#i dont know what i was cooking but i was cooking something
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bloopitynoot · 2 days ago
Reading TGCF: Chapter 71
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For those who don't know, I am reading TGCF for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag Bloopitynoot reads TGCF. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read BUT if you followed along with my SVSSS read, the rules and vibe are the same.
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Shhh no judgment, I have a cart full of teas but I am back again with my matcha.
Though lol, there was a casualty in the making of this. I whisked particularly vigorously and my kitchen became shrek's twin. I don't think my shirt is salvageable LOOOL. So much green!
let's go chapter 71!!!
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It's wild that it sounds like she made the Brocade Immortal AFTER she ascended. I want to know why she made it though. p335
Xie Lian ought to know better than to let her see the brocade immortal "one last time", that's how things go sideways! p337
I hate that Pei Ming is growing on me. Him stopping Ling Wen because of Xie Lian's terrible rotten luck with people. p228
Qi Ying back at it again stuffing money sneakily into the shrine box. p339
Quan Yizhen eating raw yams so xie lian can't accidentally poison him with his cooking. This is a vibe. I too would become a raw vegan around xie lian. p340
LoooooL I love how Xie Lian found out about Lang Ying being Hua Cheng; just get him to write something. I also am glad Lang Ying is alive and well somewhere. But concerned that Hua Cheng is stuck in this form atm. p343
ahahahah I clocked it a couple chapters ago, "and here I thought there really was a second person who could eat..." p344
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Quan Yizhen: I definitely saw you make stew. How the fuck is this suddenly meatballs? p345
So mean to Quan Yizhen! Tricking him into eating the cursed meatballs. p346
Oh shit. Hua Cheng's warnings are seldom wrong- who are the visitors?? p350
The monks; "i've never heard of him, just some nobody" my heeeaart! Yes, he is, but that's what makes him the best :'( p353
RIP! not his lips giving away his ghost boyfriend!! So embarrassing! 355
Well those lips don't lie
I desperately want to know how Xie Lian get's out of this situation XD it's so embarrassing. I also hope everything works out okay with the Brocade Immortal. Something seems so weird about the relationship between them and Ling Wen. Like please dont be weird- it feels weird.
I can't believe it! One more chapter left of book 4! This book feels like it's been going by so fast. I'm glad I have 5 ready to go.
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miscommunicationtree · 10 days ago
picture this.
you're in the cinema, just for the premiere of the new F1 movie produced by 7 times WDC Lewis Hamilton. you post a story to Instagram and when you go back to the home page, there's a new story in Nico Rosberg's account. is a repost of his wife's story, it reads "happy 40th birthday, love", he's posing with his daughters.
you smile and close the phone.
the movie starts. It is just a regular movie. then, Sony Hayes is remembering the years with his friend, his teammate. you frown. they show flashbacks of them in karting, in Greece, the first podium in F1. this is weird.
suddenly they show Sony Hayes' teammate dog. it's a pug. his name is Hany. mmm, that's a weird name for a dog, wonder where that comes from.
half an hour in, Sony has sex with his engineer... but it was all a dream. he wakes up crying, he looks at a picture of him and his teammate and friend together and weeps.
in the climax of the movie, as Sony is fighting for the championship, you hear nothing more, nothing less than Crofty's voice saying "friends, teammates, childhood buddy, rival... everything but a lover"
you freeze in the middle of the cinema.
you hear someone sobbing.
omg, it's Lewis Hamilton.
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anbaisai · 8 months ago
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A continuation of this post by @skriblee-ksk, in which Kalmia is left to ponder for the rest of class what Mayu meant...
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hipsternumbertwo · 2 months ago
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Buckle Up!!!
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bklily · 2 months ago
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It's giving-
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habitual-truant · 2 months ago
as a persona fan. i HATE atlus. like, theyre always SOOOO close to having really good social commentary on like, pretty much anything in general i guess. but. they pussy out and it has the opposite effect!! like, biggest example that i actually have well formulated thoughts over is persona 4.. i wrote a long ass essay type thing that id honestly like to rewrite now that my thoughts are more solidified on this but, tl;dr… :
kanji isnt gay and naoto isnt trans. kanji’s story is about accepting that hes got feminine traits and learning to stop internalizing what everyone says about him to be true. naoto’s is about accepting that she is a girl, and she IS everything that people look down on her for, and learning to stop rejecting herself just so she isnt disrespected and dismissed by others.
kanji isnt gay and naoto isnt trans, but they should have been. being queer is very obviously a theme in their stories, and without looking deeper into the characters and their arcs, on the surface level, the story is saying that they’re learning to accept that they ARENT queer. which is pretty clearly homophobic and transphobic.
