#i also love desi black brothers
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sunnydayyzee · 11 days ago
see, sirius is your casanova or remus or lily or wtv my casanova is james and that's the only correct option GUYS LITERALLYYYY HE WAS THE GLUE OF THE AMARDUERS, THE MINTUE HE DIED, THINGS WENT DOWNHILL, Sirius would NEVER choose remus over james bro, sirius was so down bad, the minute james would ditch lily and ask to be w him, tell me sirius wouldn't drop anything??? and guys, peter deffo had a thing for james bro trust me on this, peter the fat ugly boy who had been offered an olive branch by hottie mchot james?? remus, personally from my hc's, felt understood only by james for the first few years of hogwarts, they have a special bond, OKAY THATS THE 4 MAIN YEAH?? now, we've all seen drarry and wtv, james is the perfect gryffindor variant for any slyhtherin ship, regulus and james? hell yeah, brother substittue, enmies to lover, grumpy x sunshine, evan and james? chaotic evil and chaotic good, clashing of morals, ultimate racism defeater w black/african evan x latino/desi james, guys the list goes on, not to mention the girls sirius's personality would drive ppl away over time, and really, why would u want any1 else when james was right there?? the most perfect, hunkydory, charming, loud, loving boy, he was THE casanova, he and sirius ruled hogwarts but ultimately, it was James who on top though, i do think barty would have his own rank, deffo been in most ppl's bed chambers, the commuinty whore, you fuck him and then the next morning you act like it was the worst fuck (the best) to your friend who's also fucked him
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voidpacifist · 6 months ago
potter-verse headcanons that I choose to view as canon bc fuck jkr <3
*I redid these bc james' lineage was pointed out to me in a previous comment and I don't wanna disregard it so I tweaked a few things to keep it true to the lore while also spiting the terf
this will be very long btw
starting with the marauders era (sorry this is basically an essay now)
adding onto that, I just would love to see his inner conflicts and hopes and ambitions and dialogue more flushed out, because I really don't think him being rejected by an old flame is at all cause enough for him to suddenly just hate children. even his rivalry and bullying with/from james doesn't feel like the push that comes to shove idk
severus snape is not an abusive man. in my opinion, the way that he's written makes him seem like a very cause to effect character without much complexity to him other than that he was in love with lily evans. in my mind, he's lily's closest friend and defender for most of their growing up together at hogwarts, especially after he begins unlearning blood purist ideologies. he tries to protect her from james potter, who's antagonistic of blood purists by nature, and also a massive troublemaker. thinking it will get lily hurt is what ultimately fuels his hatred of james (that and the fact that james is just kind of a dick to him the whole time they're at school together)
an earlier commenter pointed out to me that james' grandfather invented fleamont's hair potion, so the inheritance of that success would make james' family quite well off. and while he grows up with a very good home life and very loving parents, I imagine james also feels quite stifled sometimes, being that he's an only child with a lot of room in his house and a lot of legacy to carry. it's not like he has a complex about it, but he's sort of a steve harrington-esque kind of character. he's not a complete asshat, but he does experience a lot of growing pains and contentions to his worldview on multiple levels when he first becomes acquainted with lily and severus, and even when he first meets the other marauders. it adds a lot more interest than just making him the charming class clown, and james being desi adds another layer of complexity to him too. (I'm quite curious about how desi metaphysics are practiced, and how that would be a shift for him going from eleven years of his own household magic to hogwarts magic)
adding onto that, it's why he and sirius become such fast friends - sirius feels estranged from his own family, and james' only family are his parents and grandparents. they're closer than sirius and his own brother are. this does certainly make things strange and angsty when regulus takes an admiration to james that sirius notices, when sirius himself is constantly being compared to his more "ideal wizard archetype" younger brother his entire life
in fact, regulus' admiration of james starts as more of a scientific sort of reverence - he wants to understand how a pure blood can be so defiant of the ideas that suggest he's more worthy of practicing wizardry, let alone a pure blood who has come from so much. he learns quite a lot about james through sirius, and when he actually meets him for the first time, he's nothing like the troublemaker prince charming that everyone expects him to be. it's the first time reg experiences real endearment to someone who isn't in his own family, and even that kind of love is conditional at best (shout-out to walburga and orion black for their a-plus parenting)
it makes it that much more painful when he sees that james, while kinder and more considerate than he seemed at first, only thinks of him as sirius'-younger-brother-who-isn't-actually-that-terrible-perhaps; when he sees that james only has room in his heart for lily evans, who by black family standards isn't worthy to have any knowledge of the magical world, let alone belong in it. and he's trying to be better and to understand, but even the kindest blood purists are still blood purists, and it will take him years after this heartbreak to rectify that mindset - even as he's defying voldemort himself
lily grows up in scotland, and while her parents love her and petunia very much, they're constantly fighting. she and tuney often spend time together, and when lily's magical talents start to emerge, she at first asks her big sister, her protector, her closest friend, to keep this secret from their parents. so imagine the heartbreak when lily's owl comes in the mail, and instead of the magical announcement being a complication for their parents, the evans' are overjoyed. imagine the betrayal that petunia feels when, after years of borderline neglect to the both of them, lily leans into the praise and attention she's now receiving. and she tries to make it up to tuney - she even grows a flower in her own hand hoping to make peace with her only real role model in life, only to have it shut down by being called a freak. things only get worse as tuney is left at home with quarreling parents while lily gets the privilege of being away from all of it. the number of letters she sends to dumbledore begging to learn magic, then simply begging to see her little sister more than just during christmas, should be enough to convince the old man to have some leniency, but dumbledore doesn't
now let's talk about peter pettigrew. we all blame him for the downfall of james and lily that kicks off the tragedy of harry's childhood, which we should. but the why of it feels important to me, so personally, this is how I see his psyche playing a role: what if he grows up in a religious household? now I know how that sounds, but hear me out. peter grows up in a religious family because his parents carry some sort of shame surrounding their magical lineage. maybe it's because their squibs, maybe it's because of other trauma from being discovered by muggles, etc. regardless, he grows up discouraged from using his magic, but instead of suppressing it and developing an obscurus, he learns how to hide it. he practices his abilities in secret, until he's a very good liar with the worst case of people pleasing. so when his owl comes with his hogwarts letter, his parents are less than happy about it. he's sent to live with his aunt when he's not at school. in the meantime, he hides as much as he can about his family from the marauders. remus has his lycanthropy to worry about, and sirius already has an even rockier home life to begin with. so it's no wonder that peter latches onto james - ironically, james becomes a secret keeper of sorts for him. but peter is never close to him the way sirius is, or even remus. he's forgotten by his friends, disregarded by his parents, and written off as soft and submissive by his other peers and even the teachers. it makes him all the more suggestible when he's sought out by voldemort, who promises him a place of belonging, which is all that he's ever wanted since he was a child. he's hidden things from the people closest to him once before, so he can do it again, right?
until of course, voldemort actually physically manipulates him with an imperius curse. and all it takes is one curse for the dark lord to convince peter that his friends can never take him back, not when he's killed and maimed and cursed and destroyed lives as much as he has. "not when you're my most trusted servant, wormtail." in short, peter pettigrew is and always will be remembered as a coward. but before he was a coward, he was in pain. and voldemort used that pain to turn him against his only friends before his only friends could turn on him
speaking of other death eaters, let's talk about regulus again for a moment. in an audience-sparing plot, regulus lives. in an angst driven plot, regulus drowns. so for the sake of compromising realism for emotional lenience, let's say nobody actually knows what happens to him. there's all kinds of rumors about the missing black brother, but the truth is that regulus doesn't drown. he's badly hurt in his attempt to destroy the locket, because not only is that thing messing with him psychologically, it's also a pain in the ass to try and get rid of. brutally injured and looking for a place to hide, he enchants a supply cabinet in a muggle cafe to expand into his own flat, which looks to non-magic users like any old closet, even if they try to open it. kreacher is left the locket along with regulus' note, because he doesn't want to be found (great opportunity for him to make a sneaky little appearance in the first half of the deathly hallows though, when the golden trio are debriefing in a muggle cafe...)
