#ts3 mod
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twinsimming · 1 day ago
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Write Letters by Twinsimming 📫
This mod allows sims to write letters (or hate mail) to other residents in their town via the mailbox. 
This mod requires The Sims 3: Generations and The Sims 3: Seasons.
Writing Letters
The “Write Letter to…” and “Write Hate Mail to…” interactions work similar to the “Send Love Letter to...” interaction from The Sims 3: Seasons, but no actual letter is sent.
Child and older sims can write letters or hate mail to people they know in town! Writing letters will give a small relationship boost (similar to texting), while hate mail will do the opposite and reduce their relationship. 
Young Adults and older will use the “Write Thank You Notes” animation from The Sims 3: Generations, while Child and Teen sims use the homework animations. 
Small note that the homework notebook doesn't appear when a Child or Teen sim is writing a letter, but the interaction works fine.
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All of the following values are tunable in the mod’s XML files.
kFriendlyLetterLTR = 10
kMeanLetterLTR = 10
Conflicts & Known Issues
This is a new script mod so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.
EA/Maxis for The Sims 3, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, s3pe, Notepad++, deathbypufferfish on Tumblr for extracting the TS4 icons, and Around The Sims 3 for her letter/envelope textures.
Thank You
Gamefreak130, @greenplumbboblover, @echoweaver, @zoeoe-sims, Anton, @bietjie, fantuanss12, and @aroundthesims!
If you like my work, please consider tipping me on Ko-fi 💙
Download @ ModTheSims
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omedapixel · 5 months ago
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This mod edits the models of fish so that when you place them in the world they don't turn into tiny grey fish! This should make it much more fun to create fish markets, supermarket displays and just for general decorating :) All fish can be placed on small slots.
This currently does NOT change the model of the fish that cats catch when they are hunting, I tried many times but couldn't get it to work unfortunately.
This mod only overrides the MODELS not TEXTURES so any default replacement textures you have will be compatible!
Thank you so much to @bietjie for helping with the huge job of adding geostates to all the fish!
»» DOWNLOAD «« » Mod (Required!) » Base Game Fish » World Adventures Fish » Late Night Fish » Supernatural Fish » Showtime Fish » Island Paradise Fish » Into the Future Fish
ps. sorry i've had this in my drafts for literal months i just never got around to adding download links!!
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monocodoll · 2 months ago
MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle Mod
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Mod Description
The MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle Mod aims to provide players with a mechanic that introduces Menstrual Cycle's to sims of the female sex. This provides extra factors that you need to keep in mind. Such as when it is safe to Woohoo to avoid pregnancy, when you are most likely to conceive, being stocked on supplies for bleeding, as well as being lied to by other sims about it being a safe day or them being on birth control (Being lied to is tunable).
Before installing MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle into your game, please download and read the MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle 1.0.0 (Guide). This guide will state which third party mods you will need to receive full functionaility of the mod. It will also go over concerns/conflicts and more in depth with the mechanics of the mod.
Menstrual Cycle (PMS, Period, Fertile Window, and Luteal Phase)
Fertility System
Objects(Pads/Tampons, Plan B, Birth Control, Condoms)
Period Tracking App
Hospital Interactions(Vasectomy, Hysterctomy, Tubal Ligation, Abortion)
Social Interactions(Ask For Spare Pad or Tampn, Ask If On Birth Control, Ask If It Is A Aafe Day, Ask About Bleeding)
Toilet Interactions(Apply Protection, Remove Protection, Use Pregnancy Test, Fertility Awareness Test)
Settings(Set Menstrual Cycle Status, Set NPC Birth Control Behaviour , Set Cycle To PMS, Set Cycle To Period, Set Cycle To Fertile Window, Set Cycle To Luteal Phase, Set Day of Segment, Remove Menopause)
Tunables(71 Tunables)
Polycounts (Items Made By mspoodle1)
Birth control pill box Vertices:811 Polygons:1286
Condom Box Vertices:120 Polygons:128
Condom Item Vertices:175 Polygons:200
Plan B Box Vertices:96 Polygons:108
Pregnancy Test Box Vertices:96 Polygons:108
Pregnancy Test Item Vertices:128 Polygons:200
Presciption Pill Bottle Vertices:209 Polygons:240
Sanitary Pad Item Vertices:199 Polygons:250
Sanitary Pad Package Vertices:280 Polygons:398
Tampon Box Vertices:94 Polygons:108
Tampon Item Vertices:241 Polygons:308
Polycounts (Item made by MonocoDoll. Animation props used when taking Birth Control or Using Plan B)
PainKiller Pill: 124
MDMA Pill: 124
please download and read the MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle 1.0.0 (Guide). This guide will state which third party mods you will need to receive full functionaility of the mod. It will also go over concerns/conflicts and more in depth with the mechanics of the mod.
The Menstrual Cycle System from WonderfulWhims for the sims 4 was a huge inspiration for developing this mod. It should be noted, that I never played WonderfulWhims, but I loved seeing reviews of the Menstrual Cycle System from that mod. And I would have most likely enjoyed it had I decided to continue playing TS4 after I moved to PC gaming.
