#ashlynn banner
jkriordanverse · 1 month
Aiden: You're giving me a sticker?
Ash: Not just a sticker.That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me- wow!”
Aiden : I'm not a preschooler.
Ash: Fine, I'll take it back
Aiden: I earned this, back off!
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itstivan · 5 months
wish ashlyn’s ballet and love for dance was mentioned more in sbg (it’s been brought up at the LEAST 3-4 times)
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icrypop · 2 months
yandere headcannons for sbg gang? Maybe a few for their parents(platonically for the parents tho since reader would also be like 14 or smt), reader also went Savanah with the sbg gang and is experiencing the same as the rest of the gang, (if you don't mind, could you also put how the yanderes feel about your parents, you can choose what the readers parents r like, I would prefer it if readers parents lean on the dysfunctional/abusive/neglectful side, but at the end of the day I'm fine with anything! ty!^^)
Yandere HC's School Bus Graveyard
Ashlynn, Taylor/Tyler, Ben, Aiden, Logan + parents(ish)
WARNING: Yandere Themes, violence, manipulation, harsh and controlling themes, the all around yandere per say just not intensely descriptive
I love this request, I did bullet points and everyone has separate hcs except towards the end where its an all together type thing but regardless you can read this as platonically or romantically, however you'd like! (Parent HCs are platonically, almost like over protective parents) The reader is Gender Neutral!! Hope you like it!
-Writer Icy<3
- Protective: Will go to any lengths to keep the reader safe, especially from their own parents which can sometimes get violent but refuses to let you know about it. With her stealth, she’s able to get rid of any competition outside of the group. That crush you had last week that broke your heart? Oh, they’re missing? What a shame…
 Possessive: Sees the reader as her special friend/partner and doesn't like sharing their attention with others so whenever in the halls, tends to have scary dog privileges and stands close to the reader, scaring any other friends outside the gang away.
- Controlling: Likes to dictate who the reader can talk to and what they can do, under the guise of "protecting them." She can tend to become stalker-ish and since she had good hearing, if she were over at your house she’d overhear the shitty things your parents were saying so she could eventually bring them up to you in conversation and make you turn to her for a source of comfort.
- Manipulative: Uses the reader's need for safety and stability to bind them closer, often playing the role of the "savior." Since the 7 hour nightmare is a shared experience, she likes it better when you stay at her house so she can be there through it all and also to comfort you whenever you both wake up from it. Often offers for you to stay with her and not return home so she can watch over you at night, mostly just watch you.
- Obsessive: Constantly thinks about the reader and wants to be with them all the time. Keeps his eyes on you, don't wander to far from him when you guys are outside of the protective walls, he’ll go berserk. Also uses scary dog privileges and stays very close behind you, similar to Taylor but more so with you and doesn’t let you out of his sight. Ever.
- Jealous: Gets extremely jealous if the reader shows attention to others, even their own friends but learns to deal with it, knowing the group cares just as much as he does but never more than him.
- Idealizing: Puts the reader on a pedestal, believing they can do no wrong. He’s very attentive to their needs and desires. He praises them but in an aggressive, love-bombing type way. “Maybe I'm not smart enough…” He’d scoff and cross his arms ``Oh shut up, you know your grades are better than ours. Stop whining.” But he means well.
- Aggressive: Will lash out at anyone who he perceives as a threat to the reader’s well-being or happiness, including the reader's parents. That mean group of popular kids who laughed when you dropped your books? Yeah now they steer clear of you after Tyler caught them after school and lashed out severely, scaring them shitless.
- Charismatic: Uses charm to gain the reader's trust and affection. She always offers kind words and a big smile so its hard not to believe every word she says, shes so soft and gentle with it all. Is the main source of comfort, especially with the way every night for 7 hours has been going so she puts an arm around you and lets you rest while she watches. Watches the surroundings but also the way your breathing slows down while your near her..
- Stalkerish: Keeps tabs on the reader's whereabouts and activities, often without their knowledge. Literally had taken her and Tyler’s saved allowance to buy a cheap computer and now both take turns on days off from school. Are you at home? Oh your at the store with your shitty mom?? Time to go.
- Deceptive: May present a friendly and supportive facade while subtly isolating the reader from others. Often takes up on getting interested into your hobbies and things you enjoy just to pull you away from the others to talk to you about them and then keep you away for long periods of time.
- Overprotective: Will intervene in the reader's life, especially when it comes to their parents, believing that only she knows what's best for them. Calls on Tyler for brute force if ever needed while she holds you and tells you your safer with them. With her.
