#horror karlach….
spicyraeman · 8 months
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Infernal War Machine
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sailorgundam308 · 7 months
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tavtime · 10 months
the inherent body horror of Karlach's engine fascinates me. how she must have to unlatch her own flesh and bone to get at it. she hinges back her ribs the way you'd open a treasure chest, not one that contains something good, but maybe one that contains something cursed. seeing it there, woven into her body, muscle riveted to diabolical steel, tendons and pistons, reeking of blood and motor oil. the way no hands but her own can hope to get close, so she reaches into her own body, takes her own damned heart into her own damned hands, and fights the urge to crush the evil thing between her palms while her friends look on and hold their breath.
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fickle-fumble-fester · 4 months
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BG3 sketches
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a2zillustration · 8 months
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I did this fight in exactly the wrong way but Mama K saved the day by being absolutely terrifying apparently
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
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syruppina · 1 year
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The first time I saw Astarion, I thought he sounded a lot like Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show. This drawing was mandatory. Bonus skecth:
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klaasje · 9 months
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viledaylights · 4 months
Hear me out. A Rocky Horror Crossover with: Astarion as Frank-N-Furter (obviously, duh). Minsc as Rocky Wyll as Brad Tav as Janet (or Jett, if you will) Gale as Dr. Everett von Scott Shadowheart as Magenta Lae’zel as Riff Raff Karlach as Columbia and Minthara as Eddie
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Wyll's Enchanted Boots: Part 2!
Act 2, also
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It didn't take long for the group to come back. Tav, Gale, Laezel, and Halsin had spent a long day in the shadow lands searching for hints about a child named Thaniel, and had made little progress other than adding to their map, felling some enemy creatures, and meeting with some harpers. They would head northwest the next day in search of that inn they mentioned, but their day had been cut short to exhaustion.
Tav and Gale collapsed at Shadowheart's tent to heal while the others went off on their own. 
Halsin was used to getting looks from his new allies, but he felt more intense gazes as he headed back. He tried to meet eyes with Astarion and Wyll, who looked away too quickly. Both looked quite disheveled and flustered.
A smile tugged at his lips. "Did something happen while we were gone?"
"Hm?" Astarion answered too innocently. "Oh, nothing much. We scavenged a ruin nearby and found fresh clothes. Wyll found some boots your size, they're already near your tent."
Wyll snapped his attention to Astarion. "You-! Nonsense, Astarion brought everything back by himself."
"Don't be modest darling, not when you went through all of that hard work trying on the enchanted clothes."
"And here I thought you were the one to make those yourself. Seems I underestimated your mischief."
Halsin was too tired to mind whatever was going on between the two. He continued to his tent near the water and stripped off his armor piece by piece, sighing in relief to change into fresh clothing after a long day in darkness. 
The eyes remained on him, as they usually do when he changes. But this time something different happened. 
Something very different.
 He slipped into a fresh pair of boots, new ones that must have come from their scavenging, and he turned to check on the others.
He felt the boots tighten - odd - and as he took that first step he nearly crumpled to the ground. A feather-like tickle ran up his soles, and another after that. His face twisted in confusion, then realization as the enchanted boots started to tickle every inch of his feet without mercy. He chuckled and looked to Astarion and Wyll, whose grins were as wide as the druid's. He did not see Karlach and Shadowheart also looking, momentarily distracted from her healing spell. 
"Oh - OH!" He stomped his feet on the ground as the magic kept tickling, and his giggling picked up. Halsin crossed his arms over his stomach and crumpled to his knees. "Wha-HAHAHA! Whahat is thihihis?!" 
"Got him!" Karlach cheered. "Poor Wyll couldn't handle those things for more than a few minutes. Isn't it fun?"
"He couldn't handle being grabbed by his love handles either," Astarion teased. He pinched Wyll's exposed sides and got smacked. 
"I can't help my sensitivities," Wyll pouted. He fended off Astarion's teasing fingers as Halsin belly laughed harder and louder. "Stop! Let Halsin be the center of attention, will you? I've been tortured enough today."
