#sebastian sallow headcannons
theealbatross · 28 days
never not been mine (s.s)
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Plot | Everyone wonders if you and Sebastian are together. Sebastian wonders when will everyone mind their own business.
Tags | fluff, cheesy pining, we're not together or are we, cranky!seb, slytherin!reader, curses, threats, prejudice, seeker!seb for the plot, established relationship (kinda), when you love her so much it drives you insane, seb and reader are shit seniors is my headcannon
[Disclaimer | I borrowed a scene from "no hard feelings" because it was trending on tiktok lol. Also a portion of this is heavily inspired by 'The Alchemy' by Taylor Swift'. Photos not mine.]
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“Just one drink – butterbeers on me!”
You couldn’t help but smile at the eager nameless hopeful in front of you.
The wince from his two friends at the other edge of the common room was apparent at your periphery. You had to give it to him, he’s lasted longer than the others. Usually, most would be walking away with their egos bruised when greeted with your disinterest.
“Not like you have any … pending appointments, don’t you?” He tried to maintain his bravado, even taking a step closer to the loveseat you were sitting on by the fire.
Call it an instinct, a bond only kindred spirits that have tethered in-between life and death together would have, but you could almost feel him – not needing to see him to recognize the heavy steps on the stone stairs, the deep sigh as he impatiently scours the common room in search of you, and the inevitable crinkle that forms in-between his eyebrows when he sees someone else in your vicinity.
You smile.
“I have one,” you muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.
His smirk faltered, eyebrows meeting, “A boyfriend?”
You shook your head.
“Pending appointments,” you grin.
His body comically cloaked the significantly shorter boy from behind.
“There you are.”
Sebastian barely glanced at the 6th year in front of you even when their shoulders bumped, making the student stumble. On instinct, you moved your legs to the side so Sebastian could curl up on the floor, his head finding comfort on the meat of your covered thigh, callused hands curling on your calf as he slumped into your lap.
His hair was still dripping sweat, the quidditch uniform he had on covered with muck and dirt and a spattering of blood, and yet here he was, shamelessly sharing his mess with your clothes. You can almost hear Ominis’ disapproving voice, ‘He's a spoiled dog!’.
Ah, but how could you not when he seemed to be cursed at being so good at everything and yet so miserable doing anything else but spending his time with you. Even you can’t be that heartless.
You ran your hands on his damp hair, making sure to press your fingers on his scalp, unable to stop the soft coos from coming out of your mouth. Sebastian had always needed extra attention after his drills with Imelda, the latter determined to tun him into her very own secret weapon of destruction for this upcoming Quidditch season.
This, in turn, had cut his time with you to his utter despair.
“Can we help you?” You were too busy tending to him that you hadn’t realized you still had an audience. Your pet wasn’t the friendliest, especially with strangers of the opposite sex that stares at you.
“N-No, I was just – we were having a conversa –”
Sebastian frowned, the boy took a step back, you place a halting hand on his shoulder.  
“I’ll,” you’re sure even this silly one knows of your Sebastian’s temperament. He wasn’t necessarily the type to be awarded as The Friendliest Senior of the Year.
(“You were nice to me the first time we met.” “Maybe I’m only nice to pretty witches.”)
“I’ll just talk to you later when you’re free.”
“Or not,” Sebastian deadpanned, his grip on your calf tightening, eyebrows meeting.
“Surely it couldn’t hurt–”
“Could hurt.”
It was a pitiful sight but you’ve spared the boy a fate worse than a bruised pride as he muttered a clanky goodbye before turning his back the two of you. Sebastian still glowering at his fleeing back.
“Do you have to be so mean?” you half-heartedly admonished him, patting his freckled cheeks. He really is so handsome, easily the most eligible bachelor in your batch, biased opinion aside.
“Maybe I haven’t been mean enough if they still approach you,” he muttered, clearly still annoyed. His eyes shift from one boy to another accusatorially like if he stared long enough, he’ll catch them in the act of being interested after you and deliver the right sentence as an example.
After the events with Ranrok, high society quickly set its eyes on you. He thought he had nipped it in the bud, sending scathing letters back to prideful pureblood boys for their gall to direct formal letters of engagement to you, audaciously sticking by your side at all times, and severely punishing anyone who dared to even think of courting you. (One even tried to challenge him to a duel. It was barely entertaining, almost downright cruel. Sebastian hopes that the boy is enjoying Ilvermorny.)
Truly, he has his work cut out for him.
Your giggle pulled him out of his unpleasant thoughts, “You should go shower, it’s about to be dinner time.”
He hummed, “Can I use The Room? Hate the boy’s lavatory, ‘s a mess.”
You ignore the quick turning of heads of the students nearest you, trying not to laugh at their scandalized faces, aware of how bad it sounded. Instead, you let him stand and take your hand as he bitterly shared his hypothesis that Imelda was a dark wizard planted to torment him while he led you to the familiar steps toward the Room of Requirement.
On the other side of the room, the rejected boy glared at his sniggering friends.
“You told me they weren’t courting!” he accused.
“In my defense,” his friend shrugged, giggling at the spectacular explosion in front of her very eyes. Who would’ve thought Sebastian Sallow would catch the idiot in the act. “They aren’t but everyone knows they’re ... exclusive.”
“We warned you! I warned you!” Their other friend, the more level-headed one was exasperated. “I’m so bloody terrified of Sallow I don’t even dare to look in her direction! Do you know there are rumors of him mastering forbidden spells? It’s why he had practically spent the entire half of 6th year serving a mysterious detention service for Professor Hecate.”
His other two friend looked at him in doubt. “I thought that was because he bombarda-ed the pants out of that Ravenclaw after he was challenged to a duel –”
“Regardless! He’s dangerous!”
“But are they dating or not?”
“No one knows, okay? That’s like in the Hogwarts top 3 mysteries.” The girl snipped.
“I may know someone who might know.”
Two heads swiveled to the boy who was already staring at a regal silhouette, sitting peacefully on the couch nearest the windows and furthest from any other person in the large common room – simultaneously seeming peaceful and brooding at the same time. As if feeling their gaze on him his unseeing eyes suddenly snapped in their direction, the boys physically flinched, the girl even covering her mouth to hide a gasp as they quickly vacated their spot before they truly tested their luck with the 7th-year Head Boy.
Ominis Gaunt.
The three sighed, resigned to leave that stone unturned.
“Guess we’ll never know.”
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Sebastian flustered at the pretty boxes wrapped in silk, laces, and ribbons being shoved to his face, hand rubbing the back of his neck in a mix of embarrassment and honor.
He’s mostly gotten used to the numerous attention he receives but the abrupt surge of volume between his 6th and 7th year sometimes still gives him whiplash. It’s amazing what a growth spurt can do in your social standing.
“Thank you, ladies. I really appreciate it.” He flashed them a polite smile, genuinely flattered and touched at the thoughtful presents even if they are a bit overeager.
Swoons and giggles erupted from the small crowd, so dramatic yet so entertaining.
“Excuse me, Sebastian?”
From the middle of the crowd, Blaine Marune a fellow 7th year pushed herself to the front. She was a popular girl, sought after by many of his teammates. He cocked a brow at her Slytherin shirt when she was a Gryffindor, the team Sebastian was playing against. Was she dating someone on his team?
“Can you sign my shirt?”
Gasps scattered on the ground at her bold request, especially since she stretched out her shirt so the space by her chest was extended. He had to give it to these Gryffindors, they sure do live up to their name.
“Your girlfriend wouldn’t mind, would she?”
He frowned at the implication, suddenly hating the inquisitive eyes snapping between them, clearly curious as to his status. “That’s –”
“She’s here! Look!” A voice from behind the crowd gasped.
Sebastian swiftly turned his head, barely catching your eyes just as you slipped inside the tower that held the stairs to the bleachers up above. Mindlessly, he forgot all about the little scene that was unfolding between him and the Gryffindor and turned away from his gaggle of admirers to walk to the edge of the field, jumping on his broom to fly in front of you when you seemed to take a wrong turn to the other side of the bleachers.
“Wrong direction, darling. I saved you your seat,” he grinned even as you ignored him, walking a leisure pace as he floated beside you.
“I’m not sitting next to your admirers,” She quipped, still refusing to look at him, marching with a purpose. “Darling.”
She’s jealous. Sebastian beamed, flying closer so he could reach out an arm to stop her steps.
“Don’t be like that,” his words were soft yet the grin in his face couldn’t be tamed even if he did try. “You know I like it when I can see you at all times.”
Giggles and whispers were murmured from the seated crowd behind you.
“She’s here!” “The Felix Felicis is here!” “There’s no way those Gryffindor bastards will beat us now.”
The burn in your face doubled in intensity as you tried your hardest to ignore such embarrassing remarks.
It started with a silly coincidence.
In one of Sebastian’s first games last year, you had been running late, roped in a last-minute hunt for a large Ancient Magic hotspot that had abruptly appeared on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. When you entered the Quidditch Pitch the game was in full swing. However, your entrance had caught Sebastian’s attention which coincidentally also happened to be the moment the Snitch flew straight towards you. It was one of the shortest games in Hogwart’s centuries-long history as he had gotten a hold of it inches away from your face. The team included you in their celebration by throwing the two of you in the air.
From then on, it was duly noted that Sebastian’s performance remarkably improved every time you were in attendance. It didn’t help that the one time you didn’t attend one of his inter-school practice matches they had lost by a couple of points to Durmstrang.
Imelda had damn near made you swear on an Unbreakable Vow that you would watch every single one of their games from then on.
Hence, being Sebastian Sallow’s Felix Felicis became your position and moniker throughout the entirety of Quidditch Season, and as embarrassing as it was, it would seem your usually level-headed friend had either gotten roped in the ridiculous suspicion or was enjoying your obvious mortification a bit too much as he had taken every opportunity to snatch the same damn seat that practically showcased you to the rest of the crowd and in turn ensured he would be able to see you at all times.
“Sallow! We’re about to gather!” Imelda screamed in the middle of the field.
“Give me a second!” He turned to you. “Please, pet?”
Damn him and those brown eyes.
Harshly, you grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him till he was forced to maneuver his broom sideways, face an inch from yours.
“You better not embarrass me,” you threatened, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before turning on the opposite direction, straight to the seat that had been unofficially yours. Lucky charms get special privileges after all. “I want a photo with that trophy, Sallow.”
Sebastian hovered in the air frozen, hand on his burning skin, until a ball hit him square in the back. “Today, lover boy.”
He gave Imelda an apologetic look before calling over an underclassman.
“You there, 5th year!” The boy was quick to jump out of his seat, heart hammering in his chest at the Seeker’s sudden attention. “Call over Head Boy Gaunt and tell him to make sure no one unpleasant sits in my section.”
The boy nodded, understanding. Everyone knows Sallow’s unofficial section where all his friends from different houses sit – every single one of them as intimidating as him. If he had gotten a galleon for every time a professor mentioned one of them either in praise or in warning on what not to do, he’d rival Ominis Gaunt in wealth.
Most importantly, she would be there. The lucky charm and Sallow’s dearest companion – though jury is still out whether they had been courting all this time or not.
From what he’d seen he’d bet on them getting married by graduation even with the lack of formal courting. They didn’t seem to be the type to care for convention. He had even heard suggestive rumors that they basically sleep in the same room every night, though that has yet to be proven.
“Yes, of course, Sallow!”
Sebastian watched the boy scamper down the stairs, no doubt to relay his message to his dear friend who won’t be too pleased of his misuse of Ominis’ position.
Oh well, all’s well that ends well.
He blows you one last provocative kiss as he departs the stands before he flies up to where the rest of his teammates are positioned, ready for the game to start, pleased with the fact you would be fuming from the attention his grand performance would bring.
A jealous darling would be bad luck after all.
