#how to upload video on youtube with high quality
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d2atech · 3 months ago
How to upload videos on YouTube
YouTube is the world’s most popular video sharing platform, in fact it is the most used social app and website in the world. Working on it can make you rich. However, YouTube has been updated so many times by 2024 that it cannot be estimated. YouTube has now become such a platform from where you can start your business. If you work on YouTube, YouTube will definitely give you money in return. Therefore, YouTube has become a source of income for people. So much can be earned from YouTube that it cannot be estimated. Everyone can create a YouTube channel. But not everyone knows the right way to upload videos. YouTube has given so many features and settings to upload videos. You can also give information about the video to YouTube first so that YouTube can send your video to the right people. So today we will know what is the right way to upload a video to YouTube. Before uploading the video, also know from where you will upload the video. You can upload the video from the YouTube app as well as from YouTube studio and also on the YouTube website. The right way to upload videos is used by big YouTubers, so today we are going to tell you the method.
1. Select video:
Before uploading the video, what to upload. Use the method to make sure, whether you want to upload a long video or a short video on YouTube, you should know in advance. From where you want to upload the video, you want to select the video from there, the video should be uploaded from the YouTube app because this is what big YouTubers do. To upload from the YouTube app, go to the YouTube app, click on the + icon and select the video. Select the time, YouTube will ask you, do you want to upload a video or a short video. After this, you select the video, then click on next, you will reach the page to add the description.
Choose the title of the video:
Before selecting it, think carefully because it will play the biggest role in bringing views to the video, so if you search for something, the title you have entered will be true. The title should be short and clear so that the reader can get an idea of ​​the video. The video works like a title key word, so before entering the title, do search on the title. You can create title100 later.
Video thumbnail:
If you want more and more clicks on the video, then the thumbnail has to be made attractive so that the audience will see it, like if they see the thumbnail, they will definitely want to know what is inside the video. Thumbnail plays a very big role in making the video viral. If people never see them and nothing comes to their mind, then there are less chances of the video going viral. The better the thumbnail, the better the views.
How to add thumbnail: After choosing the video to add thumbnail, you will get the option of add detail. On the add detail page, thumbnail is automatically created along with your video. You have to remove it and put a new one there. On the default thumbnail, there will be a pencil icon. As soon as you click on it, the gallery’s background will open. From here you can add your thumbnail. Thumbnail size 1280 * 720 pixels Short video thumbnail 16:9 aspect ratio
Add Description:
Setting visibility is also very important. Whenever you upload a video, unlist the video and then upload it because just uploading the video is not enough. A lot of settings have to be done for it like making it public and adding members and also listing it.
On making the video public: This video will reach your subscribers. The video should be made public only when you are fully ready to upload the video, that is, after doing all the settings, after adding all the tags, after adding hashtags, you will upload the video, only then you should make it public.
Members Only: With this function, you can make the video private and show it to whomever you want to show it. This is a paid option by joining the members. To become a member, you have to pay some amount.
Making the video unlisted: means that until you are completely confirmed to make the video public, until you unlisted it, the video will be uploaded but the video will not reach your subscribers and common people. When it is uploaded, only you can see it.
Private: By making the video private, the video will reach only those people to whom you want to show it.
Schedule: With this feature, you can send your video to people as per your convenience, that is, you can make the video public at a specific time.
Location: If you want to show a location in your video, then you can use this feature.
Add to playlist: If you have already created a playlist in which you want to add your video, then you can add your video to the playlist from Add Playlist, otherwise you can create a separate playlist from here.
Allow video and audio remix : If you are adding a short video then you can use this feature, with this you can add music to the video and increase or decrease the background music, you can also use this in long videos for background music.
Add paid promotion label : If you have promoted any ad in the video, then for that you will have to click on Yash here, otherwise you can click on Joe.
Comment box : If you want people to comment on the video, then you can turn on this comment box, otherwise turn it off
YouTube Studio Settings : Before uploading a video, there are a lot of settings to be done, which we can also do from YouTube Studio. YT Studio also has its own options for description, visibility at playlist, and alternate content. There is something new in it like monetization, audience, more option, take categories, show how many views like this video, and allow embedding.
Monitization : If your channel is monetized then this option will be showing to you, otherwise it will not be showing, you can turn it on.
Audience : If your video is only for children then you can do yes, otherwise do this
Age restriction (advance): If your video has adult content then you can use this function
More Option:  
Tag: You can enter tags and keywords related to your video here. Tags and keywords are also important because it helps in ranking your video and it appears higher in many searches.
Category: With this option, you can select the history of your video, that is, you can tell what your channel is related to.
Show like: With this you can hide the text on your video.
YouTube video upload settings on Chrome: The best way to upload videos is to upload videos sequentially or from Google. You can also do it from your phone. For this, you will have to open the mobile in desktop mode in chrome settings. You can directly upload videos through it. The settings that you get on Google, you will get them on the YouTube app and the YouTube studio app. So, if you don’t want to do it on both of them, you can directly upload it from Google. The advantage of this is that now instead of opening two apps, you can upload your videos from just one Google account. For this, you will have to keep your Gmail account logged in on Google and you can upload the video by going to the YouTube site.
Features on Google Chrome:
Video title
Paid promotion
Altered content
Short remixing
Show how many views like this video
You will not get this feature on YouTube mobile app and YT Studio app.
End screen: With this feature, you can show your other video on the screen at the end of your YouTube video so that the other person can watch your other video as well.
Cards: With the Cards feature, you can show the “I” button in your video. You can give the link of any of your videos in this button. You can use this feature at any place in the video. Also you can add playlist, channel list and any link in the “I” button.
Language and caption Certification: With this feature you can add language to your video. You can write automatic captions.
Recording date and location: Add when and where your video was recorded, viewers can search for video by location.
License and distribution : 1. Standard YouTube license 2.Creative common attribution (”I choose the Standard YouTube license to upload videos”)
Subtitles : You can add subtitles in YouTube Studio on Chrome without any third-party apps
Editor : From here you can also edit the video in which you will get all these features:
Trim & cuts
End screen
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pleucas · 7 months ago
Hellow again 🌟
Pleaseeee, I would happily watch a 4+hours long youtube video of you rendering things, and tbh the more chaotic the better, all your works end up being masterpieces, it's hard for me to imagine them being anything less than perfect and, as a person who get frustrated and abandons their wips when things get messy, it would be encouraging to see how you navigate the "trust the process" stage of things.
