#i don't think we talk enough about how insane it is that they risked her being with his kid
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lucreziaces · 6 days ago
guys guys guys!!
did you know cesare and lucrezia fucked?
like, actually his dick entered her vagina?
and they got it on until they both came?
and they risked her becoming with his child?
and all because lucrezia said "you will be my husband. tonight." and cesare couldn't deny his sister the one dream they've always shared--that they could wed each other?!!??
like, that happened.
that was canon.
and the whole time cesare was refusing to shut his eyes lest he miss some detail on her face he wanted permanently imprinted on his brain or lest he open them and it turns out it's some figment of his wildest imagination like it usually was.
yeah yeah yeah yeah anyway i'm fine lol
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yanmuffins · 4 months ago
asks 2.
here are some more asks i'm replying to in a bulk about phineas and ferb reader!!
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my favorite part in dc. vs vampires is when reader comes together with damian and damian to build a silly machine that un-vampifies people in like half a day so they can defeat the vampire king. it is canon.
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perry really is reader's number #1 stan. they're his family, reader's had him since he was a small platypus baby!
he does his best to keep reader safe, which is why he doesn't like the batfam much. he keeps it professional on the rare occasions they go on missions together, but that's it. he hates how dismissive of reader they are in the beginning, and he hates them later on when they star showering them with attention because they found out about their inventions.
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not tired, anon! i love seeing people enjoy my concepts and interact with them!! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
and i'm sure this has happened. more than once, actually. the power of coincidence is strong with reader. the life-saving laser beam comes from a situation involving reader's latest machine they built and tested with the help of jon.
unfortunately, one of his lasers richochets on the machine during testing, not only causing it to save batfamily's life, caught in a dangerous situation in a completely different location, but also destroys the machine so there's nothing to link it to reader.
ah, well. they'll just have to keep looking.
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reader, seeing them run past her: oh! there's perry :)
i love how we have established tim is terrified of this platypus. nevermind the other pets in the manor, it's the platypus with its googly eyes that drives him insane. they don't get it, he got up to drink water at 3 a.m. and the thing was just there, looking at him. menacingly.
jason would though. meanwhile, perry is wishing he could just go back to metropolis. he didn't have to deal with reader's siblings in metropolis. he doesn't get enough hazard pay for this.
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hm... good question!
i like to think that, much like with phineas and ferb, luck is on reader's side most of the time, so i don't see reader getting injured by their own inventions.
but, let's suppose they do: it's a nice sunday afternoon, the batfam has decided to gather around the living room and hang out, watch a movie, lots of popcorn and soda. they don't have to think about criminals or fighting, tim and damian are bickering, jason is around, peace reigns the manor.
until they hear an explosion. they run to the garage only to find reader on the floor, unconscious, bleeding, and an assortment of destroyed metal components to a machine they can't decipher. damian doesn't even feel good about reader finally being busted.
later, when reader is back home, awake and out of risk but with a bandage around their head and their leg in a cast, they're in for the biggest (and probably first) scolding of their entire lives. reader tries to play it off. it wasn't that big of a deal, they're fine, aren't they? and they're genuinely optimistic about it. but the entire family is talking over each other at first, until bruce signals for everyone to shut up and leave the room. he has a very serious talk with reader, and makes it very clear they're not to come near a toolbox ever again.
but he understands. it's partly his fault for not being attentive. he won't make that mistake again.
ofc reader is really upset. dick comes next, then stephanie, then cass, then duke, then barbara and they all try to convince reader in a much more amiable tone that hey, it's fine. who needs to do all that whacky stuff to have fun? just hang out with us. they can get another hobby, and this time they can make it a family thing! how's that sound? not fun? don't be like that... they're sure reader will come around.
tim is pretty much the only one who congratulates them for being awesome pulling all those stunts, one per day, it's impressive. but now it's time to step back a bit. who knows? try being careful and bruce will let you work with a welding tool again. one day. maybe.
damian and jason's reactions are more similar to bruce's. in other circumstances, damian is on reader's side and helps them sneak around to continue their shenanigans, but in the case of reader getting hurt he just wants them to not do that. any of that. ever again. and jason has to hold himself back not to snap and ask them what the hell were they thinking?! they could have died! he ends up just telling them to quit it. they're just a kid who shouldn't be messing around with that sort of stuff.
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anon, i wouldn't go as far as say he'd use venom against them, but he's bit batfam before. as stated, he does not dig their vibe at all!
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anon, that's a great idea! though i think p&f! reader is much too motivated by the creative process and experience that their inventions bring more than just willing them to come to life.
they have the power to create whatever they want, but what's the fun of it? what about hte process? the building? the friends they make along the way? the memories? i think reader would find the ring awesome at first, but the novelty would wear of in less than a week.
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because i dig the idea of reader being friends with dipper and mabel. reader talks about their crazy inventions, and loves hearing about all the cryptids they came across during vacation.
reader invites the twins to the manor, they share their most recent summer memories. reader talks about that one time they built and drove a massive monster truck with their brother damian, but jason only comes into the room in time to hear about dipper and mable talk about the weirdmaggedon. he has several question marks around his head. aren't those kids a a little too old to be making shit up? or maybe... no, there's no way. or is there? no... he would have heard about this... but weirder things have happened. but what if...
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you are so right. to be honest, i don't even think the batfam would even know of his existence, since he's pretty much a very minor villain acting in metropolis. after perry joins the league, or in the rare occasion of dr. doof teaming up with another minor gotham villian like condiment man, is when they get to know he exists.
and since perry seems to have him under control, they don't even acknowledge the guy.
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i love love love this sm!
they assume it's just flash mobs. it's got to be. flash mobs with really weird themes, like an entire musical number dedicated to the squirrels in damian's pants. that was strange. bruce patrolling in the middle of the night and this new crime lord just burst into a song with a band and hired back dancers, because it's apparently a new trend a minor villain in metropolis started.
and what about that one time dick took damian (and reader) to the library and some guy just started singing about how he doesn't have rhythm? and damian just started playing a trumpet? and reader started singing? i mean, it was a bop and he started dancing, but it was weird anyway.
but now i'm thinking of damian and reader singing the "summer" song together (he sings the "it's noticeably warmer" and that's it) though! wholesome.
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not annoying at all! you're good ⸜(˙꒳​˙ )
i have this little idea in my head that reader doesn't take the wayne name when find out bruce is their dad and move to gotham, and bruce is pretty secretive about this new kid of his for purely privacy and safety reasons. so when reader does their networking, it's often not obvious they're a wayne. not sure if this will make it into the fic, but it really resonates with this concept!
it's also funny to think that a lot of people don't even know reader and the waynes are related. even if they do know reader is related to the batfam, nobody really talks about them by name (just "your sibling"), and all of those little details like never asking about where the gloves came from (because why would he) or the misunderstandings where one party means one thing and the other assumes it's another (dick has many siblings! too many!) just end up helping reader not get caught. and i just think that's neat.
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cemetegee · 1 month ago
This is a really interesting theory! I would love to hear your opinion on it! I think Corona might’ve been the one who killed Naberius. I think it makes a lot of sense 😊
Oh, that's a really fascinating theory. I'll admit that I already heard about it once, but never in that debt, so thank you very much :) I find it in fact very convincing! For those who haven't read those posts, here a list of the made points and of my own points that convinced me:
The Blood
When the others come in, Ianthe is covered in blood.
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And Naberius has most likely been stabbed into his back:
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Thing is, if you stab someone like that the blood would spray out of their CHEST. If IANTHE had stabbed him from behind the blood couldn't have hit her. (The blood on his front supports that) This makes only sense if Ianthe's stand right in front of him, and SOMEONE ELSE stabbed him into the back.
(That's a really strong point, I think. You could maybe argue that she needed to use his blood after, and that it comes from this occasion, but as she says a single drop of blood is enough.)
The Rapier
The rapier she used must have weighed at least one kilogram (2 pounds). It's questionable at all if Ianthe could have used it (without Naberius muscle memory), regarding what Corona says about her strenght:
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But there's even another point! We can assume that the stab went straight to his heart (or another vulnerable place) and that he was more or less immediately dead. Otherwise he would have probably not held his shocked face. It's rather unlikely that a beginner like Ianthe should do such a precise stab, ESPECIALLY regarding the weight and the fact that she has no idea how to use a rapier.
All that speaks for someone who has advanced rapier skills (like Corona) and does some work-outs. (Yes, I know, she's likely not as good as Babs. But you don't need to be a master duellant to murder someone from behind.)
AND - I'd like to add that, because I find it very important: I see no reason why Ianthe should murder him with a rapier. She is a flesh (and limenal) magican. Isn't it much more likely that she - if she intended to kill Naberius - would use her flesh magic skills to do that? Probably, she could even work more precisely that you ever could with a rapier - and so on. It doesn't make sense that she would use A WEAPON SHE HAS NO IDEA OF, if she actually has a working arsenal of working magical weapons she could use instead. That speaks VERY MUCH for Corona and HER murder.
Suspicious (off-screen) Talks
That's now completely my own point, but I find it to interesting to not mention it: I always assumed that there must have been off-screen talks between the twins (and Naberius) somewhen. They likely followed some kind of evil plan. Naberius says to Corona after her duel with Gideon:
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Why not now? What is now? Why is now an especially bad time to do that? It really sounds if they had some kind of plan...
(And btw - I'm pretty sure that Naberius doesn't know that, but the fact alone that Corona trains under this high risk could be a hint that she prepares herself to kill him.)
Then! With the key thing, Corona and Ianthe obviously had a fight... The Bad Blood lasts pretty long:
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However, for some reason Corona thinks it's insanely important for Ianthe to know that there are no rules (except Jod) at Canaan House.
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(Why is that important? (Does it have to do with killing Babs? Are the later Challenging Scene?))
And after the challenging scene, they seem to be on a good base again.
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But I would argue it's not only because of the Challenging Scene, but a clarifying conversation. Because briefly before Corona says to Gideon (during their duel):
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And that's another odd hint THEY PLAN something! I think they have one plan Naberius knows (obviously not one where he dies) and at least one of them has the plan to kill him. Maybe they planned that Corona should kill him, so she could take his place. (That would explain Corona's feeling of betrayal even more deeply - Ianthe would in fact have fooled her. Although it's hard to me to feel empathy for betrayals in plans which go over the murder of a childhood friend :D)
To conclude: Now that I think about it, I really can't see a single reason why Ianthe could have killed Babs that way. (Except of that she claims it. But Ianthe has a HISTORY of being untrustworthy and the evidence is clearly against her.) Every point here only makes sense if Corona was the murderer. I'm absolutely convinced 10/10 theory.
I also think it would explain the shock at Naberius face. Ianthe "Poison Master of his Childhood" Tridentarius killing him would maybe not have been that surprising:
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(I find it interesting how he is even in his death unsympathic :D But of course that doesn't free anyone of their guilt.)
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beautifulhigh · 1 year ago
The smallest of looks is the loudest moment in the room
Just a little one from me to save me from going insane and to sate my followers...
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ZAHRA: How long has this been going on?
Alex is focused on Zahra, Henry is staring off into the middle distance until Alex answers her.
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ALEX: Since New Year's.
And it's that Henry reacts to. Have a close up.
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Henry's gaze flicks to Alex. In this exact moment (1 hour, 5 minutes, and 41 seconds), he looks at Alex for a few seconds.
