#i am very queer for a cis person lol
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lifea16 · 5 months ago
Sexuality Update!:-
Alright, so, been thinking abt my identity alot, I've come to the conclusion that I'm
Bisexual! Yay! As well as a Quoriomantic Idemromantic and ofc Fraysexual and Cupiosexual
Probably a Demiplatonic Caedplatonic (Thanks Bullying! /s Now I only can form platonic bonds after getting attatched!)
Ya, I'll probably explain how I'm Idemromantic in a later post
Also happy late Bi Visiblity Day!
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drdemonprince · 10 days ago
do you think it's worth it being nonbinary if you dont have like, body/physical dysphoria? Ive been identifying as nonbinary since i was 14 and when i was in high school it was great, i had my little liberal bubble queer friend group, and the rest of the school didnt pay much attention to me. My mom accepted me in the "i dont get it but whatever i dont want you to stop talking to me so i guess ill go along with it" sense, which while not perfect, its fine. But last september i started studying engineering and. Its really not going well. Like 85% of my classmates are straight guys and they range from thinking nonbinary people are cringe (and therefore they make fun of me when i walk by) to being extremely transphobic (im very scared of some of them.) And ive been trying to make friends with the girls in my class, and some of them are nice, but i can tell they also dont like that im nonbinary. One of them literally told me "i get that being a woman is hard, i dont like having periods or the ways guys look at me either, but you dont gain anything by denying yourself". So. I kind of think about that nearly every night now. Doubting whether im really nonbinary. And it really doesnt help knowing that basically every girl here either thinks that or just straight up thinks im gross and weird, ive literaly heard one of them go 'what is THAT doing in the womens' when i walked past her from the bathroom. I dont like going to class much.
Im thinking of detransisioning, i guess. I never started taking hormones (good luck getting those in eastern europe lol), so I could easily start looking like a cis girl again. These will be my coworkers and bosses, i cant live like this until i retire. i want to have fun uni experiences too. And ive been thinking so much lately about why im even doing this. Its just a few words that people call me by. Theres nonbinary people who use binary pronouns and pass as cis, i could be one of them and just not tell anyone that im actually nb. but on the other hand, it feels like im giving up on the trans community if i do this. Giving up on activism. Im sure im not the only one in this situation, if i detransition ill be letting them down completely. I dont want the next generation to be as fucked as this one. Also i came out very publicly to my entire class (i wanted to find other queer people to be friends with, i hoped that would do the trick maybe. I was so naive and stupid) and it will be so fucking humiliating to go back on that and im scared ill do all that and theyll keep treating me the same anyways because im already "tainted" by transness. So i would let so many people down for nothing.
The one other trans friend from my high school friend group solved this issue by paying more than ten fucking thousand euros per year to study in the netherlands btw. The exchange rate to our currency makes it somehow even worse than it sounds. Hes probably going to be able to start taking hormones before he gets his bachelors. I wish my mom was that rich :|
First of all, I want to say that I am so sorry anon that you are facing so much fucking exclusion and harassment. That kind of treatment pushes a lot of trans people into detransitioning, and it is brutal, and that this experience can happen to nonbinary people who are not on hormones but have otherwise transitioned is something that does not get acknowledged enough.
I can't tell you what you should do in your situation, because no outcome is great. But I think you might find some elements of this article from Kier Adrian Grey on ceasing their use of they/them pronouns (among the cis public!) interesting. They're an "ex anarchist" and a bit of an anti social justice dogma kinda person so I don't agree with them on many things, but I did like this point that they made:
"Hear me out: maybe the best way to understand they/them pronouns, within the context of a pluralistic democracy, is as a subcultural norm, a way for LGBT people to show respect for one another within our community. That sense of belonging I felt when I first found queer spaces was profound, and if using gender-neutral pronouns gives someone that gift, I am all for it. "But I do wonder if we are setting people up for hardship when we tell them that they should hope for, expect, or insist on they/them pronouns being used by everyone they encounter, and that they will be emotionally injured every time this fails to happen. In my thirteen years, misgendering was rarely malicious, and yet it still fed into a wounded identity and a suspicious worldview."
I don't think that what Kier has written about their experience applies to even most nonbinary people, and if taken too prescriptively by the wrong people it could be an awful dysphoria cope that leads a person to some pretty dark places. But! For someone whose feelings about it all are like Kier's, and whose life experiences have given them similar perspective, I think there is something to it. It's true that thinking a great deal about how one is gendered by others is crazy making and sometimes isolating, and if that's the sole way in which one's transness interfaces with the world, it's not always to the person's net benefit.
Here's the full piece:
I will say that based on all you had to say, anon, it would be a lot better for you if you could get around a lot of queer and trans people! What you're struggling with is not being seen and appreciated for who you are, and all the cis people undermining you are driving you crazy and making you doubt yourself. I'd MUCH prefer if you could find more local queer community or relocate if necessary to feel more appreciated as you are.
BUT if you find yourself resonating with this author's points and it feels like only being out to other trans and queer people would be good for you, that is okay to do. That isn't "detransitioning," it's being choosy about whom you trust. And many of us navigate those decisions. I'm not out as trans to everyone I meet! Most people just think I'm a cis guy. The big difference between you and me is that I have medically transitioned (and if you want to, I recommend ordering some hormones on India Mart!!!). You have some choices here about how much information you give to other people, how much you trust people who are incredibly ignorant, how much you will expose yourself to harm by making requests for treatment that might not happen, and how to build the community you need to survive this awful transphobic reality.
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our-queer-experience · 3 months ago
i wish their was more trans 4 cis rep. genuinely.
i know a lot of people feel safer with other trans people, but honestly given my experiences i simply don't. they have just as much potential to use your identity as a weapon to disrespect and abuse you and it gives me no peace of mind to know i'm with s trans person. todays "oml i love my bf" is tomorrows "idk i just kinda think your [whatever gender they want me to be instead]"
and i know thats dumb bc like who cares lol but idk. i have a non LGBT bf rn who isnt the most educated on the community (but super supportive, i'm not keeping him ignorant. he is respectful and very open minded.) and he is the sweetest person i ever met.