Third Party Apps Used
-VS 2019
-PhotoShop 2022
-Blender 2.79
-Blender 2.67b
-Script Mod Template Creator by Battery
Third Party Mods Used
-Battery's C# Script utility
MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle Script
Provided Assistance With Functions For The Script
Custom Objects Included With MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle Mod
Beta Testing
For more information, the MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle mod is available on Simblr.CC or LoversLab
Simblr.cc - MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle 1.0.0
MonocoDoll's Menstrual Cycle 1.0.0 - The Sims 3 - LoversLab
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virtual-hugs · 29 days ago
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Chance To Learn Teen Hangout Mod
● Did you know that there's a mechanic in the game with which your teen Sim can learn the current teen hangout in town from another teen? Probably not, because silly EA set the chance to learn this to 0. This tiny tuning mod will enable this function in your game.
● Additional information can be found on the download pages.
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greenplumbboblover · 4 months ago
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[Download] Lyralei's Pose Addon (Early Release)
It's finally here! 🎉 An successor to Virtual Artisan’s incredible Pose Addon!
VA’s Pose Addon has always been an essential part of my game, but it’s no secret that it had a few quirks and issues. While fixing those, I couldn’t resist adding some exciting new features to take it to the next level!
Cmomoney's Pose Box
Why Not Use Virtual Artisan's Pose Box with this mod?
This mod is an update to their original mod! Since it’s no longer available on their website, I decided to fully integrate it into this mod.
What does that mean?
This mod includes VA’s Pose Addon, so you don’t need to download it separately. Just make sure to delete the old version to avoid any glitches or conflicts! 😊
⭐ New Features:
Most things that are mine can be found under "Photo Shooting" > "Lyralei's Pose Addon".
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👀Better Look at
Ever posed a sim to look at something next to them, but they do this weird "eye roll-y" and "nudging slightly to the left" type of look at?
Or maybe you simply wanted to make the eyes look somewhere and not the head?
Let's check it out:
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Here we have Morgana, looking normally...
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Left = Va's Pose addon - Right = Lyralei's Pose Addon.
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To get started, first pose your Sim as usual! Once they’re in position, simply click "Look At..." to make it work.
Massive thanks to @thesweetsimmer111 for helping me on this!
Look at with just the eyes:
As mentioned, you can also just move certain parts of the body! In this case, the eyes!
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(Left: No Look At, Middle = Looking left, Right = Looking up)
This is done with something called a "Track Mask". When selected, the only parts of the sim will move that fit the chosen trackmask.
For example: Track Mask "EyesOnly" will ONLY animate the eyes!
Blending Poses
Can't find a pose online that fits your needs, but you do have 2 poses that would totally fix that?
Not a problem anymore! With "Pose Blending" you can use a pose "base" and then overlay another pose to create your own dynamic poses!
Here are some examples!
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On both cases, we have the "base" pose on the left. Then I have chosen to blend it with the pose in the middle, to get this as an end result! :)
How to:
First, pose your sim as you normally would
Go to "Photo shooting..." > "Lyralei's Pose Addon..." > "Utils..." > "Blend" > Choose whichever option you'd like to use! :)
Pick the Track Mask you'd like to apply. If you only want the upperbody to be affected, click that option.
Click/type in the pose you want to blend it with....
And tada!
Sitting/Laying poses:
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Even that's possible! :) Keep in mind, though: The base pose HAS to sit/lay/etc. Otherwise, your sim will elevate!
Categorised Pose List
Frustrated because every time you want to grab a pose from your list, it takes 3455325352 years for the list to load? Well, wait no more!
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Completely customizable through XML, you can now sort poses in their own respective categories!
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Need a sitting pose? no problem! Just go to Lyralei's Pose Addon > Take pose From... > Common List > Sitting, and there you have all your sitting poses! :)
Can I customise this list myself?
Of course! I wrote a How-To here: Click me!
🕰️ Show History
The Add-on remembers your pose history!
Whether you’re a dedicated “Pose by Name” user or prefer the simplicity of “Show by List”, both options now display your pose history for quick reference.
Note: Each Sim has their own individual history list. This means you’ll only see the pose history for Sim X when clicking on them, and not for Sim Y.
What did I fix for Virtual Artisan's Pose Addon?
I've made sure to keep everything as it used to (and if I made a replacement for it, it's now labeled with "[LEGACY]" at the beginning of the interaction).
But, of course there were some bugs that came with it.
There is now an interaction that uses both look at & reaction simultaneously. (In case you don't want to use my look at interaction).
Fixed an issue where reactions would sometimes or never show on the sim.
Fixed an issue where sims didn't always want to look at the item.
Fixed an issue where certain poses get called twice, making it harder to keep reactions or even look at history data.
Optimised the code here and there.
Most interactions will now continue on posing your sim if you exited out of the interaction, rather than resetting it. (this counts for "Change Expression" and "Look At").
