#hws ussr
banjunky · 4 months
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arina-nov · 2 years
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"Uncle Styopa Militiaman" – a Soviet children's poem about a huge brave policeman named Stepa. But it seems that this role suits Ivan even more.
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snowflakechan6 · 7 months
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madam-of-lithuania · 2 months
I'm curious on LietCan, it's definitely one of the healthiest Liet ships out there, but I want to know more about it. Is there any historical context, things from the manga/anime, or just personality that causes you to ship Mattie and Tolys together. (I don't mean any hate btw, just want to know more about your OTP)
It is definitely one of the most healthiest ships for Liet(My Country)
Sadly they didn't have any interactions in canon a lease not yet but they do have a little bit of history which I found out when researching about Lithuanian Canadians and ačiū(thank you)to my Closest friend Caitie/ @cupidcaity
Hws Canada and Hws Lithuania | Nyo Canada and Nyo Lithuania
Both OCSE and NATO member nations
- https://www.osce.org/
- https://www.nato.int/nato-welcome/
Lithuanian Canadians (18th-21st century)
Canada was one of the first to recognize independent Lithuania (and did not recognize the annexation by the USSR)
Both have embassies in the other’s capitals. Lithuania also has consultants in major Canadian cities
The Credit goes to Caitie/ @cupidcaity
And Here's another site about the Lithuanian Canadians
When I first discovered My OTP CanLiet by accident by reading some few CanLiet fanfic's and I love how their relationship was described it and they had a great chemistry and I don't know how to described it to all of in words but It shows you how much I love how they were portrayed together in fanfic's and fanarts and how much I just love them so much 😍😆💖💜💕✨️and that's how I discovered and became a biggest CanLiet shipper 💗 💖 ❤️ 💕 ♥️ seriously this ship needs more love and appreciation, this ship has a lot of good and great potential for good and great fanfic's and fanarts, and I glad that my OTP CanLiet is finally getting some love and appreciation and I glad that my OTP CanLiet have is own week other than besides the rare pair week
And want to say thank you to the one who popularized my OTP CanLiet, Ačiū(Thank you) @roszabell for popularising and for hosting CanLiet week aka the week about my OTP < 3 big respects from me as a CanLiet shipper <3❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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azspot · 1 month
President George HW Bush worked with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to unwind the USSR in the hope of creating a democratic Russia. Neither expected Vladimir Putin to turn that nation into a virtual concentration camp where gays are routinely murdered, child pornography is legal (and they’ve kidnapped over 700,000 Ukrainian children), and dissenters are tortured, poisoned, and sent to brutal Siberian gulags. Donald Trump celebrates Putin, calling his invasion of Ukraine “genius” and “savvy,” handing Putin’s ambassador a western spy and top-secret information in his first month in office, and trying to abandon America’s traditional role as a moral leader in the world.
The GOP's Last Stand: Cruelty as Their Final Weapon
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Cruelty is all the Republicans have left
Thom Hartmann
August 24, 2024 5:55AM ET
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) speaks to members of the press on the steps of the House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol on May 8, 2024. (Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)
During the 1950s, Republicans were the party that promoted labor unions, Social Security, and a top 91% income tax bracket and 70% estate tax on the morbidly rich. Dwight Eisenhower successfully campaigned on what we’d call a progressive agenda for re-election in 1956.
During the Reagan years, Republicans embraced Milton Friedman’s neoliberalism with its free trade, opposition to unions, ending free college, and tax cuts for the fat cats. They called themselves “the party of new ideas.” They may have done more harm than good, but for most Republicans it was a good-faith effort.
Today, they’ve pretty much given up on all of that. All they have left is cruelty.
When Governor Tim Walz gave his heartwarming acceptance speech Wednesday night here at the DNC in Chicago, his son Gus was caught on camera proudly proclaiming, through tear-streaked eyes, “That’s my dad!”
The response from Trumpy Republicans was immediate: Ann Coulter wrote, “Talk about weird.” Rightwing hate jock Jay Weber posted, “Meet my son, Gus. He’s a blubbering b---- boy. His mother and I are very proud.” Trumpy podcaster Mike Crispi ridiculed Walz’s “stupid crying son,” adding, “You raised your kid to be a puffy beta male. Congrats.” Another well-known podcaster on the right, Alec Lace, said, “Get that kid a tampon already.”
Compassion for a learning-disabled child is dead on the right: all they have left is cruelty.
