#i don't have a big age difference with my brother but still. siblings. you get it
"The podcast is about our neighbours being murdered." "Yeah, but you made it sound cozy."
That's it. That's the show.
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cornfieldsrambles · 1 year
omg ok SO
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Meet the Lords in Black. Charming, aren't they?
Yes, Wiggly does indeed have four brothers who all do different things, so I'll cover them one by one, in order of introduction (since we've already met each of them in Nightmare Time at least once). BTW Nightmare Time has a fuckton of lore in it that I won't go into here, so even though I am about to spoil significant parts of it for you, I do recommend watching it, it's really good and if there's enough interest they might make a third one!
(Also you might notice they're all in doll form in this picture. This is how we knew them up until NPMD introduced us to what I call their Tumblr sexyman forms. Which are rad as hell by the way.)
So you already know Wiggly. That little green fucker, Wiggog Y'Wrath, the Capitalist Cthulu who does uwu-speak and starts a cult by invading people's minds. This will become a bit of a reoccurring theme with these guys. He's also the only one to successfully start an apocalypse, and the only one to have attempted to birth himself into our reality. (Or is he? We'll get to that...) He does seem to have some kind of dominion over the other LiB, as whenever all five of them show up there's always emphasis placed on him, like in NPMD where he does most of the talking while his siblings occasionally butt in.
Now for Bliklotep. Blinky seems to have slightly lower-scale ambitions than Wiggly, but don't let that fool you. Eyeball Boi is still incredibly dangerous. He runs an amusement park, WatcherWorld, deep within the Hatchetfield Witchwood. But it's not for the amusement of the patrons. Oh no. It's for Blinky's own amusement. Once you step inside, every insecurity, every shred of potential conflict will be ripped to the forefront, turning people against each other to the point of trying to kill each other until he's fully infected their minds. It's implied that, if not all, but a significant chunk of the workers at WatcherWorld were once patrons before having their minds taken over by Blinky. He's also implied to be the thing in Trail To Oregon that Jack Bauer sees during his venom-induced hallucination, as Blinky is referred to as "The Watcher With 1,000 Eyes", which is exactly what JB says he sees? Making Blinky the only LiB to induce a Starkid crossover. My headcanon is that the Dikrats founded Hatchetfield. But regardless.
Next up on the roster is Tinky. T'noy Karaxis, the Time Bastard. You may be wondering about that one line in NPMD where he recognised Pete as a Spankoffski, and said he "could have the whole set in his toybox". Has Tinky gone after Pete's relatives?
Well. Um. You know Ted, right? Yeah, his name is Spankoffski. He's Pete's big brother. We actually got the surname reveal before the brother reveal, lol. And that's not the only reveal we got about Ted. Our boy Teddy Bear has this whole entire tragic backstory and it turns out he gets fucked over in literally every timeline! Isn't that fun?
So, to summarise an entire episode: Tinky makes travel fuckery happen, Ted wants to go back in time to fix his life, accidentally goes back to before the time machine was created and gets stuck in the past, literally. Tinky is watching and laughing at the whole thing, then shows up to blow Ted's brain to smithereens with his weird little magic box, the Bastard's Box, where he stores all the people he toys with. Anyway Ted eventually catches up with the present by aging, except now no one knows who he is, he's... actually I won't spoil that. But once he dies he ends up eternally trapped and tortured in the Bastard's Box. Yaaay.
Fast forward to Nightmare Time 2 and we get introduced to Nibbly, in possibly the most unexpected way imaginable. He's revealed to have been behind a whole episode literally right at the end of said episode, and even though it was kind of foreshadowed, it hits you like a freight train in the best way. Remember when I said Wiggly was the only one who tried to birth himself into reality? That was kind of a lie. Nibblenephim can sort of do that anyway. Every year, he can possess a bunch of carcasses and create a living form to walk the earth for one night. He also has a cult of followers who provide him with the carcasses, as well as a sacrifice to feed on. There's a little more to it, specifically with how the sacrifice is chosen, but again, I'm trying to spoil as little as possible. Go watch Nightmare Time. Nibbly also seems to have a "pig" motif, and his theme song, The Nibbly Ditty, is a banger, easily my favourite of the three LiB theme songs we've heard so far.
And finally, we are introduced to Pokotho, in the very last episode of NMT2.
Except no. We were formally introduced to Pokey there, yes, but we've seen his apocalypse already. Long before NPMD, before Nightmare Time, even before Black Friday.
Yeah, remember me saying that Wiggly was the only one to successfully start an apocalypse? That was also a lie! Pokey already did that, and he did it without ever showing his masked face. Remember The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals? The blue spores that came down in a meteor and turned everyone into singing zombies? That was Pokey's doing! That's his blue spores! That's his apocalypse!
This also provides an explanation for why blowing up the meteor didn't work. Emma and Hidgens were right about the hivemind thing, but wrong about the location of the central brain. It wasn't the meteor - the meteor was just the vessel which carried the spores to Earth. The central brain was sitting safely up in the Black and White, laughing as Paul blew himself to smithereens. The central brain was Pokey, the Singular Voice, the most uncompromising of his brothers. The one who hates every voice that is not his own, hence the hivemind and making all of his zombies speak in HIS voice.
Anyway in NMT2 he's happily collecting musical zombies by taking on a human form and infiltrating a fighting ring of superpowered children until he has enough to kickstart another apocalypse. (Don't question it, we're almost done). He also calls himself Otho, not Pokey, making him the only LiB to have two different abbreviations of his name. Hannah is also there (remember her? Lex's little sister?) and she is like incredibly important to this whole thing, she has a super powerful mind, but that's a whole other thing.
But I did mention Hannah for a reason. Because you said "Wiggly's SIBLINGS". And while the Lords in Black are always referred to as brothers, they do have one more sibling. A sister. A Queen in White. And her name is Webby.
Yep, Hannah's imaginary friend isn't imaginary, who could have guessed? She's benevolent, always trying her best to combat her brothers' antics, but given that there's one of her and five of them, this is a bit of an uphill battle. Webby doesn't have a full name that we know of, nor does she have a doll. We don't know much about her. And she may not be all-powerful - but then again, neither are her brothers.
Infodump concluded. Hope this helps, it was very fun to write.
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wondersinwaynemanor · 9 months
either Dick's siblings are merely teasing him, or they are telling the truth. and that destroys Dick Grayson. or wherein the rest of the batkids call out Dick's features and behavior that indicate he's aging.
Dick tiptoes, while slowly getting the mug from the cupboard.
Jason: You're getting slow, Dickiebird. Should I call your speedster boyfriend to help you in getting that?
Dick, huffs: What are you talking about, Little Wing???? I'm just not tall enough to get it. Not everyone has your growth spurt.
Jason, grabs the mug with ease and hands it to his older brother: Nah, you're just slow now.
Dick tries to recall the case he and Tim were working on last month as they sit in front of the batcomputer.
Tim: You okay, Dick?
Dick, massaging his temples: I'm trying, Timmy. I really cannot remember the coordinates. I'll let Babs help me with that.
Tim: Maybe you should go lay down, Dick. You're getting memory loss.
Dick: I - What is that supposed to mean? I'm just out of my game tonight, okay????
Tim, snorts: Not the first time this is happening though.
Dick, leans down to read the contents of the cereal box: Hmmm.. Are the words too small, Dami, or it's just me?
Damian, gets the box from his older brother and reads for him: Only minimal sugar, Richard, you're good. But it seems as if you need prescription glasses.
Dick: My vision is perfectly fine, okay??? It's just Mirror Master's mirror reflected right to my eyes. Helped Wally last night.
Damian: I really hope that's the case, Richard.
Dick is sitting with Cass and Steph on the floor in Cass' room at the Manor.
Cass, stops braiding Dick's hair: Big Brother has gray hairs.
Dick, shocked like a deer in headlights as he touches his hair: What???? Are you serious, Cass?? Where??
Steph: Hey, you're gonna ruin your nails, Dick! They're still wet - Oh, no. Is that a fine line on your forehead?
Dick, turns red at this point: FINE LINE??? That's not possible!! I'm using the face mask you recommended to me last week - You're telling me it's not working- I can't have a fine line!!!
Cass and Steph giggle as they watch Dick pace around and leave to go to the bathroom.
Dick closes his eyes and breathes.
Duke: Are you okay, Dick? Want to take a few-
Dick, opens his eyes and smiles at his younger brother : No, no I'm okay. Let's go again-
Duke: No, you can teach me the move tomorrow, or when you feel better. You've been really tired lately.
Dick: It's just a headache, nothing too serious.
Duke: Yes, but it's different when it's fatigue. And it's one of the symptoms of-
Dick: Uh, uh. Don't say it, don't say it- I'm not getting old, okay??? Why are you guys saying that lately???
Duke, squeezes his older brother's arm: Aging is a natural thing, Dick.
One night-
Dick, enters Bruce's study: B, I need to go with you to that spa in Greece. I need a break. I'm getting old!!!
Bruce, nods his head slowly: Sure, Chum.
Bruce, eyes his eldest: Oh.
Dick: What?
Bruce: Is that a wrinkle-
Dick: Coming from you, old man!!
Bruce chuckles as Dick leaves the study, talking to himself.
Dick cries dramatically to Wally that night.
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wolfofcelestia · 26 days
I just want to talk about Caleb's relationship with MC a bit
For context: I am Chinese by blood. I wasn't born in China but was still raised by my family with Chinese traditions, so take from this post what you will. If you disagree with this post and want to argue, do me a favour and just block me
People in the western fandoms are always so loud about how Caleb/MC is "basically incest". She calls him big brother in all the other dubs except English, meaning all the Asian languages. They grew up together so they may as well be blood siblings
Let me tell you why this take is fucking stupid
First and foremost, it's normal in many Asian cultures to call men of a certain age or men with a certain familiarity to you "big brother". I grew up calling my older male cousins and family friends "big brothers". This is not literal. There is no connotation of them being my brothers by blood.
It's the same concept of calling my mom's friend or my dad's second cousin "auntie" or "uncle". It's a term of respect and familiarity
Secondly, even though this takes place in the future, this *Fictional story* was written to be relatable to adults in China. Meaning, people who were born prior to the One Child Policy being lifted in 2015.
