#thank you for the doodle again kris!!
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anbaisai · 7 months ago
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A continuation of this post by @skriblee-ksk, in which Kalmia is left to ponder for the rest of class what Mayu meant...
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vacantfields · 1 year ago
Silly Time
SO UH i finished it (: teehee
be kind as always as i was just having fun with it!! thank you for the love on the snippet of this... i hope you guys enjoy this silly thing!! Happy new year from me!!
[1,178 words]
It was another sunny day in the Daycare. Kids were playing and screaming in delight as they ran around.
Sun was sitting with some quieter kids at the small table, where they all drew on some colored paper with crayons. He, too, was drawing along with them. It looked rather comical as he sat there, his legs bent like a frog would sit, and in his hand a tiny crayon as he doodled on the blue piece of paper he had gotten. Sun was enjoying his day until a tiny voice spoke up at the table.
"Uhm... Mister Sun?"
Sun looked up from his drawing, his faceplate doing a silly little spin and his grin soft. 
"Yes, little star Kris?" 
The little girl looked down at the crayon in her tiny hand before speaking again. "I was... Wondering if you knew why Mister Moon calls the nice security guard, who comes here sometimes, for Love."
Sun trained his barely moving expression to remain still, though inside, he was shocked by this new knowledge. "Oh? Moon calls them for Love?" He tried to poke Moon's AI in his headspace, but the other remained quiet. Sun and Moon were able to communicate through their shared headspace, but the other AI moved away from Sun's poking, making him scoff internally.
"Yeah... I was just wondering because my mom and dad call each other that." Little Kris continued before going back to doodling as little kids do when they lose interest in getting an answer.
Which fit Sun fine as his inner workings were reeling, his fans kicking in. Moon had never mentioned that he was hanging out with a night guard, and especially not this one.
Sun could usually peek through Moon's eyes and be present when Moon was in control, but lately, the other AI had closed the connection, and at first, Sun thought maybe Moon just needed alone time, which was, of course, fine! But it seems there were other things at play. 
But Sun couldn't ask Moon about this right now. He was working and busy as he was an excellent daycare attendant. He thought so himself, at least.
Luckily for Sun, the kids got picked up earlier today, and he decided that as soon as he had cleaned, he would poke his other half until he responded. 
As Sun swept the floors and cleaned the surfaces, he heard the doors open, and the Security guard came in. The animatronic scattered to the playground to hide as he often did when this guard came around. It was not that he hated this security guard or anything. He and Moon didn't trust any of the adults. But for Moon, that might have changed.
"Hello? Moon?"
Sun was in one of the play castles, quiet as he hid in the small tower, checking his internal clock. It was indeed time for Moon to come out, and Sun could feel the other stir.
The sunny animatronic kept his white eyes on the security guard, hiding behind the castle doorway as he spoke internally. 
"Oh! So now you respond to me." Sun grumbled.
"... I just woke up," Moon mumbled back in reply.
"And?! Moonie, what is this about you calling THIS security guard for 'Love'??!" 
Moon groaned in the headspace. "You said you didn't like them, and I wanted to see them for myself and quickly found out you're being a dumbass."
Sun squawked in their shared space. "ME?? A DUMBASS? Moonie! The adults are not nice to us ever. I mean, you even told me you hate all the night guards and the security guards!"
Sun could feel Moon rolling his eyes. "This one's different. Let me out. They're calling for me still."
"... What the hell do you mean 'Nuh-uh'??" Moon growled.
"Moon? It's time to do the rounds!" The short guard called out into the empty Daycare, then removed their hat to scratch their head. "Moon? It's okay if you don't want to! Uh..."
Sun kept his eyes trained on the guard from his hiding spot. 
Moon continued. "Sun! Let me out!"
"I can't believe you trust them to do those security rounds with you! They're small! weak!"
Moon scoffed. "They're nice! Now let me out!"
Sun hummed and then replied, "No."
"NO?! SUN!"
The Sunny animatronic then shut the other AI out, dooming Moon to sit back and watch as he moved down from the play castle and over to the security guard. 
"Hi, Friend!" Sun said with a bright smile.
The security guard jumped in surprise and dropped their hat. "oh! Hi Sun!" they stuttered and bent down to pick the hat up. "I was wondering why the lights were still on..." They mumbled to themself.
Sun frowned, and Moon broke through. "You have never been kind to them, you wannabe jester." Sun gaped internally. Oh, how he wished he could punch his other half.
"Well! Sunshine. I got the task of cleaning the Daycare, and it took a bit longer than I thought," Sun said with a smile, but it faltered when he heard Moon's deep chuckle in the back of their shared headspace.
The guard looked at Sun with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. 
Sun then realized he had given the security guard, he had avoided at all costs, a nickname, an endearing one as well. "Oh."
"Uhm... Well, if Moon isn't active, can you tell him to come find me once you're done?" The guard- ["-Sunshine." Moon supplied with a smirk in this tone.] 
Sun groaned lightly, running a hand down his faceplate before smiling at the guard. "Or we could go together?" 
Moon growled in the back of his head. "You cannot take my time! Sun! Go turn off the lights. Now."
Sunshine, the guard, looked shocked; it looked like this was so out of pocket for Sun to suggest. "Oh!... Are you able to leave the Daycare?" They curiously asked.
Sun hummed. "Yes, of course! If Moon can leave, why shouldn't I also be able?" he asked with a spin of his faceplate, causing Sunshine to let out a flustered giggle.
"True... Well, alright, if Moon doesn't mind," They said with a smile. Sun smiled sweetly as he heard Moon complain angrily, wandering around in their headspace. "He doesn't mind at all, Sunshine! It will be good for us to get to know each other!" He held his hand out to them, which they grabbed with a shy smile. 
"Ooooo, when I get you, Sun." Moon hissed quietly in their shared head, to which the sunny side of the animatronic let out a quiet chuckle before looking down at Sunshine and guiding them to the massive doors at the entrance to the Daycare.
