#i also hate that humans need 3 meals a day but i know if i dont eat before i go i wont eat til 6
dockaspbrak · 2 months
Prayer circle!!!!!!! Im abt to go write w someone i hope i fucking can write smth
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
When someone insult you
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One way to cause tension and trouble for someone on Pandora will be by insulting one of their family members. As it will show, you disrespect someone you love and care about and think nothing bad will happen to them after saying hurtful words. These hurtful words can have any effect or consequences on anyone involved.
Jake x reader x Neytiri
evil demon women
It was a sunny and hot day you had taken the kids out for a swim near the water for some fun, and relaxation as there was no task for the day. Your spouse had been gone of the day so you were just with the kids today, but you are still enjoying your time with them. Some other families had arrived as it seems like, they all had the same idea as well.
tuk " mama can I have some fruit please I'm hungry"
y/n " sure sweetie" you had take out some fruit and cut in half give some to tuk, as she smiled and eat some of the fruit.
tuk " thank you mama" tuk soon hugged you before she ran off back towards the water.
navi women " look at her that dreamwalker has found a way to infect our clan"
navi women 2 " she acts all high and might just because she mates with neytiri and Jake sully"
navi wonen 3 " she just some evil demon women" you had become sue to everyone words and gossip towards you, as some of them hated the idea that you are with two heroes of the clan. At the moment you are avoid conflict as you didn't wish for any trouble with them.
????? " hey" a voice had been heard getting everyone attention, you soon looked up and saw your eldest son neteyam.
neteyam “ you will not speak to my mom in that behavior”
y/n “ neteyam”
neteyam “ no mama they are being rude and I … we won’t stand for it”
Kiri “ yes they are being rude mama and it should be addressed”
loak “ we not let anyone be rude to our family”
y/n “ kids”
Tuk “ mama says if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all” the group of ladies looked taken back of what the kids had said to them. As you had stood there looking at them as the women seem to be regretting what they had said towards you.
y/n " come on kids lets go home right now we can spend the rest of the day together there"
neteyam " oh yes our dad and mom will be learning of this whole situation, lets hope to has a good outcome for you all"
y/n " come on neteyam"
neteyam " coming mom" the kids had soon walked home with you and you had embraced them into a group hug, proud of them standing up for family.
lo'ak " so are we in trouble"
y/n " no it all good no one is in trouble now come on lets get home, and maybe I can make a very sweet snack for my wonderful kids"
kids " yes" you and the kids had soon gone home as it soon started raining, the kids had been able to keep themselves entertained while you made them snacks. Later on in the day Jake and neytiri will find out the truth of what happened, and they were not happy Jake had to hold back neytiri. The ladies had been order to stay away from you until any other word given from your mates and you.
Jake x tsu'tey x reader x neytiri
It had started off a peaceful and good morning for you, as you had been working out of the humans bases. You are also enjoying the sun hitting you skin it seems like it was going to be a good day. Now there was only the wait for your kids and mates to get here, as they promised to come over and have morning meal with you.
y/n " they will be here soon should I make some juice for us or maybe pick some fruit ... it can do anything to help with some of the meal" you had decided to pick some fruit and make into juice for the family, as you were picking some fruit you were humming a song.
????? " what is that sound"
???? " I don't know but it coming from over there" you had soon heard movement coming towards you, and soon saw some navi from the clan.
y/n " good morning"
navi women " oh it just you"
y/n " yes it just me good morning as well let hope, the great mother blesses us with a good day"
navi man " she will not need blessing from a demon like you"
y/n " excuse me"
navi women " you heard us you and your demon kind have wormed your way into omadtikayaia clan and have ruined them, by become mates with them and having half navi children"
y/n " I know we have hard time getting along with other navi ...."
navi man " no matter what you do demon you will never be one of us and mostly the demon child you have as well"
y/n " we are not demons"
navi women " yes you are demon and we will make sure no more clan get effected by the likes of you" the demon soon had shoved you to the ground, she was about to grab you again.
???? " mama" tuk soon came running and soon held tight onto you, as the three other kids had came and started hissing at the two adults.
neteyam " how dare you touch my mother and hurt her"
lo'ak " you messed up big time never mess with a sully"
kiri " mama are you okay" kiri and tuk had helped you onto you feet as you soon look, at the two adults.
navi women " looked what we have here two sure born navi and two demon blooded kids"
y/n " you can insult me all your want but leave my kids out of this"
navi women " what are you going to do about demon" the women had hissed at you but she was not acting all pride, when she soon had been take to the floor.
neytiri " how dare you insult my wife and kids"
navi man " hey we were just teaching her and those demons a lesson" the man had soon been punched hard in the face by no other then Jake, and soon someone tossed him towards the women and that was Tsu’tey.
Jake " no you dare speaking to my wife like that ever again, or we will have more trouble here"
Tsu’tey " you two don't have any rights to come near y/n and our kids"
navi women " we were just voice how other feels"
neytiri " then your parents have failed you two on teaching you two to bid your manners, our y/n has done more then you will ever do"
Tsu’tey " no leave and stay out of straight and ear shot if we see you again near here, with our a good reason and causing trouble it will not be good for anyone" the pair had gotten up quickly and soon ran off leaving the family alone.
neytiri " ma y/n are you okay"
y/n " I'm fine neytiri no need to worry thank you all for standing up, for me it makes me feel good"
neytiri " if that women ever come back here again tell me and I will deal with her"
Jake " yes and I and Tsu’tey can deal with her buddy over there"
Tsu’tey " yes we will make them play"
y/n " thank you all but for now more violence at the moment, let go have some breakfast"
tuk " yeah we were able to save mama and now we get breakfast"
y/n " yes we do"
neytiri " we brought some stuff over to cook with as well"
y/n " good now come along" the group soon followed you home, the situation of this morning had soon speed the rest of the clan. it say no one was happy will be a understatement as, everyone was upset about the words that were spoken towards you and the clan. The duo had been made to say sorry by their clan leader and promised to keep their distance from the clan until notice,
Tonowari x reader x ronal
false navi
It a good day in the village a very funny and warm day and the clan was going on with their day. The same could be said about you and the kids, as you are with them near the shoreline collect materials while the kids goofed off here and there. Making you laugh as you had looked at them being kids and making sure to have fun today.
rotox " ahh aonung no fair" aonung and shoved his brother into the water soon, gaining your attention as you look at the two boys.
aonung " oh come on I'm just playing around"
tsireya " you two are so childish" the two boys soon looked at each other and soon smirked, when they looked to their sister and before trsireya could do anything. They had tackled her into the water getting a scream from her and laughs from her brother.
tsireya " hey"
rotxo " oh come on baby sister you should of seen that coming" tsireya soon started a water fight with her brother as you stood there laugh and looking at them.
kids " mama"
y/n " be nice all three of you and not hurting each other please"
kids " yes mama" the kids had went deeper into the water having their battles still going on, as you stood there watching them. You had been standing there for a while before you had waked off.
navi women "excuse me y/n"
y/n " hello how may I help you ladies"
navi women 2 " well us and some of the clan were wondering if you are true navi or false navi"
y/n " excuse me"
navi women 3 " yes after ing the olo'eythan you have failed time to time again, to have a kids with him while ronal has three kids ... are we sure you are actually navi or just some unwanted child the great mother gave your childish parents"
y/n " that is none of your business the great mother will bless me with a child, when the time right"
navi women 4 " are we sure because if you are false navi maybe it time, to have someone become the perfect mate and perfect navi to our clan"
navi women " you have these kids call you mama when you are no a mom to them"
y/n " I will not waste me time with you all anymore good day" you were about to walk away from the women, when big splash of water, had hit the women.
navi female " ahh"
navi women " who did that"
????? " it was me" the group of women and you had looked and saw it was aonung on his IIu.