remus grows up in a really good home, but like james, he feels a sort of isolation. not because of his class status but because of his condition. as his body begins to mature in his teenage years, his lycanthropy also "matures," taking a bigger and bigger toll on his body until by the time his third year starts at hogwarts (between growth spurts and growing pains and the intensity of his transitions), he can't walk without using a cane. he's pretty sickly as a child anyway to begin with, so more often than not, he spends a lot of time in his bed in the gryffindor common room. this means when a lot of the pranking and troublemaking is happening, he's either in the background unable to do much more than try and dissuade his friends, or he isn't there at all. it isn't until a little way into his fourth year that he begins actively participating in marauders shenanigans, including helping with the construction of the map. I imagine he and sirius both have feelings for one another during this time, but these feelings cannot or do not go acknowledged until the later years (like, year six or seven)
when it comes time to meet sirius' family, sirius has already been disowned by his birth parents and is extremely distant from his brother and cousins. all of course, except for his cousin andromeda, who reaches out to him after the news of his erasure from the family tree makes it to her. this is actually how remus meets tonks in my mind - because during the whole "meet the parents" thing, he meets ted, his wife, and their daughter nymphadora
that's all I've got for now from the marauders era but the golden trio era is a whole different ballgame (and probably way longer sorry in advance)
let's start with harry. petunia is not near as strict with him as vernon is, but they're both abusive to him in ways that are physical and psychological. dudley, of course, is given everything by his parents to the point of spoiling, while harry is forced to feed off of the leftovers. and while he definitely inherits his father's "fuck around and find out" personality, he's a lot less likely to fuck around with the dursleys. in fact, he's much more quiet until he gets to hogwarts and blossoms. I also think his scar is much more noticeable and does much more alteration to his face. because it's the aftermath of the killing curse, it makes him much more likely to die just from a physical standpoint than from simply a plot device standpoint. voldemort is obsessed with killing him, and incidentally, he's a very easy person to kill
however, this doesn't make harry a weak wizard by any means. his magic is incredibly powerful and he's incredibly cunning with it. it's why the hat finds it equally appropriate to sort him into slytherin, other than the obvious connection that he and voldemort share. but this does mean that other people's perceptions of him are that he is weaker. draco thinks he can easily manipulate him. ron underestimates his understanding of the wizarding world and how to defend himself. hermione even has her moments, though hers are more a concern for his well-being as a target of all sorts of evil wizardry. even still, it's a shock and a half to go from being consistently neglected and abused to being coddled and handled with kid gloves all the time. it's no wonder his "fuck around and find out" attitude we see in the books and films also comes to life due to the way he's being mistreated - whether that's with good or ill intent
ron is not only his first friend, but also the first person harry is formally introduced to. he's harry's gateway to what the wizarding world looks like outside of school. of course, molly weasley immediately decides this makes harry her son as well as ron, and it's nice for ron to have a brother his own age. but as the youngest son in a family of seven kids, with one of the honorary offspring being famous in the wizarding world, it's easy for him to get swept up in the idea that he's the afterthought of his friends and family. as a result, he tries emulating harry's attitude towards the world, but whereas harry's is built up by his upbringing and those around him, ron's is built up out of spite. it creates resentment when they're horcrux hunting together, because ron not only hates that harry is refusing to be taken care of - he also hates that nobody's taking care of him
it's why I think he and luna lovegood make an excellent pair. luna is an uncommonly kind person by nature, and we already know in the books that she takes a shine to ron. I wish we'd seen more of them in canon, so it's my personal philosophy that they should have been together instead of ron and hermione. luna really softens the resentment in ron, because she takes so much in stride that it sort of rubs off on him. and ron brings out something very protective and fiery in her. if she weren't a ravenclaw, she'd make an excellent gryffindor, though honestly she's such a multitudinous character already that she'd do swimmingly in almost any house, in my opinion
more on luna: she and hermione were actually quite close as first years, but grew apart because while luna was accepted for her neurodivergence, hermione was singled out. there's not much difference between the two of them other than the two factors that luna doesn't mask her traits, and is a pureblood. at the time that they're both eleven, I imagine eleven-year-old blood purist logic would muddy a friendship rather quickly, especially when you're trying to seek acceptance from your peers. this isn't to say that luna is a cruel person by any means - it's just that hermione has to work harder for her fitting-in-ness. naturally, being in different houses and different circles of peers along with all the other factors, they grow apart. four years after they've met, luna is simply "looney lovegood" to hermione
hermione's parents are very eager muggles to integrate hermione into the wizarding world. the two of them meet in college, when both take an interest in metaphysical studies and the history of witches and witchcraft. though it starts as a scientific fascination, hermione's father turns out to be a rather superstitious man in the first place. when their daughter receives her owl, both of them are overjoyed at the possibility of there being a world where their fascination with magic and the occult is real. the only reason they both go into dentistry (and together at the same office, no less) is because they're ridiculously in love with one another and want hermione to have a stable childhood
snape ends up being a very protective teacher over harry. the reason he hides it is because he knows dumbledore is on the hunt for power and control, however much the man tries to disguise it as working for the greater good. the headmaster simply believes harry is the perfect conduit to attain those things, and rather than view him as a threat, dumbledore views him as a tool. snape is desperate not to see harry become a pawn, the way he did, but he also sees so much of james in him that it's hard for him to reconcile any outward respect for him. this makes snape a very cold man for harry to cross (and he's already cold enough for several other reasons), but in my personal opinion, it does his character a disservice to make him outright abusive. he's dismissive and intense and extremely aloof, but never does he use it to punish harry himself. snape's only seen as a shifty, mean person by harry because of how similar he is to petunia and her dismissal of harry at home so by god do those trust issues jump out between these two. it's by no means a father + son dynamic, but it's certainly a begrudging guardian + clueless guardee dynamic, if that makes sense
in fact, when snape realizes draco is also dealing with abuse in the home, he makes it a goal of his to do what he can to make sure their time in his class is as easy as possible. of course, true to severus snape fashion, he does this in such a way that it seems like he's going to single them out when in reality, he's only breeding an environment where draco and harry start having a tentative, mutual respect for one another. this is at first very confusing for hermione and ron, as well as draco's circle of friends. but these two are nothing if not stubborn, which means cycle breaking is what they're destined for
this paves the way for draco and hermione to be in each other's circles. mutually indifferent to one another at best. detestable to one another at worst. very much enemies to lovers, until hermione bests draco in a dueling practice and draco gains some respect for her. he learns that she is a very well schooled person when it comes to traditional witch traditions and rituals; that she recognizes the holidays that christmas and halloween are bastardizations of; that she does in fact "respect her betters," because she respects her magic as the sacred gift that it is. at that point, does it become allies to lovers. and when the second wizarding war rolls around, he does everything he can within his power to play the roll of double agent. snape becomes his mentor in that regard in more ways than one (he has to kill dumbledore and he has to outsmart voldemort, homeboy is stressing)
hey speaking of pairings, the only original pairing that I tend to keep the same within the golden trio is ginny and harry. it is the sole good pairing that jkr brought to the table. I still have a few notes on it — I just wish there was more development with them. I wish there was more canonical tension than "brother's famous best friend," because while ginny is a wonderful character on her own, she doesn't seem the type to be besotted by someone because of their fame. in fact, an enemies to lovers hinny would almost make more sense to me. they're both incredibly stubborn, it's a wonder they don't butt heads more during canon events, with the fact in mind that ginny is quite soft spoken around him. she's very do-no-harm-take-no-shit, and I wish we saw more of that in their interactions. in my head, their pipeline is as follows: younger sister figure -> academic rival/enemy -> allies during the order era -> confidants -> lovers. if this makes sense. I know it's similar to the canon pipeline for them but please I need tension I need depth I need conflict
I also have got to talk about cho because first of all, what the fuck kind of name is "cho chang" for the only visibly asian character in a franchise? said it once and I'll say it again: fuck jkr. she didn't put thought or depth into this character even one bit other than making her ditsy and boy-obsessed and I hate that shit! with all my heart! in fact, all of the POC women in this series she writes specifically to be obsessed with harry, and that makes my blood absolutely evaporate because they could be so much more than one dimensional figures. I digress
as I see it, "cho chang" isn't her real name at all. it's chao-xing zhang, and the first name means morning star. she hails from a family where her father is chinese and her mother is irish. if I had to give her a middle name, it would be siobhan. she grows up with strong roots in both her irish and chinese heritage, and she's the pride of her family, since she's the only child her parents are able to have. when she arrives at hogwarts, she is quite shy and reserved. but she's brilliant, so of course she's in ravenclaw. but it's in an atypical sense that she is brilliant, not in the I-come-fom-an-asian-family-so-I'm-clever kind of way (I think giving her the gift of clairvoyance would add a really good layer to her arc). she tries to fight off visions of harry potter dying, but she cannot shake them, so instead she vows to fight with him, especially after voldemort kills the first person to show her love and affection for who she is, not for the "cho chang" that her peers think she is. it's only natural for her to take a shine to harry when he's the one who saw cedric diggory murdered
while we're on the topic of horseshit naming, parvati and padma aren't called parvati and padma in my personal mindscape of the potter-verse. they're instead named drisana and salena, meaning "daughter of the sun" and "moon" respectively. not only are they fraternal twins, they also have entirely separate personalities and magical gifts. they're as different as the sun and moon are different, but they also both reflect each other's gifts quite well, just like how the full moon is an expression of both itself and the light of the sun. of course they're both enamored by the boy who lived and his best mate, and of course they say yes to them when they need dates for the yule ball. but to say either of them are actually in love with or interested in either of the boys isn't true by a long shot - salena much prefers her own company and drisana has been eyeing the pretty ravenclaw, chao-xing, for as long as she can remember (I also think they would take harry under their wing and help him reconnect with his desi culture because I can't imagine being raised by the dursleys gave him too much opportunity for that tbh)
now onto more world-buildy types of things
in fact, I'd say the only stereotypical twins at hogwarts are fred and george, and even then they only play into it for the bit. they think it's wildly funny to confuse anyone who doesn't know them well enough to tell them apart, which is a very small number of people (I mean come on, even their own mother doesn't always manage to tell them apart). one of them is probably just a little bit fruity, and the other one is either none the wiser or not the least bit surprised. they pretend like they're carefree people, but they both feel the pull of the war on their morale, even before the war truly sets in motion with the death of dumbledore. they don't have any older sibling figures present as far as we read until bill becomes part of the plot, but I like to think he and charlie are the ones they go to when they're needing someone to talk to about the state of the world. even then, they have to be careful about it in their correspondences.
