#how do i go on with my normal life after getting a hug from jared padalecki
meganwinchester · 1 year
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the rumors are true… jared gives the best bone crushing hugs
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Hey babe it’s me, I know I’m the greatest😭 but let’s get to the point. What if we got a one shot of Melissa thinking about popping the question 💍to reader and she talks to Barbara about it and she looks back on all the time she spent with El and reader and ultimately decides to do so.❤️❤️
Im a sucker for happy endings bro ✨✨
Love Thy Neighbor, Two Families Become One- pt 2
WC: ~3.15k
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That night, Melissa dreams of a life where you are officially her wife and Ellie is officially her daughter. That dream that shifts into a sort of hellish nightmare where both Gary and Jared are there, and she’s doing everything that she can do to protect you. And then it flickers into a dream where you aren’t around anymore, and because Ellie isn’t officially her daughter in the eyes of the law, she ends up back with Jared. 
That dream is terrifying enough for her to wake up breathing deeply and making sure that you were still breathing before going to silently check on Ellie in her room. The redhead lets out a sigh of relief when she confirms that it was indeed just her imagination running wild.
When the two of you wake up for the day, she’s a bit more lovey than she usually is. Her hands don’t leave your body, whether that just be holding your hand or a hand settled on your hip and squeezing lightly. There are more kisses pressed to your head than a normal day. When she and Ellie come back from the grocery store while you stayed home to clean, they both come home with flowers for you. While you aren’t complaining, you are a bit curious as to why she’s being so romantic today.
“Is it my birthday and I forgot?” you ask as you hold both bouquets of flowers.
“No, you’re so silly Momma,” your little girl giggles from next to your girlfriend.
Melissa’s lips are on your own softly. “We just thought Momma should know how much we love her.”
“Well, thank you,” you smile against her. Then you lift your daughter onto your hip and pepper her face is kisses while she squeals happily. “I love you both too.”
As you’re getting ready for bed that night, Melissa texts her work wife.
We gotta talk tomorrow morning.
About? Barbara texts back almost instantly.
You’re still awake?
Well, I was falling asleep…
Sorry. We’ll chat tomorrow?
I’ll ask again… about?
Y/N, Ellie, and me.
Oh lord, what did you do Melissa?
Nothin. Just… please?
Meet me in my room tomorrow morning after you’ve stopped for coffee.
When the two of you head in for work on Monday, Nonna’s words still haven’t left Melissa’s mind. The three of you walk into the school hand in hand, Ellie’s backpack slung over your girlfriend’s shoulder.
“Little girl, you have to hang with your momma this morning,” the redhead tells your daughter. “Mom has a meeting.”
“You do?” you furrow a brow. “On a Monday morning?”
“With Barb,” she tells you. “To talk about insurance and how all of that stuff is changing.”
“Auntie Barb?!” Ellie asks excitedly. “Can I at least come say hi and give her a hug?”
Melissa almost says no, but those puppy dog eyes are strong and she relents. “But very quickly.”
“Wait, insurance is going to be changing?”
“There’s a possibility,” she tells you, although you don’t know that she’s referring to the fact that it might change because she’s contemplating asking you to marry her.
“Should I sit in on this meeting?” you ask her, concerned.
She shakes her head. “You just worry about El, and I’ll fill you in later.”
“Okay,” you sigh as you drop your things in your room. “Where are you meeting her?”
“Just her classroom after we get our coffees,” Melissa says.
After you’ve gotten your coffees, the three of you head down to the kindergarten wing. Ellie, of course, sprints ahead yelling Barb’s name as she goes.
“Auntie Barb!” Ellie is giggling and clinging to your girlfriend’s best friend by the time you both catch up with her.
“Baby girl, not that I’m not happy to see you, but where are your mothers?”
“Hey,” you chuckle from the doorframe. “Sorry to crash your meeting, but Ellie wanted to run in and say hi.”
“Well she knows Auntie Barb is always here to say hello to and give a snuggle,” Barbara chuckles as she releases your daughter.
“Alright, El,” Melissa looks at your daughter. “You got to say hi to Auntie Barb, now I gotta talk with her.”
“Can’t I stay?”
“I think you’ll have more fun with Momma coloring in her room,” your girlfriend says.
Ellie contemplates this for a moment before nodding. She runs to the redhead and hugs her tightly before taking your hand and pulling you off down the hall.
Your girlfriend watches the two of you make your way down the hall before she closes the door to the kindergarten room. 
“Well?” Barbara looks to her work wife curiously. “What on Earth could you have done that would require us to talk without Y/N and Ellie here?”
“I took them to meet my mom and Nonna,” Melissa states. “And Nonna told them that they were family and that Ellie was an honorary Schemmenti.”
“That’s great news,” the kindergarten teacher states.
“And now, I’m thinking about asking them to become official Schemmentis.”
Barbara gives your girlfriend a look in shock. “Oh.”
“I thought that you didn’t want to get married again though, and Y/N seems perfectly content with that,” the woman says softly.
“I said that it would take a freaking miracle,” Melissa says. “And they… they are that miracle.”
“That’s great though, Melissa,” Barbara tells the redhead. “Why did we need to talk about this?”
“Because… I need you to tell me that I’m not insane for thinking this and throwing caution to the wind again for her,” the second grade teacher says quietly. “I- I never thought that I would consider getting married again.”
“Well, why are you?” Barb asks.
Your girlfriend folds her arms over her chest as she perches herself on one of the tables. “Because I love those two more than I’ve ever loved anyone… Nonna and my mother adore them, called them family and honorary Schemmentis. And then, that night I had a couple dreams about them.”
“What were they?” the kindergarten teacher inquires.
Melissa sighs softly. “I had a couple… one where Y/N was my wife and Ellie was my daughter, another where Jared came back and I couldn’t protect Y/N, and then… the last one was… something happened to Y/N, and because I wasn’t legally Ellie’s mother, she went back to Jared kicking and screaming.”
“Oh,” Barbara sighs quietly.
“That one had me so shaken that I checked that Y/N was still breathing and that Ellie was asleep in bed.”
“That makes sense, Melissa,” the kindergarten teacher says.
“Well? What do you have to say about this?”Your girlfriend asks.
“I think the answer is right in front of you, and you would be a fool to not follow your heart,” Barb states. “Y/N has been nothing but wonderful for you, Ellie already calls you her mother… you have already laid down the foundation for a beautiful marriage.”
“What if it’s too soon though?”
“When you know, you know,” Barbara says smugly. “Think about it.”
“Thanks,” Melissa smiles. She heads out after that, knowing that the kiddos will be coming in any second.
When lunch time comes around, Melissa makes her way into the staff room and has your meal out and ready for you when you get there. You sigh as you settle yourself in your chair and lean your shoulder on her head.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
She presses a kiss to your temple with a soft chuckle. “Happy Monday?” she offers.
“It’s Monday, that’s for sure… Roman started off the day spilling my coffee all over the floor and shattering my mug, so I’m exhausted.”
“Well, I can fix that,” your girlfriend laughs quietly as she stands from her place and heads for the coffee machine. She pulls another mug from the cabinet, and while the coffee is brewing, her eyes linger on you.
You’re half asleep as you bring your lunch to your mouth, but she can’t help but think that you are the most beautiful woman in the world. She gets so distracted just looking at you that she doesn’t notice the coffee is ready.
“Babe, stop staring at me,” you tell her.
She shakes herself out of her trance. “Sorry. You’re just… wow.”
“I don’t have any makeup on, and I’m in your old Eagles sweatshirt,” you roll your eyes. “I probably have bags under my eyes actually.”
She hums as she brings you the new cup of coffee, leaning down and kissing your cheek. “You’re stunning, and I won’t hear anything else.”
That day after school, the two of you take Ellie to the park like you do on any day that allows for the little bundle of energy to run around and tire herself out. You find Melissa watching Ellie with a sparkle in her eye, not that that isn’t uncommon, but there’s something different about the way she’s watching her today.
“What’s got you lookin’ at her like that today?” you ask as you squeeze her hand.
Melissa smiles fondly. “Just… thinking about how much that little girl has grown and changed, and how she’s changed my life for the better.”
“We’ve been through a lot,” you smile softly.
Ellie is put to bed, and for once, you’re not entirely exhausted. So, you prepare for bed before heading out into the living room with two glasses of wine. Melissa is in her spot, glasses on the tip of her nose and looking at her phone with a soft smile.
“What are you looking at?” you ask as you sit next to her.
“The album I have of you and El,” she tells you as she wraps her arm around you and pulls you practically in her laugh.
There’s a picture of Ellie’s seventh birthday up. Ellie’s eyes are wide and filled with so much love for your girlfriend as she grins at the camera, holding up the toy that your little girl had so desperately wanted but you couldn’t afford.
“I can’t believe you spoiled her as much as you did that day,” you roll your eyes.
She shrugs. “Have you ever seen the kid so happy though? It was worth it.”
You swipe over, and there are about a million pictures and videos of your daughter at the park running around with the sweetest smile on her face.
“This one’s my favorite,” Melissa sighs with content as she lands on a selfie of the three of you. Ellie was in her favorite lavender shirt, Melissa was wearing that salmon colored shirt you adore, and you were in your overalls looking exhausted but filled with so much joy.
“I look like a mess,” you roll your eyes.
“Do you remember that day?”
“Yeah,” you chuckle. “That was while we were moving in and I was at the end of my rope.”
“Momma! Please!” Ellie had pleaded with you, but you were in no mood to go out into the world after an afternoon of lugging all of your things across the hall or down to the storage unit a block over. “Please! I just want to go to the park!”
“Elizabeth,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger. “I already said no.”
“But please! I just want to play with you!”
“Elizabeth, you are on thin ice,” you warned, but she didn’t relent, and that finally got you to blow over. “Elizabeth Ruth! To your room, now!”
Your little girl, never used to being reprimanded, immediately burst into tears. And something inside of you broke too. Melissa came out from where she was rearranging her closet to make room for your things at the sound.
“What- what’s happening?” she asked as she lifted Ellie onto her hip and guided you to the couch.
“Momma- Momma yelled at me!” Ellie wailed into your girlfriend’s shoulder.
“I- I didn’t mean to!” you had cried right back into her other shoulder. “I- This has all been so hard, and I’m exhausted, and I just don’t have the energy to take her down to the park today!”
Melissa blew out a breath. This was all over going to the park?
“Momma telled me to go to my room, but I don’t even have a room yet!” your daughter whimpered.
“I’m sorry, El,” you apologized. “I’m sorry I lost my temper on you… that was not okay.”
“It’s okay, Momma,” your little girl forgave you quickly as she sniffled the last of her tears away.
“Why don’t we do this,” Melissa started. “I’ll take El down to the park and play with her while you get a nap in?”
“N-no,” Ellie shook her head into the redhead’s neck. “Momma said no.”
“Go,” you whispered. “Take her, have fun, and I’ll be in a better mood when you come back.”
“R-really?” your little girl peered at you from her place in Melissa’s lap. You nod, but your daughter doesn’t make any moves towards the door.
Eventually, with lots of promises that it really was okay, Ellie went with your girlfriend out the door and towards the park. 
You relaxed into the cushions of the couch, but you felt absolutely terrible for snapping at your child. So, about ten minutes after they leave, you too headed down to the park.
You stopped at the coffee shop down the street from your house, and you grabbed your girlfriend’s favorite, your drink, and a lemonade for your little girl. You found them almost as soon as you entered the gated area of the playground, and Ellie was giggling with glee as Melissa pushed her on the swing. Your daughter’s eyes lit up at the sight of you.
“Momma!” Ellie squeaked as she pointed at you.
Melissa turned in your direction, slightly confused. “Babe?”
“I thought I should come down,” you told them. “I’ve been so high strung lately, and I figured maybe I should just come down and spend a nice afternoon with my girls.”
“Really?” Ellie squealed as she continued to swing.
You nod and take a seat on the playground equipment next to her. You started to pump your legs, and soon you were in sync with your daughter. Melissa just chuckled as she continues to push Ellie.
“Momma! you never swing with me!”
“That’s because I’m always the one pushing you while Mel takes videos,” you laughed. And when you looked over, Melissa was indeed filming you both swinging.
It was a bit before you got off the swing, and the three of you ended up finding a nice little patch of grass that you could settle on. Ellie sipped on her lemonade while you drank your coffee. Melissa pecked your cheek before pulling out her phone and holding it out in front of her. She snapped a picture of the three of you, cheeks kissed with the sun and high on life.
“That was a good day,” she smiles softly. “It was so nice seeing you just be free for a little bit.”
“We should do that again soon,” you tell her quietly as you sip on the wine in your glass.
The two of you go through her pictures, reminiscing on all of the good times. 
“Do you remember this one?” she asks you as she shows you a picture of you and Ellie dozing on the couch.
“Oh god,” you groan. “I was exhausted that day.”
You don’t know what hit you, but the kids wore you down that day. And after school, you collapsed onto the couch and pretty much refused to move. Melissa started on dinner for that night while Ellie curled up in your lap and started to drift off too.
You only woke up when your girlfriend snapped a picture of you, trying to be sneaky.
“Dammit,” she mumbled as the shutter sound rang out from her phone.
“Did you just take a picture of us?” you asked as you blinked awake. 
She shrugs. “You guys are just so cute. I can’t help it.”
Eventually, the two of you head into your bedroom, and you fall asleep against your girlfriend rather quickly. But sleep doesn’t come easily for Melissa. She’s reminiscing on the time that she’s spent with you. All of the good, the bad, and the ugly. She remembers the first time she told you that she loved you.
The two of you had a night to yourselves, your parents offering to watch Ellie so you could spend some quality time together.
“This was really nice,” you smiled at her as she drives through the city to pick up Ellie.
She nodded and brought your hand to her lips. “It’s always a nice time with you… I love spending time with you.”
“I do too,” you whispered as you leaned over the middle console to kiss her cheek.
She pulled up to a stop light and turned her head to kiss you gently. 
“Honey, why are you stopping? You never stop,” you ask.
“Because I want to look at you when I tell you, I would even say… that I love you.”
Your eyes went wide. “What?”
“I love you,” she said again, just as softly and just as genuine as the first time.
You couldn’t help but kiss her again. “I love you too,” you mumbled against her lips. 
She remembers the first time the two of you had made love. You were beyond nervous, claiming that you were in no shape to be seen naked after having Ellie- that it’s been too long since you’ve been with someone knew- your only body was Jared. She didn’t care- she worshipped you that night.
She remembers the night that she met you. She can still see her first glance at the two of you in her mind. You looked beyond stressed, Ellie was in meltdown mode, and yet she somehow still knew that the two of you would become two of the most significant people in her life.
She remembers all of the good, and all of the bad. How you get giddy at the sight of her. How her heart broke for you when you would cry over your failed marriage. The way that you celebrated the case against Jared. That time that you had your doubts in the relationship and tried to run away, only to come falling into her arms that night telling her that you were terrified of giving someone your heart again, only for it to be shattered- she promised you that she would never, ever do that to you. 
She reminisces about it all, and by the time that sleep takes her she’s decided that she is indeed going to ask you to marry her… so long as Ellie is okay with it. You, and your little girl, are worth everything to her.
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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drasticemotions · 6 months
yall im saying fuck it n face revealing cause I still haven’t recovered from my photo op with jared and I just have to share it on a place where I know it’ll be appropriately respected and so I can finally yap about my full experience with j2
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so hey dats me
I died dead
I refuse to believe that that is actually me in the photo cause what do you mean?? I was in jarpads arms??
He was so nice I was low-key losing my shit after meeting Jensen, we took the photo with him first (just a normal side hug with me and my sister on each side) and exiting that going straight in line for Jared. I was shaking there was a pause in the line for a bit and then Jensen just appeared next to me??? Walking past and I was just confused Pikachu looking back and forth across the room to my sister and back to Jensen, I didn’t have my phone on me and didn’t know what to do cause he just appeared (all he did was walk past but that’s enough for me).
Anyway I was very much shaking and was so nervous, I felt like I looked like a wreck and didn’t know how the photo was gonna go since ahbl12 was my first con, but guys I shit you not it became my turn and I stared right into this gorgeous man’s eyes said hi…I think I blacked out cause he had his arms slightly opened and I just walked into them, I genuinely don’t remember what happened I think my eyes started watering cause it was such a genuine hug and just looked at the camera and smiled.
I don’t think I could’ve ever asked for a better photo I’m so genuinely happy in that moment and life has been a lot as of late and it felt like that all disappeared, I don’t usually smile with my teeth showing anymore but it just appeared naturally, Jared is such a genuinely great guy and I’m so glad I leaped at the chance of getting the ticket and going.
He was so incredibly nice at the autographs too, Jensen as well but I could tell both of them were absolutely beat they looked so tired, Jensen is intimidating and I was rendered speechless when I got him to sign my Dean funko pop, I was also the only one in line everyone else at that point was waiting in Jared’s line so I felt extremely isolated and awkward 🫣 like what do I do what do I say. Jared I gained some of that courage back and went for it, I was able to thank him for just generally being amazing and how much meeting him meant for me, which I haven’t really told anyone it feels like one of those moments I just had to keep to myself. He put his hand on his heart and I didn’t wanna get in trouble for continuing on so I wished him a good night and left. I don’t know how I got through the day without crying (I am a very emotional person especially when it comes to my fandoms), I cried in the hotel room after lmao
It was really just the best day ever and I’d do it a million times over. I rightfully have that photo on fucking everything, I won’t shut up about this until the next con and even then I still won’t shut up about it. Just meeting the cast and doing something like this, I’ve wanted to do something not even relating to supernatural but just conventions themselves seem like some of the coolest things to be able to attend (America obviously having the better half of that spectrum over Australia but I’ll take what I can get).
I will hopefully be back next year to see Misha and Jensen, if my bank account doesn’t run away from me
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lailawinchesterr · 2 months
part nine, in a good way [jensen ackles]
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C'mon I know this. Explain S phase. I know this. DNA replication. I know what he's talking about but all I can think of is yesterday. All I can think of is Jensen driving me home, kissing me, texting me after.
