#i bet edwin does too
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majorlb · 2 months ago
You know how sometimes Charles grabs Edwin and throws him away from danger? How easily he lays his hands on any part of him he can reach and moves him to where he wants him?
How many times do you think he's grabbed him by the hips and lifted him away from a potential threat? How badly do you think Edwins brain get scrambled every time he does?
How much does Edwin think about Charles hands on him like that? How much do you think Charles thinks about it now that he knows Edwin likes it ?
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edwinisms · 7 months ago
see I can’t accept charles’ comic background and socioeconomic status as canon for the show because if I did that would mean the whole group would be a bunch of rich kids and that’s a horrifying concept
#ranging from vaguely upper class (niko and charles via comic logic) to presumably quite wealthy (edwin) to straight up ultrarich (crystal)#well off but doesn’t own a mansion -> owns a mansion -> owns several mansions in several countries#but yeah that aside. I don’t like the idea of him being raised upper class or even upper middle and yes I know he went to a private catholic#school that presumably costs a decent amount of money but for one we don’t Know how much exactly by that point in time (I’m assuming it was#more prestigious and expensive back in edwin’s day) and it’s not like middle class or even working class people can never afford#to send their one (1) kid to catholic school. like that’s really not too unusual. I know this is an american example but im thinking about#lady bird and her catholic school situation- her family was financially unstable and still paid for Catholic school because it was (in their#opinion) the best offering for an education in the neighborhood (and as someone who lives in the same city in the same Area of the same#city I can tell you that that choice does make sense even for a non-catholic. the public schools round here can be uhhhhhh rough)#so im seeing charles’ situation sorta like that#his dad seems like the type to want him ‘kept in line’ and ‘whipped into shape’ and I think he’d pay for that if he could manage it#idk something about charles is just……he has an appeal by being the Normal Kid amongst them. not raised as anything special. not having all#his needs met. never expecting to do anything super grand with his life. just a city kid yknow#anyway SOMEONES gotta know how to cook. I don’t think crystal or edwin have ever had to cook for themselves in their lives and niko seems to#live on instant ramen and i mean I bet she can cook very basic japanese meals but that’s about it#please for the love of god tell me charles learned some stuff from his mom and can cook an adequate meal#I know ghosts don’t eat but shut up#rambling#charles#dead boy detectives spoilers
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sthilarions · 2 months ago
Something feels strange. It is there all the time, but mostly Edwin can ignore it; except when Charles touches him. Because he knows, with every millimeter of his skin, exactly how Charles’s touch should feel. And it doesn’t feel right. He wonders if Esther’s machine did something to him. Or maybe it’s because Charles is touching him differently, after what Edwin told him.
Edwin realizes what has happened at 4:37 AM, sixteen days after leaving Port Townsend.
It’s him.
He’s the wrong Edwin.
The Edwin that Charles knew is in Hell. Dismembered, in four pieces, partly digested.
The Edwin whose skin had been gradually gentled to Charles’s touch over years. The Edwin whose every inch had known Charles’s at least once, whether a careful touch while treating a wound or a brush through clothes as they pressed together in a too-small hiding place. The Edwin that Charles meant to be speaking to, when he said “I love you too” - that Edwin has been torn apart and left behind.
This Edwin has skin that does not know Charles. Does not know in every cell that Charles’s touch is Good. And he feels like a raw nerve, like fresh skin that’s just been revealed under a torn-off scab.
He can’t stop thinking about it. On day seventeen, and day eighteen, and day nineteen after Townsend. And all the days after that. He isn’t the Edwin Charles knows. He isn’t the Edwin Charles means to be holding. He’s just a Hell-made facsimile, an impostor, stealing touches meant for someone else.
(Charles finds out eventually. He’s a good detective, after all. You think he can’t figure out what his best mate’s obsessing over? And he tells Edwin that no, it’s just a body, they’re ghosts, bodies don’t even matter; he’s still the same Edwin, even if it is a different skin. And when that doesn’t help, he says - well. You’re upset because this skin doesn’t know me, and vice-versa, yeah? Well, let’s fix that. We can speed it up this time. No need to take thirty-five years again. I bet I can learn every bit of your new skin in three hours flat.
And he does.)
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greyskyflowers · 7 months ago
I have a lot of half thoughts about the hell scenes so I'm just going to ramble them out on here and hope they're semi coherent.
1.) I think it's so interesting that Edwin screamed for Charles while he was being taken to hell.
I would bet that Edwin cried for someone his his first trip down to hell too.
I really can't think of who he would have called for specifically. His parents? Maybe. I do think that there's something in everyone that wants the comfort of their mother when they're truely terrified but it doesn't seem like Edwin would have screamed for them. That goes for any siblings too.
He certainly didn't seem to have any friends that he could have cried for. Doesn't necessarily strike me as the type to be close to God but this situation would make a holy man out of anyone. Maybe he just called for every name that crossed his mind. Family, grade school friends, neighbors, teachers, etc.
Regardless, even if he had screamed for them, what would they have done? Who would have answered?
No one. No one answered. No one came. They were never coming.
He was completely alone.
He does scream for Charles though. Charles will always respond. Charles will always come get him.
I dont know, just seems like he screamed this time because he knew someone was listening. He said a name because he knew that person would come.
2.) I wonder if a very small, little sliver of Charles hated Crystal for just a split second when he found Edwin in hell and realized what exactly happens to him down there.
Crystal was very brave to want to come and that's important, she cares and wanted to help. I think that means a lot to Charles and Edwin.