I would love to see a process video of the "golden hour skk"(the one where they're in the laundromat) or the one where they're watching the rain (i don't usually like green so that illustration it's the exception, I ADORE the colors and the vibe there), but I'll be extremely grateful with anything you decide to share, on here or on yt
sorry for taking so long to answer this LOL. the plan was to finish another painting (just posted btw!) and screen record then speed it up to have a high quality speedpaint that i could have commentary over... but wifi here SUCKS and things were refusing to cooperate. mb
tumblr won't let me upload two videos so here's one of them lol. i'll make a separate post for the other one ^^
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jung-koook · 5 months ago
are you making those gifs just from the yt shorts/ig reels of I AM STILL that they are posting? it doesn't even look like it bc the quality of the gifs is so good D:
If you want to talk about quality you've come to the right person! LAKSKSALKS everyone loves high quality files but sometimes I do crazy things for files that not even my friends can do. such as my paid weverse files. I always want the original quality and with screen record we don't have that, so I literally gave my email and password to someone on a forum so they can download my files from my weverse account in the original quality. this person just said "hi, I know how to download paid files from weverse using codes, do you want me to do it for you?" and I, who don't know this person, said "omg please, thank you so much for doing this for me". 😅😭 also download torrent files from suspicious websites. the list is long LKASKLAKSAS but I can give you some tips on how to always find good quality files, at least files that are free or easier to find.
try to join in exclusive forums like kpop24hrs or a harder like jpopsuki and avistaz. I had an account on jpopsuki, but maintaining an account there is very hard for me, I am someone who doesn't keep files saved on my laptop. there is a forum called "torrent invites" where some people go there and offer invitations or even exclusive forum accounts. I got a jpopsuki invitation account for a friend there. check torrent invites forum if you want an invitation to another forum! now youtube videos. to download youtube videos I use 4k video downloader. but before downloading the videos you can also try to change the format of the video to see if the quality changes too. sometimes videos in mkv format have better quality, so it's always good to check if the quality changes.
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I always do that on bangtantv like bangtanbomb or the episodes videos which most of the time are always only uploaded on youtube. BUT we have some videos that are not only uploaded on yt but also on instagram and tiktok~~~~ and this is where we win heheheh~~ if a video is uploaded on these three platforms ALWAYS download it from tiktok. 99% of the time, videos on tiktok have a thousand times better quality than those on youtube and instagram. or you can also download the video on these three platforms so you can compare and see which quality is better, but I'm sure that tiktok's quality will always be the best. here's an amazing example, jin video that I giffed earlier.
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first i only saw people sharing the instagram link but i went and searched if the instagram account also had a tiktok account and BAM they did 🥹 I downloaded the video from instagram and the quality was poor:
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but when i download the tiktok video the quality was:
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damn... this is sexy🫦
when instagram doesn't always make videos available in 1080p, most videos on tiktok are 1080p. just go and search "where to download instagram videos online" "where to download tiktok videos online" and open a website that does that and that's it.
another example, my tae and jeongguk recent gifset that you talk about here in this ask.
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the quality of the video uploaded on youtube and instagram is very similar.
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but look how the quality is a thousand times better on tiktok:
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🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 so beautiful that I almost got emotional LAKSKASKASKA
my advice is to always look for other platforms they may have uploaded the files to! like for example jeongguk vogue photoshoot. many people thought that the videos were only uploaded on twitter and instagram but no, they were also uploaded on facebook! always look for accounts on facebook as well. but facebook is weird… from what I understand they won't upload all the quality at the same time so sometimes it takes a while for a video to be in 1080p there. another thing, sometimes they will also change the quality lol. for example, when I downloaded jeongguk photoshoot there the highest quality available was 2k but now it only has 1080p.
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now torrent files~ I don't recommend the websites I download my files from because I'm not sure they are trustworthy but as I have a good program to protect my laptop so I feel safer lakskas. for torrent files I use eztvx, kpkuang, 1lou. "are you sure" files I had to search for jung kook or jimin to find the files on some of these websites.
and now free websites where we can download high quality bangtan files are namuspromised, sharemania, soowoozoooo and ouranxingg.
there are others but I feel like these are the ones who always share high quality files.
this was me trying to explain to you guys how to always find high quality files with my bad english LAKSKSKASK I just love helping people find good quality files ♡
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EDIT: I forgot to talk about vimeo but @galatariel reminded me of them too ♡ many photoshoot are uploaded there with high quality so also check vimeo when a photoshoot comes out! I downloaded most of my recent tae photoshoot there~
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simplydnp · 6 months ago
Do you think the recording of TIT (bc it has to be getting recorded at some point tbh) will be a dvd release or a youtube upload this time around? I forget if Dan said any specific reason why WAD ended up being free on YT, but I feel like after setting that precedent, there's almost no going back. Ofc, there is the precedent of the two actual dnp tours being dvd or YT Red/Premium releases, but do you have any thoughts?
oh anon i'm so happy you asked. bc i did so much research for this about WAD before we knew what would happen with it.
so. the problem with dvds is storage capacity. with TIT being 2 hours, that is a lot of footage to put on a singular dvd at the resolution that they'd currently want to. dvds come in 2 sizes: 4.7 gb and 8.5 gb. you can fit a 2 hr movie onto a single layer (4.7) but any longer, and you need the double layer (8.5). thus, TIT would have to be on a double layer, unless they don't plan on including anything else except the 2 hr recording. a dvd can't play high resolution footage, only standard definition (480p). so there'd be a picture quality difference.
this is where blu-rays come in. they can store and play 1080p footage. they also hold significantly more space (a single layer blu-ray can hold 25 gb, a double 50 gb). part of the trade-off here though is that higher resolution footage takes up more space. a single layer can store 2.25 hr of HD video; a double 3 hrs. they could get away with a single layer, and that includes room for 2 hours of standard definition BTS video.
problem is, not everyone has a blu-ray player (not like everyone has dvd players either). but the main issue is that DVD players won't play blu-rays--and this includes disc drives for laptops and PC's. you need a special external driver to do it.
we'd be wading into contracts and companies being interested in selling physical copies, and given how discs in general are sort of becoming obsolete, i would be surprised if they put it on disc.
our next option would be streaming. i don't really see them wanting to attach it to any larger corporation--especially given they're physical media guys. the thought of just losing something simply because a streaming service doesn't want it anymore, or the company goes under, would be enough to keep them away from that.
people pitched the idea of nebula or dropout, but i don't see them posting a single video on nebula and then nothing else. and since i don't see them as patreon guys, i don't think they'd want to do incentives for subscription style stuff. dropout would be more of a possibility, but they'd probably want to do more with dropout in terms of guest starring before entirely handing their baby over, y'know? like hank did a whole d20 season before he did his special there.
i do think they might just upload it to dapg. genuinely. because of what happened with WAD--both rights wise and precedent wise. but also, could be extremely good for them if they can actually monetize it. their longer videos on dapg do very well, and since WAD happened before TIT was fully ironed out, i bet they've included the prospect of doing so into their scripting, so it has the ability to be monetized on their channel. plus, the desire to make it accessible for everyone (even though they are trying to tour in more countries). depending on how that goes, it may be delayed in being released online.
a lot of technical talk but i am so glad you asked anon, i love logistics discussion!
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infinitelystrangemachinex · 7 months ago
How to tell Arcane leaks apart from trailers and teasers
There are NO LEAKS in this post, so please read.
In summary: to identify leaks, look out for 1): watermarks, 2): unfinished animation rendering, and 3): poor image and video quality.
Tumblr isn't too bad right now, but Twitter is rife with clips and screenshots of the leaks, and YouTube has full uploaded leaked clips. These leaks show up on YouTube if you even search just "Arcane" or "Arcane season 2."
Here is a list of legitimate trailers and teasers posted by Netflix and Riot. These are not leaks and the clips and gifsets about them on Tumblr are from legitimate sources:
Season 2 first look
Season 2 teaser (short)
Ekko and Heimerdinger sneak peek
Season 2 teaser trailer
Jinx and Sevika sneak peek
There's some confusion in the tag about what constitutes a leak and what is simply a trailer or a teaser shared legitimately by Netflix and/or Riot. This is understandable because the first 5 episodes of season 2 leaked at the same time that Netflix and Riot were accelerating season 2's marketing.
