#If I ever draw game williams face and post it to tumblr know that someone has replaced me
theladyofrosewater · 1 month
If any of you guys have read my fic "He Never Did" on AO3, then you might be familiar with this idea but I've decided to expand on it with a new au.
(More art at the end by the way)
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The first big difference between this AU and canon is that Charlie never died, she never got locked out of her party and William never killed her. Her parents divorced when she was around 10 and her mom took Sammy in the divorce while Henry got Charlie.
Also side note but like standard FNAF content warning because I know a big chunk of my followers dont care about fnaf.
Basic backstory is in 1982 William gets springlocked but survives which sets him on the path of searching for some form of immortality, after this incident he starts acting colder to his family which causes Michael to start acting out and later leads to the prank that goes wrong and kills his younger brother in 1983 with the bite. This leads to the family further falling apart, especially when William starts his experiments which of course leads to Elizabeth's death and the Missing Children's Incident in 1985. Unfortunately, just like how we see in Sister Location the animatronics and the ghosts inside of them are mistreated terribly and without the Puppet being there to calm them down or at least direct the anger towards just adults. They start behaving a lot more dangerously and maiming and evening killing a few people, with the Bite of '87 instead being an incident where several people were killed instead of just a brain injury (don't worry even though he's not featured in this au Jeremy was relatively fine besides the whole frontal lobe thing). Henry is freaking out over all of this while getting most of the blame, while William uses this opportunity to do more experiments. Henry then closes Freddy's for a few years, with the promise it will reopen in a few years once everything has been resolved. William gets pissed and they get into a huge argument afterward Henry kicks him from the company and William opens Circus Baby's Rentals to continue his work. After a few years he gets a breakthrough with remnant but ruins into a huge problem.
In my AU remnant isn't exactly a cure all. It's absolutely TERRIBLE at de-aging someone unless you literally have gallons of the stuff, and even remaining at your current age take a lot in addition to the fact that until you wait for it to disperse into your bloodstream and get absorbed, a person becomes highly flammable and you have to deal with bouts of nausea and vomiting unless you find a good doner match if you consume large amounts. Something important to note is it's similar to blood in my rewrite with a WAY longer regeneration time, like 6-12 months compared to blood's few weeks, but killing someone violently or drawing it out gets you a higher yield
So, William hits a wall in terms of his research that until remembers that he still has (at least in this AU) two kids left alive, Michael and Vanessa. Now right now Vanessa is about 5 and William tested both her and Michael and found that Vanessa would be a terrible match for him but a decent match for any of her siblings, both the live one and the dead ones, so he notes that down but basically ignores her. Not Michael though, he unfortunately could provide a similar enough template to William that any experiments performed on Michael would roughly have the same outcome if performed on William. So, like in canon he convinces Michael to work at Circus Baby's so he can experiment on Michael in secret and if Michael dies, see if he can be brought back. Unfortunately, while William is out of state dealing with investors and some of his other testing grounds, Michael gets scooped and after Ennard leaves him for dead, he wanders around until he finds his way to where Charlie lives because Michael thinks he is well DYING and A. needs someone to know his sister doesn't have anyone to take care of her and B. This is a Marlie AU and if Michael is going to die, he's at least going to tell the girl that he likes how he feels before he kicks the bucket. So, he does and then immediately falls into a coma because he's like super weak and Charlie is freaking out because oh my god what else would you do. She's freaking out on her porch when who shows up but William. What happens next is basically what happens in the fic I wrote. He basically tells Charlie "Hey Michael is basically going to be a suffering mess in constant pain forever unless you help me murder people so we can fix him and if you say no, I may just murder you instead" So Charlie agrees and after about two months, they have hypothetically "fixed" Michael, but he still hasn't woken up yet. William then hands Charlie a case of remnant and tells her to use it on Michael until its gone and then he'll wake up. William then disappears! and yes, he does abandon 5-year-old Vanessa, but don't worry she still has Charlie. So, Charlie does as she's instructed but here comes the issue. Michael never wakes up, no matter how much Charlie waits, in fact he stops even breathing and goes in a rigor mortis like state. Charlie is heartbroken and one night during a thunderstorm she gets a really fucked up idea.