Ronald Reagan helped shepherd through Congress the most consequential border bill in American history, and when it needed updating Oklahoma’s Republican Senator James Lankford worked with Democrats to update it in a meaningful way. Trump demanded Republicans kill the legislation, invoking the memory of his tearing over 5,500 babies away from their mothers and trafficking them into fly-by-night “adoption” schemes (around 1000 are still missing) and his demand that the border patrol shoot immigrants in the legs.
Trump’s acolytes in Congress don’t even pretend any more to have a border policy: all they have left is cruelty.
Stephen Miller and 16 Republican state attorneys general are suing for the right to tear apart about a half million American families because at least one member of their family has brown skin and is not yet a US citizen.
Their hatred has almost no limit because all they have left is cruelty.
President George HW Bush worked with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to unwind the USSR in the hope of creating a democratic Russia. Neither expected Vladimir Putin to turn that nation into a virtual concentration camp where gays are routinely murdered, child pornography is legal (and they’ve kidnapped over 700,000 Ukrainian children), and dissenters are tortured, poisoned, and sent to brutal Siberian gulags. Donald Trump celebrates Putin, calling his invasion of Ukraine “genius” and “savvy,” handing Putin’s ambassador a western spy and top-secret information in his first month in office, and trying to abandon America’s traditional role as a moral leader in the world.
Trump’s GOP has abandoned our founding principles: all they have left is cruelty.
During the 2020 election, Trump followers tried to run a Biden/Harris campaign bus off the road in Texas, threatening to kill the occupants (which they believed included Kamala Harris). A crazed Trump supporter broke into Nancy Pelosi’s home and attacked her 82-year-old husband with a hammer. Trump tweeted a picture of the bus being attacked, writing below it, “I LOVE TEXAS!” and repeatedly makes jokes about the attack on Pelosi, as if to encourage future attacks on the families of other Democratic politicians. Most recently, Donald Trump posted a picture on social media of Joe Biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck with a bullet hole in his forehead.
Not a single elected Republican (as best as I can find with a pretty thorough web search) has condemned any of these, because all they have left is cruelty.
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis turned down federal money that would have fed 2.1 million low-income children in his state; he was one of 13 Republican governors to do the same, in a nation where one in seven children — over 11 million every year — go to bed hungry.
We are literally the only developed country in the world with a massive child hunger problem because all Republicans have left is cruelty.
When President Obama succeeded in passing and signing the Affordable Care Act, it offered every state funds to expand Medicaid to give healthcare coverage to all their low-income citizens with the federal government covering 90% of the cost. To this day, ten states under Republican control have refused to accept the money, leading to millions of preventable illnesses and early deaths.
Republican states could have joined all the Blue states and every other developed country in the world by providing universal healthcare, but refuse to because all they have left is cruelty.
When a 10-year-old girl was raped and impregnated, Republicans like Congressman Jim Jordan, Governor Kristi Noem, Fox’s Tucker Carlson and Jesse Waters, and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost ridiculed the claim. When the rape and pregnancy were proven and the girl fled Ohio to a state where abortion was legal to terminate the pregnancy, Indiana's Republican Attorney General Todd Rokita promised to launch an “investigation.”
Rokita didn’t investigate the rape, however: he instead went after the physician who performed the abortion. Because cruelty is all Republicans have left.
When Donald Trump lost the 2020 election by seven million votes, he sent a violent mob against the US Capitol. As they tried to murder the vice president and speaker of the house, covered the walls of the building with feces and defaced priceless paintings, Trump gleefully watched on live television for over three hours while refusing to call in the national guard or take any other meaningful action.
Five civilians and three police officers died as the result of his sending that murderous mob because all he and his GOP have left is cruelty.
This week Americans saw Democrats display compassion, care, respect, and reverence for our democracy. We saw the best of this country, hope for the future, and actual plans to improve the lives of Americans.
Last month, in sharp contrast, we watched the Republican convention and saw, instead, a cavalcade of anger, bile, grievance, hate, and, of course, cruelty.
Because cruelty is all Republicans have left.
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pruszided · 1 year
CanLiet(Hws Canada x Hws Lithuania) 3- The 80s
As always your art is so kawaii 😍 💖 💕 💓 💗 ☺️ 😍 💖 💕
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You typed the number away, but you wrote out the palette's name, so I hope I made the one you'd liked, hehe. It was fun to do actually, though researches were kinda difficult for Lithuania. Mmm..Let's just say they were in Canada this time (in the USSR the fashion was different, it was a bit more laid-back).