Aonung " how dare you insult my mother like that"
navi women " mind your manners young man"
aonung " you should mind your manners when you are speaking to my mother, a very import women in the clan"
navi women 2 " we are speaking to her that all"
rotxo " you are being rude toward her and we heard everything you had said"
tisreya " yes and we will make sure to tell our parents about what you said, I wonder what they will think about how you all acted" a crowd had form due to all the fighting that was going on right now.
y/n " kids"
tsireya " you will start showing our mom respect"
???? " what going on here" tonowari and ronal soon had arrived, they soon walked towards you and the kids.
ronal " ma y/n and children what has happened"
aonung " these women were insulting mama mom they called her a false navi"
ronal " false navi"
aonung " yes they said she was a false navi because she failed to give father a child"
ronal " you dare insult my wife like that"
navi women " we had been speaking what is true she has failed to have a child with the olo'eythan"
tonowaro " how dare you speak to y/n like that after everything she has done for the clan, you all make me sick and not only insulting her you insult my whole family"
ronal " my family as well" ronal had gotten closer to the women and hissed at them, making them step back from her as ronal was very mad and so is tonowari.
tonowari " ma y/n are you okay"
y/n " I'm good now"
ronal " you are hear by not allowed to come near her or the children until I and tonowari deem to far enough, and your words and actions today might reflect your families and mates as well"
navi wonen 3 " wait no please"
tonowari " enough the tshaik has spoken I will decide on the offers I was going to give your mates, but for now leave before you all do anything else ... if anyone thinks the same speak now so we can deal with you all" no one dare to speak right now as it bad idea, the women had been escorted away getting glares some everyone else. Your mates and kids had taken you home as they comfort you about the whole matter.
tonowari " dont pay them any mind ma y/n you are the perfect mate, perfect mom, and perfect navi"
ronal " yes and one day you will be blessed with a kid"
y/n " yes I know the day will come"
tsireya " we love you mama"
y/n " thank you kids and my wonderful mates" the family had spent the rest of the day together, having a good time along with making sure you are okay as well. Tonowari and ronal had made sure the group of women stayed far away from you, and the kids their mates had apologized to you and were able not to be affected of what happened that day. You knew the day will come when you will be blessed with the another child in your life and family.
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seireitonin · 6 months
Dating: Eyeless Jack
Have to talk about someone besides LJ and Toby so here’s some EJ as requested! Sorry I lost your OG question whoever sent it :( Ik EJ has no “canon” backstory but the one I grew up with and the one that the fandom uses the most is the college/ cult one so that’s the one I’m using :3 also I hc EJ a bit different so yeah :3 I had to rewrite this 4 times bc the progress kept getting deleted 😭
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After multiple years of living off human organs in the forest, EJ has lost most of his social skills
So he doesn’t really try
He just sneaks into peoples homes, takes what he needs and leaves
He set his sights on you. You were perfect.
Your house is close to the forest, you live alone, you seem to sleep pretty heavy
He’ll be in and out no problem
So he sneaks into your home, quietly. Not waking you
And he stands over you, looking down at you
It’s ironic because he has no eyes, yet the demon inside him lets him see through the dark clearly
He watches you sleep peacefully
Your chest rising and falling rhythmically, your perfectly placed features, your soft breathing
He definitely would’ve had a crush on you in college
College….the fact that you made him think of college, his old life at all in any way at all, he knew you were more than just a quick meal
So he left
What was his next step? Stalking you of course!
He watched you go about your normal days. Talk to your friends, eat your food and watch tv. Normal.
He fantasized about living normally alongside you
He didn’t ask for the life he had now after all, it was thrust upon him
Part of him almost hated you for being so carefree but he knew that wasn’t fair to you
Since he can’t be part of your normal life, you’ll have to be part of his weird one
He took you from your home in your sleep, only using the smallest injection of drugs to keep you unconscious
And you woke up screaming in his cabin in the forest
He hated you screaming at the sight of him
Not only because it annoyed him, but you’re supposed to be making him feel normal. You’re just reminding him that he’s a monster
“I’m not going to hurt you”
You stay silent for days you stayed silent and frozen in fear
Jack understands at first but after multiple days of your silence he gets angry
Part of him loved that he was able to take someone else’s normal life away like his was
After an unsuccessful hunt for food, he talks to you, upset
“What’s the point of you being here if all you’re going to do is stare at me?!”
You look at him silently still
“Say something to me! Anything! Just….talk to me like I’m….”
“Like you’re what?”
The first words you’ve said to him…
You two start to talk. Not like you have much else to do
And after days of talking you start to weirdly get along with him. And you don’t even know what he looks like
He always covered head to toe, black clothes, black gloves, blue mask with his black hoodie covering his head. You were barely able to figure out he had brown hair because you saw one tuff
You don’t want to upset your literal captor so you don’t push it
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“I…just don’t know what you look like”
“You don’t have to”
Jack is terrified of showing you what he looks like. How could he even explain his appearance. Talking with you has been the most normal he’s felt in years. If he shows you what he looks like…that feeling is over
He hears you ask softly
“No…you don’t need to see what I look like”
“You kidnapped me it’s literally the least you can do”
“I won’t judge”
“There’s so much about me I can’t explain. I… talking with you has made me forget about what I am. So please….let me savor this feeling”
You nod and respect his wishes
Then days turn into weeks and into months
And you ask again
“Jack, please let me see your face”
“It’s my birthday! This is all I want for a present!”
He legs out a sigh
“Is this really what you want?”
You nod
“Only if you take it off” he was fully ready for your look of disgust and screams of terror
And so you do and you smile at him as you take him in, his grey skin, soft brown hair that falls into his face a bit and sharp teeth oh and no eyes
“Why aren’t you screaming?”
“I don’t know”
Jacks been sleeping by your side since that night
You guys don’t call yourself a couple, but it’s basically what you are
But being with him isn’t all fun
When he had to hunt he comes back angry, not at you, but the fact that he has to do it at all
So he’s snappy, irritable and barely talks and he’s just not pleasant to be around when he’s like that
He hates hunting and feeding and won’t do it for days and only does it when absolutely necessary
When that happens the demon he’s hosting takes over and it’s terrifying
He gets much taller, he barely talks, becomes more animalistic and at night he just stares at you, like he’s trying to hold himself back from attacking you
He hates that you have to see him like that but he also hates hunting and feeding
When he feeds he will never do it around you
He’ll always go in another room but you can hear everything
You can hear the noises of him eating because he eats like a ravenous animal
You can hear his growling and panting and fleshy ripping noises as he tears into the meat of the organs with his teeth
He’ll come back to your bedroom blood, around his mouth, hands and the rest of him and you have to pretend everything is normal or he’ll get mad
“You think because I don’t have eyes I can see the way you look at me?! Stop looking at me like that!”
You can only look away
He can’t take you out like a normal boyfriend can because of the way he looks and it makes him upset
So when he sees you wanting to do normal couple things it hits a nerve
“You know damn well I can’t do that”
He’s upset that he can’t be normal alongside you and give you what you deserve
He tries to take you on walks around the forest but he knows you deserve more
He’s super possessive of you and keeps you by his side at all times. You’re the only thing that makes him feel normal
Even though he trusts you he always is watching you to make sure you don’t try to escape
Try to escape and there WILL be consequences
But hopefully it’ll never come to that
Jack sometimes gets really depressed about how his life turned out so sometimes if that happens he’ll just cry
Well, he’ll try to
The tar burned his tear ducts and he has no eyes so he’ll just make these heaving noises and they’re so sad to listen to
It’s so heartbreaking that he can’t do a human thing like cry
So you just hold him as he makes those noises, comforting him as best you can
“I wish I could look into your eyes, Jack”
“Me too”
He hasn’t had a romantic connection like this in years
His last romantic interest was Jenny the girl who made him this monster in the first place so sometimes he’s scared you’re going to somehow you’re gonna betray him
He knows he’s being paranoid though or so he hopes
On top of that he’s not good at communicating / being social at all since he’s spent so much time alone
So when he’s upset or angry or has a problem with you he won’t talk it out with you he just leaves or is quiet. Worst case scenario, just mean
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll get over it so just drop it.”
“Drop it. Now.”
He gets better with communication as time goes on
Although he still really struggles with it
He’s also not very affectionate so it’ll feel like you’re alone even when he’s with you
He doesn’t do it on purpose, hes just so used to not receiving affection and he hasn’t given anyone affection in years
After some talks he’ll get better with it
He really does love you he just doesn’t exactly know how to show it
But he tries
He knows you can’t leave the house with him so when he’s out, he’ll get you your favorite food, a trinket or something else you like
“Here. I know you like this”
He sleeps much better now that you’re next to him
He’s grateful for you
He really is. You didn’t have to open up to him and accept him but you did and he’ll forever love you for that
Since your actual house is close to the forest you actually take him back to your house and live with him normally
You watch TV together, lounge around and get takeout that he can’t consume so he watches you eat it and just laugh and talk
When he’s with you, he’s normal. You’re his normal. His home. He finally found what he wanted in you
Although it’s not perfect, you’re together and that’s all he needs
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gorgonwrites · 10 months
neuvillette headcanons
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NSFW below the cut! minors DNI. 18+
author's note: ME AND BESTIE BACK AT IT AGAIN! oh gods, this beautiful dragon man. he deserves everything and then even more. my best friend and i are probably going to do more headcanons for more genshin characters, so expect those from me soon. enjoy! <3
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So shy and timid when it comes to showing affection for another person. He’s always learning, but love is a foreign feeling to him. 
