#hmm. little droid guys...
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pocketramblr · 2 months ago
Mando AU for the ask game?
Winter Break WiPMas
Headcanon: I know my au is desperately lacking an important star wars staple- a little droid guy. Truly I am trying to figure out where to add one, and I think Kirishima might be the easiest way to, as Clan Kara simply will not. Maybe an astromech droid for Kiri, and something smaller for Eri and her siblings?
“They’re looking for me too, but they aren’t very good at it. Sometimes I hear things, when I splice.” Spliced? How old was this kid that Pudiri had never mentioned. Kudo asked. “Fourteen, alor.” Fourteen. Technically a soldier, an adult. But not if he was clanless, and certainly not if he wasn’t in Mandalorian space. And while other Shinomori might still be alive, if Pudi had kept the kid with xer instead of with them, he must be clanless. “Where are you?” Hikage didn’t answer. “They’re looking around Phindar spaceport for you.” “Then we’re not going there. Where are you?” For a second, he thought Hikage wasn’t going to answer again, but then he did. “Do you remember, where Pudi is from?” “Yes.” “There’s not as many there, but some are. Be careful, alor.”
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heyclickadee · 2 years ago
This is based on nothing but vibes and the fact that Crosshair hasn’t actually been there for most of Omega’s development, and therefore hasn’t seen what a tiny little badass she’s turned into, but: unlike the other four guys, who have mostly settled into the idea that Omega is definitely a child and needs to be looked after in that regard, but that she’s also extremely capable and can handle herself pretty well, Crosshair would be a bit stuck in his own overdone version of “baby cannot be in any danger ever” mode for a while. Like
Omega: *hanging off the marauder’s tow cable*
Crosshair: Why is Omega hanging off the ship?
Wrecker: Oh, she does that sometimes. It’s fun!
Crosshair: It’s. What?
Omega: —and then I jumped off the platform and pulled that droid with me—
Crosshair: The platform…above the lava pit?
Omega: Yeah!! It was a long way down, too!! But I knew Hunter would catch me, so—
Crosshair: *has to walk away so he can privately scream into the void*
Crosshair: That’s an interesting weapon. How do you set it to stun?
Omega: Set it to stun??
Crosshair: …
Crosshair: HUNTER?!?
Hunter: Hmm??
Crosshair: SeT iT tO sTuN??!??!
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umbramoons · 5 months ago
Clone Wars S7 E1: The Bad Batch
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Please ignore the terrible quality, I did my best.
- Coming in hot like there’s no tomorrow.
- Tech has the best armor by far; his helmet is ADORABLE. Also, his armor has a lot more gaps than the rest of his squad. If that is to make it more maneuverable, ARE HIS GYMNASTIC SHENANIGANS A COMMON OCCURRENCE?! ❤
- That little head tilt when he sees the group he’ll be working with. ❤
- Kix: “These guys are clones? They don’t look like clones to me.” I don’t know if Tech overheard, but his eyes scrunched up as if he smiled, and he took off his helmet, like, “You think they look weird? Check this out.” HE HAD THE MOST MISCHIEVOUS LITTLE SMIRK ON HIS FACE, AND I LOVED IT. ❤
- You can tell he’s nervous to meet these new people. He’s just grinning so awkwardly, like, “Yep, this is great. I’m so happy to meet you all... I’m overselling it, aren’t I?”
- His little smile when Cody says to get going.
- He takes the slightest step forward when Jesse acts like he’s about to charge Crosshair. But Hunter gets there first, of course.
- He’s the first one that Wrecker helps out of the crash.
- He also moves to stop Rex when he says he’ll get Cody out of the wreckage. Literally, he’s doing everything Hunter is about to do, Hunter is just a lot more direct and always beats him to it. So it’s safe to say that at this point, if something happened to Hunter, Tech would take over.
- Apparently, Tech likes to crouch as an idle position. He does it here while they’re waiting for Wrecker to get Cody out, and he’s also doing that in the one group photo of the Batch. (CX-2 does it at one point, too, and I hate it. They played us so bad.)
- He's right next to Kix when he's examining Cody. Makes sense since he's the team's unofficial medic, so he would be concerned.
- When Hunter says, "That's not our style," he gets a borderline malicious smirk. He's like "Yeeess it's been too long since I've blasted a droid."
- His ready position with his dual blasters. ❤
- Calling out the needed calculations and working perfectly with his team.
- They make camp, and Tech is just staring up at the stars. ❤
- His face falls a little bit when Crosshair challenges Rex. He's like, "Cross, what are you doing?"
-  “Uh, guys, come on.” He could be a leader, he’s just not commanding enough.
- His little huff and head shake like he can’t believe his brothers got in a fight on the first day. ❤
- Taking down droids like a boss.
- "You got it, Cap." ❤
- “Hmm. This is a delicate operation.” Wrecker kicks the door, and Tech looks like he lost a life.
- "We're in." ❤
- Dang, his eyes are so pretty. ❤
- Something about the way he jerks back when he first hears the audio of Echo. And then the look he gives Rex when he asks what it is.
- He perks up SO much when Crosshair pulls up and is the first to run for him.
- Actually caring about what Rex was looking for and asking what the CT number meant. When Rex explains and says, “He’s alive,” Tech’s expression changes from confusion to something closer to a mix of surprise and sympathy.
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thora-sniper · 19 days ago
Third day and it's theme was so interesting. Really interesting, because I had to think hard about what could possibly lead these two to a confrontation? Even if you consider that I have the easiest guy for this.
So I have to look into their Empire past for this.
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Disclaimer: I have no finished art fo this day. Maybe tomorrow, but I have sketch:
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And you can find full in the end.
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Training lasts about a week, when CT-9904 decided to make something different. He want to test on his apprentice one of their risky strategies. He got used to her behavior patterns, studied her own ways of dealing with situations, and suddenly it seemed to him that everything would work out.
Cadet entered training room little bit later after him because their group have to be collected for another special meeting. It was just another propaganda lecture, and girl was especially angry after them. And test was about controlling aggression and other senses if you want to reach the goal of the mission.
It wasn't only for her, but CT-9904 want to test himself too. It's been a long time since he was trusted to participate in a full-fledged operation. He was seeing around and found more and more clones are being replaced by humankind stormtroopers and his connection with this girl was his key to understand what's going on. Was she only one who really want interact with him and how far she go with this if he continued treat her everyday.
-We have some training droids today, - CT-9904 said, when she stopped near him. - Your goal is take what they are guard. You have to be sneaky and invisible, don't show you on the line of fire, no matter what happens. Right?
-Yes, sir, - as politely as always she answered. Cadet looked through the environment plan, mindly marked the location of the box and nodded without any other word.
-I'm on your side this time, trying to catch their attention but I go for battle little bit later. So strat by your command. Your place is here, - long thick finger hit a small point on the plan. - Without weapon, - he stopped her when she try to walk to arsenal. - You have no any weapon, this droids can only paralyzed you, so you have nothing to afraid. Do you trust me? - he assumes this cocky pose that speaks to his selfish nature. Cadet defiantly answered with "hmm" and take her position.
-Let's play your new game, - silently mumbled young woman and added more louder. - Ready. Steady. GO!
CT-9904 push the button and start droids. Training machines twitched and came to life, blinking with their lamps. Girl hide behind one of the walls in a second before one of them turned to her location. They were silent enough when they start moving so it was necessary strain ears to understand where are they. Cadet straightened up slightly, standing higher than the wall, noted their position, and dived back in. CT-9904 was nowhere to be seen, as if he had disappeared into the darkness, but as he said it wasn't her goal, and she have to trust him even it looks so uncomfortable. If he wanted to play on her nerves, he succeeded.
The girl exhaled and crouched down to another partition. Somewhere with somersaults, somewhere crawling, she reached half of the maze in five minutes. Then she found out that droids blocked both ways to the box, and she needs to lure one of them out. This moment blue sparkle beat one of the droids into the head, and his motions became faster, and some lights change their color. Another light make the same with other. It wasn't looking good and didn't bode well.
CT-9904 accidentally appears and take his place near with his back to the wall.
-Something wrong with this droid program, - he hissed. - It doesn't look well, off button don't work, and we cannot allow them to break out of the training ground. Look, theirs program changed after my shoot.
-Understood. Does this activate lethal weapon on them? So we can use one to destroy other but... - She lifted her head over the partition for a second to see where the droids were now. Fortunately, both droids were looking the other way at that moment. Red lamps in their torso were blinking, arms with blasters raised.
-Too far, - said cadet, returning to her seat. CT-9904 could see on her face, that she was calculating this situation. She has no helmet, no weapon, no armor on her, he said that those droids are broken and she don't even think about asking help from someone outside. It was her mission, and he gave her a task.
She makes one new quick view, tracking droids motions. Than sit down again. And one another one, when blaster shoot over her head.
-Buster, - she cursed as an answer and then continue. - Two was, we need to go through two walls, we will find ourselves at the first droid. They have one place under their knees where wires are out, it helps to immobilize this one for a moment. It may start to shoot and we can try beat another one. That... well, we can try to open it's battery and switch it off manually.
With this words she make one quick step to the wall end and go to another corridor. Clone had heard her words, but have no any time to stop her. It was exactly what he was expecting from her, but he doesn't want her doing it in real.
Now he can't control her position even he knew what the girl was thinking about, but when the first blaster shoot swooshed over the walls he understood that she was in place. Than two another shots struck sparks from the walls, and then alarm system of the second droid turn off.
CT-9904 rise up on his place in the whole height with remote controller in his hand and one last thing that he can see was the blaster charge accumulated in droids arm pointed in his direction. The shoot was too quick even for his reaction. At the last moment cadet, who was struggling with this droid at that time, pulled on the panel covering the battery compartment, this change it's position and the main charge went a little higher. Somewhere on the corner of his mind he heard the girls voice but hitting his head against the wall, he lost consciousness.
-What... - the injury wasn't that bad, so in five minutes clone was on his feet again.
-One droid destroyed and other is offed, - answered cadet. The box cracked too, maybe because of ricochet...
-You have to make your mission, cadet. You lost, - CT-9904 threw the unnecessary remote aside and loomed over his ward. - This what you have done.
