#except doc was a horse LMAO
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kit-screams-into-the-future · 2 months ago
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another post for @bttfjanaury! this one's @itsthemorph's mermarty au and very predictably i got carried away with it LMAO.
yap session and bonus stuff below the cut:
once again i came up with an entire backstory for this au, and if i were a fanfiction writer i would genuinely consider writing it since it's a lot less visually comedic than the weredoc au (and comedic in general, it's played a little straighter than "man turns into dog and is thoroughly inconvenienced by it") (unfortunate [in reference to visuals] bc i enjoy drawing mermarty a great deal more than weredoc GBJKGJ) bc i really like the premise but i'm pretty bad at fleshing out a narrative in enough detail to last the whole story so bullet points it is:
doc has decided to take a break from his time-travel-related research and go on vacation! the fresh coastal air might jostle a couple ideas into place, and while he is a nuclear physicist and not a marine biologist he wouldn't mind checking out some of the local aquatic life
and by local aquatic life he meant like normal fish and stuff. a nice mollusk or two even. so when he ends up fishing an entire boy out of the water instead he's understandably very shocked
before doc can move past the "where did he come from??" thought to register his more fish-like qualities, the boy makes a run (a swim?) for it. fortunately or unfortunately for doc, he ends up being able to register the fish-like qualities after all since he gets dragged into the water along with him. the moment doesn't last too long, though, and the fish-boy is gone as soon as doc realizes the guy has a fish tail instead of legs
doc gets back on the dock (haha), thinks about the whole ordeal for a bit, and decides that the best course of action is just to assume he hallucinated the whole thing in a fit of heatstroke or something like that. he's here to relax and get his thoughts in order so he can continue working on his time machine! there's no time to investigate fairy-tale creatures or whatever supposedly living off the coast of california!
it's not shown in the comic but i imagine doc has a little portable radio next to him as he was fishing, so some time passes before he catches a glimpse of something shining in the water underneath the dock
he looks through the cracks in the dock and lo and behold, it's the same boy from earlier! doc greets him, and the boy immediately disappears under the water. doc thinks he's scared him off until a few minutes later where he pokes his head out and says hi back
they get to chatting and doc learns a couple things:
1. his name is marty!
2. he was trying to get doc to realize that he forgot to put bait on his hook but got his hand caught on it, and was trying to get his hand unstuck from the hook without ripping it open before doc ever had the chance to see him, which he obviously failed at
3. both the being seen and ripping his hand open, because in his haste to get away after being seen by doc he ended up doing that anyways. so there's like a lot of blood coming out of his hand now? but like don't worry about it. it'll be fine. he thinks.
4. he really likes whatever it is that's playing on the radio
doc insists on patching up his hand and initially marty refuses but lets him do it eventually, and marty tells doc that for a land dweller he's actually surprisingly nice. doc says nah anyone would want to help out someone hurt, especially if they're the one's who caused it. and marty's kind of confused by that because his family's always warned him of how dangerous humans are, which he kind of never thought too hard about until now where his time off this particular coast has really proven them correct, because he's encountered a bunch of humans over the past couple weeks and they've all tried to kill him or catch him. doc's the only one who's actually bothered to say hi!
after learning that particular not-at-all-concerning tidbit, doc asks him to elaborate because there's a lot to unpack over there, but someone else walks onto the dock before marty can get a word in and he takes off
marty does not return, even once the other guy leaves, and when doc packs it up to return to the place he rented out for the vacation he overhears a conversation among a group of men about spotting something weird in the water earlier and that it kind of looked like a mermaid? and that if any of them manage to catch it they'll all be rich as thieves. and another guy in the convo goes no you're thinking of rich as kings, you're mixing it up with a different analogy. and the first guy goes no i'm not i said what i said
so now this vacation is doing anything but clearing doc's mind. he's really worried about that little fish guy
there's a couple more ideas i had but halfway through writing out this bullet list i've realized that if i were to actually write this as a fanfiction, i'd probably want to keep those a surprise. so what i just wrote out is kind of the equivalent of one chapter
edit after thinking about it a bit more: since most humans have been trying to kill him, marty really has no incentive to let a guy know that he's wasting his time fishing with a baitless hook. so a. he's still pretty optimistic that most humans aren't out to get him, even if his experience off this particular coast says otherwise, so he was trying to be nice anyway or b. (which i think is a lot funnier) he has started to pull on people's lines as a way to fuck with them. i think if i wrote this i'd change it to this one
i based mermarty off of a guppy fish! specifically this kind of guppy fish:
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i was searching up kinds of fish and he just had the vibe of this thing. although now i think i should've made him a flying fish instead. for the pun
alternate ending to the mini comic:
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the other one makes a little more sense since just approaching a guy whose species doesn't know about your existence unprompted is pretty stupid even for marty (and also i thought it was funny that the hook didn't have anything but doc ends up catching something anyways) but i still think this one's funny too
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spencerreidenjoyer · 7 months ago
that’s it, that’s all i was thinking reading ur new fic 😭😭 also jesus reid is top tier imo like come on
save a horse ride a cowboy is basically giddy up's alt title lmfao. it's practically the title of the google doc anyway LMAO
thanks for dropping a message and for enjoying it! jesus reid 🔛🔝 (except for this fic where he physically can't be on top)
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ace-beef · 2 years ago
You have ocs? 👀👀👀👀👀Tell us about them
Yes! I have so many I don't know what to do with them all sometimes!! I won't go through LITERALLY all of them because I must have at least 40 or something at this point (and that is not a joke, I remember counting them all once and I know I got to a number in the 40s lmao) but I will go through the ones that I do the most stuff for.
I’m also going to add in a read more break because even though I don’t talk about ALL of my OCs, I still talk about a decent amount of them and give somewhat chunky descriptions of the main ones.
First of all, I have an entire page on my blog that gives the run down for all of my DnD OCs, including base stats, backstory, the amount of sessions I've played them for etc. Currently I have 15 of the silly little dudes and I have even written a few fics about some of them! They can be found on my AO3.
Next, we've got OCs that are a part of my main writing project: Finders Keepers. This is a book idea that I really hope to write one day, and it actually spawned from a dream I had one night! I remember sitting bolt upright in the morning and thinking " I NEED to write this down" and then I scrambled out of bed and to my laptop to write it all down before I forgot too much. I will say that I had this original dream back in April 2020 and since then it has evolved and grown so SO much (I have a google doc with literally ALL of the info about the plot, characters, the magic mechanics, the enemies etc that currently is 13 pages long. If you're so desperate to look at this document then feel free to DM me for a link!). It follows four teenagers as they discover that there are dark forces in the world that seek to destroy humanity, and obviously they are the ones that need to stop it all and save the world! The four main characters of this and their sort of “main characteristics” are as follows: 
Faye Harper, 16, she/her; long golden blonde hair that is often tied back in a messy ponytail, pointed facial features, soft green eyes, tall for her age and tallest of the group, appears to be thin but is surprisingly strong, messy and scruffy in general, un-identical twin sister to Ewan, bit of a horse girl, outdoors-y, adventurous, creative, not afraid of much, explores everything she can (sometimes she explores a little too much and it gets her into trouble), brave and determined, works hard to achieve her goals and sticks to her beliefs and opinions, commanding and stubborn, can be impatient
Ewan Harper, 16, he/him; short and neat-ish blond hair the same shade as his sister, hazel eyes, kinda short for his age and the shortest of the group, chubby, acne, quite strong, a lot neater than his sister, has Pretty Boy potential, un-identical twin brother to Faye, animal nerd, also naturally outdoors-y but not as adventurous, has to get dragged into things by the others, the Mum Friend and the voice of caution, can be a tad childish, will be first on hand to help the others if they get injured, stubborn and rooted, anxious
Skylar Murphy, 16, they/them; black hair that’s cut in a sharp jawline bob with full fringe, warm brown eyes, average height, lean in build but still has a little bit of stock to them due to them being in good shape, small bit of acne, can speak both English and Japanese, English father, Japanese mother, both parents are very strict, casual nerd that mainly enjoys video games and cartoons, also really active and enjoys sports and exercise (especially skateboarding), is on the school’s netball and hockey teams, used to bully others in primary school, the Cool Kid, does not like to appear vulnerable or soft, aggressive and confrontational, determined, daring and quick thinking
Kaden Black, 16, he/him; brown eyes that are so dark they look black sometimes, somewhat round facial features, floofy brown hair that’s cut short except for at the front and sides where it parts in the middle into cheekbone-length curtains, acne, short but not as short as Ewan, average in build but a little on the larger side, broad shoulders, large round glasses, biggest nerd of the group and is into literally everything (particularly Star Wars, Bill and Ted), enjoys cosplay, history buff that enjoys researching things, absolutely riddled with ADHD, impulsive, eccentric fashion sense, chill and goes with the flow, can be impatient sometimes, good listener, fun sense of humour 
And then I have to also mention an important side character called The Keeper (real name is Waylon Foster), 56, he/him; wears a grey turtleneck jumper, thin black-brimmed reading glasses, fluffy grey hair, light grey facial scruff that is just a shade or two lighter than his hair, stocky but not exaggerated in build (has a bit of a dad bod), strong but also a little soft facial features, fairly tall, has an Anakin Skywalker-style scar over his right eye, soft and kind blue-grey eyes that don’t look Quite Right, the 'Old and Tired Mentor', Dad Energy, enjoys reading and learning new skills, good at teaching and communicating, soft, kind, caring, gentle and patient, aggressively protects the kids no matter the cost, can’t quite remember How To Human properly, quiet, humble, a little bit shy and reserved, sometimes can get lost in his thoughts
So that’s brushing the surface of Finders Keepers! Next, my other main creative project with OCs: The Van Helsing Project. This I would love to turn into an animated TV show, and this also has a large google doc of everything although it’s only 5 pages long (tbh it’s mainly just character descriptions and basic plot, I need to add stuff to it). This is about the grandson of the infamous Abraham Van Helsing continuing the family tradition of hunting monsters, and forming a team to aid him in this endless mission. I basically like to call it 1930s Scooby Doo but for adults because it has the same sort of format hehe. It was inspired by a couple of my absolute favourite films, Van Helsing (2004) and The Mummy (1999), as well as my favourite TV show, Jekyll and Hyde (ITV, 2015). Anyway here’s the gang and their main characteristics: 
Abdiel Van Helsing, early 30s, he/him; character design and personality is loosely based on Rick O’Connell from The Mummy: shortish messy hair, side parting, thick and short sideburns, ‘Obi Wan Chestnut’ in colour, bright green eyes that are almost unnaturally bright, a fairly strong and square jawline but not exaggerated, short scruff facial hair that’s slightly darker than his hair, thick and scruffy eyebrows but also not exaggerated, large scar diagonally across the nose as well as plenty of others on the body, strong and chunky in build but again not exaggerated, tall, wide grin, complete himbo but has a decent knowledge on a lot of monsters and how to hunt them, no actual superpowers but he’s just naturally talented and well trained, has ADHD, can be a bit too cocky for his own good but in an oddly charming way, care-free, playful and energetic, gets along with most people, casually flirts with pretty much anyone if he finds them attractive enough
