#i drew a lot of op art then huh
naiad-r · 2 days
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Reunion, or zosan in their 30s.
When the years apart had done nothing to diminish your yearning. Made it worse actually.
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otakween · 11 months
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8-Man vs. Cyborg 009
Who's this schmuck? Just kidding, I did some background research and apparently 8-Man is one of the OG cyborg heroes to come out of Japan, predating Cyborg 009 by a year. He's called 8-Man because the scientist who turned him into a cyborg failed this experiment 7 times before getting to him. Yikes.
Crappy name aside (apparently the mangaka also had a manga called "Wolf Guy," which I find hilarious), it's a neat idea to put two OGs against each other. I'm sure the boomers are excited lol. (Come to think of it, Japan's population skews older, so it would make sense that this sort of thing would be published now).
Ch. 1
Coming from the BGOO Parts manga, the art feels a little clunkier and dated here. Backgrounds are very simple and there's less detail in how the characters are drawn. It's still faithful to the original series though and that's good enough for me.
Just like with BGOO Parts, they're rehashing Black Ghost stuff again, with some retconning along the way. Series that resurrect the same villain over and over are so dull. Please do something else writers!! :(
Why did the skull-masked guy (Cyborg #22) look kinda kawaii tho? They drew his eyes all shiny and cutesy.
They flashback to the end of volume 10 AGAIN. I guess that really is the most iconic moment of the franchise, but with every flashback it's losing its charm.
There was a diagram explaining 8-Man in the front of the manga and I guess he uses cigarettes as a power source? First of all...huh? Second, that's the most 1960s thing I've ever heard.
Also in the front of the manga is an image of Joe carrying a beat up looking 8-Man. Way to spoil it! I wonder what the vs. in the title is implying? Are they going to be rivals and then team up or are they straight up pitted against each other?
Did they pair these two together because they were like "8? 9? You get it? Eh? Eh?" What if it was 8-Man vs. 008 lol. It would have to be underwater randomly I suppose.
Ch. 2
Okay I stand corrected, I guess 8-Man isn't a cyborg...he's closer to an android, but he has a human consciousness so...he's not really an android either.
This was like, the exposition chapter. They wrote this assuming the reader was new to 8-Man and maybe Cyborg 009 too so they gotta hastily give little wikipedia summaries of what the reader missed lol. Not enough exposition for me to know who the robot bossing 8-Man around is supposed to be though! Maybe that'll come later.
I see the obvious parallels with the stories here, both cyborgs/androids/whatever were created as weapons but their creators wanted more for them. 8-Man has a little more of a film noir vibe tho with the detective aspect.
How the heck is a cigarette a "cooling" tool? My brain does not compute.
So 8-Man is being ordered to attack Joe, I guess. I wonder if he's been misled about Joe's background? He kinda helped him out back there with the cigarette, so I guess he's showing hesitation.
Ch. 3
So I guess Black Ghost's motive is to "resurrect/summon the God of war Ares by sacrificing one of the heroes..." Not Greek mythology again...please. I can't take it anymore!
8-Man's hands kinda look like Mickey Mouse gloves teehee
Dr. Tani and Dr. Daemon look so identical to me that I had to swipe back a few pages and compare them. I finally excepted they weren't the same person when Dr. Daemon referred to Dr. Tani in the third person lol.
We get more revelations about how 8-Man's machine brain works. He retains every memory (either OP or awful) and Ivan can't read his mind. I forgot Ivan could read minds in the first place? I feel like he doesn't do that much.
This manga has a lot of two page spreads, which I appreciate. They make the reading experience more cinematic, it moves things along quicker in general (no dialogue), and it looks great on my giant tablet :D
Ch. 4
The villains from the respective series place their bets on which hero will come out victorious. It gave me Squid Game vibes (but obviously less gruesome).
It's kind of funny how the villains are low key rooting their corresponding hero on, wanting to show off their nemesis to their new friend.
Kinda awkward how the other numbers cyborgs are just tagging along waiting for 8-Man and 009 to be done. I guess there's not much they can contribute, which is probably why BGOO Parts gave everyone accelerator mode...
Obvious fake out death is obvious
I enjoyed the shot of Joe and 8-Man outrunning the shinkansen. That was fun.
Ch. 5
After the battle between 009 and 8-Man, Black Ghost and Dr. Daemon attack and kidnap Joe, Francoise and Azuma. Black Ghost reveals their master plan to harvest memories from the cyborg so that they can resurrect the 3 brains that make up the "true" Black Ghost and put them in a giant robot body.
I'm not fully clear on what Dr. Daemon gets out of all this? I guess he gets to help rule the world or something?
The way they depict Francoise's ability makes her seem hilariously useless. She's supposed to be able to detect things from very far distances but every time she senses something it's like 2 feet away from everyone lol. Like she'll be like "something's coming...from the ocean!" and the gang turns around and it's right next to them. Thanks for nothing lol.
The demon God statue (taken from the original manga) looks kinda silly. It's bird beak makes it look like it's from Darkwing Duck or something haha.
Ch. 6
Okay 8-Man and Francoise getting all flustered once Francoise implied that her and Joe are in love was really cute. I wanna see more scenes of them getting to know each other and becoming friends :D (not likely)
The concept of world domination via a giant space satellite/demon God statue is pretty badass, not gonna lie. Very classic evil guy plan.
Seems we can now drop the pretenses that this is going to be a "versus" situation and everyone will just team up in volume 2. Pretty predictable.
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vinnival · 3 years
I was wondering if you can do a Madness Combat match up <3
Im 5'9 and im Bisexual, I have short hair, I also forgot to mention im a female, but my hair is buzzed on the sides and a undercut, I have chocolate brown hair and ye. I am a bit chunky, i have a tummy but i try to hide it. I have glasses as well and im a bit tan. Im outgoing and a bit shy, im nervious or out going when I meet new people. I love sharing about my drawings and ocs. Im passionate about my art and how I draw. I love singing but only by myself I get self conscious about my voice and such. I enjoy hanging with friends and making dumb puns. I get sad though ablittle too fast and my anxiety kicks in. I have short attention spam and I get scared about it and people getting annoyed of me for it.
Op I can tell you're such a cutie just by reading this 💜💜😩 enjoy!
You got a match! You're matched with....
Agent Torture!
Art by @//6chocolatepie9 !!
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You were so scared of him at first
Tbh anyone would be
But you realized that everyone else was scared too and felt bad for the poor guy
What if he really needed a friend? What if he couldn't have anyone to talk to bc he's so scary :(
To avoid being sad, you did tiny little things and left them around for him to cheer him up.
"Tiny little things" being drawings! You drew many things, and decided to leave some works for him- and ofc you drew the man himself.
(As you would see later in his quarters, he cherishes every piece of art you have and proudly has them very roughly hung up on his walls)
He caught you one day, setting out a new piece for him
You just saw- but mostly FELT- his large shadow just hover over you !
You freaked out, hearing his grumbles behind you, and slowly turned around
He was just staring at you.
You could feel his eyes scanning your body, and then he seemed to look past your small frame to see another picture- and he recognized your art style :))
He reached out a hand and pat your head lightly, while you were internally screaming (which emotion? You decide!)
After that, you two would just walk around AAHW when Torture wasn't busy
He brought you to his room one day, and he showed you his wall with pride, and hoo boy if there was a thermometer in your mouth it would've said you were MELTING
He pointed to some people he didn't recognize- your OCs! You happily told him about them
He loves picking you up and he LOVES how soft you are
You love to torture (hohohoho) him with your puns
"I'm perfectly sized for you to hold! How HANDY, huh?"
You saw visible apprehension at that horrible pun you made, but you knew he tolerated it
You constantly switch from topic to topic when talking and he gets confused sometimes but he's got the spirit <3
I headcanon that he can feel emotion, so when you're anxious or nervous?
He'll be all over you to protect you from whatever's going on
An attack from Hank? You bet he's carrying you to a safe room until he's done
Even though that scares the shit out of you, him constantly risking himself for you
You sometimes forget you won his trust by making drawings and giving it to him, maybe he appreciates gifts?
You made him a little doll of himself one day and you swear you saw some tears come from under his dark shades
He almost crushed you in a hug, you made a sound when he began squeezing too hard though and he let up on the pressure
Later that night, you were doing a little sleepover with him when you woke up to him growling
He seemed to be having a bad dream :((
Hesitantly, you gently laid your hand over his massive one and began humming a soft tune, soon adding lyrics here and there.
To your surprise, he actually calmed down after that
You worry for him and his sleep schedule a lot more after that night
When you came back from a quick walk outside one day, you find a piece of paper that slid under your door to your room
It was a (kind of poorly drawn but still ADORABLE) heart, and down in the corner, a "T" resides
You hurry over to Torture's room and find him in there, holding a flower. He was waiting for you awwe
He offered you the flower and you took it with a bright smile, "you like me don't you?"
He picked you up as if you were a fragile vase and gently placed a kiss on your head in response to the question.
Auditor was so confused on how you won over a goddamn killing machine...
I hope you liked it bae!! Writing fluff for big scary ooga booga people make me so happy 💜🥰
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chaotic-tired-cat · 3 years
world walker to date is one of my most favorite fanfics ever. it's so well-written! not too op, with real difficulties and plot, but still light-hearted and funny! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 i hope life smoothens out for you so we can get an update of this awesome story! :D :D :D
Aaaa thanks Anon!! This ask made me super happy - I'm glad you like World Walker and that it hit the right balance between angst and comedic moments (tbh that's one of the things that's really hard to get right). Things are still hectic but as soon as they're not that chapter is getting finished!!!
Since it might be a while, have a post-World Walker scene from the pov of a couple civilians. It was written to try out Cryptid as Izuku's hero name (/^o^)/
(Note: this scene isn't canon to World Walker and was written before I knew how the story would end.)
“Why do you even think this is going to work?” Yua hovers around Mariko’s efforts in the Denny’s parking lot, careful to avoid stepping on the complicated design taking place under Mariko’s second piece of chalk. The first one was sacrificed to ward off a raccoon. They specifically chose to do this after midnight for the ambiance, but Yua is starting to have second thoughts.
It’s very dark, and they’re both fem-presenting teenagers with emitter quirks in a deserted part of town.
This is not a good place to be.
“I got the pattern off a hero,” Mariko assures her. “You know how I was in the gym when Uravity's fight hit school, right?”
Yes, and Yua is trying desperately to forget the worst day of her life, thank you.
“Uravity and Cryptid dug me out, but it was weird, because he drew this symbol on a piece of the roof and it just- stayed. In the air. Even when nothing was supporting it.” Mariko pauses, beaming at the magic circle that’s mostly made of lines and squiggles to complete the aesthetic. One of the symbols doesn't look right. It slides out of focus, and Yua carefully steps back, because hell no.
“How is that supposed to help us summon a ghost-”
“Finished! Start filming, hurry, hurry, hurry!” Mariko drops her piece of chalk as Yua scrambles to swipe open her camera. Before Yua can stop her, Mariko has drawn a pocket knife, cut the pad of her thumb, and is smearing blood on the unsanitary parking lot ground.
Her hand is going to get so infected.
That’s right about when the air above the circle tears itself apart.
Mariko shrieks. Yua almost runs, then remembers herself and makes sure her phone is pointed at the sliver of starlight shining out of thin air. She knows her horror film tropes. Whatever they released into the world is taking them first, but she can at least get a video account to warn people of what they did.
Eaten by a demon or some shit. That’s a bomb-ass obituary.
Pro Hero Cryptid crashes out of the portal, one hand protectively wrapped around a bowl half-full of salad. His Uravity sweatshirt mostly obscures Froppy sweatpants, but Yua is more alarmed by the fact that Cryptid looks surprisingly human. No needle-sharp teeth, no starlit eyes. Spinach flutters to the ground around the hero in a gentle shower of greenery that nestles in his curly hair as if adding to the foliage. He stares blankly at them, then at the scribbles under his feet, before pointing a truly pissed-off look at the sky.
“Are you serious?” Cryptid yells at the city skyline. A spinach leaf falls off his shoulder. “Right in front of my salad?”
“Holy shit,” Yua whispers, and discovers that she can, in fact, be more embarrassed than the time their teacher made the whole class sing ‘Happy Birthday’ while she stood in silent mortification on a chair. “We summoned him.”
Mariko claps both hands over her mouth to keep in her laughter, eyes wide. “We really did.”
This seems to draw the hero’s attention back to them.
“You two okay? Yes? Nobody’s hurt? Oh, thank goodness.” Cryptid stabs a fork into his vegetables, shoves it into his mouth, and makes grabby hands for the chalk. Mariko passes it over with a potent mix of awe and glee.
“I am so sorry,” Yua breathes.
Mariko sniffs. “I’m not.”
“And I’m glad to be summoned,” Cryptid finishes with a sunshine-smile. He’s very… human. The wrinkled eyebrows he directs at Mariko’s chalk art do not resemble the otherworldly creature that showed up during All Might’s last battle. “Better for me to be dropped here than for y’all to get… hm. Yeah, this is good.”
What does ‘hm’ mean?
Yua reaches over and frantically swats at Mariko’s sweatshirt in an attempt at telepathically communicating her many, many feelings concerning accidentally summoning a hero into this godsforsaken Denny’s parking lot.
“How did you find a stasis glyph?” Cryptid mumbles around his fork.
“Copied it from you. My quirk lets me mimic actions if I see them without blinking.” Mariko peers around his shoulder at the lines taking form.
“That’s such a cool quirk,” Cryptid tells her instantly. “Do you need a clear line of sight? Is it only capable of copying real-life actions or can you use recordings? Oh, are you limited to your own flexibility and strength, or is this a mirror skill instead of a mimic? You could use that for anything, it’s a very adaptable power.”
Yua cautiously edges closer to give the camera a better angle at the ground while Mariko preens. “What are you even doing?”
