summ6rbummer · 2 months
write that down write that down!!
at least I don’t think there’s any movies on these (and I mean like directly inspired by these and less like movies kinda with that concept). I love historical horror and there needs to be more.
I encourage to read these stories cause they’re so interesting
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summ6rbummer · 2 months
he’s a 10 but he’s loud in bed (he’s an 11)
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summ6rbummer · 2 months
meow meow meow. meow meow. meow meow meow
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summ6rbummer · 2 months
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summ6rbummer · 2 months
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summ6rbummer · 2 months
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tiffany pollard you are so real ♡
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summ6rbummer · 2 months
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summ6rbummer · 3 months
spencer reid.
I NEED HIM SO BAD I NEED DR SPENCER REID SO BAD. (im normal im normal im normal im normal)
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summ6rbummer · 5 months
open window save me. save me open window
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summ6rbummer · 7 months
Not to get too tmi on here but everytime i see her arms my clit perks up a lil
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summ6rbummer · 7 months
can i kiss the tip sorry i meant can i kiss your tip FUCK sorry can I please kiss you on the tip okay shit I mean can I please kiss your tip ffufuck MAY I PLEASE KISS THE TIP please let me kiss the tip
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summ6rbummer · 8 months
as of right now, i will not be posting any of my usual content. everything happening to the people of palestine is absolutely horrific. this genocide being done in gaza, to living, breathing, innocent children, women, and men is inhumane, evil, and vile. we should all be upset, in rage, and talking about it. i’m trying to use my voice, this platform i have here, to do the right thing and stand up for people who are being murdered by the masses who cannot defend themselves.
do what you can, do not turn a blind eye to this.
all my focus is on the people of palestine, i eventually will return back, but i’m far too heartbroken and angry to ignore the atrocities being done to the palestinian people. please, for the love of god, show some fucking compassion. if fics are your priority right now, get a fucking grip.
thousands of people are dying, right in front of our eyes, israel is trying to erase them from history, have been for decades, and some of you are acting like it doesn’t fucking matter. where is your humanity? basic human compassion? if you can’t stomach it, imagine how it feels for them being forced to live through it?
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
with love, ray ♡
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summ6rbummer · 8 months
if you are unable to donate financially to help palestine, you can donate your time by protesting, boycotting, and putting up posters!
if all you have is your device and internet access, you can put your clicks to good use on arab.org. they use the advertising revenue generated by your clicks to help good causes.
and i would urge those able to spare a few dollars to donate to one or more of the following organizations:
eSims for Gaza
Direct aid for Gaza
Care for Gaza
Women for Women International
Institute for Middle East Understanding
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Palestine Children Relief Fund
Muslim Aid USA
Direct Aid for Gaza
Palestinian American Medical Association
Urgent support for medical professionals in Gaza
Emergency Relief for Gaza
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summ6rbummer · 9 months
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so we're starting to get somewhere with this story yayy!! patrick is a mega stalker now, on the count of breaking-and-entering!! anyways, last time, you, the reader had set out to fuck up patrick! (yay for you)
overall tw for all counts of violence and assault and more violence ofc
ily all
it was a colder night, crickets were chirping and cicadas were buzzing and mosquitoes were nipping at my legs. i could care less. all i could feel was anger and disgust and fear at the acts and past of patrick hocksetter. i still had the bread knife clenched in my clammy palm, and my breathing was heavy as i stomped down the street towards patrick's house. i remembered memorizing his address and the way his house looked and the schedule of his family, all so i would know to avoid it. to take a different street after school, to know to start running if i see his bedroom light come on at night, and to never make eye contact with his mother when she waters her flowers in the morning in the fear of her acknowledging me and him over hearing.
just living in fear of him. and im so sick of it. it ends tonight. i stood at the end of his driveway and his parents car wasn't there. perfect. i stomped up to the front door and a sudden wave of overwhelming fear washed through my body.
why am i scared now. I've spent my whole life being afraid of this fucking asshole. whatever happens i can't be afraid of him. im so tired of this.
i turn the doorknob handle, knowing it was unlocked. i swiftly stepped inside and silently closed it behind me. i practically tiptoed through the front hallway, tightly gripping the knife in my clammy hand. the second door on the left side of the hallway was his bedroom.
