#hws North Carolina
ask-nyc-boroughs · 7 months
Colonial Florida, Carolinas, & Georgia
CW: depictions of violence
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Just sharing some information on some of the southern states I have worked on.
I’ll start with Carlisle “Carl” Graves/ South Carolina & Margaret “Maisie” Ferguson / North Carolina. They’re half siblings. Carl’s father is probably some sort of English county personification (most likely Dorset), and his mother is an English woman with some French Huguenot heritage from Barbados who migrated with her family to South Carolina. Given the fact she’s in the tidewater south and given her class, having a kid out of wedlock was taboo so I imagine his father arranged for her to marry a man, who is of a northern English / Scottish background. They end up moving to North Carolina’s back country to be with his family, and have Maisie. In my lore, there is some discrimination, or prejudice especially in this period against personifications born to human parents. I imagine most settler colonial personifications have human parents, but the few that don’t like Carl, that has 1 personification parent, I believe that gives him some social clout. Also I decided to make North Carolina younger because tbph South Carolina was the seat of power and colonial North Carolina didn’t really get going without South Carolina. I also don’t go by earliest permanent settlement for a state-level oc, it doesn’t always make sense to me for a variety of reasons.
Anyways Carl is a bit controlling, and he’s more of a tidewater southerner, and Maisie loves her brother but doesn’t appreciate his controlling behavior. Also one final note on carl, he can come off a bit cold but he’s quite the stereotypical ideal of a southern gentleman. Charming. Polite. Etc. Maisie is more of an Appalachian ngl. I’ll discuss Maisie another time. But Carl’s , and his friend/neighbor, Curtis Bartlett/ Georgia childhood was marked by constant fights with the Spanish and their colonies especially Louisa Flores / Spanish Florida.
Obvs, that isn’t a great situation for a kid to find themselves in, and it does impact Carl’s controlling behavior and also makes him rather jealous of Alfred later. Alfred wasn’t always the US in my lore, and Carl believed that he would’ve been elected/ selected by his peers to represent this new country given Carl’s history and background. Also one other thing is prior to the Revolution, Alfred was not universally liked by his states. Actually he’s never been universally liked by his states lol. Anyways Carl does resent Alfred for a number of years.
I split Florida into two because it didn’t make sense to have 1 continuous Florida given the fact that most Floridanos (the Spanish settlers) leave during Florida’s British colonial period. Louisa ends up having a kid with an Anglo-American settler from the colonial backcountry, this kid is Elena/ Elaine Moore, who comes to represent the US state of Florida. I think Louisa hides the fact that Elaine is her kid for both their sakes since Elaine comes out really pale in comparison. I’ll discuss Elaine more in the future, she is 110% Florida woman tho lol, but sometimes you’ll see me draw her with much lighter skin and that’s cause like if Elaine isn’t going outside and tanning highkey she passes as a white woman.
White passing and its history is something I want to explore more in my lore, but yeah that’s all I’m gonna leave it with the basic info on these southern states. I will say out of all them, Maisie / North Carolina & Carl / South Carolina are major players in my Nor’easter lore lol
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doueverwonder · 1 year
I have zero Hetalia rn but I do have a single statetalia thought and it consists of Kentucky and Tennessee getting Up To Shenanigans, Virginia and North Carolina get sent after them to make them fix said Shenanigans but ONLY after extensive “I’m not their mother!!” Complaints.
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batboyblog · 5 months
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A federal appellate court in Richmond became the first in the country to rule that state health-care plans must pay for gender-affirming surgeries, a major win for transgender rights amid a nationwide wave of anti-trans activism and legislation.
The decision came from a set of cases out of North Carolina and West Virginia, where state officials argued that their policies were based on cost concerns rather than bias. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit rejected that argument, saying the plans were discriminating against trans people in need of treatment.
It’s the second ruling in favor of trans rights this month from the 4th Circuit, a once-conservative court that has become a trailblazer in the realm of transgender rights. The court was the first to say trans students had a right to use the bathrooms that align with their gender identity and the first to recognize gender dysphoria as a protected disability. Earlier this month, the court said a federally funded middle school could not ban a trans 13-year-old from playing on the girls’ track and field team.
The 4th Circuit has 15 judges, 1 appointed by Reagan, 1 appointed by George HW Bush, 2 by Clinton, 1 by George W Bush, 3 by Obama, 3 by Trump, and 3 by Biden. The newest Biden appointee, Nicole Berner, was only seated just last month. Berner is a Lesbian, famous for among other things suing Israel in 2000 to force the Israeli government to recognize the children of same sex parents as being equally both their parent's child on documents like birth certificates and passports. She's only the 5th LGBT Judge at the Appeals Court level, 3 of whom are Biden appointees. Elections matter.
