#howto make  prop
pakeezaafas12 · 4 years
How to Make A Chuppa Rustom Prop | Prop Making | DIY Prop | Event Prop M...
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melancholyshadow · 3 years
two’s company, three’s a crowd || s. rogers
part one | part two | part three
summary: it’s bucky’s turn to get looked over by doctor (y/f/n)
pairing: a little steve rogers x female!reader, and a little bucky barnes x female!reader
warning: cursing, mentions of blood, mentions of gunshot wound, mentions of treating a gunshot wound, mentions of bruising, mentions of broken nose, mentions of fixing broken nose
an: i really liked this part, a little bit of lovin’ from both super soldiers, also, happy birthday cap! luv u :)
tags: @capstopavenger @celineann91 @before-we-get-started @hallucinatingbitch @whyisthisathingcb @marantha @mia-j-333 @destielshipper88​ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​
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“Put him over there!”
You exclaimed, running down the hallway towards the guest bathroom, grabbing the large first-aid kit from under the sink. Next you stopped at the linen closet closest to the living room, grabbing some old hand and beach towels. You didn’t have everything you needed, and this was definitely not going to be the safest, cleanest, or most accurate way to do things, but it’s the best you could do. By the time you returned to the living room, Bucky was sitting propped up in one of your arm chairs. He was holding the bridge of nose, tilting it up so as not to let blood seep out. Steve applied pressure to Bucky’s thigh with both hands. 
“Okay, what the hell happened?” You questioned them both loudly, rummaging around in first-aid kit for some medical scissors. “It was just a reconnaissance mission that went sour fast.” Steve explained quickly, his voice was full of concern, and for good reason, his friend was losing blood fast. “Prop his leg up on this ottoman, using the pillows, make it as high as possible.” You grabbed ottoman by the leg and pulled it closer to Steve. “After you do that, use these scissors to cut the fabric of his pants, I need unrestricted access to the area.” You placed the scissors in his hands and stood up again, running towards your kitchen. 
Shuffling around in your cabinets, looking for the largest bowl you could find. Once you located it, you filled it with warm water. As the water filled the bowl, you searched for your large jug of antibacterial soap. Dashing back into the living room, Bucky was now slouched in the same arm chair, leg propped up on about five pillows that were stacked on the ottoman. Steve had cut a large square out of Bucky’s black pants, large enough for you to work on the area. Kneeling down next to Bucky, Steve removed his hands so you could see the damage. 
Blood was seeping from the wound at a slowed pace, already a lot less than it was only moments ago. Your small hand slipped through the square opening of the fabric, your fingers worked towards the back of his thigh, feeling for an exit wound, which you didn’t find. You also took this opportunity to feel the temperature of his thigh, still warm which was a good sign. If his thigh was cold to the touch, that would have meant his body had begun constricting blood vessels, a way to maintain blood pressure and blood flow, meaning he had less blood pumping through his heart. 
“This is gonna hurt, but I’m gonna clean the wound so I can put some clotting powder on it.” You explained to Bucky. He just nodded his head, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth in anticipation. You took one of the hand towels and dipped it into the warm water, before putting a dollop of soap on the soaked towel. After rubbing the towel together to get it sudsy, you warned Bucky one last time.You started off slowly, cleaning the area around the wound. “Okay this is gonna be the worse part.” 
You grabbed a clean towel, not wanting to transfer any blood back into the injury. You repeated the water and soap steps from before. The towel came in contact with the wound, and Bucky’s body automatically tensed up, and as the towel began to move, he let out a guttural groan. “Here, squeeze my arm.” You heard Steve say towards him, and Bucky didn’t protest. “Alright almost done.” You said, wiping over the wound one last time. “Done.” You let out a large sigh, throwing both of the bloody rags into the bowl of water. “I'll just get this bullet out, pour some of that clotting stuff on it, and then bandage you up.” 
After locating the tweezers, you needed to get a closer look to find the piece of steel. “I think I see it, but I need a flashlight or something.” You said towards Steve who was still at Bucky’s side, “Can you grab my phone? It’s on the kitchen counter.” It was less of a question and more of a command. He sprinted across your living room, and he couldn’t have been gone for more than five seconds. “Can you hold it for me?” This time more of a question towards Steve. With the new source of light, you were able to see a glint of light. “I found it.” You muttered more to yourself. 
“This is pretty far in there.” You wracked your brain for the best way to accomplish this. “Okay, Bucky, I’m gonna also need your help.” His gaze shifted from the ceiling towards your face. “Take the phone from Steve, and hold it exactly where he’s holding it now. As they shifted flashlight duty, you grabbed a packet of clotting-powder. You ripped it open, and handed it to Steve. “As soon as I say go, you pour that directly onto the wound, because once I pull this bullet out, that blood flow is gonna pick right back up.” Steve nodded. 
As the tips of your tweezers, sterilized with rubbing alcohol, disappeared into the wound. Bucky flinched making your light disappear, Steve steadied him with his free hand. It was nearly silent, nothing could be heard except for the heavy breathing coming from all three of you. The tips of your tweezers hit the metal with a small ‘tink’ noise. You did it fast, wanting to cause the smallest amount of pain. “Go!” 
As he was told, as the words left your mouth and his eyes caught the sight of the removed bullet, he powered the contents of the small packet onto his best friend's leg. A string of curse words left Bucky’s mouth as the powder made contact with his wound, letting you know it was in fact working. Your phone fell into his lap, unnoticed completely by any of you. You folded a large piece of gauze and placed it on the wound, taping down all four sides. After it was secured enough for your liking, you leaned back against the entertainment center behind you. 
A wave of accomplishment ran over you, as Bucky’s cursing lessened and you heard Steve leet out a sigh of relief. Then you remembered Bucky’s nose, you were so tired but you needed to fix it now. You stood up from the floor, “Alright, Bucky, we need to deal with your nose too.”His eyes were closed when you approached him, you honestly thought he was asleep. “Steve, can you go make two ice packs, one for his leg and one for his nose?” Asking him, as you examined Bucky’s nose under the overhead light. “Of course.” He muttered. 
Bucky’s nose was crooked, tilted to your left and swollen. A small horizontal cut ran the width of his nose, signs of bruising already present. “Alright, I need to look at you straight on.” You nudged his legs open with your knee, and he understood the touch. His legs opened, and you stood between his thighs. Underneath his nose was stained red, but any blood flow had stopped, or it had at least for this moment. “I would usually wait sometime before doing this, but your nose seems to already be at the appropriate healing stage, so I’m going to manually realign it.” 
You bent over his leg to grab a couple pieces of gauze. “I’m gonna stick these up your nose, so it’s easier for me to set it back in place.” He sucked in a quick breath as you stuffed the fabric up each nostril. “Ready?” You asked him, he nodded, eyes screwed shut. Almost out of instinct, as your index and thumb rested on either side of his nose, his hands grabbed your hips. It made your insides jolt, you could feel the cool metal of his hand through your t-shirt. Then it hit you like a brick, you felt the lack of clothing covering your legs and the thinness of the shirt covering your body, accompanied by your lack of bra. You just hope neither of them had noticed in the heat of all the chaos. 