i could hear him moving around in his room, maybe unlacing his boots considering he was done stomping around my room like a fucking bozo.
i reached for the doorknob and my fingertips just barely grazed it when the door swung open and i was face to face with Patrick’s chest. my blood froze.
then suddenly i was reminded that he had been making my blood run cold my entire life. and i was tired of it.
my brow furrowed and my lip curled and i cracked, lunging at him with the knife in my hand and pure hatred in my eyes.
i really don’t know what i was thinking. hes much bigger than i am, definitely stronger, and definitely crazier.
not even a second had passed before i was on the floor with the knife flung down the hallway; Patrick standing at my feet. my breath stopped in my throat and i felt nausea pilling in my stomach.
fuck fuck fuck. why did i think i could do this? im gonna fucking die in patrick's fucking house and they're going to use a terrible photo of me in my obituary.
i scrambled away from him, scampering down the hallway and reaching for the knife. a wrecked cry flew from my throat as his muddy boot came down on my hand. he grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back down the hallway. away from the door, away from the knife, the street, my life.
i was dragged into his bedroom, the rug folding up under my writhing legs. i kicked at his ankles, and scratched at the floor. after i was fully in his room, he tossed me sideways and stepped to slam his door closed.
why did i decide to be brave. why did i think i was strong enough to do anything? why am i so stupid.
patrick stood in the entrance to the bedroom, just standing there. staring. i had scrambled back against the wall, hugging my knees. i couldn't understand the look in his eyes. he looked angry.. but in a way that was sad.. almost disappointed. it was a long, tense, silent moment before he said anything.
"why would you do that."
it wasn't a question. all of a sudden i was angry again. i lunged up and at him, hands ready to claw at his face.
"because of you! its you and Henry and fucking Victor and Belch! its you! you make my life a living hell! i hate you i fucking hate you and everything you've done to me in my life! i want you dead!'
i clawed at his neck and he grabbed my wrists, holding me away as i screamed in his face.
"im tired of having to live with you terrorizing me!"
i was cut off when he shoved me back, my hip hitting the backboard of the bed. i groaned in pain.
"why do you think i 'terrorize' you?" "hm? ive told you before. its because you're real. like me."
i sighed. "oh shut the fuck up patrick. what does that even mean? you're real. im real. of course i am! this is fucking real life!"
his face faltered. he stepped towards me again with a darker look fallen over his body. "the last time someone else came into my life and was real, he ruined everything. i had to fix that. and now im the only one left. or i was. but then you showed up. i realized you were real too and that i had to fix it early. and i did." a crazed smile started spreading on his face. "everyone else is fake! its just us that are real! and its only going to be us!"
so much shock surged through my body that i laughed. an exasperated, tired laugh of pure confusion wheezed from my lungs. "what the fuck is wrong with you? oh my god you're fucking insane! im talking to an insane person! you're crazy!" i gasped in between laughs. his face fell.
"no." he stepped forward, his eyes darker than ever. 'im not crazy. im real. and.. you are too. i knew you wouldnt understand. you think you can fool me? you just want to replace me." he stepped forward again, his hands stiff and shaking and his face stone.
the wheezing laugh had left me, as well as all the air left in my lungs. the tone in his voice was telling. i never should've called him crazy. you cant call crazy people crazy.
im not going to make it out of this house alive.
suddenly his hands were around my throat, squeezing, tearing ripping at my skin. i screamed, a bloodcurdling scream and tore at his shoulders. my nails dug into his face, and his into my neck in return. i could feel the air struggling to enter my body.
i was gasping and screaming and sobbing, suffocating.
and i could only look at him.
i could only see his eyes. they weren't brown anymore, they were black. like a sharks eyes, dark and unforgiving. inhuman.
as darkness crept into the corners of my vision and my limbs went numb, i could only think of one thing.
what if i wasn't in that class in fifth grade.
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summ6rbummer · 10 months
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why was the saw boom mic guy serving cunt
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summ6rbummer · 11 months
im so normal about her im so normal about her im so normal about her im so normal about her im so normal about her im so normal guys im so normal
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summ6rbummer · 1 year
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and if i say gojo satoru
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