#hopefully i can do it someday
zoopzopp · 1 year
Could you do big lookin' dépressed with the the dépressed orange pallet?
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Day 25 of drawing bakugo daily till @is-bakugou-alive-yet says yes
(the colour palette has happy vibes but here is he </3)
send me some characters and expressions and palettes!
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kaiserouo · 2 months
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getvalentined · 2 months
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Too bad Vincent is dropping in EC too late to go swimming with everyone else. Maybe next year?
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somereaderinblue · 3 months
Just watched Ultraman Rising.
Realized tomorrow is Father's Day.
And cried again.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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I had an idea w this doodle but it might work better as a comic, but I think he looks good so he's staying in my notebook
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theonewithval · 15 days
Teasing him that he will never find the right woman, girl you are that woman 💀
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I'm trying to write my lil taynick fic and pretty much everything is written except everything that involves penises??? I have 3.5k and barely any smut?? When it's supposed to be pwp???
Writing about something you have no experience of is hardddd, i already struggled with this for my tentacle fic, and now i'm back on google/quora/reddit researching the weirdest, most basic stuff about dicks (honestly bless the people who answer those questions in great details)
And all the while i keep thinking about this panel in Gender Queer: a memoir where e considers going on tinder to get experience in order to write smut lmao like i'm not brave enough to actually do it (and also it would be weird) but it is extremely tempting rn
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roboyomo · 5 months
I'm enabling you now go go go
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UOU. SIGNAL UNDERSTOOD. Time for the big kenix and azrael rant under the cut!!!
So to start off, I'll briefly explain Azrael as a character since Kenix technically already had a brief character explanation
Azrael is also one of the "7 Deadly Sins" crew, just like Kenix, with his assigned sin being Envy.
For Azrael's case, Envy would be represented by his failures. Specifically failing his original protecting duties as a soldier in his past life, now envious of 'he' from his fantasies who has succeeded to protect others. The fact that he failed many times to live up to the version of him who has it all, driving him absolutely crazy. And as he does not have any idea how to deal with these feelings of anger and guilt, he only starts to blame everyone else around who had it better than him. Anyone who has managed to live up to their goals, being incredibly envious of them, to the point of purposefully ruining their lives. Ruining what they had so they could experience the same misery he felt this entire time, until it backfired and got him killed instead. (he is in misery but he doesn't want to be drowned in it alone, so he brings others down with him). He has failed himself by not meeting his own expectations, so the thought that there is a version of him out there that has succeeded to meet those same expectations and is now living better than before... makes him want to curse the entire world. Being extremely jealous of anyone who had the great success he wanted originally, now pouring out his misery as revenge on others, just to see them fall down the same way his entire world shattered in his eyes. The same misery now being turned into the poison inside his body, using it as a weapon against his enemy in the Afterlife. Now living as a cursed being that is forever bound to this insufferable nature, he tries to keep mostly to himself after becoming the 4th in line to join the sins crew. No roaming around the land with no end in sight, no contact, no relationships — only him and himself.
That is until Kenix himself has taken interest in Azrael. The interest was ever so the same as it was for the previous members of the crew. Attempting to get on semi-friendly terms with the others that are now just as miserable as him deep inside, since aggravating them would nothing good to both parties and he is aware of how fucked everything is for all of them combined, having the "false" feeling of empathy for them. But Azrael intrigued him the most because of how much he felt that their anguish was similar in a way. Both of their worlds were shattered and took it out on others because they didn't know how to deal with their problems in a healthy way, Azrael's case just got more extreme than Kenix's, who has only took it out on his surronding enviroment, which was very limited ever since he was young (and additionally taking it out on some of the Original timeline crew members/"The Warriors" after he was in the Afterlife). It was then when the suppressed desperation to feel something resurfaced. The wish to know what a connection between people is, the wish to have even someone by his side that would accept him as the awful person he is now. That desperation slipping through the the cracks of his facade of carelessness for others, having no feelings of remorse for his actions — he knows he can't go on for long without any sort of human interaction, that would only drive him more insane and worsen his state which would lead to his end sooner than expected. Not only is it because he knows that there is a higher risk chance if he will forever cut off everyone from his life, it is own wish to have someone finally accept him that has been born from the years of loneliness and isolation. He wants to, he 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 find some sort of companion for his own sake, something he never thought could happen because he truly believed that he would be better off without anyone. He doesn't think that he could ever become better, but the thought that someone, whose just as awful as he is, would accept him as this very same awful being, made him feel something that he has never experienced (Is it hope?? Is it the desperation for affection?? Not even Kenix knows that)
And that's when Azrael comes in. Nothing about Azrael said that the interest was mutual, but Kenix didn't stop attempting to engage in a first conversation with him. Azrael, due to his nature and the decision to distance himself from others, didn't feel like it. In fact, he also felt like Kenix shouldn't be trusted so there was this constant need to be cautious around him. Something about that attitude, that smile, the manner of speaking Kenix has,,, threw him off a few times to be honest. But when Azrael tried to confront Kenix head on about why the one kept trying to get closer to him, Kenix would only make up a shallow lie that Azrael's gradient hair looked interesting. He could 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 ever admit out loud that he desperately longed for someone who understood him, admitting to that would be a sign of showing weakness — and that is prohibited when Kenix's first desire was about being powerful and seem powerful. Additionally, it is not like he would ever take "my carefully built facade is slowly breaking day by day and my true feelings and desperate wishes for human companionship and physical affection have been shown to someone that I thought would finally be the one to help me get through this agony" well. he would probably spiral and worsen everything about his mental state and sanity even more and that means that he would meet his demise sooner. which is unwanted as he still wants to have a chance at life — not the best one, but a life at the very least.
