#i get home from school. im alone until dark.
ventcode · 2 years
i think i am lonely. i really am lonely. a lonely loser. a really fucking lonely loser. i feel so isolated.
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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I never thought much about the future until suddenly the friends I adored most started relationships and left me in the past as if our friendship never even mattered, like their boyfriend was the most important thing
My sister and I use to be close as kids but when she moved away with our mom and rarely visited me and dad, who she regularly called Charlie, we grew apart leaving me feeling like I lost all my friends and my sister, after a while I grew depressed and I never wanted to leave the house, dad grew concerned and after many absent calls from school he allowed me to start home schooling myself and my grades have never been better
Most nights it was just me and Charlie some days I’d get the courage to go down to the reserve hang out on the beach with Leah, Seth and Jake, sometimes I’d go for hikes in the forest behind the house just to clear my head, but other than that I’d stay in my room listening to music, reading the books dad would bring home for me, and doing school work
That’s how life was for so many years, it was routine and it never bothered me and dad loved having me around, after Bella and mom left he was so broken and with my help, even as a little girl, I pulled him out of that deep dark hole and he became that Charlie that joked around and made me smile
But then dad got the call that Bella was moving back for the rest of highschool since mom would be traveling with Phil for baseball, hopeful that I could reconnect with my sister again
Dad and I picked out a new bed spread for her hoping she’d love it, and he even let me pick out a new book as a thank you for helping him out with getting everything ready for her arrival, after a few days it was time for dad to go pick Bella up from the airport in port angeles, I was a nervous wreck which was crazy I mean she’s my sister why should I be nervous
Finally the familiar sheriff cruiser pulled up in the drive way, I walked out the door with an umbrella quickly shuffling over to Bella to cover her from the rain knowing how she favoured the warm dry weather, complete opposite of me
“Welcome home Bella!” I smiled as we walked back inside as dad got her bags following closely behind
She shook off her coat and placed her little cactus down on the counter
“You’ve grown so much you’re a year younger but you’re already taller than me” she said as she hugged me
“Come on bells we’ll show you your room!” Dad said as he walked up the stairs with her bags
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She settled in for the rest of the day until it was supper time, I set out the table and dished up our meal, dads game playing in the background as we ate
“So are you excited for school on Monday?” I asked
“Not really but atleast I’ll have you there”
“What? No im homeschooled remember”
“Well…..” dad drawled out
“Dad what did you do?” My heart was racing now at the implication
“I thought since Bella’s back now it would be good for you to get out there again, you need some experiences honey”
“But you know I have no one there, no one wants to be friends with me we’ve been over this”
“You might make new friends honey, give give it a chance for your old man” I sighed slumping back in my chair trying to wrap my head around having to socialize again
“Atleast you’ll be with me, dad said since your grades are so good you got bumped up a grade and can have some certain classes together, depending on our courses” that settled my anxiety a little
Bella and dad cleaned up from dinner as I sat out on the porch, in desperate need for fresh air to do its magic, only 2 more days and I’ll be back in a school again, who knows maybe some new kids have arrived and aren’t too set in their groups yet
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Monday came quickly and I was a ball of nerves, I glanced in the mirror as made sure my hair was just the way I wanted, wearing a casual outfit, simple flared black leggings, a dark rich blue longsleeve with my old worn out dark brown carhartt jacket, quickly spraying my vanilla perfume
I walked down stairs to meet Bella in the kitchen, she grabbed an apple as she picked up her backpack from the table
“Are you ready to go?” She asked
“Almost can I make a tea quickly?” She nodded and I quickly wiped together a chai tea latte, grabbing my lunch from the fridge and meeting her in the truck dad had gotten for us but since I didn’t have my license, seeing as I never needed one before now, she would be driving us
The drive to school was calming, hearing the steady rain fall against the windshield, pulling into the parking lot everyone stared until we got out, I kept my eyes down as Bella led me to the schools main office
“Okay here’s your schedule, we have math together at the end of the day, the bells about to ring so I gotta head to world history are you good to find your way to chemistry?”
“Oh ummm yeah I’ll be fine”
“Okay see you at lunch” she smiled gently before she left down the hall
Looking at my schedule I memorized the room number hoping it wouldn’t be too hard to find, turning the corner I rammed into what felt like a brick wall, dropping my books I look infront of me to see the most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen, his eyes a golden amber, hair as dark as night and his skin as pale as snow
“Sorry about that, I haven’t seen you around before” he said soothingly as he handed me the books that had momentarily scattered the floor, not even realizing he had picked them up, too busy oogling him I suppose
“Oh yeah I’m just re-enrolling here again, just trying to find my class” he looked down at my schedule a striking smile adorning his face
“Come this way gorgeous, got the same class” walking along the mostly bare hallways I noticed his gentle glide, I’ve never seen such a…..well such a perfect human, obviously I was way out of my league if I could think he’d ever be interested in me, I mean I’m plain and simple what would he ever see in me, best I stay in my lane, but dad did want me to make friends so that couldn’t hurt….right?
We got to the classroom and the teacher assigned us to sit together, the class went by pretty boring, every now and then I’d take glances at Emmett and I swear he did the same but he was probably just looking at someone else, moments like this made me wish I was a beautiful as my sister, she never had a problem with guys wanting her, they basically drooled over her, even if she never acted on any offers she was still wanted
It felt like I was a living ghost most days, no one noticed me anywhere I’d go, a big reason I wanted to be homeschooled, now I’m thrown back into this miserable place, I’ll bet by lunch time Bella with have a table full of new friends while I sit alone, not even a second glance from anyone
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Lunch time rolled around and as I entered the cafeteria I searched for Bella and just as I guessed she was surrounded with bright smiles, excited to get to know her, she glanced my way and I waved hoping she’d wave me over to sit but she just gave a half assed smile and got back to talking with her new friends, I felt my heart rip at that, thinking things would be different this time with her here but I guess I was wrong
I found an empty table near the windows and made myself comfortable for another lonely lunch, I pulled out my bag from my backpack but my appetite was lost and I had no desire to eat so I just pushed my lunch to the side and looked out the window just wanting to go home
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{Emmett’s POV}
I couldn’t get her out of my head, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and her blood sings to me, when she bumped into me in the hallway I felt my whole world shift, she didn’t talk much but just being near her felt right
Lunch came, my least favourite part of the day, having to pretend for an hour, I glanced around the cafeteria hoping to catch a glimpse of my mate again, my eyes landed on her sat alone looking glum a few tables down, the others followed my gaze and smiled knowingly
“Who’s she?” Rosalie asked
“I think she’s my mate”
“Her thoughts are overwhelming loud” Edward stated
“What do you mean?” I asked nervously
“She’s not the happiest girl, I can hear how depressed she is, how unwanted she feels”
“I can feel how broken her heart is” Jasper added
This has to be the worst feeling knowing the one I’m suppose to love unconditionally and she is quite perfect in my eyes, has been broken and feels unloved
I got up from the table and made my way to her sliding in the seat across from her, her eyes were so glazed over with sadness she didn’t even realize I sat down
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{Normal pov}
“So how’s your first day?” I jumped snapping out of my thoughts noticing Emmett is sat across from me
“Oh sorry I didn’t see you, ummm today has been fine I guess, thanks again for helping me earlier”
“It’s not problem, umm I was wondering maybe if you’re not too busy this weekend if you’d wanna hang out?” My heart raced at this
“Really? You wanna hang out with me?”
“Yeah of course, who would wanna spend time with the most beautiful girl in the school” his smile warmed my heart but quickly faded at a realization
“Is this a prank, because if it is it’s cruel” I said as my bottom lip wobbled
“No what? I would never do something like that I really wanna get to know you, so how about after school on Friday I’ll meet you in the parking lot and we can go do something?”
“Okay……sure id really like that” his face beamed with excitement
“Perfect it’s a date then gorgeous”
This felt surreal there’s no way there wasn’t a catch here, how could someone wanna spend their free time with me, but like Charlie said it doesn’t hurt to try, I just hope this doesn’t break my heart more
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Part 2
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
Tw: dark content but god knows I love sharing with you
Im on a big bro! Lil sis kick and LORD
Big bro! Bakugo who acts like he just despises you until the two of you are alone together? Then he’s showering you with praise and telling you how good you are. Thanks lol
Hi emi! That is so valid of you lol, and I love this! I'm just a lil baby tho who can't handle anyone being mean to me especially not my big bro so I'm gonna tweak this a tiny bit hope you don't mind!
Your brother watched you flounce around school with a scowl permanently on his lips and a glare darkening his handsome features. You always greeted him with a smile in the hallways of your college and he blatantly ignored you.
When you were talking to the other kids in your group project in the campus square, when you were held back in the same gen ed class for the teacher to praise your hard work, didn't matter the scenario if you were in his sights?? He was giving you a death glare.
It made people think he hated you.
But you didn't mind at all. It didn't matter what he acted like when others were around, you know the real reason he was so grumpy you two went to the same school.
He couldn't claim you publically. No matter how much he fucked you like he owned you in private, you were technically a single young woman in the eyes of everyone at your school.
He hated seeing those losers vying for your attention, he hated how much everyone seemed to be in love with your kind and energetic personality.
You were his damnit.
But when you two were alone together, all you heard from your big brother was praise and encouragement.
"That's it sis, taking me so fucking well, good girl." Your pussy always welcomed him home like it was where he was meant to be, balls deep inside your wet heat.
"Need you brother, please," you whined, impatient as always for him to leave you breathless. You were still only 19, still so focused on feeling good that you hadn't learned the pleasure of taking things slow. But who was Bakugou to deny his little sisters pleas?
"If that's what you want sis, that's what you'll get." His voice was a deep rasp against your ear as he started to fuck you in earnest, bending you over his dorm bed without a moments hesitation (the real reason he requested a single dorm room).
"Cause my baby deserves all the cock she needs. Good girls get rewarded."
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icrypop · 2 months
U did sooo good with your yandere sbg, im in luv with u now♡♡♡☆
Feel free to ignore this, but same yandere au for sbg that u wrote, but reader ends up dying in the phantom world, their death ends up to be painful, slow, and they black out thinking no one is coming to save them. I rlly like angst. can u tell? (I need a happy ending tho😣🥹🥺)
If the Yandere! SBG gang lost you in the Phantom world
Ashlynn, Tyler, Taylor, Ben, Aiden, Logan
WARNING: Yandere themes, violent, gore, descriptive
Awww <3 Im so happy you liked them, and I'd be so happy to write this for you! I wasn't sure if you wanted hcs or full stories so its kinda..both?? Either way! Can be seen as romantic or platonic with a gender neutral reader!!!!
-Writer Icy<3
In the eerie, twisted landscape of the Phantom World, your cornered by the terrifying creature, its shadowy form obscured in the dim, otherworldly light under the blood red sky. The attack came brutally, the phantom striking with relentless fury, leaving deep wounds that bled profusely as it slashed its long hands across your abdomen and stomach. As you lay on the cold ground, pain wracked your body, and each breath became a struggle. Time seemed to stretch, and your vision blurred with tears as you slowly slipped in and out of consciousness. Despite the overwhelming agony, you clung to the hope that your friends would find you in time before death’s icy grip took you away. But as minutes turned to hours, and the chill of the Phantom World seeped into your skin and bones, despair settled in. Your final thoughts are filled with the aching belief that no one was coming to save you. The darkness closed in, and you blacked out, feeling utterly alone. Were you ever truly relevant to them though?
Devastated and furious with herself for not being there to protect you. You were pale, cold. How did this happen?? You guys were running from the swarm of Phantoms and you got separated…shit, she should’ve helped you. You were chased, killed and now your lifeless body lay in her arms. 
Ashlynn's heart shattered when she saw your pale form on the hospital bed, the beeping machines the only sign of life. She refused to leave your side, berating herself for failing to protect you. Each hour felt like an eternity as she traced your hand, her voice a soft murmur of apologies.
Once back in the real world she stays by your side constantly, tracing your hand softly, careful to not touch the IVs in your hands and arms… She blamed herself for you dying. She should’ve followed you, protected you, you wouldn’t be here if she had followed. She spent most of her time here after school until going home to deal with making plans and the 7 hour nightmare they were still stuck in.
Once Ashlynn gets the call that your awake though? She’s there in a heartbeat. She becomes fiercely protective, constantly checking on you and ensuring you are never alone, guilt and relief warring within her. She cant stand the thought of it, the image of your mangled body along the ground sticks in her mind. When you finally opened your eyes, Ashlynn froze in shock as waves of emotions coursed through her. It overwhelmed her to the point of not knowing what to do or say in that moment. After calming down and waiting until everyone else stepped out, she got closer, vowing to never let anything harm you again. The ordeal only deepened her obsession, and she became a constant, protective presence in your life.
His face paled as you lay lifeless on the ground, he was in disbelief that you were gone until he held your limp, bloody body in his arms, your blood staining his hands. Overwhelmed with guilt and anger, blames himself for not being there for you. He watched you as you were targeted and yet he kept running with the other group. He needed to turn around, why didn't he turn around!? 
He couldn’t shake the guilt of not being able to save you, and it gnawed at him as he paced the hospital halls, demanding answers and updates from your nurses and doctors that checked on you. He was distressed, taking out all of his emotions on his friends in short bursts of anger. They understood though, they knew how he cared.
 No amount of comfort or kind words could make him relax until he got the call from one of your doctors. When you regained consciousness, Tyler felt a surge of relief, but it was tinged with a new intensity. He vowed never to leave your side again, becoming a constant, watchful presence, struggling to keep his protective instincts from suffocating you.
 He sits at the side of your bed for a while, scared that you were gonna blame him as he blamed himself. After you slightly recover, Tyler becomes more possessive, struggling to balance his feelings of guilt and the need to keep the reader safe
She screamed when she saw you, not in fear but in agony of seeing you basically ripped to shreds by one of those things. Why did it happen?? You were grouped together and trying to clear a house near the base. You guys wanted to see if there were any other materials you needed…You were left outside to watch. No one heard you get grabbed, no one saw where it took you until you were gone. You were tore open like a deer from a bear, the gashes and deep and revealing wounds covering your body almost made her sick. 
She struggles with the horror of what happened to you and blames herself for letting you out of her sight. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched the reader lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping the group together and safe. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched you lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping you safe and with the rest of the group. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. When you finally woke up, she bawled uncontrollably at your side, apologizing profusely. Taylor's heart swelled with relief though, knowing you were alive and semi-okay. Determined to keep you safe, she became more attentive and persuasive, her charm a constant comfort as she worked to ensure you never felt alone or afraid again.
Aiden's calm demeanor cracked just slightly as he stared at you lying on the group. Bloody, beaten, dead. The usual calm smile he has plastered on his face falls into a crazed one as his eyes glaze over. He hides his anger and sadness well. He felt a cold numbness settle over him, a detached shock as he lifted you in his arms. He didn't hear you scream, you were alone, you needed him…You were going to hate him.
In the hospital bed, your life hanging by a thread, he quietly takes charge and organizes care towards you, ensuring you were given the best treatment. Even in his grief, he was practical and efficient, managing details and coordinating with doctors. He couldn’t let you die, he failed you once and he wasn’t gonna do it a second time.
When you finally woke up, Aiden felt an intense relief, the dead, psychopathic smile finally disappearing as he stared in shock before smiling for real. Seeing you alive, well and okay(ish) brought him peace but that peace came with a deeper, darker determination. He became even more involved in your life, guiding your every decision with a careful, controlling hand, ensuring you would never be left alone and vulnerable again.