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meetthemidwest · 2 years
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I was drawing something cursed about the Lumberjack War but unfortunately my computer decided that sounding like a geiger counter wasn't enough, it had to act irradiated as well. So instead have some pre-Revolutionary War art I made in the middle of the night while reading my old APUSH notes and having an existential crisis.
Anyway friendly reminder that another very important day is coming up this month and I know it's fun to hate on the French but sometimes you gotta take a step back and wonder if maybe they were on to something
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savebats-statetalia · 3 years
I have become obsessed with the 'flying trio' (Ohio, Alaska, and North Carolina), so I guess have this.
North Carolina: -you know, I like the way-
Ohio getting progressively louder and more panicked while being chased: There's a child there's a child there's a child!
North Carolina: Oh, he's a little dude! Hey, little dude! Go back to school!
Ohio: Kill the child! Kill the child! Kill the child!
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hipsofsteel · 3 years
#70 for Rusty and Kitty
#70 on my Spotify Wrapped: Back Porch by Willie Jones Spotify / Youtube / Genius Lyrics
(The ask being referred to)
That 70 is for the basically 70,000 words of them that I wrote for my first NaNoWriMo.
Kitty's out on the back porch piecing together another quilt in the last bits of full daylight. In her rocking chair with her feet up on a stool, a look of total concentration on her face. Rusty looks at her through the screen door, sipping a can of beer and watching her as she works.
Her curls get caught in the breeze, not often enough to distract her, but sometimes she has to reach up and brush one aside, black hair against beautiful brown skin, the lighter color of her palms. Rusty could get lost in tracing the lines on her hands for days if she let him.
Her hands, which work so quick as she sews, a steady rhythm in her pace. This is a woman who's mastered her skills, who has little time to mess about. She's working, but because she loves the work, not because it's necessary.
He remembers falling into that same sort of haze as he fixed up that old rocking chair for her. It'd gotten into bad shape, and then one of the rockers had snapped. Kitty had sighed and tossed it out into the scrap. Rusty had snuck out that night and dragged it into the toolshed before the garbageman came.
He'd spent weeks putting it back together, shaping a new pair of rockers, and then sanding, finishing, and sealing. But the work didn't feel like work, not when he considered who it was for.
As she lifted up a yellow triangle to add to her quilt, he remembered that yellow Easter dress she'd had for a few years, with the little white polka dots, and the hat with the lace. She'd looked as pretty as a daffodil in it. Rusty had been sad to see it go.
She took a sip of her sweet tea, and Rusty remembered her teaching him how to make it so long ago, in the early days of their relationship. The way she's been so focused on instructing him that she hadn't noticed that his eyes were following the movements of her body instead, and the way she moved her hands. Her hands. They always drew him in, they were like magic, and she hardly every noticed how she always moved them so gracefully.
A green piece of fabric next. She told him she loved the color of his eyes, green and bright like new leaves, young grass. Rusty always found himself preferring hers. That beautiful warm brown. There couldn't be green growing things without the warmth of the earth.
She kicked off her shoes absentmindedly, sandals dropping down, and Rusty remembers a cross country drive, long before seat belt laws, where she'd at some point in the southwest hung her feet out the window and set her head in Rusty's lap. It hadn't been for more than a few minutes, but Rusty recalled the moment with a clarity that surprised him all these years later. The way she'd looked up at him, smiling.
Cars were always a good thing too. How she'd lean her head out the window sometimes and laugh. How one time they got tangled up in the back of his truck. Trips, camping and fishing. Hunting too. Escaping to places where people hadn't cared about how they looked when so many places in the world had.
He didn't know how long he'd known that she was the only one for him. She'd taught him English, to read and write. She'd never treated him like he was stupid even when he struggled. She'd just set those hands on his and guided him through the process of learning something new.
And he didn't know when she realized it, when she reciprocated. All he knew was that time didn't really matter, he just wanted as much of it as he could have to spend with her.
He startled, and Kitty was looking at him.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"A while." He admitted, taking another sip of his beer.
"And why didn't you think to come out and sit with me?" She's teasing him as she puts her sewing away into her basket, and then stands up, motioning for him to come out. Rusty follows her to the porch swing, and she unfolds a quilt he's familiar with as he sits down next to her.
The border is a series of camellia blossoms and flower dogwood, their state flowers, with a vining pattern around them. And in the center stands a redheaded man holding the hands of a black woman in a yellow dress.
Rusty helps her spread out the quilt over the both of them, and then puts an arm over her shoulder. Kitty leans her head into him.
