#sometimes I write things
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emlovessid · 10 months ago
@jegulus-microfic april 25, headlights, 217 words, nsfw
“Ow,” James whines.
“Stop being a baby,” Regulus teases, continuing to try to untangle James’ glasses from his hair, which has worked itself into a knot around one of the nose pads.
James sighs, stepping closer into the gap between Regulus’ legs where he’s sitting on the edge of the bathroom counter, hands settling on Regulus’ hips. He presses a kiss to James’ forehead before continuing, humming under his breath.
“What are you doing?”
Regulus looks up over James’ shoulder to find Sirius leant against the bathroom door, smirk on his lips.
“James’ glasses are tangled in his hair.”
“How the hell did you manage that, mate?” Sirius says with a laugh, and James’ head immediately snaps up and meets Regulus’ eyes like a deer caught in headlights.
He can feel the heat in cheeks but struggles to hold back his smile as he thinks back to the sight of James between his thighs, glasses pushed up onto his head as he licked through his folds. So maybe Regulus had something to do with this predicament they’re in now, with the way his hands grasped desperately at James’ hair as he fell over the edge.
His face must give something away because Regulus is brought back to reality by Sirius groaning, “Oh god, please forget I asked.”
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luminousalicorn · 2 months ago
New short story - and I got it up in time to publish one short story EVERY month of 2024. Science fiction. < 7,500 words.
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whoopssteddiefeels · 2 years ago
Penny in the Air
Robin is a lot of things: judgey, hyperactive, anxious, impulsive, talkative, loud- there’s a list okay, and she’s very familiar with it. High up the list is that she is very, very gay (if possible, she’s pretty sure she’s actually getting gayer. She blames Steve for this, as she’s pretty sure it has to do with being able to finally talk about her crushes to someone other than her reflection.)
The point is, she’s gay, so she’s not surprised that she notices first. The Steve-Eddie thing. Because it is, in fact, a thing at this point.
She knows Eddie is gay- knows it like the sky is blue and David Bowie rocks- because of, y’know, the way he is (if she had any doubt, the way he leaned in while calling Steve “big boy”, ew, killed it dead.) Her research suggests this is “gaydar,” but its very unfair, she thinks, that so far it has only detected exactly (2) gays, both men, making it pretty much useless. It has given her exactly 0 information on Vickie.
She empathizes with Eddie’s position. Feels it pang under her sternum when his eyes go soft watching Steve talk emphatically, hair flopping around in that ridiculous way it does. Knows how it must catch in his throat when his hand suddenly retracts halfway to Steve’s shoulder, going to his own hair to cover the aborted movement. Tries hard to not over-identify with the sharp tug he gives there, trying to snap himself out of it (fails because she did literally exactly that when Vickie was in the video store the previous day, almost as if he had seen and copied the mechanism).
The part of the puzzle she can’t figure out is Steve. She’s annoyingly aware that he likes (groan) boobies, thanks Fast Times, and he isn’t treating Eddie like a girl whose number he’s trying to score. That being said, whenever the older boy appears, Steve lights up like a damn Christmas tree. Affection doesn’t have to be romantic; she knows this- wants to hit several of the kiddos over the head with it whenever they allude to her dating Steve- but empathy for Eddie is tinting her judgement, and once you put on the gay rose-tinted glasses it’s hard to unsee the possibility. It certainly seems like flirting. Rearranging his hair every three seconds, drawing Eddie’s eyes to the mane that is his pride and joy. Getting what she can only describe as unnecessarily close when he squeezes by Eddie in the video store aisles or whoever’s living room they’re sprawled in, hands brushing a shoulder, back, or one time his hip under the pretense of maintaining balance. The soft blush whenever Eddie flirts hard in a way he knows can be passed off as a joke. The honest megawatt smile Steve gets whenever Eddie starts in on his usual antics is infinitely more endearing than the smolder he’s learned to use like a weapon.