However, she pushed back after she was told no, and that humans couldn't go to hell.
She argued with Charles and it might have been just a few minutes but how many times did Edwin get ripped apart in those few minutes?
That awful pile in the corner says many times.
3.) I'm curious what Edwin being taken back to hell would have looked like if we had followed him instead of staying with Charles.
Did the spider demon wait until it got to those horrid hallways before starting to chase?
Did it throw Edwin in there and muscle memory had him take off running the second his bare feet hit the ground? The demon already behind him and catching up quick.
Was he torn apart and back before he even knew what happened? How many times did it take before it hit him that he's really back?
This particular ones gets me. The idea that he was still in shock from being taken, was killed and back again while still trying to figure out what was even happening is heartbreaking.
If Edwin was torn apart and back before he even realized it, maybe that means it was a quick first death. Maybe the demon spider was too excited to have it's toy back.
I guess when the realization would have hit him that this was real, that he had already started the loop of runhurtagainrunhurtagain, that's what gets me.
Also, how familiar it probably was. How horrible to be so familiar with a certain type of pain that it would have immediately brushed aside all the scattered and chaotic thoughts in his head and narrowed it down to, he's back.
4.) Charles held it together pretty well in hell. Especially because I feel like he was probably furious. Everything in the past few days has been adding to his anger and what's a great way to piss him off even when he's not in a bad mood? Fucking around with Edwin.
The night nurse has made a liar out of him. She called that awful thing to Edwin, as accidental as it might have been, and it took him.
Charles promised that Edwin would not go back to hell. He said he was going to fight whoever and whatever he needed to in order to keep them together and Edwin out of hell.
Edwin is in hell. They're not together anymore.
It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that Charles wasn't able to do anything.
He has broken two promises in the seconds it took the demon spider to grab Edwin and disappear.
When he finds Edwin the second time and he gets the run down of what really happens here, he did this thing while Edwin's hand is still over his mouth where he kind of closes his eyes and nods a few times.
It's like he's telling himself to pull it together. Trying to passively take in the information and doing the equivalent of taking a few deep breathes while incredibly anxious or stressed and forcing yourself to focus on specific things one at a time.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Swallow it all down, all the devastation and fury and fear.
Edwin needs him to be okay and calm because Edwin is absolutely not okay and not calm.
So even though Charles is probably feeling a lot things right now, he swallows it down and says Okay. Let's get you out of here.
Charles is a fixer. He's a protecter. He's a fighter.
He can do none of those things right now. Not really. The only thing he can really do is give Edwin enough hope to run though hell with him.
Add in the later stuff with Esther and Charles has got to be thinking 'how many times do we have to go through this before everyone gets the message and backs the fuck off?'
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pinklemonslices · 6 months ago
wrote a little hurt/comfort thing because of the cancellation and the fact that i won’t see my glorious queen niko ever again, ft. a very sad edwin & established payneland :’)
“I miss Niko,” Edwin says one day, barely louder than a whisper, when there are no cases to be solved and the rain pouring outside the office is particularly heavy. And, it’s one thing to think it — god knows he’s always thinking it — but saying it aloud is another thing entirely.
There is a feeling of grief that hangs over him like the rain clouds outside, that never really leaves, always eating away at his soul like the awful, hungry thing it is. Sometimes he worries that, eventually, there won’t be anything left for it to eat, and he will simply cease to exist.
The grief is always there, but today, it’s worse than usual. It’s unbearable.
If Edwin needed air, he would be short of it. His chair is the most uncomfortable thing in the world, at the moment, as his hands clench into fists around the fabric of his trousers repeatedly. His mind focuses solely on the grief, in a way he rarely ever allows.
“I know,” Charles tells him finally, and “I do too,” is communicated just as clearly. Charles gets up from his spot on their sofa — that really is too low to the ground for either of them — and makes his way over to the desk.
For a moment, Edwin thinks he is going to perch on the edge of it, as he usually does, but instead he steps closer, leans down, peppers gentle, sorry kisses on the top of Edwin’s head. Edwin takes ahold of Charles’s burgundy polo shirt, and clings to it like a lifeline. But that’s what it is, isn’t it? Charles is the only thing keeping him from falling completely apart.
Charles wraps strong arms around Edwin, pulling him into an embrace, so tight it feels like he’s trying to somehow crush Edwin’s pain, and that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Edwin has never been one to cry, not outside of Hell, at least, but Hell was something entirely different. Now though, his tears spill over as if he had just been torn to shreds again, as if he were still stuck in the worst place, with the worst people, as if he were still being tortured, as if crying was something he did regularly.
Niko would have tried to cheer him — them — up, if she were here, but if she were, well they would not be sad at all. Edwin wishes sorely that he did not have to be sad.
It is unfair, is what it is. It is unfair that Niko is dead. Someone as kind, and caring, and charming as Niko did not deserve to die, to be killed.
It is unfair that Edwin was given a friend, only for her to be ripped away from him. Only for him to have to watch it happen.
Edwin holds onto Charles a little tighter.
He doesn’t keep track of how long they stay like that, but at some point Charles starts crying too, and at another, the both of them manage to stop. Sometime after that, Edwin is able to let go of Charles’s shirt, and Charles pulls away enough to see Edwin’s face. He is sure it isn’t a pretty sight to behold.
And yet Charles smiles a sad sort of smile, and presses a kiss to Edwin’s lips. Edwin’s stomach swoops and his still heart flutters, the way it always does when they kiss. He does not think he will ever get used to it, but he is alright with that.
