#i also don’t have a yoga mat
cadaverre · 2 months
gaslighting myself into thinking i have abs (it’s been 3 days of doing pilates consistently)
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aceofstars16 · 8 months
One really annoying thing about my current mental state is just…my brain feels in a fog? Like I will lose my train of thought while talking and it can be hard to focus. I want to keep reading The Unanswered Questions but bro I need focus for it and I genuinely do not know if I have that kind of focus in me atm 🫠
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prettieinpink · 11 months
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A routine is essential for us to become the best versions of ourselves, but for us to fully commit to a routine, it has to be aligned with our needs and values.
hehe trying out a different aesthetic 😚😚
FIGURE OUT WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE DAILY. This isn’t what your to-do list currently looks like, but rather how you want your to-list to look like. If you can’t think of anything right now, carry a small notebook or open your notes app during the day to take notes of anything you may want to add to your routine.
BREAK THOSE TASKS INTO SMALLER ONES. This helps us to see more clearly in our routine and helps to make our tasks or goals easier to achieve. E.g. Avoid saying ‘study time’ but say flashcards and re-reading notes.
SET GOALS. This can be daily, weekly, monthly and so on. Just have those little habits in your routines that help you advance to reach your goals. This also helps with our motivation throughout the day.
STRUCTURE YOUR DAY EFFICENTLY. If you have a day where there are no urgent or important tasks to be done, use it to take notes on how you feel throughout. Document the times when you feel the most productive, energised, social and tired. Using this information, divide your tasks into the times that suit each other.
ALLOW FOR FREE TIME BLOCKS IN YOUR DAY. One, for just allowing some time for your brain and body to just chill. Two, just so if anything comes up, you have a free window of time to do it.
TEST YOUR ROUTINE AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS. Throughout the day, ask yourself; ‘how does my routine make me feel?’ and ‘What tasks do I dread, and what do I look the most forward to?’ If need to be, make any changes.
BE CONSISTENT. This is the only way for a routine to be solid in your life, to do them at the same time every day. This tip sounds mundane, but you can always change it up a little. E.g. Listen to different podcasts or audiobooks every time you go out for your walks.
PREPARE FOR YOUR ROUTINE. Allow your environment to encourage anything you want to add to your routine, for example, if you want to do yoga in the morning, leave your yoga mat in front of your bed where you can see it.
INCLUDE BREAKS, FOOD AND EXERCISE. Resting, eating well and moderate exercise help us to be more productive in the day, and to complete our tasks to higher standards.
KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PROGRESS. See which habits you’re more inclined to do, and which ones you usually avoid. Sometimes, some habits just aren’t meant for us, and that’s okay.
FORGIVE YOURSELF FOR NOT COMMITTING. It’s okay, you’re going to have days when your routine is the least ideal. Don’t beat yourself up for it, instead try to at least accomplish one task that’s a part of your routine.
MAKE IT ENJOYABLE. Your routine isn’t something to punish you, but rather something that helps you to keep an orderly life. It should be something that you’re at least willing to do.
Some ways to make it fun: Listen to music while you do tasks, romanticise your routine as much as possible, include rewards for anything productive and try to involve your loved ones.
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zepskies · 1 month
Lost on You - Part 4
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Supe!Reader
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who’s the predator, and who is prey.
AN: Ben claims his prize…
Word Count: 5.4K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only for suggestiveness. Cheating (technically), more cat and mouse seduction, cracks in the masks, and a cat fight.
🎵 YouTube Playlist || Spotify Playlist
🎙️ Series Masterlist
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Part 4: Better Shape Up
Who knew this man could be such a damn tease. You wouldn’t have thought him capable, for someone who wasn’t used to waiting for anything he wanted.
He demonstrated his resolve on a morning where you thought it safe to venture down to the gym. The others typically didn’t surface until around noon at least, so the morning was your time to work out and train in peace.
Today, Ben was already here. He was dressed down in a loose gray shirt and a pair of sweatpants and combat boots. He had already worked up a sweat and was now doing some impressive leg curls.
You tried not to linger your gaze on the exposed muscles of his arms and the outline of his broad back, but you slipped by him to claim a treadmill after offering him a polite good morning.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen you in here,” he remarked.
You shot him a glance. “I like the quiet in the morning.”
“Matter of fact, you don’t go out of your way to hang out with anyone else on the team,” he said, as if you hadn’t answered.
He was right, but the fact that he’d noticed that about you was interesting. It proved he had his eyes on you, in more ways than one.
“Smart,” he added. “The others are dipshits.”
You smiled in amusement. You were inclined to agree.
Well, most of them, anyway. Crimson Countess was smarter than he gave her credit for, and you were sure Mindstorm was as well, even if he was a hermit.
Once you finished your cardio, you caught your breath with a few sips from the water fountain and found a small towel to wipe at your face and arms. Afterwards, you moved to the mats to stretch out. Yoga was one of the exercises that not only cooled you down and kept you limber after a workout, but it also helped you focus your internal world.
Sometimes it wasn’t easy being able to sense so many male presences around you, along with their baser emotions. It had taken several years of honing your mind and your powers to be able to spread your awareness only when you wanted to. But some energies were just too difficult to ignore.
You raised your hands high above your head, then bent at the waist to lower them all the way to the ground. From there, you walked your hands out across the mat into a downward dog pose.
As you moved through your yoga routine, you could feel a hot stare on your ass. You almost smiled to yourself.
By now, your companion had shifted to a different machine, working on his arms. After a few minutes, you heard the heavy clink of metal on metal. You looked over and saw that he’d finished, dropping the truly massive dumbbells on either side of his legs. He sat at the machine for a moment, catching his breath. His skin was glistening with a fine layer of sweat.
He pointed over to a water bottle that lied on the floor, a few feet away.
“Mind grabbing that for me, sweetheart?” he asked.
That request was harmless enough. You went over and grabbed it for him, your warm hands brushing his on the tradeoff. You meant to turn and head for the showers, but your foot got caught on one of the dumbbells. You gasped and nearly went down when you tripped.
Ben stood and hooked an arm around your waist, pulling you into his solid form. You grabbed onto his arms on reflex. You felt sweat under your palms and between your fingers, smelled his musky, masculine scent. Your breasts were brushing his chest with every breath.
And all the while, he looked down at you like he was thinking about devouring you. You felt his desire.
Instead, he smiled and let you go.
“You okay?” he asked.
Your brain short-circuited for a minute.
“Um, y-yeah. Thanks,” you said. Your hands slipped away from his arms, and you slowly turned and walked away. You almost stopped at the showers like you intended, but at the last second, you thought better of it and kept going all the way back up to your room.
Ben watched you go with a smirk, admiring your ass in those yoga pants.
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You knew your plan was working, even with all his antics. You could ultimately use his interest in you to your advantage: for your career.
The plan had started forming the second you met him in that breakroom, and was only reinforced by Countess's superiority and general bitchiness toward you...
But you also thought that man was affecting you far more than you’d like to admit.
So you tried your best to give yourself a break from him. You trained on your own, and only engaged in minor small talk with your fellow teammates whenever you crossed paths with them; even Black Noir, the only person you’d been able to share some genuine conversation with.
You’d sensed the friction between him and Ben, and as unfair and often cruel as you thought it was, you didn’t want to give the latter a reason to resent you. It would only muddle your plans. For that matter, you tried to stay out of Countess’s way as well.
Throughout it all, you began to realize that you were even more alone than you thought you would be in this Tower.
However, your excitement bubbled up again when Arthur called you up to his office. He seemed excited too, which already had you gripped with anticipation. You were hungry to prove yourself, and also to jump on a project. Any project that they might give you to advance your career and increase your exposure to the public.
“I happened to show Soldier Boy that clip you sent in with your audition. The video of your off-the-cuff duet with Whitney Houston at that live show? Now, it was a little fuzzy. Looked like it was filmed with a kid’s Kodak, but whatever. It was brilliant.”
You smiled genuinely. “Thank you.”
Arthur nodded. “Well, Soldier Boy agrees that you’re impressive. And he’s been chomping at the bit for something new. So, I talked to Madelyn and the rest of the team, and we think you two should do a duet together. A cover.”
You blinked a bit wider. “O-Oh, really? Of what?”
“You remember ‘You’re the One That I Want,’ by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John?”
“From Grease?” you asked with furrowed brows. That movie was like, five years old already. But you did see the previews for a new movie John and Olivia just did together, Two of a Kind. It was set to come out later this year.
“Exactly,” Arthur said, pointing at you. “It could be bigger than the movie!”
You doubted that, but it was still a great opportunity for you. Exactly the kind you’d been waiting for.
There was just one problem.
“And…what about Crimson Countess? You think she’ll be okay with this?” you asked. “She hasn’t exactly warmed up to me.”
Arthur sighed, but he waved a dismissive brow.
“Let us handle that part. At the end of the day, she understands this is all business here. No one’s gettin’ married.”
You laughed politely while hiding a sliver of unease. You agreed to the idea, but if Ben had a hand in this at all, you had a feeling you knew what he was up to.
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You showed up early to the studio on a Tuesday morning. Ben, of course, was an hour late. You two had already pre-recorded your vocal parts separately, so today started the filming for your version of the music video.
You were already getting ruby red lipstick painted on your lips, when Ben stumbled into the hair and makeup trailer.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he rumbled in your direction.
“Good morning,” you replied cordially, though you watched him out of the corner of your eye.
He was nursing a tremendous hangover, by the looks of it. If it wouldn’t ruin your stylist’s concentration, you would shake your head in exasperation. Could he take nothing seriously?
Angela, his stylist, began by cleaning his face with an exfoliator wipe. She spread some primer on first before she went for the foundation. He stopped her with a raise of his hand and a halting sound in his throat.
“Make me a little more tan today, eh, doll face. You washed me out last time,” he said, slapping her on the ass. Angela jolted, but she gave him a practiced smile.
“No problem, Soldier Boy.” She swapped the foundation in her hand for a warmer shade. 
You barely managed to stop yourself from frowning. Asshole.
Another half hour later, you were ushered out of the makeup trailer and into the dressing room. By the time you stepped out, you were transformed fully into Sandy Olsson, Olivia Newton-John’s character in Grease, complete with the skin-tight black jumpsuit.
You were reenacting one of the final songs of the movie—the moment where Sandy drops her prim and proper upbringing to show Danny that she could live in his “edgier” world, if he was willing to step up, or shape up, for her as a man.
Vought had the money to create a truly impressive set. You stepped out towards the stage and looked around at all the people, not to mention the expensive-looking equipment on this production. You had been on big stages before, but not as the leading lady. This was big, and you could admit, it was intimidating.
Ben soon joined you, looking very much the part with a real cigarette in hand as he blew out smoke. He was made to look like John Travolta’s character, of course. His brown hair was neatly coiffed and gelled back. He was wearing a tight black shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks, with five o’clock shadow dusting his cheeks. You were a little surprised he was agreeing to something like this…but you also had a hunch on what was motivating him.  
A grin soon spread across his face. You averted your eyes, surprising yourself by the way your face warmed. However briefly it was, he’d caught you checking him out.
He returned the favor. His gaze lingered on your every curve, and finally your face.
“Lookin’ good, baby doll,” he said mildly, but he leaned over to whisper in your ear. “I’m gonna be thinking about those red lips tonight.”
Your lips pursed as you watched him walk away with his usual smooth, arrogant stride. You refused to feel how hot your face was. Instead, you relaxed your shoulders and raised your chin before you stepped onto the stage with him.
The director came over to talk you both through the script and his vision for the music video, a scene by scene replica of the fairgrounds. (And he handed Ben an ashtray for his cigarette.)
The opening scene was already set up. The pack of actors playing Danny Zuko’s friends were hanging off to the side, while a handful of young women in 1950s style dresses hung out on the other side, waiting for you.
The director called to roll sound. A production assistant handed you a fake cigarette to hold between your fingers, just like the original movie scene. Other instructions were shouted out as you stared into the cameras blankly. Your body felt stiff, your mouth heavy.
You were nervous, no matter how much you didn’t want to acknowledge it.
“Hey,” came a deep voice in your ear.
You turned to Ben and tried to hide your anxiety. He smiled and once again leaned in close. You felt the warm pressure of his hand on your lower back.
“You’ve seen cameras before. Don’t even look at ‘em. They’re not there,” he said, encouraging you to use your imagination.
You took a subtle breath. “And the thirty-something crew of people?”
“They’re the audience,” he said. “This is just a stage, like the ones you’ve been on before. Even smaller.”
You nodded subtly and tried to calm the ball of nerves rising into your throat. You made your way over to your mark and got ready with a hand on your hip, and the prop cigarette poised in the other. Ben went to his mark, with the other Greasers.
Ben smirked at you. “Remember to sing pretty.”
You shot him a teasing smile back.
“Oh, don’t worry. When I sing, people listen.”
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I got chills, they’re multiplying. And I’m losing control.
‘Cause the power you’re supplying…
It’s electrifying.
He might not have had Travolta’s range, but Ben was a decent singer himself. It was rich and baritone, occasionally with some edge. They’d lowered the song down a key for him, you noticed, but you didn’t mind.