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thesweetsimmer111 · 9 months ago
Functional Toddler Slide
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Yay! A functional slide just for toddlers 😊 - Interactions list: • Play On • Crawl Through Tunnel • Let Toddler Play On More info and download in the link below! Download (ModTheSims)
Image Previews
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ohrudi · 1 year ago
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Fix: Sims need less Space
with this mod, your sims need half of the space for all interactions, which vastly improves routing in small spaces
each package file requires a different expansion pack. The required expansion is part of the filename.
Installation: just put all the files in your packages-folder, the usual way, merging is no problem
Conflicts: highly unlikely, see below for detail
compatible with all my other mods
compatible with Interaction on sloped terrain enabler by nikel23
compatible with simler90's Gameplay Core Mod (Update 198 and above, since 28th Apr 2024)
also here's my other BIG routing fix for pets
ModTheSims | Simblr | SimFileShare
Hey Simmers, Rudi has a big mod-achievement for you today: it's time for my tenth and biggest mod yet
Just recently I play tested my new awesome house, that's cramped up with clutter and plants all the way up to the roof, just to realize, that my Sims are walking in the garden to interact with each other, cause many of the spaces are too tight. But no more! With this mod, those issues will forever be a sorrow of the past.
Explanation - how the mod works This mod reduces the space that sims need for doing things, similar to my other mods. It does this by overwriting the jig size for each sim interaction. A jig is an invisible object that’s auto placed on the ground, while e.g. two sims are talking to each other. Other sims will walk around the other sims talking, cause the jig (placed under the sims talking) obstructs the routing-way for other sims. By default all jigs are quite big, in most cases even way bigger than they need to be. But if you reduce the jig size by a mod, than those interactions are possible even in tiny over-cluttered rooms.
Now these mods do the same for all sim interactions.
How to install
Installation: just put all the files in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required, you can merge them as well
each file requires a different expansion pack
the required expansion pack is part of the filename
if you don't have the expansion pack, it's just doing nothing, but it won't cause any other problems
Recommended Mods, that further improve routing
Pets need less Space by OhRudi
Guitar needs less Space for playing by OhRudi
Bass needs less Space for playing by OhRudi
Interaction on sloped terrain enabler by nikel23
NRaas GoHere by Twallan
Route Fix v9 by Twoftmama (Login required)
Update Notes
2024-10-13 removed a tiny mod conflict between the files "OhRudi__BaseGame__Sims_need_less_Space.package" and "OhRudi__IslandParadise__Sims_need_less_Space.package"
List of all altered Interactions
Interactions altered for Basegame
Interactions altered for World Adventures Expansion
Interactions altered for Ambitions Expansion
Interactions altered for Late Night Expansion
Interactions altered for Generations Expansion
Interactions altered for Showtime Expansion
Interactions altered for Supernatural Expansion
Interactions altered for Seasons Expansion
Interactions altered for University Expansion
Interactions altered for Island Paradise Expansion
Interactions altered for Into The Future Expansion
Technical Details
this mod edits the all jigs from all expansion packs and base game
Conflicts: only if you have a mod installed who's editing exactly this resource as well, but I assume that's highly unlikely
use delphys dashboard to check for conflicts
I dearly hope your pets enjoy their new freedom. :luff:
Additional Credits: A BIG THANK YOU to my lovely Beta-Testers: @maysmile3213516, @SimC, @murfee, @echoweaver, @CardinalSims, @Sazandora123, @vaddish, @nahyutarightsactivist and @Shadez S3PE S3OC @you-will-never-find-me-anymore for letting me use her Bonehilda for my awesome profile picture
AND to this awesome and still alive community of simmers
Happy Simming <3
made by @OhRudi
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phoebejaysims · 2 months ago
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Hire Services Mod
This mod was made for @sims-plycat. Thank you for allowing this to be shared publicly!
Tired of that Teppanyaki grill uselessly taking up space on your community lots? What about the DJ booth standing miserably in the corner of your dance club? Well, now you can hire sims in town to work at them!
Showtime - For the DJ Booth
The Store Teppanyaki Grill
If you have either of these object installed, the mod will work for you. You don't need both!
How to use:
Click on the object
Find the 'Hire Service...' menu & navigate to 'Hire Sim'
Choose a worker from all teen+ residents or NPC Homeless sims.
Choose the start time, end time and the wage
Once the sim is hired, they'll come to work every day at the chosen times. You can fire/check their employee info. under the same 'Hire Service...' path.
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During working hours, a check will be made every 30 minutes to check if the sim is working and to resolve their motives so they don't crash out.
Teppanyaki Grill
The hired chef will fake cook until the day is over or until they are interrupted.
Teen+ sims can order group/single teppanyaki servings while the chef is working. (The chef doesn't require the right cooking skill in order to fulfil the order)
The worker isn't charged for any ingredients used while working, however a fridge is required to be on the lot so they can route to it and get the cooking tray.
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DJ Turntable
The hired DJ will play for tips.
Homeless/Service sims will be automatically given DJ skill. You may need to make sure resident sims are at least level 0 before they can do this however.
Other sims can request songs as usual
The download includes some documentation with a lil extra info. so feel free to refer to that.