Niko would have cheered. She would have grinned so wide, and lamented about her inability to take a picture of them. Edwin’s eyes sting, but the tears don’t return.
“She would have loved this — us,” He says, when they eventually break apart. The sound of his voice is like nails on a chalkboard. “She would have been so happy. I told her of my confession in Hell, you know. I wish I could have told her of this. I wish she could see us now.” I wish I could see her now.
Charles kisses his nose. “I bet she can, love. Bet she’s smiling.”
Edwin opens his mouth to say something, once, twice, too many times, to no success. Instead, he offers a small nod.
He recalls something he told her on the roof of the Tongue & Tail, the day everything happened. The day he lost her. “No one is ever gone,” He had said. Maybe she is looking down on them. Maybe she really is smiling.
It is a proper nice thought, but it doesn’t fix the part of him that longs to see her again. It doesn’t fix the part of him that longs to watch Scooby Doo with her, and solve the cases before the characters manage to. It doesn’t fix his longing to hear her voice again, to hug her again, to be with her again.
He kisses Charles once more, and misses Niko still.
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I’m a sucker for little details and Dead Boy Detectives does that SO WELL SJSJ
So without further ado here’s a not-so-comprehensive-or-complete list of my fave little details from the show (and if you haven’t seen it yet. GO GO GO)
1. Edwin and Charles’s movements. The way they mimic each other, tilt their heads at the same angle at the same time, the silent conversations, UGHHH
2. Charles finding Edwin in Hell EXACTLY MIRRORING Edwin finding Charles when he was dying (ie the dying one turned away, wrapped in a blanket with no hope and the saviour standing above them looking like a goddamn angel, holding a lantern)
3. I didn’t count but I bet if I did I would see exactly 147 cats (King included. When I do my rewatch I’ll count for sure)
4. The music choices!!! I knew this show would steal my heart when they played Hang On To Yourself (one of my favourite Bowie songs OF ALL TIME) in the first episode, and I was EVEN MORE SURE when they played Disorder (also one of my fave Joy Division songs)
5. The cat king wearing a skirt :)
6. Any nod to the Sandman honestly I loved that show too I was so hyped when Death and Despair popped up
I’ll def update this list on my rewatch but pls pls reblog with ur own favourite details so I can look for them!!!
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petvampire · 8 months ago
Little CricketCrow drabble, because they are too damn cute in my head and I need to share that.
Charles and Monty are the most openly tactile of the group - Edwin is reserved when it comes to touch, and even the Cat King has his particularly feline moments when he doesn’t want to be anywhere near anyone. The crow, on the other hand, is a frequent seeker of physical reassurance, and touch is practically Charles’ second language. They’re both open and affectionate, reaching out with thoughtless care to check in, or reassure, or soothe.
So it comes as no surprise that, the moment they start spending more time around each other, they fall very quickly into easy touch. Charles will toss an arm around Monty’s waist when they’re chatting, ruffle his hair, knock his hip against the crow’s when he’s making some teasing joke. Monty will lean his head against Charles’ shoulder when they’re sitting close, grab his hand to draw his attention to something, plant one of those impulsive kisses on his cheek whenever the ghost does something kind.
It escalates quickly, because they’re both just so comfortable with touch, because it means a lot to both of them to have that physical anchor. So it becomes a frequent sight when they’re together at the offices to have Charles sprawled out on the couch, head pillowed on Monty’s thighs, or to have Monty literally sitting in the other’s lap, draped comfortably over him like a living blanket. Neither of them questions it for a moment.
Edwin and Thomas don’t, either, though they exchange amused looks from time to time at how purely oblivious the pair are to the image they project.
And if Crystal and the Cat King have another bet going as to how long it takes the two to move from friendly tenderness to something a bit more actively romantic, well… that’s their business.
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zorilleerrant · 10 months ago
Niko: If you were home alone when you weren't expecting anyone and you heard a knock at your door, who would you be more surprised to see, a fairy or a walrus?
Edwin: Why would Mick be at our door?
Charles: Maybe he's dropping something off.
Edwin: Surely we would be expecting him then?
Crystal: Plus we already kind of have fairies.
Niko: That's true, but if they knocked at the door that would mean they escaped and that would be really surprising.
Edwin: They are not fairies; they are small gods.
Charles: Sure, but what if they were fairies?
Edwin: They aren't fairies!
Crystal: And we never resolved why Mick was dropping something off. Like, does he have a case for us?
Niko: Aw, if Mick had a case for us, I would help him. We can totally help him, you guys.
Charles: You know, you're not wrong, if he had a case for us I wouldn't be surprised to hear from him at all.
Edwin: I don't even know if fairies exist, let alone why they should need our help.
Niko: Wait, do the fairies have a case, too?
Crystal: If a fairy knocked at our door it's a good bet it would have a case for us, yeah. Or why else would it show up?
Charles: Yeah, but we already know Mick.
Edwin: Why is Mick knocking at our door?
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misty--nights · 9 months ago
I'm working on another Dead Boy Detectives fic rather than work on my actual college stuff and it's got me thinking bout Niko and luck. Spoilers for the whole show, of course.
I find it fascinating how Niko keeps stumbling upon all these situations that seem like they have nothing to do with anything, only for her to find the key to whatever problem they encounter next in said random situation. It's a pretty consistent, too, that she seems to walk a line between bad and good luck. Like something bad will happen to her, only for that to be immediately offset by something really good that she found by chance. It's honestly kind of wild at times.