It was all you could do to remember the choreography, all while feeling the push and pull of the music, the lyrics, and the man himself. He was also making some subtle changes to the character in his performance.
“I’m not dragging myself across the fucking ground after her like some love-sick pussy,” as he’d snapped at the director.
So he was applying a more suave approach to Danny’s role, trying to persuade you with a Cary Grant-like charm. Partnered with your sensuous persona, it gave the bouncy song some new depth.
You better shape up, ‘cause I need a man.
And my heart is set on you…
It took a few hours to get through the first scenes, and you found that you and Ben worked well together. But his attention on you was intense whenever he looked into your eyes. His every small touch ignited across your skin, eliciting tingles of electricity down your spine.
When you finally got to your first verse after the chorus, you were up on one of the carnival ride platforms. Painted on one of the walls was Danger Ahead.
If you’re filled with affection, you’re too shy to convey…
Per the choreography, Ben followed you up a short flight of stairs and cornered you against a wall. You pivoted on your heels and felt bold enough to improvise. You drew him in with a hand on his stubbled cheek, and you allowed your eyes to shine with a bit of your power, giving them a violet glow.
Meditate on my direction. Feel your way…
As you sang, his hands glided up the swell of your hips and gripped you tight at the waist. His gaze lowered to your lips. You could smell his musky cologne mixed with cigarette smoke as he began to lean in. Your mouth parted unconsciously.
“Cut!” the director shouted.
The music stopped and a sharp bell rang out. You paused, letting your hand fall away from Ben’s cheek. He reluctantly released you as well. You eased away from him with a smile.
“All right! That was great guys,” the director chimed in cheerfully after he came out from behind the network of cameras. “Tell you what, let’s break for lunch.”
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You sensed the burning presence following you off the stage, just a few feet behind. It shadowed you all the way to your trailer.
The moment you opened the door and stepped inside, you weren’t all that surprised when Ben grabbed your hand and turned you around into his arms. You stifled a small gasp.
“What’re you doing?” you asked, despite knowing full fucking well.
He was no longer teasing as his eyes swept down to your cherry red lips.
“I’m claiming my prize,” he said, his voice sinful and deep.
He bent down to capture you in a demanding kiss. You breathed in, and allowed yourself to give into it. Your hands slid up his arms, then wound up into his hair. He devoured you deeper with each new glide of his lips against yours, his hold on your waist moving down your hips and gripping your ass.
He mostly carried you as he guided you back against the wall of the trailer. His hand slapped against it to brace your impact, making the wall tremble. You gasped into his mouth at the suddenness of it, and he took the opportunity to taste you deeper, slipping his tongue against yours. He relished every small sound you made, and every part of you he got his hands on.
Until he broke from you suddenly, allowing you to catch your breath. You couldn’t help but blink up at him in a bit of surprise while you recovered. His smile was smug looking down at you.
“That was more than a kiss,” you said. Thank God you sounded steadier than you felt.
Ben chuckled and leaned in closer again, this time letting his lips drift across your cheek, and down your neck.
“And I promise I’m good with my hands,” he said in your ear.
You fought not to shudder at the depths in his voice. Your internal alarm finally sounded, however, when one of his hands left your hip to slip along the inside of your thigh. He stroked a thumb between your legs, over the silky leather of your pants. Your core pulsed with anticipation, but this wasn’t part of the plan. Not yet.
You tensed up and grabbed his wrist.
“Ben,” you warned in a gasp, issuing a trill of power on reflex.
The unspoken command laced through him. He paused with a tense look, but not just because of your powers. He saw the sliver of fear in your eyes. He frowned.
For your part, you honestly didn’t mean to compel him this time. Your eyes widened, your mouth pressed into a line.
Part of you was afraid, but not for the reasons he might’ve thought. It was a delicate game you were playing with this man. And like it or not, even though you had the power to stop him if he tried to take it any farther, his influence still had power over your career.
“The fuck is your problem? You’re running hot and cold on me,” he snarked. But he relaxed, taking a step away from you. You released his wrist.
“I meant what I said,” you said. “Look, you’re helping me out a lot by doing this music video, and I appreciate that. More than you know.”
Your tone was gentle as you attempted to soothe his ego, but your words had the added benefit of being true.
“I’m still the new kid here,” you added. “Countess already thinks I’m trying to take her place.”
Which, at this point, you could admit that you were in a way. You had a feeling that she’d been using Ben the same way you were—to enhance her status and cement her position in Payback. 
He rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t have to know.”
You broke into a small smile, crossing your arms at him.
“Come on, Ben.”
His face became taciturn. You tried to gouge his reaction with your abilities, and you sensed his irritation underneath. He was likely trying to curb every inclination he had to give a nasty retort and hold onto the charm, but he was also starting to lose patience.
“So what the fuck do you want from me?” he snapped.
You held your tongue for a moment. You knew that whatever you said, whatever you did next could either make or break your plans to be successful. Still, no matter how much you actually wanted to give in to the desire in his eyes, you didn’t just want to be the equivalent of his mistress, or one of his forgettable conquests. That would make sure you remained on the sidelines forever.
No. The only way this worked was if he broke up with Countess for real. 
You stepped in close to him again. With slow moments, you rested your hands on his chest and leaned up, as if to give him a sensuous kiss. You stop just shy of his lips. He grasped your hips on instinct.
“If you really want me, you can have me,” you purred. Though you pulled away when he bent down to kiss you. You lowered back down to your heels.
“Just me,” you said. “I like you, Ben, but if you really do love Crimson Countess and want to…work it out with her, I understand.”
You crossed your arms. His jaw ticked in annoyance.
“They’re gonna have to fix your face,” he remarked with a gesturing finger. “Looks like you sucked off Ronald McDonald.”
Your mouth fell open in shock. You turned to look at yourself in the large mirror on the far wall, and sure enough, your pretty red lipstick was smeared all around your mouth. When you turned back to find Ben’s more amused grin, you glared at him, feeling a hot blush coming on. Pink smudges stained his lips and chin as well.
“Yeah, well, you too, Casanova,” you say pointedly. “You look like a…a fucking clown!”
It was lame, you could admit.
He just laughed and strolled out of your trailer. You huffed and crossed your arms.
He was goddamn insufferable.
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Challenges of sexual tension aside, the music video turned out to be a great success. It wasn’t a perfect frame by frame rendition of the movie, but you recreated many of the scenes at the carnival, especially the one at the end. Ben actually hit the High Striker bell so hard that it flew through the roof of the studio.
Maybe getting out some pent-up frustration there.
The video would later get splashed across MTV and all the Vought channels. It piggybacked on the publicity from your first couple of saves with Payback that finally made it to the news.
It all did wonders for your popularity, especially because the reviews on the video were mostly positive—not only for the production and the quality of the vocals, but also for the chemistry between “Soldier Boy and Sirena.”
It just had the predictable side effect of making Countess even bitchier toward you, if that were possible. To a point, you couldn’t fault her. You and Ben did have chemistry on-screen, and she was smart enough to guess at your chemistry off-screen as well. She probably already thought you two were fucking.
You knew the truth, but you also knew it was useless to try and change her mind—hers, and everyone else who gave you sidelong looks when they thought you didn’t notice. Maybe you should’ve just done it with him anyway, if people were going to think it was true no matter what you did.
The only one who congratulated you on your success with any sincerity was your brother.
“I’m proud of you, sis. You’re really doing great,” Chris said.
You shed a couple of tears on the phone with him before hastily changing the subject, asking about your nephew. He’d made a new friend at preschool.
“Aww. Lisa, huh?” you teased. “Is she gonna be his new little girlfriend?”
“Well, she shared her box of crayons and he gave her half of his oatmeal cream pie at lunch, so they’re off to a great start,” Chris joked. You were happy to hear it, and you promised to send him another gift signed by Soldier Boy soon.
After you hung up with your brother, the next call you made was to your dad. Except, you never even got the chance to mention the video.
“How’s Mom doing?” you asked.
“Well, I was actually going to call you,” your dad said. “She’s uh, she’s not doing well… It’s time, honey.”
Your breath stilled in your lungs. You almost didn’t hear his next words: that your mother had been transferred to hospice this morning. That she had a matter of days, and you should come home as soon as you could. You promised that you would.
And suddenly, you remembered every promise you’d given your parents over the past couple of months to go see them, have dinner with them. You remembered that you’d never made good on any of those promises.
Your ears were ringing after you hung up with him. You wiped your tears away.
In your dissociative state, you went to your desk and looked at your calendar to see what was next on the painstaking daily schedule you crafted for yourself. Instead of packing a bag or calling Arthur to try and negotiate some time off, you donned some activewear and went down to the breakroom.
You shoveled some oatmeal into your mouth that you didn’t even taste. Then you went to start your morning routine at the gym.
To your unpleasant surprise, Crimson Countess was there. She was running on the treadmill you usually took. You barely glanced her way as you passed by, aiming for an elliptical instead.
She smiled and tsked. “Oh, honey. That’s one rough looking hangover.”
You turned to her and tried to hide your annoyance. Your eyes were likely red rimmed from crying, not from a bender.
“You should drink more water,” she said, gesturing with a finger around her face. “Might help with the bags under your eyes.”
You sucked in your cheeks and pursed your lips. An irrational anger, dark and deep, roiled in your gut.
“Maybe you can give me the number of your surgeon too,” you shot back. “That’s how you got those plastic tits, right?”
Countess visibly paused, like she hadn’t expected you to hit back. You normally just took whatever snide remarks she made with a smile, as if it were a joke (or at worse, a look of nonchalance). Today was not that day.
She turned off her machine and slowed to a stop.
“No, but I do know someone who can suck the cellulite out of your ass,” she said snidely. She grabbed a water bottle up from the floor and took a sip. You hopped off your own machine and smacked the bottle out of her hand. It made water spill down the front of her red sports bra.
“Tell me, Donna. As the most senior female superhero in Payback, how does it feel to be every man’s guilty pleasure jerk off material?” you sniped.
That managed to strike a nerve. She sneered at you.
“That’s right, honey. Everyone in the world knows who I am,” she said with a haughty look. Her eyes were cold and cruel. “The only way someone’s gonna remember you is exactly how you got here. On your fucking knees.”
She shoved at your shoulders, pushing you back a couple of steps. Your temper finally snapped.
“Oh really? The only reason people know you is because you’re fucking the ‘boss,’” you said, air quotes included. Then you laughed. “The Sonny and Cher routine? Please. Soldier Boy doesn’t love you. He doesn’t even fucking respect you. And you let him walk all over you. Because it keeps you exactly where you want to be. On your knees, sucking off the oldest dick in the world.”
You could see how your words were cutting into her, making her seethe. Her hand came up swiftly with a slap across your face. She was strong. The force behind the hit made you stumble again, but this time, you weren’t holding back. You threw a punch that caught her on the side of her nose. (And for the record, that one actually was fake.)
It soon devolved into a petty, dirty, angry fight, complete with hair pulling, punching, and a kick to the stomach that sent Countess onto her back on the hardwood floor.
The gym doors opened to Ben and Gunpowder rushing in. They must’ve heard the commotion, because they were already on alert. Ben’s face was set with a frown while he watched you squared up on the mats. Your opponent was slowly getting to her feet, huffing and puffing with rage.
Your eyes widened when Countess raised her hands, and a red glow of energy materialized. She tossed a red hot fireball in your direction. You dove across the mat to avoid it, but it vaporized half the gym equipment on your side of the room. You twisted your ankle badly on the way down as well.
While Ben intervened and stopped Countess from hurling another fireball, Gunpowder went to you.
“You okay?” he asked. He reached out a hand to you, but stopped short, like he was afraid of your touch. You were dismayed, but you grimaced and tried to help yourself up. You’d fallen onto another exercise machine and one side of your ribs felt battered.
Meanwhile, Ben whirled Countess around by her arm and glared down at her.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” he raised his voice.
She was still livid as she tried to yank her arm out of his grasp. She pointed at you where you lied on the floor.
“Are you fucking her?!” she yelled.
He blinked in surprise, but he quickly recovered.
“What’s the matter with you? Of course not!” he bellowed. “Jesus fuck. Forget to take your damn crazy pills today?”
At that, she looked stricken. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“They’re not…I suffer from migraines,” she said.
“Yeah, well, do us all a favor and take a handful,” Ben groused. “Better yet, the whole goddamn bottle.”
You somehow managed to pull yourself to your feet. Gunpowder was useless, since he was wary of touching you. Really? Does he think I’m going to hijack his mind right here and now?
It hurt, but you hopped from machine to ruined machine in attempt to get out of the room. Ben started toward you. You held a hand up to stop him.
“I’m okay,” you said shakily. “I don’t need help.”
At this point, you were done being reckless. You didn’t want to give Countess any more ammunition against you. 
You managed to limp your way out of the gym and down the hall to the sound of Ben’s shouting, versus Countess’s enraged crying.
“I know you’re fucking her. You want to know why? Because you fuck anything with a pulse!”
“Christ on a cross, I can’t talk to a hysterical woman.”
You shook your head, despite the tears burning in your eyes. You felt your way down the wall like a one-legged crab.