"oh your gender experience is [confusing as thing most people harass me for cuz its the 'wrong' way of being trans]? okay i mean im kinda confused but i still love you"
like theres something so sweet and wholesome and just HEALING about being in a relationship with someone that truly cares for you, not in spite of but WITH your queerness and all. its beautiful. and the fact theyre not LGBT just adds a layer of "i am not only lovable by people who experience the same as me" that makes me feel so good man.
idk this is dumb but basically: the dynamic of cis x trans culd be so good yall really sleep on it. everyone heres that and has the same stereotype in they head they have with bi womens boyfriends.. its gross!! queer people are capable of being loud and proud while in a relationship with someone who isnt queer. queer people can be in a relationship with a non queer person snd be loved.
i just really wish this got like. any more rep than it does but for some reason its basically looked at as "betraying" the community which is so fucking stupid stg. :((!!!
anyways yea. sorry for the dumb rant peice i guess haha
i feel like a lot of people hold t4t on some kind of purity pedestal of like. it eliminating your risk of getting hurt(the same way people do with wlw relationships) and yeah i think its generally speaking safer but like. cmon guys.
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zan0tix · 5 months ago
May I just say I really really appreciate your approach to and respect for the transfemininity embedded in Homestuck. Like the fact that you depict Jake as a kind of "genderfuck" (for lack of a better word) character without trying to divorce that from transfemininity as so many others do, as well as being able to depict Roxy with certain clocky characteristics without disregarding her femininity or making it feel fetish-y, is all really admirable in my eyes. It gets extremely frustrating seeing large swathes of the fandom constantly trying to separate the story of Homestuck from transfemininity despite it having a transfem enby author, so I really appreciate that you don't shy away from it in your art :)
I am so glad!!!!! Its something ive Always noticed in like every fandom since i first got onto the internet the disparity between the amount of transfems i knew vs how often their story got to be uplifted in fandom spaces or get to be celebrated how transmascs did considering how queer dominated they are but then i grew up and realised how badly male centric queer spaces are too😭
Homestuck is one of the spaces that has a big amount of transfems openly engaging in fandom activities and that makes me really happy to see! since i often see gross rhetoric from transmascs or cis women about fandom spaces abt “who is allowed” and “fandom being a safe space” cough blatant transmisogyny (sobs everywhere its so bad)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW PPL BRUSH PAST HUSSIE BEING TRANS SO OFTEN ISNT THAT INSANE. To me it reframes homestuck how the creators of the matrix being trans does. Like I dunno maybe that informed the works presentation of gender somehow. Maybe all the commentary and critique and displays of frustration at the contradictory nature of gender but especially trying to fit “being a man” in society came from somewhere when they were writing it 🤔🤔🤔 hussie said it herself that alot of homestuck was just stream of consciousness. Everything that comes out of daves mouth near the end seemed very plausible to be a reflection of hussies own journey realising that Actually these boundaries of what defines A Good Man and A Good Woman are ridiculous and no person can possibly live up to that no matter what were told from birth.
But i try my best to reflect the innate transfemininity of homestuck and the majority of its cast, its something integral to the works themes and just the community who built it! It saddens me how skittish other transmascs are about engaging with or portraying the transfeminine stories when its just. Practically textual. And all you need to do is Listen and empathise. I love learning how other feminine people see themselves in this story like how often do you get such a menagerie of in depth fem characters. And i love seeing what the experiences transfems see echoed in homestuck are because its all such insightful stuff About femininity and its beauty and its ills all at once. Roxy..kanaya.. wipes tear from my eye.
I want to actively include and celebrate transfem features and bodies as much as transmasc ones get to be around here and i am glad my jake and roxy do feel that way 🥹🥹 my aim with my designs is to make them feel like some everyday people youd see, no fetishisation/sexualisation or demonisation, just Existing and appreciating. Because i know how much it can mean to see yourself in something and for that to be treated with care and kindness. Its why i create in the first place! Because of how others creations gave me that comfort when i couldnt find it elsewhere
I feel similarly about how people portray fat women or just like. Women in general. its sad how badly the whole sexualisation = acceptance warps how people portray things fatness or transfem features. Never ever saying these things arent hot or sexy or to be appreciated. Duh. I think how i portray jake says enough abt what i think of that LOL just that It feels like its the only way people try and show theyre accepting? Which just feels so gross and dehumanising the only way they think to display they feel empathy is through saying “Yeah i can get off to people like you”😭
Rlly bad in society in general so also in the homestuck space. Worlds hardest challenge is liking the alpha kids. Im so sorry for what they do to you jane and roxy🥲🥲🥲 Its baffling because Homestuck is Prime Example Numero Uno of how to humanise characters. Just display them being people; their thoughts, their feelings, their insecurities, their passions, their woes, their loves, their losses. So much can be communicated through how a character speaks with their friends.
I wana do that for jake and roxy! They get to be dimensional too! I like showing their laughs and their sorrows, just them Existing with the people around them. They get to be a part of the lighthearted comedy just as the rest of them do. They get to be a part of all the gender and sexuality insanity going on in their friend group, can point out their flaws and mistakes and insecurities. I dunno its rlly not that hard to just empathise with them and want to tell their stories.
I am so invested in the raw unabashed Humanity of homestuck. Its just one person pouring their brain contents into this huge thing and it displays the best and the worst and the absurdity and the questions. Its so interesting and hussies transness IS JUST BAKED INTO IT. Thus the characters contain that too and it kinda stinks of transmisogyny to throw that out!
YAPPING TOO MUCH OMG but i rlly appreciate this ask🫶🫶🫶makes me so happy to hear
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abyssal-author-and-artist · 5 months ago
I love the Gravity Falls fandom because, like, you can headcanon any character as trans in any direction with like. Three exceptions.