Made on version 1.67
A new script mod so shouldn't conflict with anything
Please kindly report any persistent (emphasis on the persistent, pretty please!) bugs on the download page. I will try to fine tune the interactions where possible.
Download: here (simblr.cc)
Please enjoy (this has been sitting my drafts since May of last year so it's about time it was published), and a big thank you to @sims-plycat for trusting me to make this.
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desiree-uk · 3 months ago
A new script mod by fantuanss12!
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I got to test this mod out and it's another fun but more interactive way of buying groceries! - desiree-uk fantuanss12! mod notes:
What does this mod do:
This mod added a grocery delivery service. Shop and wait until a delivery sim come with a bag. Accept delivery and open the bag, Get the items inside it.
How to use:
There are two way to access this service: 1. Select grocery store rabbit hole --> Request Grocery Delivery Service -Combo rabbit hole will be in Grocery Store... Pie menu
2. Select cellphone or home phone --> Services... --> Call for Grocery Delivery -If there's multiple grocery stores, a dialog will pop up and ask to select one -Can't shop if there's no grocery store in the world
Shop as usual and buy items. Wait until a delivery service sim come and ring the doorbell. Accept it like pizza delivery service. Sim will be charged 30 simoleons for the service.
The grocery bag is from The Sims 4 Cottage Living.
If the delivery didn't come:
-Use MasterController to check whether there's 4 pizza delivery service sim. Two for pizza, two for grocery (Game needs time to generate sims to fill the spot)
-Since the delivery system is almost the same as pizza delivery, try to order pizza to see whether they can reach the lot.
-There's report that in worlds with no roads, service sim may not show up but the grocery bag is somewhere around the lot. Try to search around the house.
Credit: Big thanks to twinsimming for phone coding help! Simmers on Discord and tumblr for testing Battery's script mod template CmarNYC's SimOutfitter tool ILSpy Visual Studio 2022 Multiple modder's tutorial. EA for the bag
Download from MTS!
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aubeschild · 11 months ago
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CHALK Part III by Charly Pancakes
Today I bring you some conversion from Charly Pancakes's Chalk Part III, The set focused on kitchen clutters. This set includes two shelves, deco bin, a sink, a fruit bowl, a pitcher with utensils, mugs, and wall decorations. The shelves require Generations. The sink animation looks weird. All files are compressed.
- Wall Shelf 1: 2 channels | §120
- Wall Shelf 2: 2 channels | §120
- Blackboard: 1 channel | §90
- Wall Utensils: non-recolourable | §90
- Wall Pot and Pan: non-recolourable | §90
- Wall Mugs: non-recolourable | §90
- Wall Letters: 1 channel | §90
- Letterboard: 2 channels | §30
- Lemon Bowl: 1 channel | §72
- Mugs: non-recolourable | §72
- Pitcher with Utensils: 1 channel | §72
- Bin: 2 channels | §90
- Sink: 2 channels | §210
T.O.U. - Don't remove the credits and don't upload to paysites/adf.ly
Originally for The Sims 4 by @charlypancakes.
And of course, all mesh/texture credits belong to Charly Pancakes, who kindly allowed me to convert her set.
Download: Simfileshare
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aelisinsims · 9 months ago
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here are my successfully converted fishing boats, converted from ts2 to ts3
download - simfileshare .package and .sims3pack files
original by psychosim
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what they look like without shaders
list of fishing boats I've converted:
irma - green hull, white wheelhouse diane - blue hull, pale yellow wheelhouse lilith - dark brown hull, red wheelhouse maude - entirely yellow mamie - brown hull, yellow wheelhouse kynda - yellow hull, white wheelhouse coral - entirely in teal (nameless in my files, sorry!)
the darker boats might look a bit pixelated (lilith with her dark red wheelhouse for example), but the white/pale wheelhouses all look pretty good.
the fishing boats might go invisible from far away on lots specifically, the ones i put down in caw are visible no matter the distance. to put them down on lots, turn on moveobjects and give them a small underwater mountain to sit on, so they don't turn into sunken fishing boats.
please let me know if you experience any other issues.
for some of the boats i wrote in fun facts about old sailor's superstitions in the description. they're old, but we certainly abide by these superstitious rules on my ship still. good thing i don't even know how to whistle.
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twinsimming · 6 months ago
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Boarding Schools Skill, Career, & Trait Additions by Twinsimming 🏀🎶🏐🎻🎥
The boarding school feature from The Sims 3: Generations wasn't updated to include any new skills, careers, or traits from subsequent expansion packs, so I originally made this mod to fix that.
Then I realized that there were also some base game traits and careers missing, as well as most of the hidden skills, so I added those too!
This is a tuning mod that can be placed in your Overrides folder.
This mod requires The Sims 3: Generations.
Skill, Career, & Trait Additions
Additions are in bold.
Removals are struck through.
