#i could never put stickers on my water bottle
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sherlock-is-ace · 7 months ago
i don't understand how people can put stickers on water bottles... y'all not wash your bottles? or do you have magic stickers that are hyper resistent to water?
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months ago
When I was a TA for the freshman art class in senior year my students really adored me. It was so sweet. I’d had classes that were more ambivalent toward me but these guys were all about me.
I loved working with that teacher too. He was the kind of crunchy art nerd whose own kid didn’t know what candy was, who loved bird watching and wearing tweed. We’d chat while they worked and it was just a three hour pleasure rather than work.
When the class switched from charcoal to gouache a devil medium, the evilest watercolor, the students struggled. We’d have in class painting where they’d spend the whole time trying to mix one color instead of just accepting something as good enough and trying to practice other skills.
So one day I showed up to my shift and announced, “I have stickers. If you get color down for the whole composition, you get a sticker.”
They wanted. The stickers. So bad. Students who had agonized before about keeping lines neat and perfect plowed ahead. The first student to call me over I tsked at. “Putting grey on everything doesn’t count,” I chided, “I asked for colors on each object.”
The classroom worked in furious joy, young adults who had seen my bird and cactus stickers and gone feral. The teacher was flabbergasted. “Why do they want stickers? They could just buy stickers…”
I held up my water bottle and showed him a tiny 3D bubble sticker the program director had brought to my game teams space last week. “You never grow out of wanting to earn a sticker.”
By the end of class everyone had a sticker. There was more visible improvement in the work too, which surprised them since they’d been rushing. “Gouache looks terrible before it looks good. It’s okay to start messy and then refine.” The teacher had said the same thing but looking at their frantic sticker paintings they finally saw the truth of it.
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sorensolsikke · 6 months ago
here's some punk diy tips and ideas
[other than crusty pants and battle jacket, although we still love those greatly.]
why should you diy, when you can just find decorated items everywhere, you can ask. what if you are clumsy at painting or anything?
firstly, good questions. we diy so we don't give credit to the big companies who rule the world. we diy to get more independent from the system we dislike. we diy so to save money. to express uniqueness, recognize eachother and be recognized. and especially to have fun and feel cool. diy is not only about clothing, but anything you can set your mind on. of course, one cannot make EVERYTHING for themselves, there isn't enough time and energy. but making at least small steps are already a statement and more than nothing. also, helping small artists by buying their products is also pretty punk.
that being said, i provide you with some tips of mine, all gained from experience:
anything you drew/painted on, you will WANT TO protect. acrylic paint/markers + acrylic paint varnish/transparent nail polish/textile medium are your best friends. read after anything that's new to you.
i highly recommend working with old clothing or thrift shop finds when it comes to textiles, as it is environmentally friendly and you will stay in budget. Anyways, always make sure that the material you use isn't gonna be problematic. for example, if you want to do some patchwork, the material shouldn't decay easily (if it does, it will come off so quickly.). if you want to paint on it, it shouldn't be rugged.
you can not only draw/paint on your canvas shoes, but can also sew, embroidery (just make sure to use a thimble, plus floss instead of thread could make your work more durable), and add beads and trinkets to your shoelaces. in the case of shoes, never use glue (neither hot nor instant glue) – it will come off quickly. for some inspiration, i'll show you my shoes!
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(the fake moss is literally unstoppable from falling off or getting dirty. risky idea.)
it's good to carry around water and food!! you don't even have to pay for decorative water bottles and food boxes, as you can draw on glass and plastic just fine with acrylic markers. just don't forget to paint transparent nail polish all over your drawing. in at least two layers. don't be lazy or laid-back. even posca comes off while washing the dishes. and you WANT TO save your reference pictures/final designs, as the case of emergency is likely. but after all, my water bottle is exactly fine after six months, with no accuring problem.
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if your current best option to get stickers from is aliexpress or overpriced decor stores, search for local artists and shops on instagram and tiktok, as it may be their most efficent way of getting you to know them. if it seems like you have no chance, you may can still find a print shop with the option of printing on self-adhesive sheets (at least in hungary, those are pretty cheap). and if you want drawings to print out as stickers, you may use your own or –ONLY IF YOU GET PERMISSION– other artist's work. not only good for decorations for like, headphones, but for vandalism too. WAIT WAIT who said that. who said it. not me. no never
(in case that's also impossible, you can create stickers by printing out/drawing a picture, cover it up in transparent adhesive tape, and then put some two-sided adhesive tape on the white side of the pic. it won't be that durable, but it functions.)
if you want to bleach-paint clothing, get some plastic brushes!! any other brush dissolves. draw your design first with chalk!! never forget to put cardboard inside the clothing, and to wash the finished work in a washing machine before you'd put it on. prepare to be patient with the process. and it's not dangerous to touch 5%-9% household bleach, just wash your hands soon after.
if you want your crusty pants to last veryyy long, wax them. look up on youtube jeans waxing.
some more things i made for myself so to give you some inspiration: totebag with pockets, a small crystal holder cabinet, badges, and i decorated some t-shirts, button-ups, an id card case, phonecase, laptop.
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theoretically speaking, there is nothing that an individual would be unable to learn how to make, when it comes to diy. you can't imagine how easy it is to bake bread at home. consuming-focused media makes people believe that it's hard to make anything. of course, everyone has to decide about their own priorities, i don't want to convince or change anyone in here. and if you have any questions, send an ask!! i hope i had been helpful.
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andrewsleftarmband · 4 months ago
Foxes Walk Out Songs
Ive seen this done a couple times and wanted to do it myself!! Slight modern au cuz I’m too lazy to find period accurate songs.
Dan Wilds
The Greatest by Sia
I think she’d choose this one to sort of hype herself up, and hype her team.
The pre chorus repeat of “I won’t give up” is just so Dan to me and I think she’d agree.
Matt Boyd
My guy Matt is definitely charging into the court to the raucous melody of
Turn Down For What by DJ Snake and Lil Jon
My guy is picking the hypest song he can think of and he’s gonna get that crowd GOING
Renee Walker
Sunday Best by Surfaces
Idk I think Renee would want something upbeat and happy
This song is so Renee coded like “feeling blessed, never stressed” is definitely a sticker she’d have on her water bottle
Allison Reynolds
Allison is 100% picking a hot girl bop and a half
And that song is On My Mama by Victoria Monet
I think she’d pick this song obviously for the hot girl vibes but also as another fuck you to her parents. “They say she get it from her mama, imma say you fucking right”
Nicky Hemmick
Now Nicky is picking an iconic gay anthem to strut out to in the most flamboyant way he can
And that song is I’m Coming Out by Diana Ross
I think he’d find the literal interpretation funny, but also he’s definitely the type to shout from the rooftops that he’s gay and this is a way to do that
Aaron 100% rolled his eyes when nicky picked this one
Aaron Minyard
Okay here’s how this went (I read a fic where something similar happened I’m just changing the circumstances lol)
I think Aaron would just avoid choosing something for lack of caring
And I think Nicky would decide to choose for him
But when Nicky suggests Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson, he almost immediately shuts the idea down
But then he sees a little quirk of andrews eyebrow betraying a hint of amusement
And he chooses Man in the Mirror
One could laugh at it, but one could also get depressed by looking too closely at “I’m asking him to change his ways”
But I’m choosing to laugh
Neil Josten
This one was hard, I went through a couple options before landing on what I think would be funniest while being something he might actually pick
I don’t think Neil would know what to pick so I think Andrew would just show him a bunch of songs until he picked one
And I think he would eventually land on Centuries by Fall Out Boy
For one thing Andrew def listens to the emo trinity
For another I think the song has Neil’s fuck you im going to win energy that he brings to the court
One could look more closely at Neil “I’m finally a real person” Josten picking a song saying “you will remember me”
I love it
Andrew Minyard
This was actually the hardest
Because I don’t think Andrew would actually care enough to participate
But I can also see him using it as an opportunity to be a little shit
So I think he’d look wymack directly in the eye and choose Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne
Just to watch him sigh and put a hand to his forehead in exasperation
And I think the rest of the team would find it funny
Anyways, lmk what you think or if I’m like way off the mark here.
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opaloharas · 7 months ago
the adventures of himbo miguel
himbo miguel who is wholesome and loves cinnamoroll
(thankies to my server friends mwah for entertaining my silly thoughts)
cw: none :3 just fluff, miguel being ooc.
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miguel’s days started like any other day. he woke up, ate breakfast, and hit the gym.
his philosophy was healthy body, healthy mind. or was it the other way around? don’t ask him.
as he finished his last rep, he let out a contented sigh. “good job, miguel.” he praised himself, wiping down the machine he was using at max weight before taking a long sip from his water bottle. 
he smiled at the Cinnamoroll stickers that smiled back at him, his eyes focusing on one where the little character was wearing a chef hat, flipping a little heart shaped pancake.  he tucked his bottle back into his bag, stretching a final time before leaving the gym.
his after workout activities consisted of getting a little treat. he would power walk in his tight little black shorts (that he thought made his peach of an ass stand out. he would never share this though) to a little bakery he visited as a child for his daily sweet fix.
he leaned down in the doorway to enter, the smell of fresh baked conchas and cinnamon lingering in the air. the little ding from the bell alerted his arrival, causing the little old lady, Julia, behind the counter to perk up from her seat.
“Miguelito!” she cooed, waving him in, her apron tight on her body.
 “the usual?” she asked after leaning over the counter and hugging her favorite and most loyal customer. “there’s one slice left and the frosting is the right thickness and the sprinkles are just the right amount.” Julia assured, boxing up the cortadillo.
 she put it in a little bag that he took quickly before paying her a hefty amount, refusing to hear any complaints, “if you come by tomorrow, my granddaughter is gonna be here! so i am telling you to come!” she called after him as he walked out of the bakery with a nod of his head.
as he walked back to his apartment, his mind lingered on the little old lady’s words.
‘Granddaughter?’ he thought, shaking his head. his mind raced as he thought of why she would mention that. he never voiced a desire to date to her. why was she trying to set him up?
he shook his head when he stopped at his building’s entrance, sighing as he made his way inside. he feasted on his piece of cake, letting out a moan of satisfcation. he looked to the Cinnamoroll figurine on his bartop, tilting his head to the side. 
“you need a friend,” he spoke to the figure, smiling at it before getting ready to make a monthly trip to Miniso.
Miguel’s figure loomed over the shelf of Cinnamoroll figures, eyes looking down at the little phone holder in his hand, that looked like the top half of a cupcake and a small Cinnamoroll laying on his belly. 
“i grabbed you first.. it would be wrong of me to set you down for something else..” he voiced his dilemma softly, eyebrows furrowed as he thought. 
curse him and his big golden heart, thinking every inanimate object had feelings. 
“i will always make more money,” he shrugged, grabbing the figure, walking to the front of the store. 
he whistled along to the Twice song that was playing over the speakers while he checked out, swiping his card.
‘declined!’ the machine chirped. Miguel was confused, swiping his card again only for the machine to give him the same message. 
all he wanted was his figures and to get home so he could maybe catch up on assignments he was missing. 
he looked around before looking down when he felt a presence, seeing a shorter 
woman standing, holding her hand out, gold bracelets dangling. 