This is the moment Alex has put a start date on this thing between them.
It's a little more certain here than it is in the book:
"How long has this been happening?" "Since, um, New Year's." (page 233)
The placement of that "um" holds meaning for me - in the book Alex is hesitating before he pins a start date on him and Henry. He's trying to figure it out and that's what he goes for. Because how long has it been going on? Since they started sharing intimate thoughts and fears? Since they increased the benefits they had added to their friendship? Since the Red Room?
Nope. Alex goes for the moment when the possibility between them changed and he completely ignores the weeks of silence that happened straight after. The period of time in which Henry was full of fear over what he'd done, what Alex might do. In the book we know he runs scared, going on a public date and being photographed.
If there was a prince, and he was gay, and he kissed someone, and maybe it mattered, that prince might have to run a little bit of interference. (page 125)
We don't have anything like that in the movie but we do have the silence. We see Henry's fear when he comes into the Red Room. Not just because of the line he crossed with Alex but because he has exposed himself and his most closely guarded secret, a glimpse of his true self.
He will know that Alex isn't going to out him - they've spent long enough talking and getting to know each other for that to not be Henry's fear. And if he was then it would have happened long before the State Dinner. Henry's fear is about losing Alex, losing the friendship, losing that connection with the boy he's wanted since the Olympics/Climate Conference.
I'd put money on Henry promising himself, once upon a time, that he would never do anything to risk losing what small pieces of Alex he could have in his life. And when they start up this thing he goes in thinking that this is all he can have, all he will get.
"I thought I could have some part of you, and just never say [I love you], and you'd never have to know, and one day you'd get tired of me and leave, because I'm--" (Page 272)
Henry didn't think he would have all of Alex, at least not anything of import, that Alex wouldn't be as far in as Henry is. And yet here he is in this hotel room, declaring they have been this thing since that kiss. Since before they properly made out in the Red Room, went down on each other in Alex's bedroom, talked about "keeping things casual" before embarking on the most insanely devoted shag fest known to mankind.
Alex has been in since New Year's and he tells Zahra just that.
In the movie he is more decisive. (Just like the instant "No" when Zahra asks if it would make a difference if she asked them to stop.)
Since New Year's. Since the moment Henry kissed me and I became unable to think about anything else except doing it again. And doing other stuff.
And even though Henry ghosted him right after, even though the next thing Henry said to Alex after his apology and disappearance into the night was another apology for his behaviour, Alex has labelled that moment, that kiss, as their start.
The moment when Henry was brave.
And in the movie we get to see Henry's reaction to that. They've been discovered, things are about to blow up in a way they can't control, and Alex says that as far as he's concerned this thing between them has been going on all year.
Before the emails. Before Paris. Before the State Dinner. Alex has been Henry's since New Year's and this is the moment he finds that out.
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starflirts · 1 year ago
in which luke is determined to keep you close to him forever. luke castellan x fem! reader, wc: 1.36k, warning: swearing, note: first post dedicated to my favorite villain... enjoy !
"Wha-... what the fuck are you talking about Luke ?" From the edge of his bunk bed, your boyfriend avoids your stare, looking anywhere but at your face. "Look at me ! You can't just drop this upon me and act like nothing is happening !" He can hear the hurt and the confusion in your voice and decides to get closer to you. He wants to hold you tight and never let you go but settles for holding your hand.
"Babe, listen to me. please." He’s the one to look at you with pleading eyes this time, one hand circling yours and the other resting on the nape of your neck. "You know how much I hate Olympus and how they toy with us just for their own benefit. I know you feel the same way, watching kids barely getting here safely only to never be claimed or only when their parent deems it convenient ! Do you think it's fair ? To be used as a puppet so you can finally be worthy in the eyes of mom or dad ? Risking your life to fix their shortcomings ?"
His emphasis on dad doesn't intrigue you, you already know. Everyone knows. His eyes are full of resentment and his scar seems so red, a stark contrast with the unmarred skin. Luke goes on and on about his supposedly great plan and you can only watch in horror as the boy in front of you looks nothing like the one you fell in love summers ago.
Hand reaching for the one still laid on your nape, you look up, brows furrowed. "Does Annabeth know ?"
These three words are enough to make him flinch. He opens and closes his mouth and that tells you everything you need to know. Your face twists with disgust and anger as you shove his shoulder enough for him to stumble back, away from you.
"Fuck off Luke !" you spit, tears cornering at your lash line. "How dare you turn your back on your little sister, on me ?" Your voice cracks but you try to put up a brave front, wiping the corner of your eyes. You can only stare at him in disbelief, even though your hands itch to bring him closer to you, to hold him and to at least try to understand his sudden change of heart.
Luke attempts to step forward but you pull back and he can hear his own heart breaking. He runs a hand over his face before answering you with a shaky sigh: "Look, I’m doing this for everyone at camp, for us ! I want us to live free of that burden. We deserve so much more than what the gods have to give !" His voice falters and he clears his throat. "I don't want to wake up one morning and find out you're gone because of them, because you went on a stupid quest for the sake of your parent who can't even bother to acknowledge you !" He looks at you fondly and sighs. "Do you remember the time I came back from the quest Hermes sent me on ? You were so scared something had happened to me. I can't let that happen again. I can't let that happen to you. I want to protect you, to protect us ! You- you're all I have."
Tears fall freely as you shake your head, hugging yourself in an attempt to calm down. "There’s got to be another way, you can’t… You can’t do this Luke ! I-" you sob.
And you feel so afraid yet you don’t know whether you’re more scared of Luke himself or of the thought of losing him to something this insane. The cogs in your brain turn and turn but you can't bring yourself to drive him out of your life, not when you've seen him at his best and at his worst, when you've been by his side for so long you can't even remember.
In a few steps, Luke is engulfing you in a hug and all resolve you had to push him away crumbles within seconds. He rests his chin on the crown of your head while you cling to his shirt. He holds you tight, as if the mere thought of you walking out of his cabin would become true and you might vanish with the wind.
"Hey hey, it’s okay, we’ll… we’ll figure it out, we still have time." he whispers in your ear and you want to believe him, you really do.
Slightly pulling back, he rests his forehead against yours, hands coming up to cup your face. With a sad smile, Luke's thumbs wipe your tearstained cheeks.
"There, don't cry," he tells you softly, "my pretty, pretty girl. You know I'll never let you go right ? I love you too much to be able to live without you."
His smile is genuine as his hand cautiously takes your own to place it on his chest, right where you can feel his heartbeat. "You’re here, always and forever, no matter what."
Luke's world had crumbled a long time ago, ever since he realized the gods were monsters in disguise. But now that he has you in his life, whatever's left of that sparkle of hope he had when he was fourteen (and when the world seemed so big yet so full of chances) shines brighter. You were the one who rebuilt everything from scratch, who fixed the gaping hole in his heart.
Your free hand comes up to brush his cheek, thumb trailing his scar. You wish you could close your eyes and pretend that the world isn't on the brink of disaster, that your Luke isn't about to change its course.
The love of your life starts again: "I'll be with you at any cost, believe me. And if anyone, so much as the gods or that new forbidden kid attempt to separate us, I'll walk- heck I'll drag myself back to you !"
His promise is sealed with a kiss and you're certain you'd follow him in a heartbeat: "for better or worse ?" you ask in a small voice, lips hovering over his.
He answers you with a smile and shiny eyes: "for better or worse."
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weepynymph · 2 years ago
I gotta talk about this moment even though it's been discussed a million times
Zuko, opening up to someone about his scar for the first time (from what we’ve seen in the show at least, but we can reasonably assume he hasn’t spoken about it like this since he got it) and explicitly stating that whilst he's always associated it with with failures ('the mark of the banished prince'), he's finally ready to take control and change his life for the better. And whilst he has accepted that he can never change his scar, it’s ok because he still has the power to change his destiny.
And despite this assurance, Katara, the healer, still jumps in and offers to heal it anyway, understanding that this is still a burden she could lift from him - 'What if you could be free of it?'
She knows it won't change his life in the same way taking control of his own destiny will, but still, it's like she can't help but try to ease his pain. Even if it's a pain that's long since become a permanent part of him, something that might seem surface level or cosmetic to others - 'It's a scar, it can't be healed.'
And then we have this
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'I've been saving it for something important.'
This. Healing Zuko's scar. A wound that has, for all intents and purposes already healed and is not longer a threat to his life, but still burdens him emotionally. That has come to represent all of his trauma. This Katara considers important enough to use her limited and precious supply of spirit oasis water. In the middle of a war. In the middle of a dangerous journey to save the world in which she and her friends might be seriously injured at any time (including in this scene, where Ba sing se is literally under attack as they speak).
And if that weren't enough
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'I don't know if it would work'
Now, I don't know the mechanics of spirit water in the atla universe, but it seems to be pretty heavily implied later in the episode when she uses the water to heal Aang, and for a moment thinks that it hasn't worked, that it's sort of a one-time deal.
Which means that she's willing to potentially waste the spirit water just on the off-chance that it might remove the scar. Which in the context of the wider story seems utterly insane.
But Katara thinks it's worth the risk.
And presented with this opportunity, this beautiful, selfless offer to ease his suffering, even on a purely physical, surface level, Zuko wordlessly submits, and lets her touch his scar.
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Now, Katara doesn't know quite how significant this touch is (although she's very emotionally intuitive so I'm sure she has some inkling of the gravity of this action) but we do. We know that Zuko doesn't let anyone touch his scar, ever. So what this communicates to us as an audience is that Zuko is allowing himself, for the first time, to put his complete trust in someone. To be completely, 100% vulnerable with them.
And the moment of touch is all the more significant because, in many ways, it isn't even strictly necessary.
Katara's hands are empty, she isn't putting the spirit water to his face, to attempting to heal it here. And while I'd argue this touch could be a practical one - assessing the damage of the scar with her hands to see how to proceed before she uses the water - the moment after, right before they are interrupted, isn't one of practical, medical assessment, but of intimacy.
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The way Zuko waits, patiently, eyes closed, and the way Katara pauses, just for a moment, doing what I can only describe as gazing at him, and that slow blink in the middle- Again, not examining his scar or reaching for the spirit water to begin, but just taking it all in.
It's so breathtakingly intimate and vulnerable - a point of connection between these two people who are supposedly so completely different but are, here, somehow so alike in their openness and understanding of one another.
That Katara offers to heal Zuko's scar even when he's said moments before that he's made his peace with the fact that he's never be free of it. And the way he accepts her offer without words because she's right, part of him does want to be free of it.
It's just an absolute masterclass in creating an immediate and powerful connection and bond between two characters in an incredibly short space of time from a start point of complete opposition without rushing it or making it seem implausible.
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m1ssunderstanding · 1 year ago
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.3
Okay can anyone explain the “false hotel registration” thing to me? Does it mean they registered under a false name? So Paul registered under a false name so he could go fuck a girl in his room without getting in trouble with the press? I'm confused. Didn't they bring girls to their rooms all the time without getting in trouble? It doesn't make sense. Why did he feel the need to register under a different name?
Paul, talking about American conservatism, “So many organizations over here that are nuts anyway.” John, “Yeah, they're so far right they just–” tape ends. They really were brave, though. To say what they thought and risk losing what they'd only just got. I wonder who cut the recording. 
Journalist: Paul, are you planning to marry Jane Asher? John: scream ‘no.’ Go on. Lol John certainly says what he feels doesn't he?
