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drrobctnik Ā· 3 days ago
AĀ  collectionĀ  ofĀ  angstĀ  promptsĀ  thatĀ  delveĀ  intoĀ  theĀ  strugglesĀ  ofĀ  soldiersĀ  facingĀ  PTSD,Ā  survivorā€™sĀ  guilt,Ā  andĀ  theĀ  lingeringĀ  scarsĀ  ofĀ  war.Ā  ThemesĀ  ofĀ  mentalĀ  health,Ā  trauma,Ā  substanceĀ  abuse,Ā  suicidalĀ  ideation,Ā  hypervigilance,Ā  combat,Ā  loss,Ā  identity,Ā  andĀ  alienation.Ā  FeelĀ  freeĀ  toĀ  addĀ  yourĀ  ownĀ  editsĀ  asĀ  wantedĀ  orĀ  needed.
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" IĀ  keepĀ  hisĀ  pictureĀ  inĀ  myĀ  wallet,Ā  likeĀ  itā€™sĀ  gonnaĀ  bringĀ  himĀ  back. "
" WeĀ  wereĀ  allĀ  justĀ  kidsĀ  playingĀ  soldier,Ā  andĀ  nowĀ  weā€™reĀ  menĀ  withĀ  scars. "
" TheyĀ  trainedĀ  meĀ  toĀ  fightĀ  wars,Ā  butĀ  noĀ  oneĀ  trainedĀ  meĀ  toĀ  liveĀ  after. "
" I'mĀ  notĀ  aĀ  fuckin'Ā  hero...I'mĀ  justĀ  aĀ  guyĀ  whoĀ  gotĀ  outĀ  alive. "
" DocĀ  canĀ  hisĀ  fuckin'Ā  PTSDĀ  andĀ  shoveĀ  itĀ  upĀ  hisĀ  ass.Ā  Itā€™sĀ  justĀ  meĀ  tryingĀ  toĀ  rememberĀ  howĀ  toĀ  surviveĀ  inĀ  thisĀ  goddamnĀ  world. "
" WeĀ  jokedĀ  aboutĀ  notĀ  makingĀ  it,Ā  butĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  justĀ  that...aĀ  joke.Ā  UntilĀ  itĀ  wasnā€™t."
" YouĀ  everĀ  wakeĀ  upĀ  andĀ  think,Ā  'Fuck,Ā  whyĀ  didnā€™tĀ  thatĀ  lastĀ  bulletĀ  hitĀ  meĀ  instead?'Ā  'CauseĀ  IĀ  sureĀ  do.Ā  EveryĀ  singleĀ  night. "
" TheyĀ  calledĀ  itĀ  collateralĀ  damage.Ā  LikeĀ  itĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  somebodyā€™sĀ  damnĀ  family! "
" EveryĀ  timeĀ  IĀ  closeĀ  myĀ  eyes,Ā  IĀ  seeĀ  hisĀ  face.Ā  IĀ  canā€™tĀ  keepĀ  doingĀ  this. "
" IĀ  missĀ  home,Ā  butĀ  y'knowĀ  what?Ā  Canā€™tĀ  evenĀ  rememberĀ  whatĀ  homeĀ  feelsĀ  likeĀ  anymore. "
" TheĀ  worstĀ  partĀ  isnā€™tĀ  whatĀ  weĀ  did;Ā  itā€™sĀ  howĀ  normalĀ  thisĀ  shitĀ  isĀ  startingĀ  toĀ  feel. "
" Donā€™tĀ  fuckin'Ā  tellĀ  meĀ  toĀ  ā€˜manĀ  up.ā€™Ā  YouĀ  werenā€™tĀ  there!Ā  YouĀ  didn'tĀ  seeĀ  whatĀ  IĀ  did! "
" SometimesĀ  IĀ  wonderĀ  ifĀ  itĀ  wouldā€™veĀ  beenĀ  betterĀ  ifĀ  IĀ  hadnā€™tĀ  madeĀ  itĀ  back. "
" TheyĀ  saidĀ  weā€™reĀ  heroes,Ā  butĀ  IĀ  donā€™tĀ  feelĀ  likeĀ  one.Ā  HeroesĀ  donā€™tĀ  doĀ  whatĀ  weā€™veĀ  done. "
" There'sĀ  nothingĀ  wrongĀ  withĀ  me.Ā  I'mĀ  fine,Ā  IĀ  don'tĀ  needĀ  help. "
" EvenĀ  backĀ  inĀ  society,Ā  whenĀ  IĀ  lookĀ  inĀ  theĀ  mirror,Ā  IĀ  stillĀ  seeĀ  myselfĀ  inĀ  uniform;Ā  coveredĀ  inĀ  sweat,Ā  dirt,Ā  blood,Ā  gunpower.Ā  IĀ  don'tĀ  thinkĀ  IĀ  everĀ  trulyĀ  cameĀ  backĀ  home. "
" GoddamnĀ  it,Ā  IĀ  toldĀ  youĀ  toĀ  keepĀ  yourĀ  fuckin'Ā  headĀ  down!Ā  TheĀ  hellĀ  wereĀ  youĀ  thinkin'!? "
" YouĀ  canā€™tĀ  fixĀ  me,Ā  soĀ  stopĀ  fuckin'Ā  tryingĀ  to. "
" IfĀ  IĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  foldĀ  oneĀ  moreĀ  goddamnĀ  flagĀ  forĀ  aĀ  funeral,Ā  Iā€™mĀ  gonnaĀ  loseĀ  it."
