#httyd poll
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howtotrainyourdrag0n · 3 months ago
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cloverofhope · 2 months ago
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mythawolf · 1 month ago
Edit: Don't pick the last one I accidentally left that one empty
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the-writing-trash-panda · 1 year ago
I’m just curious but what dragon would you want (besides a night fury). I want a Monstrous Nightmare.
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companion-of-the-dragonmark · 5 months ago
Hiccup Young Chief AU Story Idea
This story idea dives into what would happen if Hiccup had to become the new Chief of Berk early on in his youth. From this point, we have several options to choose from.
1) Have this be set in Book 1, and/or "Exile on Cannibal Isle" if the ending ends up being tragic for the adults, and Thuggory and Hiccup are left to pick up the pieces after slaying the Green Death.
2) Have this set in Book 2, if Stoick dies in the fight against Alvin, as a consequence of the curse of Grimbeard's treasure.
3) Have this set in Book 5, when Stoick dies of a heatstroke and Hiccup has a sweaty time trying to get the egg back to the volcano.
4) Have this set in Book 7, when Madguts the Murderous was about to execute Big Bertha and Stoick in revenge, and Hiccup failed to return on time.
5A) Have this book set in Book 8, when UG the UGLITHUG brutally murders Stoick and Bertha for trespassing on his territory.
5B) Have this book set in Book 8, when UG the UGLITHUG enslaves Stoick and Bertha for trespassing on his territory, thus disqualifying them from being Chiefs anymore.
6) Have this set in Book 9, when Stoick is missing (via Excellinor the Witch), and Hiccup never finds him again.
7) Have this set in Book 9 when all the adults are missing or perished, and the Warriors-to-Be are the only ones left in the School (aside from the Outcasts, obviously), and so everyone has to fight together in order to escape.
8) Have this set in Books 10/11 when Stoick dies in battle and Hiccup is forced to lead his Tribe in their fight against both Alvinsmen and Dragons.
Thanks for the support! Have a lovely week!
Long Live the Wilderwest!
— Companion of the Dragonmark
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loverofwhump216 · 5 months ago
Hiccup and Service Animals: A Poll
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waywardsou2 · 12 days ago
If you didn't know I've drawn toothless already which is why he is not on the list so don't come for me
And follow my blog so you can see the results when they go up!
Btw I won't be drawing what's not on the list so don't bother @ me in the comments
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noctusfury · 5 months ago
Dragon Flyers' Title Poll
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throrn2048 · 21 days ago
Weird HTTYD question
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We know in the first movie that the newly-hatched changewings can spray acid. On the other hand, in Defenders of Berk Fishlegs tells us that Whispering Death babies have poor control of their jaws and spikes.
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howtotrainyourdrag0n · 2 months ago
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violet-moonstone · 10 months ago
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cloverofhope · 1 year ago
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the-writing-trash-panda · 1 year ago
I must put something to rest, what color is Snotlout’s hair?
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companion-of-the-dragonmark · 2 months ago
Hiccup the First's Capital City of the Wilderwest (HTTYD)
You know, I got to thinking:
We know that Grimbeard disliked being confined to Berk, viewing it as not a PROPER PLACE for a KING, so he built the Great City of Tomorrow.
But what was the place Hiccup the First and the other Kings made their capital? Was it Berk? Or was it the Mainland but then it later became Berk?
My headcanon was that after becoming King, Hiccup the First rallied his Tribe and routed the Uglithugs out of the Mainland, which had been the Hooligans' original home before they got kicked out by them just after Hiccup was born. And a plausible theory being that after Hiccup died, or even perhaps after his son's reign, the Uglithugs took the Mainland back, forcing later Kings to rule from Berk.
What do you guys think? Plausible?
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clobertina · 7 months ago
I think we can all agree that HTTYD 3 is the most divisive movie in the franchise.
So I'm curious to know your personal opinions on it!
I personally have a love hate relationship with it. There's a lot of things I love while there's a LOT of things I hate.
I love a lot of it. But I'll go ahead and state the problems I had because they are easier to describe compared to the things I loved about it.
-Some aspects involving The Light Fury. She was a plot device more than she was a character and the "behind the scenes" creaton of her was problematic imo. Although it's slightly grown on me, her design is weird and I really want to redesign her lol.
-Some things involving Toothless. I LOVE Toothless, but I have a lot of problems with how he was handled in this movie. For one, he's TOO OVERPOWERED! like really? Not only can he control all dragons, but you gave the ONE ability that made the Light Fury unique and gave it to Toothless 🤦‍♀️. Although it's a result of the ending of movie 2, I don't like the idea of Toothless being able to control dragons, but this is a personal gripe that I explained in detail before and isn't a fault of the writing in movie 3. This is a nitpick but I don't like how they got rid of Toothless' subtle patterns that have appeared in all instalments (including series) except this movie. This is also a nitpick but I also found it weird that they made Toothless act so much like a dog in this movie when he almost always acted more like a cat in every instalment. Also, his want to leave Hiccup was way to sudden and is not in his character... I could explain a lot more but idc exactly how to put it to words and this post would go on forever lol.
-Kinda a nitpick but I don't like how Astrid was reduced to just moral support. I wish we had more moments of her being badass. Because one thing I always LOVED about Astrid was that she's independent and strong but also allowed to act feminine. As a woman myself, all women are different- Women can act feminine, women can act masculine, and seeing a strong independent woman character that can act masculine but also act feminine is something you rarely really see in mainstream media imo.
-The side characters where done SO DANG DIRTY in this movie... ESPECIALLY if you watched Riders/Defenders of Berk + Race to the Edge. The characters I feel got ruined the most though, where Snotlout and Ruffnut. WHAT HAPPENED TO SNOTLOUT BEING COCKY BUT ALSO HAVING A HEART OF GOLD!? WHAT HAPPENED TO RUFFNUT BEING PURPOSELY STUPID TO CONFUSE HER ENEMIES? WHAT DID THEY DO HHH???
-Grimmel was just a half baked Viggo from Race to the Edge. Nobody can change my mind.
-BIGGEST COMPLAINT. Like EVERY installment, both movie, short film, comic, and series, where built on exploration and discovery. In every part of the franchise, we saw new species and worlds. So when the marketing for HTTYD 3 came out... Naturally I assumed we where going to spend a lot of time IN THE HIDDEN WORLD (in my mind as just Toothless and the Light Fury as they bonded). But no. IT HAS SO LITTLE SCREENTIME spent ACTUALLY IN there! Even VANAHEIM was eventually explored in-depth... HHH Just kinda felt like a let-down to me, you know?
Things I personally loved.
-Toothless has his own motivations and goals completely separate from Hiccup in this movie. I really love this as it separates them as individuals more than it has been done before. Only problem is that I feel they didn't handle it as good as I wish they did.
-The very end of this movie was so beautifully bitter sweet with Hiccup and Astrid and their kids!
-Goes without saying that the animation was phenomenal! And although the soundtrack is not as memorable as the first 2, it's still EXTREMELY good!
-Adored the fact we got to see Fireworm Dragons for a few shots! Always love when a movie sneaks in series content.
-Hiccup and Astrid's relationship is still so wholesome to watch and amazing to see!
-The Stoick flashbacks where great!
-I will not lie, I am blinded by my love of HTTYD to completely disown this movie LOL.
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