“sir, if you swipe your card again, the machine will start singing. it needs to you insert your card.” you smiled, not seeing a single thought register behind the man’s eyes until he blinked, a dopey smile forming on his lips. 
“oh.” he mused, pushing his card in, hearing the little ring from the machine. he thanked you before he left the store. something about your eyes and your smile made his heart skip a beat. was it the twinkle from the fluorescent lights of the store? was it the brown lipgloss you wore? perfume even? the little hamster that kept his mind lightbulb on was overwhelmed.
oh, his brain was spinning.
the next day was cardio day. he adorned a black crop top, wiping his brow on his forearm, as he let out a low groan. after almost causing the machine to malfunction from his running speed and after slapping the treadmill’s screen until an employee glared at him, he decided he needed a treat. again. 
his walk to his usual spot was uneventful. he whistled at some birds, helped some old ladies cross the street, and gave some musicians a few tips. 
when he walked through the familiar door, he cleared his throat to announce his arrival. he saw someone pop up but it was not Julia, the face he was used to. it was you.
“miniso girl!” he cheered, clapping his hands together after a few moments of silence to remember where he recognized your face from. “you are Julia’s granddaughter? she mentioned you yesterday. i am Miguel, her most favorite customer?” he nodded slowly, squinting as he tried to see her in your face, brow raised. 
you gave your name before giving him a full response.
“yeah, i help her out here on my off days.” you gave a polite smile, remembering the man’s air headed ways from the day before, “but anyways.. what can i get you?” you asked, grabbing the pink plastic tongs from the case, watching as he tapped his chin, adjusting his gym bag, biting his full bottom lip. 
“i want… one of the pink frosted conchas, please.” he grinned, “they are my favorite.” he added, taking out more money than was needed while you packaged up the pastry for him. 
he handed the stack of bills to you, grabbing the box quickly. his smile was radiant as he saw your shocked expression, calling after him as he walked out. your grandmother heard the commotion and sighed deeply, “that is just what Miguel does. he keeps my business afloat.” she sighed happily, patting your back as your eyes stayed focused on Miguel while he crossed the street outside. 
while he slipped your mind while the bakery got busy, his mind kept replaying the interaction he had with you for the rest of the day. 
his love for treats was going to be satisfied but his wallet was going to hurt from them and buying unneeded trinkets from Miniso.
Himbo Gods, help him.
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vshiftsss · 24 days ago
🍞 for the ask game :D
thanks for the ask!
🍞 - create a mood board of some of your closest friendships in your desired reality. you could include their face claim, favorite color, clothing style, what your friendship with them all looks like, etc.
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alright…i’m gonna be honest. i don’t usually script my friends. ever. unless i’m shifting to a place with an established friend group. so, basically, i had to make this mood-board while also thinking of things meredith would be into and what we would do together. this is what i decided on. and if it doesn’t match well…i tried my best.
pics in order: hobby, us together, something that represents us, favorite color, faceclaim (of course i had to script sabrina in somehow), hobby, clothing style, us together, friendship tradition
hobby… one of the things meredith and i instantly bonded over was our shared love for creating music. i play the piano while she plays the guitar, and sometimes we’ll put our brains together to create some song that will never see the light of day again. meredith is a lot better than me at songwriting, but she claims i’m ‘just as good as her’. at least she’s being nice about it!
friendship dynamic… i met meredith while i was moving into my dorm in the ravenclaw house. she had moved in earlier than me, and she had her door ajar, soft pop music flowing out from her bedroom. my room is across the hall, so every time i passed by, i glanced over to see what she was doing. eventually, she caught me, and instead of calling me nosy, she gave me a radiant smile and offered to help me settle in. that night, we both went on an adventure touring the campus, and it really solidified our bond. we’re attached at the hip, two peas in a pod. best friends forever :)
favorite color… judging by the theme of this post and the pic of oranges in the mood board, it’s pretty clear meredith’s favorite color is orange. she tries to incorporate it into everything she owns, too, whether it’s a few orange tulips in a vase, or some stickers on her water bottle.
clothing style… i honestly don’t know the names of the specific style she wears, but it’s kind of similar to mine. imagine blouses, lace, stockings, mary janes, dainty jewelry, sundresses…that kind of vibe. though she also wears sweaters and simple tees if it’s just a night in, or a study session. truly depends on the occasion.
friendship tradition… we always eat breakfast together. doesn’t matter if we have schedule conflicts, if someone’s sick, or if we’re completely swamped with work. sometimes we eat in the dining hall, sometimes we find a small café to eat and study in. if one of us can’t make it, we bring food to them. or we facetime. no matter what, we’ll always eat together. it’s our dedicated time to each other, even if it’s just twenty minutes.
overview… guys i love her. absolutely adore her. i’m so excited to see her. UGHH making mood boards is now my new favorite pastime. expect more! love you guys, happy shifting!
ask game :)
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rzyraffek · 1 year ago
Could you please do headcanons Slashers (like Michael, Brahms, Billy, The Sinclair brothers) as caregivers for their S/O who is an age regressor
Or headcanons for those Slashers when they find out their s/o is an age regressor?
Okay I acually went and educated myself on this topic for you my dear anon🥰🌼
if your uncomfortable with topic of age regression pls dont read that😭
So basically as far as I understand age regression means that somone acts like child due to some traumatic event??? And like they act childlike and participate in child typical activies (such as drawing with crayons, speaking like a toddler, drinking from bottles ect) if i make headcanon that don't make any sense im sorry! I have no experience with this topic! ALSO this is pure platonic! Age regression isn't a kink or a fetish!!
Slashers with age regressor y/n
Brahms Heelshire
Tbh y/n acting childish kinda woke up his inner child, CUZ HE LITTERALY GOT LOCKED IN WALLS IN AGE OF LIKE 10 so he kinda missed out on some fun stuff
100% plays hide and seek! Or tag! My man loves some good round of hide and seek, this place is huge! *insert british accent* "oh you little scallop... if I find you I will tickle you so hard..."
Question: age regression is like temporary or like forever thing? Like regressor acts like that when they are in bad metal state or just always? Bcs if always then it might be hard with Brahms, see he kinda.... has mommy's issues has huge need to be taken care of, probably similar to y/n's, he kinda wants a person who will just pamper him and make him feel like he's the single child yknow? All the attention on him? Yknow what i mean??
If y/n draws him something nice, dude will put it on a fridge with a magnet and be proud
If thats like temporary thing, he acaully will ask a lot of questions: how should he act? Do you remember anything? How does it work? Can he get some cuddles? Do you still love him while regressing? (Ofc you do, but he doest understand)
Billy Lenz
You guys vibe
Dude won't see any difrence😭
Yay one more reason to watch cartoons together! (His favorite ponny is rarity and fluttershy)
If y/n babytalks and uses toddler-like vocabulary... dude will mimic it😭 he just thinks that will help with communication😭 its not like you guys struggle with it or anything, Billy is just build like that
Yall draw together, his artstyle already looks like toddler drew it (not in cute way)
Plays dolls with y/n (but he acually makes it interesting! Like he makes it all dramatic and the tea is just jawdropping)
Also don't bother explaining what is age regression, just say "sometimes I act like kid to cope"😭
Micheal Myers
But kinda likes it, not in weird way! He enjoys taking care of y/n, but he has his own ways of doing so
He won't play with them or let them cuddle him too much
But he accepts little drawings and stickers that y/n gives him
He is still stalking them, making sure noone tries to bully them or anything
He is very protective, for example if y/n cuts their finger while making food, dude is all over them: Oh no no dont cry! Uhhh.... uhhh oh! See a pretty bandage? With puppies! Pls dont cry...
On rare days he is acually around (phicially i mean, cuz hes always around just not interacting with y/n) and it happens for him to be in good mood too, he will let y/n nap on him or put some stickers on his outfit- he never takes them of btw, the only reason that stickers wash of is the field he 'works' in? Yknow a lot of mud blood and water. He also holds y/n hand if they are spooked
And he fucking loves fluttershy and applejack
Steals some cute shirts and socks for them!
Sinclair Bros
Bo is the least understanding, tbh he will lisen to y/n only if they have very good relationship
Vince is just 👍
And Lester is acually very open to the idea
Drawing and playing dolls with Vincent
Going on cool drives with Lester
And napping with Bo
Whole fridge is covered in drawings and cute magnets
All Vincent's notebooks and Lester truck covered in stickers
Even Bo gun didnt escape the sticker apocalypse
Vince made special wax figurines for y/n
Lester calls them "kiddo" 😭😭
Bo puts his hand on their head and rubs it till their hair goes all puffy
They all act like older brothers who have to take care of younger siblings while perents are away😭😭
Vince acually vents to regressing y/n and they are just like: "man I just wanna pet the dog"
Bonus round! Added few more!!
Bubba Sawyer
Bestie vibes
Yall just spend time playing with dolls and drawing together
Absolutely lets y/n nap on him
He totally combs their hair and puts them in nice bun (or if y/n has short hair he will just brush it)
He kinda sees age regression as lil break from reality? Like you two can just vibe and act they way you want to😊 he enjoys, cuz tbh he do be acting like child(not in bad way!) And his happy that you both can do all those child-like activities without being judged by other person
Bit y/n once
Asa Emory
Ew a child
I mean
Idk he gives me "the dad that never has time for u cuz he has too much work"
Like yep he will read y/n a bed time story and he will tell them all about bugs and nature. But hes busy most of time
OMG ABOUT BED TIME STORIES Asa will read you one but he is so exhausted that he acually falls asleep first
He trusts them and knows that even whilr regressing they wont do anything dumb, but he still bans them from his 'workroom' theres... well some photos and drawings of victims and i doubt y/n wants to see it
Lets them sit on his lap while he reads newspaper like middle-aged man he is
Gives lil head kisses before sleep
Bug themed plushies and figures
Makes y/n watch animal planet and bbc nature with him
When he's out for longer periods of time he will buy them McDonald's as an apology
Done. I hope it makes sense! I never witnessed anyone age regress so idk how relatable it is!! I used x reader tags only to reach bigger audience
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lilsocksiswriting · 5 months ago
Academic Weapon Chapter One
You were like a lot of humans, born with just enough curse energy to see curses but not enough power to do anything. Your greed has helped you hold in the Jujustu Sorcery program. it is this same greed that tends to blind you to the danger you are in.
Sukuan sees you as a weak pretty thing that he can hold a conversation in his class. This is what he tells him to do he falls for you, his student because the curse refuses to believe this is love.
Oh, then there is the murder.
Characters: Reader, Ryomen Sukuna, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto,Ieiri Shoko, Iori Utahime,
Pairings: Sukuna X Fem!Reader
Tags: College AU, Professor X Student, Modern Fantasy AU, NSFW
Masterlist  || Chapter Two || Ko-fi
Notebook, pencil case, hydration, iPad…. You go through the mental checklist to make sure you are not forgetting anything before heading out for the day. Behind you Utahime is sitting on the livingroom’s old couch as many students had done so before the four of you moved into the on-campus apartments last year.