So, when we first meet Niko, she's being possessed by parasites that want to explode her, which doesn't seem very lucky. Except, that somehow the girl who moves across the girl just so happens to be with a couple of ghosts who can save her. Just in the nick of time, too. And at first that doesn't seem like that big of a deal. It's what the boys do, right? It makes sense they saved her just in time because that's what they do, and that's the kind of show this is. But this bad luck / good luck thing keeps happening to her until the end of the show.
In episode 4, she goes with the gang to the lighthouse and goes off on her own to talk to the gift shop lady. She doesn't find what it is that is drowning the people, but she does find information about the Washer Woman and about Lilith, which at the time seems to her and the others like just random information. She then goes to find the red sea glass and gifts it to Edwin on a whim, without knowing what it can do for them. She just finds it, like it's nothing, when later we see Tragic Mick spend so much time by the shore looking for one, and we see how hard it is. And I know they say in the show that only those who really need her can find the Washer Woman, but out of all four of them, Niko doesn't seem to be the one who needs the Washer Woman the most, as we see when Crystal is the one who receives a personalized riddle thing. Which, again, is something that will be super important later and Crystal gains that knowledge thanks to Niko just stumbling upon the key to finding the Washer Woman on accident.
Then, in episode 5, she just happens to stumble upon Jenny's secret admirer and manage to set up a date with them. Now, I know. I know Maxine is actually a stalker that ends up trying to kill Jenny, bad luck. Except nothing really happens to her there? @carpediemma has a post where she says that the floor was most likely dirty because she promised Jenny to clean the floors for a month if the date went wrong and Jenny was sort of banking on it being bad. With Niko's track record with luck, I think that is very possible. Again, bad luck / good luck situation. The date she sets up is ruined because Maxine tries to kill Jenny, but because she made the bet and Jenny fully believed the date wouldn't work, Maxine slips and fall.
Episode 6 might be a bit of a stretch. Technically, it's Crystal's decision to go to Tragic Mick's in search for some way to get rid of David, but it's thanks to Niko that she actually gets the heart gem thingy. So, bad luck there, because the gem takes away all of Crystal's powers. However, and this links back to episode 4 again, it's thanks to her finding the sea glass that eventually Crystal has the way to start discovering her real abilities.
In episode 7 she stays with the Night Nurse while Charles goes to hell and Crystal goes to find David. She starts reading the Night Nurse's book as a way to find something about her dad. Nothing she finds there would be useful for contacting, seeing or bringin him back. However, she does manage to stumble upon the exact passage she needed to buy Edwin and Charles some time after they get back from hell. And yes, maybe you could say that she read the whole book during the time Charles was gone, but I doubt it. We don't know how long exactly it takes Charles to find Edwin and return, but we do know it can't be that long, because the Night Nurse keeps insisting she can't keep the doorway open for long. I think at most he would have been gone 40 minutes, and that's me being generous. It's enough time for Crystal to confront David and come back. In any case, I don't think it's enough for her to carefully read the whole book front to back, no matter how good her reading comprehension is, specially if she was looking for something specific, like something about where her dad ended up in. I think it's more likely that she just found the page with the loophole she would need by chance, read it, filed it in her memory for a "just in case" and continued looking for what she wanted.
Finally, in episode 8, we have the whole Lilith thing that was set up in episode 4. She finds about her and files it as an irrelevant detail, until she hears Tragic Mick talk about Esther's deal and tells Crystal how she can contact Lilith, which ends up saving Crystal and the boys at the final confrontation. Besides that, though, there's the whole bear figure that Tragic Mick gives her and the explosion at Jenny's shop. In the explosion, Esther takes Charles and Edwin (bad), but neither her nor Jenny, the two living people in the shop at the time, are really injured in the commotion (good.)
And then the bear thing. In episode 7, she hears his story and tells him how they found the Washer Woman, and he can't find a piece of red sea glass of his own. Even though he is really desperate for a way to find her. (which, again, it's odd Niko is the one to find the Washer Woman when she wasn't that in need for the Washer Woman's assistance. The whole group was, but it was Niko who found her, but anyways). He gifts her the bear figure as a way to thank her for trying to help and they move on from that. And she accepts it and goes to Esther's place with Crystal, convinced of the protection of the bear, and then dies to save Crystal. Except she doesn't really? She's fine at the end, in some sort of frozen land, with Litty and Kingham, and by the way she holds the bear figure, it's implied that's what sort of saved her, even if she is no longer tied to the mortal plane.
I don't know, there was no real point behind this, just something I've been thinking about for a while. I think if someone has a shot at helping Tragic Mick return to sea, it's her, because she just has the luck to find solutions she wasn't even looking for. And I'm convinced if she ever makes it back to Port Townsend, that's just what she would do. On accident, but still. That's just the kind of character she is to me.
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8verity8 · 10 months ago
My uncanny knack for rare-pairs has led me to consume every Edwin/Cat King fiction I can get my hands on in less than a week and I must say, I have absolutely fallen in love with some of the head canons I've come across!
Head-canon 1: The Cat King is one of Desire's children. I would love to explore this idea more... like one of the reasons he can see through Edwin when they first meet is because he can smell desire/see WHAT people desire. And I bet he 100% would/has used other people's desires to manipulate them, but at the end of the day, it's about their desire and their choice to LET him. Because without consent, it's no longer a manipulation of their desire. If they don't give in to it willingly, then it's no longer interesting...