She usually knows exactly what Steve is thinking or feeling before he does. They’ve got that whole platonic soul mate telepathy thing, and he’s easily the center of her social world. So, since she can’t tell what he’s thinking (other than the obvious but unhelpful “Eddie, yay!”), she’s 99.9% sure, from experience, ok, that it means he isn’t thinking. Like at all. So, what she’s witnessing is instinctive, his body just moving into Eddie’s space because it feels correct, and he hasn’t paused to think about it.
             He’s walking that line of comfortable and affectionate that is ambiguously intimate. Could be platonic, could be more. It would be frustrating for anyone with a crush, but she knows from bitter experience with straight-girl crushes that Eddie must be going insane. And yes, Robin and Eddie are friends, but not close enough for her to open a conversation with “So you’re obviously gay and into Steve, my best friend who I talk to every second of every day, and no he hasn’t mentioned it, and neither have I. What’s up with that?” Similarly, she can’t quite figure out how to bring it up to Steve without accidentally outing Eddie in the process.
That’s the main reason she’s keeping her mouth uncharacteristically shut on the subject. She is not, however, above the occasional raised eyebrow, ok, especially as Eddie’s flirting slowly becomes ridiculously obvious. The man is literally leaning on the counter, chin on his hand, mooning up at Steve through his eyelashes. Steve has his hip propped on the opposite side, leaning into the shared space. How are either of them this oblivious, seriously.
She’s there when the penny finally drops.
They’re not even watching a romantic movie, it’s fucking Life of Brian, all three of them calling out their favorite lines along with the actors, throwing things and generally goofing off. If she takes the armchair to force the boys together on the couch, she doesn’t think anyone can blame her. If she’s feeling a little smug that they both sit in the middle, right next to each other, instead of taking opposite ends, she keeps it to herself. She might not want to stick her foot right in the middle of that mess, but she’s not above setting booby traps.
Robin couldn’t tell you exactly when Steve’s arm went around Eddie’s shoulder; it was somewhere between Eddie practically climbing into Steve’s lap for a “Biggus Dickus” re-enactment, the closeness and flirting safely enveloped in humor, and Steve attempting to force Eddie to “haggle” for the bag of chips. When she glances over from the safety of her armchair, Steve’s arm is trapped behind Eddie’s head, draped over his shoulder on the opposite side. Eddie, usually a constant ball of fidgety motion, is frozen stiff like he’s trying not to scare off a nervous rabbit. Even in the blue light coming off the screen she can see the flush coloring his usually nocturnal-pale cheeks.
The thing is, Steve had just discussed this move with her. Told her to invite Vickie to movie night, recommended light, easily joked off roughhousing and settling an arm around her in a way specifically gaged to judge the reaction. Which means he knows. No way he hasn’t finally figured out what his lizard brain has clearly been screaming for months (seriously, she deserves a medal. Someone tell her future girlfriends about her stamina), not with the way he’s twirling a soft brown curl around and around his finger. He must know Eddie can feel that. And oh. Steve is not-so-subtly glancing to his right, trying to gage that reaction like they discussed, to see if this is ok.
Yup. Robin needs to be literally anywhere else. She tries to be subtle (insert laugh here), muttering “bathroom” and legging it out of the room, seeking the safety of the kitchen. She wasn’t worried though- odds are she could start playing trumpet and those two wouldn’t hear it past the tension of the moment.
In addition to gay, Robin is also easily bored. She hums along to “Always look on the bright side of life,” drifting in from the living room, crunching on some peppery crackers she found in a cabinet in a way that vaguely matches the song’s rhythm. She would just leave the boys to whatever they were going to do (yuck, don’t think about it), but unfortunately the two people most likely to give her a ride home were occupied (seriously, no thinking about it). She’d held out for as long as she could, really, but if the movie was ending, surely she had given them enough time?
Hoping she wasn’t going to regret it, she peaked out of the kitchen, and was relieved to see that 1) everyone still had clothes on and 2) Steve and Eddie were cuddling. Fucking finally.
“SO, BOYS,” she boomed (remember loud is on the list of things she is), trying not to enjoy the way two ridiculous heads of hair jumped and then shifted away from one another anxiously. “Who finally lost the longest game of gay chicken I’ve ever seen?”