and while I like to think that molly and arthur are all very present in the lives of their children, I also believe that arthur's work in the ministry keeps him quite busy, and molly can't always be there for each individual child without totally burning herself out. long story short, the weasleys are there for one another as much as they can be, but mainly as a whole. and of course, every weasley brother would level london for ginny if the need arose for it, since she gets little sister treatment (as she should, we love her for it)
it is in my humble opinion that each house has some elemental magic attached to it. some of these are more obvious, for instance, gryffindor would likely have many ties to fire magic, whereas with hufflepuff's patron being the badger, they'd have many ties to earth magic. ravenclaw and slytherin were a little bit harder for me to parse out, but a raven for me would signify air/weather magic while a reptilian, cold blooded patron would be symbolic to water. and while of course, any magical student can have a proclivity for any element of the four, many gryffindors will have a higher aptitude for fire magic. it's why (in my opinion) seamus finnegan is so talented with pyrotechnics in the first place - it's no accident that gryffindor is where he was sorted with that level of fire magic
so then, liv, how does that explain dumbledore's weird water orb and voldemort's fire serpent featured in the order of the phoenix film? actually that's a quite easy answer - remember how I said not every gryffindor has fire magic tendencies? this is actually referenced with neville longbottom's talent for herbology. if anything, he's more inclined to work with earth magic. we don't see a lot of deviating from house elements at all in canon, but aside from the main main characters, jkr also doesn't divulge much on it to begin with. even then, neville still has the inner fire of a gryffindor. and even though voldemort's raw magic takes the form of a serpent on fire, we see his former self most comfortable with the basilisk, who lives in the dank underbelly of the hogwarts plumbing. water snakes, anybody? dumbledore's is a little trickier to explain, but I do think in his conquest to be more powerful than voldemort, he also ended up mastering all four elements. he does certainly favor fire though, considering his animal companion is a phoenix, and his raw magic is displayed with fire in the half blood prince film during the sea cave scene
beyond the elements and patrons of each house, there's also astrology, runes, divination, etc. basically magic that isn't necessarily assigned to an element, but the elements can be present in each practice. for instance, astrology is a very planetary practice, and it relies on the position of the earth itself in relation to the stars and other celestial bodies (or vice versa). the moon oversees the tides (water), the sun provides warmth (fire) as well as nurtures greenery and living things (earth). all three interacting in different manners affects the weather (air). runes can be written or carved anywhere, but are best written either with something fluid like water and inked, or etched into a solid surface such as wood or stone. divination, particularly scrying, is best done with a reflective surface, however tea reading involves some herbology when it comes to making the tea itself. I digress, the point is, different aptitudes mean some students will have a higher proclivity for one practice than another outside of their "inner element" or which element works best with them (also jkr why didn't you include something for the crystal girlies?? for the fellas who love the pretty rocks???)
onto the topic we all love (said sarcastically) the most: wizard racism. rowling really thought she could paint a complex narrative about blood purity and the differences thereof when her own writing is inherently racist? miss me with that horseshit, anyway here's my personal take on the whole blood purity smorgasbord:
the only difference between muggleborns and regular old muggles is that some have the aptitude and skill for harnessing magic, and some don't. I don't actually know the science behind it. maybe the stars aligned just right. maybe it's a distant genetic thing. regardless, muggles have a very whimsical view of magic itself. we have our holidays like christmas and halloween and easter, and our cutesy packagings of the aesthetic for each holiday. but the holidays that they originate from, such as yule and samhain, have been celebrated by pagans and witches long before this christ-ifying of them, and even longer before making them palatable to a consumer culture. meaning it is real culture that has been taken and warped and accepted by society as normal, when it doesn't credit the original practicers in the first place
and considering the salem witch trials and other witch hunts (some of which are still happening in places around the globe, mind you), it's no wonder that, taking the canon of harry potter into consideration, purebloods (in this case, those from pagan families who have kept the practices for hundreds of generations and have only married within magical bloodlines) are at least mistrusting of muggleborns. does it excuse the blatant mistreatment and alienation of muggleborn witches and wizards? absolutely not. does it at least explain the disparity? yes it does
it gives salazar slytherins perspective of only allowing purebloods into his house an entirely new layer as to why. if only he didn't go about hatching an ancient bloodthirsty beast to hunt down the muggleborn students!
it does also add a very archaic level to slytherin house culture, though - they're not only the most cunning house (and most misunderstood), they're also the most observant of traditional paganism. dumbledore is so dead set on the belief that slytherin breeds evil wizards and witches, however, that his favoritism to his patron house (which happens to have the opposite mascot and element, mind you) creates an environment where slytherins are either feared or outright disrespected by the other houses. here's a hot take: dark and light magic can exist within the same space and still not have any moral attachment to them. crazy, innit
which means that not only is dumbledore a more "accepting" headmaster of muggleborns - they too, are a means to an end in this vendetta he has against tom riddle; a vendetta he's had against a child since he realized this child (who mind you, was already isolated as an orphan and a wizard growing up surrounded by muggles) was the heir of slytherin. and while yes, this made him a threat to the safety of muggleborn students, dumbledore also ensured the creation of the thing that which he vowed to overthrow. his mission in life as a wizard with great power and responsibility was a self fulfilling prophecy
(enough said about albus dumbledore. I hate that man. no wonder jkr paints him as such a hero figure in the series though like damn)
more world building! I think it should be canon that a modified obliviate spell exists so that trans witches and wizards can erase the memory of a dead name from the minds of anyone who isn't them. use this headcanon how you must, it may be the biggest fuck you to the author I could come up with <3
phew! that was a mouthful, but on that note, those are all my thoughts/headcanons/other things that I've conjured so far. some of them may be based off of headcanons I've already seen (like, we've all basically confirmed james is desi at this point), but I did wanna drive a little deeper into those existing ones as well as add thoughts of my own. I am planning on using most if not all of these to write my own rendition of the potter-verse canon, but feel free to use any of them you see in here! I'd love to invite more dialogue, particularly about more thoughtful name changes (like seriously if y'all have anymore suggestions on that front please send them to me, I don't want to be totally ignorant or off base so any feedback is super appreciated)
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lonely-parrot · 4 months ago
Masterpost/ Presentation
I haven't really presented myself, so here we are!
You can call me Sky, my pronouns are she/her, and I'm 18. I'm a history student, in France, and my main fandom is the Marauders (obsessed, if we're honest), but I absolutely don't support JK, because trans lives matter, as well as the ones of all the queer people <3
My ao3 username is the same as here but with a _ instead of a - !
And now, for a quick presentation of my fics:
My WIPs:
You're The Closest To Heaven That I'll Ever Be 1 chapter/?
So, this one is a Jegulus and Wolfstar ff, modern AU, without magic, and Sirius stayed with the Blacks for Regulus, and the fic is on how it impacted their lives, and how they get out. Reg is trans in this one, and misgendered for a while, bc he doesn't even know he is trans. Once he knows, pronouns are adapted.
Le désir fou d'une minute enlacés 3 chapters/?
Sirius Black is an artist, Remus Lupin stumbles into him, they fall in love.
Pairings: Wolfstar + past Jegulus
Finished works:
Don't Let The Sunlight Blast Your Shadow One shot
It's a Sirius centric fic, with eventual Wolfstar. It takes place during the Marauders fifth year, and i didn't include the Prank, because I didn't want to.