- Calm and Calculating: Observes the reader's life and plans ways to integrate himself more deeply into it. Very sneaky  about it but if you were to notice, it’d probably just look like his usual creepy behavior and would brush it off with his signature smile if you brought it up.
- Emotionally Manipulative: Uses the reader's vulnerabilities, like their troubled family situation, to create dependency on him. The phantom realm puts alot of stress on your shoulders but its okay! Aiden is right there to help you. Call him crying about it or show up on his doorstep and he’ll draw you in with love-bombing and telling you that he is all you need.
- Possessive: Feels a need to be the most important person in the reader's life and will remove any obstacles to that. He is one of the more skilled yanderes aside from Ashlynn and probably Ben. He’s got the good “I can play Psycho Killer’ tendencies and works well when he’s got the energy to take out any person he deems a threat to the reader. He singles out everyone else and inserts himself into situations or conversations often so you think about him more.
- Devoted: Will go to extreme lengths to "rescue" the reader from their abusive or neglectful parents, offering a new family with the gang. Can and will buy you things that you want or need so you rely on him and slowly come to him more. Constantly sticking close and trying to protect you from any Phantoms wandering near you. You get a scratch though? Yeah they won’t be around once he finds them.
- Fixated Has an intense focus on the reader, wanting to know everything about them. Has a separate notebook full of pages about things he knows about you and everything you’ve told him. Its literally an unhealthy obsession at its finest.
- Unpredictable: His mood can swing between loving and harsh, depending on how close the reader is to him. Since he’s usually quiet, he likes to stay closer to you, especially in the phantom realm. If anything, humans and phantoms alike, were to become a threat to you? Its like his past hits like whiplash and he’s killing whatever threatens you in the first place. Now, with people he's more discrete but he tends to seek comfort after he manages to kill a Phantom and you happen to see it.
- Guilt-Inducing: Often makes the reader feel guilty for trusting their parents.’’ Why believe all the lies they tell. Is what I’m doing for you not good enough?? I thought you trusted me..’ would be the message you receive after venting about your parents but claiming they still loved you and you loved them. 
- Self-Sacrificing: Will do anything, even put himself in harm's way, to protect the reader from their parents and others. Countless times has he gotten caught in the cross-fire of trying to keep Phantoms from grabbing you. Gets fired up easily over anything getting too close to you but tries to keep his cool. He doesn’t want to scare you..
- Gentle but Firm: Appears kind and understanding but can be strict about keeping the reader close. He keeps a soft tone but makes sure to be strict when the reader starts to sway back to their parents. “No it’s not safer there, I promise we can keep you safer..”
- Loyal: Deeply loyal to the reader and expects the same in return. Can become upset if the reader tries to distance themselves. Proves to be loyal by helping you with anything whether it be schoolwork, chores or even tasks before going into the Phantom realm.
- Protective: Has a strong desire to shield the reader from their dysfunctional family, often offering a "better home" with him and the gang. Constantly tries to persuade you by talking about how peaceful the garden is and all the plants and everything he helps take care of that you could see.
- Secretive: May hide his more intense feelings and actions, presenting himself as the "voice of reason" among the group but alerts the brutes if he notices things are off with you. He sees someone bothering you in the hall? Reports to Ash and that person is gone. Someone tripped you and laughed? He barely nudged Ben before it was taken care of. He’s like the messenger and is like your guardian to keep you safe, so safe from everything.
~The Group's Parents as Yanderes (Platonically)
Ashlynn's Parents:
- Overbearing: Makes jokes about wanting to "adopt" the reader into their family, offering them a better life than their own parents provide and stating it was a worriful joke.
- Invasive: Often pry into the reader's personal life and family situation, justifying it as concern so your not suspicious about the questions.
- Possessive: Believes the reader would be better off with them and might try to convince them to stay over more frequently, roping Ashlynn into trying to convince you to stay so your safe.
The Twin’s Mom
- Supportive: Offer emotional and sometimes financial support, wanting to become the reader's new support system.
- Manipulative: Subtly encourages the reader to distance themselves from their own parents, painting them as unworthy.
- Controlling: May attempt to take over the role of the reader's guardian, believing they know what's best for the reader so small acts of service like packing lunch or getting small articles of clothing since yours has blood stains or tears in them.
- Charismatic: Are friendly and welcoming, making the reader feel at home with them, constantly wanting you to feel comfortable and at home.