It is where their relationships starts to build off from that point. Azrael slowly starts to show more trust towards Kenix and that made Kenix have this sense of hope, the hope that Azrael will become the one person Kenix wished to have by his side until the end of time. Kenix undeniably always has been fascinated by Azrael and with each interaction, the fascination for him grew only bigger. From Azrael acting annoyed at Kenix for being too bothersome to sincerely enjoying each other's company. Starting all those nice conversations between them about anything they share as interests until Azrael one day decided to hold Kenix's hand without realizing it himself. He pretty much realized it only by seeing Kenix's puzzled face. That is when he found out that Kenix has... almost no concept of what physical affection is shown through. No grasp on the idea of what hand holding is, or no idea about any other displays of affection. Finding out about just how isolated Kenix was that he has no idea about how it feels to be hugged or hug someone else was just shocking to him. Which made him start being curious about what various displays of affection Kenix has no idea about. and is it not surprising that he doesn't know about most of it. this man's past is probably the definition of loneliness and he never knew what it was like to be loved or show love to others so pretty obvious that this stuff will puzzle him as it is just this new thing for him even if he wished for it for a long time.
Azrael just holding his hand actually made Kenix crave that feeling more (because of incredibly touch starved this man is). It is "I never knew of this sensation but please stay with me like this for just a few more minutes I'll provide us with all the time in the world to allow us to just stay closer together for a longer while" kind of craving (at this point he is not able to hide just how badly he needed someone next to him at all times)
Now Azrael is just showing this guy with some serious unaddressed issues™ what it is like to be loved and Kenix tries to show love back with what is left of his heart. Usually successful but sometimes it is just gifting something made out of someone else. it is not fun to hear the screaming of thousands because you wear this ring he gifted you. They have still committed atrocities but now they are able to accidentally "fix" each other without realizing it
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unlikelytrashcreation · 9 months
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Trashes coms are now open!!
✏️-15$ for a sketch (shoulders up)
✏️-20$ for full body sketch (or a copy of a bust)
✏️-25$ for a physical copy of a full body sketch
(Background included! 15$ extra for a second character 25$ extra for NSFW content)
✒️-25$ for line art shoulders up
✒️-40$ for full body line art (or for a physical copy of a bust)
✒️-45$ a physical copy of a full body line art
(Backgrounds included 15$ extra for an extra character 25$ extra for NSFW content)
🌈-45$ for a full color peice shoulders up
🌈-60$ for full body color art (or a physical copy of a bust)
🌈-65$ for a physical copy of a full body piece
(Backgrounds included 15$ extra for a second character 25$ extra for NSFW content)
😏-65$ for a fully colored fully rendered peice shoulders up
😏-70$for a fully rendered fully colored full body piece (or a physical copy of a bust)
😏-80$ for a copy of a fully rendered full body piece
(Backgrounds included 15$ extra for a second character 25$ extra for NSFW content)
I will draw most fetishes as well as dirties and mecha
I will not draw adult on child NSFW or romance, real people in NSFW scenarios or any kind of scat.
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My weekly d&d campaign of nearly 3 years is coming to an end in another 3 or 4 sessions. Not just because the party is finally in the endgame and stepping up to the Big Bad, but because the living situations of two of my players are gonna be changing in August and they’re not gonna have the space to play anymore. It truly is the end of the era.
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orcelito · 4 months
Ykno when ur lookin at an artist and ur like "man, I want to commission art from You, Specifically"
I have something in mind for a scene that's coming up in ITNL (whenever I start writing again) that would be really cool, & I know Exactly who I'd want it by... except they don't have open commission slots 😭😭😭
I can be patient, though... I have been patient before...