-I saved you, stupid clone, - she cried. - Why you're trying to kill herself. It was inconsiderate.
It was first time when she let her rise her voice on him, the worry in her voice betrayed her real concern.
-I don't need your sympathy, - he spit to her.
-This was too dangerous and you knew it, - she showed him that she understand his plan. She really was very insightful. - If you continue this way...
CT-9904 haven't let her finish this sentence. He push girl to the floor grab her clothes and accidentally punch her face once and twice and before he make the next move he paused a little, because he saw blood on the corner of her lips and red stripes on her cheek. Thin skin burst, and pair drops of red liquid collected together and ran down by the cheek. Clone never seen her eyes so widely open, fear was in there and reflection of his own figure.
-You... - he can't find any word to bite her this time. She done all that she can. And all was right in her action. - You can cancel our next training, and all others too if you want. I already gave you enough, - he said trying not to look at her. He got to his feet and walked away.
- I ... will ... come ... here, - she said with long pause between words rising from the floor. - And something isn't still enough. And I don't want...
-Go to med and...
-As always. I'll say that I fell, as always - cadet answered sadly, and turning over to go to exit.
Always. This stacked into CT-9904 head till the end of the day. He wasn't the first who bring pain to her, she wasn't afraid pain itself, girl was upset that she pissed him off more than anything else. With every action, with every word she was trying to be comfortable to interact, she play his game, follow his rules till the end. But the threat to his life may be meant more to her than the simple loss of her mentor.
Next training day CT-9904 open the door to the hall, hoping that his cadet wasn't there. But she was. Concentrated more then ever.
He could swear that deep inside of her she was angry like hungry rancor, but her face wasn't show nothing at all. She stood by the weapon rack with her eyes closed and repeatedly assembled and disassembled the training fire puncher. Clone hummed and stand near.
-What we were doing today? - he asked.
-Trying to beat shit from each other, I suppose, - she answered don't open her eyes. Blue-green mark on her cheek was so contrasting to her skin tone, but she was trying to hide this part of her face from him in a dark.
"Stupid girl," - he thought. - "But I like you. You one can be so annoying and so foolhardy to staying with me. Reminding me what I have lost."
-Maybe next time. I thought about simply target practice. Take your puncher and go to the line.
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Thanks for reading, or looking through to everyone 🫶
And more thanks to them who making "likes" and "reblogs" 😍
Thanks @clonexocweek for this event!
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years ago
Rebels Rewatch: "Iron Squadron"
Unexpected Sato backstory??? And other fun things!
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Oh hey, the rare Star Wars planet that is not one single biome!
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My son looking cutely contemplative. :)
Hera's the first to mention that Sato has "connections" here, and my brain automatically assumed family even before the reveal.
This freighter the kids are using is a YT-2400, which apparently was kind of a big deal to Legends fans because of some dude named Dash Rendar. This is not my area of lore expertise so I won't comment on that, but I will observe that if fanbros had an expectation of seeing that guy in this episode then it makes more sense why they got pissy when it was revealed the crew was upstart plucky kids instead.
Still, adult Star Wars fans really have got to stop mindlessly hating on teen/kid characters.
"They're attacking the Empire head on!" I mean, y'all have a Corellian freighter too and you do that all the time. I guess the YT-2400 looks way more civilian grade to them, no obvious modifications.
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Why is Kanan in the turret, guys? Yeah yeah I know he has the Force to help him "see" but this is just... silly.
Hera still operating under the impression that it's a civilian ship. I mean technically it is but also you're in the Rebellion Hera, we literally just had an Imperial ace talk about how y'all use whatever ship that flies a few episodes ago lol.
You know the trick with the cargo crates is actually pretty clever. The YT-2400 obviously has very little actual armament aside from the one top gun, very easy to lull your enemy into thinking you're harmless.
Lol Zeb accurately calling that Iron Squadron is "a ship-full of Ezras".
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I haven't commented on it before but sometimes Ezra just sits like such a typical teenager, using the furniture in all the wrong ways.
Big fan of the slightly vulnerable note in Sato's voice here.
Lol Ezra and Sabine's faces here.
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"If you like a junk pile." "Be nice." A+ adorable banter moment, love it.
There goes Chopper antagonizing other droids again.
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Mart is surly and grumpy and looks like a shaggy kitten and I love him. <3
Gooti trying to diffuse the tension in the room by offering waffles. Relatable.
Mart honestly sounds just a bit like Dark Side Drunk Ezra, the undernotes of anger in his voice, insisting that they have things under control and don't need help. Honestly it was kind of an amazing and interesting idea to put Ezra alongside a bunch of (slightly) younger kids a few rungs back on the character development ladder to contrast how much more mature he's gotten.
Mart confusing different Imperial ships for a Star Destroyer is also a great running gag. Sabine gets so annoyed lol.
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Lothal still looking relatively pretty.
I would really like to praise Lars Mikkelson for making me creeped out by the most innocuous of scenes with Thrawn, all the man has to do is comment on Iron Squadron being interesting and mildly insult Konstantine and my skin crawls, ggughhhh.
Thrawn setting up lesser officers for failure again.
Relating to deliberately casting Ezra as the more mature one, it even extends to how they keep posing him this episode. He's not more than a year or two older than the Iron Squadron kids and yet he feels so much older in his bearing and manner of speaking.
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The shoulder nudge and the way Sabine goes, "Hmm?" makes me think they're improving this on the fly.
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I've joked before about this looking like a cute family photo but it's still true.
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Spaceparents be skeptical lol.
Chopper just whacking the panel with hammer. XD
"This might be just a planet to you, but it's our home!" Hoo boy, that's the heart of it isn't it? Ezra has been through this exact thing. So he understands the instinct to dig in and fight back. But like Mon Mothma would later remind him in Season Four, you can't save every planet right away. Sometimes you have to retreat and regroup, and come back stronger later.
Sometimes you have to leave home.
It doesn't mean you don't fight. It just means you don't let your fear of loss make you stupid.
Once again leaning on that message of "How we choose to fight."
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This is purely in the realm of headcanon but Mart's obsession with suicidally charging a Star Destroyer makes me think that might be how his father died, or something similar to it at least.
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Gooti and Jonner sharing a look like, "Uhhhhhh maybe they have a point about our ship being way too small to take on the Empire alone."
Yeah, no, I'm sticking with my idea that Mart has just a little bit of a death wish and wants to go out taking revenge against the Empire that killed his father.
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Precious little rage bean. <3
Sabine reminding Ezra not to get in trouble with Hera for disobeying orders again.
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It's okay Sabine, he's learned that lesson lol.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The sheer floof to Mart's hair. I can't believe how much volume it feels like has, just from the way it shifts around his head.
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"I am all the family he has left." :((((
Right, continuing with the Mart-is-literally-Ezra-from-a-couple-seasons-prior parallels, Mart's disbelief and delight at the Ghost coming back for him.
And Konstantine makes a really stupid decision in the effort to... idk, give himself more glory? He literally has enough ships and firepower to blow both freighters to bits and he insists on this showy mine trap move.
This is why Thrawn sent you by yourself, pal, he wanted to see if you'd croak.
Lol the Ghost took a potshot at the light cruiser as it was passing.
Chopper continuing in the grand habit of bullying other droids.
Ahhhhhhh Sato came! He was too far away to be able to get there on time and he came anyway!
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Yeah uh, Konstantine? You should have known the mine plan would never have worked as soon as you lost signal contact with it. Also it's really stupid to let them get the ship that close to your cruiser before you try to detonate it.
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Mart's little "...Oh." expression. <3 A+ running gag payoff, no complaints.
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Thrawn calling Konstantine just to rub the embarrassment in.
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Aw frick.
Don't think about the Kanan-Ezra parallels, don't think about the Kanan-Ezra parallels, don't think about the Kanan-Ezra parallels--
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They're adorable.
And we couldn't let the episode close without getting one last gag in by way of Chopper rolling up to R3 and smacking him for no damn reason lololol.
I unironically love this episode and these kids. <3 Fandom was way too mean about this episode, why do y'all hate fun?
There are a few things introduced in this episode that really should have been picked back up and followed through on and yeah, a couple moments are a smidge cringe. But the humor is overall solid and sue me Mart Mattin is precious and I love the depth his existence adds to Sato. AND I WANTED SO MUCH MORE I DON'T CARE THAT I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES THEM I NEEDED MORE IRON SQUADRON.
*ahem* I'm normal about this episode. Soooo normal.
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mylifeisactuallyamess · 2 years ago
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Chapter 17: Revelations
A/N: Hiiii guys! Sorry this is like, late. I had a parenting emergency yesterday, nothing serious but the smallest needed to go to A&E (she’s ok) which is why I haven’t looked at my inbox or posted this. So…I’m throwing this out there. I have been through it but honestly, if it doesn’t make sense just smile and nod and wait for the next chapter. ✌🏻
Warnings: Mentions of order 66, slaves, feelings, canon violence, droid deaths (but who cares with these guys), Tech being Tech and allowing everything to get in the way before he reacts.
Word Count: 7k+
Tagging: @idoubleswearimawriter @ravenclawbitch426 @dreamqueenkala @moon-wrecked
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You entered the Marauder landing pad and smiled at Hunter casually leaning against the ship. The side panel was open but you couldn’t see Echo or Tech working on it, so you assumed they must have gone for supplies.
“How was the race?” He asked with a raised eyebrow and you made a face at him. “I heard you took on a Nosaurian.”
“I didn’t,” you hastily corrected him. “He was being shady and I took him by surprise. I realise I could not have, taken him, otherwise.” He uncrossed his arms and rubbed a hand across his jaw, scratching at the stubble he could never seem to keep on top of. “Anyway, what’s the plan for today?” You were dressed in your armour, ready for another gruelling training session.
“I thought we could do something, a little you focussed today.”
“Not sure I like the sound of that,” you said with a brief chuckle. He pulled a strip of material from his belt and you saw he had one of his bandanas in his hands.
“I need you to trust me.” You eyed the material suspiciously knowing he wanted to blindfold you but with no clue why.
“You’re safe here.” He was right. Looking around the landing pad not much could happen that would lead to anything awful.