Getting me lunch, clothes, paying for our drinks... everything he did yesterday. I'm wearing his jacket even today because God that cologne can kill.
But that's not the point. The point is... S phase? What's S phase? Right, DNA replication. So... hydrogen bonds break then... 
But his hand on my neck yesterday, pulling me closer while we kissed. My first kiss ever. With Jensen Ross Ackles. Then him saying he wants to do it again later. What's later? He said Sunday but it's his busiest filming day, maybe it's for drinks again? I wouldn't mind, but I'd rather we go eat.
"Pens down!" My eyes widen and I place my blue ink pen down into the table, hearing it clatter and my whole future crashes with it. I haven't finished quarter of this paper. I thought the exam was two hours?
"Laila," the TA ‘tsks’, Connor, as he looks down at my paper, "you didn't finish this question. It's easy, you should know it."
"I do, just don't have time." He looks around, seeing most of the students getting up and handing their paper to the professor at the end of the class. He motions to me to quickly write it down and I don't think I've ever written so fast in my life.
I manage to finish the six mark question just in time for him to take my paper and hand it to the professor without much suspicion. I pack up and while I'm walking out he winks at me. 
Choosing to ignore the shit exam, I call Gen so we could go out for anything really. Usually set would be my go-to but since yesterday with Jensen there's something holding me back from casually walking into set, maybe afraid that our dynamic would change. I haven't been there since we talked.
I change my mind half-way through writing the message to Gen. I don’t want to let what we did yesterday affect me this much. He's probably working normally, focusing on his fucking job, so why can't I focus on my future? This is so stupid, I don't do this. I don't let romantic feelings get in between me and my grades. Not since I failed a whole year because of a boy back in middle school, not happening again, ever.
I decide to do what I usually do on Fridays, study on set with Jared. I won't change my routine.
"Hey, Lils." Rachel calls out and immediately she hugs me. "We haven't seen you in forever."
"Two days, Rach." I let out a laugh as we let each other go.
"Two days too many. C'mon, we're getting lunch. Or they're making lunch— either way!" We walk over to crafts where lots of tables are set and most of the cast is sitting in groups. She drags me over to the table with Gen, Jared, Misha and Alex.
"Hey, guys." And for the first time in the history of ever, my seat is between Jensen and Rachel. And I actually sit in it. "How's filming?"
Misha smiles at me— that's the most noticeable response to my action, anyways— but everyone else just answers my question then keep talking about scenes and plans for the weekend. 
Then, "Lils, how was your exam?" Gen's question makes me freeze for many reasons. One, it reminds everyone how much younger I am than them, something I like not bringing up as much as physically possible. Second, it puts me under the spotlight and I can not lie for the life of me.
So I hum and nod, hoping that's an acceptable answer for the whole table (who probably don’t care that much anyways). And thankfully they shrug it off and keep talking. 
Two seconds into random conversation Jensen scoots his chair closer to mine, whispering into my hair, "How'd you do today?"   
Smiling, I face him to look as honest as I can, "It was fine. Just didn't have enough time to finish it." He seems genuinely concerned as he puts a hand on the back of my chair. 
"Yeah? You think you'll do well? 'Sides, you said this is a mock, when's the final?" I'm not actually sure when I said it was a mock but the fact that he remembers is giving me butterflies in places that shouldn’t have so much feelings in them. My heartbrainlungs.
"Hopefully I'll pass. But yeah, just a mock. Final's in two weeks." I keep my voice low so as to not disturb the rest of the group, but Gen is already giving me a look and I can feel Rachel's eyes burning into my side. 
"Laila, you sure you're on for Sunday?" Damn, this again? "And don't go defensive on me—" 
"I know, Jensen. I'm not. Yeah, Sunday's good," and for extra measures, "and today had nothing to do with our date yesterday."
"Date, huh?" The corner of his lips pull upwards as he leans back in his chair and I roll my eyes. I go to shove his shoulder, like I would with Jared or maybe even Misha, but quickly decide against it and look down at my bag instead with a small laugh. 
Now that grabs the entire table's attention. Before I can explain anything— thank the Lord— a PA runs up to us, calling on Jared, Jensen, Misha and Alex. 
The four men leave and that allows my two girls to huddle up next to me, screaming for an explanation. God, this feels like high school all over again.
"Nothing, we're just friends now. Who went on one date," I flinch back a little before adding, "and have another one planned for Sunday." They both explode into a fit of giggles and now I really feel like it's high school.
"You're joking! You have a date with Jensen, again?" Rach's question is both due to curiosity and... concern?
"Yeah. So what?"
"So... Lils, we talked about this. You told me I'm right." She says exasperatedly, and I can see it in her eyes that she's as concerned as an older sister would be, but still.
"Yeah, so what—"
Gen clears her throat. "Right about what?"
"Jensen's older than me."
"Well, no shit."
"See?" Rach points at the brunette, "Genny agrees."
"That what? That they're a bad idea? No way! Jensen and Laila could be good for each other, the age thing is just a little bump in the road. They need to talk about it ‘s all." I have to hold in a laugh at how ridiculous her suggestion is. Me? And Jensen? Communicating? Why? Have I lost my head?
"Guys, we don't even know if me and him are, like, getting serious, it's just a tiny date." Of course, I'm only saying what I think Jensen wants. I've never been on a date, never had a boyfriend, never kissed or had my first time. Jensen is my first everything if he decides he wants me for the long haul— but he's had all that. And more. He has kids. 
I can't think about this. If I do, I'll drop everything and block Jensen's number and maybe even overreact by killing myself. 
Great. Sunday is going to be great.
part ten
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i want to change the oc to x reader when I’m done with the whole thing, what do you guys think? tags: @kr804573 @n-o-p-e-never
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notinthislife50 · 1 year
Chapter 12
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It was con season. you lived for this. It was your favorite time of the year, listening to fans and getting to know them. It was amazing.
You, Misha, and Ruth were walking around backstage you had become so engrossed in a story you were telling when you smacked, banged into a man in front of you. As you looked up to apologise, Tom Hiddleston stood before you.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry I was too busy talking and I wasn’t paying attention, I’m so sorry” you blabbered.
Tom smiled at you and you swore you died.
“No harm done Y/n, though I’ll have to hear that story sometime, sounds intriguing,” he laughed walking away.
You stood for a minute squeezing Misha's arm.
“Earth to y/n Squeezing a bit hard there,” he smiled at you.
“Did that just happen, Misha? Please tell me that just happened,” you squeaked.
Misha looked at Ruth and smirked “Y/n is in love with Tom Hiddleston, she’s gonna marry him someday and have his babies.”
“You know it,” you punched Misha in the arm. “I need to tell Jared” you screamed and ran off.
As you came backstage to where your panel was going to be held, you screamed Jared’s name.
“What happened?” Jared looked concerned.
When you saw Jensen beside him you hesitated and whispered ”You know what it’s fine, just bumped into someone and wanted to tell you,” you said not sure if he was ready for that part of your life.
“Hey,” Jensen grabbed your arm to stop you from walking away “Please tell us. If you can’t tell your best friends who you just stalked then who can you tell.” He laughed, but you caught the pleading under it.
You smiled. This was the Jensen you missed. And you knew he was offering you an olive branch, so you bit the bullet and you being you in your most dramatic voice ever you told them how you just bumped into the Tom Hiddleston and how he was sex on legs, and you would let that man do unspeakable things to you.
The boys laughed at how star-struck you were. They knew how much you loved Marvel. And Loki was your favorite character.
“Oh my god, I need to tell Mark” you squealed Squeezing Jensen's arms and hugging him, and then you ran off.
Jensen couldn’t help but smile after that squeeze.
“She never gives up on you man, she loves you " Jared smiled “You never lost her she just wanted to give you your space.”
Jensen sighed “I know” and then he smiled at Jared “I have an idea!”
You had all been seated for your panel, this time you took your seat between the boys. the original seat you had in the beginning, it felt great to be here, it was where you all started off. Jared, you, and Jensen. and you beamed as you sat between them, it was like everything was getting back to normal.
Everyone was answering questions from the audience and you felt yourself getting overwhelmed. You hated the fact you weren’t confident and that you always questioned yourself when talking to fans. Did they really like you or did they just feel sorry for you as you were stuck between these two strong handsome characters?
You pulled on a bit of string you found in your pocket. Trying to not show your emotions. But you had blocked out all the noise. At one point you looked at your hand while you were tying the string and had zoned out. Then you heard “My question is for Y/n” and then you heard the screams and felt Jensen squeeze your arm.
Your head shot up and you saw Tom Hiddleston standing at the microphone.
You were speechless for a few seconds and then you held your finger out smiled and mouthed "One second, please."
You took out your wallet and took out 50 dollars and walked over to Rob and slammed it down in front of him. He and Richard screamed in laughter as did the rest of the cast.
Jensen saw Tom look confused. “Sorry man, but Y/n has a swear jar on set, and every time she curses she has to put 5 dollars into the jar. So I’m guessing she has a lot to say.” He laughed.
As you looked at Jensen you asked “Did you set this up?”
And he just shrugged smiling.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," you whispered but your mic picked up everything. You breathed in and your demeanor changed. you sat up straight and looked at Tom and took a breath. “Of course, what’s your name sir," you smiled hoping he’d play the game. God please play the game you willed.
“I’m Tom” He played the game back smirking.
“Nice to meet you Tom, and are you enjoying comic com?” you asked.
“Very much so, ” he smiled.
“And are you here by yourself or did you bring some friends?” You asked.
“I came with friends," Tom pointed to the back of the room.
You sat in silence for a moment looking at the Marvel cast in front of you and begged yourself to be cool.
“Well hello, Tom’s friends are you all having a good time?"
And they all nodded and laughed.
So what's your question, Tom?” You nodded to him.
“So obviously Y/c/n is a good soul, she saves people on a daily basis, but do you think if she ever met Loki could he make her kneel?"
“Oh absolutely," you grinned.
“What?” Jensen asked "Y/n I am appalled" he mocked hurt that you answered that so quickly.
“I mean have you seen the guy in chains? 100 percent sure she would kneel, Right?" you asked the audience and they laughed and agreed with you.
When the panel ended you were on such a high. When you were all off the stage you rushed Jensen and hugged him tightly.
“Best day of my life," you smiled “Thank you but you owe me now,”
“That’s not good,” he laughed “What do you have in mind?”
As you explained your plan Jensen thought it was hilarious. “Let’s get this done," he kissed your head and you closed your eyes smiling hoping your best friend was coming back to you.
Meanwhile, at the Marvel panel, it was the now-the-Q&A part.
You approached the mic nervously and said "My question is for Tom."
The crowd reputed and you smirked up at him.
He smiled down at you and you swear your legs near give way. You looked and Jensen nervously and he nodded in reassurance.
“What's your name” Tom copied you from before.
"Y/n " you answered into the mic.
“And are you enjoying comic con?” Again shadowing your questions from before.
“Very much so,” you smiled back.
"And are you here with anyone?” Again mimicking you from before.
“Just a few friends” you motioned to where the supernatural cast stood.
The crowd screamed in delight.
“And are you dressed in anyone in particular?” He questioned.
“Oh yes. I’m dressed as a hunter from supernatural,” you replied “Plaid shirts are a must on the show." You spread your arms twirling to show off your own shirt.
“A hunter?” Tom questioned “And what exactly do you hunt?”
“Oh you know, ghosts werewolves angels, demons even a god now and then,” You smirked at him tweaking your eyebrow.
“No human could kill a god," Tom stated in his Loki voice.
“Ah well, you haven’t met Y/c/n” you casually said trying to keep your cool.
“So what's your question?” Tom asked.
“Who do you think would win a fight between Loki and Y/n"
" Loki definitely, yes” Tom smiled confidently.
“And why is that?” you tilted your head
“Well, he is far more superior than mere mortals, and plus I hear he looks great in chains,” he laughed.
After you asked your question and walked to the back, you all stood watching the end of the panel. One of the workers approached saying the Marvel cast would love you to come up on stage and do some photos, would that be okay?
“Of course,“ you all agreed
So the Marvel and supernatural cast stood together on stage taking various photos for the guests and with the guests.
You were with Tom. You thought it was because people were enjoying the interaction with you two.
After all the photos and questions Tom approached you and hugged you. " You know I think the god and the hunter should go for dinner.” he smiled.
Your breath caught in your throat for a few seconds and you tried to think of the perfect response.
“I think so too, I mean you what they say about holding your enemies close.” you smiled knowingly.
“Do you mean to keep your enemies closer? " He raised an eyebrow
“I know what I said.' you laughed
You and Tom had exchanged numbers and began dating shortly ever.
@deans-spinster-witch @fraidoftedark
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supernaturalgirl31 · 1 year
Misha talks about how he helps y/n with Anxiety / panic attacks
( Disclaimer: i suffer from Anxiety attacks alot )
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The cast of supernatural were at a panel for the show and misha told Jensen and jared that he will be on stage later Because y/n was haveing a Major Panic attack so he wanted to help her clam down from it . He did what he normally did when she had the attacks . He just sat there and rub her back. "Misha you should be on stage " " Jared and jensen got this i will go on when your ready besides this is your frist panel as a cast member so its normal for you to feel Anxious . "
Y/n was feel better after 10 minutes so they went on stage .
Misha sits down next to y/n when a Audience member had a question.
(Ummm do anyone of you guys get Anxious befor you do the show and if so what do you do to clam down?")
Misha looks back at y/n ask if it was ok to tell them .
"Ummmmm thats a good question because y/n here she has real bad Anxiety / panic attacks . And it dosent happen or just happens when we are on set . It happens in real life like we could be out a bbq and it happens . But when it dose im always there . Even if im not i call her to see how she is because there days when y/n has bad attacks . Like i wasnt at home one time i was on set and it was the day befor she joined the Permanent cast. Of the show . And she called me so i closed the door to my Trailer . " not what you think jensen ." "Everyone laughs . "She told me what happen so i talked her throu it . And when i was done work i pick up some food and some ice cream and we just chilled out . And she clamed down . And when we are set i help her to even if im flimeing that day im there watching her because she gets Anxious and how i know its when she just stays in one place . Or says to the crew . Cut for a bit i need some time . And then i help her. And how i do that is i ask her what she sees or heres around her . Like if were on set i will ask her what she sees witch is funny one time she had i think it was a Anxiety
Attack and i was asking her what dose she see and she said .
Y/n steps in at this point. "I told him i see Jared coming up behind him with a cream pie" everyone laughs. Misha walks over to y/n and hugs her . And Whispers "you ok ?" She nods . He rubs her back more to help her relax. Jensen talks next . "Wasnt that your frist day fliming with us?" She nods . "Yes it was and i think that's what triggered my attack was because it was a fighting sean and i messed up and i thought it was so bad and that i was going to get fried the frist day . Little did u know because misha didnt tell me this . That you guys have Initiation with the nee cast . So i guess you guys were planning to pie me but got misha instead ". Jared talks . "Will we were going to or i was and ummmmmm when Jensen told me what was going on i had the pie ready so i tought ok your off limits but i could get misha cuz i also heard that laughter helps sometimes to so i thought i would try it out ". Misha laughs "theres a new thing to try when you have other one watch the bloopers " . When everyone walked off . Misha looks at y/n . "Hey you ok for real?"
"Yes im fine now love "
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toiletwipes · 3 years
and i'd give up forever to touch you
chapter seventeen. ah yes, what could go wrong?
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Summary: Wilbur is about two defining truths about his life, he doesn't have a chance with Rosie and that it can get worse.
ao3 link. ~3k words. masterlist.
you and quackity made your way back to the dorm, not before you made will promise to head over for some good takeout and movie marathon. his awkward smile and gesture to the gremlin child he called his brother, but you assured him, he could come over whenever, you knew he had family over. whenever he could make it, you told him, smiling at him as you hugged him goodbye.
quackity called you a simp in the car, “who invites someone over when they have family?” he questioned you. you shook your head as you buckled yourself into the car.
“it’s not like that-”
“then what is it like? i’ve only been around you and him for a day or two but you gotta admit, you two have chemistry, he really doesn’t like being close to me unless you’re close too, not to mention, the way he looks at you-”
“be realistic,” you interrupt him, your face dropping, a frown shoving itself onto your face, “i’m pretty sure i’m his first friend in a while, besides,” you remember the morning he’d stayed over, the way he couldn’t stop glancing at rosie. even though he told you, a mere shock he’d get over, his favorite streamer being just less than an inch away of course he’d make sure she was real.
but still, it didn’t sit right.
“it’s complicated.”
preparations for a dinner wasn’t completed until rosie and jared showed with grey goose and tito’s, talking of what they’re gonna do for hangouts in the future and when they saw only you and quackity, they shared a look. “wasn’t wilbur going to come?” rosie asks, eyes on the bottles of vodka as she places them on the counter, making sure she acted normal.
“his family’s in town, wanted to spend time with them,” you hum, stirring the pot with one arm wrapped around your middle, you were mildly disappointed but it was towards yourself more so than him. like quackity said, who in their right mind would invite someone who’s got family visiting?
“well, at least he knows he’s welcome,” rosie gave jared a look, who upon seeing it, was still confused. rosie rolls her eyes, before moving to give you a side hug.
“don’t know how we’ll be able to hang out without our favorite greasy-haired friend,” and you just smile into the hug, “but we’ll just save the alcohol for when he gets here, though, i am kinda hungry, what are you making?” rosie peers over your shoulder, and the night continues in a light fashion.
you offer a sleepover in your room but quackity says he’s okay with the couch, too full and too tired to move from it. the reasons for not accepting are valid, you accept them as such, but you couldn’t help… thinking about that night again.
sleeping in the same bed as will. twice. you don’t know how to justify that.
as long as you don’t tell quackity, you decide, you don’t have to.
will comes over the next night, holding in his hands a bag, he tells you, “just in case,” with a small smile, and you accept it, throwing his bag onto the couch while dragging him to the stove.
