#how do the politics of having not only 1 but TWO genders come into play esp overlapping w things like class and race
chewispodium · 2 years
like listen i know a/b/o exists in every fandom under the sun but there seems to be a particularly high percentage of a/b/o works in relation to overall number of entries in the f1 ao3 tag in general. why do yall think this is
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
how to not let your autistic inner child win (or how to write an if) by the secretary
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[id: a student with glasses being pointed at and mocked by two students on screens, and two more offscreen with only their arms showing. the central bullied student looks sad, and everyone else is laughing. end id]
Ruhoh, is this another secretary essay? Well, yes it is! The gender politics one will eventually come around when I feel like it, but this one, as the title suggest, is about how to write an IF. And since I'm presuming most of you are on the spectrum (or on a spectrum), it gets a little tongue-in-cheek.
Anyways, if you have autism, you have eternal swag. It's just true! But having so much swag makes it a problem when writing, or doing any sort of project. This is something I've noticed from people who don't have evil autism. Those not afflicted by the rare autism version of evil autism (my autism) will often be really bad at just... doing things - despite having all the abilities to do so! I think it might be a adhd thing or something too. Anyways, I love helping people, (this is my evil autism), and I'd like to share some girl tips on how to kill your inner child :)
I think something I've noticed from people making any sort goals- online, real life, job, working, etc - is it is straight forward. ie: I want to graduate from high school, I want to make a video game, I want to journal everyday. These are all achievable using your abilities that you learn and gain through your life, and failure doesn't exempt you from trying again. Thing is, this specific thing I just described (straightforward goals) is something I think a lot of autistic people struggle with.
I deeply remember sitting down in the corner of my high school, looking like the hottest girl who played pokemon on her ds when someone who had +1% more autism than me told me that, one day, he was going to make the most cool pokemon game ever where you could date other characters and have babies and have your children go on adventure too. As a 14 year old, I thought to myself 'bitch, shut up' but also, 'this is so unrealistic, but he really believes it, uh'. And he did! And you know, I think that's okay. I think it's okay to believe that you can make things that you cannot do at the moment - I mean that's just how life it. We didn't go on the Moon thinking we couldn't
But... the guy didnt know how to code, or how to make games, or how to program, or how to develop stories, or how to make art, etc etc etc. He didn't know these things, but he wanted to make these things. And I see this to a certain degree quite a bit when it comes to creation. I want to say: it's a very important of the process but simply one part.
I think being able to imagine what you could do if you have all the resources in the world, all the time, and all the help is important - but it is even more important to look within and go 'alright with all this in mind - what can I do?'
And if you're in the field of IF, well, what can you do? Coding, storytelling, character design, plotting arcs, etc. I think the skills can be learned by anybody (sidenote incoming)
If anybody ever fucking says that art is innate, they're fucking lying. It's a skill you grind out. You work it out. You work even if you feel not creative. You write words even if they don't come to you naturally. You draw even if the images can't be conjured. You work you work you work and you make something. You cannot always make art when feeling creative because you aren't always creative. you must be willing to die for your art, yes, but you must also be willing to create without any creative sparks! If you want to be an artist, you better work bitch.
(sidenote ending) and with that in mind, you need to develop restraints onto yourself. In IF, it's actually to create restraints, and here are some I suggest for all of my fellow autists who might struggle with them. I love you guys, truly, anyways. here they are:
restrain characters.
Make three characters + a main character. Write a couple of scenes with them. Is that your maximum? Is that too much? Go up and down until you find the right amount. You can add more character when your writing is better. Stick to a minimum per scene. If you have ideas for 30 characters, you can easily melt them into 10. Seriously. Put the heat on maximum and start creating new fun dolls to play with.
2. restrain scenes
You cannot write 500 per interaction. This is a bad idea because a) you might do the thing where you run out of creativity which you need to learn to do without but it is hard and b) interactions are time limited and time sensitive. not everybody will go through them. if you have a 30k update, but most people will only see 1k... are you really writing a game for them or for yourself? I made my wife do this format:
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youll gain the ability to gauge if a scene is important or not eventually, I'm sure.
3. restrain area
I recommend writing like a murder novelist. You have a closed circle, and the player cannot leave it. they can only be within that space. That space that exists within that specific story is the only thing they have access to. it can be a school, a city, a bedroom - but its limited. you create setpieces that players interact with. some set pieces are the same with just a different coat of paint on.
anyways, i believe in dreaming big, but i also believe that we have little time on our hands to create. when wanting to make something, restraint yourself. its always way more fun to find ways to break out of our bonds then just roaming free, right? I mean... maybe not. I'm not your mother, you know.
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Good News - August 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Zoo hails birth of 'one of world's rarest animals'
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“[Jasper] the Persian onager was born to mum Azita after a year-long pregnancy. […] Conservationists at the zoo said there are less than 600 surviving wild onagers[, … which] only survive in two small, protected areas in Iran, a Chester Zoo spokesman said. […] Mike Jordan, animal and plant director at Chester Zoo, […] said Jasper is "doing very well" and added that "mum Azita is doing a fantastic job of nurturing and bonding with her new charge". "He’s full of energy and enjoys playfully kicking up sand as he races around his habitat", Mr Jordan added.”
2. Charity creates 50 community orchards in city
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“Community orchards are returning to Birmingham, with the aim of teaching people how to grow their own food and be part of the solution to climate change. […] Once established, the long-term aim is to distribute the produce to those most in need, but local people are also invited to pick the odd bit of fruit. […] By planting trees and plants and encouraging biodiversity back to these areas the charity is also doing its bit to help climate change. They even use locally sourced wood chip which helps to put carbon back into the soil. […T]he hope is that these edible landscapes can also be enjoyed by local people for years to come.”
3. Farmer-led badger vaccination could revolutionize mission to tackle bovine TB
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“[… T]he results of a four-year pilot badger vaccination program co-managed between farmers, scientists, and conservationists […] show the percentage of badgers testing positive for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in the study area dropped from 16% to 0%[….] While most bTB incidents in cattle are caused by transmission between herds, transmission from wild badgers plays a role in the persistence of the disease. […] Blood sampling showed that the proportion of badgers with bTB fell even though overall badger numbers remained high[….]”
4. Every Colorado Anti-Trans Ballot Initiative Fails To Collect Enough Signatures
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“Anti-transgender politics are becoming increasingly unpopular in polls. […] A recent LA Times/NORC poll found that 77% of voters believe elected officials use transgender debates to divert attention from more pressing issues. The poll also showed significant opposition to forced outing policies. […] A Gallup poll published in June revealed that while Americans have mixed views on the morality of transitioning, the majority oppose bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth. […] “The fact that they could not get enough signatures, barely half, to be placed on the ballot shows they lack support from everyday voters.”
5. In a fight to save a rare bird, Indigenous communities in Guyana are winning
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“The partnership [between Indigenous communities and Smithsonian researchers] sparked a decades-long community-led conservation movement that has protected the red siskin and helped locals reconnect with nature. [… T]he South Rupununi Conservation Society […] established one of the country’s first conservation zones to protect the species, covering 75,000 hectares (185,000 acres) of Indigenous land. […] To plant the seeds of conservation, they’ve implemented an after-school program in more than 16 communities, [introducing children] to ecological research and surveying, and also [teaching] about Indigenous culture and tradition, including fire management skills.”
6. North Adams hospital gets federal designation which pays for health care in rural areas
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“[The hospital] received a federal designation on Wednesday that is key to its long-term financial stability. […] The designation pays for staffing regardless of the number of patients[… and] “works to resolve stark inequities in rural and underserved communities as it relates to our nation’s health system."”
7. Andrea Vidaurre: Leading the clean transportation revolution
“Thanks to Vidaurre’s relentless advocacy and strong community support, these regulations introduced the first national standards for train emissions and set a groundbreaking goal for all freight trucks to be zero-emission by 2036. This initiative promises cleaner air for Californians and paves the way for a zero-emission vehicle future across the country. Studies predict these measures will prevent thousands of respiratory illnesses and save countless lives in the coming decades.”
8. Boston announces a new climate resilience office
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“Through its Climate Ready Boston initiative, the city has worked to […] design creative adaptation plans with community input[, …] includ[ing] everything from redesigning waterfront parks and planting more trees, to modernizing the city’s underground sewer system[….] The Office of Climate Resilience will be in charge of coordinating work across city departments and with community groups[….]”
9. Combining Green Thumbs and Sustainable Fashion in a Swap Event
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“This unique plant and clothing swap event in NSW is championing both environmental and fashion sustainability through native plants and preloved clothing. […] To participate in the plant swap, attendees brought their environmental weeds in a bag to the Council stall and exchanged them for free native plants. […] The event sparked valuable community conversations about the benefits of plant and clothes swaps, the impact of textile waste[, …] support a circular economy and combine a love for nature with practical, eco-friendly practices.”
10. Growing Green Spaces to Protect the Endangered Regent Parrot
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“On Schools Tree Day, celebrated on 26 July, students from a local NSW school planted trees and shrubs to create crucial forage habitat for the endangered Regent Parrot, enhancing local biodiversity. […] Approximately 50 [… plants of] native species were chosen for their ecological benefits, helping to attract native birds, bees and butterflies while providing essential habitat and food. […] They [also] raise awareness about the regent parrot, encourage conservation efforts and emphasise the importance of protecting local wildlife. Additionally, conserving [the regent parrot] supports the health of their ecosystem by helping with in [sic] seed dispersal and maintaining plant diversity.”
July 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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namazunomegami · 11 months
emperor!geto x imperial concubine!reader
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a/n: I’ve spent way too much time to research about chinese imperial concubines, playing with Royal Chaos during my highschool years and I had a boring shift at work. This is the result. Probably out of character as hell but hey, I wrote this for my enjoyment.
This is part 1 of a lil historical AU drabble series. I’m already finished with Sukuna, Gojo is in the works, and I got some ideas for Choso and Toji but don't think too much about it, ideas are just ideas.
I was so close to write reader as gender neutral but reader owns a type of traditional chinese headgear used exclusively by noblewomen so... yeah, reader is afab if you squint (very hard).
Likes and reblogs are appreciated, mwah <3
wc: 1011, I initally wanted a few headcannons but I got a full ass drabble
cw: suggestive, false accusations, implied murder, mentions of whipping, choking (not the kinky kind), yandere behavior
credits: renmakia for the gorgeous fanart and my dear @notveryrussian for proofreading and just putting up with my massive jjk brainrot every day, luv ya darling <33
MDNI, if you do, I'm gonna catch you like I'm gonna catch Gege.
He’s a monarch who considers his mind a weapon and information as a whetstone despite being born in relative peace. Spending his leisure time reading Sun Ce, the scripts of Confucian and Taoist scholars, sharing afternoon teas and long walks around the gardens with Buddhist priests and conversing about reaching enlightenment. As if he desperately wanted to understand how the world he was meant to rule works. His mandate of heaven brought prosperity, a flourishing economy, a strong connection between allied realms, a good education system that produced more scholars than in any other time before.
Competing for his attention is not an easy task. You almost gave up, bracing yourself for a long and uneventful life where you can only admire him from afar. You sit in the shade of a willow tree with a board of xiangqi, your playmate having left you not so long ago and you were trying to figure out which tactics and strategies they should’ve used to defeat you. You’re so lost in your thoughts you can’t notice him standing there, in the presence of his guards. You kowtow to him, excusing yourself for daring to bother him, pleading for his patience while you pack your things and leave. He likes that your manners are spot on, and he rewards you with a command to stay, to play with him, since xiangqi is a game between two people. And based on the positions of the pieces on the board you’re an experienced player.
Of course, he defeats you with ease, but he’s grateful you showed him everything you’ve got and didn’t let him win. He tells you that his victory lies in applying the teachings of Sun Ce to his playstyle. Your eyes light up and you beg him to elaborate further, maybe he can help you improve your tactics in the next game. He’s such a well-read man, so hungry for knowledge, so desperate to understand people. You’re sure he wants to figure out your thoughts too, what you think about the world, what values dominate your heart. And the secret to win him over is to shower him with all the details and even politely disagree with some of his beliefs and explain your point of view. That’s what gets him going, knowing your place in the hierarchy but not being afraid to stand your ground. Mindless obedience, at this point, bores him. That’s probably the reason why he slowly starts to favor you, your conversations refresh him, inside and outside of his bedchambers.
You may think that earning your place in his heart is a lengthy and hard process, but when he becomes sure that your infatuation comes from an honest place, he generously rewards your efforts. He showers you with gifts, each more thoughtful than the other. He sends you scripts from his personal library about topics that interest you, fulus he received from his priests to protect you and your chambers, phoenix crowns so elaborately adorned with pearls, sapphires, small dragons, and phoenixes made from solid gold. Gowns embroidered with clouds, cranes dancing around them, gifting you a small piece of the sky itself he descended from. He elevates your rank quickly so you can accompany him during events. Letting the whole court look at you, wrapped in everything he gave you, standing so close you can see him stealing glances at you from under the twelve tasseled crown. He rewards your family with money, grain, rice, political power. If he lifts you up, he does the same with everyone important to you.