Just Remember Lovers Never Lose 3 chapters/3
Sirius and Remus adopts a little werewolf girl. A little bit of angst, but mostly fluffy.
And I Thought Of Ma' And I Wanted To Get Back There 5 chapters/5
It's the continuation of Just Remember Lovers Never Lose, in which Sirius gets in therapy, and it's his trials before he find someone adapted to him.
When You Rock'n'roll With Me/ No One Else I'd Rather Be One shot
Sirius with a collar and a leash (wolfstar)
That's it, that's the plot
I, Carrion 8 chapters/8
It's a Regulus centric fic, where he is trans. There's no pairing in this one, but once i finish this one, it will be in a serie, and the rest should have a Jegulus pairing.
It's rather angsty, and we see the Black brothers rekindle, bc despite everything, Sirius wants to protect Reg
Stars That Burn The Brightest/ Fall So Fast And Pass You By One Shot
Black sisters character study!
It's a canon compliant story, so it's angsty, but there's also exploration of who they are, them falling in love, falling away from each other, autistic and aro Narcissa, Sybill and Bellatrix relationship, Andromeda and Ted! a lot of fun :)
Uncontinued because of a lack of time:
The Light Catches The Mirror In My Brain, It Gives Me Shade 3 chapters/?
70's without magic AU. The Marauders arrive in a boarding school all at the same time in their fifth year. Features BPD Sirius, ADHD James, good Peter, stammer Remus. Oh, and French Sirius, Desi James, Welsh Remus.
I really want to continue this fic, if anyone is interested in brainrotting this fic with me, dm me, I'm all for it!
And that's it (that's already a lot, I know)! Hope you can find one that you'll like! Don't hesitate to reblog if you think more people should see it (that's how the algorithm works, and i desperately need more people to interact with my ff to find the motivation to finish them 😭)
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angelic-daiquiri · 5 months ago
My valour friend group!! (Teen life dr) Pt 1. (The main characters)
(Add yourself in my dr here)
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-Rosanna m k
6teen, born on 14th January, she/her, bi (Pronounced Roz ah-na) Gosh I love her so much, me and her are besties in every reality I can script her in, she's my (platonic) wife, my life, my everything. We write poems to eachother on valentines day and on every 14th of the year She has an older brother (my future s/o, cuz I'll be there until my late 30's so yeah), and her family is very very influential and has a very powerful business. They're up with the high ranking people in society. She has a faint British accent and our families are friends Me and her are the only (women) poc (we're Indian) in our floor (except Dallas and chris lol) -shes an ESFP likes: coffee (but says it like kwa fi as a joke) puppies, her bf, moonlight Sonata, desi movies, lana in her born to die era, marina and the diamonds, Adrianna Lima, German shepherds What she reminds me of: The combo of cream and red, sunsets, little kittens who bite cutely, hugs, jasmines, my mom, caring
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-Athena Valour
6teen, born on August 25th, she/they, ace but not aro, we call her Athy like Kathy without the k Her family owns valour, not just the school but also the whole education department along with many businesses, they're the head of the valour society, her British accent is so cuteeeeee. She has a brother (see below), she's a rebel but she wouldn't show it, she was the one who came up to me first to be friends. People think she's intimidating but she actually just gives off black cat energy, suuuuper sweet too -She's an ENTJ Likes: being extroverted, Lana, arctic monkeys, water. Just water lol, caramel+dark chocolate, law, sea at night, fried eggs, business What she reminds me of: Shakespeare's male characters, the meme side eye, faux leather, old money, the moon, woods, soft kisses and playful fighting (all platonic)
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-Ares Valour
8teen, born on 3rd August, he/him, unlabelled twink (never call him that, that's just a nickname I give him cuz of his gay ass) he's actually straight tho He's Athy's older brother, a senior, also my first actual s/o at valour Heir to the postion of head of the society along with athena, they're both smart as fugg, well mannered but Ares is a bit more soft spoken on the inside. He's the lalalala to my okokokok. I make fun of him by calling him Air, because when I first met him I couldn't properly pronounce Ares. -he's an INTP (sometimes an intj) Likes: me, his cats, fencing, chess, business, being a leader (along with his little sister), being the smartest in his grade, runs, the neighborhood, Chase Atlantic What he reminds me of: "and if I may just take your breath away I don't mind if it's not much to say", winning, power, cuddles, dnd, old literature works, old money, a prince
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(these are the main people in my life, along with yttri who I will add the next post lol)
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onespiderfrommars · 8 months ago
wolfstar fic reccs 👀?
oh i have wolfstar fic recs.
regrettably i am chronically terrible at bookmarking fics so a lot of my favorites have been lost to time :/ but here are my favorite must-reads for the fandom! (and if anyone wants more recs i will get better with bookmarking i SWEAR)
all of these are on ao3 btw!! fics below the cut ;)
all my cards are here by haey1 - the order that i listed all these fics is completely random except for this one. this one is at the top for a reason. band au, remus is the new bassist. silly marauders antics, healthy dose of angst, drama, treachery????? it has everything (also side note jily is fucking adorable in this one)
text talk by merlywhirls - this one is number two for a reason. amcah will always be my favorite wolfstar fic but this one is the DEFINITION of a comfort fic. texting au, sirius accidentally texts remus who's in the hospital, so many antics and shenanigans bro. it does get angsty at times fs but its so cute yall. ALSO FRANK AND ALICE CONTENT UGH
staying strangers by 3amandcounting - this one is SO SILLY it's another one of those texting fics but it's genuinely such a fun read. also it has desi james potter which is my personal favorite marauders headcanon (!!)
like real people do by third_crow - LOVE me a good coffeeshop au, this one isn't all sunshine and rainbows but it's still super cute, also baby harry !!! unfortunately lily and james are in fact dead :/ but i love this sm
that's the art of getting by by sarewolf - oh GUYS this one is such a must read i swear to god, its a wolfstar (first remus, then sirius too) raises harry fic and it literally has everything. it'll rip you to pieces and fix you again and i had such a great (and terrible) time reading it
sweater weather by lumosinlove - HOCKEY AUUUUUU guys i dont know anything about hockey but this fic had me wanting to play. it has black brothers angst, gryffindor/slytherin rivalry, good ocs, physical trainer!remus and captain!sirius, its literally perfection.
beneath a big blue sky by eyra - guys. farmer remus. i dont think i need to say any more.
the horcrux hunt by lostmy_keys - this one is very regulus-centric but wolfstar is the main ship! its got some peak platonic moonwater, but it's also got some great wolfstar content. i was so invested in this one as it was coming out omg
pair of tossers with a cat by moonymoment - i am a moonymoment ENTHUSIAST and this fic is no exception, this one's just a bit of silly wolfstar, remus takes in a stray cat and sirius has beef with it. so cute, 10/10 would recommend
of memories and milk thievery by moonymoment - another moonymoment fav, remus and sirius are teddy's divorced fathers. so much silly beefing. theyre so petty and its fucking funny as shit but then randomly gets deep??? the marauders fandom cant stay away from angst for 2 secs but all in all such a funny fic i had such a silly time with it
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midnightpink · 11 months ago
I am the moved on
read it here on ao3
It takes a second for him to realize he’s wrong. It’s not Sirius’ voice, familiar as it is.
“No, though I’m not surprised you’d think so. I’m the overlooked sibling.”
The overlooked sibling, as it is, has backed away—James is sure his head was resting on his thighs a second ago. Regulus stands a few feet away now, his posture overly casual. One leg is stretched out gracefully before him while the other curls up to his chest. He’s calculated nonchalance, with an arm draped effortlessly over his raised knee. Playing a great game of pretend. He looks bored, almost. Almost, because there is no mistaking how sharp those gray eyes look, catching and dissecting every movement in the room. Resting on James with something like confusion.
by: ThisLiminalSpace
Words: 54,388, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English 
Fandom:  Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Harry Potter, Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter, Sirius Black,Remus Lupin
Relationship: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Harry Potter & James Potter, Regulus Black & Harry Potter,Regulus Black & Sirius Black,Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Additional Tags: , Angst, Panic Attacks, Existential Crisis, Betrayal, Secrets, Flashbacks to Hogwarts era, 6 years later, Mpreg, BUT NOT ONE (1) USE OF THE WORD PREGNANT THOUGH, a love letter to Aix-en-provence, Unreliable Narrator, Smut, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, everyone is really upset at everyone, for A good long while, If you’re here for the mpreg you’re going to be disappointed, But if you’re not here for the mpreg you’re also going to be disappointed, We are taking canon and putting it in a little jar, Shaking it beautifully and then throwing it at the wall and destroying it, references to walburga’s a+ parenting, Parenting for Dummies, Sexual Content, Past Relationship(s), Hurt/Comfort, sand metaphor out of the ass, just saying, prepare yourself, Sibling bond, James Potter is Harry Potter's Parent, Baby Harry Potter, Desi James Potter, Exes to Lovers, Exes, Second Chances, Brothers, Raising Harry Potter, Implied Mpreg, Post Mpreg, Family Secrets, Family, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Romance, Room of Requirement (Harry Potter)
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not-rab · 2 years ago
get to know me?
hii! my name’s jam and this blog belongs to me:D
i’m queer and desi!!