“(Y/F/N)?” Bucky’s voice brought you back to reality. “Right, sorry.” And without thinking about it, you pushed his nose back in place with a loud crack. “Fuck!” He yelled, his grip on your hips tightened immensely, you could feel his fingertips digging into your skin through your t-shirt. “Bucky, ow, ow, ow.” You smacked both his wrists in rapid successions, and he immediately pulled them away. “Sorry.” His eyes turned softer in seconds, looking at you concerned. “You’ll have to keep that gauze in your nose for tonight, I’ll check the progress when you wake up and we can decide the next course of action.”
“Here are those ice packs.” Steve said entering the room, “We can take them to go.” Bucky said, attempting to stand up out of the armchair. “To-go? Absolutely not.” You laughed, packing everything back up into your first-aid kit. “You two are going absolutely nowhere.” Your gaze shifts between them. “The two of you can fight between the guest bed and the couch.” Bucky and Steve began bickering back and forth, as you gathered up everything and put things back into its place. 
“Have you two decided?” You asked the two men who stood in your living room, who were currently playing rock-paper-scissors, with a blanket, two pillows, and two sets of pajamas in your arms. Bucky was leaning against the army chair, weakly throwing his hand into the shape of scissors, and from his reaction you assume he won. Steve groaned, running his hand through his hair. You tossed a pair of pajamas at each of them, “These are my brother’s so if we could avoid getting any blood on them, that would be fantastic.” You tossed the pillows and blanket onto the couch for Steve. “The guest room is the second door on the left, the bathroom is on the right, andI’ll see you two in the morning.” And with that you disappeared back into your room. 
The next morning you woke up thinking last night was a dream, but by the blood spots on the shirt you threw off before getting into bed last night told you otherwise. Before leaving your room, you made sure to dress yourself appropriately for guests, since last night you missed that mark. On accident, of course. Slowly, you pull open your door, not noticing it's squeakiness until now. Creeping into the kitchen, you turned on your coffee machine. You remembered that Bucky drank coffee, so you assumed Steve did as well. 
After pouring yourself a cup, you perched yourself on the counter, comforted by the muffled sound of the city coming from the otherside of the kitchen window. You could hear the sound of Steve stirring in the living room, so you peeked through the opening that connected the kitchen to the living room. He sat up and stretched his arms over his head, you could see he back muscle moves under the t-shirt he was wearing, which was way too small as your brother was nowhere near his size. “Good morning.” You whisper-yelled, as he was probably only fifteen feet away from you. 
His head turned towards your voice, and when his eyes landed on you he smiled. “I made coffee.” You smiled at him. When he spoke, it caught you off guard, “You’re an angel.” His voice was raspy, and a few octaves deeper than normal, and mixed with the nickname made butterflies fly around in your stomach. As he walked into the kitchen, he made a B-line for the coffee pot, pouring it into one of the mugs you left out for the pair of guests. When he finally turned to face you, you noticed something, something big. 
“Steve, what happened to your face?” Your voice was full of concern. You slid off the counter, and abandoned your coffee cup. Crossing the kitchen to examine his face better, he turned so that the injured side of his face was hidden. “Let me see, please, this is what I’m here for.” You pleaded, softly placing your thumb on his chin and index finger on the underside of his chin. He let out a defeated sigh, and let you turn his head, letting you see the injury better. 
“Is this from last night?” You knew it was, but you wanted him to confirm it. The bruises were already turning from blue and purple tones closer to green and yellow. It spanned from this left eye down to the entirety of his left cheekbone. “Why didn’t you show me this last night?” You asked slightly frustrated. “You were so busy with Bucky, and I didn’t think you could do much for me.” He explained, bringing the coffee cup up to his lips. “I honestly forgot about it as soon as we got here.” He could tell you were frustrated. 
“My job is to care for both of you. So even if it seems insignificant I need to know about it if it’s an injury.” You smiled at him reassuringly. “And for your information, I do have something that could help with those bruises.” You head to the cabinet above your microwave, where you keep things like Advil, Dayquil, and Airborne. “I’m gonna put this vitamin K cream on the bruise directly, and take this Tylenol.” Handing him the four small tablets, which he took with a swig of coffee. After washing your hands, you stood back in front of Steve. 
“Look down at me, please.” You squeezed the vitamin cream directly onto your index finger. Even though he was looking down at you, you still had to stand on your tippy-toes to get a good visual spanse of the bruise. Using your free hand, you held onto Steve’s shoulder, steadying yourself. “It might sting a little.” You warned as you began to spread the cream across his skin. He sucked in a quick breath, making you mumble a small ‘sorry.’ It took a couple squeezes to cover the entire area of his injury. “And we’re done.” 
As you tried to pull away from Steve, his hand on the small of your back stopped you. You looked up at him with curiosity in your eyes. He leaned in so that your noses were only about an inch away from one another. Your breath caught in the back of your throat, and you were convinced he could hear your heart beating out of your chest. “Thank you.” His eyes looked about three shades lighter in direct sunlight, and it gave them another level of intensity. He was close enough that you could smell the coffee remnants on his breath. “N-No, problem.” You insisted, trying to look anywhere except his gaze. “Just doing my job.” Steve opened his mouth to say something back, but he was cut off. 
“Good morning you two.”
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messagefromtheveins · 5 years
Good Girl
A/N: I know I’ve been way too quiet lately. Sorry about that. But I’m working on something huge right now and I’m dying to tell you guys about it, but I’m scared that it won’t work out and I’ll just disappoint everyone 🙈 so, enjoy some Chris smut instead :)
Words: 1.6k
Pairing: Chris/Reader
Warning: smut
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The way you stretched and released a little moan of contentment made him want to take his clothes off again and crawl back into bed with you. Untangling himself from you and leaving the warmth beneath the covers had already been hard enough earlier and seeing you now- all snuggly comfortable and sleep-flushed cheeks- he was itching to stay here with you all day long.
"Morning, sweetheart," he murmured with a slightly forced smile and went to put a watch on, his gaze barely leaving you though.
You giggled softly. "Good morning, handsome," you grinned. Amusement was written all over your features and that was enough for him to know that he wasn't good at hiding it- and you only confirmed it when you spoke up. "Those pants don't hide very well what's going on beneath them."
Sighing deeply, he briefly closed his eyes before he shrugged. "Yeah, I've noticed," he mumbled and stepped into the walk-in closet to grab a jacket. When he walked back out he found you sitting up in bed, holding the covers up to hide your bare chest.
"Hey, Chris?" you spoke up as he continued bustling through the bedroom, making him stop in his steps and turn to you. "Come here," you whispered.
You could see the conflict in his eyes as he bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because I know I won't leave the house if I get back into bed and I really can't call in sick today," he muttered.
"Good thing I don't need you on the bed then," you grinned and let the covers drop, "come closer."
He hesitantly stepped up to the foot of the bed while you crawled closer to him on your knees, his lips parted as he took in the sight of your bare body, only a pair of those cheekies that he loved so much hugging your hips. His gaze didn't leave yours as you laid down on your stomach in front of him, propped up on your elbows as your hands reached for his jeans. "Baby..." he mumbled under his breath, not stopping you as you swiftly undid the button and pulled the zipper down.