Mei-Mei is perched on the edge, leaning just the slightest to have a look at your finalized schedule. Shoko was still  dead asleep, having pulled an all-nighter in the infirmary to help out with influx of the wounded sorceress coming back before the new semester started. Mei-Mei and Utahime thankfully not being one of those wounded and came back from their missions safe and  exhausted last night.
Giving the two a brief look as you mosey around the kitchen island to grab two mandarins and a small bag of bite sized cookies then return to put them in your bag. you frown, Here we go. Utahime’s wide eyed expression the slight tremble in her fingers were a dead giveaway. He was always so fidgety. Mei-Mei was a little harder to tell, but there was a small crinkle of concern knitted between her perfect brows.
"Alright, " you cross your arm look in between your two roommates. "I know you two are worried but-“
"Of course, we're worried! just look who you have for curse theory!" Utahime turns the phone screen to emphasize her point. She practically climbs over the back of the couch to shove the phone in your face. As if you were not the one to enroll yourself in his class.
You step back from the screen Then venture into the kitchen. “I know who I’m taking Utahime. I’m the one who enrolled in the class.”
Mei-Mei nods in agreement with that cool smirk of her's a mask that  hides her true emotions so well, "Even I must admit that you may be biting off more than you can chew. Barley anyone passes his class after all.”
"I want the challenge and he's like a 1,000 years old. Imagine what he could teach me?” you argue.
"Imagine what he can do to your GPA!" Utahime argues.
"And your mental health," adds the silver-haired woman.
You pout, this was not something new. They were about this with everything  that posed a threat of  harm to you. You turn your back on the two women and go back to finishes packing book bag. You your lucky enough to be paired with the three since freshman year. It was nice to have roommates you were such close friends with, but sometimes….They need to let me be a dam adult.
"Is it because of my curse energy?" your voice is quiet while your question is point blank.
"No," Utahime is too quick to say.
While Mei-Mei answers with an honest, "Partly."
"Mei-Mei," Utahime scolds the women on a hushed tone.
you grab your water bottle and grip it tightly, the urge to pick at the stickers strong, but they’re really cute so you resist. You try and remember they do not mean to hurt you with their concern. And as long as you are never said what was really on your mind, they would continue to be oblivious to that.
You take a deep breath to dissipate all the angry thoughts festering instead you head, you tell yourself that hurting them back would do no good. So instead, you sling your book bag over your shoulders and turn back to the two women with a one of you bright reassuring smiles.
"I have until add drop next week to decide if I can take it. So at least let me try."
Though your intention was not to hurt your tone was still a little too sharp and as a result Utahime cannot look you in the eyes as she says, “That seems fair enough..."
"We'll be waiting to hear how it goes at dinner?" Mei-Mei offers an olive branch, and you gladly accept
"With all the gory details, bye!"
Since you live on campus the walk the Jujutsu Tech building was a short one. It is the tail end of summer, late August too. Autum was already creeping across campus in the form of a leaves from a lazy, cool morning breeze. It would not be too long  now, and you cannot wait. Because when all leaves from the oaks and maples die leaving behind pretty colored corpses , when you have  sweaters and cardigans to protect you soft skin form the sharp cold, and you are knee deep in research for class assignments at hat one table in the cursed collections library,  that is when the semester will rally get started!
Professor Sukuan on the other hand ,just sees the upcoming 16 weeks as another dull way to pass his time. The curse has been teaching curse theory along with a few others Jujustu  classes for decades now. The modern age of sorcery was a lot more diverse and entraining than it was in the Heian era, just enough so to let the maggots live and continue this petty war they have with cruses.
He watches with an unimpressed expression as once student after another entered his lecture hall and takes a seat. Even in his human form he stands over most humans tall and intimidating. At the front of the hall leaned against the desk he crosses  his arms over his broad chest.
weakling, weakling weakish, Mabey promising, oh a curse speech user? Never seen one this old.
Then you step into the lecture hall.
You, with your bright eyes and excited smile. A long-pleated skirt swishing back and forth as you walk down the lecture hall steps. A pretty silk ribbon tying  back some of your hair  out of your face. It bounces along like it too was excited to be here. The sight of this adorable mortal with barley an ounce of her own curse energy bounding  into the King of Curses class?
Oh, how foolish this one is, Sukuna thinks. I will have fun breaking you today.
You drop your book bag by your chosen seat then tuck your long skirt under you as you take a seat in the third row. You go about pulling out you water bottle, pen and notebook , and  the two pieces of fruit, all while feeling like you are being watched by a hawk.
Glancing up your body tenses as the professor's red eyes narrow in on you. You look to your left then your right. Yup it is definitely you he is staring at.  No one had taken a seat by you yet. You look back at your professor with a weary expression written all over your face.
            There is a small part of you that feels giddy to have the Professor’s attention. That   would be the over achiever in you  who tries so desperately to make up for your lack of what everyone else in the program has.
 A more grown part of you knows that it will neve be enough.,
The pictures and glances you have seen of him around campus really did not do Sukuan justice. He is a dangerous, quiet kind of handsome.  A monster dressed  up in a nice long sleeve dress shirt and black slacks held up but a brown leather belt. You wonder what the product he uses to slick back his hair smells like?
 Pinned down by the King of Curses glare you feel like you can’t do a thing but stare back like a doe caught in the headlight. A flush crawls up the back on you neck when  the eye contact become too prolonged .
Ok.... maybe Mei-Mei was right, you admit to yourself.
Sukuna breaks eye contact looking down at his watch. 9 a.m. on the dot.
"Alright, " his authoritve voice echoes in the lecture hall grabbing everyone's attention. "You know who I am, I won't care who you are until you prove you worth my time. You all are adults with what I hope is enough sense to read over the syllabus on your own time."
He unbuttons his cuff links. You swallow thickly as he rolls them up his think forearms. Two thick bands circle each wrist that are the same color as the sharp markings on his face. And peeking out the front of his shirt.
"And with that, we're going to go ahead and get into lecturer."
the flurried sounds of people digging to something to write opening their laptops and adjusting their seats. You click your ink pen. This was to be expected. You had done your research before deciding to enroll in the Curse Theory with Professor Sukuna. You read all his reviews on Rate My Professor. Students had a lot of cons about his classes and the only pro was his tendency to end class early. You had even managed to speak to a few who had managed to pass his class. They all agreed against taking his class. It was an elective for the jujutsu sorcery program. You could have gone your whole four years without taking it.
But something that each person and review noted was what they were learning. Professor Sukuna was one of the leading experts on curse theory. He had such a deep understanding of curse energy and how it works that it would be such a missed opportunity to not take this class.
You just had to be brave enough and smart enough to not drop out....or fail.
Your hand cramps from jolting down so many notes. You are thankful for the 15-minute break. As Sukuan erases everything he had bothered writing on the board you pay a little too much attention to his back flexes under his dress shirt as he goes about doing so.  A sudden chill runs down your spine.
Fuck he’s so big, he could just fall over onto oh my and I’d go SPLAT
It doesn’t take much for you mind jumping form Sukuan falling over and killing you, to being on top of you , to having a lot less clothes while on top of you. You  tear your eyes away and reach for your water bottle. Your clumsy finger pushes  it off your desk. You watch with your heart in your stomach as the hydro flask clanks and clangs down the steps of the lecture hall.
Professor Sukuna’s red eyes are back on you the next second a a water bottle covered cutesy stickers stops at his feet. His eyes look down at the water bottle, then back up at your horrified expression. He takes this as an opportunity to confront the foolish girl who possess the gull to prance into his class.
You watch as the professor reaches down, grabs your water bottle, and makes his way up the steps in slow even strides to your seat.
The sound the water bottle makes as he slams it down on the desk quiets the students who decide to stay in the lecture hall for their short break.
Sukuna leans in close getting into your personal space and dominating it as his own. His eyes, that's all you can see of the professor. A red so deep you can get lost in them in the worst way. Like a never-ending nightmare you  would not want to wake from.
What is wrong with me?
"Do not let it happen again," he warns.
"Y-yes sir," you nod.
Sir, Sukuna likes that. Many students have called him such in the same fearful tone. But this is the first time he suppresses a smile when a student does so.
You let out a breath you did not realize that you were holding in as Sukuan stands back up to his full height. He still stares at you, making you feel so small and vulnerable, but you refuse to wither and die under his gaze. That was for the leaves and you are no leaf trebling in the wind.
"What are you even doing here?"
The corner of your lips twitches. You have spent so long having to fight for your spot in the Jujutsu Sorcery program that you can tell when someone is mocking you.
"I'm here to learn curse theory to apply to my research."
That mean smirk spreads across Sukuna’s face. Oh, this one has some bite.
"You barely have any curse energy yourself. Those old fools are losing their wits if they let you into the program,” He announces to the whole class.
you look the last bit unphased continue to smile, " I am aware of my curse energy. your point professor?"
"Weaklings don't last long in my class, fool," he forewarns.
You watch as Sukuan turns his back on you and makes his way to the front of the class. This was not at all new to you. The names, the looks,  and the assumption have become common place shortly after you began university. You have developed a pretty thick mask to hide yourself behind over the past few years. You usually try to ignore people like Sukuna. You motto has been keep you head down and go on. But there is just something about Professor Sukuan that really got under your skin. Sparking a need to prove yourself further and to stand out amongst the rest your cohort.
"Alright," he announces taking his place at of the front of the  lecture hall. His eyes scan over the seats filled with students. Picking out those that are now empty. "The first part of the class is the lecturer, and the second part is applying what you learn though discussion. Which you all will be graded on."
Sukuna’s eyes land back on you. He is not sure why his attention was drawn back to you. he is not as all pleased with what he sees. You are flipping back through your notebook looking over all the shorthand notes you had taken while other students around you are put into a panic. You are looking forward to class discussion as is a way you can prove yourself to the curse.
When you look up back towards the front of the class Sukuna sees a spark in your eyes he wants to watch die.
"You, the clumsy girl,” the professor singles you out. He won't bother to learn your name unless you prove to be worth his time and energy teaching you. "Reverse curse technique, explain it to me."
You feel your heart drop to your stomach again as the curse waits for you to answer. His expression looks bored and uninterested in what you might  have to say, but those eyes. Sukuna stares you down making suppress of tremble of excitement. You …like it? you like the way the curse stares at you like he is challenging you to dare to even speak in his presence.
"The way I think of it is like algebra. Multiply two negatives to make a positive but it’s something easier said than done since most sorcerers aren't used to using cruse energy this way."
Sukuan has to admit he is a bit impressed that you seem to have a good grasp on the concept, and you speak so confidently in front of him, but he doesn't let it show. "Now dumb it down for those who are looking as clueless as newborn babes."
"So, you basically take two different sources of cursed energy and multiply them against themselves. And on top of that you'll need to do so by using your brain, not your gut like we’re all used to using when it comes to cursed techniques."
"We’re all,” Sukuan mocks. “Just because you have a good understanding of basic curse techniques does not make you a sorceress. “
His jaw clenches when you smile at him. That was not meant as a damn complement.