She needs more remnant.
Specifically, she saw and read Williams notes about remnant compatibility and knows that both William and Vanessa have a high compatibility with Michael. Now she's obviously not going to hurt Vanessa, so Charlie goes to the Afton house to try and get answers from William but again he's not there, what Charlie does find is a taunting note and some VERY unsettling records of all the child murder, so Charlie then decides to hunt him down. Obviously, she can't just abandon Vanessa alone with her comatose/possibly dead brother so she heads home to plan. The first thing she does is empty out a freezer in her garage and she sticks Michael in there after giving him another dose of remnant just in case and gathers up all of Vanessa's things and drops her off at Jessica's house, She tells Jessica she has to be gone for a little bit but promises she'll be back as soon as she can and even puts a wad of cash into her best friend's hands as she runs off. Jessica is a little pissed but mostly worried, so she waits exactly a week before she decides to go check on Charlie. Instead of finding Charlie however, she finds an equally confused and concerned Henry because he'd been calling Charlie's house phone and there had been no response. After Jessica tells him how weird Charlie the last time was she saw her, the two decide to enter the house and grow increasingly more concerned as they see that the house is a mess and find more and more concerning notes and papers. Side note Jessica took Vanessa with her because she wasn't going to leave the kid alone. The tour of the house gets worse when they end up in the garage and when Henry is freaking out and little baby Vanessa asks him to be quiet because "Mikey's sleeping right now" and points to the freezer. Que the abject horror of Jessica and Henry as they open the freezer and find what they think is Michael's corpse, which looks like someone has performed surgery on and he's missing an arm which was replaced by a modified endoskeleton hand. Henry and Jessica then rush out of the room, with Jessica dragging Vanessa out with her. They then start freaking out and due to shenanigans Vanessa somehow manages to electrocute Michael because "that's what they do in cartoons." and they start freaking out even MORE when Michael actual wakes up very confused to why he's not dead. Eventually once everyone calms down and talks it out, they realize they need to find Charlie and probably also William.
The main plot of this AU will follow Charlie hunting down William while she frees the spirits she finds along the way. Henry, Jessica and Michael with little Vanessa tagging along have to find Charlie and William to prevent any future possible murders.
If you've made it this far down, Congrats! feel free to send in an ask about the au if you're curious about anything!
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1-100 or whichever you care to tell me... I would like to know everything though :3
Well here goes the rest of my night :3 1-100 here we go.
1. When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal, or more cereal than milk?
Answer: It honestly depends on the cereal. If it’s anything from the CheeryO’s family, I’ll eat that milk-less. If it’s Cookie Crisp, or Cinnamon Toast Crunch, I had better have some damn milk.
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a cold wintery day?
3. What random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
Answer: I just remember the page number. Despite my crap memory, I somehow manage to remember what page I was on when I’m reading.
4. How do you take your coffee/tea?
Answer: I’ll take an energy drink instead.
5. Are you self-conscious of your smile?
Answer: Admittedly yes, I don’t like giving toothy smiles whenever I or someone else takes a picture.
6. Do you keep plants?
Answer: No, plants=bees. I hate bees. I’m not allergic or anything, I’ve just been stung one too many times for me to feel comfortable around bees. Hell if anything buzzes past my ear, I reflexively flinch even if it’s just a house fly. So no plants for me.
7. Do I name my plants?
Answer: *skips*
8. What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
Answer: I write. A lot, though I’m a little self-conscious to post a lot of it
9. Do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Answer: Oh hell yes, I’ll do this all the time. At home, in the car, at work, with my friends … I’ve said too much.
10. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Answer: I answered this one already, but since you asked me to do 1-100 (and like a fool who clearly does not value what he does with what is left of his evening) I’ll answer this one again. I’ll fall asleep on my stomach or back, and somehow find myself awake on my sides.
11. What’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Answer: Ohhh there are several, all with an interesting story behind it. Anyone reading this feel free to ask about said stories of said inside jokes. However, the two best ones I can think of at the moment are: “White-face Mexican Jesus,” and “I’m trying to send a donkey to someone for their birthday, but customs is being a bitch!”