Until a strong pair of arms scooped you up under your legs and around your back. 
You gasped and met a masked Black Noir.
Without a word, he carried you up to your room. There he set you on your feet, in front of your door. You braced yourself with a hand on the doorknob, but you carefully twisted around to look back at him.
“Thank you,” you said with a sniff.
He paused. You sensed his uncertainty.
“Feel better,” he said.
Then he left you alone in the hall.
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You took the longest hot bath of your life, dumping in half a bottle of lavender bath soaks. It helped your aches and pains, but it still didn’t manage to wash the day away.
I need to go home, you were reminded. You needed to see your mom, before…
You covered your face with your hands, and you finally allowed yourself to cry.
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Back in the gym, Ben cut off Donna's enraged rant with a sharp grip on her arm. He shook her once, hard enough to make her teeth click. It startled a gasp out of her.
She looked up at him and couldn’t entirely hide her fear.
“Get a goddamn grip,” he growled. “Never fucking disrespect me like that again. And if you make another mess like this, so help me God, you’re gonna leave me no choice but to make you regret it. Do you understand me?”
It took her a moment, but after he tightened his grip on her arms, she winced and nodded contritely.
“Yes, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Ben,” she stammered. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
He rolled his eyes, but he released her. “Good. Go clean yourself up. You’re a fucking mess.”
He left her in the gym where she stood, still holding herself.
Ben frowned when he didn’t find you in the hallway. At the pace you were going, you couldn’t have gotten that far, he reasoned. But he still didn’t find you, even when he traveled to the elevators and up to your apartment. He stopped in front of your door.
He raised his fist up, poised to knock, but his superior hearing perked up to a sound.
He realized he could hear you crying. The kind of muffled sobs where you were trying to hold yourself back, and were failing miserably.
Ben hesitated…but ultimately, he couldn’t handle two emotional women in one day.
He walked away from your door.
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AN: *Sighs* Ben isn't shaping up, is he? Don't worry though. We've still got plenty of track left to go on this rollercoaster.
Next Time:
An album was playing on his record player. You recognized Sinatra’s smooth voice singing “My Way.”
“You want a drink?” Ben asked.
“Whiskey, neat,” you replied. He rose a brow, but he fulfilled your request. While he was busy, you grabbed his forgotten half a blunt from the ashtray on the coffee table, and you lit up. You didn’t often partake in drugs because you didn’t like being out of your lucid mind. You preferred being in control.
Today was different. You needed a distraction. Maybe that was why you were here to begin with.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 5
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
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winwintea · 4 days
stop posting about BALLER - zhong chenle
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PAIRING ↬ boyfriend!zhong chenle x reader
GENRES ↬ pure crack idk... fluff, romance, some angst if you look in between the lines, chenle loves basketball more than you. unfortunately.
AUTHOR'S NOTE ↬ inspired by a fic i read on ao3, a tiktok i watched where op got mad at their boyfriend for having headphones in while making out, plus my post here. and also chenle's recent fanboying activity in la. ignore the title its a placeholder for now, in honor of my dear friend @syatchy london stop writing for chenle challenge
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Everyone had their hobbies. You knew your boyfriend liked basketball, you just didn’t realize he liked it that much. 
Making it your life’s goal to win over the heart of Zhong Chenle, you spent countless hours studying quizlet flashcards, watching a couple of basketball games, even trying to learn the sport as well. Although you were surprised when it didn’t take more than a few dates for you to begin dating. 
Your best friend Ning Yizhuo, on the other hand, had other ideas. 
“I just think he’s a big red flag. Who the hell puts “I’m always ballin’” as their twitter bio?” She’s sprawled across your bed, mindlessly stalking your boyfriend’s social media accounts. “What if your man loves another man more than he loves you?” 
You’re paying her no mind, working on a basketball basics test on your laptop. Eight teams from each of the league's two conferences qualify for the playoffs. The top two teams play each other in the conference finals, to determine the Conference Champions from each side. The winners then play in the NBA Finals. 
Yizhuo suddenly stands up, “Hello? Earth to Y/N? Are you ignoring me?” You’re about to answer your next question, until she starts waving her hands in your face.
“What the hell, Yizhuo?” You turn around annoyed. “I was locked in!”
“Studying for basketball is crazy… Just warning you Y/N. Don’t come crying to me when your boyfriend calls you Stephen Curry’s name instead of your own.” 
You punch her in the shoulder, “I swear to god-” 
But Yizhuo seemed unfazed by your attacks, continuing on, “I’m just saying from experience hon. Sports guys like him will never love you as much as he loves his balls.”
“Um.. that’s what she said.”
Despite Yizhuo’s warnings and what she seemed so sure of, you and Chenle clicked in a way that none of your exes ever did. If he invited you to the gym, you’d show up with a yoga mat, pretending to do Pilates while sneaking glances at him bench pressing. If Chenle said he was hungry, you’d learn how do use a frying pan, determined to whip up something edible. And if he asked you to come over, you’d throw on your best outfit, adding an extra touch of appeal, and never forget to bring a treat for Daegal.
Spending time with Chenle was easy. It seemed almost too easy, that you began to slightly question why everything seemed so perfect. 
If there were any red flags like Yizhuo pointed out, it was probably too small to see in the mix of fun times you spent together.
Times spent together usually and often ended with the two of you cuddling or making out on his couch. 
Unsurprisingly, Chenle was a really good kisser. Plus, he was good at cuddling. You had no doubts in that moment you laid eyes on him, but everything was certainly up to expectations. He knew exactly how to hold you in his arms and make you feel like you were on top of the whole damn world. 
As you leaned in closer for another this time, your hands running through his hair, you took notice of his features. His incredibly sharp jawline (mewing tutorial when?), the flushed pink splashed across his collarbones up to his cheeks, and now that he grew out his hair longer, it was much harder to see the shape of his ears-
Hold on.
You blink and then squint your eyes for a couple of seconds, hoping you’re just imagining things.
“Chenle. Are those Airpods?”
Chenle immediately pushes you off of him and then freezes.
You see every single emotion flash through Chenle’s eyes, but he’s still speechless. You’d honestly thought you’d been through the entire spectrum of men in your life, from guys who had memes tattooed on their chest to guys who brought their mother to dates to guys with an extremely interesting savior complex, but nothing could’ve prepared you for this.
Relax. You still had your dignity to protect. “What… are you listening to?” Maybe he was into listening to music while making out, maybe some relaxing sounds people used to cope with traumatic intimate experiences??? You were thinking of anything at this point, trying to brace yourself for the absolute worse. 
“Highlights” Chenle begins, looking at you nervously, “For uh, for the Warriors game.” Before you can even process the info, Chenle rambles on, “We’re so so close to a wild card spot and I wanted to turn the game on earlier, but you were talking about your project you were working on and I really wanted to listen, and right now it’s not like we’re talking about anything important, so I figured it might be alright if I-“
what the fuck… yeah shut the hell up right now please, you think as he keeps rambling, and turn around to grab a pillow behind to smack this big headed shit right in the head. 
“Ow-“ Chenle throws his hands up in defense, trying to block the pillow that comes crashing down. “What? Hey!”
“Zhong Chenle. I’m going to chop your fucking dick off.”
In the end, Chenle’s dick remains intact. 
After letting himself get beaten up by a pillow, he manages to get you to calm down, taking the airpods out, which makes you a little bit happier than you were before. 
Chenle leaves you on the couch to take a shower, allowing you to ponder for a bit. Were you being too restricting this way? Chenle seemed to still care about you, and didn’t want to take away time from your own interests as well. I mean… maybe you needed to get into basketball as well to fully understand. 
As you lounge on the couch, scrolling aimlessly through Pinterest, you hear the faint sound of the shower turning off. Before you know it, Chenle slips onto the couch beside you, his presence warm and comforting. In one smooth motion, he curls himself around you, arms gently wrapping around your waist as his head nestles into the crook of your neck. The familiar scent of the shampoo you gifted him lingers in the air, blending with the soft warmth of his skin. 
Your mind's racing, caught between conflicting emotions. And damn, Chenle smells incredible, which really isn’t helping right now.
A minute of silence passes before he finally speaks, his voice soft but serious. “Look, I get if you’re uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to push any boundaries. If that was too much, I won’t do it again. And if this is something that’s going to be a dealbreaker for us, I get it—we can end things here.”
“No, wait—no,” you cut in, setting your phone aside to face him. “I was just surprised, that’s all.”
Okay, it was weird. You’ll give him that. Maybe his “casual” obsession with basketball wasn’t as casual as you thought. And sure, that might be a red flag for some.
But Yizhuo’s wrong. Maybe Chenle’s got a deeper connection with his basketballs than you or whoever she’s comparing him to, but at least he’s never moaned or called you Stephen Curry in the heat of the moment.
That’s gotta count for something, right?
Yeah, maybe this wasn’t so bad. You could get used to this. Besides, he already promised he wouldn’t do it again.
Your thoughts bounce back and forth, but after a while, you break the silence with a quiet, “Did you win?”
His head lifts from your shoulder instantly, excitement buzzing in his voice. “Yeah, we did! Secured our spot in the conference finals.”
Conference finals. Oh, right. You recognize that term—studied it on Quizlet like the good, supportive partner you are.
You take a deep breath, bracing yourself, swallowing down the nervous lump in your throat. Chenle might be a bit obsessed with the sport, but he was supportive of your own goals and actually a really nice boyfriend. 
“Tell me about it.”
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PERM TAGLIST ↬ @lyvhie @aquaphoenixz @galacticnct @ldh0000
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sashi-ya · 8 months
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𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑳 𝑭𝑰𝑿𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵. Roronoa Zoro x f! reader
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🕊️ request: anon ⋆。˚ hii sashiii I was wondering for ur jan events week if u could maybe write something with fem!reader with zoro?? like maybe 69 position or ass eating, I hc him as an ass man lol also he’s kinda rough hehe please and have a good week!! 🫶 🕊️ tw: mdni. modern au. zoro is a gym instructor/personal trainer. oral sex. 69. rough sex. face fuck. wc: 1,7k 🕊️ masterlist
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You are never sure which are exactly the muscles you train the most when you do it with Roronoa Zoro. Whether it is your body’s, or your mouth’s. You, in any case, don’t mind… as long as your lips can surround his shaft, and your walls end up pleasantly stretched..
A drop of sweat runs through your temple, it slowly snakes down your mandible and into your neck. The more pull ups you do, the more you feel like your muscles burning. Your arms are sore, but you keep going.
“If you do two more series, I will fuck you harder this time” he said. And you are willing to have your personal trainer reward your efforts.
You grunt, pushing a little bit further to finish the series. You watch him through dizzy sight, sitting with his legs spread right in front of you and his back against the mirror of a lonely gym.
“Keep going” he orders.
“I… I am… I can’t-“ you stutter. You should have known; he always does this to you. He wants you to do more, and more.
“Keep going, I am helping you as long as you don’t stop” Zoro says, standing up and walking towards your almost limpid body.
You sigh, and moan louder. “Fuck!” you scream, feeling your arms trembling about to lose the grip.
 But his wide frame receives your weight. Like a kid on a piggy back ride, you rest your body on his shoulders. His huge hands squeeze your hips and ass.
“I got you…”
You try to excuse yourself for not being able to keep going, but you simply can’t as he commands you to stop whining. Zoro puts you down, still holding you by your waist.
“You did well, I know your limits. Don’t worry” he whispers, with raspy voice and sexy metallic eyes. His slightly calloused thumb plays with your lower lip as he makes you walk backwards. His big chest, his huge build, the caramel skin, and the scent of masculine musk mixed with iron, makes you weaker.
The back of your shins encounters with a pile of yoga mats and your chest, his hand pushing you against them. You fall back with widen eyes, but still knowing exactly what’s next…
You don’t stretch after training, you get stretched. Rough.
“Is it stretching time?” you purr. “In fact, whore” Zoro says, smirking with diabolic façade. That expression that makes you tremble, horny… extremely horny.
You gloat; taking your very sweaty compression top off. Your breasts feel freed, the marks on your skin slowly disappearing.
Zoro loses no time, and quickly lets his shorts fall down to the ground. He is not wearing -of course- a shirt. It’s hot enough to be covering his sweaty abs.
Hard, as always. Veiny and reddish. Deliciously looking, deliciously tempting. Your hands surrounding his length, taking the tip to your tongue’s one.
“What about letting me fuck your mouth and throat this time?” he asks, grabbing your messy ponytail for a better grip.
He pushes his dick against your lips, forcing them open until sliding it deep inside it reaches your throat. The first gag resonates against the mirrored walls of the gym; it’s pretty late, nobody comes around during these hours.
Your eyes go blank for a second as they fill with tears; you are sure the silhouette of his sex appears on your throat the more he thrusts into your mouth.
But apparently for Zoro is not deep enough, and he pulls your hair for you to fall with your back onto the pile of mats. He moves you so that your head hangs out of the improvised bed, looking from above his imponent body reaching your wet cave.
Zoro first gives you a rough -but still cute- caress on your cheek, followed by a soft slap. He kneels down just so his hardness, drippy and shiny from your saliva, can penetrate your mouth. He literally wants to fuck your mouth backwards, and he will.