Mary Frankenstein, early 30s, she/her; long bright ginger hair that is tied back in a high-ish ponytail with a sweeping side fringe, pale skin, lots of freckles, pale blue-grey eyes, pointed face and nose that is a little hooked in shape, large round glasses, gold cross-shaped earrings as well as a gold cross necklace, thin and average in height, shoulders slightly wider than hips, zoologist and cryptozoologist, wants to find out how monsters tick, how to kill them more effectively and how to cure and rehabilitate monsters if possible, can handle herself in a fight easily, confident, thoughtful and thorough, smart and intelligent, stern and serious, no nonsense attitude, blunt, cold and harsh (especially to those who don’t know her very well), develops feelings for Abdiel but really does not want to tell him about them
Quincey Harker, mid 30s, he/him; character design inspired by Keanu Reeves’ portrayal of Jonathan Harker (as if this version of John was Quincey’s dad): collarbone length straight black hair that is often tied back in a loose ponytail with shorter swoopy bits at the sides and complete with widow’s peak, somewhat pale skin, long and rounded face and nose, thin features, defined jawline, warm brown eyes, three large ‘claw mark’ scars over the left side of his face from the cheekbone to the chin as well as lots of other scars over the body, body is thin and lean but still somewhat muscular, tall and is a few inches taller than Abdiel, Protective Older Brother energy, grew up alongside Abdiel due to the Van Helsings and the Harkers keeping in touch and visiting each other frequently, also continued the family tradition of hunting monsters, quiet, calm, reserved, considerate, chilled out, has the capability to be chaotic and stupid because he’s sometimes enabled by Abdiel, good at picking up on other people’s emotions, good at comforting and looking after others, plays a big part in matchmaking Abdiel and Mary since both of them refuse to believe that the other could possibly like them
Cynthia Lanyon, late 20s, she/her; character design inspired by TGS Lanyon: soft brown skin, average in build but with surprisingly squishy cheeks, round and bright eyes that are a soft dark brown in colour, small and rounded features, dark brown ringlet curly hair that is fairly short and surprisingly well kept, almost always has a pair of goggles on her head (brass or copper in colour with varying colours of lenses), short, hourglass body, makes gadgets and weapons for Abdiel and others to use, knows chemistry, alchemy and mechanics, is autistic, shy and nervous with people to start out with but becomes cheerful and friendly once she gets to know others, very much at home in her workshop, enjoys telling people about the things she’s made, she can manage in a fight but will always be looking for a way out of it, prefers to be The Guy In The Chair, talks rather fast, easily anxious, creative and thoughtful, always tinkering with something 
Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Talbot; this character I haven’t properly developed yet, but her basic concept is she’s the team’s medical professional who wants to help and heal people, but during the show she becomes a werewolf and has to try and deal with these new animalistic and aggressive behaviours that she absolutely hates
Detective Samuel Drake, early 60s, he/him; shortish salt and pepper hair that has a bit of a curl to it, thick and angular moustache of the same colour as his hair, the beginnings of sideburns, bushy eyebrows, strong features including a prominent nose that has clearly been broken in the past, washed out blue eyes, rounded face and jawline, rectangular rimless glasses that are always pushed right up to the bridge of his nose, average in height and build but definitely has a bit of a Dad Bod going on, is not one of the main hunting party/group and works for the British police and is pretty much one of the very few people in the police that know about Abdiel’s unique job so does his best to make sure that Abdiel and his team don’t get into too much trouble, childhood friend of Abdiel’s mother, friendly and witty, focuses completely on the task at hand and becomes stern and serious, has a very good moral compass and makes sure that people know this by breaking the 4th wall and lecturing the audience while staring directly at the camera (the other characters don’t even know that there is a 4th wall to break so they are greatly confused by this behaviour) 
Next I’m just gonna list some OCs that aren’t a part of these main three things, some are independent and some are for already existing media. I’m also not going to go in as much detail as the ones above (because this post is long enough already lmao):
Drew Hunter, an Outlast OC that becomes a werewolf and is admitted to Mount Massive Asylum by his sister Sarah. Turns out the asylum has a whole section for those who suffer from clinical lycanthropy as well as actual lycanthropy. All of these patients are treated by the cold-hearted and oddly soft-spoken Doctor Zachery Baines. I have written one fic about how Drew was sent to Mount Massive on my AO3 and I do have another WIP of him meeting Dr Baines but I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever finish that one lmao. Maybe one day, we shall see. 
Oscar Hart, a BBC Ghosts OC who is a medieval ghost that died during a training accident on the grounds that would become Button House. He desperately wanted to join the next crusade but he was always kinda clumsy and accident prone, so he never made it. I have a tumblr post giving the run down on this sweet boy.
Lucid Dream and Canine King, who are Killjoy OCs. Spawned from my reawakened obsession with My Chemical Romance this year, I decided to finally delve into and understand the Danger Days lore. Lucid Dream actually was a pre-existing OC from when me and some friends played the Cyberpunk tabletop game once (they were just called Dream back then), but that campaign died a year or two ago and since then this OC had been left; they’d gotten dusty. So upon deciding to make Killjoy OCs I went “hold on a second, Dream would fit so perfectly into this universe” so I gave them a makeover and now they’re a Fabulous Killjoy. Canine King is an originally made Killjoy and tbh I haven’t developed them much, but they’re kind of a sona, and also kind of me going “hey what if we added werewolves to this universe”, because putting werewolves into everything is kinda my thing. 
Elizabeth Wolfe, an OC for The Glass Scientists, a lodgersona that I made back when everyone was making funky little lodger versions of themselves. Ironically I’ve kind of fallen off TGS but I do still really enjoy Elizabeth and her tiny reanimated dinosaurs. I have two fics on her becoming a member of the Society and the antics that ensure on my AO3.
Charles Starr, an eccentric mad scientist that basically spawned from me thinking one day “hey Charlie Day would play a really good mad scientist”. So basically he’s a combination of Charlie Kelly and Newt who’s been thrown into that stereotypical mad scientist vibe like Doc Brown from Back To The Future. He’s a flexible OC, like I can put him into different universes for fun, so he’s definitely going to feature in The Van Helsing Project at least once. 
Emily and Gayle, who were part of my original writing project that I had before Finders Keepers. This was actually also based on a dream! The concept was basically ‘Good Omens Except With Vampires And Werewolves’. Emily is a werewolf and Gayle is a vampire, both have gone to university at the same time and have ended up being in the same halls. It takes them far too long to realise that the other is a supernatural creature and therefore hilarity ensues. When they do finally realise though, they decide to team up and become best friends (eventually more than friends) as Emily is no longer in a werewolf pack and Gayle left their old vampire clan long ago. I do still want to write this one day because I think it’ll be fun! 
Max and Kit, two pirates that also spawned from a dream. Max and his nonbinary wife Kit co-captain a pirate ship together, and with their faithful crew they explore the world. They also have a pet hippocampus! 
Canine Anarchy, a band formed of 5 werewolves (hey look more werewolves, I do so much shit with werewolves, everything is better with werewolves), Kyle on guitar and lead vocals, Daniel on base guitar and backing vocals (although he does do lead vocals sometimes), Ash on guitar who does all of the cool and technical riffs and melodies, Amy on lead/backing vocals and keyboard, Ellie on drums and backing vocals. These guys have been bouncing around my head since I was a teenager, because I came up with them during long car journeys. I would stare out of the window and imagine this band playing all of the songs I listened to on these long journeys. In terms of the music they play, well I was an emo teenager so you can already imagine the kind of bands I was listening to. The reason I’ve added them to this list (because I wasn’t planning on adding OCs I came up with before I was 16), is because I recently gave them a makeover. Some of them have new names and new designs and I’ve finally found a name for the band that I actually like! 
So yeah that’s a decent amount of my OCs! I always have some of these funky little dudes spinning around in my head at all times, mostly it’s either the DnD ones, Finders Keepers, or The Van Helsing Project, but the others get turns too occasionally! And obviously I am always down to talk about ANY of them. 
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riacte · 4 years ago
I am here to promote the Hunt the Hermit 3 finale
Basically the hermits’ patreon supports and Twitch subscribers fight the hermits (this season we have Scar, Iskall, Ren, False, Wels, Doc, X, Cub).
Cub and False are wandering around spawn, Ren complains about being sad and lonely (!!) in chat, goes to find the other two
The other two joke about how boring his episode would be if he’s alone
Cub: shall we build a dirt castle-
Ren, interrupting: HORSE?!
So Ren saw a horse and wants to tame it, complains how horses don’t like him
He, predictably enough, names the horse Pamela
False tries to drown X and Doc in a hole, does not succeed, but X does hit her with a fire aspect sword
Ren, now on a horse, chases after X. They laugh about how riding on a horse is even slower than X running
Some hunter: can I get a selfie
False: lemme rename my sword to selfie :D
Hermits: *shooting a hunter next to Iskall*
Iskall: Why are you shooting me?
False: Are you BLIND
(The False-Iskall banter here is amazing)
This time around, all of them survived till the end except Wels. So naturally the hermits were like :D let’s fight each other!! :DDD
They start to split up, Ren follows False
Ren: Falsie you’re gonna leave me alone right :D we’re friends right :D right? Right??
False: no no I’m getting prepared :D you don’t wanna be there :D
Ren: *scarpers away on Pamela the horse*
Everyone starts chasing Ren
Scar: well he’s on a horse!! (Fair enough)
Then everyone starts chasing after Iskall
Iskall: Not the potato!
Iskall says he’s going to save Ren lmao after everyone was targeting Ren. True bromance.
Pamela dies. Rip to Ren’s first dead female pet called Pamela because there’s at least two now.
False starts stabbing Ren. He panics and goes “leave me alone!!!” and “we’re supposed to be friends 🥺”
Dhfjjdjdks so False split her gapples with Ren before the hermit vs hermit and she killed Ren, so she’s like “Aha I got my gapples back :D”
Ren: I’ll never talk to you again
False starts shooting Scar, he also panics. God I love everyone panicking because of False.
False: hey Scar :)) how’s it going
Scar: No False!! No not me!!!
False starts hitting Scar, he doesn’t die, she gets annoyed
False: Scar is impossible to kill
Funny how a literal panda can kill Scar
False: Scar you don’t have any shoes
Scar: it is CRUEL and UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT to kill someone without boots
So False gets tired of stabbing Scar and offers a deal to team up and get Iskall first. He agrees.
Their justification is that Scar doesn’t have shoes and it’s “gentlemen’s rules” not to kill people without shoes
Xisuma describes 1v1 as “dancing” which is cute
Xisuma: hey this server is based in Germany! :D
Iskall: why are you teaming up against me??
Ren: I don’t like this teaming up against the potato :(
False: who says we’re teaming up?! :D
Another hermit starts panicking because of False. It’s glorious
False, casually stabbing Iskall: what’s up Iskall
Scar: let’s work on Doc for a bit, with his advantage in German servers
Five seconds later False starts gapping and going “help me!”
Iskall, mockingly: wHo SaYs We’Re tEaMinG uP, hELp mE
Xisuma’s voice sounds like the personification of a high pitched 🥺
Xisuma, voice tiny: iskallman!! iskall-
After False gets accused of teaming up, she starts hitting Doc and Iskall (the two other survivors) evenly
False, about Iskall: he’s hiding. Like a coward.
Also I love the commentary, it’s like:
X: this is the most intense PvP fight I’ve seen in the game
Ren: there’s a little puppy there!! Don’t kill the puppy!! >:O
Iskall after False kills him: GOD DANG IT!!! That was so RUDE.
