#i am being dumb but im embracing being dumb
kingcygnus · 2 years
i just remembered when n52 introduced tim drake he wasn’t really even tim drake, but rather got that name because of witness protection to protect his parents, and then they never mentioned it again
new hc whatever the fuck was going with tim during n52 and why he didn’t feel like tim drake, is because that was a fake, the real tim drake came back in rebirth except everyone was so used to the bland tim, my guy who had acting training from alfred and had even pulled a convincing female role, had to stick to the bland perception people had of him, inside he’s still the feral tim drake we know from post-crisis
this makes absolutely zero sense but nothing in comics makes sense so now im keeping this hc
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zorosleftmantit101 · 1 year
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One piece men reacting to you telling them.
"-You make my heart feel warm"
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, kid, killer, buggy, crocodile, corazon, shanks, ace, sabo, mihawk, smoker, Katakuri
A/N: Thought I should probably throw in some fluff a lil bit of crack.
I made Sabo a lil french man ❤️
C/W: fluff, Swearing, mentions of heart attacks, mentions of telling ppm to kts.
"Are you having a heart attack?"
"me?" Staring at you with disbelief.
"No Zoro the fucking wall... yes you!"
Growls and pouts at you being an ass but will pull you into his lap.
"You make my heart feel warm too~"
"What was that Zoro?"
What are you gonna say at my funeral now that you've killed me.
"A loving partner and a strong fighter, Sanji will br forever missed"
2004- 2023
Death by nose bleed/s
"Yeah well your a shit."
Your sad cause you was just tryna be a cutie
Dw I got you come to me *licks lips deviously*
As your walking away all sad Kid yanks your arm so your sitting on his lap.
"I guess you make my heart feel things too, but dont go letting that get to your head!"
"Oh cool didn't know I could do that"
He's not dumb he's just being a dickhead on purpose to get a reaction out of you.
"I do? I- uhhh I mean OF COURSE I DO I AM THE GREAT MPPH-"
Shut this man up with a massive smooch or a fist to the face your choice.
"Is that so darling~"
His calloused fingers motion for you to come forward.
Walking towards him as he sits at his desk he pulls your hand into his brining it to his lips.
"Your so cute doll, one day im going to put a ring on this finger make you mine- make your heart only warm for me~"
Grabs your wrist kissing it while smiling before twirling you and dipping yoy in his embrace
"Mm you make me heart bloom like the flowers in a thousand springs my love~"
You where ready to ravish the man right there if he didn't trip sending the two of you crashing to the floor..
"Say on god"
"You flatter me Mademoiselle, my heart warms at your affection as well"
"Thats kinda gay"
"Oh thats nice umm you make my heart feel... umm..."
*proceeds to walk away out of sheer embarrassment*
"Are you /srs or /j"
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kdyism · 2 years
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pairing. haechan x reader
genre + themes. friends-to-lovers, fluff, smidge of angst, christmas-themed, college!au.
wc. 5,342 / warning. christmas, mention of kissing, being drunk, dumb decisions, mistletoes.
synopsis. after being victim to jaemin’s cupid-ing last christmas, lee donghyuck has to figure out whether he wants to give up on you or go for it while risking the comfort of your friendship because he think you don’t remember last christmas.   
secret santa hosted by @neowritingsnet​ for @kthpurplesyou​ | hi bee! it’s me santa watermelon aka yunan <3 hoping i was mysterious enough and you are shocked, i hope this fic is to your liking! i switched writing between morning and night so it took longer, i wanted to drop it on dec 20 so that you’d have time before celebrations in case you do. crossing my fingers and sending this out to you, bee, i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it 💞💖💓
yunn says hohoho likes, comments + reblogs are appreciated, i hope everyone else enjoys this quick fic! 
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Lee Donghyuck is known for his infectious personality. He can leave a mark of his existence within a few seconds, he knows way too many people and most people would just think he is someone with too much free time on his hands.
“Did you get a name from the box?” unfolding his paper while maintaining a neutral expression, he sits in his usual seat and you bite down on your lips, eyes sparkling as soon as your eyes fall on the unfolded paper in your hand. “Let me guess?” narrowing his eyes, he hums. “...Taeyong,”
Gasping quietly, you nod chaotically and show him the name. “How’d you know?” you ask, a smile crawling onto your cheeks and you twist in his direction, your eyes looking directly behind him.
“When you see someone’s face as much as I've seen yours…” Donghyuck pursues his lips, “I would be an idiot not to know,”
Rolling your eyes at him, you dismiss his comment and continue with your preying. “How’s your schedule for this month?” you inquire, slipping your phone out of your pocket and suddenly, you look determined and shift your eyes back to him. “God, are you that happy?” he churns his face, watching your shake excitedly and your lips barely holding down a grin.
You gush in response, “Of course! You know I want his number,” skipping away from him, all he could do was sigh.
Waving you off, Donghyuck tries to hide his disappointment; unsure whether it was directed towards his paper or because of yours. Lee Taeyong, your most recent crush-ish, is a post-grad whose taking the same course as you for the same reason, extra credit. Donghyuck is already familiar with your boy of the week kind of crush-ishes—it’s not quite a crush, more like surface-level infatuation but if he didn’t know you any better, that’s what he would’ve thought.
However, it has never bothered him. Not until a stupid thing happened last Christmas.
Last Christmas changed everything, no warning or heads-up was given. He still remembers the night, unlike most nights at parties. He was sobered up, mind buzzing with all kinds of things until he was finally asleep on your sofa at almost 4 AM. He blames Na Jaemin for what happened, from his needless matchmaking to his punch-worthy grin, everyone knows that Na Jaemin’s favourite hobby is playing Cupid, going to all sorts of lengths to get his couple of the month to date. Hell, Donghyuck has actively participated in the talking up of girls, spreading rumours and finally, getting the ‘Characters’ to go on their first date.
It was funny and oddly satisfying when they do end up dating, Donghyuck for one wasn’t one to interrupt the fun. Not when he was directly getting the kick out of it. Except, he realized, it’s not very fun when the character line-up had his name written in the main leads.
hyuck💞: im booked all month
hyuck💞: why???? did you have something in mind???
“I hate him.” you declare breaking the silence that he embraced, “He said, ‘Uhhh I don’t know you…’ and left! Ugh, I didn’t think—”
“You didn’t think what? That he would be a normal person and be cautious when a sophomore is asking for his number?” he cuts you off snarkily and you drop your jaws, putting your hands on his shoulder and asking, “And why would he be cautious?”
Cupping your cheeks with a smile, Donghyuck says, “One, you are not me.” raising his brows, you wanted to flick him but you let him continue. “Two, don’t you remember someone leaking Sehun—whose also from post-grad— his number was just spreading like disease between group chats, of course, they’d be more careful,”
Letting out an “Oh”, you pout, slumping weakly as you understand his reason. “Are they friends?” you wonder, Oh Sehun was also hot if your memory serves you well but he rejected you without hesitation and then you killed his memory along with your fascination with him.
“Yeah—we don’t really have that many post-grads,” releasing your cheeks, your face falls before you pull yourself up and you click your tongue at him and he shakes his head.
Donghyuck’s reasoning always changes your mind, he was the reason you were even in the social club, to begin with. He was friends with everyone, always making plans with everyone and you’d barely ever see him if not for your meticulous planning to match your schedule with him since you were naturally more free than he was with both his part-time and his “Hey, whose name did you get?” you ask, remembering that he was friends with Lee Taeyong as well.
“Why would I tell you?” he glares at you, backing away and immediately guesses, “I am not going shopping with you,”
Slapping your hand over your mouth, “How’d you know?” you splurt, your hands dancing in the air trying to show him your surprise. “Yeah, you’re obvious,”
Donghyuck could easily predict what was going on in your mind, not always but usually he could. From his second month of being your friend, he already knew that you thrived on being nosy. The way you made friends with people by letting them complain about their problems to having new crushes on every new person who you saw for the first time—there might be just one reason why Donghyuck would like some distance between the two of you.
“You know mine, why can’t I know yours?” you ask not looking away from him while he packs the study material he already knew you were going to ask that, so he scoffs wearing a smirk. “It’s supposed to be secret santa, not un-secret santa. Now,” he pauses, waiting for you to stand up again and he begins walking out of the hall as you follow closely beside him, mumbling, “That’s unfair…”
“To the cafeteria?” you ask and he nods.
“Yeah. so, I wanted to say but you keep shutting me up—Anyways, I am not going to see you until the Christmas party at Mark’s,” Donghyuck stops as soon as the elevator sounds, “I am blocking you and going on a detox,” stepping into the elevator, he leaves you behind stunned.
Just as the doors slide back, he smiles while saying, “I don’t wanna see your face anywhere near me, okay?”
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To hyuck💞: you cant do this you hurt me 🤕🤕
To hyuck💞: im sorry what did i doooo??
To hyuck💞: unblock me plsssss 🙏🙏🙏
To hyuck💞: what will i do without you??? i need you bro
Message failed to send
There aren’t many nights where he quietly stays in his room, ignoring your text and pressing block on you. There have been times like tonight when the heart beating in his chest feels more painful than usual. He has never been the type to cry through the night. The ceiling of his bedroom is comforting, the mould collecting in the corners every winter, reminding him of his chores, and normally, he'd be on his phone scrolling mindlessly through social media and thinking about how he was going to be a better person tomorrow than today. Usually, they happen a lot later than 10 PM and only after he has spent his day with you already.
For one, he’s glad that no one could tell of his awful crush on you.
Christmas has always been easy, it's been pleasant, and unlike most seasons; the holiday season always gets him in the mood for a big gathering, cosying up with his friends and just enjoying their presence without having to mess around and it also makes him less of a troublemaker. He doesn’t follow Yangyang to the skating rink nor does he annoy Renjun in the library and he also leaves Mark to do his good thing of the day without bothering him about that club that opened a block away from college. He was even fine with you telling him that you’d be going out.
With someone who wasn’t him.
He was fine.
Until Last Christmas happened.
“I’m coming in!” Jaemin’s voice brings him back to his room and he sits up, sighing heavily. “Are you staying home tonight?” he asks as soon as the boy enters the room wearing his strawberry-patterned apron that a junior of his gifted him.
“Jeno has a project so he’s staying with his group at the library—I have been left behind,”
Rooming with Jaemin was a last-minute decision, when his dorm lease was up he was going to resign it, however, after your fingers held his hands this spring, shaking with excitement and your lips stretched in a smile, reminding him that you only lived ten minutes away from Jaemin. Before he knew it, he was signing a new contract with Jaemin who couldn't hide his mischievous eyes for him.
"Did you block Y/N?" Jaemin sits on the swivel chair in front of his computer, casually pulling the cord of his wired mouse. "I sent her back home saying you weren't here just now,"
"She came here?" Donghyuck bursts, eyes wide and Jaemin laughs, "Of course not."
Groaning, Donghyuck throws his head back in defeat. "This is all your fault. If I didn't kiss her at that party we wouldn't be going through this," he grumbles, closing his eyes and flashes of last Christmas pass by.
It was picturesque, so perfect and the heat of his lips on yours—he would've never guessed that you'd taste like wine.
You hate wine.