You stick your tongue out, receiving his dick deeper into your throat. His hands grip from your erected breasts, squeezing them with merciless attempt. Your nipples, protruding in between his fingers, feel overstimulated by the brutal massage.
As his hips move in and out, Zoro bends over enough for his nose to reach your navel. He plants a kiss, sniffing the scent of your warm skin.
Your nails carve con his strong, muscular legs. And your tongue reaches for the base of his dick as he goes deeper than ever.
“Look at your shorts, all wet…” he murmurs, in between little gasps and sexy grunts. Fucking your mouth feels more than heaven to him.
He plays with the damp spot around your grey shorts; the spandex in them has sticked itself to your wet sex. Zoro is delighted with the image, but he wants the spot to get much, much bigger. He reaches for the arousal patch with his mouth, tasting the salty flavour, drinking through the fabric everything he can suck.  
The warmth of his mouth, tongue and saliva pass through the stretchy material making you shiver underneath his crushing weight. Your lungs barely expand, thick saliva mixed with his precum sprouts from the commissure of your mouth and your back arching more and more. You want him to rip your pants off, you want him to eat you out completely and so brutally.
You can’t wait no more, your nails keep leaving marks on his flesh, your soles keep kicking the mat underneath. And he knows it very well, so much he keeps pumping inside of you until your lips turn a little blueish. And when that happens, just for some seconds he goes even deeper to then stick his sex out… violently.
You take a big gasp, with mandible hurting and desperate pants.
“Take… take them out” you plead, trying to squeeze your arms in between his legs to take your short leggings off.
“Take? Mhh…” he laughs, a rare sound but definitely tinted in lustful, devilishly intentions.
Zoro, instead, uses his strong hands to rip them off. The third pair in a month, he thinks those are free.
A whole, enough to expose your whole sex and ass, forms withing the ripped limits of your pants.
“This should do” he smirks, crunching a little not to crush you but for your tongue to reach for his balls. Soft skin you immediately suck and lick, causing in that man a feral grunt so loud it makes you tremble.
The green haired samurai spreads your legs, reaching for your flooded core with his own mouth. A sixty-nine position, where he is on top and you, like a little prey, underneath.
Zoro starts licking your whole sex, up and down, with his whole tongue. It seems as if he was doing some field recognition work, trying the very ups and downs of your core.
He keeps going. Your lips open allowing his dick to get back inside your mouth. You can sense the throbbing of his shaft growing stronger, getting harder than a rock, about to reach climax.
You squeeze his toned ass, strong enough to let him know you have enough oxygen to tolerate the last thrusts until his orgasm. You want your belly filled with his sweet, warm milk.
However, it isn’t enough for him. The strongest is not satisfied with the position, and specially this time with filling your mouth of his seed.
“I will eventually make you choke with my cum, but not now” he growls, pulling you down, sticking his sex out and walking until he is properly in front of you.
You pant, cleaning your mouth and chin from saliva with your forearm. You don’t mind, you accept his cum anywhere he wants. You accept everything he might want and desire from your sore body.
It is because of that, that Zoro lifts you up and turns you around. You are now on all fours and his hands rip the rest of your now absolutely wet shorts.
He separates your ass cheeks with both hands, taking a good look at your trembling thighs and dripping sex. A drip that forms long strings of arousal connecting with a pool of it on top of the yoga mat.
He kneels right behind you, playing with one of the sticky transparent strings, getting it back inside you with his finger in your sex.
“That ass looks so delicious” he moans, without stopping the fingering and getting his face close to your rear entrance.
As soon as the tip of his tongue reaches for your hole, you squirm and whine. And a slap on your ass cheek makes you flinch.
“Shh… little whore, I haven’t even done what I want yet” he says, biting the warm spot where he just spanked.
You bite your lower lip, letting your chest and face fall against the mat. Your ass, of course, lifted just perfectly for Zoro to have a banquet with it.
He spits and then proceeds to eat you out, going from your spread labia, towards your perineum and finally to your ass. To him there is no more delicious exquisiteness than your parts.
To you, at the same time, there is nothing better than the way he moves his tongue and the absolute no shame when it comes to taste every little part of your anatomy.
And of course, who could last long with such unchaste act? Not you, at least.
Soon, and guided by the way you can’t keep your posture no more, Zoro knows you are just about to burst… Him, too; he has been edging himself until this moment.
“Come, come on” he commands, slurping the unstoppable liquids leaving your core.
You can barely moan, reduced to a slave of pleasure, you simply let go of your body. Mind blank, eyes too. A loud moan against the blue gym mat, nails leaving imprints on it.
Trembling, exploding, reaching heaven or maybe hell. Him coming as well, bathing, the very minute after, your ass and sex with his release. You feel it dripping down, maybe even filtering inside you too.
“No, don’t get too comfy. We are just starting. Now that you are prepped, I’m ready to fuck you”
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gothlcsan · 9 months
kim sunwoo ; gym sex [ drabble ] 𝜗𝜚
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PAIRING boyfriend!sunwoo x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS confronting your boyfriend on why he quit letting you work out with him, it leading to an intense workout.
WARNINGS sweat, gym sex, mentioning of boners, biting, kissing, hair pulling, improper use of gym equipment, praises mixed with degradation, mirror sex, reader has a vagina, unprotected sex, breeding, spanking. let me know if i missed anything ~
a/n sorry for any mistakes! this came to me out of literally nowhere. still trying to get back into writing since i took a long hiatus so please be kind. ꒰ ྀི◞ ◟ ꒱ like always, please like, reblog, and send requests!!! ♡
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Sunwoo who loves working out with you but the blood pumping through him causes problems for himself as well. This leads to him changing his routine to avoid going to the gym with you, going super early in the morning knowing you’d be sleeping soundly. You hadn’t known your boyfriend was embarrassed by getting boners while working out in the gym with you, not that it was anything for him to be embarrassed about. It was only natural due to the flow of blood.
You rolled over one morning having stayed up wanting to confront Sunwoo why he kept excluding you from the workouts. He stood there awkwardly trying to find the best way to explain himself, groaning as he hid his face with his arm.
“It’s embarrassing.”
“What do you mean? Am I embarrassing to you ?” You asked confused on what he meant but also a twinge of hurt in your voice.
He was quick to respond to clear up the misunderstanding, explaining with a blush on his face that he kept getting boners in the gym and he didn’t want to weird you out by them.
Your voice softens and you can’t help but let out a laugh, making sure to quickly apologize for laughing as you explained you weren’t making fun of him but thankful it wasn’t something worse. Having him sit down next to you on the bed, you asked him if he got them because of the blood flow or something else, a smirk playing on your lips suggestively. He takes a minute to breathe, explaining that it was a combination of both but mostly blood flow as it happens even when you aren’t with him. The two of you talk making sure it’s not a huge deal for you and you were more bothered with being excluded than anything. Sunwoo apologizes, giving him a quick kiss on the lips asking if he’d be bothered with you going to the gym with him. He shakes his head saying he’d be happy to have company as he missed you going along with him.
Entering the company gym, Sunwoo helps you set up your yoga mat so that you can comfortably do your stretches and routine whilst he works on lifting. The two of you don’t speak much through the first half of the workout session, both immersed in perfecting your technique and the music playing in the background. It’s not until you turn to look over your shoulder at Sunwoo that you realize he really did have a boner. It wasn’t super easy to tell due to his pants being baggy, but as he stretched his legs to sit on each side of the bench, it made the fabric tight around his lap. He’s immersed into his reps, you slowly standing up and moving until you’re standing behind the top of his head. Sunwoo gives you his attention instantly, setting the weights back onto the rack before giving you a smile.
“You need something?”
Shaking your head you point towards his lap with your head looking back down at his face to give him a playful smile.
“I don’t believe so but you surely do.”
“I, oh my god, listen,” Sunwoo’s face turns a shade of pink as he tries to hide it by pulling down on the hem of his shirt. However due to the skin tight material it does absolutely nothing to hide it. Moving so one of your legs was positioned one one side of his head, you giggle as he asks what you’re doing, telling him to stop being so shy and do what he really wants to do. Sunwoo doesn’t take long to move his hands so that he’s rubbing his pointer and middle fingers up your clothed pussy. Planting your feet firmly onto the ground trying to hold yourself up from falling down onto his face, you bite down onto your bottom lip and stare down at him.
“No wonder you said not to worry about this, you wanted this didn’t you?”
Sunwoo takes his time moving his fingers further down, your pussy swallowing both the fabric of your yoga pants and his fingers. Small moans fall from your lips from his words not being able to admit nor deny his claims, his fingers making your legs shake in anticipation.
“Take these off.” His assertive tone makes your heart leap in your chest, gasping as he brings both your pants and panties down to the back of your knees, exposing your pussy in full view for him. Sunwoo is quick to place his fingers back where he had them last, rubbing up against your clit now making you squeeze your thighs together, entrapping his hand. Not allowing you to stay in that position for long, Sunwoo spreads your legs back apart telling you to mind yourself. Now, that only ignited a fire within you that said to be a brat, the rational part of your brain being thrown into the dust. Against your better judgment, you go to close your legs again, Sunwoo gifting you a warning slap against the side of your thigh. Once again you ignore it, going to close around his hand, Sunwoo changing positions quickly so you were now pinned firmly down against the bench.
“What did I say?”
You don’t answer.
“What did I say?” Sunwoo repeats again, adding a pause in between each word knowing that meant he was growing tired of your actions. However, once again, you ignored him. He grabs a fistful of your hair making your head snap back to look into the mirrors directly in front of the two of you.
“Again. One last time, what did I say?”
“Don’t close my legs?”
He lands a heavy handed slap against your ass before he lets go of your hair, your body falling back down flat onto the bench.
“Good girl.”
The praise makes goosebumps run over your entire body, making you shiver. You loved his praises especially in moments like these where his actions were rough but his words so sweet. You watch as he uses one hand to bring down his sweats, his dick springing up hitting just barely below his belly button making you swallow in anticipation. Of course you’ve had sex before but something about doing it in the gym made you both nervous and excited. He has you move to give him better access, gasping in surprise when he lifts you up just slightly so he can ease into you easier. The stretch in this position makes your eyes flutter, looking forward at your reflection, your stomach muscles tightening, seeing Sunwoo holding your bottom half up as if you weighed absolutely nothing.
“You look so pretty, baby.”
You hum at his praises thanking him as he starts to move his hips, moaning as his thighs hit against the back of yours. The way in your chest rubbed against the leather cushion of the bench made you swear under your breath, your nipples sensitive and growing sore. Sunwoo didn’t give you much time to think as his steady pace quickened and had moans being knocked out of you each time you two reconnected.
“Sunwoo, please, fuck.”
“Shh, baby~” Sunwoo cooed just slightly mockingly as he didn't slow down his thrusts, his grip on your hips tightening knowing that they’d surely be bruised by the morning. He brings you up so your back is flush to his chest, not even caring about the uncomfortable feeling of sweat pooling between you two, tossing your head back to lay on his shoulder as he kissed up your exposed throat. Your head was fuzzy in a cloud of pleasure, completely incoherent to Sunwoo and both his praises and degrading words being reduced to moans and fucked out expressions. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he positions himself so he can easily rock up into you, your body all but practically limp on his hold as the red hot knot in your lower abdomen unwound itself, turning your face to bite roughly into his throat as you came around his dick. You can barely hear as Sunwoo swears from the pain, his throat vibrating under your teeth as he chuckles, his thighs shaking as he reaches closer to his own climax.
Sunwoo goes to pull out, lifting your hips up to but you tighten your legs around him, letting go of his throat as you shake your head.
“Baby, I don’t have a condom.” Sunwoo says breathlessly, clearly straining as he tries to hold back from cummimg in you without protection.
You groan in annoyance, begging him to cum in you, reminding him that you’re on the pill, ignoring him trying to rationalize him not cumming in you.
“Please, Woo, cum in me please.” You begged before pausing, opening your eyes, looking up at him with huge, wet, doe eyes. “Want you to breed me.”
Something in Sunwoo snaps, his jaw tightening as he picks back up from a few moments ago, encouraging him to cum as he reaches closer toward cumming. His thighs spasm as he leans forward his body pinning you down a bit uncomfortably in between the bench and his weight, happily humming as he cums in you. Loving the feeling of him filling you up, his dick twitching which each tremor. Sunwoo doesn’t move until his aftershocks settle down, lifting himself up, slicking his hair that was sweat matted on his forehead. He pulls out slowly watching as you shake from him dragging along your walls, smiling at him stupidly as he plants kisses from your sweaty forehead down to your lips, calling you beautiful. You weakly headbutt his chest telling him not to be cheesy, Sunwoo apologizing and helping you towards the showers, promising to help you more when you two reach the dorms.
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cozycottagetarot · 2 months
Messages From Your Pet
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How To Pick A Group:
I recommend going with the image you find you keep coming back to after giving each of the piles a once over.