You cannot help but to smile. You did not make a complete fool of yourself and actually got something that Sukuna deemed worthy as right in his ancient mind.
"You with the annoying bright hoodie, what's it used for?"
a guy from the last few back rows of the class in a highlighter yellow hoodie answers in confidence," Healing, sir."
Sukuan rolls his eye. Of course, a Zennin brat has confidence but no brain. “Useless, ” his eyes shifted away from the gawking man and back to you. "Water bottle girl.”
  Your back tenses up all over again. Professor Sukuan glares at you, waiting for you to answer, looking like he wants to eat you alive. You want to crawl under the table and hide form his gaze.
"Well, it can be used for healing...but at its core RCT is the opposite of cursed technique. So, in theory, instead of energy that destroys RTC is energy that can create," you click your pen you have something to fidget with. "I feel like this is where the difficulties in wielding RTC come in because in order to use it to heal you first would have to have a deep and précised understanding of how the human body works on a cellular level. You can't just go on slapping skin cells over a cut and call it healed."
"But" yellow hoodie cuts in trying to redeem himself. "If you can just visual the cut being healed that should suffice."
"Silence,” Sukuan demands not bothering to look his way. His red eye are still trained on you much to your chagrin .
You turn in your seat to look back at the man which Sukuan finds annoying for some reason. "That can work, but that's like having fleshy cotton stuffed into a cut. If it's a small wound I guess it can work, but when you start to get into more serious injuries like cuts that get  into muscle and bone - or even a major blood supply you have to be able to visualize all the working components of a human body to properly heal them."
"She has a point," A girl sitting in the same row as you  hums tapping her Apple pen against her glossy lip in thought. Sukuna finds himself sucking on a sharp canine in annoyance  when your attention is now on her instead of fretfully looking at him. "Sure, it's easy to visualize a wound being healed, but then you got to manipulate the positive energy you've created to create what it takes to heal the wound."
"Well, at least some of you know the basics," Sukuna comments letting his eye linger on you until moving on to the rest of the class. " So, let's get into the theory of that."
If you think that Sukuna moves on to interrogating the next poor soul with such intensity, you are sorely mistaken. In his defense, the curse does not mean to keep singling you out. The faces you make whenever he calls you by that horrid nickname never fail to amuse him. Plus, you are far more entertain to converse with.
by the end of class, you let out a breath and finally let your shoulder relax.. Before Sukuna dismissed everyone to flee from the lecturer hall he assigned the first assessment of the semester; a two-page paper on today's topic, RTC, printed. He does not waste his time with modern technology.
"Water bottle girl!"
you nearly jump out of your skin and end up almost dropping your water bottle again. Sukuan rolls his eyes. He is mostly annoyed with himself for being so intrigued by such a weakling.
"What's your name?"
your chest does an odd little flutter, and you forget to stop from smiling.
Sukuan hates it.
"Y/N, sir," you answer.
" Well Y/N, wipe that look off your face and get out of my lecture hall."
"And then he told me to get out,"  you finish recounting your morning class over a late dinner at the university's cafeteria.
Shoko hums stabbing at her salad, "So not a bad first day."
"Wow," Mei-Mei agrees with a nod. "Look at you’re becoming a teacher's favorite so quickly, our little overachiever."
you stifle a laugh, "Please. I felt like I was being interrogated the second part of the class. I could barely breathe."
"So... do you think-" Before Utahime can finish her question another voice cuts her off.
"Heyy Untahahiimeee~"
Satoru Gojo, not only the Jujutsu sorcery program but the entire jujitsu world’s progeny , sling an arm around the women. Being born with both the six eyes and the limitless technique of the Gojo clan, good looks, and a charming persona Gojo was one of the most popular students here at the university. If Sukuna was thought to be a devil by some then Gojo was their god.
"Gojo," Utahime grumbles. “ Get. Off.”
"We heard Y/N's taking one of Sukuna's classes this semester," and wherever Gojo was Geto was bound to be close by.
"Hi, Geto," you greet the dark-haired man with an easy wave that he returns.
Suguru Geto ranks right up there with Gojo  in terms of the strongest. Very much like the white-haired man Geto was handsome and his calm, laid back personality attracted just as many  people like Gojo’s confident, snarky demeaner did. Unlike Gojo and more like yourself however Geto was not form a sorcery family
You know the two-star students mostly through Shoko, the three being friends since high school. Though sometimes, from the way the two seemed so close, you wonder if there was something deeper than friendship between the two man.
"So," Gojo shakes Utahime’s shoulder as if it were your own. “How’d it go?"
"Good? I'm still going on Wednesday."
"Really?" both Utahime and Gojo asked in union both carrying that same note of concern.
you pop a fry in your mouth to letting the salty taste subdue your anger subside before speaking, "Yeah, I think I can do it. I like the way that he seems to want us to push ourselves to think outside of what's been traditionally taught to us."
"But this the Ryomen Sukuna. Don’t you find that a little daunting having to be in the same room as him twice a week?" Geto asks.
"Yes, he's terrifying,” You agree. " But come on guys, have a little faith in my capabilities."
"Well, if anyone could keep up with that hellish course load it would be Y/N," Shoko points out. "Just don't go doing that thing you do when you take on more than you can handle."
"I'm getting better at it..." You mumble.
You have had the need to be an overachiever and deep down you know it was your way of making up for what little cursed energy you possessed. If you cannot prove yourself with a curse technique or master over curse energy then you will through your knowledge. Sure, Gojo and Geto had powerful curse techniques, Utahime could make any curse technique more powerful, and Shoko's control over RCT made one of the best healers of their class, but you were the one who put in hours and hours to understand how that all worked.
Later after dinner, you stay up past 12 to get to work on your paper for Sukuna's class. The assignment is pretty open ended , he just wanted a 2-page paper over what you all had discussed in class, the reverse curse technique. It should be easy, if this was an easy class and Sukuan was just any other professor in the Jujitsu program. Dyslexia isn’t making it any easier.
Just the first class you can tell that Sukuna does not want some generic paper over the inner workings of RCT that you could pump out in a few hours. No, he wants the students to delve into theoretical territory, and honesty that is exciting to you.
Becoming a great Jujustu Soccer was a lot of learning the basics then applying that to  your own technique and refining said technique to a lethal degree. This is what you wanted to take curse theory. You want to spend more time on the basics part. In this class, Sukuna is pushing students build on existing knowledge and go beyond what is known. To use the exciting knowledge ponded into everyone’s head during freshman year, for some student like Gojo since childhood, and build upon it to reach something new.
Said Curse was also up this late. He lays in his  California King bed staring to at the ceiling of a just as big house. The higher-ups paid him well to behave.
He cannot get that weak girl out of his head. The way you came into class,  and that pretty bow bounced with each step as you walked down the steps to take a seat before him. The way you look so terrified the whole class, just like the rest of those maggots....so what made you the one to wiggle you way into his mind?
Once of the curse’s four hands idly trail up and down his stomach, tracing the ink marking near his hip. In the privacy of his home, he dropped his human form and let himself relax in his true form. Over the years he has found that humans tend to be easier to deal with when confronted with something of the same shapes as them.
 His thoughts wonder to how he can crush your spirt. Somone like you did not belong in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery. He is suspiring you have lived this long. Sukuna does not care how smart you are, he just wants to rid himself of you.
How cute she’ll look in tears, terrified before me…below me?
from his bedside table his phone buzzes. One of his bottoms hands reaches out for it. Although it is tinier in his true form hand, he can still use it. Tapping his screen to life he sees it is an email from the dean Yaga to all professors.
 Opening the email and reading over it an excited smile stretches over his face, "How interesting."
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9r7g5h · 1 year ago
The Only Acceptable Miscommunication Trope
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: T
Genre: Humor
Summary: When Katsuki opened his locker, he had expected three things - his water bottle, his towel, and the change of clothes he had brought so he wouldn’t have to wear the soaked gym outfit back to the dorms.
He hadn’t expected the bright pink letter, signed and sealed with a heart shaped sticker.
Words: 2,766
When Katsuki opened his locker, he had expected three things - his water bottle, his towel, and the change of clothes he had brought so he wouldn’t have to wear the soaked gym outfit back to the dorms. That was what he had put in the locker when Shitty Hair and Dunce Face had dragged him out this morning to train, so it made a passing bit of sense for him to expect the same.
He hadn’t expected the bright pink letter, signed and sealed with a heart shaped sticker, his name written in, admittedly, beautiful calligraphy on the front. He hadn’t even noticed it at first, the letter flopping to the ground as he pulled the towel free, too caught up in his argument to pay attention. It wasn’t like he did this kind of shit anyway, so if he had been the one to notice it first, most likely it would have still ended up on the ground, just this time in the form of ashes instead of whole.
Sadly, it was Kaminari who made the discovery first, his shit eating grin more than enough to justify the dodged blast Katsuki sent his way.
“Whoa, is that a love letter? Someone’s actually got the guts to try and confess to our Blasty here?” He swooped in, a well placed jolt enough to make Katsuki jump so he could swipe it from the ground. He held it high enough so Kirishima could see, wiping away a fake tear. “I’m so proud, our boy might finally get laid.”
“Like you can talk, dipshit.” It didn’t take much to get the letter back, Kirishima just laughing as he watched Kaminari wipe the soot from his face. “We all know you’re as close to getting your dick wet as the grape is; at least I’m not as pathetic as you two are.” A sheepish grin his only response, Katsuki just rolled his eyes and crumpled the letter in his hand, sparks playing across his free palm. The quicker he burned this, the quicker he could get back to cleaning up and get back to the dorm, leaving this nonsense behind.
“Whoa, Bakubro, what the heck! You’re not even gonna read it? Not manly, dude.” Again, he found the letter in someone else’s grasp, this time his explosion ineffective as Kirishima just quirked up, his skin as hard as his frown as he held the letter safely behind his back. His growl ignored, Kirishima carefully flattened the letter, using his hardened fingers to try and smooth out as much of the damage as he could. “You should at least see who it’s from and give them an answer, bro. It’s only right.”
“If the extra knew me at all, they’d know this was coming. I don’t do this kind of shit.”
Because he was too busy training or studying and thus had literally no time for a relationship; because he would only date the best and there was no way in hell anyway so gutless they had to resort to some anonymous letter would ever measure up; because he had to spend his precious free time keeping that damn nerd alive and figuring out his quirk (and if that was just an excuse to stay close, to slightly soothe the ache in his chest that was his own damn fault, well, fuck off); take your pick. Katsuki Bakugou didn’t do this kind of shit, all for good reasons.
All the reasons Kirishima, as the only person in this damn school that had managed to wiggle his way in and force down his defenses that wasn't too bright and green to look at on a regular basis, knew and knew well. Entertaining that love letter would do no one any good, and if he was just helping some poor extra get over him and move on without having to deal with a dozen awkward confessions a week? Bonus points.