We already know it, but the man is the most respectful damn gentleman you’d ever find. Always opens doors for his partner, has his hand on the small of their back to guide them, and he offers his arm when out walking. He speaks gently, and is an excellent listener.
Has a serious shrimp allergy. He doesn’t feel like he’s missing much, though.
He hates being the center of attention, and it can even cause some mild anxiety if he’s caught off guard. Sure, he’s the Iudex and Sovereign of Fontaine, but if he’s not in the courtroom don’t expect him to draw attention to himself. 
Always sneezes in threes–  no more, no less. He has a dedicated handkerchief he carries with him everywhere to cover his mouth, and is always as quiet as possible as to not draw attention to it. If he’s in court and it happens, the entire audience blesses him. He used to ignore it, but he’s grown quite fond of the gesture and takes it as a small human act of kindness. As a result, if he’s ever in earshot when someone else sneezes he’s the first one to give them a blessing. He never skips over an opportunity to sow the seeds of kindness wherever he goes.
He’s learning how to cook. Not horrible at it, but he loves the idea of food inspiring community. He dreams of gathering the people he cares about most and cooking them all a yummy meal one day.
Can sing! And has such a pretty voice. He also has an affinity for most musical instruments he picks up. He’s quite used to the melusines asking him to sing them to sleep. 
Hardly ever gets sick (he does get stress fevers quite easily), but is used to caring for himself if he needs to. The first time he lets his partner care for him when he’s ill, he almost chokes on the vulnerability that starts to creep out of his bones.
Loves his hair being brushed or played with. This is another instance where he begins to feel vulnerable– he tries to avoid the feeling the best he can, but as he grows comfortable with his partner, he allows the feeling to make a permanent home in his chest. 
He loves being held. Even as big as he is, nothing stops him from curling up into his partner's arms to let his work fade away from his whirling thoughts. He has to grow accustomed to the closeness at first, but soon he can’t end a single day without at least having a few quiet moments in his partner’s embrace.
Receiving love, Neuvillette needs physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. He gives words of affirmation and acts of service to show his love. 
nsfw below <3
Has a beautiful blue marking between his belly button and his cocks that depicts his sovereign symbol.  
Neuvi’s ears, neck, and horns are extremely sensitive. Don’t mess with them unless you’re ready to have your brains fucked out. 
Has a praise kink (giving and receiving). Any kind of encouragement goes straight to his dicks. 
On that note- he absolutely has more than one cock. He’s usually so gentle, but if he’s worked into a frenzy he might just try to shove both cocks in at once. 
Has a rut cycle. When he’s not in his rut, he’s an incredibly soft lover. When he IS in his rut, don’t expect to be able to walk anywhere for a few days once his rut is over. 
Has a mild breeding kink. Sometimes he can’t help but think about his partner big and round with his child and it quite literally fries his brain a bit when he thinks too much about it. 
Aftercare once his rut is over is GOD TIER. Hot bubble baths, hair washing, massages, snacks, cuddles. The WORKS. He takes his time soothing his partners after completely wrecking them. 
Has a serious overstim kink, both giving and receiving. One orgasm is simply just never enough (or two, or three, or four…). 
Is almost always dominant in his sexual encounters. He can be rough, yes, but he’s never mean. Think pleasure dom or service top. 
Has a body worship kink. He thinks humans are beautiful creatures and always wants to explore every inch of his partners when he can. 
Loves going down on his partner– probably his favorite thing ever after discovering it. 
Has a tail that occasionally makes an appearance if he gets too worked up. He WILL use it to fuck his partner silly. 
BITING. He loves leaving bites anywhere he can, even if no one else can see them. 
Will only take one life partner, though he may play with other people if allowed. Once he’s formed the bond with his life partner, they won’t ever be replaced. 
Will only allow his life partner to dom him. If he’s ever topped or dommed, it's a deliberate act of giving away his power to someone he trusts completely. These are some of the rarest moments where he willingly lets his worries and vulnerability spill out, and those moments are reserved for one person only. 
in conclusion, he is quite literally the best man ever.
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Autistic Avatars not realizing that they're Avatars because they're just "like that": a thread
The Eye
Special Interest in the supernatural = constant food for The Watcher
You know about Interest? TELL ME EVERYTHING
"Hey man listen to me infodump about this horrifying ghost story I read for twenty minutes, alright?"
I need to Know everything about something before I partake in it.
"How did I Know that? Eh, I probably hyperfixated on it at some point."
I cannot be misunderstood so I'll beam the facts into your brain.
The Web
I must plan everything 200 steps in advance before doing anything.
I have prepared for all possible outcomes, I can now have this one conversation.
If I set up all these variables long in advance, then I can do everything correctly and Win the social interaction.
I cannot do anything before The Plan says to.
"I practice my social skills by talking to my spider friends." -Martin "Autism" Blackwood
The Stranger
I cannot socialize without being Uncanny.
If my socialization seems like an act, that's because it is. I practice it in the mirror every day.
Theater Kid
How do you Normal Human?
The Anatomy Class.
Assuming fellow Stranger Avatars also just have the 'Tism. They're not trying to be creepy, honest.
Can't do faces. Doesn't notice when you get replaced.
Being subtly off is too subtle for me.
The Lonely
"I have failed the social interaction. Let the fog reclaim me."
Talking to people is draining my batteries even faster than ever. I need to be alone for approximately 384,400,000 years.
Nothing can overstimulate me in the cool, blinding fog.
Nothing unpredictable can happen in the fog.
The fog is your friend.
The known connection between autism and depression feeds the fog.
The Dark
Why is the sun so god damn bright? I'm going to blow it up I swear.
Night Owl.
Everything's decently quite at night and people leave you alone.
Same overstimulation preventatives as the Lonely tbh. Dark and fog are good concealers.
The dawn is your enemy.
The dread florescent lights shall never bother me again. They break upon my arrival.
Can and will infodump to the monster under my bed. Even now it feels like it listens.
The Spiral
Autism makes getting other mental illnesses recognized hard.
Autism dissociation from body and mind. When did it become 3 AM and why do I hurt? Why am I grumpy? What vital self care task did I forget?
Literal mind doesn't often match reality. Reality is specifically unspecific.
Spaced out and wandered off. Where the fuck am I?
I'm not a mental baby, please stop treating me like it.
I'm not inherently dangerous, please stop treating me like it.
Memory problems my beloathed. Did that happen? I dunno.
What Is Time?
What Is Me?
The Gender
Why do things only make sense to me? What does no one else make sense?
The Flesh
Autism Genderfuckery = Flesh fueled dysphoria.
Meat is the only texture that's palatable. Especially the Mystery Meat.
Will never try any other foods. Too picky.
Infodumps about the horrors of meat processing at dinner and ruins the meal for everyone. More steak for me.
Hates PETA.
Double the arms means double the stim. You weren't using them, right?
Working out is a great stim.
The Corruption
Practices social interaction with the bugs who live in my walls.
"Insects are disgusting. I love them!"
Will protect endangered insects by any means necessary.
According to all known laws of aviation-
Relationship boundaries struggles.
Difficulty noticing sickness symptoms.
Is that nausea or am I overstimulated? *Accidentally causes supernatural plague outbreak*
Difficulty getting diseases diagnosed because of both Autism and noticing too many symptoms so the doctors assume they're faking.
Forgot vital hygiene needs.
The Bugs Are My Friends! They keep me company when I'm sick!
The Buried
Weighted blankets are insufficient, I need the Earth to reclaim me.
Avoid social interaction by tunneling everywhere like a mole.
101 facts about worms.
Forgor hygiene again. Time to become dirt.
Digging a hole is good stimming.
That guy who had to be buried alive to sleep properly. What do you mean you don't want to be buried?
The End
Aradia Megido from Homestuck.Com
That's it, that's the list.
The Desolation
The Autism Temper.
Losing relationships and friendships to ableism and your own disability constantly.
The Fire is a wonderful stim board. Watch it crinkle.
Just watching candles melt for hours.
The fire and thrill gives my life passion again.
Jude Perry.png
The Vast
Accidentally terrifying people by infodumping about the horrors of nature.
The stimulus of falling.
Nature/Space/Weather Documentary on in background always.
Okay, but from how high did you fall? I want to calculate your velocity as you fell through the void.
Weirdly enough... power scaling?
Power scaling is just the art of determining how easily your favorite characters can destroy mankind so... yeah, I can see it.
Brain empty, only terminal velocity.