Head-canon #2: If/when Edwin submits to the Cat King and let's him "mark him as his," he ends up gaining additional abilities through his bond with the Cat King...
Head-canon 3: (This one is pretty uncommon), but I like the idea of the Cat-King being more of a rare entity. And that being a Cat King is what he IS, not just a title which he obtained. That he came into this world a Cat King rather than evolving into one or into the position--this ties back to the whole idea of loving the idea of him being one of Desire's children.
Head-canon 4: I like the idea that the Cat King may be a lot more powerful than he lets on and is a lot older than anyone suspects (or will ever know). I head-canon him as actually immortal (along with any other existing Cat Monarchs who would essentially be his siblings). Even if he plays up the I only have 9 lives bit. After all, he is a shape-shifter too... how is anyone going to notice if he doesn't let them?
Head-Canon 5: I haven't really seen this one, but I really don't see the Cat King as being possessive of Edwin. I think he would be more than happy to share him as long as his needs were being met... and the individual in question was treating Edwin right.
And that brings me to Head-canon #6: I think the Cat King dislikes Charles because he knows (even before Edwin does) that Edwin loves him, and he also knows that Charles does not love him like that back (at least not yet) and is all twitter pated over Crystal... which HURTS Edwin, even if he doesn't understand why yet. I think it's quite possible even that if the Cat King had met Charles and Edwin prior to the addition of Crystal to their friend group , he may have had less of an issue with him.
And the Cat King doesn't like Monty because he knows he is manipulating and tricking Edwin.. once again. Hurting him.
I head-canon that the Cat King can feel/sense strong emotions connected to desire, and Edwin keeps choosing these people who hurt him (with desire(s) as the root cause) while not giving into his desire for the Cat King, which that Cat King KNOWS he has!
I see the Cat King as a protective BAMF who is fascinated by Edwin and wants protect him and make him happy... and is frustrated all to hell because Edwin won't LET him and keeps choosing pain and sorrow instead.
Note that the Cat King had no problems at all with Niko. Just saying.
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worth-this-and-more · 4 months ago
thoughts and opinions on bree's birthday gifts!!!!
[spoilers for legendborn and bloodmarked, read at your own caution ;)] it's been long since i got to do long ass posts hehe i'm back in the game yall
first of all, happy birthday bree!!!! (real footage of me making cakes)
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starting off strong with alice chen;
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that's so cute?? and two gifts!! bree gonna keep that gift card close to her heart!! like common we all know they are book besties like awwieee so cuteee!! and tickets to eras tour?? keep up with the spoiling your bestie i love you alice!!
then we have edwin matthews;
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this is so him tho, ofc he's gonna take care of his lil girl for the winters. that winter coat is gonna be very handy on the run. and bless his soul i hope he doesn't have to find out what the battle is-
our golden boy, nicholas martin davis;
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that is so thoughtful tho?? and it's so cute he had it handmade like damn dude, and with her initials too. and what did you say about late-night sword training sessions you mean they trained whennnnnn we have been robbed????
our favorite sorcerer, selwyn emyrs kane;
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the coupon?? that is so fucking hilarious, imagine selwyn drawing that coupon and smiling to himself like "ahh the perfect joke" comon this is so cute and i bet bree loved it. and the rose?? got me giggling and shit like dude i had headcanoned something like this as like a ring during bree's college trips but comon a rose is so much better?? ahhhhhhhh I'm in looooooveee say what you want this is so cute mann (and the rose kinda reminded me of the rose in tracy's insta story?? is this something or am i too obsessed??)
our rootcrafting companion, mariah;
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lmaoo she is not wrong about the reasons tho. bree definitely needs that spa day. maybe add in a braiding session too. she needs those curls fresh and on for the newest adventure.
the cutest legendborn!! greer taylor;
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oh my gosh that is so cool bree in training gear yalls I'm so pumped for bree's 1v1 fights with anyone honestly like my oh my!! good job greer!!
our deadliest softboy, william sitterson;
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william is a tea guy for sure, ofc his birthday treat is at a teahouse!! spending the day enjoying william's favorite tea and maybe a lil bit of teasing on both sides?? what will be the treats tho him baking his favorite biscuits or a luncheon with his king, i say bothhh
now there are a two people that i really wanted to see;
larkin douglas; yes he hasn't been around in bloodmarked too but comon even he would know sometime from William hehe about bree's birthday what would he gift her?? he did gift her those leather gauntlets, an updraged version of them?? metal gauntlets?? now if bree has her powers in control ofc she doesn't need the gauntlets but it could be a gesture of trust, for the old days sake
valec; like comon i do think he'd just give her a chocolate or a life advice and move on, but given that he has taken a liking to her and has become very protective (as his baby sister okay guys he's not in love) he might offer something else. his knowledge maybe, he has been around for 200 years you bet he has a lot to tell. or like he could answer three questions she wants the answers to, we all know our bree is best at questioning everything.
my thoughts??
can the order of how the people are placed have any correspondence to how events have passed or any foreshadowing to what could happen?? because i am the type of person who likes to order things like that; so if this is foreshadowing, because for the past events we need to put sel after alice and all that yk, does this mean we are going to start oathbound with a different pov?? because alice and edwin are shown first so it is possible oathbound can start from the new pov (either nick or selwyn)
nick giving bree a scabbard, foreshadowing?? i still have to read on arthuriana more, so i can't say for sure but please enlighten me is this related to the legend. all i know is that excalibur's scabbard was gone which is why arthur fell in camlamn. so that means nick giving bree could potentially symbolize him protecting her?? but from what?? selwyn?? shadow king?? who??
also, from the whole order apart from the found family, only greer is mentioned. now i was assuming that sarah will be in charge now after tor has been "betrayed" aka kicked out of gc. so if greer is mentioned does this mean greer will be in charge?? but aren't they kinda young in the whole order, like young as in new?? and if they are in charge, then what will sarah do because by the order of lines sarah should be after tor, right??
and if this order of names thing is correct, we will be seeing mariah yayy but William is last, so is this for the whole book or like the first half?? because there's no valec no lark (my babies i wanted to see themmm??)
or maybe im just reading too much into this
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gingerylangylang1979 · 1 year ago
Remember when Ebra's future at The Bear wasn't certain?