False blocks off Doc’s attack with blocks. Reactions are as follows:
Ren: you’re too good at this, False :D
Iskall: COWARD.
(Iskall likes calling people cowards apparently)
False ends up winning twice in a row :D
Apparently she’s the “PvP Freak”. I’ve never heard this nickname before
Xisuma, nonchalantly after False is the winner: GG, thanks for watching, a wither is now being spawned-
Anyways I love how False just goes “hey :) hello :) I’m killing you now :)))” while everyone screams “FALSE NO. OH GOD WHY. FALSE. LEAVE ME ALONE”
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stuckasmain · 4 years ago
Tombstone (1993)-
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Morning happens until nearly 2 hours into the movie and then it slaps you all at once. I’m sorry but it’s not nearly as good as young guns. It is not a bad movie it’s just not as good. Points for Bill Paxton and Kurt Russell tho.
Slow pacing, takes awhile to get into the story-
So the pacing of this movie is slow until it’s not. It takes a long while to get to the main plot point of the movie the shoot out and conflict that comes after that. There’s a lot of drawn out scenes that don’t need to be there or just make the run time longer like  Josephines horse is in the mood so let’s chase each other (that’s something that happens I’m not making this up). Then they pull what every.  republican fears by taking peoples guns away (except they really don’t-) lmao. Basically they have partial ownership of a bar/casino joint and then get involved in law and everyone starts dying. Once you get about middle way into the movie it starts to feel less like stumbling around into the next point and to a actual conflict bases story. So it kinda picks itself up again.
Morgan , sadly becomes the “motivational death” basically him dying is the changing point that makes the main character actually do something sort of death. Which I’m just mumbling about because I liked the character.
I’ll also give it credit because I did genuinely care about Virgil’s arm and Morgan and docs death. Still mad over that btw
Good gunfights but not enough-
Like there is the typical gun fights you’d expect from a western but there short and spread out. Like quick bursts and then there gone again. Or they have one and then everyone starts bitching for a few minutes and it’s like ???? Cmon.
However I do love the use of gore and the stuff on Doc because the moment this man was first introduced I thought he was going to drop dead then and there.
I liked the gunfights and the action but it just left me wanting... more I wanted more that it just didn’t give me.
Weird drawn out subplot-
The romance subplot- if you could call it that made me kinda extremely uncomfortable. As it’s a married guy and a actress ,with a horse who’s having its time of the month, locking eyes for long periods of time. She’s also not like other girls ™️. At the end he leaves his wife(to die of substance abuse) for her and it’s kinda unearned? You see him trying to be loyal and he just goes “Aw what the hell” I mean I get it, if your marriage isn’t working out or whatever but DUDE? I would have watched a subplot on Billy and the actor more then these two
Anyway Doc, Morgan and SOMETIMES Wyatt carry the movie. Mainly doc.
Overall entertaining but also forgettable ...
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sugarless-suki-writes · 4 years ago
First Lines Meme
Tagged by @nikkxb -- sorry it's taken me so long to get to this, lmao
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!)
See if there are any patterns.
Choose your favorite opening lines.
Then tag 10 authors!
I just kinda went to my recents on my google docs, so this is gonna have a mix of stuff, some original stuff too. ye :3 but I'm starting with fics that I currently have posted online. All of them are the first paragraph of the update that's in progress
Favorites have bolded and italicized titles :3
1. Sobriety || KouKag
Kagome had three sessions of therapy so far and she wasn’t fully sure how to feel. She knew it was helping her, but she was left feeling so.... raw and open after every session that she felt like she was just back pedaling and it was hard to cope with. A part of her wanted to just stop altogether and go back to self medicating, but she knew that this was just part of the process. The first couple sessions were going to be hard because there was just so much to unpack, but her therapist was nice and calm and patient with her. She really had to thank Kouga again when she saw him later today.
2. 100 Arms, 100 Years || KouKag
This was the fifth day that an offering had been left in front of Kagome’s door for her. The fifth time she would receive the carcass of a large animal that she wouldn’t accept. The fifth time that Inuyasha found himself in front of her and Kikyō’s shared hut and bringing the carcass to the village for her. His fifth time taking the credit for a hunt he had no part in. He had to admit, this was quickly grating on his nerves. He hated the attention that he was getting from the villagers now. They praised him for shit that he didn’t do. That, and he didn’t want to be praised for anything. It was bad enough that he practically had the Sacred Jewel within his grasp and wasn’t able to use it to become a full-fledged youkai, but now he was being celebrated as a hero by some mere humans? Keh... they’re lucky I don’t tell them what this is all actually about. I bet they wouldn’t be so happy then. He sniffed and scratched at his nose. He talked a big game, but Inuyasha knew deep down that he would never do anything to hurt them. If he did that, that would in turn hurt Kikyō and he couldn’t do that to her.
3. Big God || KouKag
Kagome let out a frustrated huff as she shoved her phone into her pocket. She then plopped down onto the couch, tucking her legs up underneath her and curling into Kouga’s side. “That’s the fourth test we’ve ran, and we just... can’t figure out what the hell that stuff is... It’s so frustrating!” she grumbled.
4. You are the Moon || KouKag
Kagome took care of dinner that night, going out to pick up a few things she would need before returning home and cooking. Her mother tried to talk her out of it, but Kagome insisted, wanting to give her mother a break for the night and do something nice for the family. She missed them, and she wanted to make up for being gone for so long.
5. The Demon of Nabewari Yama || KouKag
Kagome let out a small huff as she looked up at the mountain she was heading towards. She had been traveling for several days, bordering a week now, looking for somewhere to settle. However, all the villages she had come across already had a miko or monk residing there, and if they didn’t, they didn’t want one. To be fair, there weren’t many villages she had come across between her hometown and here, and sure, maybe she should go further out after completing her training, but it was still just a little frustrating.
6. Seasons of Love || ZelGan
Zelda looked herself over in the mirror, and the corners of her lips pulled down into a small frown. Her hair was pulled up into an extravagant updo, several locks braided and pulled into the bun that rested on the back of her head. There were some flowers pinned in as well, all of them white in color. She would have preferred something with a pop of color, so they would stand out against her hair; but she figured that, in the end, everything had to match her dress.
7. Gerudotown || ZelGan -- Title may change for this, idk lmao
Ganondorf let out a grunt as he dismounted from his horse. The beast was large with a jet-black coat and a matching mane. He gave the steed a pat on his neck before handing the reins to a stable boy, holding back a chuckle from the look on the boy’s face. He was certain the child had never seen a beast so big, nor a Gerudo, based on how he was looking up at Ganondorf with wide, disbelieving eyes.
8. Shit, Let's be Pirates || DaveJade
Jade ran down the dirt path leading to a hidden beach. She had just gotten out of class and was eager to go down to the coves. She wanted to find some cool shells and snap a couple pictures for her biology class. She always went above and beyond in that class, but she just had a passion for marine life.
9. Changing Fate || ZelGan
“You can’t possibly be serious about this, father!” Zelda snapped indignantly. Her hands were balled into fists at her sides and her face was contorted in rage. King Rimoll let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. They had been at this “conversation” for what felt like hours. He didn’t expect it to go this badly. Of course, he didn’t expect it to go well in the first place, but this was beyond what he anticipated.
10. Moon Bonds || KouKag
All Hallow’s Eve. A powerful night for witches and magick users alike. A night that better helped connect them to the spirits of the earth and those who had been lost. It was a night that Kagome looked forward to every year. The surge of magick that tingled under her skin and filled her very being... by the goddess it was an amazing feeling. And this year would be even more delightful and powerful.
11. Princess and the Pirate || Amuto
Growing up, Amu had been told many stories about pirates, everyone on her small island had. But Amu felt as if she had heard more than most. Her mother would tell her tales before bed about the pirates on a ship called the Emerald Line. Despite the name of the ship, its hull and sails were completely black. The only speck of color was the pirate flag it flew, which was emerald green and depicted a cat head with crossbones beneath. It was also known to be the fastest ship to sail the seas.
12. The Black Card || KouKag
Kagome paced around her room in her tiny apartment, struggling with picking out an outfit. It was her first day off in a while and she wanted to look cute, seeing as she wouldn’t be restricted by her, somewhat lenient (semi-strict?), dress code at the bookstore. However, she also wanted to be comfortable, so she was at a bit of an impasse. It wasn’t really as big a deal as she was making it out to be, but she was exhausted and she hoped that dressing nice would throw Sango off her trail. With a huff, she finally settled on a nice sundress she had stuffed in the back of her closet, one she rarely wore and almost forgot she had. It was light blue in color with a floral print.
13. Harvest Moon || KouKag
Kagome stretched as she woke up that morning. She opened her eyes and saw the torn-up ceiling and frowned to herself ever so slightly. She had moved into the country several days ago and had only recently started working on repairs that her home needed. It was a pretty large house, but the rent was extremely cheap. The only downside was she had to pay for the repairs, but in all honesty… she wasn’t too bothered by it. Apparently the house had been abandoned for years. No one was really sure how long... but Kagome could take a guess that it had been at least a decade with how worn down and dirty things were.
14. Memories || Original Fic - No Pairing
Lotus looked around at the scene before her. It would be an easy job, simple. She could do it in her sleep no problem. She scoffed and looked at the man beside her. “Really? You need me for this?” she asked. He turned to look at her, a scowl on his face.
15. Any Way the Wind Blows || ZelGan
Zelda woke up to the sun on her face. She grumbled and grunted, rolling over onto her side on her small mat. She opened her eyes and looked out ahead of her, at the grass and flowers swaying in the breeze. Her stomach gurgled and she placed a hand on it, a grimace on her lips. Food...
16. Found || KouKag
When Kouga had heard that there was a disturbance along one of their borders, he had been prepared for anything. He pulled together a team quickly, not taking all the strongest warriors, making sure to leave some behind to protect his pack. They ran off, ready to fight. Ready for anything. Anything except this.
17. Interlude IV (Showtime) || KouKag
O Signore, per amor del tuo nome, perdonami la mia iniquità... Perciocche ellà e grande Kagome sat there in the street, blood seeping through her clothes and soaking her knees. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks in a never ending flow. Her breath kept catching in the back of her throat as she tried to force down her sobs. Her hands were curled up into fists, pressed against the pavement, soaked in blood and in pain from being clenched so tightly and pressed so firm against the rough asphalt. Regret, despair, and guilt crushed her heart. They squeezed tight, holding onto her and keeping her trapped in the moment. A moment she’d rather drink away and forget, only for her guilty conscious to bring it back in her dreams at night, keeping her away from the blissfulness of sleep.
18. Bubblegum & Nicotine || Original Fic -- Astrid/Loki
Astrid opened the door to the apartment and latched her keys onto her belt loop. She then bent over to pick up the bags of groceries she had set on the ground to unlock the front door. Once she had crossed the threshold into the house, she raised up her right leg and kicked the door closed behind her. With a bit of a grunt, she hoisted the bags up a tad higher and made her way to the kitchen. She set them down on the counter with a thud and took a moment to catch her breath. She may be in good shape, but carrying several pounds of groceries up three flights of stairs because the elevator was out? That would wind anyone.