the entire game is about accepting yourself for who you truly are. for the character that is EXPLICITLY stated to be gay and for the character who EXPLICITLY lives socially as a male despite being born a girl to both have their true selves actually be “normal” is… counterintuitive. while it does fit within the theme of accepting yourself, it’s saying to accept yourself as “normal” and “correct”, not as someone who doesnt fit into societal norms. it undermines the idea of being true to yourself. it’s SO close to being a great message that anyone, no matter who they are, can relate to, but it singles out the unusuals, the people who really need to hear that it’s ok to be whoever you are. i could go on and on about how it’s honestly impressive that the writers managed to miss the mark by such a small amount that it ends up completely undermining the entire thing, but it would be redundant (just like my use of the word ‘undermine’ within two run-on sentences..), and i want to take this back to my original point
the writers at atlus are very, very skilled. its amazing, i really really respect them. but at the same time, i think that their ability to write amazing characters and themes and weave them together into a universe with such inconsistent rules is exactly what makes this so infuriating. i KNOW they’re 100% capable of not being misogynistic in their portrayal of women, i KNOW they’re capable of not being homophobic, i KNOW they can take topics like misogyny and homophobia and transphobia and explore the reasoning behind why people are close minded and hateful, and how it affects people who are at the receiving end of the hatred.
but they dont, because either the writers themselves are prejudiced, or what i think is faaaarrr more likely, the executives think it’s too “risky” to talk about and criticize bigotry, and that they want it to be as palatable to everyone as possible. unfortunately that means no gay people, no trans people, no “controversial” minorities in general.. sure, we can have a few complex and well written women as a treat, but they either have to be fanservice or largely irrelevant to the rest of the plot.
no conclusion paragraph this isnt english class
thanks if u read my 11:00 pm hyperfocus fueled rant i am sending you joy and happiness and good things
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puhpandas · 2 months ago
me looking at all of the teaser video release dates vs the actual chapter release dates for dbd seeing they're usually around 20 days apart and that I'll have to wait a long time to get any info about it bc itll come out so late and close to official release
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shokupanda · 8 months ago
me when time moves forward at a steady pace: how the fuck is it more than halfway through july already. this fuckers rapidly sprinting when im not looking huh
#i have so many things i need to do#before the semester starts again this fall#i need to work on comms. i need to work on a project due the end of the month. i want to do artfight. i want to make art for myself. i want#to do art studies. i want to start an alt drawing more suggestive stuff. i mean what who said that mustve been the wind#and thats just the things related to drawing.#i need to organize my room. i need to learn [redacted]. i want to cook more. i want to socialize more. i want to play games. i want to-#watch and read and listen to so many things#yet i have a finite amount of time to do everything#and half of a day is consumed by me just snoozing#and when i do work on something i feel like im Not Efficient Enough.#i cant just chill in vcs i need to be productive and draw too. and if i dont make significant progress then I Have Failed.#i cant just watch New Season of Show. thats Time Focused on One Singular Activity. gotta do multiple things at once or ill feel bad after#because i know that once the semester starts back up then im gonna be 90% less online#back to the depths of graphic design hell making infographics and powerpoints and brand identities#not having the time to draw anything furry or for myself for several months#anywho its 5am#i should go to sleep#sorry for the ramble im just. only now realizing how little time i have#when i wake up i have to really lock in on drawing and stuff#ive wasted so much time playing a game this past week#if i hadnt played it idve made so much more progress by now and im kicking myself so bad mentally now that im like mostly done w the game#gahhh#anywho yeah sorry for the ramble ill post more soon#sho.scramblin
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guesst · 11 months ago
sometimes i think about sullivan and how his n iruma’s relationship progresses and what made him choose iruma. i mean it was probably something to do with delkira that made him pick iruma up but i also think about that comment he makes early on in the series, that the others in the 3 greats have grandkids and he doesnt and how hed love to have a grandkid. and how he sends iruma to babyls partly because thats what a proper caretaker is meant to do. and how at the beginning maybe hes playacting and thinking yes this is the boy i have brought over for unspecified reasons, My Grandson, and i am the Grandfather (yay!) but its only later on that The Grandson becomes Iruma Suzuki first and then Sullivan’s Grandson second. and then i get happy about it
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month ago
I hope the bloke who sat behind me during dinner had fun seeing me look at the same pic of rivals magneto on my phone for the past like forty minutes
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puhpandas · 6 months ago
thinking abt the ggy easter eggs rn