"There." She hums. "Much better to watch a sunset like this, don't you think?"
Rusty has hardly even noticed the sunset, but he glances out at it as he pulls her closer.
"Can't agree with ya more, Kitty-cat."
And as Rusty admires the sunset, Kitty watches how the orange hues of the light nearly set his hair ablaze with color. How it brings out the freckles that aren't hidden under his beard. How it makes him glow.
She leans in closer, enjoying the moment with him.
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og-aviatrix · 3 years
Open Starter
A young blonde woman lay drowsing on the beach, her toes nestled in the sand and aviators over her eyes. It was good to be back on the shores after a grueling few weeks of training at Fort Bragg. She found the sounds of the ocean waves lapping at the shores and of children playing quite soothing. Until someone or something woke her from her slumber.
She sat up and lifted her sunglasses. “Can I help you?”
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unknown-box-boi · 4 years
Do you happen to have a North Carolina oc 👁👉👈
Here’s your other eye 👁 you forgot it.
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But here’s North Carolina!
I still got state requests open :)
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Final prompt for @heta-oc-week
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ask-pottertalia · 4 years
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Two more templates done
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 3 months
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I’m realizing I never shared these doodles from April lol. Just Alfred/ USA and some of the undeniably Appalachian states being Jonah/ West Virginia, Maisie/ North Carolina, Betsy/ Tennessee, & Roy/ Kentucky mostly circa early 1800s. Early frontier and wars with indigenous nations, Alfred spent a lot of time with these states. I’ll try to keep everything brief cause lol I do have a lot of Maisie-specific lore that can be better expanded upon another time, but I wanna share them cause why not
Alfred went from being this grumpy New Englander to being a bit more lighthearted and more like the funny charming Alfred of today, and a lot for that happened cause he spent so much time with these states especially Maisie/ North Carolina who’s quite friendly, very confident in herself and isn’t afraid to speak her mind or share a couple of jokes. Alfred doesn’t like Maisie at first cause he thinks she’s uncouth and insane. Maisie thinks Alfred is an uptight little bitch. But Alfred and Maisie eventually develop feelings for one another and Maisie becomes his first love. However, Alfred and also Maisie are extremely stubborn and neither are afraid of confrontation- this eventually leads to the breakdown of the relationship.
Alfred also from spending time with all of them learns a lot of new musical styles and actually it brings him closer with many southern states that aren’t in Appalachia and western ones as he expands. This is where he begins becoming less of a New Englander and slowly learns to accept new ways of let’s say being American so he begins to grow into the national rep.
Hm ok so some of this I’ll explain more when I work on my revolution arc- but the short version is many of the east coast states are slightly older than Alfred. And they barely agreed to put Alfred in charge especially cause he’s very aggressively a New Englander. So southern states especially aren’t his biggest fan and are rather hesitant.
Jonah/ West Virginia not being a state for much of the early 1800s yet existing as a representative of then his older brother Rich/ Virginia’s back country led to him develop a bit of a chip on his shoulder. And he sees Alfred as an outsider so he doesn’t particularly like him.
States like Betsy/ Tennessee & Roy/ Kentucky are super young during the early 1800s so not much to say about them. Actually TBH I don’t have much information for either Betsy or Roy other than Betsy is a Melungeon & plays the mandolin and is very musically gifted. Roy plays the banjo. I think Jonah plays the fiddle and Maisie plays the guitar.
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Other States Headcanon #25
North Carolina’s human name is Jonathan Davis and the latter part of his name comes from America’s childhood friend, Davie.
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avaize · 4 years
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I’ve been seeing a bunch of these on twitter with different fandoms but I have not seen any for RvB so I was like “why not?” and here we are 
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aph-oklahoma-46 · 4 years
Transtalia Week 2020 Day 4
Day 4: Not being accepted
@the-transtalia-blog Wow, so this got a little depressing. And very long. So, uh, enjoy me projecting onto David and beating them with the angst baton.
Tennessee = David (Nonbinary person, they/them) Kentucky = Henry (Cis man) North Carolina = Nolan (Cis man) South Carolina = Nora (Cis woman) Missouri = Miles (gnc Cis man) (only mentioned) Virginia = (I don’t actually remember their name, sorry Sybil)(Nonbinary) @hws-germania‘s oc (only briefly mentioned)
TW: Transphobia, including misgendering, deadnaming, invalidation, etc.
Day 4: Not Being Accepted
“So… I was thinking about changing my name.”
Henry looked up from where he had been pulling up bits of grass to braid together and blinked.
“Oh? Do you not like Fiona anymore?”
“I just… It doesn’t feel right. That doesn’t feel like my name.”