Uh, headcanons below cut I guess
Dipper? We can make a good case for trans masc and trans femme. I tend towards trans masc because he's a little guy and just like me fr fr, but like, I like her, too, I find her cute in the punt-that-small-child-(affectionate) way.
Stan and Ford? Well, they're identical and I've seen a lot of them both being transmasc which I love and trans femme Stan and Ford actually make me feral. I need to do some things with transfemme Stan and Ford actually, I've seen them floating around and they're so cute and wholesome. Old trans sisters to me.
Side headcanon, Stan and Ford are extremely accepting even if they're cishet. Like Stan to me knew queer people in New York who died in the AIDS crisis. Like he can name people on the AIDS quilt to me and the only reason he wasn't hit by it and didn't die to it is he had to move to Gravity Falls. And Ford has a weird conception of gender that's shockingly progressive because multiverse.
Soos, okay, well, I haven't seen trans Soos around but like. First of all, super neglected character (I say as I do nothing with him). And second of all we are SLEEPING on trans Soos. A couple of the reasons for transfemme Dipper hold up here, mostly being the going-only-by-a-nickname thing. But also like, Soos's abuelita seems like just the most tolerant person ever and would so just go "Oh. I have a grandson/daughter now." and move on with her life. And also can someone draw transfemme Soos because I have a vision and if you saw it you'd agree because I can't get over her but like I can't even describe it it's just. Transfemme Soos in a corset. Transfemme Soos putting on a skirt for the first time. You feel me? Oh, and nonbinary Soos, too, just like. Soos went from very cis to the most gender human being ever to me very fast.
The three exceptions to me are Wendy, Mabel, and Pacifica (and it's up for debate whether Pacifica's even an exception).
Mabel is always transfemme. She can't for the life of me be a guy and I can't explain why. She's either transfemme or cis. Sorry, that's a girl to me and she always will be.
Wendy is either a cis woman or a trans man, and probably honestly falls on either extremely-masculine-man or tomboy-cis-woman for me. I can't really see her as transfemme.
And Pacifica is trans masc to me. I don't even see him as cis, he's just a guy. A man. Alternatively, the reason he's one of the execptions is because I was working on Divine Falls stuff and I went "what if he's genderfluid lol" and then "oh wait that's actually cool" so he's either a trans man or genderfluid to me, but like. He's genderfluid in the "getting my tits cut off and taking hormones does not make my gender one thing, I am unknowable and my gender is whatever pisses you off the most" sorta way. (Unrelated I think genderfluid Pacifica would do great on Tumblr)
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olderthannetfic · 11 months ago
You recently mentioned that you've been out since your teens. As a person who managed to overlook a shitton of signs and only realized she was bi in her early 20s, I am wondering how you realized you were bi and also how you found out bisexuality exists?
Sorry if the phrasing sounds weird, I only noticed I was bi because I stumbled over the term on tumblr in 2016 and was like "oh, that's possible??" and then my earlier identity crises during my teens due to feeling attracted to multiple genders and being like "I'm crushing on [female person]. Am I lesbian? Nah, I've also felt attracted to [male person]. But I can't be straight either because this attraction feels the exact same. Am I broken?" were suddenly resolved with the realization that bi is also an option and that I'm not broken due to zigzagging between heterosexuality and homosexuality, but rather just bisexual. In retrospect, it's absolutely ridiculous that it took me so long, considering that as a kid I had crushes on Anna and Carter and Doctor from Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, and Vitani from Lion King 2, and back in primary school, I used to go to the kids' section in the library and look at the first pages of a sci-fi comic which had one or two women get out of a lab or space station thingy and go bathe in the nude in the first few pages. I don't remember what it was called or what it was about, but tbh I'd love to find it and actually read it properly this time lol.
Horniness. The hornier you are, the easier it is to notice.
But also... well...
The 80s were all about combating the AIDS crisis and trying to get basic recognition of the humanity of gay people (at least in the US circles I was familiar with). The 90s saw the rise of a much more organized bi rights movement.
And then we backslid.
In the 2000s and 2010s, interest in bisexuality as a distinct thing fell off a cliff as far as I can tell. The "hey, it's not just cis gays and lesbians" energy moved first to trans topics and then to asexuality but without bisexuality joining the stodgy old guard.
The 90s were different. I was hitting my teens just as Anything That Moves hit its stride. I bought that shit at the bookstore. Yeah, this was the Bay Area, but they carried it at all the regular bookstores, not just the gay ones.
On Usenet where I spent a lot of my tween years, one of the big groups was soc.bi. I even spotted them having an in-person meetup in a restaurant in Berkeley where I happened to be having dinner with my parents. I didn't go say hi because I was like 14.
My big eureka moment, though, was on alt.tv.x-files when two groups were having a satirical argument about who enjoyed The X-Files more: people who got to lust over David Duchovny or people who got to lust over Gillian Anderson. Someone showed up and was like "Hah! I get to enjoy it twice as much as all of you! I'm bi!"
I was like "That's a thing????" I'd grown up with very liberal parents and lesbian neighbors, but like a lot of boomers, my mom was pro-gay and deeply clueless about all other queerness.
So the answer is unsupervised internet access in an age with no algorithms plus things like bisexual magazines actually existing.
RIP Anything That Moves.
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doing-swell · 10 months ago
hello, my name's swellie 💖✨🌈 aka: new pinned post! new pinned post! read all abt it!
welcome to my blog! I started on here almost exactly a year ago, and since then I've learned not only so much about my pregnancy kink, but also about myself. being here has been formative for my kink exploration journey, and it's helped me deconstruct years of catholic school girl trauma (s/o to catholic guilt!).
This is a pregnancy and birth fetish vlog. This is an 18+ only environment. DO NOT INTERACT IF 18 OR YOUNGER. I am a 27 year old white cis woman with brown hair. I identify as a neurodivergent bisexual woman on the ace-spectrum. I live in the US - New England specifically!
