#i could eat them row by row from least to most favorite
fellowmellowo · 2 years
is it just my autism or do these cubes look really delicious?
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kaitlynpcallmebeepme · 5 months
Sea Sickness
Sea Sickness
Luke Hughes x fem!reader (established relationship, but still new)
Idea: Reader gets nauseous from being on the boat at the Hughes’s Lake House and snuggles up to Luke.
Requested: Nope. 
Author’s Note:  I know I’m bouncing around who I’m writing for, but I’m on a NHL spree right now. I also get nauseated if I'm on a boat or in the ocean for too long. Fun Fact: I wrote the beginning part of this on a note card while working by myself in the OR today. We had a really long case where I just had to check up on people during the middle of it (hence why I wrote this on a card because I don’t like going on my phone when I’m in the OR. It's unprofessional). I don’t know any of these people personally. The closest I’ve gotten to the team (that wasn’t just playing in the band at the games or when they were walking past us down the 2023 red carpet in tampa) was a tuba was talking to some of them in his plane row on the ride back from that trip (he ended up being the tuba you see in the senior picture from 2024) and one of the coaches had to share our bus on the way back from the 2023 frozen four game with his wife and two young daughters (I kept trying to get the younger one to smile at me unsuccessfully).  Someone from my hotel room also shared the elevator ride up with the entire Fantilli family the night they lost that game in 2023 (I think Adam also won the Hobey Baker award that same night). I’ve also been playing my lego lord of the rings game. Anyway, enjoy this little blurb.
Tagging some of my favorite Hughes/NHL writers, love y’all.
@wineauntie @thedevilrisen @winterbarnesblog @sc0tters 
I forgot to mention that this is kinda based on the cute stuff @bedsyandco writes
I'm now sad when I'm uploading this because a friend from college drumline has an incurable brain cancer. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers (he's only 19 or 20).
Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new. If you want to only be tagged when I upload something for a certain character or shows, let me know as well.  
Warning: None, just general fluff. Feeling sick on a boat. 
Word Count: 488
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Being on a boat wasn’t your most favorite thing in the world, mainly because the last time you were on a boat, it got stuck in the middle of the laek and had to be towed back to shore (true story), but when your boyfriend Luke invited you to spend the weekend at the lakehouse with ihs brothers and friends, you weren't going to say no. The weekend had been filled with lots of eating, playing outside, and the boys being competitive at every game they pick up (even the old board game you brought to teach them how to play).  Just trying to keep up with them all was exhausting, so that’s how you ended up on the back of the boat enjoying the warm air instead of diving into the water again.  The boys had been going back and forth between wakeboarding and chatting on the boat deck. With them supplying the lake with plenty of waves, the constand up and down was starting to make your stomach sick.  You scooched over and made yourself comfortable laying your head on Luke’s shoulder.  He then opened his arms and wrapped you in his warm embrace so you could crawl on his lap and snuggle closer to his chest. 
“You feeling ok?” 
“Yeah, just want to stop the constant movement.” It was getting to a point were you just wanted to stop the constant movement.  It being really hot out didn’t help either. 
“We’ll head to shore soon. Then we can cool off inside.” 
Being wrapped up in Luke’s embrace with his fingers gently carding through your hair or down your shoulder leaving goosebumps in their wake and shading you with his fit body definitely helped keep your mind off of your stomach and the boat’s ever shifting movements.  Luke wasn’t much of a pda person, but you always encouraged him to show little bits of it at least in front of his family or close friends.  
Little did you know, that’s exactly who was eyeing the interaction.  Jack, Quinn, Trevor, Cole, and Dylan all had stopped what they were talking about in favor of watching the interaction between you two.  Eventhough they were not all related, they felt like proud older brothers seeing Luke be so considerate and affectionate in front of them.  Of couse they’re all going to tease him relentlessly later about this, but they were gentlemen in regards to respecting the timing and the moment.
“Just lay down and close your eyes. We’ll be on shore soon.”  You snuggled deeper into Luke’s neck keeping your eyes closed and focused on his soft skin, his natural scent, and the way his warm body curled around yours. He even tugged on your legs to pull you fully into his lap as his large frame wrapped around your body fully encasing you in his warmth and comfort. 
Nothing better than enjoying the summer with those you love.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
As My Own
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Miguel O'Hara x Daughter'sRoomate!femreader .
Don't think I have forgotten about the requests 👀.
WARNING: Fluff. A tiny squeeze of angst, Rotting tooth fluff, daily snippets of life, anxious dad.
Summary: Gabi wants a mom. And who is Miguel to deny such wish?
Requested Here. Hope you like ❤️ Feedback is highly appreciated.
Sighing for the third time in a row, Miguel looked fondly at the pictures of his daughter through the years, until she grew out to be a lovely young lady, whose talents in soccer had earned her a scholarship in college.
Despite being terrified of the idea of Gabriela spreading her wings and soar into life itself, he knew the moment would come sooner or later, more like, right now. He was unpacking some boxes into the apartment Gabi would be staying, and if he was honest, the idea of her sharing a room with someone else didn't appeal that much on his trust issues.
If it wasn't for the house renovations needed to be done ASAP, he'd make sure to get Gabi a place for her own.
Emancipation had taken a toll on him and his mind, The once girly and colorful room filled with drawings, trophies and medals with a soccer player motifs, soccer star posters, some consoles and games, was now an empty space full of memories.
When Gabi gave him the news of her moving out completely, made his heart to shrink and break, but he knew that he had to let her go. Gabriela was 19 at the time, doing good at college, had found herself a half time job and a new roommate. The last one seemed the most preoccupying thing on the list. Was it a man? Did she eat well? Did she get along with them? Probably had gotten her a couple of fights, were they older? Was his Solecito safe?
It had been three years since she left home and pursue her superior studies and a professional soccer player career.
His mind was racing with the infinite questions and his stress gnawed at his chest, his phone buzzing interrupted his accelerating thoughts. He opened the message log and sighed in relief to see Gabriela's name on the screen.
He tapped at the message and his heart nearly melted at seeing Gabi with a goofy expression on her face, her hands making a V sign as she hovered over a small table set for two.
"Dinner time with Roomie~"
The caption read. The food looked delicious and esthetically pleasing at the eye. Nearly Michelin star awarded restaurant quality.
(Name) 's food is amazing! . Btw Im free next week, so come over, I miss you Papa.
Gabi had texted him some couple of hours later. (Name) ; at least he now knew that Gabi shared space with a woman. He didn't trust college guys at all. At least, he could sleep a bit better now. However, something had caught his attention, despite Gabi's competitive traits, she rarely loosened herself around others. And the picture only proved him right.
Gabi was unabashedly goofy and silly on the picture, with a genuine smile on her face. Whoever you were, he was grateful for making his most precious treasure comfortable and safe.
The first time you met Gabi was quite the experience, you had just returned from work to find a lot of boxes loitering the entrance and part of the living room. Books, some baskets with soccer balls and equipment, Somw clothes and more books.
The burning smell immediately alerted you as smoke begun filling in the room. Rushing you opened the window and started to dissipate the smoke away with a towel.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The young and tall woman panicked as she came out of the bathroom, body wrapped in a towel, just like her hair. Skin still sudsy with soap.
The chaos was tamed, leaving one of your favorite collectible pots, charred and useless.
"I'm really really sorry! I'll get you a new one."
"Don't you worry. Just... be careful. Don't leave the stove on when you are away. You could've burn the place down"
Gabi nodded sheepishly and looked down, when she noticed your chef uniform, the logo of a prestigious place she could only dream to afford in a couple of months and a place where he wanted to take her Papa as a surprise, standing out in your chest.
"Im (Name), the other tenant. Nice to meet you." Your voice was firm, yet kind. The kind of kindness that could insult anyone and still sound charming.
"Gabriela O'Hara. Sorry for your pot. I'll get you a new one"
"Ah stop it. It was just a family relic passed on generation to generation that now will end up in the trash."
You couldn't help but laugh at her panicking and guilty reaction.
"I'm just messing with you, sweetie. I got Ceci on a promo back at the supermarket. Don't worry. It's just a pot. We throw at least one daily at the restaurant. What were you trying to make anyways?"
Gabi didn't know if to be shocked or be laughing at your attitude. She settled for confused.
"Cause it smelled like cheap Mac and Cheese"
Her cheeks flushed and you just chuckled knowingly.
"Freshman?" Gabi nodded and you smiled almost endearingly at her.
"Such a cutie! I remember my first semester at college. Such a mess, terrible food and a terrible roommate"
"You're graduated?"
"A long time ago, yeah, Culinary school is something else. Don't get in there if you like having perfect skin."You chuckled and rolled up your sleeve, showing a few shares of scars and burn marks.
"Anyways, let's have a couple of rules okay? If you follow them, who knows? it can take us places." You grinned.
"No boys after 10 pm on weekends, and if you do, keep it low. Thin walls. Same applies to me, but don't worry about it. Im way too tired to actually do something about bringing my libido back."
Gabi's cheek flushed as her stomach fluttered anxiously.
"You can use my tools for cooking with the only condition to leave them clean and back at their place. Got it?"
She nodded at every reasonable rule you gave her. You had warned her that sometimes you'd be out of town due work, and that left her on charge of the place. It was brought to her attention that despite the place being small, it was conditioned enough to make it almost fancy looking. The kitchen specially.
Of course things just grew from there. At first Gabi was shocked to find you were a couple of years younger than her Papa. And that you had been single for quite a time now. Couple of years to be exact.
But that mattered little as her growing fondness for you was borderline adorable. You had helped her through some really bad times, like getting her a part time job at your workplace after being fired from the college coffee shop, something she never had the guts to tell Miguel.
Then you of course helping her out in her cooking skills, to at least stop eating plain ramen and packaged food bags.
"You're an athlete, you must feed like one."
"But I can't... afford it-"
"Uh uh. Shh." You shook your head and taught her to buy the right sort of meals even under a tight budget. Sometimes she would even find meals prepped for her whenever she had run short on money.
You were there when she got her first college date, and also were there when the young man turned out to be a fuckboy and a prick. Wiping her tears and feeding her a freshly made creme brule. A favorite of hers. You had also Dropped her and picked her up in her soccer practices whenever time allowed you so. She seeked guidance in you
She was there for you when depression was making it's way into your head, she was also there when she helped you to recover from a hang over after another failed date, and nursed you through your terrible period cramps. Even though sometimes harmony seemed disrupted by external causes, such as stress, work and feeling particularly wistful and blue, you'd always find comfort in eachother.
You were amazed by the fact that you realized that she was like the little girl you always dreamed to have.
"How come you don't have children?" Gabi had asked carefully. Despite the trust you hsd built over the years, there was some things you still couldn't bring yourself to discuss so openly, until now.
"Sorry if I'm overstepping"
"Nah. I think it's time I actually come clean about some stuffs."
"Are you sure?" You nodded and sighed
"I can't have them"
Surprise drawed into Gabi's eyes as she stared at you.
"Yup. But... It's fine. I've come to terms with it, so..."
You trailed and she swallowed as her hand was placed above yours.
"For all it's worth? I'm sure you could have been an amazing mother."
Could have been
" To me, you... you are."
Gabi mumbled as tears swelled up in her eyes, threatening to fall. You stared at her, heart leaping in your chest
"Like... You are like the mother I never had... My Papa is amazing, but sometimes I actually yearn for a different kind of love." She hiccuped and you frowned, holding her closer.
