263 posts
Requests OPEN for matchup trades and short fics (dm for matchup details) • she/they • NOT a minor
Last active 60 minutes ago
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tubbypeddle · 2 months ago
List of things that actually happened in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure:
• David Bowie terrorizes a small Japanese town
• Gay rainbows turn people into snails using subliminal messaging
• A naked man with four balls (2 x 2) wakes up in the dirt
• A bisexual asshole tortures a family for generations
• A mafia group comprised almost entirely of fashionable teenagers set out to eradicate drugs
• One man crashes a plane not once, not twice, but on three separate occasions (and also attends his own funeral)
• A hive mind of sentient plankton inhabit a corpse and infiltrate a prison
• A twink turns into a dinosaur and a nun uses literal genderfluid as a weapon
• Mona Lisa bøner
• A homicidal sugar daddy doctor and his Stockholm syndrome patient spread a deadly virus throughout the city of Venice
• Jesus Christ. Like literally, just Jesus Christ.
• A character creates a Mobius strip (infinity strip ♾️) out of string inside her heart, to counter her organs being turned inside out by an enemy who can redirect the flow of gravity
• A story spawning generations, utilizing completely different genres, casts, and settings. The theme of fate vs free will; the evil of humanity vs the everyday good; choosing your own path- all are exemplified through a creative, genre breaking story with a unique power system. Fate as a concept is not just something used to give the victory to the good guys, it is a tangible known force within the story. One that both acts as something the characters lust after to obtain their goals, but also a metaphorical device to test them and weave the intricacies of their woes. Jaw-dropping, constantly evolving art; fun and complex characters; unpredictable, ever-changing plots, these are but a few reasons for why JJBA is my favorite series. It is committed to being absolutely everything it can be, and highlights the beauties of life.
• also yandere
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tubbypeddle · 3 months ago
Collar Full (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Completely forgot to post this here, but here is the commission fic I wrote for @tubbypeddle featuring Narancia and her OC Alice-Jane!
Narancia and Alice-Jane have been dating for a while and it’s pretty serious, but he finds out that he might not know much about her at all. (Narancia/OC)
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tubbypeddle · 3 months ago
Having internet friends is an experience. Did you eat today? I can’t believe your sister hasn’t apologized yet, what a bitch. Drink a glass of water right now. Want to see a cat picture? I love you. I know you better than your parents. I don’t know your name. I’m having a rough day, can you talk to me about your favorite videogame? I love you. Good morning means good night means good afternoon means go to sleep. Here’s a doodle I made in class. I’m stealing your clothes as we speak, they’re so pretty. I love you. I love your pet. What does your hair look like? I’d love to see that weird leaf. I love you. I’m making you your favorite food. Thank you for holding my secrets for me. I love you. We’re having a coffe date. I love you. I’m giving you a screen-sized hug. I love you. I love you. I love you.
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tubbypeddle · 3 months ago
hi! its me, tubby! obviously.
here for another jojo matchup! it's been so long since i've written one of these sob emoji
i'd like to see who you can match me with from parts 1 and 2! i usually ask for part 5 since it's my favorite, but i've never had a part 1 or 2 matchup.
my pronouns are she/they, i'm an aries and infp if that matters at all in this matchup.
i'm short, i know i'm short, so it doesn't bother me. I've got dark brown hair, fucking huge hazel eyes (bc im pretentious like that, i have to mention they're hazel), moles and beauty marks all over my body. don't delude yourself, i'm also chunky. i'm a big bitch, but that's okay. i'm not happy with the way i look, but that's life.
i prefer dressing comfortably over dressing stylishly, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to look nice. if something looks nice but feels horrid on my skin, i'm changing. it's the autism in me fr.
my hobbies include; writing, reading (so much), drawing (sometimes), and baking. I love baking when i'm in the right company. But i'll also bake by myself, too. I love me a sweet treat.
i love so so hard but so quietly. i don't know how to show my affection, and every time i want to say something adoring to the people i love, it gets caught in my throat. i have to have them read it through a screen or on a paper. it's why i became a writer in the first place.
you could say that means my love languages are gift giving and quality time. and physical touch, too, probably. I like hugs and cuddles enough. probably.
i hope this is enough. <33
Alright, I'd match you with...
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I know we don't get a lot of screentime of him in the show, so some of his personality is hard to nail down, but idk, you just gave me a vibe I guess.
