and forth, rubbing his beard on your sensitive neck. Even his breath tickled you. It was like your body had turned into liquid. Your body sunk into the mattress and your back arched.
Along with grazing his facial hair against your soft skin, he added in a mix of tickly kisses. Your light giggles turned heavy and a snort released from your mouth. Your hands left his shoulders and moved to cover your face. Your face heated up and even Hanzo could feel the warmth radiating off of it. He laughed into your neck, his tickly breath causing you to squeal and recoil.
“Aw. How cute.” He had a teasing lilt to his tone and you groaned through your giggles. “S-shut up!” You muffled out. Although you couldn’t see it, Hanzo had the biggest grin on his face. Suddenly, he got an idea. A truly evil idea. He sucked in a huge breath and blew a raspberry into the crane of your neck. Your hands left your face and grasped onto his head, while yours was thrown back with loud laughter. You tried to push his head away, but he was stronger and continued with his raspberries. There was nothing you could do but lie there and accept your fate.
After several minutes of his torturous neck tickling, he withdrew his head from your neck and rolled off of you. You hastily breathed in air and your chest fell up and down rapidly. Hanzo turned on his side and watched as you recovered with a small grin. When you managed to calm down and steady your breathing, you moved your head to look at him. Hanzo was the first to break the silence.
“I would not recommend trying to tickle me again, or else your fate will be sealed.” He said with a teasing smile. You just laughed and rolled your eyes. “I can’t promise anything.” You made a move to shift towards Hanzo and he grabbed you by your waist, pulling you into his body.
You snuggled up to him and sighed contentedly. A peaceful silence overtook the two of you as you eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. Nights like these were what you always wanted.
aaaanndddd done. i wrote this is less than 24 hours so i’m sorry if it’s poorly made. i might put out another one sometime soon as i seem to have a lot of motivation to write. but uhh thanks for reading!
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celosindion · 1 year
Washington knife.
type: one shot
Pairing: Cole Cassidy x m!reader (Cowboys >>>)
Warning: struggle, pain, loss of consciousness, weakness, aches, healing, support, first aid, rest, spending time with a crush, mentions of injuries,
Summary: The fight in Sector Zero doesn't end well for you. You return to the base badly injured, but despite the pain, some man is terribly worried about you
words - 1921
signs/characters - 10600
sentences - 201
How did you get here? Since when are you here? How long have you known these people? How long have you been an Overwatch member? Your only answer... is that you've been here with them since you were a child.
You remember nothing but the Overwatch base and its members. You've only heard stories from the oldest members that you were a homeless orphan of great power. The heroes during the mission took pity on you and provided help. They took you with them. Since then, you've trained with them, developed, learned, and practiced the control of your power. These people were like family to you. You kind of adored them, but you still felt a longing for something you'd never experience again. Your own family. You won't have a father who asks you to help with some knitting, you won't have a mother who asks you to bring groceries home, you won't have siblings with whom you would argue over trifles.
Still, you were grateful for your current family. These people have taught you that even if you hit rock bottom, you have to pick yourself up and bounce back. They taught you to be a tough man who can take care of himself, not to mourn losses, because such losses can devastate a person mentally as well as physically.
But what was your power? Well, you can control the air, the wind in every way. You can shoot streaks of wind at your opponent so strong and sharp that they can even kill them. Your friends laugh that you are the missing second lord of the wind, Aang's brother.
But it wasn't the laughter that changed you... It only took one battle...
You felt your mind drifting away. All sounds stopped reaching your ears. You stopped having any awareness, you weren't sure if you were falling asleep, if the method of meditation that Hanzo gave you was working. You didn't even remember how you posed to meditate, you couldn't even feel your limbs.
- Y/N! - You were snapped out of your meditation by a low voice that you knew very well. Anyone who has ever worked at an Overwatch facility would recognize that voice. Winston.
You lazily opened your eyes and looked at the scientist. You felt sleepy. So you did fall asleep. You really need to work on this method.
- Yes, Winston? - You slowly got up off the mat and straightened up. You slowly began to stretch your muscles and limbs. The gorilla pushed his glasses up his nose and walked heavily over to you. He sighed and looked at you with worried eyes. Something happened and he wasn't happy about it. It's common knowledge that if Winston is worried about something, it's wrong.