Jaemin rolls his eyes, dismissing the accusation. "It's not my fault you have a superiority complex about knowing where all the mistletoes are,"
Offended by that, Donghyuck gets off his bed and stares down at the boy who continues to grab his copy of the Forza Horizon 4 and strut back to the door. "You hang it up there knowing full well that me and Y/N always take that spot," Donghyuck said and he receives a loud hah from his friend who pulls the door open.
Jaemin looks him straight in the eye, his characteristic sweet smile on his face and he said, "Maybe you should've just been a big boy and kissed me instead,"
And well, he wasn't wrong, so Donghyuck resorts to slamming his face into his pillow and raging at it, screaming while swinging his legs recklessly until his shin stabs against his bed frame and gives him genuine reason to scream out. God, if you were here, you'd have a look of worry painted all over your face while you still laughed at his pain and to be honest, Donghyuck thought you would look nice against the background of his room.
Turning to lie on his stomach, Donghyuck wiggles in his bed to get comfortably under his sheets, and he unlocks his phone, your image glowing on the screen. He has an album full of just you. You love sending him pictures of yourself, outfit of the day, and once in a while, when you look really nice, you'll send him a decent picture that he would lose his mind about but all he responds with is an emoji, the one with two eyes looking sideways.
Gulping down frustratedly, he clicks off his gallery, and suddenly, his screen cuts with notifications.
leemark: u helping on 23?
leemark: please?? jisung broke his arm u know he can't help me now
leemark sent a sticker
you: you owe me one
Working graveyard hours, twelve-to-four, has its unexpected silver lining. Most people are asleep during this time and anyone awake usually just want to get home, aside from the hooligans who mind their own business if you mind your own because of the cameras placed inside the convenience store and the patrol team in the area from two-till-six because of recent crime level increase in the area. To Donghyuck, it was perfect for a decent-paying, low-effort job.
The one downside of this is, you live super close to Jaemin and share the same convenience store as them. Of course, he'd see you if you decided to visit the store at this time.
Donghyuck didn't think of you as someone hot before, casual dating was not his mind when it came to you and you were always busy being interested in whoever is new. Maybe you liked the unfamiliarity of them, the fact you didn't see them for consecutive weeks before they suddenly appeared in front of you, unlike the two of them, Donghyuck has been in your life consistently for the past two years and this year, something changed.
The pulsing of his heart, when the store's automated doors slide open and your familiar pyjama hoodie comes into his view, the way his lungs forget to breathe and he can't tear his eyes off of you until you make your way up to the counter with your BBQ pringles and cola on the side. "When are you gonna unblock me?" even your voice is so sweet now, his brain shooting fuzzy chemicals inside him and butterflies making his knees go weak.
Donghyuck doesn't want to like you.
"You know the schedule, wait until the party," scanning the codes of your items and billing you up, he takes your exact change, sliding your snacks to you.
"Can't you give me a reason? What did I do?" you ask, stuffing your snacks into your hoodie’s pocket and Donghyuck groans, you didn't plan on leaving, he could tell. "You saw my text and didn't reply, you could've just replied then—"
"That's just stupid, I blocked you as soon as I remembered I said I would," he argued back, clicking his tongue at your exasperated expression.
Giving up on that point, "Nevermind that then, just give me a reason then," you said, Donghyuck grumbling internally and you stare at him, waiting for a reply.
"Didn't I tell you I wanted a detox?"
Waving him off, you glare at him and ask again, "Am I toxic? To make you need a detox from me?" your eyes tingle, the heat making its way up to your neck and you mentally curse, you've never been able to argue without feeling the urge to cry.
"That's not what I mean by detox. I just need some time from you, my life is a mess right now you are at the centre of it," Donghyuck explains, his hands automatically holding your face and rubbing away the tears that brim in your eyes. "I don't mean to make you cry—with all the time away from me, you can go and try to snag Taeyong! Come on, you have a life without me in it too," he adds, his voice softer and fingers gently crease your cheeks, earning a pout from you.
You spit, "What's that supposed to mean?" you take his hands away from your face and wrap your fingers in his, "Taeyong isn't you, no one is you. You are not replaceable for me,"
Tears bubbling up again, Donghyuck shushes you and he doesn't want to feel this way; his chest clogs up and renders him breathless in front of you, and he feels guilty. "Hey, hey, come on don't cry," he frets, his fingers wiping away the tears and settling on your shoulders. If only the counter wasn't in between you, he knows for sure he'd have hugged you and given up already.
"You know, your touch always makes me not cry," you laugh, remembering the time when you almost broke down in class after getting an F and being required to repeat a course the next semester. He held your hand the entire two hours of the lecture and even stayed with you until you were back home. You didn't even know him too well back then.
It made your heart kinda race for him but the comfort of your growing friendship with him felt too precious.
"That's because you are like a baby, holding you will make you calm down," he exposes you, rolling his eyes as if it were an obvious truth and you scoff, "Just how many people do you think hold my face like I'm a chipmunk?" killing the mood, Donghyuck sighs, "Well, at least you are okay now,"
"Unblock me now," you said, regaining your reason once you've calmed down and he shakes his head without hesitation, suddenly regaining his previous determination. "Yeah, no."
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A Y/N-detox isn't feasible if he thought about it, not when you've carefully matched your schedule to his because he is always working or has appointments with other friends, you work at the cafe down the fast food cabin he works at, take the same bus home as him and worst of all, you both share the same friend groups because of how much time you spend together as a collective.
"Do you guys like, hate me or something?" Donghyuck deadpans, slumping into the seat you were previously sitting at.
"You hate yourself," Renjun quips, his eyes not leaving his book and Yangyang nods in agreement while adding, "You didn't think it would be a good idea to tell us you didn't like her anymore? We would've not invited her,"
"We could've also made a group without you in it," Mark said, resting his head on the wall and dozing away. He had finished a shift and was supposed to work one more shift today because his junior broke his arm but thank the heavens, Donghyuck said okay and is covering the shift. Too guilty to go home, Mark has resorted to staying around until the end of the shift anyway.
Mark, unlike Jaemin, was Donghyuck’s only refuge. The one person who knew about his crush and the one person who told him, hey, she might like you. "Dude, just go home," he says, shaking Mark's shoulder and Renjun sighs.
Renjun says, "I tried already, he is just being stubborn," closing his book once he bookmarks it and crossing his arms on the table. "Now, you need to tell us what happened,"
Renjun has always been perceptive of his mood, always keeping up with the latest drama and the main provider of information to Jaemin's cupid hustle. Romance was just his forte. Donghyuck, though, was too scared to ask him his opinion on it in case he told him to just give up—as if he wasn't already trying in his own way.
"Promise me you won't laugh," Donghyuck gulps and Yangyang grunts loudly, "Dude, miss me with the suspense—We swear, now what happened?"
Inhaling, he blinks away into the distance. "I might be in love with Y/N and I am so ashamed to come out with it. I know it's stupid but you guys know how we are, it's always us together, Donghyuck and Y/N, we're friends.
Shit, I even blocked her to get over her but it's not working—I dreamt of her last night and it was so embarrassing to see her today,"
"Dreamt of her… like… like that?" Yangyang asks, his fists covering his dropped jaw and Donghyuck's face burns up at the suggestion but he doesn't deny it, much to Renjun's disgust, he gags and says, "Please don't give us the details,"
"She's been going insane on her own and constantly going on about you—this must be why." Mark nods as if a bigger picture was drawn in his head, he grins and goes on, "Jaemin wasn't joking when he said you liked her last Christmas. I didn't think the mistletoe trick would work,"
Gasping at him, "You knew!" Donghyuck points at him in accusation and grabs his collar, "That kiss messed up our relationship!"
Yangyang breaks them up, grinning at Donghyuck sleazily, and he says, "Dude, tomorrow's party, just fix it. There's nothing to lose—I can't believe you've dragged this on for a year, how adorable."
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Two weeks without Donghyuck and you are but a shell of yourself.
It was so easy getting used to life with him, he came in and went out so nonchalantly. You hadn't realized how involved he was in your life until he was gone from your daily transit, he was gone from your walks home, he was gone from his shift at the convenience store and not a single text you sent him went through. No, your life didn't revolve around him but you include him in everything because, Donghyuck will think this is funny, you need to tell him about the stupid fight that happened in the café and Donghyuck will look good with this, you need to take him shopping with you.
Shit, you sent him a picture of random things that made you think of him.
There was only once that you thought you liked him, and you shot that down as soon as he said he liked a girl in his social club—you even joined the club for him, how could he like someone else… you gave up as soon as your heart latched on and to be honest, you were okay with that because well, he was still the closest person to you.
You didn't need the kisses to feel loved. His gentle hands creasing your cheeks habitually and his warm hugs because he feels like it, they made you feel loved. The way he makes time to see you in his busy schedule, you know he leaves hours in his day because you'll ask him for time, which makes you feel loved as well.
It didn't make sense for him to suddenly shut you out, not when he was leaving all these signs, he didn't do any of these with anyone else—last Christmas meant something to him.
You just knew it did.
"Have you guys seen Donghyuck?" you ask, holding your red cup of punch barely full and your head feeling dizzy.
Pointing towards a corner, "I THINK HE WAS WITH MARK," Yangyang screams at the top of his lungs, the earmuffs doing their work to shut out even his loudness.
Lee Mark throws the most exciting Christmas parties every year in his apartment building in collaboration with his neighbours. The shared pool and backyard were completely theirs to use, Mark would normally hang up mistletoes in the spaces between his apartment and everywhere else. The kissing begins as soon as you want to leave his front door anywhere else. And you never leave his apartment, so you never had to deal with the plant.
That wasn't the case last year, someone had hung up mistletoes inside the apartment and exactly at the spot you and Donghyuck always beeline to, that's where everything changed for him and out of nowhere, you had to be the one acting normal because he wasn't.
Stumbling your way into the living room, it wasn't too crowded in here and it usually only had Mark's closest friends loitering around. Your eyes immediately find Donghyuck, laughing loudly and he leaves his beanbag, and almost instinctively, you plop down on it as soon as you near it.
Fading out of consciousness, "Who said you could sit there?" he whined, his eyes half-lid as he grabbed your hand and you shot up, your head feeling clearer now.
You always steal his seat when he leaves to get a refill. "I was just keeping it warm. You don't have to yell," you said, jutting your lips out. Your cheeks painted in a flushing colour, Donghyuck guessed that you already had your share of drinks and made a mental note to leave the party soon because he was your ride home. Not that he'll be driving but even walking you home is considered a ride.
Well, maybe not this time because you guys didn't come together.
Letting go of your arm, you fall back onto the beanbag, and he gives you puppy eyes. "I wasn't yelling," Donghyuck grumbles, getting shoved to the side by someone and he turns to face them.
"Are you okay?" Jaemin asks, his lips almost meeting his eyes in a wide grin, and Donghyuck immediately has his guard up, feeling a wave of deja vu.
"You look tipsy, aren't you gonna go home?" Pressing his hand on your forehead, Jaemin looks towards the ceiling above you and smirks. "Oh, look here, guys," he gasps loudly. However, Donghyuck could hear the pretentiousness of it.
Donghyuck followed his gaze with narrowed eyes, right above him, wretched mistletoes greeted him in the dimly lit corner of the room immediately releasing a groan. "Ugh, not again!" Donghyuck cries.