"I'll be quick," you promised with a wink, tugging both his jeans and black boxer briefs down just enough to free his throbbing hard length. He released a sharp breath as his cock slapped up, almost hitting you in the face and making you giggle before you wrapped your hand around him.
Both of his hands moved to cup around your head as you leaned in, his deep groan filling the room as you licked a firm stripe along the thick vein before you wrapped your lips around the head. He cursed under his breath and tilted his head back, eyes closed and fingers tangling into your hair.
The way he moved his fingers back and forth over your head in light caresses made you want to smile, your tongue teasing his head in all the right ways while your hand slowly jerked him off. "So good to me," he mumbled and opened his eyes to look at you again. His hands applied just a bit of pressure against the back of your head and the fact that you didn't hesitate to take him deeper into your mouth made him moan quietly.
His eyebrows furrowed in pleasure and his head tilted to watch how your lips stretched around his girth, cheeks hollowing out in a way that had his eyes rolling into the back of his head for a moment while a deep groan rumbled in his chest. He would never admit it out loud, but he had been silently hoping that you would suck him off before he had to leave. He had been hard ever since he had woken up, the sight of your bare chest that had greeted him once he had opened his eyes had only made it worse. Jerking off in the shower had not worked that morning- not with the knowledge that you were just a few feet away in the other room and that you were so fucking skilled with your hands and that pretty mouth- which had left him frustrated and with a throbbing boner while he had gotten dressed.
Biting his bottom lip, he let his gaze trail over your bare back to your butt, your lace panties hugging your cheeks in all the right ways. His fingers were itching to give you a couple of spanks, but instead he shifted his gaze further down, over your bare legs that you had bent at the knees, feet in the air and crossed at the ankles. He couldn't stop himself from wondering how you could manage to look so innocent while taking his cock so deep that your nose almost came in contact with his lower abdomen.
Quietly cursing under his breath, he collected your hair in a messy ponytail and met your eyes as you looked up to him. He chuckled as you gave him a wink, but it quickly turned into a whimper as you licked over his slit. The taste of precum spread over your tongue as his length heavily twitched.
You knew he was close- it was written all over his face. Pulling away, you grinned as he immediately released a whine and thrust his hips forward like he was trying to chase the warmth of your mouth. Looking into his eyes, you licked over your bottom lip in a way that made him moan softly before you used his own words against him- words that he usually used when he had his face between your legs. "Come on, honey," you whispered, your thumb circling over the flushed tip to keep him on the edge, "let go for me."
His mouth opened like he wanted to say something, but instead of words a grunt left his throat as you took him into your mouth again and hollowed out your cheeks, your tongue pushing against the thick vein while he frantically tugged on your hair. "Fuck, baby, I-" he never got to finish his sentence as you moved your tongue in just the right way over the head to throw him over the edge. His moans and grunts were rather quiet as he shot salty spurts over your tongue and down your throat, your name spilling from his lips a couple of times.
His thighs trembled and both of his hands were tangled in your hair, tightly holding on while he weakly thrust his hips to ride out his high. Moaning around him, you didn't stop sucking on his tip and moving your hand over his length until he released a quiet whine.
He was panting heavily as his blown wide eyes found yours, his grip on your hair loosening while he pulled his hips back with a soft hiss as the wet warmth of your mouth disappeared around his sensitive cock. Sinking to his knees in front of you so he was at eye level with you, he gently brushed your messy hair back. "Lemme see," he murmured so quietly that you barely caught it. Opening your mouth, you let him see the mess he had left behind on your tongue before you closed your mouth again to swallow.
Something you could only define as adoration was written on his features as his thumb lightly pulled on your bottom lip, prompting you to open your mouth again to show him that you had swallowed all of it. "Good girl," he praised in a surprisingly soft voice.
Your cheeks flushed in the way they always did when he praised you like that, his hands cupping your face and thumbs caressing your cheekbones as he leaned in to leave a lingering kiss on your forehead. Your eyes fell shut, a soft smile spreading over your lips as he placed a little kiss on the tip of your nose before he found your lips in a tender kiss.
He pulled back much faster than you liked, a feeling of disappointment filling your chest as you watched him get up- though, you immediately scolded yourself for it. You knew that he had to get to work and couldn't stay in bed with you all day long, even though his eyes clearly told that he wanted to do nothing more than that. "I promise I'll make up for this tonight," he grinned as he tucked himself back into his pants.
"Hmmm, can't wait," you hummed with a lazy smile and climbed off the bed. He watched with curious eyes as you reached out to him, a grin spreading over his lips as you pulled on the hem of his T-shirt that he had tucked into his jeans just a few seconds ago.
"Looks better untucked?" he murmured, his voice slightly deeper in a way that made you want to rip the T-shirt off his chest.
Nodding, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling as he curled a hand around the side of your neck while the other came to rest on your butt. His lips captured yours in a loving kiss, his hand giving your butt a gentle squeeze that made you break away from him with a soft giggle. "Looks much better," you mumbled before he already kissed you again, his thumb slowly tracing along your jaw.
Forever and Ever Taglist: @waitonmedarling @hugefangirl-22 @pastelshawns @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @ultradreamologistblog @justanotherfangurl272 @my-elevenoutof10 @disaster-rose
C.Evans Taglist: @tacohead13 @bval-1 @tastebaldwin @sullyosully @kind-sober-fullydressed @pastelcorg @patzammit @katiew1973​
(feel free to message me if you want to be moved/removed)
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doomspaniels · 4 years
~Devising with the DOOM Spaniels~
(part 3 of 3) (part 1 and part 2)
You can make a whole lot of variety from very little in the way of real craft supplies. We're still talking about dogs; decorative gear for them doesn't need to be very in-depth. If you have an idea in mind, you can generally scrounge up a lot of useful bits to create your vision.
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Let's use the Steampunk Spaniels as an example. Yvaine is wearing a caped coat I made her, but any raincoat or dog coat would do. The scarf is mine, and the long ends are tucked under her belly strap. Tristan's morning coat tuxedo was an after-Halloween sale, but he could wear a dog coat and a scarf too. They've got gears safety-pinned in various places on scarf/tie/coat for fun.
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I am going to abashedly admit that I bought the hats and the little metal gears. I originally intended to make the hats from paper and tape, and to draw/cut out gears from paper, but I just could not get my hands to cooperate. You can find easy howtos for hats and printable art for gears, though, if you have reasonably working hand-eye coordination :) You could also draw gears (or other decorations) directly on your props with markers or paint pens.
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I did, however, make the goggles. I wanted small, round lenses: bottle caps! I painted them with paint pens; I wanted an antiqued silver look, so I painted them black, gold, and white, then messily scribbled over that with silver. The black looked best, incidentally. Then I glued gears to the front. (Again, you could draw, or cut gears from paper and glue those on.)
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Some of the bottle caps (prescription pill bottles) had gaps in the sides, and for others I poked a hole in opposite sides. I threaded a string through the caps, looped it around the hat like a hatband (strung a few more gears on it for entertainment), and tied it. Then I glued the cord in place to hold the bottle caps at the front of the hats. (Thin flexible wire could work instead of string/cord, especially to support a hat that's a little less sturdy.)
Beads, feathers, patches made of cloth scraps, bits of sparkly costume jewelry could all be added to a hat like this for extra touches. Tape, glue, safety pins, flexible wire, or string can secure it in place.