Paul making fun of the racist question. Good job bud. 
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The whole “Yesterday” thing is crazy. Like, what a feat, first of all. I think we forget how unbelievably successful the song was.
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Second of all, I know John's reaction was childish and mean, but his feelings were valid if you just look at the treatment and reception of “Ticket to Ride”  (John's dead mum song). Like objectively yesterday is a better song, but still.
Oh, John. Poor thing. 
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If “Girl” is secretly about Paul . . . yeesh. It's so obsessive and adoring and simultaneously so disappointed and disparaging. John always has such impossible standards for Paul. “She promises the earth to me and I believe her, after all this time I don't know why.” Um… maybe because he literally did give you the world? At so many points I find myself asking, “what more could Paul possibly have given John?”
People always take this quote as a sexuality thing, but couldn't it also be a conscience thing? Revulsion at taking advantage of the fact that all these women are fans? At the scale of his infidelity? I don't know, am I giving him too much credit?
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The thing about Paul, John – and though it drives you insane, it's a big factor in why you love him -- is he's not going to be bullied into anything. If he decides to take LSD it's going to be on his own terms. And I know you think it'll bring you two closer, and you're right, but peer pressure just doesn't work on him. There's no point. You know that.
I LOVE Paul and the Indica. Designing the wrapping paper in secret up in his little attic room, covering over the shop windows so he can do his handyman work building shelves and painting in peace. It's Linda's Paul pre Linda, you know?
John is so good at PR as in making something sound as beautiful and important and powerful as possible. Which is something Paul absolutely relied on John to do and clearly could not do on his own after the break up. Look how John makes them almost into prophets here.
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"I really wanted to live in London but I wouldn't risk it." Another thing to make John envious of Paul and resentful of Cynthia. I really wish those two had just never got married. 
“I don't object to people having a lot of money, I never did. But I do object to people being stony broke and starving.” RIP John, you would've loved the American “left” of today. But you can't have the former without the latter, sorry.
This picture always gets me. It's ridiculous. Pattie and George. Mo and Ringo. John and Paul. With Cynthia awkwardly by herself. It's funny. It's adorable. It's crushing. And with that quote? It's impossible.
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I think Tara Browne is overlooked. Paul brought him home for Christmas. That's a big deal. And John hated him enough to laugh when he read about his death. That's also a big deal. Paul and his messed up social climbing obsession. I do think it's worth pointing out, though, the difference between Paul’s LSD trip with Tara and his trip with John. More on that later.
I really do think they were all staunchly anti-racist for their time, you know, besides John's racist jokes and drawings… but Paul particularly. And I have to wonder where that came from. Did he have empathy for people being judged on appearance and background? Was it partially due to his idolization of black artists? Did Little Richard maybe say something to him about racism in America? Anyone have any thoughts?
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Actually, same, John. 
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Okay and I have to share my hot take on the whole Jesus scandal. It's this: the American right doesn't actually care about Jesus. They care about protecting their hegemony. They didn't like that the Beatles were openly and stubbornly integrationist. They didn't like Paul's comment about their inhumane racism. But they couldn't openly counter that without showing their hand. So they used the Jesus comment as an excuse. If they play the religious persecution card, they get to paint themselves as the victims and therefore the good guys while they take down anyone who challenges the status quo that keeps them in money and power (aka the Beatles). 
Maybe I should've had a “poor baby” tally because the number of times I've said that about John in these comments has got to be tally-worthy. I would've driven around in a gorilla suit with you, honey!
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It is actually amazing that there hasn't been more speculation on Paul's sexuality with all these serious boyfriends. 
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Paul tells a story about a time he flew a plane, and how much better he liked it than being a passenger. First off. Imagine being a pilot and just being like “oh, you've never touched a joystick in your life, but you're Paul McCartney? Sure, go ahead. Fly the plane.” But also. His control issues and his confidence are both off unreal. No one in their right mind would feel more safe flying a plane – as someone with a complete lack of experience – than when a licensed pilot is flying it. 
Okay I literally JUST learned that Here There and Everywhere says, “how good it can be” not could. Can. And it's one of those in my "for sure this was about John" folder. Okay then. Wow.
The thing is they really did compliment each other's songs a lot more than modern Paul makes it seem like. So I wonder what it was about the “Here There and Everywhere” compliment that made it so special to Paul?
This footage where John is hiding behind McCharmley. I love protective Paul and how different he is to protective John and how much they needed each other. 
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Hall of Fame quote: “what composer do you respect the most?” “I dunno really. John Lennon.” “Paul McCartney.”
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oizysian · 7 months ago
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Word count: 2.1k
AN: I’m so sorry I haven’t updated this on here lately. I’m gonna catch up with everything soon!
"I can't believe I just spent a whole day with Lizzie and Robbie."
"Robbie? That's her husband isn't it?" Claire questioned.
"How were you able to keep your cool around Lizzie with Robbie there?"
"I just kinda ... zoned out a lot. He's really nice and he made an effort to get to know me, but I can't help but feel guilty when I'm around him."
"Because I'm in love with his wife!" I threw my hands up in frustration, my headset almost falling off my head with the sudden action.
"Y/N, listen," I held my breath as I waited for her to continue speaking. "Don't feel guilty. You can't help it if she likes you."
"Which she doesn't. Not like that."
"Says you. What did Brie say?"
I groaned, the memory of our kisses hitting me like a ton of bricks.
"She thinks she likes me." I mumbled. "But, she likes me too."
"She? She as in Brie?"
"Uh huh. We ... kinda ... kissed."
"You what?!"
"We were drunk and high and she was busting my balls about liking Lizzie so I kissed her to prove I wasn't in love with her."
"And did that work?"
She sighed and I began to feel even more guilty. Between Robbie and Brie, I was never gonna get any sleep at night.
"What a surprise." Sarcasm dripped from her words. "Why can't you just be honest with yourself - and your friends."
"I'm not being honest with Lizzie. She can't know I have feelings for her. It would make things weird."
"Don't you think she's smart enough to figure it out eventually?"
"I mean, yeah, probably, but by then I'm hoping I'll be over it."
"Doubtful, but good luck with that."
"Thanks so much. You're no damn help."
"Yes I am. You just don't like my advice."
"Okay. What's your advice?"
"Keep hanging out with Lizzie and try to see if she's interested - married or not." She stopped me before I could interject. "If she is, see where it goes. If not, then at least she's your friend."
"I was just gonna skip the first part and just stay friends with her."
"Go ahead and do that, then. But, you're gonna suffer not knowing if there could've been anything between you if you don't test the waters."
I was quiet for a moment, taking in her words and thinking hard about them. She was right, of course she was. But, the risk of losing Lizzie as a friend just to see if we could be more than that, which was nearly an impossibility anyway, outweighed any feelings I had for her. I didn't want to lose her in any capacity. I just had to stop liking her like that.
"I'll think about it. I just ... I really like her. As a friend, even. I don't want to lose her 'cos of some schoolgirl crush."
"You're definitely not crushing. The way you talk about her." She let out a dry chuckle. "You're absolutely in love."
"She doesn't even know me. She'd think I was insane if I told her I had feelings for her. We've only hung out three times."
"Once for like three days though."
"Two days."
"Okay, two days. So, that's a weekend. Plus all the constant texting."
I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. This was the worst situation I had ever been in and it was all my own fault.
"Look," I started. "I know you mean well, but I'm just gonna stay friendly with her. If something happens, that's great! But, I won't be making the first move. Or any moves."
"Whatever you feel you should do, I'll support your decision."
"Thanks, bestie. I really appreciate you listening to all my griping."
"That's what I'm here for. Now get your head in the game. I'm tired of reviving you."
"Sorry." I laughed. "I just have a lot on my mind lately."
"I know."
She was interrupted by my phone going off, indicating that I got a text.
"Is it Lizzie?" She asked excitedly and I shrugged to myself.
"Not sure. I'm playing the game, not looking at my phone. Like you told me to."
"Oh my god, just look at your phone. I'm dying from the suspense."
I hid myself in a bush while I checked my phone. It was Lizzie.
"Well?" Claire asked with excitement in her voice.
"Lizzie wants to hang out before she heads back to LA for some business."
"And? Are you gonna see her?"
"Of course I am." I stared at the message for another moment before I felt my controller vibrate, signaling I was being shot at. "Shit."
I put my phone down and got myself back into the game. The intensity of the game provided silence, which gave me ample time to think.
"You didn't see how she looked at him, though." I said quietly. "She looked at him with stars in her eyes."
"And what about you? How do you look at her?"
I was silent. I knew how I looked at her, it had been pointed out to me few times already. But, what did that matter? She only had eyes for him.
"I look at her like she's the only beautiful thing in the world."
"Exactly, you mush."
"But, she doesn't look at me like that."
"Maybe she does and you haven't noticed."
"Maybe." I whispered to myself, my eyes flickering to my phone as it went off again.
I'm outside.
"Shit, I gotta go, Claire."
"But, there's only two teams left! We gotta finish this game!"
I hesitated for a moment before relenting.
"Damn, okay, let's kill them quickly, then."
We continued to play, my mind on the blonde outside my apartment rather than the game I was in. She was waiting for me and I was playing some stupid game.
I rushed into the battlefield, shooting indiscriminately to try and end the game quickly. I killed absolutely no one and got myself downed, which left Claire alone to win the game.
I picked up my phone and started texting Lizzie, telling her I was being held up and I'd be out in a moment.
Claire was able to clutch the game and we won, but I still was in another world.
"Go get your girl. You're not here with me anyway." She laughed and I sighed apologetically.
"Sorry, I'm going. I'll talk to you later."
I shut my game and tossed my headphones on the bed before rushing to the door, slipping my shoes on and practically running out to meet her. Brie was right, I was down bad.
As I approached her car, she smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Her smile was damn infectious and I was happy to catch it.
I opened the passenger door and got in, closing it swiftly and buckling up.
"So what was so important that you kept me waiting fifteen minutes?" She asked playfully, a mock angry look on her face.
I laughed and raised my hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was in a game when you messaged me. I had to finish what I started."
"Mhm." She grumbled, a small smile still lingering on her face as she started to drive.
I leaned back in the seat as we fell into a comfortable silence, the soft music coming from the radio all but ignored as we took in each other's presence. 
"Where are we going?" I asked after a few moments, my curiosity getting the better of me.
"I was wondering when you were gonna ask." She giggled, her eyes shifting from the road to me and then back again. "We're going someplace yummy."
"McDonald's?" I asked excitedly.
"Yummier." She laughed, shaking her head.
"What could be yummier than McDonald's?"
"Absolutely anything. Wendy's for example."
"Oof. She's got superior burgers, but McDonald's fries all the way."
"Fair enough. But no, we're not getting fast food."
"Hush." She said as she lightly smacked my thigh with her right hand. "You'll love it."
"Oh," I whimpered pathetically, holding my leg. "The pain."
"Aw, poor baby." She teased. "Here," she kissed her hand and placed it on my leg, and my heart fluttered. "All better."
"All better." I repeated, dazed from her actions, and currently riding a high from her touch.
She left her hand there for a moment longer than she probably should have before giving me a pat and returning her hand to the steering wheel.
"Do I get a hint?"
"You already got a hint!" She laughed.
"Yummier than McDonald's is not a hint."
"Well, that's all you're getting."
I huffed playfully and sunk into the seat, noting how damn comfortable it was.