I think Santana would be attracted to you physically before emotionally. Not in a gross, shallow way, just in that during the time before you interact personally, he's already noticed your appearence first. The first flash of your eyes in his direction, and that moment of eye contact was where the first little seed of attraction was planted, and it grew from there. He'd only have a short period of admiring from afar, before he's just finding reasons to be closer to you. Not that he's hiding it really, all of the pillarmen strike me as people who would be very phsyically casual with the people they enjoy being around. Wether it's sitting with you pulled close to his side, lounging around you, or just standing or sitting next to you when given multiple options, I think he'd be comfortable around you even before you talk much. He seems to be a man of few words, and you seem to have a similar nature.
You mentioned being chubby, and while it's technically a personal headcanon, I don't think that any of the pillarmen would particularly care about that, some even liking it in its own right. In the ancient world, being heavier was a sort of sign of being wealthy and having food to eat and not needing to do manual labour, and therefore was considered attractive then in the cultural zeitgeist, and while they didn't exactly partake in human culture, I think the same perception would be held by them. Santana would find it strange you're not pleased with it, or that you care either way at all. I don't particularly think he gives a fuck either way, all women's bodies are attractive to him. Yours is just...a little more attractive to him, not that he'd tell you at first.
As for your height, pretty much everyone is short compared to him, so it really doesn't bother him. At first he just has to look downwards to talk to you, but when he gets to know you and feels the need to show a little more respect, he tends to crouch down some to be closer to your level, but that only really highlights the height difference even more.
You seem to me to be a more reserved, self-restrained kind of person, and I think he is sort of the same. As the lowest ranking Pillarman, he's used to staying in the background and not letting much of his own opinions slip, so I think the more quiet, observant personalities draw him in more than strong outward temperaments. It makes him want to get to know you. At first though, there's just sort of a quiet understanding shared between you, not communicated by words as much as in pure vibes. You just sort of gravitate towards eachother, often ending up in quiet contemplation as the others talk. It's a sort of confidential companionship that quickly ingratiates yourself to him.
He's not shy though, just less prone useless chattering. He's often blunt, not caring to honey his words with lies or sensitivity. His confession of affection for you would be equally plain-spoken and frank, and come quickly after he realizes he has feeling for you. Honestly he'd act very similarly to how you were as friends when you are as partners, he enjoys just being around you, no matter what you're doing. He's content just lounging around with you as you read, especially if you keep one hand on your book and one scratching his hair as he rests his head in your lap(especially right near his horns). In terms of the affection he likes to receive, I think he'd be more of a physical touch enjoyer. He wants to lay across your legs and let you scratch his back, or hold you in his and just sit together, or let you sleep on his chest through the night.
As for how you dress, Santana doesn't really care. He knows you like to look nice but he's obviously not one for wearing much clothes at all, and would generally prefer if you wore less too. And hey, your clothes can't be uncomfortable if you aren't wearing any. But if the two of you are staying together somewhere, definitely make sure to tell him if someone is coming over, because when it's just the two of you, he really doesn't see the need to wear clothes. Dude's just walking around dick out and sees no problem with it.
He also enjoys taking part in your hobbies, even if it's just in little ways. He'll read anything you give him inhumanly quickly, so load him up with all your favourites and he'll be able to talk about them with you in no time. He finds your human literature interesting, if a little below him. But if it makes you happy, whatever. As for baking, Santana has subsisted on humans and vampires for his whole life, but I'm sure he has taste buds anyways, so PLEASE get this man a piece of fucking cake. Even if his involvement is just eating the final product, he feels like he's doing something. Don't expect any legit criticism though, he's doesn't have the most refined pallet, and he wouldn't tell you if it was bad anyways. Give him a brick covered in frosting and he'll eat it.
Overall I think your relationship would be very easy-going. Not many arguments or quarreling, you both seem to intuitively understand the other, and he usually concedes his side after a while if anything does come up anyways.
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(sorry this is so terribly late, I got super busy with work, then had to go out of state for a funeral, then got busy with the holidays and therefore even busier with work so oops. But hey, now it's like a Christmas present almost😅😅😅)
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tubbypeddle · 3 months ago
I don't know if you're still doing matchup trades, but I would love matchups from Parts 2, 5 and 6 of Jojo's. I will also totally do one for you to the best of my abilities if you want!