"Like a mom. I want... I want to go shopping and talking about boys and how stupid they are. I want... to be cheered on by someone else at my games and not only my Papa."
Your heart felt breaking bit by bit as Gabi broke before you
"Don't get me wrong, I love Papa to death but... It's hard, y'know?"
"Ah, cariño." An endearment term you had learn from her, "You are such an amazing kid. Im sure that whoever comes into your life to take that spot needs to be amazing, because you're such a special young woman. Look at you, bright future ahead, smart, so so pretty and brave"
But Gabriela didn't want a stranger as her mother figure. She wanted you.
Gabi hid her face on your chest as you held her close, consoling her as much as you could. She remained there until she looked up at you with a suspicious glare
"Maybe I can introduce you to my dad" Your cheeks flushed bright red and she gasped, a bright bulb of an idea popping in her mind, sadness remnants vanishing from her body almost instantly
"No, Gabi, cariño-"
"You can meet him this weekend!"
"That's too soon, I am not prepared! Plus I have work remember?"
"He's staying all weekend, don't worry."
You had seen her adoring Papa through pictures she had showed you. The man was attractive, and looked certainly way too out of your league but of course you never told Gabi about it. You just shrugged it off with a 'Oh, cute'. But now that her plan was on set, you couldn't say no to her.
"Besides, I think it's time for you to actually meet guys. And this time no excuses like Im busy or stuff like that."
"Okay, okay. But if things don't work out-"
"I know, I'll drop it." Gabi rolled her eyes.
Even though the recipe for a certain disaster was cooking, you tried to be optimistic about it. A bit of positive thinking wouldn't hurt you from time to time. However, your shift turned out a bit trickier than usual, since the restaurant had been reserved for a main event for important people.
In the little chance you had, you sent Gabi a little video of how crowded it was, and apologizing cause you didn't know if you were making a double shift and wouldn't be able to meet Papa.
Gabi just sent you a picture of the both with a "Miss you! Dad just came"
3 am. 3 am and you were finally done, no more stuck up clients pretending to love raw fish and meats, people that were just actually there for the food pictures and to be able to brag about they were there. Your feet ached, and so was your headache. The good thing was that the company allowed you to take some food home.
Keys tinkered as you grabbed them to finally turn them in the keyhole and entering home and closed the door, angry and heavy steps alerted you as the hulking figure of a man stood in the dark, as the dim lit red iris flashed at you. You had to crane your head up to meet his deep eyes.
Now you wondered where Gabi had came out so tall.
"H-Hello..." You gulped and he sighed, hard expression melting slowly.
"Sorry for... the late hour."
"No, no. Discúlpeme I mean, forgive me. Though someone had broke in, until I heard the keys a bit too late. I'm Miguel. O'Hara." He offered you his large hand that easily engulfed yours.
"Oh, so you're... Papa" you shook it gently. He was warm, and chuckled. "Im (Name). Gabi never stops talking about you." You gave him an amiable smile and put your containers on the dining table.
"Nice to meet you" you began unpacking, aligning the recipients carefully on the table.
"How's... Gabriela doing?" His deep voice snapped your focus for a moment and your eyes darted to his form. Sweatpants in grey, a white fitting shirt that snugged his form a bit too nicely for a short stare. Hair slicked back, pouty lips, thick brows and his deep... red eyes? He certainly was even more handsome in the flesh than in the pictures.
"Oh, she's amazing. Her practice in soccer has improved even more. She has a final next week."
His brow arched at how much information you knew about her.
"I apologize, she fell asleep in your room, despite me telling her that the couch would be-"
"Ah don't worry about it. My bed is big enough for two, and she isn't a kicker in her sleep. So make sure to rest properly. Oh! And welcome for the weekend. Would you like something to eat?"
Miguel shook his head and softly smiled at you. You were pretty. So so pretty that his mind was almost in shortcut when you were removing your chef robe, in the kitchen exposing a bit more of skin. Your left arm was adorned with little burn marks and cuts, you poured yourself a glass of wine when you felt his eyes on you.
"Want some?" You offered the wine and he nodded, a bit reluctant at first.
"Has Gabi acted out of place while I'm gone?" You giggled as you poured him some wine.
"If by out of place means sleeping one hour later than she is used to, yeah. She has." Your hands gave him the cup and he leaned on the table. Gabi groggily came out your room, lured away by the delicious smell of food.
"Hey" She mumbled and hugged Miguel and then hugged you, and remained with her arms around your waist. You kissed her forehead and she smiled.
Miguel entered in spectator mode.
"Hey, cupcake. Want some food?"
"Can I have it tomorrow?"
"Got you a Creme Brule." She grunted happily.
Gabi smiled and went through the bags, popping a chocolate coated strawberry on her mouth.
"Still, I'm too tired to actually eat. Got Papa and I some takeout."
"Takeout?! The good sort of thing I hope" Gabriela groaned as she made her way back to your room.
"Don't steal the fluffy sheets!"
"Yes, mom. Take a bath first, you smell like garlic." she mumbled and went to bed.
Your whole face was as red as a strawberry not because your smell, but for how she had called you, you gulped down the wine and sighed. Miguel stared at you and his chest couldn't help but constrict a little more.
" I apologize for that, Gabriela is..."
"Quite receptive to smells? Yeah."
"And she called you mom." He was more surprised about it than anything else.
"Ah hehe. Yeah, she had been calling me accidentally that a bit more often."
"Does it makes you feel uncomfortable?" He sipped his wine
"Not really. I find it cute. She eh... talked to me about growing up and how things had been for her."
"I must thank you. You have fed her, taken care of her and now even protect her."
"She's a great kid." You nodded proudly. "Couldn't find a better roomie, and a friend. You did a good job raising her, Papa."
Miguel cleared his throat and gave you a small smile.
"I hope she hasn't-"
"Relax, she's been nothing but a good kid all these years. You gotta trust her a bit more."
"It's the people around her that I don't trust"
"I mean, not that I dont... just... carajo." you giggled at his cursing as his brows knitted together
"I mean, my daughter trusts you enough to sleep in your bed, call you mom even, so... would be kinda dumb to say that you're a bad person... And I'm not making any sense right?"
You gave him a bashful smile and it was your turn to clear your throat.
"She's been busy at playing cupid. She thinks she is subtle..." You bit your lip and poured yourself a bit more of wine as Miguel rubbed his face, tiredly.
"What about, today at 7 pm?"
"At 7pm what?" He coked an eyebrow to you and Gabriela poked her head out of your room, sighing with exasperation.
"Por Dios pa, Te está invitando a salir!" (My god, Papa, she's asking you out.)
You just laughed and put the food in the fridge
"If you're up for it, that is. It's fine if you don't-"
"Make it at 8. Traffic has lowered by that hour."
"Alright." You smiled and took your chef coat with you.
"Sleep well, Papa."
He downed the remnants of his wine and smiled to himself. He had a date.
And a second, and a third and a fourth and a fifth. You were such an enjoyable being to hang around. You shared little silly texts, learnt a bit more spanish thanks to him to slowly bring down your language barrier. Even though you understood some words here and there, you wanted to understand so you could also feel part of the secret and long conversations the two O'Haras shared when it came to you.
Miguel was the first in making a move and kissed you around the fourth date. Nervous as you were, you finally felt good enough to just allow yourself to indulge in his company and what he had to offer. Great company, laughs, delicious make out sessions you didn't thought possible at your age.
Gabi had found you both eating each other's mouth in the livingroom
"Get a room!" She'd yell as she locked herself, headphones up her ears, but a beam in her face. Her chest swelled in joy knowing her cupid stunt had paid off.
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah, pa. Like... She's the best. She's so sweet and... makes me happy cause you are happy."
"You'd be the only child, you're aware of that right?"
Gabi nodded upon remembering your words and your condition.
"Having a little sibling at this point would be awkward anyways."
"That doesn't mean I can't try-"
"Oh my god stop..." Gabi shook her head and Miguel smirked
"Payback for not telling me you were fired." She grunted as Miguel held her tightly.
"I think it's time to try something new."
"You'll ask her to marry you?!" Gabi gasped excited with a beam on her face
"Relax, Solecito. We're still knowing each other. And we wanna make sure that things work out before thinking in something so important as that."
"If you let her go, I promise that I won't talk to you again."
Bit by bit you had small milestones in your relationship with Miguel, you visiting his home back at New York, you staying a weekend in said home, you being introduced to his friends, sharing carneada with his friends, and of course, being found by Gabriela about to have sex, none of you mentioned it during dinner.
To make things even more convenient and better, your restaurant had opened a second branch in New York. Gabi was about to graduate college and of course, you both were saddened that soon you'll part ways. The both were too enraptured enjoying your mother-daughter relationship you had created that forgot about the future.
It didn't help to her sadness when you told her about you and other crew members of your work were selected for a three months workshop in France.
Despite your own sadness, both O'Haras cheered you to go.
"Three months is gonna be torture without you, but time goes so fast. You'll be back sooner than we expect it." Gabi had spoken. And of course, after her graduation, and a kiss goodbye, you flew to France.
Communication wasn't an issue since you talked every day. And still, the gnawing feeling of not being with them made you wish time to fly. You spoke every night with Miguel, telling him how much you have missed him. Even though work had kept you both busy enough, you'd always find a way to talk or text.
And when you came back? It felt like floating in a dream.
"Mom!" Gabriela rushed to you and crushed you in her arms, sniffling and holding you tightly.
"I missed you soo much, cariño." You kissed her forehead, Miguel joined a bit later with a rose bouquet on hand. He pulled you in for a deep kiss.
"Missed you, preciosa".
What sealed the deal for him was seeing you sharing a moment with Gabi. You were brushing her hair as you caught up eith the things you learned in France and how excited you were for them both to taste them.
He asked you to move in with them. And god he loved the feeling of you being around. Gabi was happy, he was happy and you were as well.
Everything about you had captured his heart. Your personality, your way to carry on things, the subtle ways you guided Gabriela without imposing in her autonomy, How much love you seemed to have for them, the delicious feeling of your skin against his on bed.
He proposed a year after. He wouldn't let you go, no no. You were too perfect for him, and a perfect Mom for Gabriela.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 month
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Name: Characters with Bothersome Traits
Debut: Tetris Blast
I am the kind of person who is delighted by, among other things, a certain pairing of words that many (sad) people may never think to consider in their lives. This pair of words is "Tetris Characters". I have already told you about some of those in the form of personified blocks, but there are even more, and this will certainly not be my last time mentioning the topic!
Tetris Blast is a Tetris spinoff, in particular, a version of the Bombliss game mode made for the Game Boy. It is like Tetris, but each Tetri- or Tri- or Domino has at least one Mino that is a bomb! The standard completed row does not automatically disappear, but if it contains a bomb, that bomb will detonate, destroying blocks around it. And this is what I was doing, playing the standard mode, when every five stages, I was greeted by a new little critter dancing on a stage! What a lovely surprise! But who were these creatures?
It turns out this game also has a Fight Mode! Where you Fight some guys! The manual refers to them as characters with bothersome traits, so that's as close to a band name for them as we'll get. Let's meet them all RIGHT NOW!
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Cubit Cubit is a bit spunchlike, but if our favorite sponge was a grumpy nudist! It is the most basic of all these creatures, and just wanders around. I like its round armless hands. A very easy guy to obliterate.