Scoffing at Jaemin, he rolls his eyes. "What? You wanna kiss me this time?" he asks in a mean tone, and Jaemin giggled, moving away from the spot while saying, "Of course, not," Donghyuck felt his blood boil, if Jaemin was a cupid, then maybe that song about a stupid cupid was right.
Clearly, his arrows were faulty this time.
Last time, it didn't cross his mind that someone else would be hanging up mistletoes, Mark never hung them up in the corners of the rooms and especially not inside Mark's apartment because he was scared someone would make out on his sacred sofa or worse, inside his toilet. But he learnt his lesson, Na Jaemin goes to extreme lengths to pair up his couples after all.
You then ask, "Then—Are we going to kiss?" your eyes look curiously at him as you pointed at the plant. "It's you and me under it now,"
And from that point, it's never been the same. The last time, he kissed your lips, it was stupid. You were drunk and said okay for the fun of it, Donghyuck could only hope neither of you remember it.
But when his lips lightly brushed on yours, and he realized that tomorrow morning you'll be back to normal, your memory in fragments and he remembers it clearly, the regret that washed over him the next morning when he opened his eyes to the ceiling of his bedroom, the horror that clung to him when his phone was bombarded by his friends curious about how he felt now that he had kissed you.
He was in denial for a whole year.
Once more, "Are we going to kiss again," you ask, your fingers pulling his shirt, you bring him back to the present and guide him down towards you.
Donghyuck's knees go weak, and he falls onto the floor with his breath caught. This time, you are the one taking the lead. "You remember," he breathes out, looking away from you and you give him a tight-lipped look. "Yeah, I never forgot it," you said.
"Why'd you never say anything, I am so sorry about the kiss—" Donghyuck immediately says and you cut him off, —"I didn't say anything because I didn't mind, I actually liked it and I thought you did too because you kissed me twice…"
Perhaps it was the lighting in the room. Donghyuck never thought you looked hot but he did always think you were beautiful, but today, the lipstick you wore made him want to go crazy. "Don't you like Taeyong now?" he just had to ask to be sure and you scoff, rolling your eyes.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you said, "You know my fascination with all my crush-ishes dies after I talk to them,"
"But you were so excited for the secret santa," "That's because it's gift giving and that's fun,"
Donghyuck didn't get your name, so he thought you weren't meant to be. No matter how stupid he thinks that idea is now, he still thought it was fate that you got Taeyong's name when you liked him. "I thought you were going to cut me off this Christmas to spend it with him, that's why I came up with the detox… to give you time away from me and me time away from you,"
Biting down a smile, you place a peck on his lips. "Have I ever gone on a date with anyone since you've known me?" you tease, and he immediately says, "Yeah, Yangyang. The two of you go on skate rink dates all the time, I see you guys,"
"That's just you being picky—you don't know how to skate so, of course, I go there with him and not you," flicking his forehead, you click your tongue and went on, "Plus, you always come along anyway,"
"Because I come along, it's not a date anymore,"
"Wow, genius," you giggle, rolling your eyes and Donghyuck sighs into your side, he thinks, his arms are allowed to go around your waist now and he's allowed to keep staring into your eyes.
Your eyes don't leave him either, the thumping bass of the background blending in with the sound of your heart skipping beats and your toes curl, butterflies choking your breath when you say, "Hey, there's a mistletoe here—can't you just kiss me already?"
Dipping his head down, his lips catching yours and this time, you taste like berry punch, your favourite and his hands cradle your face, he still isn't sure if this is the right way to go with you but when your lips synchronise with his, moving softly against his with your hands desperately clinging onto his shoulders.
It took him a mistletoe and a whole year to realize his feeling about you, so maybe, cupid wasn't the only stupid one, he was stupid too. You've been right in front of each other and yet, "Does this mean you like like me?" you ask against his lips.
Smiling, "Just how many people do you think I block?" Donghyuck lets his head rest on your shoulder, the rest of his body going limp as well on the floor, and you pat his back. "Are we together now? Next Christmas, will I be your boyfriend?" he asks weakly, and you nod. Although he couldn't see you, he could tell there was a smile on your face.
"Oh, by the way, do you know who put this in here? Mark doesn't put mistletoes inside his apartment right?" curiously, you point at the plant on top of you and he grumbles, "Na Jaemin," tightening his grip on you. Donghyuck thinks he should give his thanks to Jaemin too because, without him, none of this would've happened.
"Aah, now it makes sense why he came here last year—doesn't he always stay at the pool area with Jeno and that Junior of theirs?"
Nodding, Donghyuck says, "Yeah. He even came up this time too," mentally deciding to spare him this time.
And you giggle, cheerfully saying, "We should thank him, he is kinda like our cupid if you think about it. It goes well with his reputation on campus," the sound of your humming makes him smile, agreeing with you, "Huh, you think so?"
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Beknownst to both of you, starting next semester Na Jaemin’s position as campus cupid was solidified using a picture he took once the two of you knocked out in the corner of Mark’s living; Donghyuck’s head nestling on your stomach and your head tilted upwards in a way that looked like it hurt—His greatest masterpiece he said, showing the photo and relying on the great love story until “How come none of you tell me about this?” Donghyuck accuses his friends, shifting his weight to one side and scoffing indignantly.
Yangyang shrugs, “It’s funny. And you guys look cute anyways, what are you mad about?” he asks, his face genuinely looking confused, which makes Donghyuck click his tongue, and Mark asks, “Are you mad we didn’t share the photo with you?” his eyes narrowed, hoping his guess was right.
“How’d you know!” you clap, nodding your head. “Hyuck changed his wallpaper as soon as he got the picture,”
“How did it take this long to find out, though?” Renjun asks, “You’re friends with everyone on campus. It's unbelievable it took you this long,”
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
August slipped away into a moment in time 'cause you were never mine
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the summer i loved you — jake x f.reader wc — 3.3K
summary — where August was the month of new beginnings and first loves but mostly, heartbreak.
genre — friends to not lovers, second lead syndrome, angst, fluff, summer au, august inspired
warnings — sad ending, jake is a huge dee eye see kay (🤢🤢), profranity, heartbreak, not proofread
an — um guys haha def dont come at me for the ending 😊😊 but omg this had been in my drafts for a while now n im glad im able to release this in august ✌🏽😈 have fun reading pookies (1 fucking am rn imma die help)
ps — ☆ a visualizer cuz why tf am i extra ?!
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August is a weird month. It seemed to rush by you like a dream and yet at the same time it felt like the last period of every Friday, not finishing fast enough. You'd prefer the former.
August reminded you of memories— pretty but mostly ugly ones or maybe when the hurt in your heart ran so deep, even the happy memories turned ugly, didn't they?
It was not a month you enjoyed, you didn't like summers, you didn't like feeling like new beginnings and first love.
August reminded you of it all... It reminded you of Jake.
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It was 1st of August when you realized what those weird feelings were.
‘Y/N!’ You opened the door to the sound of your name, only to be met with a tired and almost teary eyed Jake. He looked up at you, mustering a small smile as you stood before him your mouth agape. 
‘A-are you okay?!’ you asked, pulling him into your house.
‘Um. Not… really’, your friend replied, scratching his neck nervously. ‘It’s just… she kinda broke up with me.’
She. he didn’t even need to mention her name and yet you let the word pierce your heart, a little. Kang Eunji. Jake’s girlfriend, well, ex girlfriend. 
It was her, always her. It wasn’t unusual for you to hear that they both had a fight but you never thought they'd break up. ‘What? Are you being for real?!’ You were shocked to say the least. Jake and Eunji were what people deemed to be the “power couple” at school. They wouldn’t break up, or could they?
He nodded and sat on the couch, ‘We were fighting over one of those petty matters again, she was angry why I was so busy. It was about soccer practice of course! And when I kind of lost it, she said we were over.’ His voice caught in his throat before he let out a small sob.
Your heart sank as you patted his back and pulled him close into an embrace, ‘Ssh, it’s okay’, you ran small circles on his, ignoring the butterflies set free in your stomach at the close contact. 
You could never understand what went on in their relationship. This may have been the first time they broke up but it surely wasn’t the first time Jake came to your house on the verge of tears.
You hated seeing him this way, like a broken record. 
‘What will I do now, Y/N?’ ‘You just broke up, it’s not the end of the world. Plus, you have the entire summer before you, right? We’ll figure a way out,’ You broke the hug, looking straight into his eyes, trying to reassure him.
But they all meant nothing. Getting reassured of a broken heart didn’t mend the damage, you knew better than him. Jake nodded nonetheless, wiping away the stray tears, ‘Goodness, I feel so dumb for just crying like this.’ ‘don’t be. You are allowed to feel your emotions.’
He gave a small smile in your direction and your heart skipped a beat.
‘So’, you turned towards the television, searching for a distraction. ‘You wanna binge watch something? Or maybe some Doraemon?’
Jake grinned, ‘I’d love that! What would I do without you, Y/N?’
You let out an almost sad chuckle, ‘I am the coolest best friend ain’t I?’ The word best friend left a bad taste in your mouth.
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4th August was when Jake realized the bookstore was his safe place.
Clink! The door to the bookstore opened with a small chime. You looked up from your position at the counter only to find Jake walk into the shop. 
He smiled before taking a seat beside you, much to your surprise. It wasn't unusual for him to drop by the store. But mostly he came for borrowing a book or having a quick chat with you. 
But never like this.
'So, how are you doing?' You asked, turning towards where he sat, fidgeting with a pen. It was a slow lazy afternoon with barely any customers.
'Oh, uh, I'm fine. At least I'm trying to be. We had so many things planned and like, it feels weird. We were good for each other…' he kept on rambling about his latest break up.
You could feel your heart clench a litte. You understood why Jake was doing so but it didn't help. It didn't help that there were two broken hearts in the same room. It was always you and the second lead syndrome against the world.
Sometimes you really wondered what you had done to be stuck in the loophole of falling for a friend.
You had been friends with Jake since middle school, always finding yourself blush whenever he was around. 
The first time you tried confessing to him during Valentine's Day in freshman year, your hand baked cake (which you had prepared for hours) got destroyed. You kind of gave up on him, treating him as a friend.
Well, that was until Eunji came along last year. Seeing Jake with her brought about a fresh wave of emotions you think your heart had forgotten.
It hadn't. 
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The bookstore was Jake's hideaway from the world. He loved everything about it. Loved how calming it was and the people who came in always greeted him with a smile. He was a quaint place, maybe mysterious in a sense that Jake didn't want to uncover the secrets it hid.
He liked how you let him sit there for the entirety of your shift. But mostly he loved the conversations.
Throughout the summer, Jake couldn't remember the number of times he found you sitting with him, flipping through some book as you both chatted away, be it in the lazy afternoon or under the evening sky, where the buzz of the grasshopper was the only thing he could hear. They felt weirdly intimate, like the secrets he used to keep as a kid. He almost wanted to gatekeep them. 
'Sorry do I bore you here?' You asked one day. It was a question bothering you for a while.
Jake frowned, 'What? No. Of course not, Y/N. You could never bore me.' But you were unconvinced, 'No, like, who spends their summer sitting in a small little barely functioning bookstore except maybe be. You must have a lot of plans, right?'