“i have to take a shower real quick, just make sure it doesn’t boil,” and when he’s about to ask you what to do after that, you race off to the bathroom, the shower already running water, and from the steam that had floated out of the doorway- it was boiling temperatures.
he stares into the pot of sauce, watching it as it slowly heats up, forcing himself to stick to the hot steam steadily coming out of the pot, he hesitates before taking the pot off the stove, turning it off and hoping maybe if he waits a few minutes then puts it back on- then it's the right thing to do.
until the bathroom door opens and you call out, “can you pass me the towel will! i left mine on my bed.”
bells ring his head like a christmas carol, this could be his chance to make it right, just grab the cameras and be done with it, die with a somewhat muggy conscience.
he lets you know he’ll get it with a shout, before moving to your room, he finds the towel but gestures toward the cluttered surface the cameras were on, and yet, with how little space there seemed to be, there was a perfect view of the bed. of you that morning, changing right in front of it.
you had to have known about them, that’s the only way when everyone on that dresser had moved except for the camera’s placement and the lack of anything standing in the camera’s way. it had to be on purpose.
there’s no other way, it has to be. but the bathroom door is opening and you’re walking into the bedroom with your head turned to the side as if yelling for him, and when you turn to look in front of you, your friend is holding your towel but stares you down.
“i uh, i found a towel, um, did you take the sauce off the stove?” you ask, moving around him as you went to grab some clothes, holding them close to your chest.
“erm, yeah.”
“good, well, unless you’ve bought a ticket for the show, you can’t stay,” you joke, waving down the towel wrapped around your wet, and probably warm skin, body. he nods but he doesn’t move, unable to look away for a second.
until a second does pass and he pales, “well i- uh well, i left my wallet in the car, i could go get it!” will breathes out a laugh, jabbing his thumb behind him as if to say he’s gonna stay and watch.
“how sweet but you can’t afford me,” you smile without missing a beat, pushing him out the door as you all but nearly dropped the towel from the effort and moving limbs.
sighing, you drop the towel and will thinks he’s so funny for opening the door and holding a pot of sauce, having the audacity to ask, “but don't you think this looks a little weird?” you kick him in the shin and he almost goes down before leaving the room for the last time.
it’s not that you didn’t want will to see you naked, just not under these circumstances, as you curse the gods above.
“if we’re being completely honest i didn’t know you had taken your towel off until after you kicked me-” “-wilbur i’ll kick you again if you don’t shut up.”
the sauce is poured over the large shells and there’s a heavy amount of cheese that goes on top of the pasta, but you and him high five over it both and when he goes to stab a shell with a fork, you slap his hand, “we’re waiting on jared and rosie, mostly jared because this is his favorite.”
will grumbles about something but after you send him to the couch you promise alcohol, “they said wait for them to get here to start eating but not to start drinking.” you grin at him as you hand him a cup, and after taking a sip, wilbur understood quite well.
they better hurry up if they don’t want the two of you to get shit-faced.
“secret time! when i was a kid, i used to run around listening to one song on my dad’s mp3 player, guess which one?” you hummed, tapping your chin as you squint at your friend from the other side of the couch.
“is it bring me to life?” he snorts, his head slumping forward, chin hitting his chest as you shove his shoulder. “what? you sometimes dress as if you work at hot topic or spencer’s, you know?”
“no i do not know,” he laughs and his head leans against the couch, looking at you like it's his first time, like he hasn’t seen you before. and you know it's the alcohol making you feel giddy and warm, like you’re fifteen again, but you let yourself indulge in it. what’s the harm? you usually keep your secrets to yourself when you’re drunk.
it’ll be fine. you know it will be.
you’re on your second green, wine glass of grey goose, wilbur’s head in your lap and his feet hanging off the arm of the couch when rosie and jared open the door and enter through it, their chatter dying off as you make eye contact and wave.
“already drinking, i’d thought you’d wait for us to get here before then,” you burped a little before you shrug your shoulders without little thought.
“i thought you meant the food, sorry, that one is on me!” you raise your hand to take the blame and when rosie takes it into hers she just sighs bigger than the breath in her chest. when she’s done swinging your hands, she heads straight to the bottles.
“you didn’t drink all of it right?” rosie opens the squeaky fridge door and you shake your head.
“nope! wilby is barely on his first glass and i may be on my second, oops,” you bite your lip as you strain your neck to meet her eyes. she just waves you off.
“we’ll buy another bottle if we have to, don’t worry!”
jared is squished in the middle of you and will, pulling you two into a headlock as he starts to sing a sea shanty. “it’s about drive, it’s about power, we stay hungry we devour,” he sings out like it’s a sea shanty and with the confidence of twenty pirates, no less. his tenor voice carried itself pretty easily, you think to yourself as you try and hold back down the bile for two bowls of marinara pasta.
“no, jared, the instructions were to get the three of you to sing, not just you,” rosie sits with her legs crossed on the small chair in the corner, grinning widely. “it clearly states so in the card, are you not reading?” and then jared throws his head back, almost spilling his cup all over your shirt.
“what? what’s so funny?” will asks, quiet but smiling with mirth, life filling his eyes in a way it hadn’t done so before, you liked the way he smiles here and now.
“don’t you know, my name is jared, i may be older than nineteen but i still can’t read,” and then rosie just cackles, loses her composure and when jared releases the two of you, rosie has no qualms putting her own drink down and pushing jared back, throwing her legs over his and settling into his lap, stealing his lips into a kiss.
you catch wilbur’s face from the other side, he was about to take a sip from his drink and he’s still in the middle of it, lips drawn slack on his face as he takes in the scene before him. he nearly slams the cup down before stumbling over the living room to the bathroom, all the meanwhile, jared pulls away and makes eye contact with you, rosie making a dive into his neck, “is he okay?”
it takes you twenty minutes of sitting outside the bathroom door in silence before wilbur opens the door and lets you in, letting you sit next to him as he moves back to his original spot.
you know the gears are turning, they’re turning during a time they should not. you think that timing is a little cruel, he was having so much fun-
he should’ve found out when he was sober, when they’re out of the apartment and not in the living room, probably still in the middle of a makeout session. he should’ve been told not shown that maybe rosie isn’t into him like that, or something just a little less cruel than what he just saw.
you open your mouth, but he looks at you, as if asking you what could you possibly say to make this situation better? that jared was actually choking? that rosie is still saving his esophagus at this very moment like the great person she is? that she hadn’t meant to kiss him? that she aimed for wilbur but clearly doesn’t care that she missed? that jared is in dire need of oxygen and rosie has the magic air that’ll save every conventionally attractive buff guy?
what could you possibly say to make it hurt less?
to make it that it was anything but a rejection? a public one, no less.
a declaration for will to go fuck himself and any feelings he may have harbored.
“you don’t need her, you’re a great person all on your own, and loving her wouldn’t have changed it then.” you say slowly, as if you were still figuring out the script. “and for what it’s worth, you wouldn’t have liked dating her. she doesn’t change for anyone or anything.” you continue and he doesn’t stop you, so you’ll take it as a win.
but in his mind, he wonders how ironic did your words have to taste, that they almost tasted like blood with the amount of iron? a great person? did you know about the cameras? did you know that he had to pay a considerable amount of money to find out rosie’s ip address, and when he found out she lived on campus? how fast did he apply and work to make sure he would be accepted to her university? just for the chance to see her in real life? see how her body would look against his and yet never get the chance to?
he was never a good person, shit from the start, a rotten garden planted with seeds sown from hell.
(what the hell did you see in him? where is this good you can see? why can’t he see it?)
he supposed if you could see the sins of everyone, you wouldn’t be the person you are today. maybe if you knew the truth, you wouldn’t be so kind, so close to him.
his thoughts are interrupted when you wrap an arm around him, pulling him close to your side as you use your other arm to hold him still against you.
he closes his eyes, burying his face into your shoulder as he let the waves of hurt ride out, let the steady stream of tears soak into your shirt, using his own arms to wrap them around you too, feeling shaky as sobs left his mouth quietly, shoulders heaving up and down with every stunted breath, having to bask in the way loneliness tasted so bitter and yet like nothing at all. because it was just like before. before you, before the two of them, before quackity.
it’s just him now.
and yet, he’s wrong. you’re here. you’re here, sitting here next to him as you give him comfort as best as you could, and he wonders what you’re playing. yes, you wanted to collaborate with him but this is not a crescendo or rehearsal. this isn’t music.
and it continues to confuse him when his breathing evens out, when the tears stop pouring but his eyes begin to feel puffy.
what the hell do you want from him?
you guide him to your room, careful to make sure the two weren’t having sex on the good couch, and let him sit on your bed, barely looking at anything beyond his hands in his lap.
you grab the ice cream bucket and two spoons, heading back to your room and you find him picking up one of the transcribed papers for background vocals and a guitar part, and he’s mumbling to himself, even humming as you lean around to put the ice cream on the desk. “it wasn’t making any sense, it just sounds wrong somewhere and i don’t know what to do with it, maybe scrap it-” you begin to rant though will scramble for a pencil somewhere.
he starts to erase a couple of notes and though you make a noise of disagreement, he starts to write in replacement ones and then he pushes the paper into your hand, motioning for you to take a look at it. and when you do, you don’t realize it at first.
then it clicks. it clicks and when you sing it to yourself in a quiet whisper, your eyes widen as you grasp the paper with both hands now. “will, i’ve been struggling for days now, oh my god,” you lean against your bed, putting aside your sheet music in favor of the guitar leaning against the bed, making sure it’s tuned before using your fingers to make the notes sing in the quiet air.
you breathe out, shaky as anything, in shock, before you look up at him and then you push your guitar onto the bed along with the paper and throw your arms around will, pulling him into a tight hug as you thank him over and over again.
“oh my god, thank you so, so, so much, you have no idea-” you cut yourself off and when you pull away you see a dopey smile on his face. before you could stop yourself, you reached up to pull his cheeks down, crashing your lips onto his and just as quickly as it began you let go, turning around in your excitement and spinning before you froze.
you face wilbur, his face blank but with a hint of shock, like he wasn’t expecting that to happen. and you hadn’t either to be honest, but it happened- not an hour after he found out that the girl he’s probably liked for years isn’t into him.
the two of you don’t say anything, the temperature dropping in your bedroom as if it were the polar ice caps and not your dorm room.
“-guess who managed to get sangria?” rosie bellows out as she barges in your room before catching the two of you like deer in headlights. “did i miss something?”
tag list: @fxnxtical @ghostburlovebot @ollie-overscore @roygbivvie @ghostlypyro @boiled-onionrings @mayempress @bringm3th3n1rvana @yui-san0 @comonlokbut2 @lurkey-lurker @tiredofsatansbullshit @serendipityryn @facelessmatchstick @sewagespaghetti @dogsandrocketsocks @unhelpfulghosty @struggling-with-time @spilltheearlgrey @n3r0-1417 @dreamwvrld @despicablenotions @jubileelineee @the-icarus-thatneverflew @jessica89diangelo @macncheeses89 @socially-blue
If your name is in italics, I cannot tag you!! Tag list is open :DD
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 6) - Best Friends
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Summary: While out with Jensen and some of his new co-stars, the reader bumps into her father again. This time Jensen knows the truth though and nearly starts a fight. After calming him down, the reader and he have an impromptu date that ends up with Jensen sharing a secret about himself...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, angst, body insecurities, scars, smut (oral), mention of a dead parent
A/N: I love all of this part so much! Enjoy!
The room was toasty warm when you woke the next morning. It took a split second to remember you weren’t in your room and that there was a warm body next to you. Your did a tiny stretch and felt a weight over your waist. It pulled you closer and you smiled, lazily opening your eyes.
“Good morning sunshine,” he said, hair spiked up every which way, green eyes big and sleepy. 
“Morning,” you said, shutting your eyes again and nuzzling him.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more adorable in the mornings, I get to see you waking up,” he said. He played with a piece of your hair and you threw your arm over his waist, holding onto him. “You’re so fucking cute.”
“Cuddle buddies, remember?” you mumbled.
“I’m down for that,” he said. He squeezed you and giggled, kissing your forehead until you turned your head upwards. “Hi.”
“Hi handsome,” you said. He pecked a kiss on your lips, a trio of feet running down the hall. 
“The vultures are awake. Prepare for impact.”
“What?” you said, the door opening and three very small bodies climbing up on the bed.
“Y/N, what are you doing in daddy’s bed?” asked Arrow.
“Don’t you guys want to sleep in for like once?” asked Jensen. He pulled her down to his other side, Zeppelin doing a dive right between you and Jensen, while JJ plopped down behind you. A pillow was knocked over his face as the twins started crawling over him, Jensen chuckling and pushing it out of the way. His face poked out just as JJ started to jump behind you, a little smile there. “Welcome to my Sunday mornings.”
“Glad I was invited this time,” you said. He was about to speak when he squeezed his eyes shut and bent his body in half.
“Zeppelin,” he grit out. “No jumping on daddy’s lap, remember?”
“Oh. I forgot,” he said.
“Who wants pancakes this morning?” you asked. All three shot their hands up and you smiled. “Well you better go brush your teeth if you want some. Go on guys.”
They ran off the bed and out of the room, Jensen laughing when you moved the pillow away.
“Think you’ll survive?” you asked. 
“That kid is single handedly going to guarantee I can’t have more children,” he chuckled. He sat up and stared at you, looking you over. 
“That’s not a conversation for right now.”
“No, it’s not. But...are you interested in your own?” he asked.
“My mom didn’t have my blood but she was still my mom. I don’t need to make a kid to love it,” you said.
“I know. I wonder is all.”
“I’m not sure.”
“Okay,” he said softly.
“Are you, in more?”
“I don’t know. I’m almost 43, in like a month. I don’t want to…I don’t want to have a kid so late in life that they see me go early in their life, you know? That’d be cruel to do.”
“You got a lot of road ahead of you. You’re not like seventy, dude.”
“I know. Everything this year just…it’s just one more kid someday that’s gonna get hurt,” he said.
“It’s one more kid to love too though. Let’s talk about this much, much further down the line, okay?”
“Okay with me,” he said. You rolled out of bed and he followed after, holding his hands over himself. 
“You need an ice pack?” you asked.
“No, I’m good,” he said. “He’s a little...up this morning is all.”
“Oh I noticed,” you said. His cheeks went pink and you laughed. “Dude. Morning wood is normal.”
“Oh. Good. I thought maybe considering what you told me last night it might have...bothered you,” he said.
“I don’t got a problem with dicks or sex. I got a problem with people invading my personal space with them without my consent,” you said. “We cool?”
“Yeah. I’m gonna take care of this. I’ll be down in a second,” he said.
“Have fun,” you said, winking as you headed out.
“The view of you in my clothes is not helping,” he said. You swayed your hips and heard him groan. “You’re gonna pay for that.”
“I sure hope so,” you laughed. You changed into some fresh clothes in your room, something comfortable for the day before you jogged downstairs and found the three of them watching cartoons. “Okay. So who wants to help make breakfast?”
Two Weeks Later
“Shopping buddy!” said Antony when you and Jensen found your way over to the table where he and a few of Jensen’s other new cast mates were getting a drink and some food.
“Wow you really are too adorable when you’re not playing a psychopath,” you said, sliding into the booth beside him, getting a hug. “Hi. I’m Y/N, his shopping buddy.”
“Erin, Karl,” said Jensen. “Don’t you have a super huge crush on Karl, Y/N?”
“Yours is bigger,” you said, a waiter bringing over a pair of drinks and setting them down. You were about to order when you looked at the man and rolled your eyes. “You gotta be kidding me.”
“We’d like a new waiter. Now,” said Jensen. He stared at you and then Jensen before nodding and leaving.
“What was that about?” asked Erin.
“That was my father. We’re not on good terms,” you said. 
“Gotcha. So how’s a pretty girl like you end up with this ugly?” said Karl. 
“Aw, he thinks you’re pretty,” teased Jensen.
“I got eyes for you too, Jensen. Don’t be jealous,” he chuckled.
“Later guys,” said Jensen, arm over your shoulder as you headed for your car a few hours later. “Thanks for going. I’m still getting to know everyone.”
“I had fun. I like your new friends. I’d like to get to know Jared more when we’re back home.”
“Really?” he asked with a soft smile.
“He’s your best friend. You talk to the guy everyday. He’s important to you.”
“Yes he is. I’d definitely love for you guys to get along.”
“Me too,” you said, arm around his waist. 
“Y/N,” you heard behind you and froze, Jensen already spinning around and pushing you behind him.
“Buddy stay the fuck away from her. I’m serious,” said Jensen.
“That’s my daughter,” he said.
“I’d rather die than hurt my daughters unlike some people. Get your piece of shit ass away from us,” said Jensen.
“Y/N, I got help,” he said, looking past Jensen. “I did.”
“Do I look like I care?”
“Y/N-” he said, trying to get around Jensen and earning a shove for it instead. 
“I told you to back off.”
“Hey,” you heard from outside the restaurant, Jensen’s co-stars walking down from where they were waiting for their ride. “What’s going on here?”
“Leave,” Jensen told your father again.
“I want to talk to-”
“Excuse me but I think our friends asked you to leave them alone,” said Antony. You swallowed and noticed people starting to look. The last thing you needed was this turning into a fight and all of them ending up on the front of TMZ.
“Dad,” you said, brushing past Jensen. “Stay the fuck out of my life. Come near me again and I’ll call the cops.”
“I am sorry for what happened.” Jensen growled and you put a hand on his chest, pushing him back.
“You want to make it up to me?” you asked. “Move to Alaska, somewhere I’ll never have to see your face again.”
“Leave and never, I mean never, come back.”
He went back into the restaurant and you took a deep breath, glancing down.
“Sorry about that,” you said.
“You guys good?” they asked and you nodded. “Jensen?”
“Yeah I’m good. I’ll see you guys at work,” he said. You pulled him away and down the sidewalk, holding his hand tightly. “Don’t step in front of me like that.”
“I don’t want you near him. Ever.”
“Forget about him. Please. We had fun tonight. That’s all I want to focus on.”
“Okay,” he said when you got to the crosswalk. He pulled you into his side and kissed your temple.
“You’re shaking,” you said.
“I’m freaking out a little bit to be honest,” he said. You hugged him and walked across the street, pulling him into a bar. You found a quiet table in the corner and got him an old fashioned, leaving him seated while you got an order of pretzels too. 