"I could fall asleep in this seat." I told her, closing my eyes briefly before opening them again and looking at her.
She had been staring at me as we were stopped at a red light. A faint blush crossed her cheeks and she had a small smile on her lips. How long was she looking at me?
"It's green." I whispered and she snapped out of her stupor, returning her focus and attention to the road.
I smiled to myself, thinking that maybe, just maybe, she could be looking at me the way she looked at Robbie. Maybe I could be someone special to her.
We drove for a while longer before she pulled up in front of a small ice cream shop somewhere in the city.
"Ice cream!" I cheered as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I looked at the signs on the windows, my face dropping when I saw the seasonal flavors. "Oh no, pumpkin."
"Oh yes, pumpkin." She smirked as she stood next to me. "You're gonna love it."
"Can I get a different flavor and taste yours?"
She thought for a second before nodding, playfully nudging me.
"Of course, silly. What flavor would you like?" She asked as we entered.
"Chocolate." I hummed softly. "Chocolate sounds so good right now."
"Pumpkin sounds even better."
"Absolutely not." I laughed.
We walked up to the counter and she ordered for us, which I was grateful for, and as I was about to pull out my wallet, she beat me to it and paid with her card.
"My treat."
"Lizzie." I whined and she smiled at me. "You can't keep spoiling me like this."
"Says you."
We got our cones and sat down in a booth hidden away in a corner. She sat facing away from the door and I sat across from her.
"This is so good." I spoke as I ate, chocolate undoubtedly getting all over the place.
"I see that." She laughed softly, offering me her cone. "Just try it. One lick."
I looked from her to the cone, wincing as I remembered I promised to try it.
"Stick out your tongue ..." she said as she raised it up to my lips.
Without a second thought, I did what I was told, taking a generous amount of ice cream onto my tongue.
"Good girl."
I would've choked if I hadn't already swallowed the mildly repulsive treat. She smiled widely as my face went from disgust to indifference, taking that as a win.
"I've tasted worse things."
"I told you."
"No. You told me it was good. I didn't say it was good."
"Oh, c'mon." She laughed and I laughed with her.
"It's okay. Chocolate is definitely better."
"Lemme taste yours."
I took another lick of my ice cream to get the pumpkin off my tongue before holding the cone out to her, watching as she kept eye contact with me as she licked delicately at my ice cream.
Jesus shit fuck -
"Y/N? Earth to Y/N?" I snapped out of my daze and returned my attention to her, an amused smile on her face. "You okay?"
"I'm great." I smiled back, realizing that if she wanted to play that game, even just in a friendly way, we could play that game.
I reached across the table and ran my thumb along her lower lip, wiping the remains of my ice cream off of her mouth.
She sat, dazed, mouth slightly agape as I wiped off my finger with a napkin, holding back every urge in my body to stick it in my mouth and suck it clean.
When she snapped out of her daze, she picked up a napkin, leaned across the table, and started wiping my entire face.
"Hey!" I cried, laughing at her actions. "I'm not that dirty!"
"That's what you think." She giggled, finally bringing the napkin to my mouth and wiping it clean. "There. Now you're all clean."
"Thank you, mom." I started eating my ice cream again, careful to keep myself spotless.
She hummed as she ate her ice cream, and we sat in, yet another, comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. Maybe Claire was right. Maybe there could be something between us. Or this was just harmless, friendly flirting. There was only one way to find out, whether I liked it or not.
@oh-thats-cute @marvelwomen-simp @dorabledewdroop @scarlie-johalsen-blog @annie-ahmelia
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sag-dab-sar · 7 months ago
Clarification: Generative AI does not equal all AI
💭 "Artificial Intelligence"
AI is machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and more that I'm not smart enough to know. It can be extremely useful in many different fields and technologies. One of my information & emergency management courses described the usage of AI as being a "human centaur". Part human part machine; meaning AI can assist in all the things we already do and supplement our work by doing what we can't.
💭 Examples of AI Benefits
AI can help advance things in all sorts of fields, here are some examples:
Emergency Healthcare & Disaster Risk X
Disaster Response X
Crisis Resilience Management X
Medical Imaging Technology X
Commercial Flying X
Air Traffic Control X
Railroad Transportation X
Ship Transportation X
Geology X
Water Conservation X
Can AI technology be used maliciously? Yeh. Thats a matter of developing ethics and working to teach people how to see red flags just like people see red flags in already existing technology.
AI isn't evil. Its not the insane sentient shit that wants to kill us in movies. And it is not synonymous with generative AI.
💭 Generative AI
Generative AI does use these technologies, but it uses them unethically. Its scraps data from all art, all writing, all videos, all games, all audio anything it's developers give it access to WITHOUT PERMISSION, which is basically free reign over the internet. Sometimes with certain restrictions, often generative AI engineers—who CAN choose to exclude things—may exclude extremist sites or explicit materials usually using black lists.
AI can create images of real individuals without permission, including revenge porn. Create music using someones voice without their permission and then sell that music. It can spread disinformation faster than it can be fact checked, and create false evidence that our court systems are not ready to handle.
AI bros eat it up without question: "it makes art more accessible" , "it'll make entertainment production cheaper" , "its the future, evolve!!!"
💭 AI is not similar to human thinking
When faced with the argument "a human didn't make it" the come back is "AI learns based on already existing information, which is exactly what humans do when producing art! We ALSO learn from others and see thousands of other artworks"
Lets make something clear: generative AI isn't making anything original. It is true that human beings process all the information we come across. We observe that information, learn from it, process it then ADD our own understanding of the world, our unique lived experiences. Through that information collection, understanding, and our own personalities we then create new original things.
💭 Generative AI doesn't create things: it mimics things
Take an analogy:
Consider an infant unable to talk but old enough to engage with their caregivers, some point in between 6-8 months old.
Mom: a bird flaps its wings to fly!!! *makes a flapping motion with arm and hands*
Infant: *giggles and makes a flapping motion with arms and hands*
The infant does not understand what a bird is, what wings are, or the concept of flight. But she still fully mimicked the flapping of the hands and arms because her mother did it first to show her. She doesn't cognitively understand what on earth any of it means, but she was still able to do it.
In the same way, generative AI is the infant that copies what humans have done— mimicry. Without understanding anything about the works it has stolen.
Its not original, it doesn't have a world view, it doesn't understand emotions that go into the different work it is stealing, it's creations have no meaning, it doesn't have any motivation to create things it only does so because it was told to.
Why read a book someone isn't even bothered to write?
Related videos I find worth a watch
ChatGPT's Huge Problem by Kyle Hill (we don't understand how AI works)
Criticism of Shadiversity's "AI Love Letter" by DeviantRahll
AI Is Ruining the Internet by Drew Gooden
AI vs The Law by Legal Eagle (AI & US Copyright)
AI Voices by Tyler Chou (Short, flash warning)
Dead Internet Theory by Kyle Hill
-Dyslexia, not audio proof read-
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puppymelissa · 2 months ago
babytrapping but lottieshauna...? thoughts..?
many thoughts. many of them.
it could go in so many ways, really, but i think that in a no crash scenario, shauna would be the one to do it (she's insane, we all know it). she can't risk having lottie leave her. she's doing everything she can for lottie to "accidentally" knock her up. she plays the long game, though: briefly mentions once or twice that she started taking birth control (she didn't), getting lottie all worked up while talking about wanting to take her raw. it works so well that she's almost surprised at how quick lottie is to agree.
when she finds out the truth, lottie is angry, of course, but also a little scared. if shauna's willing to go this far to keep her on a short leash, she's not sure what else she can do. when shauna talks about their future together with their baby, she feels uneasy, but it's not like she can just leave. even if it feels like shauna cares more about keeping her than about the baby growing inside her.
now, in the wilderness, it'd be a whole different story. assuming that there was no wilderness baby so far, lottie would definitely get shauna pregnant just to have better control of her, to try and get shauna to believe in what she says.
shauna trusted her enough to pull out, so when lottie only buried herself even deeper inside shauna's cunt while cumming, she felt betrayed. lottie wouldn't try to hide her satisfaction about it, claiming that "it's what the wilderness wants, it wants us to be together like this."
when her plan has the opposite effect and shauna starts to distance herself from lottie, things go downhill really fast. she's more aggressive, grabbing shauna and dragging her to the attic, bombarding her with questions.
"why do you hate me? why do you hate our baby? don't you understand that this was necessary?"
it escalates into an argument that eventually ends up with lottie pinning her down and telling her "you made me do this, this is your fault," while ripping off her clothes and pounding into her. everytime shauna or anyone tries to make any comments about the situation, about how ridiculous it was that lottie had the guts to get her pregnant while they're stranded in the middle of nowhere, she shuts them up instantly. it's what the wilderness wanted, whether they liked it or not.
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minugasakuranohana · 2 months ago
Kōyō and Mori related post, part 1
...about previous context for that problematic Mori's phrase from ch 37
[Part 2]
[Full post in Russian]
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Three question for the first part and three for the second ~
Let's start! What did she said?
There's 3 eng version in the internet:
«Unfortunately, I still have to assist you in running the organisation» [link]
«But unfortunately, I have an inept boss to aid in reviving the organisation» [link]
«But sad to say, I need to help our unreliable boss get this organization back in order» [link]
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In Japanese, she said: じゃが生憎と頼りない首領が組織を立て直す手伝いがあるでのう.
Without going into detail (there will be another post about that later, or read in russian), she said:
じゃが = but, 生憎と = unfortunately / sadly / sad to say
頼りない – adjective, usually means «untrustworthy», «unreliable», «not to be counted on». It's not «inept»
首領 (ボス) = boss, 'cause Asagiri wrote that we should read this like "bosu"
組織 = organization
立て直す: second base of verb 立てる + verb 直す = meaning of 立てる + again, back, or to repeat it = revive, get back in order, re-establish, restore...
手伝い = help / helper
She use ある ➡️ she meant "help"; this verb you can use only for lifeless things
ある = to be (for lifeless things)
でのう (this anime-language shit): 1) = から, expresses the reason; 2) (AI from HiNative opinion) something that adds confidence to the statement and emphasizes the speaker's conviction in his statement, like “certainly” or “undoubtedly”
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She's funny. Her tongue could be as sharp as her blade!
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What was it about?
It's hard to confide in Mori
She was talking about mafia leaders
Because one piece of shit (Ace) run for shelter as fast as conflict started; one vacancy of the executive is still open-but-close because of Dazai (and he really doesn't believe he will find the «reason living» in mafia anymore); and we also have Paul Verlaine, who's been sitting in his "office" somewhere since he became a Mafia member. Boss and Chuuya are the entire leadership in this arc. And Akutagawa directly disobeyed the order to fight with Tiger 👏
It's also about her trust
To begin with, she was captured by the agency because Mori chose this time to let her take Kyouka back. Kōyō wanted to do it days ago. And she was literally about to die 'cause the Guild chose the same time to attack. (And be saved by Yosano... 😨 No one planned that. A fuck-up is a fuck-up)
Mori knows it, Mori feels it
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Upon returning, she immediately noticed details:
First: there's a bunch of corpses who are happy to meet her 🥳 Surreal surprise
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Second: these bastards just let Q go and make some chaos. It's no better than that! If Atsushi and Dazai hadn't saved everyone, the rampage in the city would have reached the level of the prev boss' insanity. Kōyō would probably be thinking, «How could I leave you unattended? Are you saying that I can really just go away and keep my hair on? I'm not afraid of you; I'm afraid you're gonna go crazy without me»
The worst thing about this situation is that, although Mori's plans are extremely rational, they're based on a fragile probability. "Q probably won't be a big problem for all parts of the conflict (not for pm)." "Maybe Q will do what the boss asked." "Lovecraft will almost certainly be under effect of Dogra Magra." "It can't be that bad..." There was enough weakness in the plan. Kōyō obviously sensed it.