“… Ok. What were you thinking of changing it to?” Henry sat the length of braided grass in his lap and leaned back against the tree, waiting for an answer. His red-haired friend had tucked her knees under her chin, hugging them. She had been watching him, seemingly gauging his reaction, but now she looked down and pressed her forehead to her knees.
“Well, I was thinking… I kind of like David.”
Oh? Oh…. Nodding, Henry sat up again. That was really not what he’d expected. “Do, um… Do you want to change anything else?”
Fi- David peeked up from over… his? His arms. Tears had started to gather at the edges, and Henry did not like that at all. He shifted away from the tree, crawling over to David to sit next to his friend. Hesitantly, he reached out a hand and rested it on David’s shoulder.
“It’s ok if you do. I like David, too. I like you… even though you definitely cheated on the race over here.”
That got a giggle out of David, and he raised his head and wiped his eyes. “Thanks, Henry. And I did not cheat, I’m just a better rider than you!” David poked Henry in the ribs with a grin. “But, um, yeah… I think there are some other things I wanna change.”
Henry nodded. “Ok. I’ll help, if you want.”
David smiled, and Henry felt warmth come with the grin. He was sincere; he and David had been the best of friends since they were children, and they had always understood that if one of them needed something, the other would do whatever was needed to help. That wasn’t going to change just because he and David might, even if David’s changes might be… bigger than expected.
David stood in the parlor and he (that really didn’t feel quite right, but neither did “she,” so…) could feel the eyes directed at him. He was so glad that his siblings weren’t visiting today, so they could have this talk with just the three of them.
Well, four, counting Henry, but he had tucked himself away in the corner as emotional support and was adamantly trying to avoid drawing too much attention to himself. David would have almost found it funny, if they weren’t so nervous; they had learned a long time ago that the Carolinas were not fond of their- his choice of friends.
Hmm… that wasn’t so bad. Can I call myself that, though? I’m just one per-
“What do you want to talk about, Fiona?”
David was shaken from their thoughts. They blinked over at Nora, who was sitting next to her brother and staring at David unblinking. Ever since they were little, David thought that look was creepy. Of course, Nora didn’t mean anything by it, she was just an intense person and when she gave her attention to something, she gave all of her attention to it.
Which was really unpleasant for David right now.
They shifted their weight to their other foot and took a deep breath, before speaking, “Well, first off, I wanna talk about changing my name. I don’t wanna be called Fiona anymore.”
Both Carolinas nodded, and Nolan commented, “Alright. It’s not uncommon for a personification to change his or her name, especially since we live so long. Times change, and things go in and out of fashion.”
“What would you like to change your name to?”
David glanced over to Henry, who was standing in the corner by the door. Henry nodded, and David grasped onto the reassurance that he offered.
“I, uh, I want to be called- I want to be called David, please.”
Both twins blinked. Neither spoke for what felt like hours, but David knew was probably seconds. Then Nolan cleared his throat and said, “David? Well, that is a very good name, but… I’m not sure it’s the best choice.”
Nora added, “Yes. We realize you must be looking for a change, Fiona, but perhaps you should consider a less… drastic change, hm? If you’re looking for a name that is less feminine, Logan is a lovely name for men and women.”
“It is. Are you trying to display your boyish tendencies? We know you were irritated with Madam Willingham for scolding you as a tomboy. She really should… Well, she should mind her own business, if you ask me, but Logan is a fine name for a lady who is not afraid of a little dirt and sweat. Or Riley.”
In spite of how they had prepared for this reaction, David felt themself (themselves? No, that’s not right, there’s only one of me…) deflate a little. In contrast, they could sense Henry bristling behind them. Henry normally was very calm, and it really to some doing to get him riled up, but god, the twins sure were good at it.
I should really say something before he do-
“I really don’t think that is what David meant.”
Nora and Nolan pivoted toward Henry, and David, despite the twisting in their gut, sighed at the thought of having to drag Henry out of another shouting match with their siblings.
“Really? Well, please, what do you think she means?”
Henry opened his mouth for a retort, then closed it again. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before responding, “That’s not my place. They can tell you.”
David held his breath at the wording. Nora frowned and Nolan quirked a brow, but neither addressed how Henry had referred to David, so David let out their breath and decided to move on quickly. They wanted this to be over with.
“I, er, well, Henry is right,” they stumbled. “I’m not trying to let people know I’m a tomgirl, or boy or whatever. I… I’m not a tomboy or a tomgirl. I…,” David sighed, and continued, “I don’t want to be called Fiona, and I don’t want to be called a girl anymore. That’s not what I am.”
Again, there was silence, but this time, the twins were much more obviously thrown. David waited for what they would say and prepared for the worst.