Most people in the fandom do not want to be spoiled at all, and so are not excited about the leaks. Most people don't want clips, screengrabs, or even vague allusions to the leaks in the Arcane tag. They most certainly do not want spoilers sent to their inboxes, either. (DO NOT DO THIS. Don't be that person either on anon or off. Goodness gracious.)
Still, there is always going to be someone who posts the leaks in the fandom tags. However, there are many more people who make gifs and posts about the legitimate season 2 teasers and trailers. There are still almost 3 months until the first episodes drop, so we will be dealing with dodging these leaks for a long while.
Here's how to tell what's a leak and what isn't:
1): Watermarks
From what I've put together, someone at one of the dubbing studios leaked the first 5 episodes of Arcane season 2. In their entirety. However, these leaks were not production ready. The leaks are also completely watermarked and have a big running timestamp ticking throughout the run of all of the episodes.
This is difficult to visualize beyond what little Riot shared about the production of season 1 in Bridging the Rift. So I will post a NON-SPOILER screengrab of the title card of one of the leaks I took (just a few seconds before I realized I was looking at a leaked episode).
Below is a screenshot I took of nothing more than the Arcane title card from the season 2 title sequence. This is not a spoiler! Please use this example to help you tell a legitimate teaser from a leak:
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Can you imagine watching 5 EPISODES of Arcane with these watermarks all over every single frame??? I'm begging you, do not subject yourself to watching Arcane in this manner, no matter how bad you want to know what happens in season 2.
These watermarks are practically impossible to remove, especially from every single frame. So any visuals you see that look clean, production-ready, and gorgeous from season 2 are definitely from trailers or teasers, not from leaks.
Here's a screengrab from the recent sneak peek posted by Netflix/Riot for comparison:
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No watermarks, the animation is finished, the video quality is high. This is a legitimate teaser and not a leak.
2): Unfinished animation render
You don't need the full finished painterly animation from Fortiche to complete a dub. You just need basic character models and their movements, along with the finished script.
Much of the leaks are just this: the full complete scenes from every episode, character models are moving as they will in the final edit, the episodes' composition is complete, but the animation is unfinished and doesn't have the final painterly polish yet.
Below is a NON-SPOILER screengrab from Riot/Fortiche showing the animation process. This screenshot is from season 1 episode 5 during Vi and Sevika's first fight and shows the stage of completeness of the animation that most of the leaks show:
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Notice that the scene is comprehensible, but the lighting effects and painting-like style of Fortiche is missing. It looks... okay, but unfinished-looking compared to what we know Arcane looks like. A big chunk of the 5 leaked season 2 episodes look like this.
Here's the final render of this scene for comparison:
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However, I will say that I accidentally watched the first few seconds of the leaked season 2 episode 1 before it registered in my brain that I was watching a leak. There were watermarks like in my first point above, but for this particular scene, the animation was finished, and it seems like the sound mixing was finished too.
So it is possible that there are leaks floating around with gorgeous finished-looking animation. So look out for watermarks no matter what, and also -
3.): Poor image and video quality
When people say that the leaks are "potato quality," they mean it. On top of the watermarks and big timestamp across the runtime of all the 5 leaked episodes, the video quality is also pretty bad, certainly less than 360p.
The legitimate teasers and trailers and screenshots released by Netflix and Riot are all of very high video quality.
A note on early leaks
There are some leaks from earlier this year pertaining to Vi and Caitlyn's story that came from the Annecy Animation Festival Arcane panel. These leaks weren't treated as seriously because no full clips leaked, and they were mainly high-level summaries of season 2 plot points.
Those leaks are now difficult to tell apart from text posts about these new complete episode leaks. There are a lot of text posts out there about Vi and Caitlyn's story in particular as well as extremely spoilery text posts about certain characters who were in the Council tower at the end of season 1 episode 9.
There isn't much we can do about text posts
In the end, Tumblr has been pretty okay with keeping visuals from leaks out of the tag. I still see a potato-quality screenshot from the leaks every now and then. But most pervasive is people talking about spoilers from the leaks in text posts. These posts are tagged with the fandom tags and spoilers are only tagged sometimes.
Often, if the person is only vaguely alluding to the spoilers, they won't tag spoilers at all because they think being vague is enough. It usually isn't, because the post is still alluding to events outside of season 1 and the teasers/trailers.
The only thing we can do to completely avoid these posts is to not only block "spoiler" or "leak" related tags, but to avoid and block the Arcane fandom tags altogether, which is a shame.
Please, if you're someone who saw the leaks and wants to post about them, all I can ask is to at least tag your spoilers: "arcane spoilers", "arcane season 2 spoilers", "arcane s2 spoilers", "arcane leaks", or even just "spoiler", "spoilers", or "leaks" is better than nothing.
Even better would be to simply avoid using the word Arcane in the post and not tag the post with any fandom tags at all, keeping the post relegated to your blog with as little context as possible. This includes avoiding using the correctly-spelled character names in the post as well. Until the episodes drop in November, this is the most polite way I can think of to talk about the leaks and spoilers on your blog.
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months ago
Toy Story: Content Masterlist 🚀🌵🍒⊹₊ ⋆
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Trying to compilate every possible movie, short film, animation test, animated commercial, behind the scenes video, DVD extras and more into one single post, in chronological order and where to watch. All of these were produced by Disney and Pixar (or used under license by other companies) but not all of them are considered canon. I'm not a specialist on the subject and I've been making this list by myself so I would be grateful if you had info or content to share with me that is missing or incorrect on this list. This masterlist will constantly be edited since I'll always be adding new links, so it's really important to reblog only the latest versions of this post, or else you might be missing stuff.
Names in bold have links in them, except for the titles. Names without, don't.
Tom Hanks and Tim Allen reacting to TS toys
Toy Story 4 Ever
Toy Story (first movie): Disney+
Toy Story 2: Disney+
Toy Story 3: Disney+
Toy Story 4: Disney +
Short Films and extras:
Toy Story Toons:
Hawaiian Vacation: Disney+
Small fry: Disney+
Partysaurus Rex: Disney+
Television Specials:
Toy Story of Terror!: Disney+
Toy Story That Time Forgot: Disney+
Short Movies:
Lamp Life: Disney+
To Fitness and Beyond (Pixar Popcorn): Disney+
Spin Offs:
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: Not available to watch on any streaming service but there are episodes on YouTube. There is also an upload of all episodes in high quality on this archive.
Lightyear: Disney+
Beyond Infinity: Buzz And The Journey To Lightyear: Disney+
Forky Asks A Question: Disney+
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Recovered scenes:
Buzz Lightyear Commercial
Woody's Roundup from Toy Story 2 in color, fullscreen and restored
Toy Story Treats:
Toy Story Treats "Full Compilation" (there are some missing)
Toy Story Treats - 4K Ultra HD (but there are some shorts missing)
Toy Story Treats - The Complete Collection (there's more than the last one but they're widescreen, which means that a big part of the screen was cut)
Toy Story Treats: The only 6 shorts that were dubbed in Brazillian Portuguese (it's great to have stuff in my language)
Made in Point Richmond: Television (2000 & 1997) (a huge mix of everything but with stuff missing... it's a mess, but the image quality is good)
ABC Toy Story 2 Bumpers (quite similar to the last ones you saw but different - newer ones)
Woody and Jessie on Ponkickies (the last short from the previous video but with Jessie instead of Buzz)
Buzz Lightyear: Mission Logs:
According to the Disney Fandom Wiki: "In 2008, two years before the theatrical release of Toy Story 3, a Buzz Lightyear toy went into space and returned to Earth in 2009. The special features on the 2010 Toy Story DVDs and Blu-rays say that Buzz Lightyear was Andy's Buzz. Each short shows him telling Rex and Hamm about his trip and how he got home in time for the events of Toy Story 3."