" WeĀ  didnā€™tĀ  joinĀ  upĀ  toĀ  beĀ  heroes.Ā  WeĀ  justĀ  didnā€™tĀ  knowĀ  whatĀ  theĀ  fuckĀ  elseĀ  toĀ  do. "
" Fuck.Ā  IĀ  shouldnā€™tĀ  haveĀ  toldĀ  himĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  clear.Ā  ItĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  clear. "
" TheyĀ  keepĀ  sayingĀ  itĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  ourĀ  fault,Ā  butĀ  itĀ  sureĀ  asĀ  hellĀ  feelsĀ  likeĀ  it. "
" SometimesĀ  IĀ  forgetĀ  whyĀ  weĀ  wereĀ  evenĀ  thereĀ  inĀ  theĀ  firstĀ  place. "
" Iā€™mĀ  tiredĀ  ofĀ  wakingĀ  upĀ  everyĀ  dayĀ  wishingĀ  IĀ  hadnā€™t. "
" Weā€™reĀ  notĀ  soldiersĀ  anymore.Ā  NowĀ  weā€™reĀ  justĀ  survivors. "
" IĀ  donā€™tĀ  prayĀ  anymore.Ā  NotĀ  afterĀ  everythingĀ  weĀ  saw.Ā  GodĀ  can'tĀ  saveĀ  meĀ  fromĀ  thatĀ  shit. "
" YouĀ  canā€™tĀ  justĀ  ā€˜leaveĀ  itĀ  behind.ā€™Ā  ItĀ  followsĀ  you.Ā  EveryĀ  damnĀ  stepĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  way.Ā  ItĀ  justā€”itĀ  justĀ  neverĀ  fuckin'Ā  stops. "
" IĀ  donā€™tĀ  evenĀ  knowĀ  whatĀ  normalĀ  feelsĀ  likeĀ  anymore,Ā  man. "
" HeĀ  didnā€™tĀ  evenĀ  scream.Ā  Justā€¦Ā  lightsĀ  out,Ā  done.Ā  LikeĀ  that. "
" NoĀ  amountĀ  ofĀ  patchesĀ  andĀ  medalsĀ  willĀ  bringĀ  backĀ  whatĀ  IĀ  lostĀ  overĀ  there."
" WhatĀ  theĀ  fuckĀ  wasĀ  itĀ  allĀ  for? "
" IĀ  seeĀ  thatĀ  goddamnedĀ  convoyĀ  goin'Ā  upĀ  inĀ  flamesĀ  everyĀ  timeĀ  IĀ  closeĀ  myĀ  eyes. "
" TheĀ  medsĀ  donā€™tĀ  doĀ  shitĀ  exceptĀ  makeĀ  meĀ  feelĀ  likeĀ  aĀ  zombie. "
" WeĀ  laugh,Ā  weĀ  joke,Ā  butĀ  deepĀ  downĀ  weā€™reĀ  allĀ  justĀ  brokenĀ  toys. "
" EveryĀ  timeĀ  IĀ  hearĀ  aĀ  carĀ  backfire,Ā  Iā€™mĀ  divingĀ  forĀ  coverĀ  likeĀ  aĀ  goddamnedĀ  idiot. "
" TheyĀ  gaveĀ  meĀ  aĀ  medal but notĀ  aĀ  reasonĀ  toĀ  fuckingĀ  live."