19. We Are Complicated || Bubbline
Bonnibel Kaugummi entered the school and was quick to drop her things off in her locker so she could head straight to the Student Council room. She grabbed a couple of her books out of the locker and shoved them into her messenger bag. The tan colored bag complimented her uniform, which consisted of a grey sweater, a red ribbon tied into a neat bow, which was neatly tucked underneath the collar of her white button up shirt underneath her sweater, and a red plaid skirt. The red accents to her uniform identified her as a Junior, and they complimented her red-orange hair and rosy complexion.
20. The End of All Things || KouKag
Kagome let out a soft sigh as she curled up in her spot on the bench, bringing her legs up to her chest. She was sitting out on the small deck that overlooked the garden in her backyard and watching the rain. It was fairly cool out thanks to the constant drizzle that had begun early that morning. The sound of it pattering against the ground and roof that extended over the deck filled her with a sense of calm, a calm that she desperately needed right about now. Working as a nurse wore her out. She loved her job, of course, but gods if it didn’t have its trials and tribulations. She had been working almost every day for a solid two weeks now, covering shifts for people on top of her own. Thankfully she had a couple of her shifts taken from her after being at the hospital for a full 24 hours at one point in time. Today just so happened to be her natural day off, and she felt pretty great about it.
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incomprehensiblelentils · 4 years ago
@dollsome-does-tumblr​ does this and opened it up to anyone and I am feeling chatty today SO!
Because I co-write a lot with my lovely wife, I might answer some questions including those co-written stories, or I might not, depends on how I feel when I get there.
Megan but I go by Lentils most places on the internet, Shadowcrawler over on AO3
at the moment: MCU, especially Agents of SHIELD and Daredevil; Terminator: Dark Fate; Halt and Catch Fire. Oh and I wrote Dollhouse fanfics a thousand years ago. Sometimes I will watch a movie/show and think “those two girls should be gay” and bang out 2k of fic about it and then never write for that fandom again. (I THOUGHT this was going to be HACF but as it turns out, no, it’s not done with me yet.)
where you post:
AO3, at Shadowcrawler. I also have a tumblr @lentils-writes​ where theoretically I post links to fics/advertise them in the tags, because I used to be real precious about not putting porn on this blog, but fuck it.
most popular multi-chapter fic:
Co-written, it’s definitely mallverse, which is I think the reason most writers definitely hate us because it’s very long and there are a lot of tags lmao. The problem is that every tagged character HAS shown up in a significant fashion at some point so we can’t just...untag them! It doesn’t update weekly anymore because we’re exhausted by life lmao so at least there’s that???
As for a multi-chapter fic that was just me, I don’t tend to do that so much, so actually it’s say you will, my 3-chapter Endgame fix-it where Clint dies instead of Natasha and Natasha and Laura have a past. It actually has over 1000 hits which is very exciting! I feel like it’s...niche in a way that is frustrating but understandable lol. I put a lot of my heart into it and some people really liked it, so that’s gratifying.
favorite story you’ve written so far:
Co-written, I think our SHIELD Dollhouse AU is very underrated for the amount of work we put into it. Author bias evident here because I love Dollhouse warts and all, and it’s a lot of fun translating episode plots as well as the general trajectory of the show into stuff that will work with SHIELD characters. We don’t just rewrite episodes, we really try and rework them as needed. Also it features both Skimmons and my beloved rarepair Bobbi/Kara, though of course they won’t get together until later.
Of my own stuff, I’m still really really proud of the AU where Kara Palamas didn’t die. I think that was a pretty severe misstep of the show and I think I did a good job of fixing it. (I haven’t forgotten Kara, promise!)
fic you were nervous to post:
lolololol I wrote some uh. Terminator pornography last year and. They are very porny! I had co-written a bunch of smut obviously, but that was the first time I’d posted like, PWP all by myself on purpose??? and that was TERRIFYING. Also I was very nervous to post the Engame fix-it because that was my own personal goodbye/tribute to Natasha.
how you choose your titles:
They are always either song lyrics or jokes (such as Three Lawyers and a Baby, my Daredevil Accidental Baby Acquisition fic). My WIP docs are always titled either obvious shit like “RoseJannah horse girls” or memes like “what if we belonged to a fire cult and we fucked haha just kidding unless...?” or “Morgan has two mommies.”
do you outline?:
B and I typically outline for the co-written fics, although it’s more often chapter-by-chapter outlines since that’s how we write them. On occasion we’ve fully planned multi-chapter stuff out in advance but that’s less common. Oh and the one-shots are nearly always outlined as well, just to keep ourselves organized.
When I have written planned multi-chapter fics in the past I have used outlines - particularly for the Kara one and I had to do that for the SHIELD Kill Bill AU because I was trying to follow the format of the movie. For things that are allegedly supposed to be one-shots I almost never outline, which turns out to be a terrible idea when they inevitably balloon beyond my control and become 45k like say you will. That one, I wrote out a list of scenes I thought needed to be in it and then I wrote about 75% of those scenes and then I wrote a bunch more scenes I hadn’t planned for. Don’t be like me, kids!
complete fics:
According to AO3, 89 as of right now. Uh, you do not want me to list all of them, here’s a link, I guess!
in progress:
I don’t understand what the difference is between this question and the WIP questions lmao help????
posted WIPs that I have active plans to continue at this time:
Cowritten: mallverse as I said, and its femslash smut oneshots spinoff and character flashbacks spinoff and older characters/teachers spinoff (these get updated, uh, irregularly), the first half of a Piper/Snowflake SHIELD s7 fic that we are planning on finishing the second half of soonish, SHIELD Dollhouse AU, SHIELD Teen Beach AU, SHIELD Buffy AU. You may notice a pattern!
By myself, I have: Have Your Elf a Merry Little Christmas, a Terminator Hallmark Christmas fic that I ambitiously posted the first chapter of in 2019 and then lost steam immediately (I am going to go back to it sooner or later bc I had some cute ideas for it); the SHIELD Fate of the Furious AU that has one chapter to go and which I do intend on finishing eventually; Three Lawyers and a Little Lady, the Daredevil Accidentally Baby Acquisition AU that is literally just cute kidfic and poly avocados and which I have a bunch of ideas for and just need to buckle down and finish some.
posted WIPs that I have given up on:
Lol so there’s a Dollhouse Caroline/Bennett Doctor Who AU that I wrote purely as idfic and which nobody ever cared about except me, and I think that ship has sailed! RIP darlings. I also had an ongoing Skimmons series waaaay back when where I posted oneshots that were like missing scenes or gay readings for each s1 episode, and I just feel like it would be inauthentic to even try and finish it at this point. (It does include the first ever Skimmons fic to be posted on AO3! Really truly, there’s one fic that shows up as older but it’s an ongoing fic and was updated with the tag way after I posted mine.)
exchange fics due soon/unrevealed:
I haven’t done an exchange since like 2015 lololol I am so bad at them. I am currently working on finishing up my MCU Femslash bingo card, very late, and I do have plans for almost all of the remaining squares!
WIPs that live in my fanfic folder and are incomplete and who knows when they’ll be finished:
“RoseJannah horse girls,” which has been put on hold temporarily but is literally just Rose and Jannah being gay while riding orbaks
half of a Daisy/Gwen fic from Marvel Rising because I know they’re not making any more of those but I stg those two were really gay
multiple fics about Elise Nelson-Page including: avocados Halloween with smol Elise, Aunt Elektra very reluctantly taking smol Elise shopping until she realizes smol Elise also likes weapons (she buys her a fake katana), Uncle Frank is a pushover and spoils the shit out of Elise, and baby Elise has a high fever and everyone freaks out but then she gets better and smile at them for the first time (inspired by baby me lol).
coming soon/not yet started:
“Morgan has two mommies,” yet another Endgame fix-it where Maya Hansen did not die in Iron Man 3 and she resurfaces and she and Pepper kiss and eventually she adopts Morgan
Claire and Colleen go on a nice date to get coffee/tea where Danny doesn’t interrupt them goddammit
Bobbi/Kara Warehouse 13 AU which is sort of like “For the Team” but gayer ft. grappling hook
X-Men: Evolution Tabby/Amara fluff
Cameron/Donna character study disguised as smut
Grace proposes to Dani with a ring made out of the metal from her power source and Carl officiates the wedding 
Dani gets horny watching Grace eat a peach and jerks off and Grace ends up hearing her and then they fuck (I have been calling this “the peach fic” in my head but I gotta stop being delicate about it lmfao it is just porn)
B and I have plans to do a Nico/Karolina Jasper in Deadland AU but we keep forgetting
do you accept prompts:
uhhhhhh I have on occasion written a prompt for someone before but it’s pretty rare and I have enough trouble writing the shit I come up with in my own head lol. but never say never?
upcoming story you are most excited to write:
I’ve got a bit of the Bobbi/Kara Warehouse fic written and it’s nice to go back to that world. Also I’m weirdly excited about the Cam/Donna smutty character study I mentioned above, I have a lot of what I think are good ideas for it and it’ll be fun.
tagging @unwind-myself @swiftzeldas @swashbucklery @loved-the-stars-too-fondly and, if you want to, you!
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years ago
February 8: Mountain Lion Mean Notes
Okay, so I was writing up notes on my Troped Western fic and then I clicked something and it all disappeared! I’m very upset and I hate the idea of starting again but like... I guess that’s what I gotta do :/
Mountain Lion Mean on AO3.
Written for @troped-fanfic-challenge​
So as I said in my notes, I watched Hell or High Water on the Sunday the trope document opened and immediately became obsessed, and that was my main inspiration. I saw it and loved it and, like with most things I love, my first thought was how can I do this too?? I didn’t want to do a straight AU of it, because it’s just too good and I don’t want to mess with that kind of perfection, but I knew I wanted a similar mood. I also figured pretty early on that I would try to include a bank robbery.
For the first days after the trope doc opened, I mostly just gathered inspiration and tried to think Western thoughts. In addition to HOHW, my inspiration included:
The Western episode of Charmed
A Western Rock playlist I found on Spotify
This post of southwestern gothic aesthetics
“Ranch Girl” by Maile Meloy (also the inspiration for it is new moon and twilight, which, fun fact, was originally going to be a Western; I didn’t re-read the story but it’s been haunting me since I first read it c. 2001 and is probably a partial inspiration for everything I write)
William Faulkner (especially “A Rose for Emily” and A Light in August) for the “town POV” narration
Sigrid Undset for the floating third-person-POV
The wikipedia article on Westerns, for succinct summaries of the themes of Westerns
The original aesthetic, quoted from my notes: “The vastness of the west, the frontier, a little uncivilized, a little dangerous, tough looking men who don’t talk much, extrajudicial justice, the heat and the desert…“
By the time I sat down to brainstorm, I had a few ideas and a few images already in mind. I wanted to include a bank robbery. I liked the idea of Clarke as a gunslinger and/or purveyor of vigilante justice. I thought I might use Gina as a bartender (this was during the half-moment I thought I might write a Bartender Mechanic fic; obviously neither of these things happened). And I liked the idea of including Murphy as some kinda criminal or unsavory type. The image of Bellamy as a taciturn cowboy came fairly early too.
I was a little uncertain at first if I wanted to do an 1800s western or a neo-western, mostly because I felt like the tropes I was attracted to and the images in my head fit better in the 1800s. But ultimately I settled on neo-western pretty fast, because I thought the imagery and themes would work better in the modern day. Plus I just thought it would be easier tbqh.
