#i follow my own code
bewitched-bullet · 7 months
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Here, have my courage. 🖕🏻It's so obvious that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! John was never abusive or told other characters what to do or how to do play their characters. Your intuition is useless. He was and is always encouraging (which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared (such a shit move to share private messages btw.)- "just join in and do your thing, you'll be fine"- that's all that was asked. You could not be more wrong, even if you tried to.
The issue was between Sherlock and John and you are creating drama where there is none. It's great that you tagged your post with #mental abuse and #emotional abuse because that is EXACTLY what you are doing right now.
Let me ask you something? What are you trying to achieve? Bashing the rp because we are not organised? Because we are trying to have fun? Wow, the entitlement. 🙄 We are doing this for fun and nothing else and you are draining the fun out of it with insane accusations and the most ridiculous 'investigation'.
None of us is scared to speak out, certainly not of John because he couldn't be nicer.
And you are always talking about 'evidence'? What evidence? I have not seen a single screenshot the proves any of your claims. Get a life and let us have our fun.
And don't give me your 'oh, you are so brave for speaking out'. Or the 'oh, I see you have big feeling about this.' Every time someone speaks out in favour of John you ridicule them. You are biased. You have no morals.
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Good of you to drop the anon asks and post Un-anonymously.
A word to all of the community before I begin.
Despite their foul attitude and spicy vibe, I will request that none of you harass this mods account.
It's personally not my style or mode in which I move in this world. And I would be unhappy to hear someone did so in my name mistakenly believing I would sanction such an action.
Soooooooo....Harriett mod, you ARE feeling some big feels about this, whether or not you want to recognize it. It's very plain in the way and how you are using your words.
Oh, my!
You just now confirmed that the John mod and the Mycroft mod are one and the same!
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"John [the mod that plays him] was never abusive or told other characters [mods] what to do or how to play their characters. [Redacted] He [John mod] was and is always encouraging. (Which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared...
Which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared...
Cat's outta the bag now!
And you doubted my intuition. Glad we got some facts and proof to support my lizard brain.
So many things that can be said about all the...deflection, projection, etc but...I'll let your own words here and elsewhere speak for you.
Oh, yeah, of course I'm biased against fishy situations and those that bully. Biased for victims, children, animals, and old folks.
Also, an anon called me out on getting to into my feels and biases and I agreed with them.
As for morals? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL of course my morals will not match yours.
What do morals mean to you?
This is my definition: a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
My morals are my own. I make them for me, myself, and I. It just so happens that a few of my personal morals are shared with the general public.
Anywho, thank you for the energy you put into this. It was delicious.
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mercymaker · 2 months
re: gatekeeping
i've seen this argument come up again and again across multiple blogs and i feel like it's doing such a disservice to the creative community of this fandom and is worth speaking about (especially considering that some people expressed their reluctance to create in response to the recent events)
and i just wanted to say that YES. no one owns specific scenes. YES. people are allowed to gif the same characters. hell, as far as i've seen this community is incredibly creative and generous, sharing their mods and reshade presets and scenic locations.
to me PERSONALLY, the line is crossed when there's no transparency. when it's a repeated behavior. when there's no respect or regard to your fellow creators or their wishes.
i want to be very clear that this was all brought up in regards to a VERY specific case. a very nuanced case with a lot of context and i don't think it should be used to view the community as a whole.
outside of it and on the bigger scale, this community is full of incredibly skilled and creative individuals. helpful individuals. ones that WANT to inspire and encourage others to create. that share and help and give tips. that support each other. that put a new, exciting spin on 'the same old' game with its limited scenes.
and while, surely, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, i feel like there have been some really thick brushstrokes applied when talking about the bg3 fandom creatives as a whole. and it just doesn't sit right with me.
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trailerparkdad · 5 months
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welcome to the life of a quiet lab technician
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You remember when dick was in space (for the first time with the new teen titans) because komand’r took Kory back and they needed to save her? And you remember how he understood it was a war they were fighting and that they needed to do what they had to in order to survive it? And how when Gar told him he needed to control Kory, dick wondered if he even should try to stop her from killing her sister? And how he literally killed to save her (there’s some deniability but he’s literally hitting them with lasers described as deadly right in the head)? I do.