The two left the Daycare hand in hand to do security rounds. Maybe Moon was right about this one, Sun thought as he glanced down at the guard as they walked together. 
This time it was different.
Not that Sun ever wanted to give Moon right, but perhaps he could let this guard close to them.
Just this one time.
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akanemnon · 1 year ago
Thanks for retweeting my silly doodles, especially since I am dumb enough to not know how to send images via asks. Gotta say, Human depression arc aside I'm surprised Kris isn't using the camera feature on his phone since the Underground would probably make for a great entry into the School Project.... and he probably could take a photo for Noelle's eyes only as a present, since I'm sure she'd cry if presented with a picture of her child self and Dess playing in the snow
They. But I'm pretty sure you can chalk it up to Kris simply being too preoccupied with this new situation. Alternate dimensions, gaining control again and comforting small children is a lot to handle for an angsty teen.
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amugoffandoms · 2 months ago
My goodness, this is going to be late, but I'd like to thank everyone I've spent my time with this year.
I feel bad if I don't mention anyone, so I'll try to include everyone!
Tumblr hates my ass and deleted everything i wrote at some point so fyck you.
To all the servers I'm in:
You are one of the most chaotic fucking groups I've been a part, but I appreciate everyone of you for indulging my goofiness and cheering me on with any of my little stuff. Thank you for playing with me and chilling in call, even if I fall asleep.
Beans, Kyanako, Lee, Melody, Kris, Milk, Faye, Waivy, Yara, and many more!!
Thank you for all the calls we've had, playing games or chatting it up until it's late at night. I promise not to torture you all with another game again ^-^. (Or not. Let's find out next year. Until then!) Thank you for also indulging my insanity, I love spending time hanging with you all and talking about the woes of creative hobbies.
Gunsli, Goat, Nott, Felix, and more!!
Thank you for letting me discuss MILGRAM with you all and going analytical 9000 over the MVs. I adore and love all the analysis I read (even if i forget them lol). You all are very chill and I appreciate just being able to pop in every so often to relax.
To Yuri Band:
Lee, Sandy, Luna, Rat, Maiyu:
We gotta get back together, trust! Yuri Band Comeback 2025. No, but seriously, thank you all for helping me survive my horrific jet lag and letting us chill in silence while we create the funniest stories and doodle. I also appreciate the shenanigans we get up to. Cough yuri letters cough who said tha
To my Tumblr mutuals:
This is me when you guys wanna talk -> 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
I'm so shit at responding to tag games but I do look, I promise.
I will always make time for you all, trust. Please blast me with your creativity, ocgrams, art, writing pieces, i will always explode over them.
I fucking LOVE seeing you all my dash, hi hi to you guys ^^^^^
Let's suffer through the MILGRAM hiatus and many more together.
To MUGRAM fans:
I haven't forgotten about you guys.
I'm sorry the hiatus has taken longer than I promised, but it's the year you push for your best in school and that means I cry mys— I work on all my stuff and don't wanna do anything except quietly do nothing when I get home.
MUGRAM has popped up in my mind recently and I'm planning on throwing together character playlists. I'm also going to try to work on that stupid damn document I'm sending it to hell right now.
Thank you.
Seriously, thank you. You guys are amazing. I've spent an amazing year on Tumblr and I hope for a better one next year.
See you all soon!
also teaser for my stupid fucking pr9jrct that took too fuxking long to edit i hate capcut I hope it dies
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year ago
(Junglecorpse, 1.4k ish. In my defense, and I know I say this a lot but it's actually true this time, I am very legitimately going through a lot right now, and I don't know if my therapist would approve of this method of self-soothing or no, BUT whatever, Junglecorpse is one of the few pairings that activates my "MUST HAVE FLUFF NOW" toggles when normally I avoid fluff like the plague. I wrote this snippet a few months back or so for Vamp via chat and expanded it today for Myself™️ so I'm posting it here so I can save it on the masterlist. You do not have to read this.)
“Do you think Tony’s gonna lose his mind and create a new pay-per-view every week?” Jack asks, while thumbing up through his Twitter feed somewhat absently. He’s only got his right hand, as Darby has stolen his left. Darby’s got one of his ink pens, the felt-tipped kind he uses to doodle sometimes, and the brush of the tip against the skin on the back of Jack’s hand is calming. Sometimes Jack ends up with skulls littering his knuckles, other times with swoops and flourishes; mostly, he just lets Darby do his thing. It’s familiar.
“Seems like a bad business model,” Darby replies. His head is bowed, chin turned down as he works. Last week, Jack went out to lunch with his sister with a stylized skateboard heading up against the bump in his wrist bone, and she’d laughed for about three minutes straight.
Jack snorts a little, still scrolling. Doom-scrolling, really, though he’ll never admit that to his therapist. “Yeah, people are gonna stop paying if all they ever see is Hanger and Swerve stapling each other’s chests every single month, over and over again.”
“You may be greatly underestimating the public interest in that.” Darby laughs.
“Oh.” Jack frowns at the back glow, squinting a little. “Shit, yeah, you’re right. Man. Should I start up a homoerotic feud with somebody with the sole goal of getting some really violent death matches?”
“Please don’t let anyone else staple your chest,” Darby says, a bit muffled. The brush pen curls along Jack’s skin.
“Anyone else? Whoa, buddy, stapling me was not on the to-do list for this week.”
Darby snorts. “I like you in one piece, thanks. And I’m not a big fan of watching you bleed all over the mats.”
“Oh, sure, but I have to watch you toss yourself spine first off the posts every Wednesday,” Jack says. He taps the screen again with his thumb, pulling down. Something something official AEW twitter, five clips from the last show, and Stokely buying another celebrity Cameo to woo Kris Statlander. Actually, that one’s pretty funny. He got Barack Obama to do it. Jack didn’t even know Obama had a Cameo.