- Judgmental: Often criticize the reader's parents, emphasizing their own family's superiority just to change your mindset and how you see them.
- Encouraging: Pushes the reader to confide in them about their family issues, offering to "step in" whenever necessary.
Aiden's Parents/ Ben’s guardians
- Calm and Nurturing: Provide a stable and peaceful environment, contrasting with the reader's chaotic home life, explaining whats theirs is yours.
- Possessive: Feel a need to "rescue" the reader and integrate them into their family permanently.
- Protective: Actively works to shield the reader from their own parents' influence, sometimes through legal means.
- Loving: Shows an overwhelming amount of affection towards the reader, wanting to make up for the love they lack at home wether its through acts of service or gift giving.
- Overly Involved: Want to be involved in every aspect of the reader's life, including their relationship with their parents.
- Persistent: Keep offering the reader a place in their family, even if the reader hesitates and tries to rope Ben and Aiden to help do the same, pressuring you in a loving way.
Logan's Grandparents:
- Gentle and Understanding: Present themselves as a safe haven for the reader, understanding their struggles, offering gentle nature and helping hands to the reader's chaos.
- Supportive: Offer help and guidance, often encouraging the reader to stay with them so they can help and be there for them more.
- Protective: Will go to great lengths to keep the reader safe, including intervening in their family situation and acting as messengers to the group, including their guardians as well.
~Yandere Group's Feelings Toward Reader's Dysfunctional Parents and How They'd Help
~ General Feelings: The gang collectively despises the reader's parents for being neglectful, abusive, or dysfunctional. They see the reader's parents as unworthy and harmful, and they feel a strong desire to protect the reader from them.
~Helping the Reader:
  - Ashlynn: Would try to physically remove the reader from their home, offering her own house as a sanctuary.
  - Tyler: Would aggressively speak harshly about the readers parents, Taylor helping alongside him to alter your way of thinking so highly of them.
  - Taylor: Would manipulate situations to make the reader's parents look worse, encouraging the reader to rely more on her.
  - Aiden: Would provide a calm, safe space and work on legal ways to help the reader distance themselves from their parents.
  - Ben: Would emotionally support the reader, offering a listening ear and trying to become their main source of comfort.
  - Logan: Would offer practical solutions, like helping the reader find a new place to live or getting them into counseling, all while subtly keeping them close.
Each member of the gang would take a different approach to help the reader, but all would be united in their determination to remove the reader from their harmful home environment and keep them close within the gang's protective circle as their parents/guardians act as the protective outer circle.
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kris-sona · 3 months
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chronic sufferer ashlynn
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niredsw · 1 month
a short oneshot that randomly came to my mind, have fun!
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
It was a normal night for the gang. Well, if your normal is having to be chased by phantoms every night. The kids decided to just chill in the graveyard and relax that day, Aiden was sitting on top of the buses with his legs crossed, trying to solve a new rubix cupe he bought, when Ashlyn came and sat next to him. "What are you doing here, all alone?" she asked, oh boy he loved her voice, and the way she was looking so beautiful even with the red sky? He was down bad for her and he knew there was no escape from it. "Just chillin' thats what we're supposed to do, right?" he smiled at her, she smiled back and looked at the red sky, "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" the girl asked, Aiden just looked at her blankly "Ash, the sky is red, hell even the moon is red! What do you mean the moon is beautiful?" he chuckled. She just gave him a look of disappointment and left with a slight blush on her cheeks. Aiden stood there, dumbfounded, 'Did i said something wrong???' he thought to himself, then the sound of a clock filled his ears and in a blink, he was on his bed, back in the normal world.
He layed there, looking at his ceiling before deciding to do a research, he knew Ash meant something different when she said that and he had to know what is was.
He stood there looking at his phone screen. A soft smile on his lips and a blush on his cheeks, he was disappointted in himself for not understanding what she said. Then the blonde boy just threw himself onto his bed again "SHE LOVES ME?? SHE LOVES ME!! I'M SO STUPID SHE LOVES ME!!" he screamed to his pillow.
His cousin, Ben, smiled in the other room and texted Ashlyn, "He finally understood what you meant, good luck at school tomorrow :]" all Ashlyn texted back? "I fucked up didn't i?" well, Ben didn't have to see her to know she was also a blushing mess, so he just texted "Kind of, yeah.." and went to bed, leaving the two idiots to deal with it themselwes.
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Well, there you go, my first ever published aidlyn fic. Now i'm gonna disappear into the void and never publish any more writing ever again :3
Also here is the meaning of the sentence if anyone doesnt know it
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” is more poetic way of saying I love you in Japanese language.