And he had a trophy to win.
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“And the Triwizard Champion is Sebastian Sallow from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, House Slytherin!”
Green confetti and fireworks exploded all over the stadium overwhelming Sebastian as he tried to catch his breath and not let his knees buckle under his weight when all the adrenaline left his body. He belatedly realized that the cold, golden trophy had been shoved in his hands not until he was lifted by fellow schoolmates up above their arms in celebration and was staring at his own gobsmacked reflection in the shiny hardware.
More familiar faces and deafening cheers accosted him as he was brought into the section where all Hogwarts students were gathered. Only when he was put back in the ground to be showered with pats, congratulations, and splashing of fizzing butterbeer did his brain finally catch up with the rest of his body.
Immediately, his head started swiveling, looking for the face he needed to see the most, his instincts screaming at him that she was near. She has to be. She promised.
From the back of the crowds – there she was. Her beaming face, humbly waving from behind as if she wasn’t the reason he had fought so hard for this victory – that it really should be in her name and it shall, for he will lay this victory on her feet, first of his many devotion for the rest of their lives.
In haste, he shoved the trophy to the nearest body, uncaring of who was able to grab it as he pushed and shoved anyone on his way to you. The rest of the world blurred. He cared not for the gasps, shrieks, or protests – not when he saw the beam in your smile as you jumped into his arms – the golden ring that was hanging off a simple chain on your neck clanged with the similar one hanging off his own when you jumped into his arms.
The wedding rings he had prepared, ready for the day the two of you turned into adults in the eyes of the law and were permitted to be married. It would be for mere formality, his heart after all had been tied to yours the moment your eyes met.
“I’m so proud of you.”
He’s never felt satisfaction as fulfilling as this moment.
Finally, he has earned it – has earned the right to say it.
“I love you.”
This love was finally his.
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The papers were printed in a few days. Bold letters with a bolder headline:
Triwizard Champion and Hero of Hogwarts Secretly Betrothed!?
Right below such an accusatory headline was the photo of the two of you framed almost too perfectly in a café’s window, Sebastian pressing a kiss in the unmistakable diamond ring he had bought with his winnings while you beamed at him.
It has not been a kept secret that many noble families have vied and proposed for the heavy hand of the Hero but all were rebuffed. All but one. Sebastian Sallow, a promising orphan from a fallen house seemed to have Championed the heart of the lady just as he had conquered the challenges of the Triwizard Trials. As remarkable as it is, his distinct lack of proper lineage, colorful history of delinquency, and the whispers of his preference for obscure magic would truly prove to be a challenge he might not be able to slay quite as easily, especially for a bride as coveted as –
“I am going to fucking kill that wench!”
You slammed the newspaper on the table, making Grace choke on her tea just as Ominis winced at your colorful choice of words, quickly conjuring up a silencing charm around your table lest you make it harder for his lawyers if you actually do deliver the threat.
“I know you’re upset –”
You glare at Grace. Upset barely covers it.
Finding that you have not insulted it enough you crumble the bundle of paper in your hand, even going as far as to grab two that a couple of fourth years were reading before throwing them to the fire in a huff, screaming an Incendio on the fireplace just for the satisfaction of seeing it all turn into soot in a blink.
Ominis quickly sends an owl.
She should still be in Hogsmeade, your mind runs. You’ve heard that the unpleasant reporter had made a home in one of the apartments in Hogsmeade once the Tournament started.
It should be easy, you try to suppress your maniacal grin as you turn, marching straight into the stairs that should lead you to the nearest floo, ignoring how quickly the other students parted for you as your head ran all types of scenarios on how you can absolutely gut that waste of space. She had unfairly targeted Sebastian from the start of the games, pointing out flaws on his runs even when he had won the stage, cruelly bringing up his 'upbringing' in Feldcroft, and even bringing up how he wouldn't be able to give it his all while still grieving his twin sister and should be replaced.
That fucking wench.
You’ve had enough practice breaking and entering through the many locks in Hogsmeade to be able to sneak into her abode. A simple hex would be child’s play, maybe you should curse her to lose one finger every time she writes a bad word against your beloved or maybe a limb or you should just do the wizarding world another favor and make her illiterate.
Once you were on the grounds you summoned your broom.
The punishment should fit the crime.
Before you could fly you found yourself already levitating up the air, from below Sebastian was way too pleased at your shrieks and foul mood.
“Let me down, Sebastian!” you kicked.
“I would but I would rather we not spend our lives running away from the ministry if you kill that journalist, my love.”
So, he has read it. The fact that he was able to see those vile words made your blood boil harder. Sensing your temper and the fact that you were about to break out of his spell he plays dirty.
You shriek at the speed but the comfort of his arms was almost enough to quell the itch in your hands to curse that bloody witch into a pulp.
He tightens his hug, playfully pulling you off the ground with a grunt and swaying the two of you gently. “Still upset?”
You push your blunt nails on his back and he chuckles. “It doesn’t bother me, you know.”
“It should!” you snap, a blast of your ancient magic smashing a statue to pieces that he quickly fixes with a ‘repairo’ without so much as a glance at the shrieking fifth years that had nearly gotten blasted with it. “It bothers me.”
That they think so lowly of him – him! A man worth ten –  if not hundreds – of those pompous pricks from noble houses who offers nothing but their ‘pure’ blood and rotting riches like it was enough, like it could buy your heart and pride.
If they knew –
If they knew it was him who cleaned your blood and licked the jagged wounds in your spirit in the quiet of your lowest nights, that it was this boy who pulled out the rubble of a girl after the war – carefully piecing it together until you felt like a person and not a hollow husk filled only by nightmares, that it was this lowly orphan they sneer at who had become your chain to your sanity – your family.
Would they still look down at him if they knew it was only his kindness, and his love, and him who stopped you from giving up on them? That if someone as beautiful as him could exist in the wizarding world then it was a world worth saving.
Sebastian frowns at your upset. Ominis had grossly underestimated how the article had affected you, he would be touched if he wasn't so angry.
“It shouldn’t,” he gently carries you like a bride – his bride – under the largest tree by the Beasts Class classroom, away from the prying eyes of a crowd, overlooking the lake. The songs of the breeze and birds were the perfect soothing balm along with his soft coos. “They can write about me all they want at the end of the day it is me who is coming home with you.”
He’s sure you’re aware that his overly sweet words are all to calm you down but you fall for it anyway, smiling on the skin of his neck. “I should have her tongue.”
He shushes you, pressing his fingers on your waist till it tickled, he smiles on your hair when you slap his shoulder. “Don’t you think you’ve terrified the freshmen enough with that mouth of yours.”
It doesn’t escape you that the other students have transferred their fear of Sebastian’s murky past to your present wicker-short temper. You are aware that it is only because of your impeccable grades, immeasurable talent and a sprinkle of Fig’s legacy that the headmaster has not suspended or expelled you for your insolence.
His palms run a soothing patten on your spine, letting you continue to bury your head on the crook of his neck to lull you into a calm.
You suddenly pull yourself away, looking straight at him. “Are you sure you don’t care? I promise I won’t get caught.”
He chuckles at that, pressing a kiss on the crown of your head before leaning back on the trunk of the tree, pulling you closer to him.
“Don’t worry,” he smiled. “As long as you still plan on marrying me nothing will ever bother me at all.”
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“I reckon she's calmed down?”
Sebastian doesn’t bother to mask his stormy expression now that you have fallen into a nap, sparing Ominis a glance as he sits on one of the empty wooden crates.
“I was sure I’d catch the two of you digging up a shallow grave by now.”
Sebastian glances down at you, shaking his head. “Haven't you heard? I’m a changed man.”
Ominis chuckles at that. “Well, their vile words shouldn’t matter anyhow,” Ominis sighs, grateful at least that this betrothal had managed to calm at least one of his dearest friends down. “She’s yours now.”
The boy’s words made Sebastian think.
Think back to the first time he met you: the curiosity, the anticipation, the instant tug on his soul the first time your voice had pulled him out of his own head and you stood in front of him while the growing foreboding feeling that meeting in that room, in front of the fire was meant to be, bloomed in his chest.
He was young enough not to recognize love for what it was but not stupid enough to not act upon it. Monopolizing you and your attention, wrapping his being around you until people could no longer separate the two of you as individuals, guarding his precious hoard ferociously from wolves and thieves until he grew into the man who could claim it.
She’s yours now.
When he really, really, thinks about it, it almost makes him laugh. He always thought he'd lead a simple life. Get a decent job, marry a modest girl, and settle down into a humble life. Grand delusions weren't for him, that was more Anne's forte and he wasn't destined for a greater purpose, that was for Ominis.
And he was satisfied with that, honestly and truly thankful for it. He thrived in the shadows, after all.
But he met you and damned himself by falling in love with the one person he shouldn't have -- the one person he could never deserve even if he lived the rest of his life as a saint.
He loved a grand adventure personified and in a lickety-split threw away all of his dreams of a quiet life -- jumping straight into a den of goblins and trolls and certain death. Hit the ground running in a race between bachelors to get to you, to earn the honor of deserving your love. And even mercilessly overwhelmed any contender to your hand until it was uncontested that it was only him who could stand beside you.
It was only he who earned it.
She’s yours now.
In quiet moments he sometimes couldn't quite believe just what happened to his life in two years.
Because he never thought he'd fall in love with a brilliant witch vied by the world or that, out of all hands stretched out to her, she would hold his, that she would love him back.
She’s yours now.
Sebastian would beg to disagree.
It was fate. (He made it so.)
It was written. (He rewrote it.)
She’s always been mine.
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atypicalamortentia · 11 months
Your writing is so good~ <3 Would you do a general HC for Sebastian, please? 🥺
Sebastian Sallow General Headcannons
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Synopsis - General headcannons for our boy Sebastian Sallow.
Warnings - SFW/NSFW.
Notes - All characters are 18+!
Word Count - 1.2k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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: ̗̀➛ If you’re in Slytherin, Sebastian Sallow first meets you in the Slytherin dorm room. He’s reading alone when you approach him to say hello. If you’re in a different house, you first meet in Defence Against The Dark Arts class.
: ̗̀➛ You and Sebastian have a duel using levioso, basic cast and protago. To his surprise, you win the duel, leaving him completely dumbfounded by your skills. 
: ̗̀➛ Falls for you immediately after that. He can’t believe he was bested in a duel by the newbie. 
: ̗̀➛ You quickly become really good friends. He tells you about the situation with Anne and his uncle Solomon. You vow to help him search for a cure for his twin. 
: ̗̀➛ Will sit next to you in classes and annoy you until you’re both laughing discreetly at the back of class. Ominis elbowing you both in the sides to try and get you to pay attention to the professor. 
: ̗̀➛ Takes you to Hogsmeade quite a lot after your first trip. He just likes being out of the castle, and especially with you by his side. 
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian takes you to his home back in Feldcroft eventually. You meet Anne who immediately pulls you into a hug whilst saying “I’ve heard so much about you!” 
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian is a blushing, bumbling mess as his sister continues to tease him about his obvious crush on you. You just laugh it off, thinking Anne is playing some kind of prank on her brother. 
: ̗̀➛ You stay over at the Sallow residence that evening. You sleep in Sebastian’s bed and he sleeps on the sofa. 
: ̗̀➛ While you’re sleeping, Sebastian enters his room looking for a book to read before he goes to sleep himself, but he stops when he sees you sleeping peacefully. 
: ̗̀➛  His eyes widen as he sees you curled up under his covers, snoring lightly. Your hair was over your face and he couldn’t help but move it to make you more comfortable in your sleep. 
: ̗̀➛  You wake up slowly upon feeling his hand graze your cheek. “Sebastian?” You ask, eyes half-lidded with sleep.
