#homie you can do that too
hoofpeet · 1 year
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Pet dog made me trans (not clickbait)
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your-mums-nuts · 8 months
The thing I love about Protective!Ted in relation to tedbecca is not the whole ‘caveman angry because someone upset his woman’ but rather, how his anger and dislike for Rupert, and the way that he handles it, signals to (a very mistrustful) Rebecca that his charm and his kindness is not some farce he shows absolutely everybody.
Over time, we learn that Rupert started out charming. He told Rebacca all he wanted was to talk to her, he made her feel special. So when Ted comes in every morning to bring her a batch of homemade biscuits and just, hang out with her. She’s understandably hesitant, because that’s how Rupert got her, and she doesn’t yet understand the difference between charming and nice.
But when Ted faces off against Rupert (eg the gala, playing darts) his responses to her being insulted, belittled and spoken down to, all reveal a level of uncontrollable, genuine care.
Rupert would’ve easily brushed off any insults towards his wife with some charm and good natured teasing, he probably even joined in, the fucking guy. Meanwhile, Ted’s reactions to Rupert insulting Rebecca are always abrupt and defensive. He loses his cool, he says something he’s not supposed to, he reveals something he’s not supposed to, he becomes a guy that even we, the audience, are not used to. But his protectiveness never comes from a place of typical, masculine possessiveness or jealousy. (Okay, maybe a little jealousy. A girl can dream)
In the charity-gala episode, Rupert causes immediate stress for Rebecca. So Ted, not even knowing the full extent of it yet, visibly dislikes this guy from the moment they meet. Even when Rupert’s charming the pants off the crowd and raising charity ‘for the children’ Ted continues to react uncomfortably in his presence, no matter how friendly he is.
Then, when he does get the extent of it, (Rebecca crying, Rupert being the one to cancel the musical guest) he lets that dislike out, openly taking Rebecca’s side. Which isn’t surprising, but is still very sweet.
In the dart episode, Rupert reveals he’s gonna be in the owners box everyday. Ted doesn’t like this at all, but he doesn’t go off his own reaction, he observes Rebecca’s reaction to gauge her feelings on the matter. Rebecca is clearly unsettled and uncomfortable, and you can kind of see Ted mentally go, ‘yeah no, she’s not cool with that, that’s not happening.’
And then even before they play darts, first and foremost, Ted checks if Rebecca would like to leave. Now, we know his character hates conflict, especially after his train-wreck marriage, so we know that he would like to leave. But when Rebecca decides to remain in a bar with her horrible ex-husband, his child-bride and a room full of people who adore him, which is a little masochist-y even for me, he doesn’t even hesitate.
Her reasoning is very English. ‘Make yourself suffer out of obligation to polite society’ type shit. But instead of making her feel silly or ridiculous or forcing her to leave, Ted goes out of his way to ease Rebecca’s suffering and make Rupert leave her alone, even if it causes him discomfort.
Now, I know that Ted is a very caring character and a lot of this can be chalked up to him being a good friend. But with the way they present Ted and Rebeca’s relationship (he calls her boss, she calls the shots, she’s more authoritative) To see him take over for her, without thought, whenever Rupert upsets her, reveals more intimacy and depth to their relationship than we previously understood. And to have her be grateful, and in some instances, downright delighted by this display of care and protectiveness, reveals something else entirely.
Anyway I read twelve protective!Ted tedbecca fics last night and this is what’s left of my brain.
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alilaro · 1 year
those damned anime weebs were right, Neon Genesis Evangelion really does go fucking hard
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marchsage · 8 months
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siliconcat · 10 months
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went to an anime convention this weekend and did reimari irl
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maggot-baggage · 4 months
Forgot to mention i had a job interview yesterday so can i get about an ounce of hope that it get it fr
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charlotte-queen-owl · 7 months
Hey, I'm Charlotte, Broke and going to college in about 2 months. Pay me to draw anything and I will because I have no morals. I'm serious. Furries and Oiled up old men are on the table.