Honestly, I think Canada was wild in the 80s, or at least, he was more brave in fashion, that's why he looks so ridiculous here :D
And I hate myself for this, but why, why do I have problems with drawing Liet? It's so unfair for him :c
Oh, and the sketch:
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eruverse · 1 year
I don’t understand how hws Russia fans can love am*rus
I think Am*rus is a valid ship but not liking Am*rus is certainly valid also. Coincidentally some of my Ivan/Anya-blorbofying friends I talk to the most don’t like it, and they happen to be Russian, so I’ve been getting their certain unique perspectives also I guess LOL.
(Ofc I’m not saying that most Russians don’t like this ship bc it’s blatantly untrue (I personally dk the percentage tho), but being close friends personally with ones that indeed don’t means that the reasons of not liking this ship will seep into convos a lot and I’ll be getting infos of their personal insights so to say. I’m not tokenizing them bc for me letting native citizens directly influence what you ship or what you don’t ship in this fandom is rather sad, but if you are good friends you’ll influence each other in a good way things like that?)
If I have to hazard a guess anon, for many people it’s the CW/USSR era that’s especially shippable. Ru/same/rus is especially attractive here bc they have interesting dynamic, is full of tension, and happen to be equal. Really gives of the vibe of ‘only us together in the whole world’ you know. Hard to not be into that one. Personally for me it’s the eras outside CW that make me scratch my head bc it gets increasingly harder and harder to ship them properly, especially closer and closer to modern era. The 90s is esp blackpilling on this ship for me personally (hard to ship a ship when you consider the possibility that they don’t love each other that much and that one party likely sincerely hates the other) and the current era basically screams ‘we are so not getting back together’. Unless you’re dealing with AUs, things like this is hard to manage for me.
I personally see that Am*rus was once a thing, either as an established ship or an active crush, but it’s all past tense. Now they’re still quite obsessed with each other, but with a firm realization that they’re too different to be together.
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longwindedbore · 4 months
Today in fantasies which inspire Donnie when he tends to the little orange mushroom late at night:
The phrase "Unified Reich" appears as a part of hypothetical news articles in the video that announce Trump's hypothetical victory in the 2024 election, with the narrator asking, "What happens after Donald Trump wins?"
Under a big headline that says, "WHAT'S NEXT FOR AMERICA?" there is a smaller headline that appears to read: "INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH."
Two thoughts for context
1. Cheap and lazy. Have to go back 90 years to come up with ‘new’ideas like Unified Reich
Unfortunately the slogan-driven minds of the extreme right or left are without any curiosity about ‘how did that work? How was it implemented,”
I’n the case of the German Reich the USA and British industrialists underwrote the cost of Naziism’s rebuilding (by loans to buy US/Anglo machinery and railway systems) as a bulwark against the obvious appeal of the USSR’s Communism.
Of course required high corporate taxes within Germany to fund their portion as well as high US/Brit taxes spurrin a needthe business tax writeoffs of opportunities in foreign Investments.
Just as the USA post WW2 Marshall Plan did the same funding by high corporate taxes to rebuild postwar Europe including ex-belligerents also as a bulwark against the obvious appeal of the USSR’s communism.
The USSR by the same token were similarly underwritten with equipment and expertise by industrialists, such as the Armand Hammer oil company, to bring them into the 20th Century energy imarkets.
Did Trump argue for higher taxes on the Rich? Hahahahahaha!
2. Brain Dead or Memory Loss or just Dogwhistling while Gaslighting? - Why didn’t DoubleDoofuss Trumplestiltsin institute a comprehensive industrial policy when he was Dolt 45?
As the Commander-in-Cheap with his Party of Grifting Obnoxious Perverts in control of both Parties 2017 to 2020 the Mango Mussolini’ FAILED to act. Despite a powerful majority TrumptyDumpty
Proposed no new industrial policy thus ignoring his campaign promises. His council of Economic (Donors) Advisors - who would have been instrumental in developing a policy - all resigned in disgust within a couple months in early 2019.
Vonshittzhizpants could have funded re-induatrialization with the Trillion$$ a year savings that Medicare-for-all would have generated if he’d followed through on his campaign promise to repeal and replace - with better - the ACA. Never made move one or even revealed a smidgeon of his ‘plan’ By contrast Obama jump started the explosion in Renewable energy industry with just $330B. Clinton created Trillion$ in new medical industries with $50B for the genome project. Dump truck is more like G HW Bush’s admin which MURDERED USA scientific development’s fantastic headstart lead by cutting funding to the true industrial innovators - the 20 US research Universities led by MIT, Cal-Tech, Stanford, John Hopkins, etc. forcing Taiwan, China, India to invest in homegrown industries become the exporters rather than importers of the USA
Trumpanzee neither negotiated with Mexico nor asked Congress for Funding or diversion of duties on imports from Mexico to build ‘the impregnable border wall’. instead used the border security maintenance budget Obama had extracted from a ‘penny-pinchin no wins for Obama ever’ GOP Congress to issue his (Dolt 45) haphazard no-bid (illegal) contracts to campaign donors to build a cheap, easily circumvented, and structurally unsound couple hundred miles of Wall here and there on the 2K border. For the example check out the ‘no wall built’ at the (false) destination of the ‘Patriot TakeBack the Border Truck convoy 2023’. The Rube Goldberg-type cargo containers at the alleged high crossing point that Texas cobbled together provides dramatic visual illustration that the Orange Ourangtang did NOTHING to secure the border except create misery by separating children from parents.