: ̗̀➛ “Y-Yeah, it’s me,” he stuttered, quickly moving his hand away from your face. 
: ̗̀➛ You end up talking for what feels like hours after he accidentally woke you up. It was in that moment that Sebastian realised he loves you. 
: ̗̀➛ After that night, Sebastian can’t look at you the same at all. He looks at you with love in his eyes and affection in his heart. He wants you to be his, so badly. 
: ̗̀➛ Will ask you out awkwardly during dinner time. 
: ̗̀➛ “Hey Y/N… Do you maybe wanna uhm… Maybe wanna grab a butterbeer with me some time?” 
: ̗̀➛ You obviously say yes. Why wouldn’t you?
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian was delighted that you had agreed to go on a date with him. 
: ̗̀➛ Is VERY nervous. He’s stammering and stuttering all over his words. Constantly saying how perfect you look and how he’s so happy you agreed to the date. 
: ̗̀➛ Orders a million drinks and ends up getting quite drunk to calm his nerves down. It works though, eventually he’s able to have a natural conversation with you.
: ̗̀➛ Takes you back to your common room that night. You kiss him on the cheek and his brain short circuits. 
: ̗̀➛ Oh my, she just kissed me…
: ̗̀➛  Is extremely affectionate with you; giving you kisses on the cheek and holding your hands even when you’re around people. 
: ̗̀➛ Says ‘I love you’ alot once you get to that point in the relationship. He wants you to know just how much he cares for you. 
: ̗̀➛ You spend your time together hanging out in the undercroft, practising your magic and a variety of different spells. 
: ̗̀➛ You also help Sebastian with trying to find a cure for Anne. 
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian is quick to ask you to move to Feldcroft with him, offering you space in his home with his uncle and sister. 
: ̗̀➛ As soon as you graduate Hogwarts, Sebastian proposes to you. You’re having a little party with your friends in the Three Broomsticks when Sebastian gets on one knee, looking up at you with his beautiful brown eyes filled with so much hope. 
: ̗̀➛ You’re definitely shocked. You had no idea that Sebastian had any interest in getting married, but you agreed. 
: ̗̀➛ As soon as he placed the beautiful engagement ring on your finger, Sebastian pulls you in for a deep kiss. Your friends are all whooping and cheering for the two of you. 
: ̗̀➛ You get married a year later in Feldcroft.
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian lets you pick where you honeymoon. So pick wisely! 
: ̗̀➛ It’s so cliche, but you get pregnant on your honeymoon. 
: ̗̀➛ You end up having twins, a boy and a girl. Once again, Sebastian lets you pick the names of your children. 
: ̗̀➛ You both end up getting your own home in Feldcroft shortly after you have the twins. It’s a beautiful home, one that you had always dreamed of. You knew that you would stay there for many years to come. 
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian couldn’t be happier with his life now that you were in it. 
: ̗̀➛ Your first time is at his home when you visit. 
: ̗̀➛ His uncle and sister are out, getting groceries when Sebastian makes his move. 
: ̗̀➛ He pulls you on top of him, kissing you deeply while his hands roam your body desperately. In between your whimpers and moans, Sebastian couldn’t help but smirk. 
: ̗̀➛ “Merlin, I want you,” Sebastian whispered huskily into your lips. 
: ̗̀➛ You couldn’t reply with words. You just nodded your head excitedly, giving him your consent. 
: ̗̀➛ He was quick to remove your clothes, throwing them into a pile on the floor. 
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian took his time with you, letting his inexperienced hands trail your body. He wanted to explore every inch of you. 
: ̗̀➛ “Don’t tease me Sebastian,” you groaned to him.
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian laughed and nodded, pulling down his own trousers and pumping at his cock slowly. You watched with wide eyes as it went from semi-hard to hard almost immediately. 
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian had you lay on your back, legs spread wide. He watched with wonder as he slicked his tip against your cunt, coating it with your incredible wetness. 
: ̗̀➛ He slowly slipped inside of you, his mouth hanging open as he felt the warmth of your cunt envelope him. It was a feeling he’d never experienced before. 
: ̗̀➛ You let out a soft moan as Sebastian began his movements. Slow and steady, he looked down on you, admiring the way your face contorted into pleasured expressions. 
: ̗̀➛ He was proud of himself as he thrusted into you. Bagging a beautiful woman like you was something he never thought he would ever do in his life. 
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian cums pretty quickly the first time you have sex. He’s slightly embarrassed but you reassure him that it was okay. 
: ̗̀➛ His favourite position is any where he can see your face. Whether he’s on top or you’re on top, he doesn’t care. As long as he can see your beautiful face. 
: ̗̀➛ Doesn’t like to use protection often and will make you a potion to prevent pregnancy until you’re ready for children. 
: ̗̀➛ Long, deep kisses always turn into sex. 
: ̗̀➛ Will fuck you anywhere at any time. You’re cooking dinner? You look so good taking care of him. You’re watching TV? You look so beautiful while concentrating. 
: ̗̀➛ At the end of the day, Sebastian is deep in love with you and he always will be.
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Thank you for the support anon. I hope these are okay for you&lt;3
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I'm begging for some HC of Ominis and Sebastian masturbating over the female player 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Like where they prefer to do it, how often, how much noise do they make, how much do they cum? Please describe them 😩
Ominis x f!reader; Sebsatian x f!reader
Warnings - 18+ smut content, all characters over the age of 18, masturbation
A/N - This really got to to me after all the Sebastian audio clips that have been floating around 😩
- he prefers his privacy in the Undercroft, usually off in a dark part of it somewhere
- he always listens intently somewhat hoping you might stumble in and find him
- he fights his urges and only masurbates to completion in his favorite spot once a week
- other times he’ll mostly edge himself while showering, but he likes to build it up to make it better
- he doesn’t like it about himself, but he can be very noisy. He goes at a time when he knees Seb won’t walk in, if anyone does it’ll be you
- he makes gasps and groans as he thinks about your mouth, your fingers, your breasts
- with all sense but his eyes being so sensitive he just imagine the different textures and temperatures it would all of
- he picture soft breasts that give way to his cock, rough fingers wrapped him, a silky, hot mouth for him to fuck contrasted with your wet pussy clenched around him and feeling impossibly tight
- he loves thinking about you massaging his balls or his sensitive taint and teasing him about how much it makes him whimper
- he takes his time and it often means speeding up and slowing down to the point of his cock weeping, his own stick pre-cum all over his hand and probably his thighs or trousers too
- when he’s finally ready to let go he shouts quite loud, strangled moans of your name and curse words tumbling out of him
- he tries to contain his mess to his hand, but it all just oozes out because he’s usually got so much fun built up
- he’s messy, loud, and likes to maximize the orgasm to the fullest by trying to hold out until he’s so worked up he can’t take it
- his favorite spot is to get comfortable in his bed
- he uses a silencio charm after closing up all of the curtains
- he does it quite often, maybe almost daily with how desperate he is
- he’ll come back from having hang out with you and be ripping his tie off, pulling at all of his clothes because he can’t get naked fast enough
- he’s thinking about every flash of skin he’s seen from you, a day where you had a particular shirt skirt and you were all thighs
-a day your shirt was big and he got a glimpse at your shoulder, a broader peek at your chest
- Sebastian is really an ass man and heart and just thinks about how lovely it would be for you to be suffocating him with both of your holes just exposed to him
- he flushes but differently than Ominis in that it’s his whole body
- his freckles are peppered over his whole body and the fever from his arousal hair makes his face, neck, shoulders, chest, all of it red
- he’s desperately rutting into his own hand, spit included as he rushes towards the relief that he knows isn’t going to be enough
- he’s murmuring fuck over and over, maybe even little sentences he wish were real “fuck y/n ride me harder” “go faster” “be a good girl for me”
- when he finally cums his facial expression is everything and his whole body spasms, his mouth hanging up, him breathing heavily and tugging at his own sweaty hair
- he’s rougher with himself, he’s full of desperation 24/7 with how much he’s thinking about you, and he wants to take you right in his bed loving the idea of being naked around you when you’re not
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slytherizz · 10 months
Everything, with you - Sebastian Sallow x F!MC/Reader
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Tags/Warnings: 18+ | Breeding Kink | Size Kink | explicit sexual content | Dad!Seb
All tags can be found on Ao3
"Watching you carry my children is one of life's greatest pleasures. If it's possible - you're more beautiful now than you've ever been.”
“Do you ever think about…”
“Having another one?”
A/N This works as a stand-alone but if you happened to have read either of my long fics this would sit either after the epilogue of 'Whatever it Takes' or in between the final chapter and the epilogue of 'In the Shadow of Us' (but I omitted the Azkaban references so it works for both). I have literally nothing to say for myself for this one other than...
For the thicc Seb girlies 💕
Dark curly hair tickled the underside of Sebastian's chin as he adjusted his son nestled in his lap. Book resting against his knee which was bent at an awkward and rather uncomfortable angle where he'd managed to cram himself onto Sam's little bed. Sebastian’s neck ached and his left leg was almost completely dead. Not that he minded. He knew his youngest would outgrow this one day, and would no longer need his father to read him fairytales. So Sebastian succumbed easily to Sam’s pleading and let himself be the dutiful mountain against which his son could rest. 
"Now, this word’s a little tricky, so take your time with it,” Sebastian tapped his finger on the page. "What does this say?"
"I'm not sure." Sam frowned. He traced his pudgy finger over the unfamiliar word and along the bright plume of fiery feathers printed in rich shades of red and gold on the page. The enchanted bird ruffled its wings as it clicked its beak attempting to nip at Sam's fingers. Each time the bird squawked soundlessly as he stroked its plumage Sam giggled with delight.
"Sound it out. You see right here? The 'Ph' makes an ‘f’ sound.”
"Like ‘t’ and ‘h’ make a 'the' sound?" 
“Exactly right. Two letters. One sound,” Sebastian said, ruffling his boy's hair proudly. 
Alice, his eldest had always had an uncanny ability to memorise words. Could recall the contents of practically every book he'd ever given her once she’d devoured it. She'd taken great pride in unnerving her primary school teacher by listing every ingredient in ‘A draft of living death’. Which may have seemed like a feat within itself…until she’d insisted on doing it backwards.
His unique form of parenting had been called into question more than once by her teachers but who was he to tell his daughter that ‘most potent potions’ was not appropriate bedtime reading? Restricting her inquisitive mind would be a far greater sin. 
Sam's little mind on the other hand worked like a tinker. Slower it may seem than his sister as he pieced together meaning. But that wasn’t nearly the case. Simply because he liked to fiddle with things more than his sister. Take a word apart and rearrange it before dismantling it again entirely. He picked apart the rules as he learnt them. All whilst, humming sagely from time to time like he was some great philosopher and he wasn't in fact, a boy of four who had spent the morning sulking when there was no honey left in the pantry for his toast.
“Try sounding it out," he encouraged. 
"Fee-nix?" Sam’s brows furrowed slightly the new word unfamiliar and clunky on his tongue. "Pheonix?"
"That’s it. You’re doing well. Now I know you know the rest of it. Reckon you can read the full sentence?” 
"The p-phoenix went up in…smoke?"
"Clever boy!"
Sam turned to look up at Sebastian, puffing out his chest with pride. Sebastian kissed the crown of his head affectionately. Sam burrowed his head into his shirt trying and failing to disguise a yawn against his father's chest. 
Snapping the book closed and placing it on his bedside table. Sebastian scooped him up as he shifted off the small bed placing his son snuggly under the quilt constellations in golden thread adorned its edges. 
“Right, I think that's enough for tonight. Bedtime for you mister.”
“But I'm not tired,” Sam protested. Rubbing his drooping eyelids which did little to rally his father to his plight. Eyes so like his mother's framed under furrowed dark brows. Stubbornness was an inherited trait and with how pigheaded he and his wife could be Sebastian should have known his children would be no different.