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Scraptor No offense to Cubit, but Scraptor is already way more interesting! It's a very geometric creature, a square "diamond" whose body is split into two halves. It is actually one big mouth, and the halves detach on a tiny hinge to open and eat bombs! This was the very first of these creatures I saw, because it is the first one that dances in the intermission scenes. What an incredible first impression!
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Gloop Gloop is a little cutie! It is like a drop a dollop a squeezing. It also looks like an extremely simplified cartoon whale! You know how there is a whale emoji and also a cartoon whale emoji? Gloop could be the next stage of evolution. I also really love the way it laughs. It looks so innocent, but then laughs in a way that looks SO mocking, it feels like the cuteness is a facade!
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Creepa Creepa is another little cutie, which there are bound to be many of when looking at little guys exclusive to a Game Boy game. I like that it is cylinder-shaped, like it came out of a can, or is a can! Though it looks cylindrical, its bothersome trait is to make extra blocks. And I also like its shoes. If it didn't have the shoes, it would be as basic as Cubit, probably. But basic isn't bad!
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Squidly Squidly is my favorite of these guys! Look at it!!! It is like they distilled everything cute about Creepa into an even cuter form! Its smile is smaller, more gentle. Its eyes are bigger and bulge from the sides of its head, like its namesake, a squid! It has no arms to make it feel even more like a Video Game Creature, and yet still wears those excellent shoes. I guess the shape isn't necessarily an upgrade from Creepa, but this would be precious regardless of shape, and I am neutral about the change. Actually, it reminds me of a well-used eraser, and now that I thought of that, I like the shape even more! If this wasn't enough, Squidly has the ability to make entire rows of blocks, and after it does this, it dances happily, like it knows you can't get it now. This would typically be rude, but it's so cute that it can't be rude. I think it is truly just delighted!
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Dug Grub Dug Grub probably has the best name in the game! Any name related to larvae is a winning name to me! If my name was Maggie I would always specify "like maggot" when telling it to people. Dug Grub is like a blob with a frog's head, and its eyes bulge SO much that they sometimes even appear to be floating! It has the bothersome trait of eating Mega Bombs, which is one of the most bothersome traits of all, because those things are precious resources. But if anything has to have an Eating Something Large Special Attack, it would be a Frog Blob.
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Shadow Shadow is a cheeky little potato of a cyclops creature. Oh so cheeky, but also seems to be a bit of a sore loser! Get over it, am I right? It's just Bombs. It has Squidly's row creation ability in addition to probably the coolest ability in the game: it is able to enlarge its eye and envelop the playing field in darkness, which momentarily freezes the player's actions! I guess that is how it gets its name. I also must assume that the reason the screen goes dark is that its eye gets so big and effective that it is Seeing all that light before any of us gets a chance to. Save some for me! *Shadow's pupil burps*
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B-Boy Finally we have B-Boy. Probably short for Ball-Boy. But there are so many possibilities... Buddy-Boy? Buckaroo-Boy? Boisterous-Boy? Maybe his real name is Baby-Boy and his parents dote on him so much, and he changed it out of embarrassment. He also adopted a new persona. Smug. Mischievous. Don't worry, he'll probably grow out of it after middle school. But for now, he is a real Bothersome-Boy! He ALSO has stolen Squidly's row creation ability! Squidly is such a trailblazer and I think would be justified in suing. Worst of all, though, B-Boy has a Bomb Attack that can actually regenerate his own health! Not an orb to be underestimated! Indeed, this is an orb to restart the level multiple times as a result of. A real Bad-Boy!
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This is my first free day in a week and I spent it writing Nimona headcanons
I like to believe that after they stop being knights Bal and Ambrosius get to relax physically 
They don’t have a constant workout routine and they don’t have incredibly strict diets 
Don’t get me wrong they go to the gym a couple of times a week and try to eat healthy 
But they don’t have a workout schedule they need to follow and if they want to have pizza five days in a row then they’re eating pizza 
The first couple of years they tried to keep up with their normal regimen until they realized that they weren’t following it for the right reasons they were just following it because it’s what they’d always done 
But Bal gets this weird smile on his face when he realizes both him and Ambrosius bodies are a little softer 
And Ambrosius never judges Bal when he decides he doesn’t want to go to the gym that week
He’s guilty of rewarding that behavior by kissing Bal on the cheek and making his favorite breakfast 
Ambrosius bruises like a damn peach 
It’s almost embarrassing how easily marks show up on his skin this man has at least 6 bruises on each leg at any given moment 
There have been many times when Bal has genuinely considered setting up a camera in their room to see if Ambrosius is hitting himself on accident 
He also has had more broken bones than anyone can count he’s broken both his arms and legs in multiple places he’s also broken all his fingers and most of his toes 
Nothing in his face has been broken though 
The funny thing is he’s never sprained or dislocated anything and he holds a weird amount of pride in that
It also takes a lot for him to get scars he’s got some from duels and some surgeries 
But the biggest one is from the Directors' lazor 
Bal is built like a brick shithouse he’s never broken a bone ever he hasn’t even gotten close and there have been a lot of times when he should
There have been multiple occasions when doctors were surprised to find that he didn’t at least have a fractured 
He sprained and dislocated a few things though and he scars pretty easy 
If Nimona doesn’t want something to break or bruise or scar then it doesn’t it’s as simple as that but sometimes she lets scars stay if she thinks they’re cool enough
The first scar she kept was the one from the arrow 
I feel like a lot of people think the trio would get a cat or a dog but I raise you: fish
Like you’re telling me that Bal wouldn’t spend an unreasonable amount of time setting up an entire area where a fish tank would go 
The trio wouldn’t spend hours on hours researching the different types of fish that they wanted and making sure they could live together peacefully 
That they wouldn't set up the tank 48 hours before getting the fish while simultaneously making sure the tank is perfect decorations-wise 
And they wouldn’t spend extra time making sure the transportation process from the store to their house is as stress-free as possible so the fish don’t die from shock alone
And if you don’t believe that then you’re lying to yourself because they absolutely would do all of that 
Sometimes when the boys are stressed out of their minds they’ll just stare at the tank and witness their fish thrive 
Nimona suggests that they name the fish after fish dishes and the boys surprisingly agree 
Nimona will also jokingly say he’ll eat them whenever they’re being difficult but in reality he would kill someone to protect those damn fish
The boys would too but they’d never admit it
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
It's Over? ||
Pairing: (any) Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 3,728
Overview: (Loosely based on this) After overhearing your conversation on the phone, Peter begins to worry about the status of your relationship and a miscommunication over text only makes matters worse.
Marvel Masterlist 🖤 Fandom Masterlist 🖤 Requests
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Peter Parker's such a terrible boyfriend.
...Okay, so maybe you've never said that to his face, but he's convinced it's true and he's also certain you agree. He's been a massive idiot lately which is a realization that makes him sick with worry and rotten with guilt.
Peter feels no hesitation with his feelings towards you and has always put effort into proving it: he gets you hand picked flowers collected during his patrols, writes loving messages for you with webs outside your window, and even texts you pictures of sunsets from the best views in New York, wishing you could be there in person with him because he absolutely treasures you, counting himself lucky every single day solely because of the fact that he can call himself your boyfriend.
Unfortunately, he fears that the title might change here soon because no matter how boundless his love is for you, he's done a real shitty job of showing it - at least in the ways that really count the most.
Originally, Peter didn't notice the flaws to your relationship and even when he did, he foolishly brushed them off. Once your smile began to fade little by little each time he returned home wounded, he reminded you that you don't need to stay up waiting for him every night and can go to sleep earlier if you're just going to be tired and annoyed with him when he gets home. He didn't mean to word it so harshly. He was worn out himself and didn't take the time to consider that you wait all night because you're worried about him.
Your complaints about him returning from work without getting any groceries would simply be met with new promises to do so after patrol. If there was no food in the fridge for dinner, then he suggested ordering take out. As a man who could easily survive months on Top Ramen alone, he didn't think you'd mind Chinese food two days in a row.
Even when you'd beg him to stay home for a date night because you haven't had one in weeks, he'd push you away, insisting he needs to protect New York without once stopping to wonder how his priorities might translate in your mind: 'I need to protect a city of strangers as I do every single night, so no, I can't spare a few hours for my girlfriend'.
Throughout every sigh to part your lips, Peter turned a blind eye to it all. Sure, the two of you argue, but all couples do, right? He still loves you and you love him, it's just...a little rough dating a superhero is all, however you'll both get through it together, he was so sure - and that's the key word: Peter 'was' sure, but after your fight today and the self-reflection he's done since, he's not too confident anymore.
It seemed so minuscule this morning. He was eating a bowl of cereal when he heard you huff from the other room. Upon investigating, he found you holding a red and blue shirt in hand, frustration written all over your face. It was your favorite shirt and it definitely wasn't supposed to be that color. Of course, the reason for its unplanned dye job wasn't difficult to guess.
Peter apologized while explaining he was really tired the night before and must've thrown his suit into the wash without checking the other items first; an "honest mistake" he called it with a shrug. Once again, you huffed, throwing the shirt back into the hamper in clear defeat which only made him press further about your suddenly foul mood. From there, the situation only escalated into raised voices ending in you slamming the door directly in his face when he tried to follow you into the bedroom.
Looking back on it now, Peter realizes his apology came off as halfhearted as he merely continued to stuff another spoonful of cereal in his mouth in between sentences and he probably should've stayed at that locked door to give you a proper apology, yet regrettable that's not how it played out. Instead, he purposely sighed as loudly as he could, asking why you "act so bitchy anymore" before stomping off...Not the greatest way to resolve an argument.
Unfortunately, Peter can't say that was the first fight he's merely walked away from with you. You would think Spiderman would know better, but alas, he's an idiot. In his own immature mind, he didn't see anything wrong or unhealthy with this strategy of simply dropping 'unfavorable conversations', after all, it seemed he had a fifty-fifty chance of you either getting angrier or never bringing the topic up again, the latter of which has been occurring more frequently lately. It wasn't until this morning that he realized just because you don't bring it up again, doesn't mean it isn't still hurting you.
When Peter went back up to the bedroom door, prepared to tell you he'd be leaving for work soon, he heart shattered upon hearing your silent sobs from inside. You were crying because of him. Your tears have always been his weakness, but it was in that moment that he learned there's something else that can deal even more damage to his sorrow and that's the broken words you sniffled to presumably MJ on the phone:
"I-I just can't do this anymore! It doesn't matter what I do! I've tried to not be clingy. I've tried to give him space and let him do his thing, but he never comes back to me! I don't even remember the last time we've gone on a date. It's always New York this, Daily Bugle that. Hell, he volunteered to work a few extra hours the other day yet can't be bothered to stay home just to eat dinner at the table with me! It's like I'm last to everything else in his life even when I put him first in mine!"
The thought of your relationship ending turns Peter's nerves to mush. How could he be so stupid? So ignorant? Such an asshole when he has the perfect girlfriend who has kept putting up with his bullshit for all this time? You don't ask for much in return; you never have. You ask him to help with small chores in your shared apartment. You request that he texts you regularly throughout the night not because you need attention, but because you need to know he's safe. You want date nights every once in a blue moon because he's your boyfriend, goddammit! What's the point of saying you're dating if he feels more like a lazy roommate than an equal lover?
You're slipping right through his fingers and he has no one to blame except himself. He knows that now and he's been spending the entire day thinking about it along with some way to apologize properly.