" DoĀ  youĀ  rememberĀ  hisĀ  face?Ā  HisĀ  fuckin'Ā  faceĀ  whenĀ  heĀ  realizedĀ  heĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  gonnaĀ  makeĀ  it? "
" IĀ  can'tĀ  walkĀ  intoĀ  aĀ  crowdedĀ  roomĀ  withoutĀ  sizin'Ā  upĀ  exitsĀ  likeĀ  I'mĀ  stillĀ  inĀ  enemyĀ  territory. "
" WeĀ  allĀ  cameĀ  homeĀ  inĀ  pieces.Ā  SomeĀ  ofĀ  usĀ  justĀ  hidĀ  itĀ  betterĀ  thanĀ  others. "
" Donā€™tĀ  fuckin'Ā  touchĀ  me.Ā  YouĀ  don'tĀ  knowĀ  whatĀ  handsĀ  canĀ  doĀ  whenĀ  theyā€™reĀ  scared. "
" TheĀ  shitĀ  theyĀ  donā€™tĀ  tellĀ  youĀ  aboutĀ  survivingĀ  isĀ  howĀ  heavyĀ  theĀ  guiltĀ  feels. "
" Itā€™sĀ  justĀ  aĀ  patchĀ  ofĀ  dirtĀ  toĀ  everyoneĀ  else,Ā  butĀ  toĀ  me,Ā  itā€™sĀ  whereĀ  IĀ  buriedĀ  myĀ  bestĀ  friend. "
" StopĀ  askingĀ  meĀ  toĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  it.Ā  TalkingĀ  doesnā€™tĀ  fixĀ  whatā€™sĀ  broken. "
" OneĀ  moreĀ  personĀ  says,Ā  'ThankĀ  youĀ  forĀ  yourĀ  service,'Ā  I'm gonna loseĀ  it. "
" TheyĀ  sayĀ  itĀ  getsĀ  easier,Ā  butĀ  allĀ  Iā€™veĀ  doneĀ  isĀ  getĀ  betterĀ  atĀ  pretending. "
" IĀ  donā€™tĀ  missĀ  theĀ  war,Ā  butĀ  IĀ  missĀ  theĀ  peopleĀ  IĀ  foughtĀ  itĀ  with. "
" IĀ  feelĀ  likeĀ  Iā€™mĀ  onĀ  patrolĀ  evenĀ  inĀ  theĀ  groceryĀ  store,Ā  scanningĀ  forĀ  threats. "
" YouĀ  knowĀ  whatĀ  theĀ  hardestĀ  partĀ  is?Ā  KnowingĀ  theyĀ  diedĀ  forĀ  nothing. "
" TheyĀ  sayĀ  ā€˜thankĀ  youĀ  forĀ  yourĀ  service,ā€™Ā  andĀ  IĀ  justĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  scream. "
" Sometimes,Ā  IĀ  wishĀ  Iā€™dĀ  stayedĀ  in.Ā  AtĀ  leastĀ  IĀ  knewĀ  whoĀ  IĀ  wasĀ  then. "
" YouĀ  don'tĀ  getĀ  toĀ  tellĀ  meĀ  whatĀ  IĀ  sawĀ  outĀ  there,Ā  alright?Ā  YouĀ  werenā€™tĀ  theĀ  oneĀ  draggingĀ  whatĀ  wasĀ  leftĀ  ofĀ  himĀ  backĀ  toĀ  base! "
" AnotherĀ  goddamnĀ  nameĀ  onĀ  theĀ  memorialĀ  wall,Ā  yeah,Ā  thatā€™sĀ  whatĀ  thisĀ  missionĀ  fuckin'Ā  accomplished! "
" Don'tĀ  giveĀ  meĀ  thatĀ  'chainĀ  ofĀ  command'Ā  bullshit.Ā  YouĀ  knewĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  suicideĀ  run,Ā  andĀ  youĀ  sentĀ  usĀ  anyway! "
" GetĀ  yourĀ  handsĀ  offĀ  me!Ā  IĀ  saidĀ  Iā€™mĀ  fine,Ā  stopĀ  treatingĀ  meĀ  likeĀ  Iā€™mĀ  fuckin'Ā  broken! "
" YouĀ  wannaĀ  keepĀ  yelling,Ā  orĀ  areĀ  youĀ  finallyĀ  gonnaĀ  admitĀ  youĀ  fuckedĀ  upĀ  backĀ  there? "
" Weā€™reĀ  soldiers,Ā  notĀ  fuckin'Ā  machines.Ā  HowĀ  theĀ  hellĀ  doĀ  youĀ  notĀ  understandĀ  thatĀ  afterĀ  allĀ  theseĀ  years? "
" IĀ  canĀ  stillĀ  hearĀ  theirĀ  screams.Ā  EveryĀ  goddamnĀ  night.Ā  DoĀ  youĀ  thinkĀ  IĀ  sleepĀ  likeĀ  thisĀ  becauseĀ  IĀ  wantĀ  to? "
" StopĀ  tellingĀ  meĀ  toĀ  'letĀ  itĀ  go!'Ā  YouĀ  didnā€™tĀ  watchĀ  himĀ  bleedĀ  outĀ  whileĀ  beggingĀ  forĀ  hisĀ  mother! "
" IĀ  lostĀ  anotherĀ  oneĀ  today,Ā  andĀ  allĀ  youĀ  canĀ  sayĀ  isĀ  ā€˜itĀ  happensā€™?Ā  FuckĀ  you! "