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I discussed using flexible wire (pipe cleaners, twisties, scrap wire) to make hat loops, and ponytail holders to make elastic chin straps, in part 1 and part 2.
That chain bracelet was clipped to another bottle cap hung at Tristan's lapel (for a pocketwatch), but it didn't show in any of the pics. Will have to do better making it visible :)
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Yvaine's monocle is two pipe cleaners: one twisted together into a circle, with gears in it, and the other twisted into the loop and sticking out from it. The long piece just went under her ear and hooked around her collar, but it could have been attached to the hat, too.
Tristan is holding a telescope from a cheap pirate toy set. I used the same multiple-layer paint pen to get antiqued silver, and glued gears to one end. (Again, designs can be added with pen, paint pen, or cut-out paper.) If you want a telescope, you could probably make one with a paper towel tube. If you have something different in mind, you can probably find something shaped approximately right around the house somewhere.
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All together, they're a pair of mad scientists whose steam-powered machines will take over the world.
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chakytron · 3 years
Odin Makes: the Ray Gun wonder weapon from Call of Duty Zombies
Odin Makes: the Ray Gun wonder weapon from Call of Duty Zombies
Odin Makes: the Ray Gun wonder weapon from Call of Duty Zombies Category Howto & Style Description: This time I build a very requested prop- the Ray Gun from Call of Duty! This Wonder Weapon is featured on every COD Zombie map, but it has appeared in many … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-27T18:00:08Z…
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daifukutaichou · 4 years
As promised, I finished the making of video of the creator sword. ♥ Actually I build most foam props like this! Watch the full video on my youtube! Linktree is in my Bio Hope you like it! 🤭🌺 #FE3H #FireEmblemThreeHouses #Byleth #Foam #Sword #Cosplay #Costume #Prop #youtube #tutorial #makingof #howto #Sothis #FE #FireEmblem #bylethcosplay #Sothiscosplay #FE3Hcosplay #handmade #commission (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHI9sAqRGs/?igshid=n3jxpnvnfo7a
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This Thing Called Love (part five)
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Summary: When Shawn meets dancer Kellie in Toronto, he falls for her—hard. But Kellie has an invisible disability and thinks it’s impossible that someone could really love her the way she is.
 Author’s note: Sorry y’all it’s been forever since I updated this. My health issues are extremely bad right now and I’ve been using my creative energy to write a novel instead of fanfiction. But Shawn and Kellie are back!
 Warnings: none
 Word count: 1,200
Kellie missed all of the music video rehearsals, but she was better by the time the team was ready to shoot; Shawn had asked over and over if she was sure she was good to go, and while she was still a little nauseous and had that slightly brain-fogged feeling she got whenever she was coming off of even a small migraine, she was sure. She wanted this. She needed this. But she was still a little worried about her own abilities.
“We can take as much time as we need,” Shawn had promised when they were on set and talking through the day’s agenda in the morning, but she had seen a few raised eyebrows behind him and knew he couldn’t really make that kind of promise, especially considering how behind they were already.
As it ended up, though, there was no need for anyone to be nervous. They finished learning, rehearsing, and shooting all the scenes with Shawn and Kellie in under eight hours.
Kellie was thankful Shawn’s latest song wasn’t steamy like some of his recent releases; considering the way he looked at her sometimes when he thought she wasn’t looking, she wasn’t sure she could trust herself to do a sexy video with him. Instead, it was more lighthearted, a guy and girl flirting back and forth and chasing each other through the city. The dancing was fun, almost whimsical—Kellie hadn’t expected that, and from what she gathered, some of his team was worried about taking the risk. Sex sells, after all, not whimsy, and “whimsical” was not a word that was on-brand with Shawn Mendes. But Kellie absolutely loved what the choreographer had done, and she was surprised at how well Shawn took to the dancing despite his protestations. In the first few shots, though, he mostly just held her hand and walked along the street as she twirled and dipped and leaped around him.
 “You’re so good at this,” Shawn said after the first couple of takes. His hands were propped on his hips and he was watching her closely as she drank from a bottle of water. She shrugged a little, the corners of her mouth turning up.
 “It’s what I do for a living.”
 Some of the dancing reminded her of scenes from the Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone film La La Land. Other shots were reminiscent of Shawn’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back video. And like Shawn’s Senorita music video, the story the song and video told together was very clear. The song told the story of a guy who was in love with this one girl and didn’t want to see anyone else, but the girl was playing hard to get; she’d dart in and flirt with him, go out with him once or twice, and then disappear, over and over until he was half out of his mind. At first glance you’d think the girl was just being coy, but as Kellie listened to the music and danced through the day, she thought there was something else going on—she thought the girl really wanted him, but was just too scared to give it a chance.
 Kellie reframed her initial assessment of the song and video as they went along, too. It really wasn’t whimsical—not at all. Some aspects of the dancing were whimsical, but it really was all a façade; there was more emotional depth to the story than that. The love interest Shawn was singing about was acting blasé, pretending she felt happy to be with him, when really she was scared out of her mind and didn’t totally trust this to work.
 Or maybe Kellie was just reading too much into it.
 But regardless, “whimsical” wasn’t the right word after all.
 The vibe on set was relaxed and natural, with Shawn and his team cracking jokes and messing around at the same time they worked hard and got it done.
 “This is going so fast,” he said when they took a break for lunch, shaking his head; they were filming outside at the moment, and it was a sunny day with just a little bit of cloud cover. “You’re so good. I didn’t expect us to be getting through the scenes this quickly.”
 “It is going well. Everyone’s so professional,” Kellie said shyly, hoping she didn’t sound like someone who had never before danced professionally (technically). But it was easy—the steps, the filming, working with Shawn and his team and, well, mostly with Shawn. It was easy when the choreographer demonstrated a step and she mimicked it instantly; easy when the director told her to laugh and she tossed her head and giggled; easy when she thanked the makeup artist touching up her face (now that made her feel like a true professional dancer).
 The only time it got hard was during a scene near the end of the day when they had to slow dance together. Since it was just slow dancing, the choreographer didn’t give them any special instructions beyond to do what felt natural, and then the scene was a go.
 “Ready?” Shawn said softly, flashing a quick smile as the cameras started to roll. He placed one large, gentle hand at her waist and used his other hand to lace their fingers together. Hesitantly, she looped her extra arm around his neck and leaned into him. They were both a little sweaty and tired from the long day of filming, but he didn’t smell bad like she was afraid she did.
 Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was vaguely aware of the camera rolling, the music playing, the director telling them to look at each other or do this or that. But mostly, Kellie was only aware of Shawn. The way his lips parted a little when he looked at her. The feel of his long fingers wrapped through hers. And the little sigh he let out when, going on instinct, she leaned into him and turned her head against his shoulder.
 “And cut,” the director called, and Kellie practically jumped back from Shawn, dropping his hand immediately. “That’s a wrap!”
 Everyone else started clapping, too. Shawn was breathless and flushed; he pulled Kellie into a one-armed, sideways hug as the crew surrounded them with smiles and pats on the back, and it felt good and natural and right. It felt like what Kellie had been born to do. That is, if her health problems didn’t always get in the way. When she was on, she was on. But so often, she was completely off, and she couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
 “Hey,” Shawn said, calling after her as she slung her bag over her shoulder and headed to the curb to look for her Uber. “I’ll… text you? I’m going to be in Atlanta in a couple weeks if you have time and you want to grab lunch or something?”