"Hmph. I'd wager Halsin rivals even you Wyll! He's certainly as loud."
Halsin was fully lying on the ground, kicking his legs against the dirt. He tried to remove the boots, but they held tight to his skin. He flopped back over as they dug beneath his toes. A squeal escaped him, and he pounded a fist on the ground. How long had it been since his nerves were exploited in such a silly way? Had they ever been? Certainly no one was brave enough since he became an archdruid. He had forgotten how fun it could be, and admired how it brightened the team around him. They had all been so melancholy after the creche.
"Whoa," Tav breathed as they approached the hysterical giant behind Karlach. "Where did you guys find those?!"
"Astarion did earlier today near some ruins," Shadowheart said firmly. "He and Wyll were going at it earlier. It was his idea to give them to Halsin next."
"Stop dropping names," Astarion said nervously. "Stop dropping my name. Karlach brought them to his tent, after all."
"Yeah but he can't touch me without burning, unlike you Mister Giggles," Karlach laughed. "Halsin! You doing okay?"
Their favorite gentle giant was giggling so hard he could only gargle through half-started words and jumbled pleads. He kept his arms crossed over his stomach and rolled from side to side, kicking all the while. Tears of mirth were escaping the corners of his eyes. 
"Well he isn't begging for it to stop," Gale said softly. "I hope that means he's enjoying himself?"
Halsin nodded through his hysteria. 
"I don't think you can take them off when you're wearing both shoes," Wyll commented. "Astarion and Karlach got them off when they were wearing one boot each, but it was impossible for me when I was wearing both…So, uh, one of us will actually need to… step in here." He grinned at himself.
Tav groaned at the pun. "You guys were in camp tickling one another while we were risking our lives fighting shadow creatures? There was a massive fucking spider man out there, goblins, undead creatures...Godsdamn it all, why couldn't you wait until we were back?! I would have loved to see Wyll losing his mind! And Karlach can be touched with these?!"
"Oh yeah," Karlach sighed. "Wish it could tickle other parts of me…"
"We have to entertain ourselves somehow while you're away," Astarion shrugged. "And look! You have your giggley show now, don't you? I didn't think it would really be so easy to fall the mighty archdruid."
"IHIHI'M GOHOHOING TO KIHIHIHILL YOHOHOU!" Halsin roared. He wasn't really having a bad time. Their group had been through a lot in such a short period of time and he hadn't laughed so hard in many long years. Being the center of their delight wasn't a blow to his ego, if it brought a genuine smile to everyone's faces. "GeheheHET DOHOHOWN HEHEHEHERE!" He barely managed to sit up, his entire frame shaking with mirth. He took a swing for Astarion's legs, missed, and growled as he tried to crawl forward.
"Oh~!" Shadowheart giggled. "He's mobile, Astarion!"
"Oh fuck - I'll get those boots off if you don't retaliate! Wyll and Shadowheart already got their revenge on me earlier!"
Halsin lunged again for the nearest person and managed to grab Shadowheart's leg. "Nahahahat….FOR MEHEHEHEE!"
She squeaked and knelt down to stop his fingers from curling into her knee and subsequently thigh. "Hehey! I didn't do anythihihing!" Still, she didn't put up much of a fight when he pulled her down into his lap and started to squeeze her belly. She snorted and began to giggle with a very red face at being manhandled by the group's current crush - besides Tav - and subjected to torture.
"Bah," Laezel finally spoke. "To be stroked lightly and laugh in such a way - how human. And childish."
"Please, it's fun!" Karlach threw out her arms. "Gods, as soon as I can touch you all I'll show you how a proper tickle fight should go. You'll see Laezel, they're so much fun with friends! Wyll you'll have to be my first, I already know some of your tickle spots and your laugh is so sweet! Gods, we need to catch up with Dammon."