Clasping your shaking hands together you nodded. “Ok.”
He was careful, moving slowly behind you and gently slipping the red strip over your eyes so the light of day was blocked out.
“Can you see anything?” Tentatively your hands reached up, brushing his fingertips before they withdrew and you explored the feel of the bandana. It wasn’t too tight, not too loose but you couldn’t see either.
“Good.” You felt odd. With your eyes covered you could hear slightly better, your fingers twitched as your other senses came to the forefront in a flood. “I want you to concentrate.” He sounded somewhere else and you turned in his direction. A scuff on the duracrete had you turning again and your heart roared in your chest. “Slow it down. Breathe…” he was like a shadow, slipping from one side and then the other. So you stood still, inhaling deeply and letting it out in a controlled exhale.
Tilting your head, you closed your eyes behind the bandana and focussed. Hyper awareness ripped through you, it made your skin tingle when the air shifted, or your head move when a sound echoed. Your heart slowed, the pound of it setting a steady rhythm.
He didn’t give you warning when he attacked but still your vambraces came up to clash with his and he huffed. “Good.” The pressure lifted and you reset your pose. Turning on the spot you were sure you were tracking him until he rushed you from behind. Instantly you ducked and his swing went over your head. Spinning quickly you kicked the front of his knee and heard a soft grunt as he hopped out of the way. “I still want to know where you learned that move,” he groaned, as he worked the pain out of his joint.
“It’s a natural reaction, usually knees don’t bend that way and a broken leg is a real hindrance,” you explained, resting easily on your right leg with your fists raised.
“Hmm.” It went silent again but now you could hear his footsteps, the subtle flinch in his gait as he still suffered from your blow. This time he didn’t relent, rushing at you from the front you successfully blocked his moves with a clash of armour. Vambrace against vambrace, your knuckle plate blocked by the palm of his hand, your knee plate jarred against his thigh and it gave him the advantage he needed.
Your balance tipped and he grabbed your wrist, twirling you round so his arm was across your throat. You were a whirlwind, utilising the hold break he had taught you on Maridun to devastating effect as he grunted. He tapped on your spaulder so you released him, springing back a couple of paces as you stretched your fingers out and curled them back in.
“That, was impressive,” he mumbled with hidden awe.
“Can I take this off?” You asked, reaching for the bandana but he gently stopped your movement.
“Not yet. I want you to concentrate and block everything that comes your way. Got it?”
“Yes.” Balling your hand into a fist, you flicked your wrist quickly. The shield Tech had enhanced your armour with came alive with a soft bumph and a crackle. The blue disc hummed as it protruded just above your wrist. Swinging it a few times you rolled your shoulders and readied yourself.
The first shot glanced off the shield and you turned when he changed position. Soon Hunter was having to use every position he could think of to try and get one of his stuns past your defence, but still he couldn’t tag you with the bolts.
“Oh man!” Wrecker exclaimed excitedly which made your awareness clock a couple more figures.
“Grab a blaster,” Hunter ordered. Now you had to invoke evasive manoeuvres as well as block incoming bolts when Echo and Wrecker started firing.
It didn’t take long before you began to tire and your foot slipped, allowing a bolt from Wrecker to slip under your defence making you fall to your knee.
“Hold!” Hunter was approaching, his fingers carefully slipped the bandana off your eyes as you flexed your numb hand. “Wrecker only tagged your arm,” he explained. “But you probably knew that.” He helped you up, Omega giving you a cheerful wave from behind him which you returned with a smile. “When the feeling comes back to your arm, we’ll move to target practice.”
You settled yourself on a crate and nibbled a ration bar from a pouch on your belt. Training like this always drained you but never enough to wipe your mind. You had always hated sleeping, but lately the feeling something bad was coming had been weighing on you. An extra darkness that threatened to drag you with it, a darkness your demons thrived in.
Meditation wasn’t working, exercising your skills wasn’t working, the impending doom feeling never left. “Hunter…”
“Stitch,”’he rumbled mildly in return, seating himself next to you.
“Do you ever get that sensation that everything is about to change?” He leaned on his thighs, his hair falling softly over his bandana as he tipped forward. You watched the shadowed side of his face when he grimaced slightly.
“I always assume change is coming,” he told you.
“I don’t mean a change in a mission…something larger.” His position didn’t change and you ran your hands down your thighs in a nervous gesture. “Can we check on the others?” He sighed, his shoulders sagging a little. “Can you contact Rex?”
“I could, whether he’ll answer…” he turned his hand outward and shrugged.
“I just…” you turned to look back at the ship, imagining Tech sitting inside no doubt doing some maintenance on a secondary system somewhere, fine tuning his ship. He’d never admit it, but he did feel something for the Marauder…like he’d never admit outloud any sense of feeling for you or anyone.
You wished you had said all you wanted to in Safa Toma, but it wasn’t the time nor the place.
“What happened?” Hunter didn’t need to say anything else because you already knew what he was asking in that husky tone.
“I was going to tell him,” you admitted, hating the way your face crumbled and your barriers were immediately non-existent. Hunter had replaced Tech in some ways, becoming your safe space to express but never in the way you wanted. It wasn’t the same.
“I couldn’t. He didn’t—understand what I was saying.” Shaking your head you swallowed a block of emotion from your throat. “I’m terrified if I tell him how I feel everything with change and not for the better.”
“But it’s already changed,” Hunter pointed out and a soft sob threatened to break free.
“I know. I know! I don’t know how to fix it, fix us. It’s my fault, I’m no good at this I’ve never…” you glanced at him feeling the heat in your face. “I’ve never had these feelings before, I don’t know what to do with them.”
“Neither has Tech.”
“If he even has them,” you muttered sullenly and Hunter breathed noisily through his nose, checking the ramp was clear before he spoke.
“I am not one to dish out this sort of…advice. But surely communication is…needed?” You could see he was struggling with what to say. “The Stitch and Tech I saw on the ship that night…”
“Something happened,” you interrupted. “I can’t put my finger on it. On Maridun,” you whispered. Yes, you. There were too many thoughts in your head, too many names, too many words…“I’m sorry. Can I skip target practice today?” He got up when you did, giving you a nod and watching you walk off the landing pad as quickly as you could.
“It was me, wasn’t it?” Hunter raised his voice, not needing to turn around when Tech ducked under the nose of the ship and stood next to his brother.
For once Tech had nothing to say, he was still internally processing what he’d heard, he wished he could understand all this better but he didn’t even know where to begin. “With the training.” Hunter waited patiently for a response, his soft gaze tracking over his brother as he let him work out what to say.
“I have to admit—watching you bring her phobias to life and not have her flinch away from you was something…I struggled to accept.” He did, he assumed he was the only one you’d let close enough for comfort, for touch.
“Is that it?” Hunter prompted with a deep voice. “Are you sure it’s not just—jealousy?” Tech adjusted his goggles, unsure of how to explain the pangs in his chest he had been ignoring for so long now.
“There is nothing happening to incite such an intense reaction,” he started but Hunter turned to him with a sigh.
“This is it, Tech. The connection you both share is deep and she is not coping without you.”
“Stitch does not need me, nor anyone else to survive.” In his eyes you had endured so much, you were the strongest human he knew. He had seen soldiers endure less and come off worse.
“It’s nice, that you think that,” Hunter crossed his arms and looked in the direction you had disappeared. “She puts on a front, much like you do. I know what comes out of here,” Hunter tapped Tech’s forehead, awarding him a scowl. “Doesn’t match what goes on in here.” Now Hunter tapped on Tech’s chestplate. “But when it does…” Hunter ended with a shrug, letting Tech come to his own conclusion. Which he hated, because he didn’t think along the same lines as everyone else around him.
Tech had observed a difference in your behaviour since you started training with Hunter; but also he realised communication between you had reduced in that time. Tech had kept himself busy, trying to keep his mind occupied and off you, he assumed you’d contact him if you needed to. He never considered you would need him and not contact him.
“She misses you.” Tech’s mouth dropped as something inexplicable swept through him, a sadness that came out of nowhere and he realised, the heaviness in his chest was because he missed you too.
Without a second thought Tech shoved his datapad at his brother, catching Hunter in the chest and started to follow you into the streets of Ord Mantell.
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The medbay was quiet, just a few patients dotted the bays and you asked Tesama if she needed any help before closing. The Twi’lek shook her head and you made a mental note to up her wages. Heading into the office you waited for the door to shut, sealing you in the quiet and the gloom.
Peace wasn’t your friend these days, it rarely had been, yet your nightmares had been building. The changes were subtle at first, but now they screamed at you.
With a touch the top drawer opened and you saw your stim kit that you hadn’t used in a while. Staying awake was never the best option, sometimes the longer you left it the worse they came back, ripping and shredding their way through your mind and you shuddered.
A knock had you closing the drawer. “Yes?” It was Beetoo, announcing the one with goggles was here. Tech? But why? You followed her to a bay where he was sitting on the edge of a bed, arms crossed and his brown eyes fixed on the wall until you entered.
“Tech? What’s wrong?” He pushed his goggles up into his face, his fingers flicking in his telltale way and you knew he was nervous. “Is it your leg?” Still he said nothing and you decided to give him a check up while he was here. “Let’s do the basics,” you suggested quietly. “Lay down.”
He did, training his gaze onto the ceiling as you busied yourself getting a medscanner. You scanned him, twice. Nothing troubling showed up and you again wondered why he was here. Placing a sensor in the middle of his chest you ordered him to breathe, watching his chest cavity rise and fall without a hitch.
“I’m going to take a blood sample.” He turned his head away, giving you access to his neck. The sample was quick but he still flinched slightly when the mechanism activated. You held a small dressing to the tiny puncture hole while the machine analysed the sample in your hand. The light flashed and you raised an eyebrow. Nothing.
Moving round to the other side you looked down at his leg. He had his utility belt on but you could easily work around the straps. Instantly he tensed but you persisted, running your thumbs firmly along the line of his muscle pressing at certain points and watching his face for any reaction that wasn’t blushing. Again, nothing.