'I wouldn't lie. I haven't ever spent such a quiet summer but turns out, I like a lot. Too much for my own sake. The bookstore isn't boring. Rather, it gives me a sense of escape from reality.' He gave you a reassuring smile.
'Also', Jake added as a second thought. 'You aren't boring Y/N. You just make it all loads better.'
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Your phone went off with a sharp ring. Your alarm wasn’t set to ring today. Who could it be? You groaned as you sleepily grabbed it from the nightstand. Without even checking the name, you picked up the call, ‘Hello? Who?’ ‘It’s me Jake, you dummy!’ His excited voice came from the other side.
You yawned, ‘What do you want?’ you checked the time, ‘It’s literal fucking half past four.’ ‘More reason to wake up, right?!’
‘Shut up, I’m hanging up and-’ ‘No no! I really did plan a surprise. Get ready, please, just for today. Please’, he begged from the other side.
Now, you were definitely wide awake, upon hearing his voice. He had planned what…? ‘Okay but the surprise better be good.’ ‘Also! Keep your bicycle ready.’
‘There you are!’ Jake greeted you with a wide smile as you grumbled and walked down the road with your bike where he stood. ‘You don’t get to smile like that after pulling me up from sleep’, you muttered angrily.
But really who were you to complain? It was Jake and you couldn’t deny the fact that you were genuinely excited for what was coming. It was always an adventure when it came to him.
‘You won’t be disappointed, trust me’, he said, boarding his bike and motioning for you to do the same. 
You breathed out a calming sigh, looking ahead at the empty road. Thanks to summer, the sun was already somewhere there on the horizon, spreading a fuzzy glow around you. Everything looked simpler, softer. In the light of the dawn, your thoughts felt less complicated, you almost felt it would be easy to sort out your feelings. Would it?
You turned to look at Jake, cycling in peace, a small grin on his face, ‘Told you! I sometimes go out on early morning rides, especially if I have a lot on my mind.’
‘So, why are you taking me then?’ ‘I don’t know. I just have a feeling you’ll like this place’, he shrugged. ‘Plus, I like spending time with you’, Jake added as an afterthought.’
A blush crept into your cheeks at his words. Stop over thinking you scolded yourself. But you couldn’t help the hope blossom in you. False hope. 
‘Here we are’, Jake spread his arms wide, showing you the view. After half an hour of cycling through empty streets and quiet places, you found yourself on a small hill. It was pretty abandoned, the only sounds that reached your ears were the chirping of birds and the whistling of trees in the cool summer morning.
In front of you lay your town and the forests beyond it. Those familiar buildings looked all new when you saw them from top of a hill. It radiated calmth… and comfort.
Or was the latter because of the person beside you? 
‘Thanks’, you spoke in a soft whisper but then you felt a hand tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. Your heart stopped as you turned towards Jake looking at you with a fond smile and slowly pulled you closer, resting his head on your shoulder. 
You couldn't process what he was doing. Was it all intentional? No, it was the usual playful Jake you knew, right? But the usual playful Jake wasn't like this. He had pulled you into a hug several times but never like this.
Never so tender in his actions that it made you think otherwise.
'I like the view so much. I hope you do too. It's just… very special, I had never shown it to Eunji either. People ruin things', he sighed, looking ahead. 
You scoffed as an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, 'So, I'm not a person?' 'No, you're Y/N. It's an entire special thing to be in itself.'
You didn't know what it meant anymore. The secret smiles, the small actions. You weren't oblivious, you saw it all but your face masked it behind the friendship.
But was it even friendship? You hoped it wasn't. You hoped you both had crossed the line of being "just friends".
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It was the 20th of August when Jake liked mint chocolate ice cream. 
He touched his cheek as a familiar warmth flooded in at the sight of you. What was happening to him? Ever since the day on the hill, he had been feeling weird. Be it when he visited the bookstore or when you both hung out during the day (or night).
The way your laugh sounded in his ears, when you smiled, he noticed the way his heart skipped a beat. But he loved the most when through the afternoons you talked. Just talk, nothing and everything.
Jake had never felt so connected to anyone. You both had always been friends but seeing a friends standing before him, two ice creams in hand shouldn't make Jake blush.
But it did.
'Hey Mr.Zoned out!' You snapped your fingers before him, pulling him away from his thoughts. You handed him his ice cream while joining him on the curb. 
He made a disgusted face at the cone you were holding, 'Ugh. Mint chocolate.' You slapped his shoulder playfully, 'Yah! You are a person with zero taste.' 
'Oh really? Lemme try it then', Jake replied, challenging you. He scooped a bit with the plastic spoon before closing his eyes and tasting it. 
'Ew', he gagged. 'This tastes like fucking toothpaste', he wiped his mouth in disgust.
'Shut up, no need to be so over dramatic about it all', you chuckled and rolled your eyes. 
Jake looked at you as you continued eating and looking at the street in front. It was almost 5 in the evening, the kids were out playing but their shouts were only distant noise because all he could hear was your voice. All he could see was you. You weren't bright like the background but in his eyes, you were glowing. The sun falling on your face, as if highlighting only you in his eyes.
Almost as if on instinct, his hand slowly reached out to your free one, his fingers finding yours and intertwining them together.
You stopped, your heart beating way too fast, you could almost feel the redness of your cheeks.
What was happening? What was Jake doing? Why was he doing this? 
It felt wrong, you knew it. Your intuition could tell it. This was something you had waited forever to happen, but you knew this couldn't be.
Let go of his hand, Y/N. Let go let go let go let go… don't let go.
You didn't, too foolish and in love to walk away. And maybe that was the first mistake you had made.
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The first rain of August came on the 25th.
Why was rain often associated with sadness? No, rain didn't mean sadness.
Because on that one day of August, you stood outside the bookstore looking at the dark clouds, the rain gave you hope.
You sighed, no wonder your mother kept on insisting you to take an umbrella. Now, there you were, standing in front of the closed shop.
But a bright yellow thing caught your eye, standing out in the dull gray background. You squinted your eyes as the figure came closer.
Your stomach jumped. Had he come for you? 
He ran through the rain, his bright smile evident as you stared at him in wonder.
'What?' He asked. You shook your head, 'You…?' 'I came for you. You always forget your umbrella.' He completed the sentence for you.
Your mouth formed an "O" but a soft smile spread across your lips. 
'Here', he handed you the spare umbrella in hand and took hold of your wrist, pulling you into the rain.
You shrieked, 'At least let me open mine first.' He laughed at your sight, moving closer and holding his umbrella over you.
You noticed every single thing, the things you had noticed a hundred times before. But mostly you noticed his little actions.
The ones that made you fall for him all over again.
'Fuck, if I catch a cold, it'll be your fault, Sim Jake', you threatened the boy standing in front of your porch, grinning. You both had recklessly ran in the rain as a result the umbrellas had been pretty useless… but it was fun.
'Don't worry', he stepped forward, a certain fondness flickering in his eyes. 'I'll be there to bring you the meds.' 
It happened in a fraction of a second, swiftly, Jake bent down and gave a sudden kiss on your cheek. It was soft as a feather, almost like it didn't happen.
But you felt it. You almost felt dizzy, her cheeks heating you. You brought your hands to where he had just kissed you. It had happened, hadn't it?
But before you could say anything, Jake turned around, his head hung low in embarrassment but his stomach full of butterflies and sprinted in the opposite direction.
Had he meant it?
As Jake walked his way back home, his head filled with thoughts of you, a sudden buzz of his phone. He took it out, expecting a text from you.
But no… It was someone else.
His heart dropped. A contact that hadn't been there since 1st of August.
"jake, im so sorry."
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But what followed after that day was something you had always feared. 
He ignored you. Every text, every call, no reply. Did he just get awkward? But even an awkward Jake wouldn't be this rude. Or was he angry with you? You didn't even do anything.
The next time you saw Jake, three days later, was when you went on a grocery run.
You could spot him anywhere. 'Jake! Wait', you called out to him. He didn't stop. 'Omg, stop being a shit head would you?! Stop fucking ignoring me!' You huffed, annoyed. 
That's when you saw his figure slowly turn towards you. 'Sorry', he muttered. You ran a hand through your hair. sorry? That's all he had to say? 
'Look, if it's about that day then forget it. You-you never kissed me.' 'What? Of course not, it isn't about that day', he replied. 
You looked at him confusedly, 'Huh? Then why, Jake? I had tried calling and texting you so many times but you couldn't bother to reply to me.'Your voice slowly rose.
'I was busy catching up with Eunji okay?!' his tone matching yours.
There came that name. Her name. Did you hear it correctly? What was she doing in this conversation?
'E-eunji…?' you looked at him, at loss of words. 'I thought yo-you were over her?' 
He gave you a look of disbelief, 'No. That day she sent me a text and I realised… I wasn't.'
Why did the crack in your heart deepen? Why was it always you who got hurt? 
And you couldn't help but ask, knowing the answer would make you feel worse, 'What about us then, Jake?' 
'Us? Y/N what are you talking about? We are friends, we always have been. There is no us.' 
There, the final blow. 'Why did you make me feel so special then? All for nothing? You know how much I like you, so much that everytime we spent time together this summer, I got my hopes up. I was so foolish, because of you Sim fucking Jaeyun. And that day you kissed me, I thought, finally you'll realize but no. It's always her, isnt it?', you didn't scream but the crack in your voice said it all.
And Jake remained silent through it all. because he knew he deserved 'So, this summer meant nothing to you?' You sniffed, a single tear rolling down your cheek.
'Nothing.' But you missed the flicker in his eyes. The flicker that said otherwise.
That it wasn't nothing, it was his eveything.
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August 31st was when you lost it finally.
‘It was just a summer thing’, the words rang in your ear, loud and clear. They drowned the voices of all the chatter of classmates. ‘y/n? y/n? Are you okay?’ Lily asked beside you, furrowing her eyebrows in worry.
But you couldn’t respond to her, at that very moment, you thought you couldn’t do pretty much anything except look. Or rather stare at the sight unfolding before you. Before you knew it, the plastic cup fell from your hands, the beer splashing all over the floor and getting the attention of the people in the room, the attention of them. 
In the haze, you met your eyes with his, the soft brown ones that you had fallen in love with, the one which enveloped you in warmth. But now they felt like they were hurting you, the annoyance in them.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you turned around. The room suddenly felt too small, the stares of the people felt accusing. You let go of Lily’s hand that gripped your wrist and ran in the opposite direction.
Did you hear footsteps behind you? Were they Jake’s? You hated to admit it but you wished they were. You wished that he was the one following you, the one who'd hold you back.
For once, prove it to you that you weren’t the second lead.
But he wasn’t there.
You found yourself rushing to the porch, the sounds fading out. But you could hear the blood pumping in your ears, the sound of your shallow breath that you had been holding for so long.
He wasn’t there. What did you even expect?
You were a summer thing for him… but he was your summer love.
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darlingvernon · 2 years
day 14: mistletoe | chwe hansol.
↳ the one about hansol avoiding every mistletoe if you’re under it
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◇ chwe hansol x female reader ◇ angst with happy ending | friends to lovers ◇ warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing. if i missed anything else please let me know! ◇ 2084 words (lol are we surprised?)
authors note: this is for day 14 of @svthub december prompt challenge: mistletoe. please let me know what you think and i hope you guys enjoy!
another note: i can't believe this is so long lol i guess i really can't help myself when it comes to hansol dfhdjhdj
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1 new message nonieeee 
[10:00pm] nonieeee: where are you?