Even though «the boss's orders are absolute», it might be frightening to leave. Because there's always a risk. People don't go mad in the blink of an eye. At least the previous boss didn't. Plans can go to hell sometimes. Kōyō is grateful that Mori stopped him. She's afraid that once he'll become the same ones. She's afraid of losing control, like it was in the situation with Kyōka. There's no one around who could and would want to be pm boss. But if Mori lost his mind, she would stop him, wouldn't she?
And just to be clear, «Corruption?! Are you serious? — Dead serious — I wasn't there only for a few days. Why? How could you get this bingo?»
Sometimes this girl tries to play the disciplinarian role (but sometimes - no, she isn't 🤭)
She looks like a frightened child and a confident woman at the same time. And she isn't scared to «beat her enemies on the spot, so thoroughly that they can't fight back», even if her "enemy" is a mafia leader for a few minutes (but Mori knows abt it much more). Mori has been worried about the trust and loyalty from his subordinates since he became a boss. He get some extra reasons to worry in recent days. And she said straight, «No one can trust you»
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«And you without help as without hands!» It's not romantic. No way.
What was it for?
It's a defensive reaction
She was uncomfortable with this dialogue. Mori triggered painful memories, and she felt insecure because he could find out that she was acting on her own free will by staying at the agency. Don't you remember, Mori started talking with her right after Chūya asked, «What about Akutagawa's punishment?» because he didn't follow orders? And she hit back with a verbal attack (and a little revenge), but a bit childish: «Boss-san is making silly things too! And no one believes in him!» 😝
The next sentences «The one to whom my hatred belongs is your predecessor. Right now, I'm feeling pretty good about being here / Right now, I'm fine with this place» softens the previous one.
We will never be 100% sure that we have made the right choice until we see the results. Kōyō herself sometimes has doubts about his decisions. She asks, tries to argue, feels anger... But life is a gamble, and the question is what you're betting on. Kōyō continues to choose him day by day. Even when it's hard, it's her choice.
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And Kōyō crossed that line, which in her mind was the point of no return to the "radiant world", on her own. She murdered a lot of people in a rage, «just like a demon» (her point of view from Chapter 26)
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She knows what hierarchy and mafia rules are. (And she doesn't know anything else) Kōyō doesn't hate her subordinates, only the former leader who ordered to kill her loved one. She doesn't even hate her fate or her past misfortune. Perhaps she simply did not need an abstract object to hate. Kōyō associates herself with darkness. Is she fine? Idk. Anyway, there were 7 or 8 years of Mori's leadership when violence was just one tool at the mafia's disposal to keep the city in balance.
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Kōyō was able to understand that the Mafia isn't absolute evil. Dark, but not that bad. Her psychological defense mechanisms are very strong; she's already quite adapted to seeing and committing violence all the time. «Cruelty is not always evil. Evil is an obsession with cruelty» She remembers former boss's mafia and Mori's organization. She remembers this difference. In her opinion, it depends on the leader.
She respects Mori and trusts him
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[Part 2]
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isa-beenme · 2 years ago
next morning with azriel where they both love each other but are idiots so she ends up trying to leave but is caught by the whole inner circle for breakfast and so she ends up staying the whole day with a lotta fluff?
I loved this one so much that I feel ridiculous 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
But oh gods how long it took me to find a song, I thought I was going insane
Don't worry, my loves, I'll do every request, I just need to finish the bingo and I'll start working in everything else
We still have One night stand and getting in trouble, send the character (please give a little idea 🥹) and I'll write it
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Make You Mine
The sun slowly rose upon Velaris, casting a warm glow through the window of Azriel's bedroom, as you woke up from your deep sleep you found yourself entangled in Azriel's arms. You had spent yet another night with him, enjoying his kisses and warmth. You and Azriel have been going back and forth with one another, months of pure flirting and hot nights, followed by warm and fun days at his side. However, in the light of day during your normal routines, your insecurities and fears crept back in, making you hesitant to express your true feelings. It was hard to admit your love for him and risk being dismissed. Not just by him but, oh gods, his family. The most powerful people in Prythian united in one solid relationship definitely felt very intimidating.
As Azriel stirred awake, slowly getting out of his slumber state, he found you trying to slip out of his bed quietly, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you tried to find your clothes in the middle of the mess you made yesterday. He reached out, gently tugging you back into his embrace, making you fall back into his bed while he pulled the covers up again.
-Where do you think you're going? - He whispered, his eyes shut and a soft smile playing on his lips.
-I thought maybe I should go before anyone sees me - You stammered, avoiding his intense gaze - It's past Cassian's waking hour. If I'm fast enough I think I can still go out - Azriel's heart ached at the thought of you leaving, especially when all he wanted was for you to stay.
-You don't have to leave, you know. You can stay if you want - He cupped your cheek, his scarred thumb caressing your skin, making you shiver with the sensation - I can give him an excuse and stay here with you for the rest of the day. You know, working.
-I know what kind of work you're talking about - You laughed as he buried his face in your neck, hiding his blushing face.
-Can you blame me? - He asked sheepishly, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you even closer.
-You wouldn't mind? - He chuckled softly, pulling one of your legs on top of him.
-Of course not. I want you here with me - Relieved, you nodded and settled back into his embrace, your head resting against his chest.
You lay like that for a while, basking in the warmth of his presence, content to just be together. However, the moment was completely interrupted when a knock on the bedroom door startled you both. Before you could even react, the door swung open, and the rest of the Inner Circle barged in.
Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian, Nestha, Mor, and even Amren stood there, smirking at the sight of the two of you tangled in bed. You felt your face blushing furiously, burying your head inside the covers and in Azriel's chest, while he tried to regain his composure, hiding your naked form from his family.
-Well, well, well, what do we have here? - Rhys teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes - Looks like someone had quite the night.
-Don't worry, lovebirds. We won't tell anyone - Cassian let out a boisterous laugh, and Mor winked at them playfully after she attempted a joke. Amren merely rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in her expression.
-We're not here to tease you, though that's always fun. We wanted to meet Azriel's girlfriend properly - She said while trying to have a proper look at you.
-Um, hi. I'm not Azriel's girlfriend but it's nice to meet all of you - You peeked up from your hiding spot, your cheeks still pink.
-Oh, come on. Cass has been seeing you come in and out of the House at least five times a week. We just never got the chance to come here fast enough to peek at you - Feyre said excitedly, having fun at your surprised expression - Apparently, you both slept in and we gathered ourselves as fast as we could. When I got here I feared you were leaving since I heard you were getting up. I'm glad Az convinced you to stay.
-How exactly did you hear our conversation? I put sound shields in my room every time she's here.
-We listened in your mind - Rhysand explained as his mate smiled in shame, pink dusting in her cheeks - I think it's sweet that you let your mental shields down when she's around, it means you trust her.
-Okay, we need to have a conversation about not getting in my head and listening to my conversation, but first, can you please get out of my room so we can put our clothes on and eat breakfast? - Azriel pointed out and you covered your head with the pillow, feeling the embarrassment getting over you again.
-You don't need to dress up if you don't want to - Nestha said and Mor agreed with her with excitement.
-Nestha! - Cassian barked before laughing at his mate.
-What? I was going to do us all a favor - She mumbled before stepping out of the room, being followed by the whole Inner Circle, each one sending a different wink at you.
-We don't have to go down there if you don't want to - Azriel said after everyone closed the door and he made sure his shields were up.
-I don't think I can run away from them anymore - You got up from the bed, searching for one of the dresses you left in his room, making sure to swing your hips more than necessary.
-I don't think I want to go down there anymore - The male said in a growl, making you giggle while dressing yourself - I know you didn't want to meet them yet. We never even talked about a relationship, damn. I'm so sorry, I should've let you go away before - He dropped himself in bed again, feeling deeply sad with the possibility of you wanting to never see him again.
-Nonsense. I'm not mad or anything like that - You threw yourself on top of him, already dressed in one of the many blue gowns you owned. Blue was always your favorite color anyway, only gaining a new meaning after you met Azriel - Put on your clothes. I might be scared of your family but I will be even more when they start to follow me on the street if I miss this breakfast.
He laughed at you, peppering small kisses in your mouth before getting dressed up, extending a hand to take you down in the dining room. The Inner Circle did not exited to gather around you the moment you sat down at the table with them, eager to know every detail about your and Azriel's relationship. Excitement sparkled in their eyes as they bombarded you with questions, making you chuckle nervously at their enthusiasm.
-So, how did you two meet? - Cassian asked, leaning in eagerly.
-We crossed paths during one of his missions. I was in the bookstore where I work and Azriel swooped in, totally bloodied, and hurt and I offered him help. The rest, as they say, is history.
-Ah, I can imagine Az swooping in like a shadow into your life - Rhysand smirked playfully, receiving only a tired stare from his brother.
-And what's your favorite thing about him? - Mor inquired with a grin.
-Oh, there are so many things I like about him. But one thing that stands out is his unwavering loyalty and how he always makes me feel safe - Your gaze shifted to Azriel, who was sitting on your side, his expression soft but protective.
-Have you told him you love him yet? - Amren asked, always the direct one.
-Well, actually, I'm not-
-Please, look at them, if they didn't say yet in words it's on the way they act around each other - Feyre pointed out, Azriel's arm around your shoulders only proving her words - But I think they both know.
-They better know. Az, you're a lucky guy - Rhysand chuckled.
The questions continued for a while, with the Inner Circle genuinely curious and invested in your - still nonexistent - relationship. They asked about your favorite activities together, and memorable moments, and even teasingly inquired about your private moments. Through it all, you answered everything with good humor, feeling the warmth of acceptance from this quirky and caring group, wondering how you could ever have felt fear of them since they all looked like a big and weird family.
However, after a while, Azriel sensed you might be getting overwhelmed by the attention. He got closer to you and pulled out your chair, wrapping a protective arm around your waist as he made you get up from your place.
-Alright, alright, that's enough interrogation for now. Let's give her a break - You only chuckled, feeling grateful for his consideration.
-Thank you, Az - You smiled at all of them, getting closer to your partner.
-We're just excited for you, that's all. You're like family to us already. So sweet - Rhysand winked.
-Thank you very much for the consideration, I loved meeting all of you - Azriel's grip on you tightened at your words, happy that you liked his little piece of heaven, and he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
-Come on, let's get out of here - He whispered, leading you away from the playful chaos of the Inner Circle when all of them cheered at your interaction.
As you walked hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness. You had found not only love but a group of friends who welcomed you with open arms. Damn, you just admitted that you're in love with Azriel. He took you to an open area and found a moment of tranquility on the balcony, enjoying the fresh air and each other's company. As you stood there, wrapped in his embrace, laughter echoed from the house, and the sound of footsteps approached the balcony. Before you knew it, a joyful group of females from the Inner Circle appeared, faces beaming with excitement. You shot up from your place in Azriel's arms and he muffled a groan, earning giggles from the group.