Their target audience can't relate to having blood siblings, but they can relate to an older male friend who acts protective of you. This is what Caleb is to MC: a protective older male friend
Third, they were orphans. Grandma never had children so Caleb is not related to her, making him an orphan just like MC. Living together with Grandma is basically just them in another orphanage.
Would you consider all kids living in the same orphanage having the same kind of connection as blood siblings? Absolutely not. They don't see each other as blood family. They are just two kids who were taken in by the same woman after they lost their families
If you are pushing your cultural views on a game from a different culture than you and lambasting it as disgusting, then you should reevaluate how you interact with fiction
Caleb's main issue is getting over the "best friends" boundary with MC. He was always there to protect her when no one else was. He saw her as another orphan like him, and decided to step up and protect her. He was always going to be by her side. They were always going to be friends forever. But now he wants more. And that's his dilemma.
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chibi-sedusa · 9 months
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content: caring dom!Choso, stepcest, fingering, light orgasm control, oral (f receiving), kissing, spanking
Note: in this story I imagine the reader is home from college for summer break, it’s not explicitly said (except for one mention of being an adult) but both characters are of legal age!
Art by: umbra3terna (ig)
You breathe a sigh of relief as your parents head out for their weekend getaway. Your step brother, Choso, is sleeping at a friend's house for the weekend. Two whole days, just you… or so you thought. You take a nice long shower and wrap the towel around your body, barely covering your butt, and head to the kitchen.
You grab your phone and order yourself some pizza, and right as you finish ordering, you hear the front door open. It startles you, you have no idea who it could be. Suddenly, you remember you’re only wearing a towel, and you grab a large knife, prepared for the worst.
“The intruder” steps around the corner into the kitchen and you scream, lifting up the knife. He grabs your wrist, laughing.
“Hey, hey, hey- y/n!” The shock dissipates from your body and you sigh, realizing the intruder was none other than your step brother.
“Jesus, Choso, I thought you weren’t gonna be home this weekend?”
He laughs, still holding onto your wrist. He looks down at your cleavage peeking out of your towel that’s ready to fall any minute now.
“Yea, well, my friend's girl wanted to see him so I decided to come home.” His eyes linger on your body for a moment before nervously looking away.
“Ahem… uh.. Nice outfit.” He laughs nervously, releasing your wrist from his grasp.
“Sh-shut up! I didn’t know anyone would be home!” Flustered, you drop the knife, leaving a small cut on your forearm. “Ouch, fuck!”
With a worried look on his face, he grabs your arm and checks how deep the cut is. Upon realizing it’s a small one, his expression becomes a bit more relaxed.
“Klutz.” He teases, leaning his head down while bringing your arm closer to his face. He licks the cut while staring you dead in the eyes, sucking up the bit of blood that escaped your wound.
“Y-you don't have to do that!” Your cheeks turn red and you divert your gaze away from him. He’s always been very caring, this isn't necessarily out of character for him, it’s just that the air around you two right now seems… different.
“What?” He pulls away slightly to talk, before going back to sucking on the cut, “I don’t see the problem. I’ve seen you do this before when you got a papercut. This is no different.”
“Y-yeah but that’s me! It is different.” You protest.
“Well, I’m your brother. This shouldn’t be such a big deal.” He pulls away completely and inspects your arm once more. You can’t help but feel like you’re being teased, which is also pretty in character for him.
“Step brother.” You correct him, getting an annoyed sigh in return.
“Why do you always do that, huh?” He tilts his head, curiously, “It shouldn’t matter, right? Either way… we’re family.”
Your cheeks get hot and you quickly turn around.
I need some water, you think to yourself.
You open the cabinet behind you and reach for your favorite cup at the top, standing on your tip-toes and bending over slightly. You can hear Choso chuckle lightly behind you.
“Let me get that for you, sis” You feel Choso’s large body press up against yours as he reaches for the cup you wanted. He hands it to you, hands on either side of you, leaning against the counter. Your breathing becomes heavy, Choso’s hands trail up both your arms until he reaches your shoulders, gently squeezing them.
“Wowww y/n… you’re pretty tense!” He starts massaging your shoulders, “loosen up a little, hm? It’s just me… Just… two siblings hanging out…”
His touch sends shivers down your spine.
“S-stop calling us… s-siblings.” You stutter.
“Why, hm?” He whispers in your ear, rubbing your shoulders harder, “What’s the matter with me calling you my little sister, huh?”
“Mmm..” You moan as his fingers dig into the knots in your shoulders.
“Could it be… because you think about me in a different way?” He gasps in playful shock, and you can feel his hot breath on your ear, your skin burning at his touch.
You’re speechless, guilt ridden, and so turned on.
“Well, I think about you…” He gently nibbles your ear, his speech becoming more seductive with every word, “all... the... time.”
His hands start to travel downwards, one reaching around, grabbing your breasts over the damp towel and the other lifting the bottom of the towel, exposing your ass.
You gasp, “w-what are you doing?”
“Shh… I’m just touching you, silly…” He grabs your butt and squeezes it, “mm… I’m just being a good big brother, taking care of his cute little sister.”
You’ve always wanted this. Countless times, you’ve laid in bed late, touching yourself to the thought of him doing something like this.
“S-stop calling me that…”
“Tell me why, y/n,” He growls, planting kisses on your neck, “tell me why you hate it so much, hm?”
You stay silent, not ready to admit your shameful desires.
“I said,” he talks in a serious tone as he spanks you hard, “Tell me… right now, y/n.”
The sting from his hand slapping your ass makes you yelp and whimper. He spanks you again, even harder.
“Ahh.. I just…” You bite your lip and mumble the next part, “I just… want you to see me… as something else… I don’t want us to be f-family���”
Choso smiles and undoes your towel, you can feel his hard cock through his sweatpants pressed against your lower back. His eyes look you up and down with the hunger of a wolf hunting its prey. He caresses your face and gets closer.
“Aw… that’s so fucking cute, y/n… My cute little step sister…” He chuckles, “is that better?”
He moved his index finger and middle finger over your lips, rubbing the bottom one gently. You open your mouth instinctively and he chuckles, inserting his fingers into your mouth.
“Yea, suck on my fingers, baby… you’ve wanted this for so long, haven't you?” He purrs, pinching your nipple with his other hand and pressing himself into your backside.
“M-mmhmm” You manage to say as you suck and drool on his fingers.
He takes them out of your mouth after a minute and brings his wet fingers down to your clit, just barely touching it.
“You want your big brother to touch you right here, don't you, y/n?” Choso’s whispers burn your ear as he ever so gently rubs your clit, just barely touching it.
You nod your head, anticipating his touch, aching for it.
“Say it. Tell me you want it. Say ‘please, big brother, touch my sweet little pussy.”
Your face turns beet-red and you divert your gaze from his eyes, only for him to grab your jaw and turn you back towards him. He stares at you intimidatingly, waiting for your answer and teasing your clit.
As if the taboo of doing this with your step brother wasn’t bad enough, you are already an adult, so calling him “big brother” is just… embarrassing. You shake your head in protest, and he moves his hand away, giving you a look that says “Your loss.” You whimper and give in reluctantly.
“P-please, big brother…” you struggle to get out the words, but need to feel his touch, “please touch my s-sweet l-little pussy…”
He starts rubbing your clit in little circles, “aww, good girl… Now was that so hard?”
You moan as his fingers start to pick up speed. You feel a knot of pleasure well up inside your stomach, instinctively thrusting your hips into his hand. He grabs your waist with his free hand and kisses your neck, sucking it and sending shivers down your spine.
“W-we shouldn't be d-doing this…” You whimper, clawing at his shoulders.
“You’re right, we shouldn't…” He agrees, yet continues to kiss your neck and reaches up to finally unravel your towel. His large hands hold the towel up, preventing it from falling, and he speaks in a low voice.
“I’m not going to stop unless you tell me to,” Choso says under heavy breaths, “so, if I’m crossing a line… if you don't want this… tell me now.”
A few seconds go by as you try to fight your desires, but it feels like an eternity.
“I…” You take a deep breath, shaking against his body, “I do want thi-”
He drops your towel before you’re able to finish your sentence, and turns you towards him, kissing you deeply. He grabs your thighs and lifts you onto the counter, wedging himself between your legs. You can tell he’s wanted this for a long time too. You wrap your arms around him as he holds you close, deepening the kiss.
Choso starts kissing down your neck to your chest, and slowly pulls you to the edge of the counter. You lean your head back as his kisses trail down your stomach. He spreads your legs as wide as they can go and gently kisses your clit, rubbing it in circles with his index finger. He looks up at you longingly. His usually stoic expression turned to that of a puppy dog begging for a treat.
“Can I?” He lightly kisses your clit as he waits for permission to feast on your cunt, “Please?”
“Y-yes…” You reply, aching for his touch.
His tongue swirls around your clit as he teases your hole with his fingers, just grazing them along your entrance.
“Mmmh… you're so wet for me, y/n.” He growls, lapping up your wetness and slowly inserting his index finger.
Your legs are shaking and your breathing is quick and heavy, almost animalistic. Your step brother eats your pussy like a man starved, fingering your tight hole as you moan louder and louder. Your toes curl and you tug on his ponytails, thrusting your hips into his face.
“G-god, Choso!” You feel yourself getting close to the edge when he suddenly pulls away, his tongue just barely stroking your folds. He still pumps his fingers into you, but agonizingly slowly.
“Call me big bro, y/n.” He demands as he kisses your clit, “call me big bro while I make you cum on my face.”
“Choso, please…” You whine, feeling your lower abdomen tighten with each thrust of his fingers, and throw your head back as he torments and teases you.
“Oh?” He smirks at you, and starts to slowly slip his fingers out when you stop him by grabbing his hand.
“Okay, okay… b-big bro…” You look at him with desperation, tugging on his hand.
Choso smiles widely at you and kisses your clit once again before completely devouring you. His thick fingers wiggle deep inside of you, hooking into your sweet spot as he sucks on your clit, moaning into your folds. The pleasure you feel from your step brother's touch is alarming, you never knew it would be this good.
“Ah- fuck-” You moan out as you feel yourself reaching your climax, “Fuck! Haah-”
“That's right, y/n,” Choso feels your walls tighten around his fingers and your juices flow into his mouth, “who’s making you cum right now, y/n? Hmm?”
“M-my big brother!” You cry out in ecstasy, “Haah- my big brother is- mmmmh- making me cum!”