The nerve of this guy, you think to yourself after seeing the message your best friend had sent. He spent the whole night avoiding you, outright at some points even, and now wants to know where you are. 
Fucking typical that is. 
Usually, it’s something you can brush off easily, aware that he prefers to be somewhere else instead of attending big parties such as this, but you were hoping that tonight would’ve been different. 
Wearing his favourite red dress that you own and the necklace he gifted you on your birthday, you wished that Hansol would finally take notice of you, and finally see the way you feel about him. In turn, you hoped that he feels the same about you too.
But, he crushed any chance of that happening with the way he’d been acting, so you spend the rest of the night nursing a glass of wine one after the other. Finally feeling somewhat numb, you’re not going to let him ruin the rest of the night for you.
[10:05pm] you: why do you care [10:05pm] nonieeee: why wouldn’t i?
You almost can’t believe that you really have to spell it out for him, especially in your inebriated state. Almost.
[10:06pm] you: youve been tryging to avoidf me all nigth [10:06pm] nonieeee: are you drunk?
Rolling your eyes, you down the last drops of your sixth wine of the night before replying.
[10:07pm] you: i am notttttt
Placing your phone down on the bar, you ask the bartender for another glass. After taking a few sips of your drink, you finally notice the blinking notification on your phone.
[10:07pm] nonieeee: how much have you had to drink? [10:10pm] nonieeee: y/n where are you? [10:12pm] you: im fgine nonieeeeere [10:12pm] you: go bacjk to ignroing me [10:13pm] nonieeee: i haven’t been ignoring you
You may not be sober but the way Hansol is acting right now is confusing, even if you were. Not one part of you understands why he’s suddenly acting like this and you can’t tell whether he’s being dumb or he’s really not understanding what is happening.
Whatever the case is, your patience has been long gone and replaced by hurt. No longer able to hold it in, you embrace the liquid courage coursing your veins and finally speak your mind. Maybe, your heart too.
[10:17pm] you: omgg yes yuo hav [10:17pm] you: you bolted as sooon as i said hii toy ou,. left the ktcihen when i entered nd left the couch as soon as i satt dwon next toyo u [10:19pm] you: ibet youre wonderngi where i am just so youu cani gnore me again [10:20pm] nonieeee: that’s not true
You laugh at how ridiculous he’s being, though there’s no mirth to it. Finishing the rest of your drink, you throw all caution out the window.
[10:22pm] you: i even worem y pretty dress that you likee and the neckalce that you gotm e formy birthday because i wnted you tos ee me, to finally notice me  [10:23pm] you: but dont worrryy i gett itn ow. im out of th eway so you can enjoy the rest oft he party [10:23pm] you: im gna drnik somr more and maybe do som dncing
As you attempt to put away your phone, it vibrates again in your hand.
[10:24pm] nonieeee: listen i can explain [10:24pm] nonieeee: tell me where you are pls
Just when you’re about to reply, you feel a familiar presence next to you that makes you look up, but you’re disappointed to see that it’s not the person you’re longing to see. “What are you doing here, Mingyu?” you ask, voice slurry from the alcohol.
Mingyu waits for you to take the glass of water he’s offering and to drink it before he replies, “Seungcheol and Joshua sent me. They’re worried about how much alcohol you’re having.”
“I don’t mean to worry anyone,” you pout.
“We know,” he smiles. “What’s got you down?”
Sighing, you reach for the second glass of water he’s placed in front of you and down it too. “Hansol’s been avoiding me all night.”
“I tried to look pretty for him, so I can pull him under a mistletoe and confess my feelings for him.”
Mingyu’s eyes sparkle, like he knows a secret he can’t share, but it’s gone before you know it and it leaves you questioning whether it’s something you imagined in your drunken haze.
“Well, maybe you still have a chance,” he says. “Why don’t we go and find a mistletoe that you can stand under and get him to find you? I’m sure he’s looking for you right now.”
“Mkay,” you nod, “let me just send him a message real quick.”
[10:37pm] you: yknow hansol i like like liek like like likel ike like you like realllyyyyy reallyyyy like you [10:39pm] you: but icant deal with thsi right noww [10:39pm] you: i gotta dot his mistletoe thing wtih mingyu [10:40pm] you: bye
Just before you shove your phone in your purse, you feel it vibrate once, twice, too many times to count, but you refuse to check it. He was avoiding your presence so the way you see it, you can avoid his messages.
Mingyu sets out two more glasses of water for you which you gratefully accept, sobering up as you finish the last glass. Needing to relieve yourself, he offers to wait for you by the door. 
When you exit the bathroom, Mingyu is there holding out his hand and when you raise your hand to reach for him, another hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you away from your friend. Confused, you look back and see Mingyu beaming at you, holding two thumbs up in the air.
Turning back to your wrist, you immediately recognise the ring on his pinky finger and the watch you gifted him on his wrist. The person who has a hold of you is none other than your best friend Hansol Vernon Chwe himself, the person who’s avoided you all night and shattered your heart into pieces.
“Let me go,” you say loud enough for him to hear over the loud pumping music.
“No,” he replies without looking back, continuing to drag you through the crowd.
“Hansol, let me go,” you repeat, hurt evident in your voice. 
Halting in his tracks, Hansol turns to face you, “No, I’m not letting you go again.” Something in his tone makes you think he means more than what he’s saying and you guess right when he adds, “Just… please let me explain. I don’t want to lose you like this.”
Concern floods your features and you grow more nervous than before, but find yourself nodding to his request. It’s not like you’re gonna say no, you never have when it comes to him. 
In a short while, he leads you through a door and out into the backyard, not stopping until he reaches a tree away from the crowd. Turning to finally face you, Hansol takes his time to look at you, really look at you, his stare making you feel like he can see your soul. 
“Why were you avoiding me?” you break first, unable to bear the tension. 
“I wasn’t—”
“Yes, you were—”
“I wasn’t avoiding you, I was avoiding the mistletoe!” Hansol raises his voice just enough so you can hear him over your own thoughts. Finally letting go of your wrist, much to your dismay, he runs his hand through his hair, pacing back and forth in front of you. 
“Why were you avoiding the mistletoe?” you prod, knowing that he needs your assistance in order to continue. 
Sighing, he stops his pacing and comes back to face you. “The guys had this plan,” he starts and you make sure to listen since he’s finally opening up to you. “They were gonna get the both of us under the mistletoe and get us to kiss.”
The revelation has you reeling and your heart starts to beat so fast that it might beat right out of your chest. “Wait, so you avoided me because you didn’t want to kiss me?”
“Of course, I didn’t want to kiss you,” he confirms and if your heart wasn’t broken before, it certainly is now. 
“Wow, that’s um, great—”
“It’s not like that,” Hansol clarifies quickly, not wanting you to misunderstand further. “The reason I didn’t want to kiss you was because I didn’t want to ruin everything and lose you.”
“Why would that ruin everything?” you ask but Hansol doesn’t seem to hear you, too lost in his own head and feelings.
“But then, you said you were going to kiss Mingyu,” he continued, voice pained, “and it turns out that I was going to lose you even if I didn’t kiss you.”
“I wasn’t going to kiss—”
“I don’t want you to kiss him,” Hansol looks at you, broken. “Especially not after all you said in those texts.”
Dread fills you and suddenly you feel queasy from more than just the alcohol. “What did I say?” you ask in a panic, your memory failing you. 
Hansol closes the gap between your bodies and cups your face in his hands, “You said that you wanted me to see you, really see you—”
“Oh god, I—”
“—and that you really like me.”
The urge to run breaches the surface. “Listen, Hansol I—”
“I’m in love with you,” Hansol confesses and you swear your heart stops beating. “I didn’t think you felt the same way so I never said anything and that’s why I thought I was going to ruin everything if I kissed you. So, don’t kiss Mingyu. Please.”
“I was never going to,” you finally get to tell him. “The whole reason he was taking me to a mistletoe was so I could stand there and wait for you to show up. He was going to fetch you straight after.”
“Really?” he asks, face lighting up with hope. 
Nodding, you wrap your hands around his wrists while he still holds you. “You’re such an idiot,” you scold lightly, tears of joy welling up at the corners of your eyes.
“I’m your idiot.”
“You’re blind too.”
“The same goes for you,” Hansol scoffs.
Stepping closer until your chest to chest, your lips brush against his. “Too bad there isn’t a mistletoe out here,” you tease.
“Actually, there is one,” he swallows nervously, pointing at a tree branch above you. There it is, in all its glory, tied with a red string. “I put it up there, in case I ever got the courage to actually confess to you the way I wanted to.”
“You’re so cheesy.”
“Can I kiss you yet?” Hansol whines, leaning his forehead against yours. 
Smiling, you cave in, kissing him just as you wanted.
[10:41pm] nonieeee: what? [10:41pm] nonieeee: what mistletoe? [10:42pm] nonieeee: y/n! [10:42pm] nonieeee: what are you talking about? [10:42pm] nonieeee: where are you? [10:43pm] nonieeee: are you kidding me right now? [10:43pm] nonieeee: y/n!! stop!! [10:43pm] nonieeee: reply back to me right now [10:47pm] nonieeee: and mingyu isn’t answering me either so that’s just great :) [10:47pm] nonieeee: y/n i’ve been in love with you for the longest time i can’t believe you’re so blind [10:48pm] nonieeee: how come you never said anything??? [10:50pm] nonieeee: wait don’t answer that, i should’ve known but i was too busy pretending that i was imagining things because i don’t deserve someone as amazing as you hahaha [10:51pm] nonieeee: also you looked so beautiful tonight i lost all my fucking brain cells [10:52pm] nonieeee: i can’t believe i avoided you all night just for this to happen [10:52pm] nonieeee: and i can’t believe i’m saying all of this to you through text instead of in person [10:53pm] nonieeee: i’m sorry you like an idiot like me [10:53pm] nonieeee: please stay where you are [10:53pm] nonieeee: i’m gonna come and find you [10:55pm] nonieeee: no matter what happens, please don’t kiss mingyu
[03:00pm] you: hansol? [03:00pm] nonieeee: yes, my beloved [03:01pm] you: i 🌋 you (get it? i lava you) [03:02pm] nonieeee: now who’s cheesy? [03:02pm] nonieeee: i 🌋 you too :)
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jade-kyo · 2 months
RvB 20th rewatch: s10
An end of an era… god I love this season… I love this story
“I think I just got dumped by Caboose… this is un-fucking-believable”
Washington commits identity theft
Wash and Carolina interaction my beloved
Also I feel like the animation really improved between seasons
“Let’s just say you know a lot of women with quick tempers… you got a fetish or something?” // “I guess yeah you could say… apparently…” Church a sub confirmed
Trocadero my beloved
Carolina my babygirl you will discover your lost silly soon don’t worry
I’m a fucking moron how have I never noticed that the ship in the junkyard was the staff of Charon
I mean I knew it was a part of Charon but I just never made the connection that it was THE staff of Charon
I love that Sarge is the one who vouches for Wash. Sarge character development my beloved.