- Sector Zero. - He paused for a moment, as if considering the right choice of words. - Secto Zero attacked Washington. The number of opponents is huge. We need everyone. You too. - He paused looking at you. He, as well as you, knew that you were not yet experienced. Yes, you've been on a few missions before, but they were less important.
You nodded. This is your 5 minutes now! After your confirmation, the gorilla left the room and went to prepare the plane and gather the other members. Your tight turtleneck and sweatpants have been replaced with a special suit. It was gray with gold stripes. After getting dressed, you quickly left.
You went to the hangar where all the planes and other vehicles were. You were right, there was the rest. Your outing party included Mei, Treacer, Mercy, Winston, Lucio, Brigitte, Cassidy and Reinhardt. Cole immediately winked at you. There was a slight smile on his lips. You gave them a quick smile. You got on the plane. So it's going to be a big fight.
During the flight the weather changed dramatically. The sunny sky was replaced by thick, dark storm clouds. Perfect for this occasion. You had your eyes closed. You listened to the conversations of people from the team and the roar of the plane's engines.
You opened your eyes as soon as you heard a grunt. Your eyes met dark cowboy irises. He gave you a reassuring smile and nodded. - It'll be fine, dove.
You nodded and replied quickly. - Of course it will. We will win. As always. - The man just snorted and put the unlit cigar in his mouth. You and Cole had a strange bond. You were close, you practically never parted, and yet you were afraid to get close to each other in this one particular way.
-Just take care of yourself, little swallow. - He added more quietly. You just nodded your head in agreement. Some of you at Overwatch said you were flirting with each other. You frolic at night, but it wasn't true. Maybe you just didn't want to get close to each other because you were afraid of the other person's opinion?
- We're going to land! - The pilot's voice came over the speakers. It's time to get ready. You turned your head so that the bones in your neck snapped. You did the same with your arms and back. As soon as you landed, you got up and waited for the hatch to open so you could exit the plane.
The hatch opened and you stepped out. Nothing happened to meet you. Not a single robot. You started looking around. Maybe it was a false alarm?
- Something's not right here. - Said worried Mei.
- Yes... Something is wrong here. - You answered.
However, you didn't have to wait long. An army of robots emerged from the building opposite. You were in the big square. The robots started firing, and you did not owe. You engaged in combat. Everyone was focused on a common task. Stop Zero Sector.
You didn't do well. The robots kept coming, and you were only a handful. The fact that it started raining didn't help either.
Still, for your first serious fight, you did great. You pushed back attackers, crushed them with a blast of air, even managed to cut a few in half!
Sometimes you glanced at others. You helped them sometimes. In time, you ran into Cole. You destroyed the robot that was about to attack him, and Cassidy destroyed the one that was about to attack you.
- You're doing well, candy! - He laughed. Of course, old Cole.
- You too, old man! For an old bastard, you haven't rusted! - At your words, he laughed loudly.
- Yes, sure, sure. Never mind, take care rookie! See you later! - And with that you split up again.
You fought bravely and fiercely for a while until you heard a loud scream.
You immediately turned your head to look for the source of the sound. And you found. It was a little girl, scared, huddled in the corner of the bench. One of the robots was approaching her. Seeing this scene brought back memories to you. You were small when you lost your parents in the fight, you wandered the streets alone, people spurned you because of your power. However, in one of the fights, it was Overwatch that took you in. Anger welled up in you. You will not let the same or anything else happen to this girl now. Air swirls formed around your hands, your eyes faded. You let out a horribly loud scream and threw your hands out in front of you. Great gusts of air scattered all the robots in front far away. It all took a moment, but it felt like an eternity.
You dropped your hands and walked over to the girl. She looked at you with wide eyes, breathing heavily. You accidentally choked her with some air. - Hey, hey. Easy now. You're in no danger, little one. You raised your hands in a reassuring gesture.
- My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N. - You smiled slightly which she returned. The moment was cut short by Cole's terrified scream.
- Y/N watch out!
All you did was turn around. All you saw was a robot swinging a large blade. After that, you just felt a lot of pain. You looked down and saw a torn costume and underneath it a wound stretching from the chest to the left hip. All you heard was the muffled scream of the girl you saved. The cold air and raindrops touched the ribs and insides exposed by the wound. the rain mixed with blood began to run down your belly and legs until it formed a large bloodstain beneath you.
You started feeling weak. You didn't know if it was because of the wound or from the wound itself. Your vision began to blur. You've been losing too much blood in a short time.