My first concern was to not just re-write a shittier HOHW. I was really caught up in the logistics of the bank robbery; including too much of that would necessarily make it a copy of the film, so I tried to keep just the bare bones of the robbery + the general justification (saving the family land). Then I added additional portions of the scheme--not too difficult since I knew I wanted Gunslinger/Vigilante Clarke in there, and I needed some way to show that she takes Justice into her own hands--and additional characters. Again, most notably Clarke, but also Raven and Octavia. The characters have their own backgrounds, personalities, relationships, and motivations, all of which make the story more mine imo. I’m satisfied with the balance of Obvious HOHW Influences and original content.
At some point, I described it to my mom as “Bellamy is Toby, Murphy is Tanner, and Clarke is canon Clarke but in the modern West.” Which I still think is accurate.
Including Clarke, though, and privileging the various relationships among the trio of Bellamy, Clarke, and Murphy, made me feel like I was making an it is new moon and twilight knock off except with Clarke for Raven. I still kind of see it, tbh, in the sense that twilight was itself supposed to be a western--I think it would be fair to say that Mountain Lion Mean IS the fic I set out to write in February 2020--and in the sense that I could have written a different story in the same universe as Mountain Lion Mean that explored the Clarke, Murphy, and Bellamy relationships in a way that is similar to twilight. As is, a lot of that is unsaid and unseen. The two fics have different focuses, so it’s probably only apparent to me just how similar they are. Just like, to me, Mad Women and The Wanheda Tape are the same story even though they have very different aesthetics and plots.
Some excerpts from my notes that I think are fun:
I really want to work with the themes (haha themes) of frontier justice and also the sense that the west is infinite but also small, that nature is hard and impossible to wrangle but that the opportunities are narrow and it’s easy to get trapped in it, the melancholy nature of it, the dichotomy of nature (huge, powerful) versus man (small, struggling against nature and against man). Or some such. Or Murphy just robs banks.
Bellamy owns a struggling ranch. Clarke is a gunslinger (don’t really know if I can use this trope in the current day but possibly?) who doesn’t trust the law. Has a conceal[ed]-carry permit. Is the best shot in three counties. Murphy’s been in and out of prison most of his adult life, mostly for crimes like robbery and assault.
How do they know each other? Possibilities: Murphy knows Bellamy through Octavia (idk why…but I do feel like O should appear, riding a horse) (background Octaven? Just a thought), Bellarke are exes, Murphy used to work on the ranch. Clarke has killed someone (someone Bad) and gotten away with it.
I do like the focus being on these three characters, who have a long history but aren’t currently close, coming together for a mission (to rob a bank) for the benefit of one who is struggling (Bellamy) even thought this is an awful lot like both Hell or High Water and it is new moon and twilight lmao.
I like that mood from HOHW where actually Toby was the most dangerous, and the smartest, and he won—the idea that Bellamy is the taciturn cowboy who’s not good at sharing his feelings but he’s also the mastermind in the end. Is that the twist? You get the impression Vigilante Gunslinger Griffin and Actual Ex-Con Murphy are planning something, but then it turns out to be Bellamy who executes the plan? [Not quite how it turned out lol in that I think it’s decently obvious that Bellamy was a major part of it the whole time but I did try to get some of this in with Octavia in the final scene--to really drive home Bellamy’s importance, as the ring leader, since otherwise one could ask, what does he even do?]
Midway through the planning process I came up with some more images to work from:
B and C out at dusk on the ranch, she’s shooting can, a bit of UST perhaps
M shows up at the bar and there’s an awkward silent entrance—perhaps he’s just out of prison
Murphy or Clarke guns akimbo [I picked Clarke to emphasize that she’s the gunslinger, but I had Murphy shoot out the security cameras to show that they were using his robbery experience]
Bellamy being silent and awkward
At this point, it was just about putting all the pieces together. That’s how I tend to plan Troped fics: I lay out all the pieces I need or want to include and then I figure out the shortest and most efficient distances between them. For example, I knew I needed a bank robbery and for Clarke to administer some vigilante justice--so I use that justice as a way to launder the money. They fake a will for her victim and “give” the money to themselves.
I did worry, and still worry, about the timeline re: the Bellarke marriage and the will because I’m quite sure it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t work. But it also... it doesn’t keep me up at night because the whole point is that it’s a scam!! Worrying about legality in a scam is sorta... lol. What I mean specifically is that I wanted it to be clear that Clarke does not kill Kane FOR this scheme. They use something she already did to their advantage. So she and Bellamy can’t be married at the time Kane is killed. That implies the murder was pre-meditated for the bank robbing purpose. But I’m also fairly sure (and I should know this because I took T&E but like...honestly can’t remember) that the people in the will are counted at the time of death, not the time of probate, or you could like... adopt extra kids or marry or divorce someone to affect the will. Plus all that stuff about simultaneous death etc. etc. Also, on a practical level, if Clarke wasn’t married, Kane wouldn’t have an obvious reason to write her spouse into the will. But I get away with this in my head by saying, first, no one’s going to say the husband that’s standing right there doesn’t count as a husband--the law is the law but it’s implemented by people and they fudge corners all the time. They do what seems to make sense even if you’d lose points for it on a law school exam. And second, the will could have been written with the assumption or hope that Clare would marry. Possibly even, though I don’t say this in the fic exactly, on the condition of marriage--Clarke gets 100% to share 50-50 with her husband if she’s married, 0% if she’s not. Doesn’t really matter. It’s supposed to read as outwardly clever and create Mystery and play with the Exes Aesthetic even if it doesn’t hold up the strictest scrutiny. (JDs don’t @ me.)
I justified including the marriage as a necessity because Kane could possibly leave money to Clarke’s husband but he wouldn’t leave money to some rando. I do stand by that part.
I also decided at some point that I wanted to include Background Octaven but be really subtle about it so it was something else the reader would have to piece together: that Raven has a girlfriend, then that Octavia has a girlfriend but, hey, isn’t Raven a bartender?--and then it comes together in the last scene as we see that their relationship was factored into Bellamy’s plan all along: some of the loot goes directly to Octavia and her partner, officially as payment for Raven’s services, unofficially because Bellamy wants to give O a gift. Anyway. Either it was too obvious or too subtle/boring because no one mentioned it but I thought it was cool lol.
At this point in my planning I basically had everything I needed, so I wrote a quick outline of scenes, as I always do, to see how it would flow scene to scene and if I had a place to put all the necessary plot info. I also ended up doing “what I need from this scene” lists for each scene so that I knew what I had to have on my mind to include before I sat down to write each one.
The actual writing was done over 3 days and fairly easily and quickly. I had a lot of fun not just with planning but with the actual process of creation. I think it’s because I was just honestly excited to be in this universe and play with this aesthetic.
Not to blow my own horn here but some parts that I was particularly pleased with were:
“Arkadia hasn’t seen a drop of rain in thirty-two days. The asphalt on the highway shimmers with heat; the air crackles with heat; the heat rises, stifling and strong, from the parched dirt and the cracks in the pavement.” Like I’m sorry but that’s a good image, I like that a lot. Whenever I felt discouraged, I just read that again and felt better.
The description of past Bellarke because boy howdy do I not care to write romance anymore but that was fun. I thought it was hot.
Transitioning Murphy laughing until the coyotes can hear into Bellamy hearing coyotes at night into Bellamy still hearing them during the day. I don’t know if it worked quite like I wanted to but in my head that is a very Cinematic transition, okay? I also like that even though Clarke and Murphy aren’t literally riding off together in that scene, for the reader, they are leaving the narrative never to be seen again. So they get their Dramatic Exit.
Octavia’s explication of the Theme and Bellamy’s possible motivations. I’m pretty proud of myself for actually having a theme and I think I did a good job of explaining it without being too heavy-handed. I also think it was perhaps risky to end with the POV of Octavia, a character who’s barely been in the fic before the last scene, but ultimately that decision felt right to me and I think it had a good flow, a nice mellow exit from the narrative.
What I didn’t like as much was a lot of the first scene. I think it has some great bits but it was the most re-worked part of the fic, and there are still some paragraphs and phrases that I feel are a little stiff. For example, this is a paragraph that I cut entirely:
Diyoza was sure the Griffin daughter did the deed back in January and she's sure about it still. She even gives a quote to the Sun-Times about it, despite her troubles with Green. But she had no proof then, not even a body to justify a murder charge, and she has little proof now. So no one believes the investigation will come to anything.
As you can see, it gives no new information. There were other sentences and phrases that weren’t doing work but were interrupting the flow, which also got cut, but I’m still not sure that the flow is perfect in the final version.
Also displeased that I edited out a * from the version on AO3, thus letting two scenes run together. How embarrassing!!! It’s fixed now though.
Overall though I’m so pleased! I love this fic and I love that I can love things again. This year has already been so hard, just like being battered again and again by waves of a storm, and it’s only 5 weeks in but this experience was so unabashedly good and I’m so grateful for it.
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spagetthee · 5 years ago
📂 I would love a Baku headcanon pretty please?
Of course my dear!
This is based on a fic I'm working on currently! Basically a very small part of the population is born a secondary quirk. And Bakugou is one of them.
Essentially a secondary quirk means that it is a seperate quirk from the other- and may have nothing to do with the first quirk. People like Todoroki could be considered to be double quirked as his two quirks can be used separately, and the manga and fandom refer to it as 'two quirks'.
Anyways Bakugou is born with two quirks- his original canon quirk: Explosion, and his second quirk: Animorph!(tho the name may change lmao)
Basically Bakugou has the ability to shapeshift into any animal he touches! This includes some insects and bugs, but does not include humans as he cannot copy the quirk. However, it may be possible to shift into a quirkless person. His quirk works kinda like a catalogue- once he touches an animal that shift is added to his catalogue where he can access it at anytime. However he cannot shift to a different animal once in animal form- he must go from human to animal and animal to human.
His Animorph quirk is limited via the size of an animal. The larger the animal is the harder it is to control in that form. With training he found that he can go up to about a medium to large sized pony. But not a full grown standard horse. Of course some animals are super hard to come in contact with- things like lions, tigers, large deer. Anything that he might use in combat is probably either too big or too hard to have contact with. So more often than not he's stuck with smaller easy to touch animals. (He has to touch them with his palm- no exceptions). His favorites to shift into are cats, ferrets, snakes or any lizard, and birds as they are easy to get in contact with. Although he does have a large selection to choose from.
Anyways, he gets into UA like normal, except this time he has a second quirk. But for reasons I can't disclose until the fic is out >:) no one is aware of his second quirk. Not even Midoriya really knows. He has his suspicions of course, but nothing concrete.
But onto bakukitty.
Cat Bakugou that hangs around the dorms and Ground Beta. Aizawa, being the stray cat guardian he is, finds evidence of a new cat and tracks him down. You know just to make sure he's not injured and feed him. But instead of finding a scruffy stray like he usually does- he finds a fairly well groomed light blond cat sitting on the ledge of very tall buildings. And of course thats not the greatest place for a cat to be so Aizawa scales the building trying to get the cat down. Bakugou being the little shit he is just stays where he is and watches his teacher scale a building for a Cat. If cats could smirk, he would be.