The brush tip swirls, then taps a few times. “Aw. You gettin’ anxious over me?”
“Well, if you die, who’s going to keep my feet warm at night?”
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to tell you: wear socks. Your feet are fucking freezing.”
Jack huffs out another laugh. The Obama cameo was hilarious. Stokely deserves managing her at this point. “I don’t need socks, I have your legs.”
“Dick,” Darby grumbles.
“But back to this pay-per-view thing. This is a lot of matches. Having even more on Sunday, every month, feels kind of overwhelming. Like, I need to have the roofing guy come look at my place? And I can’t schedule it because Tony keeps creating new shows.”
“Mm.” Another swoop of the brush, then some lines. Jack glides through an update from Prince Nana that reads truly bizarre, a reblog from Bowens that reads genuinely excited, and a post from Danhausen that’s mostly nonsense ending with ‘you’re cursed.’ “Maybe next week. Your shingles? Or the gutters? I don’t think I remember you talking about any other issues.”
“Just the shingles. After that last wind storm, I think a few came off, and now I’m worried the whole damn thing will come down around me one night.”
Darby huffs out a laugh, but the doodling ministrations on the back of Jack’s hand don’t pause. “I think you’d get a bit of a heads up before that happens.”
“Only if someone is physically there to yell ‘heads up’ at all times,” Jack jokes. Another tweet from the official AEW account, and then a reblog. Sammy posted. Ricky posted. Sammy tweeted at Ricky with a bunch of capslock, Ricky quote-retweeted with a gif of a dancing middle finger, and Jack skips all of that. Let them argue on main if they want to. Sammy’s just gonna try to fall on Ricky from the scaffolding again.
“I’ll do it.”
The drawing on the back of his hand stops. “Oh, yeah?” Jack smiles. “Are you volunteering to always…” He looks down at the doodles on his skin, and freezes.
Adorning his knuckles are a series of curves, vine-like, that curl up towards his ring finger where they create a solid horizontal line, and in the middle of his hand, somewhat shaky, given they were written upside down to be read from Jack’s direction, blocky letters spell WILL YOU MARRY ME.
Jack’s chest constricts. He can’t breathe. With his heart roaring against his ears, he whips his gaze up to stare at Darby, whose expression is maddeningly neutral. “Darby. What the fuck?”
“Okay, that’s… a response,” Darby says, with the tiniest of shrugs and a pinch to his lips. “Think it’s pretty clear.”
“Are you… are you serious?”
“Yeah,” Darby replies, mouth quirking up at the corners. “Yeah, I am.”
“You…” Jack’s tongue is ungainly, swollen. “Oh my god.”
“I’m not hearing an answer.”
“But… why would you…”
Darby drops his eyes, dragging his thumb over the topmost part of his impromptu design in a caress, and his smile never really diminishes. “Jack, what did you think this was? What did you think this was going to be? I don’t do things in halves, I told you that from the get-go. You know me. It’s you and me, and that’s what I want. Forever.”
“Are… are you sure?” Jack’s gonna choke on everything bubbling up from his chest.
Darby’s eyes slide back up. They reflect the lamplight, bright shiny starbursts. “Yeah, Jack, I’m really fucking sure. And if you don’t—”
Darby pauses, tongue slipping out to press into the corner of his mouth. “Yes?”
“Yes.” Jack laughs, the sound bubbling up through his throat. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
“Holy shit.” Darby’s smile widens, impossibly stretched. “Holy shit. Really?”
Jack grabs for Darby’s face, clutching the sides of his head. He mashes their mouths together with way too much force, but he can’t stop it, because the rattling in his veins has started to sing. Then he pulls away. “You asked, you absolute loon, how did you not expect an answer? Yes, really. Really.”
And then he’s not really sure of much other than the fact that they’re both laughing, euphoric, and Jack doesn’t care about the roof anymore, or the idea of someone stapling his chest, because all that really pales in comparison to everything else, and he thinks ah, that’s exactly how it should be.
His brain starts to catch up with reality, sluggish. “Where are we gonna live? My place, or your place? This is opposite sides of the country, you know. Oh, wow. We’re gonna have to file taxes together.”
Darby laughs, features pulled incredulous. “What?”
“Should we hyphenate our last names?” Jack’s eyes track over Darby’s face: blue, blue, blue, his eyes are so blue. Should they have blue in their wedding? Should they have a wedding? “Should we hyphenate them in the ring? Wait, I have to go to the grocery store today, and I don’t want to wash this off my hand. Should I take a photo? Or wear a glove? Am I gonna look like Michael Jackson?”
“Jack,” Darby laughs again, high and bright. “Darling. Light of my life. You’re such a fucking idiot.”
“I’m seventeen steps ahead again, aren’t I.”
Darby grabs his face between his palms. “Yes. Yes, you are. Honestly, I don’t know where we’re gonna live. We’ll probably just keep both places. Yes, we’re gonna have to file taxes together. No, I don’t know if we’ll hyphenate our names; I really don’t give a shit. Yes, you can take a photo. No, you will never look like Michael Jackson.”
“You don’t have an opinion about our names?” Jack asks.
Darby hauls him closer, until their noses touch. He’s smiling, smiling, and Jack’s smiling, the expression too wide and aching on his face. “Jack, I don’t fucking care. I just want to be with you and your stupidly cold feet.”
“Does this proposal come with the condition that I have to buy some socks?”
“Don’t you even dare,” Darby replies, his thumb gliding along Jack’s cheek a little. “You’re gonna shove your feet between my legs in the middle of the night and jolt me awake like you always do, and I’m gonna fuckin’ love it, every damn time.”
“Oh my god, you’re such a sap,” Jack says.
“Get to used to that, ‘cause you’re gonna be legally stuck with me after this.”
“Awesome,” Jack breathes, and kisses him again.