Your legs gave out under you, you didn't even have the strength to raise your arms. So this is how you're going to die? Killed on your first major mission? Will you leave everyone like this? Will you leave Mei with whom you were promised to Mochi? Will you leave Mercy who was like an aunt or mother to you? Will you leave the Cole Cassidy you loved so much? Maybe you need to. Maybe it had to happen.
The last thing you felt was your head hitting the hard floor of the square.
-Y/N? Y/N! - Muffled voices began to reach your ears. You laboriously opened your eyes. The blurred world began to return to normal. You've regained your focus. You propped yourself up on your elbows, but a slender hand pushed you back onto the bed.
- Don't get up yet, big guy. You're too weak. - You recognized Mercy's voice. She was leaning over you. She was checking your vital signs on the machines. - You gave us quite a scare.
- How long was I unconscious? - You managed to ask. Your throat was so dry you bet it was nothing but desert. You swallowed and coughed.
- You've been sleeping for exactly four weeks.
- What about the girl? - You asked. At your question, Mercy laughed and gave a pitying look.
- Really? You slept four weeks and you're asking this?
- What about her. - You didn't give up. You had to find out if that little soul was okay.
- She's safe, don't worry. You have water here, by the way. - The woman handed you a glass of water, which you drank greedily. You handed her the cup back with a soft sigh. -By the way, there's a gentleman who, as soon as he hears you waking up, can't wait to talk to you. - She gave you a knowing smile and left. You just rolled your eyes. While you were waiting for your new guest, you lifted the heavy quilt. The sight you saw... You gasped. From the middle of your chest to your hips, there was metal in the colors of your costume.
- Shit...
- Y/N? - A voice suddenly rang out. Your cowboy.
- Now I'm like you old man. - You laughed slightly. Your throat still hurts a bit. Cole sat down on the stool next to your bed and laughed softly.
- You know.. You scared us. Everyone. Me too... - You immediately noticed tears gathering in Cassidy's eyes, ready to cascade down his handsome face.
- Don't be afraid cowboy anymore. I'm safe.
- Y/N I... I was so scared that I lost you... Dove... I love you. - The last sentence escaped hoarsely from his mouth. He was exhausted, and it didn't help that he was probably stressed out about it all. But now you are with him.
- Yes, I love you too, old man... We have to catch up.
I FINISHED! I tried my best to write it. I think I could have done it :)
Please don't copy my works!
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Mortal Kombat 10 x reader: Chapter 5
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(fan art from a few years ago. still my favorite and this was made by the amazing myharliquinnworld. I'd really like to see more)
3rd P.O.V
The scene cuts to the refugee camp. Quan Chi is now in handcuffs and chains, being escorted by Kenshi and Johnny Cage. They drag him into an open shipping container. "Sit" Kenshi says as Quan Chi is forced down on a chair. Two soldiers cuff his legs together in chains as well "I'm guessing it's not your first time in cuffs. What's your safeword?" he says smirking while Quan Chi gives Johnny a death glare in response and kenshi shakes his head in amusement. Smiling to himself, Johnny exits the container, followed by Kenshi and the soldiers. The doors are slammed shut. The moment they are, a slight smirk comes to his face. 
Over this scene, we hear Sonya speaking "Advise Secretary Blake that Quan Chi is in custody. We'll be moving him to the super-max facility at Fort Charles within the hour" The scene cuts to Johnny and Kenshi walking up to Sonya, who is relaying the orders to one of her soldiers "Yes ma'am" the soldior says as they approach, Sonya turns to face them "You two stand guard. Prisoner transfer will be here in twenty" she says to the both of them "Oh, NOW she trusts me to babysit" joohnny says jokingly Outside of narrowing her eyes at Johnny, Sonya doesn't respond to the bait. She instead puts her communicator to her ear "Cage, report" she says into the communication device" Cassie's voice is heard on the other line "We haven't caught up to D'Vorah. We had her tracked to the Makeba Cliffs, but then her trail went cold" Cassie responded "Damn" sonya replied thinking she was back to square one again before her thoughts were intteruppted by cassie speaking "mom there's something eles you have to know" confused sonya asks her "what is it?" "mileena is alive and with us right now" worried for her daughters saftey she asks "what do you mean she's with you?! why did you save her" "I didn't mom" "if you didn't then who did? "the next words that come from cassie stopped her heart.