My Gender: Female, she/her
Personality: I'm generally a very calm, patient person, and I make an effort to not become angry or frustrated easily. I can come off as quiet, but warm up to people quickly and will talk and or listen to someone for hours. I generally try to be very attentive and supportive of the people I care for, and one of my biggest dreams is to be married one day, though I don't want children. I think a downside of my personality is that I can be a little insecure, and if I feel like someone doesn't like me or is annoyed at me I close myself off completely.
Hobbies: I am a huge classic literature fan, and read constantly, especially anything from the 1700's or 1800's, though I also particularly love Shakespeare. I'd say I always love a good story, no matter what medium it is in, and I love learning about history. I also really love to bake, though I'm not much of a cook.
Green Flag/Deal breaker: Unfortunately I have a thing for men older than me, especially if they're the fatherly or chivalrous type. I also like passionate, strong men who aren't afraid of speaking their mind or ideals. A deal breaker might be a guy who likes to "jokingly" insult or mess with their partner, especially insults or judgement. I know that's what some people like, but it's not for me.
Green Flag/Deal breaker: Unfortunately I have a thing for men older than me, especially if they're the fatherly or chivalrous type. I also like passionate, strong men who aren't afraid of speaking their mind or ideals. A deal breaker might be a guy who likes to "jokingly" insult or mess with their partner, especially insults or judgement. I know that's what some people like, but it's not for me.
Looks: As for looks I'd say I'd be considered generally attractive?I have very long, curly brown hair, brown eyes, and I'm narcissistically proud of my lips.
(Thanks in advance, 😘)
i got started on this as soon as i posted the other one!
sorry it's taking so long. you know busy schedules ���� I actually called off sick to finish this up LMAO
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You've been training with Caesar under Master Lisa Lisa for years now. In fact, you showed up only months after Caesar did. Initially, she wouldn't have let you stay if you didn't earn your stay. But you managed to prove your worth to her eventually.
And Joseph was a reluctantly welcome addition to your little squad.
But it's not Joseph or Caesar that you fall for. They're not your type, and besides. They're more like annoying older brothers.
No, they're not the ones who catch your eye.
Instead it's one
Ultimate Being Kars
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At first, he doesn't even notice you. He normally doesn't pay any mind to mortals at all, much less ones that show no initial prowess at some sort of physical strength.
It's when he notices you with Joseph and Caesar that you manage to pique his interest.
He cares not for mortal attractiveness, but he does admit you're "easy on the eyes", as Joseph calls you.
He acknowledges Lisa Lisa's strength, and she doesn't take weak people under her care. So what are you doing with them?
You have yet to prove yourself the way Caesar and Joseph are so desperate to. Why did Lisa Lisa take you in? What do you have to offer that he hasn't seen yet?
And it's not because you're a woman who's hiding your strength. Women were very valuable and successful warriors from his time. It's something else.
He has not met any mortal who knew of his history. Granted, he's been trapped in stone far longer than he would've had any chance to meet a mortal who would've known anything about his race and culture.
But the fact that you did definitely threw him for a loop the first time.
And because of lovely timeline fuckery, Kars does not get shot into space because you deserve a happy ending with him.
Kars is not the type to insult his partners, jokingly or in any other way. If he insults you, it's not intentional. He doesn't even insult you in arguments.
Kars does not care for blabbering very much, but he finds he does not mind yours very much. His people weren't talkers. They preferred to show their affection through violence and aggression. Proving your worth as a Pillarmen came by eating your first human. Pillarmen like Kars did not talk with each other.
Even with his family, he did not really sit down and have conversations with them. Conversations weren't needed when battles to the death were all the contracts needed between siblings. Whoever lived to see another day won their argument.
And, hey, you said you liked older men. Try a man who's been alive since 5000 B.C.
And I can understand the appeal in older men. It's that experience that you don't have, leaving you feeling like you can follow his lead and you won't feel so lost.
And if anybody would have experience, it's Kars.
(Experience in every field, might I add.)
He's not so much "fatherly" as he is a guiding hand, though. He raised Santana and Wamuu, yes, but it wasn't very much of a father-son relationship.
Similar can be said about you two, thankfully. He is happy to take the leading role, to guide you when you want or need it. It almost feels professional how firm he is with you. But maybe you're into that.
And it does wonders for making you feel less insecure, too.