I SWEAR Wash says “yeah but yours is green” but in this version he says “yeah but yours is really shiny, so it looks more substantial”
I kept thinking some of the dialogue was different on the dvd version from what I was used to but I kept second guessing myself
Man sometimes the Director says things and I’m just like… that was a kind of Church thing to say my guy. Feral.
Carolina cares so much akahskshfusgjsgdkshdkd
“Don’t tell me how to lead my squad” bro the first time I watched this show I got SO MAD at Carolina, I straight up did not like her… man I was a dumb bitch
Theta falling off his skateboard is so cute omg
Carolina embrace your inner silly
“Usually I would agree with Simmons but in this case that would also cause me to agree with Grif therefore I will simply grunt ambiguously… *ambiguous grunt*” quoted line
Love that Tucker is the one who usually points out the difference between Alpha and Epsilon… taking notes
Also love how chill Tucker is about Church being multiple people
Wash is as silly as his straw
Why does he have so many FRUITS
I love Carolina and York fucking with Wash
Hey remember when I did that guess the fake fact poll and everyone thought there was no way Elijah Wood was in the show? Good times
Caboose messing with Church my beloved
“Friendenepanion” line quoted
God they establish so many parallels between Tex and Carolina
Rip CT
“How the hell am I supposed to trust a ragtag team of idiots when I couldn’t even trust the people closest to me” THATS WHY YOU CAN TRUST THEM!!!! BECAUSE THEYRE IDIOTS!!!!!!!! DONT WORRY BABYGIRL YOU WILL UNDERSTAND SOON!!!
G o d Yorkalina you will always be famous to me
Screaming crying throwing up
“I mean we are friends” // “… friends…” SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP
Wyomings mustache is the sexiest character
The show: angst agony pain // me: giggling kicking my feet because I just love the show so damn much I can’t help but happy stim when I’m watching it even when it’s pain
It was so real of them to just have Carolina have this one sided beef with a copy of her dead mom. Absolutely insane. I love it.
“No because I’m pissed off!” That one line really made me love Tucker even more. I remember being floored by it and suddenly realizing that oh shit this is fr getting tense like- he’s ACTUALLY mad. Just such a good subtle character moment
So like was Sheila just… left in that crashed pelican… forever
York is such a cringefail king
“Thanks I won’t need it” THE PARALLELS
Church being defensive of Carolina AGSKGDKSHSKD
Tex is very small compared to North
Sarge continues to have the best character development
Wash’s implantation, Tex learning the truth, Allison reveal IM AKJSKAHSKHDKSJ F E R A L
The fact that the director was gonna send Carolina to find Tex is INSANE
“You and Wash are taking your relationship to the next level, I knew it the writing was all over the wall” Caboose was the first carwash shipper
Fun fact: everyone walking out on Church and Carolina was the first scene that actually made me cry
Tex just wanted to save them… she just wanted to save Alpha and Carolina auuuuhjajahjshajsjkshdjsjjsh
“Cheesy forgiveness speech later” and I like to headcanon that they held Church to that
G o d Chex you were always doomed…. Agony
I literally have no words for what the Carolina and Director and Church scene makes me feel so I will simply summarize
“Better is good enough” I’m gonna be sick
Putting the full Allison video at the end of the credits was FOUL
I really wish I was better at putting my thoughts into words cause G O D does this show make me feel things. I unlock 57 new emotions every time I watch it… truly I love this show. Especially the freelancer storyline. There’s something really special about all of this… just beautiful.
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bluelizze · 4 months
I DECIDED TO MAKE A POST ABOUT MY GENERINE REACTIONS TO ACCIDENTAL BF PT 4 (omg pls read this series it’s a gem by the wonderful @tenkover)
also i was just causally looping this edit while i was doing this
"You reach up and fix his crooked septum. He blushes. That damn thing."
SINCE WHEN DID TOMURA HAD A SEPTUM (ngl I actually looked up what it was bc idk what it was and I WAS SHOCKED MY JAW DROPPED)
“Why would I want to,” Tomura smiles and kisses the top of your head. He wants to absorb you… you can crawl into his ribcage any day and make yourself at home."
“The Izuku thing, for example, like, we started off as friends just getting to know each other and out of the blue he gets handsy. It felt like all the friendship building was just… fake– and it was. His entire personality changed when I told him I won't be with him. I've had that happen before. It makes me feel… so alone. Or just generally talking to men. If you're nice you are flirting and they feel entitled to your… well, body. It hurts. And if you aren't nice… you put yourself in danger. My dad taught me to always be polite– well, too much because…. I was nice to my stalker. It's dumb– I am. That's also why I always do what people want… it is the path of least resistance.”
also reader being real here bc I always feel like I have to put on a mask around certain people so I sometimes have identity crisis (that’s why I relate to furina and mafuyu A LOT)
“He's always late!” Himiko sighs. “I'd never let you wait, (Y/N)-chan! If Tomura ever lets you wait– just text me, kay?”
“Really? Voice changer? Cmon, man,” Tomura says and pinches his nose.
“Is it because… your friend who got a girlfriend?” He sobs.
OMG????? Does touya love reader?!?! (I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case)
“Y-Yes. Sorry. I… I wanted to ask if I can soft launch you on Instagram?”
“When I'm back… can we maybe go on a date? Get Boba and sit in the park?
BOBA DATE BOBA DATE BOBA DATE (I’m drinking one rn)
“Please just leave… go to your boyfriend.” You frown and a lump grows steadily in your throat. You look at the back of his head. His light hair looks badly tangled. “Touya… is that the problem?” “Yep.”
OH I AM RIGHT!!! (not but surprised but STILL THE REVEAL 😤😤😤)
Yes. Thank… you. Hey, one more thing… you're not a serial killer?” “When does it become serial?” “After 5?” “Oh no then we're good.”
“During semester break he showed up here and introduced himself as my boyfriend to my dad. I don’t know if you know how charming Izuku can be… my dad loved him. And… I had to play along because if my dad knew that I have a stalker he would never let me go back to uni. So… when he finally pissed off I tried to do damage control and told my dad that I was planning to break up with him– this is so stupid.”
IZUKU you mother fucker 🙃
He snorts. “Talk later… honey..?”
HE CALLS US HONEY 🥹🥹🥹 (I love nicknames like those)
Toshinori wraps his arms around you, almost smothering you with the intensity of his embrace. “Kid, you don’t ever need to justify coming home.”
“You love him,” Toshinori chuckles and wipes his hands on a kitchen towel before starting to chop up some tomatoes. “You should see how your eyes are sparkling right now.”
“You are Dabi!” You wave the phone.
“Holy shit. Now I get what you were saying– Tomura is the guy you have a crush on."
omg first spinner and now touya. everyone having a crush on tomura on this fic and honstly, that's valid
"Dude, I thought you were confessing TO ME!”
“No– did you just forget I am gay or what?! Be for real.”
Tenko doesn't remember and Tomura can't face the truth.
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moxielynx · 4 months
Sorry if you have already said so. But what exactly is the elemental power or elemental essence?? Of dark
How powerful is it?
How powerful is Ryan compared to the other Ninja?
How powerful is the Elemental Power of dark in general
How powerful is Ryan compared to Lloyd Garmadon and Wu?
i am so joyous that someone is asking about ryan garmadon tysm
to answer your questions i wanna state that ryan is supposed to be the polar opposite of lloyd, in terms of powers and abilities. Lloyd is light, Ryan is darkness. They're both equal in terms of powers, so Ryan is stronger than the other ninja, but not Lloyd.
Unlike Lloyd though, Ryan embraces his oni form, so he's much more willing to use it to get out of situations where just his powers arent enough.
How ive imagined his powers working is they're much stronger in dark places/at night (while lloyd is the opposite). He can control a void-like substance that can basically make him extend his limbs or even make new ones (like give himself four arms without having to become an oni). The closest thing to showing off ghosts powers is in a joke video where he just straight up grab's jay
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but i think it would be better if i made some (very lazy) sketches explaining his powers
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this might make ryan seem pretty unbalanced between him and the other ninja, and even lloyd, but in my au with ryan in it i like to imagine lloyd can still control the other 4 main elements (yes i know the only reason he could before was cause he was the ultimate spinjitzu master/the golden master but im unfortunately a nostalgic fan so i like holding onto stuff from older seasons <//3), they're just much weaker than his own element. for example he can control fire pretty decently but never nearly as good as kai. so it basically balances out if lloyd and ryan ever got into an actual fight: ryan's got his funky void powers and lloyd's got (albeit weaker) 4 other elements at his disposal.
ryan could also merge into the darkness and appear in a different place, but the same goes for lloyd with light (shine a light in two different areas of a room and lloyd will just disappear from one spot to another)
if it wasnt obvious im trying to make ryan and lloyd actually look like the descendants of what is essentially god lmao
ryan in terms of power is more powerful than wu, but wu could still beat him in a fight just cause he's got more experience than it, same with garmadon. the real deciding factor is "will ryan use his oni powers?"
in my au lloyd does decide to use his oni form more, but they much prefer not to. Not opposed, but would use it as a last resort, if anything.
in general? the element of darkness is as strong as the element of energy, ryan and lloyd are as yin and yang as it gets lol
ryan's pretty much inherited all of his powers from garmadon, so anything garmadon can do ryan can do as well, and this goes with the oni thing. ryan uses his oni powers often not to make things easier, but to make sure he has complete control and isnt gonna go on an evil rampage, despite knowing that simply being an oni doesn't automatically make you evil (garmadon trauma 🔥🔥🔥)
while ryan's powers are really strong, he could definitely still be beaten by one of the ninja since they all basically have matching skills, but they are basically really lucky ryan's on their side and not on the evil side.
if something i explained looks weird then feel free to send another ask about it, i probably just didnt explain it right or it can be explained with just "its part of my au lawl", ty again for asking about ryan!
oh yeah also ryan can still summon a dragon because i think its fucking stupid that the ninja get that power taken away from them cause its "too op." THAT IS SO DUMB!!!! LET THOSE DUMB NINJA SUMMON SILLY LITTLE DRAGONS!!!!!!
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
hi ks!! hope you're doing well. i absolutely love your hannibal meta posts, and while i have no idea if youd still be open to any asks, id love to hear your insight on something im stuck on (im also rly new to analysis so pls forgive me for any dumb comments!!) tw sa mention
in the hannibal s3e13 script when dolarhyde attacks will in his hotel room, there are a few lines with notable word choice:
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"postcoital" "terrible lover's embrace" it threw me off a bit bc i didnt expect such specific wording. is this scene an allegory for sa? i wasnt sure if this was just the norm for hannibal scripts or if this was something noteworthy.
as far as i understand dolarhyde is now terribly jealous of will for being the subject of hannibal's love and angry at being emasculated. lots of ppl also say dolarhyde wanted to "change" hannibal by ruining/"defiling" the one thing (will) he truly cared for.
everything seems to makes sense, but i dont know if im making something out of nothing, or oversimplifying it. do you have a take on this considering your opinions on the francis hannibal and will dynamic? id love to hear anything you have to offer!! ty for all you do <3
Another ask: hello!! so sorry to bother again, happy late birthday!! i was judt wondering if you got my ask about the will + francis scene in the script---totally ok if you dont wanna answer it! i would just love to discuss it because i couldnt find much discussion for it when i tried searching tumblr/google
Hey! Thank you so much for your ask and for your wishes <3
So, 'Hannibal' scripts are indeed famous for having rich sexual imagery. In this specific case, there is also context. I don't know if you've seen this already, but there is indeed evidence that Francis had sexual interest in Hannibal (apart from other kinds of fascination). From his notes made for the show, this particular bit (transcribed by Bentley):
“I think we are so similar and could be the best partners that history could have seen. Let me show you what we could do together doctor. I am so eager to please you to be your friend your lover perhaps. Why not I think we could love each other doctor. Don’t you want to have someone that is the one in your life. That special someone that is always here for you. It is me doctor? I am!”