“I'm sure you're not,” Sebastian chuckled. Tucking the blankets tighter around his squirming limbs. “But it's already way past your bedtime. If you settle down I’ll put the stars up - How does that sound?”
Sam grinned, nodding his head eagerly as he buried his head deeper into his pillow. Sebastian pulled out his wand. Sam’s eyes lighting up. Glittering as they always get in his eyes when either of her parents performed even the simplest of charms. With an unnecessarily large flourish, Sebastian extinguished the bedside lantern plunging them into darkness. He whispered his modified charm.
Stars small but dazzling began to twinkle into life one by one across the steepled ceiling painting the cosmos across the wooden beams. 
It wasn’t nearly as elaborate as the charm in the Hogwarts great hall that had given Sebastian the inspiration. Not quite a replication of the overcast sky outside, but to Sam’s childlike wonder; his father could conjure the heavens in his bedroom. Pluck the stars from the sky so he could sleep bathed in starlight. 
For all his folly into the persuits into the darker sides of magic - there was no spell more powerful than the ones that made his children’s life a little more magical. 
“Night, Dad.”
Undoing the buttons of his shirt Sebastian shucking the material from his shoulders. Wincing as he kneaded at the tight knot that had formed in his neck from too long spent hunched over in his son's small bed. Stretching like a bear ripe from hibernation joints cracking audibly. 
His dark brows lifted in alarm as he caught his reflection in the ornate oblong mirror tucked into the corner of their bedroom. 
Sebastian had always looked like his father. Same bow to their lips, unruly chestnut hair and soft brown eyes like sodden earth after rain. He could practically divine how his features would change using the brushstrokes of the portrait of his parents that hung proudly on the stairs. 
But it was the things that went beyond the superficial that made his parents' old friends stumble on his name and acquaintances double-take in the street as if the dead still walked among them. The determined set of his jaw, the curious glint in his eye. There truly had never been any mistaking exactly who Sebastian’s father was. 
But he didn’t just look like his Dad ; he looked like a Dad.
Not that he'd ever been particularly lean . A stockiness to his frame as all Sallow men carried. Violence practically carved into his marrow. Built more for quidditch or boxing, than for scholarly pursuits he'd always been drawn to; but this was getting out of hand. 
Sebastian frowned at his reflection. Still strong in the trunk in a way that he never minded, especially not with how it elicited such sinful looks from his wife but he had become notably softer around the middle. What had once been a sparse tuft of hair on his chest he’d taken great pride as a lad, was now thick dark hair trailing down his stomach. 
It seemed as unprepared Sebastian had been, stumbling bowlegged and awkwardly into fatherhood, not having nearly enough time with his own to have much to go off; his body had settled far quicker into his new role than he had.
Scratching at the short beard he kept neatly trimmed. Well, for what could pass as neat considering his hair was unruly no matter where it grew. Sebastian twisted and turned, appraising himself from different angles.
When was the last time he'd duelled? Worked up any kind of sweat? 
Perhaps he should consider himself lucky he was in the shape he was. Carrying his children upstairs to bed and lugging stacks of heavy stacks of old manuscripts and attifacts charmed against magical interference around the Department of Mysteries hardly counted as exercise. The closest thing anyone would consider vigorous was fucking his wife. But then again holding her small frame against a wall hardly felt like work. 
He rotated his joints, and the tendons of muscle in his heavy shoulders flexed under freckled skin. An old puckered scar long faded to white across his shoulder now a mere remnant from his past life. Underneath the soft exterior of the doting father he’d become still lurked the shadow of the hellion youth he’d once been. 
Delicate hands slithered around his middle running along the breadth of him stroking at the hair on his chest. Her warm cheek came to rest, nestled between his shoulder blades. Sighing affectionately, her breath tickling his skin. Sebastian leaned into her touch, even after all these years he still felt sparks.
"If you keep scowling your face will get stuck like that,” she chided. Sebastian snorted twisting in her hold to face her. She’d loosened the soft braids she usually wore at her temples so her hair hung loose around her shoulders. She smiled up at him, crooked and his heart stuttered in an unsteady rhythm. 
“Alice, go down without any fuss?”
“Has she ever?” She quirked an eyebrow at him far more amused by their daughters' antics than cross. “Caught her trying to get into your study after I put her to bed - again. Luckily she isn’t half as stealthy as she is mischievous.”
Sebastian grinned at her, arching his eyebrows. “She gets that from you.”
“I think Scribner would have disagreed.” She said rolling her eyes. “But something tells me it's not Alice's nocturnal antics causing that face. Tell me what's wrong my love?" 
Placing a warm hand against his cheek fingers combing through the hair on his chin. He shifted uncomfortably under the weight of her gaze. Failing to suppress the heat he could feel rising in his cheeks most likely staining the tops of his ears. 
"Nothing, Pet. I’m uh-” he hesitated, wincing slightly. Perhaps she hadn’t noticed. And is she hadn't, he was reluctant to point it out. Lest it change the way she looked at him. She was still as radiant the first time he'd laid eyes on her but Sebastian was a far cry from the roguish boy who'd made her heart race. 
He leaned heavily into her hand resting against his chin. Letting the tenderness of her touch and softness of her gaze quell the unease. “Just carrying a bit more timber than I'm used to. I hadn’t noticed how much the years had caught up to me. After two kids and all."
"You’ll always be the same stubborn and reckless boy to me," she wrapped her arms around him tighter. It was only a chaste peck but an inexplicable blush darkened her cheeks as she nibbled on the inside of her cheek contemplatively. Her hands grazed along Sebastian’s freckled shoulders, through the sparse hair on his chest nails scratching softly. "But I must admit…I rather like you like this. Broad. Manly.”
" Oh - Do you now?" he smirked. Admiring the flush that had stained her cheeks at her admission.
Seeming to take an unnatural amount of interest in the pattern of their curtains she averted her eyes blushing deeply. "Yes. I do. And don't let it go to your big head.”
Far too late for that. After all these years she should really have known better. His chest already swelling with pride a smug smile pulling at the corner of his freckled cheeks.
Tugging at the sleeve of her pale blue dress. The cotton slipped away to expose more of her skin. Sebastian snaked his hand around her waist to settle on the small of her back. Ducking his head to pepper kisses along the dip of her shoulder. 
The faint smell of mallowsweet that always clung to her hair far sweeter than any perfume; a herb balm that had soothed and tamed his stubborn heart. Heat rose where he'd exposed her as Sebastian's mouth worked its way down her neck towards her clavicle. Her fingers pressed a little harder into his flesh feeling the tight coils of muscle that still lurked underneath. 
Despite Sebastian's intention of letting his wife thoroughly enjoy the body, she found so desirable. She seemed distracted. Her breathing hitched a little as he grazed his teeth over her delicate throat. Sucking in just a way that would usually drive all the thoughts from her pretty head - that was not the case tonight.
“Besides - it's not like I look the same as I did before Alice and Sam.”
"Mmm, but watching you carry my children is one of life's greatest pleasures. If it's possible - you're more beautiful now than you've ever been.”
“Do you ever think about…”
She trailed off. Mouth opened and closed lamely as she searched for the words her eyebrows furrowed. 
“Having another one?”
The high-pitched and uncharacteristically nervous noise of agreement she emitted made Sebastian pause his efforts to adorn her shoulder with dark love bites which were now blooming like wild grapes. 
It was rare to see his wife nervous. Even rarer still for her mind to be elsewhere when it came to their marital relations. But he could understand her trepidation; it wasn’t as if either of their children had exactly been planned. 
Before either of them were born he often wondered if they should have been parents. Not a single guardian between them to cobble together any semblance of what a parent should be. A trail of lost souls he'd not been able to protect. 
Hazy memories of love weren't exactly a blueprint for success. 
So Sebastian packed those feelings away even before he'd let them fully bubble to the surface. Resigned perhaps to the fact that although she may have fallen in love with the rough-edged boy he’d been; she'd still bore witness to the worst of him. A dark unsightly stain on his soul he kept cloistered away but they both knew would never leave him. Or her.
And why would either of them want to burden a child with him as their father; or her with his last name? It did not do to dwell on something Sebastian never thought he’d be able to have.
Then one day their world shifted and as willfully unprepared as they’d been for it; so did they. 
Alice bloomed in the cracks of space in their lives they hadn’t known something had been missing. But perhaps had always left vacant and wanting for her. 
Sam, followed so shortly after. Alice - barely a year old when they’d realised three would quickly become four. 
By then, Sebastian had put to rest that gnawing anxiety that told him perhaps they should have never been parents. Fatherhood suited him. Soothed an old ache that had been throbbing since the passing of his own and now he wore it like a familiar coat. 
He allowed himself to bask in the elation of their growing family; in a way, he’d not been able to with Alice. Not only taking pride in his wife, who practically glowed more beautiful than he’d ever seen her; but pleasure in watching her stomach swell once again with his child. 
So much in fact, he lamented over the missed opportunity for what it would be like to take her with the sole intention of filling her with life. Could practically taste it every time he felt her unravelling on his cock. Dragged his feet at the apothecary when she asked him to purchase extra dandelion root for her monthly brew in the years that followed.
Already Sebastian could feel his blood rushing south at the thought. Inhaling sharply, calming his heart which was now thumping hard against his sternum as that familiar desire pooled. 
“I love our family. Alice and Sam, are plenty troublesome and we have our hands full as it is,” he began carefully.
Sebastian cupped her chin, shifting her soft gaze to his. The smile he wore, genuine if a little weak. What he said was true. Sebastian did not wish to burden her with making such a decision simply to satisfy his elicit fantasies. He would not begrudge her if she didn’t want another child after she’d given him so much - more than he’d ever let himself hope for. 
But she visibly deflated with his words. “Oh…so you wouldn't want another one?”
“No! I mean- not ‘ no’ . Merlin, it’s quite the opposite. In fact, I think I’ll always want more ,” Sebastian spluttered. Tongue tied and feeling the opportunity slipping through his fingers Sebastian took a breath to right himself. “Neither of us has much in the way of family outside of the one we made for ourselves - each child you give me is the greatest blessing I never thought I’d have. I’d love nothing more than to grow the family that we created.”
“I just want to know you're sure. You don't have to just because I want one.”
“There is nothing within my power that I would not give you. But, trust me love there are other  reasons it appeals to me.” 
Hands glided down her spine grabbing the soft curve of her backside. Her eyes widened as he pulled her flush against his body where she could feel the growing bulge press against her stomach. Tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, Sebastian ducked his head to nip gently at her earlobe before he whispered.
“Getting to fuck you purely with the intention of filling you with my seed. Watching you swell with another of my children. Breeding you. ” His voice, a low rumble reverberating from deep in his chest. Domineering. Predatory. Every point his body was pressed against hers felt like a fire that ignited a desire that lay dormant inside him. Desperate to claw its way out. Claim her as his - again . "Wearing the evidence under those pretty dresses of yours for everyone to see. So they know exactly what you let me do to you. Who you belong to.”
A visible shiver ran down her spine. Goosebumps prickling across her skin at the filth of his words. Feeling pressed hard against her stomach exactly how much the idea appealed to him. 
“Tell me you want it and it’s yours,” he murmured huskily against her neck. Nipping at that spot below her jaw he knew made her knees buckle. 
His little witch had never been the obedient sort, as wild and stubborn as a poorly bottled lightning. But after all these years together - Sebastian knew exactly which buttons to push. How to make her laugh so hard her cheeks ached from smiling; a sound so perfect it washed his worries away like a tide. The ones that made rage; burn so fiercely he was reminded she was barely a witch at all but a dragon merely playing at domesticity. 
Most favourably to Sebastian were the ones that turned every rational coherent thought in her head into a blinding fog of lust.