The Hunt
Cat Autism
The inherent hyperfocus of the hunt. The chase. Your prey.
Studying the habits of your latest hyperfixation/Hunt assigned prey for days at a time.
I've spent so much time hunting in the woods that I forgot about human society. The Missing Person's Bureau have written you off for dead.
Returning to society to sell your wears and realizing you aren't human anymore.
That's okay. Social interaction is random. The Hunt makes sense.
It's black and white. Predator and prey. Humans hunting monsters. It Makes Sense.
The Slaughter
The incredible human WW1 documentary.
"Did you know?" *Describes horrible historic warcrime*
Takes apart puts back together guns from their collection.
The list of known casualties from this war is incomplete. With my help, they can expand it. :)
The Extinction
The world is spiraling towards its end and only you seem to care.
It hurts to be this passionate about a lost cause.
You Will Make Them Care.
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ellejos · 1 year
Previously I announced that I will begin the 75 Days Hard Challenge at the first of July. For anyone unfamiliar, the Challenge takes 75 Days and follows these daily rules:
Choose a diet and follow it (without cheat meals or alcohol)
Complete two 45-minute workouts daily (one needs to be outside no matter the weather)
Drink a gallon of water every day
Read 10 pages of nonfiction
Take progress pictures
If you skip or miss a task you must start over
Things you should know:
I decided to try this challenge because I want to improve my mental toughness and physical fitness (also I want to prove to myself that I am consistent). It's probably not for everyone, so there is also a soft version of this challenge called 75 Days Soft Challenge.
I prepared for this challenge a month in advance. I tried out what diet suits me the most without craving cheat meals, decided on what books I want to read and what kind of workouts are the best for me.
I don't want to bother you with a daily follow up of my challenge, but please consider I'll try to do an update every 1-2 weeks.
"All great things have small beginnings."
My current routine on this challenge varies from day to day because I do work shifts but there are a few things that stay consistent during this challenge:
I decided to do IF with a 16:8 ratio. I start eating at 10am and have my last meal at 6pm. Mostly low carb, high protein. No meat, no sugar, limited dairy. Please consider that every human is different and what may work for me, won't do it for you. I decided to become vegetarian a month ago and I don't regret it yet.
2. Workouts:
I am not an athlete. Therefore two heavy workouts a day would cause me injuries. I'm taking a 45 minutes outdoor walk everyday and the second workout is whatever suits my day the most. For example on Mondays I'm going to a yoga class, therefore this will be my second workout.
3. Hydration:
To be honest, I had to change this one a bit. I'm drinking one black coffee every morning and I'm also having a tea before I go to sleep. This intake plus a gallon of water would be too much for my body. I decided to drink 3 Liters of water everyday and the missing 0,7 liters will be tea and black coffee. I'm not drinking anything else for the duration of this challenge. No soft drinks, no alcohol, no milk (except for coconut milk for my overnight oats).
4. my non-fiction reading list:
Patrick Lencioni - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Yuval Harari - Homo Deus
Yuval Harari - 21 Lessons for the 21 Century
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow
James Clear - Atomic Habits
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene - The Art of Seduction
Erich Fromm - The Art of Loving
Oliver Burkeman - Four Thousands Weeks
James Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
Seneca - Letters from a Stoic
Plato - Allegory of the Cave
5. last but not least - the progress picture:
I hate taking pictures, so I won't really share them but I made a folder on my phone and taking the photo is the first thing I'm doing in the morning to get it off my list.
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mywons · 1 year
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៹ enha when you're hurt.
▸ ִֶָ tags enha x reader + fluff + hurt/comfort + jayke being bf material + the boys being protective + romantic gestures. warnings! && mentions of injury, cursing. REQUESTED : hi there i love love love your writing and i was wondering if you could maybe do how the members would react if someone hurt you (either physically or emotionally)? ✿ 1.6k words —
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lee heeseung !
he's very very very attentive
whether you guys are dating or not, he makes sure to know all of your habits/quirks, so he knows when something's off
if you don't outright tell him, he'll ask for himself. "hey, what's going on with you? what happened, hm?"
please tell him so he doesn't think he did something wrong :(
his presence alone is probably one of the most comforting things ever, so if he's also putting all of his effort into making sure he's comforting you . . . god
if you're upset about something that can't be fixed, he'll listen to you rant & cry about it while he holds you in his arms and kisses the top of your head. maybe try and crack a few jokes to make you laugh,, get your mind off of it for a little
if it's something that can be fixed, he will give you any & all advice you ask for. would even take matters into his own hands if he feels like you're too stressed to handle it. he's so caring it's insane
if it's a person that hurt you . . . good luck to them???
like he already doesn't like seeing you upset but there's an actual human being that caused your tears?? they'll literally never be safe again
overall so so gentle with you and absolutely the best when it comes to making you feel better.
park jongseong !
he'll notice. immediately. like as soon as your fucking walk is a little off, he knows something is up
won't say anything unless you bring it up first, but he'll pamper you in so much affection that you know he's noticed your change in behavior
if days go by & your behavior doesn't change, then he'll ask about it
at this point, he's worried more than anything. just wants his happy baby back !!
^^ especially if your state starts messing w your physical health. he is not having it. has absolutely no problem w missing any & all events to cater to your every want and need, he's your very own personal caregiver
wtv's fucking with you will be long gone by the time he's done, jay hates to see you unhappy and he'll do absolutely anything to change it.
+ he already loves being there for you at every waking moment, so having an excuse to do this other than want ??? he loves it
you get texts from him every five minutes if he can't be near you "i'll bring food as soon as i can" "are you feeling better yet honey?" "i'm gonna stay over for the night"
you'd have to physically pry him off of you to go get a drink of water/use the bathroom in the middle of the night. poor boy is so clingy when you're not feeling well :((
jongseong the (boy)friend we all need $!3#+$%?
sim jaeyun !
he'd take you out on the best date ever, and you being you, you fall and twist your ankle
it's not that deep, you just have to stay in bed and elevate it for a few days. jake—jake thinks it is that deep
he feels so bad that you got hurt during your time w him, it feels like it's his fault even though it's really no one's
in guilt & genuine concern for you, he's by your side everyday all day. pampering you. holding your hand when you wanna get up and walk, cooking your meals and helping you bathe
he's js so so so sweet and by the end of it you're so accustomed to his company that you guys end up being a lot closer
randomly starts telling you how much he loves you throughout the day. platonic or not, he's just 100x more affectionate when you're hurt
even after you're all healed, his touch becomes a lot more gentle with you. the usual rough banter & playful fighting you guys do turns into softer touches and warm hugs. he's so careful with you
& finds himself being a lot more protective, too. a hand on the small of your back always
not overbearing, but it's to the point that you miss him so much it hurts when he's not near you
if someone else causes an injury or anything else that even slightly alters your mood in a negative way, pray for them
idk if y'all saw that one video where he said he'd fight over his partner but,, yeah. he didn't lie.
when it comes to your health, he's very very serious and he expects the same from everyone else you hang around
if he finds that someone around you doesn't feel that way, he would not hesitate to start an argument. you deserve the absolute best and shouldn't settle for less, he tells you
if you aren't already, you'll be in love w him by the end of your injury
park sunghoon !
sunghoon is an introvert, and because of this, he finds himself being quiet & zoning out sometimes. he has his bursts of chaotic energy like everyone else, but for the most part he observes
trying to lie to him ab being fine isn't smart. he knows you like the back of his hand. oh you thought he was staring into space? no, he was paying attention to literally everything around him, especially you
literally just the tone of your voice could change slightly and he knows something's wrong. he won't let it go either
"tell me. what's wrong? did something happen? did someone happen?"
he's naturally protective of the people around him, but you especially. you're very special to him and he likes to show it
you'd sit in his lap and tell him just about everything that's bothering you, while his hands are around your waist and he hugs you tightly
he knows he doesn't like dwelling on bad feelings himself, so his main thing would be to try and keep your mind as far drifted away from whatever's bothering you
whether it be physical contact, making jokes, reading to you, he'll do anything if it means he gets to see you smile because he knows you'd do the same for him
it's not rare for him to be affectionate, but he's usually only touchy when you guys are alone. now that he knows where your head is, he's always touching you as a way of reassurance
just so perfect in every way, doesn't at all think of you as a burden
kim sunoo !