Buzz Aldrin coaches Buzz Lightyear for Shuttle Mission
Episode 1: Blast Off
Episode 2: International Space Station
Episode 3: The Science of Adventure
BBC Special featuring the Making of Toy Story 2
68th Academy Awards (Oscars) in 1996
72nd Academy Awards (Oscars) in 2000
Jessie Patsy Montana Entertained Award Acceptance Speech (Oscars) in 2000
Jessie Patsy Montana Entertained Award Recipient (Oscars) in 2000
88th Academy Awards (Oscars) in 2016
Character Interviews:
Toy Story: Character Interview
Toy Story: Character Interview (Version 2)
Toy Story 2: Character Interview
Toy Story 2: Character Interview (Version 2)
"Wall-E" Super Bowl AD with Woody and Buzz
Toy Story 2 - Original 1999 Teaser
Toy Story 2: McDonalds Ads (2000) PLAYLIST
Toy Story 2: McDonalds Ad, rare (2000)
Toy Story 2: McDonalds Ad: Surveillance (2000)
Toy Story 2: McDonalds Ad: Periscope (2000)
Toy Story 2: McDonalds Ad: The Remote (2000)
Toy Story 3: Meet Lots-O-Huggin' bear!
Toy Story 3: Movie Trailer Teaser
Toy Story 3: Dolby 3D Ad
Toy Story 3: 3D Double Feature
Toy Story 3: Silence Trailer
Toy Story 3: Visa Commercial
Toy Story 3: Toys Go To Target Ad
Toy Story 3: Priority Mail Ad
Toy Story 3: Peugeot 5008 Ad
Toy Story 3: Aflac Ad
Toy Story Of Terror: Sky Ad
Toy Story That Time Forgot: Sky Ad
Toy Story That Time Forgot: Sky Ad (Radio) where Buzz and Rex struggle with the wifi
Toy Story EE Ad (Radio)
Buzz Lightyear Attacks Disneyland Resort (TV Commercial)
Toy Story 4: Official Teaser Trailer
Toy Story 4: Make Joy Happen! Ad
Toy Story 4: Seiban Ad
Toy Story 4: Dance Party In The Chrysler Ad
Toy Story 4: Carnival Fun! Ad
Toy Story 4: Happy Meal Ad
Toy Story 4: Boost Juice Ad
Ballad Of The Lonesome Cowboy (song)
Disney Buzz Lightyear tiktok (getting stuck lmao)
Animation Tests:
Toy Story Pixar Internship Animation Reel
Riders In The Sky (Woody's Roundup):
Woody's Roundup (Riders In The Sky) music video
Woody's Roundup (Riders In The Sky) behind the scenes footage
Woody's Roundup (Riders In The Sky) music medley
Devon Dawson: How Does She Yodel? Jessie The Yodeling Cowgirl (WMA annual show and gathering, held in Tucson in 2000)
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Dvd Menus and extra content:
The menus have extra content, like concept arts and new/extra character animations, like in the Toy Story 3 DVD. The DVD's contain exclusive extra content, like making offs, deleted scenes, storyboards, games and more. I'll separate them by each movie they belong.
Edit: I just noticed that the amount of extra content from the DVDs is HUGE. You can search about the extra content in Toy Story DVDs. A single DVD has, I don't know, around 20+ extra stuff? I won't add all of them here, just the ones that I found while searching for other stuff because they were already here.
Every Home Video of Toy Story ever - list
Uncategorized Extra Content:
Battlesaurs Opening (from That Time Forgot) (it's OFFICIAL)
Toy Story Of Terror: In-universe Toy Commercials (Combat Carl, OldTimer and Transiton, the only ones)
Toy Story:
Toy Story DVD Menu
Toy Story 10th Anniversary Edition 2005 DVD Menu Walkthrough Disc 1
Toy Story CAV Side 5 - Bonus Features
Full Design Gallery (Bonus feature)
Creating the toys from Toy Story (Brazil sub)
Toy Story: Behind The Scenes
Toy Story 1 and 2 The Ultimate Toy Box USA Bonus DVD Walkthrough
Toy Story 2:
Toy Story 2 - Menu Walkthrough's (Blu Ray + DVD)
Full Design Gallery
Which Toy Are You?
Toy Story 3:
Toy Story 3 - Menu Walkthrough's (2-Disc Blu Ray + DVD)
Toy Story 3 Grab Bag (random footage of the Toy Story 3 DVDs)
Accidental Toymakers (Thinkway Toys)
The Making of Toy Story 3 (voice actors)
Toy Story Special Edition (2010)
Toy Story Special Edition (2010) overview
Toy Story 4:
Toy Story 4 USA Blu-Ray Walkthrough
TOY STORY 4 | All Released Bonus Features [Blu-Ray/DVD 2019]
Bo Rebooted (Bonus Feature)
To Infinity And Beyond (Bonus Feature)
Toy Story at 20: To Infinity And Beyond
I will not include playthroughs of the videogames due to the link limit per post (100 links), so you can watch them on YouTube or buy the games. Recently (december 2024) Buzz Lightyear is making a cameo in Brawl Stars, which is not included in the list.
Toy Story: Disney Animated Storybook Longplay (just because you can't find it everywhere)
Toy Story Activity Center Full Playthrough
List with every Toy Story game ever.
Cancelled media:
Princess Academy — a short film that would include all the female characters from Disney and Pixar, according to the fandom wiki, "interacting with each other, singing, dancing and enjoying each other's company in a royal boarding school". Jessie and Bo Peep were included in concept arts and the songs would be composed by Alan Menken. But the short film was cancelled due to Disney firing most of their 2D animators and closing it's 2D studio in march 2013. (I'm so pissed I would have LOVED to see this)
Toy Story Wonderbook — A cancelled Toy Story game from 2013. There are concept arts, the creators wanted to have the characters in a paper toy style like in a storybook and they would be in tons of different adventure scenarios. According to David Hamblin on the website Artstation, (an artist involved in the project): "Unfortunately with the coming of Playstation 4 and PSVR Wonderbook as a platform was no longer a priority".
Should I include a park attraction topic? It's a quite huge list.
Link count: 89 links
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toomanywatchers · 11 months ago
My Thoughts on WatcherTV
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Hi, I am here to put away my meme-making skills to express my genuine thoughts on Watcher’s announcement; WatcherTV. Before I get into it, this is for any of those at Team Watcher who might be seeing this message: Just know we love and support everything you do for us. Y’all truly do not get the credit you rightfully deserve. I hope with this change to a separate streaming platform you guys can create the content you want to make, pull in creators that you’ve always wanted to work with, and share voices/topics that may have not had the chance to shine because of YouTube’s heinous algorithm. I know myself, and many others, are excited to see what WatcherTV brings. For instance, I already watched Road Files and the trailer for Travel Season on the new platform. And guess what? I love it! I just love BTS-centric shows and seeing the vibes established on Travel Season. Along with more Lizzie/possibly-more-sightings-of-other-Team-Watcher-peeps content?!? If this is what holds for the future of WatcherTV- oh boy, do you already have me more on board than I already was.