#im so ready for whateber theyre cooking#this is like the only era rn where the sw games arent interesting me rn im so ready to want to engage again#plz focus on ggy vanny gregory vanessa cassie and not cassie dad mapbot dying absent father doing nothintnfor the story#and a game based totally off of books instead of the other way around#i really hope SW games dont become super tftp oriented#as in they make games based off of books instead of the other way around#that would suck majorly#a ggy game would be new content based off of game lore that does exist for ggy and not the book#like patient 46 and his canonical mysterious past#plus everything the tapes said he did#it could be so good#i really want to just see like. any progression of the story#outside of very basic ideas like 'vanny cassie' that are probably going to happen but are so bare bones#theres not much you can think about#insyead of useless plots like cassies dad. sorry but its true if hes the hw2 story he does nothing#nothing that cassie couldnt have also done if shes the protag#i know that sotm has to happen before they can progress so im being patient#but man#i hope we get more stuff like ruin that has good linear on screen storytelling and is more character oriented#everybody liked ruin but not everyone likes sotm#when hw2 came out i saw soo many opinions not just by me and the moots or something but just#fans on twitter diehard or casual#that hated how hw2s story was handled#people actually want storytelling now at sb and ruins scale instead of old school barely comprehensible frustrating lore#thats what sotm feels like its leaning into and im not excited#i hope its a one time thing since its a good chance to do that#a game that already takes place in the og fnaf days#before it even#of course its a good idea to put old school easter eggs and characters and story and stuff of the og days#i just miss my guys :(
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screash · 1 year ago
What if Timeloop Branch…
Where they get so close to freeing everyone in the first movie, but they fail, and Branch wakes up in his bunker just to try again. And he does, over and over. But something keeps on going wrong and he doesn’t know what. So he keeps trying, even trying to stop it from happening entirely. But it doesn’t work. And something always goes wrong.
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icewindandboringhorror · 5 months ago
"We can get through this by working together, reach out to your friends, community is all we have, a social network will be your security in the world, now is the time to lean on others!"
I do agree, and it's scientifically sound (pretty sure there is data about how people with better social networks live longer and etc) but also....augh..... what about the severe social issues, difficulty to leave the house, physical issues which lead to like zero socialization energy a majority of the time, etc. etc. Social support can be a replacement for structural support, but.. I guess I just wish it didn't have to be. Community is extremely difficult to build, even moreso if you're someone who has issues with social cues or group conversations or even just being around others in the first place. And blah, nuance, of course I'm just complaining or maybe being too negative or maybe misunderstanding, but, I hardly have the energy to brush my hair once every 2 months.. how am I supposed to maintain a wide social network and be active in a Community and Join Groups lol... sometimes it kind of feels like "er.. well if thats my only option then...... ruh roh". It's overwhelming
#Kind of like some post I saw a long time ago talking about how even the meanest shittiest most difficult to get along with#elderly people or whaever still deserve to have some sort of systems in place to support them so they're not just relying on the#grace of relatives or etc. who may not be able to deal with them. Not saying that I'm like mean and cruel or anything#but the fact of the matter is in most social situations either I am compromising or the other person is. Not in like an ~`ouuu im so weirdd#nobody willever understand my quirky swagg hee heee~' way but like a.. Just factually the things that make me happy and comfortable#are often incompatible with people. The way I communicate and process things is different from the way other people do and that#is always a barrier. I cannot have ''easy''' interactions. Even with 'understanding' people there is nearly always a significant#amount of effort. You can't walk into a group of people and then be like ''okay you guys all have to wear#masks and you also cant play music too loud and also we should communicate turns of speaking very clearly so group conversations#arent too stressful. and also i need this and that and we have to do this and that and '' etc. etc. You CAN. And some people will#go along with that. but they will ALWAYS secretly resent you for it. You will be the one person they're relieved to not have to be around.#theyre glad when you dont show up since they can go back to doing things however they want and not masking and all these boring#annoying things. OR you can say none of that and just deal with the loud music and the talking and the unmasked people. but then#YOU'RE compromising. and no matter how nice they are it's exhausting to be around and youre just further alienated#while in the presence of people and uncofmrtoabel the whole time.