“Tech?” You leaned over him slightly and his eyes had no choice but to magnetise to you for a second. “Are you hungry?” You saw the puzzled frown, the confusion in those beautiful eyes and smiled at him. “I am after my training.” You turned away, hearing him sit up when you left the bay. He knew his way round, if he wanted to follow, he would.
Sure enough he appeared in the doorway of your private kitchen, his arms crossed, fingers resting on the curve of his chin as he clearly had a head full of thoughts.
“Did you see some of my session with Hunter today?” You saw him jerk out the corner of your eye and his mouth finally opened.
“I wondered if you could look at my shield?”
“Did it fail?” Now he was right next to you, his scowl of focus pulling down as he tentatively reached for your vambrace. You could barely feel him through the plates of armour and he was very careful about touching you still. You had got better with that, training in such close quarters with Hunter had really shattered your barriers.
“No, but this was the arm Wrecker tagged me on.”
“Your shield and the circuits within the vambrace itself should be unaffected by such a weak blast.” He explained, releasing your arm.
“But surely—well,” you handed him a drink, taking a breath to try and calm your quivering insides. “Our nervous system is our electrical system? Yes?”
“So how can the stun blast overload my bio electrical system but not that within my vambrace?” You heard the quick inhale and saw the way he looked down as though he wanted to bring his datapad out to refer to it only, he didn’t have it.
“The katarn disperses the strength of the shot and therefore it would not have been able to penetrate enough to do any damage. Our skin does not offer the same protection, travelling along the nerves and therefore creating the numb feeling you experienced.” Giving him a small smile you nodded. This is what you missed. Having him in your space and talking about stuff that others would probably find inconsequential. He was also correct. “How is your arm?” You made a show of stretching it out, flexing your hand and noticing it already felt back to normal.
“The effects never last long.” He went silent again as you prepared some bread and meat, slicing up a meiloorun and putting the plate in front of him. “Any missions coming up?” You asked, desperate to keep the conversation flowing.
“Cid has requested our presence at 18:00 hours.”
“I wonder what she has for you this time.” Breaking apart your piece of bread you saw him sigh, his eyes casting to the side.
“I dread to think,” he replied candidly.
“As long as you come back to me in one piece,” you said firmly. You could feel his gaze on you but instead you concentrated on your food and he eventually did the same.
He stood up when you did, handing you his plate as you cleared everything away and hovered by the door. “Would you…like to join us?” Glancing up, your brow furrowed slightly, noticing his agitation.
“For the briefing?”
“Your certain skill set may be beneficial for this mission.” You scoffed quietly.
“Cid doesn’t know about my skill set.”
“Your training is no secret,” he said simply. “Your medical ability is renowned. Your other skills, I am not aware of her possessing such knowledge.”
“Not going to order me to stay behind?” His face fell and you wondered if it was too soon for that joke.
“I admit, that was poor judgement on my behalf,” he said quickly.
“It was a joke, Tech. Count me in.”
“Ah.” He precisely adjusted his goggles. “Then I suggest we find the others.” Swiping your helmet off the side you followed him outside.
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“These need to be delivered to Vanguard Axis.” Cid slid a case across the desk which Hunter stopped with his fingertips.
“The chain codes you had Tech forge?” He asked hesitantly.
“What did you think they were for, Bandana? Hanging on the wall like decorations?” The Trandoshan scoffed and crossed her gangly arms. “It’s a straight up swap. Something I’m sure even you lot couldn’t get wrong.” You exchanged a look with Echo knowing full well even the simplistic missions could go very wrong. “There’s a lot of dough riding on this. Don’t mess it up.” Hunter gestured for the squad move out and you went between Tech and Echo, your gaze lingering on Hunter as he picked up the case.
Once in the bar he handed it to Tech who was already on his datapad. Not a word was spoken until they made it outside and dusk had settled over Ord Mantell. You moved aside to let some patrons down the stairwell to the bar and bumped into Tech by accident.
“Are you coming?” Hunter asked gruffly. He wasn’t happy about this mission, it was one thing using Tech to forge the chain codes but this could put them in Imperial sights if it went wrong.
“I am,” you answered.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Echo muttered while Wrecker and Omega did a high five.
“Easy mission,” growled Wrecker and the squad began to head to the Marauder.
“It’s never straightforward with us,” Echo countered, gesturing with his scomp.
“Echo is correct,” Tech spoke up. “But I cannot see what could possibly go wrong on this particular mission.”
“Like you did all the other times,” Echo grumbled under his breath and you nudged his shoulder with your own.
“You’ve got me.”
“No one will die then.” He injected sarcastic cheer into his tone and you smiled. “Keeps us on our toes,” he finally conceded.
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You were cold. An icy cold that stole the warmth from your body. A cold that whispered of death as it snatched your life away with icicle hard fingers. It created an ache all over your body, shattering your muscles as you shivered against it, lancing pain into all your joints.
The wind kept you pinned to the ground, whistling through the snowy rocks and hurling the soft powder into your blinking eyes. It was dark. Either that or your vision was failing. Snowflakes clung to your lashes and your face burned until it numbed under the relentless slap of the weather.
Digging your fingers in you made yourself crawl forward, there was something up head, a mound behind a rock that you were drawn to.
Not a single part of your body was unaffected. Your fingers were sore even though they felt like someone else’s. The dangerous temperatures were slowing your bodily functions, freezing the blood in your veins and you couldn’t feel your legs anymore.
Breathing hurt, moving was torture but you didn’t stop. The closer you got the more you could make out and even in the murky dark you saw something you recognised. A rifle. It was so alien in this wasteland, so out of place that even covered in snow, it stood out.
Hauling yourself up you dusted off the snow with your protesting, rubbery fingers, revealing something that made you choke on a sob. You’d recognise that armour anywhere, his tattoo stood out darkly against his drained skin tone and you tried to feel for any signs of life. You were shivering so badly you couldn’t sense anything and you let out a raspy cry of frustration.
“C-C-Crosshair!” It didn’t matter who he was, right now he needed help and so did you.
There was nothing. No one came, no help was nearby, nothing could exist in this roaring wasteland. “Help!” Your cry was stolen, ripped from your mouth and tossed out into the desolate void. Even the Force had abandoned you at this point, your connection as numb as the world around you was harsh and you slumped over Crosshair’s still form. If you could give your last remaining flickers of life to him, you would. It was who you were.
Latching on to him, your blazing beacon in the dark, you let Tech guide you free from the horror before it consumed you.
“Crosshair!” Even with your eyes open and your mind seeing you were back on the Marauder, you couldn’t shift the deep chill that had settled along your bones. Dragging in a breath to your aching chest, you met Hunter’s shocked gaze. Wrecker had you in his arms and his whole body tensed.
“Crosshair? You saw Crosshair?” He gasped. “Where?”
“I d-don’t k-know!” Your teeth were chattering and Tech appeared, pushing past Hunter who was still frozen in place.
“Wrap this tightly around her Wrecker. The pressure should decrease the tremors…your temperature is extraordinarily low. I am concerned as to why.”
“H-heat!” You stuttered. “I n-need b-body heat!” Wrecker didn’t hesitate, wrapping the blanket around you and covering you with his arms.
“Uh, it’s not working!” He cried as you kept shaking.
“I’ll help!” Omega clambered in and settled against the side of your shivering form inside Wrecker’s embrace. Tech shrugged and crouched down, moving your legs to the side so he could lean against you in a sitting position.
“Are you joining us?” He asked Hunter.
“All right.” He stepped over Wrecker’s leg, squeezing in beside your wrapped up body, letting out a sigh. Soon the ripples of your vision fell away but no one moved. Tech was on his datapad as Wrecker leaned easily against the wall, his arms full of you and his family. Omega was dozing in the combined heat but you could feel Hunter was brooding.
Echo walked through from the cockpit, doing a double take at all of you on the floor. “What…?”
“Body heat,” Hunter explained. Echo looked over the group and gave a defeated shrug.
“All right.” He found a spot beside Wrecker, leaning against the larger clone with a satisfied sigh. “Is there a reason?” He asked suddenly, twisting round.
“Stitch was cold,” mumbled Omega from somewhere next to you and Echo met your eyes buried in the depths of your blanket. He nodded as though that was an acceptable explanation and sat back, resting his head on Wrecker’s shoulder and closing his eyes.
It grew quiet. Wrecker and Omega were snoring, Echo and Hunter had returned to the cockpit some time ago but Tech stayed firmly planted against your legs. He jumped when you shifted, letting you stretch out with a quiet groan. Wrecker’s arm fell away and you shuffled forward to sit next to Tech.
“What are we walking into?” You asked quietly and he sucked in a quick breath.
“Vanguard Axis is a criminal cartel completely run by droids. They will not be easy to reason with and I’m hoping this mission will go as smoothly as Cid suggested,” he replied in hushed tones.
“She’s got you forging chain codes now?”
“It is a fairly menial task.”
“That’s not…”you cut yourself off with a sigh and he looked up from his datapad, taking note of the frown on your face and the way your feet lifted off the floor intermittently.
“You do not need to be concerned. They cannot be traced back to me.”
“Coming up on Vanguard,” Hunter called from the cockpit and Tech got up. He reached for you, his hand extending suggestively and you looked up. His eyes darted between you and his hand in the second that you hesitated, fingers stretching just that bit more until you took it. Tech pulled you up, a little too abruptly and you stumbled, steadying yourself on his chest-plate.
“I forget how strong you are,” you mumbled.
“You are not alone in that,” he replied, reaching up to realign his goggles and look at you pressed against his armour.
“Tech!” Hunter barked and he jumped slightly. Your fingers trailed over the ridges of the katarn as he turned away, wishing he didn’t move and you had a few moments with him so close. Letting out a forlorn sigh you turned to see both Omega and Wrecker grinning up at you, their faces clearly telling you they’d just witnessed everything that happened.
“What?” You asked, trying to shrug off their attention. Picking up the blanket you hid behind it, folding it and ignoring the pair of them peering round it. “Oh stop it!” You hissed and Wrecker snickered.
“We know wha’ we saw,” he whispered using his thumb to point at himself and Omega who nodded.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Gear up.” You welcomed Hunter’s interruption, dumping the blanket on a bunk. “We are on approach. Echo and Omega, stay with the ship.” You heard the young girl sigh beside you, she really did hate to miss out. “Stitch, Tech, Wrecker and I will make the exchange.”