PDA is not something he enjoys. If he wants to show his affection to you, he'd rather do it in the privacy of your home. That isn't to say he's ashamed of his relationship with you, or keeps it hidden. He makes it a point to bring you up in almost every conversation he has with a stranger.
"My partner would love this", "I need to tell my partner about this", "My partner would hate this, I should tell her immediately". That's his preferred term for you.
You are his partner. Which is an important distinction, especially since he also calls you his lover sometimes.
He sees you as his equal, which is why he prefers to call you partner.
If you like passionate men, he is an ideal passionate man.
He's all about passion, ambition. He never sees a point in hiding his intents behind pretty words, so he can come off as blunt, too. He always speaks what's on his mind because what's the point in hiding it? You are his partner, he wants you to know every thought he has.
From the smallest things, like what he thinks he wants for lunch that day, all the way to big things like where he sees your future together headed and what he has planned for you two.
He hides nothing from you. He feels no need to. He expects you to show him your everything, too.
He adores your patience. It has made loving him a lot easier for you, too. As an ancient superhuman, he does not have the easiest time acclimating to modern times. (as modern as they can be in the 1940s)
Honorary mention!
Rudolf Von Stroheim
..You can understand why you're with Kars, and not this other passionate man.
That's enough of Battle Tendency, though.
If you were to find yourself in the throes of the Italian Mafia, you'd find yourself enthralled by none other than
Risotto Nero
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You met him when he'd needed information for a hit. He'd gone to the Investigation squadron, of which you are a part of, and that's where he'd met you.
He was immediately entranced by you.
You were quiet, which isn't out of place for the Investigation Department. All of you had this job because of your aversion to combat.
But you were different from the rest of your team. In a way that Risotto couldn't quite explain.
When the two of you get together, it's kept a secret from the rest of Risotto's team at first. Call him possessive, but he wants you all to himself before his team eventually gets their hands on you, too.
This isn't to say that once the two of you reveal your relationship to his team that he's secretive. He doesn't want it kept a secret after revealing yourselves to his men. He wants people to know that he's yours. He likes people knowing that they can't have you, because you chose him over them.
Basically, he loves PDA.
If you'd gotten with him before he betrayed the Boss, he might've been a bit more private with his relationship with you.
But he's a free man now, free from the Boss's reign.
So maybe he likes to show you off a bit more than is normal.
He also doesn't want kids. He can't stand the thought of having to care for a life so precious when he couldn't even protect his cousin in their youth.
But he is really intrigued by the idea of marriage.
Ever since he'd joined the mafia, marriage wasn't something he ever considered. It just wasn't something he could ever consider. He didn't want to involve a partner in his dangerous life, especially one that he'd care for so immensely like a wife.
It reassures him in an odd way that you were already involved with the mafia before he met you. That means that it wasn't him who dragged you into this mess, and that you're at least strong enough to handle yourself if things got ugly.
He guides his teammates with a firm but caring hand. It's something you find very attractive about him. How he can be strict without being unkind. Especially when he shows this attitude to people he has direct power over, like his team. It's such a green flag when a man doesn't abuse his authority over others.
He finds all of your interests interesting. He likes listening to you talk about anything and everything. You're just so passionate whenever you're talking about things that interest you. He finds it just as attractive as he finds it cute.
He appreciates your patience. He knows his team is a lot to deal with. From Ghiaccio's hair-trigger temper, to Melone's...everything. You tolerate them with a patience that surprises even him. But anyone who can appreciate his team is someone he's not letting go of very easily.
He doesn't mind that you get insecure sometimes. He's happy to reassure you. He's had his fair share of insecurities, even if he's a master at hiding it. He's gotten better over the years at reassuring himself about his own insecurities, and he uses those own tactics to help you feel better about whatever you need to feel better about.
Honorary mentions!
Bruno Bucciarati
He's got this sad, mature air about him that initially drew you in. Unfortunately, Bruno is a family man, through and through. And perhaps his team might be a bit much for you to properly handle. At least all of Risotto's team are adults by the time you meet them. Bucciarati's team is mostly a mess of teenage hormones and homicidal tendencies.
In Stone Ocean, however.
You've been an inmate at the Green Dolphin State prison for years, at this point.
Emporio is a good friend of yours, already. He brings you to his Stand room very soon after you meet him.
There, you also meet
Weather Report
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It was love at first sight for him.
It was Emporio who had introduced the two of you. You had helped Emporio once without meaning to, and he decided you were a friend and brought you back to his Stand room.
