#i can’t afford any of that
vrisik · 1 year
why is testosterone so expensive /:
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misterpseudonym · 2 months
ford devoting his life to bill and then devoting his life to destroying him but still, it’s all bill, the devotion doesn’t go away, he was in his mind and his body and those imprints will stay there like a wine red stain, what else are you meant to do, you thought you were equals, but he was a god and you were a one-man church and your hands are clasped; no longer in prayer but a bitter guarded fortress. there’s metal in your head.
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wirefoxedterrier · 2 months
My biggest frustrations with the anti-vegan posts that garner thousands of notes on this app are they tend to always be points actively discussed in vegan spaces since their creation.
Veganism varies by circles and isn’t a protected word, so is absolutely used by Instagram dieters and misanthropes who have never considered the oppression of humans, but veganism has also has (and has had for decades) active discussion about the requirement to support human and social liberation alongside that of non-human animals. All leftist vegans I know firmly agree that non-human liberation of the environment and other animals is not going to happen and is futile without just as much focus on all the other injustices in a capitalist society. That includes a holistic boycott whenever possible of products and enterprises that harm humans alongside avoiding animal produce .
Of course like, the tumblr users making these posts probably haven’t seen these vegan circles or discussions because they’re not in them, and the health dieters and non-intersectional single issue focused activists are pretty vocal and infuriating, but still. It’s so infuriating to see people bringing these up as a gotcha towards veganism based off things that vegans have greatly in depth discussions, prioritising the voices of those whom are minorities, for so long.
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So anyway you repeatedly say we only feel corn husks and similar inedible parts to cattle but Never add a source to back it up. Having worked on farms I’m afraid for the most part the feeds I’ve seen have been parts entirely edible to humans. And like fuck man 5% of all grown soy is fed to humans or however the stat goes, do you really think the remaining 95% is inedible? really?
Anyway yeah I’m asking for a source here cause I don’t want to add this on to months old post
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Ingredients such as “grain by-products” are referring to the husks, stalks, and other “green” parts of the plant that we humans don’t actually have the digestive capabilities to eat. The breakdown of most livestock feeds looks like the above when you actually take a look at it.
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Different cattle feed, similar ingredients. Still primarily things that, and I have to stress this, you cannot eat. This one is slightly higher in quality and does indeed have actual grain products included. Some of those are edible to humans. Some are not. Generally cattle are fed cattle cubes with supplemental mineral licks and hay. Some also supplement with whole corn, but I can gladly assure you that corn is not in short supply and even if all the corn sold to animal feed was donated to the poor, you can’t actually live off of corn because there’s very little nutrition in it. Hence why in both human and animal food it’s typically seen as a filler ingredient. Keeps the mouth busy with a meal without making your stomach feel full and you end up eating more without feeling satisfied.
Soybeans are really only often used in feed for pigs because they’re a great source of protein for these animals. I would state that soy is also a terrible option to use as an emergency food for humans in need because while, yes, it is indeed a healthy bean, it’s also one of the top eight foods that humans are frequently allergic or intolerant towards. I’d also ask you for whether your 5% of all grown soy statistic is referring to the beans or the entire plant because yeah the beans are the edible part. The rest of the plant isn't especially healthy for humans to eat. I would say the beans are around 5% of a mature soy plant sure.
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gayvampyr · 21 days
every time i look online for interview dress attire on a budget or with limited options without fail i see “dress shoes or loafers ONLY” “wear slacks or a pencil skirt” i have black converse or combat boots and all of my clothes are thrifted. those are the options. which can i wear without my resume getting thrown out
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Know what the crazy thing is? I’d bet money that shows like Ghost Files are hand over fist more expensive to shoot than any of Steven’s food shows. Like Dish Granted was shot in Steven’s KITCHEN? Which is free?
But y’all ain’t ready to admit that because you just want a reason to bully Steven Lim for leading your perfect ghoul boys (grown adult FOUNDERS of the company) astray 🫠
EDIT: Yes the boys DEFINITELY fumbled the announcement fucking HARD but that doesn’t change that y’all are being fucking nasty to real people in ways that have nothing to do with the announcement
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angelmichelangelo · 2 months
didn’t see anyone talk about it here yet but 2012 are getting new figures!!! everybody scream!!