Thank you @getbellsgetbitches and @bowtothemallard for suggesting this reading. 💕
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. ✨
LINKS: Reading Masterlist | Dividers | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Paid Readings — Open 🫧
Pile 1 (Corgi)
You are in such a productive season right now, so use it to your ability to propel yourself forward so you can transform. You think you’re protecting yourself by not acting, but not really. It’s normal to be a little bit fearful and have your reservations. However, the thing you’re sitting on is the thing that can change the game for you. Where’s that sense of hope you used to have? That sense of hope you still have buried within. You loved to dance or loved when I danced, and loved when I did tricks for you. It always put a smile on your face. Do the same for yourself. Get out there and act! You are not meant to stay in this state; you’re meant to transform.
Pile 2 (Cat)
Stop pouring into other people, please! You deserve to give yourself your love and your energy. Stop trying to please everyone. What about you? Who’s trying to please you, hmm?
It’s time to set and stand firm in your boundaries. Who cares who says what? If they don’t like that you’re taking care of yourself, then that’s too bad!
There’s an opportunity (likely creative) waiting for you, bestie. But unless you start focusing on yourself, it’s going to pass you by. I know you might be worried they’ll get mad at you, but if they’re meant to be in your life, they’ll be in your life. No sweat. And at the end of the day, it’s better to walk away knowing you can heal rather than stay and deteriorate. New beginnings are on the horizon, but first, you’ve got to do you. Trust that it’s going to all work out for you.
Notes: I hear the lyrics "They just want my love and my energy. You can’t talk no shit without penalties." 🎵 There's a bit of a hyperactive energy. My yoga mat also randomly fell near the end as if someone pushed it and then I heard little feet skittering by.
Pile 3 (Bunny)
Sweetness, I know you dream of love, and love awaits you. But you have to put yourself out there—out into the world. There’s no need to keep hiding away under the guise that you must be fully healed before the one you want can find you, for healing is a never-ending process. What matters most is that you are at peace. You know yourself well enough to understand what strengthens and weakens that inner peace you’ve worked so hard to acquire.
You are beautiful and lovely as you are now; anyone would be lucky to have you. You only need to believe in yourself as you move forward. I know you’ve been hurt before, but don’t let the pains of the past limit you. Just breathe.
Notes: It felt like a whisper. A loving grandparent type of energy so maybe this could be a grandparent's bet or a pet that’s been around for a while. It also reminded me of Julie Andrews in Bridgerton (Lady Whistledown’s voice). Very doting energy.
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twinsimming · 2 years
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Yoga Mod by Twinsimming & Alunn 🧘🏾‍♀️
This mod brings the yoga activity from The Sims 4: Spa Day to The Sims 3. Originally created by Alunn, I recently took over to add additional features and bring it to release!
This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.
New Object: Yoga Mat
4 New Interactions
49 Converted Animations
10 Yoga Poses
Entertainment -> Sporting Goods
The Perfect Yoga Mat: two channels | §130 |
Zen Again Yoga Mat: two channels | §125 |
| All TS4 presets included and base game compatible |
The yoga mat is draggable in Live Mode and can be placed in a sim’s personal or family inventory.
Yoga Mat
Using any of the yoga mat interactions will build the Athletic skill (except for Children), though some more slowly than others. As your sim’s skill increases, they will learn new yoga poses and improve on their execution of previous ones.
A sim’s Athletic skill also determines how long they can use the mat before becoming Fatigued* (anywhere from 4-7 hours):
Skill Level 1-3 (Poor/Novice): 4 hours
Skill Level 4-6 (Normal): 5 hours
Skill Level 7-9 (Skilled): 6 hours
Skill Level 10 (Expert): 7 hours
*Children will always get Fatigued after 3 hours.
Your sim won’t gain muscle, lose weight, or become more fit from using the mat, but they will fulfill any generic workout related wishes. And sims won’t lose Hygiene as fast as they would using other athletic equipment.
Sims aged Teen and up will switch into their athletic outfit, take off their shoes before using the mat, and put them back on when finished. Children will switch into their athletic outfit, but leave their shoes on.
Pregnant sims can use the mat in any trimester!
Practice Yoga (Child and Up): Raises Athletic skill, gives sims the Tranquil moodlet after 2 hours, small boost to Fun need
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Do Yoga Routine… (Teen and Up):
Stress Relieving (Level 3 Athletic Skill): Boosts Fun need, gives Tranquil moodlet, slowly raises Athletic skill, can be used even when sims have the Stressed moodlet
Mind Balancing (Level 5 Athletic Skill): Boosts Social need, gives Tranquil moodlet, small boost to Fun need, slowly raises Athletic skill
Energy Centering (Level 7 Athletic Skill): Boosts Energy need. gives Tranquil moodlet, small boost to Fun need, slowly raises Athletic skill
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By default, yoga routines will only boost their specific needs up to half way, so don't think your sims can forgo a good night's rest or talking to a friend in favor of a tree pose or two!
Boat Pose
Bridge Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Half Moon Pose
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Plank Pose
Tree Pose
Triangle Pose
Warrior Pose
Sims with the Athletic skill, Martial Arts skill, Athletic trait, or the Disciplined trait will be drawn to use the mat autonomously. Sims will also be drawn to the mat when it is placed on a Gym, Dojo, or Chinese Garden lot type.
All of the following values are tunable in the mod’s XML file:
Minutes to Add Fatigued Poor/Novice, Normal, Skilled, and Expert
Minutes to Add Fatigued Child
Minutes to Add Tranquil
Conflicts & Known Issues
- As this is a brand new scripted object, there shouldn’t be any conflicts.
- Teen sims sink a bit into the mat on certain animations because The Sims 4 doesn’t have shorter teens to convert animations from.
- If a laundry basket/washer/dryer has been placed on the lot, when sims take off their shoes to use the yoga mat, a pile of clothing will spawn.
Supported Languages
French (thank you MissPat!)
Brazilian Portuguese (thank you CupcakeLeaf and cabrera80!)  [Added 11/5/22]
European Portuguese (thank you David Manaia!)  [Added 11/8/22]
EA/Maxis for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, SmoothJazz, Blender, s3pe, TSRW, Sims4Studio, Milkshape, and Gimp.
Thank You
First and foremost, I want to thank Alunn for kick-starting this mod and allowing me to continue improving it! 
Thank you @greenplumbboblover and @zoeoe-sims for helping with the early programming. Thank you mbottle, Jathom95 and @enable--llamas for being early testers in the beta thread.
And to all of the folks in the Sims 3 Creator Discord who helped me with coding, animations, ideas, and testing: thank you Battery, @flotheory, TheSweetSimmer, and @misspats3​!
Download @ ModTheSims
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
hebe cabin headcanons
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children of hebe
• the younger they are, the easier they are to trace. this is due to their mother being the goddess of youth.
• they are very forgiving, compassionate, and understanding individuals. they have this aura of kindness that often makes them the best people to talk to about personal problems.
• they’re the innocent one in the friend group.
• they have celestial bronze legos that they scatter in front of barefoot monsters.
• baby faces. all of them.
• they all have naturally clear skin.
• they find "anti-aging" skin creams so amusing. they all the real way to stay youthful forever, and it’s a lot less pleasant than slapping lotion onto your face.
• they 100% run a skincare business with the aphrodite cabin.
• none of them are american.
• they all speak different languages but they’re all able to understand each other.
• it’s the same way babies can seemingly talk and understand each other. even if there are differences, they still seem to share a deep innate language with each other.
• they’re the embodiment of a healed inner child.
• you know those people in the hospitality industry who are, like, scary good at their job?
• like the hotel concierge, or maître d’hotel, or wedding planner who runs the tightest ship you’ve ever seen, and can provide services for their customers that don’t even seem possible?
• those are the children of hebe.
• they’d also make really good servers, bartenders, and plastic surgeons.
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cabin exterior
• the cabin is adorned with a variety of fresh flowers, growing in beds around the cabin or hanging in baskets. they also feature hebe shrubs (named after their mother).
• the architecture incorporates playful and youthful design elements, such as carvings of children and decorations of butterflies, and birds.
• small fountains of water surround the cabin, adding a sense of freshness and continuous renewal. the sound of trickling water could create a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere. there is a big one right in front of the entrance that represents the fountain of youth.
• a statue of their mother, hebe, stands near the entrance, she’s holding a chalice as she did in mythology, symbolizing her role as the cupbearer to the gods.
• a wide, welcoming porch with comfortable seating invite campers to relax and enjoy the youthful energy that the cabin exudes. the porch is decorated with cozy cushions and potted plants.
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cabin interior
• lots of pastels, stained glass, curtains, but still a very comfortable and welcoming area. they also have a huge vending machine in the cabin.
• the cabin is constantly filled with the scent of blossoms and fresh grass, giving it a perpetually fresh and lively feel.
• since hebe is associated with youth and beauty, there are elegant vanity tables with ornate mirrors. these mirrors have a subtle magical quality, enhancing the viewer’s best features.
• the furniture is cozy and inviting, with plush couches and bean bags. the beds are adorned with soft, fluffy blankets and pillows, making it a perfect place for relaxation and rest.
• there's a dedicated space for physical fitness and wellness activities. this includes yoga mats, light weights, and an assortment of health and beauty products.
• they have a collection of vintage items and keepsakes from different eras. they include old-fashioned toys, games, and memorabilia that evoke nostalgia.
• they have a small fountain in the center of their cabin. the water has minor rejuvenating properties, offering a sense of refreshment and renewal to anyone who drinks from it.
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cabin traditions
• every morning, they start their day with a refreshing drink of ambrosia-infused water. i headcanon that the infused water acts as caffeine for them.
• once a week, they host a game night featuring classic childhood games, like tag, hopscotch, and hide-and-seek.
• each member of the cabin dedicates one day each month to perform acts of kindness and service around the camp, helping to spread positive energy and support among fellow campers.
• they have a jar inside of their cabin where they can drop notes about happy moments or achievements. at the end of the summer, they read through the notes to reflect on their growth and experiences.
• regular arts and crafts sessions where they make bracelets, charms, and other small items symbolizing youth and vitality, often gifting these to other campers as tokens of friendship.
divider by @v6que
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percervall · 9 months
Mamma mia, here I go again {pt5}
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Summary: A summer of poor decisions leads you to having to face the consequences of your actions —and the men involved. Pairing: Kevin Magnussen x fem!reader, Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: talk of pregnancy, mentions of a past relationship, Mark being a dick Word count: 2.5k Taglist: @ashy-kit @averagef1fansblog @barcelonaloverf1life @bradfordbantams @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @exotic-iris13 @goldsainz @iloveneteyam @jaypreshpresh @laura-naruto-fan1998 @monzamash @norrisleclercf1 @opheliaas-stuff @roseseraj @szobosz @vellicora
Part 5 of the Mamma Mia series
Despite the fact that you had just had the summer break, not having a race weekend after Monza comes as a welcome breather. It allows you to catch up on tasks you had been neglecting. You finally managed to clean your flat and had just finished the last load of laundry that morning. It also allowed you time to finally schedule an appointment with a clinic to get a scan done. It had felt surreal, getting the black and white confirmation of the pregnancy. You’re still not sure if having a baby is the smartest move right now, but the relief you felt when you saw that the pregnancy was where it’s supposed to be and the heartbeat left you feeling even more confused about the whole situation. Trying your hardest to push all of that to the side, you change into your workout clothes and roll out your yoga mat. At this point you just need 15 minutes of not thinking about anything and you had found yoga to be a great help. As you centre yourself, focussing on your body and breathing through the poses, you begin to feel calmer. Taking another deep breath, you move into the next pose. The calm energy is rudely interrupted by your phone ringing. For a second you consider just letting it go to voicemail but the sound of the phone buzzing on the table is too much of a distraction to ignore. Huffing in annoyance, you get up from the floor.
“Hello to you too, sweetheart. Am I interrupting something?” 
“Yes, my workout,” you retort, rolling your eyes at Mark’s tone.
“Mm, if you need a hand let me know,” he says and you can just picture the look on his face. Smug son of a bitch.
“For fuck’s sake..” you mutter, “Get to the point or I’m hanging up.” 
“Oh sweetheart, I’m only teasing.” 
“Mark, I’m not doing this. Again, get to the point or I will hang up,” you reply.
“RIght, yes. I’m in your neck of the woods this week for some meetings and I was wondering whether you’d like to come over for dinner on Thursday? I know typically you’d take a girl out on a date, but I think there’s a few things that have gone left unsaid for far too long.” 
“I-.. I’d like that very much, Mark.” Despite his constant flirting, you’re grateful that he offers the both of you an opportunity to talk.
“I can pick you up if you want or you can drive so you have an out if you need it. I don’t-.. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” You can hear the sincerity in his voice and it breaks your heart a little bit that this is what is left of the relationship you once had with him. 
“Thanks Mark, I don’t mind driving. Not because of the reasons you named, but I don’t want to inconvenience you by having to drive this way twice. Just text me the address and a time and I’ll be there.” Your phone buzzes against your face, indicating you have received a new message.
“You should have it now. Okay, I’ll let you get back to your workout.” You both say your goodbyes before hanging up. You put the phone down on the table and stare out of the windows in your living room, lost in memories. 