he's definitely the type to be sad if you're sad
sunoo would walk up to you, expecting an exciting greeting. when he doesn't get that, he'd frown and immediately ask what's wrong
you'll tell him about the stomachache that's been bothering you, and he'd make you some tea and take a nap with you
it's easy to fall asleep as he traces shapes into your exposed skin
100% asking "are you okay? you're sure? do you need anything?" every five seconds
^^ make that every two seconds, actually
he's already extremely affectionate, but he usually shows it by teasing you. this time around? nuh uh, you're getting absolutely drowned in loving
just so sweet !!!!!!!! sweetest boy ever
he's so caring and forever concerned for you and how you're doing
you want soup in the middle of the night? he will sleepwalk to the damn kitchen and get the fucking job done.
yang jungwon !
he's probably used to dealing w caring for his sick members because of his leader role, but he definitely cares for you in a different way
showers you in gifts to take your mind off of your injury. buys you all different types of snacks and plushies <3
if it's something more emotional that's bothering you, there's no one else you could ask for that's better at making you feel better !!
he's so so genuine and it makes him so easy to be around ,, especially when you're dealing with problems. jungwon prides himself on how many people have told him how comfortable he makes them feel
definitely doesn't see you as a bother, and if you suggest such, you will be scolded
you're so very precious to him & he would never ever want you to feel otherwise. it's practically his duty to nurse you back into your best health so why would he ever be bothered by it??? especially when you're so wonderful to be around
his love language is definitely words of affirmation/quality time anyways, so he would never ever do anything to make you feel unwanted and is constantly reassuring you in any and every way he can
scolds redirects you when you try to do anything for yourself. "hey, let me do it, okay? you lie down."
honestly you forget you'd forget ab your problems whenever he's around, it's like his presence is the medicine to your wound
best boy <3
nishimura riki !
teases you nonstop !!
if it's something like a very small injury, he'll laugh at you as he helps your with your bandages
if it's something far more serious, he's far more serious
definitely doesn't like it if you don't take your current state seriously. you're not doing well, therefore you should be doing everything to get better. not wasting your time to make jokes. he's very rarely stern but when it comes to your wellbeing he's completely different
wouldn't get emotional unless it's something serious, and even then he wouldn't be emotional in front of you
orders you both different foods to try out of boredom each night
riki would 100% stay the night if you ask him, but if you aren't dating, he would sleep so far away unless you ask otherwise
^^ he's so cute bye
but in ending he's just super supportive and just wants the best for you, even if he teases you most of the time
!!!!!!! cutie
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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kazvha · 4 months
Random headcanons I had for Kayden
Notes: Yet another 'don't take this too seriously' post🥴
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1. Does the reader have a chance with Kayden?
• Let's be real, you wouldn't even know who Kayden is because you're a mere human
• A normal day in his life consists of waking up at 5 am, going on a run with Jiwoo, training with Jiwoo and also instructing him, maybe taking an afternoon nap, training again, going to sleep with his force control activated and repeat
• So he never even thought about having romantic feelings for someone. His main goal is to become stronger and to defeat strong people
• But let's say you're an awakener and you know who Kayden is. You still would have no chance to get to know him because he thinks that everyone is approaching him for their own interest. That's just how the awakened world is. And if you two fought against each other, you would probably hold a grudge against him like the other awakeners
• Your best bet would be having a connection to Jiwoo since Kayden's life revolves around him right now.
• Idk, maybe you would have to work at Shinhwa and take care of Jiwoo kinda like Inhyuk
• You would have to be very persistent and keep visiting Jiwoo at his house for Kayden to notice you. And you would have to find out his secret of him being a cat for him to lower his guard around you
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2. Oddly, very oddly specific hcs:
• He doesn't take care of his hair like that. When he found out that shampoo existed, (before that he washed his hair with his bodywash) he bought a specific 3 in 1 Shampoo and he never went back since. That's the only thing he puts in his hair
• Even so his hair is somewhat silky and nice. But he's so annoyed by the strands that fall out of his bun. He thought way too many times about shaving all his hair off (imagine Kayden with a buzzcut)
• But he only cuts his hair when he notices it growing past his collarbones. "Ah, it's that time again... Why does it grow so fast??"
• He has no fashion sense. At all. So he sticks to white or black shirts and black pants because that outfit can be used for any casual and professional settings
• He's been wanting to pierce his ears for a long time but he doesn't know a good place where he can do it. He's too lazy to do it
• His lips are so dry it hurts me. He doesn't even notice it when his lip is bleeding. Someone bring him some chapstick pls
• He doesn't know how social media works and doesn't have any accounts. He only uses his phone for text messages and calls
• If there was an Instagram or X for awakeners there would be so many fan accounts dedicated to Kayden. And every time he fights someone, the whole platform blows up with posts about him
• He can cook. Kayden has lived alone his whole life and he somehow had to feed himself with cheap ingredients. Over the years his improvised meals became better and more delicious
• He's the worst when it comes to cleaning dishes though. He hates it. He would rather take the trash out than do the dishes
• One day a girl told him that she was jealous of his long eyelashes. He shrugged her off, but since then he thinks about her statement every once in a while. Kayden would look at his reflection in the bathroom mirror and think 'They're not that long though.'
• He still didn't lose hope that he'll become a skinnier cat if he trains enough and that's probably one of his main goals these days. Who cares about getting stronger? He just wants to lose the cat fat😩
• He often gets nightmares about being stuck in his cat form and never getting out again
• He speaks Korean and Chinese fluently and can also converse in English quite well
• He only wears these footies socks, these no-show socks. Who needs normal socks?
• Speaking about socks, he sleeps without socks on.
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Angst: MC come back
Most of people show an aspect of MC that is different towards the brothers after coming back.... I show an MC that is broken and ask Lucifer for help. Sort of a general spoiler of Nightbringer
A little of Mc×Lucifer
It passed some days form when MC returned to the present. All the while they never managed to utter a word. That's why Lucifer decided to get to the bottom of MC's feelings.
As he slowly enters the room, he finds the little human looking up at the tree that stands in the center of the room. They have a lost gaze, accentuated by dark circles under their eyes.
Lucifer: "MC, how are you? It's been more than 3 days since you locked yourself in this room. You need to have a full meal."
No respons
Lucifer: "Please talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind."
Mc: "I... am tired. When will all this end? When will I be able to stop worrying if this is really my room? What will I find if I go out?"
"I fought so hard to help you sort out your family dynamics. Now that I had done it, I thought we could enjoy this peace. Yet I found myself in the past."
"You were cold again towards me; Mammon didn't involve me in his plans; Levi was shy and avoided me; Satan... how could I deal with him?; Asmo could not look at himself in the mirror; Beel didn't know how to deal with this constant feeling of hunger, and Belphie still hated humans"
"It was you, but you weren't my family! Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but consider you my family. I just want to be with you, no worries or problems."
"You know how hard it was to wake up every day and keep from hugging you? I missed the good mornings and goodnights given on our chat. In the afternoon I didn't know what to do, having no homework to do. I'm serious Lucifer, I missed homework!. I also missed gaming nights with Levi or piano sessions with you. I missed the loud silence of the livingroom while watching DDD by the fireplace. I missed the impromptu dinners because others always showed up and we never had enough to eat"
"The others… You know how hard it was having to remember to be more formal with Diavolo? He also said for a long time that he had to send me back to the human realm. What was I supposed to do centuries or millennia in the past ?! Luckily Barbatos was inclined to let me stay. Besides, he couldn't stand Solomon. What the heck had he been up to at the time. But in the end I missed the afternoons spent at the castle talking of this and that over a cup of tea"
"Not even with Simeon and Luke was the same. I didn't help Luke in the kitchen and Simeno didn't ask me for advice on how to use the DDD. Only Salomon was a fixed point in all that chaos, but it wasn't like here in the present."
"I'm tired Lucifer. I was tired of fighting, I just wanted to come home here with you. And I'm worn out even now by this perpetual fear that it's not finished. That if I leave here I will be your "DevilSitter" and not just MC"
"Please.. Tell me it's all over. Tell me I can rest. Tell me that you are my family and that you love me"
As the human began to cry aloud, the Avatar of Pride could do nothing but embrace them. His mighty wings came out to wrap around their fragile bodies as much as possible.
Lucifer: "It is all right. You're at home Mc."
"If you go out you will find Mammon who is looking at the DDD sitting on the floor in front of your door; Leviathan in his room refusing to leave until you do too and checking your team games online to see if you are logged in; Satan is sitting on the couch in the living room near your favorite seat; Asmo is preparing a skin treatment for when you get out of here; Beel tries not to eat all the meals he has made for you these days; Belphie is sleeping next to Mammon on the floor, waiting for you. "
"Even Lord Diavolk comes constantly to find out how you are. If he can't come, call and send Barbatos. Then this one is working day and night to find out who did this to you. Luke cries every day in front of your door begging you to come out. Have you ever heard him? Simeon should console him, except that he stands at the door of the corridor praying that Luke's requests are heard. Solomon he said at the beginning that we had to give you time to get used to it, but now he too is starting to worry.