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gif courtesy of @heardchef
Remember when this trailer hit and we freaked out?
I was worried about Ebra. I thought he would quit or maybe get fired because he couldn't keep up with the new pace. In season one he was a bit dismayed by all of the components in the chicken piccata. In the moment above there was foreshadowing that he wasn't confident about his place in the future. Things moved forward rapidly. He didn't thrive like Tina in culinary school. In a crueler kitchen he may have been forgotten when he disappeared but he wasn't. He was given space but he wasn't cut loose. People were concerned. Carmy asked about him. Tina reconnected with him. He still had a spot on the team, just one reimagined. I'm glad.
Edwin has high billing despite a small role. He's a legend in Chicago. I honestly think Ebra's the funniest character even though he doesn't get the big goofy, flashy moments. Please let him be funny again! But there is a story of immigration, sadness, and loss for him that is ready to be told. I don't think they will ever give him a big storyline but I do hope he at least gets a monologue to explain the whole thing or it gets revealed in bits and pieces along the way. Also, I think his style doesn't get enough love. He dresses like the older fly African and Caribbean men I see in my Brooklyn neighborhood. Bright colors, bold patterns, boho accessories. It's a vibe. I bet he smells good, too. And he's attractive. If I was his age...
I think Ebra's arc last season says a lot about the show and the people behind it. Carmy could have let Ebra go. There was a lot going on and he could have just saw a rogue element and dropped that ass. But who would Carmy be to judge? He was the most rogue element all season and was the weakest link at Friends & Family. Instead, Carmy still found value in him. Tina could have rubbed in her all star status and promotion but she didn't. She saw a friend struggling, not competition. She had the vision for him in his current position.
Storer saw Edwin in a local play when he was a kid, thought he was the most magical actor he'd seen, remembered him, kept up with his Chicago career, and sought him out for this role. He didn't have to do that. He could have hired a more widely known talent but he gave his childhood favorite actor the opportunity. He remembered and honored him.
I see a lot of how Storer is with his talent in how Carmy is as a leader. Carmy is deeply flawed but he does invest in his people. He could have fired the old crew from day one. But he didn't clean house and hire a bunch of Sydney's (he only needed one). He could have started with an entirely new crew when he decided to rebrand, but he didn't he decided to fast track his found family. Storer wanted people he had worked with to work on The Bear. Jeremy (his award winning lead), Ayo (breakout star, IMO romantic lead, and future director thanks to Chris), Ramy (director), and Molly (romantic interest) are people he worked with in the past, sought out again, and saw how they could build on what he saw in them before.
Anyways, this was partially an ode to Ebra/Edwin and partially me getting warm fuzzies over Storer as a generous show runner and Carmy as a generous anti-hero.
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venturismcdonald · 2 years ago
We've all acknowledged that Casey's the one who theoretically lives in delusion as far as her relationship with Derek is concerned. But the rest of the family knew. Everyone knew except for Casey and I find that so beautiful.
I headcanon Derek accepts he has (ugh) feelings for Casey in the soccer cheating episode (my beloved) because he spends an entire weekend that could have been spent doing literally anything else walking around the house like a zombie in existential crisis. Which, to be fair, is probably an apt description of Derek at the time: the girl he knows he's never been neutral about is the girl he happens to romantically care about and be attracted to. It's made worse because she's the one girl he could never have, but she's right there. All the time.
Edwin realizes that in that episode as well; he's the one who witnesses Derek's scheming and crisis the most. Derek calls Edwin in and there's way too many feelings on his face as Derek's barely able to conceal that he cares. He already knows he cares about Lizzie and there was no crisis about that, no moping around for three days. But Casey? This is the most emotional thing Edwin has witnessed in the entire show from Derek.
Sam probably figures out Casey's feelings around when Casey blows off their monthaversary to spy on Derek's date with Emily. I think the fight in the bullying episode is when he realizes Derek actually has feelings that are deeper than base level attraction, though (I will die on the hill that the fight was a huge moment in their relationship). He's a little dumb, alright?
Dennis, for all that he is neglecting his daughters (because boy, he wrote the fucking book on that one!), realizes once Derek calls him. It's implied Derek basically guilt trips him into coming back and that is, to his credit, exactly what happens. Derek wouldn't do that for someone he doesn't give a fuck about, like he pretends not to. Dennis assumes it'll go away (it doesn't) and that even if Casey reciprocates, it'll never be acted on (it might be.)
Marti realizes in the forcefield activated episode. She's witnessed the largest extent of both of their feelings in that episode: Derek's genuine care and kindness as far as her anxiety goes and Casey's determination to help him succeed because that's how she shows her care. It's all culminated (for her, at least) in the scene where Derek finds out he passed his exam and him and Casey do their dorky high five thing before she asks him to help at the camp for another week. Derek agrees and he's grinning at Casey and Casey is giving him her best puppy dog eyes and grinning and Marti knows because, well, it's pretty damn obvious.