Mark and you met in 2012, while he still drove in Formula 1. You had just graduated university with a degree in Mathematics and Engineering, and your thesis had somehow made its way to the desk of Christian Horner. And so, there you were: 23 years old and bright eyed, using the tool you had developed for your thesis to analyse simulator data and translating that into adjustments needed to the set up of the car to extract its maximum potential. While you mainly worked on Sebastian’s side of the garage, you often bumped into Mark during race weekends, always ready with a comment that should’ve gotten him written up. Mark was everything you needed in a man at that point in your life and it felt so good to feel wanted, to feel desired. And then 2013 happened. 
You have to physically shake your head to stop going down that rabbit hole, only now noticing how hard you’re gripping the back of a chair. Exhaling deeply, you let go, flexing your fingers to get rid of the tension. Despite knowing you need to have this conversation before either of you can even think about second chances, you’re not looking forward to reliving how it all fell apart. 
Thursday approaches a lot faster than you had anticipated, work keeping you busy even if there wasn’t a race. Having already showered, you’re now standing in front of your wardrobe trying to decide on what to wear. The old you would have gone for something frilly and short. Mark loved seeing you in these tiny summer dresses, and you loved how his hand felt on your bare thigh, allowing him to easily slide up under your dress while you were out for team dinners and tease you mercilessly. Chewing your bottom lip, you peruse your options. Despite it being September, it’s still a balmy 22 ℃ although it will probably cool off during the course of the evening. Feeling the need to reclaim a part of you that Mark stole from you, you decide to go for a dress. Even if you no longer wear those short, cutesy dresses, you still love how dresses make you feel. There’s a femininity that you sometimes feel out of sync with because of your job. It feels empowering, dressing up in a world built for men. Your eyes fall on a recent purchase –a flowy midi length dress in a gorgeous burnt orange. Slipping it on, you brush your fingers over the soft linen fabric, admiring the way the gold buttons catch the sunlight. It’s casual enough for tonight, but it gives you that little boost of confidence that you know you will need to make it through Mark’s relentless flirting. Closing the door of your wardrobe, you slip on a pair of sandals and grab your purse before heading out. 
It turns out that Mark lives a lot closer to you than you had expected when you first looked at the address he sent you. You park the car on the paved driveway in front of the detached house in the outskirts of Oxford, taking in its grandeur. You remember Mark telling you about how his family would come over for the holidays sometimes and so the extra bedrooms make sense. As you slam your door shut, you spot Mark in the door opening.
“Hey sweetheart,” he greets you and you let him pull you into a hug.
“Hey,” you reply softly, following him inside. Mark leads you to a large open kitchen-dining space before offering you something to drink. 
“Wasn’t sure whether you’d want to eat outside or not,” Mark says as he hands you a glass.
“Might as well make the most of this warm weather,” you reply with a smile. Mark returns your smile and takes you outside through the large French doors in the kitchen. 
“Dinner’s almost ready. Please, sit. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll join you in a moment.” 
You do as he asks, taking in the landscaping from your spot on the patio. It doesn’t take long for Mark to start bringing out the dishes, refusing your help. 
“I might’ve gone a little overboard,” he admits sheepishly as he brings out the final dish. The grilled asparagus should’ve been a giveaway, but you can’t help but feel touched when Mark places a lamb roast on the table.
“I can’t believe you remembered,” you say, throat closing with tears.
“How could I forget? It’s not every day you find a pretty girl crying quietly in the corner of the garage after a race –which we won by the way– because she missed her nan’s Sunday roast. She always made lamb, right?” Mark says. You nod and try to swallow back tears.
“Thanks Mark, this-.. This means a lot to me,” you whisper. Mark smiles softly and gives your hand a squeeze. 
During dinner, the conversation mainly revolves around catching up. Mark tells you all about managing McLaren’s rookie driver and how he’s finding it to work at Channel 4 with David. You update him on your appointment, showing the little sonogram picture. 
“So everything’s okay with the baby?” he asks, an anxious look in his eyes.
“Uhu, so far so good. They estimated that I’m about 7 weeks along now.” Mark looks back down at the picture on your phone, a large finger tracing it gently as he smiles. Seeing him so enamoured by the tiny blob on the sonogram brings up a mix of emotions for you; it warms your heart to see him like this, but it also terrifies you that those feelings for him never went away and how easy it is to fall back in step with him. 
“You’d look so hot in those maternity dresses,” Mark comments, his tone flirtatious, “You always look hot in a dress. I still dream about that pink one with the hearts you wore to dinner after Silverstone. You looked so innocent in that dress, but we both knew you were anything but.” 
And then he goes and says shit like that, and it all comes tumbling down like a house of cards. 
“I no longer dress for you, Mark. You lost that privilege a long time ago,” you retort, voice even but there’s an edge to it. You remember the dress he is talking about, remember what he is referring to. Before your food even arrived at the table, Mark had dragged you into the bathroom. He had made some comment about how pretty you looked but how you’d look even prettier on your knees with your mouth wrapped around his cock, and so that’s what you did. That was how your relationship worked: Mark would make a suggestive comment and you would obey without a second thought. Of course he always made sure he took care of you; he was the one who helped you discover you could experience multiple orgasms, would always clean you up afterwards and run you a bath. But despite all this, he always took what he wanted from you first. You wish you could have protected your younger self against the heartbreak that was headed your way, against the feeling of being lost at sea after Mark left you alone in that hotel room with nothing more than the remnants of his fingerprints on your skin. After the dust had settled, you had promised yourself never again; you would never allow yourself to be in that position again. 
“I’m sorry,” Mark says, breaking you from your spiralling thoughts, “for- I’m sorry for how it all went down, how I treated you. You deserved so much better than that,” he adds, referring to the note he left you after that final race in Brazil. 
“Why did you leave me?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper. 
“Because I couldn’t drag you into my mess. You had your entire career still ahead of you while I needed to get out. That last season was a shitshow, despite the fact that Seb won the Driver’s and RedBull the Constructor’s. I was sick and tired of how the team favoured Seb. I had nothing left to give..” 
“You shut me out, I thought we were in it together.. Or was I just a means to get back at Sebastian?” It’s impossible to not sound bitter, hurt evident in your tone.
“No, Jesus, no sweetheart. You know it started out as a way to annoy him, but my feelings for you were genuine; I loved you, and in many ways still do.” Regret is written all over his face when your eyes meet his. You know your relationship back then was complicated. Of course there was the age gap –Mark is a good 13 years older than you– which somehow trickled into the bedroom where he showed you things that made your previous boyfriends look like clueless little boys by comparison. And as every naive 20-something-year-old with daddy issues would have done, you fell head over heels in love with him, giving him your heart and your body. 
“You broke a piece of me that day that I might not ever get back,” you whisper.
“And I will spend the rest of my life regretting the way I handled things. You’re right, I should’ve been open and honest with you instead of walking out on us,” Mark says, taking your hand in his.
“I’ve spent ten years avoiding you. The ghost of you haunted me in that garage and so when Mercedes called, I took it with both hands. I was a mess those first years, somehow still hoping you’d come back for me. And then it became painfully clear you weren’t and I mourned the loss of you all over again. I hated you for what you did to me, hated myself even more for ever allowing you to get close enough to hurt me, for still being in love with you despite it all. The last ten years I’ve spent building up walls so I wouldn’t have to feel like that version of me again, and look where that’s gotten me.” You laugh humorlessly, biting your lip to stop the tears from falling. “I have become the very definition of a cliche, entangled in a love square and too scared to let any of them in.” 
Before you really know what’s happening, Mark pulls you out of your seat and into his lap. Your legs dangle over the arm of the chair and you bury your face in the crook of his neck. 
“I need you to listen carefully, okay sweetheart? If anyone deserves to take the blame for what happened, it’s me. And if you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how worthy of love you are. I know all three of us will. You might have a hard time letting us in right now, but baby you need to know that we’re all in if you are. You are worth waiting for.” You take a deep breath, inhaling his cologne. The scent of it helps to calm you down, it reminding you of the lazy mornings spent in bed cuddling. 
“You’re the second person to tell me that,” you mumble as you look up at him. Mark smiles, brushing away your tears with his thumb and cradles your cheek in his palm.
“Then it must be true.” 
You smile back at him, albeit timidly and snuggle into him once more. Alice’s words from a week prior echo in your head. “Keeping your heart shut like this, it’s safe but also lonely.” You’re beginning to wonder whether the cost has been far greater than the benefits of keeping romance at bay. Doing so hurt a good man; had you been able to allow Kevin in completely, you know he would have made you feel safe and loved. You also know Kevin deserves better –hell, you deserve better, but knowing and doing are two very different things, and right now you’re not sure if you’ll ever be ready for this level of love –from any of them.  
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Welp, there you have it. Date no.2 🙊
Again, a massive thank you to @curiousthyme and @szobosz for being my beta readers for this chapter, and a shoutout to @monzamash for helping me with figuring out the details for this date
Please feel free to let let me know what you think; your comments, tags and likes mean the absolute world to me 💜
I'm gonna take the holidays off from posting this fic to just relax (and maybe get some more writing done, who knows?), so the last date will be posted in the new year on the 6th. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and all the best for the new year!
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coqxettee · 1 year
Coquette night routine:
My current Spring night routine: 🌸🍵🌙
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Once I get in from being out for the day/doing work I usually get changed into some comfy clothes, and light a candle for a relaxing evening ahead. The sky is still so light outside, (I can’t wait for summer) so I have a lovely evening ahead of me ♡
I tidy my room and make sure everything is clean and put away. I usually open my bedroom window too, to air it (if I haven’t done so already in the day) and to get some of the Spring fresh air before I settle down for the evening. I spray my room with a floral room spritz too ♡
I usually read or journal on my bed until I’m called for dinner. I love reading fairytales in late spring and anything light-hearted/romantic ♡
For dinner I have been having light meals. We’re coming up to summer and the weather has been rather warm recently so something light is perfect. Either soup or salad, and usually before or after dinner I have some cold fruit too ♡
Once I’ve eaten I will watch a comfort film. The Harry Potter series has been added to my countries Netflix recently so I have been watching them every evening. Sometimes I have a light, sweet snack whilst watching too. But I never eat more than 3 hours before bed usually ♡
I make some hot lemon tea and go back into my room to watch a comfort episode of something. I love the Beatrix Potter/Peter rabbit episodes you can watch online for free. They are so comforting, beautiful and radiate such coquette, cottagecore vibes. Perfect for this time of year ♡
Usually I play a wind-down video game. Either Animal crossing or Minecraft. I associate both of these games with Spring because they are light-hearted and allow me to be creative of an evening ♡
Once I’ve let my food digest for a couple of hours or so, I get my yoga mat out and begin stretching for the evening. I try and do Pilates/yoga or a K-pop dance routine everyday and a stretching routine. (Apart from setting my alarm) I also don’t go on my phone from this point onwards, so there are no screens/blue lights before bed ♡
Shower time. I usually shower quite late before bed and every morning too. I just like the way it makes me feel more fresh but obviously not everyone likes doing this so don’t feel you have to! I use my marshmallow shower gel, coconut body cream or my cherry-blossom body cream too. I love washing the day off ♡
Then I take off my days makeup and do my skincare whilst usually watching Vogue beauty secrets. It’s such a comforting thing to watch when your taking off/putting on your makeup. I also spray myself with a lavender body mist to help me sleep, and of course I brush my teeth ♡
I then get changed into a nightgown or some cotton/airy pyjamas. I don’t like to wear anything too constricting in Spring, which is why I love vintage nightwear. Or I wear my Brandy Melville, heart lace pyjamas ♡
I brush my hair through thoroughly whilst listening to classical music, and tie it up either with a ribbon or hair tie so it doesn’t mess up when I sleep ♡
I pick out my outfit for the next day the night before and lay it out on my vanity so I know what I’m wearing the following morning ♡
I turn my electric blanket on if it is a little chilly that night and say goodnight to my parents. I switch my fairy lights on and get into bed ♡
I either listen to relaxing “Lana Del Rey” songs or nursery rhymes ♡
I usually journal about my day to reflect on everything that has happened and I write my to-do list for the following day ♡
I read every night for half an hour or more. Usually it’s a fairytale so my head is filled with magic before I sleep ♡
Before I sleep I play rain music or rainforest sounds, or I choose a subliminal to listen to overnight from my library, and I spray my pillow with “Lavender pillow mist” or I use a sleep oil to help me get to sleep ♡
If I haven’t done it already, I set my alarm for 7AM, to ensure I have a productive morning the next morning. I make sure to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep. I love waking up early and listening to the bird song, especially now since the Sunrise is at 4am ♡
I count sheep & swans and like to imagine fantasy lands in my head before I sleep, and hope to be transported there in my dreams, before I finally drift off to the land of Z z z ♡
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all-about-kyu · 1 year
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Summary: You were simply trying to do your yoga routine… Yunho has a new position he'd like to show you, though. Pairing: Yunho x fem!reader Tropes: established relationship au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: language Smut Warnings: oral, 69 while standing, praise Word Count: 384 Note: for the Tarot Card Drabble Event Requested by: @smallfrye
Two of Pentacles ➾ flexible, multi-tasking, 69
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You’ve been doing yoga every morning for as long as you can remember. Yunho knows this. As of late, though, he’s been enjoying sitting in the sunshine and sipping on his morning coffee. Which also happens to be in the same area you do your yoga. You can feel his eyes practically burning holes in you as you reach to have your hands flat against your yoga mat. Yunho just stares as you continue taking deep breaths and do your routine. 