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shrimplymoray · 1 year ago
Hello, person whom i may or may not share a home with, it is i, simply the most guy of guys, i would like to request a simple oc (u know who) x Rook Hunt, where, possibly, Rook finds out that he has been the muse of a certain someone, if u cant or dont want to write thats ok too, drinks lots of water btw xoxo
--ur best bud ¬u¬
Ehehehe KrisRook content my beloved òwó I got u covered bro (btw sorry i wrote Kris name wrong on the other post, i forgro to change it, i'll do it after i post this teehee)
Rook Hunt x Kristoffer Hartdagger - aMUSEing
Normally the Arts and Crafts club is a silent place, with only some ambient songs from the club's collab playlist as a company to the artists all in their zone. Today started no different, the club president presenting them today with a simple mindless doodle session before them getting into the more ellaborate club activities. Kris stayed very much in his zone as always, being the softspoken and shy boy he is. on his normal seat, with a sketchbook and some colored lead eraseable pencils, he doodled. Except everyone around noticed how he would sigh and stare at his doodles. The truth is, for a while Hartdagger had been in love. He just never opened up with anyone but his bestfriend Moira about it. "Ah~Monsieur Spotted, I see you're on art duties. Beuté!" "AHHH!" Kris was close to throwing the sketchbook up in the air in fear from the oh so common voice he grew to love. Rook Hunt seemed to be observind the club... again. "ROOK! GO AWAY! SHOO SHOO!" The club leader tried shooing the man away, but to no avail. he made his seat next to Kris, looking politely at the club president. "Ah, monsieur artiste, I can guarantee I will behave according club rules during my stay, you have not to worry!" "I-I... Sir, I can keep an eye on him... I-if you want it, that is,, i'm not forcing it in aniway i'm sorry if i seem like-" "Keep him from touching anything and it's all good Kris, if he gives you trouble i'll just call the headmage." "Right. Okay. sorry..." during the small conversation, Kris failed to observe Rook's head getting closer and closer to his space, until he could quite literally feel the brim of his hat touch his forehead. "My, my... I knew you liked to draw people, Monsieur Spotted, but never thought i would be a form of inspiration for you. Such magnificence, so much attention to the details." "Eep! You were... you... were staring at my doodles?!" Kris hugged the book to his chest "don't mind it! really!" "Why, it is a beautiful! If you ever are in need of a muse, I will be happy to provide! La chasseur d'amour will always provide the inspirations to seek the beauty in all!" While others only groaned, Kriss mumbled something under his breath. It seemed almost unaudible, but to a pair of trained hunter's ears, it was as clear as day: "you already are my muse" Rook kept his composure, but of course, the hunter had the affirmation of the prey, and now he is ready to get it for himself. "Perhaps you would enjoy a posing session later on Pomefiore?" Kris stared at Rook, face already flushes since the moment Rook invaded the boy's personal space, but he didn't have in him to deny, so he slowly nodded. Rook was going to say something, when he heard the common call of Vil for his Vice Housewarden's aid. Rook smiled sweetly before stooding up "It seems Roi du Poison is in need of my hunting skills, but fret not, for I'll come back at when the meeting ends! Trés Bien!" As soon as Rook left, and everyoned seemed more at ease, the president went to Kris "Hey... Thanks for the help but..." "Yes, sir?" "Do you know how does he know when the meetings end when we have it end in different times each day?" Rook Hunt things, were all everyone could assume.
Hope u like it! I never wrote Rook and I saw almost nothing of him yet so I'm getting used to him still!
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katyspersonal · 1 year ago
ask: Tell me about your day!🌞🌙
Well.... It was a lucky one since it was Sunday, so I could actually have a rest I need, since I am very sick. But yeah basically
- I woke up at ~10 AM and checked the Lore Council group chat, in which @heraldofcrow said something I disagreed with, so we started yelling at each other about BB lore and theories in all caps with Fantomette joining in too, only to like 30 minutes later for Crow to finally remember THE core detail that did a full deal-breaker and proven that MY idea was right dfhdshgf After that, I went back to bed!
- I woke up again around 3 PM, doodled for like 2 minutes before giving up because of a headache, answered some messages, checked memes, answered an ask from @fantomette22 ....
- I doodled more and none of it was finished, but by 8 PM I realized that both Val and Kris were online, and Kris has been doing a very creative and cool DnD with some other people for a while... They kept dropping things from that one, until I exploded and demanded that they share ENTIRE lore of it, so I could finally understand what the HEC they were talking about dfsjhfhd. I can't read anything that isn't Soulsb0rne-related with my focus issues, so this is done via VC. So! Me, Kris and Val had a VC until 1 AM. Yes, it is already tomorrow here xd Thankfully, my throat was no longer too sore to speak to the moment us three were all online, that's why I was able to VC! It was sooooooo interesting, holy shit. I really hope some of their concepts will see the public and not just be lost within the small DnD group.
- Now it is 3 AM, and I've been writing down my headcanons on beasts in a previous post xd
So yeah, this Sunday was very lazy + I am soooooo dead at today's work shift lol xd I should probably go to bed NOW, but thank you for the ask!
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kinterest · 1 year ago
also, i know i have yet to post any of my own art on here, but i (mod ✨) take commissions if you would like a more complex piece than the doodles i offer! you can dm us and one of us can give you more details if youd like ^w^
hi! hoping to run a kin+fictive request blog, or whatever theyre called! basically, send in requests about characters you kin, characters you have/are fictives of, or even just if you like the character! we dont mind!
you can send in any requests reasonable of a blog like this, however i cant promise anything! and if it isnt on the list below please explain it to me because we may not know what exactly youre talking about! thank you!
i can definitely make moodboards, name ideas, pronoun ideas, and positivity posts (the more detail the better for all of those!), and if were feeling well, doodles! (again, be as detailed as you like!) those may take a bit longer/be rejected dependent on circumstances though! ^^; as for canon calls you can send in an ask of what you want posted and we will post the ask for you!