But Geto’s court is highly competitive. It’s certainly not easy to be his favorite. You can literally smell the stench of jealousy eminating from the other consorts. Their gaze pierces your skin deeply when the eunuchs drag you around the Palace of Heavenly Grace with a brocade blanket hugging your naked figure. They must endure the sight every other night and they have no idea that the son of heaven is ready to serve you and do as you please behind closed doors and not the other way around, as tradition dictates.
Though he can comfort you, outside of his chambers you fear for your life. You needed a food taster now and never dared to walk the gardens without at least four guards in your proximity. You begin to doubt the trust between you and those you’ve befriended, because they can only blame you for his negligence towards them.
And then, the first accusation about you begins circulating around the palace. Some concubines claimed that you were guilty of witchcraft. So many of them are against you, with so much made-up proof you cannot do more than spend the night crying, believing that at dawn, guards will come for you and throw you into a well. You have no idea where Geto is or how you could beg him for protection.
The next day, strangely, a new set of officials deem you innocent. What boggles you even more is that he comes to your residence instead of having you delivered to him. Even his scent is not like it usually is, there’s something metallic, salty, and musky mixed in with the incense smoke.
That night he cradles you, shushing you, promising to keep you safe at all costs. Keeping it a secret how brutally he disposed of the rumor mongers, how he had some of his officials whipped bloody for not believing your testimony or about the thinly veiled threats that he’ll make anyone’s life a living nightmare if anything happened to you. Your heart skips a beat and simultaneously sinks deep in your chest when those of higher rank than you lower their head, trying their best to not look at you as they pass you by. With dark marks staining the skin below the neckline of their gowns, not even the empress consort being an exception.
It's not easy to be his favorite. It’ll never be easy.
But he’s a god, the son of heaven, and heaven will forgive him and so will you.
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cryptid-called-ash · 8 months
Soul eater headcanons because it’s 1:30am and I have insomnia (mostly the trio)
Reapers have two names. The first is their title (ie lord death and death the kid). The second is their true/personal name, one only to be shared with family and the closest of friends. Kid’s name is Eros, lord death’s is Orcus. Only Liz, Patty, and eventually Blackstar know Kid’s true name.
Reapers have a unique language called Archayk, which sounds like an odd mix of Japanese, old Gaelic, and French.
Crona is Afab nonbinary and asexual. They bond with Kid over their mutual lack of understanding gender norms and sexuality.
Crona has an ouroboros mark in the centre of their back because Medusa branded them as a child. When the gang find out, they go out of their way to help them feel better about it. Patty tells Crona how cool it looks, Soul saying he wants a tattoo like that, Blackstar comparing the mark to his star, Maka telling them all the interesting lore about ouroboros she knows. In time, Crona comes to see the mark not as symbol of Medusa’s control, but as a loving connection to their friends.
Kid lived in the death room for the first 6 years of his life, practically glued to his father’s side and speaking exclusively Archayk. He moved into gallows manor when he turned 7 and would live there alone until he partners up with the Thompson sisters.
Liz can’t cook for shit and patty is banned from ever setting foot in the kitchen, so Kid does all the cooking at gallows manor. And he’s pretty good at it too. It’s one of the things he learned to keep himself occupied growing up. He would beg Spirit to bring new ingredients when he would make his weekly check-ins.
As he didn’t have any real contact with people outside of Spirit, Marie, and his father; Kid picked up a lot of skills to pass the time. On the tamer side were skills like learning to play the piano and the harp, calligraphy work, embroidery and needle work, drawing, and (as mentioned above) cooking. On the more eccentric side were skills such as dueling and fencing, learning dead languages, gymnastics, throwing knives, studying both current and historical politics, and apothecary’s remedies.
Speaking of Marie, she tutored Kid before he enrolled in the DWMA. she is one of the very few humans able to speak the reaper language and so was able to teach Kid before he learned how to speak human languages.
Maka’s mother has a twin sister who is a witch, though Maka and her mother are not. However she chose a path of kindness and actively try and spread good through the world, in hopes that one day other witches will do the same.
Maka moved in with Soul after her parents divorce. They had been partners for a year at that point and Soul wanted to help his meister any way he could. Maka cried when he suggested she move in with him, hugging him for the first time. That’s when Soul started falling for her.
After Kid becomes a full-fledged reaper, it takes nearly 2 months for him to adjust to the name change. He’d been death the kid for most of his life, so suddenly being called lord death was a big change. It takes Soul and Maka even longer to stop calling him Kid. Blackstar outright refuses to call him lord, so he gives him the nickname Prince. And though he’d never admit it out loud, Kid loves it. Liz and Patty also don’t call him lord death, instead simply electing the call him brother in public and Eros in private.
At first Liz and Patty slept in their own room when they came to live at gallows. but after a particularly hard mission, the trio all slept in Kid’s room. Not long after they all just silently agreed that they would continue to stay in the his room together.
Liz is two years older than Kid and Kid is two years older than Patty. Soul and Maka are the same age. Tsubaki is a year older than Blackstar.
Liz loves to dress her little siblings and taught them both how to properly apply makeup. She especially loves getting them all matching dresses or shirts and wearing them together.
Tsubaki’s favourite tea is lemon and hibiscus with a teaspoon of honey mixed in.
Though they can’t speak it, the sisters can understand Archayk well enough to know what Kid is saying when he speaks it.
Blackstar becomes Kid’s right hand man when he ascends his father’s title. Blackstar is known as ‘The Shadow of Death’.
Kid’s sanzu lines don’t all close at the same time, rather they close one by one over the span of 2 years. The process is referred to as a coronation. The first line closes the night Asura is woken by Medusa, when kid is 14; the second closes when he’s 15 and he rejects the power of madness promised by Eibon, choosing his friends and sisters over his own desire for perfection; the third closes after Lord Death fights Asura for the final time and chooses to pass his power and title onto his heir, leaving Kid the lord of death at just 16 years old.
Liz and Patty are called ‘Death’s Angels’ after becoming Kid’s death scythes.
Soul has a bad knee from a car accident when he was a child. It usually doesn’t hurt very much, but when it flares up he can hardly walk. He wears a knee brace all the time and uses a cane during flare ups. The cane is covered in stickers the gang put on it.
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capostone · 9 days
The Research Begins
So essentially, I have three ideas. Two of them exist in a similar sphere and have some relation to each other, while the third is completely different and arguably more limited on the conceptual level. But I think they're all worth exploring anyway, so let's get into it. 1. Event Planning. This is the outlier of these topics, and the one with the most solid Form potential from the jump. I'm involved in Castle Point Anime Convention, and that sort of event planning is one of my favorite activities. The logistics of putting such an event together are fun to consider, and there's always something new to consider or focus on. The type of venue, the types of vendors or guests, the types of attendees we'll be catering to and what kind of activities they'll want, how to get around things like distance limitations, food options, space limitations and how to get around those, security and medical information, the list truly goes on (https://www.socialtables.com/blog/event-planning/how-to-get-logistics-right/). Then there are other considerations such as how to comfort paying customers when they worry things may not be going to plan-- good PR and polite lying are crucial for event planning. In general, there are a lot of interesting things to consider with this topic, but not many unique directions to take it.
2. Makeup. Why do different makeup looks look different? Why do different countries have such different ones? Why are certain makeup looks considered more socially acceptable than others when the only difference is color or sparkle? Why is it only acceptable for some people to wear makeup? And when people that aren't them wear it, who decides what styles are acceptable? Why is that where the line is drawn? There are so many questions and not that many answers when it comes to this topic. I'm particularly interested in the differences between different makeup styles across different countries and cultures. As an example, Japanese eye makeup (https://www.tumblr.com/asian-makeup/177452951954/japanese-eyes-makeup) vs Korean eye makeup vs Chinese eye makeup vs the typical American eye makeup look.
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Makeup as a general tool for self-expression and by extension for gender nonconforming purposes is also an interesting subject, with things like drag makeup existing in its own space, and men's makeup becoming an increasingly feasible market (https://www.forbes.com/sites/dahvishira/2024/03/06/makeup-is-more-than-a-trend-for-men-its-a-rapidly-rising-market/). Graphic makeup styles and similarly artistic and over-the-top styles are super interesting to me, too. These sorts of style also play into some really interesting fashion subcultures like Gyaru, Decora, and China's Dopamine Girls.
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3. Gender-neutral fashion. Fashion as expression is super interesting to me and I love looking into different subcultures and their rules, but one thing I've noticed seems to have no rules is gender-neutral fashion. I largely believe this is because in the fashion world, "gender neutral" is equal to masculine or masculine presenting. A quick Google of "gender-neutral fashion" yields dozens of pictures of tall, thin models with good proportions and no real curves or unavoidable secondary sex characteristics wearing largely masculine clothing silhouettes. The occasional masc model in a sweetheart neckline or skinny jeans pops up, or a prominent LGBT celebrity wearing a dress to an event everyone would expect a suit. Otherwise, staples like dresses, skirts (particularly anything shorter than knee-length), and even crop tops are almost entirely left out in favor of blazers, slacks, loose-fitting t-shirts and sweatshirts, baggy jeans, and oversized cardigans. Generally, a lot of the more obviously feminine or revealing clothing is seemingly relegated to femme-presenting models as well. The idea that only men's clothing is gender-neutral is fascinating to me, as someone who likes dressing both ways and exploring these things in other cultures is also really interesting. Different cultural standards lead to different ideas of gendered and gender-neutral fashion, and that's also something worth exploring further. Social expectations, the idea of gender-neutral as a concept, male as default, the fashion industry, I think it's all worth considering and researching further going forward.
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fllagellant · 1 year
ok sending u two!! :] 4 for andromeda and 9 for the trilogy (and whatever characters ur thinking of, if you want)
THIRTEEN SONGS COMING FRESH OFF THE GRILL !! Due to how long this will be I will put this under a read more ! Also I will be skipping any songs from the OSTs for the games bc . That feels like Cheating
Andromeda first …
1. Runaway - Tyto Grey
“But if you give me your Heart,
I’ll give you Mine.”
PEEBEE SONG . Specifically a Peeb in the beginnings of a romance . This song makes me think of her + Sara due to the singer calling their lover a ‘ Goddess ‘ but .. anything can be gender neutral if you want it to be . A song about someone wanting to run away , make a big name for themself before they can’ t , but not wanting to do it alone . It’ s not worth it alone . It’ s only meaningful if their lover and muse is with them . Idk man this is VERY Peeble to me . Definitely picturing a Remtech ruin confession for this song < 33
2. Pomok naka Poktoinskwes ( Casey MQ Remix ) - Jeremy Dutcher
MUSIC OF THE FUTURE . I can hear this playing in bars and nightclubs across the Initiatives many settlements . This is what Reyes hums while he works and what Sloane has playing when she’ s getting ready in the morning . This is what SAM has on shuffle in the Pathfinder’ s quarters and this is what Gil plays during long repairs . This is what bartenders dance to and what gets people moving . This is one of the first songs the Angara hear . They feel a connection to the chanting and the beat of it all . Yeah < 3
3. It’s Called: Freefall -Rainbow Kitten Surprise
“You could let it All Go, you could let it All Go
It’s Called: Freefall. It’s Called: Freefall.”
Ohhh god Vetra song . Vetra before she fully commits to the Initiative . Vetra still holding onto Milky Way contacts . People she cannot rely on but can talk to . People who do not care about her , but push her to join anyways . Vetra trying to get help without getting it . Vetra . This is her trying to talk to her contacts and getting nowhere but being told to just do it . This is her final bit of hesitation before she joins them . This is her in-between . Her final days with her Milky Way contacts who won’ t be following her
4. Honey in the Hair - Blackbird Raum
“I’m just walking in Circles…
I see the Lines in Chalk on the Ground.”
Not normally a band I listen to and think “ sci - fi ! “ but that is the point isn’ t it ! Early games vibes for me . The crew altogether but facing this mass responsibility . From the failing colonies to the dominating threat , from the political catch up they have to play to the political importance they’ ve gained all at once . The weirdness of it . The strange whimsy that comes with it . The feeling of going nowhere but knowing it’ s all changing . Knowing they’ ll be doing something so far out from what they originally planned to do , and having a strange sort of almost peace about it
Okok Trilogy time < 3
1. After Dark - Mr. Kitty
“Your lips were Soft like Winter,
In your Passion, I was Lost.”
STARTING OFF STRONG HUH . Me3 love confession . Literally fits any and all romance I think . I think this hit more harder for me3 only romances since the song is about that desperate yearning and wanting to confess before it’ s impossible to . This song is for all romances but I think it belongs to Femshep/Traynor and Mshep/Cortez a bit more . Also hurts a bit more when it’ s with Shepard and a character that cannot be romance bc it’ s like .. they never got that confession . That closure . There’ s something about the desperation and just needing to let the other person know . Even if they do not reciprocate . Just so they know you loved them . You always loved them .
2. Alien Blues - Vunderbar
“I try to tell you what I Think
And play it off like it’s a Joke.”