Prep School
School Traits: Ambitious, Snob, Charismatic, Schmoozer,  Genius, Bookworm, Perfectionist, Proper
Offensive Traits: Couch Potato, Slob, Easily Impressed, Inappropriate, and Rebellious
Learnable Skills: Logic, Writing, Charisma, Chess, Homework, Golfing, Social Networking
Recommended Occupations: Business, Political, Medical, Journalism, Writer, Education
Military School
School Traits: Neat, Handy, Good, Brave, Disciplined, Computer Whiz
Offensive Traits: Loser, Slob, Couch Potato, Over Emotional, Clumsy, Insane, Party Animal, Inappropriate, Rebellious
Learnable Skills: Homework, Logic, Athletic, Martial Arts, Handiness, Inventing, Scuba Diving
Recommended Occupations: Firefighter, Military, Law Enforcement, Criminal, Private Eye, Lifeguard, Inventor, Scuba Diver
Art School
School Traits: Virtuoso, Artistic, Dramatic, Charismatic, Photographer's Eye, Natural Born Performer, Savvy Sculptor, Avant Garde
Offensive Traits: Can't Stand Art. Couch Potato
Learnable Skills: Dancing, Club Dancing, Piano, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums, Painting, Charisma, Sculpting, Photography, Street Art, DJ Turntable
Recommended Occupations: Music, Stylist, Interior Designer, Nectar Maker, Painter, Photographer, Sculptor, Writer, Film, PT Film, Art Appraiser
Hippy School
School Traits: Loves The Outdoors, Artistic, Green Thumb, Vegetarian, and Environmentally Conscious, Good
Offensive Traits: Mean Spirited, Hates Outdoors, Snob, Evil
Learnable Skills: Child Cooking, Gardening, Cooking, Fishing, Inventing, Nectar, Science
Recommended Occupations: Science, Culinary, PT Bookstore Clerk, Fisher, Gardener, Inventor, Nectar Maker, Fortune Teller Career, PT Grocery Store Clerk, PT Mausoleum, PT Day Spa Specialist, PT Day Spa Receptionist
Sports School
School Traits: Athletic, Loves The Outdoors, Handy, Adventurous, and Disciplined
Offensive Traits: Loser, Slob, Couch Potato, Clumsy, Hates Outdoors, and Rebellious
Learnable Skills: Athletic, Handiness, Martial Arts, Foosball, Homework, Trampoline, Blocks, Golfing, Skating, Snowboarding, Ping Pong, Bowling
Recommended Occupations: Professional Sports, Law Enforcement, Criminal, Firefighter, and Sports Agent
Conflicts & Known Issues
Conflicts with any mod that edits the BoardingSchool xml file. This includes Madam Doofie's Higher Boarding School Costs mod.
EA/Maxis for The Sims 3, s3pe, and Notepad++
If you like my work, please consider tipping me on Ko-fi 💙
Download @ ModTheSims
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omedapixel · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas Everyone!!
I've been pretty quiet on here, but that doesn't mean I've stopped simming! First up I'd like to say thanks (and sorry!) to all the lovely people who've sent me messages :) I'm gonna try my best to reply to everyone asap!
For christmas I wanted to share something special - so here is the public release of the first version of my Decorating Tools mod (or S3DT)
Quick Description - This mod adds hotkeys to the game to allow you to move objects up/down, left/right and rotate in all directions, similar to T.O.O.L for TS4 PDF Guide included below!
To my wonderful patrons - thank you for your support <3 I feel bad that real life has gotten in the way of me delivering more content to you all, so I'll likely be closing it soon! If it's possible, I'll also refund the last couple of months due to my inactivity. Anyone who wants to can still donate to my Ko-Fi
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This version is compatible with icarusallsorts' Transmogrifier Mod, and until I can figure out how to script it better, my mod actually REQUIRES it in order for them to be compatible together.
*** EDIT - For some, you might need to use CTRL + SHIFT + Click to bring up object menus! ***
If you would like a version that does not require the Transmogrifier (but is therefore incompatible) send me a message!
FUTURE PLANS: - Adapting movement depending on camera direction - Adding a UI interface for interactions and manual rotations etc. - Scaling interactions with hotkeys
Don't be afraid to reply to this post, send me an ask or a private message if you have any questions or problems. I'm also in the Creator's Cave discord, so feel free to @ me there too :) And please tag me or use the tag #S3DT if you come up with any cool ways to use this mod!
Thank you to @greenplumbboblover for her help with pesky matrix44's, granthes and Misukisu for laying the groundwork for this mod, and @puddingface1902 for his super helpful videos!
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monocodoll · 4 months ago
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 Update
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It's been a good while since the release of the initial version of MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures. For the last 8 months, I have been working on adding more features and fixing bugs that were present in the first release. You can locate the mod in either Simblr.CC or LoversLab.