By constrast one can look at the lists of what other president’s set fort to do in their first two years of progressive efforts and accomplishments which benefitted all Citizens (except for the taxes of the nepo-Rich)
Accomplishments by FDR, Truman, Eisenhower (GOP prez with Dem majorities in both Houses), Kennedy, LBJ (pre-Vietnam debacle) Nixon rolling out Affirmative Action OSHA and the EPA and almost UBI (did have Demmajorities), Ford, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden. All experience failures; but were willing to get bloodied in the fight for the General Good.
All without ever being laughed at in the General Assembly of the UN.
All the while maintaining a foreign policy of supporting Allies, providing humanirltarian foreign aid to nonaligned nations, and being open to pursuing reasonable compromise negotiations with potential global advirsaries to prevent needless wars.
Donald is a Cult Leader fully enveloped in his Isolation Bubble Reality.
He and his cult dress up alike just as did ‘the return to the mother comet’ ‘Heavens Gate’ cult of the 1990s who had one selection of Nike shoes they all wore with their one color jumpsuits.
All his cult wears red - red MAGA hats and pre-ordered but not delivered Trump tennis shoes. Or red ties on white shirts with dark blue suits which bunch at the elbows which need to be let out around the waists…again.
No need for them to take poison like the Heaven’s Gate, Jim Jones, or local Nazi Party flacks in 1945. The individual personalities of Cult 45 diedwhen they deliberately chose their uniforms.
As indistinguishable as penguins. The birds are better dressed.
Real uniforms enhance the wearers identification and accomplishments: group insignia, rank, specialized skills, badges, name tags.
Parenthetically, the US Flag code opposes the blue suit Culver’s disgusting use of the flag pins they all wear for political purposes. But that Code exists doesn’t stop the ‘Hatriots’ from wearing the pins nor their ignorance as to how the pins are to be worn on a suit.
These red-tie TrumpliKKKlmen mostly haven’t served nor attempted to volunteer for any State or Nationa military service.
Nor evidently participated in Scouting which would have trained and rehearsed them in flag etiquette and reverence.
For your edification.
The opinions of real Veterans
I worked with a man who’d been an Army captain leading troops in combat in Vietnam. Who handwrote the letters to the families of those who had fallen under his command.
He wore his flag pin on Veterans Day and Flag Day in remembrance of those who fell.
It is inadequate to describe him as merely livid when he saw those who never even served wearing the pins.
He didn’t live to see Trump and Johnson and Jordan etc desecrate the symbol. Exposure to the Agent Orange that gave his son birth defects also killed Pete.
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mental-mona · 2 years
The State of Israel is a modern miracle —a successful world leader in science and technology and a force for good in the world that rose from the ashes of World War 2.
This month marks seventy-five years since the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. Israel was declared independent the following year and was immediately invaded by neighboring Arab countries determined to prevent Israel’s creation. Fortunately, they failed—and against all odds, the newborn state of Israel prevailed. The fact that to this day, there is no Palestinian state is certainly not the fault of Israel. 
The Arabs (they did not even call themselves Palestinians back then) could have had their own state in 1948 or at any time since then. The fact that they did not choose to set up a state alongside Israel tells us all we need to know about their real intentions. Although the UN gave international legal legitimacy to the establishment of Israel, the yearning of the Jewish people for 2,000 years of exile to return to their homeland represents the true backbone and background to Israel’s rebirth. 
What is truly sad is that the United Nations, which, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, assisted in Israel’s creation, became, over the years, a purveyor of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel propaganda. The UN violates its own charter by working against peace in the Middle East in its obsession with trashing Israel. “The Commission of Inquiry” set up earlier this year with an open-ended mandate to investigate and criticize only Israel, among 193 countries represented at the UN, is a case in point. The UN’s obsession with Israel has long reached the level of absurdity. One of the annual resolutions dealing with Israel condemns it for “occupying” the Golan Heights. 