“Eat this,” you said, placing the basket of warm soft dough in front of him. He picked one up and ripped it apart, dipping it in mustard and then the cheese.
“This is really good,” he said. You pulled off his hat and carded your fingers through his hair, Jensen glancing down. “I’m sorry. I should be taking care of you right now.”
“I’m okay and I happen to like taking care of you. Always have,” you said. He nodded and rested his head on your shoulder, eating quietly as you listened to an in house band play on the other side of the bar. “I like this place. It’s kinda quaint.”
“Try some,” he said, holding up the pretzel. You took a bite and hummed. “S’good.”
“Very good. You feel like you calmed down some.”
“I thought he might hurt you. I was so fucking angry it scared me.”
“But you still listened to me and calmed down for me. I’m not gonna be mad that you want to protect me from him.” 
“I feel like I can’t do anything to protect people I care about anymore.”
“Did she ever have to force you to relax?”
“Your wife. Did she make you take time off or relax or have a lazy day?” you asked. 
“Yeah. How’d you know that?”
“I think your life has been so busy for so long you forget to have the quiet moments to yourself, even though I think that’s truly what you enjoy. I think you had more fun tonight than you would have without me because new people make you nervous. I think you were thrown on pause for so long after the accident that you didn’t realize that you can’t ever go back to how it was, no matter how much you want it to. You need to take more time for you Jensen. The fate of the world doesn’t rest on your shoulders. You can sleep in. You can take a day for yourself and not constantly be with the kids for hours and hours on end. You can take a second to breathe. You gotta. I’m okay. Even if something had happened tonight, it’s not the end of the world.”
He lifted his head up and blinked a few times at you. His hand cupped your cheek and he kissed you, tasting like bourbon and mustard, something different about it this time. Something possessive, something softer. 
“Better?” you asked, stroking his cheek.
“I’m better,” he said, turning into the touch. “You scare me most of all, you know.”
“Cause this is either going to turn out really good or really bad and I’m so fucking tired of being scared.”
“Don’t be,” you said quietly. He swallowed and you looked him up and down. “You’re my best friend. I don’t want you to be scared of me.”
“You’re my best friend too,” he said, nodding and taking a deep breath. You scooted closer and hugged him, Jensen returning it for a long moment. You sat back against the corner and turned him to lean back against you, both of you watching over towards where the band played. He sipped on his drink and you played with his hair, picking at the pretzel while you held him. “Y/N.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, honey,” you said, kissing the top of his head. “That’s my job.”
He tilted his head back and looked up at you with the biggest green eyes you’d ever seen, a warm feeling filling you. You bent down and kissed him, Jensen grinning by the time you were straightening yourself out. 
A few minutes went by and some more, Jensen ordering a few more drinks and food while you used the bathroom. You returned to your table and picked at fat mozzarella sticks and chicken wings, sipping on a way too expensive scotch while you listened to the band play, tucked away in Jensen’s side. 
“Can I admit something?” he asked while you dunked a cheese stick into a tiny cup of marinara. “I kinda like this more than our date a few weeks ago. Our dress up one. Don’t get me wrong, you were gorgeous but this is kinda perfect all things considered.”
“I’m a cheap date Ackles. Give me some bar food, some music and a cuddle and I’m a happy girl,” you said. You held up your stick and he bit off the end before you popped the other piece in your mouth. “I like this date too. Found out I’m your best friend and all.”
“Do you wanna…” he trailed off. You turned your head up and saw the look in his eye. You nodded and smiled, the two of you getting into your coats and heading outside. You barely caught the name of the bar before Jensen was pulling you after him down towards the car. 
He turned up the heat when you were inside and drove out of the city, finding a quiet and dark little field not too far from the house. 
“Um, I wasn’t...expecting this,” he said. You smirked and sat back in your seat, Jensen turning off the car but leaving the heat running. “I don’t even know what I’m…”
“I’ve never made out in the back of a car before,” you said with a shrug. “I’ve also never made out in the back of a car with you either so…”
“I was thinking something more…” he said, taking a deep breath.
“I’m not on birth control,” you said. 
“I’m not having sex with you for the first time in the back of a car. I have more class than that,” he chuckled. You unbuckled your seatbelt and shrugged out of your coat, leaning over as he backed up against his door. 
“If you’re not ready for this, tell me and I’ll stop,” you said. He nodded and you put a hand on his chest, unzipping his coat. Your hand rested on his lower stomach, just over his belt and he shut his eyes.
“Wait,” he said. You sat back and he sat forward in his seat again, pressing his hand over his stomach. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” you said. You kissed his cheek and sat back in your seat, sticking your arms in your jacket. “Seriously, don’t over think it.”
“I want to. Shit I want to do all sorts of things with you in that backseat. But I need to show you something first and it’s better at home if you find out.”
“Okay,” you said. “Let’s go home then.”
Twenty minutes later the babysitter was gone and you were watching Jensen peel off his shirt in his bedroom, back to you. He dropped his jeans and kicked them aside, turning around in his boxer briefs. He started to pull them down when you shook your head.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“No. I think I’m wearing too many clothes is all.” You turned and took off your top, your face hot as you slipped off your leggings. You dropped them to the ground and straightened up, taking deep breaths. You’d been naked in front of your ex before plenty. But Jensen was just so damn handsome and his body was…
“Y/N,” said Jensen, close behind you but not touching you. “You okay?”
“Didn’t really think through the you seeing me basically naked thing,” you said. He lightly tapped your arm and you spun around, forcing your head up. 
“Basically naked you is hot,” he said, cupping your cheek. 
“I have a stomach,” you said.
“So do I,” he said, patting his own. “You are beautiful, Y/N. Believe me when I say it.”
You nodded and started to relax, Jensen tensing up again though.
“What did you want to show me?” you asked. He walked over to the bed and glanced at it. You took a seat and he shut his eyes, taking a beat before he pushed down his underwear. A thick pink scar ran over his skin and curled down to his leg.
“One of my arteries was damaged in my hip, leg, groin, whatever area, when part of the car kinda...went in me. It’s um...it’s fine now but the scar is…I’m kinda...self-conscious about it...”
“Can I?” you asked. He nodded and you reached out your hand, Jensen opening his eyes as you touched the end closest to his hip. You traced your finger over it and down, curving it back around and to the top of his thigh.
“I know it’s ugly but laser scar removal can be a bitch to deal with, especially down there. I-”
“I love it.”
“Scars mean you survived. I’m really happy you survived so yeah, I love it. I don’t give a fuck if you have scars, Jensen. You’re so handsome and attractive and this is not ugly. This is part of you and nothing about you is ugly.”
“It’s not attractive though,” he said, putting his hand over it. You put yours over his and moved it aside.
“You’re standing in front of me naked and you think this scar is what I’m thinking about?” you asked. 
“I haven’t done this with someone new in almost twenty years,” he said. “I’m nervous.”
“Me too. But I meant what I said. It’s just a scar, Jensen. I got ‘em. You got ‘em. I’m attracted to you but that sure as shit ain’t why I like you.” You gently thumbed over the skin and he rested his hand on yours, tracing over it with you this time. “Come here.”
He sat down and you knelt up on your knees, cupping his cheek and kissing him. He sank back and moved towards the middle of the bed, never breaking apart from you. 
“Relax,” you said against his ear. “This is gonna be fun. I promise.”
“Can I take off your bra?” he asked. You nodded and he shook his head. “Why do I feel like I’m doing this for the first time?”
“It is the first time like this. So we’ll move at your speed, okay?”
“How do…” he said, shutting his eyes. He fisted his hands in the sheets and you wrapped your arms around him, Jensen resting his head on your shoulder. “I don’t want to...do certain things bother you?”
“Like…” you said, Jensen taking a deep breath. He lifted his head and looked at you, pursing his lips.
“Do things having to do with sex scare you? I don’t need details or why but with what happened to you I don’t want to frighten you or do something stupid.”
“You’re too sweet,” you said. You stroked his cheek and shook your head. “I’m okay. Trust me. I’ve probably done kinkier shit than you have.”
“I’m not scared of you, Ackles. I’ve had all the time in the world to work through that stuff. If you want to take off my bra and leave it at making out in bed naked, that’s fine. If you want to go further, that’s fine too. I’m not pushing you into anything. Ever. I literally can’t imagine being in your position. Take all the time-”
“Why…” he breathed out, resting his forehead against yours, hot breath fanning over your mouth. “Why are you so patient with me? You’re thirty. You could have anyone you want. Why would you want me?”
“Because you’re my best friend, Jensen. You’re the only one I do want.”
He leaned forward, hand sliding up to the back of your neck as he pressed his lips to yours. He slowly took charge of it and you let him, Jensen guiding you to lay back. You kept softly kissing him, matching his pace and cupping his face, running your fingers through his hair. A finger grazed your shoulder and then the other. You moved your arms out of the bra straps, reaching up for him again. You sat up as best you could, Jensen reaching behind you and undoing the clasp before tossing it aside. He didn’t move lower though, just kissed you lazily until he rolled back onto the mattress, pulling you to lay on top of him.
You shifted back and heard him groan when you nudged the tip of his cock. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, Jensen shaking his head.
“Take off your underwear,” he murmured.
“Jensen I don’t like to have sex unless I’m on birth control. It’s just a-”
“Of course not. There are other things we can do if that’s okay?” he asked. You nodded and rolled to the side, shimmying out of your underwear. He slid down the bed and ran his hands up your thighs, a shiver trickling down your spine. 
“What are you thinking?” you breathed out.
“Wonder how you taste,” he said, licking his lips.
“Are you sure you want to?” you asked. He nodded and you returned it. He leaned down and spread your legs out, large hands sliding up and down your inner thigh, getting closer and closer each time. “What are you doing?”
“S’called foreplay sweetheart,” he said, hands gliding up over your hips and giving a gentle squeeze.
“Jesus Jensen. I was not expecting this from you.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Fuck no.” He smirked and inched his fingers closer and closer to you, teasingly leaving kitten kisses over your hip. Painfully slow he made his way down, dipping his head down and swiping his tongue over your clit. He was soft and gentle at first but he increased the pressure when your legs wrapped over his back.
His hands pinned your hips down to the bed, your own wandering to his hair and running through it. He was very good and when he sucked you fisted his short strands, Jensen doing it over and over while still working his tongue. 
Your legs squeezed him as your orgasm snuck up on you, sharp and powerful. You moaned when the feeling died down but Jensen didn’t let up for a beat.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” you said, another orgasm tearing through you. You yelped and threw a hand over your mouth, this one even better than the last. You breathed hard as Jensen finally pulled back, smirking as he pulled his hand away from your mouth. 
“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself,” he teased.
“I think you short circuited my brain,” you breathed out, staring at the ceiling. You giggled and he joined you, laying a hand over your waist. “How the fuck did you get me to come twice. That’s literally never happened outside of some alone time.”
“You find that groove, you stay in it,” he smirked. “You taste excellent by the way.”
“You’re a fucking dirty boy under that soft little face and I’m kinda super hot for it,” you said. He chuckled and you sat up, staring down at him. “Can I return the favor?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “Do you want a condom?”
“You clean?” you asked. He nodded and you smiled. “You okay with me not using one?”
“Yeah. Just don’t expect me to last long.”
You smiled and kissed him before you scooted down the bed. He was hard and leaking a bit of precome when you gently wrapped a hand around the base of him. He tensed up and you flicked your gaze up but he took a deep breath.
“I’m good,” he said. You licked your lips and ducked your head, taking the head of him into your mouth. He breathed harder and you stilled, waiting until he was calmer before you moved your tongue around. You didn’t stroke the rest of him, merely gave him a few teasing touches while you bobbed an inch or two, lightly hollowing your cheeks. He let out soft sighs and quiet grunts that spurred you to take more of him in. You moved lower and faster, swiping your tongue over his head. He started to throb and you sucked hard, Jensen groaning before he came. You pulled off after a moment and swallowed, wiping off your lip with your thumb and sucking it clean. 
“How was that?” you smirked, Jensen throwing his arm over his face. He didn’t seem to be enjoying his post-orgasmic glow though and you tried pulling his arm away. “Hey, you okay? Was it too much?”
“No,” he said, flopping his arm down and staring up at you. “It felt great. I just...I came so fucking early.”
“When’s the last time you had a blowjob?”
“Well over six months. I still-”
“Coming early ain’t a bad thing to me,” you said. “Shit I came after like five minutes which doesn’t happen like, ever. I just care that you had fun.”
“I did,” he said, a smile coming onto his face. “I liked that little under the tip thing you were doing with your tongue.”
“Never met a man that could last longer than a few minutes with that little trick,” you said. You lay down and wrapped your arms around him, Jensen brushing his nose against yours. 
“How many guys you been with? If that’s okay.”
“Three including you,” you shrugged. “Highschool party. The ex which was off and on for a long time. You. You got the nicest dick, that’s for sure.”
He chuckled and you kissed the tip of his nose, Jensen pulling you closer.
“Oh I’ve not been with any guys,” he chuckled. 
“Go gentler on the dick than you think you should. They go nuts for it,” you said.
“I will keep that in mind for when it happens,” he laughed. “Pretty much all of my girlfriends in adulthood. Seven or so I’d say.”
“I don’t know why I expected that number to be higher.”
“More than that have tried. I’m not really the hook up guy. Sure I acted like that guy when I was younger but never really was him, you know?”
“You’ve always been sweet. Probably even as a dumb teenage boy, weren’t you.”
“I was a very dumb teenage boy,” he chuckled. “But I didn’t really get in trouble. Flirted with that line once or twice but you know. Teenagers are idiots. I bet you were a good girl, weren’t you.”
“I spent most of my teenage years with my mom sick and then after that I was...I wasn’t really the girl that got involved with that stuff besides some parties.”
“Was it cancer? Your mom?” he asked.
“Radiation poisoning. She’d been accidentally exposed as a little kid on her family’s farm when she got into some supplies she shouldn’t have. Hit her harder later on in life. She’d known since she was a kid that dying young was a strong possibility. It wasn’t easy but I felt kinda better that her first husband Dan was like, maybe waiting for her or some shit. I don’t know. Ray and I used to say that to each other sometimes.”
“Why don’t you talk to Ray anymore?” he asked quietly, playing with a piece of your hair over your shoulder.
“It wasn’t like we had a fight or anything. I just got older, moved out for a nanny job at eighteen. He started to date again and he has this nice little life now with his wife and kids. The idea of a father scared me.”
“My dad’s nice if you ever want to talk to a dad sometime,” he said. He smiled before he cocked his head, his lips parting. “They have no idea I’m dating you.”
“It’s not been that long,” you said.
“I should tell them, before they hear from some tabloid or friend or something,” he said.
“Do you think they’ll have a problem with me?” you asked, his head shaking. “I mean, I’d be leery of me if I were them. I sound like a fucking movie plot. The young nanny gets with the older single dad.”
“My parents want me to be happy again and you make me happy for the first time in a very long time. There’s no way that they couldn’t love you,” he said. You nodded and closed your eyes, covers pulled up over top of the two of you after a few moments. You felt a kiss on your lips and you smiled, inching closer to him. “Thanks. For tonight.”
“You too, Jensen. It was perfect.”
A/N: Read Part 7 here!
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reds-ramblings · 2 years
Hope in Tragedy - Part 16
MC's P.O.V.
The light streaming in the window wakes me up. I slept at Chase's again last night but it wasn't a very restful sleep. I would have slept a lot better in Tristan's arms. "I love you, MC." Those words keep rolling through my brain. I don't understand why he said them or even if he really meant them. We haven't known each other long enough for those feelings, have we? I did have those feelings for Jake and I knew him even less so I guess it's possible.
I roll over and look at my phone, again. I keep waiting for a text. The last text he sent was to tell me his plane had landed safely and he was on his way to the safe house. Chase said they would probably take his phone so I'm not sure why I continuously check for a message. I look at the X icon of Chase's program next to it is the red eye symbol of Nymos. I can't help but smile. Even from the grave, Jake is still protecting me. I wonder what he would think if he was here. What would he think of his pursuers coming after me? What would he think of my relationship with Tristan? Tristan and I aren't exactly in a relationship but it certainly does seem like one.
I shower and get dressed for the day opting for black leggings, a tank top, and Tristan's gray hoodie. I make my way into the kitchen to fix myself a cup of coffee.
"Good morning," Chase says startling me.
"Good lord you're going to give me a heart attack." I say while grabbing my chest. "Why aren't you at the restaurant?"
"Someone has to be here with you to make sure you're safe." He says.
"I'm fine. I'd much rather be in my own house sleeping in my own bed and going about my normal life but no I can't do that because some psycho is still pursuing a dead man!" I roll my eyes and slam my coffee cup down on the table before sitting down across from him.
"Geez MC calm down." He says.
"I am calm!" I say angrily.
"Yeah obviously." He scoffs.
"You can't keep me here forever you know."
"I know I just don't want anything to happen to you."
"Maybe I could get close to him and get some information we can use against him?" I suggest.
"No, MC, you are going to do no such thing. What do you think Jake would say if he knew you were trying to avenge his death?"
"Good job, MC? I'm proud of you, MC? Nobody's ever done anything like that for me before? I don't know something along those lines?"
"How about don't be stupid MC or you need to worry about yourself MC?" He glares at me.
"Have you heard from Tristan?" I ask changing the subject.
"No, you?"
"Not since he landed. I know he's safe but I'm worried about him."
"He'll be fine MC. They probably took his phone but I gave him one he could use. He's going to have to hide it really well and he's not going to be able to talk much but it's something." He says.
I nod at him and get up from the table. "Come on let's go to work. I'm not being stuck here all day." I grab my laptop bag and head for the door.
Chase won't allow me to drive myself which makes for an awkwardly silent car ride.
"Listen, MC just because Jake's dead that doesn't mean these people will stop. They are looking for any trace of him. You need to be careful. There's no telling what these people will do so make sure you are aware of your surroundings at all times and don't ever leave any of your stuff alone. I know it's normal for you to get up from the table and leave your stuff to go to the bathroom or whatever but you can't do that anymore."
"I know and I will be careful but I can't spend my life in hiding. I can't just do nothing when I know who that man is and what he is capable of. I don't want that happening to anyone else." I tell him.