He continues to thrust his fingers inside of you until your entire body twitches from the sensitivity, and slowly pulls them out before licking them clean. You feel your cheeks flush as he smiles at you, standing up to meet you face to face. He kisses your forehead and cups your face in his hands, still grinning from ear to ear.
Before you’re able to continue, the doorbell rings.
“Fuck, thats the pizza.” You say, disappointed.
Choso sighs and hangs his head for a second before looking back up at you. His eyes linger on you as he walks around the corner to answer the door, and before he disappears from your sight, he says three words:
“Don’t go anywhere.”
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otgo-brooklyn · 1 year
Older Brother!Slider with Baby Brother!Ice
Okay, so another contribution rant to the Top Gun Fandom:
Big Brother Slider, but ONLY, ONLY to Ice. And not the generic sibling relationship, no, but Ice is his Baby Brother.
For any who don't have that 'Baby' Sibling, as an eldest child, let me explain: A sibling is a younger, less better, version of yourself because your parents were a bit delusional and now there is Another™.
HOWEVER, a Baby Sibling, a BABY Sibling? No, they are essentially your own child, typically the youngest, they are your pride and joy, and when I tell you that with a Baby Sibling you become so protective over them you would commit horrible crimes for them- literally becoming an attack dog on a leash held by said Baby Sibling, that is a true Baby Sibling/Older Sibling relationship. The minute they are born they're just, your child, like so what the birth certificate says that their parents are my parents, that's obviously a lie. They legitimately become your child in more ways than one, whose only role in life is to be happy and loved. And this is SO the relationship between Slider and Ice.
Ice is the Baby Sibling™, with Slider as the protective older brother. Slider makes sure that Ice is happy, and cared for/loved, protected, everything for the Baby™. I cannot explain enough how much I love this head-cannon, and all the proof I'll ever need to explain it is this one GIF;
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Look at Slider, the protective arm around the shoulder, the glare, the judgement in his very being, the way his jaw tenses-, compared to Ice, who is just sitting there, not even noticing, focusing on something else all happy like (Or as happy as Ice can get while in Ice-man mode (Or as happy as one can get when translating languages, if you saw my other post about Russian!Ice ;D)).
Slider nearly getting kicked out of the Top Gun program due to beating a fellow pilot unconscious because he DARED shit talk Ice
So they never gave Slider a DOB/specified age in Top Gun, but his actor, Rick Rossovich is 2 years older than Val Kilmer, so that only furthers the point of Slider's Older Brother Agenda
One time Goose was showing Ice how to cartwheel after Ice was interested in how he did it on the deck of the ship they were stationed on and Slider refused to allow Ice to do it because "What if he falls and cracks his skull open on the tarmac Goose!"
When reassured that Ice cracking his skull open isn't going to happen, and Goose was only going to demonstrate, Slider still wont budge on it. Ice never learned how to do a cartwheel to this day
Ice's foot getting caught in the track and wheels of a stationary, not turned on/working tank on accident and one singular, quiet, whispered "ow" after pulling it out of said track/wheel, was all it took to have Slider screaming his head off carrying Ice into medical absolutely positive that Ice just "Broke his own god-damn ankle, GET A MEDIC-"
Someone shoving past Ice on their way to the mess hall in a rush, causing Ice to stumble back literally 2 steps, and Slider getting in their face, slamming them into a wall with a "I swear you put your hands on Ice one more time, your not gonna have hands AT ALL"
He then slings his arm around Ice's shoulder and directs him to the mess hall, glaring at any poor soul who dared look in Ice's direction
They were at the bar and a woman started to approach Ice, who, of course was not noticing (he only has eyes for a 5'7" gremlin named Mav), and Slider shuts that down REAL QUICK. Like, no, not today Lilith, pick a different naval guy-
Give Mav The Talk when he notices Mav giving eyes to Ice, and Goose because Slider can never be too sure, and everyone observing this is sitting there like 'what the actual fuck' after Slider threatens to, and I quote, "French braid your fuckin' nervous system you shitty dwarf" towards Maverick amongst other colorful threats
It gets to the point where Slider is so protective over Ice, people don't ask Ice anything without looking to Slider for some kind of acceptance or denial, like;
Hollywood: Hey Ice do you wanna- Slider, the coldest look ever seen, actively dropping the temperature in the room while promising a slow and tortuous death: Hollywood: -help me figure out this trajectory angle equation for this [classified] mission? Ice, absolutely oblivious to the entire situation: Sure? I guess?
Its single-handedly the funniest and most terrifying thing to ever happen in Top Gun history, aside from whoever decided to put Maverick Mitchell in a plane
And the cherry on top is that Ice DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE at the entire situation
When someone tries saying how terrifying Slider is to Ice he just brushes it off, like, "Oh Slider? No he's very nice, he even walks with me wherever I have to go in the day. He's all bark and no bite"
And everyone in the immediate vicinity just looking at Ice either with pity or like he's stupid because he doesn't know
He never figures it out either
(This overprotectiveness doubles, if not triples when he meets baby Bradley Bradshaw, and Slider just cant compute because now there is another person who has my undying love and protection-)
(Goose once lost Bradley on a very important, very large Naval destroyer and the entirety of the Top Gun Class of '86 is frantically searching the entire ship before Viper finds out and one of them just stumbling into Slider sitting on a couch with Ice and Bradley just absolutely passed out, sleeping like a brick, essentially using him as human furniture, and the look Slider gives them promises a 100 years of death if they wake either of them up-)
(After Goose's death when baby Bradley lives with IceMav, he just clings onto Slider whenever he's over because "I feel safest with Pops, but Pops feels safest with Uncle Sli', so I'm safest-est with Uncle Sli'")
(Mav doesn't know whether to cry because that is so cute- or be annoyed that Slider is preferred over himself)
(After Bradley reconciles with Mav, he's caught sleeping(read absolutely dead to the world) on Slider's chest like when he was as a child and no one knowing what to do because "Rooster that is a 2-STAR ADMIRAL OF THE US NAVY-" Slider is just like "I'm safest-est", and Bradley sleepily chiming in with a "safest-est" and deciding to just go back to sleep like nothing happened)
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spooky-pop · 6 months
Hey found your blog and your punk rock broppy au. Got to say love what I see so far and what to know more about it like. What movie does this au take place?
When rock branch and poppy meet again after all these years apart what was their impression on each other?
Was it love at first sight ? If not who fell for who first?
Is creek in this au and did poppy have a crush on him like in the canon? What’s branch thoughts about his siblings? Is branch fully loyal to the rock tribe including twt barb plan?
Does branch get jelly of creek or hickory when their around poppy like he did in canon? That’s all I got for now.
Thank you so much!! I also really appreciate the questions and am so excited to answer them since I've been working more on this AU behind the scenes. There are a lot of details and plot points I just have not figured out yet, so there's a chance some things could still be changed, cut out or just tweaked a tad. I don't mind sharing more about this AU since the comics are already in progress haha
Excuse the text wall, haha!
-This takes place around the Trolls 1 timeline, then maybe a little into Trolls 2. The Bergens are still a danger and Branch still accompanies Poppy to save the Snack Pack. Instead of him finding the will to sing again in Trolls 1, he works on facing his past and traumas with Poppy to finally find his happiness.
-When Branch left pop village he was probably around the age of 9 or 10, he and Poppy definitely had some kind of a bond as children but as years passed, they both tried to focus on their own lives by trying to move on and forget about what they lost/left behind. They re-unite in their 20s, and since this AU follows RomCom tropes, they have a similar vibe to Trolls 1 Broppy. She wants to know more about him, and he is very secretive about it all and keeps his distance. There's a lot of banter between them. Very much begins like they dislike eachother but time will fix that :)
-It was not love at first sight for them, but Branch was the one who fell first, and the hardest. He tried to keep that hidden behind his tough exterior though, because he CERTAINLY didn't want to show that he had fallen for the princess of pop, exactly what he swore he wouldn't do since he was done with pop village. Loving her meant he would definitely have to revisit his past he tried running from, which scared him. But he finds comfort in Poppy that he was not provided in many years.
-Creek is in this AU (not much), and he and Poppy are good friends who do flirt a little, she does have a crush on him. Branch absolutely hates him, and of course, becomes a jealous that someone else is fond of the Princess.
-In this AU, Brozone was still a thing and they still broke up and went different ways. They just never contacted Branch again. Branch is very fueled by his anger and resentment, because essentially, they did abandon him and still never returned when he needed his family. (His brothers COULD return in the future, but at this point in my AU, their whereabouts are unknown)
-When Branch left Pop Village, he sort of became a wanderer until he happened upon the Rock tribe. Nobody really took him in, he just made himself at home and they accepted him. He purposely kept his distance from some trolls and focused on himself. Sort of living his life on autopilot. He is still a pop troll at heart, he wouldn't have felt that Barb's plan was right either. The Rock tribe does have heavy influence on him in his personality and his appearance, but inside he is still the Branch that came from Pop.
-And again, yeah! He absolutely gets jealous still, it's a big part of his character haha.
There is so much lore and other stuff I've planned and thought out, also a lot of points I excluded because I don't want to reveal them yet. But I can't wait to make some mini comics sowing som of these scenes :)
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
kid asl + kid sanji + sabosan
ace and sabo being sweet to luffy in their own kid way and sanji seeing it and being like "oh :] ( :[ )"
but very quickly having that kindness extended to him (especially by sabo)
the brothers hunt the food and sanji cooks it
sabosan bonding over horrible noble families
This is so sweet,, My sweet boys :( I don't care if it doesn't make sense with the timeline or whatever, but Sanji ends up meeting them when they're kids. I always use this plot, but-- The Orbit gets stranded in Goa and of course, the kids find out because they're always waiting for pirates. So ASL finds Sanji and they won't stop asking questions about piracy and his life and telling him how excited they are to become pirates. Sanji is- Saying overwhelmed would be an understatement because imagine a kid like him hanging out with THEM. But he has so much fun, too, because it's been so long ever since he saw somebody his age and he's not used to hanging out with them but they welcome him with open arms. They tell him that they're brothers (Ace and Sabo fighting over who's the oldest, as usual) and explain to him the basics: Where they live, how they hunt for food, their training... And Sanji is just there, staring at them with eyes wide open, and asking how the hell they manage to live like this. Sanji has a bit of an attitude now in comparison to when he was with his family, but he's still a bit of a sweet crybaby who isn't used to the outside world and has the biggest heart in the world. The brothers find him so sweet,,, It makes Luffy kind of angry because "Why's he allowed to cry but when I do you call me a crybaby???" and Ace and Sabo always go "Because if you wanna be a pirate you gotta be strong! He's a cook. It's not the same" (cool way of saying 'we don't laugh at the pretty boy because we want to kiss the pretty boy, Luffy') and Sanji wants to prove them wrong and show that he's brave like them but doing what they do is just a big no-no. They always end by saying "Everybody has their strengths!!! We don't even know how to boil water" and Sanji feels all proud of himself whenever they compliment him like that.