Part of him wishes he would've just pulled himself together and done something right then, bursting into the room with the promise that he can change - that he will change. Hell, he'd burn his suit in front of you if it means you'll give him another chance - if you'll believe for a second that the relationship is worth saving...But alas, he couldn't bring himself to interrupted your call, feeling it would only betray your trust if you knew he had been listening to a private conversation.
Instead, Peter sat like a statue on the couch, waiting not so patiently for you to leave the room on your own accord. When you did, he leaped up only for you to walk directly past him while sternly reminding him you have work. Of course you had work and, no matter how far he followed you through the apartment, begging you to listen to him for even just a minute, you wouldn't so much as glance his way...The karma he deserves.
While you may not have given him any time to explain himself this morning, hope is not completely lost. Shortly after your departure, Peter came to the realization that his nerves will last all day if he doesn't do something about your earlier argument, thus he decided to text you:
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Your final text hadn't come until ten minutes after his, but at least he has a chance to plead his case which he doesn't plan on letting go to waste. He's practiced his apology about a hundred times each hour, engraving the thought-out speech in the deepest corners of his mind despite none of it sounding quite right. Of course none of it sounds right! You sounded so convinced on your phone call - like your mind is already made up on ending the relationship. What if you can't be swayed? What if you don't love him anymore? It did take you ten minutes to text those words back. Maybe you weren't even wanting to say them to spare you both the extra pain at noon.
It may seem hopeless, as Peter worries, however he refuses to give up. Too tense at home, he took to swinging around New York while sometimes reciting his speech aloud. He's tried his best to predict any possible response you may have so that a counter argument can be prepared. He wants to show you that he means this - that he's confident in his ability to fix your crumbling relationship. He's even picked up a nice bouquet of flowers at the corner store, ignoring the weird looks the florists gave as Spiderman dropped from the sky just to nervously request the best flowers to avoid a break up.
Needless to say, Peter's heart nearly jumps out of his chest when his phone alarm finally rings at noon. By this time, he's already sitting on the rooftop of your workplace, waiting nervously for your call while reviewing everything he's prepared in the meantime.
Bad boyfriend or not, Peter still knows you. He knows you find the break room too crowded, so you prefer to grab your lunch and take it back to your desk to eat. That's when you'll likely call him. The plan is then for him to pour his heart out into his speech before hanging upside down outside your office window with the flowers. Sappy, yes, but it's the best a desperate wreck like Peter Parker can think of!
His focus is glued to his phone screen while waiting, only shattered by the sound of sirens nearby. Lifting his head, Peter's heart drops at the sight of several cop cars racing down the street to a location he's learned all too well throughout his time as Spiderman: the damn bank. Of course, someone has to rob the bank now! Crime has been quiet all day, but the one time Peter needs it to be so, it decides to be blaring loud instead!
He curses under his breath when standing only for his ringer to be the new sound in his ears. You're calling now! You're calling and there's a bank robbery a few blocks down! Why does the universe hate Peter like this?
"Hello -"
"- Hey, (Y/n)...Sweetheart - Listen, I'm, um," he bites his lip, watching a few more cop cars zoom by in the company of a firetruck," I am so sorry, but I'm gonna have to call you back, okay? There's a robbery at the bank and I -...I promise I'm going to call you back before your break is over. I promise."
You don't respond too quickly much to Peter's concern - as if you already know to start weighing the worth of his promises. When you finally sigh, you sound just as tired as this morning, "...Sure, alright. Just...be safe, Peter, okay?"
"I know, I will be! I promise I'm going to call you right back so just hold tight!" Swinging into the air, Peter holds the phone to his ear with his shoulder, soon removing it with his hand but pausing to say before hanging up: "Have a good lunch, I love you!"
"...I love you, too..." Another delayed response, one Peter barely hears before pressing the little red button on the bottom of his screen.
He's dealt with lots of bank robberies before. He can make this quick. Swing in, keep the sass to a minimum, web up the badies, save the hostages, and return your call with plenty of time remaining for your break. It'll definitely work out that way, no sweat!
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It didn't work out that way...No, of course it didn't, this is the life of Peter Parker; a man the universe just seems to hate most of the time. Forty two minutes; that's how long it took to deal with the whole fiasco at the bank. The robbers were armed with homemade weapons each packing a punch which are already annoying to deal with on their own, but sided with the worry of hostages and his already stressful day, the fight wasn't as easy as Spiderman had planned.
Nevertheless, no matter what the universe decides to throw his way, he has gotten good at recovering. Yet again, the bad guys were defeated and left webbed up for the police, however Spiderman had no time to deliver a clever pun before his exit. Instead, he disappears the second the threat is gone, his phone already in hand as he prepares to face another:
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"Shit, shit, shit!" Peter curses, pacing across the rooftop he lands on while frantically texting you back:
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Swinging a bit further, Peter begins his way towards your work with his phone balanced against his ear. He mumbles desperate pleas under his breath as he listens to the seemingly endless ringing before, to his relief, your voice finally picks up on the other side:
"Oh thank god! I didn't mean it's over as in 'I'm over with you and our relationship', but over as in 'I got the robbers'. I'd never break up with you especially over text, I swear - Listen, I really need to talk to you, but in person. Are you still at work?"
"Whatever it is, can't you just tell me now? I have that meeting in like ten minutes."
"No, I need to tell you in person. I need - I have to make sure that we're okay...I want us to be okay..." He's nearly in tears which is obvious to you by the sound of his voice.
"What are you talking about?"
"I really don't want you to break up with me. I know I've been a terrible boyfriend lately and I know I've made you feel like shit so I probably deserve to be dumped, but I swear I never meant to and I want to fix everything - I will fix everything, I swear! You're the most important person in my life - okay, maybe second to May because she's my aunt, but compared to everyone else! I love you more than Spiderman or the Daily Bugle or - or even those super good sandwiches at the corner deli!"
"Peter -"
"- My point is I can do so much better! I'll start doing all the chores, I'll take more days off from the Daily Bugle and I'll even stop being Spiderman if it means you'll be happy with me, I promise! Just please give me one more chance -!"
"- Peter, hold on!" He instantly shuts his mouth under the strictness in your voice. You hesitate on the other end before a sigh can be heard, "...How quickly can you be here?"
"Give me two minutes tops!"
"...Alright. Meet me on the rooftop - and don't be late. My manager's already an asshole as it is, so I can't be late to this meeting."
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The sound of Peter landing on the roof causes you to turn around, yet you have no time to say anything before he's running towards you with his mask already crinkled in his hand as well as a few measly roses with broken stems in the other, "(Y/n), I’m sorry. I promise I’m sorry.”
“Peter, your face…” Perhaps it’s just instincts and routine at this point, but the first thing you notice is the nasty bruise already forming under his eye, not that he’s the slightest bit concerned about that, in fact he doesn’t even acknowledge your comment.
“Please give me another chance. I’ll fix everything!” When Peter officially reaches your side, he moves to hug you - desperately wanting to do so, however he stops himself with his hands on your arms, having no more confidence to push his luck. You could shove him away at any moment, after all, “Like I said, I’ll do the chores, I’ll go on as many dates as you want, and I’ll stop being Spiderman even -”
“- You wouldn’t stop being Spiderman. You’d never stop being Spiderman,” contrary to his expectations, rather than being angry, you run a hand through his hair, your voice a soft whisper, “You love being Spiderman too much, Peter.”
He bites his lip and bows his head in shame. You’re right. He doesn’t want to stop being Spiderman, but…
“...But I love you more…”
“...Peter,” your heart swoons. Brushing his bangs away from his face, you tilt your head to get a good look at him, “I know you love me and I love you, too. That’s why I could never ask you to give up something as important to you as Spiderman.”
“I thought…” He trails off.
“You thought what?”
He glances at you quickly before directing his eyes away, “...I thought you were mad at me because of Spiderman? Because I spend too much time working - that’s why you want to break up with me, right?”
You blink in surprise, “Huh? Why would you think I want to break up with you?”
“I accidentally overheard you talking on the phone,” now it’s your turn to look away in shame, “You said you couldn’t do this anymore…That you were pretty much fed up with me which you have every right to be. I’ve been a terrible boyfriend lately -”
“- You’re not a terrible boyfriend -”
“- I am, though!” Peter cries, “It’s like you said! I leave you second to everything else - I don’t mean to, but I made you feel like you’re not as important to me when you really are. You’ve always been important to me, yet I’ve been ignoring your feelings and I pushed you to the ledge -”
“- Peter Parker,” you move your hands to his cheeks, moving him gently to look at you as you speak quietly yet sternly, “...You’re right. You haven’t been the most ‘attentive’ lately and yes, it really hurts to be tossed aside compared to everything else. I know deep down that you don’t mean it and I know you love me. I love you too - sooo much which is why I really don’t want to break up…It’s just…Something needs to change.
“That call you heard - I was only ranting if anything because honestly, I haven’t felt like I’ve had anyone to talk to lately,” you squeeze your eyes shut, blinking back the tears, “I’ve been so worn out with it all. Work’s been crazy lately with my manager constantly up my ass for reports and then when I go home wanting nothing more than to spend time with the one person who makes all that stress go away, you aren’t there. I’ve…I can’t keep that up.
“...What’s important right now is that we both realize that. I don’t want you to give up being Spiderman, but you could take a night off once in a while, right? There’s like a zillion superheroes in this city, after all. Make the Avengers handle it or - I don’t know, that devil dude. Take a break not just for my sake, but yours, too” you let your hands fall down to Peter’s, holding onto them with a sigh, “...You’re not the only one who needs to change, though. This is partly my fault, too -”
“- It isn’t your fault. Why would it be your fault?” Peter interrupts with concern, yet you shake your head.
“I should’ve communicated to you that I was upset. I should’ve made sure you actually understood how I was feeling instead of just assuming or expecting it. Clearly, you care about us as much as I do and you want to make fixes now that you’re aware of the problems. If I just would’ve said something sooner, it wouldn’t have had to get to this point. It isn’t fair for either of us to suffer without the other’s knowledge nor is it healthy. We shouldn’t have to get pushed to the ledge or worry about a break up before ever once sitting down to actually talk about our concerns like grown ups…That’s what we’re supposed to be now, right?”
“I think so, although it’s not that easy, is it?” Peter mumbles then throws his head back dramatically with a groan, “Ah, May and Ben made it look sooo easy!’
You chuckle, resting your forehead against him, “I’m sure they had moments like this…We just have to learn, is all.”
For what feels like the first time today, Peter smiles and breathes his relief, “How about this: I’ll promise to start spending more time with you and doing more chores around the apartment if you promise to start telling me when you’re upset. Even if it’s something that seems totally stupid, okay? I won’t walk away anymore. I’ll sit and listen and if I don’t, you have my permission to call May on me.”
“It’s a promise,” you press your smile against his for what you intend to be a quick peck, however his arms finally wrap around your waist, pulling you closer into a longer kiss he’s been dying for all day.
“I love you,” he whispers once pulling away.
“I love you, too,” and there’s no hesitation or delay to your response this time.
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quillsareswords · 2 years
Ok but now we need Damian in a ghostface mask content 😩
WARNINGS: suggestive, language
It's one of your favorite movies. You've rewatched the first one three times this month. At least three, anyway. There's a decent chance you've had it running in the background when he wasn't around.
That's to say: he recognizes the mask as soon as he sees it. Hanging there on a peg wall, among dozens of others in various colors with extra features, he picks it out immediately. Shiny white plastic, cheap black fabric.
"Don't kill me Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!"
How many times have you sang along to that line? How many times have you thrown it into everyday life to get a laugh out of him?