He pulls into the restaurant and turns to me and if I didn't know better I would think he was on the verge of tears. "I don't want to lose you, MC. If something were to happen to you I would never forgive myself for not being able to protect you."
"Chase," I lean over and hug him. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
We walk into the restaurant where Jared greets us with a look of confusion.
"Good morning kiddo. You want your usual coffee and muffin?" He asks
"Yes, please. I'll be back at my usual table." I call to him over my shoulder as I walk toward the back.
"Why is she here?" I hear him ask Chase as I walk away.
"She refused to stay home. She says she doesn't want to hide." Chase answers.
"Of course not." He says.
I walk to the back and sit down. I take out my laptop and set it up. I glance down at my phone looking for a message but there's still nothing. The worst part of this is not knowing what's going on with him. He seems to trust this Agent Morgan so I hope he's safe. After a few moments, Jared walks up and sets my muffin and coffee down on the table.
"You don't have a shadow today it seems." He says.
"I hope it stays that way but it's still early so we will see." I tell him.
He nods and walks away and I get to work.
A few hours pass and everything has been fine when I look up and see him walk through the door. He walks back to where I'm seated and sits down at the next table over. Instead of one of the waitresses, Jared comes to take his order. After he places his order Jared shoots me a knowing glance and walks away to put the order in.
"Were you off work yesterday? I missed seeing you here." He says as he looks over the menu. To avoid suspicion I decide to make small talk with him.
"I actually don't work here. I was just helping out the other day. I'm working now." I tell him pointing to my laptop.
"Oh, what kind of work do you do?"
"Customer service." I tell him honestly.
"Oh, so nothing like what Jake did." He says making me groan.
"Honestly I have no clue what he did. He really didn't tell me anything about his work." I tell The man.
"What did you guys talk about when you weren't talking about Hannah and her kidnapping?"
I decided to be as truthful as I could be with him hoping if he senses I'm telling the truth he'll leave me alone.
"We really didn't talk about much. We talked about the weather, Chinese food, and what it may be like if we finally met." I let out a sad sigh.
"You really never met him?" He asks raising his eyebrow at me.
"No. He said it was too dangerous."
"You think you could look at some pictures and see if you recognize any of the people in them?" He asks and I stare at him for a minute confused by his request.
"Sure." I finally say. He pulls out a picture of a man in his late 20s maybe early 30s who I've truly never seen before and lays it on the table. Then he lays down another photo this one is of a woman.
"I've never seen these people before. Who are they?"I ask.
"His name is Adam and that's his sister Lola. What about this person?" He asks taking out a picture of Tristan. What does Tristan have to do with any of this? Did he know Jake and he's not telling me? They are both hackers is it possible their crossed paths at some point or that they were being pursued by the same people?
"No, I don't know him either?" I try to sound convincing. Just then Jared comes over bringing his food. He must notice how nervous I am and he turns to me.
"Everything alright MC? This man isn't bothering you is he?" He asks.
"And who might you be?" The man asks Jared.
"I'm her brother." Jared says crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, you're not." The man looks at him confused which makes me wonder how much he knows about me and my family.
"I may not be her blood but I am her brother."
"No I'm fine we were just talking." I tell him urging him to leave so I can hopefully figure out who these people are and what Tristan has to do with any of it. Jared nods and walks away.
"Sorry about that big brothers can be a bit overprotective. Do you have any siblings?" I ask trying to put him at ease.
"No, I'm an only child." He says and I start to ask more questions but my phone beeps. I notice it's a text from an unknown number so I gather my things and excuse myself before walking off to the back. I look at the message and breathe a sigh of relief when I notice it is Tristan.
"Hey beautiful, everything is fine here. They took my phone away but I am safe. They haven't found this phone yet but I don't want to risk getting caught. I just wanted to check in. I hope everything is going well there. Please don't do anything stupid." He says and I am so happy to finally hear from him. I send back a quick message letting him know everything is ok and I'm not going anything crazy. Then the phone starts ringing and to my surprise it's Hannah.
"Hello." I answer.
"Hey MC, I haven't heard from you in a while and wanted to make sure everything is ok."
"Well it is at the moment but everything has been crazy lately. You're not going to believe this. The man who killed Jake is here and he's been asking me all kinds of questions." I tell her.
"Where's Tristan at? Is he there with you?" She asks and I can hear the worry in her voice.
"No, but don't worry I have Chase and-"
"Where is he?" She cuts me off frantically.
"He's in protective custody in DC because on top of all of this the people he's testifying against may know he's here." I tell her and it sounds like she breathes a sigh of relief. Was she actually worried about Tristan and not me?
"Well, I'm glad you're both safe. If you need somewhere to lay low away from these people my door is always open."
"Thank you, Hannah. I appreciate the thought but he's a German federal agent I don't think flying to Germany where he has the most power is a good idea. At least here we hold some of the cards."
"Oh yeah, I didn't think about that." She says. After a few more minutes of small talk, we say our goodbyes. Hannah was acting weird about this whole thing and I'm not sure why. I make a mental note to ask her about it. As soon as the call with her disconnects a video call from an unknown number pops up. Hoping it's from Tristan I answer and a hooded figure appears on the screen.
"Haven't you learned your lesson about staying out of other people's affairs? You've made a huge mistake MC and now you must face the consequences."  Just like that the call disconnects and I rush back out to the front to confront the man I was just taking to but he is gone. Does he think using the same tactics as the man without a face is really going to scare me?
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rowyn-writes · 4 years
Mending A Broken Heart (Jared x Reader)
Warnings: SMUT, breeding kink, unprotected sex, (wrap it before you tap it, kids,) oral sex, female receiving, slight praise kink, angst, mentions of miscarriage, mentions of non-con, mentions of cheating, reader has PCOS, fluff, strong language.
Pairings: Jared x Reader
Characters: Jared, Jensen, Danneel, JJ Ackles, Misha (mentioned only)
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: You get a call from you older sister, Danneel, saying that she is in labor. When you arrive, your first niece is being born. You call your soon to be husband to inform him of JJ's birth, only to have a woman answer his phone.
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You were on a mission.
You walked with purpose through the hallways of the hospital, not even stopping when a nurse asked if you needed help. You were Y/N Graul. You didn't need help to find your sisters freaking room.
"Ackles." You said, approaching two men. "Padalecki. How's my sister?" Just as the words left your mouth, you heard an ear piercing scream. "That answers that question." You pushed past them and into Danneel's delivery room.
"Ma'am, you can't be in here!" The doctor ordered.
"She's my sister." Danneel waved her off. "She can be here." The mother to be let out another groan of pain. You grabbed her hand, letting Danneel use it to relieve some of her pain. You winced slightly. Your sister had a strong grip.
You didn't understand how women could all over the world could go through this pain. Especially those without epidurals. 
"I want Jensen!" She cried.
You nodded, quickly making your way out into the hall. "Ackles! Get your ass in here!" Jensen gave Jared a scared look before following you inside.
"I'm here, sweetheart." He assured her as he took your place. You hid your smile at brother-in-law's kindness. You and Jensen never got along, mostly because you were so alike. You were both hard headed, but you had a big heart. You'd never say, but you secretly liked him.
"C'mon, Dannie," You encouraged, coming on the other side of her. "You've got this. Push!"
Danneel yelled once more, gripping both of your hands and she tried to push. "No! No, no, no. I can't do this!" She whined.
"You can and you will!" You demanded. "You are Danneel Ackles, you are a badass, powerful woman and you will be a great mother! All you have to do is push!"
"Easier said that done!" Danneel barked, her  auburn hair sticking to her forehead with sweat.
"We're almost there, Mrs. Ackles! One more push!" And with one last scream, and one last push, Danneel fell back on the bed, panting heavily. There was a small cry that pierced through the room, which caused the three adults to look over at the doctor.
"Congratulations," She smiled softly. "You just gave birth to a healthy baby girl."
Danneel and Jensen shared wide smiles as their newborn baby girl was set into their arms. "She's beautiful." Jensen whispered. "She has your eyes."
"She has your nose." Danneel looked over at you, her eyes filled with joy. "Y/N, can you give us a minute?"
"Of course, Dannie." You kissed her forehead. "I'm so happy for you."
You exited the room, only to find Jared pacing back and forth. "How are they? Danneel stopped screaming. Is she okay?" He asked, worry written across his face.
"They're okay. Better than okay, actually. Danneel just became a mother to a beautiful baby girl." You beamed proudly.
Jared let out a relieved laugh as he surged forward to hug you. You stood stiffly in his hold, unsure of what to do. You weren't used to physical affection, as your boyfriend rarely held you anymore. The last time you had been this close to Jared was at Jensen and Danneel's wedding when you both walked down the aisle together.
You slowly wrapped your arms around him, patting his back awkwardly. "Sorry," He apologized sheepishly. "I'm a hugger."
"So I've noticed." You said, stepping away. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some exciting news to share with my family."
You found an empty hallway and began to call every family member you could think of. Gino was first, obviously. You knew how excited he was when he found out Danneel was pregnant. Your parents were next, and then your cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.
You cringed as you looked at the last name on your contacts. Will.
You hadn't been on very good terms as of late. The two of you had been fighting constantly, especially after you found out Danneel was pregnant. You were beyond happy for her and Jensen; they were finally starting the family they had always dreamed about.
Fuck it. You might as well get it over with. It rang three times before it was finally answered. "Hello?" An unfamiliar female voice said.
"Uh, who is this?" You questioned, starting to get defensive. It was four o'clock in the morning in Vermont.
"Lacy," She answered simply.
"And what are you doing with my fiance's phone, Lacy?"
"Who is it, babe?" You heard Will in the background.
"It's your fiance, William. The one that I didn't know you had!" Lacy screamed. "You asshole! I can't believe you cheated! And I can't believe you dragged me into it! We're done!" You felt your throat close up, your eyes began to well up with tears.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. You kept repeating to yourself. This was the happiest day of Jensen and Danneel's life, you couldn't bring them down.
"Y/N, baby, this really isn't what it sounds like." Will claimed after Lacy threw his phone at him. 
"No, Will, I think it's exactly what it sounds like." You whispered harshly. "You cheated. After three years, you cheated on me."
"Well you didn't give me much of a choice, did you?" He growled.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't let me touch you in almost eight months. What else was I supposed to do? I have needs, Y/N."
"You know why we haven't done anything!" You hissed, tears running down your face. "You know exactly why!"
"Can't you just get over it! God, Y/N, we could always try again!" He yelled.
"Get over it? Get over it?! I lost my baby and you just want me to get over it! I can't just forget about it, Will. I should be having  my baby - our baby - in five weeks. July ninth."
"You know what I mean, Y/N. Of course I don't want you to forget about the baby, but we could always try again! It wasn't the end of the world!"
"Yes, it was, Will! You know how hard it is for me to get pregnant ever since I was diagnosed with PCOS-"
"It always comes back to that! 'Sorry, I can't have sex with you today because I feel bloated,' or 'Sorry I'm acting so down, my depression is bad today.' You use PCOS as an excuse to everything!"
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to calm yourself. "It was never going to work, was it?" You said quietly. "We both want kids, but I can't give you that. I can't give you a lot of things, apparently. When I come back, I want you out of my house. I'm going to be staying with Danneel and Jensen for a while. They're going to need some help with the new baby. It's a girl, just in case you were wondering." You hung up the phone, taking in a shaky breath.
"Son of a bitch!" You wailed as you threw your phone against the wall. You slowly slid to the floor, putting your head in your hands. You tried to quiet your sobs by biting your lip, which only caused your mouth to be filled with a metallic liquid.
Get it together, Y/N. You wiped the tears off your face, trying to calm yourself down. You couldn't believe this was happening. Your sister, your best friend, just gave birth to a healthy daughter. You should be celebrating, not crying over your crappy fiance. Ex fiance. 
You picked yourself off the floor, grabbing your phone as you did so. Of course it was shattered. You quickly went to the bathroom, your puffy face startling you. You splashed cold water on your face, which got rid of it for the most part.
You made your way back to Danneel's room, where the atmosphere was happy and joyful. Something that made your mood lighten just a fraction. "Hey Mama! How are you?"
"Doped up on pain meds," She grinned. "Having a baby really hurts. I knew it would hurt, I mean, I've seen the videos, but damn, that was awful." You laughed as you brushed her hair back.
"What's her name?"
"Justice Jay Ackles." Jensen answered, bringing your niece forward. "JJ for short. Do you want to hold her?"
You nodded eagerly as JJ was set into your arms. She began to fuss a little, reaching out for her father. "Shh, shh." You cooed. "It's okay, sweet JJ. I'm your Auntie Y/N/N. You'll get to meet the others soon enough. They're going to love you, just like your mommy and daddy love you. You are going to have a whole village looking after you, did you know that? Yeah, you have me, your uncle Gino, that's mommy's brother. Then you have your uncle Josh and Aunt Mack, that's your daddy's siblings. Then of course you have Uncle Jared and Misha. Those are daddy's best friends."
Jared and Jensen smiled at you. You were already so in love with JJ. "Danneel's knocked out." Jensen whispered. "The nurse wants to take JJ up to the nursery while she sleeps." You nodded as you handed over the baby. "Alright, I'm gonna go get us some food. You guys want anything?"
"No, I'm good." You shook your head.
"Same." Jared agreed.
And with that, Jensen left you and Jared alone with a sleeping Danneel. You grabbed your phone out of your back pocket and tried to turn it on. Just your luck, the screen stayed black. That's what you get for throwing your phone at the wall.
"What in the hell happened to your phone, Y/N?" Jared questioned.
"It fell out of my pocket." You lied. "I guess I'll have to buy and new one."
"Damn, that sucks." He frowned. You gave a small shrug, not saying much of anything. "Are you okay, Y/N? You don't seem like yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, normally you like to take jabs at me and Jensen. Hell, the only one you really like is Misha. Plus, ever since you came back in the room, you've been frowning and your eyes are still puffy from where I know you've been crying." You felt your heart sink to your stomach. "I know you don't like me very much, or Jensen, for that matter, but we do care. What's wrong?"
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to sort out your words. "I can't say it here. Follow me."
You grabbed Jared by the hand and led him to where the nursery is. You needed something happy to cheer you up.
"Let me start this by saying that I don't hate you or Jensen." You didn't take your eyes off the adorable babies, but your hand was still brushing up against his. "I have known you both for a while now, and I care about you guys. Making jabs and snarky comments is how I show that I care." You could see Jared smiling out of the corner of your eye.
"I called Will this morning to tell him that Danneel had the baby." You saw Jared's smile fade slightly. "A woman answered his phone, and usually I wouldn't think anything of it. I would make an excuse that it's his secretary or assistant, but it was four a.m in Vermont when I called. Her name was Lacy." Your voice cracked.  "And it's my fault!"
"Y/N, it's not your fault-"
"But it is, Jare," You whispered. "It is. I pushed him away for months. Do you know how long it's been? Eight months. It's been eight months, Jared. And Will 'has needs.'"
"That's the dumbest excuse ever." He mumbled.
"This next part. . . I haven't told anyone but Will. Not Danneel, not Gino, not my parents, anyone. So you have to promise not to tell anyone. I'll tell my family once I'm ready, but for now, they don't need to know."
Jared's frown deepened. "I won't say anything, Y/N, I promise. Are you okay?"
"No," You shook your head. "I haven't been okay for a while now." You took a deep breath before continuing. "Last year I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – PCOS for short."
"Yeah, I've heard of it." Jared said softly, his eyes filled with pity.
"Will and I had been trying so hard for a baby. And when we found out I had PCOS, we stopped. And I was heartbroken. I've wanted to start a family for so long, and to get that news hurt me. And it hurt Will." You felt your hands start to shake.
"One night after I had one too many drinks, I passed out on the couch, and I woke up the next morning in my bed with all my clothes off and Will lying in my bed beside me. I don't know what happened that night, but I know I didn't want it. And four weeks later I found out I was pregnant." Jared's jaw clenched and his eyes held something malicious.
"I didn't care how it happened. I know I should have, but I was just so excited to have a baby. To be a mother. And then when I went to my OBGYN, she told me I had. . . I had a miscarriage."
"Oh, Y/N," Jared said sadly, resting his hand on your shoulder.
"I lost my baby. And I don't know what to do with myself, Jare." You cried. "W-what am I supposed to do?"
You were shaking uncontrollably now, unable to calm down. "That m-might have been my only chance!" Jared swallowed hard as he brought you in for a hug. "I want my baby!" You wailed.
"I know," He whispered as he gripped you tight. "I know, honey. I am so sorry. This is so unfair to you. You deserve so much better than this."
"What if it was my last chance?" You sniffed.
"It wasn't," He assured you as he rocked you back and forth. "There are fertilization treatments, surrogacy, adoption. . . You'll be a mother one day, Y/N, and you'll be the best mother a child could ever ask for."
"Really?" You asked in a small voice, looking up at the tall man. He smiled as he brushed back a piece of your hair and wiped away your tears.
You felt your heart beating out of your chest and your breaths quickening. "Jared,"
"Kiss me."
He didn't have to be told twice as he leaned down to kiss your lips. He cupped your face with both of his hands, bringing you closer to him. "Mm," He moaned, pulling away. "Not in front of the babies. They're too young to be scarred this way." You laughed as he dragged you away to a bathroom, making sure no one was in there before locking the door.
Jared grabbed you by the waist and gently pushed you against the wall. He wasted no time as he pressed his lips against yours once more. His tongue slid across your lower lip, asking for permission to enter, which you happily granted.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer. Jared put his hand on the back of your thigh, encouraging you to jump. You got the memo as you lifted yourself up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He moved and set you down on the counter.
"Do you want to keep going?" Jared asked, breathless.
"Yes," You nodded, your face flushed. "Please, Jare." He groaned at the nickname.
"I love it when you call me that." He said as he ran kisses down your jaw and to your neck.
"And I. . . Love it when. . . You kiss my neck like that." You panted as you began to unbutton Jared's shirt. You ran your hands across his abs and looped your fingers around his belt buckle.
"You are far too overdressed." Jared complained as he tugged at the hem of your shirt.