@kay-disappeared is my wife so if u go anywhere near her i will skewer u with a ten foot poodle🐩
but also i probably definitely love u so
i don’t think i’ll be posting as frequently but i’m definitely still here to chat!! send me an ask😛
ao3/twitter au fics under the cut:
At Midnight (chapters ??/40, ?? words)
“Now, for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now, let me be clear! If chosen, you stand alone, and trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint hearted.”
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
It’s 2021 when the Triwizard Tournament is announced to take place the year following and one single task is all the three schools need to determine a winner in this texting AU.
Watch as Hogwarts, Beaxbatons and Durmstrang spend the first term of Barty and Evan’s sixth year together, a student chosen from each, competing for their school in hope of becoming victorious.
Butterflies (chapters 15/15, 7.3k words)
Where Regulus Black accidentally texts James Potter and ends up falling in love with him before he realises it’s his brother’s best friend.
Just Another Celebrity AU (chapters 15/15, 14k words)
An alternate universe where James Potter and Regulus Black are co-starring in a movie, but end up falling in love on set.
+ bonus Celebrity Twitter AU (parts 15/15)
Nothing Short of Chaos (chapters 1/1, 2k words)
The Marauders, the Slytherin Skittles and the Gryffindor Girls meet up in the common room to play a few classic muggle games.
What could possibly go wrong?
Revenge is the Best Medicine (chapters 14/14, 13k words)
One day Regulus and Sirius get into an argument in their joint common room in Slytherin.
So, to get back at him, Regulus decides to date Sirius’ mortal enemy.
This enemy just so happens to be James Potter.
Online Strangers (chapters 1/1, 1.4k words)
Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier, Dorcas Meadowes and Pandora Rosier go through a series of calls on Omegle; their last call coming to an unsurprising halt at the end.
Just fluff and humour - hope u enjoy!!!
We Keep Quiet, 'Cause We’re Dead If They Knew (chapters 1/1, 2.5k words)
That was how James found himself, at twenty-five past one in the morning, sneaking out of the guest room his boyfriend was occupying.
Everything was going exactly to plan!
Where James creeps into the Black Manor to apologise to Regulus and instead finds out (and gives away) secrets he’d much rather not.
bonus fics:
Actor!Jegulus Twitter AU (parts 15/15)
Singer!James x Fan!Regulus Twitter AU (parts 15/15)
Marauders Band AU (parts 15/15)
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thedollydiaries · 6 months ago
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‪₊˚ 𓂃˖ 𝜗𝜚 。˚₊. about me ໒꒰ྀི˶ᵔᆺᵔ˶ ꒱ྀིა‬♡;
🫀 name; éabha-áine (ey-va awn-ye) / sanaa (sahn-nah)
💌 nicknames/petnames; eve/evie, awnie, san, bunny, doll/dolly, princess, hun/honey, sweetheart, darling, حبيبتي (habibti), really any fem petnames are okay!
☦️ eastern orthodox christian, radfem (not a terf), pro-palestine, canadian
🧸 audhd, bpd, cptsd/ptsd, chronically ill/disabled, agere
🩹 age + bday; 22 | 24/10 '02
🎀 likes; bunnies, sharks, cats, morute aesthetic, agere, plushies, sanrio, shawarma, hummus, weed, lemonade, raspberries, strawberries, cheesecake, hot chocolate, tea, lemon iced tea, gloomy coquette, gloomy dollette, dolls/doll collecting/haunted dolls, living dolls, reading, writing, dark romance, pink/purple/grey/black, moths, fashion, trafalgar law💞
🐇 fav movies/shows; bob's burgers, criminal minds, gravity falls, one piece, girl intereupted, pearl, gone girl, svtfoe, bridgerton, pride and prejudice, suburban gothic
🌸 music; baby bugs, solya, nemhasis, mitski, lana, evenessance, jesse welles, bambi baker, marina, fairuz, skz, twice, g-idle, ethel cain, ayesha erotica, chappel roan, elyanna
💉 games; call of duty: mw, genshin, animal crossing: nh, sally face, little missfortune, call of duty: ghosts, minecraft, yandere simulator
🩰 youtubers; stephanie soo/rotten mango, lenalifts, michelle mcdaniel, mirubunnie, darling desi, safiya nygaard, bahja abdi, janet ndomahina, jasmyne theodora, yodeline light
🍼 no; masc petnames, agere sexualization/fetishizing, trans/homophobic rants/slurs, racism, ableism, xenophobia
🍰 pls interact; cod girlies, fanfic lovers, girlbloggers, doll collectors, fanfic writers, masked men lovers, anyone who wants to really, biker lovers, TRAFALGAR LAW GIRLIES, perv!law truthers
🦷 dni; zionists, bigots, misogynists, anti-religion, homophobes, transphobes, racists, ddlg blogs/fetishists, people who sexualize agere, minors, incels, creeps, porn/OF BOTS
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🐰 hiya! i'm éabha-áine, or sanaa, and welcome to my blog :3 i write fanfics, post/reblog some random stuff i like. i'm really into the morute and gloomy coquette/dollette aesthetics and plan to turn myself into a living doll one day! i'm an Orthodox Christian and radfem, but i'm very loving of my brothers and sisters of all religions (or lack-there-of). anything bolded above (other than my dni) are my special interests/hyperfixations, so if you're also into them feel free to send an ask to chat about it! feel free to send asks for requests or just to chat about your day! God Bless, and all my love! – éabha♡
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scaly-freaks · 8 months ago
I am pretty sure that Amara is not going to wear braids around Aegon for a long time …
But about the braids, and I apologise if I am wrong but I feel there is a bit of an infantilising ( is it the right word ? ). When I think of braids, little girls come to my mind and with the fact that in a certain way Aegon is her family and older brother, it makes her in a way easier to submit which makes the situation even more twisted. And when she cries and Aegon holds her ! The line about her thinking about sucking her thumb in that situation makes her seem vulnerable and makes us see her again as a child. There is also the fact that she lived a really traumatising experience as a little girl and it feels as if she’s still trapped at that state because she never had the chance to face it and heal from it.
And the fact that after he took advantage of her, she calls Criston, her father figure directly afterwards make it more heartbreaking because he’s her only living family biologically and protector but he is also Aegon’s family and also a father through his relationship with Alicent which make the situation worse.
The chapter reminded me a lot of the cabin chapter in Your skin makes me cry when she have her period ( if you know you know ).
I found the metaphor between Amara and Odile really beautiful because I feel Amara knows she can easily fall into a self destructive cycle and she do everything to not break and hold it together.
I really would like to think what was thinking Aegon through this chapter. He seems more like a predator ( the part when she compares herself to a rabbit, I loved it ). After the beginning of the chapter, it feels as if he is ready to pounce on his prey. It reminded me a lot of the Inmate ( I forgot the number ) universe.
I don’t know if I said everything I thought but I really loved this chapter and have been enjoying reading this book. Today especially with the ambiance had me feeling a delectable chill in my spine. You write beautifully and keep us salivating the whole time 🫧🫧🫧
I hope you are alright and highly hydrated ! 🫧
It could definitely be viewed in the light of infantilisation, though I think for farm work, it's probably best to have the hair tucked away neatly, and Amara just prefers double braids over single (she's cursed-blessed with an abundance of thick desi hair, so braids are often the only way to go).
But I really like the idea of correlating it to their shared past as pseudo-siblings growing up together. And the fact that he catches her braids when he wants to control her is a sort of reference to all the tales in stories where hair is power (Samson, Rapunzel etc). He grabs her hair, and it happens to look like reins, and he controls her in the moment.
And ye the scene with the thumb was definitely there to depict how childhood sexual abuse can twist the victim's future in a hundred different ways, and none of them are easy to deal with. Aegon's past abuse hasn't been explored yet, but Amara's was splashed across newspapers and her face was everywhere when she was six (even if her name wasn't). Everyone in the family knows what happened to her. No one knows what happened to him and so any traits he possesses that are a consequence of that abuse are as of yet a mystery. But he might recognise them in her if he saw them. The black hole is the most obvious representation of her trauma, but no one except her can see that (for now).