Mari is cheering further up the isle, apparently having found a mask she likes. Todd is laughing, so he'd better go investigate. God help him if it's something Jason is laughing at.
He grabs the first one in the row and tucks it under his arm.
(Of course Mari Grayson would pick out the most ghoulish latex gargoyle mask she could find.)
You get to his place later than usual due some accident on the subway track you didn't pay much attention to. You zoned out after you heard non-fatal. Your shoes get pried off and left by the door, you jacket abandoned over the back of the couch with your backpack.
"Damian?" you call, raking a hand through your hair on the way to the kitchen. "Are you home yet?"
No response. You lug the refrigerator door open. "Guess not." Let's see...grapes, guacamole, apples, caramel dip, tofu stir fry from last night...
You grab the guacamole dish. Where does he keep the chips, again? Same cabinet as the bread, right?
You close the refrigerator door, and there's a black shadow inches from your face. "Surprise, Sidney."
A scream rips out of your throat as you stumble sideways, hurling the plastic Tupperware with everything you've got.
In one motion, Damian yanks the mask off and narrowly ducks out of the way. The shit-eating grin whitening his teeth melts a little when he turns at the horrific sound behind him.
His poor guacamole, splattered against the wall like a gory scene straight out of a horror movie, and the plastic container rolling pathetically on the floor, cracked in three places.
He turns back toward you, leaning all your weight against the counter with your face in your hands. "I think you almost killed me with a bowl of guacamole."
The fingers on your left hand inch apart to reveal your glare. "You're such a dick."
He's grinning again. "I thought you liked Ghostface."
You drop your hands and cross your arms to scowl at him. "I do like Ghostface. I live Ghostface. If Ghostface asked me to marry him, I'd leave you in a heartbeat."
He chuckles, deep in his chest, and moves forward. "Oh, come on. I'm sorry, Beloved. I couldn't resist." He opens his arms before he's reached you, just in case you really are angry with him and decide to stop him.
You don't. You let him step into your space, rubbing his warm palms up and down your arms, mask abandoned on the counter behind you. "Well maybe I just won't be able to resist dying all your fancy white shirts bright pink." You glance down at the one he's wearing now for emphasis, but it's not a nice white one. It's the black t-shirt he yanked on this morning to wear under that nice new jacket. The one that hugs his torso about as tightly as you do when he leaves for patrol.
His grin fades into a much kinder smile. "Orange. I'll wear them for Halloween."
Your glare is wavering the longer he looks at you. You hum noncommittally. "I'm trying to say that you've got a lot of grovelling to do, Mr. Ghostface."
He leans a little closer. "Oh? What kind of grovelling do you have in mind, Dearest?"
You hum again, drawn out and low to stall while your hand reaches awkwardly backwards. Your fingers brush cheap fabric. "I don't know about you, but I'm thinking Morticia and Gomez Addams kind of grovelling," you pause, lifting the mask between you to hold it in front of his face, "but you put this back on first."
Kind smile becomes devious as you lower it again to gauge his reaction. His eyes spark as green as fresh moss, cradling the growing black of his pupils like gemstones. "Well, if that's what it takes to earn forgiveness..." He takes the mask from you gently and slides it on. "Whatever you wish, Cara Mia."
The door bell chimes.
Crisp and loud.
Ignore it, is on the tip of your tongue, but it dies when you hear your phone buzz with what is undoubtedly an I'm here text message. You sigh. You'd completely forgotten about offering to loan your friend some clothes for her Halloween costume.
He goes still in front of you, one hand once again pressing into your bicep, the other planted on the counter beside you. Immediately, he's debating whether or not to leave whoever it is standing in the hall and make up some excuse later. But then...
"I'm going to answer the door like this."
You look again to his tight shirt, black jeans, mask. Doesn't matter who is at the door, this image of Damian is all yours. "No the fuck you aren't."
There's immediate jealousy in your tone, a knee-jerk reaction. It must be somebody you know.
Even better.
"Yes, the fuck I am."
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Another Disney Trip with Mick Schumacher
*Disclaimer: I use Y/N and reader, but when I write this in my mind I see her as a tall plus size gal (mainly because that's my personal body type), but also because I really see Mick doing amazing with a woman like that. If there is anything I write that doesn't apply to you feel free to leave it out and like always feedback is always appreciated and loved!
Photos from Pinterest
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- After your first trip to Disney World with Mick he may have fallen in love with the magic of the mouse as well as he loved seeing how happy Disney World made you - Mick asked you if you would want to go back for your birthday and you said yes! - Like once before Mick was more than happy to let you plan the whole trip, but you loved adding in parts that you noticed he loved the most on your last trip like time set aside to visit the confectionary and to ride the Peoplemover - Little did you know that Mick had a surprise (or two) up his sleeve - He may have done some research on how to make this birthday trip a little extra special for you and thus his grand scheme of "Y/N's Disney Birthday Extravaganza" began - Included in his plan of "Y/N's Disney Birthday Extravaganza" was: 1. Getting arrangements to have the room decorated with your favorite flowers and snacks from the parks so you two could have a Disney movie marathon your first in to relax from the flights in before hitting the parks 2. Making dinner arrangements at your favorite Disney sit down meal service with a birthday cake to come out at dessert 3. Arranging to have your immediate family as well as his meet y'all for a day in the parks and making plans to all eat breakfast together at O'hana's to start the day off because we all know this man has a weakness for the Mickey waffles as a surprise 4. Last but not least plans to propose during the fireworks the night that y'alls families will be there, but knowing how shy you can be he and how he isn't huge on PDA he plans to have everyone riding the Peoplemover as the fireworks start with you two in your own little car(don't worry he already called them weeks ago and they're all in on the plan as well as hiring a photographer as well as calling Disney to make sure it was even allowed) - Mick knows how important family is to you both and he's not about to forget how sad you would be if they weren't there to celebrate your engagement with you - However you have no idea that this is going on at all, you're still stuck in your happy little Disney trip planning coma - You make sure to stock up on sunscreen for Mick after knowing how he almost made a lobster out of himself last time ~ Vacation Time~ - You were so excited to be there that Mick laughed at seeing you giggle like a kid going under the Walt Disney World sign - You couldn't wait to drop off your bags into the room and go grab some dinner, but as soon as you scanned into the room you were in for a huge surprise - The whole room had been decorated with your favorite flowers, a set up of your favorite snacks from the parks, confetti, and a happy birthday y/n sign was on the wall - Mick was behind you filming the whole time knowing how much you were going to love looking back at the video in the future - Your movie marathon with Mick was success however you ended up more focused on making out with Mick than the screen but hey neither of y'all were complaining - The first few days at the park were wonderful - You saw someone get engaged in front of the castle and even took some videos and photos of the couple as soon as you noticed happening in case they didn't have a photographer to capture the moment - You gave them your number and texted the videos and photos. They were so grateful - Mick was so sure in that moment that he was lucky enough to have the sweetest fiancé to be ever - You and Mick were in line for the Frozen ride when a fan recognized him. You guys ended riding together in the same row and you and Mick both knew that it made that fan's day - When you walked into breakfast at O'hana's and saw y'alls families your heart melted! You turned around and hugged Mick so tight! - He probably consumed about five Mickey waffles before y'all left breakfast - His mom and your mom loved your earrings that Mick had given you as a birthday present (little did you know they matched your engagement ring) - When he proposed later that night you could hear y'alls families cheering from their seats on the other cars of the Peoplemover
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, yourmom, and 520 others
yourinstagram best surprise EVER
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landonorris Congrats! Also WTH is with Mick's face?
yourinstagram That's Mick on Dole whips, he has a problem
yourinstagram I think Gina is still cheering too 😂 ginaschumacher YEPPPPPPPPPPP
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gale-gentlepenguin · 6 months
I had a dream last night that Tears of the kingdom had a Twitter takeover.
It involved, Link, Zelda, Sidon, Riju, Tulin, Yunobo, and Mineru.
And they were explaining how Zelda’s powers activated allowing them to be outside their time (or something) and until they could figure away out, they were answering questions.
(Link wrote down his answers and Zelda read them, with him grunting for approval)
(Here’s what I remember from my dream)
-Yunobo’s favorite food is Curry Rock roast (basically a rock roast with Goron spice and rice) Link thinks the dish is good. Much to Zelda’s dismay.
-Tulin’s best shot was 1000 meters away bullseye while flying.
-Riju wants to try Noble pursuit. (Which according to Link has a heavy hydro melon taste)
-Zelda and Link Do live together, link offered while the castle was being renovated. Eventually the people started Calling it Zelda’s house as Link would often go out exploring and Zelda was at the house more often. All of the sages have visited the place, Tulin asked if they both live there, why is there only one bed. (It was quickly shifted to the next question.)
-Link’s favorite veggie is pumpkin, and likes all foods that use pumpkin.
-Sidon still thinks about his Sister, and wished she could have been there for his coronation.
-Sidon’s favorite activity to do is waterfall surfing.
-Yunobo is apparently very popular among Gerudo.
-Tulin has a crush on someone in his village but denies it.
-According to Link and Zelda, Riju is a lot like Urbosa, and is most like the champion they are inspired by.
-mineru can actually see, hear and feel when possessing her robot suit, she wanted to add smell but she could never figure it out.
-Mineru said her favorite sage was Zelda, as she felt she was the most friendly with. Her least favorite was the Sage of water. (Something about the sage having some beef)
-Mineru says that Link is a lot like Rauru, willing to risk everything to protect what he loves. (Zelda is apparently very flustered by this comment.
-Link confirms he does remember everything from the past. After beating Calamity Ganon and spending time with Zelda, the other parts of his memory returned. Though he doesn’t dwell on them much.
-Link says his favorite ability with Rauru’s arm is Ultrahand. He likes building.
-Zelda explains how the ancient sheikah tech fell apart after calamity ganon’s defeat. Purah managed to salvage it to make the towers and create the Purah pad, but Link lost the ability to use the runes as the Sheikah slate stopped working.
-Zelda comments that Link has the weirdest sleep schedule. Often going days without sleep if busy, but the moment he isn’t. He can sleep for days in a row, only waking up to eat.
-Each Sage’s favorite monster:
Sidon prefers Moblins, as they are a fair challenge but not smart.
Tulin likes chuchu’s as one shot they burst like a balloon
Riju prefers Lizolfos, they are quick fighters and help keep reflexes sharp.
Yunobo prefers Octoroks, as they fire a snack at you
Mineru prefers Taluses, as they often have ore which can be harvested,
Zelda prefers Bokoblins, as they are easy to deal with and fun to trick.
Link surprises everyone by saying Lynels. Link says they drop the best weapons. And Link wants to train one to be an ally.
-according to Mineru, Ganondorf, before he became the demon king was very beloved by his people. And many considered him attractive. Mineru did not think he was attractive but it may have been because she saw his nastier side.
-According to Mineru, Zelda often talked to Rauru about Link.