#Which I'm not saying the only form of community is a group setting specificially but just giving that as an example lol#I just wish there were a better option than ''well learn to socialize normally or just suffer then'' . Which I know is not what people are#saying. I guess I just always feel a bit scared when 'community is the answer'. Since its not like 'oh im just socially anxious and need to#get out of my shell~!' or something thats really that remedy-able. It's like.. my mostly unchangeable physical health issues combined#with the mostly unchangable literal way that my brain processes sensory informationand other things means that interacting with#others in a normal and easy way is incredibly difficult and often exhausting especially to maintain in any longform fashion. So then#when it's like ''the answer to staying safe is to maintain longform social connections!! :3 just reach out!!'' then.. ermm... O_O#also I'm not even one of the cutesy shy emotional hermits that's nervous. I'm the Bad Stereotype emotionless robotic cold seeming#looms in the corner of the room type of thing so people have less pity on you in that way. -_- ANYWAY gghj#I need like.. a designated social representative or something.. When I did work in that bookshop forever ago they gave me a#person who basically was just with me to help communicate with others on my behalf and supervise me and stuff. I need that.. Some#more extraverted person I can latch onto and they can maintain the Social Support Network for me and I can just be their +1 to all#of the Social Things and community. I have helpful skills I can contribute to other people and stuff it's just like.. I cant socialize lol#I cook food or something for you.. then you keep me in contact with Community.. a deal. (but then what about when I'm too sick to#contribute? as is often the case. there's not much place for people like me in communities sometimes i fear.. sigh.) ***
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discjude · 11 months ago
Hi prequel community. If I said that I think the reason why there were only two prequels compared to the three that the other parts of the series got (3 TSY books and 3 TCY books) AND the reasons why Rhian's eye colour changes miraculously from Rise to Fall from green to blue (I think he's described as having green eyes in Rise? someone might have to correlate me on that) is because in Rise he's supposed to parallel TSY Sophie (green eyes, doubtfully good, multiple boyfriends) and then in Fall he's supposed to parallel Japeth (blue eyes, fratricidal, insane, gets cool one liners) how would you react to that
#the brackets make this unreadable im so sorry#but like you've got to hear me out on this right. right.#im cooking something I dont know what it is but its being cooked#the downsides ive spotted here is that I don't know if Rafal goes from TSY Agatha --> TCY Rhian that is a problem#but I might've just not spotted it#there's def some rhian sader in rafal cause of the whole “idc if you're evil and I'm the One (true king) we can still rule together”#and the whole Getting Murdered#I didn't pick up much of Agatha in him in Fall but the Sophie parallel was DEFINITELY there for Rhian#and “the One” being introduced as a parallel to “the One True King” makes way too much sense#this is also a convenient explanation for the wrong eye colours (though that also doesn't apply to Agatha. applies well to TCY twins though#is “cool one liners” solely a japeth trait? no. did he get the best ones? absoLUTELY. “welcome to hell then” okayyyyy go off#submitting this for peer review#there's so many little observations I have about prequels that I don't want to make full posts about#for example how the school masters' colours in the movie are the rise + fall ones#but whatever#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#fotsge#rotsge#sge prequels#japethposting#if anyone spots any more parallels that I missed pleaaaassseeee tell me I need to build a case file for this#rafal mistral#rhian mistral#oh also this was accidentally inspired by a wisteriaum post so thank you 4 that#MORE TAGS oh my god sorry I just remembered that Rhian gets described as serpentine/snakey a LOT in Fall that's def something
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gargelyfloof118 · 1 year ago
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Have you seen a double yolk boiled egg?
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batcavescolony · 1 year ago
comic writers are in the comic business so you'd assume they've...You know, read comics. but from what I see they don't do that apparently.
#they cant keep continuity and its kinda annoying. its litterly your job? imagine going to a restaurant and the chef did know any of the#recipes. they were just winging it. you order a steak and they give you a hamburger. you order mashed potatoes they give you cauliflower.#you'd be pissed. or the chef just hates their job and doesn't care so people are getting under cooked chicken and raw vegetables.#why would you write for a character you dont like or know anything about? would it be so hard to summarize each character?#like make a character sheet so eveyone gets the general idea and highlights of said character. or have a list of rules heros cant break?#its just annoying. its your job to write these characters and you cant do it? i get if you dont lie them but you still have to do it#its part of the job. do you think chefs like doing every part of their jobs? NO but its something thats got to be done.#comics#dc comics#marvel comics#marvel#xmen#the avengers#justice league of america#superman#batman#spiderman#iron man#whats your least favorite instance of writers just not understanding the characters they're writing#mines yj dark crisis. just say you dont like 90s comics you dont have to ruin it for those of us who did like it.#red hood#hea got alot. he wasnt a bad robin he was just hated because people didn't like that he was a copy of dick and then poor.#robin#jason todd#young avengers#comic#comic books#to like comics means you gotta ignore some comics because they're BULL SHIT
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