#i am SO right about this i just know it. i let the autism win and this is what it did...
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monscrow · 1 month ago
o...ookay... so. i only slept like two hours but. but hear me out.
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snonadwo..... soandow........... sonadow as funpoison THOSE HEDGEHOGS AS KILLJOYS. ARE YOU HEARING ME OUT. PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. PLESEA. PLEASE. are you picking up what i'm putting down. please this is everything
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autisticsupervillain · 2 years ago
Autistic Avatars not realizing that they're Avatars because they're just "like that": a thread
The Eye
Special Interest in the supernatural = constant food for The Watcher
You know about Interest? TELL ME EVERYTHING
"Hey man listen to me infodump about this horrifying ghost story I read for twenty minutes, alright?"
I need to Know everything about something before I partake in it.
"How did I Know that? Eh, I probably hyperfixated on it at some point."
I cannot be misunderstood so I'll beam the facts into your brain.
The Web
I must plan everything 200 steps in advance before doing anything.
I have prepared for all possible outcomes, I can now have this one conversation.
If I set up all these variables long in advance, then I can do everything correctly and Win the social interaction.
I cannot do anything before The Plan says to.
"I practice my social skills by talking to my spider friends." -Martin "Autism" Blackwood
The Stranger
I cannot socialize without being Uncanny.
If my socialization seems like an act, that's because it is. I practice it in the mirror every day.
Theater Kid
How do you Normal Human?
The Anatomy Class.
Assuming fellow Stranger Avatars also just have the 'Tism. They're not trying to be creepy, honest.
Can't do faces. Doesn't notice when you get replaced.
Being subtly off is too subtle for me.
The Lonely
"I have failed the social interaction. Let the fog reclaim me."
Talking to people is draining my batteries even faster than ever. I need to be alone for approximately 384,400,000 years.
Nothing can overstimulate me in the cool, blinding fog.
Nothing unpredictable can happen in the fog.
The fog is your friend.
The known connection between autism and depression feeds the fog.
The Dark
Why is the sun so god damn bright? I'm going to blow it up I swear.
Night Owl.
Everything's decently quite at night and people leave you alone.
Same overstimulation preventatives as the Lonely tbh. Dark and fog are good concealers.
The dawn is your enemy.
The dread florescent lights shall never bother me again. They break upon my arrival.
Can and will infodump to the monster under my bed. Even now it feels like it listens.
The Spiral
Autism makes getting other mental illnesses recognized hard.
Autism dissociation from body and mind. When did it become 3 AM and why do I hurt? Why am I grumpy? What vital self care task did I forget?
Literal mind doesn't often match reality. Reality is specifically unspecific.
Spaced out and wandered off. Where the fuck am I?
I'm not a mental baby, please stop treating me like it.
I'm not inherently dangerous, please stop treating me like it.
Memory problems my beloathed. Did that happen? I dunno.
What Is Time?
What Is Me?
The Gender
Why do things only make sense to me? What does no one else make sense?
The Flesh
Autism Genderfuckery = Flesh fueled dysphoria.
Meat is the only texture that's palatable. Especially the Mystery Meat.
Will never try any other foods. Too picky.
Infodumps about the horrors of meat processing at dinner and ruins the meal for everyone. More steak for me.
Hates PETA.
Double the arms means double the stim. You weren't using them, right?
Working out is a great stim.
The Corruption
Practices social interaction with the bugs who live in my walls.
"Insects are disgusting. I love them!"
Will protect endangered insects by any means necessary.
According to all known laws of aviation-
Relationship boundaries struggles.
Difficulty noticing sickness symptoms.
Is that nausea or am I overstimulated? *Accidentally causes supernatural plague outbreak*
Difficulty getting diseases diagnosed because of both Autism and noticing too many symptoms so the doctors assume they're faking.
Forgot vital hygiene needs.
The Bugs Are My Friends! They keep me company when I'm sick!
The Buried
Weighted blankets are insufficient, I need the Earth to reclaim me.
Avoid social interaction by tunneling everywhere like a mole.
101 facts about worms.
Forgor hygiene again. Time to become dirt.
Digging a hole is good stimming.
That guy who had to be buried alive to sleep properly. What do you mean you don't want to be buried?
The End
Aradia Megido from Homestuck.Com
That's it, that's the list.
The Desolation
The Autism Temper.
Losing relationships and friendships to ableism and your own disability constantly.
The Fire is a wonderful stim board. Watch it crinkle.
Just watching candles melt for hours.
The fire and thrill gives my life passion again.
Jude Perry.png
The Vast
Accidentally terrifying people by infodumping about the horrors of nature.
The stimulus of falling.
Nature/Space/Weather Documentary on in background always.
Okay, but from how high did you fall? I want to calculate your velocity as you fell through the void.
Weirdly enough... power scaling?
Power scaling is just the art of determining how easily your favorite characters can destroy mankind so... yeah, I can see it.
Brain empty, only terminal velocity.
The Hunt
Cat Autism
The inherent hyperfocus of the hunt. The chase. Your prey.
Studying the habits of your latest hyperfixation/Hunt assigned prey for days at a time.
I've spent so much time hunting in the woods that I forgot about human society. The Missing Person's Bureau have written you off for dead.
Returning to society to sell your wears and realizing you aren't human anymore.
That's okay. Social interaction is random. The Hunt makes sense.
It's black and white. Predator and prey. Humans hunting monsters. It Makes Sense.
The Slaughter
The incredible human WW1 documentary.
"Did you know?" *Describes horrible historic warcrime*
Takes apart puts back together guns from their collection.
The list of known casualties from this war is incomplete. With my help, they can expand it. :)
The Extinction
The world is spiraling towards its end and only you seem to care.
It hurts to be this passionate about a lost cause.
You Will Make Them Care.
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weirdmorefics · 2 years ago
Hey, I really love all your stories and I was wondering if you could do an autistic!reader x Anthony Bridgerton and she’s his wife? You can have complete control over the storyline but it really makes me happy when I find reader x one of my fav characters and the reader has autism because I do too lol 💙
Autistic Wife! Reader x Anthony Bridgerton
Honesty Is A Trait To Love
Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 935
Summary- Reader is anxious over Anthony's Mother not liking her.
A/N- Thank you so much for the request I love writing Autistic characters because I am also Autistic and it makes me feel way less alone. All of my characters may come off as Autistic though because I always imagine myself as the character/reader LOL.
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"I am quite anxious about Eloise's first ball while participating in the season. I do thoroughly love Eloise as my sister-in-law. I am however afraid she will not participate of her own free will." I say to Anthony as the maid tightens my bodice.
"I am sure she will be fine Y/n as long as you stop aiding in her mischievous plans to avoid ever being wed." He says back with a cunning smile.
I hold my hands up, "You have caught me. If it helps it wasn't all Eloise's idea to tell the seamstress we would not be attending." I sigh, "It's just these gowns and corsets are atrocious I swear they make them tight and itch all on purpose to torture women."
"Yes, Y/n I am sure it is all some big elaborate scheme to spite you," he laughs and walks away to prepare the carriage.
"I can tell by your laughter you are joking but I nontheless will take it as a statement of truth to prove my point!" I shout back as he walks away and more laughter follows suit.
My maid giggles, "Lady Y/n, you truly are the most humorous woman I have ever met."
"It was not my intent to be humorous," I frown. "Surely you must find these dresses a horror to wear?" I turn to ask my maid.
"If only I was so lucky to wear one Lady Y/N," she responds.
I frown then surely state, "Next time you can take my place and go to the ball with Anthony."
She laughs yet again while putting the finishing touches on my gown, "You are a such humorous young lady."
I sigh, put on a smile, and thank her before bidding her adieu.
I meet Anthony in the carriage and rest my head on his shoulder, "I swear no one gets me as well as you do Anthony."
"Good so no one can steal my beautiful maiden away from me," He says with a smirk.
I was about to make a smart remark back but before I can he makes a tactical maneuver by tickling me.
I am quick to wack his hands away, "Your Mother will kill us if we do not look pristine for this ball."
He nods "You are so smart maybe that's why I keep you around."
"You love me and you know it," I smirk.
"You are so right my darling," He smiles and kisses my cheek.
The carriage ride went smoothly after this and we arrived just on time. I link arms with Anthony which always strikes others as odd like why isn't the married couple holding hands but let me tell you linking arms is superior no gross hand sweat.
We also arrived inside the building just in time to see Eloise running away from her mother.
"Y/n please you must save me! You are the only women I know who does not buy into the magic of these events."
"They are quite tedious," I say in agreement.
Eloise's mother catches up and chastises me "Do not encourage her."
I am quick to apologize as she ignores me and drags Eloise away. "I swear your mother doesn't like me. I am really trying to win her over but I seem to make her uncomfortable... I make a lot of people feel that way." I sigh and twiddle my hands.
