I Cannot Focus™️
25 posts
b | college student | artist | bi | I might have adhd?
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adhdvent · 3 years ago
Just started playing the new game by Cheritz called the Ssum and it’s really interesting!! I’m excited to see if it’s as good as Mystic Messenger. And it was released the day before my birthday 🥹 (maybe even the day of because of the time difference in Korea)
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
it's been a while but i have a burning question. has anyone else had really strange hyperfixations on things? like really weird, strange, or even gross topics that you couldn't stop researching or watching videos about just because you wanted to know/ see more? i realized i've had multiple of these, especially as a kid and i want to know if it's a shared experience with other adhders (I'm not officially diagnosed yet but i was told i show symptoms by a therapist)
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
i hope everyone with acne, eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin conditions have a good day today
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
adhd peeps!
helpful new study technique i learned that im begging my brain to not hate soon bc I love it:
use a live transcribe app/website! it hears what you're saying and writes it out for you!
pros: faster than writing
ur wrist no hurty
fun bc u say weird ass shit and it writes all of it down! so studying is kool and fun for the hell brain
very fun to recite the entire bread bank meme and watch it be transcribed
Goodluck w studies i love yall I hope this helps!
(ps: if ur not adhd but this still helps you can still interct/reblog!)
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
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Here’s another assignment that isn’t done yet but is getting pretty close
The pointillism was fun considering I haven’t done it very much and it came out well
The acrylics were messy in a fun way! The cherry and eye paintings are my favorite
The last column is gonna be inverted but idk what picture to draw in the last row;; I gotta figure that out soon
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
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It’s not all the way finished yet but here’s one of my assignments I’ve been working on :)
Even though I have cried Multiple Times while drawing this, I’m really enjoying doing it??? Like it’s coming out rlly good so I meannn the tears are worth it I guess
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
Hello. In pure, potential-adhd fashion, I made this blog and then forgot/didn’t attempt to actually post here haha;;;
I have multiple updates for y’all
After a really shit week two weeks ago where I was crying every day and hella stressed, I had my first therapy appointment on Oct 7th! It was just me explaining my symptoms and now I need to book an appointment for an in-person psychological test for adhd and to rule out other things! (Although I’m a bit worried bc I was supposed to get a call from them and never did;;;; and then tried to call them and they didn’t pick up :)) we’ll see what happens)
Then the following weekend, I had the most relaxing weekend ever. I started talking with my first friend at my college n stuff. Maximum self care. So much so that I forgot about my responsibilities and then broke down Sunday night while doing assignments :D
And fun fact: I help out with my brother’s classes on top of doing college which can be a major stressor, but on Monday I didn’t have to because he was off school. I thought it’d be easier since I’d only have my schoolwork to work on but Boy Was I Wrong™️
I had barely any sleep the night before trying to catch up on an art assignment to only get one singular part of it done that took 4 hours
I was beyond frustrated and disappointed with myself. So the morning of the 12th I faced my teacher and she said I could have more time to finish but points would be taken off. I sat through the rest of the zoom while trying not to cry and then broke down after it was over while trying to hide how I was feeling from my siblings which was fun
After that, I had had enough. I’ve been reluctant to even call the issues I’ve been having mental health issues because I still feel like I’m lying to myself. I don’t have a diagnosis or anything so I didn’t feel like I could call it that, but the way the past two weeks had been going had been the most draining of my whole life. Every day was so hard. So, I faced my fears and emailed my teacher and explained what was going on.
She actually listened to me.
She was so understanding and kind about everything, and now I have more time to complete my art assignments and show my full potential. I cried tears of joy after reading her email because she told me I was one of the most talented students in the class. It really meant so much to me that she saw what I was capable of through all my struggle to do just the bare minimum.
The rest of the week got much easier. I cheered up in the second half of it and decorated my house for Halloween :) I made cookies and watched hocus pocus with my brother and got back into the autumn mood which was really nice 🍂🍁🌻
The weekend was just as nice, which brings us to this week of the 18th.
Somehow my sleep schedule’s gotten pretty fucked up so now I stay up until 4 catching up on art assignments while watching unus annus and then nap when I don’t have classes (I accidentally missed one doing that tho;;). I’ve been working several hours every night on school assignments as I try to stay on top of everything and get caught up on my art assignments now that I have more time to fully finish them. I’ve been in a pretty good mood and am easing up on helping with my brother as I get myself together. Things are starting to look up as I finally get my bearings on everything and I’m so glad bc these past three weeks have been SHIT (although I’m kinda questioning the validity of my symptoms bc things are looking up even though I know you don’t have to be suffering all the time to have a disorder/mental illness)
So now what I have to worry about is (this doubles as a lil to-do list):
• dedicating this weekend to working on my Halloween costume
• writing a paragraph for my writing class
• practicing music for orchestra
• working on a birthday drawing for my best friend :)
• finishing up/starting art assignments (Drawing I, 2D, 3D)
• calling the therapy place to see wtf is goin on (or potentially look for a new place)
I’ll keep posting updates when I remember! And I’ll post some art stuff here to show off some of my hard work UwU
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
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this happen to anyone else?
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
me talking to a neurotypical: sorry to switch topics again... this is sort of related, but only kind of.... i know its kind of random, but.....
me talking to someone else with adhd:
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
that specific and very surreal emotion when youre in a genuinely SPECTACULAR mood bc youre indulging a lot in your hyperfixation but, separate from that, youre having a lot of trouble keeping up w a basic self care routine and simple responsibilities bc you just cant bring yourself to care much about them, so you have this background radiation of feeling kinda lazy and useless but you don’t actually think about it consciously much bc you’re too busy having fun hyperfixating
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
If you’re an adult, do the stuff you couldn’t as a kid.
Like, me and my sister went to a museum, and they had an extra exhibit of butterflies. But it cost £3. So we sighed, walked past, then stopped. We each had £3. We could see the butterflies. And we did it was great. We followed it up with an ice-cream as well because Mum and Dad weren’t there to say no.
I was driving back from a work trip with 2 other people in their early 20s, and we drove past a MacDonalds. One of the others went “Aww man, I’d love a McFlurry.” And the guy driving pulled in to the drive through. It was wild. But it was great.
I went to a park over the weekend and I was thinking “Man, I’d love to hire one of those bikes and cycle round the park.” It took me a few minutes to go “Wait, I can hire one of those bikes!”
I guess what I’m saying is, those impulsive things you wanted to do as a kid - see the dinosaur exhibit, play in the fountains with the other kids, lie in the shade for 2 hours - you can do when you’re an adult. You have to deal with a whole lot of other bull, but at least you can indulge your inner 8 year-old.
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
adhd culture is getting rid of distractions to focus and then becoming the distraction
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adhdvent · 4 years ago
folded my clothes :) feeling good
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