"Why don't you fix that for me?" You smirked. There was a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he pulled your shirt off your body.
You covered your stomach as you suddenly felt shy when Jared's eyes raked over your body. He frowned as he pulled your arms away. "Why are you hiding from me?"
"I- I dunno. It's just. . . All the girls you've been with in the past like Gen and Sandra are so beautiful and I look nothing like them -"
"Let me stop you right there," Jared said sternly. "You are gorgeous and incredibly sexy. Don't you dare compare yourself to them, because they could never be as beautiful as you. Don't let any asshole tell you otherwise. Do you understand?" You nodded slowly, fighting off the smile that crept onto your face. "Good, now let's pick up where we left off, shall we?"
Jared pulled down your jeans and tossed them aside, along with your panties. He looked at you like he hadn't eaten in days and you were a four course meal.
He began to trail kisses up your thighs, getting so close to where you wanted him to be only for him to pull away. "Quite being such a tease!" You growled.
Jared have you a smirk. "Yes ma'am." And with that he pulled you forward slightly so you were sitting on the edge of the counter. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before a wave of euphoria hit as you felt Jared's tongue on your clit.
"Oh-" You moaned, only for Jared to cover your mouth with his hand.
"Shh, you wouldn't want anyone to hear, would you?" He questioned. You shook your head, desperate for him to return to where he was. "Be a good girl for me and stay quiet." His kissed you on the mouth before going back to eating you out. You bit your lip in attempts to silence your moans.
"Fuck," You whispered as you leaned your head back. Jared began to tease your hole with his tongue, making you gasp and grab onto his long locks.
You felt warmth spread through your stomach and a familiar coil began to tighten. "Oh, god, Jare, please keep going!" You encouraged him. "I'm so close."
At those words, Jared pulled away abruptly, making you want to cry out. "Sorry babygirl, you can only come when I say you can."
You frowned at his words. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy it." He winked. Jared began to unbuckle his belt; you could see his growing erection through his jeans. "I don't have a condom." He said defeated. "Are you clean?"
You nodded. "What about you?"
"Yeah, I'm all good." He assured you.
"Then we should be fine, it's not like I can get pregnant anyways."
"You never know." Jared said as he nipped at your neck. As he left love bites on your neck, you began to pull down his jeans, revealing his hardon. You pushed yourself off the counter and got on your knees, only for Jared to pull you back up.
"Not this time, kitten. This is about you, not me."
"But I want to make you feel good." You protested.
"Next time, baby." You smiled at the thought of a next time. He quickly turned you around so you were bent over the counter. "You're so wet." He growled as he grinded against you. "All this for me?"
"Yes, Jare. Only for you." You panted, desperate for his cock.
"Good," He murmured against your neck. "I've been waiting a while for this to happen, there is no way I'm letting it go to waste. Do you still want this?" He questioned, wanting to make sure you were still comfortable with it.
"If you stopped now I might have to kill you." Jared slowly pushed into you, as he didn't want to hurt you. You gasped in surprise; you had never been with someone as big as him. He gave you time to adjust to his size. "Move." You pleaded.
Jared chuckled as he slowly began to thrust into you. He grunted at the feeling of your warmth. "Fuck, Y/N." He moaned. "You're so fucking tight."
He began to pick up speed, which earned a moan from you. Jared put his hand over your mouth to silence your sounds, but you could still hear you skin slapping together.
"Oh, fuck." He growled. "I'm gonna cum. Gonna fill you with my seed, make you all round. God, you'd look so fucking sexy carrying my baby." Your eyes rolled into the back of your head at his words, causing your walls to clench around his dick. "Would you like that, huh? Being so full of my cum that it runs down you legs."
"Oh, fuck yes." You nodded. "Please, Jared, fill me with your cum. Make me carry your child." You begged.
Jared gripped your hips tightly, (definitely leaving bruises) as he rammed into you. You struggled to keep quiet, as all you wanted to do was scream from pleasure. "You're going to look so good filled with my cum." He purred.
"Let me cum with you." You whined, the coil in your stomach was ready to snap.
"I'm so close." He grunted, sweat dotting his brow. "Cum with me, babygirl. Cum." He demanded.
You shuttered as your coil finally snapped and you rode out your orgasm on Jared's dick. He followed soon after you, blowing his load into your womb.
"Holy shit," You muttered. "That was so fucking hot."
"You're telling me." Jared said as he slowly pulled out, making you feel empty. You began to clean yourself up and put your clothes back on.
You both looked a mess; swollen lips, messy hair and to top it all of, hickeys scattered your neck. You reached up on your tip toes to flatten Jared's hair. "At least our hair covers the bruises." You grinned.
"So, what happens next?" Jared questioned.
"I guess that's up to you." You shrugged. "We can either go on a date and see how this plays out, or we can forget this ever happened."
"I don't want to forget." He shook his head. "I don't think I could forget."
"Good," You smiled. "I was hoping you would say that." Jared grinned as he leaned down to kiss you once more.
"I have a really good feeling about this."
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marvelatthetwilight · 3 years
The Fight
Anonymous said: Could you do an imagine where Sam and the reader have like a really big fight or something like that but it ends in pure fluff?? Please! I just need more Sam content! ❤ thnx
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“I can’t even look at you right now!” You shout across the room. Sam’s face is pink with anger, he’s shaking, with a small growl starting in his chest.
“Sam just go away!” You run up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door behind you and fling yourself on the bed, tears streaming down your face, your breathing heavy as you sob into the pillows.
You hear a door slam downstairs, then the definite sound of Sam’s wolf growling as he runs towards the tree line. You would recognise that sound anywhere, although normally it would be waiting for him to come home after patrol. This time, you weren’t sure if he would come home, but right now you didn’t care.
Wrapping yourself in a blanket, you curl up on your side of the bed, fully dressed. Suddenly feeling tired from the fight, eventually you allow the exhaustion to kick in as you fall straight asleep.
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A week later
“You’ve got to come see him Y/N he looks a mess” Paul pleads through the door.
“Nope! He can come to me, I’m not apologising.” You respond, looking at yourself in the mirror, bags under your eyes, skin looking flat and lifeless. Being away from Sam was definitely having an effect, but you weren’t going to admit to Paul that you couldn’t sleep without Sam, that you were struggling to eat, or have any kind of fun.
“That’s the problem Y/N. He just won’t get up. He’s not sleeping, not eating. I don’t even know how long it’s been since he cracked a smile. Pleaaaase!” Paul pleads again.
“I’m not coming Paul. I need time.” You say softly.
“Ok. Just let us know if we can do anything to help you two. We need our pack leader back. Urgently.”
You hear his steps away from the house and the door slam to his truck. You sigh deeply, trudging back upstairs to throw yourself on the bed again.
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The following week
After being sent home Monday morning for exploding at a customer, you realised you needed to get your life back on track. You needed to shower. Properly. You needed to eat. Properly. But to do all of that you needed one thing.
You needed Sam.
Grabbing your phone, you type a message out to Paul.
- Is Sam at yours?
- Yup. On the sofa. Not moved all day.
- I'll be over in 30 minutes.
You smile at Paul's reaction. As much as you wanted Sam to be the one to come to you, the imprint link had left you both sad and exhausted, and you couldn't continue the fight any longer. You needed him. You knew from the fights you'd seen from Kim and Jared that the pack felt everything far deeper than their imprints. You didn't want to punish him any longer.
Jumping in the shower you start mentally preparing your speech for when you see Sam. I don't want to feel second best to the pack. I understand what the pack means to you but I need to feel important too.
You grab whatever bits of make up you can find and make your best attempt to cover up the bags which have formed under your eyes. Pulling on a pair of jeans and a loose fitting top, you brush through your hair and take a final look in the mirror. It'll do.
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Before you even get to knock on Paul's front door, it swings open to show Paul and Jared, both looking tired but excited to see you.
"Y/N!" Jared shouts, running towards you to give you a hug. He pulls back and keeps a hand on either arm, looking you in the eyes. "Please don't feel pressured if this isn't what you want yet. I know Paul kept ringing...and Sam is in a pretty bad way. But we want you to be happy too."
You smile sadly at him. "I need this too Jared, don't worry. I'm doing this for me."
Paul gives you a thumbs up from behind Jared before coming to hug you himself. He leaves an army draped around your shoulders as you both walk up the steps.
"He's still on the sofa...we will leave you two alone. We're going out on a quick patrol!" With that he drops a quick kiss on your cheek and jogs towards the treeline with Jared in tow.
You look up at the house and take a deep breath, pulling open the door and stepping inside the house.
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What hits you first is the smell. Sam’s smell. A smell that’s been a comfort to you every night since you met. A smell that you have desperately missed, but has immediately put your mind at ease now it has filled your senses again.
Walking through the house towards the back room, you walk hesitantly towards the sound of the TV. As you reach the doorway, he stands up from the sofa and turns to look at you. His face is etched with sadness, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, dark bags underneath them from lack of sleep, hair messy and dishevelled. “Y/N...” he whispers, his eyes wide with shock, hands desperate to reach out to you but hesitant in case it makes you leave.
You smile at the sound of his voice. “I’ve missed you baby.”
The corners of his mouth twitch at the word baby, and he rushes towards you, wrapping you up in his arms. He breathes in the scent of your hair, his arms wandering your body before they make their way to your face, delicately cupping your cheeks before hesitating again. He looks deeply into your eyes, searching for approval, searching for confirmation that things will be ok.
You step back. His hopeful expression looks deflated, then confused as you take his hand and lead him back to the sofa. “We need to talk first.” He nods in understanding.
You both sit down, side by side, and you take his hand back in yours, stroking it softly with your fingers. He looks up at you with sad eyes, desperately trying to read your expression.
“I know how important the pack is, not just to you but to the reservation. I understand the importance. But I need to feel important to you too. My life is overwhelmed with the pack, with this life, and I just feel like I’m a passenger just going along for the ride. I feel like I have no control. Like I have no purpose. I’m just “Sam’s imprint”...is that all I am?” Feeling confident in your rehearsed lines you look at Sam, who’s eyebrows are burrowed as he stares at the ground.
“You know you are so much more than that Y/N.” He says quietly.
“I don’t though Sam. You never tell me. You never talk about things. I only know because of the imprint bond.” You move away from him slightly, letting go of his hands, frustration evident in your voice.
“You...” he starts, then looks at the ground again
“I don’t know how much more I can take if you can’t tell me what you are feeling Sam. Please.” You beg, as you reach out to him again.
He takes your hand in his and turns to face you, looking down into your eyes. His expression is warm, immediately comforting, and you have to force yourself to not be sucked back in to his loving embrace.
“You. Are the love of my life. No one else’s love will ever come close to what I feel for you. But that scares me. It scares me because I never feel good enough, I never feel like I can live up to be the man that you deserve. The only thing I can do is to keep you safe. And to keep you safe I need to make my pack strong, I need them to be impossible to defeat. I’m so so sorry that in my eagerness to make the pack strong that you felt unimportant. But I’m making the pack what it is because you are so important, the most important person in the whole world. I love you Y/N and I promise to never let you feel second best ever again...if you will have me that is.” He takes a deep breath, his confidence wavering because you haven’t spoken.
A tear slips from the corner of your eye before you reach over and wrap your arms around his neck, taking him by surprise so he falls backwards onto the couch.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, with his arms wrapped around you, lips pressed to the top of your head as your face is buried into his neck, taking in the comfort of his scent.
It’s only when you hear an awkward cough that you realise anyone is there.
“Take it the two of you have made up?” Paul jokes, as Sam growls at him for interrupting.
You smile up at him, placing your hand on his chest to calm him.
“It’s ok, I’m not going anywhere.” He returns your smile before pressing a kiss to your lips whilst Paul and Jared make gagging noises in the background.
“Ugh it’s like mum and dad kissing!” Jared complains.
“No one asked you to stand there. Go back on patrol, the two of you are pulling a double for interrupting.” Sam orders, and they quickly comply, complaining as they leave the room.
He turns his attention back to you, stroking your cheek with his thumb whilst looking deeply into your eyes.
“I love you Sam.”
“I love you too Y/N.”
@volturiwolf @wallwriterstuff @volturidoll13 @like-rain-or-confetti @moviequeen51 @raindancer2004 @officialfictionalwreck @megzdoodle @slasher-sweetie @reclusive-chicken-nugget @holl2712 @icarusinstatic @imdoingathingmom @fanfic-love-show @volturiwolf @awesomebooklover17 @teampaul
@fatiguing-thoughts @clearwater-hoe
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
What's one common trope given to each of the wolf pack that you just dont vibe with?❤
Commonly Given Tropes That I Don’t Vibe With
ok but i went a little overboard with this and elaborated so much more than i needed to
Sam: Everyone hates him for being such a hardass and for what he did to Leah. And I get it, I do. But a supernatural change in your life at such a young age where nobody knows how to really help you is beyond difficult. He had to grow up like overnight, at 19 he became “pack dad” as he watched all these children around him go through what he did, but he didn’t want it for them either. And then to make matters worse, he imprinted on his girlfriend’s fuckin cousin. He loved Leah, and he still did after Emily. It was out of his control and it tore him up. It’s a shitty fuckin situation and I feel so so bad. 
Jared: Everyone thinks Jared is just such a smartass. I mean, he definitely was, it was well within his character. However, I think he has a lot more substance than that. He’s unwaveringly loyal. I think he values his relationships of all types more than anything. I just, I think this goes over a lot of peoples’ heads. He’s got a lot of love to give, I swear it. He may be a snarky boy, but he’d definitely do anything for the people he loves. I wish we got to see more of that, he is a character with a lot of substance. 
Paul: Don’t even get me started. Hothead. Hahahahaha, his only personality trait is that he has anger issues, so funny! Let’s be real here, he comes from a broken family at a young age. He doesn’t have a mother in his life and that is something that causes a lot of issues! Not to mention that being a teenager is hard in itself, your body is changing and things are weird. Now let’s take into consideration that these are no longer normal hormones, his body is basically changing overnight to let him transform into an enormous wolf that has to dedicate his life to killing vampires posing a threat to him, his friends, and family. Everyone on the reservation, even. Forks, too. He had to sacrifice his entire life to do this, and he wasn’t exactly even-tempered to start with, and it’s known this change totally ups your irritability, hell it even made Jacob angry. Let’s be real, his anger issues are something to be considered other than “oooh angry hot boi 😈” jeez 
Embry: Embry, bb boi Embry. I love his character so much. I think the whole thing about Embry is like haha Embry’s so funny and goofy but in reality the kid struggles a lot. He’s constantly fighting with his mom because he for whatever reason can’t tell her about the pack or anything. He’s grounded “until forever” and always feels like he’s disappointing his mom even though he’s really just doing his best but like in reality he’s always in trouble or “grounded indefinitely.” The transformation put a huge strain on their relationship. Now, on top of that, he knows now that one of his friends might be his half fuckin brother because he literally doesn’t even know who his father is because his mom won’t tell him. So he’s got not only daddy issues, now he’s getting some mommy issues. This kid has a lot going on and I’m sure he’s struggling more than he leads on. 
Jacob: Jacob. The sunshine. I will be talking about angel boy Jacob in New Moon. I hate that he’s only seen to be in love with Bella. I would rather see it as him being loyal, supportive, and selfless. He would’ve done anything to put a smile on her face, he was caring. Jacob would’ve done anything for his friends, it was so beautiful. He was described to be the sunshine, he was full of love. No matter how down he was, he was always there to be the shoulder to cry on, no matter how much he needed one. I love this Jacob, I just want to give him a hug and tell him that everything will be okay. 
Quil: Oh Quil, my boy Quil. I feel like everyone just thinks he’s kinda a dumbass for some reason. Like we don’t see much of him in the movies but I truly think Quil is actually super intelligent. I think he has more depth than he’s ever given credit for. Like when he told Bella that he was afraid to be next to be recruited to Sam’s “gang.” He knew he was next, he’s intuitive. I just wish more people saw Quil to be what he is, not just Jacob’s goofy friend. Well, he is Jake’s goofy friend but he’s a smart guy! I think he’s lowkey super intelligent. 
Leah: She’s known to be a bitter bitch. I can’t stand this and honestly I think she’s one of the most caring people in the series. I don’t care that she gave Bella the cold shoulder, in-fact I give her props. The love of her life left her for her cousin, now she has to share thoughts with him and the guys who give her shit for her feelings. I don’t blame her for being so displeased all the time. Like she keeps getting the shit end of the stick the entire series, it sucks. She tries to protect Jacob, but he hates her for it even though she’s right. She then has to protect Seth, because she loves him more than anything. Her father died and she had to deal with not only that but then her mother dating Bella’s fuckin father, Charlie, making Bella her damn step sister. Shit’s whack and I’m so sick of hearing people say that Leah was a bitch. 
Seth: Baby boy Seth, everyone’s favorite little ball of sunshine. I have an issue with the fact that Seth will always be portrayed to be perfectly bubbly, happy, and sweet. Sometimes, I just want to see him react to something. I feel so bad about his father passing, We only see him react minimally when it comes to Bella and the demon baby. I just would like to see an angry or frustrated side of Seth, a side that doesn’t forgive everyone for everything so quickly. I know deep down he probably struggles listening to everyone rag on his sister in the mind link. It’s probably conflicting to take orders from the man who broke your sister’s heart. I love that Seth is the nice, innocent boy but I know this kid faces inner turmoil. I just wish we got to see more of it.  
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szchaql · 4 years
Total Opposite (part 3)
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This few days, Bella tried to contact Jacob. But he never answer her call, never talk to her again. This lead Bella to finally confront him. She decided to bring (y/n) with her, she has the feeling that she need to bring her. She knock on her sister room and peeking her head. (Y/n) is sitting on her bed, reading one of the novel. "Hey, you busy?" (Y/n) look at Bella, shaking her head. "Not at all. What's wrong?"
Bella lean her body to the door frame, "i'm going to confront Jacob. Want to come?" (Y/n) nod and immediately head toward her closet to change clothes. "I'll wait downstair okay?"
As (y/n) change her clothes, her mind start to think about Paul. Will she meet him there? What should she do? But soon, she shake her head throw away the thought of Paul and quickly leave her room.