Anthony grabs my hands and assures me his mother will warm up to me and that I am an acquired taste whatever that means.
"I will talk to her, I can't imagine there is a single soul who doesn't come to admire you," he smiles brightly.
"Well I can name a ton," I start to list them and count them on my fingers.
"Fine darling some people will not like you. I mean there will always be people who see me as a rake. Do you see me as a rake Y/n?"
I shake my head rapidly " No of course not! If anyone ever said that I would give them a detailed list of why you are not!"
"See my dear that is why my mother will love you-"
"Why would that help my case I mean I am merely speaking the truth?" I interrupt him before he can finish.
"That is why I adore you Y/n you speak the truth fiercely and are so passionate about the things you care for. There are not many women who speak their minds preoccupied with finding a suitor and pleasing them. You I can trust to be honest with me and some people may find this strange at first but I am sure that everyone who got to honestly know you would never leave your side. My mother will come to see honesty is a trait to love and not fear it just takes time." He passionately rants about me and it makes me flush.
I am not quite sure what to say so I mumble a thank you. He chuckles at my flushed expression and kisses my cheek.
"No thank yous needed and is just how I feel, though the thank yous are certainly appreciated." His smirk turns into a full-blown Cheshire smile as my flush deepens to an all-time high.
"You are so easy to make flustered as well another reason I love you not sure if that is one of the reasons my Mother will love you though." He chuckles yet again but this time I try to swat him away as he points to my flustered face which just makes him laugh more.
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agirlandherquill · 9 months ago
oc interview tag
thanks @willtheweaver for the tag!
this one looks like fun!
i'll be using Edeva from Ruin's Reprisal for this one,
Were you named after anyone? - "Well, my middle name comes from a distant relative - Maenaire, I think there was a legend written about her once, I never had the chance to find out her story but my mother clearly saw some similarities between us."
When was the last time you cried? - "Ah, that. Do tears of anger count? I cried enough while I was screaming at Fenley for being a mangisen - that's a pig, in my native language. I think he got the message, tears or not."
Do you have any kids? - "No. I never considered children, and I don't think motherhood is a suitable role for an Exilza. I would never subject a child to this life, but if that ever changes... I don't know, maybe I would, if I found someone - someone that was right."
Do you use sarcasm a lot? - "More often with Fenley than not, I don't know why he just- Brings something out in me."
What is the first thing you notice about people? - "...In the old days, I would have said their faces. Faces can change, they can hide things, but I always looked at the eyes - These days, I notice whether someone is armed. I know more dangerous people than not at present and... It can never hurt to be safe."
What is your eye colour? - "Blue. Though Fenley would have many other things to say - He pays far more attention than I."
Scary movies or happy endings? - "I need no tales to know fear, and though I have yet to know one, I'd prefer a happy ending."
Any special talents? - "I can silence the most fearsome man the country has ever known with a single word, does that count? Oh, and please don't tell Fenley."
Where were you born? - "Vitaire Manor, right here in Aliria."
Do you have any pets? - "I was too preoccupied with the goings on of Court to take responsibility for anything other than myself, sadly. And in the wilderness now, I would wish that upon no animal."
What sort of sports do you play? - "Something of a verbal sparring match with Fenley, though sometimes, rare times - things almost turn violent. He never lets me harm him or myself in the process, which is nice. And despite what he says - I do win our arguments."
How tall are you? - "As much as I would love to call myself average, Fenley's laughter can be heard from here - I know, I know, I'm not as tall as I think I am."
What was your favourite subject in school? - "I seldom had proper lessons, aside from personal tutors but... I learned to dance, with Arden. That was one of the lessons I enjoyed the most."
What is your dream job? - "I've never had a job. I've always had an expectation - my engagement to Arden decided most of my life, until our wedding day - Well, I won't say being engaged to a Prince is simple, but it was certainly easier than being an Exilza."
now for the tags! i just updated my tag list so here goes! no pressure of course, looking forward to getting to know some other people's characters! - also open tag!
~ ~ ~ tags ~ ~ ~
@the-ellia-west @tildeathiwillwrite @drchenquill @365runesofthesystem @coffin-hopping
@godsmostfuckedupgoblin @a-mimsy-borogove @frostedlemonwriter @i-do-anything-but-write @r-u-living
@thatuselesshuman @lead-to-code @sunflowerrosy @theaistired @phoenixradiant
@autism-purgatory @corinneglass @tiredpapergirl @patheticexcuseforawriter @missmisanthrope
@your-writing-motivation @littlestchildofthemoon @morganxduinn @thebrownleathernotebook @rmhashauthor
@lamuradex @fantasy-things-and-such @glasshouses-and-stones @hattonthehatman @humbly-a-doppelganger
@hopecreatesstuff @ramwritblr @s-pendragon7 @thelastneuron @heartreactor
@ihauntmyhouse @shiningstars-world @scaewolf @mehxis @just-emis-blog
@joeys-piano @ramitola @thestoryteller8 @yrndrgn @riveriafalll
@lawrencespen1777 @theverumproject @zackprincebooks @ansanity2 @justjariel
@orion-lacroix @jupiter---daydreams @vinniehorrible @stars-forever @thewritingautisticat
@whatwewrotepodcast @anaisbebe @appleandsnow @urnumber1star @chaotictravelerrants
@andagii-projects @dragmewithyoutonirvana @a-bi-cat-with-books @fearofahumanplanet @just-a-domesticated-cryptid
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shadowwolfmemes · 18 days ago
Explaining my OCs to @violetthediamondsblog PT.1
Hello, Violet. This may or may not be a long yap session about my OCs, so I hope you're interested enough.
Aight, here we go.
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First things first, we got Liana Longtail, my main OC. Her full name is Liana Charissia Longtail. She is a self insert OC because she is based off of me. Well, sort of, she kinda transformed into her own character years later, but still a self insert OC.
I've had her for 7 years now and I now decided to develop her overall character for some reason. Talk about extreme delay, am I right or am I right? 😆
Anyways, I gave her my real first name, her middle name is based off of mine and for her last name I had to come up with something original. I thought "Huh. She has a long tail, so Longtail it is." Her tail is supposed to stand at 10 feet tall, but I don't know how to accurately depict that in my drawings. Longtail has high functioning autism like me.
Speaking of tails, Liana can stretch her tail to a maximum of 18 feet tall thanks to the ligaments attached to her bone segments. That's how special it is because no organic being has that ability, meaning she is the first with it. Mechanical beings with that ability in my universe don't count because they're not made of flesh.
As for her lore? Well, Liana used to be a normal human being in her youth. When she was 17 and midway to 18, she turned into a wolf lycanthrope in her sleep, which explains why she was feeling pain in certain areas. It is a rare case for human beings to turn into lycanthropes (say about a 0.1% chance) in my universe because lycanthropes are usually natural born. Nobody knows how exactly lycanthropy works. If you ask Liana how it happened, she'll shrug and give you an extremely vague answer such as "I don't know" or "I'm not a scientist, don't look me" because she genuinely doesn't know either.
Scientists and researchers are yet to know how humans turn into lycanthropes. They probably won't for as long as the universe expands.
-A bit childish at times, but not clueless or gullible.
-Gentle, but do not mistake it for harmlessness.
-Energetic; You'll occasionally see her speeding down the hallways from time to time.
-Eccentric; Her kooky nature and wide smile that can rub some people off in the wrong way.
-Witty; Liana is quick when it comes to speaking her mind. She is honest to a certain extent, it could be about anything. Especially humor and comebacks.
-Unintentionally charming
-Crystalline wings; Liana can summon these at any time to fly. She calls them astral wings.
-Animal transformation; She can willingly transform into her dire wolf form at any time she wants. She's different from furries and werewolves.
-Fire resistant; Due to her skin mucus, Liana can resist fire at a certain extent.
-Fire breathing; Liana has a specific organ dragons have to breathe fire. I gave her this for some reason. Let's just say she developed it when she had lycanthropy. Now, Liana can breathe fire in two ways. One, fire ball. Two, fire stream. Also, her fire works like fireworks. And it's mostly plasma.
-Talks to animals; It's pretty self explanatory. She can understand each creature she interacts with. Liana even learned how to speak in dragon language.
-Loyalty; If you win over her trust and continue bonding with her, she'll become increasingly faithful towards you and be your friend for eternity.
-Protective; Liana loves protecting her friends from any potential danger that occurs.
-Logic skills; If something or someone is suspicious, Liana will turn on her thinking skills and investigate what's causing the suspicion. If she knows she can't do a specific thing, she'll reluctantly back down.
-Powerful; Liana has a variation of skills and strength to aid her in battle. She is not afraid to back down.
-Unintentionally charming; Liana doesn't realize how she can be charming. She just thinks others are just going easy on her for some reason.
-Annoying; A lot of people say she's way too obnoxiously loud. It's just that Liana likes to express excitement. Otherwise, she'll explode (not literally).