Weather Report was silent when you first met. He barely spoke above a whisper, as par the course with him.
But that's not what surprised Emporio about Weather's reaction to first meeting you.
Weather's eyes literally sparkled, when he first saw you. It was so noticeable to Emporio, who had basically grown up with Weather Report.
It takes him ages to confess.
You come into Emporio and Weather's life years before Ermes or Jolyne come into the picture, and still, Weather needs Jolyne's help to confess anything to you.
He wanted his confession to be sweet and romantic. It ended up being almost rushed, because he gets so impatient with himself that he just blurted out his (rehearsed) confession to you at the worst possible time.
After that whole mess, though, he's a wonderful lover.
He's thoughtful, and affectionate, and great at reassuring you without using his words too much.
He loves observing you. Really, he stares so much. Even he notices it. He's just thankful you don't point it out too often and save him from the embarrassment.
He's not one to talk needlessly, so he's happy to listen to you rant. Really, he could sit there for days on end just listening to you talk if that were possible, or if you'd let him.
Weather isn't really the kind of guy who wants children. He tolerates and respects Emporio, but not the same as he'd treat any other child. He tolerates and respects Emporio like he's an adult, because he's awkward and doesn't know how to talk to children properly.
As he is now, Weather doesn't want kids. He thinks they're a hassle.
But marriage...
He can't wait to marry you. Literally on par with Anasui with how often he thinks about getting married to you.
He has potential rings that he'd propose to you with, where you'd hold your wedding, even what season you'd have your wedding. Weather would love a winter wedding, if only to see how the cold raises goosebumps along your skin. He would imagine what your wedding dress would look like, but he refrains because he wants that to be your surprise to him.
Maybe he's a little delusional, but that's okay. At least he's happy to wait a few years into your relationship to propose. And not. Just. Putting a ring on you when you're sleeping in a car.
He has quite the elaborate proposal planned, anyway. Perhaps he'll do it in a private room at a museum that he takes you to for a date. Or maybe in the intimate setting of your shared bedroom, just after you've gotten out of the shower.
Many daydreams, this man has.
He has no qualms about showing you affection in public. He likes everyone knowing that you're his. And that he's yours, just the same.
He's touchy, but not in, like. The normal way.
He just needs to have his hands on you. Sometimes he's sweet. He'll hold your hand and follow behind you happily. Or he'll hang over your shoulder like a second Stand.
But most of the time, while he's sitting beside you, he'll just bite you. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough for it to be noticeable. Standing in line and there's a moment of quiet between you two? Chomp right on the shoulder. Laying in bed reading? He's probably nibbling on you arm.
Even if he's just laying on your lap, he's probably fantasizing about biting your legs.
(Believe me, that translates to...other fields in your relationship, too.)
Weather doesn't talk much usually. But with you, you two could talk each other in circles for days on end. It's a constant ADHD talk circle for you two. Always talking and infodumping as much as you can. And somehow, it never gets old.
He always has conversation topics in mind, and he's always asking you questions about anything and everything that either of you two are into.
Honorary mention!
Thunder McQueen
At first, I just thought this would've been funny, but I really feel like he would've loved you. He's desperately in need of someone who cares enough to make an effort into being patient with him.
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tubbypeddle · 3 months ago
Saw a tiktok of a guy saying he doesn’t feel comfortable talking to minors because he’s 19. And it’s just. I’m so fucking tired of this.
And like to be clear, I’m speaking as a victim of pedophilia when I say: We need to get over this collective fear of endangering children. Because holy shit, this stuff is getting out of hand.
The average person is not a threat to a child.
And also!!! It is actually really really good for kids to have friendships with adults that aren’t their family.
Having friendships with adults when you’re younger prepares you for adult life in a better way then only interacting with adults that are family members or teacher as well.
And also if there’s any sort of weird behavior happening with adults or teachers, it’s very helpful to have unrelated adults, you can go to, and also have a model for what normal adults are supposed to look like.
And also! You’re just making it way easier for pedophiles to prey on children when you completely avoid interacting with them as an adult. Because kids are naturally inquisitive and curious. They are going to want to interact with adults and they are going to want to ask questions. And if the only adult adults that are willing to interact and speak with them or adults who have ulterior motivations. Guess what’s gonna happen.