“Editing. Here, look- right there, you tied it down with intent contrary to the meaning.” Cryptid shuffles over so she can see and points out a circled section. He smudges out the blurry patch.
Mariko watches eagerly as the hero replaces it with a mishmash of lines that Yua can actually make sense of. “I don’t understand any of what you just said, but hell fuckin’ yeah, you funky lil’ cryptid.”
“Oh, sorry. I get called whenever the void gets angry, and this is the language it speaks,” Cryptid says, like this makes sense. He taps the lines eagerly. “Put a stasis glyph on the ground and continents will stop shifting, which is a whole lot of bad news."
"Uh huh," Mariko says. Yua swats at her again, because there's no way she understands and going along with this for entertainment value alone is going to get them into some sort of horror movie B-Plot.
Cryptid just looks amused. "Next time you need to experiment, use a paper base instead of the concrete. It’s safer. And- is that blood?”
“Maybe,” Mariko says, partially as a dare for him to say anything because she isn’t really the type to listen to anyone, regardless of if they’re a hero. “It worked, didn’t it?”
“Huh. Yeah, you got me there.” Cryptid puts his bowl of salad on the ground and fishes around in his Uravity sweatshirt for a tiny med kit.
“Where’d we go wrong,” Mariko asks, like they are ever going to try this again. Yua hisses for her to stop and is ignored with the extreme confidence of someone determined to keep making the same continuous mistake until success is summoned through stubborn willpower alone.
“You didn’t need to hurt yourself.” Cryptid bandages her hand, slips away the medkit, and says gravely, “Blood never brings anything good.”
“Holy shit,” Yua repeats as Cryptid takes a bite of salad and goes right back to his art project like this happens every other Tuesday. Mariko glares at her, but honestly, this is the wildest thing.
The hero keeps saying things.
“Not to lecture either of you, but it’s a bad idea to mess around with unborn languages without supervision.” Cryptid hands back the chalk and takes another bite of his salad. “This stuff can blow up in your face. So, can I escort you guys anywhere? Because it’s a little dark and this isn’t exactly the safest part of town.”
That’s about when Yua realizes something under the spinach is glowing.
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noladyme · 4 years
The Crown Princess of Charming - Part 1
Welcome to Charming - its name says it all. Cat needed a fresh start; and though she hadn’t planned on that being in the arms of the crown prince of this little town’s bikerclub - that was what happened. This Charming CA would either be the death of her - or a whole new life. 
This story is obviously non-canon. It will include characters from multiple seasons; some of them having never met on the show. In this universe, Tara didn’t come back from Chicago. I’ve done this to get the story I wanted.
I’ve also decided to give the protagonist a name in this story. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it.
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“Move, you goddamn piece of shit!”. My car had stalled just a few yards before a sign that read Welcome to Charming – our name says it all. So far it hadn’t been very charming at all. Multiple cars were passing me and blaring their horns. “Do you think I just decided to park here?”, I yelled at a white Honda, with a blonde behind the wheel. She gave me the finger in response. “Shit!”.
I heard a roar of engines behind me; and a leather clad man on a motorbike pulled up next to my window. “You found a hell of a place to break down, luv’”, he said, with a Scottish drawl. “Yeah, thanks. I hadn’t noticed”, I sneered. “Pardon me, I was just stating facts”, he smirked. I frowned. “Sorry. I’ve just had a long ass drive”, I mumbled. “Mind if we take a look at it?”, he asked. I gestured for him to go ahead; and stepped out of the tired, beat up car; that had been my home for the last 4 days – driving from Chicago, to my new home in the town I’d chosen by its name alone. Charming.
I needed something charming at this point in my life – the last few years having been chaos – so I’d thrown everything to the wind; and had basically run away from the city, when I’d applied for, and been offered a job at Charming Middle School.
Behind my car, two more mc’s were parked – one of them a tall bearded man who sent me a friendly smile; and the other a blonde, lean guy, wearing a white t-shirt and white sneakers. Interesting choice for riding a motorcycle, I thought. All three men had the same patch on their backs – a skull-headed reaper. The writing said Sons of Anarchy – California.
The scot had opened my hood, and was looking into the steaming entrails of my car. He let out a long whistle. “When was the last time you checked our oil, luv’?”. I decided to ignore his choice of nickname for me. “I have no idea. I just bought it a week ago; haven’t really done anything but drive it”. He smiled and shook his head. “Jackie!”, he called. The blonde man looked up; and took of his sunglasses – revealing a pair of piercing baby blues. “We’re gonna need the tow-truck”.
The blonde got off his bike, and joined the scot at the front of the car. “Shit”. He drew out the word, ending it with a full-on laugh. “Darlin’, you’ve killed it”. I sighed. “Great…”. “Were you going far?”, he asked. “Charming was my destination; but I didn’t even make it past the sign”. I ran my hand through my hair. “Shit!”.
Blonde guy called out to the bearded biker. “Ope! Call TM. Get Rat out here with the tow”. “We can’t leave her here, on the side of the road”, the third man answered. Blondie chewed his lip. “You up for a ride?”, he asked me. I was caught off guard. “What?”, I asked. “We’ll get your car back to our shop. You can wait there for it; and figure out your next step”. I shrugged. “Yeah, why the hell not”.
Blondie walked up to me and stuck out his hand. “I’m Jackson. Scottie here is Chibs; and the kind man calling a tow-truck for you, is Opie”. I took his hand and shook it. His grab on mine was firm, but gentle. “I’m Cat”, I said cautiously. He smiled brightly at me; a glint to his eyes that made me blush slightly. “Welcome to Charming”, he said. “Now, come on”.
He handed me his own helmet; and got on his bike; patting the seat behind him. I grabbed my purse from the front seat; leaving my keys on the left front wheel. Welcome to Charming, indeed, I thought, and got on Jacksons bike with him, looking for something to grab on to “You’re gonna have to hold on to me, Cat”, Jackson smirked. I put my hands on his waist – noticing his firm and muscular frame – and he started up the bike. The force of the engine between my legs made me jump a little; and I heard Jackson chuckle in front of me. “Don’t worry, I got you”. He revved the engine, and we rode in to town.
We drove into a big lot about 10 minutes later. I noticed a large amount of motorcycles; and more bikers clad in leather. They all wore the same patch as the three men I’d just met – though some said Nevada. There were two large buildings; one was an auto shop – Teller Morrow – and the other seemed to be some sort of a clubhouse.
Jackson halted his bike at the end of the line of motorcycles; seemingly a spot reserved for him. I climbed off, almost stumbling; and he grabbed my hand to steady me. “You good?”, he asked. I nodded.
A tall middle-aged woman, with an amazing rack, came out of the office of the auto shop. “Jax; Clays been looking for you”, she said. Jackson smirked, and backed his bike into his spot. “What else is new?”, he said. The woman kissed his cheek. “I’m picking up the kid in a few. You need anything at home?”. “Milk. And coffee”, Jackson answered. He looked towards me. “Ma; this is Cat. Her car stalled just by the edge of town”. The woman looked at me; her eyes enquiring, but mostly friendly. “The one Rat and Juice went out for?”. Jackson nodded.
She shook my hand. “Gemma Teller”, she said. “Cat Rose”, I smiled. “You’re the new teacher down at the middle-school”, she said – more a statement than a question. I nodded. “Yeah, I am. How’d you know?”. “Gem knows everything”, the biker named Chibs said; and kissed Gemma’s cheek. “Hi, mom”.
I chuckled. “You seem a little too young to be his mom”. “Around here, I’m everyone’s mom”, she answered. “Though my only biological kid, is the cheeky blonde you rode bitch with”. I took that as meaning Jax was her son. The cheeky blonde sent me a smile. “Gemma will take care of you from here on”, he said. “See you around, teach’”. I smiled in return; and Jackson walked towards the clubhouse.
I followed Gemma into her office. “What’s the Sons of Anarchy?”, I asked. “Sweetheart, stick around long enough, you’ll find out”, she said. “Coffee?”. “Yeah, thanks”, I smiled.
I didn’t see any of my new biker friends the rest of the day; as my car arrived not long after we did. A mohawked Latino named Juice, of all things; informed me that my cooler was shot; and I needed a completely new starter. None of this made any sense to me; as I didn’t know anything about engines – but looking at the costs of repairs needed to have the vehicle function again; I decided to sell it for scrap.
“Too bad, honey”, Gemma said. “I had one of those as a teenager”. “You wanna buy it?”, I grinned. “I wouldn’t be caught dead in it”, she answered, and lit a cigarette; offering me one. I accepted. “Juice; is Tig still selling his old chevy?”. “Yeah, he hasn’t gotten a buyer yet. I think it’s ‘cuz it smells like wet dog”. I shook my head. “I won’t be able to afford it; with or without the smell”. Gemma winked at me. “I’ll get a you a good deal; and you can make payments”. I smiled. “I’m gonna like this town”. “We all do”, she smiled back.
Gemma gave me a ride to the motel I was going to stay at, until I found a new place. I got my four boxes and two suitcases out of her trunk and backseat; thanking her for all her help. “It’s me who should be thanking you. The school had been looking for a good arts teacher for over a year”. “I’m taking over 6’th and 7’th grade English as well”, I said. She laughed. “Mrs. Bloom finally decided to retire, huh?”, she said. “She taught both me and Jackson”. “Wow…”, I grimaced. “I’m not that old”, she said. “That’s not…”, I began. “Just pulling your leg sweetheart”, she smiled. “See you around”. She drove off, and left me to settle in to my new temporary home.
I spent the evening scanning the newspaper for cheap rentals. Money was scarce; but I knew the motel needed to be short term – especially after noticing the thin walls inability to hide the sounds of my neighbors having kinky sex. Some woman kept screaming Yes, Daddy!; making it difficult to concentrate on my apartment-hunting .
In the evening; after ordering a pizza; I decided to take a shower. I let the water run for a bit; before stepping in – trying to ignore the metallic smell of it. Washing 4 days of roadtripping off my body; I finally felt clean enough to face my new situation.
I’d left Chicago in a hurry; leaving my furniture, and only bringing my most cherished belongings. I wanted to get as far away from the city as possible; but a ticket to Hawaii was out of the question on my teachers’ salary – and I wasn’t ready to go back to dancing at clubs. Most of my last cash had been spent on the now dead Ford; that I’d sold for scrap through TM.
Chicago wasn’t my home town; but I’d thought it was the place for me. I’d been proven wrong, when a relationship had gone wrong. Very wrong. I’d needed to get away from the guy in question; as his possessive nature throughout our relationship had ended up scaring me. Trying to get a restraining order hadn’t worked due to his own contacts within the court-system. I wanted a new life. Maybe Charming could be the base for that.
Stepping out of the shower; I wrapped myself in a towel. There was a knock on the door, and I went to open it. Outside stood Jackson; a grin the size of the county on his handsome face. “You’re not pizza…”, I said. “Not the last time I checked”, he chuckled. “You left behind some paperwork at TM”. I looked down at my lack of clothing. “I should get dressed”, I smiled. “Come on in. Sorry about the mess”. He stepped inside. “It’s fine, darlin’. You should see my place”.
I grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms, and a tank top from an open suitcase; and went into the bathroom. “Do you usually order pizza in just a towel?”, he called after me. “Only if the delivery-guy is really cute”, I called back. Shit… now you’re flirting with the biker. Good one, Cat. “I’ll have to change professions”, I heard him mutter.
I stepped back into the room, fully dressed. “What’s the paperwork?”, I asked. He handed me an envelope. “Just a signoff for the scrapping of the car”, he said. “It’s too bad. My mom had one of those back in the day”. “She told me”, I smiled. “Coffee?” He smiled. “Nah, sorry, I gotta run again”. “Too bad”, I said. Dammit! Stop, you idiot.
He chuckled. “It’s good to have some fresh blood in town. I hear you’re starting at the school. You’ll be teaching one of Opie’s kids. Ellie – sweet kid”. I signed the papers he’d handed me, and gave them back. “I’ll remember to give her good grades”, I said. “Yeah…”, he answered sadly. “She’s been through it. Her and Kenny both. Their mom died a year back”. “I’m sorry to hear that”, I answered earnestly. “Donna was a good mom. And a good old lady”, he said. “What’s that?”, I asked. “An old lady? Shit, you are new in town”, he smirked. I shrugged. “Just not used to biker lingo”, I winked. “I’ll have to get you used to it, then…”, he said with a smile. I chewed my lip, a rush of heat going through my body.
He remembered himself. “The car – the one you’re buying”, he said. “Tig will be down at the shop tomorrow night. You can pick up the keys then”. I exhaled; trying to calm down my budding crush on the gorgeous man in front of me. “Thanks. I’ll be there. 7 pm good?”. “We should be done with church by then”, he said. “Tomorrow’s not Sunday”, I answered. He chuckled. “Not that kind of church”. I narrowed my eyes playfully. “Biker lingo…”, I said. “Biker lingo”, he smirked.
We stood there for a while, both unsure what to say; before Jax broke the silence. “Tomorrow; it’s Gemma’s birthday. There’s gonna be a party at the clubhouse”, he said cautiously. “If you wanna stick around for a while…”. “Maybe”, I smiled.
“Yes Daddy! Slap that ass!”, we heard from next door. We both laughed. “If I’m not mistaken; Tig might be right next door. But it’s probably not a good time to disturb him”, Jackson said. “I’ll wait”, I agreed. “See you tomorrow?”. “I’m looking forward to it”, Jackson winked; and walked out the door; giving me a final grin; before closing it behind him.
Cat. You can’t have sex with the biker, I told myself. But the warm sensation streaming though me, told me I’d probably have a problem sticking to that, if I had the opportunity.
The next day I slept in; enjoying the feeling of being in an actual bed for the first time in days. I did some light shopping for groceries – the fridge in my motel room not being very big. The people I met seemed friendly enough, though a bit standoffish. I figured it was because I was new in town.