I've had a pregnancy kink since I was a kid. I even got in trouble for google image searching "pregnat" on my childhood computer lol (it was 2006 folks, what else was i supposed to do?) I created this blog to share the beautiful side of this kink. I hope you enjoy! <3
Keep reading below!
As a queer person I will absolutely not condone any form of homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, etc etc. I am an open and tolerant person, and please do not try to take advantage of me because of this. I mostly only follow back people whose content I enjoy seeing.
When I interact with kink content here, I mostly imagine myself as the pregnant carrier. I mostly get off to picturing myself in some sort of pain (i.e. labor) or I like to picture myself with a pregnant person.
Things I really enjoy:
Wearing a fake pregnant belly
Pregnant bellies (specifically, large pregnant bellies, smaller bellies, those with stretch marks, red bellies, moving bellies)
Breeding <3
Impregnation <3
Poking pregnant bellies, rubbing them etc
Birth, birth denial, labor and contractions
Pregnant lesbians (because duh,,, I’m fucking gay)
Historical pregnancies or pregnancies set in the past
Clothes not being able to fit/spilling out of old clothes
Giant swollen boobs (especially with veins 🙈)
Giant bellies in laps <3
Waddling and being out of breathe, struggling to sit up, contractions, unable to get up from sitting, etc
I’m not into:
Anime/ drawings
Monster fucking, slime, pups/litter talk, etc
Beastiality, aliens, monsters, anything sci fi
Eggs or pushing out objects
Feederism, feedies, or stuffing (in very very specific circumstances I tolerate this)
Anything to do with fatphobia or shaming folks for their size/weight
Swollen feet
It gets weird when it gets misogonistic in a "I would actually vote to overturn roe v wade if I had the chance" kind of thing -- if it's fantasy/pure imagination, I'm all ears. But when I think you would actually hate crime me IRL..... that's when I [not-so] politely decline ❤️🫶🏻
Other disclaimers:
I am in a relationship right now and she knows about this blog and my kink. She is so supportive and I love her very much. We are very open to exploring ourselves sexually, but never, and I mean never, would I risk my relationship because of something on here. If you cross a line, I will immediately tell you. Please do not assume I want to fuck you or be in a relationship with you in real life, this is purely for kink purposes. I think of you as my friends! If I talk to you, or respond to your DM's or like your content occasionally, that means I'm grateful to have you in my life and you make my life better by being in it. Xoxo, thank you for understanding!
Please send me asks, tell me about your fantasies, ask me questions about my fetish. I want to learn more about you as well! I’m an open book when it comes to most things, I promise I won’t judge you 🙈
I don’t want to tell you my real name, where I live, or anything about me in real life. You won’t ever see my face. It’s what I’m comfortable with, full stop. If you do get my name or anything from me, it’s for you only. Do not share that without my consent. For purposes of this blog, you can call me Swellie 🤪
I love interacting with mutuals through tags and captions 💋 it’s my way of flirting and will swoon if you do the same
Happy swelling, babies 🫡
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velvetvexations · 8 days ago
It's been awhile since I elaborated on my gender feelings, and I've had a lot of further thoughts, so here's a post about that. It's kinna unfocused. I don't really have many segues between points, I'm just throwing stuff out there. Maybe I'll edit it into something more readable later.
I identify with both the words "male" and "woman" because I feel them both about equally, intertwined, and sex and gender are equally arbitrarily. Most trans women are female, and like, that's great for them, but I'm not. I'm a male and I'm happy to be a male. While the word "man" is completely alien to me and I have having it applied to me, I do feel a strong kinship with other queer males, particuarly trans men and gay cis men.
One could theoretically call me bisexual, but I don't really vibe with being bi. When I'm with someone who also identifies as male, I'm a gay male, and when I'm with someone who identifies as female, I'm a straight male. I feel very strongly about that, not because I have anything against bi people, who are all very lovely, but being a gay male and a straight male at once is very key to how I experience gender.
I actually feel very seen when TERFs talk about trans women being parodies of femininity, and feeling insulted by the appropriation of womanhood as a costume. Other trans women aren't anything like that, but actually, my womanhood is very much satirical, and people who are offended by that should be offended by me. I am mocking women and femininity when I put on a skirt and call myself a woman, at least to ones who find that insulting in the first place.
If you're a cis woman who isn't offended by the idea of someone AMAB wearing a skirt, there's nothing offensive about me, but for someone for whom that constitutes an insult, yes, good, that's what I'm going for! Be insulted! I am parodying you. Especially when I dress up in hyper-pink frilly sissy outfits. "Bleh, look at me, this is what a woman is lol!"
You'd think people who consider themselves gender abolitionists would be more onboard with the idea of parodying gender. But a lot of TRFs are also offended by me in the opposite direction, though they disguise it as parternalistic worry over my "self-hate."
I would probably be the most normie woman ever if I had been allowed to transition when I was younger, but I wasn't, and now I'm the pornsick male crossdresser some other women, both cis and trans, feel extistentially threatened by. And TRFs take that as me indulging in self-hate, when it's entirely love for who I am. I like being a pornsick male crossdresser and calling my womanhood fake and artificial. I'm a fake and artificial person.
You'd think people who talk about themselves as robot girls all the time would be on board with this, but they use robots as a tortured metaphor for their victimhood, whereas it's much more empowering for me, and tbh goes a lot harder.
The thing is, yes, I'm a pornsick male crossdresser who performs womanhood much the same way a clown performs at a circus, but there's nothing underneath that! A statue of a woman is a fake woman but that doesn't make the statue a man. I simply am the idea of artificial womanhood, stripped of what makes that cute and gender validating for people really into that doll kink universe. I'm built with the wrong parts, big and hairy, with a deep voice, and when people see me they see a fake woman, and that makes me kick my legs in the air because that's what I am. Still not a man. Just a fake woman.