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johnmarstonlover · 2 months
how i feel going to sleep at night knowing i’ve read almost every tyler x ashlyn fan fiction out there and i need more:
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rakeofashovel · 2 months
The fact that i’m too lazy to buy coins for sbg but also simultaneously keep checking to see if it’s been 7 days is taking a mental toll on me
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stinkypeanutbutter · 10 months
Silly Ashlyn
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Got a little carried away with the rendering umhs 😅
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gladburden · 5 months
this….meme but them
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this is my contribution to the community
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jkriordanverse · 2 months
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Literally me to every extrovert in a social interaction:
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ilovebol0gna · 3 months
i just finished rereading sbg and im rethinking everything
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icrypop · 2 months
U did sooo good with your yandere sbg, im in luv with u now♡♡♡☆
Feel free to ignore this, but same yandere au for sbg that u wrote, but reader ends up dying in the phantom world, their death ends up to be painful, slow, and they black out thinking no one is coming to save them. I rlly like angst. can u tell? (I need a happy ending tho😣🥹🥺)
If the Yandere! SBG gang lost you in the Phantom world
Ashlynn, Tyler, Taylor, Ben, Aiden, Logan
WARNING: Yandere themes, violent, gore, descriptive
Awww <3 Im so happy you liked them, and I'd be so happy to write this for you! I wasn't sure if you wanted hcs or full stories so its kinda..both?? Either way! Can be seen as romantic or platonic with a gender neutral reader!!!!
-Writer Icy<3
In the eerie, twisted landscape of the Phantom World, your cornered by the terrifying creature, its shadowy form obscured in the dim, otherworldly light under the blood red sky. The attack came brutally, the phantom striking with relentless fury, leaving deep wounds that bled profusely as it slashed its long hands across your abdomen and stomach. As you lay on the cold ground, pain wracked your body, and each breath became a struggle. Time seemed to stretch, and your vision blurred with tears as you slowly slipped in and out of consciousness. Despite the overwhelming agony, you clung to the hope that your friends would find you in time before death’s icy grip took you away. But as minutes turned to hours, and the chill of the Phantom World seeped into your skin and bones, despair settled in. Your final thoughts are filled with the aching belief that no one was coming to save you. The darkness closed in, and you blacked out, feeling utterly alone. Were you ever truly relevant to them though?
Devastated and furious with herself for not being there to protect you. You were pale, cold. How did this happen?? You guys were running from the swarm of Phantoms and you got separated…shit, she should’ve helped you. You were chased, killed and now your lifeless body lay in her arms. 
Ashlynn's heart shattered when she saw your pale form on the hospital bed, the beeping machines the only sign of life. She refused to leave your side, berating herself for failing to protect you. Each hour felt like an eternity as she traced your hand, her voice a soft murmur of apologies.
Once back in the real world she stays by your side constantly, tracing your hand softly, careful to not touch the IVs in your hands and arms… She blamed herself for you dying. She should’ve followed you, protected you, you wouldn’t be here if she had followed. She spent most of her time here after school until going home to deal with making plans and the 7 hour nightmare they were still stuck in.
Once Ashlynn gets the call that your awake though? She’s there in a heartbeat. She becomes fiercely protective, constantly checking on you and ensuring you are never alone, guilt and relief warring within her. She cant stand the thought of it, the image of your mangled body along the ground sticks in her mind. When you finally opened your eyes, Ashlynn froze in shock as waves of emotions coursed through her. It overwhelmed her to the point of not knowing what to do or say in that moment. After calming down and waiting until everyone else stepped out, she got closer, vowing to never let anything harm you again. The ordeal only deepened her obsession, and she became a constant, protective presence in your life.
His face paled as you lay lifeless on the ground, he was in disbelief that you were gone until he held your limp, bloody body in his arms, your blood staining his hands. Overwhelmed with guilt and anger, blames himself for not being there for you. He watched you as you were targeted and yet he kept running with the other group. He needed to turn around, why didn't he turn around!? 
He couldn’t shake the guilt of not being able to save you, and it gnawed at him as he paced the hospital halls, demanding answers and updates from your nurses and doctors that checked on you. He was distressed, taking out all of his emotions on his friends in short bursts of anger. They understood though, they knew how he cared.
 No amount of comfort or kind words could make him relax until he got the call from one of your doctors. When you regained consciousness, Tyler felt a surge of relief, but it was tinged with a new intensity. He vowed never to leave your side again, becoming a constant, watchful presence, struggling to keep his protective instincts from suffocating you.