He trailed kisses across her skin, her pulse quickening under the tender brush of his lips. An eager whine slipped from her throat. Hips pushing against his in search of friction to soothe the heat pooling in her abdomen.
“Yes- fuck. Please, I want that. Another baby. Your baby.”
The choked sound that clawed its way out of Sebastian’s throat sounded far from anything human. Somewhere between a groan and a growl. 
Wasting not a second longer he grasped her hips lifting her swiftly as if she weighed nothing at all. Thighs wrapped tightly around his hips as she moulded into him. Heat radiated from her core barely concealed behind the thin fabric of her undergarment. 
Fingers tangling in his hair, she pulled his lips forcefully to hers. Kissing him greedily. Tongue delved between his parted lips as if he were the air she breathed. 
From the way she ground her hips insistently, his wife cared little if it drove him to distraction; she knew there was no way Sebastian would let her fall. 
Carrying her over to the bed to practically launch her down onto the mattress. Hooded eyes, devoured every inch of her husband standing above her. Her dress dishevelled had ridden up to expose the tops of her thighs which squeezed together in anticipation. Sebastian palmed his hard length through biting hard on his lip to stifle a moan.
Her nimble fingers came quickly to fumble with the buttons of her dress. Sebastian batted her hand away with a grunt to tear into them himself. His mouth trailed kisses further down her body with every inch he exposed.
Stopping as in his journey towards her core to pay particular attention to the soft curve of her belly. She whined under every press of his lips against her stomach squirming impatiently under Sebastian with the need for him to fill the womb he worshipped so reverently. 
Sebastian pulled her hips sharply towards the edge of their bed dropping to his knees between her spread legs. Folds already glistening with unrestrained desire. Sebastian ran the tip of his nose through the sparse hairs. The heat of his breath teased against her growing slick. Shivering with anticipation her hips bucked craving - no, needing Sebastian to provide relief to the ache between her legs. 
“Sebastian - please,” she whined. 
“Impatient,” he scolded. Despite his own clothed erection strained against his trousers twitching desperate to be buried inside his wife’s impossibly tight core. But to Sebastian there no more perfect sight than her laid out before him. Bare, flushed and eyes darkened with desire. A nymph from some Greek tragedy he hadn’t tamed; rather merely a disciple come to worship at her altar. “Such a good girl. Already so wet for me.”
Her fingers tangled harshly in his hair hips bucking as Sebastian at last ended her torment. Licking a broad stripe with the flat of his tongue across her weeping entrance. Her head fell back in a broken whine finally relieving her from her torture. Sebastian released a  groan of his own against her folds, lapping more needly at the growing slick. Savouring every drop she offered him. A man lost in a desert and her his bountiful oasis.
He knew her body better than he knew his own. Chasing her keening mewls a wordless plea for more, pleasure only he could offer her as he flicked and curled his tongue against the hooded bundle of nerves. Releasing his grip on her hip to slide his fingers into her tight heat. Savouring how her fluttering walls gripped him as he worked her open with every pump and curl of his fingers.
Her back arched, legs shaking the cool satin sheets scrunched in her fists as she writhed in ecstasy. Clinging desperately to them a last bastion of as she teetered on the edge of oblivion.
He chanced a glance up at her, mouth still servicing her fervently. Their eyes locked her voice caught on a silent plea for release. Sebastian sucked. Devouring her quivering clit and she broke. 
Screaming curses and praise to forgotten deities her body jerking to grind frantically against his tongue. Sebastian’s hips rutted forward into nothingness as her body clenching around his fingers as he brought her to climax. His own need growing almost unbearable as he felt her dissolved into pleasure needing to feel that pulsing release around his cock not just his fingers. 
His patience was now paper thin, he needed to be inside of her and from the way her fingers tugged at his chestnut hair impatiently as her orgasm ebbed - she seemed to agree. 
Bed springs creaked as he crawled onto the bed beside her. He slid his hands along the dip of her waist gripping her soft flesh to flip her onto her stomach. 
She peering back at him from over her shoulder. Her lips were swollen, her hair in a wild tangle but her eyes burning into him as if she could set him alight - daring him to take her as she arched her hips up and back towards Sebastian. 
Gripping her side he bared down on her. Large body resting heavily against her back she curled up into him sighing contentedly at the feeling of his weight resting against her.
How many wizards had coveted her affection since their school days? Cursed the very ground Sebastian walked on because since the day she’d become his. His cock achingly hard grinding against her arse at the mere thought of her wearing the reminder to them all exactly who she belonged to under her dress. 
He scrambled with the buttons on his breeches before pulling them off entirely cock springing free arching proudly and achingly hard. Slit glistening in anticipation that coil inside of him already tightly wound at the mere thought of filling her.
"Going to fuck even more of my kids into you," he purred low in her ear as he settled himself between her legs dragging the head of his cock through her spit-slicked folds. Their nerves practically vibrating with carnal anticipation. 
She cried out, broken and rasping as Sebastian finally pressed into her with a strong deliberate thrust. Stretching her open inch by inch groaning low, his head falling against her back when he buried himself inside her to the hilt. The sheen of sweat coating her back salty on his tongue as he mouthed brainlessly at her bare flesh. 
“Fuck,” she hissed as Sebastian began to cant his hips in deep maddening strokes. He hadn't expected such a lustful fog to overcome him. Like some primitive part of his brain had overcome him and now he was entirely consumed with the thought of her. Filling her with seed.
His eyes flicked up catching their reflection in the mirror. Sebastian groaned her name as he watched himself pounding into her relentlessly. Tiny body nestled under his own her spine curved in pleasure but her face was buried in the sheets. Stifling the delicious sounds of ecstasy she only made for him into the mattress. 
Sebastian grunted in annoyance. Snapping his hips harder she only seemed to bit down harder on the sheets.
He didn’t just want her to feel him filling her with life; he wanted her to bear witness to it.
Tucking his arm around her waist he hauled her up flush against his body. Her yelp of surprise dissolving into a moan as the new angle had her sinking deeper onto his cock. Her back pressed against his chest she rolled her hips, eyelashes fluttering as his crown teased against her sweet spot. Sebastian curled a possessive hand around her throat to keep her upright. The other kneaded her breast, rolling the pert peak between his fingertips. 
Despite the utterly filthy position in which he took her. Sebastian’s hands were gentle, large arms cradling her body. He whispered sweet reverent praise and encouragement into her ear with every roll of her as she sought her pleasure.
“Look at you,” he whispered. Pressing a kiss to her temple coaxing her to look and witness how fucking perfect she was. Her eyes cracked open, gaze settling on the mirror in the corner of the room. Sebastian's reflection grinned at her. She blushed deeply at the sight but she made no move to cover herself. Eyes devouring the sight of her bare, legs spread wide and impaled on Sebastian's cock. 
“Fucking look at you.” He punctuated the statement with a sharp buck of his hips into her cunt.  
She whined desperately with every deep maddening thrust. She leaned back further into his embrace, head tipped back in a wanton moan but she didn't tear her eyes away. As if wishing to burn this moment into her mind. Cunt fluttering greedily around his cock, coaxing more slick onto his shaft. 
“Fuck- you're taking me so well. Do you- fuck. Feel how deep I am inside you?” Sebastian groaned at the slight swell of her stomach. He released her breast hand ghosting down the planes of her stomach. “I can feel you clenching around me - fuck . Feel where I'm going to fill you. Where you'll grow our child.”
He barely recognised the cadence of his voice, low gravelly more akin to a growl than anything human. He pressed a little harder onto her stomach. Feeling the head of his cock against his palm, he groaned. Forehead fell against the crook of her neck pumping into his palm as he ground into her with deep thrusts. Gently teasing his thumb over the blunt head through her soft stomach. 
She whined readily, shivering with pleasure sinking deeper onto his cock with every needy roll of her hips. Blood pounding in his ears Sebastian could feel the pressure mounting. He released his hold on her throat, taking hold of her hips so hard he knew even if his seed did not take her skin would still wear the marks for days.
Leaning back so she could rest against him, his toes curling in the sheets as he found purchase to thrust into her frantic. Her arm wrapped around his neck keening and whimpering with every strong thrust. 
“Please Seb- fuck. I need,” she rasped. Too deliriously close to the edge to tell him what she needed. What they both craved so desperately. 
“Tell me what you want, darling,” he grunted. Peppering kisses behind her ear, along the curve of her jaw. “Do you want me to come deep inside you? Breed you? Make you mine again?”
“Yes. Gods. Yes!”
“Tell- tell me,” he grunted. Clutching her hips to pound up into her brutally. The coil inside of him tightened, feeling his release rushing in. Visions narrowing and cock twitching eagerly. “Tell me how much you want it.”
“I-I want your seed. Your baby. You. Please, Seb- fuck,” she cried out. 
Deft fingers found her clit. Still so sensitive from how he’d already made her quake. Sebastian circled the swollen nub and her head tipped back in a husky moan. Grinding her hips against him, Glistening with a thin sheen of sweat everywhere their bodies were intertwined. 
“You're going to look so perfect. So bloody beautiful carrying our child. My child.”
She gasped as that familiar feeling pooled in her core. “Fuck- Seb please. I'm close.” 
“Fuck I can feel you. So tight - around my cock. Let go for me, my love. And I will ah - for you,” Sebastian groaned into the shell of her ear. 
Despite his vision blurring as Sebastian teetered so close to the edge of nirvana, he couldn't tear his eyes from their reflection. He doubted there was a more mesmerising and all-consuming sight than watching her come completely undone. Head tipped back all words stolen by how expertly he fucked her so a tune to her body. Beads of sweat clung to every curve and dip on her. 
Shimmering. Beautiful. His .
Teasing faster circles over her still-swollen clit. Bucking into her hard and faster. Biting down on his lip so hard he tasted the metallic tang of blood on his tongue as he desperately held back his release. A final uneven snap of his hips burying his cock deep inside her climax broke. 
She cried out suddenly; a clap of thunder announcing a storm. Like the heavens split apart and she submitted to drown in the waves of her pleasure. Nails clawing against his shoulder. Cunt tightened and spasmed as she sucked him in impossibly deeper as Sebastian followed her. Pulling her hips down as her came hard. 
Her name and filthy praise erupted from his lips in a sound he could only liken to a primal whine. Spilling his seed hot and purposeful into the deepest part of her channel. Grinding against her arse, Sebastian milked every last drop from his pulsing cock. 
Willing it to take root. 
Her body slumped against him boneless but every nerve alight and still shivering from the last throws of pleasure as her orgasm ebbed. Rasping in broken pants as she tried to recapture her stolen breath.
He kissed her cheek, tender, lovingly and with as much gentleness as Sebastian could muster with how he practically rattled with how hard his heart was hammering against his ribs; he shifted strong arms guiding her onto her side. Cock still sheathed inside of her. Unwilling to remove himself from her his mind still overcome and entirely consumed with the need to fill her with life.
Sebastian pushed his release deeper inside her with shallow thrusts. She whimpered hips bucking away from the overstimulation of the motion. He peppered soft apologetic kisses across the small bruises beginning to bloom around her throat wrapping his arms around her and cradling her body to him tighter. But Sebastian held firm. Hand pressing against her stomach a silent prayer. Willing his seed to take. 
"I love you. You're going to look so beautiful. Full of my baby," he cooed, with a languid roll of his hips. Tucking her a sweaty lock of tangled hair behind her ear. She sighed, angling her face to meet his gaze. Dishevelled. Swollen lipped. Beautiful. Her soft crooked and familiar yet it still takes his breath away. 
He'd once thought the greatest thing he could do was burn the world for her. But now he knew - It was to build one. 
A life. A legacy. One that they forged and fought for together. Everything, as long as it was with her. 