You watched the space station loom through the canopy, a large concentric structure with flight decks all dotted around the curve. In the middle was a city like structure with a protruding communications mast.
Tech expertly guided the ship into the entrance, gently alighting on the surface and opening the ramp. You rolled your shoulders, holding the case with the forged chain codes as you waited for Hunter to lead the way.
“Cid said the Vanguard Axis is notorious for illegal smuggling. So be ready for anything.” You heard the warning in Hunter’s voice, making you press in closer to the boys when a tall droid stepped out from some crates. “Let’s make the drop.” The four of you stepped forward, Tech beside you and Wrecker behind as Hunter led the way inside.
He came to a stop in front of a droid and you carefully scoped the surrounding area until the droid allowed you all through. It reminded you of Cid’s back room just without all the knick knacks that Cid had collected over the years. One droid was sat at the desk while two flanked it, with weapons.
“You have the forgeries?” The droid asked in a monotone voice. Stepping around Hunter, you opened the case and showed it to them. “We need to ascertain their viability.”
“That will not be necessary,” Tech immediately said. “I created these chain codes myself. They will fool the Empire.”
“Your assurance is meaningless. Check each one.” The red droid approached and waited for you to hand the case over. It was a painstaking process, watching them remove each one and putting them in a reader. Tech gave a little sigh via the private com channel and Hunter moved restlessly, crossing his arms as he no doubt glared at them from behind his helmet.
You felt uneasy. Something, familiar was nudging you, teasing your awareness like ghosted fingertips down your spine. A whisper, so faint, tickled your ear and you turned, only for Tech to tilt his head in a silent question. It turned to a high pitched whine, ringing at a level you were sure only hounds could hear.
The longer you were here the more certain you felt that something was going to happen. A surety in your gut said something wasn’t right. But you couldn’t do anything except twist the fabric of your glove around your finger.
You began to sweat, you could feel it inside your helmet, sliding down the back of your neck so slowly. A pressure was building in your chest, your lips parted as you struggled to remain outwardly passive. You felt Tech beside you, his presence questioning but he wasn’t able to ask if you were ok. Forcing yourself to breathe, you took in a deep one, letting it try and push that uncomfortable feeling down and letting it drain on the exhale. Except, it didn’t work.
A com went off and you all but jolted in a rustle of katarn, the boys tensing at your reaction. If you were twitchy, there was a good reason why. Blaster fire sounded down the com and a droid voice stipulated they had a “situation.” The droid leader turned its head to look at Hunter.
“Problem?” He drawled. There was a pause, and then the droid just got up and left with its counterpart. You slumped, the boys turning inward to face you.
“The cause of that blaster fire is either Echo or Omega. Most likely Omega.” Tech finished matter of factly. Sure enough Hunter’s com went off and filled your helmets with Echo’s voice.
“Hunter, we need backup. Now.”
“Come on.” None of you needed telling twice, filing from the room and easily finding the others. Omega and Echo were pinned down with a young Wookiee. The droids were advancing with blasters drawn and Hunter fired off a shot to get their attention off the others. “They’re with us.” He stated loudly. The ringing in your ears increased, the pitch was off and your blaster hold faltered.
“I would advise you to take your soldiers and extricate yourselves from the situation,” the droid leader intoned.
“No!” Omega cried. “They’re going to hurt him.” The droid turned back to her.
“Oh, on the contrary. The Wookiee is worth a great deal to our buyer. Alive.” Alive. They were dealing, in slaves. Selling slaves. Something dangerous settled in you. A shot of adrenaline spiked through your body, making your fists clench. Straightening up you shuffled forward, eyeing the droid leader from Wrecker’s right side.
“You can’t smuggle living beings,” Hunter said firmly.
“For the right price. I can do whatever I want. Now stand down or be destroyed.” The pressure in your head increased with the ringing, your entire body vibrated with it and you acted.
Without a thought you ducked down and took Wrecker’s knife. Hurling it with accuracy you never showed in training straight into the side of a droid's head, cutting its circuits and making it drop to the floor.
Blaster shots sounded as they fired on the Wookiee who sent their shots back with a few practised swings of the bright weapon he was holding.
The Batch exploded into action barely a second after you started running towards the group of droids. They provided you cover as you slid across the floor to retrieve Wrecker’s knife. Wrenching it free you spun round and sliced the legs of another droid, stabbing it in the face as it went down beside you.
“Get to the ship!” Hunter ordered loudly and you jumped up, now using your blaster to fire on another droid at point blank range.
“Come on!” Wrecker yelled at you as he took out another one before it could fire on you.
The group flowed through the facility, droids dropped like sacks of rusty bolts, their circuits exposed and sparking as bolts penetrated their casing. You jumped aboard the ship, releasing a breath you had no idea you’d been holding, grinning from the increased high as your heart careened inside your chest.
Blaster fire pelted the outside of the ship as Tech and Echo manoeuvred it in the hangar, finally flying free of Vanguard Axis. You dumped your helmet on a bunk and handed Wrecker his blade back, hilt first.
“Nice going,” he said gruffly, clapping you on the shoulder. You moved into the cockpit and rubbed your ears to try and dissipate the ringing that was still happening, although muted.
No one spoke for a while as you all rode out the buzz from the unexpected, yet successful, attack. Your attention drifted to the back of the ship, where the Wookiee was hunched as he glared at the floor.
You weren’t an idiot, you knew what a weapon like that signified, the coloured blades were the centrepiece for many story snippets you’d heard over the years. Rumours, lies, myths. He was a Jedi. And it scared you senseless.
Tech pushed the ship into hyperspace and the unspoken question of, what happens now? hung in the air. You looked up to find Hunter staring at you, a quizzical look on his face as he tilted his head and you frowned. No. You didn’t want to tell the Wookiee who you were, what you could do. The more you grew closer to the core of it all the more real it became.
“Why is he sitting back there alone?” Omega asked quietly. Hunter turned in his seat to look down the ship.
“Because he’s scared. He’s been through a lot.” Wrecker handed her some rations and stepped to the side. You knew why they had all congregated in the cockpit, why they didn’t speak to him.
“Well he still needs to eat.” You all watched her approach the Wookiee and offer him the ration box. “Here, you look hungry.” Hunter tapped you on the shoulder and gestured with his eyes for you to come but you shook your head, letting them head down the ship. Instantly the Wookiee snarled, roaring a warning at the clones and they stopped in their tracks. “What’s wrong?” Omega asked.
“He doesn’t trust us.” Hunter sounded sad and you almost stepped forward, soaking up that feeling of sorrow and guilt that he emitted.
“Well, seeing how all clones were given an order to execute the Jedi, he has good reason to be cautious,” Tech added. It was the first time you’d really heard them speak of this. You knew what had happened, the whole Galaxy did and Rex had given you a slight insight…but the boys had never spoken much about it.
“I’m sorry about what happened,” Hunter spoke directly to the Wookiee. “But we are not like the other clones.” He sounded so desperate to get his point across. His emotions were bleeding from him and it made you finally move, putting a hand on the chair as he sat down. “We did not follow that order and we don’t work for the Empire either.”
“Hunter’s telling the truth. You don’t have to be afraid of us.” Omega reached down and pushed the rations towards him. “It’s ok. Eat.” As soon as he started she moved to the bunks, sliding your helmet across so she could sit down. “I’m Omega. What’s your name?” The Wookiee spoke, his speech patterns softened and you turned to Tech for an explanation but it was Hunter who responded.
“My Wookiee is a little rusty, but I think he says his name is Gungi.” Tech slipped his visor down and consulted his datapad beside you as the Wookiee responded. “Did you catch that?”
“He’s been on the run since Order 66 and was attempting to reach the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk before he was captured by those smuggling droids.” Tech told him and Hunter turned back to Gungi.
“I’m not sure how you survived this long on your own, but it’s impressive.” Something else blossomed from Hunter in that moment, tentative and pure as it speared through his guilt. Hope.
“If he’s trying to get to his homeworld we can take him.” Omega said after she’d jumped down.
“Been a while since we’ve been to Kashyyyk,” Wrecker rumbled happily.
Hunter got up. Echo stepped aside but turned to address Hunter before he entered the cockpit. “The Empire could have outposts there by now. We don’t know if it’s safe for him there.” Hunter sighed and looked back at Omega and Gungi.
“He’s a Jedi. He’s not safe anywhere.” You peeled away from the seat, following him into the cockpit and closing the door behind you both. Hunter sat down heavily with a sigh as you paced a few times, waiting for him to say anything.
“Something happened,” you stated.
“Yeah, we picked up a Jedi,” he replied with a soft scoff and you almost rolled your eyes.
“No. Before, before all this. I can feel it.” He leaned back, pouting slightly and crossing his arms.
“I thought you didn’t have those kind of senses,” he grumbled.
“Maybe I do.” He hurmphed softly and you sat down opposite him. “Do you want to talk about it?” Spinning in the seat you waited to see if he would take you up on the offer. Watching the relaxing lights of hyperspace and finally he sighed, turning slightly in your direction.
“When the Order…happened,” his speech was stilted and you gave him the time to breathe and sort out what he wanted to say. “We were on Kaller. Was a routine objective, clear the clankers. General Billaba was there with her Padawan…” your brow furrowed at the way his emotions changed, sweeping through him like a physical pain. “The regs were having a hard time so we cleared the way for them. Commander Dume was going to come with us but as we left the regs…they turned on his master.” Hunter spread his hands, rubbing the palms together as he leaned forward on his knees. “The Order had no effect on us, well. Most of us.” You let the reference to Crosshair pass but you could feel the twinge of Hunter’s regret.
“What happened to the Jedi?”
“They killed her. The kid managed to run away and I went after him with Crosshair. He didn’t help matters,” he mumbled, closing his eyes as the guilt swelled. “I could have done so many things differently.” Taking a deep breath he continued. “I almost had the kid convinced that we could help when Crosshair shot at him, that moment of trust gone.”
“You are not responsible, Hunter.”
