#hogwarts: legacy
ms-rampage · 1 year
Sebastian: "Kate, I promise you'll be safe under my protection."
Garreth: "Protection? She has a dragon you dumb cunt."
Kate: *quietly leaves as they begin to duel*
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Hogwarts: Legacy
I saw some friends on the mod team for the server were playing it today in a Discord server I (was) on. That really hurt me. I'm not going to yell and scream at them or anyone who plays that game, nor did I flounce as I left, but if you choose to... then you're choosing to contribute to transphobia, antisemitism, and do it in a charged environment that is targeting trans people specifically right now. I'm not okay with that.
JKR gets residuals from that game, involved or not. Those residuals will be claimed by her as a validation of her views, as she sees every dollar earned as a vote in favor of transphobia. The developers have already been paid, so buying the game doesn't help them. Whatever you think about separating the art from the artist, she disagrees with you and links herself inextricably to her art, so consuming it is supporting her whether you like it or not. She spends that money to harass, oppress, and ultimately support the genocide of trans people. That is not hyperbole. But, enjoy your video game. I mean that sincerely. It would suck to spend your hard-earned money and not enjoy that video game. Still, choosing to buy it was its own issue.
It's not a hard choice, in my opinion. Not only is it transphobic, it is also antisemitic and simply not well-made, by accounts from reviewers and people who've played it. People have enjoyed poorly-made games before, though, so maybe you will enjoy this one. Spend your money how you choose.
If you choose to make that choice, that's... that's certainly one you can make. You have the freedom to make it. Congrats. But, it means that I will not trust you as a person to have authority over me, to police or patrol my safety, or to stand up for me when it comes time to. It means I don't want you in a position of authority in my life. If that hurts you to hear... well, okay. I won't say sorry because my boundaries are my own and I will not apologize for enforcing them, now or ever, and they don't have to make sense to you. So, to the people playing it who know what that choice entails, but choose to do it anyway...
Have a nice life.
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anddreadful · 2 years
I haven't played the game and won't, so grain of salt, but everything about the in-game morality of the terf wizard game is fascinating to me. this is why you CAN'T tell a story that makes NO moral judgements/ aligns itself with no particular ethical stances whatsoever-- because that's not possible. every story frames some choices or states of being as superior to others, so all you're doing by professing not to pass any judgements on anything is ceding active control over what those judgements are, which will almost certainly result in a mess that reveals your inherent biases.
The game apparently has a negative outcome (family devastated, the criminal further radicalized) for you turning in a cold-blooded murderer to be arrested and shipped off to Azkaban, and no consequences whatsoever for not turning him in. My guess is less that the game is pro murder (and even less that the game is anti-carceral, lol) and more that they were taking pains to not make a player feel judged for behaving amorally-- I think I saw some promo interviews/ pre-game materials from the devs stating that that was a goal of theirs?-- but man! By avoiding putting any particular values into your game, you put some really weird ones in. And it sounds like this is a problem that goes all the way down, from the ill-conceived and offensive conflict with the goblins to the limited ending options.
I almost said "JKR aside" at the top of this post, but you can't put JKR aside in this conversation. Not just because you can't disentangle that the cultural clout of this game, never mind the monetary profits, are feeding transphobic (and antisemitic!) hate, but because this bothsidesey nonsense is a problem caused by her terfiness. Because of how charged the conversation around the franchise is, the devs seem to have tried to make a game no one could accuse of being "woke" while also appealing those hand-wringing leftist millennial ex-potter-stans with diversity and inclusiveness. So many of the creative decisions seem made in an attempt to not actually make any choices, a grand act of artistic cowardice. And it doesn't work, both because that shit never works and because JKR's worldbuilding, a world of happy slave labor and a magical aristocracy, specifically, cannot support it.
When you make art for everyone, you make art for no one. And certainly not out of the bones of something that was always hateful.
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disasterhimbo · 1 year
hey so I'm kinda struggling on what to do and maybe you can help me out?
so i am trans but in the closet, and my parents bought me hogwarts legacy for my birthday. i told them i dont like giving money to jkr and they said it was too late but that they were sorry for buying it
but heres the part where I'm stuck
do i play the game? the money's already spent, but would it be okay to play it? i personally havent played the game yet, but my sisters have.
what is your opinion on it?
Oh god I’m sorry, that’s such an uncomfortable situation.
I wouldn’t play the game if it was me because it’s incredibly antisemitic, it is unaffectionately nicknamed “the blood libel game,” and I would not be able to enjoy that.
Here is a video that goes into more detail about why the game itself is bad, in addition to the creators being bigots.
I hope this is helpful.
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trippol-threat · 2 years
Okay so something has been bugging me for a little while so I'm gonna say it here.
Firstly, I wanna preface this by saying two things: I am trans. I am not Jewish, so if I should delete this as a goy, lmk and I will.
So, naturally this is gonna be about JKR and the new game (hogwarts:legacy? I think). Anyway my point is that, as a trans person, everyone getting bitchy about people not boycotting the game cos she's a TERF is really bugging me. Not because she's not a terf, and not because you shouldn't boycott the game, but because the game
Is so unbelievably antisemitic
To me, this is worse. The fact that people are voluntarily playing a game that is SO OBVIOUSLY antisemitic is horrendous, but so is the fact that people seem to care more about the fact the creator is transphobic than the very real and obvious fact that the actual plot of the game is fucking horrific
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krijgsdos · 2 years
I have the biggest crush on Professor Garlick.
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maximdorky · 2 years
I fully support anyone who boycotts Hogwarts: Legacy, or who determines that, for their own safety, they need to cut off contact with anyone who plays it. That being said, I feel it's more honest for people to say "Harry Potter was a deeply-loved part of my childhood, I loved the world and story and characters; now I have to turn my back on all of it and that sucks and I hate it but I'm going to do it anyway, even though I still miss it" than to make a big performative sneer of "oh, I never liked the Millionaire Wizard Cop in the first place; what do you think I am, some kind of liberal?"
[and honestly, if you make a big performance out of stating that opinion, you might as well save your effort, cut to the point, and say "I demand you recognize my moral superiority."]
[also, Harry Potter is no more of a cop than Simon Wiesenthal or Telford Taylor were, let's be blunt.]
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tetrabytez · 2 years
Let me just say this.
If you buy and play Hogwarts: Legacy,
you are not an Ally.
If you pirate and play Hogwarts: Legacy,
you are not an Ally.
If you donate to a charity what you paid to buy the game,
you are still not a fucking Ally.
You are the enemy.
Edit: If you send me an Ask to disagree with me or to tell me I'm overreacting, you will be blocked :)
Stop being bigoted, it's that easy!
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abdelmutei · 2 months
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animentality · 2 years
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ms-rampage · 1 year
I don't like how Sebastian looked at Kate (or maybe he was looking at Professor Garlick) 😅😅🤣
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blogthefiresidechats · 7 months
Favorite Common Room!
I know I’ve done an article in the past about which common room from Hogwarts is the coziest. However, in this article I’m going to go over which common room from Hogwarts I like based on what I viewed from the Hogwarts: Legacy video game (I’ve played the game on the PS4 when it came out and then continued playing it on the Nintendo Switch when it came out). Gryffindor = We got to see this…
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ms-rampage · 1 year
My girl!! 💕
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traceyc-uk · 3 months
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I think you can guess which quest this follows
Edit: a consolidatory hug post
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