Basically, they tell him to stay with them for as long as his ship is stranded there, and he accepts right away because they look fun and sweet and like friends, finally. And maybe they're the people Reiju was talking about when she said he'd find better people someday. So ASL hunts and Sanji cooks with the abilities he used to have when he was a kid, which are better now that he has a bit of experience, and the kids fall for him so quick. So damn quick. They taste Sanji's food and now you have Ace and Sabo experiencing their first ever crush ("first" for Sabo, because Ace's first crush was Makino and I will always find that so cute). Luffy is more focused on the food, though, but the three of them still fight over Sanji's attention. So-- I think this would be really funny. Sanji stays with them and is completely oblivious to Ace and Sabo falling for him, even if they're constantly trying to show off their abilities to get his attention. Sanji is a bit busy trying to get used to all of these emotions. Every day is fun and a bit dangerous and he does cry a lot, and the only one who can calm him down is Luffy because he knows how it feels to be scared. They play together and show him around. They introduce him to Dadan (who's about to have a heart attack because she can't deal with more kids) and she actually ends up loving him because!! The kid knows how to cook!! That is a win for them.
It's a bit weird for Sanji, to see them like that. Because he has never had any interaction with other siblings and they act so... Differently from his. Okay, yes, they fight a lot, but it's never serious. They always end up laughing. They're rough with each other but when it matters they're always using tender touches and language with each other. They calm Luffy down when he gets angry, know how to react if Ace is feeling stressed, and constantly say they miss Sabo when he isn't with them. Sanji doubts his brothers would've ever acted like that with him, so it hurts. He doesn't quite know if it's jealousy? Envy? Frustration? But Sanji knows it breaks his heart a little knowing he wasn't worthy of being loved like this. But they show him that he is worthy and he was never the problem to begin with. Because they start showering him with love too! Sanji doesn't want to be a bother, so he never asks for things and instead always tries to be useful. To sort of thank them for letting him have a place to stay. ASL just wants him to be a kid like them. They compliment his food, respect his personal space, let him participate in everything he wants, and they're so, so protective of him. Sanji might not train with them, but he's always there when they do, and if there are dangers near he knows they'll look after him without even having to ask. He wonders why they do that most of the time, and they always end up telling him "Because we don't want you to get hurt, dummy. We thought that was obvious?" and it breaks his heart a little.
They bond over so many different things. Luffy loves Sanji's cooking and won't stop asking him every day if he'll be his cook once he becomes a pirate (Sanji is always telling the three of them he has yet to decide), and he's always the one calming Sanji down whenever something's wrong. Luffy tells him in private that he knows feeling weak and scared sucks, but it isn't that bad when they're together, right? "Alone we aren't really strong, but together we are unstoppable! So stay with us, okay? That way you'll never have to cry again. I don't cry anymore because I'm all brave and a pirate, so it's my job to make sure you're always smiling!" and that melts his heart completely (and adds a new, painful meaning to Whole Cake Island. I wanna d word a little).
On the other hand, there's Ace... Ace is a complicated kid, obviously. He tries so hard to be cool and seem strong. At first, it makes Sanji admire him a lot, but then he finds out the kid is actually stupid and reckless and has to be looked after a lot too. Sanji loves being with him because he feels protected, but he's always worried Ace might get hurt. To be fair, it happens with Luffy too. However, there's just something about him... Like he's more mature than them. Like he has grown up too fast. And he hasn't talked about his past, so Sanji isn't sure why he's this way. Ace doesn't like Sanji seeing him this way, he figures, because he always pretends to be okay when Sanji knows he isn't. Until one day they have the "Should I have been born?" talk, and it's the first time somebody tells Ace "I think about that a lot too" instead of the usual "I don't know" or just a plain "Yes". They get each other so well. Ace wants to make a name for himself because his father has determined his whole future, and Sanji doesn't want to have anything to do with his father and just wants to be a normal person, but they both feel like they are a mistake, while the other keeps saying he's happy the other is alive.
And then there's Sabo. Now, Sabosan is the endgame ship here because I say so. I was just using Acesan as plot device because it's sweet and funny. Sabo, the one who always tries to be more mature and calm and cold-headed because the other two are even more chaotic than him (imagine how chaotic they are because Sabo is already... Something else), loses it the moment he meets Sanji. He's,,, He's so pretty. He's cute and knows how to cook and he's so so sweet and nice and has the biggest heart in the world. And Sabo has only seen pain and torture in the world. Living isn't just living, it's survival and escaping the pain he has to deal with his family every day. Sanji feels like living. Like, actually enjoying life when they're together. Sabo might be chaotic and he might fight a lot with Ace and Luffy for Sanji's attention, but at the end of the day, he is the gentle brother who takes more care of Sanji and is always looking after him. He brings him books from his house because he knows Sanji likes reading. He often even writes stuff for him because Sabo is a writer, and feels the need to show his art to Sanji. He lends him clothes and he's always the first one to offer to cook with him, even if he's awful at it. They're still kids so Sabo isn't quite sure what love feels like, but this is close enough, he thinks. Every time Sanji laughs? Smiles? When he speaks about the All Blue? It makes Sabo's heart do backflips. It makes him want to keep fighting and training. And Sanji sees the pain and responsibility Sabo feels in his eyes. He feels protected when he's around and it's always so much fun to be together. He likes how passionate Sabo is about writing and becoming a pirate, and he loves the way he takes care of Luffy too. Sanji ends up realizing he always puts a little bit more effort into Sabo's food... And he doesn't know what love is, but he's a bit shy around Sabo now that he knows he feels different about him.
Just imagine Makino coming to see them and meeting Sanji! She'd love him! The kid is so polite and smart and she just wants to kiss his cutie face and hug him tight. Her personality is kind of like his mom's, so it hurts a little to meet her, but she's just so sweet that Sanji can't help but grow attached to her. And God, just imagine Sabo and Sanji interacting in front of her. Sanji blushing and Sabo eating his food happily and always being so, so close to him. That woman knows what's going on, but if she asks Sabo she knows he's gonna go "What?! Sanji?! No! I don't like him! I mean- I do like him. But... But it's not that way..." / "Are you sure about that, darling? You know you can like, like him, right? It's okay. You can tell me" / ".... Do you think he likes me back? What do I do for him to like me back? What if he goes away and never finds out?!" / "I don't think you have to worry about that now, sweetie". But Makino is also a bit of a tease, so she goes to Sanji one day and says "Hey, Sanji? What do you think of Sabo?" / "..... He's really nice to me" / "He is, isn't he? He isn't that nice to everybody. Maybe you're special for him?" / "What?! I am not, how- How could I be? He's just... He just looks after me because I can't do it. I'm a burden" / "Don't say that, honey. He looks after you because he cares for you" / "He looks after Luffy too" / "It's different with you, I think. But well, he also looks after Luffy because that's what brothers do" / "Do they?" / "What, sweetie?" / "Nothing. Sorry. Sabo always asks to cook with me" / "Mmm. I wonder why".
Sanji doesn't make any promises because he has three different boys asking him if he wants to be their cook once they're captains, so he just says he wants to find the All Blue. That's enough for him. So now he has Ace, Sabo, and Luffy fighting over who will be the one taking Sanji to the All Blue. For now, Sanji just says he's everybody's cook. That's cool with them.
I think all of this could go hand in hand with the AU of Sanji and Sabo seeing each other first in a meeting between their families. So when Sanji ends up in the Goa Kingdom, Sabo already knows him and that's why they accept him into their little family so quickly. He thought Sanji was dead, so when they see each other again, Sanji is the happiest boy in the whole world. He's so protective of him. He won't stop saying how much he hates his family and Sanji. But they're alright now. They're okay.
But they're not. Because then, Sabo "dies". And the day after, Sanji has to leave with his crew. And then you have Ace and Luffy on their own, with a dead brother and Sanji promising they'll see each other again. But he's so heartbroken he doesn't know how he'll be able to keep going. He wants to find the All Blue for Sabo. He knows Sabo would've hated it if he had given up. Then the whole story goes on, yadda yadda Zeff yadda yadda Baratie yadda yadda Luffy and Sanji meet again yadda yadda Sanji joins the Strawhats yadda yadda they find Ace in Alabasta (and he's actually a bit jealous Luffy was the one who ended up with Sanji as his cook, but he's obviously happy for them). And maybe. Maybe something happens between Ace and Sanji. Maybe they kiss or something but I don't think they do anything else? Ace feels it is disrespectful to Sabo. He confesses he had a crush on Sanji when they were kids, and he's gorgeous now and he would love to be with him in some way, but it just feels wrong. Ace always knew Sabo and Sanji were meant to be, anyway, and Sanjii doesn't even want anything to happen, either. Yadda yadda yadda, Dressrosa. Oh, and isn't it hilarious how Sanji isn't even there. when it happens? Luffy meets Sabo. Everything follows canon. Except that Luffy has time to talk to him instead of Sabo running away quickly. And somebody mentions Sanji. Robin, maybe, and Sabo instantly goes "You did not take him with you!" but he's smiling when he says it. He wants to see him so bad. So, so bad. So he promises to visit the crew when he can. He promises he will see Sanji.
And then the end kind of follows the post I tagged about the other AU? Except that Luffy doesn't tell Sanji that Sabo is alive because he thinks he'll be happier if Sabo tells him himself when he pays a visit to them!!!
I just love childhood friends AUs,,, This is incredible. Awesome idea. I love Sabosan so much I might cry.
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theladyofrosewater · 2 months
If any of you guys have read my fic "He Never Did" on AO3, then you might be familiar with this idea but I've decided to expand on it with a new au.
(More art at the end by the way)
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The first big difference between this AU and canon is that Charlie never died, she never got locked out of her party and William never killed her. Her parents divorced when she was around 10 and her mom took Sammy in the divorce while Henry got Charlie.