I also send my sincerest regards too. We all know that the internet can be a negative space with many sharing their uncensored thoughts, and I hope none of you take the hate to heart. I also hope you can take the weekend to breathe, drink some water, spend time with loved ones, and celebrate this huge step you all are embarking on. I am truly excited to see what is to come on WatcherTV will be there with each step to support.
Now to my fellow fans of Watcher. I understand the concern and it is okay to have concerns. It shows that you truly care for Watcher as a company and don’t want anything negative to come about with this decision. BUT on the other hand, spreading hateful messages? Not. Fucking. Cool. It is quite simple to express concern in an appropriate/respectful manner. Remember, this is a company full of living and breathing human beings. Trying to justify “who is to blame” and pointing fingers is just childish. Guess what? No one is to blame, it was a company-wide decision that they all made and spent months upon months to create.
Yes, it does suck to see content that was free for years be moved to a paywall, but remember they are independent artists that have to pay employees, freelancers, locations, and themselves! Have we not been advocating for fair pay among creative individuals when it comes to WGA/SAG-AFTRA strikes and then AI art taking jobs away from artists? If this is what the company needs to do to survive while not sacrificing the high-quality content they make for us, then we should give it a shot! Plus with the current discount available, the subscription is not that pricey for the amount of shows they produce! Literally for January and a bit of February, they were uploading 2 podcasts and 2 separate shows… that’s a lot of content! If you have never sat down to produce, direct, write, perform, edit, and all other aspects it takes to make a fine-polished YouTube video, it takes a lot of work!
To add to this, Watcher already makes content that far expands past what is recognized as normal for YouTube. They build individual sets for each show that is produced, and they travel all over the place for Ghost Files and soon-to-be Travel Season. It costs money to produce content and YouTube?- It’s just not how it was years and years ago. Views on long-form content have been dipping and with the over-saturation of sponsorships, I am assuming they are not making enough profit to sustain the business on the current platform. Also, monetization on YouTube has been a killer for many channels because of vulgar language issues and just being demonetized for no rhyme or reason. By moving over to a streaming platform of their own they can continue to create what they want to create, and make it without any restrictions or rules holding them back. Too pricey? Find some friends who also like the content and split the pricing evenly. Only want to watch certain shows? Then make a monthly subscription for the time that show airs. There are many solutions that you guys see as a huge problem, and don’t get me wrong I have my concerns. I shared those concerns briefly in my theory post about them still being a young channel, but I’m also unaware of the actual analytics and revenue that is currently being brought in currently to the company from YouTube alone. 
It’s a huge step that has garnered negative feedback from those spreading hateful messages about the company and to other individuals for supporting the boys *cough cough I see your messages and comments cough cough* is truly uncalled for. I will be taking a bit of a break from my socials as I wait out the storm though if I have the energy, I might stream on Twitch again and talk through this with y’all if you can sit down and have a civil discussion. As for now, it’s your choice if you continue to support. My goal is to continue to make funny little memes, and if I am allowed to I will be working on a crack video pt.2 after Travel Season premieres. Remember to be kind and to put yourselves in their shows. Just the boys even though they are receiving the brunt of the hate, but for everyone at the company.
Your local memester watcherina - Fritz.
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ophernelia · 3 months ago
Hello! I'm interested in becoming a sims 4 storyteller on youtube, but I'm in need of someone to talk to about the process that comes with using that platform. You're the only simmer I know that utilizes youtube, so I was wondering if you were okay with receiving questions like how long did it take to build your followers on there? do you use a mixture of gameplay animation and machinima animations? do you have any other useful tips for getting started and 'putting yourself' out there?
heyyyyyyyy! i don't mind answering questions at all! i love talking lol. there's loads of other simmers who use youtube for storytelling! i was inspired to start my channel after watching simlivncolor & trapgoddessshawty for years. there's so many other new people who have started creating more recently that i really enjoy too! (you should check out the showcase tab on my channel. i need to update it again too.)
i'll answer the animation question real quick because the building and tips kinda go together. i don't use many in-game animations these days. i don't really like them for the most part. the sims' movements are always very big because they're meant to be cartoony. it's something i tend to stray from just as a preference though. there's nothing wrong with using them though. especially if that's the vibe you're going for.
i've been doing youtube since about february of 2023. i hadn't started running lykaia on there until late feb/early march. it was a slow journey, but an exciting one. i still have the screenshot from when i reached my first ten subscribers, first ten views on a video, everything. a lot of my traffic came from tik tok because i started on there. though it definitely wasn't much. only a small percentage really transfers over from platform to platform. trick of the trade, i guess. i did a giveaway once, i believe but quickly came to realize i didn't like it. things like giveaways are quick gimmicks to get people to follow you, but most times most of them don't stay. not to mention- a lot of them aren't invested in the content. they're just there for the prize, so it's not the best method to try to boost your following. i will say i've been pretty consistent with posting and that's helped a lot. you really wanna just take your time with things and develop an audience that's invested in your story organically. you can and should utilize other platforms if you want to grow. youtube's algorithm isn't necessarily built for discovery, so it is a lot harder to grow there and gain traction. tik tok, twitter, bluesky, tumblr, and suprisingly- pinterest, are all good options to choose from. i will say to not get fixated on numbers or doing things just to gain traction. numbers don't validate your work, your work is already valid from the jump. a lot of this shit is just straight up luck. your viewership numbers, be it big or small, are not a testament to how good your story is. make what you wanna make because you like it. there's no right way to do anything, really.
with that said though- having high quality content helps A LOT for a platform like youtube. by that i mean having footage that's good quality. all of my footage is recorded and uploaded at 4k resolution. using reshade in game will help the game look better. color grading your footage when you edit it. enticing thumbnails help get clicks. (which has been so hard for me. the thumbnails always stump me lol) even having a game that is aesthetically pleasing. i don't mean utilizing a trendy aesthetic, but whatever your vibe is- make sure it looks nice. make sure the textures are good quality. having builds that look nice help and interesting. having good fps. (which is tough since ts4 LOVES to lag but I digress.) however you want it to look, just make sure it's the best quality of that. um i don't really know what else to say. any other questions you have- feel free to ask!
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420technoblazeit · 11 months ago
anyway just watched the watcher update video im gonna be real im like. fine with these changes. i watch a channel rn that does a very similar thing where they upload content early for paying viewers and then upload it later for youtube subscribers as well and i like that theyve decided to keep all their old content up on their channel
i feel like what they originally said about how their current content, with its high production quality, isn't financially feasible in their current model is totally fair. some of the ghost files episodes were longer than an hour. puppet history is basically a full show at this point. giving all patreon subscribers a code to the new streaming service also sounds pretty great. this is a good compromise i think
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havinganormalone · 4 months ago
If someone leaves a comment on your fic asking if they can upload an audio version of your fic to YouTube, they are asking permission to feed your work into an AI narration program and monetize it for a quick buck. These uploads usually are accompanied by unrelated video gameplay footage in an attempt to game the algorithm.
Here are what these comments look like
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And here is an example of the end product
It appears that they prefer targeting longer works, since that will give them more CONTENT. This is not an offer to do a high quality, or even loving, podfic. In fact, these people have not even read your work. They want to trick you into giving them permission to feed your work to AI, and they want to profit from it. It's an AI grift.