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 9 months
Playing the sims rn and I have wicked whims installed and I got really distracted by my strawberries/pomegranates/apples topped with a hazelnut cocoa spread for like several minutes I was devouring that shit and I looked up and see my sim having kinky lesbian sex with a ghost and you know what good for her she just lost her job she needed this
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tempestmothstorm · 20 days
Ok but why is Natsuki the only character to get one pair of casual clothes. Like her Sayori and Yuri get their weekend outfits but those two also get another outfit in extra artwork (the overalls and the black dress) and while Monika gets nothing in game her twitter gives her both her white dress and sweater outfits. So everyone gets like an indoor and outdoor outfit but Natsuki apparently owns nothing else and just wears a shirt skirt combo forever. She is the universe’s least favourite child just give her something please
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abuzd · 2 months
i know people hate temu and i hate that i use it but i Know how to scam the scammer with these apps and i’ve gotten so much free items and credit and only buy what i Need. i accumulated everything i need (temu said was $420 worth of items but like let’s be real, they’re probably worth $200 all up) and i still only paid $19 for EverYtHing. as someone who usually can barely afford the very basics of living like rent and food, being able to cheat an evil app to get things i normally can’t afford for a price i CAN afford is why i still have it downloaded. i know it’s stupid but for once i feel like my unemployed disabled ass can actually contribute to fun things without giving up paying for something like my fucking meds.
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snowyh2o · 7 months
It’s currently a fan theory as to why Alastor keeps Husk around, the theory being that Alastor simply likes cats, and spared Husk because his demon form was a cat. So to him Husk is essentially a pet, who he likes to have around to look at, not even to like most of the time (like any cat owner), just to be there, is all a cat owner asks of the cat.
Sure, but like. That’s not what Alastor does with Husk? He literally summons him to act as the barkeep/man the front desk of the hotel. Husk’s reaction to Alastor summoning him, and Mimzy’s comment about how Alastor still has him swinging hooch implies that it isn’t something too uncommon for him to do, but also not something he does everytime Alastor needs something to be done. And even then Alastor has to bribe him with alcohol to get Husk to agree with working at the hotel.
Alastor doesn’t treat him like a cat, he treats him like a reluctant employee. Husk even calls Alastor boss. Nothing about Alastor’s actions with Husk implies he thinks about Husk that way aside from that one interaction where Alastor is deliberately trying to get under Husk’s skin.
Personally, I believe Alastor keeps Husk around because 1) he’s useful, 2) Alastor’s said to have a weird moral code, and 3) Husk went to Alastor to make that deal, Alastor didn’t target Husk. And it probably happened sometime after he stopped hunting down overlords. It makes Husk interesting, I don’t think many people (overlords) would be desperate enough (or confident enough) to go to the dude who’s known for torturing and killing overlords and then broadcasting their dying screams to the rest of Hell for so much as disrespecting him, and expect to get a good deal out of him over just being killed.
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zeb-z · 1 year
Cellbit who holds his shit together, pieces together the clues, and solves the issue while walking on a tightrope, where if he cannot correct for the mistakes made, the fallout would be catastrophic. He cannot fail to solve the case, he cannot fail to cure his friends, it isn’t an option in how desperate the situation has gotten.
He’s relied upon by everyone as the leader of the order, shoulders heavy with the burden. He is intense when he needs to be, gentle when a soft touch is required, and keeps his head when the situation is so intense the others are speechless.
He gets through Forevers stubbornness, reassures Pac in his sorrow and indecisiveness. It’s a fucked up scene and he handles it well because he has no other choice.
He doesn’t cry until it��s all over. Just for a second, when the moment is over, and he can take a breath of air. And even then he leads the rest of them through clean up. He makes sure Pac gets home, gets Forever to a proper place to rest, ensures the rest of the group is okay after what they just witnessed.
Then the moment he leaves the others, he finds another critical clue that he can’t just ignore or put to the back burner.
Another mystery, another crisis, another billion clues he’ll have to organize and follow up on and solve, because he’s the investigation guy, the leader of the order, and the island is counting on him. The kids are counting on him. He doesn’t get a chance to truly breathe. To fully sit down and let himself crumble, let someone, anyone, else be the strong foundation, because if he can’t solve this, who will?
Even with his family returning to him, it’s no wonder he feels so alone. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, I guess.
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cheekblush · 3 months
took myself on a little shopping trip yesterday in the city where i used to study in hopes of lifting my spirits but by the end of the day i felt so disheartened. wandering the same streets 10 years later and not much has changed. i’m still the same lonely unlovable girl.