Steve’s head makes an audible thump as it drops against the back of the couch, hands coming up to rub at his face as she rounds the furniture to face them, feeling deliciously smug. Eddie gave up any pretense and buried his face in Steve’s shoulder, sweater and hair completely hiding his face.
“Shut up Robin, go away,” Steve groans.
“Nope! This has been the slowest burn of all time, you guys were killing me. I have to balance it out by being just as insufferable.” she chirped, doing her best Steve impression, hands on her hips and eyebrow quirked.
“Technically, I would say we both won gay chicken since neither of us pulled back. No chickens here. Roosters only, in fact.” Eddie surfaces with a smug little smile, dimples on full display.
“Oh you’re definitely a cock Munson, I’ll give you that,”
“Don’t make me flip you the bird-”
“That’s a bit of ostritch-”
“Well toucan play at that game-”
“I��m so happy I like tits-“
“Why me?” Steve grumbled at the same time Eddie dropped his teasing tone to ask, “Wait what?”
“Me? Lesbian. You? Obviously gay. Steve has been flirting back at you for months you dingus.”
“I’ve been what?” Steve sits up straight, suddenly laser focused on Robin. “I have not. I only realized, like, a week ago-”
He was seriously going to be the death of her.
“Steve. Stephen. My guy. What would you say if I told you a girl had been giving me a hair show, the unnecessary squeeze-by, and big eyes? Consistently. For weeks.”
Eddie starts laughing. Then cackling. Steve went an even deeper shade of red, though she could tell this one was more indignant ruby than embarrassed scarlet.
“Thank you,” Eddie wheezed out, fighting down another fit, picking himself up from where he had slid down the couch. “Oh my god, thank you for fucking noticing that. He was wasn’t he? I thought it was just in my head, y’know, and Gareth always said I tend to imagine signs that aren’t there.”
“Oh I know, you think you have a hard time, girls are so physically affectionate platonically, it’s impossible to tell-”
“Ok. Done with this conversation!” Steve interrupted, standing up between the two of them, hands furiously combing through his hair.
Robin only grinned wider at Eddie. “So, Munson, care to give me a ride home?”
“You know, Buckley, I would be delighted.”
“Hey now-” Steve tried to interject as the two of them moved towards the door.
“Why thank you, kind sir.”
“Don’t mention it, fair lady. Your chariot awaits.”
“Wait, hang on, Eddie-” Steve’s tone shifted from confused to plaintive as she stepped out into the night. And she resolutely pretended to not hear Eddie’s reply before he closed the door behind them.
“Sit tight, big boy, I’ll be right back!”
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keldjinfae · 5 days ago
Snippet Sunday
Catching up on tags and asks at an excruciatingly glacial pace (apologies to those who have had their messages/tags/asks sitting in my inbox for months, and assurances that I have not been annoyed by them in the slightest, just dealing with... A Lot). I was tagged by my mutually twisted/twisted mutual @dear-massacre, and I still have some of @renmackree (art) and my (writing) equally slow-going WIP left to share. Eventual Sterek, for now this is just Derek and his pack.
Unlike most dreams that he could simply shrug off and forget about by the time he’d gotten out of bed, Derek’s hands clenched around the empty space between them, trying to physically hold onto what had just been there moments before. He knew in the blood and the bones of him that the raven had been real, real and his, and that he had been taken away from Derek before: “he is yours, and our wait is nearly over.” Whoever awaited him in the City of Bones, the Trickster had also given Derek the warning that his time to act was running out.
“Uh… Derek?” Isaac’s soft voice called out uncertainly from just outside the entrance of the tent.
Derek blew out a breath, his eyes still on his hands as he forced them to relax. “It’s fine,” he answered, his voice still rough from slumber. “Everything’s fine,” he repeated, to reassure himself just as much as Isaac. He cleared his throat and pushed himself up into a sitting position at the same time Isaac ducked his head in through the panels of the tent.