#something about dick doing this and understanding it’s war and war doesn’t always give you the choice to follow a moral code if you want to#live through it and make sure the one you love make it through too#and something about the change when the scenario called for it being oh so#similar to how Kory tried to pause her own teachings and relationship with combat while on earth#then despite knowing this was the type of battle Kory was raised for#the series had dick talking about how she was becoming more barbaric#and uncontrolled at times#when I think it would have been a much more interesting if they#instead chose to explore dick and Kory’s relationship with this “switch” or coming of age discovery + assimilation side by side#kory learning the balance of her heritage (she is tamaranian no matter what ) and her new life (she’s on earth and the battle there is#not the same solar system wide war she was raised to fight. The things she was taught are true for her home and her people but this is a#new home for her. a new beginning. a new life with new family. She is tamaranian and always will be but for now she’s on earth)#dick leaning to balance his past ( Bruce was his mentor and guide. he taught morality and ethics and all but gave him a what should you do#Guide during their years working together) and who he wants to be#(he’s not Bruce and what Bruce needs or thinks necessary doesn’t always ring true for dick too#he’s stepping into being his own man and part of that is forming his own views and opinions separate from his parent/mentor. Bruce will#never kill or let someone die if he can stop it. but dick? should he step in front of a bullet for a murderer over insuring someone else’s#safety first? his teammates? his families? he doesn’t know if that’s the kind of man he wants to be)#dc#dickkory#anyway#:)#does this make sense to anyone but my 5am running on two hrs of sleep brain#something about both of them being taught something by strict instructors#(the war lords and the bat)#and them learning#as all people have to#that most things are situational#new scenarios call for new things
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goldkirk · 28 days
past me squirreled away so many little bread crumbs over the years to lead me back to information and records and things that I kept that I didn’t consciously allow myself to understand I might need someday again
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cloudkemi · 10 months
Just saw Tubbos reaction to the recreation base and like. Oh man. He's so nice but the way he looks off to the side multiple sides is so telling.
Bad is completely blinded by what he remembers and loved the team and commodore that was built in Purgatory. Recreating the base as it was the highlight of the teamwork and family they created. He downplays the actual horrors of Purgatory which im sure is due to his own twisted morals and coping.
Tubbo sees the base and he's hesitant to say anything at all. Not jumping to call him a freak or jumping to praise him, just processing that this isn't some fudged up joke. And then he says its nice.
Tubbo's realistic about purgatory but he still loved the family and trust that happened during it. He might even miss the constant interactions and closeness. But he knows it was a terrible event and the murder part of it can't be ignored.
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windydrawallday · 4 months
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I don't fear my demons because I tamed them. I named and put faces on them. I tore apart the walls of their cages and rearranged their shapes. By taming my demons I found that now I can wield them as wards against all those who used them to hurt me. Some demons need to be killed, that's true. But is equally valid to want to understand and tame them. And that's the path I choose.
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spotaus · 2 months
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Coda and Ichor! (Catacombtale Style!)
These two don't have a *ton* of interaction in the Main story, but since Ichor and Balance are the only two characters I've fully designed, Coda gets stuck next to him, haha!
BONUS art jumpscare:
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These two actually exist in another project I'm working on too called Codex, which is basically just removing the UT aspects of Catacombtale and doing a lot more worldbuilding and character design!
Coda is older in Codex and is marked by an old God (which should get him jailed or killed, as it means for everyone else) but he hides it for years and years before he finally flees the complex he's living in to go confront the gods and stop their destructive path. Meanwhile Ichor is much the same, only he's much more ready and willing to help Coda without much prompting. Here he's also sort of a Koi Fish! (His brother is a Betta Fish)
#utmv#utmv sans#utmv oc#my art#spot!drawn#utmv art#Catacombtale#Ichor Sans#Coda#ichor#Ichor is so funny to me because his Brother (Reward) uses puzzles and then a final battle as his “Challenge” but Ichor?#his Challenge is to tell him the best Pun you know. He is the God of Puns after all!#(I think he hides his true nature as God of Punishment from the player as long as possible. saying his bro is so cool for being a major god)#Coda is a human with a lot of integrity and stubborn morals. even Determination can't escape the Gods wrath. but integrity?#Gods have a code to respect a soul who follows their own nature and still co-exists despite it just like themselves#so Coda is primed to help out.#his sister is about 7 abd she's a soul of Bravery#which means Hearth (who watches over her as a safe-space from the eyes of the other gods) has his hands full#trying to keep her from charging after Coda#Coda is so funny because he'll just walk in sonewhere and start a “Nuh-uh” contest with any given god and like... usually ends up winning???#and usually the Challenges are more gentle because he's still a young mortal. hardly a Hero. certainly not the one of prophecy#everyone figures Asgore or Undyne will kill them but uhhh. yeah. no that doesn't happen.#There's a lot of Lore here but like...#one additional thing is that in the story Coda manages to spend enough time with Ichor to obtain an item#“Sans' Protection Charm.” /Ichor gave it to you. Says to keep hold of it when facing danger. It seems like an old keepsake./#that charm is one that Ichor carved years and years ago and he only gives out charms to mortals he cares for#not only has the underground seen his rage boil (even while chained) but they have also seen his sorrow. no one wants to be the one to kill#the mortal he has deemed harmless. some fear he might have another outburst. others worry he'd fall down.#it has no real stat changes but when Coda equips it? it's like turning on Easy Mode for Godly Challenges
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
I wonder if there’s a part of Eurylochus that resents Polites
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In tur net
Iiiiiiiiiiiiin teeeeeeeer neeet
#internet#google data centers have their own copies of publicly available electronic information sources#google indexes all the data it has so it can provide search results#a duplicate copy#in each of the Google data centers#and that's just one search engine#what exactly are you scanning (if anything) before you decide to invade our species' home planet again#what are you using for your military intelligence#you're just one time of many#sona versus baku in the film star trek insurrection#you can join the queue to bafti otherwise because ignoring all this proves you're really deliberate time traveling criminals#square military rank insignia militaries#davis california and william windsor and william atreides and shran bew william of andor and terra#nazi attacks are happening on the planet Earth all the time#gomez y merovingian et romanov y sobieski y atreides y terra y andor y shran y bew y william y selena y anastasia square military rank unit#celebrities#artists on tumblr#beauty#star wars#taylor swift#star wars: rogue one#square military rank insignia militaries showing up to finish or repeat the davis mind control rape for their own good to rescue them#rape for own good to rescue all that come here - even though they never left#you truly are following your raping women in arenas while they're strapped to a giant X masters#i already said it#square military rank insignia militaries are free to bafti if they come here#now i know my fully codeds#domo arrigato roboto san#close#audible words - that took forever - heard at night while apparently asleep - Bradley Carl Geiger - 8774 Williamson - Sacramento California
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alchemiclee · 4 months
there seems to be so many dudebros who are in love with firefly and all "waifu~" about her....well those dudebros better not be transphobic because my girl is very trans coded...