Walking back towards the motel; a group of bikers rode by – one of them being Opie. He lifted a hand in a wave at me. I noticed that the bikes were ridden almost in a procession; with a leader in front; and everyone else keeping to their assigned position in the group. It was led by a grey-haired man with a prominent jaw. He looked at me, and nodded. I nodded back.
Back in my room, I had a light lunch; and decided to figure out what the hell one wore for a birthday party at a biker club. I figured some skinny jeans and an off the shoulder, black t-shirt would have to do. Putting on my favorite necklace – a silvery hand with an eye in the middle; a Hamsa symbol – I let my hair hang lose; and put on a little makeup. Black cat eye; and red lips. It usually did the trick. You’re actually dressing up for the biker now, I smirked at myself.
I was early; so, I tracked down a coffee shop to sit and read a book. My shoulder bag usually had at least one volume in it. This week, it was American Gods, by Neil Gaiman. I was completely concentrated on my book; when suddenly Chibs and a large curly haired man stepped in to the shop. “Well, look who we have here!”, Chibs smiled. “Bobby, this is the young lady who killed her car just outside town”. I grinned. “Thanks”, I said. “I needed a reminder of my bad mechanic skills”. “I aim to serve, madam”, the scot grinned. Bobby stuck out his hand. “Welcome to town, my lady”, he said; and kissed my hand chivalrously. “Careful Bob. VP’s got his eye on this one”, Chibs said. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, I asked. “Don’t worry about it”, Bobby grinned.
I took a sip of my coffee, and shook my head. “What are you doing here?”. “Coffee run for church. It was a long night”, Chibs winked. The man behind the counter handed over some coffees to Bobby; who pulled out his wallet. “Your money’s no good here”, the barista said. Bobby nodded. “How’s your mom?”, he asked. “Much better, thanks”, the man answered and smiled. “I’ll pay you back”. “We know you’re good for it, Gary”, Chibs said. He looked at me. “See you later?”. I nodded.
The bikers left the shop; and drove off towards TM. The barista walked up to me with my check. “Welcome to town”, he said warily. “Look… Samcro; they’re a part of this town; and they do a lot of good. But they’re in to some pretty bad stuff as well. Be careful”. He didn’t wait for an answer; but just went back behind his register. I frowned, and tried to wrap my head around his words. I paid Gary, and left the shop myself.
I decided to do some light sightseeing. It was Saturday; so most of the small shops closed early; but I made my way to the middle-school that would be my new place of work the coming Monday. The trek was a bit longer than I’d anticipated; so I was glad that I had a newish car set up for me. The building wasn’t large, but I figured it was large enough for the amount of kids in the area. The look of it gave me some peace of mind. It would be an easy start, I thought. And I was looking forward to it.
Walking back towards TM, I stopped by a florist who was closing up. I got a nice bouquet for Gemma, and walked into the auto-shop lot. The place was bustling with people. At least 20 bikes were parked in the lot; and everywhere people were shaking hands, and grabbing wrapped presents out of their cars. The men were all clad in leather; except for a man in a sheriff’s uniform; and the women were mostly wearing miniskirts and dresses – their boobs on display as much as possible.
I didn’t recognize any faces, and felt a bit anxious, before someone grabbed my shoulder. “Hey, darlin’”, Jax was beaming at me. He leant in and kissed my cheek; his stubble and short beard scratching my chin in a delicious way. “I’m glad you made it!”. “Yeah, me too”, I smiled. He took my hand, holding it confidently. “Come on. I’ll introduce you”.
We walked in to the clubhouse. It smelled like motor oil and whiskey, and the air was heavy with smoke. It should have put me off; but I was enjoying it. It reminded me of my former profession as a  dancer, and the kind of trouble I’d gotten in to then. Jackson let go of my hand, and put his own on my lower back, leading me to the bar counter. “You remember Opie”, he said; gesturing at the tall bearded man. With his helmet off, he was now wearing a hoodie, and had a beautiful blonde on his arm. Opie shook my hand and smiled at me friendlily. “This is Lyla”, he said softly, and gestured at the woman. “Nice to meet you”, she smiled. I thought I recognized her face from somewhere, but I couldn’t make the connection. “Cat”, I smiled, and shook her hand.
Jax led me on. “Chibs and Juice, you know as well; and I’m told you already met Bobby”. The men both nodded at me. “Then there’s Happy…”. A tall menacing man sent me a warm smile. “Piney; Opies dad”; Jackson said, gesturing at an elderly man with an oxygen tank hanging from his shoulder. Jackson looked at a scrawny looking guy, and a tall heavy man standing next to him. “Those are the prospects. They don’t matter”. I scrunched my brows at him. “Trust me”, he chuckled.
We walked towards a dark-skinned, kind looking woman, holding a beautiful baby in her arms. “Hey Neeta”, Jax smiled, and took the baby from her; holding it to his chest. His face was glowing with pride. “And this is my boy. Abel”. I let the baby hold my finger, and smiled at his chubby face. “Hi, Abel”. Jacksons eyes met mine; gleaming. “Is… his mom…”, I tried – fearing the answer. “Not around”, Jax answered. “It’s better that way”, he said meaningfully. I nodded. It wasn’t the time.
Abel started fussing. Jax took a baby-blanket from a diaper-bag on a table. “Did you bring…?”, Jax said, before Neeta handed him a bottle. Jax smiled warmly in thank you. He put the bottle to Abel’s mouth. “Here you go, little dude”. He bounced the baby up and down softly. “You’re good at that”, I smiled. “My mom would have my ass, if I wasn’t”, he grinned. “Besides, he’s my little man”. I stroked a finger over the baby’s forehead. “He’s perfect”. Jax looked at me proudly. “Yeah”, he smiled.
I looked around. “Where is your mom, by the way?”. “Shit, yeah”, he said, looking at the watch on his wrist. Jackson kissed the top of Abel’s head, and handed the bottle back to Neeta. “Gemma and Clay will be here in 5”, he called into the room. “She doesn’t know why she’s here. So quiet the hell up!”. There was a rumbling of an engine outside. “Shit, they’re early!”, Bobby said. “Turn off the lights!”.
Someone hit the lights; and about ten seconds later the door opened. “Goddammit, Clay”, Gemma grumbled, as she walked in. “You promised to take me to dinner, you jerk!”.
“Surprise!”, everyone yelled; and the lights turned on again. Gemma stood, mouth agape; flanked by the grey-haired man I’d seen on the road earlier; and a black-haired man with piercing eyes, I figured was Tig. “Oh my God!”, Gemma cried out. “You assholes!”. She laughed, and began hugging the people around her. Jackson walked up to his mom; and embraced her warmly; Abel still in his arms. Gemma kissed first Jackson; and then the baby, taking him from Jax’s arms. “You guys are dicks”, she said; happy tears in her eyes. The grey-haired man – Clay – put his arm around her waist, and kissed her warmly. “Happy birthday, baby”, he said. “At least you remembered it this year”, Gemma pouted playfully at him.
She looked towards me, a sense of wonder in her eyes. I smiled, and mouthed happy birthday. She mouthed me a thank you in response; followed by a warm smile. For a second her eyes shifted from me to Jackson, and she narrowed her eyes at him; whispering something in his ear. He laughed in response, and looked at me, biting his lip. He nodded at his mom, and walked back to me.
“Do you want a drink?”, he asked. “Please”, I said, smiling nervously. “Don’t worry, babe, you’re here with me”. I laughed. “Maybe that’s why I’m worried”. He winked at me. “In that case, you should be worried. Word around the street is, I’m dangerous”. He kissed my cheek again, and put his arm around me. “Rat, get this lady a beer”. The scrawny prospect handed over a cold bottle, and I took a welcome sip of it.
Opie joined us. “You’re teaching my kid this year”, he said. “Yeah, Jackson told me”, I answered. The tall man looked a bit uncomfortable. “She’s been having some issues… It’s been messing with her schoolwork”. I smiled comfortingly. “Don’t worry, I won’t be a hard-ass”, I said. Opie smiled softly. “Thanks”, he muttered.
Jax looked at his friend. “I told Cat about Donna”, he said. Opie nodded and met my eyes. “So you get it”, he said. “I do”, I said. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help”. Opies expression warmed. “Thanks”, he said. “Cheers”, he said, raising his bottle at me. We clinked our beers, and both took a sip.
Opie looked meaningfully at Jax. “We got that thing, brother”, he muttered. Jackson frowned slightly, and looked at me. “I need to do some business”, he said, and put a strand of hair behind my ear. “Be back in a bit”. He walked off with Opie, leaving me to sit on a stool by the bar.
The black-haired man walked up next to me. “I hear you’re in need of a car”, he said, accepting a beer from the larger prospect. “I’m Tig”. “Cat”, I answered. “I know”, he winked at me. “It’s a piece of shit old chevy, but it’s better than the one you came to town in”. “Anything is better than that”, I laughed. He handed me a set of keys. “80 a month for a year work for you?”, he said. “That’s cheap”, I said, frowning slightly. “We take care of our own”, Tig said, and patted my shoulder. “By the way; if you get sick of the VP, let me know”, he smirked. I laughed again. “Sure, Daddy”, I grinned. “So the was you, next door”, he chuckled. I shrugged, and nodded.
Juice stepped up to stand on the other side of me. “Hey”, he said, giving me a crooked smile, and a lifted brow. Tig tapped him over the head. “Hands of, Juicy!”, he said. “Jax territory”. The young biker took a step away from me. “Sorry”, he laughed nervously. I shook my head, laughing. “This place is weird”, I said. “Welcome to town”, Tig said; and clinked his bottle to mine, taking a sip of beer. I joined him in the drink. We took a shot of whiskey together, before Tig’s attention went to a busty brunette in the corner. “Excuse me”, he muttered; and sauntered off, leaving me alone again.
I decided to look for a friendly face in the crowd, being a bit uncomfortable on my own. Jax hadn’t come back for his business yet, and I was worried he’d leave me alone all night. Lyla was standing with another woman, looking like they were gossiping about something. She caught my eye and waved me over. “How are you holding up?”, she asked. The other woman walked off; climbing on to Happy’s lap, where he was sitting on a couch. “Uhm…”, I began. “I just got in to town, and I’m already having drinks with the local biker gang. I’d say I’m a little out of my comfort zone”. She smiled friendlily at me. “You’ve already bagged the vice president. You’re doing just fine”, she said. “I haven’t bagged anyone”, I smiled. “He’s known you for 2 days, and already invited you to his mom’s birthday. I’d say you’re a bit more than some crow-eater”, Lyla responded.
I took another sip of my beer. “What’s a crow-eater?”. Lyla chuckled. “Ok, quick lowdown on the women in the club”, she began. “Most of the women in here, are what we call crow-eaters. They hang around the club, make the men feel good about themselves… you know”. “An easy lay”, I muttered. “Yeah”, Lyla smiled. “Some of us are what you’d call old ladies. We’re the ones who have locked our men down. See this…”. She showed me a tattoo of a flying crow on her shoulder. “This means no one but Opie touches me”. “Doesn’t it feel weird to be… marked, like that?”. I grimaced. “Sorry… I didn’t mean…”. “Don’t worry about it, honey. I get it”, Lyla responded. “This is just my way of showing everyone around me that I belong to Opie; but also, that Opie belongs to me”.
She smiled, and took my hand, squeezing it. “You seem nice, so I’ll let you in on a secret. This life… it’s not easy; but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love Opie – and his kids. He takes care of me and my boy”. She looked at me meaningfully. “But if you’re unsure about whether this is your idea of a good life; you should walk away. I mean that in the nicest way. Please don’t take it as anything else”. I gave her a crooked smile. “I’ll take it a day at a time”. She nodded.
A hand grabbed mine. Jax was standing next to me. “Hey”, he said softly. “Come say hi to my mom”. I followed him over to Gemma. “Hey sweetheart”, she said. “Thanks for the flowers. They’re beautiful”. “You’re welcome”, I smiled. “This is my husband, Clay”, she said, and the man at her side shook my hand. His eyes were deep and menacing; and I was unsure whether to be afraid of him or respect him. “Welcome to town, teach’”, he said. “Thanks. It’s been good so far”. Clay nodded at me, and looked at Jax. “Did you finish that business?”. Jackson clenched his jaw. “It’s done”, he said. “I made the call”. “Good”, Clay said. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t blow back on us”.
Gemma patted his chest. “No club business on my birthday, baby”. Clay smiled at his wife, and kissed her again. “Yes, ma’am”, he muttered. Gemma looked at Jax. “Do you need me to take the baby tonight?”. Jax looked at me, and then back at his mom. “Would you?”. “You know I love taking him”, she smiled. “Make it my birthday present”. Jackson chuckled. “Shit, I’ll take back the diamond necklace then”, he said. He took my hand. “Come on, let’s find somewhere quiet”. My breath hitched, and I followed him out of the clubhouse.
We sat down by a picnic table just outside the door. Jax had brought us a pair of freshly opened beers. “You doing ok?”, he asked earnestly. “Yeah”, I smiled. “Just … a bit out of my element”. He bit his lip and looked at me enquiringly. “What element is that?”, he asked. “I dunno… I usually don’t go to mc-parties”. He chuckled, and took my hand. “I’m glad you’re here”. “You don’t even know me”, I said quietly.
He sighed. “Tell me, then”. “What do you want to know?”, I smiled nervously. “Whatever you want to share”, he shrugged. “Why?”, I asked. He looked at me with a genuine warmth. “Because I’ve been thinking about you ever since you wrapped these hands around my waist, and it sent chills down my spine”. He took my other hand, linking his fingers with mine. “Where did you come from?”.