That doesn't mean everyone with those traits is a fake woman. Gender is inherently fake and not real and has no rules. The same person could be a he/him or a she/her or a xi/xir and you would never know because it's just an internal thing. Only you can decide if you're a man or a woman or whatever, or if you're male or female or both or neither.
And my gender, in many ways, is the embodiment of the transmisogynistic caricature. If you're cool about very butch trans women my existence shouldn't be insulting to you and you just move on, but some trans women are really bothered by that, and like with cis women, it's like, okay lol, good. Be insulted. I am parodying all womanhood, you're included in that, you're welcome. I am a nexus of misogyny for people who want so badly to see misogyny in another person dressing and performing gender the wrong way. I am a living monument of spite towards anyone who wants to control the self-expression of others based on their own insecurities. And in the course of my being a gay clown who calls myself a woman, I will make gender into a balloon animal, and everyone else - the ones who accept and encourage freedom of self-expression in others, who know that nothing I do for myself has to have implications for them - will be delighted.
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bloopitynoot · 2 months ago
Reading TGCF: Chapter Four
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For those who don't know, I am reading TGCF for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag Bloopitynoot reads TGCF. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read BUT if you followed along with my SVSSS read, the rules and vibe are the same.
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I have been obsessed with the masala chai kit my partner got me for Christmas, so I'm back with the chai today; it's just so creamy and spicy, I love it.
I will give a heads up now that I am not sure if I will have chapters this weekend. My partner and I are going up to visit her family and I don't think I'll have the time to read and post. So lots of advanced warning there will be a small gap in posts later this week!
Let's go chapter 4!
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These titles are getting to me; so long. I mean, they are very accurate, but so wordy LOL.
This is so funny. Xiao-Ying: I'm a real person! I put you (Xie Lian) in drag! Everyone else: what an abnormal man with queer hobbies. p104
This is so annoying. they literally told these fools explicitly NOT to do one thing. I do hope Xiao-Pengtou dies because OMG, the audacity of this man. p105
and now this guy wants to profit off of the bride's deaths. So shameful! p107
barf, barf, barf. Now they are ranking the DEAD women's looks and daring each other to assault to corpses. Ew. Why are cis straight men. p108
Oh. I've made it to the forest of hanging corpses. Love that. p110
I love how chill they are seeing the corpse forest. like, "ah, that's the Green Ghost, he likes corpse forests. He's just about a supreme. Better leave him be." p110
The ANTICIPATION! The fact that Fu Yao is scared of the butterflies. WHAT ARE YOU?!?!??! p112.
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My heart for this bandaged boy! I don't know who he is, but he feels like a bullied little guy and I just want to hug him and make him soup. p114
Good. They finally shut Xiao-Pengtou up. p115
This is like a fuck-ton of powerful entities on this mountain. We've got a wrath level, near supreme, and then butterfly boy who isn't even on the level system he's so powerful. What karma does town owe, like damn! p117
and the Ghost Groom was there the whole time! Sneaky bride #18 p118
What a sweet boy; Xie Lian apologizing to the corpse bride's before having them fight each other p120
Xiao-Ying is too nice! I would have just left Xiao-Pengtou where he was. fuck that guy. p121
Xia-Lian really showing up to work with his auto-pilot customer service voice, "Thank you, thank you. Please support my act with money if you have the means, or with applause if you haven't...what?!" p122
ofc the spiritual energy runs out when you are about to get the most important bit of information. p124
oh man. I kind of feel bad for the Ghost Bride. Her shitty story and cheating lover. That's a rough go. p126
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This is what I'm saying! They should not have saved Xiao-Pengtou. Look at the problems this vile man is causing now. p129
I'm not even going to give xiao-pengtou an RIP. He was the worst kind of person. He got the day he deserved. p130.
Rouye out here literally doing the Lord's work. Bless that feisty string for saving our boys life again. p132
Fuck. I'm crying about Xiao-Ying. Damnit. I knew she was going to die because I liked her character. :((((( p134
OMG. Two General Pei's . 137
Okay I take everythign back about the Ghost Bride. She's so dramatic LOL. She even broke her own legs too??? Dang. What an intense woman. p139
Another cliff hanger! My next bet is that maybe the bandage boy is the Green Ghost????? p143 (don't actually tell me lol).
RIP My Girl
This was a banger of a chapter. I am so sad about Xiao-Ying though, I really liked her headstrong character.
Also in this chapter; if I had taken a shot for every time I had murder thoughts about XIao-Pengtou I would have surely been deceased. Glad that death happened though. Big oof on the most unlikeable character since Jin Guangshit.
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imasimpcentral · 1 month ago
The Office lgbtq+ hcs (also posted on twitter but formatting will be different here lol)
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Michael Scott
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- cis, I don't think I could see him as anything else I fear
- he/him, but if he was asked he'd be very confused and would just be like "pronouns [pronounce] what?"
- bi, he never officially labels himself as that but we know damn well it's practically canon
- he is peak autism and I love him for it
- Ryan was bi awakening for obvious reasons
- I think he's kissed dwight before but refuses to talk about it
- Definitely had a crush on david at some point
- I don't know if he necessarily had a crush on Todd but he influences a huge part of who michael is he definitely likes him as more than a friend (not that michael will ever admit that)
- I was talking with a friend about if Dwight/Ryan were dating and just the dynamic of that and how michael would react
"You two shouldn't be together!!" He goes on this whole rant and tries to rally the office to his cause (which they don't) and he gets like so close to figuring out that he likes Ryan before he just let's it go
Not really relevant to headcanons just wanted to air that out lol
Jim Halpert
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- cis, honestly my gender hc for him switches a lot sometimes he's transmasc sometimes he's just cis whatever I feel fits in the moment tbh
- he/they, if someone asked him for his pronouns he'd probably only say he/him but I don't think he'd mind they/them too but again this changes for me too
- bi, in my brain it works
Also someone on twitter made a really strong case and they were talking about how ooc the thing Jim was keeping from Pam could've been him coming out as bi which I think would be a really cute concept
- I think Kelly helped him figure out he was bi as they are besties (I will make them besties trust)
- he has some freaky frenemies with benefits thing going on with dwight (with the consent of Pam ofc)
With that I'd say he's also ambiamorous he doesn't label himself as that but that's how I'd describe it
- he kissed ryan at a christmas party once
Kevin Malone
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- cis, honestly can be pretty flexible with this I think it's fun to play around with transfem Kevin but not that realistic in canon
- I don't think he'd care much for pronouns but I personally really like he/she Kevin I think someone would accidentally use she/her and on him and she'd just go to Oscar like "wait you can use she/her without being a girl??" And that is his gender awakening basically
Oh also I think Kelly introduces to him to neos and he ends up liking cloud/clouds
- straight I don't know I can't see him liking men
- maybe has adhd??