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
Could you do a sunglasses ranking please?🙏
YES. okay. so this is considering all of the pairs of sunglasses he wears that i am aware of... if there's more. well. i probably just thought they were one of these (or i forgot about them) but logan is a big sunglasses guy (self-proclaimed) like i don't think there is or ever will be a race where he doesn't wear sunglasses at some point. so ofc i have opinions about all of them
i'll put it under. a read more bc this post is excessive. open for logan sunglasses + thoughts
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these are p1. i think i have mentioned that these sunglasses specifially are my favorite of is... i don't really know why but they're my personal favorite. and he wears them a pretty decent amount so i see this as a win (also that picture of him in monaco in the polo shirt makes me so stupid thought you should know)
i think i like the. idk what the word is. the little strip above his nose. idk. i don't wear sunglasses man i just have a lot of opinions about them
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second place... These. just based on what i've seen i feel like he wears these ones the most. they're the origin of my "i love a man in big ugly sunglasses" bc they are kind of. Large. and for what it's worth i know these are the sunglasses he has in his GQ video where he says he can't live without sunglasses. maybe they are his favorite. who knows
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final step of the podium. whatever the fuck these are. i don't think he ever wore them outside of this specific merch shoot? but i like them. maybe i'm just blinded by the fact that i like this merch shoot... that first pic is in like. every single post i've done where someone asks for my favorite logan pics. good one man. FOR REASONS...
this post is about SUNGLASSES sorry. i like these sunglasses. but i'm not entirely convinced they're real
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fourth is these! if i have ever referred to these as my least favorite i mean they're my least favorite out of the three pairs of sunglasses i feel like he wears the most. (which is my first and second place + these) but i don't think he's worn these ones in a bit? like both of these photos are from F2. i know he wore them in jeddah two years in a row bc i had a whole thing about them
so not the point. even if he hasn't worn them in a while. not my favs. it's still logan so i will still eat it up but. i prefer the other ones
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fifth? fish. i like these pictures. the are definitely a function over fashion thing for once (he has said he like sunglasses bc they're a good fashion statement... like okay... guy who wears the same quarter-zip every race week...) i have only ever seen him wear them when he's on a boat. i doubt he would ever wear these to a race see prior mention of fashion and all his other sunglasses i think are like. expensive. remember when i said i don't wear sunglasses yeah idk
i like the fisherboy in him. happy summer break logan put these sunglasses back on and go fishing thanks
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and last i have. whatever these are. mostly at the bottom bc i don't think he's worn them since prema? but also they're kind of a lot. maybe i'm just crazy but i think he looks better in the darker sunglasses than he does these ones... anyways. i think these ones have been retired since f3. replaced. but they're included on this list bc i found this picture in my camera roll
since i did throw this one on the end. i am SURE... there are older pairs of sunglasses he doesn't wear anymore that i missed. my ranking is mostly of those three (which i put 1-2-4) but even above that mostly the top two. i feel like he alternates between those two. but i get irrationally happy when he wears my favorite ones because. Well. they're my favorite...
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amyyscorner · 11 months
Random facts about me
I clap when I laugh out of pure happiness. Always have.
I never respond to my most favorite asks. I keep them in my inbox to look at again when I need the positivity.
I am an extrovert. But the world made me believe I was introverted for years.
Sometimes I do a little dance when I eat food I really love.
I crush fast, but I've never been in love.
My best kiss started with them saying "I'd really like to kiss you right now."
I can't help but tear up when I see someone cry. Especially if it's someone I care about.
I will always try to pet any cat I see. And I will absolutely meow back at them.
I am incapable of fully believing it when a friend says they will not leave me, unless they have proven it to me somehow, no matter how much I want to.
The only reason I got into kpop was Bang Chan's abs. You will get no explaination.
I saw Stray Kids and Mamamoo live.
I am horrible at taking my meds on time, or remembering to take them at all.
I never take off my rings when I wash my hands. I feel almost naked without them.
I send voice memos to people I love.
My favourite pair of pants is from the men's section.
I snore a little bit when I sleep.
I always hug a pillow when I sit at my desk at home or when I sleep.
I have a teddy dog that I cut off of a dolls hand when I was a kid, because I was jealous and wanted it.
I spray my Han Quokka's with perfume so they smell good.
I prefer using perfume branded for men.
I can't bite straight into apples because it hurts my gum.
When I sneeze, I do so 5 or more times in a row.
I get the hiccups at least once a week.
I almost exclusively wear silver or Black jewelry.
My best friend knit socks for me. I wear them often.
I don't like coffee of any kind. Instead I drink a lot of tea.
I personally believe I have a good sense of style.
I enjoy doing makeup on myself and others. I'd say I'm fairy good at it.
I cry when I think about how little hugs I get.
I treasure physical touch. It shows me love.
I have a hoodie I stole from my dad. It's ugly but comfy.
If I could turn back time, I don't think I would.
I have a really loud laugh.
I get cute little wrinkles in the corners of my eyes when I smile.
My hair is getting thinner.
Sometimes I listen to breathing/light snoring asmr because it helps me feel less alone when I struggle falling asleep.
I love flirting.
Sometimes I think I look pretty while I'm crying.
I really struggle to hide my smile when something is endearing.
I'm an excellent liar if I want to be.
I think going to concerts or amusement parks is worth every bit of money.
The sound of a clock ticking drives me insane.
I built my own gaming computer.
I collect mugs.
I like to sing, even if I do it without warming up and end up staining my voice.
Kissing makes me tired.
I always got told I have a face for hats and glasses. I agree.
I never leave my home without doing my eyebrows.
I have some really cute moles in my facial areas.
Sometimes when I lay on my side and look at a screen, one of my eyes starts tearing up.
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hexpea · 11 months
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Ch. 4 - A New World
You followed Suguru out of the faculty room door and out into the world. You continued following him through the school grounds until you reached the edge of Tengen's barrier.
"You may want to at least pretend to walk," Suguru advised. "We're heading out into a world where most people don't believe in curses...or ghosts for that matter."
"Right," you agreed and steadied yourself on the ground. You weren't exactly touching it, but it was enough to mimic your standing. "There's not much I can do about the translucency, though."
"We'll hope for the best there," Suguru gave a flat-lipped smile of encouragement.
As the two of you continued toward the city, you moved your legs as if you were walking. So far it was working. No eyes met with yours and it seemed as though you were able to blend right in with the people walking on the street.
"This place is nothing like how I left it!" You exclaimed, looking up at the tall skyscrapers as the two of you headed toward a train station. "Everything is so big and colorful!"
Suguru looked up and around to see what you were looking at. He was so used to his surroundings that he didn't think anything of it. "Right, I guess we didn't exactly have these kind of big buildings 80 years ago. There's going to be a lot of surprises for you today," Suguru chuckled. It was almost exciting for him, helping you experience these new things.
"I'm so excited!" You cheered, wrapping your arms around Suguru's neck - though, of course, you couldn't directly touch. A few goosebumps rose on his skin where your presence landed. Your body floated above the ground as the two of you continued on, your hands still around his neck.
"Walking," Suguru whispered in a sing-song voice as a reminder.
"Oops," you smiled and returned to your fake walking. 
The two of you walked in silence for a few moments. "Hey," Suguru suddenly spoke, "how about we get some dinner?"
"I can't eat," you reminded him.
"Right," Suguru sighed. He was just excited to show you your first 'thing' outside of that moldy bathroom. "How about an arcade first? I can play the games, you can cheer me on or something?"
"Arcade?" You thought about it for a moment. 
"Just a place with games and you can win prizes with some," Suguru shrugged. "I figured it would be something before we head back to my apartment."
"Yes, I'd love that!" You happily agreed. 
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The two of you continued downtown until you reached a small arcade. Your eyes lit up with wonder as you entered the building with all of its neon lights. Big sights and sounds exploded your senses as you entered. You followed Suguru directly to one of the machines. Little pixel images played on the screen in front of him while you stood behind, watching as the images danced back and forth. You looked up at the top of the machine where the words 'Space Invaders' was written.
"This one is one of my favorites," Suguru noted with a smile, sliding in a coin causing the game to boot up. "We have to do our best to stop aliens from invading Earth by shooting them down." He began to play, hitting a button and moving a joystick to control a small, pixel character at the bottom of the screen. At the same time, rows of other pixel characters began coming down on Suguru's character. "Eventually, it becomes too difficult to get them all and you lose, but you can always try beating your high-score."
"Whoa!!!" You exclaimed, eyes widening even further. You leaned forward and placed your hands on his shoulders as he played. He shivered from the cold but continued on shooting at the little images on the screen. 
You rooted him on until he could go no further. The strange sounds emitting from the machine seemed malevolent but still entertaining. It made an even funnier sound when Suguru's character finally bit the dust. 
"Oh no! Earth!" You frowned playfully and stared at Suguru as he turned around. 
"Oh well," he chuckled and looked down to avoid your endearing gaze, "we'll try again sometime."
The two of you moved on to a few other machines. You found Suguru to be pretty good at the games, amazing even, but he denied it each time you brought it up. 
"What about these ones?" You asked, pointing to a claw machine filled with stuffed animals. "What do they do?"
"Oh, those are scams," Suguru laughed. You blinked at him, waiting for him to explain. "Here, let's try it out." He meandered over and put in a coin.
Music suddenly started playing from the machine. You watched closely as Suguru used a joystick to move the crane inside of the machine. He directed it over one of the stuffed animals and then pressed a single button. The crane slowly descended and closed against the stuffed animal, unfortunately not picking it up but instead dropping it mid-air.
"Awe," you mumbled, sad to see the animal fall back into the pile. "You had it, though?"
"Exactly," Suguru chuckled, "it eats your money. Sometimes you get lucky, but these things are basically programmed to fail over and over again."
"That's not fair," you grumbled, leaning forward and sticking your hand into the machine. 
You picked up the stuffed animal that Suguru had grabbed with the crane and held it over the hole it was supposed to fall through, dropping it.
"Hey!" He laughed happily, a bit of pink coming to his cheeks. "That's cheating!" He leaned down and grabbed the stuffed animal.
"W-wait a minute!" You exclaimed. "I did it!" 
"Y-you did it!" Suguru confirmed, looking at the stuffed animal and shaking it out of excitement. 
The two of you went in for an excited hug, but completely failed. Suguru's arms swung out in front of him and he nearly fell forward before catching himself.
"Not there yet," you giggled, "sorry."
"No, no," Suguru rubbed the back of his head out of embarrassment. "This is good news, it's a step in the right direction. Let's head back." You nodded in agreement.
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The two of you rode a train back to Suguru's apartment. You excitedly looked out the window as the train sped along the tracks. They were much faster than the trams you were used to in the '30s. The lights that began to come on with the sunset were amazing to see. Each skyscraper looked like a work of art as night crept onto the horizon. 
You followed Suguru back to a small building, climbing the steps until you reached a door with a 'Geto' name tag. He unlocked the door and opened it, the room completely dark. 
"It's humble, but it's mine," he stated happily, "welcome home."
You floated in, allowing your feet off the ground as you entered. Suguru took a minute to walk in and turn on a nearby lamp, revealing the open concept living area.  It was quaint with a sofa, coffee table, and what looked to be a big rectangle hanging on the wall. There were a few paintings and a patterned rug under the coffee table. There was also a modern kitchen with an island counter where two bar stools sat. It was quite warm and inviting though small.
"What's this thing?" You inspected the black, shiny rectangle, bringing your fingers close to the machine. 
It suddenly came alive with your touch, static filling the screen in what looked like a bunch of black and white snowflakes.
"Sorry!" You exclaimed suddenly and backed away. The screen went black again as soon as you backed away.
"Don't worry about it," Suguru reassured you. "It's probably something to do with your state. Ghosts usually mess with electronics, or at least in the movies they do. Sometimes curses do, too." He grabbed an even smaller rectangle from the coffee table. This one had a bunch of rubber with markings on it. "This is a TV by the way. Er...television."