“No? Isn’t that burden I have to bear?” Casting all hesitation aside you kneeled before him, putting a hand on his cheek to make him look at you. Your gaze roamed over the shading of his tattoo, feeling the spiky stubble through your glove that marked his jaw.
“It’s the Empire’s fault. It is not yours. Not even Tech could have predicted all of this happening the way it did.” He scoffed quietly, a ghost of smile on his lips as he gazed at you. “You did what you could at the time….and that’s why you’re deciding to take Gungi home,” you finished. His eyebrow shot up at your words.
“Am I?” The door slid open and Tech paused on the threshold.
“Am I interrupting?” There was that bite to his words whenever he happened upon a moment like this but his emotions were harder to read than Hunter’s.
Hunter sat up away from you, breaking your hold and you sat back on your heels, getting up in a fluid movement. “Not interrupting,” he told Tech. “Set course for Kashyyyk.”
“Aw, YEAH!” Wrecker thundered from the hold and you smiled. Tech shouldered past you, Hunter gave you a look and sidled out of the cockpit, closing the door behind him which you thought was unnecessary.
“Have you been to Kashyyyk before?” You asked, hoping to rope Tech into a conversation.
“Yes.” The dismissal was clear in his tone and automatically you hesitated. You were going to walk away when you thought, no. You’d worked too hard to finally get you back to some semblance of normalcy.
“What’s it like?” You put yourself in Echo’s seat this time, drawing your knees up and watching him expectantly.
“A jungle planet in the mid rim, found in the Mytaranor Sector,” he rattled off.
“Any interesting fauna?” Tech looked up out of the canopy, his gaze swinging to you as his leg started to jump. You had him. He couldn’t help himself.
“Actually, yes. The fauna on Kashyyyk is the most fascinating I have found so far…” smiling to yourself, you settled back in the seat, watching the way he gestured when he explained something. Catching his eyes meeting yours when you asked a question and the uneasiness fell away between you both.
If you could sit here forever and hear him talk about creatures for the rest of your life, you would. Tech would probably never realise it, but he created a sanctuary of comfort that no one had ever provided you with before. And you cherished it.
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asherloki · 2 years ago
Too good to keep
Poe dameron x reader love at first sight ~ request by @lilacspider
Trope list !
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Poe was right there where your eyes spotted him. On the pavement where bb8 was walking with him happily. Gosh his smile, that face, those eyes, everything had you wonderstruck. As you stared at him from the opposite pavement. You sat there at the table outside a cafe. You kept staring as long as he was at sight and he was at sight for a long time. Oops, you felt your cheeks reddening as you saw his eyes met yours, caught you staring at him. You felt a little embarrassed and decided to focus on your coffee. And so you did yet his face was just a kind of picture which came infront of you everytime you blinked. You sipped your coffee and as you were about to pay the bill with some tip you saw a figure came and stood infront of you, you raised your face and to your surprise, it was that guy from the pavement with his droid.
"Excuse me" he said smiling, and your hear skipped a beat. You forgot to blink and kept on staring.
"Um hi?" He had to ask you again to get a response from you.
"Oh, oh I'm sorry, I mean, uh hi". And stuttering you tried to get up from your chair, eventually the rush made your purse and money fall on the floor. What a fool you made of yourself infront this attractive guy.
"Oh never mind I'll help." The incredibly nice guy got down to his knees collecting your purse and coins.
"Here" he said handing you your purse.
"Thanks" you smiled taking it from him until your fingers brushed his hand and you lost it, your cheeks were visibly red. You stood there not knowing what to do or say next.
"I was actually" poe started, "I... I noticed you from that sidewalk and I found you pretty."
That handsome guy told you pretty, well now that's something. You were again too wonderstruck to reply yet you tried to utter,
"Well, thanks, you look quite captivating too." You said. Then regreted your word choice, possibly was too straight forward. Poe didn't make it awkward, he laughed at it and then asked you,
"If you're interested" which he was sure you were, "would you mind if we share phone numbers?"
He barely completed his sentence and you agreed. After that you two started dating, for you both, catching feelings happened easily rather. Because you both captivated eachother. Few dates went well and he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. You remember your first kiss. It was like a dream, yet not untouchable. It was real. And the reality is finally better now for you, so you wanted him to meet your parents. Your parents wanted to meet poe too, so the day came when you were finally about to ask him to come to your place. You both met at a park, poe seemed a little lost in thoughts that day,
"Poe?" You called him.
"Hmm ?" He hummed in response bringing him back to reality.
"I was thinking if you could meet my parents." You finally got all the courage to ask him. He seemed unamused, rather disappointed,
"I..." His voice trailed off.
"Poe, what happened?" You started to grow more panicked. Why's he not enthusiastic.
"I have to go on a mission." He said.
"Yeah so?"
"I'm not sure how long it'll take, I don't want to keep you waiting."
You're heart, there was a cracking sound if he could hear. You blamed yourself for dreaming a wedding with him, you blamed your parents for accepting this relationship, you blamed him for leaving you for work, all silently. Tears stream down your cheeks, you two sat shedding tears. Accepting the fate, perhaps you two weren't meant to be. Perhaps your finger will find some other ring than the one poe wore round his neck.
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csleko · 2 years ago
Boba Fett Cosplay (COMPLETE)
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The "unrelated and more time sensitive project" I mentioned at the end of my Kinect tale? It was finishing this cosplay so I could wear it for the first time to Duke City Comic Con. I was actually almost considering not going because I found out about it on kind of short notice, and I didn't know if I really wanted to go by myself, but I mentioned it to my mom and she asked if she could go with me just for the heck of it.
So now that the project had a deadline, I could actually finish the damn thing!
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If you've been following my #cosplay tags, you might notice that this armor is, in fact, not the worbla-covered foam version I previously posted. This is version *3* of the armor, and it is 3D-printed like every other solid piece of the costume. I just yanked the lights off the version 2 armor and stuck 'em on this one. The shoulder armor and belt buckle I modeled and printed myself, and my mom proved indispensable yet again by volunteering her vastly superior sewing skills to turn this jacket from Goodwill into the armor vest.
She also pulled out all the of insulation, and sewed some elastic loops inside it to hold little ice packs to help keep me from dying of heatstroke. Because it turns out the most unbelievable thing in the entire new Star Wars canon is that Boba didn't drop dead running around in heavy black clothes on a desert planet with two suns.
So yeah! Have a few more pics from the con, and then I'll go on a long rant about all the problems I discovered after wearing this getup for 4 or five hours.
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The con had a rule about realistic weapons that was just vague enough that I didn't feel 100% comfortable bringing my EE-3. A little disappointing because it stands as one of the best props I've ever printed and painted. (See my post about that here!) But the guys running this prop booth had one of their own and called me over to pose with theirs. Interestingly, it felt just about as heavy as mine, so I could make a pretty good guess what their props are made of.
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Gamora wanted a picture with me because, and I quote, "We're both green!" Mighty Thor went on to win the costume contest. (I didn't even place.)
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"Hmm. Reminds me of that droid that was always following Solo around."
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"Should've asked Mr. Hammond if he could clone a Mythosaur for me."
The gauntlets. Are too. DAMN. SMALL. When I first printed them on my resin printer, I had to either cut them into pieces or scale them down to get them to fit. I determined that scaling them down would be the better option because I have skinny noodle arms and the smaller gauntlets would still fit. When I reprinted them, I still scaled them down because 1, I thought they would fit better anyway, and 2, being smaller meant they would print faster. Turns out the scaled down versions are VERY tight and the hard edges kept me from moving my wrists, and dug into my hands the whole time I was wearing them. I had little bruises from that for the next couple days. When/if I remake these, I will print them at full size and maybe add foam or something to keep them from slipping around.
Get better at sewing. I sewed velcro patches into the shoulders of the vest to attach the shoulder armor pieces to and keep them from sliding down my arms, but one of them still came detached somehow so I kept having to adjust that shoulder. Also, I thought that I could get away with not sewing on the velcro for the chest diamond because it was small and the sticky pad could just hold it on. NOT SO. It kept falling off no matter how hard I pressed the sticky side onto the vest. Should've just taken the five minutes to do a quick and crappy stitch on it. All the other velcro pieces held just fine.
I also should've just found a real belt to use. This fake leather material apparently stretches easily, so it started to sag throughout the day. It's also why I couldn't hang the holster on it (which you can't even see in any of these pictures, but I hung it on the real belt I wore with my pants.)
As a famous Stormtrooper once said: "I can't see a thing in this helmet!" My visor fogs up after having it on for just a few minutes, and it gets unbearably hot inside that thing. That space inside the helmet to install an "optional" fan system? NOT REALLY OPTIONAL, unless you enjoy slowly boiling to death in your own sweat. Also the antenna keeps falling down, so I could probably stick a small piece of foam in there to hold it in place better.
And that's that. This 2 year project is concluded! I'll probably keep working on little bits here and there to iron out the kinks, but this is most likely the last big Tumblr-worthy update. I don't know for sure what my next big project will be, but I have some ideas.
If anyone wants links to the 3D printed parts I used to make this costume, here's the list!
Helmet: AprilStorm -
Hand Guards: DeAdMaNWaLkIn -
Knee Armor: DJJamesDub -
Gauntlets: Camburu -
Belt Bullets: BH1138 -
Belt Buckle: Me! -
Shoulder Armor: Also me! -
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chalterdh22 · 2 years ago
First Impressions
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Summary: *Story takes place a month after Season 3 of The Mandalorian. Suri is a daughter of our favorite hanger mechanic Peli Motto. Returning back to live with her mom in between jobs, Suri finds out that a certain Mandalorian and a little green guy are close friends with her mom. She chooses to help them on their next adventures, developing relationships she's never expected and learning more about herself and her abilities than she ever thought possible.
Chapter 1: Why Are First Impressions the Worse?
It’s a good thing I’m strong, or my mom uses droids like slaves, because I swear, she would never get anything done.  I’m thinking this to myself as I’m tightening a few bolts under an old A-Wing.  The space is so small I can’t fit a wrench in it, so I resort to using my hands as vice grips.  I hear our comm go off as a ship descends into our bay.  Sighing, I use my legs and roll out from under the ship.