“You never know, Bakubro,” Kaminari joined, throwing an arm over Katsuki’s shoulders, “your current plan of never addressing anything and just exploding it doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe doing an actual meet-and-greet will let you tell them you’re not interested, and the word will spread. People can only stay interested in someone emotionally unavailable for so long before they get bored and move on. Well, most people.” He dodged the half-hearted swat, laughing easily. “Trying it once can’t hurt!”
And maybe occasionally, when the fates collided and his two brain cells rubbed together, Kaminari actually had a good idea, because he knew how the rumor mill worked. Mina was one of the core members, as much as he hated that shit, and if it got around that this crap wouldn’t work on him...
“Fine,” Katsuki spat. “Give me the damn letter. But don’t expect me to be polite to the extra face to face. The fact that I’m even looking at this is good enough.” The others didn’t argue, knowing if they did it would only distract the blonde from tearing apart the envelope. Together the three crowded together, skimming the crinkled letter to see who it was trying to catch Katsuki’s eye.
I would like to confess to you in person, like a hero should. Please meet me at the grove of trees near the eastern open training ground, the one closest to the gates, today at four. I’ll be waiting.
As one the trio looked towards the clock that hung over the locker room doors, glancing between themselves with the knowledge that, were Katsuki to do this, he only had fifteen minutes to wait. They all knew which grove the letter meant - it was a public, popular enough confession spot, the shade and perpetual cool breeze making it perfect for waiting for people. Almost always had some sort of eyes on it, waiting for someone to say something and start up the gossip.
Katsuki tossed his shit back into his locker, ignoring the surprised yelps from the peanut gallery as he turned on his heels towards the door. Kirishima hardened just in time to take another well aimed blast, the force just enough to push him out of the way of the door.
"Whoa, wait, you're going like that? You aren't even going to, you know, wipe down and change? Kiri and me went pretty hard on you, and-"
"As if, idiots," Katsuki snorted, like the idea his friends had actually been a challenge was amusing. Even if the soaked gym clothes told a different story. With Kirishima to hold him off and Kaminari to shoot long range attacks, they were a pretty effective team. "The letter was in my damn gym locker, while I was training, with no guarantee that I would see it before the meeting time passed. This extra wants to do this, they're getting me like this. Maybe they'll actually think next time."
With twin shrugs the other two just followed, the three quickly making their way through the school. Thankfully there weren't many people to push their way through, the school day long since done, allowing them to make it well within the time allotted. Though as they reached the front door, instead of continuing on his path like he had intended, Katsuki instead glanced out the large window and froze, grabbing his two idiots to keep them from going on without him.
It only took a moment for them to follow his line of sight.
"Is that-"
"Dude, no way-"
"Both of you, shut up!"
Because of course. Of course it was fucking Deku, standing calmly beneath the trees as he played with his phone.
And the little shit nerd actually looked good for once. It was a well known fact that Izuku was, physically, probably one of the prettiest people on campus, and Katsuki would fight anyone who said otherwise. But his clothes left a lot to be desired; they were childish at best, tacky as shit at worst. But right now he looked good, actually looked like the proper almost adults they were, and it did things to Katsuki's heart and stomach and made him immediately regret coming as he was, his ratty gym clothes drying to his skin and the glycerin in his sweat that normally made him smell slightly sweet unable to cover the stink of exercised teenage boy.
"Is that..." Kaminari squinted his eyes for a moment, only to whistle as he turned back towards Katsuki. "He's even got some makeup and everything. Looks better then my get up too. He really wanted to look good for you, bro."
"Course he did," Katsuki snapped back, no heat in his reply. "Nerd never does anything in halves. Fuck, Kiri, I..."
Already his best friend was there, a steadying hand on his shoulder. It had taken Kiri forever to squirm his way in through Katsuki's defenses, but he'd long since earned the right to a good deal of Katsuki's secrets. Most of them concerning feelings and emotions and the shit he was bad at, and the rest concerning the boy standing under the trees outside. "You don't have to," Kirishima said slowly, "but this is your chance, Bakugou. That letter was pretty clear, so even if you decide not to, you at least know where you both stand and can do something later. But it must have taken a lot of nerves for him to be manly enough to write it out and follow through, so it might be nice if you met him on his timeline for once instead of yours."
Katsuki took a long, deep breath and held it, nodding as he slowly released the air from his lungs. Shitty Hair was always right, damn it, and even if a part of him wanted to run and hide and pretend he had never seen that stupid note, he wasn't going to. No, he was going to ignore the fact that he was a gross, sweaty, stinking post-workout mess and go give Deku the best acceptance of a love letter to ever be seen in the history of romance.
Because he was Katsuki Bakugou, damn it, and he was the best.
Izuku couldn't wait for the others to get there. He knew he was early, but when Iida had informed him that he had made dinner reservations to celebrate their group's two year "friend-iversary," he had been touched. Kacchan had been the only person he could have theoretically had something like a friend-iversary with, but the other boy was too disgusted with anything sappy and sentiment to think that was a good idea. Even though they had repaired their friendship from their falling out in middle school, he knew bringing up something like that would more than likely get him an explosion to the face, not a fancy dinner at some restaurant people were raving about.
So he hadn't even been insulted when Tsu, Ochako, and Todoroki had invaded his dorm, gone through his closet, and picked out his clothes, supplementing whatever he didn't have with things Todoroki brought with him that, with enough tucking and adjusting, just managed to fit. He'd even let Mina doll him up some, even if the goop on his face felt weird and his eyes felt tired, like he was ready for a nap. For sure not something he would do all the time, it was all too uncomfortable, but for a night out with his friends to celebrate something so special, he was willing to do it. Now he was just waiting, a couple minutes early, playing on his phone until his friends got there.
"Oi, Deku!"
For a moment Izuku was startled - had Kacchan been invited as well and no one had told him? Looking him over, though, it was clear the other boy was nowhere near restaurant ready; he probably needed something else. Sliding his phone into his pocket, Izuku smiled at his friend.
"Hey, Kacc-"
One hand on his hip, the other in his hair, fingers threading through curls to tug his face up towards Kacchan's, his back pressed hard against the tree he had been leaning against - Izuku had no clue what was going on, only that his greeting was cut off by Kacchan's lips meeting his own. He didn't know what to do with his mouth, his hands, his tongue, but it didn't seem to matter as Katsuki took and kept control of this surprise confession, pressing against the seam of his lips until Izuku allowed him entrance, awkwardly rubbing against each other in a perfect way that made them both groan.
And all too soon it was over, Kacchan pulling away, his gaze bleary as he licked some spit from his bottom lip. He slowly, almost reluctantly took his hands away, the one in his hair playing with a few curls first before losing complete contact, leaving the two of them just standing there, breathless, staring.
"Kacchan, wh-"
"If we're doing this, nerd, we're doing this right," Kacchan cut him off again, forcing some level of bravado into his voice, ignoring the still glazed look in his eyes. "Friday, I'll pick you up from your dorm at six. Don't be late or I'll blow up some of your merch." No real threat, the words almost teasing, as if the destruction of property was expected. All Izuku could do was nod, his lips brushing against the fingers he hadn't realized he had raised to touch his mouth.
"Yeah," he said, voice hoarse. Izuku swallowed, shook his head, and smiled. "Yeah, I'd like that, Kacchan. I'll see you at six."
His smile real, nothing like the cocky smirk he normally wore, Kacchan turned away and ran back towards the front doors of the school. Where, if Izuku was seeing properly, Kaminari and Kirishima were jumping around in front of the giant windows that flanked the doors, yelling at and hugging each other, at least until Kacchan rejoined them, his smile not changing as he yelled at them. Whatever he said didn't seem to phase them as the two jumped on him, laughing as he was buried under the group hug.
His face red, idly wondering if perhaps one of the former holders of One for All had a blushing quirk, Izuku pulled back out his phone to send a text to his friends. They would be here any minute now, and he could always tell them in person, but better to get it out now before someone in the gossip chain got it out first. Ochako would kill him if she heard second hand.
Why Kacchan decided to do it in such a public place, well known for being watched, he'd never know.
I think I have a boyfriend now?
Standing on the second floor of the building, first year support student Dairoji sobbed as his friends comforted him. They had all told him it was a bad idea, that the upperclassman Bakugou had never responded to a love confession before, but Dairoji had insisted it would be different.
"He called me 'D'," Dairoji had said happily, sealing the letter. "You only give nicknames to people you like! He'll respond to me, I just know it."
Of course, Dairoji had ignored the fact that the rest of them had been "Extras" A, B, and C, and the 'D' Dairoji had been so fixated on had just been a coincidence. It had taken everything they could to convince him to wait on the second floor, to make sure he actually showed up before waiting outside for who knows how long.
A good idea, they all agreed, as they comforted their sobbing friend.
"I never would have given him that letter if I knew he had a boyfriend," Dairoji sobbed. "I'm so embarrassed! What if he looks at me and thinks I'm a pervert who goes after taken men? I'll never get to work with heroes again, and I'll never get into an agency and my equipment will rust and I'll have to start making toys for kids and I don't even like kids and-"
"Remember when we told you Bakugou's never responded to a love confession," one of his friends cut in, trying to head off the spiral before it sunk any lower. "Rumor has it he just burns them, or throws them away. Now we know why. He probably never even saw it, and he'll never know it was you, ok?"
Blinking away the tears of a broken heart and embarrassment, Dairoji looked up at his group, hope slightly lifting his spirits.
"You really think so?"
"Of course, Dairoji. The letter is in ashes, I promise."
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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pyromaniacbibliophile · 5 months ago
Bricktober day 10- Trick or Treat
Diary Of Chaos, 1 AM, October 31st
It’s Halloween
I decided Trick
Not treat
Honestly what else did they expect
Why would anyone want treats 
When they could trick instead
The first was easy 
Fake spiders in Ep’s shoe
Followed by real spiders in her room
She’ll be fooled by the first ones 
And think the second lot are fake too
Then a copy of the Declaration of Independence in Enjolras’s room
With a note saying:
Saw this and thought of you
Your friendly neighbourhood thief
He’ll go ballistic and question everyone 
Until he realises that the original’s not actually missing
Then for Grantaire was simple
Replace all his wine with Ribena
And put water in his vodka bottle
Then pour wine in his Ribena
And vodka in his water
He’ll think he’s gone mad
Combeferre’s ink I swapped for melted licorice 
He writes with a quill pen of all things
Come morning he’ll find his quill stuck in an inkwell of licorice
Jehan got treats of course
He’s nice
So I gave him a bowl of sugared violets
Uncle Valjean bought them for me
Speaking of Uncle Valjean, I did his and Uncle Javert’s together
Simply put, I painted their front door red
And their back door black
That’s not a trick
You may think
But the thing is, they both leave through different doors every morning
In the dark
And their doors are unlocked from the inside
So they just walk at them
Only I taped the doors shut as well
And the paint won’t be dry by morning
So they’ll end up either red or black
For Cosette I… obtained lights that make things look black
And put them in her wardrobe
So she’ll think all her clothes are black
I considered dying them
But then remembered that she might actually kill me
So this was plan b
Marius’s was taken from something Enjolras said
I enlisted Chetta’s help with the technology
She works for some big tech company
So she got me the right stuff
Then I made a filter that makes people look like labradors
And, with a bit of building
Made his mirror basically a giant phone with only two settings
Labrador filter
And photos every three seconds
So when he looks in the mirror he’ll be a labrador
And it will take a photo of labrador-Marius 
That I can frame for Ep’s birthday present
Chetta’s, in honour of her assistance, wasn’t bad
I only put cracked screen stickers on all of her devices
Then carefully left them at odd angles
So she’ll think they’re cracked
For Joly I got Grantaire to draw a clown with fangs
Then I traced it onto the french windows in Joly, Bossuet and Chetta’s house
Using coloured paint pens
He might have a tiny fear of clowns
I couldn’t do Bossuet properly
because he helped me with my daring escape
Although I did leave him a fake snake
Attached to a spring
In his bedside drawer
I checked to make sure it was definitely his drawer
I wish I could watch his reaction
Luckily Feuilly and Bahorel have their own gym in their garage
Which made theirs easier
I unpicked their punch bag and filled it with rocks
Sewed it back up
Then re-labeled the heaviest weights they have
As the ones they usually use
So when they try and workout in the morning
They’ll think all their strength has gone
Courfeyrac was last
Seeing as he’s already short as hell
I took inspiration from Roald Dahl
And glued millimetres of wood
To the bottom of all his chairs and tables
Finally the finale
In my bedroom I balanced a bucket of water over the door
Left a note on my bed
Climbed out of the window
Got the bike Bahorel found me
Since I broke mine a few weeks ago cycling into a wall
And left with all speed
For Parnasse’s house
Where they’ll never find me
(P.S: The note read
Happy Halloween!