"(name) did, mom. She's alive"
The scene switches to behinde some shipping containers. Unseen to the soldiers or refugees, several ninjas creep in and hide behind some crates Sonya is still trying to wrap her head around the fact that a girl who is close to her daughters age, a girl who she saw with her own eyes die in front of her, was alive and still fighting "C-Cassie well talk about this later. is there anything else" Sonya asked "Jacqui thinks D'Vorah's unique physiology may allow us to pinpoint her location. She's retooling her smart-comm to track D'Vorah's pheromones" Cassie replies. The lead ninja holds one hand in the air as he crouches down. His subordinates stop and take cover by him "How long?" Sonya asked "On my command only. Wound. Do not kill" Scorpion told his subordinates "She has to write the code. We're looking at... two hours?" Cassie explained "Sergeant, your team doesn't have two hours. We need her found immediately!" Sonya says frustrated "Sonya!" Johnny jumped in. Sonya turns to look at him. He tilts his head and nods angrily. Sonya sighs and takes a moment to calm down before she resumes talking "Cassie, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but there isn't time. Bring your team back here, we need to re-group and re-deploy" "Yes ma'am" Cassie replies.Sonya hangs up soon followed b a look of confusion and relief "
They're doing their best" Johnny said trying to ease her mind "I know but that's not what I'm concerned about" she said making Johnny raise an eyebrow 
Kenshi looks into the middle distance and - despite his blindness - notices someone approaching "General. We have a visitor" he says making Sonya and Johnny turn to see Hanzo Hasashi approaching them in full ninja garb. she turns to kenshi "You two are friends, right? He tell you he was coming?" she asked "Nothing" he replies Sonya walks up to Hanzo, who bows before her "General" he greets "Master Hasashi. I hadn't received word you were coming" Sonya said warily behind her, several of her soldiers walk closer to the two of them, guns idle in their hands "I will have Quan Chi" Hanzo states "We have things under control. You can--" "He must die" Hanzo inturrupts Sonya "Raiden needs him. Without Quan Chi we can't restore Liu Kand and the other revenants. You'd leave them trapped? Like you were?" Sonya questions him to try and make him see reason "Only Quan Chi concerns me"he replys as he motions to walk past her. Sonya puts a hand on his shoulder. Kenshi pulls out Sento from it's sheath and Johnny walks forward, ready to fight several soldiers surround Hasashi and point their weapons directly at him "Don't do this, Hanzo. I'll put you down" she warns him sternly "Then we are at an impasse" He says then holds up two fingers and calls out a command to attack in Japanese. The Shirai Ryu ninjas charge out from behind cover and engage the soldiers Hanzo bats away Sonya's hand and punches her in the face. He blocks her attacks, but takes a roundhouse kick to the face. He retalitates with a right cross that strikes her across the cheek.
"Quan Chi is mine" They fight. Despite no longer being a wraith, Hanzo is still capable of tapping into his hellish powers, and he brings these to full bear against the General of the Special Forces. Combined with his own fighting skill and prowess, it isn't long before Sonya is overwhelmed and knocked unconscious "I wish you no harm, General Blade" Hanzo says sincerly befr walking off.Two of the Shirai Ryu drag Sonya away. Hanzo walks over to the shipping container holding Quan Chi. His ninjas have successfully restrained the guards on post there. However, Kenshi sneaks up behind Scorpion and unleashes a telekenetic shockwave from Sento, slamming Hasashi into the container doors. Kenshi then levitates him into the air "Call off your men, Hanzo!" Kenshi demands but Hanzo remains calm in spite of his incapacitation "If you value our friendship, you will give me Quan Chi" In response, Kenshi throws Scorpion across the campsite. He smashes hard into the side of a humvee. He looks up to see Kenshi charging at him and throws his chained kunai, which Kenshi slides to evade. As Kenshi rises, Hanzo tackles him, knocking the sword from his grasp. Kenshi pushes him off and they both roll to their feet. "Withdraw. Without Sento you are vulnerable" Hanzo says to his long time friend Johnny Cage takes this moment to tackle the ninja from the side. 