-Hey, you two lovebirds! Sorry to interrupt, but we have plans for the lovely lady - Mor announced playfully, grinning from ear to ear.
-Oh, um, plans? What kind of plans? - You blinked in surprise, not quite expecting this sudden intrusion.
-We're taking you out for a shopping day and lunch with the girls. It's time to get to know you better - Amren stepped forward with a mysterious glint in her eye - It's a family tradition, you can't deny it.
-Consider this your official initiation into the Inner Circle - Rhysand, who had an amused smirk on his face, added as he stood behind his mate, a hand on her waist.
-Oh, and don't worry. We'll have you back before Az even notices you're gone - Cassian chimed in, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
-Wait, you're taking her out without even asking me? - Azriel's protective instincts flared up, not quite ready to let you go just yet.
-Relax, darling. It's just a girls' day out. We promise to take good care of her - Mor playfully patted Azriel's cheek.
-It's okay, Az. I'll be fine with them. Besides, I bet it'll be fun! - You stepped into the conversation, knowing very well he wouldn't let you go before hearing from your mouth that you were okay with it.
-Alright, but take good care of her. And bring her back in one piece - Azriel hesitated for a moment, but he knew he could trust his friends.
-Of course! Don't you even worry, she'll come back safe and fully working - Mor exclaimed, linking her arm with yours and practically dragging you away as she winnowed you out, leaving Azriel standing there, watching you go. He felt a mix of emotions, from protectiveness, anxiety, and a strange sense of pride for you being accepted into this tight-knit group.
As the day progressed, Azriel received a few playful messages from Mor that Feyre sent to him through his mind, sometimes she even sent some images of you trying on clothes, laughing, and seemingly having a wonderful time with them. Each memory and message warmed his heart, reassuring him that you were in good hands.
As the day with the females continued, you found yourselves lounging comfortably near a candy shop next to the Sidra, chatting and laughing together. As the conversation flowed, the questions took a playful turn, testing the waters of your newfound intimacy with them and they all shared experiences.
-Alright, ladies, how about we play a little game of Truth or Dare without the boys? But let's make it spicy! - Mor, with her characteristic cheekiness, leaned forward with a wicked grin.
The other girls giggled, intrigued by the idea. You felt a mix of excitement and apprehension, not quite sure what you were getting yourself into.
-Truth or Dare, new girl? - Amren asked you with a glimmer of mischief in her eyes.
-Truth - Knowing you were among friends, you decided to play along.
-We know our boy Azriel has his little dirty secrets. So… Have you and Azriel ever... Experimented with anything... Adventurous in the bedroom? - Amren only smirked, gaining a lot of screams from the other females that were just as curious as her.
-Uh, well, um... Maybe - Your cheeks flushed bright red as you stammered - Yes. Definitely. A lot - The girls burst into playful laughter, their amusement evident. You tried to hide your embarrassment, but you couldn't help feeling shy under their scrutiny.
-Oh, come on. Spill the details! - Nestha chimed in, seeming to be jumping up and down from her seat in excitement.
-No way, I can't talk about that! - You practically screamed, covering your face with your hands as the redness kept growing in your cheeks.
-Oh, come on, we're all adults here. You can share with us - Morrigan said, basically jumping on top of you.
They all continued to nudge and tease you, trying to get you to reveal more, but you remained steadfast, maintaining your privacy on the matter. Oh, gods, there were things that if someone from the outside heard they would definitely fear you. As the teasing continued, you couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and amusement. You realized that the Inner Circle was merely having fun, and there was no judgment behind their curiosity. You knew they were just trying to create a playful atmosphere, but you still found it hard to share such intimate details.
-Alright, alright, enough about you. Now, let's talk about our dear Azriel - During a lull in the teasing, Mor grinned like a little viper.
-Truth or Dare, Nes? - Feyre asked,
-Dare, obviously - Nestha smirked confidently.
-I dare you to tell us one thing you find most attractive about Azriel - Nestha chuckled at her sister, considering the question.
-One thing, huh? Well, aside from the obvious - She gestured a big space with her hands - I'd say it's his thighs. Every time I see him in training I try to understand if I want to have it or if I want to sit on them.
-I agree. That little devil knows very well what he's doing and he sits with open wide legs like: "You can watch and sit on it but you'll never have it", it's ridiculous! - You didn't even realize you said it out loud until you saw the other girls nodding in agreement, their admiration for Azriel evident. It was then that you realized that you weren't the only one who held a special place for Azriel in her mind. You only chuckled and brushed it off, knowing damn well how hard it is to not fall in love with him.
By the end of the day, you felt even more connected to the Inner Circle. You realized that they were not only Azriel's friends now but her friends as well. Their playful banter and genuine interest in your life made you feel accepted and cherished.
When you finally returned, Azriel was waiting at the door, trying to act nonchalant but failing miserably. You practically ran to him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
-We're back, and I had an amazing time! - You told him to ease his nerves, beaming up at him.
-I'm glad you had fun - Azriel couldn't help but smile back, relieved and happy to see you safe and happy, seeming so chill around his family.
As the night stretched on, the Inner Circle continued to round you everywhere you went, determined to explore every facet of Azriel's relationship. From your favorite food, to your favorite book, and your favorite court, they asked for everything. Suddenly, as dinner time started to approach and Rhysand pulled out the bottles of wine, Mor, never one to shy away from pushing boundaries, smirked as she posed her next question.
-Alright, my darlings, how about some role-playing? We did it with our new guest already but now we have the whole gang together - She looked at you deeply, her smile never leaving her face - Truth or Dare, Az?
-Dare - He chose, knowing exactly which dare she was going to propose, already getting up from his seat and pulling you with him.
-I dare you to show us how you'd flirt with each other if you were complete strangers meeting for the first time - Mor said with a twinkle in her eye - None of us met each other in a simple scenario, so it's nice to pretend. They all have done it before.
The challenge intrigued you, and you decided to play along. He took a moment to compose himself before approaching you as if you were strangers meeting at a party. With a smoldering look, he introduced himself with a charming smile, making you blush and giggle. You stayed in character as you talked back and everyone laughed at your little theater when you rejected him.
-Have you two ever snuck away during a party to have some alone time? Now I'm pretty sure that every time Azriel ran away from our game nights because of some "emergencies" you were the emergency - Cassian, who enjoyed stirring the pot, raised an eyebrow and pointed at you.
-Maybe once or twice - Azriel couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a little bashful - Guilty as charged.
The Inner Circle hooted and cheered, reveling in the playful and candid nature of the game. The evening was filled with laughter, affectionate teasing, and a growing sense of intimacy among them all.
-Truth or Dare, lovebirds? - Amren, who had been quietly observing, decided to add her own provocative twist.
You chose "Dare" without hesitation, eager to keep the momentum going.
-I dare you to kiss Azriel in a way that will make his heart skip a beat - Amren said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. As you turned to him, your eyes were smoldering with intent.
-Watch this - You leaned in slowly, lips brushing against his ear before you whispered and then pressed a lingering, passionate kiss to his lips. Azriel's heart thundered in his chest, his arousal unmistakable. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in your private bubble of desire and affection.
-Alright, alright, that's enough of a show for today. It's my turn. Truth or Dare, Az?
-Truth - Azriel took a deep breath, his senses still reeling from the kiss while he still looked at you, eyes never leaving yours.
-Do you remember the first time you realized you were in love with her? - Rhysand smirked.
You looked at him terrified, your heart fluttering with anticipation and fear. The room fell silent as Azriel's eyes kept looking at yours, from the thousand times you tried to tell the Inner Circle about the truth of your relationship with Azriel you were met with deaf ears. And now, with Azriel's hand still on your waist from the previous kiss and his eyes glued on yours, you couldn't feel more nervous. You loved him, deeply, but did he?
-It was during a mission. I was surrounded, and I thought I might not make it out alive. At that moment, all I could think about was her safety, her happiness, and the possibility of never getting to see her smile again. I didn't think about myself or my safety, I didn't fight there to get out alive for me, I did it for her because I knew she would be sad if I didn't go to her bookstore again to give her another treat or organize every single book she left for later or just stay in the corner looking at her while she cataloged every new book. It was then that I knew I loved her.
A collective "aww" echoed through the room, and you felt tears of happiness welling in your eyes. You leaned in, capturing his lips in a tender kiss, conveying all the love and affection you felt for him.
Eventually, as the night turned into dawn, everyone decided to call it a night, retiring from the dining room to sleep. The Inner Circle looked exhausted but happy, their hearts filled with the love and joy of finally meeting someone special for Azriel that loved him the way he deserved. Only they knew how hard it was to find someone who would treat him right.
As you sat down in Azriel's bed again, you only extended a hand to him as he took it and threw himself over your body. You hugged him tightly, smelling his scent as you dipped your nose into his hair, its softness always surprising you. He took in your hands, getting up from his position to look in your face, his eyes searching yours.
-I hope they didn't overwhelm you today - He said sincerely, worried about your well being.
-No, not at all. I actually had a great time - You smiled softly, getting a smile from him in return.
-I'm glad - He whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from your face - And about this morning, when I said you could stay, I meant it. You never have to leave unless you want to - Your heart flutters, your fears melting away under the warmth of his words.
-I don't want to leave. Not now, not ever - His face broke into a radiant smile, and without another word, he leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. It was a simple yet useful way of saying what both of you had struggled to express all those months you had spent together.
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markantonys · 10 months ago
a few more bridgerton thoughts! i've always been only a casual enjoyer who watches just for a few hours of fun and doesn't get super invested, but even so, i'm still feeling pretty underwhelmed by this season so far. i watched it in one sitting and enjoyed it while it was happening but just immediately forgot about it as soon as i was done. maybe all the memorable moments are going to be in the second half of the season, but for these first four episodes, i feel like it was all just kinda bland and forgettable (granted, of all the romance tropes in the world, m/f childhood-friends-to-lovers is just about the #1 most boring one to me, so this never would've been my favorite season regardless)
i adore romance and romcoms, always have, and am pretty happy to watch The Classic Marriage Plot play out a thousand times, yet i feel like bridgerton is maybe becoming TOO formulaic and repetitive. although, to be fair, i WAS giggling and kicking my feet during all the Classic Romance Scenes, but the problem was maybe just that there weren't enough of them, which brings me to my second point of too many subplots. too much padding and filler and not enough Classic Romance, which is what i'm here for.