 His voice was a little hesitant. Kellie understood: the music video had wrapped, and it was no longer a valid excuse. Now, he didn’t make an excuse at all; he just flat-out asked to see her.
 You can’t have this, said a little voice inside her. It will never work out, and it wouldn’t be fair while it lasts. She knew that. The problem was, she wanted it—she wanted it more than anything.
 “Yeah,” she said, and smiled at Shawn. “Text me. I’ll be there.”
Taglist: @rosiemercy @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @evibesss (let me know if you want to be added/removed)
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foreverwcnter · 5 years
Hi again! Sorry I didn't resend this earlier!! Could you do a blurb about Peter where him and the reader are doing something stupid with the prompts "If we get caught it's your fault" and "You two make such a cute couple.” “We’re not a couple.”
ooh i love this idea. i had fun writing this ! be warned, my logic on this crap is probably inaccurate because i know nothing about chemistry so don’t scold me on it.
prompts used: “if we get caught it’s your fault” & “you two make such a cute couple””we’re not a couple”
to say that peter’s ideas were stupid was an understatement. peter had the most ridiculous ideas in store that he wanted to try and he always asked you if you wanted to help him with one. of course, the ideas he had often got you both in trouble and as much as you hated doing them, they always turned out interesting.
it had been a normal night for you. you did your homework, you played on your phone for a bit, you read a book, and you went to sleep. that was all norma until you got a phone call at 11 pm from no other than your friend, spider-man.
“peter, it’s late. why are you calling me?” you said sleepily into the phone.
“i-l” he paused,” i had an idea.”
a groan left your lips before you stated,” well what is it?”
“well, i was studying for that chemistry test we have on friday and i remembered that tungsten is the strongest element on the table.”
you knew this was leading to a bad idea, but of course, you were probably going to accept the idea and put it to the test.
“so i was thinking, what if we added tungsten to my web fluid and see if it makes my webs stronger. you want to come test it with me?”
you sighed, standing up and putting on your tennis shoes. “when have i ever said no.”
peter dropped by your window and swung you off to the avengers facility. you both snuck it at the worst hours to do it and went into the lab where everything was that would help the experience. you carefully put on your protective goggles and the lab coach you wore for you internships you had with bruce banner. tony had mentioned your to bruce and explained your skills to him so bruce offered you an internship with him. you became very close during it as well.
“we cant add in solid tungsten it might cause too big of a reaction that would be lethal for us. though, i might be wrong, i’m going to have to melt the tungsten while you make the fluid,” you explained, a few rods of tungsten sitting in front of you. you began the process quickly, though it took awhile for it to melt successfully and for peter to make the web fluid.
with a sigh of relief, you finally completed it. carefully, you used the right tools to collect the melted metal, carefully bringing it over to the webfluid. “you sure about this?”
he nodded, adjusting the goggles he wore carefully.
“if we get caught… it’s your fault,” you stated bluntly. finally, you poured it the tungsten and for a brief second, you thought it worked, but that was not the case. the reaction was bigger than you thought and from that reaction came a rather big explosion from it. you and peter stumbled back in surprise, tripping over each other. the glass the web fluid was in shattered and you both had a few burns on your exposed skin. webfluid was stuck everywhere.
you sat up, propping yourself up on your elbows and staring at the mess created, bewildered.
“well, that’s not going to be fun to clean up,” you muttered, rising to your feet and wincing at how bad the mess was. glass was spilled across the floor and in every direction web fluid was stuck in all sorts of directions, including on yourselves.
“could you have chosen an easier experiement?”
“it was either this, or making radioactive web fluid,” he chuckled a little. you rolled your eyes, suppressing a soft laugh before the doors of the lab swung open, revealing tony and bruce.
“what the hell? i swear to god these kids are going to be the death of me,” tony muttered.
“it was peter’s idea, to be fair. i just didn’t want him doing it with a lab partner,” you explained innocently, noticing bruce’s raised eyebrow.
“just shut up and start cleaning this up,” tony sighed, grabbing the cleaning supply from the closet.
you, tony, peter, and bruce began cleaning up the mess you and peter had made carefully, disposing of it the correct way. you and peter were cleaning up the webfluid together before peter noticed a scratch on your cheek from some glass that shattered in front of you.
“you need to clean that scratch off,” he mumbled, rubbing his thumb over it.
“you too make a cute couple,” bruce blurted our, making you and peter turn to him in surprise.
“w-we’re not a couple,” peter stuttered our shyly, his face turning redder than a cherry and he was suddenly becoming very sweating.
bruce arched an eyebrow before returning to cleaning up the broken glass. peter glanced over at you before continuing to clean up some web fluid.
“why did you stutter when saying we weren’t a couple. i would think you would be more sure of that fact,” you asked him curiously, teasing him slightly for the stuttering he did. peter looked over at you and blushed. he looked down shyly.
“maybe because i-i like you.”
with a chuckle, you stood on your toes a little, pressing a kiss against his cheek softly. “ i like you too peter. how about this friday we go to thai together. pick me up at 6:00?”
peter felt a grin become exposed on his lips and he nodded shyly. “that sounds perfect…” staring into each other’s eyes, you both knew that you liked each other more than a simple crush, but being the awkward teenagers you were, you were too timid to admit it.
↳ taglist — @hey-its-grey @starklovebot @glimmering-gamora @lovesick-valkyrie @pufflypuffle@uglypastels @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @spidermansmj14 @simi11 @abby-blxck @pxterbpxrker @softboydeacon @scoobieboobiedoo@euphoricmads @not-jay-c @bbyaub
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madebyfjori · 5 years
I am obsessed with cold casting (to put it mildly), so I wanted to share a video about the process! While the mold and powder may vary, the steps for all cold casts are basically the same: Coat the mold with desired powder. Make sure to get rid of any excess > Pour with material (can be resin or even urethane rubber) I forgot to show it but I used @smoothonSmooth Cast 300 and So-Strong black tint > Let it cure then demold > Polish with steel wool and/or clearcoat if necessary. For how easy the process is the results are pretty neat - hope this video helps! Get your own custom 3D prints & props by visiting my Etsy - link below! 3D model by @obsidian_dawn. Finishing, molding, and casting by me ✌️ Etsy  |  Instagram  |  Twitter  |  Patreon  |  Ko-Fi #3Dprinting #marvel #captainmarvel#satisfyingvideos #mcu #howto#resincast #smoothon #crafting#resincast #smallbusiness#marvelcosplay #maker #tutorial#videos #artistoninstagram#bayareaartist #learn #resinart #resin
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#10yrsago HOWTO: Make an electrified steampunk Monopoly
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Instructables member Antibromide modded a "Vintage Edition" Monopoly set into an electrified steampunk version, wherein your pieces' movement around the board trigger electrical effects in four props in the center. Brava!  
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pakeezaafas12 · 4 years
How to Make A Prop | Take A Chill Pill Prop | Prop Making using Alphabet...
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living-with-abhi · 3 years
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Worried about being short?
read about it here - https://www.livingwithabhi.com/.../are-you-fed-up-with...