I didn’t know how much to tell him. I was still mentally sore from my ordeal with the guy in Chicago – but his serious expression made me trust him. “Chicago”, I said. “I was a teacher there as well. It didn’t work out…”. “Why?”. I sighed. “The city can wear a girl down”, I smiled theatrically. “And there was… a guy. He didn’t know how to take no for an answer”. Jacksons jaw clenched. “What’d he do to you?”, he almost growled “At first he was fine. We had a few dates, before he suddenly proclaimed his love for me”. “You didn’t feel the same way?”, Jax asked. “No. I mean; back then, he was friendly, had a steady job… He saw himself as a catch; and I guess he was. But I just didn’t care about him like that. He was… possessive. I tried to call it off, but he acted like I’d never said anything, and continued dropping by at my school; sending me flowers; and showing up at my apartment at all hours of the day”. Jackson bit his lip. “Sorry… I guess you’re off men for a while”, he said, and met my eyes again. I smiled. “No. Just him”. “Good to know”, he muttered. “But why didn’t you get a restraining order?”.
I sighed again. “I tried… he has connections. When he didn’t like my way of handling things, he let the word spread in the school council that I had an issue with drugs”. Jax shook his head angrily. “Asshole”. “Yeah”, I agreed. “I managed to get the drug accusations of my record – but it was too late, and I was fired”. “So you came to Charming”. I nodded. “I looked at names of towns on the west coast; and Charming seemed promising”, I smiled. “There was an opening as a teacher the elementary school; so I applied – and they must have been desperate, ‘cuz they gave me the position with just a phone interview”.
He squeezed my hands again. “I’m glad you’re here”. “Me too”, I muttered.
Jax put his hand on my cheek, and stroked my temple. “So if you’re not off men… mind if I give it a shot?”. I bit my lip, trying to stifle a smile, and shook my head.
He leant in, and stroked his nose against mine. Our lips brushed each other for a second; and he kissed me. I parted my lips slightly, and the tip of his tongue met mine. He put his hand on my lower back, pulling me closer to him. He smelled like leather and some musky cologne; a warm smell that fit him perfectly – and his kiss tasted like the beer he’d been drinking, and mint chewing gum.
He exhaled deeply and pulled back a bit. “Do you want to get out of here?”, he asked softly. My body was screaming yes, but I was desperately trying to control myself. “Jax… I just moved into town. We’ve known each other for 5 minutes… I don’t think…”. “I get it”, he smiled. “I’m not expecting you to jump in to bed with me. But I do want to see you again”. “I’d like that”, I smiled.
Our lips met again. “You taste like… pancakes”, he smiled. “Is that good?”, I smiled. “It’s perfect”, he said against my lips, kissing me deeply one more time.
The door opened, and Juice stepped outside with a ginger girl. “Shit, sorry”, he smiled. “It’s fine, Juice, the table is yours. Just clean it up afterwards”, Jackson smiled. “Come on”, he said to me, pulling me with him.
“I think it’s time for me to go home”, I said softly. He looked at me with a kind smile. “You want a ride?”. I jingled the keys in my pocket. “I got a new car; remember?”. Jax groaned. “Shit; I would have loved to have these legs wrapped around me, in one way or another”. He slid a hand over my thigh; squeezing them gently.
Juice looked impatient; and Jax took my hand – leading me over to a black, classic looking Chevrolet. “Wow…”, I said. “I popped an air freshener in there for you. It had a pretty gnarly smell”, Jax chuckled. “Thanks”, I smiled, and looked at him warmly.
Getting into the car – immediately thanking Jax an extra time for the air freshener; as it was needed – I rolled down the window. “Thanks for inviting me”, I smiled at the blonde man. Jax took the hand I had resting in the window-opening, and squeezed it – winking at me. His face suddenly dropped. “Shit, Cat. I didn’t get your number…”. I grinned, and rattled of my digits, and he punched the number into a flip phone from his pocket. Who uses flip phones anymore?
Jax leant in, and planted a final soft kiss against my lips. “Bye”, he whispered, and bit his lower lip. I smiled and started up the engine. My new car purred, and I had a wide smile on my face, as I left the lot – sending a final look towards the picnic table, where Juice was face deep in the red-haired girls cleavage.
Welcome to Charming, I grinned to myself, and drove off.
Tag-list: (let me know if you want on it)
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starshine-selfships · 3 years
1, 10, 11, and 12 for the ask game ? 😺🙏💟
Hi hi hi!! You're getting long answers to these bc any excuse to talk about this man makes me go crazy stupid 🙌🙌🙌💕
1) What's a Hot Take you have about your f/o?
HE👏IS👏NEURODIVERGENT!! I'm specifically talking adhd, but he checks a lot of boxes for something more ambiguous too. I'm actually rewriting my adhd sh.aiapouf post and I'm gonna put it here too, but the cut time version IS: noticeable hyperfixations/special interests in music and the monarchy, practically no empathy + has difficulty understanding the emotions of others, fast thinking + thinks a LOT, almost weirdly analytical + book smart with little to no interpersonal skills, extreme emotions all over the board, like there's a LOT here and it explains like 80% of why he's Like That 😤
10) How did you feel when you realized "oh of course I had to like That Character"?
Okay I have a lot to say on this one djnfkffk please bear with me as I write a whole novel
✌U_U ✌
Honestly,, , I wasn't happy LMAOOO, around the time I watched the anime for the first time i was actually still pretty into j.jba and unfortunately was really into dio U_U
I was fascinated by pouf as soon as I saw him in the opening, lots of neat ant designs and then this butterfly man?? I need to know everything about him 👀 His intro with the rainbows in the wings, the fairy chimes, the solo violin, all had me like 👁👁 Sir I Am Going To Study You Like The Insect You Are, and then I saw him actually play the violin and was sold lmao. He was funny as far as comic relief went and then? The giant improv ballet breakdown and antagonistic turn drew me in further and then I was invested in a no going back sorta way as soon as he went chibi for the first time, just watching the chaos of the entire scene with this ridiculous huge grin dhjdkxkf every single thing he did was in the extremes and it was like watching a train de-rail in real time, I saw him face down in the dirt at the end of the arc and didn't even feel anything, he was just so WILD
So I finish h.xh not too long after that and texted a friend and was like hmmm. I need to watch j.jba to return to my roots and also to forget that I think I might've accidentally given myself a lil crush on the butterfly man 😳 idk if that return ever happened but I DO remember being frustrated with how pretty he is,, I didn't really wanna shift hyperfixations at the time and also didn't know if it was attraction or gender envy bc. what I would give to simultaneously look so fem and so masc 👁 either way it was a 3 month struggle of "oh no oh my god I wanna kiss a bug so bad?? 😞" and then I caved at midnight in a denny's and was like okay. fine. I'm gay for a bug, I really really like him but *i* don't have to like that 😤
I did, in fact, proceed to like it, enough to make an entire separate blog for him. It was a slow progression of "I mean, I'd share a ballroom dance with him, like a waltz maybe", "hmm okay he's funny but whatever", "oh uh. he uh. I mean he's neat, a lot of people didn't like him but I just think he's an interesting character 😳" and. and then I finally caved and I never stopped talking sjdkfkf though to be fair, I was already talking about him a LOT on my main, I just decided that maybe it would be nice to have a space to just. contain 90% of my poufposting LMAOOO
Final note on this, but I think what really got me is how many characters are in this series and yet I gravitated towards the one no one could stand 😞✌ though to be fair the hatred for him has definitely gone down compared to what I can remember from a few years ago; absolutely does not change the fact that He Is The Way He Is, but I saw the war crimes, malice, potentially treason, and I won't name it but it's by far the most uncomfortable thing to sit through in the arc, I saw ALL of that and still went hmmmm yes I want that one U_U true love huh
11) Do you think it's better to have copious amounts of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less?
The art situation with him is strange bc there's a decent enough to be notable amount of art of him captioned with some variation of "I hated him but he had a really cool character design", but it's still content. Surprisingly, I actually don't track the tag for him but take a look at it anyways almost every day and there's maybe one new thing there like once a week, minimal content bc so many people just didn't like him, which is fair!! But also, he was definitely there as a prominent character, I'd just like to see more of him U_U I would put more art here but I'm too conscious of the art ops seeing my bs over here jdkdkfkk
There actually are a handful of ship art drawings of him, which astounds me bc this man wasn't there to make friends, not even with his own siblings :/, but the errant art of him with morel or kite is honestly pretty cute, please just let this man be happy, I love to see him smile 🥺
12) Aren't you tired of being nice? This is an excuse to rant.
He wasn't the worst guard!! All three had reasons for doing what they did and arguably, pouf's motives were the most complex. Yes he did some pretty awful things, but he considered them to be the right thing to do without a doubt in his mind, all his actions were selfish in that they were based off his own feelings, but he did things ultimately for the king, so his actions also had an edge of selflessness to them as well. He was just. so much more than annoying and while his character development wasn't positive, it was still some pretty astounding growth; as an antagonist, he's also fairly plausible 👀 sometimes people just are manipulative, sometimes feelings do get the better of you, pouf just has all those factors amped up to 11 at all times so they're magnified. I have. a lot of thoughts on him, he interests me very much 😞👀🤔👀
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kenkamishiro · 5 years
zakki:re Q&A replies megathread
A translation megathread of the zakki:re Q&A contest letters Ishida sent back to winning contestants!
As far as I know there were 100 winners, though I only have around 40 in this post. There were more on Twitter, but some opted not to release them publicly on Twitter for personal reasons (such as if they asked personal questions). Some didn’t reveal their question, or all of Ishida’s replies, but I’ve tried my best to guess at their meaning if possible.
The ones I’ll post here are from Twitter, specifically if they came with pictures of Ishida’s art or handwritten replies. I’ll also mention some context if I felt that the conversation/topic between the OPs and Ishida was interesting.
If you see one that I missed, please let me know and I’ll update this post.
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From songbirdfaraway (X):
No question or answer revealed. OP mentioned that since they drew Touka and Kaneki on the postcard they sent Ishida, that Ishida must have figured OP liked them and drew them in his reply.
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From mochi_XIII13 (X):
A huge Juuzou fan. OP stated they asked something they’ve always wanted to know from the bottom of their heart for ages, and that they couldn’t stop crying when they got the answer from Ishida. (No question or answer revealed.)
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From __rsks__ (X):
OP must have asked how Naki proposed to Miza, because:
Naki: (Oh yeah!) Dunno what kinda pose a “pro-pose-al” is, but I said we gotta be together ‘til we die!!
Miza: You didn’t need to mention that!
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From choco__morinaga (X):
The answer was hidden because OP wasn’t sure whether Ishida minded if it was shared publicly since the info he gave in the answer wasn’t mentioned before. Ishida said it was okay to share, but I can’t seem to find OP tweeting anything about what the question and answer was.
Uta: It’s a secret. Just kidding.
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From SatoshigeKiya (X):
OP mentioned they sent in a question that didn’t have anything to do with TG, and Ishida’s response:
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From 00ibushigin00 (X):
No question shown.
Ishida: Correct.
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From tsukihoryst (X):
OP asked for Chie’s biography (one of two, actually!).
Hori Chie Birthday: September 30th 136 cm / 33 kg / 21.5 cm Currently on break from university. (Voluntarily on leave.) Hobbies: photography, travelling, going for walks, enjoying drama
Tsukiyama: Little mouse, what are you doing? Chie: I got asked a question.
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From Hosaka_0405 (X):
Seems like it was a personal question, so I won’t translate.
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From take2129 (X):
OP asked if Aunt Satou, Takizawa’s neighbour who was mentioned in his will, was killed by Ayato? But Ishida stated that it wasn’t Ayato who killed her, just some random ghoul.
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From reirei_reina_ (X):
OP was so happy they got a nosebleed LOL. Not exactly sure what they asked.
Ishida: It’s great that I can know about the people who have been reading the series for a long time in this manner.
Touka: Thanks!
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From cmnme17 (X):
OP’s question: Please give us more details about Hairu’s hairstyle!
Side: (fluffy bangs) Hairu: Hm...more details…?
Front: Long straight across.
Back: Looks like this from behind.
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From go_t35 (X):
Seems like OP asked about the name of a fan club for Ishida based on another tweet of theirs (X)?
Ishida’s attempts: Ishida Club, The 9th Laboratory, Us [Oretachi], We [Wareware], umm? Muscle Lover’S [Kinniku Daisuki’S]. Please tell me of a good one you came up with.
(This is Tsukiyama-level naming lol)
OP later replies to Ishida, saying they were thinking of Sui Sui Club (“club” in kanji).
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From 4njo_Usa (X):
OP’s question unknown.
Ishida: No matter how hard things get, don’t forget your goals.
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From mishumi_jugem (X):
This OP also asked for Chie’s biography. Similar to the first one, except that she has blood type O.
Chie: Me? I guess I also like seeing drama.
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From ChirolMaronLevi (X):
The question wasn’t sent by OP, but by his father. Both father and son are fans of TG (OP grew up reading Jump comics since the father reads them a lot), which amused Ishida greatly. OP is jealous, and his father is smug/happy about it lol (there’s a photo of him holding the zakki:re letter with a glove, with the letter itself wrapped in plastic, with a giant smile on his face).
Also a bit sadder to mention, but OP’s maternal uncle passed away from esophageal cancer. Hearing that his son (so OP’s cousin) has all the TG volumes, OP borrowed the letter from his dad to show to his cousin, which made the cousin happy.
Ishida: Isn't something like that decided at the very end? You're admirable. Please do your best to stay till the end.
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From inou_uoni (X):
OP’s question: This is related to Tokyo Ghoul:re. Ihei Hairu has pink hair, but why did you make her hair colour stand out from everyone else’s?
Hairu: Cause I’m cute, of course?
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From 3110_mai (X):
OP asked some question about Urie, and the reply:
Urie: Why indeed.
OP is really amused Urie doesn’t know the answer, and it might even be possible that even Ishida himself doesn’t know.
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From GW3Q1od9vzXccOM (X):
Funny enough, the preview of the postcards Ishida tweeted shows more of this illustration. (I’m planning on also translating those postcards that weren’t posted by their owners at the end). But it seems OP was concerned about Ui’s smoking habits, because:
Ui: It’s fine, I’ve got strong lungs.