#i just wanted to have a good time and not rot in bed for once on my work free weekend but of course my brain can’t let that happen#it was such a lovely day actually the weather was sunny and windy it wasn’t too hot or cold ideal weather to stroll through the city#i had delicious food and found some comfortable clothes but at the end of the day i just felt so empty and worn out#seeing all these couples and friend groups and families and i’m still all by myself after so many years#tbh i’m even lonelier now than i was 10 years ago back then i at least had a few friends#idk what i’m doing with my life tbh.. i just want to be happy but even when i take myself on a cute little date i end up feeling miserable#bc it just hits me how truly lonely i am#i fear i’m incapable of forming any genuine relationships anymore bc i had so many bad experiences that i just stopped trying to connect..#with anyone.. even though i crave community friendship companionship and love i completely shut myself off from the world#i’m not even sure what i’m trying to say with all this.. i wish i knew how to be a person in this world#i wish i could be happy#tbh ever since i got back from my italy vacation i’ve been feeling depressed bc life could be so beautiful if i didn’t have to sacrifice..#almost all of my time for work#the post vacation depression is too real…#realizing you can only spend a very limited time traveling and enjoying yourself bc you have to work most of the time just to afford living#let me stop.. i keep rambling and my thoughts are falling like a waterfall#idk what’s wrong with me… i should have breakfast and put my phone away#sorry to anyone who actually reads all this word vomit#☁️
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itsalwaysforyou · 1 year
jafar raised jay to be slippery and selfish but jay knew there was strength in numbers and decided to trust and love and hope despite everything else. and he protects these people that he finds, the only things his father can’t take from him, his own treasure he guards like the lion’s head at the cave of wonders.
he’s the last one out, there to watch their backs, as close to them all as their own shadows. he’s their third eye, always hyper-vigilant, always on the look out. he knows when to start a fight, and when it’s best to leave it alone. it’s nearly always best to leave it alone. he wrangles them all back in, keeping them safe so they don’t have to worry about injuries or repercussions or consequences. his job is to keep them safe, and keep them alive.
and yet, in auradon, with no brawls or street fights or leering parents or turf wars or rivals or enemies, what is there to protect them from? passive aggressive comments? pastels? afternoon tea? what is a guard dog with nothing to guard? jay has built his entire life, his entire self, around servitude. if it’s not his father, it’s his gang, always the helping hand and the shoulder to cry on (metaphorically, of course) and the reassuring presence. without any of that, he is nothing.
he is the thief that gives. the boy desperate to hold on to his only sense of purpose. it’s all he knows: give enough away and they might let you stick around. chameleonic, knowing exactly who to be where and when. the charmer, the heartthrob, the villain, the protector, the liar, the snake, the attacker. anything you need. he can be anything at all, as effortless as breathing.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Something that does genuinely concern me is the possibility of the Duffer’s being a major conflict of interest when it comes to supporting the strike out in the open. They’re not just writers but also producers and the show runners. Arguably they have the tightest relationship of any production to Netflix, and so just knowing that they’ve always been very much intertwined, are they going to be willing to voice their support for the strike, beyond just being WGA members who likely voted in support of the strike? Like even the cast, complete silence. I know that it can be hard for a lot of reasons, but the complete silence, besides that one writer who posted about it, has me side eying the situation as it’s unfolding.
For the last few Friday’s, they’ve been active posting about stuff, and so are they going to keep that going by posting today, hopefully something to agknowledge the strike, or are they going to just act like nothing is going on and carry on with Easter egg like content? Or worse, are they not going to post at all and so we won’t even know what to think?
It’s just so weird bc they’ve known about this strike for months now. They’ve known about it when they’ve been stringing fans along with little things over the last month. And now, silence, at a time when silence is not the best choice, especially when they are the hugest show in television rn. The duffers coming out and saying something about putting pressure on Netflix would actually have the capacity to get something to happen, and yet they don’t… and it makes me think they’re a conflict of interest bc unlike their writers, they get paid A LOT!
And when it comes to filming starting, I’m concerned that just because they have the first few scripts written and finalized, the Duffers are just gonna say fuck the strike go through with it and start the production for those earlier episodes, either without any writers present bc they’re on strike and so no rewrites, meaning we’re risking the quality not being as good as it would be with them. Or worse, the Duffers are gonna go cross picket lines and scab, and rewrite the scenes themselves essentially going against the strike and their own writers to side with the studios that want it done…
Like I want Stranger Things filmed as soon as possible, I really do. But I also am a little bit unsettled by s5 being soured just knowing they chose a route that sided with corporations and not the writers getting paid mf crap while they are in Netflix’s pockets.
Even though I’m skeptical, I’m still hopeful that they’ll say something, maybe the st writers Twitter will make a statement for all the writers, including the duffers to show their support. But just considering how quiet it’s been, I do wonder how they view the situation.
Do they think it will be over at any moment, without their interference and so they’re just waiting for that? Are they genuinely being advised to say nothing, including the cast and so that’s going to be the case until this is over (if it’s even over any time soon).
Like wtfff is going on in their brains I need to know what they’re thinking about all of this.
Bc them being silent all throughout or even worse doing the exact opposite of supporting the strike by literally starting filming anyways against all of their writers best interests, would be the worst possible course of action. The final season won’t be remembered for all the love and dedication put into it, it’ll be remembered for the greed. And that pisses me off bc the writers don’t deserve that! This is their baby and they’re literally out here risking it all to have a live-able wage, only to be undermined at the risk of everything. It fucking sucks.
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