The anger inside him swirled with so much emotion he almost snapped. Aiden couldn’t get him to calm down enough or move away. Aiden just kept everyone away from him as Ben held your cold, limp body to his chest. Your heart wasn’t beating…How could you have left his sight..?
You thought you had seen something and decided to run and check it out. The Phantoms were distracted, none were near so you deemed it safe. You had found a small pocket knife but it was broken…then you were jumped and now you were broken too.
Ben felt a profound sadness settle over him as he saw you lying unconscious in the hospital. He struggled to process the sight, his usual calm demeanor shaken. While he tried to be a pillar of strength for the group, internally, he feared the worst. He got slightly defensive and even shoved Aiden away when being comforted.
 When you finally awoke, Ben felt an immense relief wash over him as he gave a slight nod and anxious wave and sat next to your bed. Determined to prevent such a close call from happening again, he became more protective and attentive, always looking out for your needs and ensuring you felt safe and cherished in his presence.
He broke down, falling to his knees in body-wracking sobs, overwhelmed by the horror and pain in his heart from seeing you dead. You were lagging behind the group and got grabbed and he couldnt catch you in time. By the time he and the group made it to you, you were pale, bloody and tore open severely with no heartbeat.
 Logan couldn’t hold back the tears as he sat beside your hospital bed, his heart breaking at the sight of your frail, unconscious form. The thought of losing you was unbearable, and he was wracked with guilt and sorrow, whispering apologies consistently, hoping you could hear him. 
When you finally opened your eyes, Logan was overwhelmed with relief as he apologized and cried beside you. However, the experience left him emotionally fragile; he became increasingly dependent on you, needing constant reassurance of your well-being and that you didn't hate him.
 Terrified of ever facing such a close call again, he never let you go off on your own and kept a closer eye on you, always telling you he needed to protect you so you wouldn’t get hurt.
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wooahaes · 1 year
when i grow up
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pairing: non-idol!seungkwan x gn!reader
genre: mostly fluff. childhood friends to lovers. very minor angst.
word count: 12.3k~
warnings: a minor fight between seungkwan + reader over reader’s shitty boyfriend (stated to not be mindful of their boundaries + just a shitty dude). some mentions of injuries. mentions of seungkwan being taunted as a tiny kid. food mentions. ask to tag! also minor proofreading tbh
daisy’s notes: fun fact this was going to end in a wedding originally! maybe i’ll write a short sequel at some point, but im happy with this as it is.
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Boo Seungkwan, age four, was... Maybe a little bit of a crybaby.
At least, that was what the other kids called him--or they used to, until his mom came into the school to talk to his teacher with a tight-lipped anger at the way her son was being treated. Sometimes the other kids would taunt him for being so soft, for crying easily on his first day of school because he missed his mom. He was social enough nowadays, getting along with pretty much everyone else with ease. Sure, there was a tiny group who would still poke fun at him on the playground when he was a little too misty-eyed, but for the most part he was left alone. Still... It was mean, and Seungkwan couldn’t exactly understand where all of that came from.
Boo Seungkwan, age four, also knew you. You lived up the street from him, you were in his class, and you had a matching lunchbox and backpack set: dark blue with brightly colored dinosaurs covering the thing. Your backpack also had this little Totoro plush that hung from it, because he always was a little jealous because he wanted one, too. He knew you because he knew your laugh from across the room, always a little awkwardly loud, but he wanted to know what you were laughing at. He knew your drawings, always so colorful as could be when you proudly showed them off. He knew you and the way you skip home ahead of him some days, and he knew the way you could still be quiet at school (save for your laugh), but that you’d always yell happily when you saw your dad waiting for you... And a little less loudly when it was your step-mom, but only because she would gently shush you and remind you to be mindful of your neighbors. Then she would pull you into her arms and ask about your day at school. Seungkwan only knew because your house was before his, so he would always hear her talk to you as she slowly walked up the path to your home, hand holding yours.
(You’d always shyly wave at him, too, when he stopped for a moment to look at you, because Boo-Seungkwan-age-four already felt a sense of fondness toward you.)
So when he tripped on his way home one day, skinning his knee, he was surprised. Not that you were there at all, but... The fact you stopped, turning back to him with this curious look on your face before coming back to him.
“Are you okay?”
He was crying again, sobbing even. Crybaby rang in his head as he furiously shook his head, trying to come up with the words to say. To tell you no, that he was okay, but to still ask for his mom because she would make everything better...
You just stood before him, head tilting before looking down to where he was clutching his knee. And then you gasped, setting your lunchbox down next to him before pulling your dark blue dino backpack off of your back. “It’s okay! I can help!” You were beaming brightly, “Mama is a doctor!”
He thought that meant you would go get her, especially because your house was closer. Instead, you unzipped the little front compartment of your backpack, pulling out this tiny makeshift first aid kit that your step-mom must have put together. You kneeled down, opening it with this serious look on your face as you tried to remember the basic steps you had insisted on your step-mom teaching you, always so independent.
(Truly, there were only three: wet wipe to clean it, bandage to protect it until an adult could look at it properly, and a kiss to make it all better.)
So Seungkwan, now sitting off to the side with you, watched as you very carefully opened this little packet. “It hurts a little,” you said, opening up the wipe. You held out your other hand, “but holding mama’s hand helps me.”
Face still wet from his tears, Seungkwan roughly wiped at his cheeks with one sleeve before taking your hand. He held it tightly as you carefully wiped his knee. It stung, but holding your hand... helped, in a weird way.
With everything carefully cleaned, Seungkwan could finally see how tiny the gash really was. He almost felt embarrassed for being such a crybaby over it, but you didn’t call him that. You let go of his hand, looking deadly serious as you examined his knee further before turning to your tiny first aid kit. “Do you want the dinosaurs or the bears?”
Seungkwan just stared at you, completely confused.
“Hurry!” You said. “Dinos or bears?!”
He mumbled that he wanted the bears, whatever that meant, but he could see the disappointment in your eyes. “But the dinos are okay, too..”
Only for you to smile a moment later, giggling. “It’s okay,” you said, putting down one of two bandages into the box. “I like bears, too.”
Immediately, that set you off rambling about how your dad bought you this HUGE teddy bear for your room after you moved here to be with your step-mom. It was bigger than YOU which meant it was REALLY BIG and you loved it to death. Your tiny hands were careful in smoothing the teddy bear bandage over his knee, and then he watched as you leaned forward to plant a tiny kiss against it.
You turned back to him with a serious expression, “You HAVE to kiss it, or it won’t get better.”
Seungkwan wasn’t sure if that was true (his parents kissed his boo-boos better, sure, but maybe it was true since you sounded so confident in it), but all he knew was that he wasn’t crying anymore. 
With his knee taken care of, you put away the kit into your bag and stood up. You held out your hand, and helped him up, not letting go. Despite the way you struggled with the first part of his name (which wasn’t a first for him--he noticed that a few other kids struggled with it a little), you proudly called him Kwannie and said you would walk him home. He wiped his face again with his sweater sleeve, and let you happily lead the way, talking about your favorite dinosaurs from the big book that your dad bought for you. And he felt happy when you looked at your dad, waiting for you to come home, that you needed to walk Seungkwan to his mom because he got hurt.
Your dad had kind-of laughed before he ruffled your hair, saying he’d be right there waiting for you. Seungkwan almost pouted and told you that he would be okay, but you turned back to him with shimmering eyes, still holding his tiny hand in your own.
Upon coming to his mom and introducing himself, you had turned serious again. “Kwannie got hurt on the way home,” you said, pointing at his knee, “but I helped. Please make sure he takes care of it because--” A pause to breathe, “--because he’s my friend now and I don’t want him to get hurt anymore.”
(Seungkwan, later in life, looked back on that moment happily. His mom still recounted the story with a laugh, so full of love for the tiny child who acted as if they knew how to treat a patient, yet still so polite with her. She’d always cite that as the moment she knew the two of you would be friends.)
Seungkwan, with one hand holding his mom’s, waved at you as you promised to sit with him tomorrow at school before turning tail and running back to your dad. He watched as your dad scooped you up into his arms, carrying you back inside your home as you happily shrieked.
Seungkwan, at age four, lacked the words to know for sure that he loved you. He didn’t know what it fully meant, or how deep his feelings for you would go, but he knew the happy feeling you gave him was the same happiness he felt when he was with his family or his other friends.
Love is happiness, Seungkwan, age four, decided. Love makes you feel happy.
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Seungkwan, age eight, was old enough to walk to your house entirely on his own. So were you, which was why Seungkwan was waiting outside his home, head resting in his hands,sitting on his front porch. While his mom would have him do his homework before dinner (his dad liked to sit with him and help him), your dad would always have you do part of it as soon as you came home. He didn’t fully get it, to be honest, but you said something about how your dad liked helping you for part of it, while your step-mom would sit with you for the rest. You always claimed that you didn’t really need it, but Seungkwan wasn’t sure whether to believe you or not. After all, his parents were happy to help him when he needed it. There was nothing wrong with needing help.
But today was Friday, and Friday meant you got to have a sleepover at Seungkwan’s house. He spent all day figuring out how to make the best blanket fort and his parents promised pancakes tomorrow morning. He was giddy with excitement, growing more and more impatient as he waited for you. The new episode of your favorite show came on tonight, too, and he wanted to watch it with you instead of just talking to you about it on Monday or whenever you came over to play next. Plus! His parents said they might take both of you to the pool tomorrow! It was because his sisters wanted to go, but he was okay with that. It still meant that he would get to go swimming with you because it’s unbelievably hot outside.
The only reason he was waiting outside today was because both of his sisters teased him, and he was still mad about it. They said something about how he liked you, and Seungkwan couldn’t fathom what else they meant by it. Of course he liked you! You were his friend--his best friend. But they had laughed at him (strike number one), only to say it was obvious (strike number two) that Seungkwan like liked you (strike number three). Which was gross because you were his best friend! Like-liking you meant he wanted to do things like holding hands with you, which he already did because you were best friends, and... He wasn’t sure. Kissing? Yuck.
But Seungkwan saw you coming down the sidewalk, holding onto the straps of your backpack proudly, and all of that anger melted away like ice cream on the sidewalk. Ooh. That’s an idea... Maybe he’ll ask his mom for ice cream later. He was sure if he stood up that he would be able to see your dad watching you from down the street, making sure you got there safely. But he was too excited. He hopped up, rushing over to you and taking your hand, complaining about how he was about to die of boredom while waiting for you. You merely giggled, letting him drag you into his house. He called out to his mom that you were there, and she barely had the chance to warmly greet you before Seungkwan was already dragging you upstairs to see his cool new lamp that his parents bought him. Plus all of his toys were upstairs--the teddy bears and the action figures and the instruments and everything else--so where else would the two of you go? Outside again? It was too hot for that.
Seungkwan pointed at the large lamp sitting on his dresser. “I’ll show you it later. It’s better when it’s dark.”
You’d accepted his reasoning at face value, trusting him completely before turning your attention to the instruments in his room. His mom had bought him this little toy keyboard for his birthday that year, and you had pushed him to sing because you always loved hearing him sing. It devolved into more noise than music, but the two of you were happy.
Until his sisters told you both to keep it down because they had homework (gross--Seungkwan didn’t want to have that much homework ever). Which meant the two of you decided to brave the heat for the next few hours, because Seungkwan had pouted and said that the two of you would just go somewhere else. There was plenty to do outside anyway, and the two of you could come back in whenever you wanted. His mom called you back in eventually, asking for the two of you to help her and Seungkwan’s dad with making dinner. It was a subtle way to redirect you and Seungkwan’s endless energy somewhere else, but you were always happy to be helping.
Time always seemed to fly faster when Seungkwan was with you. After dinner, the two of you were sitting together to watch the new episode of your show together, his parents sitting in for a little longer. Eventually it was time for your blanket fort, which meant Seungkwan’s dad would help the two of you get everything set up before he and Seungkwan’s mom retired for the night. She had gone around to make sure all the doors were locked, and had gently pulled you aside to remind you where their room was (right down the hall) and that you or Seungkwan could come get them for anything if they needed it.
The last time the two of you had a sleepover, you had grown scared in the middle of the night and ended up going home when you were inconsolable. Seungkwan had felt bad watching your step-mom walk you home, but his mom was reassuring: some people simply got nervous when they were away from their parents for too long. It wasn’t his fault, and it wasn’t yours. Everyone was different. But this time you told her you were determined to stay the full night. Seungkwan wanted you to, as well, but he wouldn’t be mean or anything if you couldn’t.
With a movie coming to an end a little while later, Seungkwan perked up. “Oh!” He climbed out from underneath your blanket fort, bouncing with excitement for a moment, “Wait here!”
Seungkwan rushed up to his room, carefully pulling the lamp from its place. He came back downstairs, making sure to take slower steps than before in order to keep from dropping it. It was this battery operated lamp with a remote and a built-in timer, so the two of you could leave it on for a while since it’d go off by itself. He set it down in front of you, walking away to turn off all of the lamps and to draw the curtains shut even tighter. He came back to you, the only light in the room being from the television screen with its rolling credits, and sat down. He clicked it on a few times, and then the room was lit up with little stars everywhere.
You went wide-eyed and gasped, filled with pure excitement with the sight (and Seungkwan found himself smiling, overjoyed that he had made you happy). “It’s beautiful...”
This is love, too, Seungkwan thought to himself. Love was more than just feeling happiness around someone. It was sharing it, too. His face was illuminated by the lamp’s stars, and so was yours as the lights slowly rotated around the room. Love is sharing happiness.
Somehow, in all the shuffle, Seungkwan looked up and noticed that your favorite bear (the one he gave you, he proudly thought) was stuck underneath the coffee table. It must have been pushed over there while the two of you were having snacks, since you’d carefully cleared the area.
“Your bear...” He pointed out, hugging the dinosaur you’d given him for his fifth birthday close to his chest.
“Oh!” You crawled over, stretching out your arm to grab it and pull it close to you.
Only to pop up too quickly, bumping the top of your head on the bottom of the table, having slightly underestimated how much space you needed to safely get back. You gasped in pain, crawling back out fully and turning back to him with teary eyes.
“It’s okay!” He said quickly, gently talking to you to help calm you back down. The same way his mom would talk to him when he did the same. The same way you did, too, four years ago. He looked, fingers threading through your hair as he tried to see if there was a bruise--thankful he found none. He leaned forward, gently kissing the top of your head before he sat back down in front of you.
“It helps, right?” He said, recalling your very professional advice from all the time ago. Although maybe Seungkwan was starting to realize that it wasn’t magic...
But you just stared at him for a moment, before you burst into giggles. He puffed his cheeks out in response, a little miffed that you were laughing at him.
Only to regret it a second later. “I’m glad you’re my best friend, Kwannie,” you said. Another second later and you gasped, reaching over for your backpack. “I drew a picture for us!” 
“For us...?” He watched curiously as you rooted around in your backpack, shoving things aside before you pulled out a folded-up piece of paper.
You nodded, slowly opening it up and smoothing it out. “Adults live together, right?”
You had drawn a nice little house with a rainbow above it. The two of you, clearly labeled just in case someone didn’t get it, stood in the middle in front of it, with drawn-on smiles as you held hands. Around you were smaller figures that Seungkwan figured out based on the number of people had to be both your family and his. There was also this little thing on the ground that looked kind-of like a cat... or maybe it was a dog. He couldn’t figure out which.