Eventually Aizawa coaxs bakugou down from his ledge with the lure of fresh salmon (Aizawa is a little concerned with how receptive this cat is. Were they a pet cat? Are people looking for him?). Aizawa was a little distracted with trying to get Bakugou down that he didnt even really notice that the cat had red eyes. Very red in fact. And there was a strange smell coming form the cat- oddly sweet, like burnt sugar.
He doesn't make the connection at first- not in the right way. He assumes that the cat b elonsto Bakugou. But that cant be right? He'd never seen a cat in the dorms nor had Bakugou spoken of a pet. But regardless Aizawa assumes the cat is Bakugou's, so he tries to lead the cat towards the dorms. Bakugou is having way to much fun with this and just goes along with it. Of course he can't reveal himself out here, but once aizawa takes him to his dorm...maybe he will. He'd been meaning to do so for awhile. He trusts Aizawa to keep his secret. To not hand him over to scientists or weirdos looking for quirks. (One cant be too cautious- not after what the HPSC did to those second quirked kids.) So he follows closely behind, not enough for Aizawa to see him clearly but close enough to know he's following.
By the time they get back to the dorms, its rather late- after curfew for that matter. So Aizawa is hesitant to knock on the explosive teen's dorm, everyone knows that Bakugou goes to bed at 8pm on the dot. So he was definitely not going to be happy about this- but well his cat got out so? It should be alright, yeah?
Bakukitty is just sitting behind him smugly as Aizawa knocks on his door. Aizawa has the masterkey, he could open the dorm and let the cat slip in...but what if it wasnt his cat. Shit. now what? Bakukitty rolls his eyes, or well- kind of. Can cats even roll their eyes'? Hes not really sure.
Aizawa keeps knocking- trying to get his attention. And its just so funny to him to watch his teacher fumble in the dark to get his master key to open the door. Aizawa was just gonna open the door and let the cat slip in, but when Bakukitty refused to go in- he just...picked him up. Bakukitty gave an indignant mreow and nibbled on his teachers finger- who in turn gave a look that could only be described as a soft stink eye. Bakukitty had to keeping nibbleing to keep himself from shifting and laughing his ass off.
Once Aizawa flipped the light on and noticed that the supposed student was not in fact in bed or in his dorm at all he started frantically searching the small room- like he would be hiding under the bed..idiot. Bakukitty meowed fondly and shook his head before turning around and nudging the door closed. Aizawa taking the hint closed it fully. Bakukitty stretched out his paws and a soft golden light filtered around his body. Transformation never took long, but Bakugou had half a mind to mess with his teacher and draw it out.
He did in fact draw it, the soft golden light illuminating the room and showing the slow(ish) transformation back into his human body. Behind him Aizawa lets out a soft annoyed sigh "What am I going to do with you problem child?"
Bakugou turns his now fully transformed body around to meet aizawa in the eye. "Well you could start with that salmon."
Sorry if the format is weird! I had to copy some of it off oof where I had it in my docs!
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joecial-distancing · 5 years ago
2019 in review in review:
A few years ago I started tracking yearly goals, books read, movies watched etc in a year, along with overview blurbs, in private posts. End of 2019/beginning of 2020 I was really frazzled/burned out about a lot of stuff and just never finished up making the thing. 8 months later, got the urge to read back what I’d got done, then figured I’d maybe go ahead and see about finishing. 
Media tracking below the break. thoughts/blurbs written in 2020 italicized, 2019 not.
Didn’t do so hot on explicit personal goals, but had a lot of stuff go ok around them this year.
School’s been fine/better than fine.
Job’s probably the biggest failing. Still with same job, haven’t made the firm moves to jump off, dragging my feet too much on exploring stuff w/ Columbia/NASA GISS.
Did not get better with covid, lol
Dating life still non-existent, but I’ve registered on apps, gotten more comfortable with selfies, improved general social life dramatically, been flirted with, updated my wardrobe, and generally started to get comfortable accepting that I’m a hot person.
Somehow got extremely better during covid.
Grant (finished)
We stan a taurus legend
Guy was good at exactly one job, and was fortunate enough to have been in the right place/right time to get to do it.
Mort (discworld)
Definitely best discworld I’ve gotten to so far.
Don Quixote p. II
Really entertaining in a way that part 1 wasn’t; I was shocked how much the meta element landed for me.
Consider the Lobster (DFW collection)
had zero context on who DFW is/was when I read, and still don’t exactly tbh. Wanted to wait for a pause in The Discourse before diving into more of him, but dunno if I’m ever going to get that.
Crime and Punishment (revisited)
Weirdly didn’t get much more out of this than I did the first time I’d read it
Better Than Sex (HST Gonzo papers)
Xerox/widespread fax accessibility opening citizen access to mass media in a manner really reminiscent of what social media would go on to do at a much larger scale. Has a much more deliberate narrative arc than the other gonzo papers collections, also has that excellent HST richard nixon eulogy
The Brothers Karamazov
Slouching Towards Bethlehem (Didion collection)
Pet Sematary
Not my favorite King, but not bad
Sourcery (discworld)
still funny/charming, but Mort really made clear/reminded me how much the hapless sadsack Rincewind mold of protagonist wears on me after a while.
The Devil's Teeth
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
Liked it a lot more once I realized it was doing a Fear and Loathing thing.
Homage to Catalonia
This should be the Orwell that gets taught in schools. Make it a followup to All Quiet on the Western Front or something, jeez.
Lyndon Johnson I
Having now finished all of them, this one’s probably the least-interesting but sets up a bunch of important context that the others still then feel the need to retread.
The Razor's Edge
Recommended to me as a “white guy discovers eastern mysticism” book, but also is more interesting in its treatment of that than I’d expected (helps it was written in the 40s). 
Cat's Cradle
There’s a part in this where Vonnegut’s making fun of people who try to bond with strangers over being Hoosiers, and my dumbass immediate thought was “ooh, Vonnegut’s a hoosier? Me too!”
Lyndon Johnson II
Robert Caro felt compelled to apologize for spending so much words lionizing Coke Stevens, segregationist opponent to Johnson’s senate run. His goal was pretty clearly to show lbj’s lack of campaign charisma by contrast, definitely definitely overcommitted in his own narrativising.
I want to go back to this after reading some more De Lillo.
Gravity's Rainbow
This book absolutely kicked my ass
Overstuffed and referential in a specific way that really keeps me hooked in instead of put off. When I learn about some piece of cultural context that I retroactively recognize as being referenced in this, I want to go back and reread the entire thing.
From Caligari to Hitler
Kind of fails both as film criticism and cultural analysis, but absolutely made me want to run for the hills when considering current relationship between mainstream movies and demands of pop culture.
I took a class on Weimar cinema in undergrad that I now realize was probably biting pretty heavily from this and never once referenced it.
Movie itself is not as fun as the Tom Hardy hype coverage. PG13 was the absolute worst space to aim for, PG- or R- versions of this could have been a blast.
Harryhauser Argonauts
Was tripping when I put this on, and it was all kinds of fun.
2001: a Space Oddyssey
First time seeing this, all-time classic for a reason!
A Good American (the NSA doc)
Dr. Strangelove
Mel Brooks History of the World p. I
Not my favorite Brooks, best joke was at the beginning.
In Bruges
Had been a while since I saw a proper dark comedy.
Fukkin awesome!
Visually great, and extremely better than usual superhero stuff for being aimed at PG instead of PG-13.
You Only Live Twice
Highlander (Revisited)
I watched The Old Guard on netflix recently and it mostly just made me wish I was watching Highlander instead, because at least Highlander knows exactly how goofy it is
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Much like The Shining, I though this would have been 100% spoiled for me by cultural osmosis, but turns out it wasn’t, and even the scenes I had seen *totally landed* in-context still.
Kung Fu Hustle
Ichi the Killer
Really gross, really fun
Matrix Reloaded (watched thru highway scene) (Revisited)
The highway scene was not nearly as cool as I remembered it being.
John Wick 3*
Probably dumbest plot of all of them, best choreography. I like how every single fight had its own distinct flavor. “Knife museum fight” “horse fight” “halle berry dogs fight” 
A classic
Pet Sematary * (ugh, bad)
Why can’t john lithgow be in good movies anymore
The Revenant
MCU Spiderman
Fuck this was awful.
MCU Spiderman 2*
Really weird, complete Rorschach Test of a movie: it’d be totally valid to read into this that global warming is Fake News, for instance.
Lmao this was completely awful
Dredd (non-stallone)
oh hey Lena Headey’s in this
For All Mankind!
Watched in honor of moon landing anniversary
Lion King *
Watched it way too stoned, was like dark side of the moon + wizard of oz except instead it’s a lion king script reading + nature footage edited for lip syncing.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood *
Many scenes of very long setups for really stupid shaggy dog jokes, which sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t. I do kinda want to rewatch now knowing more about manson, which I knew pretty much nothing about beforehand
A good john lithgow movie
also I think I like travolta in things.
Lord of War
A Good cage movie
I like when Eamon Walker shows up in stuff.
Taxi Driver
A classic
Watched in a bar with only one speaker working, which is the correct way to watch. Weirder and funnier than I thought it was going to be, which still doesn’t make it good, but,
dbz big green dub
Exorcist III
Brad Dourif just tearing it apart
Deep Red (argento)
Suspiria (1977)
Watched the remake in 2020, which was ok, but nothing tops the Goblin score.
Elf Bowling
Thanks, Gnome
Parasite *
Interesting to me that this one seems poised to hang around people’s good esteem for a while
Rick & Morty
Saw some episodes, generally pretty funny, some misanthropy that’s probably appealing to a certain type of teen al a something like House, but ultimately I don’t totally Get the intensity of discourse about it.
Mob Psycho 100
One Punch Man
Only watched like half of it. Was playing around with a lot of hefty imagery/thematics, but didn’t really seem ready to rise above playing (tho also I feel like it’s weird on some level to *expect* them to rise above that in the first place)
New Avantasia
HEALTH/ show
lol remember concerts
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard/ show
Just learned about King Gizz in 2019 and got completely obsessed with them. I don’t tend to expand my music selection very readily, and a lot of what I currently *do* know is old/inactive stuff, so it was/is incredibly exciting to have an active group with good momentum just immediately win me over like that.
Mistimed the edibles and ended up with a really good finale and a really long subway ride home.
New Yeasayer
Sad they split up
Steve Wilson Tull remixes
Aqualung’s a good album and the sound mixing’s kinda bad, so I liked this project.
Opened for Gizzard. Really good as studying music
Video Games
Civ VI: Gathering Storm
Turns out Supergiant’s design proclivities all work *extremely well* on a roguelike
Baba is You
Untitled Goose Game
Cute, if maybe a bit overhyped
finally fucking finished Pillars of Eternity
Had fun with it, but too long, and really dour for how long it is.
Pillars II
Kinda drifted off it eventually, but I do genuinely like that the flavor of the fantasy is colonial era rather than medieval.
There’s a Balancing Bastard Factions element where it’s like the writers are just being smartasses after a while. Having to go extremely out of their way to make siding with colonizers seem like a competitive option.
Pokemon shield
pisses me off, which was a nice outlet when I was stranded by flight cancellations during thanksgiving
Also very difficult, but really easy to stay patient with, which is nice.
Disco Elysium
None of the discourse made me want to play this, but people talking about the mechanical stuff it did got me extremely interested. Mostly Delivered IMO.