12. What is your favorite planet?
Answer: Pluto (”Ohhh but that’s not a planet anymore” fuck off it’s a planet if I say it’s a planet. And that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so!)
13. What is something that made you smile today?
Answer: Listening to Neon by Jeff and Casey Lee Williams.
14. If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
Answer: Shit. I’m still figuring Tumblr out, so I have NO idea how to link stuff (embed or html or whatever the fuck it is) so… for a base idea, probably something like 221b Baker Street from BBC’s Sherlock.
15. Go Google a weird space fact and tell us what it is.
Answer: *skips*
16. What is your favorite pasta dish?
Answer: Just give me spaghetti and meatballs.
17. What color do you really want to dye your hair?
Answer: Purple. It’s my favorite color, but I seem to have a distinct lack of purple in my wardrobe. But if I was to dye my hair, it would have to be a real dark purple.
18.  Tell something dumb/funny that has since gone down in history between you and your friends that is always brought up.
Answer: *deep breath* No.
19. Do you keep a journal? And what do you write/draw in it?
Answer: I do not keep or have ever kept a journal.
20. What is your favorite eye color?
Answer: Dark brown, kind of like my own.
21. Talk about your favorite bag. One that has been to hell and back, and that you love to pieces. 
Answer: Okay, well I still use this backpack. I’ve had it since my freshman year in high school. Its right strap is worn down, because I only ever wore it over my right shoulder, and still only ever wear it over my right shoulder. There’s also a Wings of Freedom button on the right strap, despite my dislike for the Attack on Titan anime (I liked the manga better). That backpack has been through high school, survived college, and gone to every single anime convention I’ve gone to since I’ve had it.
22. Are you a morning person?
Answer: No, I’m more of a crack of noon person. But high school has ingrained it into my brain that I need to wake up at the ass crack of dawn.
23. What’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days when you have 0 obligations?
Answer: Oh so everyday I don’t have work? Okay then. I either write or play video games, I’m currently playing Mass Effect Andromeda and loving it (despite the issue with the character customization).
24. Is there someone out there that you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Answer: Yes, and they know who they are.
25. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
Answer: My friend Neil and I once had to break into his own house because he forgot his keys, and nobody else was home. There was a ladder under the balcony of his parents bedroom, we set it up, and Neil held the thing in place while I climbed up and over the ladder and over the balcony (thank god the sliding glass door was unlocked).
26. What shoes have you had forever and wear with every single outfit?
Answer: Normally my shoes don’t last that long.
27. What’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
Answer: Ummmm… I don’t have a preference to bubble gum flavors. :3
28. Sunrise or sunset?
Answer: Sunset. Sleep is good.
29. What is something really cute one of your friends does, and is really endearing?
Answer: One of them is our designated group mom, and she cares for all of us. Love you Panda!
30. Think of it: Have you ever been truly scared?
Answer: Yes. There is a local haunted place close to where I live. It was an old rock crusher/munitions factory back in WWII, before it exploded and covered nearly all of it’s workers in acid. Since then the place has been haunted by the spirits of the workers who have died there. And then some idiots attempted to perform some ritual to summon some sort of demon … And it fucking worked. Anyways, my friend Neil and I go up there a few years ago on Halloween. In reality I allowed myself to be talked into it, but I was so freaked out the whole time we were up there, and I could have sworn I was seeing shit move just past the range of my vision. Anyways we are about to head back to his house, and we are right in front of the old rock crusher, when I become aware that Neil is not walking beside me. When I turn around, I see him passed out in front of the old structure … Then I hear this horrible voice in my ear: “Leave him, he belongs to us now.” 
31. What is your opinion of socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks.
Answer: *skips*
32. Tell a story that happened at 3am while you were with friends.
Answer: Ummmm there are no stories like that. Even if we’re at cons, we’re asleep before midnight.
33. What’s your favorite pastry?
Answer: Cinnamon covered doughnuts. So good~
34. Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a child.