“So when we get bigger,” you continued, “we’ll all live together in one biiig house.” Your eyes were twinkling, far prettier than the ones from his cool lamp. “And we’ll get a pet. I started to draw a kitty, but then I remembered that you like dogs, so...”
He took the paper from you to study closer. “We can have both,” he said, studying it closely. He could see where the triangle ears had been made into more puppy-like ones. “And they’ll be best friends...” And then he sniffled, emotions already betraying him as he was overwhelmed with this pure joy for you.
Boo Seungkwan, age eight, thought that he loved you almost as much as he loved his family. You were his best friend, and he knew this at that moment.
This is what love is, right? Sharing happiness. At least, that was what he thought it was as he later fell asleep next to you, his pastel blue dinosaur tucked into his arms while the projector covered both of you and the room around you with stars. Your picture was tucked away nearby, and Seungkwan dreamed that night of a rainbow over a big house where all of the people he loved most were all together.
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Seungkwan, age twelve, finally started to feel like an adult. That was why he liked to walk to your house after his after-school study sessions: because he didn’t get to see you anymore. His parents enrolled him in a boys school, which you continued on to attend a co-ed school in the area. He’d been a little bitter about it to begin with, but he was old enough to know that he could see you pretty much whenever he wanted to. He had a flip phone, he could call you whenever he wanted (except he had to be mindful of how many minutes he had, so he’d just call you on his home phone instead) to ask if he could come over. So coming over to your house was how Seungkwan chose to see you when everything else was over. He played basketball, too, so it kind-of meant it ate into his time with you... but he still made friends that way.
(But he still would proudly say that you were his best friend, which meant he liked you the most.)
The two of you did homework together most days. You would get home before he did from your soccer practice (although you always said whether you were any good at it was up to debate; but Seungkwan said he would be the loudest person in the stands for you at any and every game he could make), so he would just go straight to your house. He knocked, you would let him in, and the two of you would spread out your homework at your dining table and talk about whatever while you worked.
“There’s this new guy in my class...”
Seungkwan felt his heart sink a little. “Huh?”
“I dunno...” You were smiling a little, balancing your pen between your fingers. “He’s cute.”
But I’m cuter, right? Seungkwan pushed back on that thought hard. No need to play the jealous best friend. “And?”
“And what?”
“Is he just cute?”
You had hummed for a moment, thinking over the question. “I don’t know... He answered a question for me when I was struggling with it. And then, I dunno... He just kinda smiled at me.”
Seungkwan had never hated the fact he didn’t go to school with you more than he did now. “Does he go to your games?”
You looked up with this knowing smile, reading him so easily. With a teasing glimmer in your eyes, you rested your head in one hand, “Oh... Kwannie, are you jealous?”
“No!” He huffed, pouting at your words. “I just... He...” He didn’t know what to say. He was a little jealous. He missed being around you so much.
Instead of pushing him further, you just laughed. “It’s okay,” you said, foot bumping against his calf. “No one’s going to replace you. You’re still my favorite person.”
Until you find someone else, a tiny voice in the back of his head told him. He just kind of frowned, going quiet.
And then you frowned, too. “Seungkwan...”
“It’s fine,” he said. “I’m not jealous you have other friends.” Not other guy friends that you call cute, but... “I just miss being around you.”
“I know, but... I don’t like him more than I like you,” you said. “You’re always going to be my number one favorite person...” You kind-of smiled, “Just like how I’m your number two favorite.”
He looked up, brows drawing together. “Two...?”
“Isn’t your mom number one?”
He nodded. Right, but... “If we’re just talking about friends,” he shifted in his chair a little, “then you’re my number one favorite, too.”
The statement earned a shy smile from you in response, immediately making you change the subject back to the math homework that the two of you were supposed to be working on. Seungkwan liked that cute smile, though, even if he had to turn away from it to look at math. He liked doing homework with you, too. You’d help him with his English homework, he’d help you with history...
It worked. The two of you just fit together.
A few hours later, his mom called him on that little flip phone (Seungkwan still wanted one with a screen, but his parents said maybe when he was older--he didn’t need a distraction. But he could barely even text you or any of his friends on it. At least you had one of those phones with the slider keyboard thing) to come back home, and he groaned after he hung up the call. He wasn’t done talking to you, but you just reminded him that you could call him on the home phone after his parents have gone to bed. He promised he would just use his cell phone--he had the minutes, he just preferred saving them--and then reminded you of his upcoming basketball game. You already promised to be there with a poster for him with whatever he wanted on it.
Seungkwan walked home slowly, savoring a few minutes of alone time before he came back in. He set his bag down on the couch with the plan to move it later, already hearing his mom greet him and immediately give him instructions. There was already a cutting board and a knife waiting for him with a few vegetables sitting atop it. So he washed his hands, and then got to work with helping her as she rattled off dinner plans casually.
At one point, he stopped, conflicted in his feelings. He thought he knew, but... “Mom?” She hummed in acknowledgement, a sign for him to continue. “What is love like?”
His mom stopped what she was doing, turning to him with a certain tenderness in her eyes as she watched him for a moment. His sisters had boyfriends before (although that, in Seungkwan’s mind, was always different because it was gross to see them hold hands or kiss because ew, gross, he doesn’t want to see them do that). He’d seen his parents love each other, too, throughout his life in the quiet way that parents seemed to: carrying burdens together, helping one another with the hard things of being an adult... Yet it seemed his mother had just realized how big he’d grown. When did he get this old to start asking such big questions like that?
“Love is...” She paused, clearly thinking her words over carefully. “Love is hard to define.”
Seungkwan pouted. That didn’t help.
She could see that, and in response smiled to herself with this light chuckle. “Love is a lot of things, Seungkwan. Love can be when you see someone and feel a need to care deeply for them--as much as you care about yourself.”
His mom continued with preparing dinner, gesturing quickly for Seungkwan to keep working as well. “You want the best for them. Sometimes it means putting aside your own feelings in order to help them.”
His mom looked up again, setting down her own knife. “Seungkwan... You’ll know it when you feel it.”
Love is a feeling. Seungkwan could accept that one a little more, as obscure as it sounded.
And he knew that night as he started to drift off while talking to you on the phone that the warm feeling in his chest, curled up there like a kitten finding its home, was love.
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Seungkwan, age fifteen, was your high school classmate again. Gone were the awkward middle school years.. Except the stupid bouts of jealousy whenever you talked to him about boys that you thought were cute. He was your best friend, you were allowed to like other people, but the feelings he harbored for you felt complicated and he always pouted over it later when he was alone. This wasn’t fair to you. Why couldn’t his feelings just be fair?
Except this time was worse. This time one of those guys asked you out. Not that Seungkwan would have stopped him: he didn’t think you liked him the same way he liked you. His mom told him that love meant sometimes putting someone else’s feelings above your own. That was why he was lying on your bed, waiting for you to come back upstairs with your snacks, listening to the CD that the two of you made together. You had begged for him to come help you figure out what to wear on your date with some guy who used to play soccer with you (it was some whole friend thing in the park, not officially as a team). Seungkwan, as much as it killed him, was happy to help you. That was what friends were for, right? You’d do the same for him. 
He could hear the sound of your footsteps approaching and perked up, watching as you pushed your bedroom door open with your shoulder. “Okay. So...”
You made your way over, passing him a bottle of water before carefully setting down the two bowls of snacks you’d scrounged up. You then walked over to the MP3 player speakers, turning them down to avoid a distraction. Seungkwan just waited as you opened up your closet doors, lips pressing together thoughtfully.
“His dad is going to drop us off at an amusement park,” you started sifting through clothes, “and then I think we’re going to see a movie afterward, too.”
(Seungkwan, although he was very good at hiding it, started to stew a little in his own feelings. A movie? What if Yuchan kissed you? Then he’ll die because what if you and Yuchan were perfect together and you forgot all about Seungkwan?)
“So... I was thinking... Maybe something comfortable?”
“Like jeans?”
You glanced back at him over your shoulder before shrugging. “I dunno. I looked it up and there aren’t any water rides, but what if it’s too hot for jeans?”
“Then wear shorts,” Seungkwan almost wanted to roll his eyes, instead opting to busy himself with grabbing the bowl of chips. “I’ll check the weather.”
While you continued to fret over things, Seungkwan pulled up the weather on his phone to check. It didn’t seem like it’d be too hot, so jeans (or whatever pants you wanted) seemed like a fine option to him. But then you turned to him, clutching a pretty yellow and black striped shirt, and frowned.
“Seungkwan, what if he wants to kiss me?”
His heart skipped a beat at the question, and Seungkwan hoped that he looked nonchalant as he glanced at you before shoving a chip into his mouth. “If you want to kiss him, then kiss him.” Please sound normal. Please don’t give me away--
“But what if I’m bad at it? I’ve never kissed anyone before...”
Seungkwan looked up, tucking his phone back into his pocket. He could see the gears turning in your head. In the same moment he said “No,” you were already speaking up with a “Seungkwan, can you kiss me?”
His word sank in, and you pouted. “Why not? You’re my best friend. It won’t be weird if it’s you.”
Seungkwan felt the blood rushing to his face. “Because it’d be my first kiss, too.”
“So you don’t want me to be your first kiss, either?” You huffed, “Well, what if you’re bad at it?”
He opened his mouth to counter you, only to stop as the words escaped him. Seungkwan, age fifteen, thought you had a point. But Seungkwan, age fifteen, did not want to concede so easily. “So you think I’ll be bad at it?”
You let out a loud groan, head falling back. “If we’re each other’s first kiss, then it won’t be a big deal when we do it for real. If you really don’t want to kiss me, I’ll shut up, but I trust you more than--”
Seungkwan sighed, setting aside the snacks as he hopped up. He came over to you, only to realize he came... far too close. Closer than he meant to, but you still shut up and stared at him. “Just... Lean in and do it, right?”
That was what they did on TV. In movies. In books.
A moment later, you nodded. “Are you sure?”
And then Seungkwan nodded, confidence dwindling by the second. “I’m sure. Are you...?”
He was. If he sucked, then you’d tell him. He trusted you, too, after all. Seungkwan leaned in tentatively, uncertain in his movements... only for his forehead to smack straight into your own. The two of you immediately leaned back with a wince, your hand flying to your forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut. Years ago, you would have laughed at him and kissed his forehead to make it better. Now you would always just get embarrassed whenever he brought it up, reminding him that you were four and that he did it, too, before learning that kisses weren’t a valid form of medicine.
Surprisingly, though, he did hear you laugh a moment later. “Just... stay still, then,” you said.
He opened his eyes, and you reached up, gently holding his face in place before angling your own.
And then you kissed him. Seungkwan, age fifteen, did not want these few seconds to end. It was awkward, and your nose bumped against his when you went in for the kiss, but you didn’t shy away like he did when your foreheads smacked. Your lips were softer than he thought they’d be (and he was overthinking, positive that his were chapped because he lost his lip balm weeks ago and kept forgetting to get a new stick). But he kissed you back, uncertain in the motion, just to do it. To say that he kissed you, too. That it wasn’t one sided.
A few seconds later, and it was over. Neither of you knew what to say. He backed off, heart racing in his ears as he watched you.
“His favorite color is yellow,” you said after a moment, holding up the shirt you’d thrown onto your bed at some point. “So I thought--”
“Yellow suits you,” he said, hoping that you wouldn’t notice the hopelessly fond look on his face. He stepped back again, sitting back down on your bed. “Pair it with the black jeans. Don’t take a jacket. If you get cold, he should give it to you.”
“But what if he’s not wearing one?”
A fair point, but... “He will,” Seungkwan said. If he’s serious about wooing you, he’ll wear one just so he can give it to you.
Seungkwan, at that moment, thought that he loved you. And he loved you enough that he would let you go happily, your happiness becoming most important to him. Even if that decision choked him up, he would do it to see that happy smile on your face any day.
(You called him when you got home the night-of, saying that Yuchan did give you his jacket and that he almost kissed you when he walked you to your door. Seungkwan merely said he was happy for you, ignoring the ache in his chest as he curled up tight in his bed.)
Love, Seungkwan decided, was complicated.
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Seungkwan, age nineteen, felt... complicated about a lot now.
You ended up dating Yuchan for two years, only for things to change as life became more hectic. School got harder, Yuchan became more dedicated to soccer and getting a scholarship with it, you busied yourself with trying to get into a good school. So was Seungkwan, actually. Weirdly enough, he didn’t realize how intertwined that process would be for the two of you. He wanted to do something with law school in the future (there was a reason he was on the debate team and good at it, and it was only partially because of his stubbornness), and you were either going pre-med for a career in nursing or maybe paleontology instead. You hadn’t decided yet, but as long as the school had a strong STEM program, you would be happy.
(Seungkwan joked that he should have known: those were two of your interests when you met. Dinosaurs and patching up your best friend who had his clumsy moments same as anyone else.)
And so the two of you ended up in the same school by happenstance. Seungkwan was one of the youngest in his year (the fact that you were a little older than him was always something you used to tease him), and on move-in day he was staring at his roommate, one Kim Mingyu. He was pretty damn chatty, which was okay, and he usually invited over the other two guys who live in their same suite. Seokmin was pretty nice, too, and he usually kept Seungkwan in conversations whenever he started to feel a little out of place. Minghao, a foreign student who came to study here because of the solid journalism program, was quieter--but that wasn’t a problem in the slightest.
What WAS a problem was the way you told Seungkwan that you had someone you wanted to introduce him to a few months into the school year. And when you showed up to the coffee shop the two of you had found within the first week, you were holding the hand of this stupidly hot dude who looked like a dick because he had his headphones hanging around his neck and wearing a beanie when it was definitely not cold enough for a beanie.
(Seungkwan, truthfully, was looking for reasons to hate him. But then you smiled at the guy after the two of you ordered, squeezed his hand, and guided him over to where Seungkwan was sitting, and he felt... guilty for doing so. Stupid hot boyfriend who makes you happy...)
“This is my best friend, Seungkwan,” you said to him, and Seungkwan took pride in the fact you introduced him first. “Seungkwan,” you smiled at him brightly, “this is Vernon! He’s technically an early graduate--something about his homeschooling program, he can tell you the details--but he’s in our year.”
Vernon gave him a polite smile and “sup,” before going on to say that he’d heard a lot about Seungkwan, actually. Another little thing for Seungkwan to take pride in. “They were telling me about how the two of you go way back. That’s actually why we haven’t met until now.”
Seungkwan looked at you in confusion. He knew that you’d started seeing someone a few weeks ago, but... You purposefully didn’t tell him who? Or anything about the guy?
“You’ve known me since we were four,” you said with a pout. “You would have told him so many stories about me. You did the same thing with that girl in high school!”
He did... For the exact same reason. While you did know the girl already, you had agreed to stay back until Seungkwan was ready to formally introduce you to her. That relationship didn’t last long to be fair, but he was terrified of all the blackmail you had over him. You, like him, had pictures, too.
“Plus... I dunno, I wanted to figure out where we stood,” you looked at Vernon with this soft smile on your face. Seungkwan thought he could see the love in your eyes, too.
Seungkwan cleared his throat. “I’m still going to tell him stories. He should know these things about you,” he said, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, “like your emo phase in middle school--”
Immediately, you whined. “Nooo! I know you have pictures!”
“And I’ll use them.”
Vernon, to Seungkwan’s surprise because of the cool-guy aura he seemed to carry, actually chuckled in response. “I think we’ve all got embarrassing stuff. It’s fine,” he said, and then spoke quieter to you, “It’s cute.”