Hmm Joker : ) . The barely contained bitterness and the constant back and forth . Knowing he’ s ostracized and making jokes about it , but still being upset with it . Wondering what he could do differently but knowing it won’ t matter . Guilt with who he is , how he sees himself . Fits no matter what era of his life he is in . A farmboy . A pilot in training who isn’ t respected . A pilot with no ship . A man at the end of the world . A man mad after everything . A man who deserves to have a bit of bitterness
3. Come As You Are - Nirvana
“As I want you to Be
As a Trend, As a Friend,
As a known Memoria.”
Nirvana just feels like a band James would listen to , so it’ s hard not to connect him to their songs . This makes me thing of a younger James , at least a James before ME2 . He’ s struggling . He doesn’ t fully know what he wants to be or how he sees the people around him . He already has a streak for being less than cautious with himself . He doesn’ t know who will be there the next day , who he might have to leave behind . He can keep the memories , everyone can be kept in a memory . But he still needs to find how they fit in while they still know each other .
4. Sisters - The Halluci Nation
MORE MUSIC OF THE FUTURE . This is the type of song Jack would blast from her little hidey hole on a good day . Music that is illegally downloaded and shared around the Normandy . Glyph would play this to get the party more rowdy I think . A song to get people on their feel and MOVING . Someone DEFINITELY listens to this while in combat . Do I have a definitive answer ? No . Can I picture everyone listening to this on the battlefield ? Yes and I cannot narrow it down just yet . Get on your moccasins big boy we got a Reaper to take down
5. Repeat After Me - KONGOS
“So hard to leave what I've defended,
So hard to separate what's blended.”
Indoctrinated characters RISE ‼️‼️ this song is about religious / catholic guilt so be careful if you listen ! But I can definitely take this and apply it to Saren + Benezia very easily . Characters who have moments of clarity and knowing what the Reapers are doing to them , but not having enough power anymore to fully pull away . Too many ifs , too many maybes , too many nights spent hearing the whispers of the Reapers . Repeating their words while having that voice in the back of their heads questioning and wondering if they can still get away from all this . Just knowing what is happening to you but not being able to stop it and the realizations of your condition so few and far in between
6. Cluster - Slipknot
“So Cut, Cut, Cut me up
And Fuck, Fuck, Fuck me up.”
Combat theme . Everyone at the end of their ropes , the candle that was burned at both ends , the final push to tip them over . Angry with where they are , how they ended up there . How everything could have been simpler , how things could have been prepared for . The sort of anger that makes it hard to focus right , the kind of anger that numbs pain , the kind of pain that pushes further and further . I think Javik would fucking LOOOVE Slipknot but that is a different discussion . Idk man everyone has their limits and I think everyone deserves to got a bit batshit rage off the walls violence on the field after seeing the Horrors they have . Just for fun . Maybe for shits and giggles
( i have officially lost audio link rights here . uh Oh )
7. Curl - Jack Stauber
“When you turn the Master Key,
You’re Higher than a Star!”
Ohhh Crew bonding . Teasing each other . Hanging out together . Going on brief shore-leaves together . Reminding each other to try and live a bit . Remember the happy moments that they get , and not to let them go . It’ s them reminding each other they can still live , they are still alive and they’ re allowed to live . Take joy in the now , find joy in the now . Live now , even if it is hard . Even if it is difficult . Help each other find whatever joy they can , make sure they do not feel guilt for the joy . Giving each other something to look forward to , after everything is over . They’ ve always cares for each other , it’ s time to show it . Now that it matters more than ever
8. Fireworks - The Tragically Hip
“Complete with the Grip of Artificial Chaos,
And believing in the Country of Me and You.”
Oh hello Mr. Kaidan alenko . How are you . This song is so loudly Canadian it is hard to not picture him . This makes me think of Kaidan and his LI postwar . Learning how to live , navigating normalcy . Becoming more civilian than solider , after everything is over . Since I have my own personal biases I AM picturing Joker and Kaidan specifically . It doesn’ t help I believe that the Moreaus came from Manitoba . So it’ s both of them , going back to Canada . Settling down again , falling into a rhythm with each other . Just relearning what it means to be people after everything . Also the bit about seeing fireworks in the distance . Yes . Far enough away the sound is muted or just not there . Just watching the lights . Kaidan and his LI . Finding normalcy < 3
9. Gronlandic Edit - of Montreal
“I guess it would be Nice, to give my heart to a God,
But which one, which one do I Choose?”
Something about funky little beats and the tone of this song make me picture that blue archeologist . In between ME1 and ME2 . Those strange two years . Being a recluse , trying to figure out how to live again . She has to learn how to reach out to people , find her drive again . She’ s willing to stagnate , but that doesn’ t mean she should . And she knows that . Liara can have her struggles and weird girl moments anytime she wants . Because this song definitely is that . Liara lives in a state of limbo for six months and this was playing on loop the whole time . She’ s just feeling a little funny don’ t worry ( maybe you should worry )
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Collection of Race, the Medieval Ages, and the ASoIaF Franchise
Game of Thrones & Race  
(Guardian Article) “There are no black people on Game of Thrones’: why is fantasy TV so white?”
(Tor Article) “Game of Thrones’ Complex Relationship to Racism and Colonialism”
House of the Dragon & Race 
(Harper’s Bazaar Article) “Fantasy Has Always Been About Race”
But fantasy has always been about race. And medieval fantasy is not history, but a reproduction of history and its metaphors. The West cannot tell itself about itself without the inclusion of race. As a European invention emerging from colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade, race is the story of Europe’s encounter with difference, and the West’s primary way of organizing the world. The racial hierarchies of our world get translated into fantasy races that reflect the measure of one’s humanity. Race is the dominant social system in The Lord of the Rings’ Middle-earth, and as the blueprint for “high fantasy” literature, its racial allegories are reproduced across the genre: In fantasy book series, role-playing games, and films written in its tradition, race is the social hierarchy and source of conflict; in Game of Thrones’ Westeros, race is more of a political geography. It’s even the first decision (race, gender, class) a player must make in creating a character for any campaign in the iconic Dungeons & Dragons role-playing games. In fantasy, race is not just part of world building. It is the world.
(Cosmopolitan Article) “‘House of the Dragon’ Cast Black Actors Only to Toss Them Aside, Like I Knew It Would”
I didn’t have high expectations for diversity when watching HotD—I mean, it’s a TV show about dragons, and Black characters historically haven’t appeared outside slave or servant roles (Grey Worm and Missandei from the original Game of Thrones come to mind). So when Steve Toussaint was cast as Corlys Velaryon (aka the Sea Snake), I felt slightly apathetic. Game of Thrones had already fumbled its two Black characters, so I believed the prequel would do the same.
Nowhere in the first season does HotD mention the Blackness of its few Black characters. All we’re told is that House Velaryon has blood from Old Valyria, which means they are really close to the Targaryens and often marry each other to keep the bloodline “pure.” Nothing wrong with that, but since the Velaryons are Black, shouldn’t all Velaryons have Afrocentric features? The casting department didn’t think so, apparently. One of the main storylines in the first season is the denial that Rhaenyra Targaryen’s children are bastards even though they have white skin and loose curly black hair while their “father” is Laenor Velaryon, a white-haired Black man with dreads. The book Fire & Blood (which the show is adapted from) also follows this plot point. But the Velaryons aren’t Black in the book, meaning it’s somewhat believable or at the very least plausible that Rhaenyra’s children are Leanor’s. I know this is a fantasy show, but there’s something really cringe about (1) trying to pass three obviously white children off as Black and (2) making the one Black family on the show the center of a *checks notes* paternity scandal. Even if House of the Dragon were only following the book’s plot point—the question of the legitimacy of Rhaenyra’s children—the decision to cast House Velaryon and thus Laenor as Black means that race and racial connotations needed to be introduced as well. You shouldn’t cast a white character as a person of color and then ignore their racial identity.
I’m not saying the showrunners did a disservice to fans of color by trying to diversify. But they did checkmark casting by beginning and ending that effort with casting Toussaint as the Sea Snake. If the showrunners took real time to consider how color-conscious casting could alter the show, maybe Black viewers like myself wouldn’t be disappointed that the only Black family in the series has mostly not survived. There’s a scene in episode 4 where Laenor, Leana (the Sea Snake’s daughter), Corlys, and his wife Rhaenys are walking down a flight of stairs into a wedding scene. That three-second clip SCREAMED Black excellence. Watching it gave me the tiniest hope that maybe the showrunners had it together. But three episodes later, the majority of the Black characters had been killed, with only two Black Velaryons still on our screens: Baela and Rhaena, Corlys and Rhaenys’s two granddaughters.
And I get why the characters were killed off—Laena and Laenor don’t survive in the books, so why would they live on in the show? But the showrunners could have shown the Black Velaryons for more than 10ish scenes while also sticking to the source material. Instead of rushing to the main conflict of the Targaryen civil war, we could have seen the development of Laena and Daemon Targaryen’s relationship or Rhaenyra and Laenor’s struggles at King’s Landing. I’m just saying the show had options, k? They chose to cast House Velaryon as Black knowing Black fans like myself were excited to see Black fantasy representation onscreen, only for said representation to be sidelined in a span of three episodes. Like, damn. Can Black folks have anything? Maybe the showrunners will do better with their “diverse” representation in the upcoming seasons. Probably not. If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that fantasy series can have dragons, White Walkers, and dreamers who can see the future. But Black folks? That’s where they draw the line, apparently.
Other Articles about Black People/Territories in the Medieval World (c.400s - c.1400s)
The Table of Contents for the Public Medievalist’s “Race, Racism, and the Middle Ages” Series
Perfect Victims: 1096 and 2017
“Race, Racism, and the Middle Ages: Tearing Down the ‘Whites Only’ Medieval World”
“Uncovering the African Presence in Medieval Europe”
“A Brief History of a Terrible Idea: The ‘Dark Enlightenment’”
“Who were the African people living in Medieval and Tudor England?”
Finding Islamic Culture in a Christian Space
Introduction: Jews, Anti-Semitism, and the Middle Ages
“Ripping Anti-Semitism Out by its Roots”
A Tale of Two Europes: Jews in the Medieval World
Anti-Semitism Is Older Than You Think
Were Medieval People Racist?
Fascism and Chivalry in the Confederate Monuments of Richmond
Guardians of White Innocence
Is “Race” Real?
“Race” in the Trenches: Anglo-Saxons, Ethnicity, and the Misuse of the Medieval Past
A Vile Love Affair: Right Wing Nationalism and the Middle Ages
Recovering a “Lost” Medieval Africa: Interview with Chapurukha Kusimba, part I
Race: the Original Sin of the Fantasy Genre
Race in A Song of Ice and Fire: Medievalism Posing as Authenticity
Game of Thrones’ Racism Problem
Improving Dungeons and Dragons: Racism and the “Barbarian”
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Terrible Fic Ideas #19: Star Wars, but make it Empress Palpatine
The thing I love about Star Wars is that, force powers aside, the situation is one we all can easily see happening. (It can be difficult to believe that a mostly peaceful, benevolent Federation of Planets can spawn on Earth and come to encompass a good chunk of the galaxy a la Star Trek, but the rise and fall of an authoritarian state is all too easy to imagine, even in another galaxy.)
But when asked to given an example of an authoritarian ruler, I can only think of examples like Emperor Palpatine - which is to say, even looking at the wikipedia page on the subject I can't find a female example. So I thought... what if? Or more specifically, what if it was Empress Palpatine?
Just imagine it:
Specifically, imagine a universe where absolutely nothing changes except for Palpatine's gender. This has a few cascading effects in how Palpatine relates to Ankain and how the senator/chancellor is viewed by the galaxy at large, but does not change the overall course of events.
Instead of a wise old man, Palpatine is a wise old woman, presenting a matriarchal, grandmotherly care towards Anakin. This has the side effect of pulling Anakin in two more "opposed" directions - maternal from Palpatine, paternal/fraternal from Obi-Wan - instead of Palpatine and Obi-Wan "competing" for the same slice of the father-figure pie, as it were. Again, it changes nothing in the long run, just the dynamic of how their influences over Anakin play out.
For instances, a boy may tell his mother things he'd never tell his father, and vice versa. Also, there is a tendency to assume women are more compassionate and empathetic, so Anakin going to the woman he's closest to with his problems might raise fewer eyebrows than running to another male in a position of authority.
It might also put a subtle mother-in-law/daughter-in-law tension between Palpatine and Padme if Anakin keeps going to his mother figure with issues one might traditionally expect to be brought first to a wife.
This dynamic could be even more interesting to the explore than the mother/father of Obi-Wan and a female Palpatine, as there might be something I almost hesitate to call Cersei-like about it. Both are powerful women in politics from Naboo, but, without knowing the Sith plot in the background, it looks a lot like young, beautiful Padme's star is rising while old, aging Palpatine's star is falling. I'm sure an enterprising Sith can find some way to manipulate Anakin with that.
But otherwise... everything stays exactly the same. Fall of the Republic, rise of the Empire - and, later, fall of the Empire. The only difference is we have an Empress.
Perhaps it makes some parts of the Rebellion harder, as a female overlord might be assumed to care more for her subjects than a male, or at least speak as if she does in a manner that might be subconsciously believed more, but otherwise makes no difference.
And that's it really. All this idea boils down to is: give me Star Wars, but give me a slightly different set of interpersonal relationships between the antagonists, and, consequently, between the major figures in their lives.