Despite his efforts to keep her full of him, he could already feel it leaking out around his shaft, hot and slick, coating her thighs. The crown of his cock dragged over her sweet spot before pushing his further in. “In fact - why stop at one this time? Twins do run in my family.”
“I don't think that's how it works-” she stuttered. But her core clenched greedily around his cock. Still stiff and firmly inside of her, it twitched with approval. 
“Care to test the theory?”
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deadghosy · 2 months
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Drawing on his freckles is something that either happens when he lets you do it during a sleepover or when he’s asleep😭😭
Randomly Sebastian asking if you want ice cream at the crack of midnight—
“Want some ice cream?” “…what?” He woke you up thinking about ice cream. Let this man get you two ice cream.
He definitely does that stupid raising eyebrow meme a lot. 😭you cannot tell me that’s what he would not do as one of the pictures.
Doing dumb ideas like tying your shoelaces together. Maybe even his hoodie strings to yours🙁 he’s a very affectionate person in his own ways.
Even if modern era, he would be a slight..just slight nepo baby because of his parents being professors. So imagine him just buying you a random device because he seen it off of a website.
“What the hell is that?!” “…I…I don’t know..” “SEBASTIAN WHAT IN THE BLAZES DO YOU MEAN 'YOU DONT KNOW?!'”
You forced him to send it back gaining a sad puppy faced sallow. But you didn’t care and he sent the weird device away
During Halloween, he wants to match with you so he pulls up to your house holding two ridiculous fruit or any matching costumes.
“Look at us! We’re matching!” “Where did you even buy this?!!”
Okay so maybeeee Sebastian just wanted to match so you two can look like a matching couple.. he was just glad he got you to match with him.
HELP! Sebastian is the type to jokingly take Ominis’s walker and use it as a sword 😭
Sebastian starts to wave Ominis’s walker. Making you duck and Ominis dodge as if this was the matrix. “Sebastian! Put it down you dunce!” Sebastian only laughed maliciously before you threw a pillow at his head. Making him fall on his back. 
He was never allowed near Ominis’s walker again.
Sebastian the type to not hold back his facial expressions. He can’t help but scrunch up his nose at people he dislikes.
“Stop looking like that…” “I can’t help it when they can’t help but not mind their own business.”
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Sebastian loves like a wildfire.
It only takes a spark, and he's ignited---hungry and desperate, unwavering and uncontrollable. He doesn't care what crosses his path as he loves; he will destroy it. Approaching his flames is a risk, one that is all too worth the burns. It takes fuel to love so recklessly, and you and him will give and give and give until there is nothing left to consume.
Ominis loves like a river.
What starts as a gentle trickle turns into an unstoppable current. The flow, steady and consistent, is his quiet strength. There are times of near stillness, those moments when all seems settled, but the rapids are always waiting around the bend. He is a force---one that takes time, but will cut down mountains.
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tempting-andromeda · 1 year
How would they ask Mc to the Yule ball
He wanted to give Mc a big proposal but he just blurted it out
He gets jealous is anyone mentions the Yule ball to Mc because he’s worried someone would try to woo them
He’s really embarrassed that he can’t personally buy their Yule ball stuff like suit or dress but makes up for it
He tries his best to be the best dance partner but he doesn’t understand the ones where people switch partners
Nonetheless he’s a decent dance partner
Great at mingling and showing Mc off being like “look at my stunning partner. Give ‘em a twirl, darling.”
He’s the best hype man if Mc is the slightly bit insecure he’s on his knees complimenting them
He took the Yule ball proposal too seriously and got on his knee in the castle gardens to ask Mc
Mc was genuinely convinced he was proposing marriage until he said Yule ball
He’s one of the best dancers considering the fact that he can’t see.
He’s super casual when it comes to talking to other people but he kinda wants to be alone with Mc so he’ll like whisper in MCs ear and make up something.
Like “I believe I’m starting to get a migraine. Mind sitting outside with me?”
His plan was to dance alone with Mc outside.
He likes feeling the cloth of MCs outfit
His proposal is loud and purely from panic
He accidentally convinced himself that he was going with Mc even though they hadn’t even talked about it
And someone was talking about asking Mc and he’s like “no I already asked them?” And then he realizes he didn’t and he needs to fast
So he runs to the great hall and just yells out into the crowd if they’ll go with him.
He’s a wild dancer. He doesn’t dance proper and he’s flinging Mc all around but it’s fun and somehow charming.
He insists on grabbing them drinks and if he has to leave MCs side he’s making intense eye contact the whole time
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bunbishy · 2 years
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I rescued Sebastian into my vivarium
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
an idea for Sebastian x the MC: MC is on her period and walking with Sebastian when she has a bad cramp, one of those you can’t really ignore and need to sit down for a min and endure the pain. Sebastian’s immediate reaction is thinking she was cursed like Anne because she’s always out fighting goblins. She really doesn’t want to tell him because what teenage girl wants to talk about that with their crush but he’s so worried and won’t drop it. (side note: did teenage boys know about periods in the 1890’s? i deadass have no clue)
omg my mind juices are flowing. what a wonderful idea, anon. thank you for the free labor.
speaking of which, by the time i post this i will most likely have hit 500 followers!! ding ding ding!! why do you guys follow me? i defo do not deserve all the love you guys give me.
another question, how should we celebrate? there are no bad ideas because i have none. anyway, enjoy!
pinky promise
s. sallow x f!reader
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summary: normally you keep these things to yourself, or at least to you and your menstruating friends. but one sebastian sees you doubled over in pain, privacy goes out the window. he's so freaked out that you have no choice but to tell him the truth to ease him.
words: 0.6k
warnings: mentions of periods, cramping, angst, hurt/comfort, crying!seb, not edited!
you were just fine moments ago. you were walking with sebastian to the library to study, talking, joking, all of the normal things you would do. he didn't notice you weren't next to him at first. everything was just fine. but suddenly, everything came crashing down when he saw you clutch your side, your face twisting with anguish. he couldn't help it. he immediately saw anne in you, crying out in pain from her curse. everything slowed around him, all he could hear was his own heavy breaths as he stood helplessly in shock. a million thoughts were racing through his mind. he knew you were one to track down the remaining loyalists on your own, but how could he have missed it? you were probably in so much pain but with too much pride to admit it.
most of all, though, he was angry with himself for being unable to protect you. he'd already let it happen to his sister once, he should've taken more precautions. he should've known, he should've stopped it. without wasting another second, he raced to your side, wrapping his arm around you to support you.
"no, no, no, no, no...please don't tell me..." his voice was already breathless and trembling. with your eyes still screwed tightly shut, his words seemed distant, muffled almost. the sharp pain that suddenly surfaced in your abdomen shrouded all your other senses. you couldn't get a word out if you tried, so you just held up your hand, a weak attempt at calming him.
"no, no, i can't--" he didn't even try to hide the tears pooling in his amber eyes. he quickly dropped to his knees in front of you as you knelt over to get a better look at the expression on your face. his hand instinctively cupped your face.
"y/n, please tell me you weren't cursed, please!" he was full-on crying at this point, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks that were now flushed with worry. you were quickly brought back to reality, hearing the pain in his voice. you opened your eyes and instantly felt horrible.
you placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as you slowly started to straighten your spine as the cramp faded away. "no, sebastian, i'm fine--"
"no, you're not fine!" he was practically wailing now, gripping onto your robes hopelessly before wrapping his arms around your waist with an almost unbearable grip and hiding his dampened face in your torso. you were fast to rest your hands in his hair, gently patting it to somehow soothe him.
"sebastian, really, i'm okay, i'm just..." you continued running your fingers through his hair as you contemplated the truth. to be frank, this was something you were hoping you didn't have to talk with sebastian about. however, the lingering students in the central hall were already giving the two of you stares, you needed to calm him.
"it's...my time, sebastian." you tried to keep your voice hushed as to not draw more attention, but your wording sent him even further from relaxing.
"your time?!" he shouted incoherently, tears still streaming down his face.
you gasped, realizing your mistake, "no, no! sebastian, it's my time of the month." as if a switch had flipped in his brain, his brow softened immediately as he stared blankly at you.
"oh." he let his arms linger around your waist as he tried slowing his breathing. after a moment, he pulled you closer once more, his cheek flush with your stomach.
"please don't scare me like that again," he mumbled adorably, still holding tightly onto you.
"i--...sure, okay. i'm sorry, sebastian. i didn't mean to scare you, darling." you decided not to argue with him. in that moment, all he needed was love.
"and pinky promise no more ashwinder camps without me," he added, craning his neck to look up at you with puffy eyes. you suppressed a chuckle but still smiled down at him.
"pinky promise."
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legacyshenanigans · 10 months
Sebastian: Lads, its cheeky Tuesday at The Three Broomsticks, drinks half price, let's go.
Leander: Hell yeah!
Ominis: I suppose I'll join, to keep you all from making fools of yourselves..
Amit: Ominis, no offence but when we go out drinking its YOU who usually gets the most drunk..
Ominis: Quiet Amit.
Everett: Oof, I have a quidditch game tomorrow..But screw it, I'll come too.
Garreth: I'm not the the mood for drinking tonight.
Sebastian: The foods half price too.
Garreth: *grabs his coat and slips on his shoes* Say no more.
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theealbatross · 2 months
they really messed up by not making seb's line as "if not for anne then for me" because THAT would:
(a) help give MC more dimension by turning them grayer — they're not doing it for some sickly girl they barely knew they're doing it because the sickly girl dying would hurt one of theirs. it would hurt their friend. it would hurt sebastian beyond repair and that cannot happen.
(b) push more suspicion on the balance of sebastian's desperation, friendship, and manipulation to the extremes. are you really his friend? or are you just another powerful ally that helps him achieve his end no matter the means. "i like having friends in my debt" is this friendship (love?) or just another debt you have to pay?
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atypicalamortentia · 10 months
Virgin Headcannons
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Synopsis - The boys virginity headcannons.
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - All characters are aged 18+!
Word Count - 2k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who masturbated to memories of you every night was surprised when you asked him if you were ever going to have sex. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who pressed his lips to yours and asked if now was a good time. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who was already rock hard at the thought of having sex with you for the first time grinded his clothed erection against your backside.  
: ̗̀➛  VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who dragged you back to the Slytherin dorm was eager to see what you looked like underneath those clothes. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who pulled you into the boys room without hesitation pushed you onto his bed before attacking your neck with his lips.  
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who was quick to undress you roamed his hands over your breasts with wide eyes. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who couldn’t help but take one of your pebbled nipples into his mouth as he pawed at your mounds. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who bites down at your nipple softly to elicit the most spectacular noise he had ever heard in his entire life.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who can’t wait another minute and is freeing his cock from their restraints. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who slicks the tip of his cock against your slick folds before gazing deep into your eyes making sure you’re ready. You nod, giving him the go-ahead.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who can’t help but thrust into your cunt desperately. Moans falling from his lips as he feels your pussy grip his cock like a vice. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who gives you a moment to adjust to his large length before he’s pounding into you. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who can’t think straight while he’s inside of you. He just wants to feel you cum all over his cock. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who’s hands make their way to your throat to squeeze lightly, making you see stars and forcing you to cum. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who’s eyes widen as he feels your cunt contracting around his cock. He was a goner the second he feels you spasming and his hips begin to stutter as he shot his load into you. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who is surprised at just how much he cums inside of you. : ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!SEBASTIAN who was no longer a virgin because of you. 
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: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who led you to the Undercroft during a particularly heavy make-out session. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who’s breath catches in his throat when you take the initiative to put your hands down his trousers and begin to stroke his cock slowly. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who lets out a loud moan and throws his head back as you begin to jerk him off can’t help but feel nervous at the fact the two of you were actually doing this. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who moans your name quietly, wraps his fingers in your hair to tell you to keep going as he thrusts his hips against your hand. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who feels his balls tighten as he’s close to cumming, stutters away from your hand before explaining that he wants to finish inside of you.   