Here’s an interesting part about Will as addressed to Hannibal:
“He faces you, he traps you but in the end he is broken! Do you think he understands you? Do you think he really appreciates your magical power? Does he realize how special and unique and wonderful you are doctor. I have my doubts, I don’t think he really sings the wonder, the salvation that can come from following you, knowing you. ”
That’s extremely interesting because it gives a much deeper insight into Francis and his motivations. For one thing, one of the phrases that always bothered me in the show is his description of Will - namely, the mention that he’s “not very handsome”. It’s from the books, so it might apply there, but Will in the show is handsome, very much so. Francis seems to resent him.
After Hannibal basically helps Will get to Francis in the museum & some more events later, Francis grows furious because he realizes that Will is the central player while he, Francis, is a pawn. Hannibal doesn't care about him the way he thought.
Francis’ attitude to Will undergoes some changes: at the start, he touched his photo, which denotes his interest. He threw him away like a toy in the museum, and while it’s just an interpretation, to me, he looked pissed at Will in particular. When he tells Hannibal later that Will interests him, it can’t be just from their museum encounter. Francis clearly knows a lot about Will (likely from Freddie’s articles), but he doesn’t like him because he thinks him unworthy of Hannibal, which his notes prove. But in TWOTL, in the moment you mentioned, Francis is very unsure about Will. He is no longer certain what to think of him (since he thinks Hannibal has chosen him). He automatically treats him with some sort of respect because of who he is to Hannibal and what he must represent.
I think this explains how they chose to describe the scene of the attack. It's not necessarily a sexual assault, but violence frequently has erotic undertones in 'Hannibal.' Here, Francis might be trying to look at Will like Hannibal, like a lover, hoping to understand what he sees in him. He's respectful and almost reverent at some points after Will regains consciousness. In his eyes in these moments, Will is Hannibal's partner, the man who has what Francis wanted.
Notably, this respect turns into fury in the finale, where he attacks Will viciously. Interesting that he goes to ruin his face first and foremost. Considering his own insecurity, it says a lot about his many-layered jealousy, from deep to a superficial physical level.
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Also a lil more elaboration on this post from the OG guy in the system who talks this shit but it's also important to know when adopting radical self acceptance is that being a fucking idiot and a coward and crap literally has no inherent "oh Im a good or bad or cool or lame" person on it's own
Literally everyone is stupid in their own way and literally everyone has the things they are scared to deal with and face from time to time. I'm a part very dissociated from the concept of fear and my brain converts it fast to other shit, but I do fear letting myself down - both as a part and as a part ofba system - and doing harm by the few I deeply respect; momentarily I am prone to being scared of having my shit taken - trauma crap
That shits literally normal, being scared of shit is literally a completely normal and natural thing across almost all animal species (some argue all). There is no personal judgement attached to literally any feeling on its own.
The difference is whether you can look at that feeling and say "damn I'm scared and that a sucks ass feeling" and actually accept, address and deal with that feeling - or if you are going to deny-deny-deny.
And that isn't to say "Oh you are a stupid coward for wanting to deny it" because again, it is OK to admit you are scared and not ready to deal with something. That takes huge fucking balls to admit. If you aren't ready to deal with it, cool man that's fine, but do take a moment to actually affirm that with yourself - that CURRENTLY in the moment you are not ready to deal with it.
That is not "running away from it like a coward" that is acknowledging the truth of your current state and leaving space for it.
If you can get comfortable admitting that you are too scared to do something right now, you are inherently - in subtext - letting yourself know that 1) you accept that you are scared and it is a real thing about you that you are willing to embrace but also 2) that as much as that is a truth of your current state, that it is just that - a current state.
There literally is no shame or inherent judgement to be found in a feeling alone. Feelings alone don't mean shit. Feelings alone LITERALLY don't mean SHIT. It's how you handle and act in regards to them both internallyvwith yourself and externally with others that determines if you are being cringe (derogatory) or cringe (affectionate) and sorry not sorry, every action you do there will be someone who thinks you are cringe so theres no escaping being cringe WHILE being your authentic self.
Anyways, building radical self acceptance is a hard thing to do so I got mad respects for anyone building it. Most of the system doesn't get it yet either and so I get how hard it is and all.
I actively basically bully and harrass Riku about it 24/7 7 days a week 52 weeks a year for the past 3 years until they get it into their dumb skull. And while I call them a fuckin dumbass, I am pretty proud of how casually and readily they have learned to admit when they are being "a coward" which is easier verbage for them than outright saying "scared" which I'll take.
But honestly, get in touch with your vulnerable "not cool" parts of yourself that you are embarrassed about and just get used to stating it as it is. Those vulnerable and embarrassing aspects are only as embarrassing and insecure as you let them be. If you hide them and try to keep people from seeing it, of course you are going to feel scared to let others see it, of course you are going to feel insecure, and of course you aren't going to be confident when anything relating that comes up out of fear of your insecurity showing.
It's self assassination honestly. Judging your emotions and internal experiences like they mean anything other than a reflection of your current self and what you need us just not productive.
But I digress. Its a complicated and difficult thing to build and work on and itll always be more nuanced and specific to the individual than I can ever chart out in a casual ramble on some of my life philosophies and principles on shit.
So take home message? Try to stop judging your feelings and just, ya know, have them. They may suck but its just how it is in the moment and the moment can always change.
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theclearblue · 4 months
Can you rank the Strawhats by most liked to least? Or at least ramble about their characters?
See ya, love u
Hiiii Empa I can always gush about one piece thank you <3 (also im assuming this is my own personal ranking ur asking for and not who i think is most popular in the fandom lol) My ranking changes a lot to be fair and literally love all of them soooo much but currently:
10. Jinbe
He might be at the bottom of my list but I literally cried tears of joy when he joined the strawhats so that's the level we're operating on when I say how much I love all of them. Really the only reason he's on the bottom is because he's had the least amount of time on the crew, but literally one of the coolest characters ever and Oda teasing for YEARS of him joining the crew and him finally getting to!!!! Amazing!!!! Can't wait to see more of him as the series goes on I've already loved his role in Wano and Egghead it's been a treat.
9. Franky
Guy of all time. I WISH Oda gave him more screentime because he's literally so cool!!!!! One of the funniest characters and that is not appreciated enough, has such a good introduction/backstory in Water 7, his relationship with Robin is literally everything to me, and when he does get screentime!!! I am seated!!! People need to love Franky more >:(
8. Chopper
MY SOOOONNNNN I would die for him. His story line about being a monster and coming to embrace it because the strawhats literally love and embrace him as he is, I will cry about it if I think about it for more than two minutes. I felt that he didn't get as many opportunities to shine in post timeskip and then the Wano arc happened!!!! Such a good arc for him and how essential he was to the overall success and how proud everyone was of him!!!!! And how he has full control over his big monster form and utilizes it to help people! Literally love him so much GOD.
7. Usopp
Can u believe there was a time in my life where I didn't like Usopp? Insanity. To be fair his introduction arc is unfortunately the weakest in the series for me, I found him annoying in the beginning. But Usopp is so cool because he is a regular guy, and yet he still overcomes SO much. A lot of speculation that the next arc of One Piece will be HIS arc and I really hope that's the case because every time he gets a chance to shine is some of the times when One Piece is at it's absolute best.
6. Nami
Literally girl of all time I'm so obsessed with her. I know people hate how women are drawn in One Piece but it's honestly made up for me by the fact that almost all the women have such incredible and nuanced writing, and I think how good of a writer Oda is really shines in how he writes Nami. Consistently one of the most interesting and fun characters in the whole series, and the first character to really get the spotlight and people still talk about it as a highlight of the series 20+ years later. No one is doing it like her!!
5. Brook
When Brook was introduced I was not thrilled to get ANOTHER crew member, especially cause it was a dumb talking skeleton, and that seemed just like a gag character. And then 40 episodes later I was literally sobbing over his backstory and character and he's such a good addition to the crew. He also hangs out a little bit more in the background but he's still doing SO MUCH in the background that you can't help paying attention to him. So dorky but also just hits people with profound wisdom every once in awhile?! Brook rocks so hard.
4. Luffy
I never really know where to put Luffy in my ranking, because really he's number one as well (as are really the next three as well, they change in ranking too much for a definitive number one). The perfect protagonist and how he helps people and his own personal development has literally changed me. I never get tired of him, I never find him boring, and he's such a major reason as to why people have stuck around to see this story unfold for 25 years now. He's the character I really don't now how to put into words how much I love him, he's just bigger than life in so many ways.
3. Zoro
He captured my heart at the very beginning and never let go, which is funny cause I thought I would hate him LMAO. Literally the coolest character while also being the absolute silliest, he never fails to make me laugh from his dumbassery. And hes such a simple character with simple motivations, but there's so much to pick apart at the same time somehow. i feel like his words hold so much weight when he's being serious, and even though he's a simple character it doesn't always make him easy to understand unless you REALLY dive into his character. Literally never mad to see him get screentime, I love him so much he was my first favorite character in the series <3
2. Robin
ROOOBBBBIIIINNNN I LOVE HEEEERRRRR. Again was kinda skeptical about why she was joining the crew and not Vivi, but Oda has never let me down when adding a new member to the strawhats, and her story is so great to watch, especially going back with more context and everything she says makes so much sense. I mean her fully becoming a member of the crew is still a series highlight, and I also really like the moments where she relies on the crew and they rely on her and the TRUST!!!! THE LOVE!!!!! Also her sense of humor is so underrated she cracks me up so much I love that she shares a brain cell with Luffy and is so morbid lmao
I hate him. His eyebrows are stupid. He acts like an idiot all of the time. There are several instances where he needs to be put in horny jail. Obnoxious, stupid, bratty, and people look at me with disgust when I say Sanji is my favorite character and that I'm insane about him. Oh it's so bad. The way he shows love, how he's a bratty kid with a temper yet also the kindest strawhat, the way he's like a leashed rabid dog but he attached the leash to himself, the way he has so many moments of self sacrifice throughout the series and it's acknowledged as a problem 20 years after he's introduced as a character. He's mentally strong for the ones he loves yet doesn't see any worth in himself. The way his arc centers on blood vs found family. Him being scared of becoming as monstrous as his family. AHHHHHHHHH I HATE HIM I HATE HIM HE MAKES ME INSANE. Anyways that's my favorite character.
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jolapeno · 6 months
Darling Jo happy happy hour! 🥂
Okay, so I know this doesn’t fit into a one of the categories but I wanted to send in this fun cute ask your way!!
How does your dream date with your favorite Pedro guy go? 👀♥️💕
Omg but if you don’t feel comfortable answering this omg pls don’t feel the need too!!!