ALSO as for what im willing to make stuff for, uh nothing is off the table right now but i am familiar with deltarune/undertale and fnaf the best! but you can request anything! (when it comes to aus you may have to be quite specific as there are a lot!!) ((also, problematic sources/fandoms/media are fine! depending on the nature of the media in question, certain tags may be applied for the safety of anyone interested in looking into that media for whatever reason (ie warnings for the source having gore, murder, poor taste portrayals of plurality, nsfw content, incest, anything i can think of that may be triggering. or anything someone asks to be tagged! we may not be familiar with the media and so we wont be able to cover everything ourselves!) feel free to ask us to tag something if you feel its needed! /genuine))
blog is run by two headmates from a system, (kris and stars) dont drag us into syscourse we are not here for that. systems+plural folk of any origin are welcome here! as are non-systems! this place is for everyone! (but please, singlets/non-systems, be mindful that fictives/introjects/etc are NOT roleplaying, we are real people!)
introductions, kris is a fictive from deltarune, as am i! i am an oc-esque version of the player within the world of deltarune however. (please, if you have issues with it, i ask that you keep it to yourself and be nice.) you can ask us stuff but both our memories are a lil wonky sometimes! but we are open to talking! (well, i am, kris doesnt front much but is okay with me sharing what i know!)
pfp credit: shiresmthn, edited by mod ✨
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prezs · 4 years ago
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super honored to get to do a commission for my friend @belhr of blue and green from spe!! they’re on a date in kalos and having an absolutely wonderful time ^_^ thank you so, so, much again for commissioning me, i hope you enjoy!
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archivedart001 · 5 years ago
!!! ISSY HELLO! And yes, it was I! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! That makes me so so happy, thank you! I really appreciate it (and you!💕)
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zombvibes · 3 years ago
I dunno if these would qualify as cute buuuut :
1. Just like the original Susie, tms!Berdly has a tail that he hides under his jacket and is embarrassed about. (And yes…it wags. Much to his dismay.)
2. tms!Susie’s main love language is touch! She’s a very touchy person with her loved ones. And by touchy I mean holding hands, cuddling, and tackle hugging people like a quarterback. Which is actually what she did to Ralsei when Kris and her met up with him agains in the beginning of chapter 2. The latter is a huge hit with some people (Like Ralsei) and not really a huge hit with others (Like with Noelle and Berdly, examples shown below) (Well I mean they like it but get embarrassed about it. Ok well Noelle does and Berdly has very mixed feeling about it alfhjahkdal)
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Though because of Kris and tms!Susie’s history, Susie tries not to hug Kris like that (like shown before in chapter 1 with Asgore, they’re not really a fan of those kinds of hugs).
3. Susie gets embarrassed easily and just…blushes a lot in general (which is why she has a lot of blush sprites honestly—)
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4. This isn’t really a fact or whatever just look at Susie’s tail please and thank you
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5. This is canon
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6. This… (this was for the post spamton neo fight dialogue, though this is outdated I thought I should share it anyways)
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7. tms!Susie tends to scribble noelle’s name with hearts and doodle in her notes (because she’s gay or something I dunno)
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There’s definitely more but I don’t wanna make a huge post that’s just me saying “I love tms!Susie she’s great and amazing and I love writing and drawing her” so I’ll stop here
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fluffytriceratops · 3 years ago
I feel like Raph would be a bit insecure about his spikes and size when it came to his s/o, especially during cuddling moments because he wouldn’t want to accidentally harm them. (He’s such a sweetie) but I also feel like he’d be really nice to cuddle with. He really is a giant teddy bear.
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Enjoy this doodle and lil imagine of Kris x Raph. <3
Also! This is my first time writing about the Rise iteration, so I apologize in advance if it's a little ooc. I tried lol.
Tags: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @raphielover @raphslovemuffin80 @doctorelleth @tmntspidergirl @jurikyu-blog
(If you want to be tagged in my future TMNT related work, feel free to let me know and I’ll happily add you!)
It was her smile that drew him to her, but it was her laugh that stole his heart. 
He had been having a shitty day. Nothing was going the way he wanted it to, his brothers weren't listening to him, Master Splinter whooped their asses in training, and he didn't get a decent nights sleep thanks to an awful patrol the night before. To say that Raphael was in a bit of a bad mood was an understatement. So he scowled to himself as he poured a glass of lemonade, heating some leftover pizza in the microwave. And that's when he heard a wonderfully melodic sound. 
Kristina was laughing. It was a genuine, heart throbbing burst of giggles. The kind where you're laughing so hard that you can't breathe, and your stomach aches from the force of the chortles. The kind where your eyes sting with tears, and you end up having to brace yourself on something because if you don't you're sure to fall over. (That something turned out to be Donatello, who caught the brunette in surprise as she stumbled into him-) Soft snorts managed to slip out of the female, and she slapped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment. 
Raph was starring at her, eyes wide, mouth agape, lemonade spilling over the brim of his glass and onto the floor. Completely entranced with the merry sound. Kristina had mentioned before that she hated her laugh, it was one of her insecurities. But Raphael loved it. He thought she was utterly adorable. And every time he managed to make her laugh, he counted it as a victory. It didn't even matter that it was Donnie who had squeezed the sound out of her. Normally he might be a bit jealous, but in this moment, he didn't care. It was like all his anger and tension had disappeared without a trace and all he was left with was the heavy pounding of his heart. And the blush spreading on his face. 
"Awe, looks like someone has a crush~" Leonardo purred, chin resting in the palm of his hand as he smirked towards his brother tauntingly. Raphael snapped out of his trance and immediately stopped pouring lemonade. His face grew even hotter and he quickly turned and placed the jug on the counter. Large hands fumbling with a paper towel roll as he tried to clean up the mess he made. 