Answer: I had/have 3. A lamb, and 2 teddy bears. I don’t remember what happened to the lamb. I know it’s in the house somewhere, I just don’t know where. But as for the teddy’s: One is a standard-size teddy bear named *drumroll* Teddy. I was adopted when I was 4 days old, and Teddy is the only thing that I have from my birth mother. The second one is larger, kinda like the size of a carnaval prize. He was given to my by my Uncle Desmond “Dezzy” Caine (I really miss Uncle Dezzy), so he’s named the Dezzy Bear. I still sleep with both and I’ll be 25 in like 9 days. Dezzy still props up my pillows.
35. Do you like stationary and pretty pens?
Answer: Meh, they’re not so bad. I have really bad handwriting so I’m kinda divided 50/50
36. Which band’s sound would suit your mood right now?
Answer: Nightwish. Oh their lead singer’s voice is beautiful~
37. Do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
Answer: Messy, definately messy. Sure it looks disorganized, but I know where everything is in the mess.
38 Talk about your pet peeves.
Answer: No, it’s too late at night for that shit.
39. What color do you wear the most?
Answer: White. Undershirts mostly. I would wear more purple, but there is a distinct lack of purple in my wardrobe, and not a lot of purple clothing in the stores I shop at (mostly Hot Topic) that fit/I would wear.
40.Think of a piece of jewelry you own. What’s it’s story? Does it have any meaning to you?
Answer: Ummmm admittedly, I have a lot of jewelry pieces. Mostly necklaces that I rarely wear. My favorite by far, is a pewter dragon with it’s body wrapped around a blue crystal. I bought it at the county fair a few years back, and it was the last one that was ever sold from that vendor, because I havent seen his stall in the past few years.
41. What is the last book you really, really remember loving?
Answer: Monster Hunter Memoirs: Grunge. It’s a new book in the Monster Hunter series by Larry Correia.
42. Do you have a favorite coffee shop?
Answer: No, I don’t like coffee ever since I made the mistake of drinking the swill on an empty stomach.
43. Who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Answer: My friend Neil, and that was years ago when we decided to head up to a local haunted area.
44.When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
Answer: This morning in the shower :3
45. Do you trust your instincts a lot?
Answer: Yes. Going back to when Neil and I were up at the rock crusher, and I heard that voice in my ear. Something told me: “Neil is your brother, get his ass out of there!” I grabbed him, and ran for it.
46. Tell us of the worst pun you can think of.
Answer: Is this some sort of pun-ishment? Well I guess you can call me the Pun-isher (hate myself).
47. What food do you think should be banned from the universe?
Answer: …shit I had something for this, and now I can’t remember…
48. What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today?
Answer: I was afraid of the dark as a kid (mostly due to my brother being an ass), and that fear carried through. I still have to sleep with a light on.
49. Do you like buying CDs and records? What was the last one you bought?
Answer: I haven’t bought a CD or a record since I had my first iPod. The last one I bought was Disturbed’s Indestructible album.
50. What is an odd thing you collect?
Answer: I answered this one before, but I’ll do it again. I collect and assemble Gundam models. I have 8 currently. And I have yet to finish/start the assembly on the last 3.
51. Think of a person, what song do you affiliate with them?
Answer: I think The Animal by Disturbed would suit Neil just fine.
52. What are your favorite memes of the year so far?
Answer: *skips*
53. Have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? Beetlejuice ect. What do you think of them?
Answer: Nope.
54. Who is the last person you saw with a genuine look of sadness on their face?
Answer: That would be my cousin who had to recently put her elderly golden retriever to sleep. Something like that is never easy, and I know how bad the pain of losing a pet you have had for years feels.
55. What is the most dramatic thing you have done to prove a point?
Answer: Ummm that’ll be the time when *skips*
56. What are some things you find endearing in people?
Answer: When I find something, I’ll let you know.
57. Go listen to bohemian rhapsody. did you reenact the lyrics?
Answer: Um whoever doesn’t needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
58. Who is the wine mom, and who is the vodka aunt in your group of friends?
Answer: Me on both occasions.
59. What are some of your favorite myths?
Answer: Mostly the ones involving the 80′s horror movie villians.
60. Do you like poetry?
Answer: Meh.