A beautiful Naboo Starfighter just landed.  Hmm, I haven’t seen one of those in a while, I thought.  They are super-fast from what I remember, but I have never flown in one.  I grab a rag and wipe all the sweat and dirt from my face, trying to be somewhat presentable in my dirty tank top and pants with holes in them.
As I toss the rag aside, I look up at the passenger.  No way!  A Mandalorian?!  I have never actually seen one in real life, but here he comes hopping out of the Starfighter, with a huge whip of his cape flowing behind.  “Hey, what can I do for you?” I asked with a smile on my face.
“I need to talk to Peli.” He replied in a monotone, direct voice.
“Ah, she’s not here right now.  Is there something I can help you with?” I ask why still walking to him, wiping off my hands on my pants.
He stops, looks at me, I think blankly, and says “I don’t think so.  When will she be back?”
I stop at this point, and by now, I’m getting a little defensive.  Folding my arms on my chest, I say, “I don’t know, an hour or two.”   He continues to stare, so, because I’m super mature, I stare right back.  After what seems like an hour, I finally ask, “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do for you?”  I almost yelled at him! 
He shakes his head no, turns and says as he’s walking away, “I’ll be back in an hour.”
“Or two!!!” I yell, always getting in the last word, I guess.  I shake my head as he turns the corner out of sight.  Who has mom been hanging out with?  Geeze!  I sit back down on the roller and finish this tedious job.  I’m asking mom for a raise when she gets back, I swear…
I’m wiping off some of the edges of the ship now where I made a mess.  “Suri, come help me with these parts!”  Mom yells from the back garage, making me jump a little.  When she says come help me, it means, use your muscles, and bring all this crap in for her.  I don’t mind though.  She’s an awesome mom.  We get along well.  We both are very loud and sarcastic.  I look more like my dad I guess, being short like mom, but stocky and muscular like him.  I only knew him up until I was 17 or so, and I haven’t seen him since.
“Coming!” I yelled back in her direction.  “Whoa,” stopping in my tracks.  She had a whole cart filled with…… junk???  “What is all this crap, mom?” I ask.
“Hey, it’s not crap!  There’s a lot of good parts here!  Practically wanted to give it to me for free!”  she yells back.
“Because it’s junk!”  I say, not being able to hold a straight face.  She’s so funny.  I just shake my head and start walking over to help.  And by help, means she’s done, and I’ll unload everything.  I start grabbing whatever and bringing it into the garage out of the back bay.  After a few trips back and forth, I hear her yell, “Mando!  Where’s the monster at?  You better have brought him!”
Shoot!  I completely forgot to tell her he had stopped by.  I walked up front, and they were walking towards each other.  I stop in the middle of them.  She seemed happy to see him at least. 
Suddenly, from behind the Mandalorian, I see this green blob jump right at mom!  With quick reflexes, I jump out, grab it, and roll to the ground, wrapping my arms around this little beast.  As that’s happening, the Mandalorian pulls a blaster on me and mom is yelling, “Wait, wait, Suri!  No!”
“What?” I yelled at her.
“That’s my grandson!  Put him down!  Mando, put down the blaster, that’s my daughter!” she turns and yells at him.
“Wait, what?”  I ask.  “Grandson? I think I’d remember that mom!”
“Well…… I adopted him!  Put him down!”
“You should do what she says,” the Mandalorian said, slowly lowering his weapon.  I looked down at the green thing as it was looking up at me with these big black eyes.  I looked back at mom, slowly setting him down.  He waddled as fast as he could over to mom and jumped super high and fast into her arms.  She seemed so happy, giving him lots of hugs.  By the time I looked back at the Mandalorian, he was standing next to me with his weapon holstered. 
We both just stared at them enjoying each other for a few seconds.
“Uh, mom, you want to tell me what’s going on?”  I asked.
“What, I can’t have people in my life you don’t know about?” she asked.  I sighed and shook my head.  The Mandalorian just stood there very still, watching her with the green thing.  She finally turned back to us smiling.  “What do you need now?” she asked.
“I need a new ship,” he said.  “Something that can transfer………. cargo.”
“Cargo, huh?  What kind of cargo?  And I’m not getting you a razor crest, so don’t even ask for one!”  She yells.
“It doesn’t have to be that, but something similar.  The kid and I need room to spread out and I need areas for my weapons and……….my cargo.  Do you have anything like that?”
“I might, but it’s gonna cost you!  Super rare this is!  Practically had to steal it.  And hey, just got some brand-new parts in today, top of the line!”
I roll my eyes.  Here we go again, I thought to myself.
“It’s not put together though.  If I had some help, it may take about 2-3 weeks,” she says eyeballing me and him at the same time.
“What is it?” he asked.  “Then I’ll decide if it’s worth my time.”
“Is that all I am to you?  A one stop shop?  Geesh!”  She puts down the creature and starts walking to the back.  “Come on, let me show you.”
I’m curious now.  What does she have back there.  I didn’t see much, but then again, mom’s full of surprises.  We turn the corner and there is a large……… ship????  I think?  What the.?
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twilightofthe · 2 years ago
gonna put my random liveblog reactions for Ahsoka Ep 1 here
okay so the rebels fam are literally some of my favorite star wars characters i've loved and missed them since 2018 and if anything this show will give me them
i am going with zero expectations except a plea, a plea to just not make me hate it lmao idc what happens just let me have fun
just press the start button coward ass come ON
okay i'm startiiiing Now!
oooh they didn't name it interesting
kk cool drums that's neat we like that
whoa was that sabine's helmet in the intro????
y'all the new republic's about as stable as a human jenga tower don't u have anything better to do than find thrawn i'm p sure even the imperials didn't like him THAT much they were xenophobes
former jedi knight? HMMMM
why is it always a secret map
also appreciating the OG "let's open up on big ass ship in space" makes you feel small
ok have i heard this new republic(?) captain actor before he seems familiar
bitch literally anyone could have an old jedi clearance code clearance codes were passed around like
yeah he doesn't trust it either
but i feel like he's actually dickish and we're not supposed to like him so
ah yes rebel soldiers and their stupid-ass egg helmets
wait old white bearded guy you ain't obi wan you AIN'T a jedi
his voice sounds familiar too
i have such face blindness lmao
oh whoops that's a darkside saber his friend has!
she kinda looks like Merrin from JFO
Eh probs some kinda Nightsister of sorts
I'm guessing he's some Inquisitor who got forgotten
Hmm we really paralleling ANH with darkside guy slaughtering all the egghelmet guys on a ship xD
Ok his name is Baylan
And hers is Morgan and the intro crawl mentioned her but my memory is shit so I don't quite remember what she was about except vague Thrawn-related reasons
ooooh name drop!
ok i'm good lol
ohh wait so there IS a title
master and apprentice
alas it seems like the thing i didn't want is gonna happen but we are staying OPEN MINDED we are going to SEE
ok lots of tall pillars in what looks like another fuckin desert lmao
ey there's Snips
something on the ground? That kinda looks Sith-ish but also I have like no clue
hmm did they kinda fix her montrals or not i can't tell
Ehhhhh slightly
eyyyy wait are those the world-between-worlds lines
the statues kinda look like nightsisters but also like old sith statues
mmm caress the whispering pillar
ok indiana jones time to get your ass out of there before the booby trap
what am i saying she's anakin and obi wan's spawn she LIKES this shit
oh hey she made something happen
i feel like all of these pillars should have been turned at once
the force likes teamwork and that kinda thing
but it also kinda echoes maul and ezra's little teamwork exercise lifting those walls in the sith temple that one time
ope she found something
guessing it's the Magic Maul Map
ooh it's one of those bakugon balls or whatever they were we played with as a kid i had one that turned into a dragon
armor person hello
what's the mask that's not a mando is it
nah i don't think it is
is it a person in armor or a droid i can't tell
oh subs say droids they're droids
you poor bastards curbstomping droids was her high school internship job she is WAY more qualified than you
wasn't quite expecting ahsoka to play whackamole but good for her that sounds fun
oh hell yeah we stan the droids that self destruct xD
waiiiit yeah i forgot she had a B-wing they're cool!
ahsoka there was NO way you didn't wait till the last moment to jump away from that explosion except to be dramatic
"the order doesn't exist anymore" you shush missy we KNOW you know who luke is he's trying his best
ahsoka lbr do you even know what standard jedi protocol is
also he looks so good in live action i forgot to mention that!!!!! <3
"T-6" girl u need to name your SHIP anakin would be APPALLED
well if that's the same ship with the darksiders on at least
oh right this is mary elizabeth winstead oh boy i hope she does well!
i wonder if ewan was there
ok unpausing sorry had a Moment
Ok so the voices aren't quite matching but we'll see
ooooh hera has a patch on her jacket let's go back to that later
"abilities like you" hera kanan told you what darksiders were like inquisitors tried to kill y'all
she has sabines firebird on her jacket
don't mention thrawn around hera she'll just think of ezra ;_;
oh so morgan was thrawn's
ok this is nothing on mary's performance she's doing fine but hera's dialogue doesn't quiiiite seem her? we'll see
oh yeah and rosario's doing better this time more natural
wait who's speaking
Hi Clancy Brown good to see you do you know you have an evil Devaronian twin who's running around bothering Din Djarin as we speak
well at least sabine still hates politics
my dude ryder you know her tf did she say to make you think she was coming at all lol
wait ryderrrr c'mon don't be a dick again you were so well
not quiiiiite liking how sabine grew her gay haircut out in this but still digging the bike fit
also hello Natasha good luck pls treat my dear well i love her greatly!!!
hmmm not sure how much i like other non-OG ghost crew giving themselves Spectre callsigns yes i AM being gatekeepy fuck off
good sabine is running from authorities we do love that
hey her voice kinda matches that's great!