"D-Don't be ridiculous! Kristina is my best friend is all." He brushed it off, refusing to think more than that. 
"Riiight- and that's why you've been starring at her for the past few minutes-" Raph slipped and fell to the floor, paper towels going everywhere, the roll hitting him in the head and rolling across the floor. Leo bit his lip in a poor attempt to control his laughter, watching as his big brother pouted. Truth be told he looked like a little kid who had just been scolded. 
Leo walked over and bent down in front of him, lifting the paper towel that was draped over his head. "Ooh, you've got it bad." 
The next week, his brother's teased him relentlessly for liking Kristina. Something he continued to deny over and over again. By the end of the week it got so bad that they had started teasing him in front of her too.  Of course she was oblivious to this. Kristina tended to be a bit dense, she wasn't great with people or emotions, so certain things tended to fly right over her head. 
Raphael's face was pulled into a scowl as he entered the lair, his brother's trailing behind him. Another mission gone wrong. Another of his plans failed. Another patrol filled with the teasing comments from his younger brothers of his everlasting love for his female companion. At this point he was tired, sore, frustrated, and confused. 
"Man, that was rough." Mikey whined, rubbing his head tiredly. 
"Tell me about it. We got our asses whooped tonight." Leo added, mask hanging around his neck loosely as he trudged to his room. 
"Hey, anyone see Kristina?" Donnie glanced around, looking for the brunette who had stayed behind, opting to read in his lab instead of going home. The brother's shared a couple glances, all turning their gaze to Raph who had his back facing them. He had just finished chugging a bottle of water, oddly silent compared to normal. When he realized they were looking to him for answers, the big himbo sighed and turned to face them. "She probably just went home. I'll text her and see if she got there safely." He didn't allow room for further conversation as he left and made his way to his own room. 
Raphael pulled out his phone, the screen lighting up his face in the darkness of the lair. He was just about to hit send to the text he typed when a figure caught his eye. Turns out, he didn't need to text Kristina, cause she was right in front of him. Completely passed out on his bed. Her book was lying open on her chest, and she had a bit of drool dribbling down the corner of her mouth. She was curled up in one of his blankets, the sight nearly made him swoon. Raph's heart fluttered and he took in a shaky breath at the sight. Turning his phone off and placing it on a nearby table, he walked towards her as silently as possible.  Using a single finger, he pushed some of her long hair out of her face. Allowing his digit to linger against her soft, warm skin. Out of instinct, she nuzzled into his touch. His heart nearly shot out of his chest at that. Raph couldn't help but stare down at her in awe. She was so beautiful. He remembered the first time she had smiled at him. He was sure there wasn't a smile nearly as bright as hers. He loved everything about her. Even her faults and flaws. He just.. He loved her.
Oh fuck. Holy shit. He loved her. His brother's were right. HE LOVED HER! HE LOVED KRISTINA! His eyes watered at the realization and Raph couldn't help but smile. Without warning, a soft churr managed to escape him. And he winced at the sight of her pretty brown eyes squinting open. "Shit- Sorry, I didn't mean to wake ya." He whispered, face turning a lovely shade of red. Surely to put his mask to shame. Kristina only smiled at him, grabbing his hand as he started to pull it away. 
"S'okay. Come." She mumbled in her tired state, tugging on him in a silent plea to join her as she sat up to make room. Raphael's face only reddened more, and he stammered over his words. "I uh- I- I don't think-" 
"Please?" How could he say no to her soft brown eyes? With a curt nod, he lowered himself down onto his bed and allowed her to climb on top of him. It was a little awkward, but she made it eventually. Slowly, Kris lowered herself down and nuzzled into his neck. Just like before, a churr left him without warning. He was sure she could hear the erratic beating of his heart. 
"Kristina?" He whispered, wondering if she had fallen back asleep already. 
"Hmm?" She hummed in reply. 
Raph was hesitant with his next set of words. Wondering if he should even say what was running through his head right now. "I... I think I like you." 
She tilted her head back and peeked up at him. An adoring smile practically glued to her cute pout. "I think I like you too." 
In that moment Raph was certain, Kristina Lennox had taken his heart. And he'd be damned if he ever got it back. 
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karamell-sweetz · 3 years ago
hey i would love to hear you rant about the balance in utmv and why it sucks
kris you are my sole enabler. thank you.
short version: the balance doesn't make sense and is overused.
long version: below. might wanna strap in, i don't know how long it is...
⚠️ the following statements are all /lh and are not intended to offend anyone. to anyone currently writing/making something involving the balance, please keep going, i'm sure it'll be great! i'm just getting tired of seeing it over and over again (so i decided to start the revolution /j). ⚠️
❗️also, slight tw: slight mentions of sewer slide, slight mentions of body horror❗️
first of all, the whole fgod error thing is okay. it's a cute concept – actually, maybe all of the "error's broken and bleeding bones" and "error flung himself into the void to escape it all" is more disturbing than cute, but you get what i mean – and i will respect this. i'm pretty sure that 'healing what has been broken' was the pioneer for destructivedeath and errormare — and this i can acknowledge! i just want to let people know that i am getting tired of seeing the same thing over and over again... which is why i'm writing a rant.
my first gripe with the balance: it exists. the whole shtick with the balance is that it's a limitation of sorts, a rule of thumb for ink and error to follow when they're doing their little multiversal god things. now tell me: if the multiverse/doodle sphere is a representation of the creative activity of the entire fandom...... why does it have a maximum capacity anyway? technically, new things are being created every single second of every single day, so if they were to come into existence at the same time then i think error would be rendered immobile at this point, according to the lore of the fgod au.
it'd be like: "*clenches soul area* aw crap. ink's making another useless au again *drops onto the floor* aw crap and another one *writhes* why the heck are there so many aughhhhhhh"
this leads to my second gripe: in a lot of these kinds of fics it's shown that ink is the creator of all the universes.