Bonuses include: 1) all too often female representations of evil involve sexual deviance and/or extreme sexualization. Not here. Palpatine should be as sinister, tyrannical, and sexless as her canon counterpart. This should be especially clear in the differences in how Palpatine and Padme dress. 2) Everyone in the Jedi Temple reading a different set of problems into Anakin's friendship with the Chancellor. And 3) Luke, at some point, having learned Darth Vader is his father and seeing the relationship he has with the Empress, being force to wonder if Empress Palpatine really is his grandmother.
As always, feel free to adopt this bunny. Just let me know if you ever do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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lafcadiosadventures · 2 years
Madame Putiphar Readalong. Book One, Chapter Five:
Debby has gone to bed fully dressed, wakes up at 1 o’clock in the morning, leaves for the forest through the hardest route, taking pains to avoid being followed. Her state of mind is still shaken, given how she constantly feels like she is being followed, only to find nothing when she turns. It is true that the strange shadows and sounds in the woods confuse our senses at night, but is it really her perception playing tricks on her?
Also within: gender non conforming couples, hair and fashion as resistance to imperialism, marriage vows, and Debby’s other half.
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Debby hears an ancient melody. It’s her Patrick’s voice. Yet, she is cautious, reaches their meeting point and yells out their conveined password: “To be!” to which Patrick replies: “Or not to be!” (iconic)
The catholics are playfully blasphemous, Pat calls her “Deborah full of grace and punctuality”, to which she replies she is “blessed among all women” because her Lord is with her. Love is their religion.
Debby regrets bringing bad news to Patrick, who seems so happy, but Patrick actually already knows what has been happening in the Castle. Lady Cockermouth has already informed him of it while trying to ward him off. In an effort to put him in his place, the countess has insulted him, tutoyé’d him and called him “Pat”. Later Lord Cockermouth himself has hit him on the forehead with his riding crop. Debby reveals her bruised shoulder to him, they both blame themselves for the other’s pain and misfortune. But like Debby says, their fates are entwined, If one of the two’s fates is fatal, it will surely drag the other to a fatal end.
Patrick mourns their careless days. The time for frolicking and herborizing has passed. The time has come to take action and fight for their freedom. Patrick’s speech is of course political. The furrow between them has been dug by the aristocracy. Debby is “one of theirs”, and Patrick is “one of the people”. And adulthood complicates it all. When they were children class seemed to matter less. Debby’s uterus and children are also property of the aristocracy. As adults, Patrick’s caresses become an outrage and a stain, a potential damage to Deborah’s biological capital that must be preserved for her future husband.
Patrick reflects that although they are still teens, they will have to live on memories as old couples do: during Cockermouth’s stay in the colonies he was allowed to love her, study from her books, herborize with her, polemize and quarrel, make controversies on botanical classifications (I am sorry but I love this so much, it goes beyond the romantic trope of linking the lovers with nature, they are huge nerds, and I adore them) learning the pharmaceutical properties of the local plants, planting and caring for some of them together... loving each other, loving their country, its soil, its vegetation. But the Aristocracy has dug the furrow between them, separating them “like Romulus from Remus”, and like for Remus himself, crossing back to Romulus means Death. But Debby corrects him, they are both deep in the furrow and must climb out of it together.
Debby contemplates Patrick, who has started walking up and down under the moonlight, hard at thought. He looks like a spectre, or like the unavoidable picturesque traveller added for scale in landscape paintings. (any time is a good time to make a dig at artistic clichés)
The narrator describes Patrick so we can gaze at him along with Debby. He is tall, blond, has fine features (the description is vague enough to allow for reader input) The only thing that marked him as a plebeian was a lacking of rude shamelessness. He wore simple clothes, resembling the traditional costume of the area. His hair was arranged in glibs, traditional irish matted braids, usually paired with a shaved nape and undercuts, and he wore a crommeal moustache. (a traditional Irish moustache, usually paired with a beard, outlawed by English colonisers who at one point forbade anyone who did not speak English or had hair above their lips inside the city walls.)
Patrick makes quite a contrast in these garments and hair styles. Even to his compatriots, who complied to English fashions and took him for a madman.
But the narrator tells us Patrick had consciously decided to become a living monument to his beloved elders, to times long gone.
Only Debby appreciates this revindication through dress and hair, and she calls him her cooleen, an already old-fashioned word for beloved. (just like the word calignero in provençal, says Borel, bringing the uniformization of language debate back to France)
Borel uses language, fashion and hair to reflect on cultural colonization. He considers weekly fashions trivial fads for sheep to follow. However, folkloric and indigenous fashions are always meaningful, and that is why colonizers take pains to forbid them, to uniformize, to modernize and civilize (albeit only in appearance, while keeping the colonized in a subjugated position, with only a patina of modernity, modern looking vassals and/or clients)
I hear echoes of Montaigne’s Des cannibales in this tirade by the narrator. Montaige quotes Claudianus: “The only real victory is that which forces the enemy to admit its defeat”. He talks of conquests that are shameful for the tyrants. They can only win in tangible force, but the conquered remain undefeated in their spirits. Borel talks here of captive peoples, who are nevertheless free in spirit because they maintain their dress and refuse the colonizer’s language (this is of course not a matter of choice, you cannot blame a people for their cultural genocide when the stakes are so high and the forces so unbalanced. Also, cultural genocide is never, never total and absolute. Something always endures, in covert, hybrid ways...) Language and dress, Borel claims, are the key way in which the colonized are assimilated to the colonizers. It seems naif, reductionist. But he is referring to -attempts of- acculturation, cultural colonization, as current today as ever. From first world powers exporting their mass media everywhere, to uniformization of language and customs applied from within country borders. The idea is to bit by bit deprive the colonized of their autoctonous means of expression. Clothing styles, language, movies, music, art and literature, are all borrowed from the aspiring masters. They emit everything that’s good, enjoyable, trendy and valuable. Dressing like the colonizer, speaking its language, creates a false sense of fraternity between colonizer and colonial.
Another evocation of Montaigne. Borel: “the Irish still dream of insurrection, even when their neck is under their enemy’s foot”. Montaigne: “(...)“if you fall to the ground fight on your knees.” (Seneca) (...) He who while exhaling his last breath stares still into his enemy’s eyes with disdain and pride, that one falls defeated, not by us, but by Bad Fortune; dead maybe, but unbeaten.”
I have been often surprised by how Borel rejects a lot of the common sense of his days. Here he declares that receiving feminine education was actually good for Patrick. (we are talking of a man who would not have recieved any other education in the first place, but there’s more than that to it. Borel alludes to culturaly assigned gender roles based on biology)(you can skip the next 3 paragraphs about femenine education in europe in the 18th c)
[Feminine education was lesser than that of men in most cases. Although education varied a lot from place to place and from social classes, girls were taught to read and write and mathematics in the 1700’s, but usually did not learn history, philosophy or latin. (i am basing myself on Diderot’s “je” in Rameau’s Nephew and his biography by P.N. Furbank)(but I wish I was familiar enough to go into the Wolstonecraft vs Rousseau debate on Rousseau’s Émile) they also learned dancing, playing the piano, singing, drawing, sewing, reading, some kind of etiquette too. Diderot claims teaching his daughter mathematics, history and philosophy was seen as an excentricity, common sense said it was unnecessary, even bad for women to know more than what they needed. Even Diderot’s wife was against this unconventional education for their daughter.
Rousseau's Émile starts promisingly enough claiming both boys and girls are children, and that it's absurd to have two names for creatures who resemble each other so much. But that degenerates soon enough. He soon lays a strong distinction on how boy’s and girl’s educations should be: women only need enought strength to do everything gracefully. "The exaggeration of feminine delicacy leads to effeminacy in men. Women should not be strong like men but for them, so that their sons may be strong."
An earlier author like La Barre, pleas for equal education for women, claims giving them equal education would reinvigorate the nation. (and Diderot talks of how France, Europe is willingly depriving itself of potential geniuses when denying equal education to women. Even Rousseau admits the few women allowed to make careers have never failed to shine and excel in their fields...)]
But Borel means here gender roles as well. Patrick was educated in etiquette and enunciation as Debby, so he speaks like a girl and maybe gesticulates like one too. He spoke with grace and elegance, and had become discreet. His appearance, percieved as wild, was very much in contrast with very graceful, delicate, effeminate manners. And for Borel this is a positive. In the same way that Debby’s company and education have effeminated Patrick, Patrick’s masculinity has also influenced Debby’s gender presentation, making her a bit masculine and that is also extremely positive in this book.
[This seems to allude to the perfect androgyne couple trope so beloved by Romantics -I’ve seen this a lot in Balzac who takes this from Swedenborg, who might have been inspired by Aristophanes humorous explanation of the origin of love in Plato’s Symposium/the Banquet? -> (soulmates exist because the primitive humans were dual beings. We had no backs, we were a single being conformed of two people blended in one. Aristophanes explains sexual orientations claiming the dual beings were conformed by two women, two men or a woman and a man. But the gods had them separated because these primigenian humans were too strong. So that’s why we are born alone nowadays, forced to search for our half which might be anywhere in the globe.)]
Their characters are described as complementary, Debby is passionate and impulsive, Patrick is usually calm and reflective. This is not attributed to an essencialism (!) these aren’t any intrinsic feminine and masculine qualities. They simply have what the other needs, just like Aristophanes’ proto-humans. Their opposition is also taken to their physical features. Debby has dark skin, black eyes, eyebrows and hair. The difference is also taken to the hair styling. Debby has to be proper and wear her hair tied up, ribboned and powdered.
But they have one trait in common: they both dream and are hungry for adventures.
[(tick “comparison to a sculpture in the Romanticism bingo card”: Patrick turns to Debby who is looking just like a funereal monument by Canova. My edition informs me Canova was first hailed as a hero by the Romantics, but later on dropped because his work was considered too cold and static)(his most iconic work might be his Cupid and Psyche which is very neoclassical but graceful and light, really pretty)(not a funereal monument but this Maddalena penitente seems really fitting, also adjacent to romantic interests and themes)]
Patrick resolves to leave alone. He doesn’t want to tear Debby away from her status and confort without being able to offer her stability. He suggests France, a country of which he has a very idealized, rosy eyed image. He thinks irishmen are loved and well received there. Especially if they intend to work as priests or soldiers. So Patrick proposes to leave first, get a job and have Debby join him once it’s safe. She refuses. She not only cannot bear the idea of being separated, but also has the imperative reason that is the final suitor her father expects her to marry under pain of being sent to a correction facility for women in England. She literally needs to leave now. So they agree to leave together. For France. Debby also idealizes France (we will see if our author does? Does he share the same exalted feelings for his nation we can find in authors like Balzac, Hugo, Diderot, who while being extremely critical, can also write in all earnestness that Paris is the brain of France and France is the Brain of the World? We shall see what kind of future France, royalist France has stored for our protagonists)
They agree to leave in the distraction of Cockermouth birthday party, at midnight. They kneel and exchange vows that are both catholic and pagan, their witnesses are God, Nature, Earth and the Heavens. Debby gives Phadruig her grandfather’s ring. They both thank the Desolate lands for having lent them so many times their discreet shadows. Their moans will never disturb them any longer. They blend into a violent embrace, they do not notice where they are standing any more until they feel the water of the torrent has already reached their knees. This peril only could break the spell that possessed them.
When returning to the Castle Debby once again has the impression she is being followed. But this time she almost certainly is. She looses her shawl, when she turns to pick it up, the shawl is gone. She hears a shot and screams out. Her fear is confirmed: the postern gate she had locked before leaving was now open.
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random-user-guy · 2 years
Darien Clifford
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(made with picrew)  MC I sent some days ago to @cheerstotheelites-if​ 
Age: 17
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they/them
Class Section: 12-A
Nickname/s: Twisted Clown, Crazy Bastard.... etc. 
ID Number: 22-7895
Club: Photography
▶  Quiet / Loud in nature
 ▶  A genuine cinnamon (rarely) / Sarcastic Bitch (predominantly in school)
▶ Understanding / Insensitive
▶ The friendliest you’ll ever meet (a mix between Cooper and Eliseo)
▶ Emotional / Rational 
▶ Stoic / Expressive 
▶ Rule follower/Rule breaker
Playing video games alone or with his friends
Stirring up trouble (”School life would get boring otherwise”)
Hanging out with his friends
Petting Zephyrine’s cat
Bullying the bullies into stopping the bullying Rehabilitating the bullies (thanks god emery is coming in ‘the next chapters to change this idiot)
Helping their mom with the house chores
Taking photos of cloud shapes (The sky gets even more beautiful after the rain. The chaos creates new cloud shapes for people to enjoy”)
Writing poetry whenever inspired by the nature around them
Relationships part 1
▶ Parents
Has good relationship with both of their parents, but they are slightly closer to their mother than their father due to their shared hobby of photography. They tend to affectionately tease their mother a lot too which can get in Felicity’s nerves sometimes. If they’ve made their mother mad, they try to make up for it by helping her out or doing something for her. As for their father, they go to visit him at their work whenever they have time to. Both because they want to meet their father and because they want to see if any cat is around for them to pet. Darien will usually bring one or two stray animals for Zeke to check out if they are healthy or not and hopefully convince him to let them adopt one of the animals. 