Wyll tensed at the idea of being under Karlach's mercy, giant that she was, and shuddered in secret delight. "I'd…I'd be honored to see your joy when that happens," He said honestly but very hesitantly. "As long as you show some mercy."
"I'll watch," Laezel crossed her arms, secretly admiring Halsin's mirth. "But involve me and suffer death."
"Now that I'll avoid."
"Hehehelp!" Shadowheart giggled. "C-cahahan't! Escahahahape!"
"GihihHIHIHIVE MEhehehe Astahahahariohohohon! HaHAHAHA!" Halsin bellowed out deep belly laughter again when Shadowheart stopped clawing at his hands, and instead reached back to claw his own sides. 
"Well if I'm being thrown under the bus I may as well deserve it," Astarion sighed and cracked his neck. Wyll was easy to defeat in a tickle fight, but he knew Halsin would absolutely kill him. "Tav? Or Gale? Get his arms up, won't you?"
Gale smiled and cast mage hand. It hovered in front of Halsin and Shadowheart, and with some extra concentration it grabbed Halsin's hands and lifted them. "Alright, have your fun."
"With pleasure," Tav and Astarion both descended on Halsin with Shadowheart. Halsin fell backwards onto his back, cackling madly. Fingers fluttered and squeezed over his muscled stomach, into fleshy sides, creeping into his armpits, tip-toed and counted out his most sensitive ribs. He roared when - Tav? - squeezed that most sensitive spot just under his pectorals and into his top ribs. Shadowheart was pinching the softness below his navel. He rolled back and forth in a new level of hysteria he hadn't experienced in well over a century - it wasn't unwelcome, but he was going to get them all back for this. Namely Astarion, whose fingers curling in his armpits and skittering over biceps were sending electric bolts down his spine. 
"Here," Feeling more sympathetic than the rest, Wyll sat on Halsin's legs to try and pull the boots off - he needed some form of relief. "Don't go too hard on him guys, I'm sure they've had a long day."
"Mm, I did most of the work," Gale coughed. "I finally got my fireball spell back."
"Most useful," Laezel nodded. "But it was I who had the highest body count today. You merely helped weaken them."
"Well without my fireballs we would have needed to use a revive scroll, or Withers, with the way you charge into battle."
Laezel took a moment to give Gale the benefit of the doubt. When he didn't continue with an apology for his boastful ego she uncrossed her arms and hesitantly started to poke at his sides and ribs from behind in retaliation. She used softer touches that she observed being used on Halsin, and Gale's concentration was broken instantly to a giggle fit. He curled in on himself and bent over in vain to escape her vice-like grip, but she pulled him into her chest. One arm held his waist, and the other pinched and poked at it.
"Hehehey! W-what- Lae'zel! Hehe!"
"Say that I'm more efficient in battle than you are!" She demanded, gaining confidence now that he was reacting the way Halsin was. "Suffer my superior light hearted torture!"
"Aw, aw, guys!" Karlach gasped. "Guys! It's our first tickle fight and I can't even touch you? Fucking hells that sucks!"
"Want a boot?" Wyll quickly hopped off of Halsin's legs with the enchanted boots, just in time for the mage hand to disappear with Gale's concentration. Halsin was free. "We'll get you one of these days ourselves."
"Gimme one, nobody can keep me from being a part of this!" Karlach cheered and pulled on one of the shoes so she could be a part of the tickle fight that was breaking out. 
Wyll sat beside her and watched the madness erupt. "I don't think you'll need these boots when we can touch you again," He teased. "You'll have our very willing team."
With his arms free and feet no longer being tortured, Halsin had grabbed the person who wasn't running away fastest: Astarion. And that was only because he was pushed into Halsin's body by Tav and Shadowheart to avoid that very fate. The spawn squealed in fear, girlishly swatting at Halsin's large arms as they wrapped around him. Halsin managed to keep the vampire on his chest as one extremely large hand covered the entirety of his belly, and scratched at it with vigor. Astarion choked on his first cackle, and then the noises he made would have made one think a hyena had entered their camp. 