And that ended up shutting you up with this really cute smile that Seungkwan had always found cute. “Anyway...” You turned back to Seungkwan with this look of concern for a moment. Yet the second you went to open your mouth, your name ended up being called out by the barista, leading you to quickly excuse yourself.
Seungkwan knew you’d take a few minutes to get your coffee to where you liked it. So he turned to Vernon right as the guy was about to strike up polite conversation, “I’m still their best friend, just so you know.”
Immediately, Vernon gave him this weird look, brows drawing together. “Sorry... What?”
“Just because we haven’t met until now doesn’t mean they like you more than me,” he said, crossing his arms. I come first, he wanted to say. I’ve known them since we were four. Remember that.
“Woah, dude, I didn’t say anything--” He paused for a moment, glancing over to where you were fiddling with sugar packets. “They’re cute. They’ve been talking about you a lot lately. If you’re upset they didn’t introduce me sooner, it’s just because they were worried you're gonna hate me.”
... You cared about his opinion that much? Seungkwan mentally smacked himself--of course you did. The two of you valued each other like that. “Oh.”
“Nah, man, I’m not gonna step on your friendship or anything,” Vernon leaned back in his chair. “I know you two are close. But they’re still my date, though....” Vernon was... way chiller than Seungkwan thought he’d be. He was sure most guys would have been offended. “But if you wanna be friends, I’m down. You seem cool. They said you sing?”
Seungkwan’s face was burning from embarrassment now, especially for trying to be petty and establish some stupid sense of dominance over him. “Yeah,” he said, feeling so small now. “I love singing.”
Vernon smiled a little, nodding along, “I’ve got a friend who’s been trying to get me to go to karaoke. Maybe all four of us could go sometime?”
... Admittedly, it was almost cute how Vernon just kind-of configured you into these plans. Probably because he knew that you, too, loved karaoke. You and Seungkwan had spent way too many hours growing up lying about doing homework when you were actually at a noraebang.
“I’d like that, actually.”
When you finally came back, it was to Vernon bringing up movies that he loved and Seungkwan engaging him in that conversation happily. And he could see the way you smiled at the way they were getting along. He got along with Yuchan just fine: so he could get along with Vernon, too. Besides... Vernon actually seemed pretty cool. Maybe in another life, they would already be best friends.
Seungkwan parted ways from the two of you as you said you’d be walking Vernon back to his dorm (meaning that you’d likely call Seungkwan later to talk), and he found himself hurrying back to his own. Mingyu was sitting at his desk, studying his notes from class with earbuds in, giving Seungkwan a welcome reprieve from being social for a few minutes. He found his own homework, breaking into a history textbook to start working there for the next few hours.
Later that night, you had called him while he was studying. Seungkwan could see you standing outside when he picked up, watching the way you happily waved one arm wildly at him to get him to come down. So he pocketed his keys, slipped into his shoes, and called back to Mingyu that he’d be back in a few minutes. He expected you to maybe tease him over the stupid shit he pulled with Vernon (he felt like Vernon would have let it slip, even though he didn’t seem offended), but instead you hugged him tight.
“I hope you know I love you a lot,” you said, “and I’ve wanted you to meet him since we started dating, but...”
Those bitter feelings slipped through Seungkwan’s fingers, melting away as he hugged you back. “You were scared he’d find something to dislike about you,” he sighed. “It’s okay. I like him.”
You stepped back, smiling brightly. “Really?”
“He’s nice. He obviously likes you,” he said with a shrug. “So he passes my test. But if he ever hurts you, I’ll fight him.”
You knew he would. It wasn’t the first time Seungkwan had said it, after all. “Just don’t steal him from me, Kwannie,” you patted him on the chest. “I almost thought I was your third wheel for a minute, y’know.”
... So maybe Seungkwan did get along great with Vernon. More than he really liked to admit. Fuck, Vernon was kind of perfect, wasn’t he? He was respectful toward him even after he tried to be all “myeh myeh I’m their best friend so you come second” like a child, and he fully understood that both of them were important people in your life...
“Thank you for not embarrassing me, y’know,” you said. “I mean, you still have videos from the time we tried to go rollerskating...”
(To be fair: so did you. Both of you quit because you were bad at it and got tired of falling, and spent the rest of your time in the arcade portion instead, being bad at games together.)
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” Seungkwan said. “Not this soon, at least. Maybe if he sticks around...”
It earned a laugh from you. That was how your relationship with Yuchan had been, too: there was a point where neither of you thought the embarrassing stuff would mess with your relationship too much. “I know,” you said. “I guess I just got in my own head. I really like him, y’know?”
He could tell. You looked at him the way Seungkwan was sure he looked at you--even though you never noticed. He bantered with you a little more, saying that Vernon would regret inviting both of you to karaoke when those plans came around, and made his way back inside. With a sigh, he flopped onto his bed, the noise enough to drag Mingyu out of his studies.
He chuckled. “I think it’s a little obvious how you feel.”
Seungkwan grasped, immediately reaching for the nearest soft thing to lob at him. And... It was that pastel blue dino plushie that he’d had since he was five. He used to hide it until Mingyu found it by accident while Seungkwan had been gathering his laundry. When he said it was a gift from you, Mingyu understood and said it was sweet how he held onto it so long. Which meant that Seungkwan would sometimes leave that dino plushie out when the others weren’t around. It comforted him to see it whenever he was getting stressed. Other times, the little guy lived in the top of his closet for safekeeping. Hell, Seungkwan had accidentally ripped the little guy’s leg and Mingyu had been the one who patched it up.
At no response from Seungkwan, Mingyu finally turned around, only to see Seungkwan staring at the dino plushie in his hands. “Why don’t you just tell them how you feel?”
“They’re dating some guy named Vernon now.” He ran his thumb along the stitching on the side. “I don’t think they love me back.”
Mingyu frowned, looking up to the clock on the wall, and then back to Seungkwan. “It’s not too late. Let’s go out,” he hopped up, shutting his books. “I’ll see if Seokmin and Hao are free, too.”
Seungkwan could feel that familiar ache in his chest--the same one he felt when you called him, giddy about your date with Yuchan--but softer than it had been before. You were happy. What more could he want?
This, too, was love. As long as you were happy, he could move on.
(And maybe he’ll like the girl Mingyu later offered to set him up with, swearing that he’d love her...)
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Seungkwan was twenty-two when he had another major fight with you.
The first time the two of you fought, you’d been kids. He barely remembered what it was about, but it resulted in him not talking to you for a week (which was like a thousand years in little-kid time) until you finally showed up to his door. You sobbed and said you missed him so bad, and apologized a thousand times until he started crying because he missed you, too. The second time had been in middle school over something stupid and immature, and he remembered that the two of you fought bad enough that you stormed off until he bribed you to talk to him again via ice cream and a serious conversation (thank you to his mom, actually: she was the one who talked sense into him first). The third was in high school because you had hated his girlfriend at the time. He hadn’t let you speak, and told you to get out of his house, only to come back together again later that night--halfway between your houses. The two of you apologized to one another: him because he heard from a few hours later that you had fought with his girlfriend in the halls for talking horribly about him behind his back, and you because you should have told him the truth right away.
And now... Things were different. The two of you now lived together in a crummy apartment that felt too small for the two of you. You were studying to become a nurse after you graduated, and Seungkwan was following his plans to set himself up for law school. He’d managed to luck out with getting an internship at this law firm in the city before he was even in law school, Yoon & Hong Law Group. The two of you had gone out to celebrate with Vernon and Chan back when he got the call. When he went in for his first day, Jeonghan had told him it was because of his application that they let him in. They liked his drive, and they remembered being in his position not too long ago. He and Joshua weren’t the original Yoon and Hong (that was his dad and Joshua’s mom, who still headed the firm), but they’d take over the firm one day and they hoped that Seungkwan would still be part of that future. Where Seungkwan had been accepted, you were still waiting on replies from nursing schools.
While you and Vernon had only dated for about a year before that spark fizzled away (which was something Seungkwan couldn’t wrap his head around: how did it take a year for that to happen? Then again, a year stopped feeling so long after you became an adult...), the two of you were still friends. Somewhere along the way, Seungkwan started to consider Vernon as one of his closest friends, too--not number one, because that would always be you, but still pretty damn up there.
He remembered when the two of you broke up. He knew that both of you were talking about things seriously, because you loved each other, just not enough. Vernon had apparently asked if that meant you wanted to break up. You had said you still loved him, he said he still loved you, and then you both had to really examine whether you two loved each other romantically or just as close friends. Although it took a break to cope with your own feelings after mutually agreeing you’d be better off as friends, Seungkwan was glad that the two of you came back together... even if he still remembered the way you broke down crying when you came home to him that day. You’d sobbed into his shoulder that you still loved him, but you couldn’t love Vernon the way he deserved to be loved.
And Seungkwan, ever the dutiful best friend, held you through that storm until it had calmed. Then it was time for him to take care of you: to order dinner and put on movies and forget about your assignments together for a few hours. He’d even gone out to get the dessert you liked, only splitting it evenly with you when you firmly insisted. You’d rested your head on his shoulder and told him that the feeling sucked. He understood. He just let you cuddle him as much as you needed to.
Vernon later called him to ask how you were doing. When Seungkwan, having stepped onto the balcony to take the call, looked back at your sleeping back, he felt relieved. Vernon had been honest with him: the two of you needed time to get over the breakup. Seungkwan confessed he didn’t want to lose either of you as friends, and neither did Vernon. Neither did you. A few months later, things were getting back to normal again. You and Vernon had physically been close, but that was because you were always like Seungkwan: physically affectionate with any and every person you cared about. It was a little awkward in the beginning, sure, but Vernon happily returned your hugs soon enough and everything became normal.
Seungkwan, on the other hand, had also dated a few people. The girl that Mingyu set him up with didn’t last long. The others... were also short-lived relationships. The longest one he had over the past few years lasted almost half a year, but he’d ended it after having enough of feeling like garbage. It hadn't been toxic or abusive, but the initially playful jabs at his chubby cheeks or his body toward the end of the relationship had been enough for him. He valued himself too highly to put up with that bullshit.
Also, you’d been getting pissed: the last time they said that shit to him, you finally snapped (admittedly while drunk) that your Boo was cute and his ass was great and that they could fuck off if they weren’t going to appreciate him for who he was. They had gotten offended, and Seungkwan gladly chose you over them... even if the comment about his ass finally hit him hours later after he’d helped you to bed, and it stuck with him to this day
To be honest, Seungkwan thought his feelings for you would have gone away by now. The two of you had known each other for almost two decades. He knew he’d always love you... but like this? Where he looked at you and sometimes daydreamed of what could be if he’d stop playing a coward and told you how he felt? It was different. As much as Seungkwan wanted to tell you, he wasn’t going to jeopardize his friendship for it. Things were good.
... Until he went and opened his stupid fucking mouth and told you that he hated your boyfriend. He said outright that your boyfriend was a shit person who didn’t deserve you. He saw the way he spoke about you, the vulgar way he acted, and the way you’d swatted his hands away too many damn times because you didn’t want to be touched that way in that moment. This last time, Seungkwan had snapped at him for trying to bother you in your own home. You didn’t stand up to either of them, and your boyfriend left the apartment pissed off, which in turn made you pissed at Seungkwan.
“I just don’t see why you can’t be fucking nice to him!” You had snapped, fists balled tight at your sides. “You liked Yuchan,you liked Vernon--what’s so different about Donghae?! Why can’t you just be happy for me?!”
That had struck a nerve. “I am happy for you!” He snapped. “I’ve always been happy for you! But Donghae doesn’t respect you, and I’m not going to stand here when you deserve better!”
“If it bothered me, I’d tell him to stop--”
“You have! I’ve seen you tell him to stop--but he doesn’t respect you, so he doesn’t listen! You shouldn’t date some idiot who doesn’t respect you--”
Things had grown louder from there until you finally had enough. You were pissed off, and you barked back something about needing space before stomping out of the apartment. That had been a little over half an hour ago, and with a messy apron folded beside him, he was sitting on the couch, replaying the conversation over and over. He called Vernon, who came over with Chan, within the next fifteen minutes.
“Ah. Dude, you kinda fucked up,” was what Vernon said once he heard the full story.
“I dunno,” Chan frowned from his spot in the cozy armchair that you had picked out so long ago for the apartment. Most of the time Chan and Seungkwan would bicker over the smallest thing, but it was clear how much he cared about him from how serious he took things like this. “Donghae is an asshole. I’m just surprised he didn’t say it sooner.”
“I’m not saying he shouldn’t have said it, I’m just saying he shouldn’t have said it like that.”
Seungkwan was sitting on the couch. There was a cake, hastily made from a box mix, cooling in the freezer to get it done faster. I’m sorry I wasn’t nicer about your dick boyfriend probably wouldn’t fit on a cake. His phone rang, and it was his mom (the only time he’d ever be disappointed to hear from her, Seungkwan was certain). He excused himself to step out on the balcony, embracing the cold air to clear his head as he picked up. It started with her asking how he was doing, and he ended up crying before confessing he had another big fight with you. The first one in years, since the two of you didn’t fight often. Tiny arguments, sure, but that was different. He hadn’t heard from you in maybe an hour now, and he was worried.
His mom listened to his concerns, and told him what his friends had told him: that his heart was in the right place (especially since Seungkwan told her that he thought you weren’t being treated well), but that he just needed to communicate it better. Calling your boyfriend an asshole to his face was probably the worst way to go about it.
“It’s just complicated,” Seungkwan confessed, wiping hard at his face.
“Love always is,” was what his mom said. “You’ll learn that when you grow up.”
He let out a sigh before pouting. “I’m already grown up...”
His mother’s warm chuckle calmed him further. “You’ll understand that later, too. You should make sure that they’re safe.” 
So Seungkwan did: he texted you to ask if you were. You didn’t respond, not that he expected you to reply immediately. You needed time to cool off. He followed up the text to tell you that if he didn’t hear from you within the next two hours, he was going to go out looking, and then pocketed his phone.
He had a cake to ice, after all, even if it might end up looking bad. Vernon and Chan had followed him into the kitchen where he frosted the cooled cake with white icing, mixing up pink and preparing a piping bag.
Chan had been the one to question it: “So... What’s the cake for?”
“Apology cake,” Vernon whispered. “For not saying stuff right. He’s done it once before.”
(It had been over an hour since you were gone. Seungkwan was going to finish this damn cake to distract himself.)
He’d managed to get a decent-ish looking border done, starting on the words when he heard the chime of the door. All he had done was an I’m So when he heard your footsteps, far lighter than the last time he’d heard them.
“Oh. Hey.”
“You good?” Vernon asked.
He could hear the rustle of a plastic bag in your hands. “Mmm... Maybe. I dunno.”
Seungkwan said nothing as he finished Sorry on the cake. That would do for now.
“Seungkwan?” He could hear you growing closer to him. “Um...” Out of the corner of his eye, he could see you look to Vernon and Chan. “God... They probably already know, so I’ll just say it. I’m sorry.”
He looked up. “Huh?”
“I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.” The bag in your hand rustled further in your grip. “I mean... You were right. He was a dick, and... I dunno, I left, and then he called me, and he kept saying all this stupid shit about how you never respected me, and... I just told him I was done.”
Seungkwan stared at you. “You broke up with him?”
“I mean... I probably should have when he stopped listening to me, but--” Then you looked at the cake. “Seungkwan, what are you--”
He stepped aside, letting you see the writing. “I’m sorry I got angry,” he said. “And I’m sorry I spoke to you like that. I think... We both got upset really fast.”