Wondering how to increase height faster?
Is increasing the height a big deal? Not really! It is all about removing the decompressions on the vertebrae which are developed over time due to gravity and poor posture habits. The height of the human body has influenced by multiple factors like environment, hormones, genes, and nutrition.
Fighting against these influences is hard, but it's not impossible. If you have a strong determination, you can improve your height even in your mid-twenties.
Exercising is one of the best ways to increase height fast and grow taller. Synergize the effect by coupling exercise with a good intake of protein - you can add to your height positively. ‍
How to increase height with some best exercises?
Pelvic Shift
How many hours of the day you generally sit? Did you know that sitting for very long hours affects your height? The changing shape of the spine and the associated muscle imbalances are caused by prolonged periods of sitting which affects the growth of your body. The pelvic shift is one of the best exercises to increase height to sway away from the negative results of sitting. It increases the curvature of the lower spine, and that of the upper back; boosts your height.‍
Steps To Follow:
Lie on the mat with the shoulders flat on the floor.
Keep your arms stretched out on the sides with palms down.
Bend your knees and draw your feet close to the buttocks.
Arch your back so that the pelvis is lifted.
Tuck the buttocks and let the legs and shoulders support your weight.
Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and repeat.‍‍
Hanging your body with the support of your hands does help you stretch out your muscles. Generally, people hang down at a bar. To make this exercise increase height an extra mile, do two or three pull-ups. Don't have a pull-up bar? No problem pull up a tree branch. Make sure your support is sturdy and can take your whole body weight. After all, you don't want to fall off the support and break your bones.‍
Steps To Follow:
Jump up and hang on to the bar.
Keep your arms and spine straight.
Remain in the position for 30 seconds.
Repeat the same at least three times daily.
Single-Leg Hopping
Hopping exercise to increase height is one of the best fun exercises. This exercise plays a huge role in strengthening your abdominal muscles and promises a thorough workout of your lower body.‍
Steps To Follow:
Hop on your left leg ten times.
Position your hands straight up pointing towards the sky.
Hop on your right leg similarly.‍
Puppy Pose
This exercise to increase height flexes your spine, leg muscles and makes your bones grow longer.‍
Steps To Follow:
Start with positioning your all fours - hands, and knees - on the mat.
Line up your knees with your hips and your hands with your shoulders.
Tangle your toes and walk your hands forward a few inches.
Stretch your hips backward halfway to your feet and feel a good stretch in the lower body.
Hold this position for 60 seconds and relax.‍
Side Stretch
Side stretch will make the muscles grow and make them elongated as well. This exercise increase height especially stretches and strengthens the intercostal muscles. While doing a side stretch, make sure you feel the muscles pull all along your side from your lower back and up to your shoulder to succeed in boosting height growth.‍
Steps To Follow:
Stand straight with your feet together.
Clasp your hands together stretching over your head.
Bend your upper body to the right.
Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and get back to the starting position.
Repeat the stretch two times and switch sides to do the stretch in the opposite direction.
Low Lunge Arch
Bowing the back and upper body will always result in increasing your height. The upper body is tough to develop, but with the low lunge arch you can strengthen and stretch out your back pretty well. This exercise also works for lengthening your legs, and shoulder bones.‍
Steps To Follow:
Lock your two palms with your fingers and stretch your arms to the front of your right leg.
Bend your right leg and stretch out your left leg while you do step 1.
Stretch as far as you can and stay in the pose for 30 seconds. Do the same on the other side‍
Cobra Stretch
The cobra pose stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest, and abdominals while strengthening the spine.‍
Steps To Follow:
Lie on the floor with your face down.
Place your palms on the floor under your shoulders.
Lift your chin while arching your spine to form an elevated angle.
Arch back as far as possible and stay in the position for at least 30 seconds.
Five reps should be good enough to start with the exercise initially.
Jogging is one exercise to increase height that you can’t miss out on if you are desperate about making your legs longer. Jogging helps you to grow your leg bones naturally and makes them stronger. Jogging works like magic to increase your height, especially when practice during or just after puberty.
Jumping And Skipping
If exercising is a tough thing to do then go for something that helps you have some fun while achieving your fitness goals. Jumping is one such thing. The more the number of times you jump the more likely you will succeed in making your legs longer. Jumping can be done in several ways - trampoline jumping or skipping a rope. Both can help you reach your maximum height. ‍
Steps To Follow:
While jumping, make sure your both legs leave the surface at the same time and land on the surface at the same time.
Vertical Bends
Vertical bends make the muscles of the calf area expand in the vertical direction and thereby improves your height. ‍
Steps To Follow:
Stand up and position your legs slightly apart.
Bend down and try to touch the floor without bending your knees.
Standing Stretch
This exercise is similar to the vertical bend exercise. The only difference is that while standing instead of placing your legs apart, you should keep them joined. As the next step, bend and try to touch your toes. Don't forget to keep your knees straight while you perform the exercise.
Side Bends
Side bends are great for stretching and sculpting the waist muscles. It strengthens the side abs wall, tightens the core, improves your posture, and stimulates your height. To intensify this exercise, you can make use of dumbbells.‍‍
Steps To Follow:
Stand vertically with your feet flat on the floor.
Bend your body sideways and stretch as far as you can.
Hold the position for 30 seconds.
Repeat it with the other side of the body.
Swimming enables you to use your legs, body, and arms to the fullest and thus, develops muscle strength. Especially, if you want to escape the heat and sweat during your workout sessions then swimming is the best. Breaststroke is the most suitable swimming style to increase your height.
Toe Lifts
Stand on your toes with your back straight and stretch the muscles in your legs while reaching up simultaneously. For extra support, you can stand against a wall and place your hands high up trying to reach towards the ceiling. The exercise is easy to do and requires no props. It is one of the best height-increasing practices and gives better results than most other exercises.
Land Swimming
Have you ever wondered about swimming out of the pool? Land swimming is generally called dryland training. The motive of this exercise is to increase height and improve the flexibility of body muscles. To make the exercise a little more difficult you can perform the same by placing a stability ball under your stomach.‍
Steps To Follow
Lay down on a flat surface and lift your legs up one by one.
Stretch your hands out to the front and imitate your position similar to that of swimming. The posture should be the same except that you are on land and not in the water.
Legs Up
Raising your legs is a simple and most effective exercise for boosting your height. While performing legs up exercise, your body will be fully extended. During the exercise, your legs go through a strenuous process of stretching, and you'll see a significant improvement in your height.‍
Steps To Follow:
Lie down with your face and palms down.
Place your palms onto the sides of your chest.
Raise both your legs as high as possible while keeping your feet straight together.
Support your back with your hands if required.
Repeat the same for about 10 minutes with each repetition lasting for 60 seconds.
Synthesis of data
A total of 1629 studies retrieved after the search carried out using the search terms were screened by reading the summary. After excluding the duplicate studies and applying the inclusion criteria, a total of 85 studies were selected, which were read in full and analyzed. Of these, 49 were excluded because physical activity was associated with another intervention or the population had some disease; thus, 36 studies were analyzed in this review, of which 20 were review articles.
