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eruverse · 9 months ago
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Ivan (my Ivan speaks this half sarcastically half ironically)
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eruverse · 9 months ago
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eruverse · 9 months ago
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eruverse · 9 months ago
Yeah, but I think he’s honestly not much different/better than any other nations. Throughout any era he’d done many mistakes just like his bosses do (personally, I think nations are a mix of ppl and government). I’m still also firm on my conclusion that he looks as if he were a ‘mastermind’ due to being a slob actually; that tendency to leave problems alone until they hit him in the nose is how ppl think he is ‘doing things behind the scene’. Then he ends up using desperate measures to solve those same problems, which is how ppl think he cannot be ‘understood’. Big part of this is projection tho, bc ppl have been expecting him to do things that aren’t actually his natural inclinations, but that’s not his fault.
Tbh Ivan is also rather boomer-like/traditional in his action so actually he has an established pattern if anyone cares enough to see, yknow. I didn’t say it’s always easy, but Ivan isn’t that hard to read if you know where to do it. He’s not better nor worse than what ppl typically think of him.
However, I think Ivan has a sick sense of satisfaction — as much as annoyance — at being seen as an ‘evil mastermind’ bc it makes him sound cooler than he actually is, lol. He has some inbuilt special snowflake tendencies 😂
Ivan isn’t a mastermind of schemes also bc I hardly see Russians who are one. Russians in my experience are pretty blunt and obvious, just that if they don’t know you they don’t necessarily trust you and thus hide stuff but that’s very much normal. Like, if Russia/Ivan was an actual mastermind of schemes who saw things 10 steps ahead, you would think he’s now out of all problems but here he is (it’s atrocious). Also being skillful at chess or science doesn’t mean someone knows how to be smart at reality. I think Ivan has big nerd tendencies but it’s honestly just that.
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eruverse · 9 months ago
Ivan isn’t a mastermind of schemes also bc I hardly see Russians who are one. Russians in my experience are pretty blunt and obvious, just that if they don’t know you they don’t necessarily trust you and thus hide stuff but that’s very much normal. Like, if Russia/Ivan was an actual mastermind of schemes who saw things 10 steps ahead, you would think he’s now out of all problems but here he is (it’s atrocious). Also being skillful at chess or science doesn’t mean someone knows how to be smart at reality. I think Ivan has big nerd tendencies but it’s honestly just that.
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eruverse · 9 months ago
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eruverse · 10 months ago
Imagine the first time Alfred called Ivan’s name. Imagine
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eruverse · 10 months ago
I wanna see them 😳😳😳😳 (I’m a beginner in Russian unfortunately)
Sometimes I want to share my thoughts and headcannons for my WIPs and finished hetalia works here, and I have a lot of them, you can't even imagine how much I post on my Russian tg-channel, but it requires me so much more effort to translate everything in English. Damn language barries.
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eruverse · 10 months ago
(Not going to tag this) Making Ivan being obsessed over America is the funniest thing ever tho have you seen normal Russians. Their hearts belong to Europe bc they are Europeans
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eruverse · 10 months ago
I am less kind tho, anon pissed me tf off
Whoever you are, it will do you BETTER to calm the fuck down.
hello!!! I'm that. anon who brought up your commission in that discussion about Turkey always being masculine in ship art 😭 I didn't mean to insinuate that you or the artist was racist or anything (especially seeing how you're just a fellow Ivan fetishizer 🤝)
I feel a bit silly sending you this so ignore it if you want. but basically I'm sorry </3 I completely misread the situation!! have a nice week :33
Hey bro ) it's ok. No worries.
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eruverse · 10 months ago
Unexpressed absolutely ended me and my bestie (who is Russian). Even tho Lorelina said they didn’t do a huge research, the fic is still very correct and encapsulated the vibe of the 90s very well in my opinion! (And ofc it would be correct, it’s Lorelina’s own country’s history lol). Speaking as a foreigner who only studied secondary materials, it is to me the most correct 90s Rusame fic to date. Ppl hardly do this time period justice.
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
It was difficult to choose just five (in any of my works I can find something that I like), but here they are:
Children of tyrants - RoChu, Mature, historical hetalia, very modern timeline (late 2010s). This is something I'm most prouf of, considering the extent of research I did (had to become versed in chinese history almost from scratch...). There's a lot of RoChu works in Russian and English, but they rarely are something aside from just fluff and romance and they tend to avoid tackling controversial topics regarding Russia and China's relations in the past and present. So I decided to fix this situation.