Which was true. Both of you had been stressed lately with everything else going on. That didn’t help with what happened today.
“Oh my god.”
“I know it looks bad--”
You shook your head, opening the bag to pull out a pint of cookies and cream ice cream. “I got you apology ice cream,” you had lightly laughed, only to remember the other two in the room with you. “Ah, fuck--I should have known you would have called them over... I should have bought more--”
“We still have vanilla,” Seungkwan said, “They’ll be fine.”
And despite their playful complaints, both were fine with that when you brought out the carton from the freezer. The four of you had your cake and your ice cream as a nice little indulgence after a stressful night. Seungkwan sent them off with the extra cake because neither of you wanted it. He quietly cleaned up, bringing the other dishes over to where you’d started to quietly clean them in the sink.
“I really mean it,” Seungkwan said. “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. I’m sorry.” 
You frowned at him. “Seungkwan...” You reached past him, grabbing the dish towel to dry your hands on. Then you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around him tight. “I know. We’re better friends than this, though... I shouldn’t have assumed you were being a dick when you’ve always been looking out for me. I mean... You care about me more than a lot of people, y’know?”
“You do the same,” he said, hugging you back. He always liked the way you felt so warm in his arms. Like everything would be okay if he just had you there. “I know I’m loved... But I don’t doubt it or get in my head when it’s you.”
It felt like a confession. You pulled away from him after a moment, hands now lingering on his upper arm as you stared at him for a moment. He almost saw something on your face, but you turned away before he could try to figure out what it was. You went back to doing the dishes, and Seungkwan wordlessly stepped in to help you with them.
Seungkwan thought to himself, in that moment, that he was doomed to always love you no matter who he saw. That the person he was looking for in every single person would always be you. But... if it meant the two of you stayed connected so deeply like this, even when you were angry at one another, then he would be okay with it.
Even when you fought, he would always love you. Maybe that, too, was part of love, as complicated as it was to admit that.
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Seungkwan was twenty-four when things were... beyond stressful. Between law school being hard and nursing school draining you most days, Seungkwan felt like he barely saw you despite living together. If nothing else, he barely saw you happy most days. Neither of you really went out with anyone unless they were friends, careers taking priority over any kind of romantic relationship. But that was okay: the two of you had talked about that kind of thing over a rare dinner together. You didn’t want to bring anyone new into your life when everything was so busy, and he was too stressed to really let go with someone that wasn’t already close to him. The two of you were working hard, and all you could really do was support the other through it all. Sometimes it took the form of movie nights when he came disgruntled and unable to read another word of his text book or old cases, and he liked to think he was better at giving massages after long hours of you being in the hospital for things. God knew you should see a professional, but you were trying to save up and keep money in your account for rent and food and other necessities right now. When you were an actual nurse, maybe then you’d start occasionally seeing a professional.
It also came with the two of you venting to one another. He’d heard about the people that you worked with. About Dr. Choi, who was strict but seemed to have a soft spot  for you because you brought him a latte once when he looked particularly exhausted. Seungkwan actually met another nurse you worked with--Jeon Wonwoo--when he went up to the hospital one night because you forgot your umbrella... Only for Wonwoo to have been leaving at the same time, offering both of you a ride back to your apartment. Seungkwan, despite knowing just how stressed your job made you, liked how happy you were with it. He thought it was definitely good for you, and you always loved to talk about how you were helping people--even as a student. There were shitty patients who disrespected you (and your fellow medical professionals), but your drive was in your desire to make other people happier.
It was Saturday now, a rare day where you came home hours ago from working. He’d moved his headphones off when you came in, only for you to wave him off saying that you’d talk after you got a little rest. He readjusted them, and went back to studying hard. He was tired, though, and he could feel his eyelids growing heavier. He had research he had to do earlier, and now he was catching up in reading for one of his classes... Two years and he still wasn’t done, but at least he wasn’t in it alone. He had you.
His headphones must have gotten knocked askew when he fell asleep over his books, because the knock at the door had been enough to wake him up. He pulled his headphones off, getting up to stretch on his walk over. He opened the door, only to find a package waiting outside that was addressed to you. Seungkwan brought it inside, making a mental note to refill his water bottle in a minute, about to call out for you when you rushed in.
“Don’t open it!”
He wasn’t going to, but he nearly dropped the damn thing at how loud you suddenly were. You took the box from him quickly, hugging it tight to you with one arm as you fished around in a drawer for the box cutter. Seungkwan realized that he had apparently blocked everything you’d been doing out for the past hour (or maybe he was just that deeply asleep for a bit), because there were suddenly way more blankets in there than the two of you usually kept... and you had stolen one of the chairs from the dining table, pushed the coffee table forward...
“What are you doing?”
You’d already sat down on the floor, opening up the box. He hadn’t seen you this lively since that late night study group around midterms, and that was because of all the caffeine in your system. You’d been beyond burnt out since then, working on countless assignments and going to work. Today had just been a rare Saturday where both of you were home, just giving you time to study and rest before next week kicked your asses once more.
“Can you bring the batteries?” You called out over your shoulder. “Triple-A. I need four.”
That didn’t answer his question, but Seungkwan did as you asked. Before he could see what was in the box, you stopped him, hand extended for the batteries.
“Go back to studying,” you ordered. “I’ll get you when everything’s ready.”
He didn’t move. He just furrowed his brow in confusion, wanting to question you further, only for you to huff in aggravation.
“Just trust me. Tonight’s... special.”
Seungkwan did as you said, including moving his chair to where his back was to you entirely. He could hear you moving around the apartment behind him, eventually answering the door again to get takeout (and immediately his stomach rumbled when he caught the scent of fried chicken from his favorite place). He almost asked if he was forgetting something important, but you just held up a hand.
“I’m almost done,” you told him with this cute smile on your face that was enough to make him agree to wait. “Okay? I’m almost done.”
It was cute how excited you were. It almost worried him, to be honest... It wasn’t his birthday. It wasn’t yours. Was he forgetting something big? Sure, it had almost been twenty years since the two of you became friends, but that friend-iversary wasn’t for another few weeks. The two of you already had plans for it, too: you were going to go to an amusement park and just pretend you didn’t have a thousand other things going on for a day.
When you finally came back to him, you had carefully pushed his assignment into the page he was reading before shutting his book for him. He couldn’t say no to you when he saw how happy you were. It was fine, too: technically he was a little ahead in his classes. He just wanted to give himself the best chances to succeed.
“Close your eyes.”
And he did, letting you slowly guide him from his chair. He couldn’t fight the smile on his face as your hands took his. With each slow step, he couldn’t help but wonder what you had in mind. At one point, you stopped, gently stepping around him to push him down onto his knees and then back--instructing him to just sit there for a moment.
“I just need a minute... So keep your eyes closed, okay? It’s a surprise.”
He listened, knees hugged to his chest right now as he listened to you move around the apartment. Something soft--one of those blankets, probably--gently thwacked him in the face at one point before it was immediately pulled away (and he almost giggled at the sound of your quiet swearing under your breath). He could hear the click of something plastic opening, and then the sound of you fumbling with those batteries, more plastic buttons being pressed...
“Okay. You can open your eyes now.”
He did, and the room was illuminated in stars. There was dinner on the table--his favorite dakgangjeong, an order for you, and various sides spread out--and the two of you were now sitting underneath a blanket fort that you must have fixed after you sat him down. You slid a little closer to him, taking his hands in your own.
“What are you--”
“Seungkwan,” you said firmly. “It’s been almost two decades since we became friends... but I remember we did this back when we were eight. And--I dunno. I guess I got sentimental. I know you’ve been stressed lately, too, and... I dunno, I just... It’s stupid, but I wanted to relive the first time I slept over at your house. And then I saw this thing,” you nodded toward the projector, “when I was browsing through random shit online, and then I got this stupid idea, and I thought it might just be a sign to go through with it...”
Seungkwan had never wanted to kiss you more than he did at that moment. Instead, he just choked up, tears brimming because of... all of it. All that was missing was the silly little drawing of the two of you and your families and your weird cat-dog-thing. But the dinner, the stars, the blanket fort...
“I love you.”
The words were out before he could even process it, and he realized what he just said. He grew more embarrassed, about to take them back. To say that he didn’t mean it like that, to try and save your friendship before he could destroy it with feelings that he thought were only one sided.
But he didn’t. He could see the way you looked at him. The way your eyes flickered down to his lips for a moment. Like magnetism, you drifted forward, about to kiss him when your forehead bumped against his again.
And he laughed. “Here,” he said. “Stay still.”
Seungkwan gently held your face so that he could angle his own, kissing you gently.
Seungkwan, at twenty-four, knew that he loved you. With every single beat of his heart, he loved you. You kissed him back, and he finally saw that you, at some point along the way, fell for him, too. The two of you weren’t two four year olds on the way home from school, where you took care of him and made sure he was okay. You weren’t eight year olds under a blanket fort, dreaming of living under the same roof with everyone you held dear to you, or fifteen year olds having their first kiss together because they were both too scared to have it with someone else because of the silly notion that they should know how to kiss before they did it. He was twenty four, and after a lifetime of questioning it, he thought he finally understood what love was.
You pulled away after a moment, eyes twinkling. He preferred the stars in them to the stars from that silly lamp. “I love you, too.”
And then you kissed him again, and everything felt right.
Love, he had learned, was a lot of things. The act of being happy with another person, of seeing their joy and treasuring it close to your heart. Of wanting them to be happy no matter what. To enjoy being around a person, and to yearn for their presence when they were gone for too long. Love was a feeling.
The act of accepting differences for what they are, of fighting but coming together because you cared about each other more. To put aside oneself in order to let someone find their happiness elsewhere. To surprise the other with something that might seem silly to other people, but meant the world to you. Love was an action, too.
But love? Love, he decided at that moment, is you.
And it was him, too.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex​ @synthetickitsune​
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dollyhao · 11 months
ameliorate; to make better
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pairing: dina x reader
summary: dina is overwhelmed by all the things that happened in seattle…. and ellie, and being a single mother doesn’t make it any easier. when a sweet woman comes to make her life easier...better.
toni's note: there's nothing to warn about besides a bit angst, it doesn't really get angsty till the next part. im hoping i can make this into 3 parts. thank you for 800 followers by the way!
word count: 1k
you hear the sound of a wailing baby as you make your way back home, you follow the sound. you cant be too sure about these kinda things, what if something bad happened. you stumble upon dina rocking baby jj in a rocking chair on her porch, shushing him trying to console him. dina looks tired and overwhelmed, dark circles under her eyes and unbrushed hair.
you approach her gently not wanting to startle her, “hey, can i try?” you give her a gentle smile pointing at jj. dina tucks a piece of hair behind her ear nodding, “y-yea sure. you can try, hes been crying a lot lately.” you reach for jj bouncing and rocking in a comforting rhythm, chanting soft shushes. jj quiets down letting out a calm gurgle. you look back up at dina seeing her rub her hands down her face in an exhausted manner.
she chuckles, “i cant even get my son to be quiet let alone sleep, ellie was really good at that..” she puts her elbows on her knees putting her face in her hands. you stay quiet letting her have her moment, still rocking jj as he starts to doze off. dina seems to regroup, looking back up at you curiously, “would you like to come in? its getting cold out here.” dina offers standing up. “yea, thanks.”
dina walks into the house and you follow, “no. thank you. i appreciate what you did. “ “where’s his bed?” you ask now that jj is fast asleep. “he sleeps with me, the room is down the hall.” you go to the room, laying jj down, making sure hes comfortable before leaving the room. dina is in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea, “would you like some?” she glances at you over her shoulder. “yes please.” you stand awkwardly, hands in your back pockets swaying a little. she nods over to the living room with 2 cups in her hands. you follow taking a seat on the couch as she hands you a cup.
you thank her, taking a sip. “are you new to jackson? i dont remember ever seeing you before.” you chuckle, “no im not new, ive been here for years now.” you give a shy smile. “oh im sorry, i cant believe ive never noticed you.” “its fine. i preferred to stay to myself anyway. i work at the school. im a teacher,” you sit your cup down looking at her, “i always wanted to approach you, i thought you were beautiful. but you were dating jesse and then after you and jesse broke up, you and ellie made a nice little scene at the party.” you chuckle watching her face flush slightly. “also, im sorry about jesse…. and ellie.” she nods, quiet for a minute before replying. “thank you, for the jesse and ellie thing… and for calling me beautiful.” you smile at her.
you look outside seeing how dark it was getting, “i should get going.” you say standing up. dina stands up too, “thank you again. he probably would’ve cried through the night.” “of course, just let me know if you need my help again. ill be happy to help.” you walk backwards as you talk smiling at her until you run into a wall. “ah, shit..” you say rubbing the back of your head. dina laughs and follows you to the door as you turn around and walk correctly. “ill be sure to ask for your help again.” she says giving you a soft, genuine smile.
a week later, you walk into the dining hall as maria is walking out, “hey maria, is there anything you needed from me?” you wanted to make sure there wasn’t something you were suppose to be doing that you forgot about. “no. nothing that i can remember. im about to take this to dina, i wanna make sure shes staying fed.” “ill take it to her!” you say a little too eagerly for your taste. for the last week, you’ve been trying to find any excuse to visit dina and jj when you weren’t busy. dina doesn’t seem to ever object to the company. she appreciates you coming around and talking to her and playing with the baby. so when this opportunity pops up, of course your gonna take it. “let me grab myself a plate and ill take hers to her.” you say taking the plate out her hands. “well ok. thank you.” you smile before walking away.
you get to dina’s door knocking with the two plates in your hands. dina opens the door looking a little breathless, “oh, hey.” she gives you one of her soft smiles shes been giving you quite a lot. “hey, i brought you food. not sure if you ate or not.” “right.. food. i definitely forgot to eat. “ she says rubbing a hand through her hair. she gives another small smile, but this one doesn’t reach her eyes. “thats ok. i have food for you, lets not dwell to much on a honest mistake. k?” she nods. you hear a baby cry in the background, “i see you have two plates. wanna come in and eat? i was just feeding jj.” “id love to” you respond walking in.
you guys walk to the dining table where you find jj in a high chair. “hey baby boy!” you say tickling his belly, he lets out a squeal/giggle. you and dina sit on either sides of him after a minute, you see dina subtly go to smell herself. she lets out a wince, “um do you mind feeding him while i go take a shower.” you nod, “of course.” you say as you slide his food bowl over to yourself. you give dina a reassuring smile letting her know its ok.
when dina gets out the shower and is dressed, she walks in the living room while brushing her hair seeing you and jj on the carpet in her living room playing. she smiles, it felt good being able to enjoy a shower without rushing out to jj. she trusts you with jj almost the way she trusted ellie with him. yall look her way, both you and jj smiling at her. she comes and joins, both of you enjoying the sweet giggles of the cute baby.
(part 1)
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luvjoshuahong · 5 months
next door surprise - yjh
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☆ featuring: next door neighbor!jeonghan x fem!reader ☆ tags: fluff. no kissing or anything just a cute birthday surprise and jeonghans confession ☆ wc: 674 ☆ a/n: happy birthday to @tangylemonade ! this fanfic is in response to this request you sent for your birthday<3 also not proofread at all and a little bad since im sick so i struggled writing this
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your birthday is soon.
you always celebrate your birthday with your 3 close friends but this time they’re all traveling somewhere. not having any close family either, you decided to not celebrate at all.
drowning yourself in your school work for the weeks before your birthday seemed like a better idea. you often met your neighbor jeonghan in the library and you ended up telling him about your plans.
you and jeonghan had became good friends over time. as you live right next door to him, you both would go to school together.
you were outside one day looking around for something to eat when you got a message from jeonghan
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han💫 hi ^^ sorry for the short notice but do you think i could stay in your guest room for a week? i had a pipe leak in my apartment and they said they need a week to fix it :(
y/n ☆ sure! i’ll clean it up when i get home and you can stay starting from tonight<3
han💫 thank you!!! you’re a life saver <3
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as soon as you got home, you cleaned up your guest room and freshened up the guest bathroom. by the time you were finished, jeonghan knocked on your door with an overnight bag.