now that's fine and dandy, but canonically ink doesn't create shit.
he's the multiversal protector, meaning that he just makes sure they don't die. it's not like he himself made the characters within them suffer (in fact i'm pretty sure he doesn't really care for the people anyway, so the existence of the council is just. clever but strange), that's our fault because we made the au, not him! so really if we want to make error suffer less then we're going to have to leave the fandom for absolute dead or sth,,,,, which at this point is sort of impossible. (personally, i have been stuck here for around five years now and i always come back no matter how hard i try to leave.)
oh and i know that he can make living things like gaster blasters and stuff, but he's still the multiversal protector so that shouldn't mean that he can make whole aus on the spot. and i also know that this is an au in itself, but this is sort of a really important detail i think? i hope nobody's sleeping on this.
a third, sort of minor gripe: the concept of sides is also really strangely handled. ink's little council thing is fun tbh but everyone's such a shallow bitch and it's frustrating (which is sort of the point ig but it's worse when that's how they're portrayed in EVERY. SINGLE. BALANCE. FIC.) and i know that there are insiders like blue and idk fresh ig...... but this isn't a spy mission? just communicate with the other side? nightmare's gang is the only redeemable thing about this au because their dynamics are so cute (and i'm a murder time trio + cross fan so i just think it's neat), but even they're kinda shallow sometimes. and also (thank you for this one kris) i thought that positivity and negativity were meant to coexist? there's absolutely NO reason, NONE, why the council couldn't just. get the other team into the meeting and talk it out with them?! it's so easy to solve your problems?? just use your tiny pea brains a little??? my frickingh god???? like literally all of this could have been solved if y'all just TALKED for once oml.
and now for my fourth, final, and largest gripe of all: IT'S SO OVERUSED. i'm not even talking about the balance itself, the plotlines for this au are all copypastes too! for example, error having to sit down with ink and tell him about the balance? ink getting upset about his ignorance? heard it at least five times, honey. what next, are they going to go and save the multiverse from your oc character who just so happens to be messing with everything? and maybe you'll become friends...... oR sOmEtHinG mOrE?
(great bricks, if i see the phrase 'friends..... or something more????.??.????' one more time i am going to rip myself apart.)
i will acknowledge that there are some original things out there, but most of the premises are still the same. and in most of these ink and the council are absolute jerks for no reason at all. please. please please please i'm so tired. if i see one more thing about error jumping into the void istg i will jump with him. (sorry i ran out of steam here but you get what i mean right? the balance is everywhere!)
anyway tldr: screw the balance. it doesn't make sense and it's been milked to hell and back.
thanks for your interest in my (maybe unpopular?) opinion. you are free to disagree (or join me in the revolution!)
ps: im sorry this is a long-ish post. i had a shorter version that i put on my wattpad but it didn't sound very persuasive so i wrote this chunky thing.
pps: i might have gotten some things wrong (i've been stuck in rhythm game hell for about six months now) so feel free to correct me about things! (*´-`)
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sapherin · 3 years ago
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“Suicune, I wanted to tell you that people aren’t afraid of you anymore. You can trust us again, you have nothing to fear.” Eusine softly spoken. Happy 21st anniversary Pokemon Crystal!!! 
Little bonus doodles are underneath the cut
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Shiny alt.
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Designs I made for fun
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Dumb comic I made while watching a Crystal challenge run
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Kris (she is fine she’s playing her Dream Boy)
That’s it! Thanks for reading.
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Last Week’s Doodles - All Luci! ^^
Sorry for not posting a lot! I have been doodling a lot and it features Luci!
1)  I have a lot of AUs, this is one of them but it has a lot of Angst. Here is Luci as Kris and Robin as Susie. Robin is just sticking with Luci after she hurt her hand pretty badly.
Note:  I don't ship Kris with anyone, the same goes with Susie even though she and Noelle are cute. [Mostly because they're teens], no hate to those who do [unless you are weird and creepy...] So, this is just Robin and Luci starting to be friends.
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2) I just wanted to draw Luci in the pretty dress Queen Tyr’ahnee, from Duck Dodgers, wore.
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3) "Meadow grazing Cows and Forest lurking Tigers", aka "Plushie Gang"
I've updated Human Moonjumper/Michael's design with help from @bittybattybunny​ and @asterofthedeepforest​. 
 And yes, Luci loves cows and Michael loves tigers ^^
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Scene Redraw - Luci as Bee in Episode "Toast Dogs, Wedding Donuts" 
I should've used a thinner line... But I am happy with the end result, thanks for helping me again, @asterofthedeepforest​! ^^
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That’s all for now!
Have A Nice Day!! ^^
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bucksblr · 4 years ago
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Thank you so much for tagging me @lan-xichens​, I’ll try my best to explain how I made this set from start to finish hehe ♡ and also a big thank you to @suibianjie​ @highwarlockkareena​ @nyx4​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ and you as well Kris for putting this all together! Content creators get a lot less recognition than they deserve for all the time they put into their content, so getting everyone to see the (sometimes excessive) process we all go through to put our content in our blog, I hope it creates a positive change!! 💖
1. Planning
The set in question was actually requested by someone so they could celebrate their friend’s birthday! At first I wasn’t entirely sure if I was going to be able to finish it on time (college is very hectic right now) but I was able to finish it three days before the deadline which was may 1st! ^-^
The first thing I did was decide what characters I wanted to use in the set, I first reached out to the person who requested the set if there were certain characters they wanted me to use but they said they didn’t know enough to really give me any directives outside of the quote. I decided, since the quote is applicable to the entirety of the show, that I would try to put in as many characters as possible.
Thus, of course, came the hunting for scenes. Those of you in the net discord surely know I came into the content help channel a few times to ask for certain scenes here and there, and eventually I had to download an additional 10 episodes to the back then 20 or so episodes I had in my CQL episodes folder.