61. What is the stupidest gift you have ever given/received?
Answer: I gave my mom trick candles to use on my brothers cake a few years ago … And they found their way on to MY cake. Does that count?
62. Do you drink juice in the morning?
Answer: Very rarely, and when I do it’s cranberry.
63. Are you fussy about your books and music? Do you keep them organized or leave them be?
Answer: I leave them be. It goes back to the question of how I like to keep my room.
64. What color is the sky where you are right now?
Answer: It’s steely grey. It’s in the transition of seasons. Winter to Spring.
65. Is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time that you’d love to hang out with?
Answer: Yeah, my friend Neil.
66. What would your ideal flower crown look like?
Answer: *skips*
67. How do gloomy days make you feel?
Answer: Yep skipping that one too. *skips*
68. What is winter like where you live?
Answer: Hoth
69. What are your favorite board games?
Answer: Risk … and I cannot think of any other ones of the top of my head.
70. Have you ever used a ouji board?
Answer: Fuck no! I am not stupid enough to do that! Especially after what happened after the rock crusher.
71. What is your favorite kind of tea?
Answer: I don’t drink tea.
72. Are you a person who needs to note down everything you need to do or else you’ll forget it?
Answer: Only when I am at work, and even then I rarely note things down.
73. What are some of your worst habits?
Answer: *skips*
74. Describe a good friend of yours without using their names or gendered pronouns.
Answer: Hmmmm… Long and lanky, unkempt and scraggly hair and beard. Quick wit, sharp tongue, but with a big heart.
75. Tell us about your pets!
Answer: I had two white Siberian Huskies. Tundra and her brother Topaz were born on the same day I was, and we had 18 great years together.
76. Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Answer: Nope.
77. Pink or yellow lemonade?
Answer: Why not both?
78. Are in the minion fanclub or hateclub?
Answer: I’m in the “I don’t give a fuck” club.
79. What is one of the cutest things anyone has ever done for you?
Answer: They wouldn’t want me telling that story.
80. What color are your bedroom walls? Did you chose that color? If so why?
Answer: They’re white, but if I could paint them, they’d be purple.
81. Describe on of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
Answer: *skips*
82. Are/were you good in school?
Answer: I was decent. Not good, not bad, but decent.
83.what is some of your favorite album art?
Answer: I care more about the songs rather than the artwork.
84. Are you planning on getting any tattoos?
Answer: Yes, I’m planning on getting either the enochian sigil from Supernatural, or a full back tattoo of a set of angel wings with the words: “Angels on our shoulders” above them.
85. Do you read comics?
Answer: Not really
86. Do you like concept albums?
Answer: The hell are those?
87. What are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Answer: All the James Bond movies, Star Wars including the prequils, and the 3 original Indiana Jones movies.
88. Are there any artistic movements you enjoy?
Answer: The only one I can think of (and I’m not sure it even counts) is the Renaissance
89. Are you close with your parents?
Answer: Yes very close, although they drive me crazy at times I still  love them.
90. Talk about one of your favorite cities.
Answer: *skips*
91. Where do you plan on traveling this year?
Answer: Well my group is planning on heading to Washington DC for Ota-con this year.
92. Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese? Or do you barely sprinkle a pinch?
Answer: The cheese. Give me all the cheese!
93. What is the hairstyle you wear the most?
Answer: Short and very unkempt.
94. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
Answer: My girlfriend. :3
95. What are your plans for this weekend?
Answer: The same thing I do every night. Try to take over the world.
96. Do you install your computer updates quickly? or do you take forever?
Answer: Yes. :3
97. Myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and Hoggwarts house.
Answer: What the hell is the first one? But I’m an Ares, and a Gryffindor.
98. When was the last time you went hiking? And did you enjoy it?
Answer: it was years ago, and no I hate nature.
99. List some songs that resonate with your soul every time you hear them.
Answer: I have 220+ songs on my iPod that attest to that very question.
100. If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, and one that allows you to go 5 years into the future, which would you press and why?
Answer: I’d go into the future. Past is past and that’s where it belongs. Plus when I go back to when I pressed said button, I would have an advantage over everyone else *evil smile*
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acekatherineplumber · 5 years
The Post of Many Questions!