“thank you so much, i can’t explain how grateful i am that you let me stay”, jeonghan expressed as soon has he walked in.
“anytime! i never mind helping out my favorite neighbor”, you tell jeonghan while laughing and leading him to his room.
jeonghan sets his bags down and you leave letting him settle in. you show jeonghan around your kitchen and tell him he can stock up on food he likes. you also let jeonghan know you might not be home much for a few weeks since you’re caught up with your studies but he can keep a spare key so he can let himself in and out anytime.
the week goes by in a blur and you hadn’t thought that jeonghan would do anything for your birthday even though he was staying in your house. the night before your birthday you had gotten home just before midnight as you took a long walk to freshen your mind. when you got inside the house was dark so you assumed jeonghan had already went to sleep. you walked into your kitchen to take some leftovers when suddenly jeonghan switches on the lights.
“surprise!” jeonghan and joshua scream with a cake and gifts in their hands.
“joshua?! when did you get here and where had all this come from!” you knew joshua since he was jeonghans best friend and you shared a class with him. you were shocked to see that jeonghan and joshua prepared all this for you.
“jeonghan spoke about how you were spending your birthday alone so he came up with a plan to surprise you! i told him i would help with the gifts and decoration since i thought it was sweet he was doing this for you”, joshua said while you looked at everything in awe.
all 3 of you spent a good time until joshua had to go home since it was getting pretty late and jeonghan had decided he would go home that night.
“thank you, jeonghan. i appreciate everything you did for me today”, you expressed to jeonghan as he was packing his things.
“anything for you, y/n. you’re a dear friend to me and i didn’t want you to spend a day like this alone”, jeonghan said with a soft look in his eyes
you walked jeonghan to his door to show your gratitude when he suddenly started speaking, “maybe one day, we should have dinner together. i really enjoyed tonight and hope to spend more time together”, jeonghan said sincerely.
you told jeonghan you would clear your schedule for the weekend and you were looking forward for your date. when you get to bed, you’re thankful jeonghan asked you out as your secret crush on him could now lead to something more.
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☆ end notes: this is not well written i'm so sorry </3 i was sick when i wrote this so it's not too good but happy birthday to lemon! also thank you to my soojin for giving me the idea for the fic since i have a crazy obsession with neighbor/roomie han
masterlist | taglist | rules | carrd | help palestine
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srjlvr · 2 years
,, late night walkings ‘‘
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“im more of a night person”
highschool student!Jake X highschool student!gn Reader
Jake’s place-to-escape is the park only at the very late night hours, he never thought he’d now have to share his place with a stranger || genre fluff, a bit of angst & comfort! || wc 2.0k+ || lowercase intended. || ✎ ᝰ . not my fav but i worked a lot on it, pls tell me what you think!
“late night walking became my favorite thing now because it’s with you”
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“you’re failing your classes and you can’t do anything right! what happened to you?” jake heard this sentence a few times lately, especially from his parents and teachers.
he took a big sigh and laid back his chair. he has been out of motivation lately and barely even wants to get out of bed, he tries his best but nothing comes out of it, he’s on the verge of giving up already.
he looked at the clock on his desk, it showed 11:48PM, he has been studying up until now and lately he had been dealing with problems of sleeping as well. “guess i’ll go out for a walk” he smiled to himself, grabbed his coat and quickly made his way to the door.
“where are you going? sim jake!” his mother called him but it’s nothing new, he has been going out on these hours lately and always comes back about half an hour later, she sighed to herself, shaking her head in disappointment.
finally arriving at the nearest park to his house, he sighed loudly. “will i be able to pass this year successfully?” he asked himself, looking at the dark view ahead of him.
the park is big, there’s a river along the entire place and there are a few benches to sit in front of the river, the view is breathtaking, especially in the night when all you see is the lights from the buildings on the other side of the river and the dark water that make those really relaxing and comforting sounds. it’s certainly a hobby of jake to come here every time when he can’t seem to fall asleep.
you were just now finishing your job in the convenient store, taking your bag and a few snacks, you waved goodbye at the worker who replaced you and headed out of the store. the weather was chilly, it wasn’t too cold but it wasn’t too hot either, you loved it.
you’re working at the convenient store to save up some money so you could spend it on the things you need. at one point you wanted to feel independent and stopped asking for money from your parents, so you had to start working.
however, you didn’t expect everything to be even more stressful. your parents wants you to be successful, but you’re falling behind everyone in the class, you’re feeling like a very much disappointment to everyone.
“will i be able to make my parents proud?” you sighed and took a bite from your snack. you actually like the outside more than your own house, especially at nights so you usually just go out after work until you feel like getting back home.
you usually wake up around 6AM and finish your job around 11:50PM, your sleeping hours are a bit messed up but you don’t regret being hardworking at all. school is important to you, but you also gotta make money for living.
“i’ll go to this park today” you’ve never been in the park before, but you heard your co-workers talking about how pretty it is at night, you’re usually hanging around at the close playground just by yourself, playing some games on your phone and eating snacks alone.
slowly making your way to the park, you took out a few snacks that were in your backpack as you were feeling a bit hungry.
when you arrived at that park, you stopped for a minute. you admired the peace and beautiful view, you took a few seconds to look around and explore the whole place.
that was when you saw a dark figure, sitting on one of the benches in front of the river. “is he a stalker of someone or something…?” you asked yourself and slowly got closer to the figure.
you tried carefully not to make any noise and when you got close enough, you heard a crying and sniffing sounds. no way….is he…crying…? you thought.
you didn’t want to interrupt his cries so you sat on one of the benches that was next to his. you looked at the river without looking at him. “i don’t know you at all but i know that something’s probably off if you’re here at this park at this hour while shedding a few tears” you tried to make a joke and maybe brighten his mood but all it did was to make him stop crying.
he wiped his tears and looked at you. “your parents didn’t teach you it’s not okay to talk with strangers?” he asked. “i don’t like following my parents’ rules, i break them” you chuckled.
he was looking at you but you were looking at the river without making any eye contact with him. “i’m sorry to interrupt your crying session, if you feel like venting then do it, we’re strangers anyway so it’s better since i know literally nothing about you” you casually said.
you were right, you both really don’t know each other and honestly? venting to a stranger is better than venting to someone you know, there is no judgement from the stranger’s side so you don’t feel like you’re being judged.
“i feel like i’m disappointing my parents, my teachers and everyone else i know, school is the main reason and the problem is, no matter how hard i try i just never manage to achieve my goal” he sadly smiled. “and if you were wondering, i like this park, it’s better than my home and the only place i find comfort in” he added.
you bit your lip, his story really sounded similar to yours, “i know it’s hard, but you can do it, you’ll manage to get out of this loop, you need to learn from your mistakes and move on with the help of them.” you sighed, “you shouldn’t be too harsh on yourself, you should learn how to firstly accept yourself, and then it’ll slowly affect your surroundings” you finally looked at him and you made an eye contact.
your eyes brightened a bit, he looked really out of motivation and tired, nevertheless he was really beautiful, even if it was really dark and you could barely see him. jake feels the same too. up until now he saw half of your face, but when you made eye contact something in him softened, you looked tired as well, almost as if you were the same person in different bodies, you were absolutely beautiful in his eyes even though he didn’t see much of your face since it’s really dark.
“thank you” he whispered, “i really needed to hear that” he nodded. “im y/n” you randomly said, “if you like this place and come here everyday at this hour, then i guess it’ll be my routine as well” you chuckled. “jake” he replied. “never thought i’d have to share my park with a stranger” he added. “you know my name so now we’re not that much of strangers” you smiled softly.
you and jake kept talking and getting to know each other better, you didn’t notice the time that passed by so fast, and suddenly you heard jake’s phone getting spammed with loads of texts. “oh god, it’s like 1:30AM right now, my mom’s worried sick” he stressfully said.
you got closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him a bit, “you’ll be fine, your mother will relax as soon as you tell her that you’re alive” you giggled. he chuckled a bit and got up next to you.
that was when you figured he was taller than you expected. “woah you’re tall” you put a hand over your mouth. “told her i’m alive and breathing, let’s do a little walk around the park!” he excitedly said as he turned off his phone.
for a few more minutes, you and jake spent your happiest moments together, even if you’re both complete strangers that just met each other, you managed to find comfort in each other really fast.
around 2AM you decided to call it a night, and each of you went the other way back to your house.
the sun rise and you were already eating your breakfast, quickly getting ready for school and heading out your home. “i’ll be back home late don’t search for me” you claimed without waiting for your parents’ reaction.
jake was doing the basically same, “i’ll be back home as usual” he sighed and closed the door.
your day routine was the same, getting into school and walking out of school, you went to your convenient store to start working and jake headed home.
it was around 11:20PM that jake stopped studying, he looked at the clocked and sighed, “should i visit their work place today….?” he asked himself. yesterday you told him that you’re working at the close convenient store and invited him to visit you whenever he feels like it.
through the whole day, jake couldn’t stop thinking about you, you met yesterday but jake already couldn’t stop feeling attracted to you.
he decided to go and visit you so he took his coat and headed out, without updating his parents again. he finally arrived at the place and looked at the store from the outside.
he saw you there behind the counter, studying a bit since there was no one in the store. you looked even prettier now that jake could see you in the light. he walked in and a ringing bell sound made you look up at the glass door.
“hell- oh? jake!” you excitedly said when you saw the person. “i decided to pay a visit” he smiled.
oh man, jake was too handsome now that you could finally see him fully in the light. “thank god, it was so boring here already” you rolled your eyes and sighed.
“my shift ends in about 20 minutes, do you wanna snack some noodles in the meantime?” you offered. there was no one in the store anyway so you could eat with him.
“do you always work that late?” he asked worriedly. “guilty” you giggled, “what can i say? i’m more of a night person”. jake nodded and went to grab his favorite noodles to make.
when your noodles were finally ready, you sat on the bar that was in front of the glass walls of the store, happily eating your noodles and joking around. “i was planning to see you at the park today anyway, i even told my parents i’ll be back home late” you smiled. “i didn’t tell my parents anything, i’m probably going to get spammed again” he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
twenty minutes later and your other co-worker came to replace you. “have fun on your shift!” you smiled and went out together with jake. “to the park?” he asked. you nodded, “to the park”.
and every night it would be the same, jake coming to your work and you’re walking together to the park. it almost feels as if the park belongs to the both of you only. the same routine kept on going for months already.
jake slowly started to get his grades back in track and you did the same. “it’s all thanks to our late night walkings” you sarcastically said. “it’s true though! without your comfort that day i don’t think i’d be where i am right now” he smiled at you.
“late night walking became my favorite thing now because it’s with you” he blabbered out. “it was my only way of escaping the reality back then but ever since i met you it changed it’s meaning” he chuckled, “thank you, for turning my late night walkings into something more meaningful” he genuinely said from his whole heart, the way you two share eye contact made you feel butterflies in your stomach, even though making eye contact already became your usual thing.
“why are you saying that out of blue?” you smiled. “because i realized it’s finally the time to tell you how i really feel about you” he took a deep breath, “you know, about me liking you for a while now and these things”
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© srjlvr , pls don’t copy/translate any of my works without permission ! | reblogs and comments are very appreciated !
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
What Angels Fear 
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Category: ANGST 
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!Reader 
The aftermath of Aaron being shot by Foyet from his daughters pov.
Content warnings: PTSD, shootings, hospitals, sadness, fear, guns, dad Aaron. Reader is seventeen and jack and haley do not exist
wc; 1.4k
Seeing him this way destroyed you completely. It was understandable, he was shot while you slept in the other room. As to why Foyet decided not to touch you was loss on everyone. 
You knew about how hard his job was and the challenges he faced. Being unit chief was a hard job but your dad handled everything that life had thrown at him. 
He fought hard not to bring his cases home to you. Always keeping the house as serial-killer free as possible. The house was always filled with laughs and movie nights. All you both had was each other. 
The older you got the more you realized it was hard for him. He’d come in your room after certain cases and just hold you. It was one particular case where he didn’t want you to leave his side. 
Having to spend two entire nights in an FBI building wasn’t ideal but you got to skip school so it was a win. 
Aaron was your hero and you hated to see him this way. You were affected by the shooting also, waking up to just a pile of blood on the floor without your dad. 
Calling his phone just to hear it ringing in the other room, it was nerve racking to say the least. Your Aunt Emily had to search the house for you. She found you in the closet soaked in sweat and tears. 
When they told you he was in the hospital, you didn’t leave his side for a second. By the time he got home things had started to get better. Of course he jumped right back into work but it was expected. 
Everything was fine until two nights ago. It had been late and he was on a case. When you weren’t babysitting for JJ or with friends you were home alone. 
Your dad hated leaving you there after Foyet but he had cameras out and inside the apartment. It made you and him feel safer knowing that Gracia was constantly checking up on you. 
It was around 11 at night when you finally finished binging the latest teen drama you could find. Putting in your headphones, you headed toward the kitchen for a snack. Starting a song and opening your door you walked down the dark hallway. 
Seeing that the faint light above the sink was on you knew your dad was home now. What you didn’t know was that your dad did not hear you come down the hall. Well, he heard you, he just didn’t know it was you. 
Before you could make it to the kitchen your dad was already standing there with his gun drawn. 
Pointed directly at you.
“Daddy?” You said softly headphone now out of your ears with your phone close to your chest looking for some comfort. 
He stood there still as a statue with the scariest look you’ve ever seen on his face. The barrel of his gun still aimed at you.  
“Dad? It’s me! Y/n!” you yelled attempting to get him to stop. 
“It’s your daughter, daddy please stop!” You yelled at him through your tears but he wouldn’t budge. You had never felt real fear until now. Your dad was going to kill you. 
You walked back slowly with sobs, as he began to snap out of it. Aaron look down at his hands and then back up at you. Your face crushed him completely, he scared you. 
“Y/N I’m ——” He said walking toward you slowly causing you to run into your room and lock the door. 
He softly knocked and tried to open the door, “Y/n im so sorry honey, I don’t — I don’t know why please sweets, I’m sorry.” You could hear that he was crying and how hurt he was. You couldn’t do it though because truthfully you were scared. 
How could he? Your dad had his gun pointed at you. A gun you know he’s pointed at some of the worst people to exist. 
The emotions you were feeling was all over the place. Terror which made you angry, which then turned to sadness. 
He’s probably so mad at himself. You know he didn’t mean it. Your dad was your hero he would never point a gun at you, that’s not who he is. 
That’s the thing, that wasn’t who he was. He was a man that was shot by a psychopath in his own home. Not to mention said man was still out there somewhere. 
You still couldn’t face your dad right now, usually you were good at these type of things. Well your dad was, he was always there to help you with everything. 
Mean girls, failing test, period cramps he was there by your side to comfort you. But this time you only had one person you could think of. 
Uncle Spence 
He knew everything and was there for you whenever you needed a friend. Most of the time he was the one you talked to when you need raw advice. 