Also on a more general note. Having a model for what a normal healthy adult is supposed to look like makes it way easier for kids to be able to recognize and identify when adults in their personal life are being weird.
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tubbypeddle · 3 months ago
When a woman says she hates men and you get offended, that says more about you than it does about her btw
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
how I look trying to convey how insane it makes me that fugo spent his entire life being adultified for being very smart- first by his parents, then by that teacher, then by Bruno (hear me out), and possibly even by himself. No one treats him like he's another kid like Giorno or Narancia or Trish. I would argue even the fandom perception of him doesn't treat him like a kid.
Why is he responsible for Narancia? Why doesn't he get the same backlash from Bruno when he joins the gang? Isn't he younger than Narancia, and just like him has no business entering a gang? I would argue that because of his intelligence even Bruno always saw him as capable of keeping up with the adults, and therefore did not offer the same resistance to him joining the gang. Either that, or Bruno simply needed his intelligence and didn't care that he , too, was a child who should have been protected from becoming part of a freaking gang. Neither of these options paint Bruno in an appealing light.
I don't know. I have feelings on this that I can't properly articulate. It just bothers me that people gloss over how it seems the only person who saw Fugo as the kid he was was probably Abbacchio (based on what little we saw of their dynamic in PHF and VA). Idk. Raaagh
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
hes such a DORKL i love him I LOVE HIMMMM
❝ sunshine n' butterflies ❞ ‧₊˚ ☀︎
— pjo matchup .
for @tubbypeddle .
From the moment you came to Camp, you were your siblings' protector as you all got settled, and your godly half-siblings have grown on you. They become your beating hearts as you take the hits for them and guide them, and you wouldn't change a thing, but you still get tired sometimes. He remembers what that was like.
Will Solace was stressed when he first met you, as he often is, head healer and Apollo cabin counselor and everything. It was his turn to host the arts and crafts activity that afternoon, and you'd think his two big boy jobs would excuse him, but really it just allowed him to do them less often. There was noise, mess, and few older campers capable of crowd management.
A younger sibling of yours got hot glue in their hair, bursting into tears on the spot. Before Will could move his long legs fast enough to get there, you dropped to a crouch to meet your sibling at eye level. You cooed and shushed them, saying gentle comforts as you pulled out half-melted globs from their hair. He watched on— watched you— almost in shock. Your dark brown hair shined a warm hazel as it caught the light, and his eyes followed the paths of your chunky highlights as they curved around your head, your face.
You'd burned your fingertips when you pulled that hot glue off, so he invited you to the clinic to fix you up. Really, he could have healed you with a single hymn right there at arts and crafts. He just wanted an excuse to talk to you for longer, even though he stuttered through the first words he'd ever spoken to you, asking you if you were okay.
He's got this dorky kind of crush on you before you get together. He trips over his own feet when he sees you, rushing to talk to you. He mother-hens you, worrying over every possible little scratch, but aware and respectful of your boundaries all the same. He freaks out the first time you actually get hurt, and dedicates all his time to you until you get better.
He pretends to be so confident and assured when he's trying to get to know you, but he crumbles like sand when you start to reciprocate. He was speechless when you brought him a little gift for the first time, before completely melting like a blushing puddle. When you reached out to touch him or hold his hand for the first time, he tried to keep his cool, but on the inside he was screaming for fifteen minutes. (You could definitely tell, with how red his face was.)
Your guys' siblings tease the HELL out of you. The Apollo and Aphrodite cabin team up just to get you guys in each other's orbits, setting you up to do activities together, teasing you both about your obvious crushes, trying to spy on your dates. They love seeing you both make eachother happy, but by gods do they also love making you both suffer from embarrassment.
When Will finally asks to be your boyfriend, you obviously say yes, and Will immediately gets a brutal shovel talk from your siblings. Totally worth it.
He loves sitting with you in silence, doing your own things together, his head on your shoulder and his arms around your waist as he watched you play video games or write. His favorite thing in the world is when you're cuddled up, maybe his head on your lap or vice versa, reading to eachother in bed. He LOVES when you lay your heads in eachother's laps and brush through eachother's hair, it's the best thing in the universe.
He loves how you love, with your whole heart. He loves watching you with the kids, his heart one big ache as he remembers how life used to be before the wars. He used to be smack in the middle of the Apollo cabin, with a dozen big sisters and brothers. He's the oldest now— everyone else gone or left. He loves to take care of you, but when you look out for him, support him, help him when he needs— it heals a part of him that misses being taken care of. One of the best parts of your relationship is that you can rely on eachother, take care of eachother and be cared for in turn.