The beta’s hunched shoulders were only partly because of the awkward height of the tent—after spending so much time as another pack’s scapegoat, Isaac still had moments when he expected his alpha to lash out if he was too loud, or too slow, or didn’t somehow anticipate Derek’s every need. Derek ran a hand through his hair and over his face, feeling how rough and unkempt he must’ve looked underneath his palm, and made sure to keep his shoulders as relaxed and nonthreatening as possible. He felt the typical stirring of his own anger on behalf of his mistreated betas simmer down when Isaac managed to relax just as quickly as he’d tensed up. “I would’ve just let you keep sleeping, but you started growling loud enough to make people nervous,” Isaac explained, without any indication that he’d been intimidated, too.
Derek exhaled slowly, his brows pinched together over pursed lips, then nodded his gratitude. Isaac took his lack of a verbal response as an invitation to enter the tent completely, sitting down in front of Derek in the small space, and reassuring his alpha as well as himself that his past was still decidedly in the past. “Did she have anything good to say? Or helpful? Like guard shift rotations or addresses or something?” Derek’s sardonic snort of laughter made Isaac’s mouth twitch upwards in a show of pride, before mellowing again, awaiting an answer.
“If that’s how her messages worked, maybe I wouldn’t hate them so much,” Derek said ruefully, rubbing the side of his face again before stretching out his stiff arms. Isaac’s brow quirked, but he otherwise waited for Derek to parse things together himself. “She said there’s someone I’ll want to look for. In the Citadel,” he clarified, when Isaac likely started to say that they already knew about his sisters, since they were already there for them in the first place. “And that she wouldn’t wait any longer for me to find him. Or couldn’t,” he corrected, frowning.
“Him?” Isaac repeated, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Him who?”
“I don’t…” Derek breathed in again, lowering his voice to better ensure that they weren’t overheard by anyone outside the thick hide of the tent. “I don’t know, but I will when I see him.”
“Will you?” Isaac asked, dubious. His eyes flitted over Derek, not quite meeting his as he kept his tone carefully neutral. “You’re sure it’s not just a—you know—trick?”
Derek was already shaking his head before Isaac had finished the question. “No. No, it didn’t feel like a trap—” even if he’d been led into an all but literal dead end “—for me. It didn’t feel like one for me.” He looked down at his hands again, recalling the raven pecking away at his fingers as he tried to free him. “I think he’s already trapped, and she wants me to get him out.”
“And we’re, what, just supposed to find some random guy in the Citadel—maybe in the Citadel—while we’re also trying to get your sisters back?” Isaac’s voice remained hushed, but he was now slouching forward, his gray eyes narrowed shrewdly. “How little time do you think we have?”
Derek grimaced, recalling the flooding, collapsing tower, as well as the vague sense of pain and terror that suggested none of them had made it out of the dream unscathed, or even alive. “About the same as we had before,” he said, frowning down at the space between them as he sought a way to explain that the terror he’d felt had come from being too late to save the raven; that he’d known even as the Glass stabbed into him that he was dreaming, and would simply wake up. “The message wasn’t an ultimatum; it was a warning.”
“A warning,” Isaac echoed, rubbing his knuckles against his bottom lip while he continued to watch Derek closely, “or an offering? It’s not an ultimatum, but we can’t just leave anymore if we don’t think we can pull it off, can we?” He drew his lip between his teeth, moving his hand up to tug at his thick hair instead. After a few seconds, he shrugged, even if he was still hunched forward. “We were already wondering why she decided to help us. At least now we know.”
Derek wasn’t aware he’d been carrying tension in his frame until it seeped out of him in a wave of relief. “If you want to stay out here, now that the plan has changed—”
“What I want is to crush both twins’ skulls with my bare hands,” Isaac cut him off, his tone just as quiet as Derek’s, but firmly matter-of-fact. His eyes glinted with bloodlust as he flashed his alpha a grin, his teeth bared like he was already gorging on a kill. “I can settle for never having to see them again.”