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merverelli · 7 months
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👼🗡️ toddiel, the golden sword of the inconquerable dawn. 👼🗡️
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solarpunkani · 7 months
Saw your tags on that post about swamp milkweed about having trouble getting it started--you may already know this, but milkweed seeds need light to germinate! They only need a light dusting of soil on top of them (and putting them somewhere with a lot of light helps!); if you can't see the seed through the soil, it's buried a little too deep. They basically want to be laying flat on the surface of the soil rather than poked down into it, with just enough soil on top to help them retain moisture. Yes this does make it kind of annoying to manage moisture because you don't really want them drying out either (sorry 😭) but I hope this helps!! I mention it because this is the most common issue I see with people trying to grow milkweeds from seed. They also want 4 weeks of cold stratification (cool temperatures like in a fridge while also being in contact with moist soil; you can plant your seeds, pop the whole pot in a ziplock/cover it with cling wrap, and just refrigerate it for a few weeks) so don't forget to do that!
You know
it's really funny
because i like to call myself the self-proclaimed milkweed queen of tumblr (at least on my gardening blog but still)
And yet
constantly fucking forget about the light thing
IDK if that'll fix all my problems (the soil at my house is pretty sandy so I think that's the problem when it comes to transplanting at least) but regarding getting those little shits to germinate??? that might be the ticket
(one of the other problems I face sometimes is the seeds deciding to mold when they're in the fridge cold stratifying, i lost a good chunk of seeds to that last year but i don't see any signs of it happening yet this year so fingers crossed everyone)
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loptrcoptr · 8 months
Went on a trail ride with another girl I haven’t ridden with in a while l and said “hey let’s try this trail!” and then I nearly got us stuck in a fucking swamp
I literally said “haha, come on Bertie (my horse) it’s not like it’s quicksand” and then boom! it kind of WAS though and my pony is fat but she is small, so she got stuck up to her knees a few times but oh my god, poor Buster is a normal sized thick ol halter hog quarter horse boy and he almost went down. he sunk in on the left side up to his stifle. that’s like his hip man that’s like. Almost the butt. that was high-as-a-horse’s-hips mud. That was horse-thigh-gap-height mud. Oh my god.
This obviously scared the horse so then he scrambled out as best he could and he took his mom into a bank full of many sharp little trees and she almost came off and then had to get down and back him back into the mud to get him out and around the trees again
Was my horse as affected? No. Was I hit so hard in the face by tree branches that I bit my lip? No, but her horse reenacted the neverending fucking story for a minute there and she got pistol whipped by branches and I felt so bad 😭 in fairness, she never objected to exploring. not in fairness, it was absolutely my dumbass idea
This is why no one wants to ride with us, even when I try to have a chill walk-only lazy little trail ride I still manage to get us into some kind of chaos, because my riding style can only be described as Quaintly Unhinged™️
As pet tax, here’s my pony and her stupid stray dog she adopted, brave survivors of the sticky icky swamp
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cedarw00div · 4 months
I'm going to kill Queen Galfrey
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karaokebearwithal · 6 months
I wanted...
I wanted to do a lil' outfit challenge design thing
But I got lost in the sauce of the poses (I love doing poses)
So I lost steam when it came to the fits (did not even wanna look up a ref)
But I think the sketches display a range of emotion that further characterizes Domino
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(Squished version)
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mars-ipan · 6 months
guys i have to edit videos on macOS in class today. pray for me
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akkivee · 1 year
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kuukou was the first to show up once ichiro shared his vision lol 🤭
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lazulisong · 1 year
i have sent in my exchange requests for the trans4trans thing (late) and did not unduly burden verity beyond "for christs sake don't make me write transmasc unless it's funny" so i'm feeling very proud of myself lmao
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trjnjtyy · 1 year
I was scrolling…on Instagram… and saw some cool ass photography of a cool concept…I check the caption…ai generated…I keel over and die
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