"And I'm here for you MC. I'm here for whatever you need. You're done dealing with us, now it's our turn. You just have to go out and get pampered."
"You are home MC, with your family"
Little but sad. Lucifer big brother/mom
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yikessmicah · 6 months
heres some bloodweave brainrot copy pasted directly from my priv twitter bc i was going insane at like 3am last night
// tw mention/brief discussion of astarion and gale's trauma, including sexual trauma. ill highlight it red so you can read the rest if youd like while avoiding the triggering part.
also obvious spoilers for part of astarion and gale's personal stories/quests.
AND DISCLAIMER this is my opinion and straight up brainrot u can ship whoever u want in bg3 idc <3
sorry im having bloodweave brainrot because out of everyone in the camp i think gale Would be the objectively best match for astarion to be in a successful relationship with.
he wouldn't push him to do anything (tho i dont think any of the companions would, but ykwim) and since gale has his own form of relationship and sexual trauma (the fact mytsra groomed him since he was Literally a child and was only ever intimate with him on the astral plane therefore he's never had real physical human touch and intimacy) it would be overwhelming for him too!!
hed WANT to take it slow, he'd WANT to be as accomodating and like. he also has something on his body that represents his trauma the same way astarion does!! astarion has his scars and gale has the orb tattoo on his chest. i also think just. astarion's whole life as a spawn was only surrounded by people he Hated talking to. people who would spit insults and berate him, treat him like he was pathetic and disgusting - but gale? gale of waterdeep who never fucking shuts up?
gale of waterdeep who would gladly wake up and immediately shower him with compliments using words astarion had never even heard before? gale who would would describe astarion's features for him re: him not being able to see his reflection in such words and with such ease that eventually astarion starts to *like* the fact he doesnt have a reflection?
gale of waterdeep who would spend every waking moment of his day - that he wasnt spending talking to or being with astarion - working on a way to cure astarion of his vampirism or at Least a way for him to walk in the sun?
GALE OF WATERDEEP . who would gladly and without fucking question give up touching astarion ever again if he told him to?
gale of waterdeep who would answer every question astarion had? who would comfort his every dark thought?
gale of fucking waterdeep who would CARE for astarion so fucking well that he would genuinely start believing and KNOWING !!! he was worthy of love.
gale of FUCKING !! WATEDEEP !! who would vow to never shut up again if thats what helped astarion deal with the memories of sitting alone in a dungeon for months or YEARS at a time at the hands of cazador (not that that would be particularly hard with how me he talks already /pos).
gale who would gladly give up ever seeing the sun again and completely flipping his sleep schedule if it meant being able to walk the streets with astarion safely.
gale who would truly and wholly give nothing but his honest and real self. bare and beaten but NOT broken. show that astarion was the same. not broken. not something to be "fixed". simply something - SOMEONE - that needed to be guided a little. simply someone that needed safety.
gale of waterdeep who would do anything for his blood to taste sweet for astarion again. so he wouldnt have to fear where his next meal was going to come from. so astarion would never have to sink his teeth into a beast - let alone a sewer rat - ever again. never again would he let him have to hunt criminals in the night through the streets Alone. EVER AGAIN!!!
gale of waterdeep who would give up sleep to be by astarion's side as much as he could (since hes human and astarion is an elf). i just. he would do anything for him. Truly Anything.
gale of waterdeep who would wait weeks, months, YEARS - CENTURIES. if that's how much time it took for astarion to say i love you back. gale would say it 300 times a day and not once would it ring with the exigency of needing him to say it back.
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xbellaxcarolinax · 1 year
Hi, congratulations on 2K! 🥳
Can I ask for HCs for Marc Spector in a Zombie Apocalypse AU? 👀
Marc Spector x f!reader
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of blood, weapons such as guns and blades, implied reader is younger, BUT OF AGE OKAY? Smut, p in v, nothing too crazy.
Thank you for participating babe <3 No mention of Steven or Jake in this one! I’m sorry :( Also, this isn’t very good Again, I’m sorry! But I did have fun, so there’s that!
NSFW (Idk how that happened, it wasn’t the original intention lmfao)
Marc was built for the times 
Didn’t mean he enjoyed it
His time in the Marines proved useful, his instincts sharp and always ready for a fight, his skills with a gun and blade invaluable 
Comes home with blood on his hands almost every night
Lost count of the lives he’s taken, both human and zombie (didn’t matter anymore)
A lone wolf—survived the outbreak all on his own
That was the good thing about lacking loved ones, he had no one to worry about but himself
And he wanted to keep it that way
Or so he thought until you stumbled into his chaotic life 
It was an accident, really
You broke in through the window of his flat in the dead of night, your old chucks squeaking against the worn-out wooden floor
He had a blade to your neck within seconds, the sharpened edge pressed firmly against your delicate skin
“Who the fuck are you? How’d you get up here?” He spat, grabbing your frayed t-shirt caught in his fist by the neckline
How you managed to climb the fire escape up six flights without making a sound was beyond him
“Wait, wait, wait, I’m sorry, I thought this place was abandoned and I needed to get away.” You pleaded, your eyes wide and your hands curling around his wrist in an attempt to loosen his hold.
Marc grunted, shoving you to the side.
“Get out.”
“Sure, can that wait till morning?”
“No.” The last thing he needed was a liability. 
“Please,” you begged, “they’re everywhere tonight. Just-just let me leave in the morning, they hate sunlight, you should know this. I promise I’ll be gone.”
He could’ve said no, should’ve. Something about your eyes stopped him. You were a young thing to him, a pretty girl with pretty eyes that spoke volumes
You’ve suffered just as he had
“I want you gone by sunrise, got it?” He bristled, pointing his blade at you, “And I better not catch you here again.”
“Got it.”
But when did things ever go as planned? 
You were back again and again and again.
You traded food and in return, he provided you with simple weapons he’d put together—a tiny blade, an old wine opener, a shitty pistol. 
That led to you crashing over his flat.
That was two years ago, and now, you were stuck to Marc like glue
But you weren’t useless. You were extremely stealthy, a good trapper, always bringing food home for dinner. Sometimes it wasn’t much—a simple trout or a small squirrel to fill your bellies till the next time you fetched a meal, but it was enough 
Marc never said it, but he was glad you had stumbled into his flat those years ago
Too stubborn to admit you were a welcomed companion 
Even more stubborn to admit he was falling for you
But that didn’t matter. The world was fucked and there wasn’t any time for that
One day you’d gone out to check your squirrel traps at the park (really, it was a forest now) not far from the flat.
Marc accompanied you as usual, seeing as he was the protector.
He’d gotten distracted. Found a Zippo lighter tossed carelessly over the grass. Still had oil in it.
It’d been so quick he almost missed it. Some guy had you pressed up against a tree, his thick hand wrapped around your throat as he lifted you up with ease.
Marc saw red.
Immediately grabbed his gun from the back pocket of his worn denim, aimed, and fired.
He never missed a shot. 
The only thing he could really recall from that day was the fear in your eyes, the red splattered over your pretty face.
“Could’ve been worse,” you chuckled shakily, wiping your face free of blood, “could’ve been a nightcrawler, right?”
Marc didn’t laugh
He shoved the dead man away from you, grabbing you in a tight hug
You hugged him back, burying your face in his chest, your body trembling like a leaf in his arms
God, he was falling for you and there was definitely no time for it
But you made the time
One night you kissed him, soft and sweet, unlike anything he’d felt in a long time
You were pressed up against him, savoring his warmth in the chill of the flat
He returned it eagerly, unaware of how touch-starved he’d been, his fingers pawing at every part of you he could
Marc fucked you that night, nice and slow on his old bed, his dark curls drenched in sweat despite the cold
“You feel so good.” He whispered in your ear as you whimpered, coating his length in your juices.