“And none of it will matter anyway if we don’t make it past the city gates,” Erica spoke up suddenly, muffled and muzzy from where she was curled up against Boyd, still more asleep than awake. Boyd’s gaze was already fixed on them, and likely had been for a while, his expression revealing nothing. Before Derek could assess what the rest of his pack felt, Erica yawned and sat up, her limbs stretching out until they popped as she glanced around her. “Where’s Jackson?” she mumbled, rubbing at her eyes.
“He went to go find some ‘real food’ at one of the stands—take the man out of the city,” Isaac joked with a snort before sobering. “He’s also checking to see if he knows any of the guards at the gates; figures it’ll at least give us an idea of how much convincing we’ll need to do to get in.”
I don't know who else has already been tagged or who's currently working on anything, but zero-pressure tags for @nerdherderette @vmures @seaweed-water @ephemeronidwrites @thotpuppy and anyone else who wants to share!
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bodhimcbodeface · 1 year ago
I wrote a song!
The chords are an approximation; I found a four-chord loop on an app I don't really know how to use.
Anyway, here's wonderwall (no it's a song about OCD sorry)
I got your message at quarter to four in the morning I’d been trying to keep you away since dawn Cause if you knew what was crawling its way through my brain You’d want me gone as bad as I did. But I was tired of them dancing in front of my eyelids So I told you a little, only what you knew  You told me I wasn’t going insane. I said, “I guess that means I’ve got no excuses left.”
Breathe out, Breathe in, Try to drown in cleaner water.
And it wasn’t the worms in my head But that I liked the way they slithered and I thought of them in bed And it wasn’t the dirt on my hands but the scalpel I used to clean out under my fingernails. I got tired of them swimming upstream through my veins. I got mad they wouldn’t open me up and bleed me dry  You told me that I wasn’t going insane. I said “Please god, let me call it any other name.”
Breathe out, Breathe in Try to drown in cleaner water.
When you knocked on my door it was almost dawn And your fingers were candy cane colors from the cold I was sure when you pushed your breath into my lungs I’d reject it like a transplant And I’d already done wrong just by leaving you a handprint Stubborn like blood on your favorite jeans When you said you were scared I was going insane, I said, “I just want to…
“Breathe out, Breathe in, Try to drown in cleaner water.”
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shadrell · 1 month ago
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[Starts etude CommorraghFlame]
They are not a pair. But they are closer than friends, so much closer that it is difficult to call it anything else than a pair. And there people who are used to suppressing their emotions are very good at exploding when they lose control.
Read on Ao3
Okay tumbler I understood, u don't want me to leave link on RU version of this fik =-= But I'll find a way. Let's hope this link to the post with link will work
RUS version
P.S. yeaah it worked!!! Thanks to the Omnissiah
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thewizardofloneliness · 2 months ago
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i wrote a thing
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mourningliliesmorningglories · 11 months ago
hey i'm ash - pls accept this handy navigation tool
song fics aka the 'i couldn't stop thinking of them and this song' series
hot & heavy - jegulus
waiting room - unrequited jegulus / jily
bruno is orange - wolfstar
seven - drarry
line without a hook - wolfstar
view between villages - remus lupin (wolfstar)
my tears ricochet - sirius & regulus
please stay - jegulus
blowing smoke - jegulus
other micro fics
you (don’t) know how it feels - rosekiller
scary? my god you’re divine - nsfw wolfstar
do you know? (Who you are?) - drarry
but you (shall be mine) - regulus & sirius
in conversation, an excerpt: Draco Malfoy
HD Tarot Fest: Towers of glory and the hands that felled them
posts | masterlist
Fic rec 1
Fic rec 2
Fic rec 3
i couldn't stop thinking of them and this song
marauders summer special
save a horse, ride a cowboy
substack - tabula rasa
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corey-writes-stuff · 10 months ago
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: rosestarkillerchaser - Relationship, Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr./James Potter/Evan Rosier Characters: Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr., James Potter, Evan Rosier, Other(s) Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Background Wolfstar, Nobody is Dead, Everyone Is Gay, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Regulus Black & Sirius Black Have a Good Relationship, I'm Bad At Tagging, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Constructive Criticism Welcome, Please leave criticism, Love Confessions, fast burn, Declarations Of Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Background Pandalily - Freeform, Polyamory, Tags Are Hard Summary:
Basically, all of Hogwarts thinks Barty, Evan, Regulus, and James are dating. So, they decide to prank the school and fake date. But how long does it stay fake? Where is the line between just putting on a show and actually enjoying the kisses?