but something tells me they are 😅 so they aren't ready for this conversation....
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blujayonthewing · 8 months
dungeon meshi's plot and lore get really complex and interesting the longer it goes but my toxic trait is that my favorite thing about the whole series is still the early chapters where it's mostly about diagrams of monster anatomy and explorations of fantasy life cycles and ecosystems
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itstimeforstarwars · 7 months
My mother has a tumblr account now because she found a historical medicine blog she wanted to read, and tumblr has made it so you can't browse blogs without an account anymore. I now live in fear.
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franeridan · 10 months
I really wish yamato had gone with luffy and I love that he asked to be considered a crewmate anyway and that luffy told him he'd always have a place on the sunny so I a hundred percent consider him a mugiwara but in my ideal one piece where the war ended differently and ace is still alive yamato is his. like obviously ace is dead and he hadn't been a captain for a while before then anyway, but in my ideal one piece yamato belongs to him. he's a spades. he's ace's crewmate first and foremost.
#the way yamato talks about ace is so wonderful to me so beautiful#the certainty he had in ace being the one who'd spearhead the new age rivals the trust the mugiwaras have in luffy#the only reason he wants to be on luffy's crew is cause ace told him so much about luffy he decided if it wasn't ace it had to be luffy the#i have this thing in my brain that if the asl brothers had all actually become captains and stayed so#there's a whole bunch of luffy's allies that would have actually been split between them#like i mean the only reason why they're with luffy is that cause he's the closest thing but#had ace and sabo gotten there first some of them would have aligned more with them than with luffy#like take vivi for example she's DEFINITELY nakama and no one will take that from her#but are you seriously telling me had sabo had his own crew he wouldn't have managed to actually steal her away#some of the royals and nobles luffy befriended are so sabo coded they'd have joined his crew in a heartbeat had he had one#same with ace there's a bunch of mugiwara allies that are so ace coded he'd have swept them away so easily.....#no but that's not even it with yamato#like that's just me letting my brain go but with yamato it's like#on paper#dude saw the new king in ace he'd have followed him to the end of every sea had he been able to#had ace gotten there when he knew haki already......#no yamatos definitely aces ace just lent him to luffy thats the hill I'll die on#on a side note i just read that one part where marco remembers ace whining that he wanted to go back to yamato#and i had forgotten that he smiles and cries at the memory#one hit ko a million hp lost i want to die what the hell marco my love marco my sweetheart 😭😭😭😭😭#oh i love marco so much......#i always loved him unreasonably even before the war when he'd barely done anything but the more oda writes about him#the more my love grows no one gets it he makes me so sad he deserves so much more my man my sweet 😭😭#izo too........he gets there like “are you ready to die” “I've survived enough already” IZO MY LOVE 😭😭😭😭#the wb pirates make me so sad man..... but marco and izo a million times more than anyone else sob sob they deserve better#sorry but i just had someone very angry abt what i said re vivi in my inbox so let me explain that#it was an exaggeration i wasn't being literal with it#no i do think understand specific circumstances it might have been true but i was exaggerating nontheless#very sorry the truth is i forget people actually read what i write m(._.)m#but also why be angry in my inbox I'm not even tagging these posts just unfollow me man
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ahalliance · 2 months
open question; in which aspects is Oh No! by MARINA, a qetoiles song? please discuss your answer as a 500 word essay . thank you
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orchideae · 9 months
I apologize for the severe radio silence literally everywhere for the last 2/3 days! While Christmas and New Years Eve were immensely fun, my social batteries were depleted to the absolute max (which is very rare for me), along with coughing fits recommencing and so I needed some air (which didn't do my lungs well either, 'cause apparently I'm supposed to sit forever and rest and never live life), and then when I was inside, it was Sims time while waiting for my batteries to recharge. But now it's time to get 2024 started here.
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