Now though it was dub-con in the end, it definitely didn't start out as such. And I find myself balking when I have to write from the headspace of a sexual predator, especially one so unpredictable (I don't think I have so far, but my memory might be failing me). I didn't give much thought to what was going on in his head, because my own personal experience is only ever being in Amara's place, whether that was in childhood or adulthood. But yeah, Aegon was exhibiting this thing which some men do, where one yes means an endless supply of yes's. Even if her no ended up becoming yes he didn't heed that first no at all.
I always find it difficult writing such things and putting them out there. I'm fully aware I won't always find people who understand what I mean because quite frankly, media literacy isn't great these days. That a broken, abused boy and an equally broken and abused girl can grow up to make horrendous decisions for others and themselves but still hunt and reach for love the way any normal person might and believe they deserve it. Amara wanted the feeling of love and mistook it for physical closeness which she needed desperately in the moment with Aegon, but that opened the doors to a new kind of relationship.
Aegon wants the love he felt at fifteen with a girl who's no longer a girl but a woman who's outgrown him. But if he doesn't get that, there is another experience, the one where he becomes the abuser and has all the power he once lacked when he was the one being abused. In this situation he could easily call it love because it's Amara, a step-sibling of sorts, and he could never hurt her as badly as the man who killed her parents and took her right? Nothing could ever be as bad as that. Aegon thinks himself an improvement on those experiences.
Thank you so much for your comment, lovely, I really enjoyed answering ^^
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triviareads · 4 months ago
do you have any desi romance recs where both main characters aren’t part of the 1%? i feel like most of the ones i’ve read so far have at least one rich main character for no good reason 🤨
I do! I like a good billionaire romance but I think when you write wealthy people of color in a western country, you can't just use the cookie-cutter billionaire romance template like some of these authors do; these people have a lot of power and wealth but ultimately, they still relate differently to the majority as a member of a minority group but a lot of authors just ignore that, have some shoehorned scene with a racist encounter, or completely ignore the culture. But yeah, here are romances with at least one South Asian MC, and none of these characters are top one-percenters:
Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai: Sadia is a widowed single mom who works at a bar. She's attracted to her black sheep brother-in-law, Jackson. The tension is So Hot, starting from when they nearly have sex behind the bar she works at because she doesn't recognize him lolol. AND Sadia subverts the passive Asian woman trope on multiple levels, including the fact that she is a bit of a soft domme in the bedroom.
Serving Pleasure by Alisha Rai: Slightly bananas but bonkers hot; Rana Malik works as a waitress at her family restaurant and starts watching this hot artist guy living across from her through her window. Micah catches on, puts on a bit of a show, she also lowkey stalks him a little but THAT'S OKAY he's into it! And it goes from there :D
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert: Zafir Ansari and Dani Brown decide to fake-date to help get publicity for his charity (he's a charity rugby coach and also works part-time as a campus security guard, and Dani is a PhD student). The funny thing here is that Zafir is the romantic (he reads Harlequin romances!!!!!! And having sex without feelings is a STRUGGLE for this man) and Dani is relationship-avoidant, so that's fun for them.
The Roommate Risk by Talia Hibbert: Friends-to-lovers but done RIGHT. Rahul Khan has been in love with Jasmine Allan since he gave his virginity to her (the flashback scenes in this one are great). Now, seven years later, she's living with him because her apartment flooded, and cue all the angst and confused feelings. Talia writes her sex scenes really well, this amazing combination of emotional intimacy and realness (and a little humor), not to mention they're uniformly hot.
Say You'll Be Mine by Naina Kumar: Meghna Raman is a high school theater teacher-slash-aspiring playwright, and Karthik Murthy is an engineer; they agree to a fake engagement to avoid more set-ups, and so Meghna has someone to take with her to her crush's wedding where she's the best woman. This is fairly low-heat though not entirely closed-door.
Sink or Swim by Tessa Bailey: Here are my full (very positive!) thoughts on this book. Proof that white authors CAN write people of color well, if they put in the research and have people from that community proof-read.
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bitter-lemonzz · 2 months ago
Little fun thing
So imagine: Jeanette Euphemia Potter
So in this one, Jeanette, or Jean (pronounced Jeanne) is fem James, the daughter of Dorea Potter nee black and Charlus Potter. I wanted her middle name to honor her grandmother Euphemia Potter nee Malfoy, no I don't ship jegulus in this one, no I don't ship drarry in this one.
I want the black cousins (Including Jean) to be close, they grew up together as the new Generation of Blacks. They were raised to utmost perfection, Dorea (Before she died) knew well that their family was going to be their own downfall, so she tried to keep them close.
Jean and Lucius are cousins as well, Lucius' father Abarxas is the younger brother of her grandmother Euphemia, they have a bit more of a distanced relationship but when time comes: Family comes first.
LYLE EVANS!!! and for the plot Severousa Snape (I was watching Furousa) I just love the thought of a not really a love triangle plot, where Lyle doesn't really like his childhood bsf like that but he also doesn't like his sort of rival sort of friend like that either because he doesn't know if shs joking with her advances, but Jean honestly likes him but due to her upbringing she couldn't just ask willy nilly, there were rules to this.
The Marauders are still the Marauders, just bc there is a girl doesn't mean the dynamics changed, I hate when people do that. I want them to be close and pranksters but sometimes pranks go a little too far. I've been listening to Pain The Town Blue by Ashniko, I think change the blue to red, and you've got their anthem.
DESI JEAN. I will stand by that- honestly I was thinking South Asia and Middle East is where the potters originated, they came during the time of Avalon, where they migrated as Sculpturs, They weren't into that blood purity thing so they went back home to choose a bride or groom.
I really am just rebuilding the whole lore, and I still don't know how this would affect Harry (Who will also be female. I renamed her ishwari, so Harry=Wari, I like the name because it means divine feminine, and I like how it rhymes) and her relationship with other characters, as well as how she grows more as she learns BECAUSE PEOPLE DONT STAY STAGNANT, THEY LEARN, AND GROW, AND CHANGE. PEOPLE CAN CHANGE OPINION AS FAST AS THEY CAN SAY THE LETTER A.
I am rewriting the whole lore and background because I hate jkr, WITH PASSION and I hate how she wrote the worldbuilding for HP. SO! (HOW DO YOU WRITE SUCH STORIES AND NOT FOCUS ON THE WORLD BUILDING. I AM PISSED.)
There was more but these are just some of my new thoughts for a side story I'm writing.
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opalsoap · 11 months ago
Eid Mubarak 🌼
Hello all ! I hope all my Muslim brothers and sisters are having a wonderful Eid ! Today (since I couldn't make a drawing in time </3) I shall bring you the android trio during Eid !
Of course, being biased, I got to talk about my husband first :3
Android 17
He's a Turkish Muslim !
He loves doing my henna <3 at first, he kinda sucked at it, but he tried, and that was what mattered,, he looked so determined to make it look good, too .. ilhsm
He and his sister loves eidi and they try to beg Android 16 for some
He always brings baklava or any type of kebab to feasts ^_^
Lapis in a black jubba and Raina in a white sari have me squealing
He only takes like 30 minutes getting ready for prayer (but he always looks good nonetheless)
He always says he wants to do so much after prayer, but he takes that post Eid prayer nap and he is knocked out (16, 18, and I don't even bother trying to wake him up, he gets cranky)
Android 18
Also a Turkish Muslim ! Her and 17 have been before Gero turned them to androids
Like I said, she loves eidi; it means more shopping and clothes for her (Krillin is happy to hold all her bags)
When we met, she told me she loved Desi foods, especially Tandoori chicken
She can actually cook a bunch of things from Middle East cuisine, so everyone loves her at Eid feasts
She takes all morning getting ready for Eid prayer
She looks so stunning in her designer abaya btw
Android 16
I actually don't hc him as Muslim, but he loves spending Eid with his siblings (the twins see him as a big brother ToT)
He eventually gives in and gives the twins eidi
He doesn't mind, though, he loves his siblings
Also, he's so in it to experience the cultures and learn more about the festival ! (Gevo is so sweet oml)
I can so see him rocking a jubba or kurta too, tbh
He prolly brings a delicious salad to dinner HEHAJHD (I actually hc him as vegan so !)
Also, he loves coming over to see our (Lapis and mine) pets
Bonus !! Raina
Other than clinging to Lapis all day ? I love helping Lazuli get ready !!