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ladymalchav · 10 months ago
I don't write for the weewoo fandom, but I just got gobsmacked with the image of Buck showing Tommy a tattoo of Tommy's name on Buck's hip.
Tommy says that's too much. They're not even married, not even engaged! and Buck's says something like 'We may not be forever, but you'll always be my first*.'
and then they fuck
*a very simple way to say something very complex, I know. I can't control my brain!
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heartofstanding · 1 month ago
a wound shines by its own light
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: 15th Century RPF
Relationship: Richard Courtenay/Henry V
Summary:  On the road to recovery after Shrewsbury, Hal asks Courtenay what his face - what the wound - looks like.
Content/Warnings: explicit consensual underage sex (Hal is 17), wound touching/kissing/worship, frottage, religious symbolism and imagery, medieval medicine, probable medical inaccuracies, mild gore references (including scab eating)
Notes: This was written in response an anon ask sent to me suggesting Courtenay would eroticise Hal's face hole and the follow up with more details. It doesn't follow everything they suggested but I hope they like it. ❤️‍🔥
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emlovessid · 1 year ago
@jegulus-microfic december 13, jail, 92 words
“Would you still love me if I went to jail?” Regulus asks one morning over breakfast.
James pauses with a piece of toast halfway to his mouth, “Depends what you did.”
“Yes, depends,” James laughs. “I love you, but there’s some things even I couldn’t forgive.”
“Like what?”
James takes a bite of his toast, chewing as he tilts his head to the side, deep in thought before saying, “Like if you killed Sirius. Or Remus.”
“What if I killed Barty?” Regulus adds.
“Oh, love. I’d help you hide the body.”
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luminousalicorn · 6 months ago
New short story. Fantasy, < 3,600 words.
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impossiblepluto · 8 months ago
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Hello! Thank you so much for your interest in the Pick Your Poison Mini Event hosted by the Hurt & Comfort Bingo! Here’s your card, and feel free to use them as much as you want until the next round opens.Some reminders for the Pick Your Poison Mini Event:
There is no word minimum, and no word maximum.
Your work must be newly written and completed before marking off its square.
PYP cards are granted 1 reroll; I will use the prompts you have selected during signing up, but if you choose to have a new set of prompts, let me know!
Prompts are open to interpretation, but you are always free to ask for the definition or my interpretation of the prompts. Especially for prompts that are herbs, or come from another media/work!
Please DM the Hurt and Comfort Bingo blog to let me know that you received the card.
That’s all, thank you and have fun!
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alihightowers · 2 years ago
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the labyrinth of us~
'July 18th, 2009 
My brain is defective, so they tell me /A tangled web of misfired neurons / Strung together like uneven roads with jagged edges that lead nowhere / Full of landmines hoping for a misstep / Carved fissures between thought and memory / Unfinished, temporary. / I don’t tell them the blackouts are getting worse / That sometimes I become lost in that empty space where nothing connects, swallowed by the void / Instead, I wait in the darkness, make friends with the silence until it speaks, reaching out with a faint whisper.
Two words. Simple. Heavy. 
“Save her.” '
(the butterfly effect au no one asked for, but I'll be writing anyways because this post by @ladyalayne gave me thoughts and feelings. so credits to you babes for the mess I'm about to make lol!)
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hedgerose · 3 months ago
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Stealing this from @ralbeleren
I haven't been writing a whole lot recently so here are things that I actually might finish.
of course it hurts (Young Royals, Wille/Simon, 2k)
(def)use (9-1-1, Buck/Eddie probably, 4.5k)
hopeless fountain kingdom (remix) (Black Sails, Flint/Thomas/Miranda, 7k)
hello, hello, hello (The Batman, gen, 1.5k)
Tagging @idoltina, @penguinutopia, @hollyandvice, and anyone else who wants to!
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