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who wishes he could see so he could admire every inch of you as you undress. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who lets his hands be his eyes once you’re fully naked, trailing his hands all over your body, cupping your breasts and squeezing them lightly, letting his fingers trail over your puckering nipples. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who groans when he feels your skin on his and desperately tugs off his cloak and shirt. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who can’t wait to be inside of you feels his cock twitching as you push him down onto the sofa you had transfigured a few weeks prior. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who drags his cock up your folds desperate for some friction, accidentally pushes the tip into your entrance. You let out a soft gasp at the intrusion and throw your head back. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who lets you take control, feeling almost euphoric as you slowly lower yourself onto his cock. You bounce up and down on him almost immediately, begging for more already. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who can’t help the moans that tumble from his lips as he feels you bouncing on him slowly. You move your hips perfectly, just right that has him seeing stars in his mind. Merlin, he wishes he could see you now. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who grasps your hips tightly as he cums deep inside of you with staggering hips and a viscous scream of your name.  : ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!OMINIS who was no longer a virgin because of you.
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: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who pulls you into a broom closet on the way to potions class because he misses you. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who places sloppy, needy kisses on your lips as he whispers about how much he’s been craving your lips on his for the last few hours. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who feels himself starting to get erect as your hands wrap around his neck and play with the little curls at the base of his neck.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who can’t help but think about where this could be going as you slowly peel off his cloak, jumper and shirt.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who becomes flustered as you look up at him with a mischievous grin. A bright pink blush dancing across his cheeks as your hands trail down his chest to the waistband of his trousers. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who finds himself moaning already before you’ve even wrapped your hand around the base of his cock. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who stares into your eyes as you slowly put your hand down his boxers and palm at his thick length. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who bites his bottom lip in an attempt to be quiet, so that passers by the broom closet don’t hear his pathetic whimpering. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who brings his hand up to his mouth to bite at his finger once he realises that biting his bottom lip isn’t stopping his moans. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who is already begging for you. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who wants to cry at how good you’re making him feel. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who can’t help the sheer amount of precum leaking from his cock from the way you’re jerking him off. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who begs for you to fuck him right then and there. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who is a whimpering mess when he’s finally seated inside of you. His hands grasp your hips forcefully as he slowly moves inside of you, building up his pace. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who finds it difficult to gain a rhythm, but once he gets there, it’s otherworldly.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who presses heated kisses against your throat as he fucks you from behind, his hands grasping desperately at your hips to keep himself grounded to you. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who cums inside of you the second he feels your cunt tense around him. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who turns your head to kiss you deeply as he thrusts his last remaining spend inside of you. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!GARRETH who was no longer a virgin because of you. 
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: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who invites you to The Three Broomsticks for a date. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who doesn’t even think about having sex with you on the date. He adores you so much and just wants to show you how much you truly mean to him.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who pays for everything and tells you that ‘you can get the next one’ even though he knows he won’t let that happen. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who is surprised when you kiss him forcefully as soon as you exit The Three Broomsticks, taking him down a secluded alleyway with a knowing smirk on your face.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who feels a bit of anxiety around having sex for the first time, especially in an alleyway. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who convinces you to come back to the Gryffindor Common Room with him. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who wants everything to be perfect for his first time. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who kisses you sweetly as he undresses you once you get back to the Gryffindor Common Room. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who pushes you down onto his bed slowly and climbs on top of you, trailing kisses down your now naked body until he reaches your sweet, spread out pussy. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who tests the waters with his tongue. Licking a slow stripe up your folds before making his way to your clit and gently nibbling on it with his teeth. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who presses a singular finger inside your entrance as he slurps at your clit. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who finger fucks you slowly in an attempt to make you come undone on his tongue before he fucks you with his cock. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who, once you cum, uses his thick, heavy cock to wipe up your juices. Using your cum as lube, he slowly thrusts himself into you. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who can’t stop moaning your name like a prayer as your cunt sucks him in greedily. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who wants this to be a slow and sensual experience, cups your body in his hands as he moves inside of you with ease. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who bites down on your neck softly to mark you as his whispers sweet nothings and praises of how good you feel wrapped around him into your ear.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who cums prematurely inside your cunt because of how good you feel wrapped around him. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who is so embarrassed that he can’t even look you in the eye as you give him soft kisses and whisper words of a soothing nature.  : ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!LEANDER who was no longer a virgin because of you.
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: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who struggles to tell you how he’s feeling when he gets turned on for the first time. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who cries out when you grind against his clothed erection in the empty classroom. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who is worried about getting caught that he locks the door with a wave of his wand. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who watches you with wide eyes as you get yourself off on his thigh. He watches the way your hips ride expertly against his leg and groans in pleasure. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who shakily moves his hand to take off your skirt. You shuffle out of it before pressing your lips against his hungrily.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who swallows your moans gladly as you remove your panties, exposing your pretty pussy to him. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who can’t help but whimper at the sight, his heart beating quickly as you take off his trousers and boxers slowly, almost teasingly. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who asks if you’re sure this is something you wanted to do. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who is caught off guard when you lower yourself down onto his cock in response
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who grasps your hips tightly as he can, bruising you slightly in the process. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who bites down on your bottom lip playfully as you skilfully move your hips against his. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who helps you move your body against his straining clothed cock.  
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who is panting like a dog as you pull down his trousers and underwear, looking at the string of precum oozing from his tip.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who was surprised when you licked his tip playfully, licking his pre from his cock.  
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who falls against the desk, gripping the sides tightly as you suck him off slowly. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who begs for your pussy to be around his cock, not caring about how pathetic he sounded. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who moaned loudly when you sunk down onto his cock and grasped the desk harder.  
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who bit his bottom lip and begged for you to start moving your hips. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who widened his eyes when you finally rolled your hips against his, his mouth falling open without a sound leaving his lips. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who let you dominate him straight from the beginning. He wanted you to take what you needed from him. 
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who bucked his hips up against your greedily, wanting more from you.
: ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who pulls out of your cunt before pushing you down onto your knees, jacking himself off and cumming over your face.  : ̗̀➛ VIRGIN!AMIT who was no longer a virgin because of you. 
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I've been scrolling through your page and I'm obsessed! I love your headcannon posts. <3 Do you think you have any 18+ headcannons for Sebastian/Ominis/Garreth getting aroused at seeing MC walk down the stairs all dolled up for The Yule Ball? And their inappropriate thoughts about MC throughout the ball? Obviously Ominis would have to rely on touch or smell.
Headcannons for getting aroused when they see your Yule Ball outfit
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader; Sebastian Sallow x f!reader; Garreth Weasley x f!reader Ominis Gaunt x m!reader; Sebastian Sallow x m!reader; Garreth Weasley x m!reader
Warnings - 18+ suggestive thoughts and descriptions
A/N - Yay! I love to hear that anon. I hope you enjoy this one :)
Ominis x f!reader
as soon as he heard whispers and gasps from everyone else, he knew you were the one coming down the stairs
he turns towards you with a smug smile on his face since he knew you'd be by his side all night
when he walks up to you to take your arm and his fingers brush up against the soft satin or sultry lace that fell over your waste it takes a lot for him to keep his mouth closed
he loves those textures on you, he strongly associates them with times when you're panting and begging him to please yo
he would whisper to you about being naughty by choosing such a dress and struggling not to adjust his cock in his pants
when you whispered back telling him to wait until he found out what was beneath it his mind just went crazy and he hoped it was dark enough that nobody would notice how aroused he was
the whole night he would be fantasizing about what would greet him if he slipped his fingers beneath your gown
he thought about whether you would have on any stockings, strained by the belt that held them up at your waist
he thought about if he would be greeted with sticky thighs and your bare cunt or some more lace that hardly covered your private bits
he would spend the night staying close to you, although he's normally not one for pda, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you
it would be subtle and nothing daring, but a constant hand around your waist or shoulders bumping into one another
as you slow danced he would be in close proximity to you and telling you the filth that was in his mind
his erection pressed gently up against your hips as a reminder of what exactly it was you had to look forward to later
Sebastian x f!reader
he would have planned to go all out with a reaction to embarrass you like catcalling you and whistling when you showed up
but instead he's just speechless with his mouth hanging open
his eyes are glued to how your outfit fits you so perfectly
when you make your way down the stairs you walk up to him and place a finger on his chin to close his mouth for him
he seems to snap out of it and he winds his hands over your waist, giving you a sly smile
"this dress is going to look amazing on the floor tonight"
he definitely had a hard-on, but he tried his best to ignore it
you spend the night going back and force in attempts to tease each other
he tries to impress you when you dance together and when he removes his jacket and pushes his sleeves up his arms to try and relieve the heat he's feeling, you really start feeling your own
Sebastian is mentally undressing you all night and tries to take guesses at what you're wearing underneath your dress
he feels like he's on fire anytime you touch him
he's really married to the idea of bunching your skirts up and fucking you with your dress still on
Garreth x f!reader
super flustered when he sees you
he's quick to scoop you up and takes a moment to twirl you around just to look at you
the look of lust in his eyes isn't one that's easy to miss
he lets you lead the night, if you want to dance that's where he'll be
if you want a drink, he's off to get it
he's shockingly quiet during the socializing because he just keeps eyeing a different part of you
every time you shift he's looking for a new sliver of exposed skin or a strain in the fabric that shows him the outline of your body underneath
he's definitely trying and failing to hide the tent in his pants all night
but you insist he loosens up and relaxes, promising you'll take care of him later
which just makes his thoughts stray even more
he imagines the indents of the bodice in your soft skin and kissing ever one
he's thinking about undressing you as slow as possible to appreciate how much effort you put in to the ensemble
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Ominis x m!reader
he would hear Sebastian comment sadly about he liked your dress robes much more than his own
Ominis would smile as you descended the steps and took his hand
you would let him know you selected colors just to correspond with his, per Sebastian's sleuthing, and Ominis would heat up on the spot
he would comment about wishing he could appreciate it better
in response you would turn to face him and guide his hands up to your shoulders, dragging them down your silky coat lapels and over the ruffles of your shirt
stopping his hands at your hips to avoid being indecent, but you would notice how his lips part
"Merlin, you're going to be the death of me"
he loved peeling silky and soft clothing from you, it felt much more intimate than something rough like cotton
because he knew it had been carefully selected for him
he would stick close to you and frequently behind you, with hands wrapped around your waist so you could feel his arousal firmly against your backside
when you would be having a conversation with others he would lean to your ear and whisper things to make you go feral
about how badly he wanted to trace his fingers over your stomach and down to your cock
how he wondered if you sat down with your robes just right, he would be able to palm you through your trousers without anyone noticing
Sebastian x m!reader
he would be waiting for you, looking cocky with his arms crossed
he would be doing his best to contain how much he wanted to chase you back up the stairs to take your clothes back off
he would walk up to you and give you a lingering kiss that was practically begging you to run off somewhere else with him
he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you
when you danced his hands would be at your hips or shoulders
when you had a seat he would be tracing dangerous circles on your thigh
his own legs would be spread open in a teasing invitation where you could see that he was aroused
he would be thinking about how good you feel pressed up against him
he loves to fight with you to try and be the more dominant one during lewd things but he loves it when you eventually just put him in his place
he's just spending the night thinking about how good your going to feel inside him
Garreth x m!reader
completely speechless when you come down the stairs
when you're at the bottom he scrambles forward to retrieve you so you weren't just standing there
he's a mess as he takes in your dress attire and loves seeing you in something more fitted
you can't hold back from teasing him, asking if he likes what he sees
in response he angles himself towards you in a way where he shamelessly grounds his erection against you
he ends up being more quiet than usual, but he's very giggly
he's basically giving you bedroom eyes every time you look at him
he's taking in your form and thinking about all the sweet spots that lie underneath
he's thinking about all the places he knows you love being kissed and suckled on
even though it wouldn't put out his own fire at all he's thinking about how amazing you would look in your outfit, standing above him and forcing his head onto your cock
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Fanfic Masterlist
I write for Hogwarts Legacy, Mattheo Riddle, and Criminal Minds
Explicit sexual content -🌶️ Fluff -🌸 Angst -❤️‍🩹
Hogwarts Legacy:
Hate that I now have to add that all characters have been aged up. If you are a minor, get the fuck out, this is not the place for you.