 He sits at the side of your bed for a while, scared that you were gonna blame him as he blamed himself. After you slightly recover, Tyler becomes more possessive, struggling to balance his feelings of guilt and the need to keep the reader safe
She screamed when she saw you, not in fear but in agony of seeing you basically ripped to shreds by one of those things. Why did it happen?? You were grouped together and trying to clear a house near the base. You guys wanted to see if there were any other materials you needed…You were left outside to watch. No one heard you get grabbed, no one saw where it took you until you were gone. You were tore open like a deer from a bear, the gashes and deep and revealing wounds covering your body almost made her sick. 
She struggles with the horror of what happened to you and blames herself for letting you out of her sight. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched the reader lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping the group together and safe. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched you lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping you safe and with the rest of the group. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. When you finally woke up, she bawled uncontrollably at your side, apologizing profusely. Taylor's heart swelled with relief though, knowing you were alive and semi-okay. Determined to keep you safe, she became more attentive and persuasive, her charm a constant comfort as she worked to ensure you never felt alone or afraid again.
Aiden's calm demeanor cracked just slightly as he stared at you lying on the group. Bloody, beaten, dead. The usual calm smile he has plastered on his face falls into a crazed one as his eyes glaze over. He hides his anger and sadness well. He felt a cold numbness settle over him, a detached shock as he lifted you in his arms. He didn't hear you scream, you were alone, you needed him…You were going to hate him.
In the hospital bed, your life hanging by a thread, he quietly takes charge and organizes care towards you, ensuring you were given the best treatment. Even in his grief, he was practical and efficient, managing details and coordinating with doctors. He couldn’t let you die, he failed you once and he wasn’t gonna do it a second time.
When you finally woke up, Aiden felt an intense relief, the dead, psychopathic smile finally disappearing as he stared in shock before smiling for real. Seeing you alive, well and okay(ish) brought him peace but that peace came with a deeper, darker determination. He became even more involved in your life, guiding your every decision with a careful, controlling hand, ensuring you would never be left alone and vulnerable again.
The anger inside him swirled with so much emotion he almost snapped. Aiden couldn’t get him to calm down enough or move away. Aiden just kept everyone away from him as Ben held your cold, limp body to his chest. Your heart wasn’t beating…How could you have left his sight..?
You thought you had seen something and decided to run and check it out. The Phantoms were distracted, none were near so you deemed it safe. You had found a small pocket knife but it was broken…then you were jumped and now you were broken too.
Ben felt a profound sadness settle over him as he saw you lying unconscious in the hospital. He struggled to process the sight, his usual calm demeanor shaken. While he tried to be a pillar of strength for the group, internally, he feared the worst. He got slightly defensive and even shoved Aiden away when being comforted.
 When you finally awoke, Ben felt an immense relief wash over him as he gave a slight nod and anxious wave and sat next to your bed. Determined to prevent such a close call from happening again, he became more protective and attentive, always looking out for your needs and ensuring you felt safe and cherished in his presence.
He broke down, falling to his knees in body-wracking sobs, overwhelmed by the horror and pain in his heart from seeing you dead. You were lagging behind the group and got grabbed and he couldnt catch you in time. By the time he and the group made it to you, you were pale, bloody and tore open severely with no heartbeat.
 Logan couldn’t hold back the tears as he sat beside your hospital bed, his heart breaking at the sight of your frail, unconscious form. The thought of losing you was unbearable, and he was wracked with guilt and sorrow, whispering apologies consistently, hoping you could hear him. 
When you finally opened your eyes, Logan was overwhelmed with relief as he apologized and cried beside you. However, the experience left him emotionally fragile; he became increasingly dependent on you, needing constant reassurance of your well-being and that you didn't hate him.
 Terrified of ever facing such a close call again, he never let you go off on your own and kept a closer eye on you, always telling you he needed to protect you so you wouldn’t get hurt.
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icefang100 · 4 months
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Since it seems my main means of expressing my enjoyment of media is making cat designs for the characters therein, here's a cat-ified version of Ashlyn from Red's School Bus Graveyard webcomic!
Image description below the cut, and in the alt text.