PART 1. About myself…
Do you like the way you look? Right now, the answer is no. I’m really working on it. I’m in recovery. I’m going to group therapy. I’m trying.
Have you ever cut your hair yourself? Not cut, but trimmed Honestly, I don’t trust other people with my hair.
What’s your Instagram @? @cheveuxderaiponce. Follow me!
Favorite console to play video games on? I don’t play video games
Do you collect anything? Mugs!
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Ew. No.
Are you a fan of bread and butter? Nope. It’s not vegan.
Does everything happen for a reason? No. Sometimes the world is just random and terrible. All we can do is be decent and kind to each other. Do no harm, but take no shit.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you? I tend to block that stuff out.
Have you ever almost died? Yes. Back in January, the external manifestation of my mental illness almost killed me. I had to make a choice at that point, to continue letting my mental illness  take over my life and take everything from me, or to recover. I chose recovery. It is HARD. I’m not going to lie to you, and some days I really don’t want to continue with it. However, to choose recovery is to choose life. It is to choose the future. it is to choose possibility. That is what I choose.
Go-to ice cream order? I’m vegan, so it’s really hard to go somewhere and order ice cream, but I like to buy vegan rocky road at the store.
Do you like your room? I do! I’m leaving it soon though.
What do you like to do when you’re feeling stressed? Make tea and watch The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged
Who’s your best friend? @hoogwoorts and @purplerainbowsrachel
Favorite animal? Cats, hedgehogs, and otters
Do you like to read? I LOVE to read. I’m almost done with The Three Musketeers!
Are you an extrovert or introvert? Introvert
Biggest regret? Regrets are wasted energy
Are you a fan of theme parks? I don’t like big roller coasters, but I do think theme parks are fun
Have you crossed anything off your bucket list in the past 2 months? Not in the past 2 months, but about 3 months ago I graduated from college!
PART 2. Ask me if I’m a believer…
Do you believe in aliens? Yes
Do you think everything happens for a reason? No
Do you believe the butterfly effect is real? Kind of?
Do you think love at first sight is legit? Absolutely not
Do you think we go to heaven or hell when we die?
Do you believe in karma? I do. I believe that the energy you put into he world will come back to you.
Do you believe in witches and/or magic? Yes
Do you think ghosts are real? Yes
Do you believe in anything mythical/supernatural? (Bigfoot, Mermaids, Vampires, etc.) Yes
Do you believe in a God? No.
PART 3. Ask me about relationships & love…
Are you in love with anyone at the moment? No
Do you want to eventually get married? Yes
Who are your best friends? Already answered that
Have you ever broke a friend’s trust? Definitely, but usually it’s because I’m trying to help them
What was your first kiss like? Unremarkable
If a friend called you to help hide a body, would you help or turn them in? I would probably say that I was busy.
Have you ever had a crush on someone that, now as you look back, is completely embarrassing? Everyone who feels romantic attraction has. It’s a part of life.
Explain your dream date. Indian food and good conversation and then a Shakespeare play
How would you react if you had a secret admirer? Confusion
You’re having dinner with your s/o, are you guys eating at a restaurant or having a home cooked meal? Home cooked that we cooked together
Talk about one of your favorite memories you share with a friend. It’s a simple one, but I just remember disappearing off to my friend’s house for a day. We ordered Chinese, watched movies, and just hung out. :)
Have you ever secretly taken something from a friend and not given it back? Definitely not on purpose.
How would you react if a friend started dating your ex? I’d warn them about what they’re really like, and tell them how much it would hurt me to see them make bad choices and be involved with any of those people
Do you think any of your friends talk about you behind your back? Only when they’re worried about me
Where would you want to have your honeymoon? France
Do you believe in sex before marriage? Yes
Are you currently single? Yes
Have you ever broken up with someone? Yes
Have you ever cried over a break-up with a friend? Yes
If you were in an emergency, which friend would you call first? Probably @purplerainbowsrachel. I trust her and she’s the closest.
PART 4. Ask me about my favorite things!
Favorite feel-good movie? The Princess Bride
Favorite song from before 2005? 1985 by Bowling for Soup or I’m a Believer. They’re super nostalgic and have a lot of good memories attached to them/
ALL-TIME favorite album? Reputation. Sue me.