“I have a yoga position I wanted to try.” he finally speaks, voice slightly rough still from waking up.
“And what is that, Yuyu?” you ask, completely unprepared for what he’s about to say.
“I saw this video on my Twitter timeline the other day… it was really hot…”
You suck in a sharp breath, “Mhm… wanna explain to me why there was porn on your timeline?”
“Anyway,” Yunho continues, ignoring your jab, “The guy was holding his partner up while she sucked him off… we should try that.”
You stand up straight and look at your boyfriend in disbelief. He knows there’s an undercurrent of arousal in your eyes, though. He knows that look very well.
“What’s in it for me.”
“Oh, I’m going to be happily eating you out during it all.” he states as if it’s the most obvious thing ever.
You again stand there stunned for a moment. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, you shrug and motion for him to join you on your mat. It takes mere moments before you’re both stripped bare and making out in the pale sunlight of the morning. You’re not entirely sure how your boyfriend manages to maneuver you into the desired position. But next thing you know, you’re upside down, thighs on his shoulders, with his arms wrapped around your waist. His cock is so far down your throat you choke on it, muffling any noises you make while he absolutely devours your pussy. This is not your typical morning yoga, but you’re not complaining, either. Sweet words escape Yunho’s lips once in a while when he needs to come up for air. You’re so deliriously cock-drunk you don’t even process the praise he’s laying on thickly. All you know is that you’re absolutely loving this new morning yoga routine.
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COPYRIGHT FLOWERBOYKUN 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @sanjoongie @jaehunnyy @ericssmile @anyamaris
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anundyingfidelity · 6 months
Hi!! Congrats on reaching 400 followers !! 🎉🎊 For the drabble request, can I get something dark and smutty with Lee Pace?(if you feel comfortable about it of course) Also I broke my phone like 5 days ago and now that I'm back I see all these booping around 😆, can you tell me what is that about and how can I play?! xoxo😗 💞
thanks a lot aaaa 🩷🩷 ! this is the first request i receive for lee and i'm happy because there aren't a lot of fics about him uggghhh i love him!! i'm sorry about your phone OMG the boops were for april fool's, it was a special stuff for that day only, it was fun 😭 hope they can bring it back tho! ps: LOOK AT THAT GIF THAT HE'S SO HOT, MY TURN NOW, I WANT TO GET SLAPPED TOO lol
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WORKOUT — Lee Pace x female reader
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Word count: 530 (oops again lol).
Genre: dark stuff, smut.
Warnings: dom!Lee Pace, p in v smut, blowjob, cum swallow, manhandling, use of word 'whore'.
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“I love the way your body takes me,” Lee purred against your ear.
His thumb pressing between your lips as he rolled his hips lazily, his cock buried deep inside your pussy. You rolled your tongue, taking his finger on your mouth, sucking on it like it was his hard cock. You hummed as he split you open, pounding into you harder.
How did you end up here, with him between your legs and ripping your clothes off and fucking you in the gym? Well, you worked for some time together and the tension was inevitable. None of you said a word, besides occasional flirting and teasing, but not going further than words. But today, seeing him working out, sweaty, and building up muscles for his new role made you feel things you were not supposed to, since you were part of his publicist team. When you gave it a try, he sensed the lust on your eyes and excitement coming from you. Then a sloppy kiss happened, and now he had you pinned down against a yoga mat on the empty gym floor, half dressed, fucked out and moaning his name over and over.
“I've wanted to do this since forever,” he growled, pulling out his thumb from your mouth.
His big hand moved down, caressing the sweat coated skin on your neck. “You’re so fucking perfect, made to fit me.”
His praise earned whimpers from your lips, your pussy clenching around his cock when his big hand wrapped around your neck, cutting some of your air perfectly to make you shiver. Lee grinned wickedly.
“You like it rough?” he teased, giving you a couple of hard thrusts, reaching that sweet spot that made you see stars as your eyelids closed harshly.
You nodded as best as you could. The sensation down your belly became too much to handle, and you soon found yourself coating his cock with the juices of your release, as he moaned with that beautiful, deep voice of his, not stopping his hips at all. Fuck, just by this session he was getting addicted to your pussy. He was fucking close too, but he had another plans for you.
Lee suddenly pulled out once you came down from your high, forcing you on your knees with his incredibly strong body. Standing before you, he grabbed a fist of your hair, pulling you closer to his cock.
“Be a good girl and suck me off,” he ordered. He was extremely pleased when you took him in your mouth, humming and tasting his precum mingled with your own release like a starved whore having her last meal, until he released down your throat. He forced your head so you couldn’t pull him out. “Swallow. All of it.”
And you did as told. When you swallowed completely, he backed up pulling out his softened shaft and locking eyes with your own. You opened your mouth sticking out your tongue. He grinned, satisfied with your work.
“I don’t think we can remain professional any longer,” you said, catching your breath, and looking at him with innocent eyes.
He was glad about that though. His dirtiest dream was barely starting.
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shidouryusm · 1 year
Placing bets with him goes wrong.
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Pairing: Satoru x fem!reader
suggestive, lots of making out, implied nsfw, reader being a lil meanie to our boy - yep that's all
Word count: 1.4k (I never learn)
A.n- I am all downbad for any workout this 6'3 walking paintbrush will throw at me
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“‘toru, I don’t think I am supposed to hang around like this for 30 seconds.” You mumble, scratching your head, and eye the YouTube video that is currently showing various pilates exercises, twisting and turning with impressive flexibility that has you a little concerned. Satoru glances at you; seeing the worrisome expression plastered on your face, he can’t help but be amused. 
“My my, is this a look of defeat I see on your face already? Can’t even hold for mere 30 seconds, darling?” you hear Satoru gasp sardonically, putting a hand over his chest and looking at you wide-eyed— celine blue eyes, dripping with sarcasm and dare. 
“It’s okay you can simply tap out and buy me my deserved drink. Not everyone can do everything always” Satoru continues to irk you, risking a massive blow in the face. You scowl at him before resuming watching the video. “Toru, before I botch up something on your face,” you press your fingers over your lips, gesturing for him to shut up. 
“I just haven’t done it in a while; I am fit enough to continue working out and beat your ass” you reply to his challenge with the same measure.
“Always so feisty,” Satoru mumbles as he mockingly shakes his head. “Well that being said, let’s get down to business , or you changing your mind cause I rather not have your body bending backwards, yknow” Satoru wriggles his eyebrows, playful, fake concern lacing his voice, knowing that pushing your buttons will make you want to accomplish this task even more. 
“A guy can only dream, ‘toru. Watch me ace this excercise, you better pay for that boba already” You narrow your eyes and scoff at him, warming up on top of the yoga mat with some light stretches. Satoru sits on the couch parallel to you, observing you carefully, while also making sure you’re not overdoing anything that may harm you otherwise.
What happened you may be curious? You and your boyfriend were simply scrolling through your socials, until things went south and both of you got into a stupid challenge about whether you could finish this fairly difficult set of pilates that you came across on your reels-- owing winner a boba. More than the price of the challenge, you are simply determined to defeat him in it because of how nonchalantly he had said “I don’t think you would last even 10 minutes”— What an absolute minx
You start working out, finishing the easy sets without any issues, occasionally throwing a look of victory towards your boyfriend, which he reciprocates with his well known smirk. 
“Y’know, princess, I feel like either way I’m scoring a win. After all, I’m the one getting to watch you stretch like that. You sure are good at it.” You hear Satoru say, knowing, without even looking, that he has that shit eating grin on his face. You turn your head sideways, looking at him.
Manspreaded, as usual. Arms outstretched over the expanse of the couch, his loose white shirt sticking with his skin from the stretch and you could almost make out the ridges and contours of his body. The sunlight swirls into the room, creating a soft golden light across his face, making his eyes look like the surface of the ocean glimmering under the summer sun. He looks….painfully beautiful, lazily lounging and smiling like that. 
You clear your throat, roll your eyes and quickly look away from him, trying to ignore how he and his way of looking are affecting you. You feel your cheeks pool with heat while you try to finish this set of goddamned toe touch stretches.
“Can’t live a second without your perverted mind, can you now? I’ll glue your blindfold with your eyes” you try to brush off any semblance of tension Satoru made you feel. 
“And you think it will stop me?”
Touché. You shake your head, continuing what you were doing, a small smile daring to peek on your face. 
A minute or so passes in silence before you peripherally see Satoru getting up towards you, and there – you feel his large hand pressed on your back while you stretch and try touching your toes as much as you can.
" 'Toru, wha-"
“Let me help you, princess. It looks like your form is pretty off. how are you winning the challenge with this?” Satoru grumbles as he flushes against your back. Your breath gets caught in your throat, and you feel all the butterflies racing down in your stomach as his hands glide all over your back and your waist, squeezing it, apparently to “fix your form.”  He stands behind you, gently pressing on your lower back when you get down again to touch your toes, his hands gliding over your arms as he assists you in stretching, his face merely inches away from you as he bends down with you.
Satoru helps you out like this for a while, never moving his hands from your body. His chest still pressed against your back, moving along with yours. You feel his breath slowly hitting your neck, tingling you ever so softly. His breath tickles your ears as he breathily mutters a small “good girl” right against your ears.
 He’s purposely riling you up.
“No funny business, ‘toru.” Your voice carried a hint of warning. 
Satoru nods against your skin, followed by a soft chuckle, the vibrations rhyming against your body. He brushes his hands, palms flat against your shoulder, sliding down your arms.
Satoru feigns innocence that you're sure has flung itself out of the building hours ago, “I’m just helping you out, darling.” 
And just as you suspected— you feel his hand on your hips, rubbing circles as gently as a flower petal before turning you towards him. His hands dip down under your chin, and no sooner than that, his mouth is brushing over yours. A small breath of air escapes as he presses his lips, placing a feather-light kiss. Your breath shortens as he deepens the kiss almost immediately, his index and thumb holding your chin up towards him. You give in to the kiss, feeling his soft lips dance with yours. 
The kiss, as often shared between you two, blazes fire in its wake on your lips every time, without doubt. You let out a whine, prompting him to drag his lips across your jaws, his hands traveling down to your ass, giving it a squeeze, and pushing you flush against him. Your hands are raking through his soft white locks, tugging at them, pushing his head close to yours as  your mouth moves in tandem with his. 
Satoru groans, “thought you said no funny business. What happened? Can’t keep up with your words now?” 
“Shut up.” You drag him back into the kiss, effectively shutting him up with your neediness to feel him again. Your hands are on the back of his neck, holding close to him for leverage as you feel his tongue drive into yours, a hint of mint spreading in your mouth from him. He gently bites into your skin, sucking it a fiercely while his body finds a rhythm against yours. As if he dares to leave a molecule of space between you two.
Saturo groans into the kiss, the sound travelling straight down to your spine and reaching parts it shouldn’t. His mouth is now moving towards your cheek, placing little pecks as it slides down to your neck. 
His one hand is wrapped around your hair; the other is still placed firmly over your lower back. He breathes over you, and you could feel the cool, minty aftereffects before he places sloppy kisses all over your neck and collarbone, pushing your head to the side for more coverage. His hand wander all over your body, back to front, as if discovering its beauty for the first time. 
Satoru breaks off the kiss, looking at you, a little disheveled from this sudden makeout session. Your eyes mirror the same level of want and desire for him and this is enough to give Satoru the green light. Grabbing your ass, he lifts you up, feeling your legs encircle his torso. 
“I might have the perfect workout for you. Your silly little exercises aren’t as helpful as this one.”
“Oh really? And what that might be, may I know?” You exhale breathlessly, your forehead pressed against his. Satoru flashes that notorious smirk of his before pecking a small kiss on your swollen lips.
“For that, princess, you have to have my assistance, and this works great in the bedroom, although I’m not opposed if we end up doing this workout anywhere around the hou-.” 
“Satoru Gojo, you better start this “workout of yours” without any more nonsense, or I’ll change my mind.”
“As feisty as ever you are but as you wish, princess.”
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for the boba- y'all do get two bobas after his special workout and procrastinate this bet for some other time. Never workout in front of Satoru Gojo (Always do)
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stusbunker · 6 months
Spotless: Mordent
Chapter Eighteen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Sam, Billie
Word Count: 2880ish
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, this turned into more of a brother chapter than I originally intended, talk of tattoos and body mods, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
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Dean walked out of the studio with a cassette recording of their album, a CD and a thumb drive. He always asked for it to be playable in the impala and Ash always came through. The other options were for Bobby and Sam, respectively. Sam would send the files to everyone else. It was finished, set to be released while they were on tour, with the label’s stamp of approval and all. ‘Waysides and Regrets’ was thirteen songs packed with everything they could pour into them.