"Oh yeah...I've heard of those," you pondered the screen for a moment as Suguru turned on the news. An anchor was reading the daily headlines at a desk while images were shown next to them. "We weren't rich enough to afford one and they didn't look like this, but this is amazing! The picture is so clear, it looks like they're here in the room with us!" Suguru laughed at your wonder. 
"These are basically in every household these days," he explained with a smile on his face, "the technology is easy now."
"That's amazing," you continued to stare in wonder as the news played.
Suguru continued relaxing into his home, tossing his cross-body bag on the dining table that sat behind the sofa. When you realized he was no longer in the room with you, you went on the hunt.  You floated about and found a bedroom, but he wasn't there either. Instead, you heard water coming from a nearby, closed-off room. Having been stuck in a bathroom 80 years, you figured that's what that room was. But without thinking any further about it, you floated in nonchalantly.
Suguru immediately screamed, nearly bloody murder, upon opening his eyes from the shower. He had just finished rinsing soap out of his hair when you popped in, the long, wet strands long enough to drape down his mid-back. In the moment he saw you, he quickly used his hands to hold himself. He quickly turned around to face the tiled wall.
"What are you doing?!" He shouted, turning his head toward you but refusing eye contact.
"Whoa! So sorry!" You cried out and slapped your hands over your closed eyes. "I didn't see anything!" 
You quickly backed out and floated back toward the television, you 'sat' on the couch and patiently waited for him to finish. You felt so embarrassed having walked in on him like that. You weren't thinking at all. But you had to admit...he was kinda hot...
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"I mean, I get the arcade, but I'm pretty sure they had showers back in your day. You were stuck in a bathroom for crying out loud," Suguru gave a light chuckle as he came out of the shower. He had a towel around his waist and was using a second to scrub dry his hair. 
"Sorry," you repeated, "I've been so out of it since escaping that place. I was just looking for you and didn't think anything of it."
"It's okay," he smiled sweetly and joined you on the sofa, letting his wet hair drape over the back of it. "If you needed something it's not like you could knock or anything yet. Speaking of which, how are the hands?"
You leaned forward to grab the rectangle with buttons from the coffee table. No success, it went right through your fingers but was disturbed enough to be picked up briefly only to fall back down.
"We'll get there," Suguru sighed. "I'm guessing you don't need sleep," he changed topic. You nodded. "I'll leave the television on for something to do," he suddenly stood up. "I'm going to head off to bed. If you need anything, you know where to find me."
"Right," you nodded sadly. The idea of being left along frightened you, but you needed to get over it and you had the best person to figure it out with.
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Spooky Species I: Vampire Bats
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(first row: Common vampire bat, hairy-legged vampire bat, white-winged vampire bat; second row: Desmodus draculae in a ground sloth-cave (art by Daniel Boh), Desmodus stocki feeding on pygmy mammoths (art by Hondari Nundu); third row: vampire bat feeding, skull of a common vampire bat)
It‘s Halloween season, my favorite time of the year! What better way to celebrate than with spooky animals, and few are spookier than the vampire bats.
Since they are creatures of the night, bats have been associated with vampires and other monsters of myth and folklore for about as long as those legends have existed. However, it was Dracula, the most famous of all vampires, and his transformation into a giant bat, that really popularized the connection. When real blood-drinking bats were discovered in America in the early 19th century and their blood-based diet became known to the Europeans, this of course only solidified the association between the animal and the monster and inspired new myths surrounding them (Dodd, 2019).
The real vampire bats might not be as frightening as the fictional ones (although they can carry rabies, so argueably they are even more frightening), but they are still some of the weirdest and most specialized animals out there. First of all, they are amazing in the same way that all bats amazing: Bats are the second-most diverse group of mammals with more than 1,400 species, only surpassed by rodents. They are the only mammals that have evolved powered flight. They echolocate. For their small size they have ridiculous long life spans (up to 30 years and more). What is not to love?
The thing that separates the three species of vampire bats from all other bats (and other mammals), is obviously their blood-feeding. Unlike their fictional counterparts, they don‘t actually suck blood. Instead they create a small wound with their horrifyingly shaped incisors and then lick up the blood. While they do that, a substance in their saliva keeps the blood of their victims running and the wound open. Once the bats start feeding, their kidneys have to work overtime to quickly extract as much water from the food as possible. Otherwise they would get to heavy to fly away.
Other adaptions for their lifestyle include heat sensors on their nose, that basically give the bats infrared vision and help them find the best spots to drink from on their victims, and the fact that vampire bats, especially when compared to other bats, are very agile on the ground. On a little side note: They are also known to share blood with each other: If one bat had an unsuccessful hunt, another bat in the roost might help them out by regurgitating some blood and letting them feed on it - which somehow is both adorable and absolutely disgusting at the same time.
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(Common vampire bat walking, running and jumping)
As a paleontology obsessed person, my question now is of course: How the fuck did this happen? What lead to vampire bats having such a specialized lifestyle? This is not an easy questions to answer, mostly because we don‘t have a very good fossil record of bat evolution.
There are many hypothesis that could explain the transition to blood-feeding: They could have fed on insects (or other parasites), that were attracted to the wounds of bigger animals (or caused them), so the bats eventually started feeding on the bigger animal. They could have evolved from already vertebrate-hunting ancestors. They could have started out as nectar-feeders that switched to another liquid. They could have evolved from fruit-eating bats that already had weird teeth for opening fruits (Riskin, 2023).
It does not help that the family vampire bats belong to, the New World Leaf-nosed Bats, are among the most diverse among all mammals, at least in terms of feeding strategies: There are carnivores, omnivores, frugivores (fruit), nectivores (nectar), insectivores (insects), and of course sangivores, the blood-eating vampire bats. In the diagram below you can see how diverse they as a group really are (even just their skulls differ so much from each other), as well as what each bat feeds on.
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(family tree of the New World leaf-nosed bats. It is believed that the first 8 branches (Macrotus-Trinycteris) had a common ancestor that look similar to Macrotus/Micronycteris and primarily ate insects and some plant material. The symbols show the main food source for the group (moth = insects; droplet = blood; opossum = vertebrates; flower = nectar; cherry = fruit). (Baker et al, 2012))
Since fossils are rare, scientists look at the species still alive today and compare their DNA with each other. By doing this they can estimate how much time would be needed for all the changes between species to occur. Basically they can look at a family tree like the one above and for each of the branches they can give you a more or less accurate time for when the split happened.
The position of vampire bats in these family trees suggests, that they most likely evolved from an insect-eating ancestor, and all the other feeding strategies evolved after they split from the rest of the group about 26 million years ago. So right now the most likely hypothesis for how blood-feeding evolved is the idea of the bats originally feeding on parasite/insects attracted to the wounds of bigger animals, then deciding to cut out the middleman and go for the bigger animal directly (Raskin 2023, Baker 2012).
Lastely, even though I didn‘t talk about fossils too much, there are some fossil vampire bats that we know of. Most famous is probably Desmodus draculae from the Pleistocene, the biggest known vampire bat ever with a wingspan of about 50 cm - named after the most famous vampire of all time.
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mrs-dr-reid · 2 years
My Personal Steve Rogers Headcanons
Part 1/?
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The first time he went to a grocery store post-Capsicle, he very nearly had a public meltdown when he saw what 70 years of inflation did to the prices
He always makes “Back in my day…” statements unironically mainly to annoy Tony, and once Bucky comes back he joins in and Tony very nearly has an aneurysm because “Oh dear god, there’s two of them”
He loves taking you on walks in Brooklyn and showing you all the places he frequented growing up, and is sometimes pleasantly surprised when a place from his childhood barely changed at all since the 40s
He volunteers at the VA as an art therapy instructor when he has spare time, because he found that drawing and painting really helped him relax when his PTSD decided to aggressively announce its presence
He is very happy when record players and vinyls start coming back into fashion, and he’s especially happy because Bucky’s sister Rebecca put all of their stuff in a storage unit when they went MIA, and among their old stuff was his 1940s record player and the milk carton he kept all of his records in, which meant he didn’t have to go out and rebuy his entire collection
He loves going to Central Park in the fall and looking at all the leaves change color, and you even buy him a Polaroid camera so he can take pictures
To help him get caught up on modern pop culture, you pick a new show or movie to watch with him every couple of weeks, and most of them are early 2000s comedy-dramas and chick flicks (he liked Mean Girls a lot more than you thought he would, and now he unironically yells “SHE DOESN’T EVEN GO HERE” whenever there's an alien invasion)
He’s obsessed with Broadway. Back in the 40s, he only really knew about “Anything Goes”, “Oklahoma!”, and “Kiss Me, Kate”, but now that he’s in the present, he makes it his goal to see at least one new musical every couple of months, either on stage if it can be afforded, or the pro-shot or movie adaptation. His newly-discovered favorites are Newsies and Hamilton, but he is also a big fan of Wicked
He likes learning about potentially useless information that he doesn’t really need to know for the hell of it. No, he doesn’t need to know who invented aerosol cans, but he wants to, and who’s gonna stop him from learning about it?
He was genuinely befuddled the first time he rode in a modern car, and not even a fancy one like Tony's Audi R8 Spyder. Nat took him for a drive in a 2009 Nissan Altima once and he spent the first ten minutes messing with the seat mover buttons
A gentleman above all else. He opens doors for you, pulls out your chair when you go out to eat, gives you his hand to help you out of cars or down stairs, and will give you his arm whenever you're walking anywhere together, because Sarah raised him right, aiight?
When he learned about Dapper Day at Disneyland, he immediately dropped everything and borderline extorted Tony into arranging a trip to California for the team so they could go. You two go as Duchess and O'Malley from The Aristocats, and you almost die because of how good he looks in his outfit
For a while he thinks voice-to-text and voice notes work like telegrams did, so for a while you receive voice notes of him yelling "HI Y/N STOP ARE WE STILL ON FOR DINNER TONIGHT STOP I LOVE YOU STOP" until Tony finally sits him down and explains how it works, so then you start receiving normal texts and voice notes
He loves stargazing, but since he lives in modern New York he barely gets to see the stars anymore because of all the light pollution, so a few times a month you drive him a couple hours away from the city, and you just lay down in the grass somewhere and watch the stars together
He is very fond of board games. So much so that he insists on a weekly Board Game Night with the team. Monopoly was kicked out of the rotation because of a Code Green after Bruce caught Tony trying to steal money from the bank eight times in a row, and then he still won, but the most popular games are Clue and Sorry
He doesn't understand the obsession with true crime. He does however very much enjoy procedural dramas like Grey's Anatomy, 9-1-1, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Criminal Minds. He thinks they're interesting
He absolutely hates being cold. One time the heat went out in your apartment, and you came home to find him on your couch wrapped up in every single blanket you owned while grumpily watching Legally Blonde
He’s borderline addicted to flannels and Henley shirts. Like, you open his closet and he has one in every color of the rainbow. I mean, the man looks good in a flannel or a Henley so you’re not mad about it, but it’s becoming a teeny bit excessive
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Triple Threat (Part 2)
if you haven’t read the first part go read it first here
(mostly fluff☁️☁️)
The next morning, none of the boys felt much better. They had all forgotten that it was Han’s birthday and Felix’s the next day, due to all the chaos of the night prior.  But the rest of the group was determined to make it special, even if both birthday boys were under the weather. A cake was out of the picture, seeing as it would definitely not be good for the boys to eat right now, especially Han. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t celebrate. They thought it would be best to do a joint party for both Han and Felix, so they didn’t have to disrupt their rest two days in a row. So, Changbin and Hyunjin went to buy some simple decorations (and some more medicine since they were low), and while the sick boys were all sleeping they hang them up. Nothing too extravagant, but there were some streamers and a couple balloons. When they were just about done, Jisung woke up to urgently bend over his bucket, but only dry heaving without bringing anything up. When he finished, he was about to go right back to sleep, but then he looked around to see that the living room was decorated, and remembered that it was his birthday.