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
Percy Jackson matchup trade with @vidimillion!!!
i dont know what happened, but my draft from before deleted itself after i closed it, so i had to start all over again 🥲
I have a new job, so updates might be far and few between. But i am working on the other requests in my inbox, too. my new job takes up a lot of my time, so i apologize.
i'm also looking into nursing school, because the economy here is god awful and i need a great income
(author's note: credits to all gif owners, of course. <3)
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so you're a demigod. Big news.
It just sucks that circumstances have forced you into the clutches of Kronos.
There, you work under
Ethan Nakamura
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At first, he wonders what such a soft soul like you is doing fraternizing with Kronos's forces. Kronos's army is not for the feint of heart, and yet here you were.
The more Ethan talks with you, the more at ease he feels. He's careful never to let anyone but you see this side of him. It's dangerous within Kronos's ranks to show any sort of weakness. It's why he admires you so much.
You're disarmingly sweet looking, compared to the average minion of Kronos. Very deceptively put-together. He likes the way your jewelry glints under the light of the fire. He's very awkward about showing affection, but he gifts you any jewelry he loots off of his enemies or monster that he's killed.
You're open about your interests, about how much you enjoy them, too. Ethan always sees you writing or reading in every spare moment you have.
Baking and cooking have never come easy to Ethan. He knew how to do the basic cooking, enough to keep him alive back when he'd been living on his own. It's a damn miracle that he met you, who likes to share the food you make so easily.
He'd almost call it weakness, how openly you give your food away. Food is hard enough to get on his own, so he won't complain that you love to give him your food. It's even better that your food tastes so great.
You're his go-to choice of a partner for sparring. He enjoys working out, it's one of the few things he can do well that he'd always been gifted at. He likes that you also enjoy sparring and martial arts. It's a good skill to have, he believes.
Ethan isn't really a big talker, so he likes that you can talk him in circles. He likes listening to you rant and ramble about anything you like, and he likes hearing about your interests.
He has no idea that you barely even speak around other agents of Kronos. When other agents tell him that you're so full of yourself, that you're rude and think you're better than everyone else, he actually thinks they're just spewing shit out their ass. Because what are they talking about? You've only ever been sweet to him.
You two spend all your spare moments together. He has no idea when the two of you went from friends that he had feelings for, to being something more. It's dangerous to talk about these kinds of feelings while working so close to Kronos, but he knows the two of you have wordlessly, mutually agreed that you two are together. A subtle shift that Ethan finds he doesn't mind at all.
He enjoys all of your pampering, even if he doesn't know how to accept it without feeling viciously uncomfortable. He loves that you care enough to shower him in attention. He tries to do the same for you, but he doesn't feel like it works very much. He's too awkward.
He's not the only person that I could see you with, though.
One Miss
Zoe Nightshade
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finds your presence to be particularly soothing.
She's been a Hunter for centuries at this point. When you joined the Hunters, she was glad to have you, as she always is when a new Hunter joins.
But when she meets you, she's immediately smitten.
She likes the way your hair curls, the way you dress. She likes seeing the iconic silver of a Hunter glint over your skin. She likes the circlet that falls over your forehead, and she likes the way the rings and necklaces she gives you looks on you.
One of her favorite activities to do with you is to spar and train. She feels a little silly admitting this, but she likes seeing the way your body moves when you're swinging at her. She even likes it when one of you manages to pin the other down.
But she enjoys watching you bake and read and write just as much. She knows how to bake for herself. When someone lives for centuries on end, they have the time to learn whatever skill they want. She likes your treats more, though.
You're one of the few people she's shared anything about her past with. The only other person who knows everything about Zoe's past is Artemis herself.
The two of you can talk circles around each other when you find a mutual topic of interesting. She loves listening to you yap because she doesn't get to hear you do it often, and she likes yapping to you in return.
But she also loves the quiet moments between you two. It's an intimacy she had no idea she'd love. Vulnerability is fragile and dangerous when you're a Hunter of Artemis.
It's almost funny, how you two mirror each other in this regard. Zoe doesn't talk much to other people who aren't you.
Similar to Josephine and Hemethea from the Trials of Apollo, Artemis will allow you two to leave the Hunters under the loophole in Hunter law. The one that swears off men and not romance.