Hanzo pushes Johnny away from him, but the movie star comes back with a backhand. Hanzo evades it, blocks several more blows from Johnny and catches him on the chin with a palm strike. Johnny comes in again with a right hook. Hanzo once again blocks the blow and several more that follow, landing a jump kick that catches Cage in the chest and staggers him backwards. Johnny takes a moment to get back into a fighting stance, and Hanzo follows suit. Johnny tries landing a strike to the kidney this time, but Hanzo intercepts it. Again, Hasashi fends off multiple punches from Cage before grabbing his leg off a failed kick, sweeping the other out from under him. Johnny pounds the ground with a fist in frustration and stands up once more. 
"Just like old times!" Johnny smirks. They fight. Johnny Cage has lost none of his fighting skill over the years, but the youthful agility he possessed in his earlier bout against the ninja has not fared so well. The fight is intense and close, but in the end it is Hanzo Hasashi who proves the victor this time around "Only Quan Chi's death will abate my anger" With Cage down, Scorpion turns back to the shipping container. Kenshi is still down on one knee, but he tries to reason with him saying "Hanzo, no! You've earned great trust for the Shirai Ryu. Do not squander it by murdering a withered sorcerer!" "That withered sorcerer is the architect of my suffering" Hanzo resplied. A ninja grabs Kenshi and restrains him as Hanzo continues toward the container.
(we know what happened and ive already written how hanzo found out about quan-chi so lets skip that scene) 
Quan Chi has been dragged out of the container by two Shirai-Ryu. They throw him to the ground before Hanzo Hasashi. Johnny, Sonya and Kenshi watch all of this from on their knees, restrained by the ninjas who have successfully defeated their forces "Unbind him" Hanzo coommands. One of them undoes the chains on Quan Chi. The sorcerer remains on his knees "Scorpion, we can--" Quan Chi tries to beg but is inturrupted when Hanzo backfists him in the face, knocking him to the ground. "MY NAME IS HANZO HASASHI!!" he yells. He grabs Quan Chi by the scruff of his neck "You killed my wife! My son! And then you burrowed your way into my head! Misdirected my VENGEANCE! COST ME MY ONE CHANCE TO HAVE THEM RESTORED!" he bellowed "Your family... I--" Quan Chi pleads but Scorpion hauls him to his feet, roaring in rage "Quiet, sorcerer! Nothing can help you now!"They fight. At his weakest and without any help forthcoming, Quan Chi suffers the beating of his life. Nothing he can do subsides the rage of Hanzo Hasashi, who relentlessly pounds him again and again and again. The one sided battle ends with Quan Chi facedown in the dirt "At last, you feel my pain" As Quan Chi struggles to rise, Hanzo kicks him in the face, knocking him on his back Hanzo slams Quan Chi's head into the ground and then punches him some more "Scorpion, stop!" Sonya yells to him. A portal opens before them. Hanzo looks up and spots D'Vorah approaching "Quan Chi!" she calls out Hanzo rushes her with his sword at the ready. D'Vorah parries his blows with her stingers. He manages to cut off one of them with his sword, but as he tries an overhead chop, she stabs him in the chest with the other stinger, bringing him down to one knee. D'Vorah rushes to Quan Chi's side "Amulet..." he whispers D'Vorah pulls it out, but a chained kunai impales Quan Chi through the chest before he can take it "GET OVER HERE!" Hanzo says in his signiturar voice.
The sorcerer is dragged back to Hanzo's side "No!" D'vorah calls out Hanzo yanks Quan Chi by the chain imbedded in him to a seated position. He's still barely alive though, and holds his hands towards the amulet, chanting a dark spell in a Netherrealm tongue. In slow motion, D'Vorah throws the amulet to his outstretched arms, while Hanzo brings his ninjato down towards his neck just before the blade cuts into him, Quan Chi finishes the chant and grabs the amulet. An instant later, his head is sliced clean off his shoulders "Blood for blood. Your debt is paid" he says then he throws down the headless corpse. Shinnok's Amulet rolls to a stop on the ground... and erupts with dark purple energy and hellish fire. Shinnok's form is faintly visible within the energies "Oh shit" Johnny says reliazing how screwed they are Sonya turns to the ninjas "Free us! Now!" They realise the situation has gone to hell and comply. The amulet finally stops dispelling energy, and it's owner picks it off the ground in triumph "Shinnok" D'vorah greets her master.Behind Shinnok, Scorpion roars in anger and swings his ninjato at him. The fallen Elder God turns around and blasts him with the amulet's magic, knocking him unconscious. Johnny, Sonya, Kenshi and the Shirai-Ryu ninjas charge at him next, and all receive the same treatment "How small they are" he says with no emotion D'Vorah walks up to him and bows "This One greets Lord Shinnok" she says "Quan Chi chose his servants well. He was wise to restore me in Earthrealm, behind their defences "Shinnok compliments "Quan Chi deceived them. Allowed himself to be captured. He knew they would bring him here" D'vorah said as they look toward the sorcerer's dead body "A pity he did not live to see his work completed" Shinnok says nonchalantly Johnny starts to wake up, groaning as he does so Shinnok turns to him "There will be no surprises from you, Mister Cage" he says then turns to D'Vorah "Bring him" Another portal opens, bringing forth the revenants Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, Sindel and Smoke they stop before Shinnok and bow to him "Praise be to Lord Shinnok" said Lui Kang "Let us be on our way" "There is an Earthrealm force in Netherrealm" Lui Kang stated "I am aware. They will be neutralised" Shinnok said as he and his followers leave through a portal.