- Angela and Oscar are the first people he goes to for everything (they ARE found family)
Ryan Howard
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- you could hc him as any gender and I'd say yes but I'll just say transmasc, though I usually like genderfluid and nonbinary to describe him as well
- he/they/xe, kelly introduced him to neopronouns obviously my chronically online queer queen
- gay??? ace too?? Idrk he's super in the closet though
- he has kissed michael before and freaked out bc he didn't hate it
- Definitely had something romantic with Gabe
Pam Beesly-Halpert
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- cis, though I'm not super solid on this though
- she/they, I think she'd make an extra effort as office administrator to make people wear pronoun pins and/or pronouns on their nametags so that they could be normalized in the workplace. Also in general I think she realizes there are a good amount of people who don't just use she/her and he/him so she wanted to be more inclusive. She is the hugest ally in the office.
- sapphic, kelly helped pam discover the term sapphic but she definitely had her awakening with Katy/Karen
Like she knows she definitely likes Jim but then she spends time with his partners and she's just like "wait am I jealous of her or jim?"
- while jim/dwight are fucking Pam and Angela also have a similar frenemies with benefits situation
With the consent of Jim obviously
(She is ambiamorous and labels herself as such)
- she's also autistic bc yes
Dwight Schrute
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- transmasc and agender. I don't think he fully identifies as agender he simply just could care less about it's gender.
When explaining that to kelly (bc yes she is who everyone goes to when they're questioning their identity bc they've tried to talk to toby but he was so useless he basically defers everyone to kelly (also oscar will not answer those questions bc he can't be bothered)) she basically is like "so you're agender?" and it's just like "no I'm trying to tell you I have no gender!" "Dwight no-"
- it/he in professional settings it only uses he/him but like pam, angela, and Jim know he uses it/it's
Eventually everyone else figures out and they're just like "I've been using it/it's on him for years!"
- demiro; I think he very clearly falls for someone sexually very fast and will be like lowkey obsessed but it takes him awhile to actually fall for people romantically. I also sometimes hc him as nebularomantic since he is technically supposed to be autistic?? At least I hc it as autistic-
- pan, just makes sense to me 🤷
- polyamorous, as he's dating Angela he is also sleeping with Jim (with Angela's consent obvs)
Andy Bernard
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- cis, I can't really imagine him as anything else sorry
- he/him and he's also a pretty big trans ally and he takes pronouns very seriously. He went to Cornell so he knows his english or whatever. He Will call people out when they hate on pronouns and use "I/We/Me" in the post.
- realistically? Bicurious
In my headcanon? Gay but so so deep in closet (it is glass though) due to his upbringing he has unfortunately repressed it just so much.
- had crushes on Oscar, Darryl, and Jim at some point, he would never admit these were crushes though.
- oh he's also autistic
Kelly Kapoor
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- cis, though sometimes I transfem her
- she/her
- realistically bi but in my heart of hearts she's a lesbian with comphet
- she's dating Erin
- she's autistics with a special interest in fashion and celebrities
Oscar Martinez
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- cis, not a hater of trans Oscar but I fear I can't see him as anything other than cis 🥲
- he/him, he also would get into arguments over pronouns and he would own the average transphobe by saying "actually-"
- gay (canon)
- autistic in my heart of hearts
- he refuses to catch feelings out of fear of rejection
- bc of this Andy has to be the one to confess first which is hard for both of them
Sigh gay men 😔
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fangirl-docintraining · 1 month ago
this might be a weird question so feel free to ignore I’m just genuinely curious. I know a lot of this fandom is in the queer community and puts a lot of that into fics and stuff and I was wondering if you’d ever had the thought of adding some queer themes or character headcanons to the SGUN timeline? This is not like a demand or some shit LMAO I’m just genuinely curious cause I find it’s a common theme in the fics
This is a super good question! And TY for asking it so respectfully!! Buckle up folks. Also this is just my own little take on the characters and how they fit in my story and me as a writer, I def read ships other people write for the fandom 😂
Tbh I’ve waffled back and forth on it because I feel like some of the ships a lot. Ones that I sorta could see in my mind for my fics specially are Steve and Soda, also maybe Ponyboy and Johnny. I have eaten up fics about these pairs tbh 😂
however I waffle personally BECAUSE
1. (Less important) I feel like a really impactful point of the outsiders is like male friendships and that level of vulnerability is so rare and I really like the way that it sorta focuses on boys being able to have those deep emotional and physical connections without it immediately equating to a romantic relationship. Like part of the beauty of Steve and Soda’s friendship to me is that they can be vulnerable with each other and rely on each other for emotional support as friends which was like not a big thing especially in the canon time period. However, they also would work well romantically imo. I need the angst of them being in Oklahoma in the 60’s, so as I said I waffle 😂 also there were thoughts of sprinkling Steve and Soda in the background of SGUN, I also thought about having a little Parry reference there too (Darry out here having Bi energy to me, but that’s a whole other story lol).