-Reckless; Liana is reckless to a certain extent. She'll protect those who most need it, even if it means hurting herself or putting herself in danger.
-Stubborn; There are times she won't listen or follow orders. She'll do what feels right, even if it could be approached better.
And that's about it for Liana Charissia Longtail. I'll make more later.
Any questions?
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ma-lark-ey · 11 months ago
to begin: THE COVER???
The fucking NARCISSUS/DAFFODIL. Stop stop stop. Nora stop. She said it wouldn’t be a sun but I WASNT READY.
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warning in advance for how many reaction images will be in this post. Miss Nora Sakavic has a way of making me unable to verbalise how devistated I am so I turn to goofy photos.
Also, just so we’re all on the same page:
it’s 1:20 AM. My roommate IS asleep. I am fighting the demons (downloading this book) but i am winning (it is queued on my kindle)
Okay so context is that my Kindle is at 10%
I tried to go to bed and read this in the morning but I am
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SO NOW I HAVE FRANTICALLY FOUGHT A WAR (figured out how to get this book) AND I AM READY FOR BATTLE (to cry over Jean)
Also my kindle cord is too small for me to properly lay in bed so im literally about to lay on my stomach kicking my feet like a middle schooler WISH. ME. LUCK.
oh we’re jumping right in okay. god. hi baby :((
OH. I am just adding onto my #1 Riko hater agenda right now.
“The golden rule— not where the public can see” DIE. LITERALLY DIE TETSUJI
“The lack of broken fingers this time” THIS TIME??? JEAN. JEAN.
im so.
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“and he had wasted them texting Renee a heads-up.” Nora please we’re only four pages in bro
Renee i love you im marrying you please give me a kiss. Mwah Mwah Mwah. She said “Bitch. Lay back down.”
currently also reading a batshit raven!neil fic and just. on the ground. about all of this.
stop the way I literally went “who the fuck is Nathaniel” Im too transgender for this.
Me, seeing the Abby content we need in this world:
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Jean dont call that hellscape home bbg
Renee beating self worth into this man. ily
“Jean couldnt remember the last time he was allowed to wear color” LITERALLY KILL ME
Nora I need you to be less good at describing pain please and thanks
he fr be moving this man like a doll. love you wymack
tied him up with racquet laces I. h. lays on floor softly crying.
Jean fr out here plotting 50 ways to kill his brother. he fr though Neil was the problem. no girl Neil just has no tact and autism rizz. Kevins the fucking snitch
no one:
Jean @ the Moriyamas;
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“that man is years overdue for a head-on high-speed collision” YOU TELL EM DADMACK
Jean please just sleep like a normal human man. God.
Even Jean be out here like “Kevins a little Chihuahua ass drama queen. Bitchboy. Wet cat man.”
Kevin: look, bro, if the 5’3 twink with enough daddy issues to make riko blush and chugs ‘fuck around and find out’ juice for breakfast can escape the moriyamas and not die, so can you.
Testuji. Testuji when I catch you. Tetsuji
Jean what the fuck makes you think anyone but Andrew Minyard will ever tell Neil what to do. Girl.
“If I am not a Raven, who am I?” A MOTHERCUCKING TROJAN BABYYYY
“I have to go to my next class.” I forgot they were in college deadass. Neil is straight up my age im gonna throw up.
Okay. It is. *checks time* 3 AM. I cannot keep my eyes open, which means i must put Jean away for sleep.
Hiiiiiii Thea….
“Good morning, Paris.” Now, the average man will see this as a reference to his frenchness. but real ones know Paris is prince of Troy, the man who married Helen of Troy & started the Trojan war.
do y’all think Jean has a french accent wait wait wait. obviously itd be very slight at this point but is it there. necessary question.
Assessing Thea like a fucking state exam right now. Neil could not have cared less about your ass I am gaining so much information
Hate of my life Riko moriyama.
the way I literally got up and had to pace and stim for a moment even though I fully expected this. autism. my roommate is concerned. not really. she’s used to this she watched me read TKM and dramatically reenact the Ichirou Car Talk.
wow??? AFTG team actually seems happy and well-adjusted and friendly with each other??
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Random Note: I’m currently watching Blue Exorcist & one of the main characters is a girl name Moriyama and I’m literally just sitting here like “This girl is way to nice and innocent to have that name.” Because she literally is the nicest girl to ever exist. Why is she cursed with the same name as my mortal enemy (Testuji)
“Tonight’s experiment was the icing on the cake, an invaluable experience no matter how it ended.” Jeremy, my love.
He has empathy… Never before seen footage. Y’all get the cameras!!
He’s so shaken about Jean,,, holding you so gently Jeremy. Here as a guy who knows nothing at all about Jeremy since I’m. so new here. but god.
Jeremy: are you sure a Raven can abide by Troja—
Kevin: Bro Jean is so pathetic he’s a bottom fr. He never disobeys an order
Jeremy: I. Okay you didnt have to say it like that, bro.
I will literally never stop respecting the Trojans strat in the final they really said. “If these fucks can win the championships with nine players, surely we can.” and then willingly got their asses handed to them.
“Xavier stumbled when he got the next serve off, and the Fox guarding him gamely hauled him back upright before running for the ball. It was a simple gesture, but it endeared Jeremy to them” I dont remember if this bit was described in tkm so i’m going to guess that’s Nicky or Matt. Aaron would fucking never.
Nah because like. Yes this proved to the Trojans how resilient the Foxes were, but it was also a message to the audience, yk? Like we know the Foxes were getting shit for their quick rise to the top after they pulled their shit together, but I personally think that the Trojans did this both for their improvement & for Foxes’ publicity. This game proved to the public at large how devastatingly *good* the Foxes were, because of their small size. The second best team in the league crumbled playing the same conditions the Foxes did *every game* and got to championships with. They proved that Foxes were, in fact, a D1 team who earned their keep.
oh hes got daddy’s money. Well. not. officially. yo what I mean.
“it was always best to have a paper trail” Neil Josten would have an anuerysm hearing those words.
Bye Jeremy I’m. Love you so much. Why do you feel like a sixty year old man in your early twenties.
“between seven and twelve students.” yikes.
“you ever feel like— like you’re making a choice you cant come back from? But even knowing everything could go completely sideways, you’d make that choice every time?” okay so coming out allegories i could make aside, Jeremy is so… where to start with him. He reminds me of Percy Jackson. Endlessly loyal and selfless to the point its a bit stupid but endearingly stupid.
Okay so we’re alresdy hateflirting. noted.
Its also extremely sunny today in Podunk Hicksville where I live so it feels very On Brand.
“Jean had seen that smile in a half-dozen broadcast… He could picture it too easily, and he dug his fingernails into his own face in vicious warning.” Awww you think you can best the gay worms in your brain. goodluck with that Johnny.
“isn’t that reason enough to keep living? To rediscover simple delight one moment at a time,” keeping this quote for eternity
“enough sunlight to chase away Evermore’s shadows. They are willing to take a chance on you. Aren’t you?”
Kevin Day autistic king. taking this hesdcannon to my grave .
“the conspiracy theorists were working overtime” no girl they just aint stupid.
I want to start keeping record of all the times Jean is like “[name] wasn’t decent enough to [thing]” because its SO funny. We LOVE a petty king.
also keeping track of all the insults he throws at Neil.
Neil likes to think he’s SUUUUCH a loner boy no friends angsty “dont speak to me” resting bitch face ass motherfucker. In reality he is a jack russell terrier — ceritifed jack russell owner who’s dog thinks hes soooo big and bad but said dog literally cries when you dont let him in the bed or say hi to people on the street
Jean is SOOOOOO dramatic 😭😭
Jean: Why would you let Kevin do this.
Neil: let him?? He did that on his own.
Jean: you’re proud of him for being a problem, arent you?
Neil: oh you fucking know I am, bitchass
“but other than his outstanding murder charge there was nothing interesting about that Fox.” i’d consider that very interesting information, Jean. Youre just deranged
“with milk, juice, and vodka dominating one shelf” that’s Aaron, Nicky, Andrew/Kevin in order. Im correct.
“There was an entire drawer dedicated to cheese.” Yeah that sounds like Nicky.
“Half the drawer was full of mini candy bars. Jean threw them all into the trash” bro Andrew is going to kill you in cold blood and not even Neil can save you.
Jean is SO dramatic. Give him Kevin’s crown.
Seeing the media coverage of the championship is the food I needed thank you Nora for this. I am eating it up. om nom nom
The sportscasters referring to athletes with their first name is batshit. What. why. huh. Absolutely not.
Renee protecting Jean from discovering Riko’s death through media & not through them…
Everytime boys start fistfighting in this series I hear Roxanne from Megamind. “Ladies, ladies, you’re BOTH pretty.”
a) Jeans reaction to finding out was exaclty what I expected
b) I’m FASCINATED to know who called campus security. Jeremy?? Renee?? Someone in Fox tower???