On this day some people wake up and choose treats
I chose tricks
Hope you all had fun ;)
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bullet-ant · 2 years ago
ive never understood how people can put keychains on their bags or decorate their water bottles with stickers or put up posters in their room or anything like that like for me my loss of identity is so bad i cant even fathom how i would personalize my things
and even if i could, my avpd would make me feel sick at the idea of letting anyone see those things for fear of criticism and judgement so i would avoid it anyway LOL. theres no winning...
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beetlebuggy01 · 11 months ago
Todays “serious talk” with my mom ended with me being happy about being Autistic and I feel like I should share it with tumblr.
Like I said Today’s “talk of the day” with my mom was about autism because it was on the news and at the end I brought up how I love how I’m autistic, bc it makes me me. Like if I were to go into some magically scenario where I could see ANYTHING and I asked to see me but without autism I feel it’d be a different person entirely! Like if I was me just magically without my chronic illness it’d still be ME. but me without autism I just can’t see it being the same person? Like when it comes to earlier this morning my mom got a letter, and I was TRANSFIXED by the envelope bc the stamp has a shark on it. And when my mom asked what I was doing I I told her excitedly “Mom look! You got a letter and the person who sent you it put a shark letter sticker on it!” And immediately going into the different breeds of hammerhead without prompting. Which I gave the letter to my mom and said I wish I could keep the cool shark stamp! afterwords my mom tore the corner of the envelope with the stamp off and gave it to me. And then me getting excited at the idea of putting the stamp on my water bottle! In which my mom helped me gently peel the stamp off the paper and stick it to my bottle, and even helped me cut a perfect peice of tape to keep it on so it wouldn’t fall off and after getting said shark stamp to stick onto my water bottle I literally got so happy I DANCED AND SANG. That interaction is so inherently me and I can’t imagine having done that if I didn’t have autism. or other stuff like going to museums or aquariums and telling my mom a million fun facts I know about the exhibits! Or getting so happy I cry bc I found a pretty pebble and I can identify the material it is! If I were to imagine myself without autism I honestly can’t see myself doing those things, and those things make me fundamentally me yknow? Like the version of me without autism realistically would probably still be me, but to visualize it in my brain feels like I’d be a greyscale “WRONG” version of myself? Like some kind of dissociative experience or version of Uncanny Valley where I’m looking at my face but it isn’t ME. All my character all the parts that make me, me. Just gone? I just love being autistic honestly, and to be a little narcissistic? it makes me such a wonderful individual and fun and cool and awesome! I have fun facts and knowledge about such fun silly things! And I know so much and thrive on learning more! and without it without autism like I said I can’t imagine being the same person without it! Like getting happy over stamps that have sharks on them and in the end when I get it on my bottle I DANCE and SING from joy! Or being excited to listen to HOURS LONG video essays on topics I like, crying out of joy because I see a cute cat or I find a pretty rock or feather, it’s so inherently me, but also the fact that autism isn’t quantified by like “this is something because of autism this is ‘the real u’” (there is no such thing/way to do such. every part of me is because of autism and also the real me.) So therefore all the things i love that make me, me, are BECAUSE of the autism, and I love the person i am so therefore i love being autistic yknow?? This is really just a psudeo post on how i love being autistic, and how awesome and unique it makes me. I love being autistic <3
Which, I’m going over the ‘good’ parts of autism, I’m not going over the developmental disability part of the developmental disability, the sensory issues, the disconnect between how different neurotypical people think are taught and how I have to be taught and how I think. The things I just DONT and sometimes CANT and never will “get” about the world etc. I’m skipping over all of the genuinely “negative” parts of autism, which I just don’t believe you can label it as bad or good parts? it’s all just autism it isn’t some morality thing where parts of it are morally inherently good and some morally inherently bad. It’s just autism it’s “a force of nature” there is no moral badness to the wolf for killing the deer there is no moral badness to the different traits of autism, it’s just the way it is and you and the people around you (and the world) just have to learn how to live in a world where people are autistic/neurodiverse/disabled and accommodate it, not try to change or “fix” or right it bc it’s wrong yknow? Because it ISNT wrong. There is no good autism or bad autism traits it’s all just autism, at best morally neutral But that’s besides the point. I technically skip over those parts of it before, which the “negatives” are just as much a part of being autistic as the “positives” but I’m still happy to be autistic, because it’s still me, “negative” and “positive” traits alike! And I love me! I love being me I love the way I think and speak and work things out and everything about me! And I love me. Even still with all the parts of autism I love being autistic because autism is every part of me as I am me and I’m PERFECT the way I am. And yes I skip out the “bad” but still. I love being autistic because being autistic means I’m being me <3
Again like I said this is just really a “autism/neurodiverse positivity post/thought” yknow? It’s not really in-depth thought out or some essay I’ve proof read, it’s just me putting how much I’m me and how I love being me on the metaphorical page. And i guess it’s about Being happy with yourself and loving yourself with the “good” and the “bad” parts bc it makes you you and your beautifully you in every way you are <3
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quickspinner · 2 years ago
Too Good to Be True - Ch 2
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | ??? | AO3
“Damn, girl,” Kim chuckled as he pulled his truck up in front of Marinette’s new home. “Not bad. You’ve got a yard and everything.” 
“Yeah, thankfully Nonna pays someone to take care of it,” Marinette said, sticking her head out of the window to get a look around. There wasn’t any garden space, since Gina wasn’t around often enough to take care of one, but the two-story house had a wraparound porch with plenty of space for flower boxes if she had time to do some planting. 
First things first though. “Let’s back the trailer in,” she decided, eyeballing the width of the street. She was pretty sure they could do it. “I’ll get out and direct.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Kim rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t roll over my neighbor’s lawns.” Marinette pointed a warning finger at him before she manhandled open the truck’s heavy door and slid the considerable distance to the ground. “I don’t want to make a bad impression.” 
A short time and only a few near misses later, Kim had the truck and the rental trailer backed into the driveway. From the porch, Marinette looked at her now slightly crooked mailbox and sighed through her nose. They had way too much work to do for her to chew Kim out now. He would only get sillier if she tore into him and then he’d be completely useless. Instead she just turned and unlocked the door. She went inside to put some water bottles in the fridge while Kim threw up the trailer’s rollup door and pulled out the ramp. He joined her inside for a quick walkthrough, as she pointed out to him which rooms were which and where her color-coded boxes should go. Knowing he was probably only half listening, she put a sticker on each door frame for reference. 
“All right, I think we’re ready,” Marinette sighed, rubbing her eyes with one hand. She wished she hadn’t stayed up so late with Alya, but it had been hard to be sensible when they knew it was the last time they would see each other for weeks. Besides, she probably would have been awake anyway, listening to the whirr of the hamster wheel in her brain. It was probably better that she’d been distracted, even if it meant she was more tired than she’d like to be. 
“All right!” Kim whooped, punching both fists in the air. “Let’s get this party started!” Marinette shot him a look and he grinned back. “Fifteen minutes,” he said, pressing buttons on his watch. “Whoever hauls the most boxes in fifteen minutes gets to pick what we order for lunch.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, but grinned. She was glad to have Kim here as much for his abilities as a hype man as for his muscles. It would keep her from getting depressed or lonely. Or overwhelmed. There was an awful lot of stuff crammed into that trailer, after all. 
She would’ve let him pick lunch, anyway. “You’re on,” she said, and they shared a fistbump before Kim darted up the ramp into the trailer with another whoop. 
Marinette followed, not quite running…but she wasn’t about to let Kim show her up, either. He’d never let her forget it. On her third trip up the ramp she nearly ran into Kim as he was coming down with two boxes stacked together. 
“Don’t look now,” Marinette told him, “but I think we’re gathering an audience.”
“Where?” Kim tried to look around the boxes. “Are they hot?”
Marinette snorted, and stepped around him, pointing once she was behind the cover of the boxes. Kim looked over and saw an elderly lady studiously examining her flowering hedge with a pair of gardening shears in her hand. He deflated as Marinette giggled. 
“It’s the wrong time of year to be pruning those,” she said, patting Kim’s arm as she passed him up the ramp. “I don’t think she’s actually looking at the hedge.” 
Kim rolled his eyes and hiked the boxes up in his arms. “You’re just trying to distract me so you win, and it’s not gonna work.” 
“Whatever,” Marinette replied, though with the noise he was making clattering back down the ramp she was sure he didn’t hear her. When she came down the ramp she glanced again toward her neighbor, and there was now another old lady on the sidewalk, chatting with the first over the hedge as they shot less-than-covert glances over at the truck and trailer. Marinette freed a hand and waved at them, and they smiled and waved back, nodding cheerfully.
Nosy, but harmless, she decided, carrying on with her unloading. She wanted to get Kim back on his way to the city before dark, if they could manage it, and that meant she didn’t have time to indulge her neighbors’ curiosity at the moment. Hopefully they wouldn’t think she was rude for not coming over to talk.  
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally move to a retirement home?” Kim asked her later. They sat on the porch steps, cheap wooden chopsticks in hand as they ate lunch straight out of the cardboard containers. Marinette couldn’t blame him for asking. Quite a number of neighbors had made their way past on one pretense or another, walking dogs or picking up papers or stopping to “visit” with the hedge neighbor. That lady continued to putter around in her garden, clearly watching, and was just as obviously enjoying being the one everyone stopped to ask for information. Though what she could possibly be telling them, Marinette couldn’t imagine. 
She dropped her empty container and chopsticks back into the takeout bag and held it out to Kim so he could do the same. 