" WhatĀ  doĀ  youĀ  wantĀ  meĀ  toĀ  say?Ā  ThatĀ  IĀ  donā€™tĀ  missĀ  them?Ā  ThatĀ  IĀ  donā€™tĀ  hateĀ  myselfĀ  forĀ  living? "
" YouĀ  keepĀ  sayingĀ  ā€˜itā€™sĀ  over,ā€™Ā  butĀ  itā€™sĀ  notĀ  overĀ  whenĀ  itā€™sĀ  inĀ  myĀ  fuckin'Ā  headĀ  24/7! "
" ItĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  heroism,Ā  alright?Ā  IĀ  didnā€™tĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  die.Ā  IĀ  didnā€™tĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  live.Ā  IĀ  justĀ  wantedĀ  itĀ  toĀ  fuckin'Ā  end. "
" YouĀ  thinkĀ  IĀ  signedĀ  upĀ  forĀ  thisĀ  shit?Ā  NoĀ  oneĀ  signsĀ  upĀ  forĀ  nightmaresĀ  thatĀ  wonā€™tĀ  goĀ  away! "
" IĀ  frozeĀ  outĀ  there.Ā  IĀ  justā€¦Ā  froze.Ā  AndĀ  nowĀ  heā€™sĀ  goneĀ  becauseĀ  IĀ  couldnā€™tĀ  move. "
" YouĀ  callĀ  itĀ  aĀ  mission.Ā  IĀ  callĀ  itĀ  aĀ  slaughter.Ā  TellĀ  meĀ  whereĀ  theĀ  hellĀ  theĀ  differenceĀ  is. "
" Donā€™tĀ  youĀ  dareĀ  sayĀ  itā€™sĀ  ā€˜justĀ  partĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  job.ā€™Ā  ThatĀ  wasĀ  someoneā€™sĀ  fuckin'Ā  life! "
" YouĀ  reallyĀ  thinkĀ  anyĀ  ofĀ  thisĀ  ā€˜therapyā€™Ā  bullshitĀ  willĀ  bringĀ  themĀ  back?Ā  'CauseĀ  itĀ  won't,Ā  asshole! "
" YouĀ  donā€™tĀ  comeĀ  backĀ  fromĀ  war;Ā  youĀ  justĀ  bringĀ  itĀ  homeĀ  withĀ  you. "
"IfĀ  oneĀ  moreĀ  personĀ  tellsĀ  meĀ  toĀ  ā€˜moveĀ  on,ā€™Ā  IĀ  swearĀ  toĀ  GodĀ  Iā€™mĀ  gonnaĀ  loseĀ  it. "
" ShutĀ  theĀ  fuckĀ  up,Ā  IĀ  can'tĀ  handleĀ  yourĀ  sunshineĀ  shitĀ  rightĀ  now. "
" YouĀ  everĀ  thinkĀ  aboutĀ  howĀ  weā€™reĀ  allĀ  justĀ  disposable? "
" MyĀ  handsĀ  wonā€™tĀ  stopĀ  shaking. "
" IĀ  donā€™tĀ  needĀ  yourĀ  pity,Ā  IĀ  needĀ  anotherĀ  goddamnĀ  drink. "
" Itā€™sĀ  notĀ  PTSD.Ā  It'sĀ  justĀ  me.Ā  Iā€™mĀ  fuckedĀ  up,Ā  plainĀ  andĀ  simple. "
" Fuckin'Ā  civviesĀ  donā€™tĀ  understandĀ  aĀ  goddamnĀ  thingĀ  weā€™veĀ  beenĀ  through. "
" TheyĀ  wantĀ  meĀ  toĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  it,Ā  butĀ  howĀ  doĀ  youĀ  putĀ  hellĀ  intoĀ  words? "
" IĀ  hateĀ  myselfĀ  forĀ  makingĀ  itĀ  backĀ  alive. "
" Donā€™tĀ  giveĀ  meĀ  thatĀ  'brotherhood'Ā  bullshit!Ā  WhereĀ  wasĀ  thatĀ  whenĀ  youĀ  letĀ  themĀ  ambushĀ  us? "
" PutĀ  theĀ  gunĀ  down,Ā  man.Ā  Please.Ā  Weā€™veĀ  lostĀ  enoughĀ  already. "
" Youā€™reĀ  right;Ā  Iā€™mĀ  angry.Ā  Iā€™mĀ  angryĀ  becauseĀ  Iā€™veĀ  hadĀ  toĀ  buryĀ  tooĀ  manyĀ  goodĀ  menĀ  becauseĀ  ofĀ  yourĀ  decisions. "
" Don'tĀ  actĀ  likeĀ  youĀ  careĀ  now. "
" TheĀ  bloodĀ  neverĀ  washesĀ  off,Ā  doesĀ  it?Ā  ItĀ  justĀ  spreadsĀ  aroundĀ  untilĀ  youā€™reĀ  drowningĀ  inĀ  it. "
" YouĀ  callĀ  meĀ  weak,Ā  butĀ  atĀ  leastĀ  Iā€™mĀ  notĀ  afraidĀ  toĀ  feelĀ  something! "
" IĀ  toldĀ  youĀ  notĀ  toĀ  bringĀ  thatĀ  up,Ā  soĀ  whyĀ  theĀ  hellĀ  areĀ  youĀ  makingĀ  meĀ  reliveĀ  itĀ  now? "
" StopĀ  sayingĀ  it'sĀ  goingĀ  toĀ  beĀ  okay!Ā  It'sĀ  not,Ā  andĀ  itĀ  neverĀ  fuckin'Ā  willĀ  be. "