8 hours is way more time than is needed to tell 1 love story, so to fill up the time they invent 17 random subplots that are ultimately pointless and have little relevance outside of the current season. i would way rather a season be only 4 episodes but tightly focused on the main love story, or that a season be about two siblings and two main love stories at a time, than have all this extra time they need to fill up with random unimportant shit. why have we had 3 seasons' worth of storylines about benedict having one-off non-endgame girlfriends that don't have a lasting impact on his character development? what's the point? he's been treading water for so long that i'm not even going to care about him anymore by the time he finally comes into the spotlight, and same with eloise. god, the thought of eloise's season potentially not being until like 2027 is insane. it's past time to start picking up the pace and doing 2 siblings per season!
and the kicker is that all these subplots, which were only invented to fill up the time, end up filling too MUCH time and taking away from the main love story, which is left feeling underbaked. this sort of happened last season, but it's way worse this season. penelope is an excellent character, but her back is breaking from trying to carry the season because colin is kinda giving us nothing due to lack of narrative attention given to him as an individual. he's supposed to be the co-lead, yet i couldn't tell you a single personality trait of his besides "vaguely nice" because he's just had no development and exists more as a prop for penelope to love than as a fleshed-out character in his own right. there was that whole scene where violet was talking about how he's a people pleaser who focuses on making others happy at the expense of his own wants and happiness, and i was just sitting there going "he is?" because i didn't feel i'd ever gotten to know him enough as a person to see this trait in him.
i also think the "dropping a season in 2 halves" model is just about the worst possible release model. if you drop 1 episode a week, that's constant engagement and allows for longer time to digest and appreciate each individual episode. if you drop the whole season at once, it's all over too fast but on the flipside you can experience the entire story at once without risking forgetting things or losing interest while waiting for new episodes. but dropping in two halves a month apart is the worst of both models (over too quickly yet also makes you wait too long to finish the story).
i do like some of the subplots, though. cressida getting to be more than just a mean girl caricature has been a particular highlight, the mondrich family going suddenly from working class to noble is interesting to see, and as a mega-introvert myself (and a music lover!) whose ideal partner would be someone who's happy to sit in silence with me, francesca and john's whole vibe is THE definition of romance to me and has me absolutely swooning (and it's a nice change of pace from all the loud dramatic romances on this show). violet potentially finding new love is also very sweet and i'm rooting hard for her! meanwhile i am not a fan of the featherington subplot; after s1 portraying regency girls' lack of sex education as a serious issue, it feels.........odd for the show to now be playing that very same thing for laughs this season and it just kinda makes me uncomfortable.
but otherwise there isn't much i dislike about the season, it's just kinda "meh" to me so far. the second half might turn things around if it's more memorable!
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jabberwockprince · 1 month ago
how can I put into words just how mad I am at Kimberly/Anjo Nala's writing, like. no wonder people boil her down to sad depressed baby uwu cringe girlfailure, because all of 2.2 insists on telling you that she's all of that, but then they show you completely different things, the disconnect is insane
this is just me rambling abt r99, I love this game dearly, all my anger comes from a place of I Cant Get This Game Out Of My Head
if you haven't read 2.0 and 2.1, you're going to miss literally the way she:
Happily toys with her targets, taunting Matilda and Joe while they're on the verge of death
Kills Hollick in cold blood while having fun
Is cunning enough to find ways around the orders she gets from that Disciple because of the language barrier / distract Vertin & Argus enough with crocodile tears to cast a teleport skill and get away
in Tristes Tropiques, you're told that she saves Vertin to repay her kindness--you're not given context for this within the Main Story, and this "kindness" is just. letting her leave. this doesn't warrant the attachment Kimberly gets to Vertin in this chapter at all, she has a more meaningful convos with WHITE RUM and LOPERA than VERTIN
2.2 attempts to justify her actions by reminding you that she is a victim of people who use her as a toy and a slave, but it fails to take responsibility for the way THIS patch and ALL PREVIOUS ONES demonstrate that she's still a succubus, a creature whose moral compass is based on the binary of "if I don't like you, then I can kill you. but I won't hurt the people I like because I like them. easy"
again, she kills Hollick so casually, she leaves Joe mortally wounded in front of an injured Matilda and doesn't give a SINGLE fuck about it because she's hungry and was following orders
it's so BORING to see her being reduced to "sad sopping wet cat" by the fandom, but of course this happens, because that's all you get if you only consume the main story at face value, which does not bring up the REST OF HER CHARACTER AS WE'VE SEEN HER
2.2 expects me to believe Kimberly's debt to Vertin was so great that it justifies her attachment to Vertin thru the entire patch, it fails to remind you how this attachment was born because It's Quite Literally A Nothingburger. and you can think of this as "Kimberly has never been shown an OUNCE of respect and dignity in her life, so she will latch onto the FIRST person to do the BARE MINIMUM even if its unreasonable"--but that nameless Manus lady from her own character trailer tells her not to return to the toy because she sees how painful it is for Kimberly, and then Kimberly just goes MONSTER FORM to sleep at the foot of the bed. BUT BY THE END OF THE TRAILER, EVERYONE IN THIS MANUS GROUP EXCEPT MS GRACE HAS BEEN KILLED
and this doesn't work etiher, because we then learn that Kimberly has had a fulfilling and loving life in the heartfelt home, that she found people who cared about her. and we know how guarded she is, every fucking time something happens or someone unfamiliar shows up, Kimberly is SO READY to pull her claws out
I talked about this with some friends earlier and they're so fucking right, it FEELS like they're exclusively focusing on the good aspects of Kimberly that would make you empathize with her and PURPOSEFULLY ignoring the rest of the nuance in her character JUST because they can't allow a Limited 6* to be morally complex or, god forbid, do Horrible Things with a smile on her face. which sounds insane because we have characters like Tuesday, but out of all three limiteds we have, you can see they only took a risk with Lucy, who is also in my opinion the most well-rounded, interesting and cohesive character out of them (not counting 2.5's Liang bc I haven't finished that patch yet teehee)
there's so much emphasis on her sister on all promotional content, but then they also fail to deliver ANYTHING satisfactory on the writing bc everything related to Mata Hari is condensed to one line of "I don't want to be like my sister" and then the Paths of the Past tidbits. there are SO MANY THINGS but none of them work together to form a cohesive, solid patch its INSANE. Lopera is underused, Kimberly is all over the place, Zeno / Igor's motivations were weakly explained and there was zero set up for it other than the vague shit you get in 2.1 , Sotheby is abandoned one quarter into the story as soon as the Duncan / Karson thing is "resolved" and like, this also happened to Lilya in 2.1 but Lilya at least did a handful of things other than to exist so that we can get a sad moment of Sotheby recognizing Mr Karson in Duncan
like. this patch is so undercooked and so dependant on so much extra information you have to learn from events that are NOT going to come back IN MONTHS? which is wild, because the apeiron-vienna-vereinsamt arc is RIGHT there, they do it PERFECTLY there????? what the fuck HAPPENED to 2.2 SPECIFICALLY THAT MADE IT. LIKE THIS?
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my1guilty1pleasures · 1 year ago
Love's Curse
part 2
3k words
     Looking up at the sky, you sighed. Yuji had just asked you about the most interesting curses you knew of or had run across. Your answer had been love. It had confused him, how could love be a curse?
     "Tell me Itadori, what would you do if you fell in love with someone?" You asked
     "Yes. What would you do if one day you found someone you cared about?"
     "Uh, get to know them, I guess?"
     "And if they were a regular human? Going to a regular high school? You wouldn't get to spend a lot of time with them."
     "Oh... well that's okay. It just makes it more special!" He answered, his eyes lighting up.
     "And what if they liked you back? What would you do?"
     "Well that would be great! I'd ask them out!"
     "Even if you could disappear for weeks at a time?"
     "What? Disappear? Why would I disappear?" His excitement gave way to confusion.
     "You fight curses, you're going to be sent on missions, you're going to get hurt, you're going to need time to recover. What are you going to tell them? Are you going to lie to them?"
     "Are you going to tell them the truth? That curses exist and that you fight them? That there are horrible creatures out there that want to hurt and kill humanity?" You cut him off.
     "That's, I mean-"
     "What do you think would happen? Would they call you crazy? Leave you for being insane? Maybe they'd believe you. What if they believed you? Forced to live the rest of their life in terror, knowing the truth of the world?"
     "Hey! That's not-"
     "Fair? Neither is life or love. Every time anybody falls in love, they're taking a risk, putting their heart on the line. It's why so many people are afraid of confessing. They're afraid of the heartache. But what about jujutsu sorcerers? We experience things nobody else does, we fight things nobody else knows about. Can we truly fall in love knowing that we put another person at risk when we do so? It might not be as big of a problem if two high ranking sorcerers fall in love, they're both strong enough to take care of themselves. But what about those people who aren't strong enough? What about people who fight and go to war and fall in love and fear the person they love will die or worse. Be used against them? Tell me, Itadori, would you risk putting somebody in harm's way?" You asked, Itadori looked at the ground sadly.
     "I.... I suppose.... I.... I don't know. I don't want them to be hurt because of me but at the same time, if they're really special to me...." He said, a little disheartened. 
     "And that is why people fear love, Itadori. That is why I exist."
     "What do you mean?"
     "Another time, Itadori. Another time." You said softly before walking away.
     It was a few days later that he approached his teacher, a thoughtful look on his face.
     "Sensei, can I ask you a question?" He asked tentatively. Turning to his student, Gojo noticed the look on the boy's face, instantly switching from his usual playful self to something more serious.
     "How can I help?" He asked, wondering what was bothering the boy.
     "It's Y/n-sensei. I was talking to her about curses and one particular one came up. She said it was the reason she existed. Do... do you know anything about the curse, love?" He asked, rubbing his arm nervously. Gojo's face took on a certain melancholy look. 
     "I know a bit. It's a pretty old, special grade curse. It was sealed away by Y/n's clan centuries ago. There isn’t a lot known about the curse anymore, everything known about it is kept inside the family and even then, only by a select couple of elders, the previous family member, and the current person in charge of dealing with it. Nobody knows what happens or what they do. Some say that the curse is sealed inside the strongest member of that generation, others say that the curse takes away their ability to love, but no one actually knows anything. Y/n was the last person to deal with it. It was a little over 10 years ago. She changed after that, she always seemed so… sad. Like something was weighing on her, but she couldn’t say anything.” Gojo said, staring out across the courtyard. He was thinking about a time long ago when you were close friends with him, Geto, and Shoko. Laughing as you ran across the courtyard, Gojo’s glasses in hand. Itadori looked at his teacher in shock.
     "But... that's... that's unfair to whoever has to take it on! Wouldn’t it be better to have more than one person to take care of it? Instead of putting everything on one person?”
     "I don't know. All I can tell you is that every time a new person takes on the curse, they're never the same. Before the curse, Y/n was so lively, caring, compassionate, and happy. After? She was... the woman you see now." Even with the blindfold, Yuji could see the sorrow on his sensei's face.
     "You loved her, didn't you?" He asked after a moment, watching as the man nodded.
     "So much. I always thought to myself 'this girl is the one, she's the one I'm meant to be with.' And then she came back changed. I asked what happened. I begged her to talk to me, I told her how I felt in the hopes that she would open up, that she'd tell me... something. But she just told me that she and I had no future together and walked away." Gojo's chest clenched, his heart aching at the memory. He was thankful for the blindfold as the fabric caught the tears that slipped from his eyes. Itadori stood silently next to him, staring at the ground. What a cruel fate, what a sad past. 
     The truth behind the curse wasn’t quite what the rumors assumed. The curse was sealed deep under the family’s house. Each generation, the strongest child was chosen to, indeed, take it on. You were pitted in a fight against the curse. From the day you’d shown cursed energy, from the moment you could walk, you’d been trained to fight the curse. And on that day, you did as you were ‘destined’ to. You sealed the curse and walked out changed. But not changed like people thought. After fighting the curse, each family member gained a ‘blessing’. Though you were pretty sure that was just a way to make themselves feel better. Your mother had been given ‘Matchmaker’. Anybody she matched would guarantee love and a strong child. People went to her to find love and if she gave them her approval, they always found a good future. But she could only tell who would make a good match, she couldn’t make people fall in love. That was your grandmother’s ability called ‘Cupid’s Arrow’. She could make anybody fall in love with anybody. It was an ability she almost never used. You? You were given ‘Soul’. The ability to see soulmate strings. Your mother had been ecstatic when you told her she and your father were true soulmates. Seeing your own soulstring, your family urged you to find yours, especially after learning he was another sorcerer. You were a strong sorcerer, to have a strong soulmate? A child born of such a union would be sure to end in not only love but in a child that could rival even the great Gojo Satoru himself! Until you told them that your soulmate was Gojo Satoru. It had brought chaos to the family. 