Neil was gentle with someone other than Andrew? I didnt know he knew how to do that…
the Jean-Renee dynamic is so fucking important to me. MLM/WLW solidarity. theyre besties.
Literally snuggling Jeremy
Oh he’s got Fox potential. Hiiii Jeremy. Give me the traumadump bbg
Oh Jean. you’re about to have such a gay awakening babe i can feel it in my bones.
“A mite bit hecked up” PLEEEASE JUST SAY FUCK /ref
autism coded lookingg motherfucker (stares at Jean.)
The chaos of Cat and Laila’s house is so fucking cute. Its about to be two lesbians and their distrustful pitbull rescue in this bitch and im ready for it.
watching normal people discover the cult that is Evermore. Finally someone having a normal response to that madness. What the FUCK.
wait theres actually a cardboard dog i thought it was fanon joke.
oh my god there is actually a fucking cardboard dog. i.
jeans brain just got actually shattered by this living room. he cannot comprehend this.
Cat & Jeremy, realizing the cult rumors are real: I THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDDING! I thought it was joke! I even wrote it down in my diary! “Kevin made a very funny joke today!” I laughed at it later that night!
Okay, last night; I went to bed at 2:30 AM 45% through (college my beloathed). we’re back in business.
Jeremy is so disturbed all of the time. goofy ass.
“Loving something is not enough,”
“When was the last time you enjoyed playing?”
“ Irrelevant.”
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Whats his shirt look like Jeremy. Jeremy whats the shirt look like. Jeremy. Whats the shirt look like.
Okay so I’ve reached my image limit for this post and I dont have fun reaction images on my laptop. so now I will post this & reblog with the rest of this book.
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demented-tours · 4 months ago
i have been a fan of your works since almost a decade and it is safe to say that you’re one of my favourite authors to ever exist. i found your works through a03, specifically through the absolutely incredible dynamic of neji and kiba.
just wanted to come on here and say how much i adore all your works. especially the way you have written sai and captured his personality and autism so well, it holds such a special place in my heart (as do literally every character you have written)
i also wanted ask if there’s anything going to be added to the monoshizukanohi universe. it is beautiful and i am but ravenous for more. even if there is nothing planned, i have been and will continue to cherish the works you have put out there.
i have commented a few times on your works and also try to keep up on instagram but i feel too shy to actually come out here and say all this, hence the anon.
thank you so much for your service! (truly, and for free?! in this economy??? truly blessed)
- L
Well, hello there, Anon!
First off: thank you so much for sharing this with me. Notes like this remind me of why I do what I do, and that keeps me going through the chaos. All the virtual baked goods of your choice and many hugs, (if that's your thing; if not, then enthusiastic happy dances)!
Second: apologies for the small delay in responding; I've been under the weather. Also, if I've not responded to you over on A03, please bear with me, lol. I tend to do responses in batches. Sometimes interaction is difficult for me (neurospicy for the win).
NOW THEN! The good stuff.
Oh man, I love what you love! Writing Neji is just... so delightful. And Kiba's just the perfect foil for so many of my uptight/oblivious characters (ah, Gaara; you never saw him coming... until you definitely did, HA). And oh, Sai and Tenzou! I had no idea how cathartic that story was for me until the final page. I'm so glad you enjoyed those!
As for new Mono stories... Actually, yes. There is one in progress. It's another Origins story, like LET FREEDOM BLEED was. They're sort of the backstory/underpinning stories that star characters referenced and interwoven into what already exists. Keep in mind, I started writing Mono in 2008 (dear lord; where did the time go?); wrote pretty steady until 2014 or so; took a few years of unintentional break; came back to finish LESSONS IN LIVING; and then, well... The characters came knocking, again. I write Mono as a sort of... therapy, if you will, for myself. There's a freedom in writing fanfiction that just hits differently than the books/stories/etc. I write for paid publication. I don't think I knew I was doing that (the therapy thing) when I started, but I can definitely see it now, so this latest story is sort of... eh, a deliberate attempt? Or, like, I know it's helping me work shit out, if that makes sense? It doesn't impact the story, exactly; it's more just I know WHY I'm choosing to do this to myself, lol, lol.
I ramble. I do that. Point being: I AM working on something. I don't mind sharing that it's Itachi's story. It's called THE BELOVED MARTYR, and it is the longest thing I have literally ever written, and it's not done. Right now it's sitting at (are you sitting down?) roughly 900 pages, or 370,500 words. It spans Itachi's entire life (he's about 40 or so in current Mono canon) - so we see him as a boy, we see it when Sasuke is born, family, growing up, and just the sheer, unadulterated mayhem that is his existence. It has a cast of about 50 original characters (there's going to be an index of who's-who whenever this thing gets posted) plus all the usual Mono boys. It's basically my version of fandom canon--how the Uchiha family is old, powerful, and believes itself to be the shepherds of a new order under their control, but translated into the Mono world reality. Oligarchy, old Russian power, older Japanese power, the movers and shakers and often-criminal intrigue that affect global change and disaster... And in the heart of it all, one man who wants to stop the violence and heal himself and those he loves. One of my greatest loves in fandom is figuring out how canon could translate into my version of reality, and this one... considering Itachi's arch... is enormous and sad and lovely and aching all in one. I started writing it when my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer (she's in recovery), and, well... It's also MY healing journey, in a way, lol--not just from that, but in life.
Grand themes, I grant you, but there's also humor and OH SO MUCH kink and violence and that nitty-gritty-teeth-clench thing that I loved about Rhythm & Bruise. We also get Nagato's backstory (my version of him), and yep, we get to see how Sasuke and Naruto meet and fall in love. People have been asking for that for years, and I've never really been drawn to write it, but it's a part of this because Sasuke is such a huge part of Itachi's life and purpose.
SO. Yeah. Um... in progress. I don't post things until they're done--I learned that lesson with LESSONS IN LIVING. I'm working on this in and around other novels and stories, not to mention the day job, which is ALSO writing, among other things, so it might be a while, yet. Occasionally, I post on this Tumblr (which is basically the only social media I use, these days, as i HATE Twitter/X or whatever and Instagram isn't made for words, really, etc.), so if you feel like hanging out, please do!
This is probably more than you bargained for with your lovely ask, but hopefully that's not a bad thing!
Regardless, I am delighted that you enjoy the stories, and I thank you so much for letting me know you're here.
All good things to you and yours, <3Dee
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years ago
Hello!! I keep reading your ingo writing and man I love how you write him;; I am so gay for this man the closet is made of glass. Also MALE READER BLOG!!! PUNCHING THE AIR IN JOY AND GOING STIMMY MODE RN!!! AND RUN BY A TRANSMASC MOD!! JUST LIKE ME FR!!!!
I wanna request while I have the chance, I was thinking Ingo and a s/o with an overprotective Houndoom? I absolutely love Houndooms because 1: they look like my dog irl, and 2: big dogy :] ;; i just think it’d be cute and kinda funny to see Ingo try and win over his boyfriend’s big and mildly threatening dog.
Tysm!! <33
I… have nothing to say for myself for my absence. Life has been painful. I’m so so sorry my friend, your request has been the one I’ve been sitting on all this time.
But omg you’re so sweet thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad that you like my Ingo, he and Emmet are both written by me to lean unashamedly into hard autism territory so maybe that’s what it is lol.
And wow tbh I was considering not including that I was transmasc (still a bit… nervous in gay male spaces as someone who’s transmasc. I know it isn’t true, but I’m so worried of being perceived as not a man or less of a man in those spaces.) but I’m glad I did because I’ve pulled so many trans guys in to visit this blog and!! Big solidarity!! I’m giving each and every one of you a Platonic Kiss on the head
Meeting the Real Boss — Ingo x male Houndoom trainer Reader
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⚫️ — Don’t let that serious face fool you, Ingo is just as soft and sappy as his more emotive brother. When he fell for you—that mysterious stranger who shook up the Super Singles Line that fateful day, he fell hard.
⚫️ — You were seen around Nimbasa the following days, but Ingo assumed you were just visiting, as he’d never seen you in the area before. So time to talk to you was limited, at least in his eyes. That was enough of an excuse to get him to give up and write you off as a passing fancy—but it was not enough of an excuse for Emmet who, the moment he found out his brother had developed a crush on one of the challengers, would stop at nothing to get you two talking. (Because he can lack all the social skills he wants and have as little confidence as any grown man could have in his speaking ability, but if it meant getting his dear brother a boyfriend, Emmet would turn into a social savant right then and there.)
⚫️ — So yeah, your relationship with Ingo started out interacting with Emmet more, mainly because every time Emmet not at ALL subtly dragged his brother over to talk to you, Ingo genuinely couldn’t look you in the eyes.