Israel won that territory, of course, in the 1967 war, which was without question a war of self-defense and survival. Before the war, Syria set up gun emplacements on the heights and routinely fired at Israeli farmers and other civilians in the lowlands of the Sea of Galilee. Is Israel supposed to turn over the Golan Heights to the Assad regime or to the Islamic State, both mortal enemies of Israel?
Unfortunately, this is only one example of the pathological fixation on Israel that has afflicted the UN for decades. 
Perhaps the most notorious of the many obscene actions taken at the UN was the passage in November 1975 of the resolution, which falsely stated that Zionism—the morally justified yearning of the Jewish people for its ancient homeland—was equivalent to racism. Seventy-eight UN members—under pressure from the USSR, Cuba, and the Arab League —shamefully voted to pass that resolution. In 1991, the George HW Bush Administration led a drive to repeal the obscene “Zionism is Racism” resolution. 
As a Congressional delegate to the UN General Assembly that year, and part of the US delegation, I was proud to participate in that successful effort. President Bush made it a diplomatic priority to undo the obscenity that was “Zionism is Racism.” It was accomplished by a full-court diplomatic press in New York, Washington, and world capitals.
It was made clear that repealing that unfair and outrageous resolution was of significant importance to the United States. It is time to apply that same intensity and that same commitment to ending, once and for all, the annual UN inquisition against Israel. This applies especially to the permanent UN offices created to undermine and denigrate Israel, such as the Palestinian Division and the Palestinian Committee.
Richard Schifter, the late, legendary US diplomat who founded the American Jewish International Relations Institute (AJIRI-BBI) after he retired in order to counteract this double standard at the UN, correctly called these UN entities the “UN anti-Israel apparatus.” Mr. Schifter, who was Jeane Kirkpatrick’s deputy at the UN during the Reagan Administration, felt strongly that the UN campaign against Israel represented a dangerous source of anti-Semitism that spread its malicious influence around the world. He also believed that a concerted effort to change votes could be successful and that this would be in the interest of the United States. 
As he put it, “The challenge is to try to make the case to government leaders in friendly countries. Tell them that the UN matters and they ought to give directions to the UN ambassadors to change their voting pattern.”
The continuing ritual of Israel bashing at the UN harms US interests in two ways: first, it contributes to the duplicitous campaign of BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) and undermining of Israel, America’s ally. Secondly, and just as significant, it gives a false and dangerous message to the Palestinians. By supporting and endorsing the extreme Palestinian narrative—that Israel is an illegitimate apartheid, colonial state—it not only perpetuates an ugly lie, but it enforces the Palestinian refusal to negotiate in good faith with Israel and finally bring an end to the conflict. Putting an end to this farce, once and for all, would be a great contribution to world peace.
• Dan Burton is a former Member of Congress (R-IN) and former Chairman of the House Middle East Subcommittee 
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jwdoodles · 4 years
Belarus: *Breaks down the door and enters room*
Russia: Go away!
Ukraine: This is why Zillow estimates our house for $4.
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arina-nov · 2 years
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An old photo where Ivan and Natalia (please note that this is Belarus!) we danced together. And let's admit that they are doing well now and they are just happy.
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Okay so, what do you think of Other Warsaw Pact countries? Do you have good relations with them?
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“As I see it, we are just a military alliance. Most of them seem to have nothing against but we are not friends either. Erzsébet hasn’t spoken to me in civil since ‘56, Gilbert doesn’t talk to me much anyways and otherwise… I think we are all fine with each other? Correct me if I’m wrong though, I’m not sure if I’m reading the situation right. I like Ivan though, I’m not sure if the decision to trust him was the best one in my life but he was there when I needed him.”
[1967 historical event]
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roszabell · 2 years
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saw this post and couldn’t stop myself
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digital999placebo · 3 years
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"What does it take to make a Ruskie break?"
197x. Two men suffering from toxic masculinity walk into a bar...
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moonami · 2 years
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-“одна голова хорошо а две лучше”-(One head it's good, but two are better.)
Vladimir Petrovich Demikhov (Russian: Владимир Петрович Демихов; July 31, 1916 – November 22, 1998)[1] was a Soviet scientist and organ transplantation pioneer, who performed several transplants in the 1940s and 1950s, including the transplantation of a heart into an animal and a heart–lung replacement in an animal. He is also well known for his dog head transplants,[2] which he conducted during the 1950s, resulting in two-headed dogs.
(I like to think that the real reason why Ivan hides his neck is because he has a scars from various experiments he was subjected to in his time as the Soviet Union.
They probably wanted to see if he really was immortal and after discovering that apparently he was, they would start trying things like head transplants on him without fearing he died.)
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