Once it closes, Sonya begins to awaken (name) arrives through her fire portal and watches as Sonya tries too get up on her own "Sonya!" she exclaims as she rushes to her sideTeam S-F arrive through a portal of their own "Oh, shit!" Cassie say as she rushes over to Sonya, while Kung Jin rushes to Scorpion and Takeda and Jacqui run to Kenshi. Sonya can't even process what's going on as her mind zones in and out "Mom!" Cassie cries out as she takes Sonya by the shoulders "Where's Dad?" "Shinnok..." Sonya whispered "Sonya where'd they go?" (name) asked worried for her friends saftey Sonya passes out again "Mom/SONYA?!" Cassie and (name) call out together. It is Hanzo Hasashi who answers them looking ashamed at his "Your father... Shinnok's prisoner... at the Sky Temple"
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froggibus · 2 years
Hello and happy Halloween! This is my first time ever doing this, but I've wanted to request maybe some more fluff stuff with Hanzo? I keep thinking about him as a guy who makes some really good drunk cuddles sessions after a hard and long mission day? I would prefer male reader, if that's okay 👉👈
Saké and Snuggles - Hanzo Shimada
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Pairing: Hanzo Shimada x reader
Genre: fluff!
Word Count: 350
Summary: just fluff of you and Hanzo cuddling over some drinks after a long day
CW: alcohol, cuddling, fire, domestic fluff, established relationship
happy november! tysm for the request, this was a really cute one <3 I wrote this with a male reader in mind but it turned out GN! reader so I hope that’s okay. enjoy <3
Hanzo has had a rough day, and all he wants when he gets home is a drink and some down time. He’s been thinking about it all day—a warm glass of sake, a seat on the couch by the fire, maybe even his favorite book. 
He doesn’t expect you to be awake when he walks through the front door, let alone waiting for him in one of his t-shirts and your favorite pyjama pants. 
You’re holding a steaming cup of saké. “Welcome home, baby.”
“You’re up late,” he says, but he’s grinning. He ditches his quiver by the door and places his hands on your hips, kissing you. “What’s the special occasion?”
“I just missed you.”
He gladly accepts the sake and lets you lead him over to the couch where you’ve already stoked a fire. You sit opposite of him on the couch and tuck your feet under you, grabbing your own drink off of the coffee table. 
He takes a sip and hums in appreciation. “Aren’t you tired, y/n?”
“A little,” you shrug. “I think I’ll sleep after this drink.”
He seems to approve of that, taking another sip of his sake and kicking his legs up the coffee table. 
He rests an arm on the top of the couch and places his sake down on the table. “Why are you so far away? Come closer, baby.”
You oblige, shuffling closer to him on the couch. You snag the throw blanket that’s draped over the top as you do, laying it over your laps.
“That’s better,” Hanzo drapes his arm over your shoulder. 
You rest your head on his shoulder in turn, so close to him you can smell the slight scent of blood and sweat under his cologne. 
“I might fall asleep.” You murmur into his neck. 
He kisses the side of your head, “that’s okay. I’m just happy you’re here with me.”
You let your body relax against him. 
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keisskyrunner · 5 years
Burning Bright [Hanzo-Centric, Slight Hanzo/Reader]
I felt like that there was no need for conversation
Some questions are better left unreasoned
Callused hands gripped the expensive sake vessel, lifting it in a well-practiced movement, pouring a thin stream of the clear liquid into a matching sake cup. There was perhaps no need for the whole bottle. Yet.