⚫️ — But eventually you guys got together via bonding through—how else?—battling! There was a love language Ingo could get behind, and after your repeat challenges became a constant thing at the Battle Subway, sometimes multiple times a day, he finally worked up the nerve to ask you out after telling himself he’d do so if he won your battle today. He did, and one nervous coffee date later, you two actually managed to start properly talking without needing Emmet (Emmet, of all people, even HE is shocked!) as the middleman.
⚫️ — All is well. You both share a great passion for battling—of course—and you find all his little quirks from his loud voice to stone face adorable. You definitely know you’re onto something real when you actually make him happily stim in public after saying he looks so cute and excited when he talks about the subway, something Ingo has tried incredibly hard to iron out through all the masking he’s done all his life. To be honest, you absolutely have him wrapped around your finger, but it’s okay, because you’re a total fool for him as well and would do anything to make him happy.
⚫️ — But as you two begin pondering how to define your relationship, wondering if it’s time to make things official, your Houndoom starts to realize Ingo is going to be more and more of a presence in your life as much more than a casual friend. And he takes issue with that.
⚫️ — Houndoom was always fine with Ingo before. The thrill of battling on the subway and having such worthy opponents was something you could tell Houndoom savored, which made it all the stranger that he began getting worryingly aggressive around Ingo.
⚫️ — You wanted to ask him to be your boyfriend officially a few times now, only for Houndoom to intrude by putting himself between you and Ingo, growling all the while as if he could sense what you were about to ask and did not like it.
⚫️ — Houndoom means well, he really does. He knows what happens when humans get close like this and knows that if you and Ingo continue down that path, he’ll be in your life all the time. Maybe even where you live. Maybe sleeping beside you. There to see you at your best and your worst and, most concerningly, your most vulnerable. But you only met recently, and even if his Pokemon seem to indicate he’s trustworthy, that doesn’t mean anything! You’re a part of the pack to Houndoom, and he is not about this total stranger (at least, a total stranger by his standards) being a permanent fixture in your life. How on earth could he earn the right to be by your side so easily? No, you’re part of his pack, and Houndoom is hellbent to keep you safe from the encroaching outsider.
⚫️ — (Does he completely miss how happy Ingo makes you? A bit—the protectiveness fogs up his perception, okay? And even if he does make you happy, Houndoom thinks the month and a half or so you’ve known each other for is not long enough to just welcome Ingo into the family with open arms.)
⚫️ — Ingo is… troubled, to say the least. He’s worried your Pokemon disliking him will make you dislike him, which you assure him otherwise. Even still, the Houndoom line is not native to Unova and Ingo knows very little about it, therefore he has absolutely no idea how to proceed. Unova has the Growlithe and Lillipup families, but they’re much more good-natured than this. Still, he loves you, and while he’s worried about causing friction with you and your Pokemon, your assurances that he’s fine are (relatively) enough to spur him to try and make peace with Houndoom.
⚫️ — Treats were some of the first things he tried, to minimal success. The only reason Houndoom let him into the house that day at all was because you begged and pleaded for him to lay off your boyfriend, and even then he watched you two like a hawk. Treats Ingo brought and Houndoom’s favorite snacks that you already had in the home did nothing to persuade him. Attempts to play? No. And Ingo knows better than to even think about petting him.
⚫️ — Eventually Ingo just starts rather desperately trying to exist around your Houndoom’s wrath. He loves you and doesn’t want to break the news but. Your Houndoom scares him.
⚫️ — You can’t say he didn’t try, though.
⚫️ — But then! One day, you get sick. It’s a pretty nasty stomach bug that lasts for a day but wreaks havoc while it’s there. You’re practically bed-bound from the severe nausea, but Ingo is there the entire time, fretting over you and caring for you like any good boyfriend should. Houndoom’s prerogative is the same. He’s worried for you and wants you to feel better. So while Ingo is bringing you plenty of fluids, nausea medication, blankets and pillows, Houndoom is there to cuddle up and keep you warm and calm. It’s just that… it’s very hard for Ingo to care for you when Houndoom won’t leave your side and growls whenever he gets close.
⚫️ — This time, though, Ingo doesn’t shy away. He’s too worried for you and even though Houndoom is being incredibly threatening and there is a part of him a bit worried for his own safety, he brushes right past Houndoom’s huffing and puffing to keep caring for you. He brings you water and helps lift the bottle to your lips while Houndoom snarls. He sits at the bedside and dabs at your face with a damp towel while getting death glares. His need to be wary of your Pokemon is greatly outweighed by his need to take care of you. Essentially, they’re both fighting for the role of your primary caretaker.
⚫️ — Time goes on, though, and Houndoom definitely notices how his snarling and snapping isn’t stopping Ingo from aiding you. And after all these negative interactions, Houndoom is finally stifling his concerns and instead just quietly watching. Then helping. He and Ingo have a common goal here. And while Ingo is certainly surprised to find the defensive Fire-type suddenly aiding him, it’s a welcome change. In seeing his dedication to you at your most vulnerable, Houndoom has at last deemed the Subway Master as a worthy partner.
⚫️ — While you’re sick, they continue working together to care for you until their own energy is spent. You wake up in the morning, a bit sweaty and nauseous, but otherwise feeling far better. And you look over to the foot of the bed where Houndoom usually curls up to see Ingo right there with him, resting his head on Houndoom’s side—the both of them are fast asleep, knocking out together after such long and dedicated day caring for you while you were sick. The hostility Houndoom regards Ingo with seems completely gone as he lets him rest against him to sleep. You can’t remember much of what happened last night, but you know both of your boys here were caring for you with all the love in the world…
⚫️ — And though you had been thinking this about Ingo for a while now, seeing Houndoom accept him at last really solidified the fact that Ingo was “the one”.
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wjehfshs · 2 years ago
Hello, hello!!
I wanted to request a m/n who is a new recruit in tast force 141 but he is disabled, well not physically but mentally and m/n was also born prematurely which causes m/n to be much skinneir and shorter then the rest of the tf141 (hes about 5ft 5, but still very strong, can lift up ghost like hes a bag of cotton). And when he joins tf141 he doesnt even know the basics and the team is like "how tf did he even pass the standard test??" And everyone in the base thinks that m/n is a lost cause and he will prob be transfered somewhere else and one of the tf141 members (maybe price or ghost) takes m/n under their wing and teach them the basics and they are SHOOCK by how fast m/n can learn, like you could leave m/n in a room with a rifle he's unfamiliar with for an hour and m/n would have mastered the rifle. M/n also takes advantage of his disabilities (such as: autism? Tricks himself to hyperfixate on military and survival things. Permanant little lines in his vision? Uses it as a sniper telescope and can get a clear headshot from 4000 meters with a pistol. His 5 senses are hypersensitive? Uses it to detect and locate enemies and pick up small changes in the wind which helps him be a good sniper. M/n also cant remember anything for the life of him but he creates a technique that lets him memorize pages upon pages of things in mere minutes, m/n also learns languages for fun (that includes sign language too), also knows body language very well so he is usually there during interrogations to confirm if the prisoner is lying or not. And in one scenario m/n and tf141 are cornered and the soldiers are giving up going "we are not gonna win this one" or "its over" and then m/n gives an inspirational speech which somehow works. M/n also just... refuses to die, like he could have multiple gun and stab wounds but still be fighting like a tank. And when off the battlefield m/n is just... so metally disabled, you could walk up to and tell him something ,he will stand there for a few seconds to understand what you said and then respond as if he didnt just stand🧍 completely still for a solid 10 seconds looking like he was re-loading, also bumps into things right infront of him, trips over everything, most likely dyslexic, does dangerous stunts for fun and bets.
And thank you very much!!♡♡
I’m disabled myself so M/N is so me 💪 love when people ask for disabled reader
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Reader is disabled/prematurely born, reader is 5,5 but strong asf, reader is a bit slow but also a walking book at the same time, reader knows multiple languages, please let me know if I got anything wrong as I am disabled but I’m only autistic, sorry I wasn’t feeling up to writing the speech, roach appears briefly
You had been born before 35 weeks
You had some seeing issues, which meant you needed glasses, not a problem apart from the fact that you where quite literally blind without them
You where also diagnosed as autistic at 9
You where heavily bullied throughout school so you decided to not only get strong but also join the military
When the 141 first saw you, how short you where, how skinny you where and your files listing your conditions they all silently agreed you wouldn’t make it through and either die on the field or be transferred
God they couldn’t be more wrong
Once during sparring, even with your short stature, you easily tackled Ghost down
He didn’t even have any time to react
Once the 141 was struggling on the field, you decided to give a motivational speech to cheer them up
It worked
A lot of the time when someone would tell a joke you didn’t understand, you took awhile to understand it but once you got it you usually always laughed
You where a sniper which concerned all of them considering you has seeing issues but Shepard was adamant that you where the best of the best
They only actually understood this when you got on the field
You where taking down the enemy from far away with no issues
They all thanked you for saving their asses out there, without you they would’ve all been dead
They asked you later how you managed to get so good at this stuff and you went on a 2 hour rant about how you forced yourself to hyper-fixate on the military so that’s how you got so good in such a short amount of time
Once they had a prisoner from the other side, you wouldn’t let up on being in there with Ghost
Eventually they agreed
First question you immediately pointed out how the prisoner was lying
How could you tell?