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From paralysis_2626 (X):
Seems like OP asked where Furuta’s pseudonym “PG” when he was masquerading as Souta came from. This is what I could salvage based on OP’s multiple photos:
Furuta: Eh, what “PG” stands for? Huuh, is that what you’re asking…? What to do...hmm, alright, this is just between us, but the truth is...PG is [redacted by OP]. What!! Just kidding~ Actually, [mostly redacted, I can make out the parts where OP didn’t blur the text in another image, something about eating bulgogi]. Ahaha!
This is just my personal guess, so take it with a grain of salt. But:
Bulgogi = プルコギ = purukogi = PurukoGi = PG…
OP did mention they were going to get bulgogi after this, so chances of this being right are pretty high lol.
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From ute9pmr1 (X):
I think OP asked about what animal Ishida would want to become to relax (for example, OP wants to become a sea creature became they’re drawn to the ocean).
Ishida: If I’m given time to relax someday...I’d keep working as a human. I don’t really want to become an animal…
Ishida later adds in a tweet it’s more fun being a human.
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From hare__1127 (X):
OP got back a Houji from Ishida when they asked about hojicha (roasted green tea).
Above Houji’s head: It smells nice. Next to Houji: This is Houji-san.
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From re_cord01 (X):
OP was debating whether they should keep it to themselves, but decided it’d be better for them to share so everyone can see (thank you OP, this is personally my favourite reply I’ve seen).
OP’s question: What is Kaneki-kun's life like now? (something small like a simple diary entry...)
Month X Day X
I wake up to the sounds of Touka-chan and Ichika's voices. For some reason, they're excited over some news on TV. I read through the documents related to Countermeasures [most likely something to do with the United Front] , and summarize my opinion on it until noon. Time for lunch. Since Touka-chan went out to the shop, I make lunch for Ichika using the rice I bought. "It tastes better than Mama's," she said, so I replied, "Keep that a secret from Mama." In the afternoon, I think I'll take a short walk with Ichika, and try visiting Anteiku with her.
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From Nia__86 (X):
Question or answer unknown.
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From OKASHI_monster (X):
Question unknown.
I wasn't prepared at all... If I think about this and that it makes me think, "Ah, I don't wanna do this," so there's times where it's easier not to think about it. It may have been better if I had a "there's all kinds of things huh..." kind of resolve.
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From utahira_flour (X):
Question and the full answer unknown. (The postcard on the left is just OP’s message to Ishida about Uta and Hirako).
Uta: Try it out?
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From gongon0514 (X):
OP’s question: What is the name of Hirako Take’s Shiba Inu?
Ishida: Kotarou.
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From S8OkMMRsYsB7H8i (X):
OP’s fiancee got the reply from Ishida!
OP’s fiancee’s question: Why does Takizawa, when he became a ghoul, begin to hold his fingers in his mouth?
Ishida: Like infants, the reasons can include stress, and suppressing his appetite.
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I actually can’t find the OP for some reason, so if anyone finds it, please let me know!
Based on Ishida’s preview of the postcards, it seems like OP asked how Hirako felt when he first got his dog.
Ishida: Something like this. Hirako: …(it’s a dog)
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From tacto_0 (X):
Seems the question was personal, and I can only make out something about how once you’re satisfied it will end there.
The reason the mask is in the picture is because OP asked Ishida advice about making Kaneki’s mask a few years back.
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From secret_fairys (X):
The first reply that Ishida worked on.
Ishida: I like guys that can win with a hard blow. The weapon is a two-handed sword. Dialogue bubble: I will cut you down.
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From kuranosukezemi (X):
I can’t say what Ishida replied to OP since the revealed text doesn’t really say anything substantial, but seems like OP asked something related to the final chapter based on their tweet.
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From @S_R_Snow (X):
OP must have asked what Touka named her keychain lol.
Touka: No...since I’m not the kind to name things… Yoriko: She called it Usakichi!
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From @rio_080910 (X):
I have no clue what OP asked so the reply doesn’t really make sense. Basically if Ishida has tried doing something.
I never thought about it during serialization. But since it ended, I’m thinking it’d be good to try that kind of thing.
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From @Utinni_jawamori (X):
OP seems to have asked a Star Wars-related question since Ishida drew Darth Maul.
Why of course...here. But I also like Count Dooku. Exar Kun symbol.
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From @ume__oni (X):
Ishida’s reply was covered up by OP, but OP mentioned in their tweet how they named the onigiri Ishida drew “SSR onigiri”, and that they were thankful for receiving a reply despite their silly question.
Ishida replied to their tweet, and it seems like the question OP asked was about his favourite kind of rice or onigiri since Ishida mentioned something about koshihikari, a type of rice.
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From bobriorio (X):
OP’s question: Is there a specific character’s expression that makes you go, “Drawing this face is fun, I love it!”?
Ishida: Something like this broken-looking face, for a lot of reasons…
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From nato_noir (X):
OP didn’t mention what question they asked, but probably had something to do with the species of butterfly that appears throughout TG. They also mentioned they started reading TG in 1st grade of junior high, since Ishida addresses that in his reply.
From 1st grade of junior high! I'm happy to hear that. It may look like a "butterfly", but specifically it's a moth called a mock swallowtail butterfly moth. I drew it to symbolize the difference between humans and ghouls even though they look similar.
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From Fyt120 (X):
Question is unknown.
Ishida/Matsuri: Even if it cannot be reached, it will be in your thoughts for eternity.
(Why do I get the feeling he’s talking about Urie lol)
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From pencil_15 (X):
OP asked about Tatara’s biography.
Now published...!
Tatara (Zhū Lú) [朱鑪, 朱 means 'red' and 鑪 is fireplace, the kanji for Tatara] 186 cm / 96 kg Blood type A Hobbies: Go (taught by his older brother), reading (Takatsuki Sen)
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From hachiyone_arai (X):
If you can't stop thinking about the person even though you know it will never happen, that is love. ...according to Matsuri. (I love Urie too.) Urie: No.
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From nanasiFAST (X):
Miza: Hm...me? I don’t really rank the things I love.
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From Ishida’s preview (X):
Top right - Saiko: Kah!
Bottom right - Maid.
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Top left - Nakarai: Recently, Japanese waxwings, I think. (has a rock look to it)
Bottom left - Ichika comic: (you can read here)
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I’ll just summarize what I can figure out here since so much of it is concealed.
Higemaru - I think OP asked about how Higemaru ended up working for the CCG because it talks about his history at the Academy and the Qs. Also that Hige really looks up to Urie and wants to keep working with him.
Akira - I think OP asked for advice on dealing with the difficulties with their transfer family, because Ishida suggests using phrases such as, “I see...” or “That’s why~!”. (The alternative is Akira giving Inoue-san (from the transfer family) a Mado Punch lol)
Uta - A personal question, in which Ishida mentioned something about how if OP realized they messed up, and doing what OP needs to do.
Letter below Ui’s - Hide in :re volume 14, huh~ Kaneki also lost his way in OG volume 7 and :re volume 16. [Something about other guys like Naki, and something about how deciding the most important thing is difficult]
The end! If there’s any other replies from Ishida that you didn’t see here, please let me know!
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 11
and here we have to conclusion to the shadowplay arc...
clearly prowl hasn't seen national treasure smh
prowl, what exactly is confusing you about ‘secret government-sanctioned brainwashing facility’
the fact that prowl was willing to go so strongly against his morals to protect chromedome...oof bro 
so the senator is basically professor x and all the outliers are mutants. got it
senator shockwave was just a sexy thot who wanted justice....poor guy
so there ARE gloves on cybertron...am I to just assume that the doctors don't like using them for some reason????? I mean tbf I've known a few medical professionals who don't wear gloves during certain procedures, like giving shots which, imo, yikes I would never, even simple vaccines can cause bleeding, but to each their own...are ppe rules not strict on cybertron, or is there a low risk of infection transfer due to the nature of cybertronian diseases? ah, the real questions 
anyways. I should stop going on extremely off-topic medical rants
I relate to tailgate in his tendency to misspell. these liveblogs would be unreadable if it weren't for spellcheck
ouch, the fact that cd ‘never really forgave’ prowl for leaving the heist party w/out a word, even tho it turns out prowl stormed off w/a final request to keep cd safe and out of it all....cd and prowl are just a big tragic trainwreck huh
its interesting that skids used to be religious, when it seems like he isn't now. Wonder What Could Have Caused That Shift In Ideology! Hm!
oh my god I love how ironfist’s fanboy ranting about the primal vanguard is cut short just as he’s saying ‘a bomb disposal kit once used by-’ bc its like Oh I bet he was about to mention tailgate, yknow, the guy who (claims he) was the primal vanguard’s bomb disposal guy...that's such a great little detail
the stuff we hear from roller about senator shockwave is super interesting - it sounds like he’s been pretty aware of the state of society for a while, and has been trying to combat it from the inside...which isn't going so great, it seems, considering the state of society at the time. 
also the whole ‘modifying people to hold the matrix (sometimes without their consent?)’ thing he’s got going on is. interesting. again, is there any sort of ethics laws on cybertron, seriously guys,
oof, op cares so much abt senator sw :( they were in love okay 
red alert :( 
rodimus is such an interesting character AUGH the fact that he takes red alert’s potential suicide to be a personal failing on his part as a captain...which, yknow, that idea has merit considering rodimus’s part in the whole overlord thing, as well as rodimus having told red alert that ‘everyone thought he was losing it.’ yeahhhhh, that's not quite the approach to take w/someone clearly suffering from a paranoid breakdown
poor magnus has no idea about all the overlord stuff, which is what triggered red alert’s breakdown 
tho, magnus, idk that putting red alert in a cryofreeze chamber or w/e is the solution here. although maybe they’re all just at a loss bc cybertron’s only mental health specialist is current hanging out comatose in a bar
are we supposed to (retrospectively) read into rodimus and drift’s agreement to put red alert in storage as a way of covering up the overlord stuff? did they deduce that he figured out about overlord and that's what caused his breakdown? rodimus seems genuinely distressed about the whole cold storage situation, but is there more to it than ‘I failed as a captain bc this guy had a breakdown under my command’? I genuinely do not remember a lot about the overlord plot bc I was so confused the first time I read it and the second time I was too busy being extremely sad, so.
genuinely shocked that cybertron even has ‘health and safety inspections.’ it just figures that the one ratchet conducted wasn't an actual inspection, but an excuse to prepare for some good ole fashioned heisting
man I love a good heist/break-in
ok so skids rlly is just here for his grappling hook hvbhksddfjbjkdf my man
UH OH SENATE GOONS. never good
whoa, cybertronians have glenohumeral joints?? tho, ratchet says ‘glenohumeral socket,’ which doesn't exist in humans - we have a glenoid cavity/fossa/socket that articulates w/the head of the humerus to form the glenohumeral joint, so, close enough
anyways, that sure was a nonsequiter. ratchet busting out his lock picking skills is dope. do they teach that sorta stuff in cybertronian medical school? maybe its in place of the patient confidentiality lesson
seriously, ratchet sure knows a lot about bombs for a doctor. maybe they also cut out the courses on ppe and patient consent to make room for the cool stuff like BOMB CLASSES
op really DOES like jumping off stuff, doesn't he 
oh no senator :( 
oh no roller :( 
op yeeted that matrix bomb like he was trying to make a touchdown or...something. not sure why I chose football, the only sport I dislike, as my metaphor here 
lol it blew up a police station, nice
god, that reveal that the institute that we saw last issue was just one of many....and the one we saw was strikingly awful enough, so the fact that there's a ton more like that....oof
also, again, super interested in the fact that cd was involved in this arc where they see how scary and evil the institute is and then ended up working for the institute - well, the ‘new institute’ - later on
I'm weeping at the ‘big reveal’ for tailgate being that orion pax is optimus prime....its so funny that he didn't know that so it was a huge twist for him and absolutely nobody else hvbakdjhfbksjdf I love tailgate
also. is that the picture somebody drew of op for tg lmao
:D and then skids manages to wake rung up!!! all by getting his name wrong lmao. tho, maybe all the storytelling helped!
oh shit its zeta (prime?), here to talk to op, presumably about becoming the next space pope
HHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOD THAT REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! BROOOOO the senator shockwave reveal slapped me right in the FACE the first time I read this, and that's saying something bc I seriously only understood like 40% of the shadowplay story my first readthru. but the shockwave reveal still had me SHOOK like oh god that was so fucking brutal. jesus
like the fact that the emotionless decpeticon shockwave used to have a completely different look and personality is already crazy enough, but then the tie-ins of empurata and shadowplay? brutal and amazing
like, this is the kinda retrospective backstory stuff that I love. it gives a lot of cool depth to both the characters and the world. I feel like it really helped cement concepts like empurata and shadowplay in the world 
and just, AUGH The Reveal still gets me...im pretty sure in my first readhtru I only picked up the fact that the senator PURPOSELY hasn't been named during this issue, and I was kinda ready for some sort of reveal but also figured it could be someone I didn't know bc of my limited tf lore knowledge, but even I knew who shockwave was and phew that blew me away 
that full-page art spread is fuckin banging also 
anyways, shadowplay arc! I really enjoy this arc and all its genre-hopping goodness, and the framing device of the characters telling a story is a lot of fun. plus we get to see a lot of cool backstory for many characters, and got tons of great worldbuilding for jro’s pre-war cybertron. 
I understood a lot more of the story upon my second (and now third) readthru of the series, which was super rewarding bc the first time I wasn't able to follow a lot of stuff (1st readthru I tended to assume that me being confused about something was due to my lack of previous knowledge of lore/story, so I didn't often analyze stuff seriously, or even employ critical thinking skills lmao). 
also some gnarly stuff went on w/the red alert b-plot, which we’ll pick up with later....