Also side note but like standard FNAF content warning because I know a big chunk of my followers dont care about fnaf.
Basic backstory is in 1982 William gets springlocked but survives which sets him on the path of searching for some form of immortality, after this incident he starts acting colder to his family which causes Michael to start acting out and later leads to the prank that goes wrong and kills his younger brother in 1983 with the bite. This leads to the family further falling apart, especially when William starts his experiments which of course leads to Elizabeth's death and the Missing Children's Incident in 1985. Unfortunately, just like how we see in Sister Location the animatronics and the ghosts inside of them are mistreated terribly and without the Puppet being there to calm them down or at least direct the anger towards just adults. They start behaving a lot more dangerously and maiming and evening killing a few people, with the Bite of '87 instead being an incident where several people were killed instead of just a brain injury (don't worry even though he's not featured in this au Jeremy was relatively fine besides the whole frontal lobe thing). Henry is freaking out over all of this while getting most of the blame, while William uses this opportunity to do more experiments. Henry then closes Freddy's for a few years, with the promise it will reopen in a few years once everything has been resolved. William gets pissed and they get into a huge argument afterward Henry kicks him from the company and William opens Circus Baby's Rentals to continue his work. After a few years he gets a breakthrough with remnant but ruins into a huge problem.
In my AU remnant isn't exactly a cure all. It's absolutely TERRIBLE at de-aging someone unless you literally have gallons of the stuff, and even remaining at your current age take a lot in addition to the fact that until you wait for it to disperse into your bloodstream and get absorbed, a person becomes highly flammable and you have to deal with bouts of nausea and vomiting unless you find a good doner match if you consume large amounts. Something important to note is it's similar to blood in my rewrite with a WAY longer regeneration time, like 6-12 months compared to blood's few weeks, but killing someone violently or drawing it out gets you a higher yield
So, William hits a wall in terms of his research that until remembers that he still has (at least in this AU) two kids left alive, Michael and Vanessa. Now right now Vanessa is about 5 and William tested both her and Michael and found that Vanessa would be a terrible match for him but a decent match for any of her siblings, both the live one and the dead ones, so he notes that down but basically ignores her. Not Michael though, he unfortunately could provide a similar enough template to William that any experiments performed on Michael would roughly have the same outcome if performed on William. So, like in canon he convinces Michael to work at Circus Baby's so he can experiment on Michael in secret and if Michael dies, see if he can be brought back. Unfortunately, while William is out of state dealing with investors and some of his other testing grounds, Michael gets scooped and after Ennard leaves him for dead, he wanders around until he finds his way to where Charlie lives because Michael thinks he is well DYING and A. needs someone to know his sister doesn't have anyone to take care of her and B. This is a Marlie AU and if Michael is going to die, he's at least going to tell the girl that he likes how he feels before he kicks the bucket. So, he does and then immediately falls into a coma because he's like super weak and Charlie is freaking out because oh my god what else would you do. She's freaking out on her porch when who shows up but William. What happens next is basically what happens in the fic I wrote. He basically tells Charlie "Hey Michael is basically going to be a suffering mess in constant pain forever unless you help me murder people so we can fix him and if you say no, I may just murder you instead" So Charlie agrees and after about two months, they have hypothetically "fixed" Michael, but he still hasn't woken up yet. William then hands Charlie a case of remnant and tells her to use it on Michael until its gone and then he'll wake up. William then disappears! and yes, he does abandon 5-year-old Vanessa, but don't worry she still has Charlie. So, Charlie does as she's instructed but here comes the issue. Michael never wakes up, no matter how much Charlie waits, in fact he stops even breathing and goes in a rigor mortis like state. Charlie is heartbroken and one night during a thunderstorm she gets a really fucked up idea.
She needs more remnant.
Specifically, she saw and read Williams notes about remnant compatibility and knows that both William and Vanessa have a high compatibility with Michael. Now she's obviously not going to hurt Vanessa, so Charlie goes to the Afton house to try and get answers from William but again he's not there, what Charlie does find is a taunting note and some VERY unsettling records of all the child murder, so Charlie then decides to hunt him down. Obviously, she can't just abandon Vanessa alone with her comatose/possibly dead brother so she heads home to plan. The first thing she does is empty out a freezer in her garage and she sticks Michael in there after giving him another dose of remnant just in case and gathers up all of Vanessa's things and drops her off at Jessica's house, She tells Jessica she has to be gone for a little bit but promises she'll be back as soon as she can and even puts a wad of cash into her best friend's hands as she runs off. Jessica is a little pissed but mostly worried, so she waits exactly a week before she decides to go check on Charlie. Instead of finding Charlie however, she finds an equally confused and concerned Henry because he'd been calling Charlie's house phone and there had been no response. After Jessica tells him how weird Charlie the last time was she saw her, the two decide to enter the house and grow increasingly more concerned as they see that the house is a mess and find more and more concerning notes and papers. Side note Jessica took Vanessa with her because she wasn't going to leave the kid alone. The tour of the house gets worse when they end up in the garage and when Henry is freaking out and little baby Vanessa asks him to be quiet because "Mikey's sleeping right now" and points to the freezer. Que the abject horror of Jessica and Henry as they open the freezer and find what they think is Michael's corpse, which looks like someone has performed surgery on and he's missing an arm which was replaced by a modified endoskeleton hand. Henry and Jessica then rush out of the room, with Jessica dragging Vanessa out with her. They then start freaking out and due to shenanigans Vanessa somehow manages to electrocute Michael because "that's what they do in cartoons." and they start freaking out even MORE when Michael actual wakes up very confused to why he's not dead. Eventually once everyone calms down and talks it out, they realize they need to find Charlie and probably also William.
The main plot of this AU will follow Charlie hunting down William while she frees the spirits she finds along the way. Henry, Jessica and Michael with little Vanessa tagging along have to find Charlie and William to prevent any future possible murders.
If you've made it this far down, Congrats! feel free to send in an ask about the au if you're curious about anything!
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riririnnnn · 7 months
I think even when Sae's Spain backstory will be revealed, no matter how gut wrenching it may be (I hope it isn't), Rin will forever have a soft spot in my heart.
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I know it seems so ironic to hear from someone, like me, who has called Rin immature in most of my 'theory' posts, but the Itoshi brothers flashback is something that changes sides if we change the perspective—I have written every one of them from Sae's POV since he is the mystery man.
Sometimes we, including myself, tend to forget that while Sae was (maybe) having a tough time in Spain, back in Japan, Rin wasn't exactly experiencing everything rainbows or sunshine.
Firstly, look at this:
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This line is enough to show that they indeed had a close bond, and anyone with a close bond with their siblings know how empty it feels when your siblings goes away from home.
Also, we know that after Sae went to Spain, Kamakura United (their soccer club) went downhill in their performance, and guess who everyone blamed? Yes, in/directly: Rin.
When in reality, it was THEY who were lacking, not Rin.
And though I hope no one goes through it, I hope everyone understands that it IS hella frustrating to NOT reach your true potential because of your surroundings/people surrounding you. Top of that, imagine being blamed for everyone's downfall.
Still, that dumbo changed himself for everyone else's sake—he changed his playstyle and things started to get better. Everyone started behaving well with him. He was getting praised. He was winning awards and medals. He was winning matches.
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He was bottling everything up.
That's one of the reasons why I think he went berserk during the last moments of that U-15 Championship Finale.
He was happy, you know. Rin was really happy after winning that match.
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Ah, he seems so precious here.
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So, so, so damn precious.
All he ever wanted, I guess, was to be close with Sae. But Sae was busy chasing soccer, so Rin chased it too hoping that by doing so, he'll have a reason to be by his Nii-chan's side.
I don't blame Sae either because leaving home at the age of 13 to go to a completely foreign country is a very big deal; he was a kid after all.. but so was Rin—he was a kid too. I understand that 13 and 15 (Rin's age at the flashback time) age years have a lot of difference in mental maturity, but how mature were we even when we were 15?
I think winning that match made Rin feel liberated in a way. He was happy to see that his hard work paid off, and he was finally free and could finally be with his Nii-chan, but.. sigh.
I don't know why, but I just tend to get my own personal feelings involved whenever I think/talk about Itoshi brothers. They just, in a weird way, seem to be a parallel of me and my own sibling.
Maybe, that's why I find so much comfort in Rin's character.
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analogwriting · 6 months
The Other Side of Paradise
Prologue: Youth
Killer x gn!reader word count: 1.1k next a/n: hey, hi, hello. I'm finally back with another long fic oh my god im sorry i took so long. i didn't really plan on being gone that long pls forgive. anyway, there's a long story of how this idea came to fruition but i don't think anyone wants to hear all that lmfao. it was born from the glass animals song 'the other side of paradise' hence the name. im probably just gonna make the chapter titles different song titles and shove in lyrics here n there like normal lmfao ill stop rambling lets gooooo
“We should form a rock band when we’re old enough.” Kid suddenly sat up from where he had been laying down, struck with a sudden and brilliant idea.
A group of kids from the neighborhood were currently laying in the grass at the park after a long day of playing - this included you.
“Oh yeah? What’s with the sudden idea?” Wire asked, also sitting up to look at Kid. He crossed his legs, tilting his head to the side. He lived across from you.
“Well, I think we’d be good at it. And it would be fun. And we could all hang out all the time!”
“We already do hang out all the time,” Heat said, sitting up as well to join in on the conversation. He also lived across from you, next to Wire.
“Yeah, but I mean when we’re adults. This will be a sure fire way to make sure we’re always together!” Kid rolled his eyes as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I’m in as long as I get to marry y/n.” Killer sat up now, pulling you with him. He lived next to you.
You smiled widely. Sure, you two might have only been eleven right now, but you’ve been convinced you were going to marry this boy since you met him when you were seven. Even moreso when the two of you were sitting in the classroom at the ripe age of ten, holding hands when he officially asked you out.
“Ugh. Gross. But as long as you join my band then fine!” 
“You’re literally seven, how do you know you’re still gonna wanna be a rockstar?” You looked over at Kid who narrowed his eyes at you. “Says the one who is literally eleven and convinced they already know who they’re gonna marry.”
You guffawed at him, pouting and folding your arms. “You don’t understand, you’re too little!”
“I’m seven! I understand plenty!” He shook his head, scoffing.