We like matching at times !! Whether it's our make up, dresses, hair accessories, we have at least something matching that the guys have to guess
Also, if 17 ruins my henna, 18 always saves it
17 and I have to be separated when it's time to pray, but we're back together and stuck like glue right after
Getting eid gifts for the trio >>> (I luv spoiling them)
Lapis and I have many Eid dates (usually out eating frozen yogurt, going to a fair or arcade, maybe even an aquarium)
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suncchaser · 7 months ago
i've recently heard discourse about (hopefully + probably) unintentional racism within headcanons in the marauders fandom. as a woc i love seeing poc rep and thought nothing of it until i did a bit more research. when you have jegulus for example, james is seen as this strong protector for shy little reggie who needs protecting and acts mean but is actually super soft inside. then you add the brown james (usually desi, sometimes darkskinned latino) at first i thought it was just a ship i wasn't fond of cuz of the pairing, then when i looked deeper i see big strong poc man who needs to protect his innocent white baby bf (i don't mean white as a derogative btw). 1/2
(pt.2 of my last ask cuz it was too long) also it just feels like the thing where fans will like bad people cuz they're hot. they'll add a bg/nationality to characters they like then the ones they don't are just white/english and thats it. you'll have the black brothers speaking french, james speaking hindi or spanish or punjabi (depending on the hc) and remus speaking welsh. but peter's the big bad so he's monolingual (omg what a crime! /s) marlene will be scottish, mary's black (usually no specific country just black cuz thats good enough for some people) lily will be like greek, barty italian, pandora + evan + dorcas will be black (again same thing with mary) yet snape is just white cuz he's bad and evil and ugly??? like there's nothing wrong with being white/british/monolingual. (its usally snape fans who headcanon him as jewish or other hcs but his haters will always leave him white + monlingual) 2/2
I am Danish, so as white as they come, and I do not want to speak out of turn when it comes to race and how it is portrayed but I have seen many people of colour in the fandom speak on the topic and how uncomfortable certain headcanons surrounding race are, so I think we should listen to them and take what they say into considerations. Because more often than not, it's people from a different race (usually white) headcanoning a character as a certain race while not being nowhere near educated enough to write that character properly.
My thoughts overall is people will often use nationalities, sexualities and mental illness (last anon smh) as replacement for personality traits. If the fandom spent less time playing roulette with those things and actually developed these characters' personalities, the characters could actually be more than two dimensional fools whose entire personalities resolve around ships. You know... actual three dimensional characters, with flaws, a word that does not feature in vocabulary of 80% of the fandom when it comes to their favourite characters.
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ultramagicalternate · 4 days ago
ULTRAMagic Eon 1 Chapter 6
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Since there was time to spare, Eloise chatted with the group in one of the castle’s many, comfortable parlors. Dunja and Dragoslava were interested in talking to her while Tiberius was a bit hesitant to discuss their business so openly, but Eloise was also open to discussion in regards to Valerie. In recent times the rogue mage had grown to like dessert-themed magic, using soul magic to modify her alchemy. Desislav definitely admired the work on display and was interested in learning from Valerie.
As for Blood-Wraith, Eloise was enjoying flustering him. Dunja could tell that not only had Eloise read a great deal about Blood-Wraith, she had come to admire him. Given that she was most likely around the same age as him, relatively speaking, her behaviour was not surprising. All of it was quite endearing and made Dunja realize that Valerie was never truly on Milosh’s side back in the day. How could she have been when Eloise was so sweet and fun loving? There was not a single bad bone in her body.
Upon dinner time drawing near, Eloise showed the group to the dining hall. It was a grand room that was full of classical decor, paintings, and curios from Valerie’s travels over the years. Some of the paintings seemed to have been appropriated, as deduced by Dunja and Tiberius, but Eloise hand waved it as borrowing. Already sitting at the elegant dining table was a beautiful woman with long, black hair and magenta eyes. Notably it looked like she was wearing a bodysuit made of what appeared to be black licorice… or perhaps her body was made of it? Either way, she looked up from her grimoire once everyone had sat down.
“Why hello there…” she started to say in a somewhat quiet tone.
“Alright, everyone!” Eloise interrupted. “This here is my younger sister, Guinevere.”
Guinevere frowned for a second, then put her people-face back on. “It is a pleasure to meet you all.”
“Likewise, dear,” Dunja replied. “I take it that Valerie did not want to stop at Eloise?”
Guinevere chuckled. “You know how it is. Eloise was a success and she grew lonely, so here I am.”
“I was hoping for a younger brother, but Guinevere is a cool bean,” Eloise remarked. “Despite being a pyromancer.”
“A pyromancer?” Tiberius inquired. “How intriguing, Guinevere. Ermenrich fancied himself one after studying Leif’s firebreath, prior to developing curses. It was more of a brief interest, but he has expressed interest in pursuing it again in recent times.”
Guinevere snapped her fingers, causing a magenta flame with traces of red to appear in her hand. “Hehe, it’s just something I can do,” she said as she closed her hand.
Dragoslava quickly jotted down some notes. “Say, Guinevere? I know this is sudden, but can you teach me that eventually?”
“Oh, well, it’s nothing special, just standard fire magic…”
“Sure, but I still want to learn it.”
Desislav chuckled while patting her on the shoulder. “Metal skin is not enough for you, Dragy?”
She then metalized her hand. “This ability ain’t exactly smoothing sailing, Desi.”
This immediately caught Eloise’s attention as she leaned over the table. “Ooh, what’s that and where did you get it?”
“Oh, um, well I had a near death experience with The Lich of Old…”
“Interesting, at the Metal Oasis no doubt. I’ll have to look into it sometime…”
“Sister!” Guinevere chided. “It is not your room to pry. Besides, you should’ve known this already. You have been studying the information that mother has collected, right?”
“Yeah… mostly the parts about Blood…”
Blood-Wraith sighed as he looked at Eloise next to him. “So you have been spying on me?”
“You have our sincerest apologies, Blood,” Guinevere replied. “Just know that we did our research with utmost reverence for all of you.”
He nodded in reluctant acceptance. “Alright then… Eloise, why are you looking at me like that?”
She giggled. “Want to go get dinner some time?” This made Blood-Wraith go red in the face.
Saving Blood-Wraith from mild embarrassment, Valerie swung open the doors. “Hello, everyone! Sorry I’m late…” Valerie was quite beautiful with gorgeous, long, dark blue hair and brilliant orange eyes. She wore a white, steampunk-esque bodysuit with a white, witch hat atop her head. “Dunja! Is that you, girl?!” she exclaimed as she approached the table.
“Good to see you again, Valerie,” Dunja said as she got up, only to be bear hugged and swung around. It was surreal to see as Dunja was nearly as tall as Englehart.
“I am so happy to see you away from that slime and back with Englehart!” Valerie said as she set Dunja down. “You two were always such a cute couple.”
“Wow, you’ve gotten strong…” Dunja quietly commented as she returned to her chair, with Valerie taking a seat at the head of the table. “Valerie, I was so close to snapping Milosh’s neck the night before Leif and Blood flew over Shadowland.”
“Oh? How bad was it? What did he do?”
“Aside from screaming at Gummi for the umpteenth time? He revealed that he had gone to that infernal Gudrun in order to begin arranging the creation of super beast blood.”
Valerie winced. “Ouch, that sucks. Remind me to send Gummi some gifts when there’s a free moment. Honestly you should have killed Milosh on the spot, especially considering he never actually paid me. Is it any wonder that I jinxed him that fateful night? Aside from sabotaging that stupid cult of his?”
“Hindsight is a pain in the arse…” Dunja lamented.
Blood-Wraith felt bad for Valerie and had an idea. “Hey, Valerie? I was given Milosh’s fortune. I could pay you…”
That kindness took Valerie off guard. “Oh no no no, dear! It’s alright, you keep that money and do great things with it… Hey! Sir Blood-Wraith Andrew Raynot, the man of the hour! How are you doing tonight?”
“Pretty good, pretty good. Got the guild up and running and had a tussle with Eloise. No big deal. Oh, excuse me one second, Valerie; Eloise? Can we have that recipe for the ice cream fireballs? Barry really liked it and would not stop bugging me to ask you for it.”
“Oh, sure, Blood…” Eloise paused for a second, then looked at her mother. “Um, is it okay if we give it to them? I don’t mind…”
“I don’t see why not, as it’s a fairly good recipe,” Valerie replied. She then leaned in on the table a little. “So, Blood-Wraith, I heard you were putting the moves on my daughter earlier.”
Blood-Wraith’s face went bright red while the others chuckled and Eloise laughed. “WHAT!? NO I WASN’T” he protested.
Valerie laughed. “It’s okay, sport. My little darling needs a big, strong man in her life!”
“STOP,” Blood-Wraith complained as he sank in his chair, trying to pull his knight’s beret over his face. Dragoslava and Desislav felt bad for laughing, but could not help themselves.
Valerie laughed one more time before clapping twice. “Alright, enough chit chat, let’s eat. I am famished.”