“I’m grateful for the parents I have and for the friendship and bond they’ve created with me. I have seen them work hard to raise me since I was young, though I was lonely from time to time, so I’d like to one day, when they get older, to provide for them and make them proud.”
▶ Weylyn
His childhood best friend and the only person to whom they confide to. In Lumintoille they are polar opposites, one is an excellent twisted and hotheaded troublemaker while the other is the kind and warm President of Lumintoille.No one can even comprehend how this two are friends. But the crazy bastard becomes more normal around their friend. 
They lower their head and accept Weylyn’s admonishing when they’ve gone too far with their antics at school and try not to do them again, but not much change can be seen in their antics for now. 
They go to the Rutherford household to hang out with Weylyn and have a taste of the legendary cooking of Weylyn’s mother. They are currently learning how to cook from her so that they can make their favourite Rutherford dishes themselves. They are very obedient and polite when staying here quite different from when they are at school. 
“Weylyn is one of those friends who come only once or twice in a lifetime. I may not be as good of a friend as he deserves but know that I will cherish this friendship for as long as I live”
▶ Zephyrine (their soon-to-be crush/ RO)
An unusual friendship started over the love for cats. Zeph’s cat one day had gone outside the house and stumbling upon Darien who started cooing at her and tried to pet her. Zeph was searching for her and when she found her cat being petted by Darien. They started talking about her cat with Darien interrogating her on how she took care of her cat while keeping notes on their little notebook (they might have some screws loose now that I think about it😂). 
Darien has tried to make Zephyrine show her true self more to them at least but at the beginning they had no success. They, nonetheless, continued in their quest and still do even now. They want to be to Zephyrine what Weylyn has been to them.
“Zephyrine is my cat lover friend who I want to know more about. She might look like an open book and like she is a social butterfly with thousands of friends, but I can see a glimpse of sadness,loneliness and insecurity in her...” 
“I want to know more about Zephyrine.”
Bedroom Design
A plain,simple and minimalistic bedroom for a suprisingly minimalist student
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loves-em · 11 months
As previously stated, I do things. Such as many, many school projects. Anything I can get my hands on. In one of these projects, the members are a little bold with the teachers, who don't really seem to care much.
So not only am I part of the student exchange, I am also part of another project. For privacy reasons, I will not mention it's name. It's an international thing here in Europe where people from all countries meet up. They are connected through one language though. I am part of the team for my school and we are in planning right now. As of the time writing this, it's not much longer until we're headed off to the place. Updates shall follow.
Since we will be doing plenty of workshops there, we have to make preparations. We are 8 people in total and 1 used to be on the waiting list. She was allowed to join in recently because another school reported that someone would not be able to come. Two others, including the one that joined later, and me are in one subgroup. Our preparation task was to write a short play.
I'm kind of proud of it, so here's a summary: Two duos meet up. They're teens from 1966 and 1996, two each. One group has time traveled. After finding this out, they discuss the differences of their times and talk about what they believe the word freedom means. The play ends in us breaking character and telling the audience what it mean to us and how that differs from back then. We will also ask the audience to describe their current definition of freedom and ask their expectations for the future.
It's going to be one boy and one girl from each time, as to also tackle sexism in the play and have the binary genders' viewpoints represented as well. The initial group (us, the ones who write the play) is 3 girls, so only 2 of us should play in the play. So we wanted another 2 boys from the group to take the leftover roles.
Initially, it would have only been 2 girls anyway, but the teachers advised us to make it have 4 people, so we made it 4 people.
Now, noone of the boys wanted the roles. "It would be a lot to learn, text-wise". "They also had their own tasks in preparations". That was their main point. It was fair though, everyone had to do something. But someone needs to do this as well! And we're allowed to take the script up to the stage as well. It's not much to learn, only about 2mins of active talking each.
We (the writers) messeged into the group chat (where the teachers are!), asking for someone to please take the roles.
Context time: One teacher is a guy in his mid-late thirties, very chill teacher and an incredibly based person. Due to hum being so laid-back, students don't respect him much, talking over him often. He is one of my favourite teachers ever and I have him in both latin and history. Even though everyone disrespects him all the time, most seem to like him. Cool guy.
The other teacher is a woman, slightly older than teacher 1. She is incredibly strict when it comes to grading but also very consistent and fair in grading. Her requirements are unusually high, but fulfillable. She also dresses a bit oddly and has interesting manners of speech and behaviour. Most think she's weird and dislike her for her strictness. All she does is set boundaries for her students. She also just handles being disrespected with absolute consequences for anyone. She is a powerful presence and I love her so much for it. She really cares and is very dedicated if you ask for her help. She is so fair and professional and competent! Everyone else at the very least dislikes her techniques.
Context time over.
After sending our request into the group chat, it went wild. The chat used to be semi-formal. No fancy speech, but also very respectful. The boys went haywire. They insulted one-another as sons of bitches, and in return as sexists. They got political. They insulted mothers and other family members. They were vile and unhinged and straight up bold. They called both teachers by their first names for fun. This is a group chat with the teachers in it!
I was very confused afterwards. Where does such boldness come from? Especially with teacher 2! She is usually very much respected as a teacher, and now they go on to write insults (not to her, dw) in a group chat she's in and call her by her first name?! Crazy, so it seems. We still haven't decided on who gets each role, and we're leaving for the place in less than a week.
I hope the boldness of these young boys will wear off and they'll take the roles, otherwise that would mean stress and work for us.
If anyone reads this, what do you think? I find this boldness weird and wanted to ask if that's normal for boys that age (16-17).
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ebergeaud2 · 1 year
Initial ideas for Extended Visual Essay
[Idea 1]
What deems a man, a man? Or a woman a woman? Deep in the recesses of our collective consciousness is the part of our brains that distinguishes the man and the women. Conditioned by our lived experiences, whether they be; anthropological, financial, economical, sociological or perhaps even geographical. After having written the 1st Year essay regarding femininity in the scope of Asian Cinema and Culture; I wanted to delve deeper into this idea of binaries which I had barely scratched the surface of in first year. In addition, it was from the writings of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler with their books ‘History of Sexuality’ (1976) and ‘Gender Trouble’ (1990) respectively, in the 2nd Year that piqued my fascination with the true definition of binaries.
Intrigued that such a topic is so deeply engrained within the fabric of our daily lives, that rarely do we question the boundaries and definitions that we set ourselves. Discussion around the topic has, what I think, started to become a bit banal; rarely spoken about across generations. Only recently gaining traction after the release of the Barbie Movie (2023, dir. Greta Gerwig). It was from this movie, that I had only started seeing and questioned aspects of it in our daily lives, what influences these stereotypes and how they came to be. Two possible avenues that I could explore would be how hobbies can contribute to the reinforcement of gender identities or perhaps how the passing down of generational philosophies inherently maintains the status quo of either binary.
Artists that come to mind are Grayson Perry. Especially considering his extensive work on the lives of labourers in the UK midlands, specifically quarrymen and factory workers; victim to the deindustrialisation and outsourcing of work from the UK. Not to mention the privatisation of the UK during the late 1980s putting people out of jobs. Perry investigates the psychological impact that such an event had on the masculine identities of the men inhabiting derelict industrial towns; The feeling of being emasculated as a result.
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Possible artists:
-Douglas Greenwood
-Sophie Day
-Zanele Muholi
-Jennie Baptist’s
-Nan Goldin
-Corinne Day
[Idea 2]
One other idea also stems from the previous idea, but more of a focus into my personal background. My upbringing as a 2nd generation immigrant. South East Asian culture or perhaps encompassing Asia as a whole. Delving into queer identities and gender norms through the lens of immigrant communities. Not to mention gender politics and traditions pre-colonial era in the Philippines. One interesting facet of Philippine history was the Babaylan tribe.
Predominantly a matriarchal society, the Babaylans were a tribe that were prominent during the pre-colonial era. Consisting of mostly women in positions of power, with men playing a similar role. While my level of knowledge surrounding this topic. It is interesting that a lot of the gender traditions that persist today have been due to colonial powers. Because of this, I wanted to explore this transition and the history of these unique identities that pre-date the arrival of colonial powers.
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d2kvirus · 1 year
Dickheads of the Month: September 2023
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of September 2023 to make sure that they are never forgotten.  
When there is speculation that Russell Brand might be at the centre of a Dispatches expose into a comedian with a track record of sexual assault, the worst thing Russell Brand could have done is release a video a few hours ahead of the episode where he makes it obvious he is the likely subject, especially when that video not only contains an obvious edit where he uses the word "consensual" plus his defence being that he has the support of both Andrew Tate and billionaire manchild Elon Musk
...so, of course, billionaire manchild Elon Musk agrees with Brand's nonsensical blathering being "proof" of a conspiracy against QAnon and antivax fucktards and not, say, Brand's history of extremely dodgy behaviour getting exposed for all to see which has nothing to do with political stances and more to do with Brand being a rapey piece of shit
...while failed nepo baby Lawrence Fox also decided to stick his oar in trying to make out that people should speak up when rapey antivax whackjobs' history of being rapey pieces of shit catches up to him, which mainly makes it look like Lozza skimmed the copy and thought it said racist and not rapist which is why he had to come rushing to Brand's defence, while Bev Turner went as far as to say that he would always be welcome on GB News if he wasn't busy raping women
...and then along came Frances Weetman to side with Brand, apparently forgetting Gender Critical bellends are supposed to be protecting women and children and not, say, publicly siding with somebody who raped women and groomed 16-year olds
Of course Gillian Keegan would prefer you think her rant after being asked questions about the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete scandal as if it wasn't entirely performative, rather than remember that earlier this year she asked if it was possible to keep a lid on it for two years so it would be somebody else's problem
...but the amount of Tory leaders the scandal covers is quite astounding, starting with David Cameron dropping plans to address the issue as far back as 2010 after Michael Gove urged him to drop the plans Gordon Brown put in place, then Theresa May ignored the issue when it crossed her desk in 2017, to the surprise of absolutely nobody proven liar Boris Johnson handwaved it away as some piddling detail while his chancellor Rishi Sunak cut education funding, so basically the only Tory leader since 2010 who can't be blamed is Liz Truss as she wasn't there long enough for the issue to be brought to her attention
...although Rishi Sunak didn't help himself by insisting that 95% of schools are safe...which means that 1 in 20 aren't, or the best part of 500,000 schoolchildren are at risk of the roof collapsing on their heads, or smartarses on Tumblr pointing out that his defence was him asking "But other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"
...and then it emerge that Gillian Keegan signed off on £1m of the schools rebuilding budget going to a firm where her husband is a non-executive director
Billionaire manchild Elon Musk decided that the reason why Twitter's ad revenue has nosedived has absolutely nothing to do with the tsunami of racism, homophobia and everything else that Matt Walsh does for click and is, in fact, entirely the fault of the Anti Defamation League...or to put it another way, he's blaming Jews for all his problems. Again
...once again billionaire manchild Elon Musk demonstrated that he doesn't like the fact that he had to follow through with his pledge to donate Starlink drones to Ukraine, with him interfering with Starlink to disable the drones and allow Russian missiles at Ukrainian cities, meaning he now has blood on his hands. Concerning
...and of course billionaire manchild Elon Musk could only respond to that scab Bill Maher saying he'd revive his show without writers to get around strike rules by begging Maher to stream his show on Twitter in the hope that advertisers would pay attention to him
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk met with Benjamin Netanyahu (because Elon's not a raging antisemite, regardless of the things he tweets and likes with his Twitter account which are antisemitic dogwhistles) and floated the idea that all Twitter users would have to pay to use the platform, which is no doubt also the fault of the Anti Defamation League and/or the Soros Organization
...soon afterwards we saw billionaire manchild Elon Musk begging Taylor Swift to stream her music or concerts videos on Twitter, because begging people to get some eyes on the dying platform which he is killing one moronic decision at a time doesn't look pathetic at all
...which was followed by billionaire manchild Elon Musk crying about how noted rapist Russell Brand posted a video trying not to directly deny the numerous allegations about him on Rumble, when he could have posted that video on Twitter instead
...shortly followed by billionaire manchild Elon Musk casually tweeting that he'd sacked Twitter's election integrity team, sounding uncannily like Kari Lake while throwing that little nugget of information out there
Fascist pitbull Suella Braverman says that being gay is not a reason to claim asylum in the UK, apparently forgetting the 11 countries where homosexuality is punishable with death meaning that, yes, being gay is a very fucking good reason to seek asylum if the other option is your execution
Ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak showed just how nice and relatable he is when he scrapped the Tories' Net Zero plans on a whim in the vain hope that would somehow get a few more votes from people afflicted with ULEZ Derangement Syndrome
Bloodsucking parasite Tim Gurner forgot that the one thing you should never do during a panel discussion is suggest that unemployment raise from 40% to 50% in order to make the workforce more productive, because that's the sort of thing you should say in private so people merely suspect you're a mercenary cunt instead of knowing that you are
Unifying force Keir Starmer showed just how different he is from the Tories, especially in the face of Suella Braverman sounding utterly demented about migrants, by suggesting that he would classify migrant children in the same category as terror suspects
...this was before unifying force Keir Starmer showed just how much he values free and open discourse within his version of the Labour party by outright banning all mention of rejoining the EU or mention of the two-child cap during the Labour conference, with threats of expulsion against anybody who spoke the against party line...you know, like Starmer did at the 2018 Labour party conference
...while the Youtube channel of Keir Starmer's Labour Party has expunged the videos of every one of Jeremy Corbyn's conference speeches as Labour leader, yet for some reason the hard centre extremist have not spoken of "Stalinist Purges"
Why is Liz Truss being given the oxygen of publicity on the one year anniversary of her crashing the economy, especially as she is using that oxygen to say people should not be allowed to say she crashed the economy? Own it or shut the fuck up
The link between stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik and bomb threats being sent to schools or libraries which she screeches about online is now being investigated by USA Today - and the best that Raicik can come up with in response to one of their journalists asking for a comment is to do the "Hur hur, you have pronouns in your bio" bit as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility
Jumped-up gameshow judge Alan Sugar had yet another one of his genius business ideas, in this case trying to claim non-UK residency in order to try and dodge a tax bill of £186m - only to be told that, as a member of the House of Lords, he literally can't do that. So, naturally, because the Streisand Effect is a foreign concept to him he's threatening to sue his advisors, because apparently you can't be on The Apprentice without being a crook...