“M-Marc, feel s-so full,” you moaned as you held him close, his thrusts growing sloppier the closer he got 
You came, gushing over him with a silent cry. He followed not long after, pulling out from your pulsating cunt and spilling over the bare skin of your abdomen
He surged forward to kiss you, tongue tangling with yours as your fingers weaved through his sweat-slick hair
Your eyes, always so pretty, pulled at his heartstrings, just as they did the first time he met you
And he was never gonna let you go
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ckret2 · 24 days
3rd times the charm (writing this i lost what i wrote 2 times already) questions/related for/to goldilocks bill 
1 is mabel adhd and or some neurodivergent cuz of hw/grade thoughts/feeling /comments made/referenced and was this me being delusional/implied and will only be implied in the story/foreshadow something or just 
2 can bill hid his cycle long term and who restocks mables pads cuz if its her what does she think of a huge chunk going missing and if not how long and with mable in ca and melody maybe moving out what would he do what are his thoughts on having to ask for menstrual products like asking would be humiliating on a scale of 1 to 10 who would he ask most to least likely what beliefs/knowledge/feeling do the other characters have on periods 
3 would he have any thoughts/preference on different menstrual products like pads/tampons/cups/other items i don't know or it the theme/art the only difference 
4 sorry if this is gross (S&P would never approve) but would bill if he had period blood at the time gone for round 3 of battle of hygiene used the period blood like his stink and the sink incident as bargaining/negotiations chips for something cuz i hate how messy period blood is in my experience and just experience with so many peoiple being so repulsed by it (would he possibly think its funny like blood haha and the blood clots like slipe)
5 why did he get one so soon like his body is 2 weeks old ( i think i'm bad with time(time is and illusion anyway)) but anxiety, depression, sudden weight loss/gain, being under/over weight, extreme exercise, and poor nutrition are some of the relevant things that can make you miss your period and bills got oodles of poor nutrition depression anxiety and maybe (going on only sooses comment so far) sudden weight loss (for me just eating 2 to 1 meals (1 school lunch the other fast food) a day for a long time meant i didn't get a period for like 6 months) but is it the fact it's so new and axolotl set to easy thats he got one (also i don't mean to be rude i have no knowledge of what you do/dont know about periods and stuff)
6 for the kryptos gang Maybe when the accident happens bill rips holes in the dimension of accident and only they are lucky/unlucky enough to fall and get translated though not knowing it was bill and not in bills view/doesn't know/thinks that killed them? And end up stranded in an extremely unknown place worried about the shit going down in the dimension and latter get rumors it was destroyed and they grieve But that way bill is  alone in the aftermath and people spread no survivors present and these shapes are standed  he meets/collects them that way he can promise them something better would them not knowing erase or amplify the guilt or would them know bill did it make more sense sorry if this is bad i know that i don't articulate myself well disclaimer i have not read the book of bill (im :,( broke rn).i have seen some of the website but would this work with cannon and your story i also don't know how the dimension stuff would go would they up or down a dimension maybe the axolotl translated them cuz reason idk or bill accidently did it when the holes ripped open
god that's a lot of text to lose twice I'm so sorry lmao
1. Yes, I write Mabel as ADHD. I don't know if it will ever be directly stated in the fic, primarily because I doubt she's gonna get a diagnosis; but I'm drawing on the experiences of family, friends, & myself to write her.
2. Mabel thinks "hmmm... I used those a lot faster than I expected... but I've been using these less than a year, maybe I just don't have a good sense of how fast I use them yet."
Bill wouldn't consider asking for them any more or less humiliating than having to ask his captors for food access, shower access, or sunlight access. He has no taboos or shame associated with bleeding out of a hole for most of a week, being ashamed of that is a human cultural thing; but he is consistently humiliated by needing to ask his captors to please let him have the basic resources he needs for his stupid body maintenance.
But remember he just got a room with a fridge and permission from Soos to stick whatever he wants on the household grocery list. He doesn't need to specifically ask his captors for period supplies. He can just... put it on the grocery list. Now it's Soos's problem. Maybe Abuelita's, I feel like she might prefer to do the shopping if it's not too strenuous for her yet.
3. Tampons can kill you so Bill thinks humans are pretty dumb to use them. He doesn't much care beyond that. He's used exactly one product.
4. I can't think of a reason he wouldn't but I'm not interested in exploring weaponized hygiene more than I already have.
5. He's been in his body over five weeks. He got the one period he's had so far almost 4 weeks in, giving him a cycle only slightly longer than average. (Even if he HAD gotten one two weeks in—how do you know his body wasn't just created already halfway through a cycle?) He's had a shit month but he started off in good enough health for it not to immediately matter and the shittiest most physically & mentally grueling part of the month (the eclipse + execution) came after he'd bled.
6. begs a lot of questions—"how" "why them" "where were they" "why didn't Bill find out sooner" "why DID he find out". Doesn't feel airtight enough to me. Plus, I already know EXACTLY how Bill's dimension is destroyed, and random rips in the dimension aren't part of it.
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icedmetaltea · 4 months
Just lettin ya'll know I'm ok
(random irl stuff to journal below, keep scrollin)
Wanted to wait to come back till
1. I wasn't dealing with mega gender dysphoria, my masc/neutral days are few and far between but by god it's been nonstop masc/neutral days lately and been a lot of just hating my body (and myself in general)
2. got the ebt stuff figured out, which I haven't yet, my doc put in a ref for a different place to sign a thing, waited 2 weeks for them to call, only to find out it was the wrong place and now I have to wait for the next place to call... which like yea I'm worrying about food but talking about it in therapy has helped somewhat. She reassured me even if that doesn't work we WILL find some place that'll sign the form I need to be eligible again
3. I wasn't dealing with as bad of depression/anxiety which like... idk. I've definitely been doing better anxiety-wise but idk if that's bc it hasn't been as hot lately or I've been feeding myself better. I know I must've been eating under 1200s calories the past few weeks bc the scale finally stopped going down and I know for a fact my anxiety gets bad when I'm hungry so I think for about a month I was unintentionally starving myself, SO making myself eat at least 2 nutritious meals a day now
At the same time I think perhaps my pmdd symptoms are... reversing time schedules??? Usually my anxiety/depression gets way worse before period but now it seems like it's fine before and terrible during/after????? Makes zero sense but who knows. Also it's a couple days late now so health anxiety is going off the shits about PCOS or something again UGH
Making SOME progress with therapy, am able to be outside for 5 mins without feeling that horrific sense of dread so that's something.
I've also been coming to the realization that I may have some form of DID?? Not the type where you lose time/blackout/completely have entirely different memories and starkly different personality switches but I've definitely been noticing now that I've been putting more attention to it how I go into different "modes" and sets of interests throughout the weeks and I mean... it's not secret I have imaginary friends I talk to on the daily. I've had an issue figuring out where "they" end and "myself" begins since childhood. Plus I already deal with derealization/dissociation/occasional age regression so it's not out of the realm of possibility. May bring it up next therapy apt. Kinda worried to bc I never want to get rid of them and I'm worried that would be one of the goals, like... just no. I can't think of anything more lonely.
But yea just random stuff I needed to get outta my system, sorry about all the suicidal stuff, it's just really hard. The future seems so bleak. And if one thing sets me back, like doctor stuff, food issues, etc my brain is like "DEATH WOULD BE EASIER LOL" BUT there's a chance trump/a republican candidate won't win, a chance climate change will be reversed/humanity will adapt somehow, a chance I'll be accepted for disability and live a halfway decent life, and if not... well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But for now there's food in the fridge, for now mom and dad are alive, for now we're ok.
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naavispider · 2 years
What do you think Spider’s relationship with the McCoskers was like (Nash, Mary, and the boys)? Spider is apparently so desperate for a family that even Quaritch is considered a better candidate for a father than Nash so I’m assuming from that and what we’ve seen in the comics that it’s very negative, possibly bordering on abuse and neglect.
Imma preface this by saying I've only read The High Ground volume 1, so I don't know any of the background info from vol 2 and 3 about the McCoskers, however, I think I know everything I want to about them 😌 (tw abuse)
I hate to say it, but I think they were pretty awful to him. Mary and Nash were his adoptive parents, they wee the people who were supposed to love him, care for him, treat him as their own... and yet we never, not once, heard Spider even mention them. He acts like they don't exist, and for all intents and purposes, they don't.
Something must have gone extremely wrong for Spider to feel so 'parentless' despite having the McCoskers. Hell, we even see Norm and Max take a more active role in parenting him than his supposed family. Because that's what an adoptive family is: a family. True and total, despite not being blood related.
Which makes the fact that it failed even more heart-wrenching. I think this is strong evidence that points towards abuse. Spider is clearly desperate for parental figures in his life, and obviously he's not getting it from Nash and Mary. To me what makes the most sense if that they were abusive in the way they emotionally treated Spider.
they never wanted him around
they only took him because there was literally no one else
when they fell pregnant with their own kids, a lot of the caregiving fell on other adults' shoulders
they always favoured the boys more than spider
they changed spider's room into a nursery for their first child, without a plan for where spider would sleep when it arrived
the scientists were able to find him a spare room in Hell's Gate a bit further away from where the McCoskers live - it used to be a store cupboard but with a bit of help from Norm spider makes it look okay
neglect and emotional abuse take their toll on spider over the years and he comes to see Nash especially as just a person who was supposed to love him, but doesn't
he never called them mom or dad
the other scientists see what is going on but what can they do? they can't take spider in themselves
when spider gets back from the forest after a long day spent with the Omatikaya, the McCoskers just ignore his return.