You explained his body language gave it away
Later on they asked you how you knew that and you revealed you knew multiple languages, including body language
You and Roach would regularly have conversations in sign language
Most of the time it was too fast for everyone else to read your hands
Honestly yes it did take some training from Price to get you to this skill level but that doesn’t mean you weren’t fucking terrifying
What confused them was you somehow managed to forget your own last name but you’re able to answer any question about the military
You where like an infinite pit of knowledge
Once you where out on the field and you got shot right next to your heart (later found that out when you where in the infirmary)
Even with blood spilling out and some other stab wounds here and there you went on
It’s like you weren’t even shot
What shocked them more was once you where on a stealth mission with them and you heard footsteps that no one would’ve been able to hear
You shot the guy with your silenced pistol as everyone quietly thanked you
They have major respect for you and honestly a few of them including the rookies look up to you
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laurafaritos · 1 month ago
Hello, Goodbye & Everything In-Between
At 28, shouldn't I have life figured out by now?
Instead, I’m Googling how to fold fitted sheets and wondering why my houseplants look like they’re staging a coup. Somewhere between the expectations of “adulting” and the reality of this, I’ve realized something important: none of us really know what we’re doing. And you know what? Maybe that's the beauty of it.
This year feels like a party where some guests are just arriving, others are finally heading home, and a few linger awkwardly in the doorway, unsure if they’re staying or leaving. It’s the perfect metaphor for my life right now: a little chaotic, a little bittersweet, but filled with possibilities I’m excited to share.
This is why I’ve decided to reflect on the year ahead, the things I’m welcoming into my life, the things I’m parting ways with, and the things I’m picking back up after years of letting go.
This post is for the AuDHD creative girlies who want 2025 to be the year they pursue their creative career goals while managing their neurodivergence in practical and sustainable ways.
Hello, AuDHD.
Six months ago, I received the late-diagnosis label that explains everything while raising even more questions.
Suddenly, all the years of self-doubt and confusion make sense, you know? I’m still getting to know this side of myself, but for now, we’re on speaking terms. I’m trying to show myself grace, but it’s hard.
It’s the friend who shows up unannounced, dumps a bag of emotional luggage on your doorstep, and says, “Hey, girl! Remember me? You’ve known me forever, but here’s my real name.”
And the kicker? Everyone around me kind of knew I was “different.” What do you mean, I showed signs of autism throughout childhood, and NO ONE thought to get me assessed? What do you mean, you had suspicions I was on the spectrum but assumed I knew about it?
Hello, Harvard.
If you told younger me that “Harvard” and “my life” would ever collide, I’d have laughed so hard I’d spill my coffee. Growing up in Brazil, Harvard was untouchable—a name whispered like it belonged to a mythical land where smart people in blazers made impossible decisions.
And yet, here I am, climbing Mount Digital Marketing Strategy. Every module takes me thrice as long because English isn’t my first language and my brain LOVES detours. But guess what? I’m climbing anyway. Slowly, steadily, and determined to prove to myself that this immigrant, neurodivergent girl belongs here.
The best part? I finally have a blog to share this journey. If you’ve ever wanted to see how an AuDHD girl turns Harvard lessons into creative wins, stay tuned.
Hello, Manuscripts.
Over the holidays, I wrote my first book. ME! A writer! Who knew?
It’s a gothic horror anthology, packed with eight stories that poured out of me like a long-forgotten floodgate opening. It reminded me of how much I love storytelling—and it ignited something unstoppable.
That’s why I’m naming 2025 “The Year of Manuscripts.” These stories, from fiction to non-fiction, have been waiting patiently in my head, and now, they’re coming to life.
Goodbye, Day Jobs.
They’ve served their purpose. They’ve kept the lights on. They’ve taught me resilience. But it’s time to let go.
I’m finally making the leap to freelancing full-time. It’s terrifying and thrilling—like standing at the edge of a cliff with wings you’re not sure will work. Will I fly or fall? Maybe both, but I’m ready to find out.
Goodbye, Imposter Syndrome.
Okay, maybe this isn’t a “goodbye” so much as a “see you less often.” Imposter syndrome is like that ex who won’t stop texting, always hoping I’ll second-guess myself. But I’m done letting it dictate my choices.
This past decade taught me that I don’t fit neatly into any box, and that’s okay. I am who I am. I talk about what I love. I follow paths that feel authentic, not prescribed. And knowing that? It’s enough to quiet those doubts when they start creeping in.
Hi, Works-In-Progress.
Hiiii podcast, miss you!!! You’ve been sitting patiently in my “to-do” pile, waiting for me to stop overthinking every little detail. I know we’ll get back on track soon, and when we do, I promise to bring the kind of energy that makes people laugh, cry, and hit replay.
Hiii live shows, miss you too!!! Booking you was easy; selling tickets has been a whole different beast. Marketing feels like an alien language I used to know but have somehow forgotten. But I’m not giving up on you—I just need to find the right approach, the right audience, the right way to say, “you don’t want to miss this.”
Life, as I’m learning, is less like a party and more like a play. Some characters are written into your story forever, while others exit stage left, their roles complete. The set changes, the lights dim, and new acts begin before you’ve had a chance to catch your breath.
But that’s the beauty of it—each scene, each soliloquy, each stumble across the stage adds something to the story. This year, I’m not worried about perfect performances. I’m just trying to embrace the role I’m playing, make my lines count, and trust that the best scenes are still ahead.
Here’s to the hellos, the goodbyes, and everything in between.
What are you saying hello or goodbye to this year?
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nezz-cringe-crib · 1 month ago
I am not okay!!!!
Your hockey boys are SO GOOD! UGH! THE APPEAL! THE EXPRESSIONS! THE DRAMA! Ugh, literally like obsessed with it as a piece of art OUTSIDE of being hockey AU art it’s so fun and pretty and the splash of colour on Light’s cheeks and the gradients under their helmets I AM VERY NORMAL ABOUT IT.
Beautiful. 10/10. Do not know how I am supposed to sleep after this!!!
I shall ask you now what your favourite version of DN is and why (because this is an ask box after all, if I have to yap, so do YOU) and your top 3 fave ships b/c im curious
Okay BYE 💕✨
AAAAAUG DUDE I SAW YOUR SPAM TAG REBLOG AND HAVE BEEN INTERNALLY FREAKING OUT YOU HAVE ZERO CLUE HOW INSANE I AM ABOUT YOUR HOCKEY GUYS I WAS QUITE LITERALLY JUST RAMBLING ABOUT IT TO MY BOYFRIEND TO CONVINCE HIM TO READ IT (seriously though my autism is feral over this fic. i had plans today and canceled them solely because i wanted to reread + draw the chapters and then spin them around in my head for a few more hours. i have never touched hockey in my life but at this point i'm considering committing to the bit and just watching some games atp.)
IM HONOURED YOU LIKE IT!!! THEYRE SO FUN TO DRAW (and i have now learned the art of helmets those things are so wacky)!!!!! also im sorry in advance for how much im gonna be spamming your comment sections man i am not normal about them.
ANYWAYS i'll stop screaming and answer these silly questions YYAAYY!!!!
my favorite version of death note has to be the musical. the jdrama probably comes in a very close second. i adore all the other versions just as much honestly, i like viewing them all as their own separate stories because each of them are just so good in their own rights. the musical wins though because i've listened to that damn soundtrack too many times, i'm a threatre kid, it was the first version of death note i watched, and also because oh my god they're so doomed yaoi it hurts.
the score is so damn thought-out it actually hurts. each actor i've seen portray the silly guys does it so well and OOUGGG THE VOICES OUGGGGH,,, also its ending is my favorite out of them all. (spoilers for this next sentence if you havent seen it) i love the idea of them dying together-- i know it was most likely done because it's a musical and it'd be difficult to pull off a second part but god it's perfect to me nothing beats that amount of "different sides of the same coin" doomed yaoi to me.
only downside is now jeremy jordan has followed me into four different fandoms and that terrifies me.
lawlight clearly if that wasn't obvious enough.
lawmane because lawliet is a bisexual pervert and i just think they're neat
anndd lawmassacre!!! again because bisexual whore!!!! and also i just generally adore their dynamic, i really want to see it explored more.
honestly any ship with L is a ship that intrigues me (also all the other ships too since i love seeing the different dynamics but i have a bias for emos). honorable mention is L x soichiro because i think light deserves it.
thank you for letting me yap with you this has been the most therapeutic experience of my life. chucking m&ms at you, have a wonderful day hockey lad.