1.1.0 Update Notes
TLTR: Additions/Changes For 1.1.0
Main Feature: OnlySims
Side Features: Simstagram, Cosmetic Surgeyr, LlamaPay
Miscellenous Features: Cigars, Cannabis Gummies, Can Consume Cannabis Through Bubble Bar, New Drug Objects: Weed Tray and Cocaine Lines, Tobacco Plant with Aging Barrel and Drying Rack, Sharing Drug Interactions For Drugs, Do Together Interaction For Drugs, New Addiction Chance System, Addiction Predisposition System, New Setting Options: (Remove Felonies, Set Opinion On Drugs, Set Addiction Predisposition, Check Addiction Predisposition), Updated BDP Mod to be Integrated Into Vile Ventures, New Ways To Obtain Drugs Through Medical Career(Kleptomanaic Sims Pocketing Drugs and At level 5 you can order fake prescriptions), Sims can autonomously do drugs at certain clubs and at Juice Keg Parties, Misc objects: Bath Bombs(Usable), Visa Gift Cards(Usable), Lip Stick Packaging, Quencher Tumbler(Usable), Simple Modern Tumbler (Usable), Hydro Flask Tumbler, Swell Stainless Steel Bottle.
New Tunables
Bug Fixes:
- Implemented fix where if the world you were playing at had a Police Station in a combo rabbithole than the sim being arrested would be dropped off at a random location then take a taxi to the police station to be jailed.
 - Implemented fix where sims who obtained felonies were unemployable for all careers. Where they should have at least been able to join the Criminal, Culinary, Military, and Part time jobs
- Fixed bug where sims were able to deal drugs to their household members
- Made Tunable where you may disable receiving the Going Wild Moodlet for the MDMA, Shrooms, and LSD drugs. The going Wild Moodlet causes a temporary trait change. Which was reported to effect players who had KinkyWorld negatively. If you have KinkyWorld and face issues due to the temporary trait change, you may disable this feature through the tunable xml.
 - Implemented fix where a smuggling racket with the equipment upgrade was bugged. This bug caused you to be forced to hold exactly 25 packages or bricks to smuggle. Otherwise the function would not work.
-Implemented fix where arrests would sometimes repeat after a sim has been dropped off at the police station lot.
-Implemented method where your Drug Dealing skill can be carried over if you were to travel or move to a different world.
-Implemented cleanup methods when crafting drugs via chemistry lab, when drugs are confiscated when being jailed, while smuggling, when curing cannabis, when selling drugs to other sims. These functions simply removed the items from the sims inventory, but did not delete them. They were basically placed in no mans land. Without Nrass errortrap, these items would never get deleted and your save file would get bigger overtime. Now they are get deleted via my script.
Mod Description
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures offers and aims to provide players with the ability to roleplay lucrative, shady, and consequential criminal activities.
As of this moment at version 1.1.0 . The MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures mod provides the ability to roleplay lucrative, shady, and consequential activities by allowing your sim to become Street Drug Dealers, Craft Drugs, Smuggle Drugs, Launder Dirty Money, Aquire Rackets, Consume Illegal Drugs, and Become OnlySim Models.
Before installing the new version of MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures mod, please download and read the MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 Installation Guide. This guide will state what DLC and Third Party Mods you will need to receive full functionality of the mod. A few third party mods were added to this new version.
Additionally, because the mod does add custom traits and custom skills. It is recommended to make a backup save if you are planning on using an already existing playthrough. That way if you decide to uninstall the mod, you will still have a version of your playthrough before you had installed the mod.
Drug Consumption Focus
​20 Consumable Drugs
Drug Consumption Animation For All Drugs
Drug Effects
Drug Addiction
Drug Withdrawal System
Fatal and non fatal Overdoses
Drug Consumption Reactions
Doctor Visits
Hidden Rolling Skill
Drug Research Computer Interactions
Drug Dealing Focus
Drug Dealing Skill
16 Sellable Drugs
10 Growable Drug Plants
12 Craftable Drugs
2 Drug Production Rackets
Money Laundering Racket
Smuggling Racket
Heat System
Jailing System
Police Raid System
OnlySims Focus
OnlySims Skill
Activities For OnlySims Model: Open OnlySims Account, Delete OnlySims Account, Post Photo/Video Content, LiveStream, Read and Respond To Comments, Chat With Subscribers, Read OnlySims Requests, Add Mosaic To Content
Fan Mail System
Tip System
Sponsorship Opportunity System
Quota System
Consequence System
Simstagram Focus
Simstagram Skill
Actitivities For Simstagram Models: Open Simstagram, Delete Simstagra, Post Photo/Video/Story/Art Content, Add LinkTree
Simstagram Sponsorship Opportunity System
Tip System
Quota System
- 127 Custom Objects
- 180 New Moodlets
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures Mod Guide The MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures Mod will have downloadable PDF mod guides. Please read the guides before asking questions.