Honorary mentions!
Silena Beauregard
She's not so much into sports and athleticism, like you are, so she won't spar with you. But she loves watching you spar. She only works out just enough to
hello! good god, i feel bad for taking so long, but i promise i didn't forget about it (for that long, at least)
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
boy with tits vs girl with flat chest
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
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I’m so pretty 😻
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
The two best reasons to ship anything are:
1.Incredible, deep and detailed narrative themes. The parallels that seem to hit just right, the narrative foils that they can be to each other, the intricate dynamic that's both extremely complex and easily understood. The juxtaposition between something that's harsh and undoubtedly toxic, with the softer undertones, the parts where you read in-between the lines and find a mutual feeling of loneliness from both parts, their intrinsic understanding of each other comes from the mere fact that they're each others mirrored reflections and shadows. In the end both sides will be together forever, and you as an audience can clearly see their tragedy laid out before in a path that blurs pure anguish and tender romance
2.It would be so fucking funny
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
Double Standard Dictionary: A Guide to Things That Are Only "Problems" When Women Do Them
Let's have an honest conversation about something that drives me absolutely crazy. You know those little comments and judgments that somehow only seem to apply to women? Yeah, we need to talk about that.
The Professional Edition
When men vs. when women do the exact same thing:
He's assertive → She's aggressive
He's focused → She's cold
He's passionate → She's emotional
He's dedicated → She's obsessed
He's confident → She's arrogant
He's strategic → She's manipulative
He's busy → She's neglecting her life
The Dating Double Standards
The classics that never seem to die:
He's dated around → She has "a past"
He's a bachelor → She's "left on the shelf"
He's selective → She's picky
He's career-focused → She's married to her job
He's a social butterfly → She's attention-seeking
He's "finding himself" → She needs to settle down
He's direct → She's desperate
The Appearance Police
The endless contradictions:
Look professional, but not too try-hard
Be attractive, but not attention-seeking
Wear makeup, but keep it "natural"
Be fit, but not too muscular
Dress well, but not too sexy
Look youthful, but not immature
Age gracefully, but never look old
The Emotion Edition
How it's perceived:
His anger is justified → Her anger is hysteria
His sadness is deep → Her sadness is dramatic
His stress is from hard work → Her stress is from "not coping"
His excitement is enthusiasm → Her excitement is over-the-top
His concerns are valid → Her concerns are paranoid
His anxiety is pressure → Her anxiety is weakness
The Family Chronicles
The never-ending judgment:
He's babysitting → She's just parenting
He's helping around the house → She's doing her job
He's focused on work → She's neglecting family
He needs time to himself → She's selfish
He's weighing his options → She's wasting time
He's figuring out what he wants → Her clock is ticking
The Office Politics
Things I'm tired of seeing:
Men get mentored → Women get hit on
Men network → Women "sleep their way up"
Men are busy → Women "can't handle it"
Men are thorough → Women are perfectionists
Men delegate → Women are lazy
Men need work-life balance → Women are uncommitted
The Social Scene
The ridiculous expectations:
Be fun but not too wild
Be social but not too friendly
Be smart but not intimidating
Be successful but not threatening
Be independent but not difficult
Be strong but still need help
Be confident but still humble
The Success Paradox
What we're dealing with:
Be ambitious but not threatening
Lead but don't be bossy
Achieve but don't outshine
Negotiate but don't be demanding
Succeed but stay likeable
Excel but remain modest
Win but make it look effortless
The Reality Check
What this actually means for us:
Constant second-guessing
Walking on eggshells
Energy drain from overthinking
Imposter syndrome
Reduced authenticity
Limited self-expression
Unnecessary stress
The Way Forward
What we can do about it:
Call it out
Name the double standard
Question the logic
Point out the inconsistency
Support other women
2. Break the patterns
Reject unfair labels
Define success personally
Set our own standards
Celebrate authenticity
3. Change the narrative
Share success stories
Highlight achievements
Create new networks
Mentor others
To Every Woman Dealing With This
You're not "too much"
Your achievements are earned
Your feelings are valid
Your ambitions are worthy
Your standards are important
Your voice matters
Your path is yours
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tubbypeddle · 4 months ago
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tubbypeddle · 5 months ago
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hits you with the homestuck trollsonas/OCs in the year 2024
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tubbypeddle · 5 months ago
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