The bar for being a weird creep was taken to new heights by the combined efforts of Sam Pepper and Ice Poseidon when they picked up a random bloke off the street, paid for an escort, and then told them to fondle for their Kick livestream with one of Kick's co-founders sat in the room giggling at the whole thing - even when neither the bloke or the escort were allowed leave when they were obviously uncomfortable with being streamed uncomfortably fondling for a couple of creepy weirdos
The higher-ups at Unity appear to have graduated from the Elon Musk School of Businessing, what with their sudden decision to demand an install fee for anyone using their engine be they AAA studios or a gave dev working out of their bedroom on a game for years would suddenly be tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket at certain thresholds of installation - which Unity also decided to backdate. Funnily enough, devs left and right have said they will stop using Unity going forward if they stick to this idiotic plan
The worst thing about HeelvsBabyface losing his shit on stream about Starfield allowing players to choose their character's pronouns in the character creator is that he's convinced himself that he didn't look like a brain damaged camel's testicle ranting and raving about something which genuinely doesn't affect the game in the slightest and can be easily ignored - unlike his history of casual transphobia which was brought up after his complete meltdown, which suggests that his rant was more pre-planned than he would like to admit
It might be a better look for Penny Mordaunt if she didn't try to claim that Wales introducing a 20mph speed limit in built-up areas was a vision of what life under Labour would be like, what with Portsmouth having a 20mph speed limit in built-up areas. That's Portsmouth, where Penny Mordaunt is a sitting MP
Failed nepo baby Lawrence Fox is having yet another normal one, what with him tweeting how black Britons should "fuck off back to Jamaica" - but remember, don't call him a racist, there's nothing racist about the things he says, does or tweets...
...soon afterwards failed nepo baby Lawrence Fox unwittingly gave credence to my joke about him from the Russell Brand block at the top of this word salad when he tweeted "rapist is the new racist" - which is an interesting take given the amount of casually racist things he says and tweets...
...and then failed nepo baby Lawrence Fox had the brilliant idea of appearing on GB News where he devoted a lot of time and effort into saying how he wouldn't shag Ava Santina, all while noted danger to his co-workers Dan Wooton was giggling along - which promptly saw GB News suspend him, which was great timing as it was also announced he owed £36,000 of damages to people he falsely accused of being paedophiles on Twitter
...which was soon followed by fake vicar Calvin Robinson acting as if him speaking out in favour of Fox was him taking some principled stand - and he was promptly suspended by GB News for being an attention-seeking knobhead who probably should have noticed that, when the Daily Mail finally had an excuse for sacking Dan Wootton for his part in the whole affair without having to wait for the "Martin Branning" investigation to wrap up, no, it is about as good an idea to publicly side with Fox as it is to use a photo of the Natural History Museum on your fake church's website
Utterly bizarre decision by Napoli to post a TikTik mocking Victor Osimhen after he missed a penalty, considering Osimhen is their own player - which was soon followed by the utterly revolting decision to post a TikTok which racially abused Osimhen, which led to Osimhen threatening legal action against the club
Good of Grant Schapps to show how suited to the role of Defence Secretary that he is by now knowing the difference between the Royal Navy and the RAF
The Last Night of the Proms really got Harvey Proctor worked up, frothing at the mouth about people waving Council of Europe flags and demanding an investigation into them so they could be named and punished, which is an interesting suggestion considering an investigation into Proctor could produce some interesting results, and a few days later Richard Tice decided it was his turn to harrumph at people expressing their free speech by waving flags and how that should not be allowed, because irony is apparently something women do with the laundry
So when Sneako is confronted with children regurgitating his misogynistic and transphobic talking points word-for-word, whose fault did he say it was? That's right, the rainbow flags in classrooms forcing an agenda as the media emasculates people and not, say, some fuckwit emulating the Andrew Tate grift to children who then repeat his talking points word-to-word to him in public
Nominative determinism debunker James Cleverley picked an interesting defence of Susan Hall and her track record of sharing Twitter content from Katie Hopkins as well as tweets praising Enoch Powell: starting with "She is like many of us in the Tory party" and not realising what that would suggest
Not a good look by the Canadian Parliament to give a standing ovation to a Ukrainian who fought against the Russians during WWII, considering the minor detail that Ukrainians fighting against the Russians during WWII meant they were fighting alongside members of the Waffen SS
Totally normal from Scott Adams to suddenly blurt out that he is not feeling suicidal, because he's that far gone he thinks the CIA have the Dilbert guy at the top of their kill list for...something
It's only fitting that Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a performance of the Beetlejuice musical for *deep breath* blowing vape in the face of a pregnant woman who was sat behind her and offering to make it up to her by buying her a cocktail, and the reason she was blowing huge clouds of vape was trying to distract from giving the man she was with a handjob in a crowded theatre, which really makes her "Don't you know who I am?" hissy fit when getting escorted out that much more ridiculous, because if she left quietly the details might not have come out
Remarkable foresight by Easther and Vernie Bennett in torpedoing Eternal's 30th anniversary reunion tour by refusing to play at any LGBT festivals unless the organisers denounced the trans community, considering Eternal have a sizeable LGBT following (although quite why the Daily Express singled out Louise Redknapp for abuse for pulling the plug on the tour as if Kelle Bryan, who also pulled the plug after the Bennetts decided to be TERFs, doesn't exist does say a lot about how that paper operates...)
For some reason Jordan Peterson is ranting and raving at various Sesame Street characters, which is definitely a normal thing which a normal adult man would do
According to Liverpool supporters the reason they lost 2-1 to Tottenham wasn't because they conceded two goals to Tottenham's one, having had two players sent off for reckless fouls during the match, but actually because the referees for that match were at a tournament in Abu Dhabi a few days before which obviously means that Sheikh Mansour was there to give them all bribes to cost them that upcoming weekend's match in order to prevent the biggest rivals to Manchester City from posing a threat to their title challenge. That would be the "biggest rivals" who finished fifth in the 2022-3 season, while this tournament was sponsored by Emirates and has nothing to do with Sheikh Mansour or the City Football Group, so only the most deranged of Liverpool fan (or equally deranged Arsenal fans who also scream "FIX!!!") would believe such drivel - such drivel which has the undertone of "They all look the same to me!" to it, at that...
And finally we have registered sex offender Donald Trump not only buying a Glock in obvious breach of his bail conditions, but insisting on being filmed buying a Glock and posing for photos after buying a Glock, all because he's such a stable genius
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lightsblooming · 2 years
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hi! this is an independent low-activity rp blog for a child oc! enjoy your stay!
 as a girl so much smaller than her peers, mary is a quiet child that has grown up in her very few years of life being invisible to everyone around her. accustomed to neglect at the orphanage, she's developed the habit of internalizing her thoughts and needs; now driven by her anxieties, to the point where just about everything brings her fear.
despite her comfortability with being a background character, she's also an aspiring princess who tries her best to be kind and friendly - hoping to one day become an expert at hosting the kind of fancy tea parties where everyone is invited so that no one has to feel alone.
from an unfavored start to suddenly being thrust into the beginning of the rest of her life, mary's story is one about navigating the fragility of childhood, the perserverance of heart in the face of cowardice, and the journey of girlhood in a world that does so little to protect it.
at the end of this story, mary will never be brave. she will grow, as all little girls who learn to love themselves do, and eventually she'll come to realize within herself that maybe fear isn't a tragedy, at all—but a strength.
this is a low-activity child rp blog!
i have beta editor only.
PLOTTING IS NECESSARY. it will take all of two seconds and consists of two questions: 1. is mary under your muse’s care? 2. and if you’d prefer that she isn’t, what is your muse’s relationship to hers? ( optional; see: here ) … all done!
multiverse; mary is an ordinary girl that can fit into any canon
i’m aware that child oc blogs are kind of dependent on other muses, so i am least likely to follow blogs first, with a few exceptions to other kid muses and related characters
if you’d like to create a verse together with your muse, feel free to let me know! this is what the flexibility of my oc is for!
I WILL UNFOLLOW BLOGS that don’t plot / write with me
DNI: pr0ship losers, minors, non-mutuals
be nice : )
thanks for reading!
Name: mary Birth date: march 17 Gender: cis girl Sexuality: hetero
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Age: 4-5 years old Weight: 43 lbs. Height: 3'5" Body build: slim Shape of face: round Eye color: brown Glasses or contacts: none Ethnicity: unknown ( ambiguous ) Skin tone: beige, tanned Distinguishing marks: none Predominant features: large, bright eyes, long eyelashes Hair color: brown & light brown Type of hair: mostly straight, medium-thick, curly at the ends Hairstyle: shoulder length cut, loose sweeping bangs, sometimes wears double buns Voice: soft, high Disabilities/disorders: anxiety, ptsd Usual fashion of dress: dresses, shoes, ribbons, soft colors Favorite outfit: frilly yellow dress, white stocking / socks, babydoll shoes, hair ribbons, glitter polish Jewelry or accessories: ribbons, bows, barrettes, stickers, earrings, bracelets, rings
PERSONALITY Good personality traits: friendly, curious, helpful, polite Bad personality traits: shy, afraid, anxious, doesn’t speak up about needs Mood character is most often in: calm, happy, dreamy, cautious
FAVORITES Color: yellow, pink, cream Least favorite color: green, black Music: music box, sing-a-longs Food: peanut butter and honey sandwiches
HABITS Hobbies: dolls, dress up, tea parties Plays a musical instrument? no, but might want to Plays a sport? no How he/she would spend a rainy day: playing pretend in her room Nervous tics: hiding, crying, fidgeting hands, looking down, thumb sucking Usual body posture: correct posture, tucked to herself Mannerisms: lots of careful nodding and headshakes, expressive eyes, gripping the hem of her dress, gentle touching Peculiarities: hoards flowers, silent mover
TRAITS Optimist or pessimist? optimist Introvert or extrovert? introvert Daredevil or cautious? cautious Logical or emotional? emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? both Confident or unsure? unsure Animal lover? mostly in a theoretical sense, not practical
RELATIONSHIPS W/ OTHERS Opinion of other people in general: strangers are scary, but everyone is important Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: yes, because she has trouble speaking up about her needs and sharing her opinions Person character most hates: bullies and monsters Best friend(s): n/a but probably an imaginary friend or a stuffed animal Love interest(s): n/a Person character goes to for advice: stuffed animal Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: toys Person character feels shy or awkward around: everyone Person character openly admires: pretty people, brave people
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ginovasims · 2 years
A twelve generation legacy challenge based on the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each generation will have a different set of goals and requirements before the new heir takes over.
Aging must be turned on, but you can have it at any length you wish (I recommend long but it is entirely your choice).
Each goal must be met before the new heir takes over.
You cannot give the sims dramatic makeovers or personality adjustments. Slight changes to the appearance are fine but they can’t be made into a whole new sim.
If you do this challenge, please credit me (@ginovasims).
Vague guidelines/suggestions:
Heir can be any gender, they don’t have to be female. They can also be any sexuality. 
Children don’t have to be genetic, they can be adopted, BUT they must be adopted as a baby/toddler.
Mods and custom content can be used.
The generations will offer three traits, you do not need the heir to have all three traits, but they MUST have at least TWO of them.
If you cannot add any of the required traits when the heir is a child, you are able to choose another trait and change it to the correct trait when available (either as a teen or YA). You can do this through cheats in CAS. But the same rule applies that you must have at least two of the offered traits by the time the heir is a YA.
If you do not have all of the packs required to complete the requirements for each generation, either find a similar alternative or skip that rule. But where possible, you must complete each generation requirement.
(OPTIONAL) I have assigned each generation a colour, you don’t have to follow this at all, or you can only use it as much as you want. You don’t need a whole yellow house with a sim only dressed in yellow, for example. It’s up to you!
(OPTIONAL) I have also given every generation a different theme to name their children. Again, this is all optional and you can ignore this, I just thought it would be fun and add a little extra challenge by coming up with different names you might not always use.