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (Installation Guide)
Will go over DLC and Third Party Mods Needed
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (Drug Tunable Guide)
Will go over how to make tunable edits and explain the current tunables
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (Consumable Drug Consumption Guide)​
Obtaining Drugs W/Out Drug Dealing Skill
Methods To Consume Drugs
Effects Of Drugs
Quitting Addiction
Steroid Mechanics
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (Drug Dealing Guide)​
Assigning Drug Dealer NPC
Getting Permission to Deal Drugs
How To Get Inventory
How To Gain Clients
Sales & Transactions
Smuggling Drugs
Methods Of Making Dirty Simoleans Usable
Jailing System
Heat Level System
Tips For Effective Drug Dealing From Twinsimming
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (OnlySims Guide) 
Opening an OnlySims Account
Making Content For OnlySims
How To Gain Subscribers
Making Simoleons From OnlySims
Keeping Subscribers
Consequences of Becoming a Known OnlySims Model 
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (Simstagram Guide)
Opening a Simstagram Account
Making Content For Simstagram
Posting Content On Simstagram
Making Simoleons From Simstagram
Keeping Subscribers 
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (Cosmetic Surgery Guide)
Getting A Procedure Done
Polycounts Drug Items
-White Widow Baggy - 294
- Purple Haze Baggy - 294
- Skunk Baggy - 294
- OG Kush Baggy - 294
- AK47 Baggy - 294
- Amnesia Baggy - 294
- Shroom Baggy - 294
- LSD Sheet - 14
- MDMA Baggy - 294
- MDMA Pill Bottle - 412
- Adderall Pill Bottle - 412
- Xanax Pill Bottle - 412
- PainKillers Pill Bottle - 412
- Cocaine Baggy - 294
- Meth Baggy - 294
- Heroin Baggy - 294
- Lean - 108
- Testosterone Enanthate - 476
- Trenbolone - 476
- Estrogen Blockers - 476
- Cold Medicine - 764
-Cigar Pack - 14
Drug Animatio Prop Items
- Bong - 830
- Vaporizer - 412
- Blunt - 192
- White Widow Joint - 176
- Purple Haze Joint - 176
- Skunk Joint - 176
- OG Kush Joint - 176
- AK47 Joint - 176
- Amnesia Joint - 176
- LSD Blotter - 12
- Shroom - 362
- MDMA Pill - 124
- Xanax Pill - 124
- Adderall Pill - 124
- PainKiller Pill - 124
- Rolled Simolean - 80
- Pizzo Pipe - 592
- Syringe - 916
- Lean - 108
- Cold Medicine - 764
- Cigar - 124
- Cannabis Gummy - 380
Drug Ingredient Items
- Empty Baggy - 294
- Empty Jar - 446
- Jar With White Widow - 634
- Jar With Purple Haze - 634
- Jar With Skunk - 634
- Jar With OG Kush - 634
- Jar With AK47 - 634
- Jar With Amnesia - 634
- RAW Rolling Paper - 14
- Swisher Sweets - 22
- Baking Soda - 36
- Powdered Milk - 36
- Empty Bowl - 182
- Coke Bowl - 206
- Brick Press Container - 148
- Brick Press Container With Cocaine Powder - 150
- Hydrogen Peroxide - 318
- Sodium Benzoate - 210
- Toluene - 706
- Empty Bin Tray - 38
- Meth Tray - 38
- Empty Meth Bin - 70
- Meth Bin - 70
- Empty Pill Bottle - 412
- Sprite - 1752
- Jolly Ranchers - 94
- Styrofoam Cup - 96
- Cannabis Pack - 94
- Empty Cigar Pack - 14
- Empty Cigarette Pack - 44
Custom Seeds
- White Widow Bud - 82
- Purple Haze Bud - 82
- Skunk Bud - 82
- OG Kush Bud - 82
- AK47 Bud - 82
- Amnesia Bud - 82
- Shroom - 362
- Coca Leaf - 68
- Opium - 960
-Tobacco Leaf - 92
-Dry Tobacco Leaf - 92
Custom Plants
- White Widow Cannabis Plant - 280
- Purple Haze Cannabis Plant - 280
- Skunk Cannabis Plant - 280
- OG Kush Cannabis Plant - 280
- AK47 Cannabis Plant - 280
- Amnesia Cannabis Plant - 280
- Shroom Plant Mycelium - 68
- Shroom Plant Sprout - 730
- Shroom Plant Growing - 730
- Shroom Plant Mature - 1094
- Shroom Plant Dead - 260
- Coca Plant - 1258
- Opium Plant Sprout- 210
- Opium Plant Growing - 28
- Opium Plant Mature - 974
- Tobacco Plant - 124
- Dirty Simoleans - 22
- Meth Package - 182
- Cocaine Brick - 514
- Racket Package - 14
- Lighter - 191
- Stay Safe Test Kit - 30
- Baby Laxatives - 14
- Weed Tray - 1289
- Fan Mail Package - 14
- Aging Barrel - 322
-Drying Rack - 494
-Gamer Girl Bath Water - 442
-VHS Tape - 14
-Bath Bomb Package - 14
-Bath Bomb Ball - 672
-Lip Packaging - 14
-Visa Gift Card - 30
-HydroFlaskBottle - 908
-SimpleModernTumbler - 602
-SwellStainlessBottle - 1530
-TheQuencherTumbler - 876
Please Download the MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 (Drug Tunable Guide). As this will give instructions on how to make a tunable edit and explain each current tunable.
Since this is a Script mod, there should not be any conflicts. However, it is recommended not to have The DrugLord mod by brando130 installed with this mod. As it seems to make your sim unclickable if your sim were to receive any moodlet which would temporarily replace a sims trait. This can happen with any of my custom moodlets that changes traits temporarily or any of the non modded moodlets which temporarily change traits. Additionally, MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0 Incorporated the BDP mod into Vile Ventures. Please ensure that you do not have the standalone BDP mod installed alongside Vile Ventures.