"Prank an archdruid, and suffer the consequences!" Halsin roared in victory. Astarion writhed like a flopping fish on him, but he held fast. "I'm coming after ALL of you!" His large fingers scuttled to Astarion's sides, then ribs, and avoided his swinging arms by going directly into his armpits. 
Astarion's arms clamped to his sides, quite uselessly, and he practically jumped out of his skin. "NAHT THERE NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!" He arched his back into Halsin's chest and howled, stuck on his back. With both of Halsin's hands preoccupied, he finally managed to roll off him to the ground.
The escape attempt was stopped quickly. Halsin sat up and pulled Astarion into his lap, wiggling his fingers in those death spots all the while. "I'll be staying right here," Halsin assured him. "To teach you a valuable lesson!" 
Gale made it to his knees in front of Wyll and Karlach, the unfortunate first victim of Laezel's merciless fingers. "Admit it or suffer more forced laughter!" She kept demanding. "I am the best fighter! Even now I have you lying defenseless beneath me in a hilarious fit! Suffer a most silly wrath!"
Unfortunately, Gale couldn't breathe, and therefore couldn't answer. Choked pleads and squeals and half-hearted attempts to get her to move were to no avail, and he couldn't laugh hard enough from the militant alien's insufferable tickle torture. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, and it was all he could do to keep his arms firmly pinned to his sides.
Tav and Shadowheart looked at each other with bright smiles. Shadowheart looked at Astarion, back at Tav, and had to shout over the maniacal cackling and howling laughter. "Get his knees!"
"No! Really?" Tav didn't hesitate. Too excited by the prospect of seeing Astarion giddy and out of control, they knelt down in front of the pair. Halsin had wrapped one leg around one of Astarion's, but the vampire's other kicked dirt. 
Just before Tav could start squeezing the trapped knee, Shadowheart's nimble fingers wormed their way under their arms. Tav squeaked at the betrayal and was pulled backwards into the cleric's chest, just like Astarion and Halsin across from them. 
Astarion was bent in half in Halsin's lap, shaking and cackling with giant bear fingers trapped and wriggling in his armpits. He started to slump over to the side and was pulled right back into Halsin's chest with a shout. He was shown a slight mercy as Halsin finally pinched his way down to Astarion's tummy again, and the poor thing snorted and twisted. 
Finally, FINALLY, the squeezes and skitters slowed to pokes and slower vibrations that Astarion could breathe and gasp through. "Oh, oho, haha, heheh, f-fahack…Ah gahahads, yohou're evihihil!"
"Evil wouldn't involve breaks," Halsin pinched his hip. 
"AHA!...B-break? You're not blohohoody stahahapping!"
"Look around you," He nodded to the group. Tav and Shadowheart were making each other squeak as they fought for control. Gale was wheezing as Wyll tried to talk Lae'zel into letting the matter drop. Karlach was in the middle of taking off the tickle boot, watching the group too. She gave Halsin and Astarion a wink. "I've never seen anything like it. You have made everyone so happy this evening. Even if it started at my expense, I intend for it to end at yours. Shared delight is such a wonderful gift like that, isn't it?"
"Hah? HAAAAAAHAHAHA!" Astarion swayed to the side and managed to fall over. Halsin was digging into his sides again, and focused both large hands on scribbling into the one now facing up. Astarion could only battle weakly at the stronger man's hands. 
Tav and Shadowheart finally called a truce, and Lae'zel was showing Gale mercy only because he had started to wheeze more than laugh. Wyll patted his back as Karlach grabbed the boots to hide at someone else's tent. Halsin wouldn't be done with Astarion for a few more minutes. Noticeably, he wasn't begging for it to stop.
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abigailmoment · 6 months
Karlach walked through the camp. She was feeling peaceful and affectionate towards everyone, and tapped people's tentpoles as she passed them. Gale. Shadowheart. Lae'zel. Herself. She liked herself too. When she got to Astarion's tent she tapped a tentpole and crouched down near the entrance.