Breath of the Wild
You can approach the nodes of the main quest in the order you choose, and the second one I chose made ninjas start fucking spawning everywhere when I’m just trying to explore, and there’s no way to make it stop. May go back to it one day.
Relentless Picnic Patreon feed
The treats really helped me start distinguishing individual personalities, compared to the regular eps.
Picnic Discord!
FatT Counterweight
Fun, but also I think Mechs are not my shit.
FatT Spring in Hieron/ end of that particular world
8 months since I’ve last tuned into FatT. ah well.
Law School
He’s in everythiiiing!
You Must Remember This: Manson family
*There’s* the context
Kindle train guy
Times Square sleeping guy + kids taking selfies w/ him
toddler singing along after Psycho killer (a, ya, ya ya, ya)
drunk and dragged to a drag show
Central park football family
Soft Steel Drum Subway Busker
Weird old lady going to grand central for oysters
2018 in review (cards):
MySelf (CC)
Self: Tower
Blocked: 10 Cups
Ethereal/subconscious: 8 Swords
Material: 3 Swords
Past: Justice
Future: Page Wands
Attitude: Sun
External: King Swords
Hopes/Fears: 5 Coins
Trajectory: High Priestess
Also Self:
7 Cups
7 Coins
Blind Spot:
(self & others): 5 cups    ||    (others not self): High Priestess
(self not others): Moon   ||    (nobody): 3 Cups
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raindrops-on-the-roof · 5 years ago
major fanfic progress update! please check here for updates on ALL wips!
hey everyone! this may be a bit of a long one, so i’ll post the tl;dr here and then continue on under the cut! these are all as of the 28th of May 2020!
posted: it's nothing: currently completed. if there's more carmen/gray content in the next season you betcha I'm gonna update it though! hash for updates: its nothing
here is something to believe in: on temporary hiatus while I work out where I want the direction of the plot to go. i try to post progress with the hash: histbi
unposted: red threads, golden chains: Phoenix Wright! a wrightworth-centric eight-chapter analysis of the original game (with artistic liberty involved, of course!). hash: red threads golden chains
You can lead a horse to Water: Fire Emblem: Three houses! a half-finished claudeleth drabble focusing on Byleth's thoughts of Garreg Mach. not sure how far it'll extend yet; we'll see. hash on tumblr: horse to water
Jump into the Fog: Overwatch! a multichap Symmrat fanfic based around the overwatch recall (cause there isn't enough of those!). title is shamelessly stolen from The Wombats and the legendary vargrimar and nezkah. hash for this: jitf!
more information on all of these under the cut! 
Extended version!
it’s nothing: currently completed at about 8k words!  i originally intended to leave it open ended at chp 3 for next season (which is confirmed!! hooray!!) but I eventually succumbed to y'all asking for more haha. not sure the direction i would take other than that though, and i feel like the ending suits the rush of it!
here is something to believe in: on temporary hiatus at around 30k words! i know this is disappointing to a lot of you but i honestly wrote most of those words in a spur of inspiration without any thought as to how it would work lmao. i need some time to work out what the plot will be so that my writing has direction and you guys aren’t left disappointed. the other thing is that chapters are currently spanning a half day at a time and i cannot continue that considering the game spans several years! so i need to plan that out too. would appreciate any advice/assistance! i’m also still looking for anyone interested in betaing it! please pm me if you are :D
red threads, golden chains: currently sitting in my doc at about 20k words. i started this fic almost a year ago as a guilty pleasure during my last year at school (which is mostly why it didn’t get finished) but it is almost completed! i think only another 5k words max before it’s edited and posted which is super exciting! it’s likely going to be about eight chapters, posted weekly. keep an eye on the hash for updates! here is a taster (i haven’t written the description yet lmao): 
“Edgeworth glares at him again and Phoenix remembers when they were on the same side. He supposes that it had never been intentional to chase Edgeworth, but that was just how things ended up: he doesn’t think he’s thankful for Dahlia, exactly, but almost certainly without her he never would’ve met Mia the way he did.
The more he thinks about it, the more he thanks his lucky stars that he fell into her lap and reconsidered that day - the day Miles defended him in class and seared himself into Phoenix’s memory. From that day, Miles showed him he wasn’t and never would be alone.
Until the incident, of course.
He left, and never explained why. He left Phoenix behind, and though that view is childish and he knows it, he can’t help but feel the cold space he left behind, tugging at his very being for years and years.”
look forward to it!
You can lead a horse to Water: it’s a oneshot; currently about a quarter done at around 1.5k. Claudeleth/Bylaude is probably in my top fire emblem ships so i just HAD to write something for it after the feels of this fic and ESPECIALLY this fic! the stunning poetry inspired me so much; just read these lines: ‘He wonders in-between breaths “If she could see me now, would she hate me?”.
Yet what he says is “If I need to shut up, then make me.”
And what he thinks is “If this is a nightmare, then wake me.”’ SPECTACULAR! unfortunately the fic is orphaned, but still, please go read it!
songs such as Charlie by Mallrat and Apricot Princess by Rex Orange County also inspired this! no clue when it’ll be up, but i’m not letting go of it. here’s a taste:
“The first time Byleth saw Claude, it was like something clicked.
Not visibly and hardly mentally, of course - but in her heart, despite its determination not to beat, something almost shifted, like it realised its perpetual emotionless state was unsustainable and impossible against his charming smiles.
Except, his smiles weren’t charming; they were razor-sharp, pointy and pointed, and it would take a long time before that changed, unfortunately.”
watch this space for more updates!
Jump into the Fog: the plans are currently at about 6k lmao! i am very excited for this fic cause it’ll be my first fully planned one! i have the overarching plot and all the characters planned out (everyone will be there, even Echo!) and am just writing the seperate character arc plots and finishing up the ideas for individual missions and such! here is the summary:
“Through no fault of her own, Symmetra finds out of Vishkar’s wrongdoing. Not knowing who to trust and having nowhere to go, she follows the last person on Earth she wanted to see to somewhere that can help her; Overwatch.
His health quickly deteriorating, Junkrat resigns himself to his shortened lifespan and decides to go out with a bang. Recalling a doctor who saved countless lives from his youth, Roadhog doesn’t take that lying down, and the ensuing hunt places them at Overwatch’s door.”
timeline placement: takes past after two weeks after the Paris mission shown in the Overwatch two release video. easy to assume after the events of the Christmas of year one of the recall. Baptiste’s betrayal of Talon brought a year earlier. Junkrat and Roadhog in Australia for Christmas, Lucio’s record released after Vishkar left Rio in November of that year. hence, this takes place in early Jan.
at the moment the planned ships are 100% symmrat, gency and bunnyribbit, and am considering the rest of the characters’ ships. i am also trying to make it as scientifically viable as possible! no cheesing here, i did my research into radiation poisioning lmao. Satya actually gets her friend *cough* Baptiste *cough* to disconnect her arm as she flees from Vishkar! the people present at the Overwatch base when they arrive (a week between them) are the people shown in Zero Hour, minus Genji (which will be explained!)
I’m SO excited for this fic, but I have no idea when it will be ready to post lol. I will likely try to finish other things before starting writing it (namely horse to water and red threads, golden chains and maybe even histbi), so the plans may sit dormant for some time. will be putting out a call for betas when i start writing!
thank you for reading, everyone! stay safe out there!
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shewolfofficial · 6 years ago
What if reader is Levi's s/o and has all kinds of medical training and while she fixes him up after expeditions she teaches him some of what she knows and her teaching him ends up saving her life in the feild when there is no one else to help her and it's all fluffy?
Warning: Mentions of Blood, Slight Violence
Lmao I got no knowledge of anything medical so bear with me pls lol
You were one of the best medics known to mankind, you were a guardian angel on the battlefield. Saving those from the brink of death and boosting the healing process of those which were already in the infirmary. You even helped your lover Levi when he injured his leg, from the medicine you made and the skills you mastered over the years Levi was back up and ready to fight again in no time.
Fixing a stray piece of hair behind your ear you sat at your desk in the infirmary, you had earned yourself a little medical office along with a small area for any emergency patients that needed attention straight away. Your office was bright white, a large desk that was situated in front of a large window, to the side of the room was the emergency part of your office where different medicines and equipment sat ready for use.
Looking down to the little sheet of paper in front of you-you finished signing off the last medical report before setting it to the side with the rest. Hearing the door to your office open you darted your E/C eyes to the door, seeing Levi walk in and shut it behind him before walking to you. ‘’Good evening Levi, how are you?’’ you flashed him a gentle smile as he raises an eyebrow to you, walking around your desk and sitting on the corner of it he looked down to you. ‘’I’ve been good doc.. Except I fell earlier and I hurt my knee’’ Levi sent a quick pout your way as you gave him a concerned look. ‘’The thing is… I fell for you’’ he continued as you let a small laugh slip, shaking your head as you snickered to the male. ‘’Levi you can be so cheesy sometimes’’ you commented seeing a smirk on his lips.
‘‘You get me wondering Y/N’‘ Levi says glancing around your office, quirking an eyebrow you tilted your head to the side. ‘‘How? Did I do something wrong?’‘ you question with a hint of concern, shaking his head Levi clicks his tongue. ‘‘How do you know what to do, in really fucking stressful situations? How do you remember everything you learned? It’s an impressive skill you have’‘ the man replied as you let a quite ‘oh..’ escape your lips. Shrugging you lay back in your chair ‘‘well, I just do know it yknow? It’s hard to describe how- Oh! Maybe I can show you some procedures in case someone gets injured or whatever the case may be when I’m not there?’‘ you suggest, Levi takes one last glance around your office before turning to you and nodding.
// Time Skip - Present Time \
You swiftly dodged the swiping hands of the titan as you attempted to slice it’s nape, this bugger has decided to get in your way when you were going to check up on everyone to see if there’s any casualties. Of course Levi accompanied you, dodging another swipe of the hand. The titan had other plans, almost instantly you felt a rough force come in contact with your back sending you hurtling towards and towards the ground.
Screeching you desperately tried to get yourself together yet before you could you had already come in contact with the ground. Skidding a few meters before coming to a stop, bloody and battered you opened your drowsy eyes. Flicking your blurry vision you could make out the large figure of the same titan reaching down for you. The titan didn’t have a choice of reaching for you when you watched Levi furiously sliced off its hand.
No, furious wasn’t the word..
Levi was livid.
You could see Levi tear through the titan and kill it off, groaning from the pain you pulled yourself up to your knees. Noticing Levi landed on the ground and was now sprinting to you, collapsing to his knees he let you fall into his chest coughing a little. ‘’L-Levi I’m bleeding, my stomach…’’ you barely managed to say as he hurriedly lay you down and started getting to work on stopping the blood from your stomach.
Levi was panicking, a lot. He forced himself to stay calm even though he was basically on the verge of tears, stuttering comforting words as he began to patch you up. That’s what happened until you lost consciousness.
You woke back up a few minutes later, the ringing sound of horses sprinting from all around you as you felt a warm chest pressed up against you, one hand wrapped around your waist as the other held the reins of the black stallion beath you. Tiredly looking up your eyes landed on Levi who had a determined look cast on his face. ‘’Where are we going..?’’ you croak, Levi snaps his gaze down to you before leaning down and planting a gentle kiss to your forehead training his gunmetal orbs ahead of him once again. ‘’We’re going home, stay quiet and rest, you need to get back your energy’’ Levi said sternly, slightly nodding you dig your face into his chest and fall asleep.