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lewisvinga · 11 months ago
I am so glad that I’m not the only one who is pissed off with the Carlos fans. I literally have been so afraid to speak out about it because they are literally crazy. They will attack you just because you said Carlos hair doesn’t look fluffy. I thought that the Italian men who were fans of Charles Leclerc Were wild, but the Carlos fans are even crazier. Like, Ferrari is not going to regret giving you Carlos up. It’s a team, and this is a competitive sport. They do this so often that they are used to people leaving the team and going to win somewhere else.
They’re not going to specifically beg Carlos to say just because he’s won twice and one of those wins were practically handed to him due to Max’s car. just because he won once fair and square and the other one was practically given to him on a silver platter, doesn’t mean that Ferrari is going to cry and get on their hands and knees, and beg for him to stay just because he won.
No wonder people call the tifosi the most delusional, fan base. And those saying people who are crying about Carlos leaving and saying they’re going to regret it and stuff are the same people who call Lewis Hamilton crymilton 😭
Like, I really like Carlos and Charles, but their fanbase makes me want to hate them. Same thing with the Daniel Ricciardo fans. I remember someone telling you about the racism and hatred Yuki was facing after Bahrain. I remember someone telling you about how the stands were acting like Daniel has never done anything wrong in his entire life.
Both men are extremely beautiful and talented, but their fans make people hate the drivers themselves. People say that, “if you were a real fan, you wouldn’t let the fans put you off.”
How are you supposed to not be affected by the fans when they are being so toxic? When they ruin the entire experience for you? Make it make sense
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have ADHD in autism because when I hyper focus on something, I cannot get out of it no matter how hard I try
And rn that’s f1 😭
you explained it PERFECTLY😭😭😭😭
like i really like carlos, don’t get me wrong that’s a fellow madridista 🤞 but the carlos fans saying that ferrari is gonna regret it after he what?? won 2 races only because red bulls car wasn’t working?
he’s talented don’t get me wrong, but if anyone else was starting right behind max would’ve won the race , ( anyone with a good car that is bc we all know merc is shitty asf rn but i think charles or the mclarens could’ve won🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)
same w daniel fans, i saw so many ppl being racist to yuki over bahrain on twt n it was insane
like they’re attractive and have showcased their talents before, but damn some fans make me so annoyed 😭😭
f1 feels like a kpop fandom icl, bc stg on f1twt you can’t criticize ANYONE but on fbtwt everyone gets criticized for anything even the best players but no one gets as upset as f1twt
(although some criticisms on fbtwt are just wrong bc ppl do tend to get racist but saying a player has been in a bad spot doesn’t get ppl upset like saying something slightly negative abt drivers 😭)
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alias-mike · 6 months ago
i let the autism win
(i am going to tell you about compelling cytus 2 straight relationships) (my headcanons might get mixed in because its been 2 years since i read the lore and i dont feel like reading the 1000+ page transcription rn)
incredibly egotistical guy (conner) who thinks hes better than everyone else meets his match in an academic setting but cant talk to her (sasha) because she graduates early and leaves. therefore he does the perfectly normal thing of stealing identity information of a bunch of random citizens from the government to sell on the black market bc sasha is also there as a mole for the police. he acts super incompetent to make her feel bad and help him sell the information for the best price and they end up forming a partnership for a while. their final job goes wrong as the police busts in and doesnt believe sasha when she says shes also part of the police bc her captain deleted her civilian identity file as part of the mission and that guy died in the raid so shes cooked. conner saves her at the last second and, dropping the act, tells her that he saved a copy of her civilian file and will be driving her to the nearest city and she can choose what she wants to do from there. shes super mad at him for decieving her but is grateful for the out that hes given her and leaves for the city with no internet to start fresh, assuming they would never see each other again. fast forward to the Plot and conner seeks her out again for help on some stuff and their modern dynamic is conner going "youre so cool and awesome haha...... we were such a good team back in the day....... you should run away with me" and sasha is like "no." its completely played for comedy (in my understanding) since the writing makes it clear that sasha has put her old life behind and only humours conner because hes an old friend (its been several years since the deception thing so i would assume she made peace with it and came to the conclusion that overall conner is chill) but she has a life of her own now. meanwhile shes the closest thing conner has ever had to a friend because shes the only (alive) person he sees as an equal so even though he knows its futile, he tries to convince her to come with him anyway. they were never really together and will never be together, and thats what makes their relationship interesting.
next up........ cherry x xenon !
this one is fun bc they start the story as exes. they dated when they were younger but broke up for reasons i can only describe as "her dad killed his dad and that really puts a strain on a relationship yk". basically cherrys dad got involved with organized crime after her mom died and he lost his job and xenons dad is a cop who was investigating said organized crime so they got into a Conflict and cherrys dad ended up killing xenons dad and severely injuring his sister. cherry also never told xenon abt this during their relationship bc its a bit difficult to bring up the whole "my dad does crime and sometimes i do it too" to the guy whos dad is a cop. the way they find out what happened is a bit. well funny isnt the right word but basically xenon is like "MY DAD AND SISTER GOT SHOT" and cherry was like "OH NO THATS HORRIBLE" so they rush to the hospital to visit them and see a news report about the incident and the perpetrator getting arrested and cherrys like "oh..............." they got in a huge fight after that and justifiably break up but deep down they still love each other and just. havent talked about it for several years after that. later some Plot stuff happens, they kinda reconcile a little bit, and cherry ends up injured in a fight. they were chilling at a base with really good medical facilities tho so the boss was like "here stay in this Healing Tube for a while and youll be fine" but uh oh! the evil bad guys attack and turn off all of the power in the base, including cherrys life support, and they turn the power back on too late so she dies and xenon is completely devastated over it because they never properly reconciled (i think there was something like he never said "i love you"? but i will have to reread lore to confirm. huge angst moment if true tho). i think they have an interesting arc in its tragedy. is it kinda contrived? yeah. but i think its thematically appropriate for the relationship where the whole thing is that something always went unsaid (first the crime thing, then how they actually still liked each other) ended with something unsaid, yk.
side note: theres even more tragedy to the situation considering the way they turned the power back on. ok basically theres a 12 year old girl named nora (shes the aforementioned boss) (shes a mafia boss) (its a long story) and she was experimented on as a baby and left to die to The Virus when the experiment failed but she survived and the scientists were like "holy crap can she be the key to a cure!?" so they took her back to the lab and raised her. shes disabled due to the initial experiments requiring her legs to be amputated and also happens to be mute but shes a genius so she built a robot to talk for her since she was stuck in her room all day (no one figured it was a good idea to give her mobility aids until several years down the line) (their idea of parenting was also like. playing chess with her once in a while). she also got into making edm songs for a while. later, she makes a robot known to the players as robo_head to be her bodyguard since they figure out that the virus gave her powers to see/hear through any camera or microphone connected to the internet and decide to use it for profit by touting her as an "oracle". now is a good time to mention that cytus 2 is a science.... fantasy? story where everyone has a brain chip to connect to the internet. anyways the more nora uses her powers the worse her eyesight gets and its also generally harmful to her health. robo_head is basically her only friend and she ends up having to send him off for reasons i wont get into rn and somewhere down the line he gains sentience and makes his way back to her. nora is enraged that he came back at first but after some persistence she lets him in and finds out about these developments, and is ultimately happy to have her friend back. when the power gets cut, robo_head knows that cherry needs help and volunteers to use himself as the power source which would essentially fry his circuits. nora refuses at first since she just got him back, but understands the importance of saving cherry so she ends up agreeing. unfortunately, its too late, so basically two people had to die for no reason ! (luckily nora ends up being able to fix robo_head after the end of the game but he was Gone for a while)
OK TANGENT OVER. BACK TO SHIPS. UHH sagar and rin are a thing
there was lore im pretty sure but i forgot so all i remember is that sagar is a pretty confident guy except when he has to talk to rin, in which cases he loses all of his skills ever and his dialogue mainly consists of "ummm uhm uhhh" and rin is also too nervous to notice how unskilled sagar is being. this is the only couple who gets a happy ending btw
honourable mention: whatever ilka(?) and rald had going on. classic nonhuman who is fascinated with humanity via one specific guy x guy who is unintentionally being very attractive. idk. i would tell you more about it but my dlcs are LOCKED and TAKEN AWAY from me 👎
there are also many gay ships but one of them is literally the plot of the game so it would make this post even longer if i started talking about them lmao
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^said plot summarized in one image btw
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faeriedaez · 5 months ago
I don't know. I do feel better now. Catharsis, I guess! But it's interesting to me, it's always been interesting to me really, how when you walk away you give up any control of the narrative. Feelings will change and inform the memory once you've turned your back.