(OPTIONAL) Use the hashtag #StarSignChallenge on tweets, posts, and videos.
Inspiration: I am aware there are other zodiac inspired legacy challenges, but I have never done one myself and I didn’t read others before creating my own. I wanted to make sure all of the generations were entirely my own without feeling like I took inspiration from other challenges. All of the personalities and requirements are based on stereotypes of the signs.
Thank yous: I want to give shoutouts to three amazing people who really helped me out with this challenge. Without them, this challenge wouldn’t be how it is now!
@SushioSims - you have been absolutely incredible this whole process. You were there from the start of the challenge through to the end. Listening to my endless rambles and crazy ideas, as well as giving me suggestions and feedback too.
@thehungrysimmer - you supported me at the beginning with my ideas and I appreciate your eye for detail, especially with spelling/grammar mistakes!
@simsbooo - you read the challenge in one sitting when the first draft was done so I applaud your dedication as it’s not short or quick to read! You also helped me with the colour and name themes, which I definitely struggled with at times. WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/n8hpcOOGU7c I posted a video talking about this new challenge, and I also created my founder for this challenge which I'll be playing on YouTube!
Generation 1 - Aries
You have always been an independent and confident person. Even since childhood, you knew what you wanted to do and had a plan to get there. You dreamed of becoming- no, you WOULD become a politician, with the aim of making the world a better place. You wouldn’t let anything get in your way and put all your efforts into climbing to the top in the world of politics. You make friends with like-minded people and bump heads with those you don’t get on with as well. Your main issue is that you have never liked it when people tell you what to do. You often get easily frustrated when you think people are saying that you’re unable to do something. You never turn down a challenge and have always been extremely passionate about all of your interests. Anything bold and daring, you’d try it. The first time you visit Mt. Komorebi, you know this is where you want to be. The snowy slopes mean that you can spend as much time as you want rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding… anything to give you an adrenaline boost! You live for a life of thrills, always on the edge, heart-racing. You have always been loyal, sticking by your friends through thick and thin. It’s the same in relationships. In your eyes, love is built on trust and loyalty, and you would never forget this. You will always fight for what you believe is right and support the people you love, no matter what.
Any partner must be a good friend before you start romancing them
Never cheat on a partner
You must never initiate a breakup or divorce, but your partner can if it fits the story
Never go down without a fight - if anyone is negative towards you first, you must use at least three mean or mischievous actions straight away
Master any extreme sport 
Have at least two tattoos
Dye your hair a bright colour at least twice in your YA life
Get pregnant/get someone pregnant from public woohoo
When your first born child is a toddler, adopt a puppy. When this dog becomes an elder, adopt another puppy so you have two dogs in your household. You should keep repeating this so your children always have at least two dogs in the house. 
Reach at least level 7 of the politics career
Reach at least level 3 of the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Master all of the extreme sports
Woohoo in 5 different locations (hot tub, bush, sauna, etc.)
Have the adrenaline seeker lifestyle 
Make sure you have enough household funds to give your heir 30k when they move out
Reach level 10 of the politics career 
Complete the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration 
Give children winter themed names
Traits: Hot-headed, Self-assured, Adventurous 
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Politics (politician branch)
Colour: Navy Blue
Generation 2 - Taurus
You grew up close to your parents and, because of their hot-headed nature, you have quite a short temper as well, and your problems can often seem trivial. The smallest things can offset your balance and get inside your head. But that’s okay, because you’ve found something to help you cope and distract you: food. You love to cook. Whenever you get stressed, you go to the kitchen and let all your frustration out into your cooking. And it pays off, your food is incredible. You spent your teen years cooking and dreaming about a future doing the same. Your dream is to one day own your own restaurant, but you need to make a name for yourself in the cooking industry first. Starting from the bottom won’t be easy, but you know you have the drive and the talent to make it. Nothing will stop you from achieving your dream. Even though you had a really close relationship with your parents, they did work a lot, meaning you spent a lot of time home alone. Well, not alone. You always had dogs in the house. It’s true when they say that dogs are a man’s best friend. You can’t imagine ever living without a dog. They’re just as much a part of your family as any sim ever could be. After long and stressful shifts, you know you will always come home to your furry friend.
Move out with your family dogs and always make sure to have at least one dog in the household 
Become companions with at least one dog
Anytime a negative high maintenance moodlet appears, you must cook any meal (you don’t have to eat it, just cook)
Reach level 5 of the culinary career before quitting your job and opening a restaurant (if you don’t have dine out, stay in the culinary career, chef branch)
Marry a co-worker/restaurant employee
Reach level 10 of the cooking and gourmet cooking skills
Have twins (can cheat for this)
Host dinner parties and invite your parents at least every other week
Reach level 3 of the master chef aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Reach level 8 of the culinary career before quitting to open a restaurant (or reach level 10 if you don’t have dine out)
Have your restaurant reach at least 4 stars
Get a university degree in the culinary arts
Reach level 10 of the baking skill
Complete the master chef aspiration
Give children food themed names
Traits: Dog lover, High maintenance, Foodie
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary (chef branch)
Colour: Orange
Generation 3 - Gemini
Being a twin, you always feel like you have to try harder to carve your own personality. You and your twin aren’t the same person, just because you look the same. You are unique and will prove that to everyone, in the most dramatic and fun ways you can think of. You’re a bold and confident person who wants to stand out, in every sense. You always worked hard in school, but it came easy to you to get good grades. You’re a natural genius, and aren’t afraid to show off and boast about it. You have a variety of friends and enjoy meeting new people, and you’ve never been afraid to experiment with fun and different styles or hobbies. Because of your parent’s high maintenance attitude and their frequent freaking out at little things, you’ve become a bit unpredictable as well. No one knows what mood you’ll be in, or how you’ll react to things. You enjoy this though, you like that people see you as an enigma. Life would be boring without a bit of spontaneity! It’s the same with your work life, and in romance too. You can’t settle in one job for a long time; you always get bored and want to try something new. You’re no different with relationships. You never really have a serious, long-term partner. It’s not that you aren’t interested in romance, it’s more that the idea of exploring new romances and people excites you more than settling down with one partner forever. You have always been inspired by your grandparent’s love of adventure. You want to explore different cultures, try new things, and be courageous! But can you keep up with this lifestyle forever?
Achieve an A grade throughout school
Achieve an A grade at university 
Change your university degree between your first and second term
Always wear bright colours
Have at least two piercings 
Take a ‘gap year’ before and after university and spend at least 4 days on vacation (different locations for the two holidays)
Get pregnant/get someone pregnant from woohoo with a friend at a party
Stay friends and co-parent with your child’s other parent
Never get married
Reach level 3 of the renaissance sim aspiration
When your child is a toddler, move house. Move again when they are a teenager
Optional Requirements: 
Change your university degree at least two times
Visit Mt. Komorebi with your grandparent (if they are still alive) at least twice in your life 
Complete the renaissance sim aspiration 
Uproot your life when you become an adult and move to a different world with an opposite climate (i.e. from Willow Creek to Strangerville)
Give children location themed names
Traits: Genius, Outgoing, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Any
Colour: Mint
Generation 4 - Cancer
You’re never able to fully settle as a child due to your parent’s erratic ways and brash decisions. Your life is often uprooted by moving houses so you never feel fully stable or like you fit in anywhere. You feel like you never really had any true friends growing up; you always have to leave them behind when your parent decides it’s time for a change of scenery. You try to stay in touch online, playing games with them and chatting, but it isn’t the same as being with them in person. Your parents always love you and treat you well, but you can’t help but dream of having a ‘normal’ family. With parents who live together and living in a forever home. You have always wanted this life for yourself. But when you get it, you realise that this ‘normal’ family isn’t everything. Things aren’t as easy as they always seemed. Your partner has been keeping secrets from you, and you find out in the worst way possible. Absolutely distraught and heartbroken, you begin to put all your effort and love solely into your children, often forgetting to care for yourself. Your children are innocent in this and you won’t let them suffer because of your partner’s mistakes. It takes you a while to get over the pain they caused you, but, eventually, you are able to pick yourself up and find a new focus in life. Your children will always come first, but you realise that you want to make sure all children are looked after and cared for. You decide to join the education career so you can work with children and be there for them. Over time, you learn that the main thing in life is having people who love and support you, and just because a family isn’t always together, it doesn’t mean it’s broken.
Play online video games with friends every week as a teenager
Have a rom-com style ‘meet cute’ at Geek Con as a YA
Get engaged within a week of knowing each other, and married within the next week
Have at least one son and one daughter
Walk in on your spouse having an affair after you’ve had children 
Join the education career at least a week after discovering your spouse’s affair
Reach level 5 of the education career
Reach level 3 of the happy family aspiration 
Reach level 10 of the parenting and video gaming skills
Have your parent move in with you when they become an elder
Optional Requirements: 
Have a pen pal as a teen
Complete the postcard collection
Attend every Geek Con
Divorce your spouse and find love with a friend you haven’t spoken to since childhood 
Go on a holiday with just your children after discovering the affair
Reach level 10 of the education career
Complete the happy family aspiration 
Name children after video game characters
Traits: Family-oriented, Geek, Gloomy
Aspiration: Happy Family
Career: Stay-at-Home Parent, Education
Colour: White
Generation 5 - Leo
Your life is never the same since one of your parent’s cheated on the other. The previous heir would give you and your siblings extra attention, and you lap it up. You know you were always spoiled as a child, and you never go without something you want. Despite all this, you do truly appreciate everything they do for you to try and give you a happy childhood. They teach you to be selfless and pure, and you keep these values in mind through your whole life. You aren’t a selfish person at all, you just know your worth and won’t let anyone treat you any less than that. Throughout your childhood, you have a passion for the arts. You’re always doing something to creatively express yourself. Anytime you have the opportunity to be the centre of attention, you take it. You always knew you wanted to be known in the world, but would never give up on your creative hobbies for the sake of your career. You use your creative mind to post vlogs and music videos online, becoming an internet sensation. The more you post, the more your following grows, and your fame is quick to follow. Before you know it, you have paparazzi following you around and screaming fans chasing you, and you love every second of it. You adjust well to the celebrity lifestyle, and live a life of luxury with your equally famous partner and children. Who said you couldn’t have it all?
Play an instrument of your choosing through childhood and teen years
Reach level 8 of the social media career
Donate to charity every week after you start working
Have a pristine reputation
Create weekly vlogs using the video station
Master any instrument 
Reach level 5 of the media production skill
Reach level 3 of the world famous celebrity aspiration 
Marry another celebrity as an adult 
Adopt at least two children together (you can also have genetic children)
Optional Requirements: 
Master the childhood creativity aspiration 
Join the drama club as a teen
Reach level 10 of the social media career
Complete the world famous celebrity aspiration 
Host weekly charity benefit events
Give all your children whacky and eccentric names
Traits: Creative, Good, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality Branch)
Colour: Yellow
Generation 6 - Virgo
You never really fit into the celebrity lifestyle you were brought up with, it didn’t feel like you. You didn’t appreciate being in the public eye and couldn’t wait to move out and stop being known as the famous child of the social media celebrity that is your parent. While the rest of your family would rather be outside, followed by fans and paparazzi, you had always much preferred being home, tucked up with a good book. You still had a good relationship with your parents growing up, but felt like they unintentionally put extra pressure on you to be the best. The whole world watched you grow up, so they would know if you put a toe out of line. You always worked hard to avoid this embarrassment, for both yours and your parents’ sake. Having famous and rich parents meant that you had so much handed to you growing up. A lot of people would have loved this, but you hate it. You want to make your own life and create your own path, without your parents’ help or money. You were never interested in romance or love, but you love the idea of being a parent. You heard about how your great-grandparent had your grandparent with a friend, and the two would co-parent to raise them. This inspired you, and you realised you didn’t need a partner to be a parent. And so that is what you do. You and a close friend agree to raise a baby together, in a completely platonic relationship. The child would still grow up in a supported and loving home, and no one said that there had to be romance involved to look after a baby together. You provide them with anything they need, just as your parents had done for you. Except you would create and make everything for them, not just buy it with a celebrity status, and you always make sure it was perfect for your little angel.