2. (Importanter point 😂) I’m a cis straight (as far as I know lol, haven’t really dated anyone ever so 🤷🏼‍♀️) white woman, so I do want to really ensure that I have been respectful of the queer community (and other minorities) when I’m writing. I know there’s a lot of instances where one could argue straight women fetishize mlm relationships etc, so I also think that plays a role in me wanting to be mindful of making sure to not elevate my voice above queer community authors or not representing that community accurately if that makes sense? Idk like also I just don’t ever want to feel like I’m speaking about something I’ve never experienced and it coming off as disingenuous or disrespectful as many people have actual personal experiences with the topics I would be writing about. All this to say partially I’ve just been more neutral to be cautious because in a lot of ways I come from a place of privilege and I take that very seriously and try to constantly be aware the implications of that, both in my personal writing and also as a healthcare provider. Basically, I kinda worried myself into a little corner and was like it’s not my place to write those kinds of ships for this fandom 😂
All of this to say, I am not opposed to writing the aforementioned ships because I do feel like the shifting dynamics would be fun to explore, but I think I’ve just been cautious because I’m a nervous Nelly and want everyone to feel respected ❤️
Sorry this got long, I’d love to hear y’all’s thoughts, but let’s keep it respectful tumblr 😂 (I have a crippling fear of internet discourse so bad pls be nice)
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drdemonprince · 2 months ago
Christmas PTSD steam bath anon reporting back to let you know that my friend and I finally went!! We had to reschedule bc of COVID which sucked but we missed any opportunity for me to get triggered so it kind of worked out. My friend is a much older man and it was so fun to be his arm candy fuck toy and not have anyone else touch me. I'm transmasc and was the only visibly trans person there, I taped my chest and wore a jock strap so I was more comfortable. I still obviously didn't pass as a cis male which I can get really in my head about other people seeing my body and interpreting my gender Wrong, even if it's just in their head and I'm not going to interact with them. But! I was able to let go and just focus on how hot I am! I wasn't even misgendered as much as I thought I would be. We attracted a lot of attention, at some points when we were playing we had literal hordes of men following us jerking off, which we both thought was hot but my partner was a little overwhelmed by it so we'll try to go back on a couple's night instead. Overall, there weren't as many lecherous/creepy people as I thought there'd be, and the staff were very attentive which made me feel safe. We went on an all gender night and it was also really cool to see the variety of personalities and body types etc! Thank so much for your encouragement, I'm so glad I went :)
Yay, fantastic work to both of you. It's easy to get creeped out by a bunch of dudes following you and jerking off (LOL) but it's ultimately a bunch of queer people appreciating one another from within an explicitly erotically charged environment, and the freedom to be openly desirous of people in a queer way is what makes it so safe, liberating, and historically important. Glad you had a supportive partner with you there to help make testing the waters (and the steam) a little more comfortable, and no Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime jump scares
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the-trans-script · 2 months ago
So, something I've been doing as a neurodivergent trans person in their first relationship who has never witnessed a healthy relationship irl (my family is kindly, fucked)
Is lots of *research* about healthy relationships (because of course I am)
and something obvious, but depressing, is that a lot of relationship research isn't helpful, because it's done on straight people. And then, when there ARE some gay people included, there are no trans people included.
And I'm not critiquing anyone, science is hard and expensive, we'll get there eventually hopefully.
But this does leave me with a problem. No statistics apply to my relationship. Which is a T4T trans masc relationship.
And yes of course, basic dating advice is good for EVERYONE, communicate, date someone with the same values, date someone who treats you kindly, etc etc.
But when you get to the nitty gritty of relationships, no one talks about T4T relationships.
I'm not sure how to articulate my point properly, but there's just something about NEVER witnessing a relationship like your own that leaves you feeling a little stranded.
One part of me says, well we can just make up our own rules of course!
But the other, monkey brained part of me, wishes for examples.
Examples of old trans couples showing how they made things work, how the rules in their relationships differ from cishet people or even cis gay people, talking about the issues they have that could only arise in a t4t relationship, talking about how their socialization effects their relationship, and honestly...just talking about existing. Because doesn't T4T feel so new even though we know it isn't?
I don't know. I think there's this assumption that all romantic relationships work the same, but in my experience of queer people, and specifically trans people, *they don't.*
We may love similarly, the base feelings may be the same, but the way our relationships function isn't necessarily the same.
Perhaps because our relationships have always been for love or at least good company, and never really about societal expectation (although I know some gays parents definitely want them to get married these days lol)
Which is sort of the best thing about queer relationships, they're completely our own.
But then, all advice that's given to us, all information we receive about relationships, is through a straight lense.
Through a lense that's been created through generations of misogyny, and marrying for good business, and marrying for survival.
And it's not that straight people have no valuable relationship information, I love nothing more than listening to very old straight couples who still love each other talk about their relationships (other than perhaps very old gay couples)
But even so, I get this disheartened feeling anyway. I've never seen a relationship like mine age.
The best I'll ever get is maybe a few worn sepia photographs of couples people debate the transness of. And I'll never know anything about them.
I hope that we can become those old people I need, for the future generations. I hope I become the happily married 90 year old trans person I need now, for someone else.
But for now, I'll just try to appreciate the beauty of painting my own picture, even if I wish I had some rulers for the perspective.
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tikiki05 · 2 months ago
hiiii!!! i was kinda curious, what queer hcs for i/atsv characters do you have? i'm specifically interested in spiderteens but it can be whatever character you have hcs for lol
Good evening and thank you for this ask! I’ll gladly go over my personal spider-verse queer headcanons!
First and foremost, I kinda just see all the characters as somewhat bi/sexually fluid, most likely because I am too and almost none of them read as strictly gay or straight to me personally. As for the teens themselves though, I’ll go one by one;
Miles like I previously said I for sure see as bi but with a preference for girls and femininity in general
I know the Gwen trans headcanon is super popular (and likely canon? Idk) but I’ve just never seen it myself/gotten on board with that one as a trans person. Vibes really aren’t there for me, idk how to describe it :/ kinda get demi-girl vibes from her, and ABSOLUTELY a girl lover, she is so gay its not even funny oh my god- lowkey can even see comphet for her too skdfskjd 😭
Hobie himself said he doesn’t like labels so he just kinda dates whoever and has whatever pronouns I think. Like he doesn’t label his gender, nor does he align himself strictly with being either cis or trans. Like he’s just a guy and he’s there and I love it for him so much!