At the end if the day, it's up to you on what permissions you give for your work, but you deserve to know that the end product will be shoddy, emotionless narration the equivalent of a screen reader. (Which already exist, and anyone who uses one can do that on your fic already). It also puts your work into AI.
Reblog to spread the word to other AO3 users. We all deserve informed consent on how our works are used.
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7grandmel · 1 year ago
Todays rip: 10/01/2024
Kill & Learn (Recut Ver​.​)
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side B] Also on: STUDIO TRIGGER QUALITY MUSIC WORKS
Ripped by Smoky
High Quality Never Dies.
The end of Season 3 was quite a tumultuous time for SiIva. Being a music channel on YouTube, the SiIvaGunner channel always teeters over the gaping maw of copyright strikes from music production companies, made worse by YouTube's lack of protection from these false strikes. All of SiIvaGunner's content obviously falls under the umbrella of fair use by the nature of the channel: its core goal and aim is to REMIX music, not reupload it. Yet, in December 2018, eight videos were targeted by Sony Music Entertainment of Japan, which eventually spiralled into the channel's deletion at the beginning of 2019. Five years and one day ago, on January 9th, SiIvaGunner celebrated its third anniversary - with its main channel dead in the water due to YouTube's incompetency.
It's a damn shame that shit like this can happen to just about any aspiring creator on YouTube, and the team was immensely fortunate to have an audience large enough to catch YouTube's attention this time. By February of that same year, the channel was back, Season 3 was over, and Season 4 Episode 1 was officially online. And those copystruck rips were not going to be forgotten.
Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.) is not the same rip as the one that was initially part of that eight-video striking spree from 2018. Yet its an absolutely terrific remastering effort, uploaded during the long-awaited STUDIO TRIGGER event later in the Season. Much like the Planet Wisp Mashup Medley, its a direct tribute to the legendary ripper Triple-Q and one of his many in-jokes, of drawing comparison between the stories of Sonic Adventure 2 and STUDIO TRIGGER's Kill La Kill. Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.) is technically the third spin on this idea, with Triple-Q's own mashup Kill la Kill OST: Final Boss Theme first, followed by the original Kill & Learn (Uncut Ver.), and finally with Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.). All three follow the same premise, mashing up Kill La Kill's second OP Ambiguous with the main theme of Sonic Adventure 2, Live & Learn, yet all feel very different from one another. Live & Learn (Recut Ver.) is, to me, the ultimate endpoint of this concept, and the best of the three - it screams hype from every point of the song, with Live & Learn's vocals fitting the instrumental of Ambiguous like a glove - it's a mashup that felt destined to happen, and is here executed with five years worth of refining.
It warms my heart to see Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.) sitting at such a high view count (over 700K views as of writing) despite the troubled circumstances of its production, of how the original Kill & Learn (Uncut Ver.) is likely never going to be back up on YouTube. Yet, through the hype of the STUDIO TRIGGER takeover and sheer love of the original rip, we found a way to push this rip far past the original's view count. No matter what, high quality finds a way to live on!
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goldlyhee · 2 months ago
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pairings - lee heeseung x reader
genre - college smau
synopsis - ennemies are common but this one is very devilish. you never thought that your college days would be like this again : fighting over grades with lee heseeung. Does he like to bother you ? Is it some kind of game for him ? You really don’t know what to do but one thing is sure, this time something is different. or simply heeseung trying to ruin your college days just because he can’t forget that day.
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Profiles (1)
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The clique or BFF4Life 🌟
y/n — a chill girl who just want to have her degree without problems / ni-ki’s big sister : both of them were adopted very young / lived in Korea until middle school / moved with her family in the US during her entire high school until her first year of college / family came back in Korea for good / she is heeseung's nemesis since elementary school : they both hate each others and are academic rivals / she dated sunghoon when she was on an summer camp : they broke up in very bad terms / have a lot of qualities but yeah she's kinda everything
ni-ki — y/n’s little brother / he's two years younger than her / forced to follow the family even if he didn’t wanted to / likes playing games with jungwon and sunoo / jungwon and sunoo are his best friends since elementary school and they are inseparable / he's in the same fraternity as sunoo, heeseung, jake and sunghoon and like to party with them / does not interfere in heeseung’s and her sister rivalry / he like to go to eric's coffee shop just to see Rei
jungwon — a little nerd who like to play at league of legends / love to complaint about his bestfriends to y/n / consider y/n as his big sister / have good grades but kinda bored at school / he's not in the same fraternity as ni-ki and sunoo but he always attend their parties
sunoo — a little youtuber who likes to upload videos about his daily life / he is always in a fight with ni-ki because he likes it / y/n is his sunshine and can't stop praising her / he's in the same fraternity as ni-ki, heeseung, jake and sunghoon but doesn't really like to party / always on y/n side so he hate heeseung too
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hot girl 🎀 and rei !
ryujin — she's a skater and also a DJ / she likes to make new songs and want to release an album in the future / doesn't really like to be at school but she takes music classes very seriously / she met y/n, giselle and yeji in middle school and they've been inseparable since then / she has a crush on Mark / she care too much about Yeji
rei — a young model who works with Jay and Giselle in the same agency / her parents won't allow her to quit school to be a full time model so she's forced to have her degree / she's two year younger than the other girls / met the other girls thanks to Giselle / has a part time job as waitress at eric's coffee shop
yeji — she like fashion / she want to be a designer but don't have enough faith in her / she is y/n's bestfriend / she has a huge crush on ryujin but this is the first time she's feeling like this so doesn't know how to handle it / take fashion designer classes with Giselle
giselle — she is Jay's bestfriend / she's a famous model / she dropped out school after gratuated high school and start her career in modeling / she really like to spend her free time with the girls / she also hate heeseung because he was mean to her one day at a party / she thinks Jake is cute
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y/n private acc
This is y/n private where she complain about everything but especially about heeseung..
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masterlist - next
© credits to owner
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winter-seance · 1 year ago
GIF Tutorial
This is going to be a long post, so I'm going to place the majority of it under the cut.
Disclaimer - There are many ways to make gifs, and this is just one way to make them - it's the process that I have figured out works best for me. I am in no way claiming that this is the "definitive" or "best" way to make gifs. There are probably other, better ways to do things, but because people have asked how I do it, I am sharing my process.
Introduction I use a Mac. I am assuming most of this will also be applicable to those of you using Windows as well. This tutorial is divided into three parts. Here is a video of the following process as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBRbWC-iMOM
Actions I use three Actions, that you can download here through my Google drive, if you want. A tutorial for how to install Actions in Photoshop can be found here.
Photoshop Layout I use Photoshop CC, but I used Photoshop CS5 for years, got used to it, so when I upgraded to CC, I arranged it to resemble what I was used to.
I have the following windows open:
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And they are arranged like this:
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PART ONE - CLIPPING Part 1 consists of using a screen recorder (i.e., Quicktime) to make short clips of scenes or parts of a scene that you want to make gifs of. I have a Mac, so Quicktime is what I use. For Windows users, I’m sure there are equivalent alternatives that are just as good. Years ago, when I was first starting to make gifs, I frequently heard people refer to KMPlayer as what they used, so that might still be a good option for you if you are a Windows user. The most important part is that it takes high-quality recordings, with as little detail and quality loss as possible.