Charlie is at work, so it easier for the 2 girls to leave the house without worrying him too much. They drive to the Black household in silent, one being nervous, one pissed.
Bella quickly removing her seat belt and head toward the door, knocking it. (Y/n) hurriedly follow her sister and stand behind her. The door open and reveal Billy. "Bella? (Y/n)?"
"I want to see Jacob." Bella said. But Billy answer didn't satisfied her enough. "He's not here." Bella walk past Billy and head to Jacob room, seeing him sound asleep. (Y/n) just stand outside the house, not daring to walk inside like Bella did.
Then, the sound of someone or should we said bunch of men walking toward the house make both Bella and (y/n) look at 4 men who stand a little far from the house. Bella, being Bella, decided to confront them. (Y/n) that surprised to see her sister just walk out like that, fuming to them, decided to follow her. The 4 men is Sam, Paul, Embry, and Jared as she recall as she saw them on the beach few days ago.
"What did you do?!" Bella punch Sam angrily. "What did you do to him?!"
"What did he do?! What did we do huh? What did he tell you?!" Paul ask angrily at Bella.
"He didn't tell me anything because he scared of you." (Y/n) know, the moment Bella said that, it will the start of a fight. She knew her sister so well. She decided to stop Bella to make anymore comment.
"Bella.. come on.. stop." But Bella being Bella didn't listen, blind by her anger.
The boys laugh at her comment and result in Bella punching Paul right on his face. Suddenly Paul is shaking so bad as Sam tell them to stand back.
Bella stand back, grabing (y/n) arm, looking at shaking Paul, confused. (Y/n) look at Paul as there is something wrong with him. Why did he shaking like that?
Short moment after that, Paul change into a big massive wolf, almost hurting (y/n) if Bella didn't pull her sister fast enough. (Y/n) so shocked that she freeze, terrified at the creature in front of her. Bella try to grab her sister arm and run, as Jacob run to their way and shift into a wolf too, in the middle of air. The two wolf fight with each other, breaking Billy's old boat, and rolling to the forest.
"Hey. Take them back to Emily's place." Sam said to Jared and Embry as he himself go to the forest.
(Y/n) is so shocked at what happened, as the memories of that night in Phoenix keep haunting her. Bella immediately hug her sister tightly. "We will be fine, sis..." as Jared and embry help the 2 girls to the car and head to Emily's.
"I think we should go check if Jacob is alright." Bella said as they arrive at a wodden house.
"I hope Paul sink some teeth on him." Jared comment which Embry replied. "No way, Jake is a natural. You see as he shift in mid air like that." Jared shrug it. "Come on, Bella. We won't bite." Jared said and walk inside the house.
Bella look at (y/n), she is so pale. "(Y/n), come on... i'm here with you.. you will be fine." She tried to encourage (y/n).
"I think this is a bad idea, Bells...." (y/n) finally found her voice again. "One of them nearly killed me...." Bella hug her immediately, trying to calm her down.
"Hey.. it's okay.. we won't hurt you.. it's just an accident.. Paul will never forgive himself if he hurt you... come on.. let's get you something for calming you down..." Embry walk toward (y/n), try to assuring her. (Y/n) nod her head and get out of the car, walking slowly behing Bella.
They stop just on the door, watching Emily make food. As she turn toward the Swan sister, her face shocked them. Bella immediately swift her eyes, while (y/n) look at the floor. "Who are they?" She ask eyeing the sisters.
"Bella, who else. And her sister." Jared said, grabbing a muffin. "So, you are the vampire girl." Bella shrug. "So you are the wolf girl." Emily chuckle and nod. "Well, i'm enganged to one." She then grab a big plate full of muffin and place it on the table. "Save some for your brothers and ladies first. Muffin?"
"Sure." Bella walk toward the table and grab one. That time, Emily can see (y/n) clearly and she smile widely at her. "Hi. I'm so happy that i can finally meet you."
(Y/n) give her small smile. "Come in.. let's give you something to drink and calm you down. You look so pale." She grab (y/n) hand gently, but (y/n) yank her hand gently. Bella who see this help her sister. "Sorry, Emily.. she just witnessed something terrifying... come on, (y/n)."
Emily just smile softly as (y/n) stand close beside Bella, head down, playing with her fingers. "So, what happened?"
"Just leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order." Emily said.
"He didn't say anything to me."
"That' a wolf thing. Alpha's order get obeyed whether we like it or not." Embry chimmed in, shuffling muffin into his mouth. "Oh and hey, we can hear each other thought."
"Would you shut up? This is a trade secret." Jared said. "These cheeks run with vampires." The word of vampire make (y/n) tense up. Bella is having a relationship with a vampire? Despite that she knows about her fear about them? Bella face turn pale. Shortly she regain her composure. "You can't run with vampire.. cause they're fast." (Y/n) can't believe her sister will be so calm talking about vampire.
Jared face shows disbelief. "Yeah? But we are faster. Freak out yet?" Bella shrug. "You are not the first monster i've seen."
"Jake's right. You are good with freaks." Sam voice coming from the door as he walk toward Emily and kiss her all over her face.
(Y/n) nudge her sister arm. "I want to go home..." she whispered. But before Bella can answer it, there show Jacob and Paul in the yard shoving each other in a playfull manner. Paul walk inside and take a seat beside Embry, while Jacob lean against the door.
Seeing Paul make (y/n) moves her body close to her sister. "Sorry." Paul said turn to look at Bella with his smirk but when caught a glimpse of his imprint, standing close to Bella make him wonder. What is her relationship with Bella? The look of fear on her face make Paul feel regret that he scaring his imprint with what happened earlier. "Hey... sorry.. i didn't mean to scared you like that.." Paul voice is so soft, shocking Bella and Emily. But (y/n) didn't give him a glance as she flinch when Paul tried to grab her hand.
"Uh, Jake.. maybe you should take (y/n) back home... there're something that i have to tell them.." bella said to Jacob as he nod, before she turn to look at her sister. "It's okay.. you know Jacob.. he won't hurt you. Go home and take a rest okay?" (Y/n) nod and leave hurriedly from a den of wolves with Jacob behind her.
As they leave, everyone turn to Bella, looling for an explanation. Bella sigh before begin to explain what happened to her sister. "She's my younger sister. She just came back here a week ago."
"She's your sister?!" Paul exclaim, shocked.
"Good luck, Paul..." Jared said, half laughing.
"Paul imprinted on your sister." Sam said make Bella more confused. "What is an imprint? Is it a dangerous thing? She just have had enough dangerous on her life. Don't make it worse."
"No, it's not dangerous thing at all. It's a wolf version for soulmate. We look at her eyes and our focus is her only. We become everything that she needs, whether it's a protector, a lover, a friend, everything. Emily is my imprintee." Sam explain shortly about imprinting.
"What?! So you imprint on my younger sister?! Out of so many girls, you decided to imprint on her?! She finally start to have a normal life, before you imprint on her." Bella get mad at Paul.
"I can't decided who i can imprinted or not!"
"We can't do anything about it, Bella..." Sam said, trying to calm the tension.
"What exactly happened to (y/n)? She looks so terrified..." Embry ask.
Bella sigh in defeat. "Back when we used to live in Phoenix, when (y/n) was just 12, her best friend got killed by a vampire in front of her. (Y/n) herself almost got killed, before Carlisle help her. It make her traumatized around vampire.. she can't sleep well for months, and keep having a nightmare, even until now. She always got scared when seeing a red eyes... that event just change her attitude around people. She hate when many people look at her, she scared darkness, and small alley. It always make her remembered what happened that night."
Hearing the story make the boys and Emily gasp. "But you run with one!" Jared said. "I haven't tell her! Okay? I don't know how to tell her. I want to tell her that Carlisle was the one who help her that day.. I wish i never tell her about Edward and the Cullen. So she can finally live a normal life. But then he imprint on her, and she knows about werewolves." She said looking at Paul.
"Will she be okay? I mean her life just got into some dangerous one, as she is Paul's imprintee and you sister as you have relationship with vampires." Emily ask worriedly.
"I don't know.. i just have to think how to tell her slowly about this..and the vampire things.." Bella look down.
"How about let Billy or Harry tell her? Maybe having one of the elder to explain it to her will help. We can't send Paul to explain, she scared of him. We will just slowly let (y/n) know us first." Sam suggest.
"Let's have Harry tell (y/n).. she really close with the Clearwaters..." Bella said as Sam nod. "But give her time to calm down.. this was a terrifying moment for her..."
"Okay.. just tell Jacob when she's ready, okay? So i can inform Harry."
The entire time, Paul just stay silent. He felt guilty that because of him losing his temper, his imprint get scared of him and the pack. He devoted in his heart that he will work on his temper for (y/n). So he don't put her in danger when she around him.
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katymacsupernatural · 4 years
Not My Reality Part 1
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Jensen Ackles x Reader
Story Summary: Y/N wakes up in a nightmare. Is it her new reality, or can she figure out how to fix it.
Warnings: Angst 
A/N: This is a short, 2-3 part series.
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“Mmm, I love waking up like this,” Jensen mumbled against your skin, his body warm as you kissed your way down his chest. “We could make this an everyday tradition.”
“Mmm, I like the sound of that,” you sighed, looking up to see his green eyes twinkling at you before he flipped you over onto your back. Resting on his elbows, his hips pressed against yours, his erection trapped between your bodies. “But we might switch things up occasionally. Maybe I’ll be the one waking you up.”
“Jensen, please,” you whispered, raising your hips up to meet his, closing your eyes as you waited for that moment. The moment when the two of you became intertwined. Suddenly he pulled away, your skin cooling instantly. “Jensen?” You called out, opening your eyes, but he was nowhere to be seen. 
Sitting up, you realized you were dressed in a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. No longer were you on your bed. Instead, you were sitting on a stone park bench with rain gently falling down. “Where the hell am I?” You muttered out loud, looking for some sort of clue. This park didn’t seem familiar, with it’s vibrantly green trees and creek cascading beside the walkway. The grass was green and perfectly manicured. Nothing like the park by your home in Vancouver. 
“Ma’am, are you okay?” This security officer asked, stopping his bike long enough to lean down and check on you. 
“Yeah,” you answered, not wanting him to take you to the crazy bin. “Just taking a break.”
He didn’t seem completely convinced but continued on,  leaving you to sit and wonder exactly what the hell was going on. 
Sitting in the park wasn’t going to solve any of your problems. Reaching into the pocket of your jeans, you came up empty. No cell phone, no wallet. Nothing. Standing up, you began to go the same way the security officer did, looking around as you went. 
There was a family off to the side, having a picnic while in front of you a man played fetch with his dog. A city came into view as you passed the trees. A city you had been to once or twice. But it was thousands of miles away from where you had just been.
Austin, Texas. Known for its bustling nightlife and sunny days. Jensen had actually considered moving here a couple of years ago, but the two of you had settled down in Vancouver. “I have to be dreaming,” you kept muttering to yourself as you came to the parking lot. Only a handful of cars were in the lot, with a bus stop at the edge. But you couldn’t take the bus. You had no money and no idea where to go. You were stuck here, with no idea what to do next.
“Y/N?” A familiar voice called out, immediately relieving some of the stress you were feeling. “What the hell are you doing out here?”
“I’m trying to figure that out as well,” you turned around, giving Jared a huge hug, ignoring the sticky sweat as you clung to something normal in this otherwise crazy day.
“Whoa,” he chuckled. “I probably stink. I’m out on my run. But you never come down to Texas. It’s a nice surprise, but why are you in the park?”
“Can we sit down?” You asked him, leading him to the nearest park bench. “So, you’re never going to believe me but I was at home, in bed and then I was here. I have no idea how. No cell phone, no wallet. Nothing. I don’t know what’s going on.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to comprehend your words. “What the hell did you drink last night?”
“I didn’t drink,” you sighed. “But I kinda wish I had a drink now.”
“So where are you staying?”
“I don’t have a place. Or anything to get a hotel room.” You didn’t even have your idea to get money at a bank or anything. Maybe, if you borrowed Jared’s phone, you could get Jensen to wire you some money. Maybe he could fly down to bring you back up there. “Maybe I could call Jensen and…,”
“Don’t bug Jensen with this,” Jared insisted. “He’s busy right now, and probably doesn’t want to see you. Listen, I’ll bring you home with me, and after I take a shower we can figure this out okay. But if you’re using, I do not want to bring that home around my kids.”
Slapping his shoulder, you stood up. “How dare you imply that I’m on drugs! Sure, this morning has been crazy enough to be drug-induced, but you know I would never do that.” 
He raised an eyebrow before heading towards the pickup parked at the far end of the lot. “Y/N, I don’t know whatever you’re on, but I really don’t know you well enough to know if you’re on drugs or not.”
His words stung. But worse than that, they rang false. Jared had been your best friend, even before you had fallen for Jensen. He had introduced the two of you all those years ago. And he knew that you would never do drugs. Your best friend in college had overdosed, dying way too early in life. 
Sitting in the passenger seat, you began to realize that this might be more complicated than you had originally thought. 
Jared stayed silent as he drove on the outskirts of town, heading for the fancier house on the other side. “Why were you running in that park?” You asked him, trying to break up the awkward silence. 
“It’s one of my favorites,” he answered, turning into a subdivision. “It’s not that far from here, and I like the creek.”
He didn’t seem to want to be too chatty, and you were okay with that. At least for now. All you wanted to do was call Jensen and have him pick you up. Have him hold you while you both laugh about what a crazy day this had been.
“I don’t think Gen and the kids are home,” he said as he pulled into the garage. “Why don’t you get yourself a cup of coffee in the kitchen while I clean up.”
He headed straight up the stairs, leaving you to find your way to the kitchen. The coffee was already mated and staying warm, and you poured a cup. Sipping as you stared out the window, you tried to come to terms with what happened. But it was hard when you really had no idea what happened. 
“There’s no place like home,” you joked, tapping your heels together, wishing that it would work. But when you opened your eyes, you were still looking at the Padalecki’s extensive garden.
“That coffee waking you up?” Jared asked as he came down the stairs. His hair was wet, and he had changed from his running shorts to a pair of slim jeans and a Texas longhorn shirt.
“I wish,” you muttered. “Jar, I know this is going to sound crazy, but tell me. How did we meet?”
“We met on set,” he answered as if you had truly gone crazy. “You came on in season three, as a special guest. Why?”
That wasn’t what you remembered. The two of you had met long ago, when he was filming Gilmore Girls. You had hit it off, becoming fast friends. His friendship is what landed you that role on Supernatural. “No, that’s not right. Don’t you remember that episode in Gilmore Girls?”
He shook his head, the doorbell chime stopping whatever he was planning on saying. Without a word, he turned and left.
You followed behind, staying out of sight as he opened the door. “Hey Jensen!” Jared exclaimed. “But now’s really not a good time.”
“Jensen!” You exclaimed, pushing past Jared and throwing your arms around your husband. “You can’t imagine the day I’ve had. But how did you get here so fast?”
With your head snuggled in his shoulder, you missed the silent communication they shared. Jensen pulled you back, staring down at you with a troubled expression. “Y/N?” His voice was empty of the usual warmth and love, and it had you slightly pulling back. “What the hell are you doing down here?”
“I have no idea. But I’m just glad you’re here.” Standing up on your tiptoes, you tried to give him a kiss, but he pushed you away. 
“What the hell is going on? Y/N, you can’t just kiss me. You know I’m married,” he explained angrily, turning your entire world upside down.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82​​ @acreativelydifferentlove​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​ @a-girl-who-loves-disney​​ @akshi8278​​   @bi-danvers0​  @cap-just-said-language​​ @colette2537​​   @deansgirl215​​  @flamencodiva​​ @hamiltrash1411​​ @its-not-a-tulpa​​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​​ @justanotherwinchester​​ @just-another-winchester​​ @karouwinchester​​ @keikoraventeller​​  @krys198478​ @librarygeekery​​ @magssteenkamp​​ @misspygmypie​​ @mlovesstories​​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​​  @mrspeacem1nusone​​ @nothinbuttrouble2​​ @ria132love​​ @ruprecht0420​​  @screechingartisancashbailiff​   @sortaathief​​ @superseejay721517​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot​​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @torn-and-frayed​​ @tricksterdean​​ @wonderfulworldofwinchester​​ @woodworthti666​​ @beabutterfly987​ @pink-sparkly-witch​ @sexyvixen7​
Forever Tags: @aditimukul​​ @alexwinchester23​​ @algudaodoce03-blog​​ @amanda-teaches​​ @andreaaalove​​   @artisticpoet​​ @atc74​​ @be-amaziing​​ @camelotandastronauts​ @caswinchester2000​​ @cpag7​​ @chelsea072498​​  @closetspngirl​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @docharleythegeekqueen​​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @ericaprice2008​​  @esoltis280​​   @tatted-trina6​ @foxyjwls007​​ @gh0stgurl​​ @goldenolaf25​​ @growningupgeek​​  @heartislubbingdubbing​​ @heyitscam99​​ @hobby27​​ @horsegirly99blog​​ @imsuperawkward​​ @internationalmusicteacher​​ @iwriteaboutdean​​  @jayankles​​ @jensen-gal​​ @justsomedreaming​​ @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son​​ @linki-locks11​​ @littleblue5mcdork​​  @lowlyapprentice​​   @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​​ @mogaruke​​ @monkeymcpoopoo​​ @musiclovinchic93​​  @nanie5​​   @percussiongirl2017​​ @plaid-lover-bay25​​   @roonyxx​​ @ronja-uebrick​​ @roxyspearing​​  @samanddeanmyheroes​​ @sandlee44​​ @shamelesslydean​​ @simonsbluee​​ @sillesworldofwriting​​ @sgarrett49​​ @spnbaby-67​​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​​ @spnwoman​​   @superbadassnatural​​ @thatcrazybookwormgeek​​   @thewinchesterchronicles​​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @vvinch3st3r​​  @whimsicalrobots​​ @winchester-writes​​ @zombiewerewolfqueen​​
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I decided to watch the Walker pilot so you don’t have to. #2
Because I don’t love myself enough, I guess. Let’s continue.