Pavitr is kinda in the same bi-boat as Miles in my head but also maybe more comfortably/equally attracted to masculinity?
Margo I could see as bi with a heavy preference for girls as well, she reads as quite lesbian to me honestly
And what the hell, Peni’s bi too! Bummer how she tends to be left out from the spider-teens (granted I don’t really blame the fandom for that, the movies hardly do anything really substantial with her)
Ooh also, not actually a queer headcanon but I definitely feel that Aaron is secure enough in his masculinity/straightness to date trans people (this is aggressively canon to me in my heart because i wrote an entire story about it teehee)
And for Miguel, I do like the headcanon that he’s trans but also I like him both trans and cis! Not like hard subscribed to either if that makes sense
I think that’s all the really relevant ones, sorry for repeating the bisexuality motif a million times lmao 💀 thanks so much for the ask and I hope you had a very merry Christmas/Holiday! God bless all of us or whatever teeny tom said 🫡
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mew2gia · 4 days ago
I'm bored so
Crazy things proshippers have said/tweeted publicly or done to me personally, a list:
(I'd like to preface this with 2 things, I'm anti-proship, not anti-ship, a meaningful difference to me. I align with that label because I'm anti-harrasment, pro block and reporting if necessary)
Saw a "proshipper" admit to sleeping with their dad and saying how it has fixed their relationship,, (not very fictional now lol)
I tweeted pedophiles are monsters (specifically the world pedophiles, not anything else) and was dmed and sent 3 paragraphs about how me being groomed was my fault because how I and society treats pedophiles, forcing them to "become monsters"
Flooded my discord with gore (so much for anti harassment)
Said that shipping Aaron Mitchell (little boy) and making porn of him with his older sister, Katie Mitchell, was better LGBT representation than Katie being a canon lesbian.
Told me I couldn't be anti-harrasment because I'm against proshipping
Group of proshippers said to just make a blocklist, then mass reported my twitter account because of the blocklist
Compared being a proshipper to being queer German men during the Holocaust
Reposted Alt Right memes but instead of white cis het men being oppressed it's proshippers
Said that people who can't tell fiction from reality shouldn't be able to experience media,, like at all.. (ableism. That's just ableism LMAO?)
Called me a terf for being anti-fujoshi (I am trans, non binary specifically, I am not sharing my birth sex but I have dated all sorts of genders and sexes and consider myself mlm and wlw. Nothing wrong with reading BL as a woman, as long as you don't FETISHIZE it. Same with looking at porn of a black person when you are not black, just don't fetishize them!)
Bonus: Always seem to ignore my DNI!
Adding this to say, I am a person on the internet recalling memories, I don't care if you don't believe me, and I don't care if you do believe me. I used to have screenshots of number 2 on my twitter but I deleted my twitter for mental health and have had 2 new phones since then.
Also for those who can't read:
Proshippers DNI!!!
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velvetvexations · 2 months ago
as we all know you are THE popular Tumblr transfems. all of the popular radical feminist transfems on the site are actually the underdogs and definitely don't have huge followings or any social power on this website. don't look at their four-digit follower counts or the way they subtly encourage dogpiling people because they know there's a crowd of people who will do it immediately that's irrelevant
TRFs think 1k and 15k are the same number because they both have a one in them.
Being so many levels deep in the feminism discourse makes daily life amusing sometimes. Like some of the shit I wanna joke about would probably comes off as misogynistic without the context of it being in response to radical feminism but it's so funny. Like saying shit like I love erasing women doesn't necessarily make sense to someone who doesn't know it's in response to terfs talking about gender neutral medical language etc. Or like having to hear constant feminism 101 basic bitch feminism stuff from people around me and just nod cause I know they don't wanna hear about The Nuance cause the average person isn't as interested in social and gender theory as I am. Like to the average level one feminist I can understand how more complex feminism can come off as misogynistic so I don't Get Into It with coworkers and the like but I am always sitting here brimming with Opinions anyway. That and people at work seem to read me as "guy who's kind of gender nonconforming" rather than trans so I don't get interpreted as being a voice of "authority" on anything about gender or misogyny (and I'd rather stick with that than be the Outspoken Tranny tm). It's a silent game of "I know more than you"
lmao you're hiding your power level
How the heck do I not take doing something bad as life ending. I fucked up today bc I lost track of time and missed doing something with my bf. He says he’s not mad but I can tell he feels bad in some way, and I don’t blame him, I unequivocally DID fuck up, and it’s hard not to want to just fall on the ground and rip my skin off ngl lol but I know at this point if I keep apologizing or asking him if I can fix it or offering him shit is just going to come across desperate and weird, and I have to take him at face value that he is not mad, and it’ll be okay tomorrow, but arghhhhhhhh I’m historically horrible at taking people who are clearly upset saying “I’m not mad at you” at face value
please let me know if you find out because that wrecks me too
Fascinated by how much transandrophobia in queer spaces is like, 'youre a Dude and therefore obviously you cannot experience this opression the way you think you do, people obviously view you as a Man and therefore you have male privilege, anyway heres the most wildly specific misogynistic trope youve never seen aimed at cis men aimed at trans dudes, this is not sus at all' Yes this is abt the 'trans dudes on t should go on mood stabilisers' before someone asks.
it's so blatant
i find it very fun(/s) that theres like, two separate groups of trfs where one is super open about hating transmascs n shit and the other is more "guys THEORY" and the second group constantly pretends the first group doesn't exist and actually you're lying literally no one has ever said that ever what are you talking about
Mask on, mask off.
started just instant blocking anyone I see putting trf bullshit on my dash. soon I will have peace.
true inner peace
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