"Don’t call it a comeback,” Dean muttered to himself as he slipped into the driver’s seat and popped the cassette into the deck. The opening to Rupture ripped through the speakers and Dean cackled at hearing it like a civilian. He drummed along with Pam on the steering wheel as he turned out of the parking lot, saluting the guard at the gate as he went. 
He listened to it all before going back home. Rupture bled into Pushing Through which mellowed out to the subdued Brothers Keeper. Then they cranked it back up with Route 666, which slid into the angsty Prophet and Loss that showcased just why Kevin was Cas’ replacement (musically at least). Beyond the Mat and Goodbye Stranger were two sides of the same coin, introspective but in different tones, soulful and combative respectively. Then there was the first single, Annie’s duet, Baby, which Dean unabashedly wrote about his car, but as if she were real and he could thank her and praise her for everything she meant to him. He sang out loud with every word of that song as he cruised faceless side streets letting the music wash over him. 
Everybody Loves A Clown, Except Sam was supposed to be a joke track, but they got carried away with it and it actually was one of the funnest songs to play for Dean, and Kevin going full calliope for the chorus was totally worth it.  Gods and Monsters was fueled by Dean’s inner rage and where his anger came from, also known as John Winchester and his own self worth issues. Missouri had a field day when he sent her those lyrics. Then there was Lee’s track which Dean helped merely tweak some lines, Give Me My Axe: An Executioner’s Song. It was even better with the windows down and the road disappearing beneath his tires. The final track was an anthem, not quite what the kids would call a banger, but celebratory enough to be the potential second single from the album. It’s about the weekend Dean finally came up for air, when Sam holed him up at Bobby’s cabin in Tahoe and they had his come-to-Jesus intervention thing. It’s about letting go and letting your people catch you, aptly named Weekend at Bobby’s. It turned out better than Dean could have hoped.
He turned into the canyon when the bonus tracks started, knowing the album was drawing to a close and wanting Sam to hear it before he got too emotional about it. The house was quiet when he walked in, the coffee still in the pot, but Sam’s rinsed-out smoothie blender upside down in the sink. Dean found Sam outside, despite the cooler air, going through his yoga routine. 
Dean teased Sam about a lot of things, but it held little venom with the things that brought Sam well-being. 
“Hey, mop-head, got the album when you’re ready,” Dean called from the doors off the kitchen.
Sam exhaled and smiled, eyes closed in concentration. Dean didn’t know how he did it, but he understood sometimes other senses just get in the way of an experience, almost like they try to crowd it or consume it because it’s not about them.
“Gimme like ten minutes,” Sam replied and shifted into mountain pose. 
“Fair enough.”
Dean left the thumb drive on the counter and made his way into the living room. They had speakers in their jam room, but Dean hadn’t eaten and lunch was sounding better by the second. So he popped the CD into the stereo and paused it with one of the many remotes they’d accumulated through years of technological upgrades. Sam had an app on his phone for half of it, but Dean still favored physically punching buttons to get what he wanted done.
He made his way back into the kitchen and started pulling things out for BLTs. Sam had some tofu-bacon in the drawer and he fried that up too, and if a little of the real grease got on it, it was too bad for Sam. He grabbed a couple of bags of chips from the pantry and then some leftover fruit salad from the fridge to even them out. Life was about balance after all, and having a health nut for a brother and roommate Dean had learned to pick his battles. 
“Hey, that smells amazing,” Sam broke through Dean’s little self-congratulation.
“Yeah, mine does, yours smells like a nursing home cafeteria—- You ready?” Dean asked, holding up the remote with one hand while popping a chip into his mouth with the other.
“Hit it,” Sam agreed, sitting at the counter as Dean slapped his sandwich down in front of him.
They ate and listened, commenting here and there. Sam helped Dean clean up the kitchen and they both gravitated to the couch to finish listening. Dean took out a bowl he kept in an end table and packed it, smoking casually as Sam took in each song, each transition. 
It was one moment, but it was also a hundred others in the years before it. Brothers sitting in comfortable quiet as music spoke to them instead of one another. They were thirteen and nine and Dad had brought home a signed Lyle Lovett album for them to ingest. While neither of them were yet prone to country, it shifted their ideas of just what good music was. They were fifteen and eleven and done enough chores for a trip to Record Town in North Platte where they each got a tape apiece. Dean got Jar of Flies by Alice in Chains while he convinced Sam to get The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails instead of Tori Amos’ Under the Pink. They read every line of production details and lyrics on the pamphlets tucked into the plastic cases. 
Sam came home to find Dean back for the weekend. It was early ‘98 and it felt like everything had turned horrifyingly pop focused. The Prodigy’s Fat of the Land was playing on the boombox Dean had dragged out of Sam’s room as his big brother cleaned the kitchen back to his standards and not Kate’s livable level of clutter. They were waiting to hear if they had a brother or a sister. The only thing said between them was Dean reassuring Sam that he put his Celine Dion CD back in its case. 
They sat in Lee’s dorm room, stoned and drunk, watching as his roommate's computer uploaded their album. It felt like it would take forever, but it was also insane to think that people all over the world could listen to their music. It was full of possibility, but it was also just two brothers and their friends in their habitat, existing together.
“Dude— did you autotune me?!” Sam gaped, chuckling self consciously while listening to his line of the acoustic track of Brothers Keeper.
“Barely. Like nobody’s gonna notice, they’ll be too busy balling their eyes out,” Dean reassured.
“Yeah, like you, huh?”
“Shut up.”
Sam laughed, but let his embarrassment go; the nervous bastard always hated singing which was why he wasn’t as good at it. 
The album reached its end and they started talking about ideas for the tour, things to write down and beg Charlie for like lighting designs or album specific imagery when they hop back into their older stuff. It was almost four when Dean finally got over to Bobby’s with the CD, but he didn't stay for another listen. He let Annie have her moment with Bobby gushing, as much as the geezer could or would gush.
On the way home, you called him squealing with excitement.
“You listen to it already?”
“No! I just got the files from Sam. I guess I shouldn’t have called until I heard it all, huh?”
Dean chuckled. “Maybe. Or maybe you’ll hate it and never want to talk to me again.”
“Ha-ha. But no, seriously, I’m so excited. I’m going to blast it as I meal prep. Do you want my review long hand or can I just call you back and talk your ear off?”
“Whatever you’re willing to give me,” Dean tried for playful.
“Dangerous, Winchester. Okay, well I have like ten more things I have to do now that we have a single. But I’ll be in touch.”
“Sounds good— and thanks.”
“No— thank you.”
Dean hung up and let the fear roll in. You were going to hear it all. Everything he had been through and everything you had helped him overcome. He only hoped you wouldn’t be upset by making a cameo on something so public. Or embarrassed by the way he still needed you. 
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Dean promised he’d be on his best behavior. Part of that was putting out fires for the band, to try and help make your job easier. So after the shake up from Kevin and Cas, he called Billie and apologized for his bandmates’ (both past and present) disrespect. She told him he could make it up to her. But there was no way Dean was going under the needle again, last time he even looked at one he almost threw up. But, it just so happened he knew someone who was in the market for some art. 
Unfortunately, that meant Dean would have to tag along.
Billie’s studio was modern and bright, with different colored walls contrasting the silver accents, both mirrors and shelving. From the outside, Reaping Ink was a small sign on a battered street, but inside it felt like walking into an art gallery and not someplace that had hard sharps containers and enough first aid equipment to stock an ambulance on hand.
And the furniture was always so damn comfortable.
The last time Dean had been here was for a memorial tattoo for Jo that you got on your right shoulder. He nearly broke your hand holding it as he tried and failed not to watch your skin be pierced continuously. It was a beautiful tattoo, everything Billie did was masterful. It just wasn’t something Dean wanted to sit through again.
Luckily for everyone, Bela didn’t need Dean to hold her hand. But she did need him as in with Billie, who usually booked appointments six-to-eight months out. 
“Hello, Dean,” Billie’s dark voice called once they walked in, she stood so still and so silently, he hadn’t even noticed her among the cacophony of color in the waiting area.
“Heya Billie, this is Bela,” Dean guided Bela with a hand on the small of her back, the way Billie’s dark eyes clocked the motion made Dean want to step back. Like a nun catching you standing too close to your crush in the hallway. Dean never went to Catholic school, but that feeling of getting caught, of doing wrong was universal.
“Pleasure,” Bela smiled at the artist, while Billie just nodded.
“I have a couple versions for you to pick from, I think I got the gist of what we talked about, but I wanted to be sure on sizing and layout. So come on back and we’ll get started,” Billie went straight into business mode. No whining about Cas’ impulsiveness or speculating on Dean and Bela’s relationship. At least verbally, her eyes held a very different story.
She had three different stencils already cropped and laid out for Bela to see as Bela rucked up her top and rolled down her leggings. It wasn’t a tramp stamp, she was insistent on that, but it was on the back of her right hip, something she could glance at or hold if she needed to. The way she talked about the position of the tattoo, made it seem just as important as the content or the coloring of it.
“Dean?” Bela’s voice drew Dean out of his thoughts.
“Can you take pictures with my phone? Before, during, and after?” Bela handed him her unlocked iphone and he turned it around to focus on her nearly bare back. He took a few shots and gave it back. 
“You’ll want that to distract you, trust me,” Dean assured.
Bela rolled her eyes. “Isn’t that what you’re here for?”
Dean went green. “As long as I don’t have to watch.”
“Really?!” Bela exclaimed and looked over to Billie for confirmation.
“Mmm-hmm, boys one of the worst I’ve seen around needles. No wonder he doesn’t even have his ears pierced.”
“I guess I never noticed—- wouldn’t have thought. Poor thing,” Bela sighed as she settled on her stomach on one of Billie’s many specialty beds. 
“Can we not? I mean, I’m here ain't I?” Dean huffed and pulled out his own phone. You still hadn’t texted him what you thought about the album, but he also knew you were busy, so he didn’t want to rush you or look too desperate.
He felt Bela and Billie have a silent conversation as he pulled up his sudoku app, but ignored them as Billie got the stencil in place, only getting up to snap another picture. Then, they were off. Bela and Billie making small talk about the design, which Dean knew Bela had put a lot of thought into, especially since it would officially tarnish her good girl image. Even in this day and age, most of her fans were in their fifties. A tattoo could rattle the masses. But getting one with Dean seemed like a good compromise of their images.
He was rubbing off on her, so to speak. Well, he hadn’t done that literally since his talk with Sam, but you know.
They sat for an hour and a half and took a break, Dean went to get food and coffee, which he left in the lobby so as not to infringe on Billie’s strict rules. Dean took a couple more pictures and some stupid selfies for Bela to find later. The shop was closed to the public and since Billie’s latest playlist had started over, Dean asked if he could hook up to the bluetooth. 
Billie looked at him appraisingly as it became clear that he was playing his own music during his girlfriend’s appointment. 
“You’re either looking for my approval or you’re buttering me up by letting me hear this first. Which is it?” Billie manhandled Bela back into position to get going on the shading.
“I don’t know, man. Both?”
Billie hummed, but didn’t reply.
Dean walked around the studio, looking at the different sets of flash and paintings that covered the walls. He flinched away from the spinning display of rods, tapers, disks, and rings for piercings and stretching. He felt like a waste of space, but mainly because he was never any good with boredom. Being idle in a place he was already uncomfortable, for a plethora of reasons, was akin to torture.
He remembered to breathe.
He checked his phone. He put that back into his pocket. He stole Bela’s phone for a few more pictures, trying not to look directly at her raised, red flesh.
“How’s it going?” Dean asked, after giving Bela her phone back, his album running its course around them.
“I’d say another twenty minutes and then I’ll bandage her up. You good?” Billie asked, surprisingly sincerely.
“What? Yeah, I’m fine. Just curious,” Dean muttered.
“Hey, Dean. I like the music,” Billie said, waiting for him to make eye contact.
“Thanks,” Dean nodded, trying not to let his blush show.
“When’s it coming out?” Bela asked, suddenly reminding Dean why he was there in the first place.
“End of April,” he said. “Single’ll be released week after my birthday.”
Bela paused and looked up at him, but Billie was the one to break the ice.
“Which is?”
“Uh, the 24th. Baby hits your airwaves on the 29th.”
“Is that Annie Hawkins on that track?” Billie asked.
“Yup,” Dean grinned.
“Damn, almost forgot about her. Nice pull,” Billie praised.
Dean chuckled, not explaining his connection. She’d find out eventually, if it even mattered. “Yeah, we got lucky with that one.”
Bela was inked up, wiped down and vacuum sealed over the following half hour. Dean paid for the work, plus a generous tip. And posed for a few promotional shots with Bela and Billie alike. Once everyone was satisfied that what they had would help all involved, Bela and Dean said their goodbyes and thank yous and headed out for a late dinner at Elizabeth’s. 
“Do you want me to send these to you or to Y/N to latergram?” Bela asked as their drinks arrived. 
“Just send ‘em to Trouble. She’ll know what to do with them better than me,” Dean ducked out of the responsibility, unaware he was planting another social media minefield for you to navigate by doing so.
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Chapter Nineteen: Pizzicato
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