With this screen recording method, you can make screen recordings of video files that are stored locally on your computer (I use VLC to play videos), or streaming on sites like YouTube, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, HBO, etc. No downloading of the video is necessary. For some of those websites, if you have trouble with getting it to work, you may have to disable your browser’s hardware acceleration. This process is described here (https://www.theverge.com/23715928/netflix-amazon-prime-screenshot-mac-windows-how-to).
I record the clips with sound, to make it easier to transcribe/write out the dialogue in Photoshop later. When I have recorded all the clips I want, I put the clips into my folder where I store all my clips, and into another folder that is labelled with the episode number so I can remember where each clip came from in order to properly label them later when the time comes to upload them to Tumblr.
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Example: A folder containing clips from Good Omens 2x01
Open video file in Photoshop To do this, click on File > Import > Video Frames to Layers
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Use the markers to select roughly where you want the gif to begin and end.
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With videos that have been clipped with Quicktime (not sure about other programs), the vast majority of the time there are twice as many frames as needed – every other frame is a duplicate. For a smaller gif size and smoother playback, I delete every other frame in the timeline box at the bottom of the screen. I used to do this manually (very time consuming), but now do it with the use of an action that I created that will automatically select every other frame. Downloads and installation instructions for all the actions I use are available above.
To use an action, click on the title of the action, then click the play button at the bottom of the window.
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I often get an error message that says “The command ‘Extend Frame Selection’ is not currently available”, but it still works. Just click “stop” and every other frame will be selected.
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Click the trash can icon in the timeline window to delete the selected frames.
At this point, you will have half as many frames in your timeline as you did before. You will also likely have extra frames at both the beginning and end of the timeline that you don’t want to be part of the gif – from the previous shot, for example. You can delete those now.
This next step is optional: There will still be some duplicate frames in the timeline that were not deleted earlier. It is not strictly necessary to delete these, and I see many gifmakers who don’t get rid of them. It’s usually not all that noticeable. However, because I’m a bit of a perfectionist, I always go through the timeline frame-by-frame and delete each duplicate. This ultimately will reduce the gif’s file size and make the movement in the gif appear much smoother. I usually find that every fourth or fifth frame is a duplicate. Unfortunately, it’s not always consistent, so using an automated action would not work to make this process go faster.
Cropping Once this part is complete, I select the crop tool. I usually make my gifs 540px wide by 350px high. You can change the height to whatever you want, but Tumblr’s max width is 540px. I find the aspect ratio of 540x350px usually allows gifs to feel large, while at the same time not cutting off too much of the sides. Depending on the type of gif I’m making I may adjust this, but generally, if I’m giffing a scene from a TV show or movie, I stick with my standard 540x350px dimensions.
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Adding Text Next, I add text. Select the text icon. In the layers window, make sure the top layer is selected, otherwise the text will not show up when you start typing.
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The top layer is selected
These are the font settings I currently use:
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If I am just making one gifset, or one or two gifs, I’ll go straight on to the next steps. However, if I’m making a large amount of gifs, I save the gif right now, close out of it, and repeat the steps in this section for the next gifs, so I eventually have an entire folder of “raw” unedited photoshop files that have been cropped and captioned, and just need to be colored, have text effects added, and be sharpened. For me personally, I find I make gifs more efficiently by doing it in this “batch” style process.
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All cropped and unedited gifs (psd files)
Coloring I do plan on making a separate tutorial on this at some point, but will include a brief summary here. When it comes to coloring, I generally tend to go by a “less is more” attitude. I am not by any means great at coloring, but nonetheless I’ll explain the types of adjustment layers I typically use.
Note: Before making any adjustments, make sure you have the layer directly underneath the text layer selected, as shown in the screencap below, otherwise it will also apply those adjustments to the text, which makes it look weird.
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I start with a Curves layer to change the overall brightness/contrast, then a Levels layer to adjust the shadows and highlights, and then a Brightness/Contrast layer to do some final minor tweaks. The only time I ever reuse gif coloring is when they are from the same scene with the same colors, lighting, backgrounds, etc. Every other time, I tailor the adjustment layers to the specific gif.
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You can add adjustment layers by clicking the half light/dark circle on the bottom of the Layers window.
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How the gif looks with both a Curves layer and Levels layer
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Before adding the adjustment layers
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After adding the adjustment layers
A lot of the time, I'll just stick to adjusting the lighting. However, if the colors look gross, or if they are over/undersaturated, I’ll add a Color Balance layer and play around with the settings on that, or use a Hue/Saturation layer and increase/decrease the saturation of specific color channels. It really depends on what you’re going for, and what you think looks good. There is no one “right” way to color a gif.
Text Effects If you are using the Actions I included in the download, you can just run the "Text Effects" action with the text layer selected, and it will do the following automatically. If not, you can do it manually by doing the following.
Right click on the text layer in the Layers window and click on Blending Options.
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I use a stroke and drop-shadow on my gifs. Here are the settings I use.
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Drop Shadow settings
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Stroke settings
Next, to center the text, click on the text layer. With the text layer selected on the Layers window, Select All by clicking ctrl+a (Windows) or command+a (Mac). Then click on the "Align horizontal centers" icon in the “Move tool” option menu.
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Important – in the Layers menu, make sure the buttons “Unify layer position” and “unify layer effects” are clicked an enabled for the text layer.
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Sharpening Select all the frames in the Timeline window. Then in the lower left-hand corner click “convert to video timeline.”
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In the Layers window, select all of the frame layers (do not include the text layer or adjustment/coloring layers in the selection) and right click on it. Select “Convert to smart object.”
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Select Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. In the same way that coloring can differ depending on the gif, the ideal settings for sharpening can also differ from gif-to-gif. It can really depend on the quality of the source of the gif, like whether it’s HD or not. These are the settings I’m using for the current gif:
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If you are using Actions, you can run the "Layers to Frames" Action. If not, do the following:
Click on the button circled in red
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It will open up this menu. Click on "Flatten frames into clips"
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Click the button circled in red, then click "Make frames from layers"
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Delete the first couple of "junk" frames
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Select all of the frames. Right click on the "0 sec." to change the frame rate. I usually use 0.05, but it might depend on the gif itself.
Exporting Click on File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy)
I cannot add another screencap because I've reached Tumblr's max for this post, but here are the settings I use: Selective Diffusion 256 Colors Dither 100%
You may find that when you try to export your gif, the file size is too big. Tumblr’s gif file size limit is 10mb – try to make it under that – even anywhere in the 9.9mb range. As long as it’s under 10mb, it should work.
To get gifs that are too large to fit under the limit, I usually end up deleting frames from the beginning or end of the gif. If you’re using the 540x350px dimensions, I typically find that the average number of frames I can fit into one gif is between 80-90. Depending on the colors in the gif, it’s sometimes more, sometimes less.