[Image description: Two digitally drawn cat headshots depicting the same character. The cat has Persian orange fur with darker orange-brown markings and lighter tumbleweed-colored highlights. The only difference between the two drawings is the first having very long cheek fur, while the second looks like the fur has been roughly cut. Both have long tufts on their ear tips, and look very tired or possibly annoyed. The character's markings are heavily fractured stripes (including a dorsal stripe), false eyes on the backs of the ears, and framing the bottoms of the actual eyes. Along the edges and indents of the shattered pieces is the lighter highlight color. /End description]
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diamondcrownacademy · 2 months
DCA Headcanons: Interactions with Ever After High Characters (Part 1)
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Banner art of Sophie colored by @/au-ni-ro
Greetings everyone! It pretty much is no secret to any of you that I’m a huge fan of Ever After High and this is something I’ve been wanting to do for… a very long time: The DCA Characters interacting with the characters of Ever After High!
After seeing a lot and I mean A LOT of EAH x TWST art and stories (more for the former), I thought to myself: What if DCA and EAH interact? Oh wait… And… you know, we’re now here.
Important Note: I’m going to be pairing the characters based on their personalities and interests, NOT the same fairytale character. So we’re not going to have Evonie interact with Apple, Ella interact with Ashlynn (see below), yada yada you get the gist
More Detailed Example: We’re not going to have Ella interact with Ashlynn because while they have the same fairytale, their respective interests don’t match. Ashlynn is fond of nature and shoes (more towards the former) while Ella is fond of fashion.
Anyway, let’s begin with Evonie, Ella, Allison, Briar and Cerule
Click here for information on the dorm leaders
Evonie Apfel 🍎
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For Evonie, I debated on either Raven or Darling, and I felt the former fit better, we’ll return with Darling later down the line. While Evonie’s outer motif is a soldier, there’s another side to her: i.e Her Masked Maiden idol persona and this is where Raven comes in. I’d imagine that Raven would be wandering DCA only to find Evonie singing rock music and Raven startling her by complementing her performance. Evonie in shock would obviously beg Raven not to tell anyone, and Raven promises not to say a word. In fact, I’d feel that Raven would suggest they do a collab, Feathered Mirror (Raven Queen ft. The Masked Maiden).
Ella Glaciel 👠
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Ella was unsurprisingly and hilariously very easy for me: Pair her up with Farrah. Reason why? Easy! Both have an affinity for fashion. Heck, maybe Ella and Farrah could make a gorgeous ballgown or two!
Allison Liddel 🐰
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I debated on any of the Wonderlandians for Allison, but I figured Kitty would be the best choice, since both are mischief makers and both in a way are rebellious, somewhat. Allison refuses to act like a proper lady while Kitty refuses to obey the rules of destiny. I could definitely see them forming a prank duo (or trio if you include Che'nya) and you know what that means, more babysitting for Evonie…
Briar Auroria 🌹
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Finding a match for Briar, that isn’t Briar Beauty was arguably very difficult, since no one in EAH to my knowledge were victims of negligence and Brair’s interests include tapestry weaving, feeding animals and taking strolls, the latter two being associated with nature. So for that, I’d pair her up with Ashlynn, a fellow nature lover. I’d see them taking various nature walks, picking flowers and feeding animals
Cerule Oceana 🐠
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This was initially very difficult for me since the only EAH characters with ties to water or the sea were Duchess and Meeshell respectively, but neither’s interests or personalities match that of Cerule’s (Side note: They waited till the very end to FINALLY give EAH a mermaid doll?! That’s bullshit!). Sure, we know that Meeshell is fond of singing and that she’s shy, but that honestly doesn’t match with Cerule. I’d pair her up with Alistair (Note: All of these interactions are platonic, for Cerule’s preferences in a partner: click here) since both are curious about the world around them.
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soulless-angel25 · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Day 17 Prompt- In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.” @seth-whumps
Fandom: School Bus Graveyard Characters: Ashlynn Banner, Emma Banner
AO3 Link! [Pre-Canon, Young!Ashyln]
Ashlyn was sick so often she didn't know what it felt like to not be sick every hour of everyday, it was something she'd come to terms with. She was always sick and so she and her parents learned to manage it.
But this sick was worse.
This sick made it feel like she was on fire, with the world blurry and things accompanying the noises. Maybe what her mom was working on would help.
And so, Ashlyn sat and waited for her mom to step out of the bathroom and when she came out she scooped Ashlyn straight up into her arms and moved back in to place her daughter in the cold water. One hand holding hers at every moment, a warmed up towel on the side for when Ashlyn wanted to come out.
In the tub Ashlyn let herself sink, the cold felt so nice against her body so very nice against the inferno that her skin had become. Oh how she loved the cold.
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