“I guess we better do that bigass cabinet thing next,” Kim sighed, leaning back on one hand to chug the rest of his water.
“It’s not a cabinet,” Marinette shot back automatically as she tied the takeout bag shut around the trash. “It’s a chifforobe.” 
“It’s a pain in the ass is what it is,” Kim groaned. “I regret ever helping you pick it up off the curb.” 
Marinette ignored him. It was a beautiful piece of solid wood furniture that had only needed a little love, wood polish, and one new leg to be good as new. It was a perfect place to keep fabric since it had drawers and shelves to hold folded cut lengths, and a tall space that held full bolts. It was beautiful and inspiring all by itself, with carved leaves and flowers along it. Marinette had loved it since the moment she saw it sitting out with a pile of junk that even her grandfather would have called outdated.
She had to admit it was a pain in the ass to move, though, as she and Kim braced themselves on either side of it. It wasn’t the weight, although it was heavy, it was the height. Marinette could feel it wobble as they lifted, but they got the weight balanced so that it was mostly centered. They’d just have to be careful.
Marinette was walking backwards as Kim directed her. Her cheek was jammed against the side of the chifforobe so that she really couldn’t look behind her, but Kim was tall enough to brace it and still mostly see around, so she followed his directions. She got another look at Hedge Neighbor, who was watching them move the big piece of furniture with round eyes and a hand over her mouth, obviously concerned for them. 
Honestly, how Alya could possibly think she could get into trouble in a neighborhood full of nice old grannies was really beyond—
“Kim!” she yelled as she felt the chifforobe tipping to one side. Kim only grunted in reply, already struggling to right it, and Marinette felt a moment of panic. 
“Whoa.” Suddenly there was another pair of hands holding the sides of the chifforobe, and Marinette felt the weight shift back to where it belonged. “Easy, I got it.” 
“Thanks man,” Kim panted. “Mind steadying it for us while we get it up the steps?”
“Sure,” said the voice. “Or I can take the other end if—” 
“Nah, Mari can handle it,” Kim grinned cheerfully. “It’s just ‘cause it’s so tall. If you can just keep it from tipping we can handle it. Yeah, Mari?” 
“As long as we do it sometime today, Kim,” she ground out, and the mystery person laughed. 
“Right,” Kim chuckled breathlessly. “All right, go!”
Marinette felt backward with her foot, and then backed up the porch stairs without any further mishap. They kept going up the stairs inside, and with the help of the stranger, who kept the weight balanced where they needed it, they hauled the big thing all the way up to Marinette’s new studio. 
They set it down and Kim let out a whoop, punching up with both fists. “Told you we could do it!”
“Yeah,” Marinette said dryly, straightening more slowly. “With a little help.” Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at their helper. Unlike the entire rest of the neighborhood, he looked around her own age, with sharp, striking features, blue eyes, and shaggy hair tinted blue at the ends. She smiled as she offered her hand. “Thanks for the save.”
“Happy to help,” he said, eyes fixed on her face as he moved to shake her hand. Awfully slowly, it seemed like, but then Marinette was in mission mode and everything seemed to go too slow for her today. “You’re moving in?”
“What gave it away?” she asked with a tired grin. 
“Well, welcome to the neighborhood,” he said, pushing his hair back from his face. “I guess we’re neighbors.” He gestured to the side, in the opposite direction from Hedge Neighbor’s house. “I live next door. Name’s Luka, by the way.” 
“Aww, Mari, already breaking hearts,” Kim laughed, and Marinette covered the distance between them in two wide steps to smack his arm.
“You are such a loser,” Marinette told him. “Come on, I’m not paying you to stand around.”
“You’re not paying me at all!” Kim complained, though he did start moving. Marinette followed him and Luka followed her back down the stairs.
“Cookies,” Marinette reminded Kim. “It counts.” She glanced over her shoulder at Luka. “I’ll bring you some too. As thanks for saving my favorite piece of furniture from crashing into the concrete.” 
“I can’t say no to that.” His voice was low and amused, soft to her ears after Kim’s chronic shouting. Marinette looked back at him and smiled warmly. He seemed nice. 
“Only an idiot would say no to Mari’s cookies,” Kim said, and then paused, seeming to consider what he’d said, and began to snicker. Marinette punched him in the arm again as she passed him.
“Whatever your filthy mind is thinking, keep it to yourself,” she sniffed. 
“I’m just saying, everyone wants your cookies,” Kim snickered. “Nathaniel, Nino, Adr—” He cut off in a whoosh as Marinette turned and landed a small fist to his stomach. 
“I can take you, Lê Chiến Kim,” she warned him, pointing a finger in his face as he bent over.
“Only because you cheat,” Kim wheezed.
Marinette rolled her eyes and looked at Luka. “Please ignore him. He was dropped on his head as a child.” 
Luka snorted softly. “My sister and I are the same way. It’s how we show love.” He was still watching her, and if she hadn’t already been flushed from the exertion, she probably would have blushed. He was damn cute, but did he have to stare like that? 
“We’re not related,” she said, wrinkling her nose at Kim. “Thank goodness. But we might as well be.” She sighed dramatically. “I’ll never be able to get rid of him.” 
“I don’t know Mari,” Kim said, still rubbing his belly as he straightened and grinned at her. “Moving to Grannyville in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere might just do it.” He looked at Luka. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Luka replied, grinning, darting a glance at Kim before looking back at Marinette. “I didn’t even know Gina had the place on the market.”
“Oh, she didn’t,” Marinette assured him. “I’m her granddaughter. Since she’s hardly ever home anyway she offered the house to me, as long as I keep a place for her to sleep while she’s in town.” 
“Sounds like a sweet deal,” Luka laughed. “I hardly ever see her, but I didn’t realize she was away that much.” 
A little warning tingle in the back of Marinette’s mind reminded her that it might not be a great idea to publicize the fact that she'd be living here mostly alone—but if he lived next door he'd definitely figure it out anyway. 
“Always on the move, that’s Nonna. Still, you never know when she's going to pop up,” she replied as cheerfully as she could, hoping to steer a middle ground. 
Not that her neighbor was likely to try anything when he'd surely be the first suspect. 
Ugh, Alya , she grumbled in her mind. She blinked as she realized Luka was speaking to her. 
“Sorry, what?” she asked, bringing her mind back to the moment.
“Can I give you a hand with the rest of it?” Luka repeated, gesturing towards the trailer. 
“Oh, no need, that was the last big piece,” Marinette said hurriedly, “Kim and I can handle the rest. I don't want to disrupt your whole day.” She gestured to his hands, which were adorned with several bandages. “Besides, you don’t look like you should be hauling stuff.”
“Oh.” Luka flushed and shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets. “It’s fine, just hazards of the trade. I work with a lot of sharp tools.”
“You know what that’s like, right Mari?” Kim grinned, shoving her shoulder. “How many burns did you pick up in the bakery this week?” He picked up her wrist, waving her own hand in front of her face, reminding her that there was a bandage on one side of it. 
Marinette made a face at him and snatched her hand back.
“You’re a baker?” Luka asked, and Marinette stiffened, folding her arms.
“I’m a designer,” she said crisply. “My parents are bakers.” 
Luka chuckled ruefully. “Ah. Rough being the family rebel, I know. Sorry for making assumptions.”
Marinette shrugged, suddenly embarrassed at her own defensiveness. “Don’t worry about it,” she said, dropping her hands to her hips. “Anyway, thanks again for your help. Sorry for taking up so much of your time.” 
“I didn’t have any plans,” Luka shrugged. “But if you're sure, I'll leave you to it. You know where to find me if you change your mind.” He tipped his head towards his own house and gave her a slow smile. “Nice to meet you, Marinette. I'll see you around.”
Marinette smiled back, feeling a flutter in her belly. He really was good looking when he smiled like that. Intense, maybe, but—
Kim coughed, very unsubtly, and Luka and Marinette both jolted. She moved towards the trailer and he towards his house as Kim grinned at them both. 
“Not a word,” Marinette hissed at him as she climbed back into the trailer. 
“I can't believe you sent him away,” Kim complained. “We could have used the help.”
“We just met, I don't need a stranger all up in my things!” Marinette shot back. She glanced back towards Luka’s house as she walked down the ramp. There was a dark blue utility van parked in his driveway, she now saw. Maybe he had just gotten home? They’d gotten here pretty early. She wondered if he had stayed somewhere else the night before, or she had just missed him leaving earlier. 
Kim’s voice right behind her made her jump. “He probably wouldn’t even know what half this stuff is. Hell I've known you for years and I still don't know what half of it is!”
They snarked back and forth in their usual, comfortable way as they hauled boxes and sewing equipment and secondhand furniture into the house. It seemed like it would take forever and then suddenly they were done, staring at the empty trailer. 
“Well,” Kim said slowly, “I guess that's it.”
“Yeah,” Marinette said, and had to swallow a lump in her throat. “I guess so.”
Kim dropped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed. Marinette leaned into him, appreciating the gesture though she tried not to breathe. Neither of them were exactly fresh as daisies at this point. 
“You should head back,” Marinette said reluctantly, glancing at the setting sun. “So at least you don’t have to make the whole trip back in the dark.” 
“Yeah.” Kim cleared his throat, then dropped his arm and tried to grin. “Watch out for Hot Neighbor Dude. Pretty slim pickings around here and he was eyeing you up like a prime steak. Don’t give it up too easy.”
Marinette scoffed and folded her arms, but when Kim turned towards her and wrapped his arms around her, she couldn’t help hugging him back, sweaty and gross as he was. “Take care of yourself, Mari,” he said into her hair, and Marinette squeezed him tight. 
Then she let go and stood back, smiling up at him. “I’ll be fine. We’re not that far from the city, and I’m sure I’ll be up at least once a month showing designs or buying fabric.”
“Yeah,” Kim agreed. He reached up and pulled down the trailer door. Marinette followed him to the door of his truck and stood there as he climbed up. He leaned out of the window, rubbing the back of his head. “Call me next time you come up, we’ll do lunch or whatever you high-powered fashion execs do.” 
Marinette nodded and stepped back. “Don’t forget to drop the trailer off before noon tomorrow!” she called. Kim started the truck, waved one last time out of the window, and then pickup and trailer trundled off down the road.
Marinette stood there for a moment longer, folding her arms around herself. It was hard not to feel a little bit abandoned, even though this had been her own choice. In rational moments she knew it was the right choice, and the right time to make it.
She still felt alone, though. 
Movement in the corner of her eye made her turn her head, and she thought she saw a shadow in the window of the neighbor’s house before the curtain fell closed again. 
Luka? Her skin prickled at the thought that he was watching but she shook off the feeling. It was natural for him to be curious, she supposed. He seemed nice enough, if a little awkward, and she was hardly one to throw stones on that count. The memory of his smile brought a curve to her own lips. 
Okay, enough moping. 
She dusted herself off, and went back into the house. Gina had cleared out as much of her stuff as possible, and everything felt empty and echoing, even with Marinette’s stuff moved in. She hardly had enough stuff to fill the whole house, after all, and what she did have was mostly still packed up.