" IĀ  don'tĀ  needĀ  therapy,Ā  IĀ  needĀ  aĀ  fuckin'Ā  drink. "
" YouĀ  seeĀ  aĀ  funĀ  fireworksĀ  display,Ā  IĀ  seeĀ  flaresĀ  'nĀ  mortarsĀ  tearingĀ  usĀ  apart. "
" IĀ  can'tĀ  evenĀ  lookĀ  atĀ  myĀ  kidsĀ  withoutĀ  wonderingĀ  ifĀ  they'dĀ  beĀ  betterĀ  offĀ  withoutĀ  me. "
" IĀ  usedĀ  toĀ  takin'Ā  longĀ  drivesĀ  atĀ  night,Ā  butĀ  nowĀ  IĀ  can'tĀ  evenĀ  getĀ  behindĀ  theĀ  wheelĀ  withoutĀ  feelingĀ  likeĀ  we'reĀ  aboutĀ  toĀ  hitĀ  anĀ  IED. "
" EveryĀ  timeĀ  IĀ  closeĀ  myĀ  eyes,Ā  IĀ  seeĀ  him...myĀ  bestĀ  friend,Ā  blownĀ  toĀ  pieces. "
" Yeah,Ā  IĀ  takeĀ  theĀ  pillsĀ  andĀ  washĀ  'emĀ  downĀ  withĀ  vodka,Ā  whatĀ  ofĀ  it? "
" IĀ  didn'tĀ  signĀ  upĀ  forĀ  thisĀ  life;Ā  IĀ  signedĀ  upĀ  forĀ  aĀ  job,Ā  andĀ  nowĀ  IĀ  can'tĀ  getĀ  out. "
" YouĀ  wantĀ  meĀ  toĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  it?Ā  Alright,Ā  fine.Ā  Let'sĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  howĀ  IĀ  watchedĀ  myĀ  buddiesĀ  burnĀ  alive. "
" TheĀ  VA?Ā  Yeah,Ā  they'veĀ  gotĀ  aĀ  lineĀ  forĀ  everything.Ā  TooĀ  badĀ  itĀ  neverĀ  leadsĀ  toĀ  realĀ  help. "
" DoĀ  youĀ  haveĀ  anyĀ  ideaĀ  whatĀ  it'sĀ  likeĀ  toĀ  beĀ  terrifiedĀ  ofĀ  yourĀ  ownĀ  goddamnĀ  mind? "
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drrobctnik Ā· 3 days ago
julius has met joker,
ya'll are fucked.
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drrobctnik Ā· 3 days ago
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at how the lankier man mentioned blood being appealing, julius hummed in agreement. "does it turn you on," he holds eye contact as he says it, voice dipping in that thinly veiled lust. "shall i spill more?" chaos energy kisses at his finger tips, sparks of red electricity arcing and dancing deftly across his left hand.
"i did, once." hadn't in years, but julius still remembers how much he had loved putting makeup on, only to have it defiled and smeared during his nights in the clubs. "been debating on whether i should again or not. a darker shade, you say? what colour do you suppose suits me?"
" that's a lot of blood. "
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"indeed it is," his face and neck are covered in it. front of his shirt and bits of his jacket are drenched in that blood. "adore your makeup." particularly the lipstick, to say nothing of the accentuation around his eyes. "what brand do you use?"
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drrobctnik Ā· 3 days ago
" that's a lot of blood. "
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"indeed it is," his face and neck are covered in it. front of his shirt and bits of his jacket are drenched in that blood. "adore your makeup." particularly the lipstick, to say nothing of the accentuation around his eyes. "what brand do you use?"