Unexpressed - Amerus oneshot, explicit, 90s era, very triumphant Alfred and very confused Ivan. Wrote the entire fic for the last paragraph. It came out very accidental, I didn't do a huge research, was just writing a commission, and boom, this 4 pages sized piece became one of my favourite fics of all time. It seems like it's readers' favourite too.
Shards of Memories - my magnum opus; Rusame, Cold War setting with a retrospective of their relations since the XVIII century. Ivan and Alfred understand they've experienced a memory loss and decide to run away to unravel this mystery with KGB and CIA on their tail. Stopped writing this because of war, hope to get back to it soon, maybe in the end of this year <3
Ashes and Flame - historical Rusame, featuring the aftermath of 9/11 attack. Love this for the same reasons I love "Children of tyrants": had to do tons of research, learned a lot of new info, also writing about relatively modern events (especially revolving around Russia and USA) is always more exciting than about some old uncontroversial stuff.
The tale of the Feud and Loyalty - RusFin, mature, featuring Russia and Finland's relations from 15th to the beginning of 19th century (WIP). Arcticviolet's "Maiden and the Two-headed Eagle" introduced me to RusFin, AND I'M OBSESSED WITH IT SINCE THEN (recommend the work very much, go read it right now). Seriously, this ship is insanely historically-grounded, much more than lots of other popular ships, it's tragic and complex, it deserves more attention! Not to mention, Finnish history deserves more recognition. So here's my small contribution to RusFin fandom, complementary to arcticviolet's work.
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eruverse · 10 months ago
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How many ppl write Ivan in the fandom lol
Personally? That’s not how I write my Ivan I also forget abt General Winter on a daily basis and I don’t treat him seriously and if you ask me, it makes more sense that Ivan has a MOTHER and not a father if we decided to give him a sort of parental figure. Russian land has always been associated with a motherly figure after all, and yep, as a concept Anya makes more sense as the nation of Russia than Vanya (but of course, fandom is a place to have fun first and foremost and not like. Total matching with history etc which p much can kill creativity).
I also have a vagueish Rus OC in my mind, a woman, who was the mother of the East Slav siblings (tho she was super huge and muscly and probably even beardy and perhaps didn’t have a clear concept of gender to refer to herself or anything. Was called Mother tho).
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eruverse · 10 months ago
Ivan’s December 25 1991 astrology chart
@mslorelina-blog asked me to explain the astrology charts of the (official) fall of USSR and (official) formation of Russian Federation from my Ivan’s birthday post, so here I go ❤️
I’m just an enthusiastic learner of astrology and not an actual astrologer, so don’t be too serious abt this. These are real life charts but since this is for fandom purposes, I’ll be tying them into creative fandom endeavors (whicch means I’ll be talking about Ivan as a fictional character according to the charts).
I AM USING SIDEREAL VEDIC SYSTEM. If you don’t know what’s that, please google it up, but know that I’m not using the typical more common Tropical system. Signs shift a bit in sidereal (for example a Pisces in tropical is Aquarius in sidereal) so if you think the charts look wrong, it’s likely because I’m not using the system you have in mind.
Without further ado:
Fall of USSR. December 25 1991 19:35, Moscow
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Sun sign: Sagittarius (Mula nakshatra)
Moon sign: Leo (Magha nakshatra)
Ascendant (lagna) sign: Cancer (Ashlesha nakshatra)
Other special features:
Chart ruler/lagnesh Moon in Magha (2nd house)
Atmakaraka (AK — soul significator, strongest planet): Venus in Libra (Vishakha nakshatra) 4th house
Darakaraka (DK — spouse significator, weakest planet): Moon in Magha (2nd house)
Nodal axis: North Node (Rahu) in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha nakshatra), 6th house, and South Node (Ketu) in Gemini (Ardra nakshatra), 12th house
How would the chart mean for Ivan as a character?
Firstly, according to the big 3, the general description goes that Ivan will be aggressive and expansive (Sagittarius is a warring sign), proud and dignified but conservative (Leo), and sensitive and nurturing but emotionally vulnerable and overwhelming (Cancer)
His chart lord and Moon are in Leo Magha (2nd house of family). First and foremost, Ivan is tied to his (blood) family. He is possessive over them and is particularly spoiled by them (spoiler alert: I share this exact placement so I know firsthand about this). This placement means that he has his family wrapped around his little finger, and he is treated as ‘a king of his lair’ at the same time he is constantly babied. Magha nakshatra is ruled by planet Ketu (South Node) and represents ancestors; the natives would feel as if they have duties in upholding family traditions but at the same time they have their ancestors watching over them and blessing them. This is a powerful star of manifestation and royalty as ‘the power you have you’ve already wielded since born’. Magha natives usually have powerful ancestors or ones with interesting stories and karma to pass down for the natives to settle. As much as Magha natives tend to be conservative tho, we also tend to break away from some traditions in order to improve our lineage and ancestral karma.