Despite the small number of studies with adequate methodology, especially randomized clinical trials, the evidence appears to indicate that physical exercise is safe for both the pregnant woman and the child, from fetal life to adolescence.
Physical exercise does not appear to impair the child's linear growth and contributes to the ideal shaping of bone and muscle tissues, ensuring possible beneficial effects throughout life.
#Height #Tips #effects #synergize #exercises #bestways #influences #benefits #bloggingLIfestyle #healthy #goodintake #differentexercisesauthor #impossible #jogging #backboneincrease #data #physicalexercise #boneandmuscletissues #beneficial #throughoutlife #training #howto #increase #increaseenergy #heightslife #heightgrowth #heightdifference #heightchallenge #HeightAdjustable
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messagefromtheveins · 5 years
Heartbeats (DLS Special)
A/N: I... honestly don’t know what to say. Sorry I can’t let go of this series yet? Sorry for forcing an other part on to you? Idk. I would highly recommend that you read DLS first (if you haven’t already) before you read this little fic. Also, please keep in mind that this is the third (what the hell is wrong with me?) alternative ending :)
Words: 1.6k
Pairing: Shawn/Reader, Cez/Reader
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Your T-shirt- that didn't even belong to you- was stretched tight over your belly, his gentle hand rubbing in slow and calming circles over the bump. Every now and then a little foot kicked his palm, which made both of you smile widely every time it happened. You were laying on your back on the big king sized bed, his body twisted so he had perfect access to your stomach while also being able to see the TV, your favorite movie playing on the huge screen.
You were on the verge of falling asleep when a sound coming from outside of the bedroom startled you awake again. "Shhhh," he placed a tender kiss on your temple, your eyelids fluttering open right when the bedroom door opened almost silently.
Shawn looked exhausted, but the second his eyes landed on the view in front of him he couldn't help but grin widely. "Hi, guys," Shawn whispered and quietly closed the door again. His eyes widened as he realized that you were moving to get up. "Woah, stop right there, hon. You stay right where you are," he shook his head and quickly approached the bed before you could actually attempt to get up. "Aren't you on strict bed rest?"
"I was told to take it easy and relax. No one ever said I have to stay in bed," you sighed and rolled your eyes while Shawn crawled on the bed, "you two are so dramatic about this."
"We just want you and the baby to be happy and healthy," Cez told you before he turned his attention to Shawn, "don't worry. I made sure she stayed in bed most of the time."
Shawn chuckled softly as he noticed you pouting, stretching out beside you and placing a soft kiss on your pouty bottom lip. "I can see that," he grinned and looked at Cez, "has she been like that the whole time?"
The groan Cez released was so exaggerated that you almost laughed, but managed to keep your composure- and your pout. "The whole time," he complained. Two pairs of arms immediately wrapped around you as you huffed and moved to sit up, keeping you pinned to the bed. "We already thought you wouldn't make it home until sometime tomorrow," Cez said as Shawn carefully pushed the hem of your T-shirt up, leaving it bunched up below your chest.
His eyes were full of wonder as he carefully rubbed his hand over the bump. "I would've spent five more hours in that airport if it meant that I can catch the first flight back and come home to you guys as soon as possible," he murmured and wriggled down the bed until he was on eye-level with your belly. His flight had been delayed for an insanely long time due to the horrible weather, and even though people had told him to get a hotel room for the night and to try to get on another flight when the weather had cleared up again, he had stayed at the airport. He had refused to leave and possibly miss the first available flight back home. Which was why he had spent seven hours in a crowded airport while he had desperately hoped that the storm would finally pass.
Gently combing his messy hair back, you smiled as he carefully rested his cheek against your bump and looked up to you and Cez. "You should be careful, Shawn," you warned him, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"Why? What's going on?"
"The baby has been-" before you managed to finish your sentence you felt the kick, quickly followed by Shawn grimacing and Cez chuckling, "- kicking up a storm today," you finished with a quiet giggle.
"Ouch," Shawn muttered and pulled back, rubbing his cheek where a little foot had just surprisingly forcefully hit him.
Coming home that afternoon reminded you of the dog you had as a child. One day she had run away and you had spent hours running through town searching for her, just to come back home to find her sitting in front of the door, waiting to be let in. That was the first thing you thought of as you looked up from rummaging through your bag to get your keys to find the two guys sitting in front of your door, both of their eyes wide and hopeful as they caught sight of you.
Your heart skipped at least two beats and you stopped in your steps while they quickly got up, never taking their eyes off you. Shawn was the first one to speak up, breathing your name with so much adoration in his barely audible voice that you got goosebumps. But then a smile spread over your lips as you took in their attire.
They were both wearing the same T-shirt, Shawn in white and Cez in black. Raising an amused eyebrow, you looked back and forth between them, a sheepish grin spreading over Cez's lips while Shawn scratched the back of his neck. "We didn't get a chance to change since we noticed it," Cez explained, a faint blush settling on his cheeks.
Seeing them like this, especially without any warning, made you feel so torn. On one hand you were so happy to have your favorite boys near you again. On the other hand it made your heart ache to see them. It reminded you of all the random moments you had experienced with them, all the giggly moments backstage and the lazy hangouts in hotel rooms. All the moments you had missed out on ever since you had left the crew months ago.
"Darling," Cez murmured as he noticed your eyes getting teary, a worried expression settling on Shawn's features.
Stepping closer, you pushed past them to get to your front door, quickly unlocking it- even though your fingers were trembling- before you looked over your shoulder. "Come on, let's go inside."
You woke up sometime in the middle of the night to something tickling your stomach, about to open your eyes when you realized that Shawn and Cez were both awake. "... could've been there for the last appointment."
"Hey," Cez spoke up in a firm and yet quiet voice, "don't beat yourself up over the fact that you weren't able to be there. The baby is just as healthy and growing as it has been at the last appointment. You really didn't miss much."
"I know," Shawn sighed. A hand gently caressed your bump and you were almost sure it was Shawn's. "I just want to be there every step of the way. Being gone for two weeks and coming home to find her so much further along really fucking sucks," he grumbled almost angrily, the kiss he placed on your bump the complete opposite- tender and so full of love.
"Will you believe me if I tell you that really, nothing exciting has happened in the two weeks while you've been gone?"
"Will you promise me that you're honest with me?" You could almost hear Shawn pout. It made you want to smile, but you forced yourself to keep pretending you were asleep.
"I promise," Cez chuckled. "The most exciting thing that happened was really just the fact that I had to run to the grocery store four times to get more gummy bears at the most ridiculous times," he told Shawn, "I swear, if she keeps eating those red gummy bears our kid will come out a funny color."
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from laughing, which only got harder as Shawn laughed loudly. Once his laughter died down silence settled in the room, tender hands caressing your bump. "This still feels like the best dream ever," Shawn sighed, your toes curling as his hair tickled your stomach, warm lips peppering a few soft kisses over your skin.
"It's so incredible that we got our girl back, huh?" Cez whispered, gentle fingers brushing your hair back.
The mattress dipped as Shawn shifted around beside you. "She's glowing, isn't she?" Shawn whispered. You could almost feel his eyes on you. "I feel like she's even more beautiful since she's pregnant." Cez hummed in agreement, followed by Shawn giggling. "And she's such a terrible actor. Since when are you awake, honey?"