Emily knows at prom, junior year. Yeah, she has to help clean up Derek's mess, but he wouldn't want to fix it if Casey didn't matter to him. She's known that Casey matters, but Derek even showed up to the stupid dance to make sure she had a good night. And once she realizes that Derek has feelings, well, it's so much easier to see that Casey does too. Knowing one of them is in love with the other makes everything click into place.
Max figures it out after the breakup. It makes sense; Casey had ditched him for Derek a million times and every time, Derek had grand gestured his way back into her good graces.
Kendra probably realizes that Derek loves Casey around the episode where she tries to set her up. He attempts sabotage, which is normal, but he gives a shit about her and it's gross and she kinda likes him more for it. (I headcanon Kendra, Derek and Casey all stay friends because that's basically canon anyway.)
Truman... When Truman first comes to the school, I'm placing bets that everyone tells him Casey's dating Derek. Teenagers are brutal and they weren't super far off the mark. And I assume his actions after that are with the understanding that there's more truth to those words than either of them would admit.
Ralph, I love him very much, he sort of assumes they're dating from like a week after she moves to London on half the time. I also presume he's high for half his screentime.
Lizzie realizes at the dance competition. She sees that and there's this chemistry she can't deny and it just clicks.
Nora and George live in willful ignorance from the bathroom scene in 1.03 on. They just will not acknowledge there's anything going on there because there isn't anything, technically.
Sally probably figures it out after her and Derek break up. It's probably very casual, just happens on a Tuesday or something when she sees a picture of the two of them on Facebook or something.
Casey's the last to know. She only realizes it when they actually have to acknowledge they're going to university together, four and a half hours away from the family, the people who have been the forefront of her denial (which she quite liked, it's incredibly rude that it had to be interrupted for this emotional crisis) and that's why she says "same difference." It's obvious she doesn't mean it, but she's trying to place the boundary: introduce me as a sister so I can shove you into the brother box, please.
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edwinpayne-deadboy · 8 months ago
Also how did the villain Edwin and demon Edwin thing happened? Where they always there? Did you split?
Also vedwin and dedwin(?) (why does dedwin reminds me of dead-twink) hey, how is it going on. Doing anything interesting?
Don't make life too hard on Edwin, will ye? He already went through enough.
And you better treat Edwin & Crystal and Niko alright otherwise I'm coming for your head (you couldn't make Charles hate you even if you tried, unless you'll hurt Edwin which I guess you won't do since he's your host. So on that front I'm pretty confident you can't hurt).
Well, we're just, from other universes, y'know? Nothing really special about that, really.
Edwin's safe with us, don't worry. Besides, we can't do much with him at the helm of this blog.
We should have different names, honestly. Vedwin and Dedwin are kinda weird. I should have a cool demonic name!
I bet you will, demon. Now, if you don't mind, we have things to attend to. Thanks for letting us answer a question, I suppose.
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The Witcher S3 EP 2: Unbound AKA Roll Call, Everyone's Here
I'll be honest, a good percentage of this just Bard Lust. And getting excited and/or concerned when characters first appear
Little do you know, she is trying to keep the royal peace...
But you and I agree on one thing, Madam Barkeep 👀
Hm. Ciri, has that been happening a lot?
"My Ugly One?" Is that...a term of endearment because I have Thoughts, Concerns, and Emotions if it is...
Shopping for what, Yen?
He's not wrong about the monsters
Is that...? It is! I now have a canonical crossover point! Codringher = Edwin the Magnificant. And they're both even a mysterious stranger type that our Adventuring Hero and his bestie go to for advice/assistance/information/etc.
Hello, who are you? Oh. Nevermind. It's Emperor CreepyDad
Damn Fringilla...you're in a sorry state
Oh wait, we've met them before. They were helping...someone last season. Why didn't I recognize him?
Aww, look at Jaskier looking so smug and proud. Not unlike a cat himself
I don't trust those noises outside...
Geralt "Oh I've got plenty of contempt, old man"
Aww look, they're growing. And sharing their feelings. But also, Jask, baby...💔
Ragamuffin gets used for a lot of magic-y things (ok, it was 2, but that's still a lot when there's So Many Words out there, even if we stick to English)
Ooh, I don't know who this woman is but I like her
I respect it Ciri but your impulses are going to get people killed. Rein it in girl
Triss? Teaching at Aretuza? Why does that feel...wrong?
Stregobitch. Glad you went off the rails there at the last minute because I was almost starting to think you were being sensible and it made me itchy.
Go Tissaia, putting Bitch in his place!
Blood on a wall is never good...
What...is happening and why do I feel like it might be a sex thing?
Ok so it's not a sex thing? Spies are weird
Sure Dijkstra, to "Redania." We can pretend this is a for king and country thing if it helps you sleep at night, but there are definitely personal ambitions at hand
This. Is. A. Look. and a Power. Stance. God I'm in love with him (also I'm really here for the varied florals. And the shapes that the fit creates. The costumer in me is thrilled)
"I don't do pretty." What a lie. An absolute lie. I have never heard a bigger lie
My guy, Princeling, whatever. Can we focus? I mean I too love when the bard is bard-ing, but this is important
Ooh, nice castle. Definitely a trap
Where's your other sword Geralt? Don't tell me you expected a trap and still left it on the horse...