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As you can see I have 30 random episodes of CQL downloaded (slowly but surely getting to the point where I have all 50 episodes downloaded) and I think I ended up using scenes out of at least 20 of those episodes.
I planned out beforehand what characters I would use per gif. I knew obviously I would start out with Wangxian, them being the main characters of the show, and then would work my way down the list. The second gif consists of Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue, Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning. They’re all family pairings, two being siblings and one being a married couple. The next gifset consists of the Yi City characters, then the fourth gif consists of the juniors, and the final gif has Jin Guangyao, Mianmian, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Xichen in it.
I have to admit though that when I had made the first four gifs I’d forgotten who I would put in the last gif and the when I thought about it the first time around I could only think of Lan Qiren and the very cursed Yaoyang ship 😭 it was only at dinner time that same day that I remembered I hadn’t put Jiang Cheng in my gifset yet and that’s when I thought of the other characters as well.
I had already made my first two gifs when I went to check Hanyi’s blog for layout inspo and eventually I decided I wanted to try a triangle-ish layout, which I doodled below. I eventually ended up changing the layout of the last gif in the final design. It was also the first time I would work with a triangle-ish layout so I was a bit nervous as I was scared it wasn’t going to work out...
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2. Creating
I use Avisynth 2.5 and Adobe Photoshop 2021 (the paid version, unfortunately, I need it for school except I didn’t need it this year but I wanted it so I paid for it with my own money ouch) to make my gifsets! I always start out with trimming down all the scenes I’m going to use into three to five second videos and putting them through Avisynth. This time around I did it separately for each gif I made, simply because I needed so many scenes. I would include a screenshot of my “gif vids” and “temp” folders but I’ve already deleted all the videos, which is what I usually do immediately after a set is posted.
I’ll try my best explaining this gif by gif since each one had a different layout!
2.1 Wangxian
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I think I had up to five different designs of this gif 😭 it started out with the gif on the left originally being more centered and the quote right smack in the center but somehow it felt a bit too... empty? I changed up the design and pulled the gif over to the right and put the two closeups on the left, the exact opposite of the gif I eventually ended up with. I switched things around one more time and saved the gif as you can see it right now, except I didn’t include the lines yet. It was only as I finished up my fourth gif that I decided this gif needed lines as well so I added them ^-^
2.2 Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue, Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning
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I got the inspiration for the font layout on this gif from this Wenzhou post! I hadn’t tried it before and when I did for this gif I was very happy with the way it turned out :D I wanted to portray that life is a pile of good and bad things, as the quote says, in CQL by mirroring these happy scenes side by side with the sad scenes
2.3 Yi CIty
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My first time working with the triangle layout!! Putting in the lines and making sure they would line up with the second gif took me the longest of all actually  😭 I think once I got the line on the left in I just copy pasted it and flipped it horizontally so I didn’t have to fiddle around with angling it anymore :’) my original idea was to get a happy Song Lan scene and a sad A-Qing scene, but when I stumbled upon this A-Qing scene in ep38 I just had to put it in there because her smile is so precious 🥺 Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen in the center are also supposed to be mirrored, with Xue Yang embodying the “bad things” and Xiao Xingchen the “good things” ! I also think the Yi City characters fit this part of the quote very well!!
2.4 The Juniors
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Ah yes, the junior quartet!! :D I had this planned out from the very beginning, that I would include happy versus sad juniors in the “vice versa” part of the quote, and I think it worked out quite well! My first idea was to put the “vice versa” completely in the special font and have it typed out over the gifs like I did with the “vice” but as I typed out the “versa” I realized it had one letter too much to be able to do that 😭😭 it took me a while to come up with how I would position the “but” and “versa” and after some moving around I decided to just place them the way I did in the final gif! For the font, I duplicated the “vice” and added a stroke to the duplicate, then I changed the fill setting to 0% so I could slightly drag the duplicate away from the original layer to create the effect that’s in the gif — also, finding a scene in which Jin Ling smiles is really difficult.... he barely even smiles in the scene I ended up using :(
2.5 Jin Guangyao, Mianmian, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Xichen
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The final gif!! I feel like this might come a little across as “I promise I didn’t forget these characters” because they’re a very odd quadruplet to put together, but they were the most important characters left to put in the set! I was thinking of putting Nie Mingjue in here together with Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen, but I did feel he fit more with his brother up in the second gif. Mei @mylastbraincql​ cheered me on making this gif for which I was very grateful :D <3 the layout came to be after I googled “how to evenly split a rectangle in four” because I didn’t want a repeat layout in the set  (*/∇\*)
2.6 Coloring
For the coloring I pretty much did all of the tweaking on the first gif and then copy pasted all of it onto the second, third, fourth, and fifth gif. This is usually the way I go about my coloring, I will always edit certain gifs if necessary but I don’t think I had to change the coloring much on any of these gifs? Maybe I added in a curve layer here and there, but nothing major! This is really one of my preferred coloring styles, even though I try to step outside of my comfort zones with other sets ^-^
3. Posting
I will always upload sets into my drafts and edit the caption in there as well, clicking on “preview post” a couple times to check everything looks good on my blog as well, before I post a set. However, this time, since there was a deadline and I finished before the deadline, I put this set in the queue so it would automatically post on the 1st of may! Knowing myself, I would’ve forgotten to do so </3
Whew that was... a lot 😭 did it make any sense? Probably not, but it was fun to ramble ( ´∀`)
I’ll tag
@blinkplnk​ with this set !
@wuxien​ with this set !
@wendashanren​ with this set !
@wanyinxichen​ with this set !
@yibobibo​ with this set !
@mylastbraincql​ with this set !
@sugarbabywenkexing​ with this set !
@yiling-recesses​ with this set !
@jiancheng​ with this set !
Please feel totally free to ignore this if you’ve already been tagged and don’t want to do it again!! <3
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