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nerdettedreamteam · 5 years
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robstar week 2019: day four
day four! hell yeah!! we’re about halfway done with robstar week! if you’ve been keeping up with my other prompts, @samdraws715​ and i chose to collaborate on prompts this year where she drew the artwork above and i wrote a fic surrounding the art. i think it’s a pretty neat way to collaborate tbh :’) all art credit goes to her! overall, i like this prompt, but there’s some parts of dialogue that i’m kind of on the fence about. whatever, there’s some good fluffy robstar in it so i hope you all enjoy that!
“Aw dudes, no way! Why did it have to rain on the night I did my hair! Now it’s ruined!” Beast Boy complained as the titans stepped into OPS after a mission of fighting Dr. Light in the rain.
Raven watched Beast Boy and examined the wet green hair on his head. “Looks the same to me,” she said as she walked past him.
“Hey! It may look the same but hard work goes into my do every day!” The changeling explained as he put a hand to his hair and slicked it back. “I don’t know what I’d do without my good looks,” he said confidently. “Also, is it just me, or was the rain like, way cold?”
“Tell me about it,” Robin walked in squeezing the water from his cape. “It’s freezing,” he said shivering.
Cyborg walked into OPS next, feeling cheerful. “I’m glad we got home quickly, otherwise I would’ve had a lot more oiling to do for my robotic parts. I feel as good as ever!”
“Glad you’re feeling good, Cy, but I’m still soaked!” Beast Boy whined. “Luckily, the is a problem that can be easily fixed,” he smirked before morphing into a dog and shaking the water off his hairy coat, splashing water everywhere.
“Augh! Beast Boy!” Robin said as he shielded himself with his cape.
“Way to go, now the room’s all wet,” Raven said as she lowered her hood.
“Aw come on, it’s not that bad,” Beast Boy told them while morphing back to his normal form. “Besides, at least I’m dry! And it sounds to me like you guys need a movie night to cheer up!” Beast Boy said as he hurried to the glass cupboard under the television to find a movie for them to watch.
In that moment, Starfire came into the room holding a stack of towels. “Friends, would you like some towels to help you dry off?”
“No thanks, Star, I’m already dry,” Cyborg gave her a smile.
“Yeah, I’m good too, thanks Starfire.” Beast Boy said as he kept digging through the pile of movies they owned.
“Robin? Raven? Would you care for one?” Starfire asked them, holding out the pile.
“Actually, that doessound nice.” Raven took a towel and wrapped it around herself. “Thank you, Starfire,” she smiled.
“Yeah, thanks, Star.” Robin gave a warm smile at her in which she returned.
“Oh, dudes, we’ve got to watch this one!” Beast Boy said excitedly as he held up a movie. “We haven’t watched it in ages, plus, since when was the last time we watched a comedy?”
The titans got comfortable on the couch and put on the movie as the rain still continued to pour from outside. Everyone was laughing and having a good time except for Robin. Despite having the warm towel still wrapped around him he was still cold, and, quite frankly, a little tired. He tried to close his eyes for a few moments but the occasional shivers he’d get kept him from doing that. He wasn’t sure if it was just because of the usual cooler temperature of the OPS room but he ultimately decided to just sleep in his own room. He turned to Starfire who sat on his left. “Star,” he whispered.
“Hm?” Starfire turned her head in his direction.
“I think I’m just going to sleep for the rest of the night.”
“Oh? Are you tired?” She inquired.
“Yeah, very, and a little cold too.”
“Would you like me to go with you?”
“As much as I would like that, I think you should stay here.” Robin softly explained as he stroked the side of her arm. “I wouldn’t want the others to think we ditched them just so we could be together.”
“Hm, that is true. I can see how they might think that if we both left together.” Starfire paused for a second. “I will join you once we are done?”
Robin smiled and nodded. “Definitely,” he tilted her head slightly and captured her lips in a short kiss. He then glanced over to see the other three titans on his right side and made sure they weren’t looking to see him leave. He quietly got up and made his way to his room without any of the others noticing.
Once in his own space, Robin changed out of his damp uniform and into a loose t-shirt and shorts. He climbed into bed and wrapped himself up in the covers and blankets that lay on the bed. He felt much better and felt a lot warmer. Apparently, a good night’s sleep was all he needed.
The next morning, however, Robin felt even worse than before. He turned to his other side hoping to find Starfire there but she wasn’t in bed with him. He sighed. He hadn’t seen her since the previous night and even then he still didn’t feel a hundred percent.
His throat felt dry, so he reached for the glass of water he put by his side the night before and drank from it. He put the glass down after only a few sips, noting the uncomfortable feeling he had in his throat whenever he tried to swallow. He must’ve had a sore throat. “Great,”he thought. “just when things couldn’t get any worse.”Robin, only seeing it as a minor setback, put on a fresh set of uniform and headed out into OPS, continuing on with his morning.
Robin found the others in the OPS room just as he expected. It was just another typical morning for the team. He was about to go find a spot on the couch next to Cyborg and Beast Boy when Starfire approached him first. “Robin!” She said cheerfully. “Did you sleep well?”
Robin rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, kinda.” He then remembered the events of the previous night. “You didn’t come to sleep with me?”
“What?” Starfire said confused. “I did, however, you looked so peaceful sleeping I did not want to disturb you.”
“Huh. I don’t remember you being next to me at all last night.”
“Yo, Rob! Glad you’re finally awake after all this time. C’mon dude! I could use another partner!” Beast Boy piped up from the couch as he waved his controller in the air.
Robin smiled at Starfire before departing and made his way to the couch. He took a breath through his mouth and exhaled, feeling quite hot. He sat down next to Beast Boy who was eagerly waiting for him.
“Me and Cy are playing this round, but whoever wins, you’llbe versing him.” The changeling explained.
“You’re goin’ down, grass stain!” Cyborg told Beast Boy.
“I dunno Cy~” Beast Boy teased. “You lost the last three rounds and your chances here are looking pretty slim.It seems that the video game Gods are in favour of me for a change!” He said confidently.
“Yeah, yeah, less talk, more playing!” Cyborg interrupted his rambling.
Robin watched the two of them start their match with tired eyes. He didn’t understand why he felt so tired again, and the irritation he felt in his throat certainly didn’t help. Hoping the boys wouldn’t notice, Robin laid down on the side of the couch, trying to ignore the itching feeling in his throat.
“Robin! Robiiiinnn! Robin, wake up!”
Robin slowly opened his eyes, which stung badly. He rubbed them and saw Beast Boy and the others around him. “Where… am I…?”
“Uh, on the couch? Right where you were just a few moments ago?” Beast Boy told him, hoping it would jog his memory. “It’s literally only been five minutes.”
“Are you okay, Robin? You haven’t been acting like yourself all morning.” Cyborg asked.
Robin sat up, feeling drowsy. “Yeah… why?”
“You don’t seem fine.” Raven said. “your temperatures appear to be fluctuating.”
“W-What? What do you mean?”
“Hmm…” Cyborg began. “I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down, Rave.” He turned to Robin. “Close your eyes and breathe in.”
“Why?” Robin gave him a look.
“Just do it.” Cyborg groaned.
Rolling his eyes, Robin did what he was told, but he barely had time to do so before Cyborg shoved something into his mouth. Robin recoiled backwards and Cyborg took the object out of Robin’s mouth. “What was that for?!”
“It was just a thermometer.” Cyborg said as he looked down at the reading.
“But I’m not even sick!” Robin exclaimed.
Cyborg looked back up at Robin. “You’re right, you’re reallysick.” Cyborg said as he waved the thermometer in the air. “103 seems pretty high to me.”
“Let me see that.” Beast Boy took the thermometer from Cyborg to read it himself, with Raven and Starfire on either side of him. The changeling’s eyes widened. “Woah, that is high, dude! Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“For the last time, I’m fine. I hardly ever get sick.” Robin told the others before a short pause, followed by a small sneeze and sniffle which came from him. The other titans exchanged looks, obviously not believing him.
“How do you even suppose he got sick?” Cyborg asked. “Ya think it had something to do with the rain last night?”
“If you’re saying rain gets people sick, then I’m staying out of it.” Beast Boy exclaimed.
“Rain itself won’t get you sick, colder temperatures do.” Raven cut in. “Rain is just water, but colder temperatures can weaken the human immune system, which can cause people to get sick.”
“And it was cold last night…” Beast Boy said as he rubbed his chin.
“If he has a fever, it wouldn’t be a total surprise if he also has a sore throat, since body temperature also rise when it’s fighting an infection…” Raven continued.
“You guys know I’m still here, right?” Robin interrupted. “This doesn’t make any sense… how come I’ve never seen of you guys sick?”
“Maybe…” Cyborg started. “because they’re from another planet,” Cyborg pointed to Starfire and Raven. “he’s got a different genetic code,” he pointed to Beast Boy. “and I’m part robot. Basically, you’re the only one of all of us who’s fully human, which is why we’re immune to that stuff.”
“Lucky… I’d do anything to get better.” Robin groaned.
“Then it is a good thing you can get better.” Starfire said as she picked Robin up bridal style and held him in her arms.
“Star?! What are you doing?” Robin asked as she walked toward the doors leading out of the OPS room.
“We are going to get you better as soon as possible,” she said with determination.
“But I-“ Robin started as he looked back to where the other titans were standing.
“No buts, Robin.” Starfire interrupted him. “If you wish to get better, you must admit that you are sick and not resist on getting healthy.”
Robin didn’t know how to reply to that. “O-Okay…” was all he could say as he let Starfire carry him away to his room.
Once they arrived there with Robin back in his bed, he got under his covers once again and looked back up at Starfire. “I do feel better just lying down, but now what do I do?”
“You don’t need to do anything, beloved. Let me take care of you.” Starfire kissed the top of his head before departing, not giving enough time for Robin to reply in time.
“Wait! Seriously?” Was all Robin could say in time. A few short moments later she came back with at least three different blankets and pillows, which she handed to him.
“You might as well get comfortable, Robin, because you won’t be leaving this room for at least little while.” Starfire told him.
“So I’m just supposed to stay here until I get better? All by myself?” Robin asked as he laid out all the blankets on top of him.
“Of course not, I can stay with you for as long as you want.” She reassured him.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay just because I’m sick…”
“You silly, you being sick is the reason I wantto stay.” Starfire said as she unfolded one of the blankets and placed it on top of him. “Now wait here for a moment, I will be back with something else.”
Robin watched her leave and was left by himself to think. He really wish he wasn’t feeling so crappy, but he was super grateful he had such a caring girlfriend who wanted to take care of him. He perked up a little when she returned with a box of tissues and a hot mug.
She placed down the tissues on the bed and held out the hot mug. “Here, drink this.”
“What is it?” Robin asked as he sat up a little.
“It’s herbal tea,” Starfire said. “Raven taught me how to make it. She said it’s good for illnesses like yours.”
Robin took the mug from Starfire and let it sit in his hands for a moment. He blew on it before taking a small sip and swallowed it, liking how the the warmth of the liquid soothed the back of his irritated throat. He took a few more sips in peaceful silence as Starfire watched contently. After the last sip, he lowered the mug and exhaled, obviously having enjoyed drinking the tea.
Starfire softly giggled at that. She always found her boyfriend to be undeniably cute doing little things that he didn’t pay much attention to, just the little quirks that made Robin his adorable self. “How does that feel?” Starfire said with a smile still on her face.
“Much better, thanks for that.”
“You are most welcome.” Starfire said. She then looked at Robin’s bed. “Could you move forward please?”
“Yeah, sure,” Robin said, thinking Starfire would add another pillow to the pile he already had which propped him up, but instead of a pillow, Starfire shifted onto his bed and ended up behind him, with him laying in her arms along with the pillows as well. He was surprised, and looked up at her from where his head rested on her chest. “I hope you do not mind me joining you.” Starfire said.
“No, it’s perfect, actually. I like this a lot…” Robin said as he let his head fall back, his eyes meeting with hers. “Thank you, Star, I really appreciate this. You didn’t have to do all this, seriously, I could’ve just done this all on my own, and you could’ve saved some time as well.”
“You are not wrong, Robin, however, you know how I like to spend any extra time I have with you, even if it is helping you recover from an illness.” Starfire told him. “I care about you deeply, and I would do anything for you, you know that.”
“Of course I do. I’d do the same thing for you too, even though you can’t really get sick.”
Starfire giggled. “No, not necessarily.” She reached down and ran her fingers through his messy black hair.
“But I would do anything for you too, you know that right?” Robin asked as her stared into her gleaming eyes.
“Yes, I do know,” Starfire had nearly chuckled as she laid a hand on Robin’s cheek, which he leaned his face into. “And I am glad to have someone who cares just as much for me as I do to them.”
“Me too, it feels nice to know that.” Robin said as Starfire continued to run her fingers through his thick hair. She did so in silence for a moment longer, absolutely loving the way Robin pushed into her touch. She knew he wanted more, and he knew she knew it as well.
“Feels good?” Starfire gave him a look as she watched his face as she continued.
“Mmm, very.” Robin nearly sighed. He took her hand that was on his cheek and kissed it twice before stroking it with his thumb. “My princess…” he said lazily. “I love you so much.”
She smiled and leaned forward, leaving a kiss to his forehead. “I love you too.”
The two of them continued to lay together in bed until eventually they both ended up falling asleep together, feeling happy to have each other, always.
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brakken-spideyverse · 6 years
Catching up on answers!
@pir0ripar0pirir0ra asked:
Do you work in Marvel or something? I would definitely buy that comics! :) Haha
Ha, believe me - you all would be the first to hear if I got a job at Marvel! No, for now this is all just for fun ^_^ But maybe someday.
Anon asked:
hey dude love this page, definitely the best redesigned universe around!! I was just wondering on your last stream we saw designs of Electro, Hulk, Cylcops and stuff will we ever see them and hear what they're about? thanks and keep up the amazing work
Yah, def wanna do up an Electro - maybe just the whole Sinister Six. And some more X-Men headshots, with some shorter ideas on them. I’ll see about streaming again sometime! And thank you!!