Read one book every week as a teen
Leave school with an A grade
Drop out of the fame system when you move out of your family home
Move out with just 2k to your name
Drastically change your appearance after moving out (no facial reconstruction)
Never get a traditional job
Master the fabrication skill
Decorate your house using items you’ve fabricated, but they must be at least excellent quality 
Never decorate your house with something you buy IF you are able to make it (i.e. beds or chairs)
Never pursue a romantic relationship 
Have a baby with a good friend and co-parent with them (you can woohoo with them to start the pregnancy, but remove all romance afterwards)
Reach level 3 of the master maker aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Instead of moving out with 2k, keep track of how much money you earn while living with your parents, and move out with just that money as a YA
Publish books as a side job/hobby under a pseudonym (gain no fame from it)
Adopt 2 stray pets 
Live in a micro home until you reach level 8 of the fabrication skill
Reach level 10 of the fabrication skill
Complete the master maker aspiration 
Name children after book characters
Traits: Perfectionist, Bookworm, Unflirty
Aspiration: Master Maker
Career: Freelance Crafter
Colour: Lilac
Generation 7 - Libra
Growing up in a home built solely by your parent made you appreciate every detail, you knew that everything you owned was built with love. You never took a possession for granted, and would always relish in new items and objects. Your parent was a perfectionist so you knew that everything in your house would be of excellent quality, and this was what you’d grown to expect, in every walk of life; excellent quality. Since your parent cut themselves off from fame and fortune, you never knew your grandparent as a child. As a teenager, you became curious about your extended family, so your parent introduced you. It was easy to see that you had a lot more in common with your grandparent than your parent. You loved their life of luxury, especially how posh and expensive everything was. You knew you wanted a life like this. You always had a strong sense of right and wrong, and relished in honesty and truth. You decided you would become a lawyer, and fight for what was right. Plus, the job paid well so you’d be able to afford your luscious dream home. Your best friend as a child came from a wealthy family, so you bonded over your love of materialistic goods. When you became teens, you saw each other in a whole new light. You started dating and everything seemed perfect for a long time. Until, a matter of days before your birthday, something happens for you to break up with each other. You were both devastated but knew it was for the best. You had a few more serious relationships after your breakup, but none of them felt right. You eventually bumped into your first love again, and rekindled the relationship. This time, the love between you both was stronger than ever and you knew you’d met your soulmate. You live out the rest of your days in a luxurious house, full of materialistic goods, growing old together.
Always dress to impress
Don’t have any relationship with your grandparent until you’re a teenager, but become good friends before you become a YA
Study history at Britechester University 
Fall in love with your childhood best friend and date as teenagers 
Breakup before you become a YA and go your separate ways
Have two positive and serious relationships as a YA, but end them by asking to be friends
Rekindle your love with a childhood sweetheart and never break up with them again
Have only two children close in age, but only after you become an adult
Reach level 8 of the law career 
Reach level 3 of the soulmate aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Join the debate guild at university 
Move in with your grandparent as a teen
Live in a modern mansion
Have the hungry for love lifestyle 
Reach level 10 of the law career
Complete the soulmate aspiration 
Name children after gemstones
Traits: Romantic, Cheerful, Materialistic 
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Law (judge branch)
Colour: Pink
Generation 8 - Scorpio
You always loved hearing about your parents’ love story and dreamed of having one yourself. Two childhood friends who fell in love and always found their way back to each other, what’s more romantic than that? As a teenager, your romantic relationships never worked that well. The other sim never quite lived up to your expectations. You wanted them to be perfect, and they weren’t. What made it worse was that your older sibling seemed to find the perfect partner while you were both at school. How was that fair? Not only that, they had better grades than you, and more friends. Anything you could do, they could do better. You were both given the exact same opportunities as children and raised the same, so it seemed wrong that they were better than you. But the one thing they couldn’t take from you was your music. That was the only thing you knew you were better at than them. Through your teen years, when you weren’t stuck on bad dates, you were in your room playing one of your instruments. When you became a young adult, you and your sibling cut ties and didn’t really interact with each other at all. You were also still on the hunt for a perfect partner. You continue to date around, but are faced with failure. How could it be so hard to find someone to love? You eventually decide to put your dating life on hold and focus on yourself. You have always enjoyed being active and sporty but never really concentrated on it as you were so preoccupied with dating and your music. But since you weren’t dating, you could bring your attention back to fitness and wellness. Lo and behold, you bumped into someone at the gym. Someone you never expected to be interested in. Someone so different from you and your family. But this sim captured your interest and really excited you. Could it be the love you were looking for all along? After your engagement and career success, you decided it was about time you made amends with your sibling. You realised that happiness didn’t come from other people and there was no use comparing yourself to them. Happiness comes from within and you strive to become the best version of yourself.
Lose any relationship with your sibling as a teen and have no relationship with them until you’re engaged and at level 7 of your career, then become BFFs with them
Have multiple failed romances in both your teen years and young adult years
Meet a sim at the gym who is very different from all your past romances 
Get engaged after two weeks of dating
Only have one child 
Busk weekly until you become a parent
Write and sell songs as frequently as you can
Reach level 5 of both the fitness and wellness skills
Master 2 instruments 
Reach level 8 of the musician career
Reach level 3 of the musical genius career
Optional Requirements: 
Master any instrument while you’re still a teenager
Master 3 instruments
Reach level 10 of the singing skill
Reach level 10 of the musician career 
Complete the musical genius aspiration 
Give children musical themed names
Traits: Jealous, Active, Music Lover
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer (musician branch)
Colour: Emerald Green
Generation 9 - Sagittarius 
Being an only child meant you always had your parents’ attention, and you loved it. You weren’t a difficult child but you were very playful and never took things too seriously. At school, you were known as the class clown and never put too much effort into your studies. You were able to get into university by the skin of your teeth, not that you were too interested in getting the degree. You wanted to go so you could live the ultimate student experience. Drinking, partying, exploring yourself. That was probably the reason why your studies didn’t last too long. But you weren’t really too worried about that, and you still continued to live the same way. Getting juiced at clubs and spending your nights with strangers, anything to have a bit of fun. You made money by doing some stand up gigs at different venues, and even dabbled in DJ'ing at nightclubs. Things went on like this for a while, until one night, something changed. You were expecting a baby with a random stranger. And they didn’t want the baby. Even though it wasn’t anything you’d anticipated ever wanting, the idea of having a child of your own felt… nice. You agreed that you would take the baby in and raise them by yourself, without the other parent. You saw it as a sign that it was time for you to grow up and mature. You had to support this new little person who only had you to rely on, and you refused to let them down. You stopped partying as frequently and spoke to your parent about a job in the music industry. They made it big playing music, and you had always loved all the songs you’d heard at the clubs through the years. You wanted to produce and mix your own tracks. It was a lot more sustainable than being a DJ, and it meant you could still spend some evenings out doing your stand up routines. You might never be the picture-perfect and most organised parent, but you’d do everything in your power to provide for your child.
Never achieve more than a B grade at school 
Go out to a nightclub or host a party every night while at university 
Get a tattoo while juiced at university 
Drop out, or be kicked out, of university 
Never have a proper career
Do a stand up comedy routine at least once a week after leaving university 
DJ at least once a week after university, but stop when your baby is born 
Have a baby with a random stranger from a one night stand
Move back in with your parents after becoming a parent
Start mixing music on the media station after becoming a parent 
Reach level 7 of the comedy skill
Reach level 3 of the party animal aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
If you are able to become pregnant, woohoo with multiple people in one night so you never know who the parent is
Reach level 5 of the dancing skill before leaving university 
Reach level 5 of the DJ mixing skill
Reach level 10 of the comedy skill
Reach level 5 of the media production skill
Complete the party animal aspiration 
Name your child after a cartoon character
Traits: Dance Machine, Goofball, Childish
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: None
Colour: Red
Generation 10 - Capricorn
You never really understood why your parent chose to live their life the way they did. No order, no plans, just doing whatever they felt like in the moment. You loved them, but you had very different belief systems and the pair of you often had arguments about these disagreements. They did what they could to provide for you, but you couldn’t help but question if it was enough. They never got a real job or fully settled down, and you felt a bit embarrassed that you were brought up in your grandparent’s house since they never bought their own home. You decided early on that you would strive to be better than the legacy they left behind. You would work towards big achievements, in both your professional and personal life. You decided that when you have children, you would always do whatever you could to help them achieve and set them up for success. You started by thinking about where your parent went wrong, and worked hard to do better. You’d get As in school and actually finish university. The idea of getting juiced and woohooing with strangers was something you decided you’d never do. Everything you would do, you wanted to do it properly and like a real adult. Your children would learn to be responsible and have a parent they can fully rely on. You always had an appreciation for the finer things in life, and would often be seen turning your nose up at whatever seemed below you. You didn’t have the most friends because of this, partly because you never saw them being as good as you, and partly because no one liked your attitude. You didn’t mind though, you wouldn’t want to be seen with anyone or anything lower than your worth. Why settle for anything less?
When you become a teenager, have arguments with your parent and lose friendship (never enter the red though)
Never have more than three friends outside of family 
Have As all through school 
Graduate from a distinguished degree with an A grade 
Always dress smart and never wear revealing clothes 
Never get any tattoos or piercings 
Never dye your hair 
Marry a snob sim who you meet while at university 
Hire a butler/nanny to take care of your children and home while you are at work 
Never send a baby or toddler to daycare
Never woohoo in public 
Have a big white wedding
Live in a penthouse in the uptown district of San Myshuno
Reach level 7 of the critic career
Reach level 10 of any 3 skills
Reach level 3 of the successful lineage aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Eat at a fancy restaurant once a week with your partner 
Go on family vacations to Sulani
Reach level 10 of any 5 skills
Reach level 10 of the critic career while you are still a YA
Complete the successful lineage aspiration
Give children traditional names
Traits: Snob, Ambitious, Proper
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Critic (either branch)
Colour: Black
Generation 11 - Aquarius
You grew up in the city and never felt like you truly belonged there. It felt too chaotic and crowded, full of fake people pretending to be happy. At least, that’s what it seemed like to you, because you were never happy there. You felt drawn to the ocean, and believed that was where you were destined to be. So with your childhood best friend, your only friend, you decided to move to the beach at the first chance you could, to live by the sea. Although, when you got there, it wasn’t as perfect as you expected. The people living there had trashed the place and not only ruined the environment, but endangered the wildlife living there. You hated seeing what the beautiful island had become, and vowed to make it a better place again. When you weren’t cleaning or working to make the beach habitable again, you could be found knitting. It was the one hobby that kept you sane when you were living in the city. In the loud hustle and bustle of the night life, you could escape by focusing solely on your new knitting project. Watching the thread loop around your needle. Whenever you were stressed or tense, you would go back to knitting. After your hard work had finally paid off and the beach was immaculate, you met someone who you’d never seen on the small island before. They thanked you for cleaning their home and you discovered they were a mermaid. That was why you’d never seen them before, because the water was so filthy, it was uninhabitable to all sea life, including mermaids! But now the water was clean again, the mermaids and other wildlife could move back home. You fell in love with the mermaid and lived together peacefully and happily on your perfect little island.
Have only one friend throughout your childhood and teen years
Move to Sulani as a YA with your BFF
Clean Sulani
Meet a mermaid after Sulani is clean and marry them in a sunset beach wedding
Live with your BFF until you get married, then make sure you see them every week after moving out
Try for a baby in the Sulani waterfall
Reach level 5 of the cross-stitch skill
Reach level 10 of the knitting skill
Reach level 7 of the conservationist career
Reach level 3 of the lord/lady of the knits aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Befriend a dolphin after cleaning Sulani
Complete the frog collection 
Have the close knit lifestyle 
Have the outdoorsy lifestyle 
Reach level 10 of the cross-stitch skill
Reach level 10 of the conservationist career
Complete the lord/lady of the knits aspiration
Give children water themed names
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Loves the Outdoors, Loner 
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits
Career: Conservationist (marine biologist branch)
Colour: Peach
Generation 12 - Pisces 
Growing up you were always worried that people would judge you for being a mermaid. You hated the idea of people talking behind your back, and feared that everyone actually already knew your secret. You kept your identity as hidden as possible and would only show your closest friends who you really were. What made things worse was that your paranoia caused you to be really clumsy. You were too busy looking at everyone else to mind your own feet. It didn’t help that half the time, you had a tail instead of feet. Sure you always had legs to walk on, but swimming with a tail always felt more natural and comfortable to you. Walking felt weird and you would often trip over your own feet. You were quite literally a fish out of water. Being half fish meant that you had a natural bond with animals. Your parent had built their career on helping the ecosystem where you lived and saving different wildlife from extinction. You knew you also wanted to help animals, but in a different way to your parent. You always dream of running your own vet clinic and looking after different pets. You and your parent bonded over your love of caring for animals, and that wasn’t the only thing you had in common. They taught you how to knit and cross-stitch, and you loved every minute of it. Any way you could express yourself creatively, you would try it. As a teenager, after trying many different hobbies, you found that your true calling and passion was for art. You loved to paint and craft things. It was never your plan to sell your art or become famous, you just wanted to create. And create you did. Your home and vet clinic were covered in your artwork. Your parent couldn’t be more proud of the caring and artistic person you’d become. So you began to think, why care what others think? What’s the point in over-thinking and becoming paranoid about people judging you? You would always have your family and animals there for you, no matter what, and that was all you needed.
Never swim in public 
Only ever reveal your mermaid form around family and good friends
Never go fishing 
Knit and cross-stitch with your parent as a child
Reach level 3 of 3 different creative skills as a teen before learning the painting skill
Become BFFs with your non-mermaid parent 
Always have at least two pets in the house
Master the painting skill
Own a vet clinic 
Decorate your house and vet clinic with your artwork
Reach level 3 of the friend of the animals aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Have your vet clinic reach 4 stars
Paint individual portraits of your family members (use paint from reference)
Reach level 10 of the veterinarian skill
Reach level 5 of the pet training skill
Complete the friend of the animals aspiration 
Give children animal themed names
Traits: Paranoid, Clumsy, Art Lover
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals 
Career: Vet Clinic 
Colour: Baby Blue
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