Recap in case you missed the first part: it’s boring, Jared acts like he stumbled on the set and never heard about it before, Texan law enforcement must wear very pristine shirts and cowboy hats or they will die, I guess, the cinematography wants to be good but I’m not sure it knows how to do it.
The last thing I mentioned in the first post was Jared doing a thing with his mouth but I think you need to see it. It’s basically the extent of Jared’s acting in this show. I had nothing against you, man, I swear. I even got your autograph once. I’m not a hater. I’m just looking at him...
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THE TITLE CARD! I had paused the episode riiight before the title card. You have to witness it in all its embarrassing glory
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Whose idea was it??
Some shots of the city of Austin. Walker and Martinez (Mexican Lady Cop) are having lunch. She says she’s heard about him, he asks what she’s learnt, she says, I textuallty quote, “I hear you are the edge of the coin”. Again, we are not allowed to have any kind of slight metaphor without the dialogue slapping us in the face with it.
“Not head or tail, just... your way” Jared didn’t even come up with the metaphor in that interview, it was in the script. Unless he came up with that line, which isn’t even a good line.
She basically tells him not to get in the way of her career. Being a Mexican-American cop is hard! Such deep commentary.
They start discussing the case, which I had already forgotten about. The cop who was slightly assaulted and won’t talk about it. “Maybe whatever was in that truck spooked him enough to abandon his oath” maybe it was a monster. god I wish it was a monster so that’d mean I’m watching Supernatural and Jensen is in it. The “oath” thing is kinda icky, like they want to remind us that being a cop is a noble path. It is in some places under some conditions. But we’re talking about Generic American conditions.
He’s like “let’s use the traffic cams to see if we can see something” and he slips right into his Sam tone. Admittedly that’s a Sam kind of thing to say.
It was day, and now it’s night. Walker house. He arrives when his family have already started dinner. Except the daughter isn’t there, she’s out with a friend. “Isabel, some Mexican girl” Walker’s father calls the friend. “Mexican American, dad” the gay brother corrects him, a deep and interesting commentary on ethnicity in the United States, we’re weeping with emotion.
Walker apparently isn’t happy that his mother has enrolled his daughter in a Catholic school, his father snaps back at him. We don’t care. We’re not emotionally invested in any of this.
There’s some awkward dialogue because he mentions the daughter playing basketball, but she’s switched to soccer. Wow, it’s like she’s become an entirely different person in those eleven months he was undercover! Can you believe? Apparently she used to play soccer before, she’s come back to it. Whoa. She’s an utterly unrecognizable person now, it’s going to be so hard for Walker to get to know her again from scratch. Can you believe?
Then he gets a call. He needs to pick up the daughter from the police station. He does some Jared awkward faces and leaves.
The daughter (Stella) was at a party and was arrested for possession. I miss when possession meant demonic possession. Dramatic music plays. She’s there with the Mexican American friend, whose parents arrive and he starts a speech on how they should get to know each other better. It is so not the right context to start making friends. “Epic first meeting” Isabel says. “I’m so sorry, this is so embarrassing” Stella says. “For who?” Walker quips, like a normal person does.
He’s like, let’s go, and the girls hug, which is the only believable expression of affection I’ve seen so far in the episode. Can’t the story be about Stella and Isabel?
Father-daughter conversation in the truck. Apparently we have emotional moments in cars, which we have never seen on television before.
He asks what she was thinking, she’s like, duh what do people use drugs for. She calls him out for disappearing completely. She mentions how it was bad enough that they didn’t have mom. He says “we both got to stop acting like she’s gonna come back and put us right” which makes absolutely zero sense. It’s like someone wrote it on a note for how to develop the characters and they just decided to slap it into the script of the pilot. Remember these people haven’t seen each other for eleven months, he left shortly after his wife died. They didn’t have the time to process the grief together, why is he even saying that line here?
Meanwhile Martinez get home and we meet her boyfriend, a very cute Black man. They’re cute. Why can’t the story be about them?
He asks her about Walker, she says he’s a mess. Oh god. She says he was a Marine, “signed after 9/11”. Holy shit. He’s a Marine who signed up after asdfghjkl can’t you feel the Manly Trauma here????
He’s a Marine who signed up to fight Muslims after 9/11 and now has a dead wife, he’s exactly the kind of male lead character we need right now.
She says she’s trying to figure him out. Her boyfriend is like “dude stop thinking about that guy, he’s not at home trying to figure you out” and she replies “oh I’m pretty sure he thinks he knows everything about me already”.
This is the first scene that hasn’t felt bad so far.
Meanwhile Jared and his brother go to a bar. It’s very ~Texas Aesthetic~, and they’re wearing cowboy hats, of course. You are not allowed to go to a bar without a cowboy hat in Texas. “The brothers Walker” the flannel-shirt-clad bartender says, coming with drinks. Jensen Ackles makes a face somewhere in the mountains.
The brother goes to call his partner and the bartender starts chatting with Walker. She has a conversation with Jared’s awkward faces and she’s like, I guess you left because I couldn’t answer your questions about what happened yo your wife. This is how people converse in real life.
She asks him if he’s alright and he doesn’t answer, instead is like “let’s have a dance”. He doesn’t say he’s fine, but I think it still counts as a I’m Fine Lie Moment #2 because that’s what it is in spirit.
I know you’re bored, I’m bored.
They dance in the Texan bar, I’m distracted by the pool tables and wish this was Supernatural so we’d see Jensen Ackles play pool.
Obviously the dance is interrupted by work - a text from Ramirez who says she’s got something, “office 8am?” so he leaves because he has to wake up early. I’m not kidding.
I was kind of warmed over by Ramirez and her cute boyfriend and by the bar who was kind of nice as a location, when the next scene at the office immediately starts with Ramirez saying “My mom wouldn’t let me play with dolls when I was a kid, so Iearned about cars instead”. I die a little inside. It’s the second time she’s referred to her mother wanting a son...? So she’s badass because she wasn’t raised to be feminine...? Ew.
So they have this lead thanks to her knowledge of cars. They go investigate. I’m bored.
I shouldn’t have said I was bored, because Walker destroys my boredom by having Jared pick up a cross and start talking to “JC” sarcastically asking him for guidance about his kids going to the Catholic school. “Can you stop” Ramirez says, along with all of us.
By the way they’re in a workshop run by an ex-convict who employs former criminals to make figurines (like that cross). I got a bad feeling about this. Former criminal in cop shows is always code for current criminal.
The investigation leads to two guys who work in the store - “oh I know you,” one immediately says when he spots Walker, “you’re the ranger with the dead wife”. Walker is like, what did you say. And the guy is like oh I heard the story of a ranger’s wife biting a bullet near the border, guess you couldn’t protect her uh~~~
They exchange more provocations - Walker calls him some lowlife something and the guy goes to punch him and Walker beats him up. Violently. I’m uncomfortable. We’re supposed to think he’s exaggerating here but... he does get very violent and should not be a cop. Period.
They go to Ramirez’ house because he cut his hand. Her boyfriend is like “baby there’s a dude bleeding on your couch” I want a season of him, exclusively him.
She scolds Walker. Not because he beat up a guy with more force than needed, but because he acted stupid and that’s bad for her career. I’m uncomfortable.
Also, what’s bad is that they’re supposed to work *together*. He says he has his own way of doing things. Yikes yikes yikes.
She says that her theory is that they put them together because he always break the rules. Apparently she read up his cases and he always break the rules. The main character of the show is a cop who break the rules in half the cases he works. Yikes yikes yikes but also did I mention yikes?
No, wait, he acknowledges that he “bends” the rules, like that’s better! Yikes!
More bad dialogue, then Stella’s school calls him. She hasn’t been at school.
He goes to ask Isabel’s mother, who reveals they haven’t their papers yet, so any criminal activity would mean deportation. He talks about it with Ramirez and mentions that his brother who’s a DA could get in contact with the Feds to speed up the papers. Are we supposed to be like “oh what a good guy”? The thing is just creepy to me.
Well, at least Ramirez says something about it, or actually quotes her mother who used to say that the law doesn’t protect us. That’s why she ~burned bridges~ with her family! Apparently because she became a cop.
Ow. Her mother is not speaking to her because for her, her daughter being a cop is like a betrayal. But for her it’s a way to set things right! We’re supposed to think her mother is exaggerated. #notallcops #individualgoodcopscanchangethesystemfromtheinsideforsuredefinitely
Meanwhile their investigation continues. Remember the cross Walker randomly picked up to mock the concept of Jesus? Ramirez stole it. And now they find out there’s heroin in it. Alright... obviously the business that was supposed to rehabilitate former criminals is a cover for cartel drug dealing. What were we expecting. I’m tired.
Ramirez decides to work the case alone and sends Walker to look for his daughter. “I was that kid once, I always wanted to be found”. The impression you get from the scene is that Walker had forgotten about his daughter missing lol. Ramirez insists he goes. I’m uncomfortable with how many times people put on cowboy hats. Someone should count. We’re only 30 minutes in and it feels like it’s happened 80 times.
Alright, a break now! My laptop’s ventilation is running like crazy, VLC and long tumblr drafts are a bad combination. Or maybe it’s just my laptop being allergic to this show.
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Help You - Little Movie Star Chapter Six (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
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Summary: Your auditions were coming up. You would lie if you said you were not nervous but you remembered your lines. So nothing could go wrong. Maybe something would. But that something was not associated with the auditions.
Words: 2,003
Warnings: nervousness, little fangirl moment, anxiety, dark thoughts, panic attack, a lil sass, fluff, love for Jared <3, (Y/A) = your age
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
“You know your lines?” Jensen asked for the thirtieth time today. Honestly, if you did not know better, you would say he was more nervous than you.
“I do, Jensen.” you did not ask him to stop questioning you. All you did was sending him a smile. Seating yourself in front of your laptop, (Jensen gave you his old one so you could write) you breathed slowly & controlled. Yes, you were nervous but you had a good feeling. Jensen & Danneel, both wanting to support you, each took seats right behind the laptop, only for you to see.
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The first audition went by smoothly. You remembered all of your lines & implemented what was asked of you. Once you started, your nervousness faded away & you were delivering the lines confidently. At the end, they told you they would let you know as soon as they discussed everything with the rest of the crew.
“I’m proud of you, (Y/N).” Jensen stated after you ended the video call. Nobody had ever told you that. It meant a lot to you & he could tell by the way you reacted. Now, the waiting began. Jared had asked you to text him once you were done & you did. Letting him know that everything went fine.
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You were more anxious for the Marvel audition. Unsure why, your heart was racing & your hands were trembling. It was not any different than the first one. Well, except for the fact that THE Russo Brothers were the ones doing the audition. You had been a fan of their work for years & wanted to deliver perfectly. Also, being part of the next Avengers movie? Surreal. You remembered it so clearly, when you watched your first Marvel movie in theaters. It was now or never. Again, Jensen & Danneel stood close by, hoping it would calm you down just the slightest.
Throughout your audition, you forgot your lines once or twice but covered it immediately by improvising a scene that you found fitting. It was weird. Sitting in front of a laptop, acting out a scene you were rehearsing before. You imagined working on film sets with other people to be easier. Here, you could only focus on the screen in front of you & Joe & Anthony Russo were not exactly people you wanted to focus on. Hell, you were acting like a crazy little fangirl.
“So, (Y/N).” Anthony started. “We actually have a few more auditions for this role coming up.” in the corner of your eye, you saw Jensen picking up his phone & walking out of the room. Huh, weird…
“I really don’t think we need to see more, though.” Joe continued.
“What we’re trying to say is that, if you want to, you got the role.” Anthony finished, smiling brightly. What did he just say?
“Really?” you could not believe it. They wanted you! YOU! Someone who had never acted before. The Russo’s simply nodded at you & told you that every piece of information would be sent to you in the following days. Somehow, you managed to end the video call professionally but not before thanking them again & again. They said you were a natural & a perfect addition to their new movie. And you were just loving everything at the moment.
Running over to Danneel, you hugged her tightly. She congratulated you, telling you that this was what you deserved. When you wanted to ask where Jensen was, he reentered the room, a big smile plastered on his face.
“I got the role!”
“You got the role!” the two of you said at the same time.
“What? I thought you were on the phone, how do you know?” how could he know about you getting the role if he was not even there?
“You’re talking about the Marvel one?” his eyes grew wide. You nodded & he pulled you into a hug.
“Today’s your lucky day, angel.” Jensen picked up that nickname from Danneel & you sure as hell were not complaining. “Just got off the phone with our producer. Welcome to the Supernatural Family.” it took you a moment to process what he said.
“Wait…Does that mean-?” Jensen nodded. “Oh my god! This is crazy…” you were pacing now. This being the only thing you could do at the moment.
“Congrats, (Y/N)! We need to celebrate!” he immediately called Jared to tell him the great news.
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A celebration party was set up for this evening. Everyone was coming. The Padalecki’s, this time with Tom & Shep (& baby number three that was already growing inside Gen’s belly). Jensen’s parents were invited as well which meant that you would meet them for the first time. You were not a fan of parties, especially when the attention was on you, but Jensen & Danneel were so excited while planning everything, you did not want to ruin it by admitting that you actually disliked events like this. Being the center of a crowd made you uneasy but you just got two acting roles, you could play pretend for a few hours, right?
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The party was not as bad as you first expected it to be. Meeting your grandparents for the first time was nice, they welcomed you warmly & told you that they were glad they could finally meet you in person. Everyone here knew about your upcoming roles but you were asked to keep it secret for the time being. People would find out soon enough anyway. This celebration tonight was more than you had ever had. Not even once had you had a birthday party or something similar. You were not used to these kinds of things. Apparently, you should get used to them since such parties occurred more often with these people. Though you had to admit that it would be a challenge for you. You liked each & every one of these people here but still, there were these tiny voices in your head that just would not shut up. Telling you that you did not deserve to have them in your life, that you were not good enough to be an actor, that they were better off without you. Shaking your head to rid yourself of these awful thoughts, you could feel your breathing becoming irregular. Shit, please not now. Not in front of everyone. You had to get out of here, you could not have a full blown panic attack when you were supposed to celebrate & have fun. Looking around the room, you saw that the kids were playing & the others were caught up in a conversation. If you were to make an exit, now would be the time. Without a second thought, you got up & hurried out of the room, heading for the safety of your own bedroom.
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Shutting the door behind you, you did not even make it to your bed. You fell down to your knees & crawled the remaining distance to your bed where you sat with your back pressed to it. Your breakdown was stupid, you knew that. You got two acting roles, something you had dreamed about ever since you were little. You had a family where, for the first time, you felt like you actually belonged. Hell, there were people here to celebrate you. But the past always seemed to catch up with you, no matter how hard you tried to move on. You could not breathe. Why could you not breathe? If you did not get yourself together, you might actually pass out. Shit, you could not do this alone. But you also did not have the strength to get up. Your phone was left at the party because you forgot it in your state of panic. Trying to yell for someone to help you, you found that your voice had left you.
Experiencing panic attacks like this was everything but fun. Like you were the main character in a horror movie & you made all the stupid mistakes the audience usually joked about. There was no way to escape. You did not hear the knock on your door, neither did you feel when a presence sat down right next to you. But still, nobody was touching you. And you were grateful for that because who knew how you would have reacted to anyone touching you.
“You gotta breathe for me, (Y/N). In & out, in & out. Try to match my breathing.” was the first thing you heard after minutes. You knew the voice but could not tell who it belonged to. Not that it mattered in the moment. Having someone to tell you how to breathe was all you needed.
“There you go, you’re doing great.” the voice encouraged you. Your breathing slowly returned to normal & you were exhausted like crazy. Looking to your right, you found Jared sitting next to you, smiling slightly. Shit, you just embarrassed yourself in front of him.
“You okay?” he asked, still concerned about you.
“I’m sorry.” your voice was hoarse & it felt like almost every ounce of strength had left your body because of this panic attack.
“Nothing to be sorry for.” he assured you. “I could tell you didn’t hear me right away & I wasn’t sure if you were okay with me touching you so I tried my best to get your breathing back to normal.” you were unsure how to answer him. You knew he struggled with his own mental health. Maybe he thought you were faking this. At least other people always believed you wanted attention whenever you went through an episode like that. It was the exact opposite, if you were completely honest.
Silence filled the room once again. Jared was not done with talking, though.
“Do Jensen & Dee know?” you scoffed at that. If they knew they probably would have never set up this party in the first place.
“I guess that’s a no then.” he answered his question himself. “How long have you had these?” maybe it was the fact that you were too tired, but you found yourself opening up to Jared.
“Ever since I can remember.” admitting something like that was not easy but it was the truth.
“You should tell them.”
“So they have another reason to send me back?” Jared widened his eyes at your statement. Were you really thinking that?
“They would never, & I really mean NEVER, send you back, (Y/N). They care for you a lot & they’d be more than open to help you with this. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
“Oh yeah? Well, I’ve been dealing with this for (Y/A) years on my own & I’m doing just fine.” the moment you said it, you heard that you were way too harsh with him. That was not your intention. “Sorry, Jared. I didn’t mean it like that.” looking down to avoid his stare, you waited for him to get up & walk out of your room. He did not, though. No. But his next question caught you off guard.
“You want a hug?” that was all you needed at the moment. A slight nod of your head made Jared pull you closer to his body. His embrace felt like a safe haven & you were happy that he was the one who followed you upstairs. Jared let you hug him for as long as you needed. Right now, you were all that mattered. And if you did not want to tell Jensen or Danneel, he would. They were his best friends & if he knew you were struggling, it was his job to let them know as well.
“We’ll get through this together, I promise.” pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head, he could feel you tightening your grip on him. For once, you wanted to trust another person’s promise. For once, you needed another person to keep their promise. You were not sure if you could keep going otherwise.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter
Published (04/24/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624​, @imaginationisgrowth​, @stoneyggirl​, @alyispunk​, @thevelvetseries​, @multifandomlover121​, @samsgirl93​, @supernatural3002​, @diabetes-03, @prettyybubblesintheair, @originalsoulcollector​, @vir-tual, @bellero​, @sergantbuckybarnes​, @namelesslosers​ (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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