Ouch. What a Mom answer, straight to the gut
Oh honey. Yennefer knows that fight better than most
Oh hey Cahir! It's been a while. What's up? Hallucinating Ciri? Neat
Ooh. Fringilla has an Idea (I bet I know what it is)
I already adore this song immediately (and the extended version on spotify is *chefs kiss*). Also 🥺
God, Jaskier proving he can play The Game is so sexy. Send help
If you break my Jaskier's heart, I will end you Princeling.
Oh good, you do have the other sword. I feel better now
Gross. What the fuck.
Oh, he's just kidnapping every girl that looks vaguely Ciri-esque. And apparently making them into nightmare fuel when they're not her
Elven? Who...?
Oh look live action Orsino-Harvester! Not something I wanted, but cool
Oh Jesus. They're still connected. This just keeps getting worse
That looked like it hurt, but it's a small price to pay for freedom probably. Now what Frin?
God Vizimir is obnoxious. And that was an...interesting look from his lady wife. The true power behind the throne perhaps? Or plotting a coup?
Well shit. Firefucker's going to kill these two, isn't he? Don't you dare hurt the kitty!! (I guess at least he listened to that...)
I don't trust you or your gift Vilgefortz. But at the same time, goddamn I like you, you smooth, pretty motherfucker
It's Yennefer. Of course she's bringing trouble. And, as noted, she is trouble
That's a lot to blame yourself for, Yen...
So you abandoned the search to save the girl? And she's...crazy? manipulated? the trap? I'm confused
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years ago
my thoughts: dasey headcanons/life with derek headcanons
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Derek fell for Casey first and has been hiding it the whole time. Mostly so it doesn't mess up their family( his dad really screwed him over with this marriage). He's hoping it's just a crush that he'll get over. He doesn't and ends up falling in love with her over the show and is still in love with her.
Casey does eventually fall for Derek but is either oblivious or is in deep denial to her feelings for him. Paul eventually helps her realize her feelings. She did secretly think he was cute for like a second the first time they(unknowingly met) till Derek opened his month.
Derek is actually very careful when it comes to sex. He doesn't lose his virginity till college( but has done almost everything but that with other girls) but he practices safe sex. Mostly cause out fear and just not wanting a unwanted pregnancy to be the obvious big Derek screw up everyone expects of him( while secretly deep down, he wont admit it, just wants to have babies with Casey)
Casey writes a lot about Derek, of course in her journals and diaries, but surprisingly some poems and short stories with him as well. As she gets older they get really good. After dasey get married she publishes a book called "Life with Derek". In the book theirs funny (and sweet) little notes and comments from Dereks point of view. The book ends with a song Derek wrote about Casey.
Derek wrote and album's worth of songs about Casey that will never see the light of day. It has a good guitar melody to it. If he did make and album about it, he'd call it " life with Casey". He did in private sing and play on guitar one of the songs he wrote to Casey to her.
Almost everyone knows Casey and Derek have feelings for each other except Nora and George( I personally see them as bad parents. Not horrible, but just bad). And if they don't they figure it out really quick just by being in Daseys presence.
The only way Nora and George figure it out is if Derek and Casey out right make out in front of them or out right tell them(they don't take it well but they either get over it or they don't. That's why mostly Casey and Derek wait till they're 18 or get together in college).
One fun way on how I'd imagine Nora and George find out( plus Casey's Grandmother horribly finds out):
Basically just this scene( Vacation with Derek did not happen). The family is on a vacation that Casey's Grandmother invites them too. It's the last one as a family before Dasey go to college. Dasey joins a dance contest for the money. They basically end up doing this during the dance contest in front of their family. Casey's Grandmother and a lot of Casey's family. Yes it's all very dirty dancing like.
9. Derek only likes dancing really with Casey after that.
10. Marti was the first to know about Dasey.
11. Edwin and Lizzie had suspected and had bets on it. They have a lot of people in the betting pool.
12. Edwin and Lizzie have on numerous occasions accidentally have called Dasey mom or dad(again I just don't think George and Nora are good parents. And then they end up having a baby in the end of the series!)
13. Marti has purposely called Dasey mom and dad because she gets a kick out of it.
14. Derek has read and liked some books. But he mostly likes podcasts, listening to books and watching movies. Is easier because of his adhd.
13. The only romance movies Derek will ever stand to watch with Casey is Titanic( Because that movie is actually good. Whether you like romance or not) the princess bride( it's hilarious) and oddly enough pride and prejudice( Derek secretly relates to Mr Darcy).
14. Casey has had to bribe Derek to watch any other romance movies with her. All while listening to his funny comments and insults( listening to Dereks horrified comments to Twilight saga was actually hilarious and more interesting than the movies. Honestly Casey doesn't really like Twilight she just wanted to see Dereks reaction).
15. Casey actually really hates the Twilight saga and thinks it's an insult to romance.
16. Derek is afraid of mice and rats because as a kid a school bully put a rat in his backpack and it bit him.
17. Derek is actually really protective of Edwin and Marti. Easier to show it to Marti than Edwin at times. But when Edwim was a baby Derek had him following him everywhere. Derek didn't really mind.
18. Casey and Derek are totally slytherins. Just a slytherin power couple.
19. Dasey are very possessive and protective people especially what they considered theirs. It gets worse when they're officially together.
20. Dasey would definitely kill for each other and the other would definitely help hide the body with them.
And that's all I got for now. Will write more headcanons later.
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