He was the youngest on the team so he could kind of understand you better. 
You dialed him fast and just told him to come over. You just needed someone to help you because it was like you couldn’t breathe. 
It had been a moment until you heard a knock on your door again. You jumped and your heart was pounding all over again.
“Y/N, it’s Spencer” the voice was soft and your body calmed down.  You unlocked the door opening it to your dad sitting on the floor. 
Distraught wasn’t the word. Broken. You swallowed it down and quickly closed the door. Spencer sat on your desk chair as you sat on the bed. By the look on his face you knew your dad already told him what happened. 
“He told me what happened” he said softly, 
“I’ve never seen him like that Uncle Spence.”
“I know.” He reassured you, 
“He was just gone and it was like nothing there. Just black and it scared me.” You were now full blown crying.
“I know, it’s just harder for him dealing with George Foyet. He came into your home and almost murdered your father with you 75 feet away.”
You nodded knowing how scared your dad was in that moment, not knowing if you were alright. He continued,
“I know it’s no excuse but he has ptsd from it but we both know he’ll never admit. I think he’s more upset that he hurt you.”
Tears grew in your eyes again thinking about your dad and how he felt. 
“I have to see him” you quickly got up heading to the door with Spencer behind. You opened to see your dad standing outside the door. He still couldn’t leave you without knowing if you were okay.
“Daddy” swinging the door open and running into his arms, he held you tighter than ever. You both were crying 
“I’m so so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” He explained, “I don’t know what’s  gotten into me,” 
You were still hugging him buried into his chest “I’m fine dad I know you didn’t mean it” pulling back to make eye contact with him. 
Once Spencer left you and your dad sat on the couch snuggled into each other. It was still a tense feeling with you both but it didn’t matter. You loved your dad and you knew, from your Uncle Spence, what trauma can do to a person. 
“If you don’t feel safe here I can arrange for you to stay with Spencer or Jennifer, I don’t want to .. hurt you.” 
His voice was the smallest you’ve ever heard it, and it broke you a little. The strongest man you know at his weakest. 
“Y/n I almost shot you. I pointed my gun at my baby girl.” 
He looked over at with tears falling from his eyes same as you. 
“I know dad but you would never hurt me. See I’m fine” showing him that you were perfectly fine cause truthfully you were.
“I know you went through the unimaginable and I want to stay here with you cause you’re my hero.” Smiling up at him as you continued,
“You’re just having a hard time right now and I can’t blame you for that. That’s what you always taught me that people aren’t their bad days. I love you dad. Always.”
Laying back on his shoulder choosing to leave the conversation at that. Hard days, weeks, and months always happened and today was his. 
“I love you too sweets, always” he said wiping his tears and placing a soft kiss to your forehead. Better days were coming for the both of you. 
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jjtheclown555 · 1 year
Charles Chois Unreliable Assistant
tw. fighting, cursing (there's nothing here that's not in lookism)
content. reader is a highly skilled high school student that just wants to live. unfortunately, charles choi wants someone of her strength and intelligence to work for him.
pairings. none, reader is in high school
word count. 1.7k
a/n. im gonna continue this, please enjoy what here so far
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You really weren't expecting this. Two men who had heard about your fighting prowess came at you with no warning. One had demonic eyes and the other blonde hair and soon-to-be broken glasses. They were both dripping with expensive brands from head to toe. People like them pissed you off.
All you wanted was to get home. You had already had a long enough day at school and you just wanted to finish the short commute back home. Instead, you were interrupted by these men with a challenge. They both immediately came at your tired self and within minutes—using the anger you felt from them interrupting the best part of the song you had been blasting in your headphones—took them down with barely a scratch on you.
While they lay on the ground, you begin to walk off. You didn't hurt them too badly, just enough to be left alone. But, as you look at them both waiting at the front gates of your school, you partially wish you had hospitalized them.
You cut him off. "Don't care, go away." You leave, walking to the train station as the pair follow closely behind. "I said, 'go away,' assholes." You say, a glare across your features while you sit on a bench and wait for your train.
"Join HNH." The dark-haired man says again, the blonde snickering beside him.
"No." You say flatly, getting up when your train pulls into the station. You leave them and they don't bother stopping you. The next day is the same, only this time they ask you to get in their car.
Of course, you refuse, not interested in the possibility of kidnapping. The next day is the same. And so is the day after. Each day they show up until you're fed up and go with them, giving it a chance to get them to finally leave you be.
It doesn't work. Their boss is just like them, refusing to take no for an answer. You say no over and over. You don't care if he says you'll only have to fight on occasion and in the meantime you'll mostly be doing menial work for him and pose as his assistant. You don't care if he says it'll be easy and it'll mostly be simple paperwork. You don't care when he claims you'll get to fight strong opponents on occasion—fighting hasn't been particularly fun for you in years after you were able to take down just about any number of strong people. What does peak your interest, however, is when he brings up the salary. Over ten million won a month to sit in an office and fight the occasional gangster? What a rich sucker. You can count yourself in.
The blonde, who was now introduced to you as Goo, laughs. Through his laughter he says, "You should've just started with the money!" You couldn't agree more.
About a week later and Chairman Choi still hasn't called you into work. You aren't complaining. You get the same amount of money either way. Though, you are complaining when you're in class, trying not to zone out as your teacher drones on about whatever formula, and the blonde man arrives. He interrupts the lesson, pulling you out while the teacher screams at him.
You barely manage to grab your backpack before he drags you out of class, through the hallways and into his car. "It's your first day, aren't you excited!" Goo shouts, beginning the drive.
"Not particularly," you mumble, rummaging through the bag on your lap. You pull out your DS, setting it up to play. You go quiet with the occasional remark on something interesting that happened.
Goo takes glances over at you. After a few minutes—and you screaming because your Snivy fainted—he asks, "What are you playing?"
"Pokemon Black/White." You say, having your Munna put your opponent to sleep. "Pokemon is like my favourite thing, I know everything about it, it's so much more fun than all the fighting you guys do..." You smile when you win your battle, cheering yourself on.
Goo makes a turn while he double-takes. "You don't find fighting fun?" You shrug. "Like, at all?" You shrug again. "How? You're so strong and you just-"
You cut him off, "It's too easy." You say looking up as he turns into the parking lot. "I've been able to beat pretty much any amount of people at any level of strength since I was twelve. It's just boring." He still struggles to understand, trying to form a sentence. You just giggle, "Don't worry, bubs, you'll get to where I am someday."
You skip right past Goo and into the building, attempting to remember where Charles' office was on your own. On the way, however, you get very much lost and accidentally run into a man with dyed pink-hair. You can't figure out where you recognize him from, but you're certain you've seen him somewhere.
"I'm so sorry, mister!" You shout, bowing at him. "I got lost trying to find the chairman's office! This place is just so big and I wasn't paying attention, I am so sorry!" He brushes it off and smiles, saying he can help you there since it’s where he was headed anyways. You thank him and you both walk down to the office quietly as you ponder where you recognize him from. Then it hits you. “You’re that popstar! Uhm, what was your name again…” You shout the first bit, humming the second as you try to remember.
He just smiles a bit, “It’s DG.” You nod along, finally losing that itch in your brain about him. “It’s not often that I’m that unrecognizable.” He laughs a little to himself. You just shrug it off, saying you just don’t really like his music.
You catch yourself, all your energy returning in an instant. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Your music isn’t bad, it’s just not my personal taste! Like you have great vocals and lyrics and stuff, I just prefer other stuff and-” He cuts you off with a full on laugh. He surprises himself with it, not usually finding this much entertainment in people.
He lets you know that it’s okay, that he understands, and directs you towards Charles Choi’s office. He walks in behind you as you shout. “What the hell, old man? I was in class!”
The chairman looks at you and then DG. “I see you two have met.”
“Really? Are you sure?” You ask, sarcasm dripping off your tongue. “Now answer the question! What the actual hell?” Your arms cross when he just runs through what you need to do today. He says you need to take calls, arrange meetings, do paperwork, and so on. “Okay, well half of that sounds like something a secretary should do.”
“Ten million won.” He says and your attitude immediately changes, saying you’ll get right on it. All you see as you leave to your own desk is the popstar taking a seat in front of the chairman. You’re curious but not enough to pry.
You sit at the desk, smoothing it over and pulling out your device to return to your game. It only takes a few minutes for a call to come in. It interrupts the scene you were in and you groan before picking it up, immediately switching into a cheery tone. “Hello, Chairman Choi’s assistant speaking. How may I help you?” It’s someone from another company. A rival company, you think. They request a meeting with Charles Choi. You pretend to ruffle through papers before saying. “His next availability is November 31st. Will that work for you?”
They don’t even question it, positive that it’ll work out. You restrain yourself from snickering while telling the caller to have a nice day. Unfortunately, when they hang up, your laugh falls out full force and while walking by, Gun can’t help but question it. You brush him off, returning to your game, beginning to enjoy your job.
What you’ve written on the papers is nonsensical, too. It’s written perfectly so that the chairman wouldn’t question it until he really thought it over. You are so good at bullshiting the entire day that by the end, Charles Choi praised you for being so efficient that you could do all this work and still have breaks to enjoy your time. Thanking him, you head home, fully aware that within the week, that praise will turn to criticism.
It’s not like you mind. You humiliated yourself in front of a famous singer and, even better, might have made a friend. It’s dubious, but Goo did ask for your number and text you things such as, “Can he please shut the fuck up?” whenever Gun spoke. So, it may be a budding friendship.
The next morning, a weekend, your one time to get a reasonable amount of sleep, you see multiple texts from Goo telling you that you have to come in. You groan and get out of bed, almost slamming your head against the nearest wall.
Goo manages to boost your mood just a little when he sends one more message. “I wanna play a fun little game on Gun.” Brushing your teeth, you ask him what it is and the three dots appear for a minute until. “We see who can annoy him the most by the end of the day. I already set up a points system. Winner gets a free shopping trip and dinner from the loser.”
You make the bet, confident in your abilities. I mean, you do annoy your parents daily. How hard could it be? You look over the list.
Gritting teeth, 10 points.
Clenching fists, 15 points.
Leaving the room to calm down, 100 points.
The list goes on but the one that piques you interest is your goal. It’s for 1000 points, effectively securing a win. Getting Gun to start a fight with you in the building. You know even Goo hasn’t achieved this one, given the fact that Gun always keeps his professionalism in the workplace. But, on your second day of work, what’s better that making the impossible, possible?
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xamaxenta · 2 months
HHHRRRGRGGGHHRRNNTNN THE CHAAASSSEEE THE CHASIIINNGGG marco ABSOLUTELY walks home alone in the dark and he ABSOLUTELY notices the guy in the leather jacket over a dark hoodie following him, he plays a little coy takes abrupt turns and ducks and swerves between buildings, goes thru a little corner store and slips out the door a minute after he hears the bell ring behind him, speeding up to a quick walk then to a jog then hes running through the streets like a lunatic, hes a grown man and a professional and hes running around downtown alleys at night playing tag with a pair of what are almost DEFINITELY serial killers, but too bad for them marco has also been a runner since he was winning trophies for it in high school; running from them isnt just EASY, its FUN, so when this creepy jacket wearing sicko slides around the corner and vaults over something like an animal to get to him marco cant help it. he shouts in delight without meaning to as he turns around and runs while hes laughing out loud, he hears the steps behind him stumble and he glances over his shoulder to see just the biggest widest pair of beautiful brown eyes staring at him from over a simple cloth mask, puffing from running, just staring at marco in awe . he winks and says better luck next time as he jogs off and his other secret admirer just stands dumbstruck in the empty street staring after him
True i jumped the gun apolocheese im just tired and feral your e right Marco leads them on
they can court him with bones and corpses and bento boxes with gifts buried in their hearths and he will wear that locket until hes caught or they lose interest but he knows they wont
Not after tonight
Maybe hes revealed too much in one night, that not only does he seek to be hunted to be chased but also thrills and revels to be
He wants them to know and to have their obsession to twist them all up until they can no longer take it anymore
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summ6rbummer · 1 year
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patrick x reader bully victim
again, overall tw and the same ones as last time. also the reader has only a mom in this, so sorry if you don't have one or you dont like yours.
its been a few days, and i genuinely cant figure out what patrick was talking about on friday. what did he mean by 'im real and i think you are too." what does that mean? of course patrick is real, nobody that sadistic could be fake, but then what did he mean that i was too? god why does he have to be so mysterious all the time? i just want an answer to all of this..
i try and shove it to the back of my mind, as i walk downstairs to make something to eat. jesus this is weird. im kind of glad he decided to do that yesterday, so then i could have the entire weekend to think over it. this is so crazy. i have no idea if i'm more nervous to go back to school now or not..
my mind was going 100000 miles per hour as i stretch on my tip toes and grab a box of cereal from the cabinet, and then the milk from the fridge. there was a note from mom on the counter next to the fruit bowl.
hey honey,
i had to go into work early to help mike with a project. maybe go to Emma's house later, but i wont be home until 10 ish. there's a pizza in the freezer.
love you!
i slurped cereal out of my spoon as i read the note and smiled to myself. i should go to Emma's house. i haven't seen her in a minute and it'll help get my mind off this whole 'patrick' situation. i nodded in agreement with myself, then put my empty bowl in the sink and went back to my room.
i fixed up my bedhead, and then grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a large t-shirt, and my chuck taylors. i took a glance at myself in the mirror and sighed, mentally scolding myself for the shit I've let happen over the last 5 years, like i did every morning. i'm so stupid. so vulnerable.
i shut off my light and closed my bedroom door, then went downstairs. i grabbed my house keys off the hook next to the door, and then closed and locked it behind me. i felt uneasy the whole walk to Emma's house, constantly checking over my shoulder. eventually i got to Emma's and her mom let me in, and i was thanking god that Emma only lived about two blocks away.
me and Emma spent the day together. we went to the convenience store and got slushies, and then to the park where we met Jonathan and hung out with him for a bit. once the day few by, and the streetlights started coming on, we all agreed that we should go home before it got darker. as soon as i was walking home and i wasn't with Jonathan and Emma, dread crept over my body. it was dark, i was alone, and i had no clue whether or not henry and his gang were out on one of their little 'patrols.' i feel like it took an eternity to get home, but i finally did, and as soon as i unlocked the door and stepped inside, I locked the door and went to the kitchen. I reheated a slice of leftover pizza and leaned against the counter while i ate it. it was dark in the house, with the kitchen counter lights being the only thing lighting up the room i was in. after i was done eating, i turned to the sink and scrubbed a few plates that were sitting in the sink. when i was done, i clicked off the kitchen lights and walked back to my bedroom. halfway down the hallway, i heard the sound of clothes hitting the floor. inside my bedroom. immediately my heart dropped to my stomach, and i became silent. slowly i backed up, sliding my socks along the carpet, never lifting my feet, not making any noise. i slipped back into the kitchen and frantically looked around, somehow forgetting where anything was in my house. i grabbed a bread knife from the first drawer and spun back around, quietly pacing back and forth, trying to get my head on straight.
okay.. theres someone in your room. you dont know who.. but you know that they could be dangerous. shit. okay.
i inched back down the hallway, not breathing. i slowly grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. my room was still. there was nobody there. yet my clothes were scattered all over the floor, my bookshelf was missing three of my favorites, my window was wide open, and there was dried mud on my floor. my jaw dropped in shock and i uttered out a small squeak. i stood there in disbelief as i walked into the room further and closed the door behind me. i flicked on my lights and dropped the knife on my bed. after i stuck my head out of my window and saw nobody, i quickly closed and latched my window, pushing my curtains closed. as my fingertips dragged over the windowsill, my nails caught on a notch in the wood. my brow furrowed as i looked closer and traced the lines. there were two letters engraved in my windowsill. initials.