@corvoskk asked:
You mentioned using "Makeover-verse" as a temporary name; have you considered giving it an actual universe code like the canon multiverse? (like Earth-616, Earth-79203, Earth-1610, etc.)
Huh - this is something I have not thought about actually! 
Maybe Earth-3101 (or 131) to denote its anniversary date?
Anon asked:
hey i love your art and designs SO much!! i was wondering, is anyone in your verse gay? eyes emoji
Yep! Eddie is gay in this ‘verse
Anon asked:
this may be a weird question, but i was wondering if you had some ideas on how to use webbing in original ways besides peter's known way?? you always have the best concepts (ex: gwen using her webbing like a gymnast, which is my favorite btw)
Hmm, we see this a little bit in Into the Spider-Verse - but for a while I’ve been interested in how co-operative swinging would look as a fully fledged style. Like, one Spidey webs to a building while also webbed to a companion like a double pendulum - or both tethered to different points with arms clasped, or a web-line between them.
Something else that has always stuck with me is some dialogue from the first Spider-Man movie: “he throws up his hands, ropes come out, and he climbs up the ropes like a spider web.” That’s something I’ve really wanted to see explored more, especially on screen - much less a single tether feel and more a scattershot of webbing - short-range and less precise - occasionally used to yank himself forward, but also perhaps as little makeshift trampolines between buildings, or mini parachutes to soften a fall. Also picturing that in line with less OP wall-crawling. So on really glossy surfaces, he would have to shoot web onto them to be able to hold on. Ideas, ideas!
Anon asked:
Ok so Peter uses the standard swinging forms, and Gwen is more tether based, so what are Miles, Cindy, Anya, MJ as Spinneret, Spiderling, and Mayday's Spider-Girl swinging styles?
General thoughts are: Miles is just all the webs all the time - every webs. Cindy is a lot about web-zipping. Spiderling would take after her parents and probably uncle Miles too. Mayday, the web scramble.
Anon said:
hey i was just browsing your blog and saw that you headcanon gwen as asian! this is sappy as hell but i'm half chinese and have hc'd her as half chinese too since she's my favourite character but sorta figured nobody else would care to have her be any part asian so it's really nice to see someone else do so. love your art, thank you and have a great day!
Thank you! Glad that you responded to her positively ^_^
Anon asked:
Does Gwen have a Japanese name? Or translated version of her English name?
As far as I’ve planned, she’s still just called Gwen!
Anon asked:
Is your Jessica Drew Indian?
Jessica is black :)
Anon asked:
Hey there! I love this version of Spidey and his world so much. I was wondering if you have a version of Black Cat in the Makeover-verse?
Yes and hopefully she is coming soon! Thank you :)
@shorre said:
Hey I just found your blog and I wanted to say, as someone who is half Indian on my dads side and half white on my mom’s and whose also a huge spider-man fan with specific focus on Peter(love the other spider’s too of course but Peter will always be the one that resonates with me the most) the ethnicity change is very cool! I’m really happy I found your blog
Really appreciate this feedback, thank you! Glad he resonates with you <3
Anon said:
i love your anya redesign!! i’ve always hated how white-passing she looked in the comics so ty 💕
Thanks so much! I really like her too ^_^
Anon asked:
Any plans for the Daily Bugle and its cast of characters?
I have a sketch of Miss Brant in an old file somewhere - and yeah would wanna draw more of the bullpen including old JJJ sometime!
Anon asked:
Does your universe has a noir version of peter parker?
Nah, but I can def try a take on him at some point!
@avatarconner asked:
Do you have idea/prompt for how your Peter and MJ finally get together or are you not that far yet?
I have some ideas for this kicking around. Gonna have some more stuff unfold before I get to show you that though!
Anon asked:
Peter/MJ is a cool endgame, but how about a MJ/Gwen endgame?
Also valid <3
@bubstrik asked:
how do you make such dynamic poses for the spider ppl??
I tend to just throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.
Literally. I literally throw wet noodles around. 
My home is a mess.
Thanks, everyone <3
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 28: Marik Ishtar Canonically Only Weighs 121 lbs
Yo, I got hella sick this week and slept for what felt like 3 straight days, so because I’m still not fully functional (like I just found french fries in my front pocket of my sweatshirt and I have no idea when over the past three days I put that in there), in celebration of finally being awake, lets watch a lucid dream put to the screen, that’s right, it’s time for Yugioh.
Last we left off, Yugi has decided to throw this heavy chain and anchor over Joey’s neck--referring of course to the golden cursed necklace and not the actual chain and anchor that is hanging above them and about to kill them (but probably weighs the same but we’ll get to that realization later). I was really hoping that we’d get to see Pharaoh pull up in the corner like a little shoulder angel and just start shouting at Joey, but apparently you can’t catch the Pharaoh Dad curse that easily.
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So apparently I missed THIS the last two episodes--but there’s a huge ass Death Clock above the anchor? Seriously, there’s been a time limit this whole time!?
I would be jumping into the ocean the moment I saw this clock, I just cannot even fathom the thought of playing a 20 minute card game. Like once my older brother--a different bro than my younger bro who edits this blog, this is my Chaotic Neutral bro--decided to shove 5 different Uno decks together to create an ultimate deck that was almost entirely wilds and draw 4′s and it was such an excruciating experience, that my Mother secretly threw the game away. Forever scarred.
Anyway, now that he’s strapped with Pharaoh in a Box, finally things got weird enough that Joey snapped out of it. First time he snapped out of it was because of a dragon...second time was the puzzle...he has yet to even kind of recognize Tea strapped in a bondage chair with a giant storage unit threatening to crush her--that one doesn’t seem to bother him.
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Joey has a very selective memory, but he only seems to come to for about 10 seconds at a time and mostly just sweats a lot whenever he does.
(read more under the cut)
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And as Joey pulls out the same piece he once threw out a school window and into a really fancy fountain, he has a very quick flashback to Season One. Or Season Zero, depending on which version you like better. (What school has a fountain, PS? Was that a quick donation from the Kaibas so the principal could shrug off some demerits?)
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And so Joey puts the puzzle back together and back over his neck.
It’s fine. Go back to throwing fireballs at your best friend, but if you litter, then that’s just way too far. I mean the show has to stretch this out four episodes anyway, so despite their endless friendship love--Joey is still possessed and we have nothing left to give him unless Yugi just starts unloading belts.
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Really confused at how this magic even works or operates when the puzzle is so far away from Yugi, but maybe Pharaoh has a battery life like a wacom tablet.
Man, so there really is no way to have any privacy when that guy’s in your head huh? Like can’t even hang up the puzzle when you’re on the toilet--no--he’s just...always around. This is the worst curse.
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Back on the boat, the story boarding team realized that Marik is an underage teenager and cannot drink alcohol on TV.
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I mean he didn’t even have a bottle of whatever he’d drink to fill that glass (milk, I’m assuming. Marik seems like the type of person that’d put ice in his milk.) But all that was drawn next to him was just one bucket of ice. Marik’s just back here stress chewing ice like a pregnant woman.
PS I just looked up Marik’s age with a quick Google Search and can we talk about something real fast--just real fast--JK I’m gonna talk about it a lot.
Age‎: ‎16 <---which seems a little young, but OK, it’s an anime
Weight‎: ‎121.254 lb <------- EXCUSE ME, WIKIA!?
Height‎: ‎1.8 m ; 5.906 ft 
He is nearly 6 ft feet tall and 120 lbs!?
As a reviewer, it’s not my job to go around saying if drawing Marik way too skinny for a normal human being is right or wrong, because that’s a discussion that you can find plenty of info on. I’m pretty sure the people who made this show never expected when they first drew Yugi’s crazy eyes and horrible hair that we’d have a generation that would point to it and say “that’s hot”
And I’m not saying any of these characters have eating problems either, because we’ve seen all of them eat healthy meals. The shocking thing is that they gave these fake characters--remember these aren’t real people, they are cartoons--a specific numeric weight.
Blood type I expect, other random anime tidbits I expect--but weight seems super duper random and so awkward. Like, why do we have this information? Was it on a card or something? Like did the intern who came up with this weight number even research like...how much a normal human weighs??? Did they pull this number out of their ass???? None of these numbers make any sense, and they have these for apparently every single person who has appeared on the show. It’s incredible.
Man, Marik’s still wearing Baby Gap over there. Which...that explains the very small hoodie.
...one sec, let me look at the stats on Yugi.
Weight‎: ‎92.594 lb Height‎: ‎1.53 m ; 5.02 ft
OH NO. Who did this!?
He can’t even ride a roller coaster yet! Well, that explains a lot of the need for so many belts on this show. Yugi hasn’t hit the big triple digits yet.
Oh, Yugi.
And since we’re talking about numbers, lets talk about that puzzle now that we’ve talked about Yugi’s body weight. And like, lets be real--this is a cartoon and so of course it weighs magically nothing in the physics of the show...but lets just see, using math, how much this is if a 7 inch isosceles pyramid were made of solid gold (assuming that there is no gap in the middle, because that’s the way I’ve personally interpreted it.)
Now I’m gonna throw out a number and if you disagree, that’s cool beans and I don’t care, I was an art major, leave your math in the comments. But my math: It’s roughly 60 lbs. Some people online say it would only be 2 kilo’s but I don’t know what planet they’re from. Gold is .7 lbs a volumetric inch
Of course this weight also depends on how heavy the chain is, but I mean...the chain is stronger than Joey Wheeler and Tristan combined hitting it repeatedly with a pipe. It’s gotta be a car-towing/superlock chain.
a 20 inch heavy duty tow/lock chain is like 15 lbs, from what I see on Ebay.
So that pyramid necklace, indeed, is 75 lbs--4/5 of Yugi’s weight.
Now lets say you think there’s a gap in the middle and each piece has about a half-inch thickness, we’ll subtract about 43 lbs.
That’s still a 32 lb necklace guys, it’s about a third his weight!
Now lets say this was gold plated--first off, it’s not. But, lets say it’s entirely copper AND it’s hollow. That necklace is still 7 lbs with a 15 lb chain which is 23 lbs.
So, in all, Yugi actually weighs more than most people on this show--but it’s only because of the necklace, meaning the strongest thing in Yugioh, other than the endearing power of friendship between Joey and Yugi, is Yugi’s neck.
I also looked up Seto Kaiba and it didn’t say his weight right away but it did say this
Favorite Food‎: ‎Filet Mignon with Foie Gras Sauce
Why does Seto Kaiba crave freakin ducks? Someone please give this poor child some candy. Give the whole cast candy.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the boys are still babysitting Serenity, who has the pure muscle mass of 108 lbs, which is nearly 20 lbs more than Yugi Muto and only about 10 lbs less than Marik Ishtar.
She could probably lift Marik Ishtar. TBH with OP buff Wheeler stats like that, Serenity could probably punch out half the cast and does not need babysitting.
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Duke Devlin is still following them around. I don’t really know why. No thugs are after Duke. Duke can just leave whenever he wants to, but he’s either so fascinated by Tristan’s predicament, or so enamored by Serenity’s soft hair and beautiful bandages, that he’s decided to follow along like Bakura in Season 1.
Except Bakura in Season 1 followed along because he wanted to screw them all, I’m pretty sure Duke won’t be doing that because I’m fairly positive that dice earring he got off of Etsy isn’t a millennium earring. I’m fairly positive he isn’t going to randomly kill everybody. I don’t know if this show could handle yet another villain dead set on destroying the world.
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This love triangle between Tristan, and a girl who I didn’t think was real in S1, and Duke Devlin, the guy who was in a one-off at the end of S1 when the season should have already ended. So this is happening now. Interesting choice, show.
Serenity is like 12, right? Like her brother’s 14-16 and she’s like 11-13?
This show has a cast mostly full of people who are all the same age yet they keep shipping the few people that are either too young or waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too old. (except for Yugi and Joey, of course, who are the same age)
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Duke Devlin, with this newly found responsibility, immediately walks a blind person into the street.
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Anyways, speaking of ships that are way too old for this show, look who’s here and driving the dumbest convertible I’ve ever seen drawn.
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And on the other side of town, the show edited out most of this violent nonsense for me.
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Mai’s car, straight from fisher-price. I can’t stop looking at it.
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So um...in the time it took to get Tristan, pick him up, turn around, and then drive here it was like...a 2 minute drive?
But, youknow, consider the Kaiba’s perspective. You’re watching this effed up duel straight from the bowels of Satan, and you hear a car pull up, and you’re like “oh finally, someone’s come to help us” and you turn around, and it’s a blue clown car full of Mai Valentine, Tristan, that random horny kid from the class across the hall, and some blind woman?
So Mokuba, who weighs less than one millennium puzzle at 61 lbs, actually makes an attempt to explain everything as quickly as possible and this is like the fourth time this kid has had to explain to someone else what the hell is going on.
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Ah, and now everyone’s a bystander.
Almost the entire cast is here now, right? At least Yugi will die with an audience.
Bandit Keith weighs 187 lbs, PS. He is, so far, the only character I’ve checked who weighs more than Yugi with the necklace on.
Anyway, their weights are all awkwardly available online and I’ll probably go back to forgetting that this random info exists (much like I consistently forget that Seto is only 6′1″ although he’s drawn like he’s 8 ft tall)
Next week on Yugioh:
So how much does Yugi’s hair weigh when all that product is on there? Does Seto ever eat that Filet Mignon he craves so bad? Is Mai in fact renting that car and does it get busted here in the Abandoned Warehouse neighborhood?
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danikalore · 6 years
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A wild Fenris has appeared!
Okay, I have things to say about this guy. Spoilers ahead for Dragon Age 2.
I have never played Dragon Age 2. I do, however, play Dragon Age Inquisition, and so frequently come across DA2 info.