Favorite actress? ANNE. HATHAWAY.
Top 3 favorite colors? Aqua, silver, and olive green
Favorite book genre? Historical, action-thriller-mystery. Think The Da Vinci Code, but better written.
Favorite poem? “Won’t You Celebrate With Me?” by Lucille Clifton
Favorite actor? Chris Evans
Favorite type of food? Indian
Favorite pair of shoes you own? Mid-calf vegan leather boots
Favorite song right now? “You Need to Calm Down” by Taylor Swift. I had it on repeat this morning.
Favorite show you’ve ever watched? Parks and Recreation or Brooklyn 99.
Favorite show as of right now? Brooklyn 99.
Favorite quote? I draw strength from different quotes at different moments. Right now I’m drawing strength from “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated” (Maya Angelou). However, I think an over-arching one is from the 2015 live-action Cinderella, “Have courage and be kind.”
Favorite thing to do when you’re bored? Read, scroll through the internet, go for a walk.
Favorite food? Samosas and hummus. 
Favorite sea animal? Octopi
Favorite perfume/cologne/body spray? Black Tulip by Nest, Black Raspberry Vanilla and Vanilla Bean Noel from Bath and Body Works.
Favorite drink to order at a coffee shop? Tea!
Favorite person you know? Probably my cousin.
Favorite blog(s) here on Tumblr? Abby’s, Rachel’s, Carolyn’s, and a few others.
Favorite Youtuber? So many. I watch way too much YouTube. I like Christina Randall, Jessica Kent, Olivia Simone, Lucia Tepper, Once Upon a Bron, caitlovesdisney, Jay Swanson, Sarah Ingle, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, Five Foot One Teacher, Colleen Ballinger (her, not Miranda Sings), Patrcia B, Katherine Steele, the Di’Amore Family, DFB Guide, The Financial Diet, Cherry Wallis, Brian Hull, Emily’s Wanderland, kenziemacbrown, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Amy Lovatt, and definitely more.
Favorite place to shop? Barnes and Noble.
Favorite book? Les Mis
Favorite musician? Taylor Swift
Favorite city you’ve been to? Paris
Favorite sport? I life to watch gymnastics and dance, but I don’t like to play sorts. Working out is fun though.
Favorite outfit you own? My teal Lularoe dress I know, MLMs are terrible, but I bought it before I knew that, and it’s higher quality than most of Lularoe’s other stuff.
Favorite app to use? Hogwarts Mystery
Favorite flower? Irises and sunflowers
PART 5. Ask me Would You Rather…
Eat a slug OR Eat a cockroach? Cockroach
Not take a shower for a week OR Not brush your teeth for a week? Not take a shower.
Cuss out your boss OR Tell your mom she looks fat? Cuss out my boss
Fart in front of your crush (and they know it’s you) OR Accidentally sneeze in your celebrity crush’s face? Definitely fart
Jump off a cliff into the ocean OR Go skydiving and jump out of a plane? Jump off a cliff
Be the girl who was known for eating her tampon OR Have everyone in your life legitimately hate you? Be known for eating my tampon.
Not be able to own anything that costs more than $20 OR Only be able to own things that cost $100 or more? $100
Shit your pants on nation television OR Shit your pants at a job interview? Job interview
Be famous while you’re alive but forgotten when you die OR Be unknown while you’re alive but famous after you die? Be unknown and then famous after death
Go to jail for 5 years for something you didn’t do OR Get away with a horrible crime and live with guilt & fear? Get away with it.
PART 6. Ask me if I’ve ever…
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes
Ever kissed someone who wasn’t single? Yes, and that is definitely part of the worst thing I have ever done. 
Ever spit in someone’s food/drink? No
Have you ever done anything illegal? Jaywalking is technically illegal, but other than that, no.
Have you ever cheated on a test? Yes
Ever spread a rumor? Yes
Have you ever saved someone’s life? Yes
Have you ever been to a foreign country? Yes
Have you ever made someone cry? Yes
Ever lied straight to someone’s face? Yes
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