 Sharing is Caring stories in order: 
Everyone Has Needs - Ominis makes time to take care of himself 🌶️
Sharing is Caring - Ominis has an issue with Sebastian and f!MC. When Sebastian finds out what the problem is he talks with MC, wishing they could help Ominis Sebastian x f!MC 🌶️❤️‍🩹
Sharing is Caring chapter 2  - After a bit of denial the trio have a threesome Sebastian x f!MC x Ominis 🌶️❤️‍🩹🌸 
Sharing is Caring chapter 3 - The trio work to get Ominis out of an arranged marriage  Sebastian x f!MC, Sebastian x f!MC x Ominis 🌶️❤️‍🩹 
Sharing is Caring chapter 4 - A member of the HL gang finds out the trios secret  🌸❤️‍🩹
Other Sharing is Caring stories: 
We’re All Winners Here (aka untitled Quidditch story) - Sebastian and Ominis cheer on their girl 🌸
Precious Moments  - Ominis uses Polyjuice potion to witness special moments with Sebastian and f!MC 🌸
Oneshots/Other writings: (Most of these can fit into SiC before Everyone has Needs, but they can also be read as stand alone pieces!)
A Snack by the Lake - Sebastian gets a special snack from MC during a picnic Sebastian x f!MC 🌶️
A Snack by the Lake, Part 2 - MC gets a special snack from Sebastian during their picnic  Sebastian x f!MC 🌶️ 
A Snack by the Lake, Part 3 - Sebastian and MC have a nice ending to their picnic  Sebastian x f!MC 🌶️ 
The Green Imposter - Sebastian finds something interesting in MCs nightstand and puts it to good use Sebastian x f!MC 🌶️ 
Is That What You Want? - After a few drink and a day full of teasing, Sebastian gives MC exactly what she wants  Sebastian x f!MC 🌶️
Little Wolf - After taking out an Ashwinder camp, Sebastian and MC have some feral sex in the woods.  Sebastian x f!MC 🌶️ 
Daddy - The first time MC calls Sebastian Daddy and the first time he calls himself Daddy  Sebastain x f!MC 🌶️🌸 
Worth the Wait - Sebastian and f!MC have a sweet first time together (Not SiC related) 🌶️ 
Naughty Escapades and a Wily Temptress  - Sebastian and MC make a deal to wait until after taking their NEWTs to have sex, but MC can’t stop teasing him (Not SiC related) 🌶️ Sebastian x f!MC 
Ask and Headcannons:
 Sebastian and Ominis kinks
Sebastian and Ominis favorite positions/if they prefer head or penetration 
Sebastian and Ominis how loud they are/their dirty talk 
Sebastian and Ominis what their first times with f!MC are like 
How the trio became a throuple 
Ghost on the Shore - Sebastian Sallow HC 🌸
Daddy Dom Sebastian (Not SiC related)
The start of Sebinis from Sebastians POV 
Ominis knows nothing about girls and Sebastian is totally wiling to teach him (Not SiC related)
Sebastian and Ominis as Doms and Subs  
How Sebastian and Ominis react to MC dancing with another guy at the Yule Ball 🌸 
Life after Hogwarts with Sebastian and Ominis 🌸
Hogwarts Legacy Character Reactions: 
HLC react to MC asking them to have a threesome 🌸 
HLC react to MC taking them to a sex shop to pick out new toys and lingerie 
HL boys pick out lingerie for f!MC 
HL girls pick out lingerie for f!MC and she picks some out for them 
HLC react to being allowed to touch MCs face for the first time  🌸
HLC react to you flinching when they try to touch you for the first time 🌸
Mattheo Riddle :
Carnal chapter 1 - Mattheo Riddle meets an unforgettable, mysterious Hufflepuff and spends the school year fighting his feelings Mattheo Riddle x f!OC 🌸
Carnal chapter 2 - Mattheo Riddle and Daisy Waters spend their summer longing for each other and panicking about their strong feelings for each other Mattheo Riddle x f!OC Daisy Waters 🌸🌶
Carnal chapter 3 - Sparks fly between Mattheo Riddle and Daisy Waters when they reunite aboard the Hogwarts Express Mattheo Riddle x f!OC Daisy Waters 🌸
Carnal chapter 4 - Mattheo Riddle can’t stop thinking about Daisy Waters, the pair admit their longing for each other, and Daisy gives him an assignment Mattheo Riddle x f!OC Daisy Waters 🌸🌶️
Carnal chapter 5 - Daisy takes Mattheo to her home in Hogsmeade and shares a secret part of herself with him Mattheo Riddle x f!OC Daisy Waters 🌸🌶️❤️‍🩹
Carnal chapter 6 - The sexual tension between Mattheo and Daisy reaches a breaking point as they grow closer to each other. 🌸🌶️
Mattheo and f!OC mood boards: Character boards Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Criminal Minds :
Oneshots: Starving - Your boss, Aaron Hotchner, calls you into his office for an unexpected reason Aaron Hotchner x f!bau!reader 🌶️
Headcannons: Hotch loves to buy his lover fancy lingerie
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
How do you think would Ominis Gaunt or Sebastian Sallow ask their favorite person to the Yule Ball?
(I'm salty that we didn't have an option to romance anyone, having the Yule Ball would have been a freaking fantastic way to introduce romance options 😂)
*slams hand down on table* WELL ANON LET ME TELL YOU I HAVE THOUGHTS.
The first is you’re so very right, we were robbed, and I’ll never forgive it.
Let’s start out with our dear Sebastian Sallow:
The boy likes to think he’s confident. And he is—in most aspects.
One of the ones he’s not so confident in is asking you to the Yule Ball.
That doesn’t stop him from pretending he is, though. Back in their dorm, he talks it up to Ominis, telling him, “Yeah, I’ll just ask them in Herbology, we’re next to each other anyways,” or “Tonight after dinner. A bit more private, after everyone else has cleared out.”
And he walks into each of those situations with the fullest intention of following through with his plans. But then he sees you and he can’t help thinking how daft he is for thinking you’d say yes. He still tries, though. He opens his mouth. He begins to speak. He even asks you something—it’s just never what he really wanted to ask.
Instead, what comes out is something like, “Want to play Gobstones in the Undercroft later?” Or “Think you could help me with my Potions essay?” And you say yes to that, so he’ll have to count that as enough for now.
Every time he goes back to his dorm knowing he’ll have to face Ominis’s exasperated sighs.
“Did you ask them?”
“Shut up.”
Again and again and again as the weeks melt away into days before the ball.
It’s when he hears someone else is planning on asking you that any inhibition vanishes in an instant. One second, his heart drops when Ominis tells him that Andrew Larson of all people is going to ask you, and the next he’s storming through the halls to find you. It doesn’t take long—you’re in a courtyard, chatting away to some other friends. He doesn’t even take the time to look around him.
“You’re going to the ball with me.”
Sebastian doesn’t even ask. He states it, eyes staring directly into yours.
You raise your eyebrow. “Since when?”
“Since I asked you.”
“And when did that happen?”
He has to think for a moment, realizing that technically, it still hasn’t, but this time, he’s quick to fix it.
“Will you do me the luxurious honor of going to the ball with me?” he finally asks, grinning.
You smile. “Yes, Sebastian. It’s about time you asked.”
When anyone asks him about it later, he’ll tell them it was a piece of cake. No big deal. Ominis will always roll his eyes at this, knowing full well that without his lie about Andrew Larson, it never would have happened.
As far as Ominis Gaunt goes:
He’s told everyone, including himself, that he doesn’t plan to go to the ball. He doesn’t want to, he claims. It’s not his thing.
Truth is, he just doesn’t want to go with anyone other than you. And he knows full well that won’t happen, as he has no intention of asking you.
You see, he doesn’t want you to feel obliged—that because he’s your friend, you have to say yes to the unpopular blind boy. He knows there are plenty other people who will ask you, so he decides to just leave it be.
Sebastian sees right through him, though, and does everything in his power to pester him until he changes his mind. It’s exhausting—which is saying a lot, because Sebastian is tiring enough on a normal day. Still, he refuses. But as the ball comes closer, he starts to feel small pangs of regret at his decision.
People talk about buying robes and dresses. Practicing dancing. There’s a contagious excitement in the air and he can’t help but get caught in it.
But he still convinced himself it’s for the best. It’s amazing you haven’t been asked yet—until suddenly, you have.
And you turned it down.
He’s shocked with Sebastian tells him, hearing the sky smirk in his voice. Garreth Weasley had asked you, and you’d said no.
It isn’t long until he goes off to find you, and soon he brings it up, his curiosity and maybe a little bit of hope getting to him.
“You said no to Garreth?” He asks.
You confirm this, and he’s baffled.
“The ball is only days away, what if you don’t get asked again?”
He’s shocked by the unworried tone in your voice when you respond. “There’s only one person I’d say yes to. Otherwise, I’m fine not going.”
Only one person… he can’t help bit frown, wishing he was the one who had captured your heart. “I suppose it’s for the best I don’t ask you and save you the trouble of rejecting someone else.”
He expects you to agree. To say sorry, but he was right. Maybe even to laugh at the mere idea.
What he doesn’t expect is for you to pause, voice going low when you finally say, “You’ll never know unless you ask.”
And it hits him that you want him to ask. That he is the one you were waiting for.
And when you say yes, he couldn’t be more overjoyed.
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tempting-andromeda · 1 year
Headcanons for Mc getting into an argument with the boys!!! Please I need angst
Hell yeah I love me some angst.
He says things he doesn’t mean when he gets into fights. He says things that cross a line and doesn’t regret it in the moment but once he’s out of it he feels so bad.
Has a sharp tongue so his words are cutting deep.
Type to say he isn’t arguing but will yell in your face 5 seconds later.
When the fight is like super heated he gets tears in his eyes but doesn’t completely cry.
If Mc starts crying it hurts him but he can’t lose the fight.
So depending on what they’re fighting about or how emotional they are he’ll stop arguing to comfort them or just walk off.
After the argument he writes Mc and apology and gifts them something. His apologies are usually sincere.
He doesn’t really argue. He’ll get snappy and stern but won’t yell often.
Doesn’t insult Mc like Sebastian does but he does scoff and say stuff like “No no no you’re always right.”
Will call them childish but if he says anything worse he will apologize.
He’s the type of slam his hand on a wall or table to get his point across but has never been aggressive towards them.
If he gets irritated he’ll yell “oh my Merlin!”
When he gets too upset he’ll tell Mc they’ll finish it later but he needs space.
Once he’s finish dwelling on the argument he does apologize and mean it. He always apologizes in person and tries to make it up the best he can.
Eye roll king
Scoffs every 5 seconds and will act as if everything Mc saying is wrong
Says “I’m not talking to you.” But immediately turns around and is like “you know what?”
Doesn’t insult Mc but does insult the argument.
Has hit a wall once but that argument was extremely short lived (he needed to go to the matron )
If the argument is heated he’s a angry crier. He’ll poke his finger at Mc and then get frustrated at himself
After the argument he’ll at first act all big an bad but then it hits him and it breaks his heart. He will cry during his apology.
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