For now, he could still pretend to have a sense of control and moderation.
And I would rather reveal myself than my situation
Now and then I consider my hesitation
Cup to his lips, Hanzo downed the alcohol in one swift movement, his hands automatically moving in perfect motion to perform yet another pour.
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
Yare, yare how did he end up here. He’s been through this a million times, ran through all the scenarios, the choices and decisions. Drank more than his lifetime’s share of sake. Cheap. Expensive. Rare. Common. Watered down. He must have tasted them all in his quest to forget. Or perhaps to remember.
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I’m burning bright
He was here now. Far away from Hanamura, years apart from the scene that haunted his memories. Sitting, no less, in the base of an organization that was once highly venerated only to fall from grace. Fate’s irony? Perhaps, but Overwatch was rising again. Did it mean he would rise with it? No. He did not have ties with it, save for one frayed thread.
I wonder if the things I did were just to be different
To spare myself of the constant shame of my existence
This Genji had seemed happy to see him when Hanzo had first stepped into the base. But the archer would never forget. He had crossed paths with his brother once before, back when he was still in Blackwatch. Till the day his last breath leaves his body and his soul was judged by whichever power saw fit, Hanzo could never forget how those crimson eyes burned with hatred. He would never know how they did not come to blows that day. Or whether he would have cast his bow aside and let his brother have his revenge, as was his right. Those eyes, now hidden behind a helmet, may still hold the very same look.
Hanzo was told Genji’s eyes was now back to his original brown.
I would surely redeem myself in desperation
Here and now I express my situation
He could never stand to be near Genji now. Every single time his brother came close, start a conversation, glanced his way… he could not… he could not help but analyse over and over again every single action, every single word, every single second of silence. What was he thinking? What were his motives? What were his feelings?
Hanzo wanted to rip that fucking helmet off
...Did he still look the same?
There’s nothing ever wrong, but nothing’s ever right
Such a cruel contradiction
They knew. The whole of Overwatch knew the history between the both of them. At least, the basics of it. The most damned important part of it. And they still smiled at him. Still tried to talk to him. Still tried to become friends with him.
Still… fell in love with him.
I know I crossed the line, it’s not easy to define
I born to indecision
He pushed, and pushed and pushed. And they pulled right back. Wrapped him in their arms. They knew didn’t they? He had snapped and asked. Yes. But you were not who you were. Who he was? He threw back his head and laughed, a sound filled with such bitterness and pain. Who he was, was a born and bred assassin, his weapons sharpened with his heart till there was not a shred of it left. A merciless monster they wanted, and a merciless monster they got. It wasn’t enough, it was never enough. And he, was never enough.
And yet they all looked at him with kind eyes.
There’s always something new
Some path I’m supposed to choose
With no particular rhyme or reason
The monk, his brother’s teacher was perhaps the worst of all. You are free to make your choices, hummed the omnic. Choices? The blade embedded dangerously close to the monk’s head.
Calm as can be the monk said
Genji did that too.
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
A roar of rage ripped through his throat as he flung the cup against the far wall, followed closely by the vessel.  He surged up and slammed his fist against the nearest wall, once, twice and again, his mouth opened in a wordless yell.
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I’m burning bright
The dragon stirred in his anger, the room began to be illuminated in the blue fury of a man so lost.
I pretend…
Hanzo didn’t hear the door slam open as you rushed into the room and took in the scene before you. He didn’t see the expression on your face nor see you cross the room to him. He only felt your arms wrap around him and his body stiffen. He only felt his body turn around and bury his face into your neck as he cried uncontrollably and your hand moved gently and soothingly up and down his back.
Why do you love me?
Why do you accept me?
Why did Genji forgive me?
Why… am I here?
Those were the words he wanted to utter but remained unspoken.
I feel like there’s no need for conversation.
A/N - Song Lyrics from : Burning Bright (Sanford Mix) by Shinedown (if you want to listen to it while reading!). So this was a fic/drabble that I've wanted to write for a long while now and have rewritten it several times till I'm somewhat satisfied with it, though I may drop a few edits in the future. You might have noticed that it shares the same name as my blog, which is partially because the song means a lot to me (it has helped me through the times I've felt conflicted), and partially because I felt the song, too, fits Hanzo's struggle. Yeah, I'm not sure what else to say XD, but I hope you enjoy it. Cheers with Love.
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