#horse shark
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frogofthenorth · 22 days ago
h o r k
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marinememes · 1 year ago
Today is Wet Beast Wednesday!
Today’s wet beast is: Pipefish
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Olive’s wet beast fact: You’re probably thinking that these worm-on-a-string lookin ass creatures look like straightened seahorses. That’s bc they are part of the Syngnathidae family with Seahorses and Sea Dragons. Funky!
Stay tuned for more Wet Beast Wednesdays!
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shpepyao · 10 months ago
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Working on mermay, not following prompt list, just drawing fish people and what not
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vexwerewolf · 4 months ago
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months ago
I was in a cowboy movie but underwater. Horses were sharks and people were octopi. I was the only human.
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a-queer-little-wombat · 5 months ago
Hey @elodieunderglass , enjoy this horrible thing with legs!
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kit-screams-into-the-future · 2 months ago
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another post for @bttfjanaury! this one's @itsthemorph's mermarty au and very predictably i got carried away with it LMAO.
yap session and bonus stuff below the cut:
once again i came up with an entire backstory for this au, and if i were a fanfiction writer i would genuinely consider writing it since it's a lot less visually comedic than the weredoc au (and comedic in general, it's played a little straighter than "man turns into dog and is thoroughly inconvenienced by it") (unfortunate [in reference to visuals] bc i enjoy drawing mermarty a great deal more than weredoc GBJKGJ) bc i really like the premise but i'm pretty bad at fleshing out a narrative in enough detail to last the whole story so bullet points it is:
doc has decided to take a break from his time-travel-related research and go on vacation! the fresh coastal air might jostle a couple ideas into place, and while he is a nuclear physicist and not a marine biologist he wouldn't mind checking out some of the local aquatic life
and by local aquatic life he meant like normal fish and stuff. a nice mollusk or two even. so when he ends up fishing an entire boy out of the water instead he's understandably very shocked
before doc can move past the "where did he come from??" thought to register his more fish-like qualities, the boy makes a run (a swim?) for it. fortunately or unfortunately for doc, he ends up being able to register the fish-like qualities after all since he gets dragged into the water along with him. the moment doesn't last too long, though, and the fish-boy is gone as soon as doc realizes the guy has a fish tail instead of legs
doc gets back on the dock (haha), thinks about the whole ordeal for a bit, and decides that the best course of action is just to assume he hallucinated the whole thing in a fit of heatstroke or something like that. he's here to relax and get his thoughts in order so he can continue working on his time machine! there's no time to investigate fairy-tale creatures or whatever supposedly living off the coast of california!
it's not shown in the comic but i imagine doc has a little portable radio next to him as he was fishing, so some time passes before he catches a glimpse of something shining in the water underneath the dock
he looks through the cracks in the dock and lo and behold, it's the same boy from earlier! doc greets him, and the boy immediately disappears under the water. doc thinks he's scared him off until a few minutes later where he pokes his head out and says hi back
they get to chatting and doc learns a couple things:
1. his name is marty!
2. he was trying to get doc to realize that he forgot to put bait on his hook but got his hand caught on it, and was trying to get his hand unstuck from the hook without ripping it open before doc ever had the chance to see him, which he obviously failed at
3. both the being seen and ripping his hand open, because in his haste to get away after being seen by doc he ended up doing that anyways. so there's like a lot of blood coming out of his hand now? but like don't worry about it. it'll be fine. he thinks.
4. he really likes whatever it is that's playing on the radio
doc insists on patching up his hand and initially marty refuses but lets him do it eventually, and marty tells doc that for a land dweller he's actually surprisingly nice. doc says nah anyone would want to help out someone hurt, especially if they're the one's who caused it. and marty's kind of confused by that because his family's always warned him of how dangerous humans are, which he kind of never thought too hard about until now where his time off this particular coast has really proven them correct, because he's encountered a bunch of humans over the past couple weeks and they've all tried to kill him or catch him. doc's the only one who's actually bothered to say hi!
after learning that particular not-at-all-concerning tidbit, doc asks him to elaborate because there's a lot to unpack over there, but someone else walks onto the dock before marty can get a word in and he takes off
marty does not return, even once the other guy leaves, and when doc packs it up to return to the place he rented out for the vacation he overhears a conversation among a group of men about spotting something weird in the water earlier and that it kind of looked like a mermaid? and that if any of them manage to catch it they'll all be rich as thieves. and another guy in the convo goes no you're thinking of rich as kings, you're mixing it up with a different analogy. and the first guy goes no i'm not i said what i said
so now this vacation is doing anything but clearing doc's mind. he's really worried about that little fish guy
there's a couple more ideas i had but halfway through writing out this bullet list i've realized that if i were to actually write this as a fanfiction, i'd probably want to keep those a surprise. so what i just wrote out is kind of the equivalent of one chapter
edit after thinking about it a bit more: since most humans have been trying to kill him, marty really has no incentive to let a guy know that he's wasting his time fishing with a baitless hook. so a. he's still pretty optimistic that most humans aren't out to get him, even if his experience off this particular coast says otherwise, so he was trying to be nice anyway or b. (which i think is a lot funnier) he has started to pull on people's lines as a way to fuck with them. i think if i wrote this i'd change it to this one
i based mermarty off of a guppy fish! specifically this kind of guppy fish:
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i was searching up kinds of fish and he just had the vibe of this thing. although now i think i should've made him a flying fish instead. for the pun
alternate ending to the mini comic:
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the other one makes a little more sense since just approaching a guy whose species doesn't know about your existence unprompted is pretty stupid even for marty (and also i thought it was funny that the hook didn't have anything but doc ends up catching something anyways) but i still think this one's funny too
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hr-bananabird · 8 months ago
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Art Fight - Attack on Crowtaur!
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niidsch · 3 months ago
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Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S (2020) ♫ Animal themed puzzles
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alex-fictus · 4 months ago
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The Cenozoic is Pink 🩷🩷🩷
Western Horse (Equus occidentalis) - Megaloceros
Odobenocetops - Desmodus
Baiji - Goblin Shark
Shop || Phone Wallpapers
The western horse is coming soon! Check out my next shop update on November 1st for new critters joining the Paleo Party!
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craigslisthorses · 7 months ago
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Who took a bite out of this one's back?????
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 25 days ago
(“Where’s Venom?” I wanted to highlight other characters since Venom is the fan favorite for this kind of poll.)
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 8 months ago
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if these things roamed the earth we'd all be fucked
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pcktknife · 7 months ago
i might have dreamed this but have you ever drawn zoro one piece as a ferret
probably a dream. ive drawn zoro maybe 3x and of those times the only animal one was a parrot. ive drawn maya/pearl/dahlia of ace attorney fame as ferrets tho. anyways not a ferret but heres a mongoose zoro and cobra sanji
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puckpocketed · 1 month ago
Not 2 be a traitor to the cause but I think the Sharks should not be on top of the whimsystandings . This is mad recency bias tbh . everyone’s looking at the children mike grier superglued together . The Caps BARK at each other pre and postgame.… shitty frank sinatra serenade before revenge matches……like have you seen them …..come on now……………
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catschimericalcreations · 1 year ago
Did you know:
With every donation you make at https://ko-fi.com/catschimericalcreations you can unlock one fun fact about any repurposed Beanie Baby hybrid plush beast of your choosing!
Shark Puppy Plush by Cat's Chimerical Creations
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