“Nuh uh!”
“Uh huh!”
You felt Killer put a hand on your thigh and you groaned, folding your arms and rolling your eyes. “Whatever. You’ll understand when you meet your special someone. When you’re older.”
“You’re literally eleven, Bigs,” he said again, rolling his eyes at you. Arguing with Kid like this was frequent. He was your cousin and lived with you, after all. He had moved in a couple of years ago when an unfortunate accident happened to his parents - your aunt and uncle. He was pretty much like a little brother to you at this point; he sure was annoying like one.
“Whatever.” You huff, rolling your eyes again and standing up. You dust yourself off, stretching.
“You guys have fun in your little rockband. I’ll support from the stands.”
“Nuh uh!” You look to Kid who was standing now, confused at his sudden change of tune. “You’re gonna be in the band with us!” Just like true sibling fashion, going from arguing to begging to hang out in two seconds.
You shook your head, making a face. You folded your arms across your chest. “No. I don’t like people.”
“You’re around us all the time.”
“That’s different.”
“Maybe y/n can be our manager,” Killer chimed, trying to prevent another argument between the two of you. He slowly stood up as well, slowly holding your hand and pulling you away from Kid. Just to be safe. Things didn’t really get physical between you two, but keeping distance helped arguments stay deescalated. 
“I don’t know about all that,” you mumbled, shaking your head. Sure, it was mostly the whole getting on stage thing that made you nervous. Maybe you could be their manager. Though, people still made you nervous. You didn’t know the first thing about managing anything. You were eleven.
“Well, you have plenty of time to think about it.” Killer smiled at you and you felt your heart flutter. Sure, you were a kid, but these feelings were real. You couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. You were sure you found the love of your life and he seemed to feel the same - always content at your side. 
Besides, he’s the one that asked you out, after all.
“You’re right. We have plenty of time to think about it.” You smiled back at Killer as he reached for your hand. You took his, squeezing it softly.
“Blegh!” Kid stuck out his tongue and shook his head, causing everyone to laugh.
You looked over to your cousin. “What would you even name your band?” He seemed to mull it over for a moment before deciding. “Victoria Punk!”
You blinked, tilting your head to the side. “Like that one girl you had a crush on?”
Kid nodded, grinning widely. You remembered him mentioning he had a crush on a girl named Victoria back in his old neighborhood. He also mentioned that she had also passed, but never gave any specifics and you weren’t one to pry with things like that.
“Well, I think you have to decide that with the others. You can’t just decide it yourself.”
Kid pouted, folding his arms. “I’m the leader! I get to make the decisions!”
“Who said you were leader?”
“I did!” He huffed, glaring at you.
You rolled your eyes, placing a hand on your hip. “You can’t decide that for yourself!”
Kid looked at the others. “What do you think?”
“I don’t particularly care,” Wire said with a shrug. Heat nodded in agreement. “Being in a band sounds fun, but I don’t want the responsibility of leader.”
Killer also shrugged. “I’m just along for the ride. You know what I want.” He looked at you from the corner of his eye and smiled, making your face warm up. He was so sweet!
“Who is gonna do what?” Wire asked, standing up now. Heat followed suit and now all of you were standing.
“Well, I have to be the lead singer since I’m the leader.” Kid nodded as if agreeing with himself. “Other than that…I don’t know.”
“You have plenty of time to figure it out,” you said, using Killer’s words from earlier. He grinned at you and you giggled.
Kid groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. “You two are the worst!” He stomped off, leaving you all in fits of laughter.
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kasururigoth · 1 month
Your thoughts on Shizuo as Kasuka's brother?
hiiiii so first of all thanks for asking because i've been dying to talk about this Second forgive me if my rambling becomes a bit nonsensical or hard to understand, language barrier + brain worms sometimes make it hard to get the right words out of my brain, THIRD OF ALL i'm going to talk about sibling dynamics while having NO firsthand experience on the subject because i'm a chronical only child, with that said:
to analyze the heiwajima brothers dynamic i'm first going to analyze them as a pair rather than individuals because i feel that they are both a perfect example on how trauma affects people differently depending on their already set dynamics (meaning how shizuo is the oldest and kasuka the youngest, and the personality traits they have pre and post The Refrigerator Incident)
it is almost ironic how they don't match the already set stereotypes of sibling dynamics (how, for example, older siblings are associated with responsibility and stability and the younger tend to be the more rebellious and temperamental). this twist is what makes shizuo feel like he hasn't played his role as an older brother the right way, because kasuka is the responsible one and the stable one (in some way, at least)
he feels guilty for the way kasuka has turned out (even if it worked out for him at the end: meaning, he still has a career, he's still cared for and loved by fans, regardless of his personality). it's sad because it isn't shizuo's fault, at least not entirely, how much violence kasuka had to witness, how much rage he had to see from a very young age. they were both young, they were both children when this all happened, it was inevitable.
they both take complete opposite and equally extreme ways of coping with this. shizuo lets all his rage out, even if it breaks his entire body, because there's no point in holding it all in (at the end, he'll come out stronger), while kasuka holds down his feelings to the point he becomes devoid of them, because he has seen what they have done to his brother. they are two sides of the same coin, two different results of the same conditions (this is a big part of why i feel like their polarities also mirror the kururi and mairu dynamic). kasuka sort of took on the role of a glass child because of this, willingly maybe, maybe not. he does say that he consciously chose to turn out his emotions for the sake of not becoming like shizuo. This also makes me wonder how implicated where their parents in this whole situation like??? where were they that entire time?? shizuo mentions his family was normal and neither of them show to have a complicated relationship with them, but still i have to wonder.
i think that shizuo would break if he ever knew how inhuman kasuka feels too, they share that at least. do you think shizuo ever misses the moments he and his brother laughed together? cried together? wow this got sad, im going to change the subject.
some of the moments that i LOVE to see are how happy shizuo gets when kasuka needs help from him because he gets to be the big brother!! at last!! he goes out of his way to help him when he is in trouble or danger in both stalker incidents (world at peace OVA and Adabashi arc), and it makes me laugh how he goes berserk the moment someone mentions his brother in a tone that might be even slightly negative.
also i want to mention these three exchanges from the eight novel specifically
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they are the world's most Brothers ever... they literally understand each other to a different level AHHHHHH IM GOING TO BE SICK
like, everything that could go wrong with them went wrong, they are both fucked up but at the end of the day it literally works out for them!! they have the healthiest sibling dynamic on the entire show compared to the rest and that says a lot by itself. Sure i know shizuo feels guilty for everything but knowing his little brother is doing fine brings him peace of mind. Love that one scene (episode six of the first season i think??) where celty tells shizuo that he must really love his brother. they are going to make me end it all i swear to god.
shizuo is aware that he screwed up over and over again but at the end of the day they still have each other's backs regardless of everything that went through :') i wished we had the chance to see more of them post-ketsu buuuut well maybe i'm asking too much narita clearly doesn't care about kasuka enough 😭 this got very long, i hope i gave an almost complete answer, i could certainly talk about this subject for hours on end. thank u for asking !!
little heiwajimas for u
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gilbirda · 9 months
Reviewing old docs of mine, I saw a summary of a big prompt from a Jazz/Jason fic I had. I don't remember if it was mine or I copied from you to write later as insp (one day I'm going to post a fic, I swear) but forgot to link the post.
The thing is I didn't find it here, but I could swear I read it here.... So, here I copy of the post? (and sorry if I'm just bad searching if you already had it):
Danny is the rightful Ghost King, but since he's not of age he needs a regent who is a) his species, b) his family, and c) an adult. The only adult haftas are Vlad or this Red Hood guy from Gotham that he's never heard of. Since Vlad is not going to happen looks like it's Red Hood, now how to make the guy count as family...
Jason has had a lot of weird shit happen to him over the years but a woman tracking him down as Red Hood to propose a temporary political marriage so he can be regent of a death dimension until her brother is old enough to rule in his own name is a new one for him. Of course he accepted. The only other option was apparently a creepy uncle figure. He's read enough romance to know a forced marriage of a woman to her creepy uncle never ends well. A forced marriage of a woman to a crime lord doesn't usually end much better, but he's ignoring that for now. He's going to woo and romance his spit fire of a wife with respect, spontaneous poetry, his damn good cooking, and by not being a Darcy. And he is going to rock not just this whole regent thing, but also and more importantly the mentoring her brother and his new ward on how to rule this dimension. Competence is always attractive. He runs a tight ship in his crime empire, surely running a dimension can't be that much harder.
He actually already has a plan on how he's going to handle the whole 'The USA declared war on the dimension he's regent of' thing. It's simple really he goes to the next family dinner and causes chaos. The faces everyone will make will be glorious when he drops that he's lord regent of a dimension, the USA is at war with his dimension, and it's such a shame that no one can meet Jason's wife or ward till there is a peace treaty. Then he just needs to sit back and watch the entertainment as his siblings realize he has forever won the position of favorite child by being the first married and first to give Bruce a grandkid. Also you know the chaos of Bruce willing to wage a one man war if necessary so he can meet his grandson. Jason figures it will take at most a month for the government to cave.
And like a cherry on top he's going to get on a medical treatment plan for the pit. Everything is looking great for him.
Bestie don't worry I found it for you!
It's a submission to my blog!
Also... this is VERY embarrassing for me to admit but, I still have an ask from you with a fic idea and it's been gathering dust in my inbox.
I'm so sorry.
I'll post it and all the different fic ideas people has sent me. They need to be free and I thought I could add something but honestly I haven't been so hot for a long minute.
I'll try to be better about my inbox!
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shadowqnights · 5 months
loverman question here, how did you come up with your rewrite of katelyn? lowkey katelyn doesn’t get enough love outside of “hot strong woman” so i think it would be cool to hear how you decided her backstory and changes you made like her family, her last name, guard academy relationships, and her role in future arcs
HI I LOVE MY REWRITE/LOVERMAN KATELYN! Let's chat about her cause I'm insane.
Honestly, I think loverman!Katelyn is one of my most authentic and up-to-date rewrite depictions that I wouldn't change much of when it came down to new-rewrite stuff. I have a LOT to say about her though so this is going to be long, my bad! I'll break down like each specific explanation for things you listed here into Sections, and then anything else I think of can just slot in.