A series of butler golems made out of cake began wheeling in trolleys full of steaming, delicious food from the kitchen. Despite Valerie’s obsession with dessert, all of the food on offer was the standard meats and vegetables one would expect to find at the dinner table. Valerie explained that the majority of the meal was based on old Feuerlandian recipes, as she was a scholar of that long since fallen kingdom’s culture and customs. And while the golems had prepared the food, they were all created and cast based on Valerie’s knowledge. Desislav was thoroughly impressed given his skills as a cook. Not only did Valerie put great effort into her magic, there was clear passion in the food she had prepared.
“Valerie, one chef to another,” Desislav said as he finished a succulent piece of steak. “This food is utterly amazing.”
“Why thank you, Mr. Robles. Regardless of which one of us comes out on top, you are more than welcome to come and study under me.”
“I happily accept your offer, Ms. Ter Avest,” he replied. Desislav knew the others were questioning him, but he did not care.
Seeing the perfect opportunity to address why they were there, Tiberius cleared his throat and wiped his face. “If you’ll permit me to speak, Valerie, this is a fantastic meal, but obviously we didn’t just come here for the feast. Valerie Ter Avest, on behalf of the ULTRAMagic Guild, I wish to inquire as to what your plans are.”
She gave a light sigh. “Alright, enough beating around the bush. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we can all agree that the Cosmos is in great danger at the moment. The Eternal Order is using the Unlight as an attack vector and we need to do something about it. I’ve got a fairly hairbrained idea, but here me out: I want to consolidate the Unlight and unite everyone against The Eternal Order. I may or may not have taken inspiration from the ULTRAMagic Guild for this plan…”
The group all gave Valerie incredulous looks for a second and anyone who knew her could tell she was secretly sweating bullets. Tiberius glanced around the table, noticing Eloise looking enthusiastic while Guinevere was clearly not into it. “That is… that is quite the ambition, Valerie,” he stated. “I mean, The Unlight is fairly disparate, surely you must understand that…”
She nodded, albeit in a more concessionary manner. “I’m aware and am making plans for that eventual roadbump.”
Dunja leaned forward, put her hands together, and rested her chin on them. “It is quite the plan, something Milosh and The Lich could never accomplish… Valerie on the other hand? I can potentially see her pulling it off. It makes me wonder if I wouldn’t have attempted such a feat had I had Milosh executed…”
“So you’re going to unite The Unlight, Valerie?” Dragoslava questioned.
“Yes, that’s the idea.”
“Really? You think you can get groups like the Red Giants and the Mortis Birds to cooperate with each other?”
Valerie looked a little nervous again. “Um, hopefully…”
“Ha, getting those two tribes to work together would be like getting the Discordant Gods Benedictus Thrax and Yorath Zeelen to focus on something other than skirmishes…”
Blood-Wraith looked confused. “Who are they, sister?”
“Agreed,” Desislav added. “There’s even more Discordant Gods of Chaos?”
She nodded, looking a little guilty in the process. “Oops, sorry, nerding out a bit. Yeah, they’re two of the ancient Discordant Gods that stick to the far north of The Realm of Chaos and war with each other for honor and glory.”
“Anyways,” Tiberius interjected. “Valerie, we at the guild are also trying to stop The Eternal Order, so how about we work together?”
“Intrigued…” she replied. “I’m not against the idea, but what’s in it for me, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“You would have to drop the consolidation plan, but in turn you would gain the support of the guild, The Iron City, The Unending Forest, Shadowland, and you would have access to our vast wealth of knowledge and arcane technology.”
Truthfully Valerie was unsure of her plans deep down. Tiberius’ offer sounded very appealing and he seemed genuine. “You drive a hard bargain, Tiberius…”
“Indeed mother,” Guinevere added. “I imagine we’ll make great progress with their libraries and mages…”
“Really, sister?” Eloise cut in, annoyed.
“Yes, sister. Really.” There was clear frustration in Guinevere’s voice.
“Girls, please,” Valerie hushed. “Mom is thinking…”
“Valerie, you are more than a capable mage at this point,” Dunja complimented. “I’d happily make you a member of my blades,” she assured.
Valerie’s resolve was starting to weaken. “So tempting… the only fly in the ointment is how do I know you're all strong enough? That's why I’m issuing this challenge in the first place.”
Blood-Wraith was content to let the adults speak, as they were making great progress and he could see the finish line in sight… but something told him to throw his two cents in. The young knight tried to ignore it, but the urge kept pushing its way to the surface until… “You know what? Challenge accepted!!” he exclaimed as he shot up from his chair.
Everyone was taken aback and silent, with the realization of what had just happened hitting Dunja and Tiberius. “BLOOD-WRAITH!” they both scolded as they slammed their hands on the table.
“Now that’s what I love to hear!” Valerie said proudly as she and Blood-Wraith stepped over to meet each other face to face. “What do you say, Blood?”
“If we win this bout, you join us!”
“And if I win, will you join me?” She asked with expecting charm in her voice.
“DEAL!” he replied. They both firmly shook hands on this.
“YES!” Eloise cheered, with Guinevere face palming.
“I love it when things work out in the end!” proclaimed Valerie. “Now I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to dessert. All of you will spend the night here and we’ll resume our little contest tomorrow once you’re all home safe and sound.” She then noticed she was getting some rather incredulous looks from her guests. “Oh come now, turn those frowns upside down, guys. This will be fun! And look, if things go south, we’ll drop this whole shindig and work together, sounds good? Now where’s that sundae? Mama’s got a craving for chocolate and ice cream!”
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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project1939 · 1 year ago
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(Lucy and Ricky announce their pregnancy on I Love Lucy, left, and Humphrey Bogart reprises his Oscar winning role in The African Queen on Lux Radio Theater, right.)
Day 86- TV and Radio:  
I Love Lucy, season 2, episode 10, “Lucy is Enceinte,” December 8th, 1952. 
The Colgate Comedy Hour, “Abbott and Costello Christmas,” December 14th, 1952. 
The Burns and Allen Show, season 3, episode 11, “Gracie Thinks George is Going to Commit Suicide,” December 18th, 1952. 
Father Knows Best, “The Kids Revolt,” December 18th, 1952. 
This is Your FBI, episode 402, “The Pick Up,” December 12th, 1952. 
Lux Radio Theater, “The African Queen,” December 15th, 1952. 
I Love Lucy was another classic episode, and it may be the only one in the whole series that made me wipe tears from my face that weren’t caused by laughter. The whole episode is about Lucy trying to find a way to tell Ricky she’s pregnant. It all leads up to the famous scene at the Tropicana, when Ricky sings “We’re Having a Baby (My Baby and Me).” The Ricardos and the Arnazes are both married couples who have waited a long time to become parents, and it’s hard to tell who is who sometimes. Once Lucy starts crying, though, you know you are seeing Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz react as themselves with genuine emotion. It’s impossible not to be moved. 
Lux Radio Theater was an adaptation of The African Queen, and Humphry Bogart played the same role he played on film. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Katharine Hepburn playing opposite him, it was Greer Garson. I like Greer Garson, but she just isn’t Katharine Hepburn. The performance was enjoyable, though. It made me want to go back and re-watch the movie- I haven’t seen it in years. 
Abbott and Costello were the hosts of The Colgate Comedy Hour. It was a Christmas special with singing and dancing numbers, acrobats, and skits from Abbott and Costello. I don’t know that I found it extremely funny, but it was interesting. The most noteworthy thing for me was that one of the main guests were the Nicholas Brothers. They were a famous dancing act- they even danced with Gene Kelly in The Pirate in 1948. They were also black, which meant they were one of maybe 4 or 5 non-white performers I’ve seen on TV in 1952. (Aside from the cast of The Beulah Show.) That’s it- in a whole year, you can basically count on one hand how many black performers were on TV. In any case, the Nicholas Brothers were impressive, one of the show's highlights, and it was nice to hear the audience cheer very loudly for them at the end. 
...And now a word from today’s best sponsor: Fab Laundry Detergent! It’s the 1950s, so what do we most care about? Whiteness! You want to see white everywhere you look, don’t you? Then you need the detergent that gets clothes whiter without bleaching! Yes, Fab gets clothes whiter than any other product with bleaching! And it’s a much livelier white because it gets dirt out without leaving dulling soap scum behind. For brighter looking sweeter smelling clothes, get Fab! It’s also wonderfully mild on hands, so you can keep them whiter too!  
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dejaentends · 3 years ago
james speaking hindi and sirius and regulus speaking urdu
sirius starts speaking urdu to reg and james hearing and finding out shit he is not supposed to know
james speaking hindi to sirius and reg asap so they know that james understands without having to explicitly say yeah i overheard your personal conversation 
but then sirius and regulus decide to share more with james and they bond :)
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