"You're late Spider. Should we even bother saving dinner for you?"
"Perhaps you should ask to stay the night with Kiri and Lo'ak?"
"You got hurt? Go to the med bay, they'll sort you out."
Eventually, he just stops letting them know he's back safe, and they start to go days without even seeing each other (age 7-8)
Nash in particular starts to resent spider - "what are you doing here boy, we've just put the kids to bed!"
no one tells spider to brush his hair, take showers, brush his teeth etc.
spider takes meals where he can get them - he always misses dinner with the McCoskers because they eat early before putting the boys to bed
it's how he started to eat with the Sullys
he sometimes pops in for lunch with the science guys - he knows what time they break and also that the McCoskers aren't there
spider is never interested in playing with the McCosker's other kids (idk in my headcanon he is the only human child on Pandora even though that goes against established canon) because he would always get the blame if they got hurt or upset
the favouritism was so real that he started avoiding the family altogether
the McCoskers were obviously fine with this
Overall, terrible, terrible treatment of a child who needed a family. Even if that family was just one person. The McCoskers were chosen because they were a young couple who wanted kids of their own (they saw spider as 'practice'), and who were deemed 'reliable' - not because they actually wanted him or were emotionally available. It was a collective failure on all of the humans at Hell's Gate, because they all failed to step in and change the situation when it became clear the adoption wasn't working. Multiple failures all around.
And so, when Spider meets Quaritch - an adult whose singular parental focus is on him... who is constantly checking on his wellbeing, who gets mad when Spider puts himself in harm's way... it becmes abundantly clear why Spider falls for Quaritch as a father figure.
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God’s Judgment on the Ungodly
1 This letter comes from Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and James' brother. I am writing to those who are called and loved by God the Father, and who are kept safe by Jesus Christ: 2 May God's mercy, peace, and love increase in your experience!
3 My friends, I was already looking forward to writing to you about the salvation that we share. But now I need to write urgently to you and encourage you to vigorously defend the truth about God, given once and for all time to God's holy people. 4 For some people have quietly crept in among you. They were written about and condemned a long time ago, for they are wicked people who pervert God's grace, turning it into a license to immorality, while also denying our Lord and master Jesus Christ.
5 Even though you already know this, I want to remind you that though the Lord saved his people out of the land of Egypt, later he still destroyed those who disbelieved. 6 Even those angels that were not content with their God-given positions but abandoned their rightful places—he has placed them in eternal chains of darkness until the great Day of Judgment. 7 In just the same way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the towns nearby that pursued immorality and perverted sex are provided as an example of those that experience the punishment of eternal fire.
8 Likewise these dreamers pollute their bodies, disregard authority, and insult heavenly beings. 9 Even the archangel Michael, when he was arguing with the devil over Moses' body, didn't dare to condemn him with a slanderous insult, but said, “May the Lord rebuke you.” 10 But these people ridicule whatever they don't understand; and what they do understand they instinctively follow like unthinking animals—this is what destroys them. 11 They're in terrible trouble! For they have followed Cain's way. Like Balaam and his delusion, they have abandoned themselves to the profit motive. Like Korah and his rebellion, they have destroyed themselves. 12 These people spoil your fellowship meals, for they are selfish shepherds that don't have the slightest sense of shame—they only take care of themselves. They're clouds blown along by the wind that bring no rain. They're bare trees without fruit—twice dead, pulled out by the roots. 13 They're violent ocean waves, foaming in their own disgrace. They're false stars, doomed forever to utter darkness.
14 Enoch, seven generations on from Adam, spoke prophetically about these people: “Look! The Lord is coming, together with thousands and thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, to reveal all the wicked things people have done, and all the terrible things hostile sinners have said against him.” 16 Such people are grumblers, always complaining. They follow their own evil desires, speaking boastfully about themselves, and flattering others to get what they want.
17 But you, my dear friends, please remember what you were told by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. 18 They explained to you that in the last times mockers would come, following their own wicked desires. 19 They cause divisions; they are worldly people who don't have the Spirit. 20 But you, my friends, are to build yourselves up through your trust in God. Pray in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves safe in God's love, and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ who brings eternal life. 22 Show kindness to those who doubt. 23 Save those you can by snatching them out of the fire. Show mercy—but with great care, hating even the “clothing” that is contaminated by sinful human nature.
24 Now to him who can keep you from falling, and who can bring you into his glorious presence without fault, and with great joy, 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time, now, and forever. Amen. — Jude 1 | Free Bible Version (FBV) The Free Bible Version is a project of Free Bible Ministry; Copyright © 2018, Free Bible Ministry. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 4:3; Genesis 5:18; Genesis 19:24; Exodus 12:51; Numbers 16:11; Deuteronomy 34:6; Psalm 31:18; Proverbs 25:14; Amos 4:11; Matthew 13:55; Luke 1:47; John 5:44; Acts 6:7; Acts 11:23; Acts 20:29; Romans 2:5; Romans 2:14; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 4:14; Galatians 6:6; Ephesians 6:18; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 2:3; 2 Peter 2:10; 2 Peter 2:17
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markerofthemidnight · 3 months
i very kindly request headcanons for the alephs. one or all of them i dont care im very hyperfixated rn and need food
I’ll give you the two ALEPHs in my facility in-game as a way to let go of my rage! (I’m on Hod’s suppression and they FUCKING WON’T STOP MELTING DOWN)
Its true name is The Living Clot. It’s a mass of partially-dried, sapient blood that can turn any biological matter it touches into smaller versions of itself, so long as its owner is unconscious.
Its whole existence is defined by the hate and envy it feels for the creatures that have proper bodies, that can feel, and can live. It won’t stop until everything knows its pain.
Which, yes, was inspired by AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, just in case you were wondering.
Though on that note, The Living Clot most certainly has mouths. Many mouths, and it can’t just scream- it can speak too, though with great difficulty, and it never says anything longer than a few syllables.
Times where it chooses to speak to Agents are rare, and they’re usually just concise death threats before it falls quiet again.
The reason why it’s classified as a Religious Abnormality (-03) is because it’s also technically a demon. Don’t ask me how.
A proper EGO Suit for The Living Clot actually was made, but since it was literally made of dried blood, nobody dared to wear it. As such, it forever remains untouched in… whichever corner of the facility such a thing can be safely and sanitarily kept in.
Its EGO Weapon is… you know what, I have no clue how to describe exactly what it is, but… it’s kind of like a harpoon?
Its EGO Gift gives the receiver bloodshot eyes with red, tear-like marks dripping down from them.
Nothing There
As a matter of fact, it only kills people in order to learn their anatomy. It knows its bad grasp on human anatomy is the biggest thing stopping it from blending in, and it wants to fix that.
If it got good enough at it, it would probably fit in perfectly as a 2-3 year old, but the idea that it would ever encounter one in the Corporation is more than unlikely.
Leaning into that, Attachment Work with Nothing There typically consists of teaching it new words and showing it pictures of humans in their natural environment…
…though all the humans it’s shown are either edited images of mutilated corpses or intentionally bad AI-generated pictures, since the company can’t risk it getting that good at mimicking people.
There’s no doubt among the employees that Nothing There is probably smart enough to know that it’s being fooled, but it still plays nice anyways, so they continue doing it.
Instinct Work, on the other hand, consists with it being fed the organs of dismembered employees. Each organ must be fed separately, so it doesn’t recognise them as human ones.
Despite that precaution, it’s suspected that it still knows where its food comes from, and that’s why its attempts at human disguises look so… awful.
Even though it’s probably smarter than most people think, employees are still advised to stand their ground whilst they watch it eat, or their cowardice might lead Nothing There to think that they are a part of its meal.
The metallic-looking parts of its EGO Weapon are actually bone, or at least more structurally similar to bone than they are to metal.
It presents Agents with its EGO weapon by kind of… licking their face with the big, sticky, tentacle-y flesh appendage that it thinks of as a tongue.
That turns their cheek a gruesome, pale red, and eventually eyes grow out of the mass. A few days after proper metamorphosis, Agents start to get vision in the extra eyes.
Many an Agent has requested to get their cheeks cut off just to rid themselves of the painful sensation of the eyes growing in, and the even more disorienting experience of being able to see out of them a few days later. These requests are always turned down as soon as they’re made.
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