A couple of people I follow have been talking about DA2 recently, which got me mildly interested in what I've missed. Reading the posts, I've been thinking, "I guess I could play it. Still have my old consul, and the game is cheap now. Do I want to play it? Is it any good?"
So I researched it––which to me means going to YouTube and video-hopping scenes and gameplay. There was a lot of stuff on Fenris, the elven slave who stabbed his way to freedom (I think?).
My thoughts on Fenris were, in order:
1) Huh, he's kinda cute. 2) Actually, no. I don't like his face. 3) God, his voice and personality annoy the shit out of me. 4) This guy is an ass! 5) Oh, hell. I think I like him. How did that happen? 6) SHUT UP AND BE HAPPY, YOU GLORIOUS BASTARD!
As I am wont to do after growing curious about interesting characters, I went image searching. Hoped on Tumblr, sifted through the fan art, and came across a little comic indicating that anyone who chose to sell Fenris back to his former master should unfollow the OP.
And I was like, "lol, good thing that's not an option. ...Wait, is that an option?"
Did a little research and YES IT FUCKING IS WHAT THE FUCK WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?  I was just sitting there reading about it, all like,
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I went back to YouTube it to verify it, 'cuz I thought maybe, you know, "oh, it's just a strategy. You sell Fenris, and then he goes undercover to kill the baddie, and comes out all, 'Haha! I have killed him! Clever ruse, even I almost believed it!' And then he and the rest of the party prance off into the sunset to save the world, tralala lala.
But no. You sell him, his memory gets wiped, and you never see him again. I was so upset to learn this, I actually teared up a little. This is so unsettling. I am not okay with this at all. My day has been ruined.
Have I mentioned I haven't even played the game yet? I have no reason to be emotionally attached to this guy. I drew fanart out of spite. SPITE FOR ALL THE HEARTLESS BASTARDS WHO SOLD HIM AWAY.
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tippy-spiral-fan · 6 years
Triple Tagged!!
Got triple tagged by the darling: @tentacledirector
*cracks knuckles* Let's do this~~~
●⭐ sign:
Queer af.
My beautiful bae as my friend drew him for me!! ;u;
●where do you 👀 yourself in 10 years?:
Hopefully in my own place, in a good spot with my mental health, taking T after getting top done, and Hell; maybe even working again.
●If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?:
Headspace. Literally.
●who was your first 😘:
If ya mean first lip kiss (as opposed to this cute cheek kiss I gave), my first boyfriend. Oh man it was cute...
●Have you ever been stood up?:
Multiple times at this point. Fuckers.
●Have you ever been to Las Vegas?:
●Favorite pairs of shoes:
My work boots; they're the only ones to have last me this long. Gotta get new ones tho... ;_;
●Favorite fruit:
Pineapples. Nom nom.
●Favorite 📓:
Not much a reader; not of traditional books though. But 'The Last Lecture' by Jeffrey Zaslow and Randy Pausch has always stuck with me.
●Stupidest thing you’ve ever done:
I don't think I can say for sure for sure. I've done a lot of dumb shit. I guess let my abandonment issues take over my brain so badly I followed a friend over a frozen river which I ~knew~ I was to heavy to cross. Guess who broke through. Thankfully my friend did manage to save me. But that was pretty fucking dumb of me.
Eu sou Dawn! ^_^/
I get Dawnie, Dawny, Dawnald, Spiral (derived from my dA username BlackSpiralDancer1).
Bit over 5'6"!
Still here and queer!
●Favorite Fruit:
Still pineapples. Although... saskatoons are real nice.
●Favorite Season:
●Favorite Flower:
I love so many fucking flowers; I'd say all! Wild and otherwise. But roses are special to my heart.
●Favorite Scent:
Smells surrounding rain. 😍😍😍 Especially rainy pavement. Or rainy forest.... *melts*
●Favorite Color:
●Favorite Animal:
Bears for sure!
●Coffee Tea or Hot Chocolate:
To my shock, I might have to say tea. It's hard to find a hot chocolate that makes my mouth happy anymore.
●Average amount of sleep:
There still be no average. But a common theme seems to be 2 hours. Kill me
●Number of Blankets:
I have 3, but the two throws I use as a pillow mostly.
●Dream Trip:
Can I say headspace? ...no? Then all the places where my friends are!!
●Blog created:
Oh fuck if I know. Ummm... 5 years I think?
●Number of followers:
... 620 apparently. Huh. But I think most are from that sudden influx of porn bots I got last year; I got well over 100 follows. I couldn't block them all; my thumb hurt.
But those who aren't porn bots; Hi!! ^_^/
●Random Fact:
I refuse to stop asking y'all to check this out and help my friend however you can.
[13 Songs from Shuffle]
●1. Abandoned - The Fall of Eve
●2. Long Tall Sally - Little Richard
●3. Quam pulchra es, JD 44 - John Dunstable, Tonus Peregrinus, Antony Pitts
[Best version from not-Spotify I could find]
●4. Call Me - Sixth June
●5. Fuck Me - Vernon Jane
●6. Shishi Funjin [Theme of Moon Saga 1] - GACKT
(First song that plays)
●7. Awoken - GLAZE, WoodenToaster
●8. Nocturne in E-Flat Major, OP 9, No. 2 - Frédéric Chopin, Vladimir Feltsman
●9. The Show Must Go On Prt. 1 - Famous Last Words
●10. Momma Sed "Tandimonium Mix" - Puscifer
●11. Shut Up and Swallow - Combichrist
●12. Awake in a Dream - Adrian Von Ziegler
●13. Morning Tide - Poets of the Fall
(Only version I could find)
I'm supposed to tag people here but uh... I suck! ^_^/  if you see this from me and wanna do it, do it and tag me so I can see!!
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enthralleddd0112 · 7 years
[170815] Some Consolidated Kyungsoo-related Fan Accounts from The War Public Fansign in Busan
Kyungsoo is really too nice. As it is my first time attending a fansign, I was stuttering a lot. At the end, I thanked him for becoming a member of EXO, thanked him for becoming a singer, and he was smiling brightly at that. Kyungsoo-ah, shall we go to Sapporo together?
[Kyungsoo wrote “shall we go Sapporo?” ‘Shall we go Sapporo?’ is from the travel prose by Lee Byeongryul’s <The Winds Blow, I Like You>. The book is about love and travel. ‘Shall we go Sapporo?’ also means ‘I Love You’.]
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Kyungsoo said that he's no longer doing pilates.
OP: Oppa, if you were to describe today using a scent, what would it be Kyungsoo: A warm scent. This answer is so Kyungsoo. When addressing me on the autograph, he even used the "-nim" salution. 
[Note: "-nim" in Korean is a more formal level of language.]
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Kyungsoo always adds a -nim. He did that at the last fansign so I asked him to write noona instead, so he went “Ah! Noona~” and write “_ noona [OP’s name]!” The exclamation point is too cute. What pretty handwriting ( ◠♡◠ )
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Kyungsoo drew Huchu for me.
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The first time I got Kyungsoo’s signature! As soon as I got to Kyungsoo, I got on one knee, held out a bouquet, and asked him to marry me. Kyungsoo asked “Did you ask us to marry?” with his uncontrolled haha laugh. The message is something I asked him to write! It was really nice... I asked him to draw a heart on his photocard. The ring I gave him. 
[OP requested Kyungsoo to write “love you, my girl!”]
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I asked Kyungsoo to write down his favourite lyrics. He thought for a long time before writing it down. Besides that, he so expectedly addressed me with "-nim" (in his autograph).
[The lyrics that Kyungsoo wrote is from the song <Forever>, "your gaze, words and everything, forever!"]
I told Baekhyun, “please sing <What Is Love> with Kyungsoo oppa again!” And he said he wants to sing it again too if there‘s a chance.
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(I) Asked Kyungsoo if he's practising tap dance and he shared that he's been doing so diligently. I told him that I'm looking forward to it and asked him to be careful and not hurt his feet. Even until the point that I was moving on (to the next member), he kept saying thank you. I could go crazy just being so excited. Kyungsoo had wrote "the moon tonight is so bight and clear..."
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OP: Next time if you film movie again, what genre do you want to do Kyungsoo: Anything. Anything... Yes, Kyungsoo will be good at anything.
Kyungsoo's nim, can you see? This "-nim" is so Kyungsoo's style...I bought my <My Annoying Brother> photocard for Kyungsoo to write something, so he wrote "Dongsaeng (Younger Brother) ♥ Hyung (Elder Brother)" before breaking into a heart-shaped smile (◉♡◉)...cute...
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Me: Oppa, which country do you want to visit beside New York for travelling Kyungsoo: Hm... Japan. Me: Also, oppa, your fingers is getting prettier (looked at his own fingers and laughed). Kyungsoo: (kept laughing, kept shaking head) Me: How did you take care of it? Kyungsoo: (kept laughing while shaking his head) It’s not like that~ The security kept asking me to leave. Finally.. Me: Oppa, I love you so much!
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Kyungsoo kept looking at everyone that came up the stairs tenderly. OP: Oppa, it's my birthday tomorrow. Kyungsoo: Ah, it's today? OP: No, it's tomorrow. Kyungsoo: Ah, hh, happy birthday. OP: Would it possible to give me a finger heart? Until the very end, he kept looking at me tenderly, and he bashfully gave his finger heart. I received both Kyungsoo's heart-shaped smile and his finger heart.
Me: Oppa, please suggest a name for a white dog. Kyungsoo: Salt (his hahah laugh) If I ever get a dog, it’ll be named Salt!
[OP requested for Kyungsoo to write “who's this lady that's endlessly beautiful?”]
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Kyungsoo had written ㅇㅇㅇ -nim, told him that I only managed to tell him that he's handsome during the last fansign, and I also only managed to tell him he's handsome today. He disagreed by saying "no" and smiled just like a child. 
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Me: (take out a gift) This is a gift! Kyungsoo: Thank you. Me: Oppa, please suggest something for dinner! Kyungsoo: Hmm? Me: For dinner! Kyungsoo: For dinner? hm... Busan.. Me: Yes! Kyungsoo: Busan is famous for its Daegutang (Codfish Soup), isn’t it? Me: Daegutang? Kyungsoo: Yes, please eat that!
Words on the post-in: Q. What role would you like to take? 1. Criminal 2. Police 3. Witness 4. Accomplice 5. Passerby [Kyungsoo chose passerby.]
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I asked Kyungsoo to tell me “fighting!” because I was studying art and he wrote “work hard on your art and become really cool!” I’ll promise to become cool
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Me: Is there anything you always eat when you’re in to Busan? Kyungsoo: Umm... it’s Jeonbok-juk (Abalone Porridge). Me: Where??? Kyungsoo: There.. a shop next to where Busan International Film Festival is held. Now... somebody please tell me the name of this place.
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Kyungsoo's face is really small, I want to pry into his eyes, nose, lips, his voice is so nice too. I told him that my mood is good today so I'll want to drink alcohol, and asked him to choose between Gopchang-jeongol (Beef Tripes Hot Pot) vs Dalg-galbi (Chicken Ribs) to go along with the alcohol. He replied saying that if to drink, it's definitely Gopchang-jeongol. 
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As Kyungsoo was the first member, I didn't manage to speak much to him. I told him that my mum likes him more than me, and will keep rooting for him. He said thank you while smiling. 
”Kyungsoo is really an angel, the comic that baby didn’t manage to finish reading, he took and kept it. Just thinking about how he repeated his own Chinese name a few times is cute enough to make me feel faint. This time, Kyungsoo gifted me with two black hearts, a sun and an unknown (?) wavy curve hhhhh [Actually what Kyungsoo drew is ♥ε♥ emoticon.]
Conversation between my friend and me: Friend: I gave it to him, he went “ah, this one”, and the staff actually say “you cant...” and Kyungsoo actually held it down and said [presumably to fan but for Security hyung to hear], “I may not be able to finish reading, do you mind giving it to me?” Friend: This is clearer. Friend: (He) Drew a sun. Friend: I’m not sure why. Me: Hahahahahah.. Me: Did you tell him that’s the characters of his Chinese name? Friend: Underneath his name. Friend: I don’t know what he’s drawing. Friend: Yeah, he repeated it a few times. Me: Cute TAT Friend: (Kyungsoo) Asked what that was. Friend: I replied, “did you forget, that penguin.” Friend: “Previously you mentioned that you like peach [out of all his nicknames] so XXX [OP’s name] drew the penguin inside the peach.” Friend: He replied, “ah, so that’s why, cute.” Friend: So I said, “so please express your feelings.” Friend: “Please write something.” Security hyung then said, “(he) already wrote something on the album.” Friend: “This cannot.” Friend: So Kyungsoo drew something instead. Friend: He had asked, “will a ♥ do?”
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“Can I follow up with you after this? Let’s go on an autumn date! [after summer date]” Kyungsoo: Lets also have a winter date, and a spring date. Let’s do it all of them.
Kyungsoo: (with his bright smile) Hello~ your name is _ [OP’s name]! Me: Hello, please come to Busan often! (literal heart attack at eye contact) Kyungsoo: I’d like to come here often…
 Me: I watched <Kamome Diner> because you suggested it and really enjoyed it~
 Kyungsoo: Isn’t <Kamome Diner> really good? (his eyes are sparkling with the film topic)
 Me: I really had fun watching it. Could you suggest another movie?
 Kyungsoo: Um.. have you watched <Megane> [by the same director]?
 Me: (it was loud so it was hard to hear) Huh?? Mega what??? Kyungsoo: Me! Ga! Ne! Glasses in Japanese (eyes get round). Please watch <Megane>!
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Cr: The War Fansign, sources as quoted above (2017.08.15) Chi Trans: weibo @都暻秀吧_DohkyungsooBar, @Nacho_都暻秀资源博 Eng Trans: twitter @serenadyo, @kyeongsew, @reyeolie, @enthralleddd, tumblr @fydk-translations​ Fan Account Consolidation & In partnership with: IG @channel930112
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