At the same time, this is his weakest planet (DK; weakest by degree) so perhaps he would feel as if he is ‘cut out of these ancestral links’ some. However, being his chart lord, how he feels about his family and lineage (and personal resources, family is basically one of personal resources anyone could have) are the constantly occurring themes of his life. These are also things that he constantly seeks in his life.
Ivan has Moon conjunct Jupiter in 2nd house. Jupiter here can be bad and good at the same time; as Jupiter is a planet that expands things it comes into contact with, sometimes it expands Ivan’s resources and wealth but it can also increase family drama. Ivan is also highly generous toward his family.
Ivan has Atmakaraka (AK) Venus in Libra Vishakha 4th house. 4th house denotes motherland and/or mother, and him having the strongest planet here means he is very dearly tied to his motherland and his mother (if he had her). Venus in Libra is domicile/right at home, which means the house is strong and sturdy. Being Venus, Ivan likes good things — including beautiful things — in his homeland and is likely to get them also just by attraction, as Venus ultimately pulls you toward the things Venus signifies in the house. Moreover, Vishakha nakshatra is also a particularly ambitious star; the natives are sure to get what they want and will work hard to attain it. Venus in his 4th house also rules his 11th house of achievement and social circle; this means that Ivan befriends people who are like him most often, and his achievements and desires revolve around his motherland. This is quite a placement for a homebody.
Ivan has Mars in Jyeshtha (Scorpio) in 5th house of creativity and self expression, also domicile. This house also rules his 10th house (career, reputation and social status) which means that his reputation and social status are what he makes of them. Jyeshtha is quite a difficult star tho, as the natives would be involved in a cycle of constantly having to prove themselves through hard work, but not only for their own selves as the natives would also be responsible of others under their wing, or they feel they have to be responsible bc others often rely on them. Mars here makes Ivan aggressive in attaining those things, and he can also get stalkerish 😄. Mars here is conjunct Mercury which rules 3rd house of neighbors/courage and 12th house of loss or foreign places, so Ivan is sure to extends aggression towards those people as well. Since Mars is conjunct Mercury tho, which is a planet of communication, fun and tact, it’s honestly not all aggressive and he can be sensible.
Ivan’s Sun is Sagittarius in Mula Nakshatra (6th house). 6th house is the house of enemies, obstacles, and also illness/disease. Mula nakshatra is a powerful star that means roots or foundation; natives of this placement destroy or put things to ruin (mainly emotionally; not always physical) to return them to a blank slate for a new growth. With his sun here, which is a natural malefic, Ivan is someone who is sure to beat his enemies — of which he has a lot, because he has North Node (Rahu) conjunct his sun. Rahu works in amplifying to a high degree the significations of the house it sits in and the planet in its vicinity. Rahu in particular makes Ivan also highly ambitious about defeating obstacles, of which he has many, since Rahu basically amplifies both his obstacles and his desire to defeat them. It also happens that much of his obstacles come from his family, due to the fact that the dispositor of his Sun and Rahu is Jupiter in his 2nd house of family. However, lord of his Moon/Leo house is also Sun in his 6th house, which means people who were once enemies can become family. Pretty complicated placement, I would say.
With Rahu in 6th house and South Node (Ketu) in 12th house, Ivan is someone who is worldly and not much spiritual. Ketu represents what you already were bestowed with in your past life and Rahu is your unmet desires in this current life. 12th house indicates spirituality, solitude and detachment, and Ketu here means Ivan doesn’t need any of those things and thus won’t seek them out.
Ivan has Saturn in Capricorn (Shravana nakshatra), 7th house of relationship and business. This makes Ivan conservative in how he approaches relationships, but he is also highly loyal towards his (limited) partners. This makes him tend to only look for those who are his ‘traditional’ partners for business. At the same time, those partners also tend to be loyal towards him.
Also important to note that Ivan’s ascendant is in Cancer, Ashlesha nakshatra, and it is at an especially difficult point called gandanta. Gandanta means ‘knot at the end’ and signifies the highest degrees of a water sign PLUS the lowest degrees of its neighboring fire sign, in this case the junction between Cancer and Leo, that is, between Ashlesha and Magha. At the highest degree of Cancer, like shown here, Ivan ‘holds tightly to his self and doesn’t want to let go’, even tho the obvious path is to let go, since the water of Cancer has no way to go but into the fire and smoke of Leo. Only when you let go of your past issues that you can finally be liberated and go on to manifest reality, as shown in Leo. And guess what, Ivan’s Cancer’s lord is Moon in Magha so he does have the ability to liberate himself from the shackles of Ashlesha. Ashlesha itself is quite a difficult star, one that is highly possessive, dependent, and regarded as ‘poisonous’ (symbolized by a snake) due to its steadfast efforts in keeping what is his as his, even if he has to employ appalling measures for it (or what is thought of as appalling). Ashlesha at highest degree/gandanta point is the most possessive and unrelenting, and yet, it also has the most potential to shed its past baggage. This is very befitting of the end of USSR.