#speculation nation#and if they dont open up commissions again well thats entirely their choice & i would never fault them for that#but. man. it would just look so cool in their style.#and so i wait... and maybe someday.... i can get it.#tho maybe i should type up my thoughts about the piece Now 😂 so i dont end up missing the window & being out on a waitlist#like what happened with my commission of vash's scars.#i did get it in tbh a pretty reasonable time frame despite being on a waitlist for a bit#but. ykno. the thing with popular artists opening commissions is that EVERYONE is gonna flock to them for it#so me taking a few hours to thoroughly describe the scars commission made it so the open slots filled up#but thankfully he was nice enough to put me on a waitlist 🥺🥺🥺#no guarantee for this other artist should they open commissions that id get a slot and/or on a waitlist#SO!!!!! i should be ready.#tho itd probably take much less time to describe it 😂 given that it has more to do with the pose /&@#* than smth as definite and detailed as scars reference.#just. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔#now that ive had the thought i just want so badly to commission it hfksbfjd#the thing isnt even written!!! it's still chapters away!!!!!#but man. it sure would be cool huh.#oh well. i will simply be patient. hopefully before too long they will open their commissions again.#also yes me getting a commission for my fic again. idk there's just smth rly cool about having illustrations in the fic.#so i will wait and i will hope. that i can get this commission at some point.
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yuichiroswife · 5 months
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{ Despite me not originally liking or caring for Prompto from Final Fantasy XV, the funky little guy somehow became my favorite character in the game (if we exclude Noctis anyway). The dude is literally me with how he behaves and feels which was probably the main reason why I disliked him originally (cause I generally hate being reminded of myself).
He's such a cute and friendly guy who just wants to fit in so badly with his friends that he just thinks the worst of himself. I honestly would have killed to have a friend like that when I was growing up as a child. He's so absolutely loyal to Noctis, Gladiolus, and Ignis and I love that. I love their friendship, it's just so genuine. }
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anonymouspuzzler · 10 months
Since Villain Coded is a fantasy superhero-supervillain-esque type of world, then that means everyone has some sort of unique superpower ability, no? If so, what are the Trio's abilities? Can they have more than one? Are their abilities with specific limits like energy, logic, rules of life, etc. Are there abilities that are more common or rarer than others? Am I now asking too many spoiler-worthy questions as well LMAO
Anyway I'm guessing that some of the questions I've been giving here have probably already been generally answered at some point... So kindly just ignore this ask if it's been answered already and you don't feel like answering them again JDHAJSHAKA I'll just sift through your Villain Coded tags when I get more leisure time 🫡
Also good god you've no idea how much I LOVE. Superpower abilities kind of concepts in stories, I will eat your comic up so hard when it releases in the future (both for the trio and the story you're planning) >:3c
not everyone does, no! for example, out of the trio, only Buck has powers (specifically superhuman durability & healing, hence his moniker of The Invincible Bulkhead - even though he's not actually invincible...). Minnie and Davey both have no powers, though Minnie's the child of two generations of superpowered folks (both her parents have powers, as did both of her dad & Buck's parents) and she's hanging on to the possibility she's just a late bloomer - they use a combination of hand-to-hand combat training and mechanical augments to help them fight on the level of their superhero opponents.
more generally, though, superpowers are very much a "everything and the kitchen sink" situation - people can absolutely have more than one, they come from a variety of sources, and they all have their potential limits/drawbacks/etc. (for example, Minnie's dad/Buck's brother has super-strength, but he doesn't have healing abilities like Buck does, so while he's strong enough to break through a brick wall with his bare hands, he's probably gonna shatter his bones doing so.)
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sysig · 11 months
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TFW you kill god: Oops lol 🙈😳✌ ️(Patreon)
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peepthatbish · 10 months
Ooooo!; if you do make a lofi Sky I would love to see it!
Fi? Can you play First Snow by Chris Mazuera?
Oh gods, Ladye I cannot creative arts however I tried incredibly hard to draw this. I didn’t plan to colour it but curiosity got the best of me, so have both!! Also I was gonna draw headphones, but then realised… I don’t know HOW those would fit around his ears??? So I stuck to a radio.
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syxnewt · 6 months
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featuring: Lucy (she/her), Aya (she/they), Chris (he/him)
i made them when i was like 14-15 but this is the most effort i ever put into their designs
under the cut are them separate so it's easier to see
their magical girl series would be called "Road to Happiness" bc they're all paths and they're all paths bc of that AND because path is a root word relating to emotion and shit (i thought i was so smart piecing that together)
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