P. H.
that son of a bitch patrick. terrorizing me at school was one terrible thing, but breaking into my house, my room, destroying my belongings, stealing my stuff and carving his fucking name into my windowsill. carving his name into my life. im fucking done dealing with this.
i threw on a sweater and my working boots, grabbed the kitchen knife again and stormed out of my house. i didn't bother to lock the door. i didn't care if id be back or not. i was going to kill this freak.
author note.
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koralira-kira · 1 year
him as your co-barista ❆park sunghoon❆
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pairings : barista!parksunghoon x barista!reader
genre : fluff, romance, cafe love, coworkers to lovers, friends to lovers, sunghoon just being an absolute cutie
synopsis : sunghoon always wanted to try being a barista for a while ever since he moved to college. now he's giving it a shot
warnings : none
wc : 898
notes : i'm back again! honestly, i've been really tired lately. i moved in to my dorm, then it was the first day of school, and now i'm busy training dancing because i have a performance coming up (god bless my soul). and now there's new exchange students from japan that are coming to my school next month. to add up, my classes hasn't even started yet 😭. i'm doing fine though! just need a bit of rest then i'm ok. anyways, this fic is inspired by me cuz i'm a barista myself and i just had to write this down as soon as i thought of this. im quite proud actually and i hope you enjoy this as much as i do! i almost forgot, here's the link for the latte art that sunghoon did in the bonus part of the fic. hope you enjoy!
co-barista!sunghoon who asks you what to do on his first day working as a barista. obviously you started off strong by teaching him how to take orders. you also taught him how to extract espresso shots too! man was so happy and proud when he made his first espresso shots.
co-barista!sunghoon who stresses out while taking orders during lunch rush. rants to you about it as soon as the orders had quiet down. you didn't know why but you find it cute seeing him lowkey panicking while taking the orders. bonus! he also may or may not have mistaken a few orders during the rush.
co-barista!sunghoon who attracts girls in the coffee shop and will sometimes ask for a picture or his number. sales have been going up rapidly ever since he started working.
co-barista!sunghoon who on the next day arrives early and shyly asks you to teach him to make latte art. of course you did but you gave him a heads that it might take him a couple of tries to somehow achieve it.
co-barista!sunghoon who was amazed by your latte art skills and had sparkles in his eyes as soon as he saw the final product. he didn't even know that you could make a swan let alone a penis! of course he was impressed.
co-barista!sunghoon that tries his hardest to impress with his first latte art but fails miserably and makes a lopsided heart instead. of course you reassured him that it was good enough but for him it really wasn't. he really wanted to impress you the way you impressed him. and so, he tried doing it again.
co-barista!sunghoon who accidentally burnt himself while trying to steam the milk and it ended up all over his apron and the floor. you immediately went to get the mop while sunghoon was left alone embarrassed. poor boy just wanted to impress you.
co-barista!sunghoon that you taught how to steam the milk properly and got flustered as you helped him guide his hands to angle the pitcher right. he found it cute how you had to go on your toes because the machine was a bit too high for you to see the milk steaming. he didn't really listen the whole time you were talking but he was damn sure that it made his heart go a bit faster than usual.
co-barista!sunghoon who watched multiple videos on how to make latte art as soon as he went home. though he didn't have any equipment in his apartment complex, he listened carefully and attentively as if it would really affect his grades. he wouldn't admit it but he stayed up until 2am just watching videos on how to improve your latte art and how to steam the milk correctly.
co-barista!sunghoon who clocked in while looking like he was sleep deprived. his under eyes were dark and he looked like he could sleep anytime. you asked if he was doing fine but then he replied, "yeah, don't worry about it. just slept a bit late last night."
co-barista!sunghoon who subtly gets to know you by the playlist that you made for the coffee shop. after about a week of him being a barista, he learned that you like niki a lot, especially her album 'nicole'. what you didn't know is that he secretly scans the coffee shop's spotify to see what you mostly play during your shift. he also has seen you singing the lyrics while making a few orders.
co-barista!sunghoon who asks you out to get food after your shift. you tried to decline thinking that it would waste his time but he insisted it. both of you ended up in a ramen shop just nearby and ordered away.
co-barista!sunghoon who insisted on paying the bills and now the two of you are bickering about it. both of you ended up deciding that you pay the bills. now sunghoon's determined that he'll surely pay the bills next time.
co-barista!sunghoon who asked you out for the second time to roam around town and tell you that it's his treat this time. you'd be lying if you said it didn't make your heart flutter.
co-barista!sunghoon who always waits for you then accompanies you after your shift and will walk with you to your apartment complex. he doesn't care if it's a bit far from where he is, all he needs to know is that you're home safe.
co-barista!sunghoon who asks you out again for the fifth time this month and tells you it's just a "friendly hangout". little did you know that he'll admit his feelings for you. of course you accepted and returned the feelings back.
co-barista!sunghoon who gets too excited and kisses you with so much passion that he forgot to ask for you consent. but as soon as he tried to break this kiss, you pulled his collar back to you and kissed him again. the both of you pulled back to catch some air then eventually smiled at each other. thank god that the lights in sunghoon's car was off, or you could've seen him being as red as a tomato.
co-barista!sunghoon who has finally mastered his latte art skills, surprises you with his works from time to time. but it's mostly a just a penis.
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f444keitflowers · 1 year
Yellowjackets characters as Boygenius songs !!
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Taissa Turner - Souviner
Always managed to move in / right next to the cemeteries / and never far from hospitals / I don't know what that tells you about me / pulling thorns out of my palm / working midnight surgery / when I cut a hole into my skull / do you hate what you see? / like I do.
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Vanessa Plamer - Emily i’m sorry
Headed straight for the concrete / in a nightmare / screaming / now i’m wide awake /spiralling / and you dont wanna talk / just take me back to montreal / i’ll get a real job / you’ll go back to school / we can burn out / in the freezing cold / and just get lost / Emily i’m sorry baby / you know how I get / when i’m wrong / and I can feel myself becoming somebody i’m not / I’m not sorry
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Jackie taylor - Cool about it
I came prepared for absolution / if you’d only ask / so I take some offense when you say “no regrets” / […] / once I took your medication / to know what it’s like / and now I have to act like/ I cant read your mind / I ask you how you’re doing / and I let you lie / but we dont have to talk about it / I can walk you home / and practice method acting / i’ll pretend being with you doesn’t feel like drowning / telling you it’s nice to see / how good you’re doing / even though we know / it isn’t true.
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Shauna Shipman - Letter to an old poet
I said "I think that you're special" / you told me once that I'm selfish / and I kissed you hard / in the dark / in the closet / […] / you don't know me / I wanna be happy / I'm ready / to walk into my room / without looking for you / I'll go up to the top of our building / and remember my dog / when I see the full moon / I can't feel it yet / but I am waiting
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Lottie Matthews - Not strong enough
Always an angel / never a god / always an angel / never a god / I don't know why I am / the way I am / There's something in the static / I think I've been having / revelations / Coming to / in the front seat / nearly empty / Skip the exit / to our old street and go home / Go home alone
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Laura Lee - Without you without them
give me everything you’ve got / i’ll take what I can get / I want to hear your story / and be a part of it / thank your father before you / his mother before him / who would I be without you without them? / speak to me / until your histories / no mystery to me.
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Natalie Scatorccio - Revolution 0
If it isn't love / then what the fuck is it? / I guess just let me pretend / I don't want to die / That's a lie / But I'm afraid to get sick / I don't know what that is / You wanted a song / So it's gonna be a short one / Wish I wasn't so tired / But I'm tired / If you're not enough / Then I give up/ and then nothing is / I used to think if I just closed my eyes / I would disappear.
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Misty Quigley - Stay Down
I wasn’t a fighter til somebody told me i’d better learn / to lean into the punch / so it don’t hurt as bad / when they leave / there you were / turning my cheek / i look at you / and you look at a screen / i’m in the backseat of my body / i’m just steering my life / in a video game / similar accent / a different name / it’s a slow down / so would you teach me im the villain / aren’t I / aren’t I the one / constantly repenting for a difficult mind
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Ex!Joe Part Four: Crash - Joe Velasco x Reader
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Tagging: @plaidbooks @misscharlielulu @witches-unruly-heart @storiesofsvu @magic-multicolored-miracle @rosaliedepp @cycat4077 @deekaag @crazy4chickennuggets @cixrosie @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @mysoulisasunflower @legit9thlunaticwarrior @mydarkestsecretlol @the-adzukibean @wooshwastaken @kiwiithecrazybird @justreblogginfics @anime-weeb-4-life @hey-dw @alwaysachorusgirl @julieelliewrites @telepathay @weiwei0210 @nessamc @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @proceduralpassion @callsignartemis @kmc1989
Part One: Left Behind - Joe’s life is thrown into turmoil when you show up in the Squad Room.
Part Two: Brighton Beach - Joe finds out why you’re back in Manhatten.
Part Three: History - You explain what happened all those years ago.
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Joe doesn’t go home after he drops you off in front of your apartment building. He can’t stand the idea of being alone with his thoughts in that empty space, so he rides through the city, the air whipping at his jacket as he speeds through the streets. There’s an exhilaration of the sensation, it drowns out the noise in his head as the buildings whip past him. He doesn’t want to think about how untethered he feels right now, how his chest aches and his heart feels like it’s breaking into a thousand tiny pieces.
He's used to the dissociation; it’s been his constant companion throughout the years. The department shrink told him it was a survival mechanism, something his mind does to protect himself. It’s how he got through his time in Juarez, his recruitment into the gangs, the shit he did undercover.
The old Joe, the one that you’d known, would have hit a bar by now. He would have drowned out the past twenty four hours in a haze of booze and sex, he would have eradicated every single memory of you until tomorrow morning. He doesn’t want to do that tonight, he doesn’t want to forget about his baby, the one you had carried inside of you. He grieves for his son, because Joe knows that it was a boy, he feels it in the depths of his soul.
He remembers that undercover assignment, the way his heart sank when he was told that it had been extended.
It’s the last one, he had promised you the night before he left, his black holdall in his hand. He’d kissed you on the forehead, his thumb tracing over the curve of your cheek. Just one more and I’m out.
He’d meant it. The life was getting too much for him, he was losing track of who he was. He’d told you as much as he lay in bed the night that McGrath had given him the assignment. Your head was resting on his chest, your fingertips toying with the gold chain around his neck.
I want to build a future with you, he had whispered against your hairline. I want to live a life our children can be proud of.
When he was away Joe spent his nights dreaming of the future the two of you would have. A wedding at city hall, you in a white dress with that beautiful smile of yours, a bebe or two. A dark haired girl and boy rushing through the backyard of a house in Queens. First steps, first words, first day of school, he wanted all of it and more. He wanted a lifetime…
He wished that he’d turned McGrath down, that he had been there when you needed him, that you hadn’t had to endure what happened on your own. He can’t imagine how that must have felt, to suddenly discover that you have this little life growing inside of you, only to have it extinguished. Then to sit in the wreckage of it all, waiting for a man who had no idea of when he was coming home, if he was coming home, because that last one…
He almost didn’t make it.
He hasn’t told you how it nearly ended, with a gun thrust against his temple as he knelt in front of a shallow grave, one that he had dug himself.
His eyes start to blur, and he realises far too late that he’s going too fast for this stretch of road. He doesn’t see the diesel spill until the bike hits it. It’s already sliding out from underneath him by the time he tries to counter it. There’s a weightlessness before the impact, it seems to stretch for eons and then the earth rushes up to meet him. He smashes into it, his helmet bouncing off the concrete with such force he tastes blood in his mouth. The edges of his vision starts to bleed into black, his entire body feels like it’s being ripped apart, like something is tearing at this ligaments and he bites back a scream because the agony it’s too fucking much.
In the distance Joe hears a child laughing and he knows he’s going to meet his son.
Love Joe Velasco? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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juliusthedressmaker · 5 months
Hey! Have you ever been to school when you were my age?
Hello there (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
I was born in 1874. Regularly attending a real school was a luxury and privilege that was only available for the upper class. I was born into a working class family, and a working class family in the Victorian era is nothing like the luxury lives of the working class in the 2020s, you know?
Coming from a working class family in the 1800s meant I began working in the coal mines at least 6 hours a day, at least 4 days a week with my father, shortly after turning 4 years old. Of course as I got older, my hours of labor increased. At 10 years old, left school due to my hours working in the coal mines being increased to 12 hours a day, 6 a week. This was a common thing for the time, you know?
So no, I did not attend any school in the way you would know it to be. The closest I came to schooling was attending a one took, all ages school house which was rather dilapidated and lacked any learning materials and supplies. I was able to attend once a week for a 3 hour day, maybe twice a week if I was lucky (though that was very rare).
Most school was done at home in that era, however my parents never bothered so instead, Killian was my teacher. He never attended a day of school yet taught himself from a very young age not just the core subjects but advanced mathematics, science, languages.. Much more. He's a genius, you know?
I discontinued working in the mines at 13 years old, and once again began attending school for a few hours once or twice a week, upon Killian getting me a job as a bartender at the pub he worked at. It was eight hours a day and seven days a week, from 4pm-12am. It paid better, much better.
The schedule and hours were much more doable and tolerable, not to mention the environment was far superior. I still have and always will have the chronic severe cough I developed at 4 years old from the coal mines, however once I began it working at the bar, the cough no longer continued to worsen and even improved just a bit over a few years. Plus, I got to be with Killian at work there, so truly got to spend every moment together. I was as close to happy as Im able to when I began working at the pub, given it meant no longer being stuck in dark caverns, alone with my father in a space so small that the cave walls forcefully were pushing me into him............
Uhh, anyway, school. I stopped going all together from 10-12 years old. At 13 I began attending again though I only did so until I was 15, which was when I permanently disconnected attending. This was common for the time. Instead I focused on working and learning trades.
Most of my educational time was spent teaching myself how to make truly perfect, one of a kind and purely gorgeous dresses. When I was 16, I showed the collection I had made so far to a few women and girls who attended the same church as my family and I. They all were infatuated with the dresses and wanted to purchase one. After I realized I could turn my passion into a job I made an income from, well.... You can figure out where it went from there.
It deeply pisses me the hell off to overhear kids and teens complaining about attending school and claiming it is too difficult... You all live in luxury, and get a full education for free at that. For anyone who read this: before you bitch and moan over school, just remember that if you were born in the 1800s or early 1900s, you won't be at school because you'll be working in coal mines and sweeping chimneys every single day for half of the hours in the day. Will you prefer that? No.
Hush and go finish your studies and complete your papers. Zip it about the bullies, either ignore or punch but so help me Satan if anyone dare say 'b-but bullies and school s-stressful' to me, I WILL BULLY THE LIVING HELL OUT OF YOU AND INDUCE THE MOST STRESSFUL EXPERIENCE OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE >:U
All that said, I did not ever hold much interest in schooling, you know? However Killian would dream of being able to attend just a single day of school though he never was given the chance. In fact his childhood dream was to become an academic. He wanted to become a professor who teaches Latin(which he fluently speaks) and/or Ancient Roman History. I'm sure he would be fascinated and excited to hear about how school is now, and the intensity of it.
Have a happy afternoon!
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