Backstory and Family Life
I think the biggest changes lay here, and I think I actually got most of the like backstory inspiration here from Garroth. They are fables for each other, warnings about how the other could have turned out. Of course, they've got significant differences, and Garroth's position as the 'heir' is far more significant for O'Khasis than Katelyn's is, but essentially I'm passionate about Garroth and Katelyn growing up as peers and equals around the same age in O'Khasis. They both understand each other, even watching each other from a distance, being raised in rich O'Khasis neighbourhoods as eldest children expected to take up the mantle of their parents' expectations and legacies. They both attended Guard Academy together, but they weren't exactly friends there.
Katelyn's parents and their personalities are somewhat borrowed from their MyStreet counterparts - Elizabeth being a sharp and cunning socialite of sorts with strong ties to the Ro'meave family, hence where Katelyn and Garroth's relationship stems from. They would see each other regularly at dinners and large-scale events. Her father Eric is a very well-renowned guard from Tu'la; he taught her how to fight. She has a number of younger brothers, one of which is still Kacey but I haven't been able to write yet. Garroth's obviously the eldest of his brothers, and they both take up a lot of duties that involve caring for their younger siblings and trying to keep them safe from the more mature burdens that come with high O'Khasis society.
I think the big reason I wanted to incorporate O'Khasis into Katelyn's backstory was so that she and Garroth could have this interesting dynamic of both understanding and hatred specifically because of that understanding. They're not confused about each other, they knew exactly why they ended up where they did, they just don't like it because it reminds the other too much of themselves. They are each other's cautionary tales. Katelyn serves as this vision of hell for Garroth where he sees exactly what kind of terror he could have become if he had stayed as a guard in O'Khasis - he could have become a significant member of the Jury, and even if Zane had not been controlling it, he still would have become an obedient soldier. He despises her because he's afraid of that person, but at the same time wants to see her free of it because he knows, just like he once had to figure out, that she deserves better and she can be free. Seeing Garroth in Phoenix Drop disgusts Katelyn because she knows that's what she could have been. She could have run away and chosen to begin a new life, but that would mean abandoning her family and abandoning her dream. She hates that he shunned his responsibilities but she still burdened hers, and now they are exactly where the other might long to be. She wishes that she could have run, too - in a way, I think it also stings to think of Garroth living an honest country life in a small distant town, not just because that's what she could have made for herself, but also because she knows that Jeffory was raised in Bright Port and very much only became a guard to be able to go home and protect that small, cozy lifestyle. Only to also be taken in by the city and lose himself there by working for Zane. She envies Garroth because she knows that so many lives were stolen by the Jury's bounds, and now even those small-town boys have become killers.
By the time they see each other as adults again for the first time, Garroth is realising that maybe he would be more useful working to enact change from within O'Khasis - whereas Katelyn is realising that while she's helping her family from within O'Khasis, she isn't actually doing any moral good and that Zane has deceived her. They were both corrupted by their superiors back home, and now strive to find any sort of identity apart from what they were Made for. Garroth was raised for nobility but strains to hold the sword; Katelyn was made into a weapon by Zane but struggles to reclaim the young girl she was prior to that. She feels satisfied that she's taken such a far turn and separated herself from her mother, but has somehow also betrayed her father in the process of trying to protect him. She has lost herself in the sword, and since there is no amount of righteousness or goodness in being wielded by Zane, she has disappointed him.
Garroth and Katelyn disgust each other because they secretly want what the other has. They are both wanting for more, but hate each other for their cravings because while Garroth is at his best, Katelyn is at her worst, and then the other way around as well. That's why I inserted Katelyn where she is. Their bond in MyStreet is equally as interesting, but I think it's so fun to explore in MCD. They contrast and complement each other so beautifully. They even looked pretty identical as babies, since hair dye is real in my rewrites, and Katelyn didn't start altering her hair until she met Ivy. I'm fairly sure somewhere in my Ro'meave family tree that they're distant cousins or something.
NOTE: I wish I could tell you that her last name has like a deep and interesting meaning but when I tell you that I really don't remember when or how I came up with it, it just happened at random when I was mushing words in my brain for the PDH rewrite roster. Her surname is La Vatris, which I guess originally I was trying to go for something French considering la, but vatris literally has 0 meaning to my knowledge in. any language. But that's her name now and I don't want to change it, I just have to deal with the fact that it means nothing and I have no idea how I came up with it. I think largely because it complements Ro'meave nicely, considering their families are so interwoven.
Guard Academy
I love playing with my little dolls at the Guard Academy. In general I think I love fleshing out how the MCD guards were at the academy because I imagine this is how gleeful Jess was when writing PDH. For so many characters, this period is treated like their awkward, vague little blip in their lives with no real significance. They went to school x2. The End. Like no. This is the juiciest time of their lives. These are teenagers-young adults with swords. I'm putting them in fantasy high school. Fuck you. The children yearn to hit each other with weapons.
The answers to your question here are actually way simpler, since Katelyn doesn't have that many academy relationships and the ones she does have were just important enough to me to want to form earlier in her life.
Like mentioned before, she knew Garroth in the academy but they weren't really friends. In fact, it's really awkward for her to see him around, despite the fact that they probably need each other. It's plain embarrassing. Garroth's in this horrifically awkward period where he's struggling to socially relate to a lot of the other kids, who aren't exactly raised to be Lords, much less told by their fathers that they'll be a king one day. She's also actually around a year younger than him I thiiiink? They have different classes and entered at different times. Ignore him for now his only purpose is for like incredibly awkward meetings and for Zane and Garte to visit to pick him up sometimes.
There are only really two relationships that mattered enough to me to like, build a foundation upon the Guard Academy. Ivy and Jeffory.
Ivy is Katelyn's roommate, and they get along fucking horribly. They kind of hate each other all of the time, which provides great base foundation for the future where they have this toxic yuri going on, and it becomes that Ivy is the only person she can trust to communicate with about her family because they have so much hateful dirt on each other that they either have to work together or just betray each other. God I'm trying to think of how to explain Katelyn and Ivy without talking too much.
Well firstly I think it's important and definitely not projecting to write core single-sex boarding school experiences where you hate your roommate so much that you are a little bit in love with them. I will have to do a separate post talking about Ivy at some people if anyone's interested. On a surface level, they effortlessly grind each other's gears in a way that no one else can. Pure negative vibes. Ivy is relentless obsessive energy in a way that grates on Katelyn's ears specifically - Katelyn's passive aggressive silences and snarky comments are designed specifically to piss Ivy off. They fight constantly, to the point that it's so familiar that it's welcomed. Katelyn often remarks that she has never met someone so annoying; Ivy would say the same about her, despite the fact that they have such starkly different personalities. But at the same time they endure each other - Ivy dyes Katelyn's hair and she never stops after that day. Katelyn looks out for her and undergoes a well-needed arc, just as Garroth has to, about their privilege. Ivy's obsession with the boys (and specifically Garroth) serves to alienate Katelyn as she struggles to place a name to the feeling of liking women (a gut feeling provoked additionally by the paintings of Menphia hung in the academy, if you've read Loverman).
I also included her relationship with Ivy early cause it's a really strong introduction to their future arcs. Ivy mentions off-handedly a couple of times these 'conspiracy theories' - and some of them truly are conspiracies, but others have foundation - things like O'Khasis planning to reinstate monarchy + rebellion against the Ro'meaves spreading throughout the city, even things like dissent in Tu'la - all of these things fed to her by her parents, but still challenge how Katelyn sees her home. I'll have to find the screenshots where I talked about it before, that Ivy is from a struggling small town forcibly taken into O'Khasis Alliance and has a very strong hatred of O'Khasis only to later be drawn into its luxuries and sticks incredibly close to Zane. She has a reverse arc of Katelyn, who on the contrary grows up being proud of her home but then later becomes disconnected from it. Life in the Jury is so competitive that they literally are put at each other's throats to vy for Zane's attention. They are bound together, but never exactly enemies, but never friends either. Hateful toxic yuri who have to stick together for their own benefit. Ivy keeps watch over Katelyn's family (half of which being rebels + fake their own deaths in order to hide) when she is away in Phoenix Drop. In return, Katelyn fights hard to save her life in the future. She and Ivy, as well as both of their families, are strongly interwoven with the future of O'Khasis and the Jury. Post-timeskip, they have a lot to do with those rebel rumours and Tu'la.
I've written so much already I am so sorry. Jeffory is a little simpler than Ivy thank god. The reason that their relationship is so strong in the academy is literally just because I want them as closely bonded as possible. I want them to have years of friendship and sexual tension under their belt. I want it to hurt so horrifically when he dies. I want her to have to bandage up a wound that keeps on overflowing despite her best efforts, one that never stops bleeding because he is quite literally an organ inside her that she needs to live. He is her first friend at the academy and quite literally the kindest person that she has ever met. She is so fucking filled with guilt over Jeffory - not just his death, but how his life changed for the worse because he met her. Despite being standoffish and cautious (think of a puffed up stray cat showing teeth to try and protect itself), he shows her complete innocent kindness. It never breaks throughout their time at the academy - even when he is bullied relentlessly, he remains golden of heart, and sticks up for her. They are incredibly close. Sexual tension isn't really the correct word. It feels like they were holding their breath for their entire lives but the release never quite came to fruition. Their friendship was so whole and pure that it just felt like it should have been a natural next step. They were best friends and they were in love with each other for years but neither of them were ever ready.
Jeffory was very much the One good thing in Katelyn's life. If she had anything, she had him. That's why it's so important for them to meet so early in Guard Academy, to be each other's first true real friends. Good enough friends for him to refuse to go back to Bright Port just to be able to stay with her in O'Khasis. He fell for her first, very early, but when she fell for him I think she was very scared. They've kissed but never slept together. By the time she had come to terms with her feelings, he was head over heels for a darling woman he met at a tavern, and that was that! She loved him enough to support him completely. She loved him! She helped to raise Abby, like, god. That's why its so important that Katelyn has Abby in Loverman. Because she was her father's everything but that little girl still looks like her mother, a constant reminder of not only Jeffory's death, but his marriage (that you kind of accidentally assisted in breaking, by the way!). How do you even live with that. Well you don't, actually, you become the weapon that your master wants to make of you and you start blindly swinging as if that will bring him back. Jeffory is literally the symbol of a golden heart, precious purity and righteousness, and she did everything wrong. He was everything right in her world, and when he died, his "ghost" becomes a constant presence haunting her, chastising her for every violence committed for Zane's sake. She is wholly consumed with this fool's assassination mission, because if its an act of revenge and its someone else's fault, then she can't blame herself for his death anymore.