But I just wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful event and way to embrace the fun parts of this community, you’re such a reminder of how sometimes we just need to embrace the joy and sweetness 🧁thank you for being here and for sharing your lovely spirit with us 💌✨💕
Now with all the sappy stuff out of the way of course I want to be a little gremlin now and send you a “this or that” fun game heeheehee 😈
A peaceful warm Laredo night with Javi P or a nice day at the beach with Javi G?
A full museum day date with Marcus P or a homemade dinner date night in with Marcus M??
I cannot WAIT to hear your thought and answers heeeheeheehee
But thank you again honey appreciate you so much 🌷💖💕
erika, my loveeeee. it's been so lovely getting to know you, we should take a second to thank our beloved (@julesonrecord for setting us up).
omg okay, i'm going to answer all of this because YOU DESERVE. but, my dream date is going to be with my boy frankie. and it's so silly, and i did write it for the series, but it's pizza and playing a board game. it's so dumb, but i love the intimacy of being home, in comfy clothes, and the risk of snorting from laughing SO HIGH that you're quick to try and mask it, but find yourself unable to. plus, PIZZA is amazing. and grabbing one of the slices and catching his eye, MAKES ME MELT MORE THAN THE CHEESE ON THE BREAD. so yeah, I'm going to say a board/card game and pizza. perfffecto date.
and now im welling up because that's so nice. thank you. it's easy to just be this way because this is who i am. sometimes, i am too sensitive for my own good, but sometimes, it's a good thing cause then i get to make other lovely people feel comfy.
Laredo night with Javi P (of courseeee)
A full museum date with Marcus P (because i love going to museums and my hubby does not, so be nice to walk around and not feel i have to speed run it hahaha)
also now i'm intrigued, what would you pick for this or that???
happy hour is open ✨
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marilysugarcoated · 11 months
I have no words to describe how I feel right now
All i can really make out of this huge messy ball of unidentifiable emotion, is my unwavering gratitude.
Thank you. so much.
objectively, it sounds dumb and stupid that I’m getting so worked up over the ending of a “silly minecraft series”, but it is so much more than that. To me, this represents something so much bigger, -a hard truth i refused to confront.
Growth is inevitable, and childhood does not last forever. I knew that- I’ve always known that. and still, a part of me had always rejected the idea of change. I’d always described myself as an optimist who was open to change; someone who embraced and relished in it. I held a firm philosophy in not mulling over outcomes you couldn’t control, and i did whatever I could to keep myself in that ‘healthy’ positive mindset. I knew that if I’d done anything differently, the girl from my childhood would wander farther from my reach.
Eventually, the favourite foods id once adored as a kid began to lose its flavour, (I’d briefly wondered if they’d changed the recipe) I began to notice the slight changes in my behaviour and body language; more tentative- almost insecure. The results from personality quizzes did not match with those I’d taken in previous years, I never really realized exactly how withdrawn I’d become.
Reality was rearing it’s ugly head, and we couldn’t have that, could we? -so, I desperately clung to anything and everything that was reminiscent of the little girl I’d grown to know so well. Subconsciously, i started regressing- I found myself helplessly depending on others, unable to go out anywhere without a stuffed animal, frequently putting my hair in pigtails, and engaging in more child-like activities, (at least, more than usual.)
These past few years, I’d felt as though I had lost my sense of self. I would force myself to feel and act accordingly to this perceived version of me. ‘Turns out that this ‘version of myself’ was just the girl I was before. Before the pandemic, before high-school, before I’d learned that the world was not all cotton candy and sugar cookies.- before; where my worries consisted only of stardew and genshin- before; where being happy was my default.
Watching the final episode snapped me out of my delusional reverie, and it felt as though Stampy had allowed me a sense of closure. I was beguiled when his video popped up in my youtube recommendations, not to mention the fact that it was his FINAL episode.
In truth, I didn’t expect it to hit me as much as it did. I mean, I hadn’t exactly planned on spending my saturday night sobbing to a minecraft let’s play vid lmao. Sure, in retrospect this really isn’t as big of a deal as I’m making it seem. And to that I say; yea. lol im even cringing myself out a bit, but hey, i’ve always been one for theatrics. ;)
But really; as I scrolled through the comments (still crying btw), I’d finally allowed myself to mourn, and confront the fact that I have grown up. I could no longer consider myself a little kid,, and that’s okay. it will be okay.
This is the end of an era. further more, it is the start of something new. The real world awaits, and i have Stampy (and others) to thank for the person I am today:)
It has been such a privilege to be part of this community of others raised alongside me, and to have had the pleasure of little-me experiencing the elation she’d felt when Stampy posted a new video.
Sincerely, thank you. Thank you soso much Stampy, for bringing so much joy and laughter to us many young kids— turned young adults
It’s been an unforgettable ride:)
Now, all we can do is move forward.- Take life as it is, and carefully construct our own worlds so that maybe, (just maybe,) they can become as lovely as yours has. ❤️‍🩹🐈
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cakepoppresent · 11 months
It's Not What You Think It Is!!
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An anonymous tipster with a heart full of secrets and possibly a score to settle managed to capture this scandalous rendezvous
Malcolm was caught red-handed having a romantic dinner with the captivating Veronica, despite being attached at the hip to Benji
What could this mean?
You Know You Love Me XOXO
-Gossip Girl
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Malcolm and Veroinca have seen the latest post on Gossip Girl. Malcolm can't help but freak out
Maclolm: This is the worst! Benji is going to freak out if he sees this. What am I going to do??
Veroinca: Talk to him, he knows the post is nonsense anyway
Malcolm: God this is the fucking worst!! Who even took the picture and sent it to that hell site?
Veroinca: I have an idea of who might have done that. Let's just head back to the dorm so you can talk to Benji
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Malcolm: NO! I need to mentally prepare
Veronica: You're going to talk to your fiancee, not going off to war. Don't worry Benji isn't dumb he knows it's just nonsense
Malcolm: Still, after the summer we spent in Osais Spring he's been very clingy and possessive. It's like he thinks I'm just going to leave him
Veronica: Fine! if you are that worried, I'll talk to him before he talks to you. That way he won't be that upset
Malcolm: Thanks! I knew I could count on you! Love you so much
Veronica: Mhmm I'm sure you do
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Back at the dorm Veronica finds Benji heading to his room
Benji: Hey V, you and Malcolm looked real good in that Gossip Girl post. Truly Brichestors finest couple
Veronica: Don't be petty, we both know that post is garbage. Malcolm is really worried about it. Don't be a dick
Benji: Sorry for not liking people thinking Maclom is a cheater and I'm being screwed over by my closest friends
Veronica: Keep that energy to yourself. I know who sent it the post and I'll be dealing with her. Malcolm is really worried, he thinks you're mad at him.
Benji: I could never be mad at Maclolm for something like that. I know it's not his fault, I just don't want him on that garbage site
Veronica: Don't tell me that tell Malcolm. He is waiting for you in your dorm room
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Malcolm: Benji! I love you so much, don't mind that GG post. I swear nothing is happening between me and Veroinca I swear!
Benji takes a deep breath and pinches his nose in exasperation "Of course I know there is nothing between you and Veronica, I'm not an idiot"
Malcolm: You're not mad!? Great that's great I was so worried. I didn't want you to be mad at me
Benji: Babe I could never be mad at you...but I am a little bit upset
Malcolm: Upset about what?
Benji: Too many people are going to know who you are and what you look like, I don't like that at all
Malcolm: Im a Villareal, people are going to know who I am
Benji: Maybe I should just keep you locked up in a nice highrise where no one can reach you
Malcolm: Don't be dumb
Benji: Don't worry I'm just joking (is he tho?)
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"You're so weird sometimes, I'm not going anywhere you loser" Benji walks closer to Malcolm and embraces him in a tight hug, places his face at the crook of Malcolm's neck and takes a deep breath "I know Malcolm...I know"
Benji: I think I deserve some compensation for my emotional distress. Malcolm: Seriously? Benji: Of course, I am emotionally distraught right now"
Picking Malcolm up from the floor Benji leads them toward the bed.
Benji: No classes tomorrow morning right? Malcolm: Right. Benji: Great
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lindszeppelin · 8 months
sometimes i think im not dramatic its other people who are too dramatic but how much her being there ruined my mood about the premiere is making me self reflect. Sometimes i am dramatic. Sometimes i think austin “fans” who kiss her ass need to get their shit rocked sorryyyyyyyyyyy (no I’m not)
first of all babe, embrace who you are and love all parts of yourself. do not use words like dramatic to dumb down your emotions. being emotional is normal because you care about austin, so there's nothing wrong with that. but im glad it has made you self reflect, which is healthy
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nyxofdemons · 8 months
okay okay. please dont hate me. i was underwhelmed
LISTEN I CAN EXPLAIN. the first thing that stuck out to me was the,,,, dialogue? in some scenes its GREAT but initially i was sort of jarred by it, i feel like it's going wayyy too hard on the exposition at the cost of immersion. it just feels noticeably clunky in scenes
the SECOND thing, i both LOVE and dislike the music. i love like 65% of happy day in hell but vaggie's sudden interjection, plus the sequence where the background changes and charlie is like rolling along with all the random sinners singing felt. aghhhh i don't have a new word a lot of it just feels CLUNKY to me !! help !!!
i DO enjoy the characterization, from the get go a lot of it seems very very clear and tightly written. alastor remains my favorite character and the implications of vaggie making a deal with him have me MAJORLY intrigued i am SO curious about their dynamic in particular .
i. fucking. LOVE. ADAM. OH MY GOD HES GREAT. his speech style his outrageous personality HIS TAKEOVER OF HAPPY DAY IN HELL MADE ME SOOO EXCITED, THAT WAS THE BEST PART OF THE EPISODE TO ME. ive seen criticism of him as 'uhh the writing is so dumb and lazy if the angels behave just like the sinners' but i literally dont give a fuck he is ENTERTAINING (and if i wanted to be serious about it i COULD say something about the juxtaposition between the angels and sinners seemingly having the same brand of humor but being WILDLY different in terms of worldview and philosophy. the angels who are self-obsessed and think theyre the greatest things to ever exist vs the sinners fully embracing themselves as the WORST things to ever exist, and charlie somewhere in the middle. oooooh i just KNOW this is gonna be a whole thing for my brain to chew on)
okay okay im sure theres more i could say but . hhhh. brainworms only. i think my official stance, for right now, is that i am fully optimistic that the rest of the show is gonna be awesome, but, as for right now... i think i actually preferred the youtube pilot to this first episode. i enjoyed the set design more, the character animation more (it feels stiffer in this one?? hazbin pilot and helluva boss both have a way more BOUNCY feel to them, i think, and i just adore it; i felt like it was missing from this one a bit), and most ESPECIALLY the dialogue. i way preferred the dialogue in the pilot than in here.
i DID absolutely love the expectation subversion of adam and lilith, though. that they eagerly wanted to share the gift of free will with humanity, rather than trying to orchestrate a cataclysm on purpose. i really enjoyed that.
(also, my final note: the voice acting is... okay. to me. i feel like some of the voices are sort of forced, and no matter how good he is, i am sorry, but i can NOT reconcile that voice with husk's face and design. it just feels so jarring every time he opens his mouth like my brain is struggling to connect that that's where this voice is coming from. im sorry mr david)
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