Basemental Drugs Mod For The Sims 4 MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures was very much inspired by Basemental's Drug Mod. It should be noted, that I actually never played Basemental Drugs, but I loved reading their great guides. And would have most likely enjoyed it had I decided to continue playing TS4 after I moved to PC gaming.
Third Party Apps Used
VS 2019
PhotoShop 2022
Blender 2.79
Blender 2.67b
Script Mod Template Creator by Battery
Third Party Mods Used
Arsil's Custom Trait Manager
Battery's C# Script Utility
douglasveiga CCLoader
MonocoDoll's Arms Dealing Mod
Olomaya's Updated Smoking Mod
Twinsimming's Game On! Collection
Twinsimming's Fashion Forward Collection
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures Mod Script
Custom Objects included With MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures Mod
Provided Assistance With Functions For The Script
Custom Objects included With MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures Mod
Provided Assistance With Learning To Create Custom Plants and Ingredients
Provided Assistance With Creating Objects with different Geostates
Custom Drug Consumption Animations From MonocoDoll's Ventures Mod
Provided Assistance With Learning How To Create Object Animations
Quencher Tumbler, Simple Modern Tumbler, Hydro Flask Tumbler, and Swell Stainless Steel Bottle
Cocaine Lines
Language Translations 1.0.0 Version
beresimsdreamworld - ES Spanish
Title Cover Art For MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures Mod
Beta Testing
Beta Testing 1.1.0 Version
For more information, the MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures mod is available on Simblr.CC or LoversLab
Simblr.cc - MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures 1.1.0
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures - The Sims 3 - LoversLab
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virtual-hugs · 1 month ago
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Kissing Booth Attendant Outfits Default Replacement
♡ Happy Valentine's Day! 💝
♡ This is just a small DR. I've always disliked the kissing booth attendant outfits. This mod replaces them with the free TS3 Store Valentine's Day outfits. The dumb pigtails for females have also been banished, they will now rock their own hair. 💘
♡ Requires the Happy Valentines Day 2012! set from TS3 Store (FREE): Sims3Pack | Packages: AF - AM
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thebleedingwoodland · 7 months ago
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TS3 - Pet Bowl, Pet Food Packaging, Pet Kibbles Replacement Mod
D E F A U L T   R E P L A C E M E N T & F U N C T I O N A L P E T B O W L WITH GeoStates (Full, Half, Empty)
Remember those EA tacky pet bowls and purple pixelated pet food packaging....
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Not just pixelated... I made these default replacement mods for the sake of realism. It's because in real life there is no such thing as Pet food kibbles made by commercial pet food industry for both Cats & Dogs. Cat food and Dog food are separated due to different ingredients and nutrition formulated for Cats and Dogs.
Food suitable for both Cats and Dogs are raw food, usually made by small business company or handmade.
5 styles you can only choose one :
Dog Food
Cat Food
Cat & Dog Raw Food
Dog Biscuit Chinese New Year Edition
Cat Biscuit Balinese Edition
These Mods will replace:
Pet Bowls (Cheap, Moderate, Luxury) & Pet Kibbles
Each Pet Bowl has 3 Presets and recolourable.
‣ Cheap Pet Bowl using EA's Moderate pet bowl mesh, because plastic pet bowl with round shape is much more common in real life rather than rounded square shape.
‣ Moderate Pet Bowl: Removed the EA stencil on Moderate Pet Bowl because of tacky, pixelated and the "For Dog" design (depicted with bones) cannot be changed to "For Cat" version of design.
‣ Luxury Pet Bowl using "My First Pet Bowl" mesh by myself because it much more realistic for expensive pet bowl with shiny aluminum material. EA's Luxury Pet Bowl with carving and feet are too tacky, complicated and does not exist in real life.
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Pet Bowls have title name and price same as EA's.
With thumbnail :
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Pet Food Packaging (Decoration)
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Pet Food Packaging title name is Simina Pet Chow Price: § 75 You can find on Decoration > Miscellaneous Decor. (Same as EA's)
With thumbnail:
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Pet Food Packaging (Pouring)
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Requirement: Pets Expansion Pack
⚠️ Disclaimer: These Mods are changing appearance of mesh and texture only, no script Mod. Dogs still can eat Cat food and Cats can eat Dog food following EA code in the game.
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⚠️ This package will be replacing the default EA, so you have to choose one. Installing more than one default replacement will cause conflict. ⚠️
As usual, install one of these packages on Package folder. You can safely delete the package if you no longer want to use the default replacement.
[ Download Dog Food Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Cat Food Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Cat & Dog Raw Food Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Dog Biscuit Chinese New Year Edition Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Cat Biscuit Balinese Default Replacement Pack ]
These Mods are fully tested in the game. The pet bowls are working with GeoStates (Full, Half, Empty) and recolour in Create-A-Style mode.
Click Read More to see
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