"Hey fangs," Karlach said. "You about?"
No response. And no sign of vampire on the bedroll inside. But that wasn't strange. He slept half as much as everyone else and was always out hunting at night. And if he felt good enough to do that he was fine. Karlach stood up.
But wait. No. He wouldn't be hunting. Because they were in the Shadowlands and there was nothing with blood in it to hunt. He complained about that every other day.
Was he sneaking around stealing from people again? Karlach cast her gaze around the dark camp, looking particularly at Gale's and Shaodwheart's tents. She didn't see anything, but that meant squat when it came to sneaky vampires.
Karlach was trying to figure what to do when she heard a sound from inside the tent in front of her. A kind of strangled choking noise. It was the kind of sound a person makes when they're trying not to cough.
Karlach crouched back down and crawled inside the tent.
Astarion was curled into a tight, fetal ball in the far back corner of his tent. He had a brown blanket wrapped tightly around himself, but was still shivering so hard it looked like he was convulsing.
Excerpt from Bad Blood, Chapter 3 on AO3
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wrenhavenriver · 11 months
Narrator: You can't hide it, even from yourself: you are deeply unsettled by that thing in your brain, and you haven't a clue how to cure it. Player Choice -> While I'm at it, I better find a way to turn down this inferno blazing in my heart. Karlach, thinking: Dammon seems to have made a good start. I ought to keep him close....Really close. And then, next time he leans in to listen to my heart, I take his chin in my hand and I lift his face to meet mine and I...stop it, brain, this isn't the time!...Is it? -> It is. Karlach: So I take his chin in my hand and I lift his face to meet mine and his face softens, like he's seeing me for the first time. "Karlach," he says, straightening. He puts his hand over mine, steps closer to me. Hand on my waist now as he leans in and kisses me so softly, like he's savoring each sensation. His hand moves lower, and he pulls me even closer to him. I'm all nerves now, all starry, as my head explodes, showering him with skull fragments to reveal a mass of tentacles--OH, GODS! -> OH GODS! Karlach: Retreat. Abort. Go back. Ugh, why? How do I turn [the parasite] off? [Yawning] Oh wait, I know. [Turns over and goes to sleep]
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sailorgundam308 · 9 months
I’m a shameless sucker for explicit gory and body horror-y content about Karlach and her backstory/ body scars / engine.
Melting skin? Metal bolts piercing flesh? Broken ribcage? Valves and arteries and pins? A very fucked up mockery of a “surgery”?
Yum. Yes. It’s horrible and I’m here for it. I wanna be left with my jaw on the floor saying “holy FUCK”. And that makes me happy.
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eye-of-yelough · 6 months
what do we think of “i’ve been emotionally empty for so long but since i met my soulmate, i’ve started feeling things again. (the feelings are sadism, megalomania, possessive obsession and sick, twisted, conquestsexual lust)” as a horror trope
aka: we complete each other (oh god. oh fuck.)
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
himh I'll make a Dark Urge that's so fucking scared
big scary bloodsoaked killer, tearing through armies with her literal bare hands? nah. a quiet, scared girl who doesn't understand why she does what she does, why she can do what she can, but is, at the same time, deeply disgusted by herself because she has just enough self-awareness to know to be repulsed.
maybe it's because I'm a tiny bit obsessed with clinging to the thought that people, at the end of the day, are fundamentally good, no matter what. that there is a fundamental human goodness in all people that makes them worthy of redemption, or at least of the opportunity for atonement.
maybe the way I want to play a story like that is with someone who, stripped from indoctrination and free for the first time to think for herself and embrace and be who she is, finds that in the deepest, most hidden pits of her soul, she is not the strong, kind, resilient person she might want to be. try as the might, she is not someone who can bear the weight of her own past, she's just a... a terrified, broken little girl, cowering in the shadows and unable to look herself in the eye. (which also gives me ideas for her relationship with Orin but that's a little bit beside the point)
cathartic self-insert who. therapy? what is that. is it on Steam or Epic.