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yinzhengs · 6 years ago
11, 15, 20, 35, 70 :D
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
lol, whatever the dining hall makes. prob some egg white scramble thing w/ coffee
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
man, now i have to think back on what i’ve read. never let me go by kazuo ishiguro was a very good one that i read in senior year of high school. if we’re talking something a little more classic, i fought for the right to read wuthering heights instead of jane eyre in sophomore year of high school as well. good times.
more recently, i really enjoyed horses, horses, in the end the light remains pure (馬たちよ、それでも光は無垢で) by hideo furukawa, for my contemporary japanese literature class.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
every single fic i ever write i write in my shitty macbook notes app (not even a proper word processor smh)
if it’s for school, then it goes in google docs or in pages, lmao. i write nothing by hand except occasional notes
35. average time you fall asleep?
nervous laughter i feel like my sleep schedule changes every week
probably a very solid “average” is midnight tho, with a standard deviation of four hours (’:
70. left or right handed?
haha i’m actually ambidextrous? i write only with my right hand, as with most other trained skills, but i’ll do some things with a mix (eg. using left-handed sports equipment, using chopsticks w/either hand)
(send me some asks!)
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redbelles · 6 years ago
question time!
tagged by the ever-lovely @mvcreates and the delightful @karenpage <3
1. how tall are you? 5′4″; i’m smol but fighty 
2. what color and style is your hair? as dark brown as you can get without actually hitting black. i shaved it all off in 2017, but it grows stupid fast, so right now it’s just past my shoulders. i got bored this past summer and now the last three.....four.....ish inches have been fried bleached light blonde so i can fuck around with color!
3. what color are your eyes? brown w/some green thrown in for fun
4. do you wear glasses? yep!
5. do you wear braces? i had braces in middle school after years and years of a retainer to fix my Extremely Fucked Up teeth after i smashed my face into, in no particular order, an airport “will your carry on fit” box, a monkey bar platform, and an arena wall. i swear i’m not actually that accident-prone! kid me just went really, really hard all the goddamn time
6. what is your fashion style? i live in leggings and flannel; lots of black, lots of plaid, and also lots of sweatshirts. when i’m not rocking that pnw hipster aesthetic, i’m probably decked out in hockey stuff. shoe-wise, either docs, converse, or Aggressively Fancy Heels
7. full name? [redacted] 
8. when were you born? ‘92
9. where are you from and where do you live now? pnw! and now i’m hanging out in the inland northwest
10. what school do you go to? i did my time at a small liberal arts college w/pretentions of sporting relevance
11. what kind of student are you? i’m a phenomenal student when my brain isn’t actively fucking me over; when it is, i’m [static noises] and “extensions pls” all over the damn place
12. do you like school? yeah! i regret not being more functional during my years at college, but i’m looking forward to someday getting my shit together and going back for an mfa
13. what are your favorite school subjects?  H I S T O R Y!!!!!!!! also english/literature/writing/what have you
14. favorite TV shows? uh. the punisher, sons of anarchy, hell on wheels, leverage, miss fisher’s murder mysteries, and also buzzfeed unsolved (i blame @karenpage )
15. favorite movies? THE MUMMY. also pacific rim, atonement, and patton. oh wAIT, ALSO CLUE!!! goddammit, also lit. everything miyazaki has ever produced. 
16. favorite books? how dare you ask me something like this! there’s no way to definitively pick, but here, have a selection: his dark materials, the song of the lioness quartet, ella enchanted, an inquiry into love and death, yume no hon, bone map, all the pretty horses, the things they carried, vampires in the lemon grove, everything in this country must, keturah and lord death, and here, bullet 
17. favorite pastime? reading, writing, horseback riding, mechanical maintenance (cars, planes, boats, motorcycles, etc.), and listening to bruce springsteen music. ALSO HOCKEY.
18. do you have any regrets? m a n y.
19. dream job? someone pays me money to write words
20. would you like to get married someday? hard pass.
21. would you like to have kids someday? even harder pass.
23. do you like shopping? absolutely yes, except for the part where i have no money
24. what countries have you visited? usa, iceland, and england! hoping to visit many more, but there’s that whole “money” thing again 
25. what’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? oh fuck, the one where i was trapped in my first grade classroom with so many snakes you couldn’t see the floor, just a writhing, hissing carpet of snakes. jesus fucking christ, so many snakes.
26. do you have any enemies? lmao, probably 
27. do you have an s/o? nope!
28. do you believe in miracles? right now? no. maybe someday. 
tagging @jacyevans @chaserandseeker @thatworldinverted @ltfrankcastle @foggiestnelson @sneakyasaspider @carry-the-sky and anyone else who’d like a go
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shadowofmoths · 6 years ago
What’s your favorite kind of food? How do you take your tea? Animal you most want as a pet if you could have any in the world? What would you do with a $1 million?
1. I Really Fuckin Like Pasta….probably like too much my pasta hubris is. A Lot. i had pasta for two of three meals today and i got home and was like, ahhh that was for sure a mistake, yeah. except wait actually heres the best food: you take a baguette and you slice it up and then put olive oil and sea salt on the bread and toast it in the oven for like five minutes. *chefs kiss* its very easy but its tastey and makes me feel very fancy 
2. ok well first of all i am v interested in any of ur tea reccomendations/general opinions bc i know u have a lotta knowledge there BUT usually for tea i drink chai lattes? but then also for a lot of other teas i try not to like, put too much Other Stuff in there my fav rn is just, like, in my dining hall sometimes (real fancy lmao) they have just green tea w/ i think pomegranate? and so i’d been drinking a lotta that at school w like. some honey in it it was good ! i wish i could make tea in my dorm but im not allowed to have a teakettle..i do have a microwave so i have been known to just microwave water but it Isnt Great lmao
3. well i would. wanna raise some bugs probs BUT also mostly i just want to have very very many borzois!! gimme those horse dogs. i literally have a lil doc w potential future borzoi names i am READY
4. well like. first i would try and Do Good yknow like i would give money to ppl who actually rlly need it but if i was ever going to do smth frivolous and silly w money that wasnt, yknow, donations or college tuition i would just wanna buy as many darth maul figures as possible laksdhjf,, i have 11 mauls rn, 12 if you include my poster, but i can Always Have More Boys. hdafgjhks
tysm, friend!! i hope your doing well and that you had/are having a lovely winter break
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existentialburden · 5 years ago
16 17 18 19 20
answering these backwards so I don’t lose the “for the wip ask meme” part and forget lmao. gonna do both WIPs, probably.
16: describe your writing routine (if you have one).
scroll through social media at 1 am. find a meme that reminds me of a character. go “oh shit new WIP?” and open up google docs on my phone. start typing and try to get far enough that the basic idea comes across so I can remember it later. remember my actual WIPs. write a liiiiittle bit on them. promise that I’ll do more in the morning. reblog a WIP ask meme in the morning. get asks. remember my WIP. answer the asks first. FINALLY start writing on my WIP and get a decent amount done. get stuck on how I want a line to go/see a message notif and get distracted. rinse and repeat.
17: describe your favorite character in your WIP.
for Enslog’ph: [REDACTED] who from here on out will be known as Nuad if I didn’t already say this before (he’s Nuad. he’s cool. I love him) is my FAAAVORITE. okay he’s Noodle’s character but I have fanfiction needs and also fanfiction rights. Nuad’s a Muse of Void who’s taken an interest in the horrorterrors around his session. He’s a massive nerd with a flair for the dramatic. he’s also depressed as fuck but me too bud. I vibe. he’s. maybe a bit too understanding of Enslog’ph. but what do you expect from a Void player? he has a bunch of sea creature plushies, exactly one consort, and a shared land with his brother. I love him a lot. why he puts up with Enslog’ph I’ll never know but I respect him for it!
for West’s Godquest: technically Nuad’s mentioned in here too but not by name and he never gets to show up so. Fern’s technically in there but she doesn’t get a line because she’s freaking tf out? does that count? I’m gonna count her because otherwise it goes to West again and I’m not describing my main character smh >:P. Fern appears here to do nothing but be traumatized and peer pressure West, like everyone except Haze and West ngl, but that’s because West didn’t get to stick around. She’s a Seer of Doom and she makes a rough decision to avoid dooming the session in pressuring West to go into exile. she knows what’s going on but that trembling is not fake. she’s the most physically capable member of the team and she’s a really invested horse girl. horse demigirl? she’s honestly a sweetheart and balances a lot but sometimes she just wishes she could go feral. she also has undiagnosed anxiety. I love her a lot!!!
18: in 4 sentences or less, give us a plot summary of your WIP.
Enslog’ph: local horrorterror spends some time learning how to be a horrorterror, but the other horrorterrors suck ass and think a half-soul terror doesn’t belong. she spends a lot of time getting her mental state fucked up by her horrorterror peers and her human “peers”. she’s mistreated by the human half of her soul and realizes the horrorterror who split her soul is manipulating both halves of her, so she runs tf off. she meets a player who doesn’t immediately attack her and torments him for a little while, but he’s nice to her so she starts having a lot of mixed feelings and that’s a fun time for everyone.
GodqWest: West fucks up and gets exiled from their session, so they turn to internet forums for human interaction. they become a little obsessed with finding out everything there is to know about ultragods after their friends all get into the topic, and things are pretty alright until their forum pals start disappearing. they realize that the people disappearing off the forums are people who talked about the ultragods or went searching for them, and come to the conclusion that they’re probably definitely being murdered. since they are incapable of dealing with being alone, they decide searching for the ultragods to get some answers is a good idea because even though it seems a hell of a lot like a suicide mission.
19: who/what is the antagonist of your story? what motivates them?
Enslog’ph: Sarthraruus is the big one, though Aila plays a minor role, and so do Sarth’s horrorterror pals (and various players but that one’s downplayed). Sarthraruus is motivated almost entirely by a horrorterror hunger for power and his own greed, wanting control at the expense of everyone around him. he’s hungee. Aila’s motivated in GENERAL by a fear of failure, her actions in-fic motivated by pure reckless curiosity, and her attitude towards Enslog’ph is because of her own self-hatred and frustration that she isn’t getting anything out of the deal SHE made. Sarth’s horrorterror pals are all just doing their own thing but they’re little shits to Enslog’ph because she’s perceived as an extension of Sarth and anything that gives that asshole power is Bad. plus they’re like “oh I see y’all are just letting ANYONE in, huh?” the players being dicks is because they’re scared of Enslog’ph.
GodqWest: I mean, really, West causes all their own problems- no but Haze is at first and Haze is just terrified. fear and frustration at West drive Haze’s actions, as well as Haze’s want to be seen as someone who actually makes a difference. then the perceived antagonists are the ultragods but they are literally just vibing. Hill’s the only one doing anything and that’s just panic babey.
20: what are some tropes you’re using in your WIP?
for Enslog’ph, I use the typical “main character caught between two worlds” trope, and Aila and Enslog’ph can count as Opposite Twins. I swear there has to be a trope name for suspicious similarities with Nuad and Enslog’ph? edgy backstory counts.
for GodqWest, West’s assigned themself your typical suicide mission and there’s the “well, we’re gods, but there’s ULTRAgods” sort of deal. also edgy backstory. probably more.
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