Unable to stop yourself from grinning anymore, you let your lips curve upwards while your eyes opened. The bedside lamp on Cez's side was on, bathing the room in a warm orange glow. Shawn was sitting on his knees beside you, Cez propped up on an elbow on your other side, both of them looking at you with amused eyes. "Long enough to confirm that I've really just been grumpy and eating too many gummy bears during those two weeks," you answered, placing a hand on your bump as you moved to sit up. The fact that you immediately had two hands on your back to support you made you smile.
"Where are you going?" Cez asked as you clumsily crawled off the bed and adjusted your T-shirt- who the hell did this T-shirt belong to? You had no idea if it was Cez's or Shawn's- so it fully covered your stomach again.
"You really think you can mention gummy bears and expect that I don't want some?" you responded while already stepping out of the room, hearing both of them chuckle inside the bedroom before soft footsteps followed you into the kitchen.
S.Mendes+Team Taglist: @justanotherfangurl272 @alone-in-madness @waitonmedarling @shawnase @rechema @mendesromano @stradivariusbitch @desire-to-live @alinashawn @lifeoftheparty74 @particularstrings @liliane106 @herbeautifuldarkness @havethetimeeofyourlifee @pastelshawns @delightfullyspeedyearthquake @aargyy @adelaidebaby @mchutchmendes @as-she-pleases @my-elevenoutof10 @fluffsshawn @bensbuttercup @i-play-video-games @narrystoran4eva @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @hugefangirl-22 @september-lace
DLS Taglist: @someoneunimportantxx @shawn-mendes-thirst @hi-my-name-is-cass @beingmadisntalwaysbad @perfectywrong @selenesybill @dylshoney @unicorn-glitter-princess @darlingimmafangirl @mutuallynotmutual @annabeille @justapersonoutthere @foulbonknickelangel @1dbetch @manar-sabahi @ruin-me-mendes @professionalfangirl16 @shawnmcmendes @itrocksmysocks @letsmon15 @peruvian-bae @mendezlatte @someweirdimagination @shawnsparticulargirl @screechinggoonwagonpeach @mx-and-mb
(feel free to message me if you want to be moved/removed)
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davidfieldsculptor · 6 years
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The tree trunk and its safety helmet doubles as a stylish hat and practical chair. A eal fun prop to make for the Props Dept of the Gulidhall School of Music and Drama. #davidfieldsculpture #handmade #howto #treeroots #theatre #props #guildhallschoolofmusicanddrama
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foamsmeef · 6 years
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Allot of people have been asking what I'm using to make my helmets or face pieces on and viola... This is it. A cast of my face. Made with an initial layer of algenate, followed by some plaster, molded with hydrocal. Boom there it is. #spfxsunday #spfx #Specialfx #specialeffects #Sunday #facecast #lifecast #livecast #cosplay #cosplayer #foamsmeef #thefoamforge #foamsmith #evafoam #fabrication #prop #costume #maker #artist #resin #casting #mold #tool #tools #toolsofthetrade #whatiuse #howto #diy #helmet #voltron (at The Foam Forge)
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qrry43-projects · 5 years
Vacuform Table
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What is it?
Vacuforming is an easy way to make plastic molds around common objects. The process involves heating plastic until soft, then using a vacuum to pull the soft plastic over an object until it has hardened. The end result is a durable plastic shape of your choice.
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Star Wars Stormtrooper armor seems to be the most prolific example of hobby vacuforming. A great example can be found at
Other good uses include:
engineering prototypes
form-mitted masks
costume props and weapons
This is a list of the parts I use for vacuforming:
4hp shopvac
household kitchen oven
oven thermometer
vacuform table and frame (I built this)
egg timer
something to form (I chose a monkey)
This image contains my entire workspace except for the shopvac.
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Selecting a size
I am working with a standard kitchen oven and the size of that oven limits the size of plastic sheet I can work with. The interior dimensions of my oven are: 24.5"x17.25"x14.25".  The plastic is clamped into a frame held in the oven horizontally. I've opted to make my frame 22.5"x16.0 so that there is some room to slide the sheets in and out. It then follows that the dimensions of the table are similar.
Building the table
The table itself is very similar to an air hockey table, but in reverse. Instead of blowing air through tiny holes to to lift a puck, the form sucks air through holes to pull the plastic downwards over an object or a chuck. The construction is extremely simple and I managed to build mine almost entirely out of scrap pieces of wood found in my dad's basement.
The table is pictured in the image below, however "table" may be a misleading name. My "table" is actually a box without legs of any sort. In the photo, the box is on it's side for storage.
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The box is hollow with 2x4s for the edges. The bottom is made from what used to be a shelf. The top surface with the holes is made from thin particle board. The whole box is assembled with glue and screws to keep it air tight. This is important so the top does not lose suction. You can connect the vacuum before drilling surface suction holes to test air tightness and fill any cracks in the box with glue. Also, if you are going to attach a handle, make sure you do this before sealing the box. I used a drawer pull and later wrapped it in electricians tape for comfort. I found a converter nozzle for the standard shopvac tube at the hardware store. This nozzle fits nicely in a hole in the side of the box, making a tight fit.
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There are 442 holes drilled in the surface at 3/4 inch spaces. The going is monotonous, but at least the wood shavings fall into the box making cleanup easy. Make sure the holes are small, but not small enough to get clogged with sawdust. I didn't find perfect spacing to be terribly relevant. If you look closely, you can see the holes begin to wander half way through.
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After trying the box once, I added the weather sealant around the edges of the top. This helps seal the surface between the box and the frame.
Building the frame
The purpose of the table is to hold the sheet of plastic while it is soft. It is very much like two picture frames. These frames clamp together with the sheet of plastic between. This is the most expensive portion of the vacuform system because there are some special requirements of the frame. The frame will go in the oven along with the plastic and be heated to around 400 degrees. A hard wood will be able to tolerate these temperatures for a short time without catching on fire. I used 1x3 red oak planks.
You can see the frame below:
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The oak is cut at 45 degree angles and fitted together with two different types of angle brackets. I didn't use wood glue because I'm not sure how that responds to heat. Instead, I put a screw diagonally into each corner. You can see these screws in the picture below:
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I used two different angle brackets because the bottom of the frame should be flush because we are going to make an air-tight connection between that and the vacuforming box. I am sure that someone who is better at framing could implement a more elegant solution.
Once the frames were complete, I drilled six holes for bolts and wing-nuts to secure the two frames together. This turned out to be a good solution for clamping the frames together around a sheet of plastic. Another solution I came across was using piano hinges and clasps so the frame swings open.
The last element of the frame is a way in which to hold it in the oven. Since the plastic will bow out the bottom as it is getting warm, one cannot rest the frame on an oven rack. My solution was to install three hooks into the top of the frame. These hooks allowed the frame to hang suspended from an oven rack in the highest position. As most household ovens have two racks, I was able to put another rack in the lowest position which was covered in tin foil to catch the plastic if I left it in the oven too long. I found this solution to be better than building a stand.
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Materials Suppliers
abs white 093 4'x8': $41.38
styrene 093 4'x8': $34.76
Other Information
oven interior dimensions: 24.5"x17.25"x14.25"
Form Dimensions
22.5" x 16.0"
0 notes