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thatsparrow · 11 months ago
can’t imagine the watcher decision wasn’t informed by the success of dropout, a streaming service I and many other people happily pay for, but this news undeniably feels like a disappointment in comparison, and am trying to articulate why:
1. amount of content. I can’t speak to when dropout first launched (I think I started subscribing late 2019?), but I know that when I joined, it already felt like there was an enormous backlog of series to explore—not to mention the amount that was also uploaded to youtube, albeit on a delay (I know I watched at least the first half of fantasy high s1 on youtube, if not the whole thing, and by the time I signed up for dropout, there was also s1 of unsleeping city, bloodkeep, tiny heist on the horizon, and s2 of fantasy high currently live streaming. not to mention the number of full episodes they'd uploaded to youtube of um actually, game changer, breaking news, etc. and how much more was then available on dropout)
I don't know what conversations were happening behind the scenes at dropout, I don't know in real-time what was subscriber-only and what was getting uploaded to youtube, or what the breakdown was of series getting created and solely released on dropout in comparison to content they were releasing for free. all I know is that when I heard about d20 and wanted to check it out, I was able to watch a good chunk via youtube, enough to know that I wanted more, and also to know that dropout had a whole lot else to offer that I was also curious about.
so that's one of the things that feels immediately different about the watcher announcement. they're teasing new series that will be available, but for the moment, it seems like everything that will currently be on the new platform is already available for free on youtube (to clarify, because there's been a lot of confusion on this front, they are not deleting their old content off youtube. all those videos are staying there). there's also a question of release schedule — are they talking about weekly episode releases of one season airing at a time, as was their youtube model, with stretches in between? I guess I come back to, if you're trying to go subscriber-only going forward (with the caveat that the first ep of a season will also get released on youtube, and also with the caveat that obviously dropout had to reach a certain level of success before it was able to release content at the volume, consistency and quality it does now), are you creating enough to justify the sort of wholesale transition they seem to be implementing? i'm not sure the answer is yes
2. paying/supporting artists. no one's arguing that you shouldn't pay or support artists, and there are incredibly valid critiques of how youtube hamstrings creativity and the issues with being beholden to advertisers. more creative freedom is a good thing. more independent artists is a good thing.
that said, it feels like there's a disconnect between what supporters are looking for from where there money is going and how watcher wants to spend it. the video really emphasized wanting to make tv-quality productions, and that they feel like they've hit a ceiling with the youtube business model in terms of achieving that aim, but are watcher fans looking for tv-quality productions? of the new series they mentioned, travel seemed like a pretty big element, which is obviously expensive. I think of new shows released on dropout, and they've clearly got solid production value behind them, but they're also still all filmed on a set (it's 3am in a warehouse!!) — even ambitious and expensive episodes of game changer are still basically shot in the same set of rooms, with the stakes raised from there (the escape room ep, bingo, etc.)
look, I don't work in digital media, and so I don't have a sense of what it costs to put on a show, but I can't help but look at some of watcher's stated ambitions that clearly need to have a significant budget behind them vs something like too many spirits (something I have to imagine has to cost a lot less, but which is just as enjoyable to watch) and wonder if part of the backlash has to do with how it feels like their current revenue is being spent/prioritized
and maybe the problem is that there's just a fundamental disconnect between the kinds of shows watcher wants to make, and what their audience is looking for, but if that's the case, it doesn't feel like moving to a subscriber-only system is the solution
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schrijverr · 1 year ago
A YouTube upload of the Grammy acceptance speech of Corroded Coffin in 2001 where front man Eddie Munson and drummer Gareth Smith come out.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie
Warnings: homophobia, self identifying use of the f-slur
The video has the grainy quality that TV had back then, however, the hall filled with famous people and extra’s is still fully visible as it pans between different hotshots from 2001. Then it cuts back to the presenter, who says: “And the winner of Album of the Year isssss … Corroded Coffin!”
Cheers go up all around as the band comes up on screen, all of them have big smiles on their faces, pride shining through, as they get up to accept the award.
As the front man, Eddie accepts the trophy from the presenter, shaking the man’s hand as he takes it. With that done, he turns to the audience, the other members behind him to support him and partake in the acceptance speech that he will give for all of them.
Eddie leans into the microphone and says: “As always this one goes out to my Uncle Wayne as well as all the parents of the rest of the band and all the other loved ones. We couldn’t be here without you. We’ve won genre specific Grammys before, but to get this one is truly an honor.”
People already start to clap, thinking this is it. The band has never given long speeches before, limiting it to thanking the people they’ve always thanked, before leaving again.
However, Eddie doesn’t step away from the mic, instead saying: “This award isn’t just for us, we couldn’t have done it without everyone who worked on it and we thank them very much. The people we won’t be thanking, however, is out label.”
Gasps are heard all throughout the room as whispers start up. Reporters present lean in and the presenter looks torn between keeping them in time and maintaining what might go down as an iconic moment in TV history.
“You have opened many doors for us, but you have stomped down on one of our main principles and we won’t be silenced,” Eddie says loudly and clearly. “So instead of them I will be thanking my husband, Steve, who I love very much.”
The room seemingly explodes, but Eddie keeps talking: “And we also dedicate this to all the queer kids out there, who are growing up alone. We see you, we love you, we are standing by you and we are a part of you. I am the biggest fag there has ever been, as is Gareth here, and Corroded Coffin will always welcome you.”
“Thank you for the award,” he says and with that they walk off.
Eddie leads them, his head held high, award proudly held up to remind everyone in the room they awarded it to a bunch of queers. Jeff is right behind him, throwing up devil horns when a camera gets right up in his face, while Gareth behind him just flips it off. Closing the rear is Chris, who despite his gentle nature is an imposing figure, which deters anyone from coming too close.
In the background, you can hear the presenter struggling to get back on track, but no one is listening anymore, all eyes following the band.
They don’t return to their seats, instead walking out of the venue to make a statement. The cameras follow them as far as they can within the bounds of the program, seeing how a man with neat hair and a pressed suit that many have thought to be an assistant waiting for them by the door.
However, assistant speculation is immediately debunked as Eddie throws an arm around him and pulls the man close so they can share a kiss.
Naturally, the camera immediately cuts away, because showing that is definitely not okay for the time and program. With the cut away, the video ends.
Random User 1:
This was such an iconic moment in pop culture history, like I remember seeing this and being blown away
Random User 2:
be honest, who is here after the book lol
Random User 3:
Used to be a fan of them, but this is honestly disgusting, immediately stopped listening. Can’t believe they would be like that
Random User 4: Oh my god, literally no one asked! Stfu, homophobia isn’t a cute look Random User 5: and yet you’re still here commenting, kinda sus if you ask me…
Random User 6:
Like this if you were a fan before the twitter revival!!!
Random User 7:
This totally went down in the books! Greatest acceptance speech of all times, hands down
Random User 8:
omg I totally only just realized that the man at the end is steve and not some rando he kissed to make it stick lfdhgfjdgdjf I may be stupid lmao
Random User 9:
I’ve been a fan of theirs since the 90s, following them from before they were big. They have always helped me through the rough times and I still look to their music fondly. They so deserved that award and I am glad they were finally acknowledged!
Random User 10:
Ahw, I’m so emo that Eddie always gives a shout out to his uncle Wayne <333 crying
Random User 11:
Jeff is so underrated, he is always my favorite! Look what a cutie he is with his lill devil horns ahhhh, gushing!!!
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atomicpirateperson · 1 month ago
hiya sev!! I was wondering, how to u use clips of TAWOG to make ur gifs and videos? do you screen record clips on YouTube or on a streaming site, or do you do something else?
oh hi!!
my main source is r/fullepisodesofgumball on reddit, which is exactly what it sounds like: every episode and short, free to download!
sometimes, if i want a higher quality or unobstructed clip (some episodes have CN's little countdown things and stuff) i will screen record from youtube. almost all of rob's screentime has been uploaded on youtube by the official channels so it's not hard to find and can be really high-quality (i think i found "the future" in like 4K??) the clip of the latin spanish dub i posted was also a screen recording from youtube btw
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