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drrobctnik Ā· 3 days ago
"I'm weak for you." Prompts
ā€œIā€™d do anything for you.ā€
ā€œHa. Donā€™t think too highly of yourself. Just because I crave your company every now and then, doesnā€™t mean youā€™re my weakness. Youā€™re not.ā€
ā€œI canā€™t control myself around you. Donā€™t even want to.ā€
ā€œFiiiiine. Iā€™ll do it. For you. Just for you.ā€
ā€œWhy do you have to make keeping a distance from you so damn difficult? Iā€™m trying my hardest and you justā€¦ā€
ā€œThat was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it.ā€
ā€œHaving a weak spot for someone doesnā€™t equate to wanting to be with them. Those are two completely different things.ā€
ā€œWhy canā€™t I say ā€˜noā€™ to you?ā€
ā€œIt scares me to see how far Iā€™m willing to go for you.ā€
ā€œNo, wait. Stay- Stay back. I need to think rationally.ā€ ā€œ...Whatā€™s that got to do with me?ā€
ā€œYou just canā€™t stay away from me for too long, huh?ā€
ā€œMy knees have gone a bit weak. Do you mind holding me?ā€
ā€œItā€™s likeā€¦ You have this power over me, and I- I guess Iā€™m wary of where it might lead.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t care about anything but you.ā€
ā€œNo other person makes me feel both weak and strong.ā€
ā€œStop it. Canā€™t you see that staying away from you is torture for me too?ā€
ā€œIā€™m weak for you.ā€Ā 
ā€œYou have me all wrapped around your finger.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t want to scare you away with myā€¦ infatuation.ā€
ā€œRight now I think you could probably talk me into anything.ā€
ā€œYouā€™ll be the death of me, [name].ā€
ā€œYouā€™re the only one I have opened up to like this.ā€
ā€œArenā€™t you at least a little ashamed of how blatantly youā€™re exploiting my feelings for you?ā€
ā€œFor you, Iā€™ll take on any challenge.ā€
ā€œ(Fuck.) I need you to say that/make that sound again.ā€
ā€œJust when I think you couldnā€™t make me go even weaker in the knees, you go and say stuff like that. Do you want me to collapse? Maybe melt into a puddle too while Iā€™m at it?ā€
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drrobctnik Ā· 4 days ago
Send šŸ”Ŗ to pick a fight with my muse.
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drrobctnik Ā· 4 days ago
When you are writing a story and refer to a character by a physical trait, occupation, age, or any other attribute, rather than that characterā€™s name, you are bringing the readerā€™s attention to that particular attribute. That can be used quite effectively to help your reader to focus on key details with just a few words. However, if the fact that the character isĀ ā€œthe blond,ā€ ā€œthe magician,ā€ ā€œthe older woman,ā€ etc. is not relevant to that moment in the story, this will only distract the reader from the purpose of the scene.Ā 
If your only reason for referring to a character this way is to avoid using his or her name or a pronoun too much, donā€™t do it. Youā€™re fixing a problem that actually isnā€™t one. Just go ahead and use the name or pronoun again. Itā€™ll be good.
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drrobctnik Ā· 4 days ago
one of the best rp feelings in the world is when someone makes a tag for ur char/ship its like youve earned a little place with them and their portrayal of their character whether its an oc or canon and its so pure and good
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drrobctnik Ā· 5 days ago
im yearning about you and there is nothing you can do about it (threat)
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drrobctnik Ā· 5 days ago
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"you're doing that wrong,"Ā without saying anything else, julius snags the firearm away from the other soldier. he sighs as he shows him how to properly pull apart the gun in order to be cleaned, "why do they bother hiring you guys if you're not properly trained."Ā julius isn't even explaining what it is he's doing: he'sĀ showingĀ the man the proper way physically. expecting him to remember through sight alone. if he couldn't even get this right, he wouldn't last two more days inside of this base. G.U.N were strict when it came to protocols and how to follow standards. knowing how to dismantle, clean and service your own weapons was one of those skillsets: there wouldn't really be a weapon's expert out on the field. so if your firearm failed you were expected to be able to handle that without needing assistance.
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drrobctnik Ā· 5 days ago
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"sorry, i didn't realize this seat was taken,"Ā julius gave a softer smile, shuffling and moving his bookbag off the seat he'd set it on. his gaze lingered on the man in front of him, enjoying the way that his hair accentuated his face, and those eyes were beautiful too. he wondered if he had ever seen him around the eden club. julius cleared his throat, "are you, here with anyone, or are you waiting on someone?"Ā realizing howĀ bold that sounded, julius quickly clarified, "n-not that i'm! trying to, flirt or anything. i just thought if you had a moment, maybe we could try getting a coffee?"
starter.Ā for roman (@blckfckinmsk)Ā BASED ON THE PREMISE THAT JULIUS & ROMAN START DATING (before becoming bitter exes).
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drrobctnik Ā· 5 days ago
This is an updated version of my original post since I've found some more useful websites since then.
roleplay formatter: Made by the awesome @rpclefairy. I honestly can't recommend this one enough. Great for adding color, changing the font size, and the whole shebang with bold + italics + underline + strikethrough. 10 out of 10 always use.
word html: I actually just stumbled upon this and am absolutely in love with it. It works a lot like roleplay formatter and has WYSIWYG, HTML, and SOURCE CODE options. 10 out of 10 awesome alternative.
fsymbols + emojipedia: These are both great for making your tags fancy and whatnot.
alt codes: This is genuinely great for teaching you how to make the symbols with your keyboard for everyday use so there's that. It's especially useful if you and/or your muses speak a second language so that's a bonus.
text color fader: *marge vc* I just think gradient effects on text is neat. *end marge vc*
list of colors (wikipedia): Has a list of an infinite number of colors and their hex codes. Very useful if I do say so, myself. But that's just me.
rgb color code: Just stumbled upon this one like I did with word html and is nothing short of interesting! Might not be one I'd use on the regular but it's definitely worth looking into IMHO.