Official formation of Russian Federation. December 25 1991, 19:45. Moscow
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It remains the same, only that the ascendant changes from Cancer to Leo and thus house signs move.
Sun: Sagittarius (Mula) 5th house (chart ruler/lagnesh)
Moon: Leo (Magha) 1st house
Lagna: Leo (Magha)
AK Vishakha Venus 3rd house, DK Magha Moon 1st house
Nodal axis: Ketu in Gemini 11th house, Rahu in Sagittarius 5th house
The nuances are considerably different, this time, but not a lot. Ivan is nurturing and emotional (lunar influence: from being ruled by Moon to having 1st house Moon). Since this is Magha, even though Ivan has changed the system of his nation, he essentially stays the same and still carries the ‘karma of his past life’. An actually logical notion because nations hardly ever change their core even though they’ve donned different clothes, for better or worse. His AK changes from motherland-focused to neighbor-focused, but motherland keeps being an important focus due to the Mars-Mercury combo. Now Ivan’s purpose and main focus of life is genuine self expression (5H) compared to beating enemies (6H), though 5H can also mean child rearing or even childbirth, however that means in relation to him, lol. It also can mean romance 😂 (or perhaps just genuine love for himself, bc the dispositor of Rahu and Sun is in his 1st house of himself?). Ivan now has Saturn in 6H; beating enemies is a slow but sure process, but this time he’s got stability compared to the utter chaos of the previous chart. Enemies might be traditional as well, as in, it’s just the same kind of enemies he’s had before. Unfortunately (or fortunately) he can kind of sleep on them all tho! Funny placement because he gets his relationships from his enemies. Also, with 11H Ketu Ivan willingly isolates himself more from wider social circle and doesn’t care abt it much beyond his neighbors or kins.
Whew! That was pretty long. I have to say that I won’t incorporate all of this into my personal headcanons about Ivan, but I think these are interesting and I noted down some.
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eruverse · 10 months ago
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eruverse · 10 months ago
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Pov youre Russia
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eruverse · 10 months ago
Ivan’s birthday
How do you determine a nation’s birthday in the case that it doesn’t really have an independence day or what is typically celebrated as one? For the case of many, nation birthdays are not very straightforward. They can get quite complicated, in fact, unless the countries in question already stamped the dates down as law or something, or if the population decide on unison that “yeah this is IT this is OUR DAY.”
On June 12 1990, Russian SFSR proclaimed independence from Soviet Union. This day is what is celebrated as Russia Day in Russia, tho to my knowledge, the general ppl are kinda meh abt this and obviously they care more about Victory Day. That’s all well and good of course, but then I discussed with @mayhellsky about Ivan’s birthday and I was provided with an interesting alternative date PLUS an exact birth time (important due to my obsession in astrology) which could be another possibility of Ivan’s birthday. What date is it? It was December 25 1991, at 19:35, or the date when Gorbachev resigned from his post and the Soviet flag was finally lowered down from the Kremlin.
Just ten minutes later, at 19:45, the flag of RF was raised.
Nobody cares about this date, to be honest. No one celebrates it anywhere, and Christmas is celebrated on January 7, so December 25 is just a normal day in Russia. But I got the exact data I need to make charts for, so naturally that’s what I did. And the result is FIRE:
The chart of when the USSR ended:
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The chart of when RF came on:
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Like. IYKYK BUT these charts totally BOMB, unlike the June 12 1990 chart that is more boring in comparison lol. And my utmost entertainment is the most important thing in my creative endeavors. Personally, I’m picking the top chart but I will combine the energies of both in my headcanons.
So yeah, I headcanon that Ivan’s birthday is December 25.
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eruverse · 10 months ago
Thanks for the tag 🔥
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My Vanya is around here. He is a masculine guy simply bc it is my preference, and he is insane actually just that he has learned to not appear much so to others (actually failing a lot haha). He is not evil however, unless he hates you, but sometimes his logic or morality do get a little weird. If you already like him, he will be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen (ppl like these actually exist).
Also my Vanya:
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Where does your Russia fall on the Russia compass?
(loosely based on banjunky's england scale)
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