(Reluctant to fully explain everything seeing as there's so much I haven't written in Loverman yet but I'm definitely willing to talk more about their relationship if prompted!)
So yeah. It's important to me that they meet as children and grow up together. It makes his death all the more tragic and upsetting for her, and his 'goodness' kind of forces her to confront the worst parts of herself. Of which there is so much of.
Future Arcs
I've already briefly mentioned Katelyn's involvement with rebels and that she and Ivy have plans to do with O'Khasis/Jury/Tu'la post-timeskip, so I won't say much more on those until I've actually brainstormed them out fully. Those are probably the most concrete future arcs I have for Katelyn, but there's one other big change I made with significance that I wanna yap about.
MAGICK. Honestly giving Katelyn fire magick I think was one of my best decisions and I don't really know fully where it came from, just that I wanted it. Partially, it was for her to be Aphiah's teacher and for them to study both of their magicks together. In another way, it's a very literal/visual way to address Katelyn's anger. It's a literal take on her title as the Fire Fist, in which people only think that her hits produce sparks, but in reality it is fire. It provides a good contrast with a number of characters, like Abby who is implied to inherit a similar power from her mother, aforementioned Aph, and also separates her a little from Garroth in terms of raw talent. It is unpredictable and took her years to be able to control it to the point of safely wielding in battle, and even so has to use gloves + weapons to contain it. It reacts actively to Aph's magicks. It serves as a rough patch during Guard Academy where she has a very self-isolating Frozen-type arc where she is afraid to hurt anyone, and even injures Jeffory just because she got too happy with him. It's a cruel thing, that forces her to be stiff and unfeeling because any energetic emotion, anger or excitement, will start a fire, especially during hormonal teenage years. It also opens up an interesting conversation about the origin of magicks in my MCD rewrite and the certain levels of magicks. The most distrusted of which being Godspeak, the first form of magick discovered prior to the Golden Age (birth of the Divine Warriors), but also closely followed by the properties held by Katelyn and Aph, fire and light respectively, which can be used to not only heal/accelerate the growth of the land, but also to burn. Abby's would also fall under that category, that being ice that's canonically scarred Katelyn in Loverman before. So her magick is definitely a great way to talk more about that and I'm so keen to develop that further in her future arcs.
[Fun fact being that forms of Godspeak are incredibly rare, and include things like hypnosis in the form of mind control or memory-play. If that rings a bell for any other magick user :) ]
Oh my god okay I need to stop here I think I'm about to pass out sorry if any of this is worded weird I'm about to fall asleep but I suddenly got plagued with the need to answer this ask. I finally found the words. And like as always if anyone wants more clarification on a specific point they find interesting feel free to ask or even dm! You can tell I like to talk about MCD + Rewrite clearly. Have fun and god please tell me your thoughts on anything.
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
my random thought just suddenly wondering how it feels to have seventeen as your older brother 🥺 personally, i think seungcheol, jeonghan, woozi, hoshi, eisa and vernon radiates big bro energy jsjdhdhshsjs btw i love your writings 😻
svt as older brothers
a/n: this is totally independent from the members and their siblings irl/where they are in their actual sibling lineages lol
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✰ literally an additional guardian
✰ when you come home late he’s in the living room like “where were you” -_-
✰ little tough, but he’s also the person you trust the most
✰ always always teases you
✰ but still manages to be sweet in the end
✰ if he annoys you too much he'll try to make it up to you by giving you a small gift
✰ sometimes it’s a bag of your favorite chips or maybe it’s a new pack of nice pens because he knows you like them
✰ easy going and doesn’t really bother you
✰ also quite responsible so you can rely on him to help you with homework or general responsibilities
✰ although he will (lovingly) post a very cringe (in his opinion, cute) picture of you from your childhood for your birthday greetings
✰ i can’t believe y/n is so grown now, i might just cry 🥰✨🫶 *used ironically*
✰ unspoken understanding type of close
✰ he’s pretty responsible too but it’s disguised with how weird he is LMAO
✰ will make a controversial snack and always ask if you want some ???
✰ the best bro to watch stupid comedies with
✰ the kind of sibling that you'd bicker with a lot because of the tiger agenda and general small annoying instances
✰ the kind of menace in the sense that he’ll ruffle and mess up your hair or hang out in your room for no reason
✰ but he's also simultaneously your number one defender
✰ someone's interested in you? ohoho get ready to face the older brother interrogation
✰ expect to not be able to easily flirt with anyone, he's gonna ruin it
✰ “oh is this the guy you were giggling about last night-” right before you push him out of your conversation
✰ your s/o broke your heart? NOBODY give him their location
✰ the perfect sibling to participate in parallel play LMAOO
✰ the two of you are in the same room doing completely different things and honestly, it’s a comfort
✰ the kind to send you a meme instead of just showing it to you on his phone even if you’re on the same couch
✰ also a very responsible big bro
✰ i feel like he’d be the best to go to for any advice
✰ maybe more on the serious side but he’s always welcoming to you and sincerely listens
✰ honestly the kind of sibling that will definitely do stupid shit with you
✰ the kind of brother you’d make a tiktok about bc he’s doing something equally funny and weird
✰ quite literally the most entertaining family member during karaoke sessions on holidays bc he has the voice of an angel but also the energy of a thousand suns when he feels like it
✰ even if you guys ever jokingly bicker i can't imagine him ever really getting mean so y'all don't really argue
✰ always prepares extra food for you
✰ if he gets up earlier than everyone and has to make breakfast for himself, best believe he's making more than one serving so you have something when you wake up too
✰ still slightly babies you even if you’re grown
✰ in his mind you’re still his baby sibling and that he has to take care of you regardless of your age
✰ even as adults he might text you on a day that it’s raining and ask “did you bring an umbrella with you to work today?”
✰ puts in the effort for a chance to hang out with you when he can 🥺
✰ why is arguing with him so funny LMAOAO
✰ go into his room to knock something small over and leave without saying anything and he's ready to throw hands
✰ will jokingly fight you but immediately apologize if he accidentally hits you too hard or he thinks he might’ve hurt you
✰ “what. is. your. problem- oh shit i’m sorry i didn’t mean that-”
✰ the chillest older brother omg
✰ reliable in the sense that he'd probably accompany you in your shenanigans - literally goes with the flow
✰ you don't have someone to go with you to this late concert? sure he'll tell your parents he'll go with you
✰ “you wanna go see this band with me?” you ask, showing a poster on your phone
✰ “sure?”
✰ you need someone to drive you somewhere? yeah he can spare an hour, just text him when you need him to pick you up
✰ also another fun sibling to argue with
✰ it’s fun to tease him by saying he’s your little brother even when he literally isn’t
✰ “y/n i’m literally *insert the exact number of days he was born before you* days older than you”
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btr-rewatch · 9 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 8: “Big Time Break”
While I will not be covering this episode in full (I do have some gifsets from it, though), I do wish to ramble a bit about Kendall and Katie, because they've got some great moments together in it.
So. Shows that portray close and healthy sibling dynamics. Makes me insane, right? Right. Siblings who love and look out for each other. When each one manages to be The Protector of the other in some way, regardless of age difference. Brilliant stuff.
And for a show that so often relies on absurdity and just plain off-the-walls humor, it manages to have depth as well, if you're looking for it. Which I am. Why else would I have created this blog but to analyze this delightful series?
Kendall and Katie may possibly be one of my favorite fictional siblings. From the very first episode, there's such a strongly established bond that you can sense even though they really don't interact that much. You see it in the way that Kendall immediately (happily) complies with Katie's request to hear the "Giant Turd" song and when Katie is going on about how often Kendall sings—including when she can't sleep at night.
I won't go into all my thoughts and feelings on the Knight family situation and how a lot of who Kendall is was likely forced upon him when he became "man of the house," but...those thoughts are there. Might explore them at a later date in another post or in a fic, but anyway! As you make your way through the first season, their relationship solidifies more, and you see the warmth. The way that they look out for each other, and the fierceness with which they love each other. Katie is an independent, tough cookie, but she's still a little kid who sees her big brother as a role model and needs his guidance. And Kendall, being the guy who always tries to be there for others and set a good example, does a wonderful job of looking after her while also knowing when to step back. In a lot of ways, he's a combination of brother, father-figure, and friend, which I have OTHER thoughts about (because that is a lot of weight to carry around at 16).
Focusing in on "Big Time Break" though, Kendall's storyline deals with him still wanting to get to know and befriend Jo, even though she has a boyfriend. At one point, Katie overhears Jo on the phone and discovers that Jo doesn't have a boyfriend at all; she's been pretending to have one for fear of romantic pursuits interfering with her career. Perfectly understandable to want to prioritize in life, of course, but Katie is not happy to hear of the deception.
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Jo has been LYING to her dear big brother?? Now, she could just sit back and not get involved. After all, Kendall and Jo are older and have their own confusing, teenage lives. It'd be okay if she wanted to shrug and let them figure it out themselves. It doesn't have to be her business.
But Katie Knight can't do that. She goes right over and pulls Kendall from his conversation in a way so very fitting of her character.
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This is another aspect of their dynamic that I really like: Katie's complete lack of fear to take charge when needed. Kendall isn't listening to her? She just rolls her eyes and drags him by his ear. Katie Knight, expert on gettin' things done.
She then lets Kendall know that he's been getting played "like a fiddle." Not wanting Jo to be suspicious of their conversation, she cleverly advises Kendall to turn and give Jo the "my little sister is crazy gesture," to which I must include another gif because I love Kendall's execution. He's got the best expressions.
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They end the conversation with Katie essentially challenging Kendall to do the right thing, which, in her mind, is to confront Jo and get the truth out of her.
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And I love this for two reasons. 1. Katie's vaguely threatening reminder that she looks up to him and 2. They have an adorable handshake! When did they come up with this?? It's so sweet, and I love them.
Lol, so much for a "mini post," but oh well. Kendall and Katie are wonderful siblings, and it delights me. I'm glad they didn't go the route of them being the type of siblings who are always bickering with each other or who ignore each other/generally just don't care. Give me siblings who love each other, who get invested in each other's lives, and who have silly little secret handshakes.
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