I've always struggled with the delusion that every situation could have been solved with the right combination of words at the right time. But I really can't shake the feeling. If during those late nights in your room I had told you the kinds of things he was saying to me on a daily basis, how would this story have gone? Or when I had asked you to please reach out and get involved, if I was more forthcoming about how overwhelmed and over my head I was feeling how might we have tackled this together? Or if I had admitted these regrets earlier, how much more human might I seem to you two? An obsession with hindsight, I guess. Like in most cases, it always seems a question of who fires first. Often, that's it. Once they've set the narrative it's an uphill battle to change it. Now I'm the bitch, and even when I sit here begging one of you to tell me what exactly I actually did wrong, I'm told it's clear I'm unwilling to learn from this. It's a bit ironic that I can list more of my own faults in this debacle than you can and still get told that.
It's funny you know, because I did it on purpose. I never wanted to talk about him to you all behind his back. I never wanted to be responsible for changing how you all saw him, the way I felt forced to. (Besides, he never liked me telling folks he hardly knew. Can't imagine he'd have liked me telling y'all.) At the same time, I knew he'd never extend me the same favor. Honestly, I even encouraged him not to. I desperately needed him to have SOMEONE to vent to about me that wasn't ya know... me! By time we had broken up, I was already deep in the sinking feeling of who was getting the two of you in the divorce. After all, me and you never could fix things after the move. If I understand correctly we were both waiting for the other to fix it. Which is pretty classically us, to be honest. As for me and you well, at times it felt like you could hardly tolerate being in the same room as me. I'm not so proud that I can't admit a lot of that was likely just in my head but it was how I felt. Dyke drama is a hell of a drug.
So if I saw this coming, and even sat idly by and let it happen, why then is it such a hard pill for me to swallow? Well for one knowing a train is coming doesn't make it hurt any less when it hits you, even if you could have gotten off the tracks. Secondly, I suppose I always expected you all to have SOME understanding, or at least SOME curiosity, of the other side of the story. Why I might have done what I did. That you all at least might get that I had given up, not because I didn't care about the two of you, but because he needed the two of you more than I did. That we might never be close the way we used to, but there wouldn't be bad blood after I withdrew from the group as a unit. But I know I have always assumed myself more transparent than I am. I'm told that's an autism trait.
I guess, what I really didn't expect was frustrations and emotions I had admitted to him about the greater situation, long before we had broken up, to make their way to the two of you. That much really did take me off guard. It's honestly funny. Hilarious, even. Like really Stephen, you're lucky I'm not playing, because we BOTH know that isn't a game you'd fucking win. But I grew up surrounded by people who played those sorts of games and I lost my taste for them fairly quickly. I learned pretty early on that if it works on someone, then that someone is worthless to me. If even after 8 odd years hearing I had committed the thought-crime of not having enough fun while trying to help hold the group together puts enough bitter in your stomach to write me off as some bitch well then, what would I ever want from you but closure? Closure I can get just as cleanly by making a vaugepost that likely neither of you will see but HE might.
So that's it. I won't pretend I'm not going to miss us and miss you all, but I will keep moving on regardless, hopefully wiser for whatever comes next. It helps I think, that I had mourned this possibility so long ago. Perhaps, that's another way I contributed to this outcome, a defeatist attitude is a self-fulfilling prophecy after all. But believe it or not, before that little spat at pride, I really still thought the 4 of us would all work it out in the end. That someday we'd be playing elf-games, confiding in each other again and this would all be some awkward period we could leave behind us. But that little explosion was the final nail in the coffin of me ever trusting him again, and if I could never be comfortable with him, we would never be the four of us again. That was all I meant by leaving the group chat. I tried to make it clear I wasn't writing ANY of you off by leaving, honestly not even him. The future is a long stretch and someday he and I might one day trust each other again. But whatever the future looked like, it wasn't going to be us four. But hey, who can blame you for shooting the messenger.
peace ✌️
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crsssie · 1 year ago
hiii!! id like to request a matchup (w the batfam, preferably!!) if its not too late,,
i am newly 19 yrs old and have reddish-copper hair. i am tan and my eyes are a light green color. i am 5’6 (long legs >w<) and i have a thin build.
i am diagnosed w autism and adhd so i tend to get distracted easily. music helps me focus so i am almost always listening to it. i an a bitttt of a perfectionist and have an all-or-nothing mindset, so i tend to be very picky with things. id say im a nice person!! im very sensitive to how others feel and am very empathetic. though, if i reaaally dislike someone (4 like. bigotry & shit) i can be kinda apathetic. i also think im very self aware!!
i am prettyyyy sure im an ENFP!! havent taken the test in a while though 😓 my sun sign is an august virgo (though i know almost nothing abt zodiacs,, 💔)
my ideal type is a guy!! lol im not too picky. i would love someone who understands that i’m not the best at communicating how i feel and that i sometimes go nonverbal. this sounds pretty strange but i also always fall for people smarter (/more responsible?) than me,,
my ideal date is,, honestly whatever. my (receiving) love language is quality time so just spending time together would be great gor me. if it’s a first date, id prefer something that could let us get to know eachother better. i love learning about people and understanding them so someone who feels the same/i can at least have a deep conversation with at times (while still keeping the atmosphere lighthearted) would be wonderful !!!
lunch? brunch?
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Dick looks at his watch, turning his head to you as you rush over, kicking your boots on as he opens the door for you.
"What time is our reservation again?"
"Fifteen minutes." He hums. "We'll be fine."
You let out a sigh of relief, and Dick closes the door behind him.
"What were you thinking to get?"
"I want a good sandwich." You mumble. "That sounds so good right now."
"Ugh, I bet." Dick mumbles. "I'm starving too."
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lots of brunch dates hehe
lots of deep convos and late night talks abt literally everything
never runs out of things to talk abt!! Dick is so talkative with you
also sometimes you guys bring haley for brunch and she's so sweet
oh yes. also :3 pillow fights (he lets you win dw but he starts them fs)
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autisticlee · 8 months ago
I need a friend (or maybe actually a life partner) thats super consistent/scheduled, not flaky, probably not disabled with unpredictable flare ups/energy issues, someone with energy who can plan and get stuff done. because I cannot do it myself. I need someone very close who is like this so they can help me do things I want or need to do. come over in the morning to exercise like go for a walk or swim or kayak. come over to help me make food when they realize I forgot to eat. come over and help me change my bed sheets. sit with me while I work on something and keep me focused or help me get done easier. plan a time to hang out or go somewhere and be here at that exact time instead of forgetting or canceling.
I NEED consistency in my life. I cannot provide it for myself. I know there's people out there who are like this. the autism in me craves it. but the adhd in me rejects it and always wins no matter how hard I try. having unpredictable physical flare ups doesn't help. trying doesn't do anything. people make it clear to me that it doesn't look like I try at all. that proves how useless trying has been. I need an external force that is beyond my control. alarms and reminders are in my control so they never work. I can't be consistent with myself and flake out on myself, beyond my control. but when it comes to other people, i'll push through and stick to things for their sake. I need a separate entity that has more control over the situation. someone to do with me and not just "remind" me. but also someone that won't push me too hard or let me push myself too hard. remind me to stop and drink/eat. don't let me push through pain. remind me it's ok to rest. etc.
but finding consistent people is so hard. I can't seem to do it. I only find and attract flaky, inconsistent people. I don't know what i'm supposed to do about it. they want me to be their consistent, nonflaky friend that they can flake out on. i'm told i'm always there for them whenever they need me, and they appreciate it. but I can never say the same about them.
no one wants to help me or "hold my hand" mostly because they can't even help themsleves and expect me to do everything for them, but also people who could help just dont like or care about me enough. i'm a burden to people who don't care or value me enough. I need someone to magically care so much about me that they enjoy being my solid pillar of consistency, support, and companionship. they wake up and WANT to see me immediately, so they come over and wake me up to make breakfast and go for a walk and do chores at their house together and etc.
you can't just wait and they will show up like a pokemon you can catch and turn into your loyal companion. you can't just make someone like you. but I don't know how to make anyone like me/find people who like me for who I am and don't have the energy and spoons endlessly sort through everyone in the world for the chance of finding one i also like and feel comfortable with. I need a person that either doesn't cost energy to interact with or somehow gives energy. that'd so hard to find.
I do try, though. but it takes at least a month or two to recover from the energy and effort it takes to reach out to a single person, especially since it's me doing most of the work. so the process is slow and is wasting my life away. I don't care about the possible "one day" because i'm struggling NOW. thinking about "one day" hasn't helped improve my life one but over the past 15 years or more, i've been told "one day"
it seems to be all about either luck or being privileged to have the energy and right personality to attract the right people. I have none of those things. so I just continue to struggle to exist within my own chaos alone. merely barely surviving and not at all living.
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