#video games are cheaper than therapy i know from experience#squirrel plays bg3#oc: mara#watching my partner play his durge last night i had Thoughts#so far i'm thinking that this intense fear will be what initially draws my girl to Karlach#because karlach is so.... bright. and exuberant. and even chivalrous in her way#she's so LOUDLY good that her presence is louder than even the fear and... there is something really sweet about that#it'll be a bit of a change of pace for me to REALLY lean into playing a character who... isn't a protector in any way#someone who doesn't put their feelings last#not even out of pure obligation or self-preservation#but rather they are someone who NEEDS comfort and protection#and at the same time IS the danger itself yknow#(my default boys Arvid and Ray are sort of different flavors of a “kinght” archetype)#(the former is the “courage is overcoming fear”-type)#(the latter is the “fate's puppet; thrown at ever-increasing horrors until one finally kills him [and maybe he'll even welcome that]” type)#(Iona may be the most emotionally intelligent but she is in survival mode for a long time which complicates things)#(Petyr is selfish and kinda.... phlegmatic; performatively indifferent until he's yanked from it)#(but Mara will be... feeling ALL of her feelings. and I think Karlach will make her feel the closest to what she can think of as “normal”)#(there's perpetrator guilt. and shame. and fear. disgust at her own urges. intrusive thoughts and bodily reactions that disturb her.)#(i think she'll be pretty fascinating to play)#(holy tag novel dang)
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lunarharp · 11 months
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lazy scribbling of my baldur's gate 3 characters
#*emerges from 430 HOURS of life-changing playtime blearily like a lost and confused kitten*#i lost my interest in drawing bc everything is too sad & horrible right now. it was a luxury and privilege to lose myself in this instead#what follows will be my personal and trivial emotions about that#i'll do better proper drawings later. for me. they are both so very dear to me... deeply dear...unforgettable journeys of fate#truly have played like one possessed for the past few weeks. you have no idea. what do i do now. what do i do.#their personalities are so vivid to me though they mostly made the same choices. both intersex and they/them - canonically <3#i missed out on FOUR PARTY MEMBERS in my first playthrough due to not understanding anything whatsoever.#gloaming ended up with wyll and pavane romanced karlach and astarion. and ended up with the one i did NOT plan on. this wasnt the plan#one of the most fulfilling romance paths i've ever..i cant say more..it all got too immersive and now i have to just.. MOVE ON ??????????#live in THIS world where i can't gut imperialism personally and emerge alive from that?#without Long Resting? without my character requesting a kiss from their beloved after a tough day ??#without preparing my little spells? without channelling divinity from my death god to keep us all alive?#without dyeing my man's clothes fancy colours for him? without him Approving whenever i lie and double-cross our enemies#without sharing clothes with my ex? without choosing to eat the heavy food first so that the weight is easier on her Carrying Capacity?#without orchestrating ways for all of my friends to kill the abusers that ruined their lives for a decade or even 200 years?#without experiencing degrading horrors on a daily basis but in a cathartic way where we always make it back to our rooms at the inn#WITHOUT SPEAK WITH ANIMALS???????????#at least there's music. just like with persona 5 that will always be with me. always#like how p5 melodies take me back to those feelings. those rich and personal feelings.... BUT THIS WAS A WAY MORE NUTS EXPERIENCE#i thought i would hate it. i did at times. thought it would desensitise me to various things. it did. but there was so much more..it was...#Well anyway *continues my life* imagine if dnd was real..something to think about
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cicada-candy · 11 months
The Ghost Rider Brainrot Is Officially Back And It's Out For Blood, Im Afraid.
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(its pretty mild though, all things considered)
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This didn't turn out exactly like I wanted but I'm still pretty proud of it >:]c
Cant believe we're 2 weeks into October and this is the first time im drawing spooky ghost rider stuff. Or just creepy stuff in general even my inktober's been super tame.
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as usual, i actually think i like the sketch better lmao
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