Well, nothing like a little bit of organizing to make you feel more in control of your life. 
Marinette rubbed her hands together and looked around. “All right, time to get started.”
Fiction Master Post
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morroodle · 2 years ago
Legoland day 1!
It was supposed to rain today but it was fine in the morning, a lil misty but nothing too bad. Started pouting after lunch though and we ended up leaving early but it was still decently fun. The theme park was smaller than I expected but that's ok, less strain on my legs (fuck you chronic pain). Theres a special ninjago weekend event going on so theres more ninjago than normal and at each activity you get a sticker and once you get 5 you get a prize but I am determined to get them all
Here's what we did:
Went on the lego factory ride. It was alright but I lost my water bottle and we had to stop and turn off halfway through cause of some baby so that probably made things worse (dw I got my water bottle back at the end of the day)
Went on the ninjago rides which were kinda underwhelming but still fun
My family abandoned me in the ninjago gift shop but it was like candyland in there
Got THOROUGHLY distracted by the ninjago playground thing they had. It was like 2 cubes at an angle and the inside was a maze also at the same 45° angle and it was a ton of fun I will be going back in there tomorrow
Split up from my sister and dad cause the show going on outside the ninjago ride was too loud for her (kinda too loud for me too but I needed the sticker)
Helped build a giant serpentine so I could get a sticker
There were these lil scavenger hunt type things, one about which weapon each ninja uses and one about a secret phrase ninja must live by (never put off until tomorrow...) but I already knew the answers so they just gave me the sticker
Took a picture with Lloyd! There was like no line and he was so goofy looking and I high fived him
(Exiting the ninjago area) went on my first real roller coaster (don't make fun of me I know I'm a pussy) and had a ton of fun. It wasn't too intense and it was pretty short but it was a blast and I'm gonna do it again tomorrow
Met back up with the rest of my family for lunch. I had the saddest school-quality sliders and stole some of my mom's actually good french fries. Sister got a MEAT STICK (giant turkey leg) which appearantly had a sauce that was made with coca cola
Went into lego city where my sister played one of their Carnival games and got a lil axolotl plushie as a prize then made me carry it because I'm the only one who thought to bring a decent sized bag
Went to go see the 4d ninjago show but they had absolutely no information about what time it was at so we ended up seeing lego mythica instead which I did not care for
Went to the pirate area and looked around but it was raining heavily so we couldn't really do mucu
Went back to the theater and ACTUALLY saw the 4d ninjago thing. It had similar energy to the wu's teas clips, especially the ones where they drink the teas they shouldnt. The main gimmick of the 4d thing was spraying water in my face which got old really fast
Headed back to the ninjago area to see a show that was canceled due to the rain and learned that another show and the dance party were also canceled. Did still get the stickers for the other 2 though :D
I wanted to play the ninjago carnival games cause there was a prize I really wanted (NINJA ORB) only to discover that it was not what I thought it was. I thought it was a giant fluffy plush sphere with a lil ninja face on it but turns out it was actually a rubber ball with a fluffy skin. I was heartbroken. Tried to win it anyways but it's harder than it looks. I might get it tomorrow then take it home, pop the ball, skin it and stuff it to be what I wanted but idk.
Got a super cool sexy limited edition collectors item ninjago legoland ny cup for way too much money
Headed back to the entrance to meet up with the other part of my family in The Big Store and then proceeded to loose them in The Big Store. My dad and sister both got giant really expensive lego sets and my mom got the lego Orchid set. I got a croissant.
Overall the day was ok but could have gone much better. I'm glad I'm headed back tomorrow cause there's alot of stuff I couldn't do due to the rain and also I still need to buy stuff. There's a few thing that really stood out to me but I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna get. My dad really wanted the giant lego flowers they have around the park but alas they do not sell them. Now we're just chilling in the hotel room letting our clothes dry until dinner. I'll let yall know how tomorrow goes. Gonna put all the pictures from both days in a different post because this one is plenty big enough already.
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smokeys-house · 1 year ago
No amount of branding or like. Trending or ability to put stickers and charms on it could ever make me buy a metal water bottle I'm sorry I don't care and never will I only drink from glass. The metal bottles taste funny to me even if it's only in my head. But anyway if u made a metal bottle with a slot for phone charms and then also sold the charms separately you could make a killing off the kind of people who annually spend $100+ on bottles and stickers after they've thrown out their last one because they refuse to clean them
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dulcewrites · 2 years ago
I’m in a modern fcc mood, so here’s some funny aemyrah stuff
You Drive Me Crazy
Aemond knew something was off the moment he pulled onto the property, and saw an unfamiliar car sitting in the driveway of his childhood home.
Closer he got, the more the sense of annoyance crept in. The car was not unfamiliar after all. Quite the opposite; he recognized the beat up black Audi, hot pink license plate, and ‘Please let me merge before I cry’ bumper sticker.
She was here.
When he had time, Aemond made it a habit to come visit his mother on the weekends. He knows she has been taken the newly empty house hard. Daeron starting the semester at a new boarding school. Alicent had been trying to find hobbies to past the time. Aemond remembers coming over one weekend to find her reading a book on the history of backgammon. Aemond did not believe his mother when she mentioned wanting to take painting lessons. Chalking up to another idea that would eventually fall through as she moved onto the next idea that briefly stimulated.
As he walked up the door, he could hear music coming from inside. Taking a deep breath before using his key to open the door.
He walks through the large foyer on the home, moving towards the living area as Amy Winehouse fills the space. The first thing he notices is the canvas tarp on the floor. Then two easels and various paints all around. A bottle of wine and a cleared sushi platter.
His mother and Myrah are curled up on the couch giggling over something on Alicent’s phone.
Aemond goes over to turn down the music coming from the turntable, making both of them look up from the phone.
“Oh, Aemond,” Alicent’s cheeks are flushed and her smile is warm. She gets up from the couch; Aemond takes in the paint splattered button up and black leggings she had on. He has never seen his mother so… casual. “I forgot you said you were coming over.”
He leans down as she kisses him on the cheek, but his gaze stays trained on Myrah. He has no reason not to be cold towards her, but something about the way his body feels like it is vibrating when she is around makes him want to chalk it up to simple dislike.
“Are these for me,” Alicent smiles at the flowers in Aemond’s hand before turning back to Myrah. “Isn’t he sweet.”
“The sweetest.”
The mirth on her face only made him feel more out of place in his own home. It was something he noticed when she painted the portrait for their mother or when he saw her again at Helaena’s apartment warming party; it feels like she always has a joke running through her head. A joke she makes no effort to let anyone in on. Doe like eyes playful and light.
“I am going to put these in some water.”
Alicent takes the flowers with her to the kitchen.
“Do you think it is appropriate to be drinking with someone paying you,” Aemond waits until Alicent is out of earshot.
Myrah tilts her head to the side in confusion. “Your mom invited me over. She opened the wine, and asked me if I wanted any. I’m teaching her to paint Aemond, not operate heavy machinery. Neither of us even finished our glass.”
“It is still highly unsuitable.”
“Ok, I am sorry,” he can tell by the smile on her face, and the way she brushes a coil back into her ponytail, she does not mean it. A laugh follows to seal a level of nonchalance.
He was rueing the day he even brought up getting a portrait of him and his siblings for his mother’s birthday. If he never brought it up, then Helaena may have never reconnected with Myrah, and he would not get this odd concaving feeling in his chest every time he sees her.
Alicent’s footsteps become closer as she sets the pink tulips on the table in the living area.
“I am so glad you are here,” she beams at Aemond. “Now I can show you one of my drawings. I have not painted it yet”
Aemond’s sight goes from Myrah to the two easels in the room. His brows furrow as he tries to make out what it is on the one his mother is gesturing to. He can see a head and eyes but blinks blankly.
“It is quite an ambitious feat to go for a human portrait on her third try,” Myrah pipes up to help. “But I think she almost has your brother’s likeness down.”
He then looks at the easel next to Alicent’s. On it a faint charcoal drawing of what now is clearly Daeron. His short curls, his freckles, his big dark eyes. Their mom’s eyes.
For everything Myrah may be, she is talented.
Alicent’s sheepishness at Myrah’s compliment makes his heart sting a bit. His mother has never been good at taking praise.
“It is lovely.”
“When I am done, I think I will send it to him.”
Myrah stands off the couch will a soft sigh. “I can help you clean up, and then I have to hit the road.”
Alicent pouts. “So soon?”
“Yeah, I’ll let you two have your mother-son time,” she gives a small smile. Aemond takes note of the way her shirt dwarfs her when she get up. The yellow, orange, and pink of the tie-dye.
The three of them tiddy up the living room. Aemond tries not focus on when their hands brush when they pick up the paint. He sees the ladybug ring on her finger, the one that matches Helaena’s butterfly one.
“Remember what I said: traveling picture, Pilates picture, then pretend candid with your friends,” Myrah hugs Alicent before turning to Aemond and giving him a simple nod. “Aemond.”
Her keychain covered in fuzzy balls and trickers jingle as she leaves. Her foot is barely out the door before Aemond looks at him mom.
“What was that about?”
Alicent’s dark brows shoot up is false confusion. “What was what?”
“The ‘traveling and Pilates’ pictures thing,” he crosses his arms.
“Well,” Alicent sighs, pondering if she should tell him. “I asked Myrah to help me set up a dating profile.”
Aemond blanches, and does nothing to hide it.
Dating. “That is extremely weird for her to agree to.”
“I am lonely, Aemond,” Alicent shrugs truthfully. “I have not been on a date since I was 25.”
His disposition softens. Aemond knows his mother has been through a lot, too much, at the hands of his father. Viserys did not ask for anyone’s permission to date; in fact, he did not even wait till he was single to.
“Fine, but I get full sign off on who you go on date with.”
Alicent rolls her eyes. “Whatever you say sweetheart,” she bites her lips for a moment. “You should be nicer to Myrah. She’s nice and fun.”
Aemond just grunts.
“…. And pretty.”
Alicent gives him a sly smile. “Like really pretty. If I was your age, I’d want to date her.”
Aemond narrows his eyes. “Then why don’t you set her up with Aegon, since she’s so amazing.”
Alicent narrows hers back. “Fine, maybe I will.”
Aemond scoffs. Like hell she will. Not that Aemond cares at all, but Aegon wouldn’t know what to do with someone like Myrah. He already made an ass of himself when she did the portrait. Aemond was sure she only laughed at his jokes to appease an already awkward situation.
“Maybe I will set her up with Jace.”
Aemond can’t help but let out a incredulous laugh.
It doesn’t matter… because Aemond doesn’t care what Myrah does. Let alone who she dates. He really really doesn’t care. It is that no one should be subjected to spending more time with certain members family of his family than need be.
Plus he already has to see Myrah now because of Helaena and his mother. The idea of her being at family events on the arm of his brother or nephew is vommit inducing. If Myrah could dance circles around Aegon, she’d slaughter someone like Jace. Wit does not run in that side of the family he’s afraid.
“Whatever,” is all he can come up with.
He does not care.
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