And, as per usual, feel free to reblog and add more! <333
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drrobctnik Ā· 5 days ago
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like this for a starter. if you don't specify, i'll probably put it in any of my three verses & assume it's an AU if it isn't in his default main verse.
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drrobctnik Ā· 6 days ago
Linkin Park Lyric Starters
"It doesn't even matter how hard you try." "All I know, time is a valuable thing." "Watch the time go right out the window." "I wasted it all just to watch you go." "I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart." "It doesn't even matter how hard you try." "I'm surprised it got so far." "Things aren't the way they were before." "You wouldn't even recognize me anymore." "You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart." "I've put my trust in you." "For all this, there's only one thing you should know." "I tried so hard and got so far." "I had to fall to lose it all." "But in the end, it doesn't even matter."
"I'm tired of being what you want me to be." "I don't know what you're expecting of me." "Can't you see that you're smothering me?" "'Cause everything that you thought I would be has fallen apart, right in front of you" "Every step that I take is another mistake to you." "And I know I may end up failing too." "I'm becoming this, all I want to do is be more like me and be less like you." "I'm tired of being what you want me to be."
"Sometimes, I need to remember just to breathe." "Sometimes, I need you to stay away from me." "Somehow, I need you to go." "Forget our memories, forget our possibilities." "What you were changing me into?" "Take all your faithlessness with you." "Sometimes, I feel like I trusted you too well." "Sometimes, I just feel like screaming at myself." "Don't stay."
"I pretend it isn't there." "This is how I feel." "I'm trapped in yesterday." "I'm lost in these memories." "But I'm tired." "Lost all my dignity.' "I will always be afraid." "I try to keep this pain inside." "But I will never be alright." "I'm lost."
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drrobctnik Ā· 6 days ago
protector / protectee starters
ā€œno. you canā€™t go, itā€™s too dangerous.ā€
ā€œitā€™s not dangerous. iā€™ll be fine.ā€
ā€œiā€™m not going to let anything happen to you.ā€Ā 
ā€œyou canā€™t keep me safe from everything.ā€
ā€œjust be careful.ā€Ā 
ā€œiā€™m always careful.ā€
ā€œyouā€™re going to get yourself hurt.ā€
ā€œi wonā€™t get hurt, i promise.ā€
ā€œi wonā€™t let them hurt you.ā€
ā€œyou canā€™t save me from this.ā€
ā€œplease try and stay out of trouble.ā€
ā€œif anything happened to youā€¦ā€Ā 
ā€œiā€™m not sure how to keep you safe.ā€
ā€œiā€™m not going to let you out of my sight.ā€
ā€œthis is the only way to keep you safe.ā€
ā€œyou canā€™t keep an eye on me twenty four seven.ā€
ā€œeverywhere you go, i go.ā€
ā€œitā€™s not your job to protect me.ā€
ā€œitā€™s my job to protect you.ā€
ā€œdonā€™t worry, iā€™ve got you.ā€
ā€œno one will hurt you as long as iā€™m breathing.ā€
ā€œyou donā€™t understand how dangerous this is.ā€
ā€œplease come back in one piece.ā€
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drrobctnik Ā· 6 days ago
weakling. that word ALONE is enough to cause his irises to explode in a brilliant glow of red, visible even beyond those obscuring sunglasses like headlights on a dark lonely forest road. weakling weakling weakling WEAK-
breathes through it. can feel his composure threatening to fray and snap, but he stubbornly snags those fraying strands and tightens them together. good he keeps that composure because if he hadn't, perhaps the spindash towards him may have taken him outāø»
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as it is, julius deftly leaps backwards, but instead of landing on the ground, he's flying. zipped up above the ground that the echidna goes dashing below him. only for julius to aim where the echidna is going to be, and firing a chaos sphere from his right palm, which will no doubt explode upon impact. either injuring the echidna or causing him to veer off course.
regardless, julius is swiftly teleporting next to the echidna and following up with a kick towards him, intent on sending knuckles into the ground.
@drrobctnik xxx
It was not his idea nor desire to tolerate one with a known tendency for betrayal, but the unfortunate aligning of temporary goals had led to an alliance just as temporary. Such is a concept he has a much harder time adhering to than his companions. But they aren't exactly around at the moment to share in his conflicted shift as a guard at the home of bases. Although, considering the agenda of tonight's activities thus far, this was more of a boon than actually unfortunate. Scraps weren't 'kosher' to some.