“Fi… David,” Nora said. “If you do not want to… be seen as a girl anymore, or if you think you would prefer to act and dress as a man, then… well, Nolan, I think we can work with that.”
“Yes… yes, we’ll go to the tailor tomorrow and see about having some new clothes put together. Just a few outfits, in case you reconsider this, ah… decision.”
“No.” David wasn’t quite aware of speaking.
Nolan hesitated. “No?”
“No. I mean, yes, I would appreciate new clothes, but I don’t want to be seen as a man. I don’t think I am a man. I don’t feel like a man.”
Nora shared a look with her brother before fixing David with a firm look. “We’re not really sure what you mean, then, dear. Are you going to act as a man or a woman, Tennessee?”
A cold feeling gathered in their stomach.
David swallowed.
“Neither. Or both? I am neither. But…” they trailed off at the looks they were receiving from both siblings. Nora always looked unimpressed, even when she was entertained, sometimes. She discovered early on how to garner respect among her peers as a young woman involved in the politics and finance of her state. But even Nolan, who was not particularly warm but was still less severe than his sister, was fixing David with a withering stare.
“Don’t be silly, Fiona. You are not a plant, or a chair, or a rock. You are a young lady, and if, for the moment, you fancy trying your hand at a man’s life, then feel free; we will help, within reason. But do not start running around with some fanciful ideas of… whatever it is you’re thinking.”
“Yes! Why, if-,”
“Do you want to leave, David?”
David almost jumped at the hand on their shoulder. Henry stood next to them, looking directly at them and ignoring Nora and Nolan’s spiel. David just stared at Henry for a full thirty seconds. They hadn’t realized that was an option.
Nora and Nolan were equally dumbfounded by Henry’s interruption. They stared at the pair standing by the door, somewhat shocked at being cut off and very irritated at Henry’s audacity to suggest walking out in the moment.
“Excuse me, but I thi-,”
“I think that you should kiss my ass, but looks like none of us are getting what we wanted, huh? I wasn’t talking to you.” Henry turned back to David and waited for an answer.
David couldn’t walk out in the middle of this. It was rude, and the problem would still be here later. All that walking away would do was postpone the unpleasant.
But David nodded.
They didn’t notice they were crying until Henry wiped their face. They were already in Tennessee and had stopped to rest and decide where they were going to go. Henry was sitting next to them by the road and put his arm around their shoulders.
“Um, I really… I’m not gonna say everything is ok, because it isn’t. That, what they said and did, that shouldn’t have happened.” He paused and rubbed his face. David had left with Henry, and before they did, the Carolinas had made it very clear that until David had made up his mind and started “thinking clearly,” neither David nor Henry was welcome in that house. They had also threatened to write to Virginia about how terrible of an influence Henry had been by encouraging their sister to run off and confuse her about her gender and such, but Henry assured David there was little to worry about on that end.
“But, y’know, everything doesn’t have to be ok. Hey, look at me, please?”
David looked up at him and placed a hand on the one Henry had yet to take from their face.
“You’re ok. Ok? And I’m ok. And we’re ok, and that’s what matters right now.”
“Wow,” David laughed, “how very humble of you to add your whole self into that.”
“Well, I mean, if you wanna trot off alone, that’s cool. I’m just stating facts, my friend; I’m doing fine, you’re doing fine, or you will be, and that’s the important part.” Henry grinned. “Besides, are you really gonna tell me I’m not fine? Because let’s face it, I’m pretty fine.”
David rolled his eyes. “I think you’ve spent too much time with Miles.”
Shrugging, Henry stood up and helped David to their feet. He thought for a moment, then suggested, “We could head to his place, speaking of. Him and his older brother will probably be much more welcoming about this than those two d- *ahem* than the twins. Or we could just hang out here, or go to Kentucky, or Virginia, or… I don’t know. It’s your crisis, you choose.”
“Well,” David mused, “I’d rather avoid anywhere the twins will be willing to march into to scold me more, so Miles is probably the only option left at that point. They like him even less than they like you. Speaking of, thank you for not getting into it with them. I’m glad we just left, instead.”
“Hey, if being polite to them will make you happy, then…,” Henry made a pained face and swallowed, “then I will bite my tongue and not tell them where they can stick their fancy fucking teacups.”
Laughing, David shook his head. “Thank you, dear. Alright then, let’s be off.”
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Andreas Dahl and Selten HW for Denmark.
2018 FEI World Equestrian Games.  Tryon, NC
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properpacksblog · 3 years
U Wanna Hit The Shelf , I Can Show U The Route ... Bring Me 50... In Los angles For A Limited Time!
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