     In the past, any males had been absorbed into the family, but Satoru was the heir to the great Gojo clan. They would insist that you become a part of his family. And then what of your family? Who would take on the curse next? So they forbid you from telling him, from being with him. You’d been crushed, offering solution after solution to the dilemma, but each one was rejected. Your mother had attempted to find you another match, but each one ended in a loveless marriage, a weak child, or both. It sent you spiraling into despair, knowing that you’d never be able to be with your soulmate. What was the point of seeing soulmate strings if you couldn’t be with yours? While you never gave up the jujutsu world, from that day on, you didn’t train as hard, you turned down missions, and stuck mostly to yourself with the exception of your students.
     Unsure of what to do next, Itadori had gone to Megumi and Nobara. He wanted his sensei to be happy, but in order to do that, he had to figure out why you’d turned the man down. In order to figure that out, it would be best to figure out what had happened with the curse, but to do that meant that you had to be comfortable to open up to them and how could you do that with them? You’d seen Itadori talking with Gojo a lot, so that might put you on edge. Megumi had been taken in by the man, so that was a definite no, and while they thought Nobara might be a good choice at first, a passing Maki had mentioned that Nobara seemed like a gossip and was one of Gojo’s students meaning that you wouldn’t be comfortable with her either. All of this had led them to Maki, Inumaki, Panda, and Yuta. Almost immediately Yuta had been taken out as an option because of how he idolized Gojo, as well as Inumaki due to his cursed speech. After a small debate, they’d decided that Maki would be the best option, being human, female, and with no real relation to Gojo.
     Sitting under one of the trees in the courtyard, you stared off into space, letting your mind wander. The first year students showed a lot of promise, making you rather hopeful for the future. If this was the future of the jujutsu world, then you had no worries about the future at the moment. 
     “Hey Y/n-sensei?” a voice called, drawing your attention to the dark haired girl.
     “Maki, how can I help you?” you asked, putting on a small, albeit melancholy, smile.
     “I uh, had a question, if you don’t mind.” she asked, sitting down when you patted the spot next to you on the bench.
     “Alright, shoot.” you said. Maki hesitated for a moment, taking off her special glasses and looking up at the sky.
     “I overheard Itadori and Gojo-sensei talking recently. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I was kind of walking by and was wondering what this love curse was? I went to the library to look it up but I couldn’t find anything. I was hoping you could tell me more about it.” she asked, making you chuckle. It seemed everybody wanted to know more about the curse lately.
     “I’m not surprised you didn’t find anything, in fact I’d have been more surprised if you did find something. Almost everything about the curse was removed a long time ago, only my family has any knowledge on it. So is there anything in particular you’d like to know? That I can tell you, that is.” you asked, looking over at the girl, making her smile.
     “I suppose as much as you’re willing to tell me. I mean, we’re told about all sorts of strong, special grade curses. We know about Sukuna’s fingers, about curses like Kurourushi or Tamamo-no-mae. Heck, we even know about possible curses that are so ancient we know nothing about them. But an actual ancient, special grade curse? One that’s so powerful it has to be locked away like that? Wouldn’t it be better to have more people know about it rather than hiding that information away?” the girl asked, drawing a small laugh from you this time. 
     “I asked the elders the same thing when I was younger. Why keep the knowledge to just my family? What if I were to fail? Wouldn’t it be best to have someone else who could handle the curse as well? Heck, Gojo is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer around, wouldn’t he be a better option?” you asked, giving a genuine smile as you shook your head, “Apparently not, though. I can’t tell you much. A sort of ‘sworn to secrecy’ kind of thing. Only those in the family are allowed to know, but I’ll tell you what I can.” you paused for another moment, looking up at the sky with Maki. “What I can tell you is this. Despite how the curse was created from the fear of love, it has the power to manipulate people into feeling love. The reason for this is because if they feel love and affection for another, they’ll become afraid of their feelings. Worse yet, if they get rejected, the negative feelings can sometimes become even worse. Thereby feeding the curse and allowing it to grow. Before it was sealed, it ran around sowing chaos in this manner. Making people fall in love, many of them being rejected, others becoming obsessed or crazed, it all fed into the curse. My clan soon found out and decided to try to exorcize it. I can’t tell you the specifics, but I can tell you that the only thing they managed was to seal it away.” 
     “Was it really that strong?” she asked in shock, staring at you in surprise.
     “That’s not something even I know. But supposedly, yes. My family keeps a lot of things secret for a lot of reasons that, quite frankly? I don’t agree with or don’t understand. But it’s their traditions and there’s nothing I can do about it. About 11 years, the responsibility fell to me. I did what I was supposed to do, had a celebration in my honor, and promptly told to tell nobody. Not even my future husband. Not that I think I’ll have one at this rate.” you said sadly, taking a deep breath to hold back the tears.
     “Why not? Haven’t you looked for someone? Tried dating? Or maybe there's somebody you already care about?” Maki asked in confusion, looking over at you, not saying anything about how she noticed your lip quivering.
     “There’s only one person in this world that I love and I’m not allowed to be with him. Yes, I tried dating, tried to get over him, but it… never worked out. The ironic part? I’m not allowed to be with the man I love because my family is worried about the next generation to handle the curse, but I doubt I’m going to have children because there’s nobody I want to have children with. I can’t leave it to another family member, my aunt never had children and I’m an only child. So either the line ends with me and they’re forced to bring in somebody else, or they find a way for me to have a suitable child.” you said with a dry laugh. Maki stared at you for a moment, trying to process things. 
     “Then wouldn’t it be better to have children with that guy instead of ending the line? I mean, there’s got to be a way!” she defended, suddenly finding herself more and more invested in this curse and your love life. 
     “That’s what I said. My family elders don’t exactly agree. So they’re still trying to find me a good match. Honestly, I’ve wanted to run away from all of it and be with him anyway and to hell with my family. Except he can’t just run away either. He’s a strong jujutsu sorcerer with his own responsibilities.” you said with a sigh, feeling the girl next to you put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
     “If you don’t mind me asking… who were, uh, who are you in love with?” Maki asked, looking around the courtyard. Who here could be so important that you were forbidden to marry him? You hesitated, looking out at the courtyard for a moment.
     “You’ll probably call me crazy for this, but it’s Gojo. You kids don’t know him like I do. Yes, he’s perpetually late, he’s immature, he can be a massive idiot, and has way too much of an ego… but he’s kind and caring, he’s protective, sweet, fun, he makes me laugh, and he’s handsome to boot.” you said softly, quickly wiping away the few stray tears before they could get too far. Things were silent for a while as Maki stared out at the courtyard with you, processing everything you’d just told her. Maki suddenly looked at you, a thought crossing her mind.
     “Wait! I thought the curse took away your ability to love!” she protested, making you laugh once more.
     “Maybe I’m lying, or maybe I’m just so strong that I overcame that and can still love somebody, or maybe my love for him was so strong that it could only dampen my feelings.” you said with a grin. You had to let the rumors persist, it was what your family insisted on. Besides, you enjoyed watching the frustrated looks on the students’ faces as they tried to determine which it was. While you’d opened up a little about the curse, she was still left with so many questions. You’d said ‘handle’ the curse, how did you handle it? Did it really make people in your family unable to love? Why couldn’t somebody help? Why keep you from the person you loved? Wouldn’t a child from the Gojo clan be a great thing? They could handle the curse and still be the next head of the Gojo clan as well as the child of the strongest sorcerer! 
     “I uh, thank you for telling me, Y/n-sensei. Whatever happens, I hope you get to be with Gojo-sensei one day, even if I don’t understand how you could like somebody like him.” she said, getting up and bowing to you. You smiled and nodded, watching her walk away. Closing your eyes, you tilted your face to the sky. You hoped you’d get to be with him one day as well.
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gatheredfates · 2 months ago
👋 Hiii Sea! You have enough XIV blorbs I didn’t wanna pick just one- so it’s dealers choice for who you’d wanna answer this with ehehe
if they got set loose in an Ice Cream/Fro-yo parlor without limits (assuming it’s got a huge range of flavors and toppings hehe) what flavors/toppings would they get, and would they want a cone or a cup? •w•
also happy new year!!! 🎉
Oh my god, this ask is hilarious. And very topical considering I visited an ice cream parlour when I was on holiday that had something like 72 flavours, so I have somewhat of a good memory for what was there as a point of reference!
Ashe would be every single kind of sorbet she could get her hands on; mango, lychee, lemon, coconut — you name it. I had a watermelon mint one a few weeks ago that was the bomb, so that's also right up her alley! She's an absolute fruit fiend and would much rather just gnaw on it all day as opposed to something like a chocolate bar or candy. I also think that Costa Del Sol probably some kind of thriving ice cream scene, so she considers herself a bit of a connoisseur (in that every sorbet has to have real fruit or it doesn't count; none of that 'berry extract' or whatever LMAO). She'd also much prefer a cup to a cone, though tends to pile it up to a comical level, so she really should just bring her own bowl.
Sarrai's is... insane. We're talking like sherbet, birthday cake/cake batter, bubblegum, rocky-road, etc. Not necessarily all at the same time, but she wants that sugar pastel ✨ dream ✨. There's a kind of ice cream flavour in Australia called rainbow (which google tells me is apparently caramel but it's not caramel, it's rainbow), that she'd probably include in every cone. Because, yes, she'd have a cone! Either a super wide waffle cone or one of the ones that are shaped to hold like two/three scoops of ice cream without a risk of dropping because she will not get sticky, so help me god. This is the same woman who'll go trampling through the muck but no, no! We are not getting melted ice cream on ourselves. Sarrai also gets sprinkles/a flake/ice magic whenever she can. My partner joked that she once tried to test her father (his oc) by seeing how much she could get and he just didn't stop her, so she ended up with some abomination that she probably couldn't eat and made her sick... BUT SHE'D DO IT AGAIN.
Koret/Eve are fairly similar, I think. They're blends of espresso, macadamia, jaffa, mint-chocolate, liquorice, salted caramel, bailies and scorched almonds — flavours were something is cutting through the sweet in some capacity; whether citrus, salty or bitter. They'd both claw each other for a good rum and raisin and both prefer a cone, one scoop, no trimmings.
That being said, Kor is more partial to get the occasional cookies and cream or plain chocolate, whereas that likely makes Eve's teeth curl.
Alaice's order is two scoops of vanilla bean gelato in a cup — no contest. She might occasionally get a hazelnut/ferrero rocher, but more often than not she's probably just having the rest of the cone her daughter decided to wear on herself. Not that she minds. They tend make pretty frequent trips despite how cold Ishgard is because it's one of the things her ex-husband disapproved of.
The rest I'd have to really think about, so I hope this suffices! For example, my immediate thought for El is her sitting cross-armed going 'I don't like ice cream', but I'm sure she'd sneak one when no one was looking (and it's probably Sarrai's because she'd feel like she could get away with it).
Thank you for the fun ask, and happy new year! At least I'm hitting the ground running in trying to talk about my oc's more, haha.
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