He's never considered the man a warrior. That 'work smarter not harder' attitude he exudes at times is one the echidna sees as an admittance to weakness if anything. After all, why not work harder if it makes one stronger in the end? Then the next task would be less hard, and less hard, and lesser still. Until every obstacle that dug in became little more than the weight of a dandelion seed stuck between the quills. It's why he's in such a punchy mood when this belief is belittled. He might not have the sharpest grasp on earth customs or most snide remarks made on his behalf, but he understands when he's being dishonored enough to retaliate. They'll explain to the fox and the hedgehog that they're having a training session. Any dispute could be seen as so - especially the minor ones.
The quickest exchange of blows merely leads to the shock of chaos energy meeting as magnetic fields opposite of each other does, knocking him back a ways with just the skin of his needled fists to slow the blow back, though the floorboards are irreparably shredded in the process. A growl garnered by stumbling back up onto twos leads the echidna's self serving power-bumps as his joined fists spark up bolts of molten amaranth around the exterior of his gloves.
I want to see what you can do.
How those words lived as long as the echidna tribe's long-carried legacy in his mind. His own father had spoken them to him not long in the days before he would fall in battle. The tribe was all too aware of the last born to their people and how a terrible power had been bestowed upon him before he'd even emerged from his egg as prophecy would demand he would bring the ultimate power back to the home of the echidnas. Even as a child he would make a formidable opponent to any adult, and yet...
The man's remark is met with a scoff, quilled dreads tossed one way and then another as the same shade of the chaos crawling through his knuckles slowly staining each pixel of a narrowed gaze. "You think you can say that to me? Weakling!"
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He hadn't wanted to harm his father. Had refused. Held back. Maybe if he hadn't, then his 'time' to honor the tribe would have been during the battle in which they all perished. Maybe then, he wouldn't be the last of the echidnas- whether they survived the assault, or he did not.
"Show. Me. Your-" Each word excites more shocks of rosy electricity before the final exclamation of "POWER!" has him bolting a few clunky steps forward before he's seamlessly snapping into a ball of nuclear charged quills and bowling towards the pins of the other's legs.
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drrobctnik Ā· 6 days ago
āø» what are you.
a sentiment he has heard time & again. yet each word never fails to strike a match of disgust and horror that broils in his chest. makes that feeling of chaos energy jump and buzz in his body, like flint catching light. what are you; freak; monster; blight; curse.
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"i am me." he says it with such a calm.
you wouldn't think to look at him, that those words had hurt him. that they had torn open a wound that never truly closed, long since festered and rotten and gangrene but unable to be amputated. always, those feelings of worthlessness and otherness and inadequacies exist and hover out the peripheries of julius' soul, his mind. demons never silenced, merely biding time until they whispered in his ear, what ARE you, you fucking disgusting waste of space. horrible piece of existence.
"why do you ask. you seem surprised and i can't fathom why."
Peter never considered himself a particularly sycophantic person until he met Julius. He's since come to learn that he just never met the person that he could look up to before him.
Everything Julius does is fascinating to him, primarily because he can't understand how somebody so brilliant would ever put time into somebody like him. He was a wayward child, a snivelling addict, a basketcase with only half a mind he could rely on after the things his mother had done to himā€” and yet he'd been allowed into his life regardless.
Now he lives and breathes the man. They occupy the same spaces despite the vast gap between their intellects; meet eyes despite their differing capabilities. The cold, dank bunker has become his house, but it's Julius himself that embodies home.
Perhaps it's too deep a sentiment for somebody he's only known for a year and a half. It reeks of the type of sentiment he used to turn his nose up at as an angry teenager; a pathetic reliance on mankind that he swore he'd never emulate. Now he's done it. The type of day he has, the kind of food he eats, the internal mantras he repeats to himself, they're all things dependent on Julius and his largely unreadable moods.
It's a question about power that brings him to his benefactor's side. There seems to be little else more important to him, and so it's important to Peter too. Anything he can do to connect is something he'll invest effort into.
ā› Julius, Iā€” āœĀ 
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Lightning strikes inside of him as they look at one another. It occurs to him all at once that he's never seen the man with his shades removedā€” and what a sight it is. Peter gets the sense that he should be terrified, especially so soon after his encounter with Paimon, but he finds himself mystified instead. That adrenaline-seeking behaviour that became such a staple for him during his adolescence rears its head full force, heart thundering so fast that he feels dizzy.
ā› Iā€” āœ The sardonic comment rolls off of him like water off of a duck's back. All he can focus on is that Julius' stare reminds him of a black holeā€” and it's drawing him in. ā› Sorry. I justā€” āœ He moves closer gradually, like he's approaching a wolf with its teeth bared, his grip on his sceptre tight. Ā ā› ā€¦what are you? āœ
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