“Drink some water Ji. You need to stay hydrated.” Chan said, holding a bottle of water out to his dongsaeng.
“When did you do all this?” Han said, ignoring Chan.
“Earlier when you guys were sleeping. it’s already 1:00 pm. Now drink your water. I’m not kidding around with dehydration.Happy Birthday.”
The birthday boy took the bottle from his hyung and took a few careful sips before returning it to the older, before it dawned on him that it was 1:00.
“Oh shit. I was supposed to do my birthday live at noon. I should get on for a little, I don’t want to disappoint Stay.”
“Hang on there Hannie. We called the managers already, and they put out a statement about the 3 of you guy’s health. Stay isn’t disappointed they just want you to get better. You can go on bubble and say something if you’re feeling up to it.”
Han reluctantly agreed and settled back down into his place on the couch. He went to bubble and apologized to Stay for missing the stream, but was bombarded with replies from Stay telling him not to be sorry, and that his health was more important. That truly warmed his heart, he even felt a bit better because of it
Gradually, the rest of the September line woke up, and saw the decorations. All of their fevers had gone down at least a bit which was good. Han and Seungmin barely had fevers at all at that point. Felix however, still had a fever of 38.8. When he saw the decorations, he was honestly confused, having forgotten about both his and Han’s birthday entirely. When they told him they were for him (and Han of course) he was legitimately shocked. 
They decided that it was a good time to open presents since everyone was awake. Jisung was most happy to get a brand new pair of headphones since his current ones weren’t in the best condition. Felix decided his favorite gift was not one from his members, but instead the plushie his little sister Olivia had sent him from Australia. He immediately cuddled up with the animal. His sister’s timing could not have been any better, he really had needed something like that when he felt so bleh.
Lee Know made them some chicken noodle soup that was delicious, even if you weren’t sick. Seungmin took a bite of the soup, but then felt the urge to sneeze. He tried to hold it back, but he ended up spraying the small bite of soup into his elbow. Luckily, everyone had recovered enough that they could just laugh about it and wipe it up, if that had happened yesterday, that would have been a different story. 
As mentioned earlier, cake was a no go for the night. So instead, when they sang happy birthday, (as non-obnoxious as they could, seeing that Felix still had a headache, which is harder than it seems- especially since most of the time when singing happy birthday your as obnoxious as possible) they brought out some popsicles, the best sweet treat for when you’re sick. Seungmin was especially grateful as it soothed the ache in his throat at least a bit. 
They all had a fun night. Even if 3 out of the 8 of them were sick, they still managed to make the most of it.
Of course, they were still sick. Han didn’t keep down a single thing he ate that night, Felix’s fever somehow spiked, and Seungmin was so congested he could only breathe through his mouth, but they were taken care of by their best friends, and after a couple more days of puking, coughing, and headaches, they were almost entirely recovered and ready to go back to their normal routine. They eventually ended up having a combined birthday live between the three of them and had a lot of fun together. They were glad to have a community like stay, who care so much for their health and well being.
Hope you enjoyed part 2! It was on the shorter side because it’s a part two but i liked it. The part with the gift from Felix’s sister was my favorite, it was so heartwarming and fluffy 🥹 requests are open!!
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Herro! It I, SleepyAnon :DDD
It is past 5am and I am really sleepy—
BUT! What if hero/villain really likes to cook and bake as a way to relax and have a lot of leftovers, so they give some to their neighbors. The neighbors being villains/heros and vigilantes and everyone doesn’t know their alter ego— (think it’ll be cute if most of them really like hero/villain and have an unspoken agreement to not mess with the block they live in)
((And idea of how they can find out is by smell or little smears of ingredients, along with behavior—))
A/N: SLEEPYANON THIS MIGHT BE MY FAVORITE PROMPT EVER (which you’ve granted me a lot of amazing prompts and I happen to follow a lot of awesome prompt blogs but this one is such a MOOD for me) <3 In other news, I really should be baking pie but here I am, writing instead 😜
Warnings: some violence, reference to fainting (no actual fainting occurs in this fic😊), me avoiding my responsibilities, unedited
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Hero tapped their fingers patiently against their knees, leaning over themselves as they sat staring into the oven and watching their perfect pie bake. It didn’t matter that there was flour streaked in their hair or crusty pie dough caked underneath their fingers, all that mattered was the apple crumb pie baking in the oven and filling their home with a warm buttery and cinnamon scent.
Inhaling deeply, Hero sighed. They sagged against the back of the kitchen chair they sat in and leaned their head against the back of the chair.
All was quiet and still after an afternoon full of washing apples, whipping up pie dough and rolling it out, then peeling and slicing the apples, and finally putting together the pie filling. They weren’t entirely convinced there wasn’t pie dough in their hair too or spiced apple juice dried into their hair either, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
This was heaven.
Sure, they were sore from being on their feet all day and from struggling to roll out the pie dough and getting it sit just right on their pie plate and delicately crimping the edges, but it was worth it.
And it would be all the more worth their while when it was done and cooled enough to bring to their new neighbor to say “welcome to your new home!”
After all, Hero knew just how awful the city could be and how quickly a good day could turn rotten. That, and moving was such a headache. Hero certainly wouldn’t have minded if someone had brought them a pie when they’d moved into the row of brick townhomes.
As it was, the few times their neighbors had tried to reciprocate the small acts of kindness from Hero’s baking habit, hadn’t exactly gone over well. If Hero had learned anything about their neighbors, it was that none of them could bake. Some of them could cook—which was a lovely surprise when a full meal had shown up on their doorstep moments after they’d gotten home from their shift—but it seemed like they were then only one on the block capable of baking anything.
It was the thought that counted though. They’d happily accept another tray of over baked cookies (not burnt, Hero would never say that unless the whole cookie was as hard as a hockey puck) if it meant knowing that someone had thought of them just as they’d often thought of their neighbors…
Hero laughed to themselves.
So maybe their baking wasn’t that righteous. In truth, all they cared about baking and getting their mind off of their work and whatever troubles had crossed their mind thanks to the meddlesome actions of whatever villain they’d fought. Too often, Hero would bake a whole batch of cookies or cupcakes and realize they couldn’t possibly eat them all by themselves. They couldn’t even save everything in the freezer (they really should try to work on their stash of previously baked goods to make room for new desserts or at least some ice cream but they often couldn’t wait for their pick-me-up treat to defrost).
But today, they were truly baking from the kindness of their heart and not their stress or frustrations about being one of the city’s shining saviors.
They bit their lip.
Hopefully their new neighbor liked pie.
Villain grabbed their mask and slipped it on. Even though it’d been a few good minutes since they’d set their fork and plate aside, they could still taste the sweetness of the apple and the warmth of the cinnamon. What they wouldn’t do for another piece, but staying home didn’t pay the bills. They didn’t know what they’d do if they missed this opportunity to rob the City Bank.
For month’s they’d surveyed the bank, its security, the employees and tellers. If they didn’t hit it today, they didn’t know when the next opportunity would come around and they couldn’t wait, not if they wanted to pay off their debt to Supervillain.
As they slipped out of their townhome, Villain wondered what their sweet, precious, innocent neighbor would do if they ever found out just who their new neighbor was.
Chuckling to themselves, Villain imagined they’d faint. They seemed like the sort of too-good-to-be-real person that somehow manifested straight out of a T.V. show or a book. There was no way their neighbor, who they’d learned from a few of the other neighbors who’d stopped by to say hello, had a habit of baking and sharing their treats with the neighborhood would survive the news of living next door to a villain.
Villain’s lips set in a grim line. They’d have to make certain their neighbor never found out, especially if they could bake a pie that delicious and habitually share their homemade baked goods.
Villain huffed, finally pinning their nemesis down on the lobby floor. Leaning closer, they meant to sneer in their face, but something gave them pause. Sweet apples and cinnamon? Villain sniffed again, trying to be discreet as they leaned even closer and squinted down at their nemesis. Something white streaked through their hair, along with something slightly yellow in color.
“Excuse you, creep,” Hero said, squirming and managing to flip them both over so Villain was the one pinned down to the gross bank floor. “But I’d appreciate it if you didn’t sniff me.”
Villain couldn’t even manage a glare, catching another whiff of what could only be apple pie. “Were you baking?”
Hero froze, their grip loosening just the slightest bit.
But it was enough for Villain to shove them away and jump to their feet.
“I-I don’t know what—”
“You’ve got flour in your hair!”
Hero rolled their eyes, crossing their arms. “All right so I was baking! Unless you’re about to go into anaphylactic shock, I don’t see how what I was doing before you decided to ruin my day by robbing a bank matters!”
Villain scoffed. “Yeah like some flour and crusted pie filling is going to do me in.”
Hero’s hand erupted into flame. “I never said what I was baking.”
Villain froze. Cursing silently to themselves, Villain’s eyes darted to the bag full of money they’d collected from the bank drawers and from breaking into the ATM machine they’d dropped when Hero had flung a ball of fire at them earlier to announce their presence.
“Yeah well…it’s apple season?” Villain tried in vain to lie their way out of the bind they’d wrapped themselves in. “Anyway, it’s always nice to not be burned after one of these little—”
Villain flung themselves to the floor, dodging the ball of flame Hero threw their way. Twisting around in time to see the flames die out before the fire caught on anything flammable, Villain was absolutely certain.
Hero was their new neighbor.
“How did you know I was baking pie?” Hero hissed, bouncing a ball of flame in their hand.
“Because…” Villain hesitated, searching their mind for an excuse. They saw Hero raise their arm like they were getting ready to throw that ball of flame. “IMYOURNEWNEIGHBOR!”
Villain braced themselves, shielding their face with their arms.
No heat hissed against their suit. There wasn’t any light flashing behind their closed eyes from flames hurtling toward them.
Villain peeked open an eye and lowered their arms. Hero stood, their body slack and without a single spark of their flames.
Well, they hadn’t fainted.
No, instead Hero was staring at them with a mix of bafflement and slight horror. “You’re what?”
“Yeah, uh, unit 6?” Villain slowly shifted toward the bag of money. “The apple crumb pie?”
“What a waste of a perfectly good pie,” Hero pouted. Sighing heavily, Hero pinned them in place with a harsh glare. “Take the money,” they said, “Pay your debt to Supervillain, and don’t ever tell a soul about any of this.”
“That’s it?” Villain sputtered. “You’re letting me go? With the money?”
“I’m hoping to buy your silence,” they explained, walking away. Embers sparked from their clenched hands. “It’d be a real shame if I had to move because you found out who I am.”
“Well I wouldn’t have,” Villain muttered, “if you’d only taken a shower when you were done baking.”
“I would’ve!” Hero shouted across the lobby, lobbing a cold ball of flame at them that tickled their face. “But someone decided to rob a bank!”
“Well, I’ll be more considerate next time,” Villain smirked, strolling toward the gaping hole in the bank wall that they’d blasted through earlier. “Especially if it means more pie in my future.”
Hero scoffed. Calling after them, Hero’s harsh made Villain chuckle. “As if.”
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