oh i'm liking her acting already
i think
that's my GIRL
also it's very interesting how the pilots call each other by their spectre callsigns but address sabine--an ORIGINAL spectre--exclusively by name
lothkitty LOTHCAT
im gonna DIE
it's so cute i can't even
also getting Emotions(TM) at ezra's old tower
hmm you think sabine has depression
oh hey hey it's his original message to theeeeem
wait shit yeah it's the new one just to her
ooh it's eman! i can't see his faaaaace expressions but the voice sounds similar? like it seems like he's tryna match taylor's way of speaking good for him
ok yes but ezra is a jedi show pretty please for me don't go there with sabine
ok ok that's enough complaining from me lmao
i would prefer sabine and ezra to stay platonic friends. no hate to shippers but i just personally would like them to be friends/siblings, that's what would make me happiest because i like to imagine sabine as a lesbian and also their dynamic as friends/siblings just makes me happy
but shippers are of course still welcome here and if they do become a couple i won't begrudge you your fun :')
ok ok ok ok ok NOW i'm done lmao
back to Best Boy sorry bby you were speaking and i interrupted you <3
oh hey hey he did say sister! i'd like that!!!
but also ezra when tf did you have the time to record those both weren't u a bit busy planning the attack on lothal
oh it's darkside goth girl
nice smoky eye
oh wait fuck she's got a PADAWAN BRAID
heyyyyyy i was RIGHT about the temple statues looking like nightsisters!
but wrong about darkside goth girl being one then tho
well masked emo fucker following bryan or whatever his name is is probs an inquisitor
wait wait wait does MORGAN have gold eyes?
oh no wait darkside apprentice has gold eyes again
ugh okay so we ARE getting force sensitive sabine then
alright fine i'll make my peace with it this episode
even though it makes no SENSE
no no pe not going there we are going to have FUN
aaaaa repeating ezra's final dialogue from the rebels finale ;_;
love the mirroring shots to rebels ep 1 RIGHT DOWN TO SABINE WEARING EZRA'S ORANGE
ahsoka and anakin leitmotiff coming back hmmm
oh wait fuck i think ezra drew those lothcats oof ;_;
ok good good we going back to sabine being the rightful art expert in the gffa take second place and DUNK urself thrawn
ok i get they're tryna make them ex master and apprentice but imma say it. imma SAY IT
ahsoka and sabine give awkward exes vibes
BIG awkward exes vibes
m a s t e r
you both know damn well she's gonna take it anyway or at least try who are y'all even kidding urselves
oooh surprise surprise the darksider are former jedi-associated
oh right his name's baylan not bryan
oh there's goth darkside girl
if anyone hurts sabine's cat i will kill the entire world and then myself
ahsoka ur being emo so hera is allowed to make a dig at anakin
hera you're trying your best girl lmao
it's always rule of three it seems
kinda gives me that mortis trinity vibe
this reminds me of the time i got one of those 3D puzzles from barnes and noble and i was supposed to take it apart and put it back together and failed utterly
ope she did it!
again if someone even TOUCHES that fucking cat wrong i go full john wick
ope they smashed the map
ahsoka my dude i'm guessing you know where sabine lives why didn't u just go find her lmao
wait does sabine have ezra's green lightsaber i can't tell from the hilt because i'm shit at recognizing hilts
i can't even appreciate the duel because i am admittedly pouting but they are both very pretty at least
sabine how r u not getting ur hair chopped off
oh fuck she got stabbed?
maybe shoulda worn ur mando armor
oh and she's still MOVING
oh nope there she goes
oh wait who's Ray? :(
okay okay okay
dave my dude.........
okay so i am going to take some time like a few minutes or so
and process this sabine thing
like if i cannot find a way to come to fucking terms with it i will not be able to enjoy this series
ik ik that sounds dramatic i'm just
hmm ok five minutes
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wantonlywindswept · 2 years ago
mando 3.6 liveblog (frustrated)
oh ho ho more mandos and the darksaber and mandalore in recap?? please give me these things that i want to see yes
das a weirdass ship
why is she the only one in the fishbowl??
‘imperial friends’ oh sweetheart wrong faction
woves, eh?
woves i’m sorry but in this universe your accent means that you are evil and you are not helping challenge that view
still don’t like koska!
hm is this gonna be the Bo-Katan Episode
oh no din is also there! sweet
ah, the high-speed public transit that we all dream of...
i still also hate chain codes!
din you always have to blast your way out of everything, it’s your go-to plan of action
ahh rich people
nooo don’t make jack black an imperial he deserves better
din please take the baby back i do not trust this woman
oh word’s out that mandalore’s coming back huh
oh so she’s actually abandoned it? OHH SHE ASKED DIN???
....din please
omfg hibachi droid i’m crrying
din pls smack the big red button
hmm does that mean the ugnaughts are once again enslaved? din don’t take that shit
lawls bo
nnngh din taking charge so sessy
....where is the baby??
oh noooo is din gonna have some flashbacks, poor bb
din pls
din i thought we’d gotten over this
look i’m not gonna feel sympathy if the problem is that droids are snapping when being mistreated
like, it’s running? it’s not fighting back??
dafuq is a spark pad
Do Not Let Her Do The Talking In There
nevermind let bo do the talking. not really enjoying this little regression in din’s character development, but i spose it can be explained away with them being specifically sep droids
am enjoying all the droid characters tho
oh now droids have chain codes too
so security guy makes droids malfunction to show that they still need security?
thank you bo
oh no he’s cheating instead rofl
we’re gonna use the quacta thing forever now huh
lmao din ‘what the fuck is the key thing and do i have to touch it’
this entire government is ridiculous
oh that’s not a good place to start bo
challenge? CHALLENGE? DO ITTT??
huh wonder if challenges are diff in diff creeds, or if the tribe just has regulations for duels like it does everything else. din and paz were much more uh. calculated with theirs.
din please stop trying to give the saber away
hmm interesting take. don’t like it. don’t want mandalor bo.
ughhhhhh but that’s what i’m getting isn’t it
ugh ugh ugh
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saccharine-scribbles · 3 years ago
ᴛɪɢʜᴛ ꜰɪᴛ | Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
aka I’m going to make my Din Djarin brainrot everyone else’s problem, the fanfic
warnings - dirty talk (i guess?), non-graphic smut (minors dni)
word count - 1.3k
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(gif is mine, i was like FUCK i can’t find the gif i need, ill make it myself lmfao)
“Where's the Razor Crest?” Din asks, hands on his hips as Peli gleefully shows off what’s supposed to be your new ship. You try to imagine the pout on his face underneath the helmet. 
The ship in question was awfully tiny, not to mention rather worn looking. The once yellow paint was cracked and faded with age - in fact, it looked so... Tatooine, what with the worn colors and sand damage. You wouldn’t be surprised if this ship was at least twenty years old (maybe more). 
Peli scoffs. “I never said I had a Razor Crest. I said I had a replacement for a Razor Crest.”
Din huffs. “I don't have time for this.” 
She raises a finger in protest. “Hang on a second. Do you have any idea what this is? This is an N-1 starfighter, handmade for the royal guard and commissioned personally by the Queen of Naboo.”
That certainly piqued your attention. You recalled hearing stories about how a single Nubian starfighter took down a Lucrehulk-class battleship. The ships were said to be incredibly agile and run well; they were particularly rare these days. A small part of you is fairly gleeful at the prospect of perhaps getting to fly an N-1. 
“This is a pile of junk.” Din protests, bringing you out of your train of thought.
“Do you want your credits back?” Peli asks. 
“No skin off my dip-swap. Droids, bring this lovely man his money. Here you go. It's that easy. Sorry to waste your time. Okay?” Peli sighs. “While we're waiting, can I tell you a little something about this honey? I know she doesn't look like much, but you guys got here a lot earlier than I expected, and I didn't get a chance to finish. I mean, clearly, you can see I've got all the parts right here. Hmm? It all has a home.”
You wrap your arms around Din’s much larger arm and rest your head on his pauldron. The beskar feels soothingly cool on your cheek. “I’ve always wanted to fly one of these.” You say to Din quietly. 
“We’ll hardly fit in there together,” he replies. 
“I’d be willing to bet we can make it work.” You wink. “If we chose to keep it, of course. I still would rather ride this than public transit again.” you add, eyes pleading.
Din makes a quiet noise of protest. “I don’t know...”
Peli interrupts your hushed conversation as she walks around the ship, examining it critically. ‘You know how hard it is to find all original parts from way back in the Galactic Republic? I mean, these are all handmade. No droids. And not only that, what I'm gonna do, just because I like you two, is I'm gonna add on some custom modifications that'll make her faster than a fathier, and because this baby's pre-Empire, she's off the grid. And did I mention, she can jump into hyperspace with no docking ring? I mean, come on! You gotta see the potential.”
Well, you were certainly sold. You walk closer to the ship and run your fingers over the sand-covered metal admiringly. 
Din, it seemed, was a less convinced, but you could tell he was softening on the idea. 
“I'm telling you, Mando, you gotta believe me. This is a classic. Look, at least let me put her together before you decide. Can you give me that?”
“I think we’ll try it out,” You answer for him, knowing that he’d probably keep dragging his feet if left to his own devices. You, meanwhile, were already excited at the prospect.
Peli grins. “See, there you go. I’m glad at least one of you has common sense. Let’s get this baby up and goin'!” She grabs a wrench and begins disassembling a panel.
“...You know, it'd be a lot faster if you two helped.”
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By the time the three of you finished fixing the ship, the first of the twin suns had set, and the second was on it’s way to setting. 
“Think she's ready?” Din asks. 
You can’t help but admire your team effort. The ship looks rather good, and with the buffed out paint, the smooth metal gleams beautifully. 
“Ready as she'll ever be. Start her up.” Peli replies. 
“Really?” You and Din both ask in unison.
“Yeah, start her up.”
You excitedly move to get into the ship. The seat certainly feels a lot smaller when there’s already someone else occupying it, but you’re nothing if not staunchly determined; especially after you just worked your ass off on this ship. 
“You just need to--” you grunt, trying to position yourself between his legs. If he would just part his legs a little more, this would be a hell of a lot easier. 
He huffs and grabs your hips. His large hands wrap around them snugly. “No, wait, just--” 
You wiggle your legs, trying to not hit any important buttons on the dashboard. “Let me--” you finally manage to sit down in between his legs. He practically envelops you like this. 
You can just barely hear his faint mutter of, “Kriff,” 
You’re confused for a moment, before it dawns on you that your ass is firmly pressed against his cock. You can feel heat rush to your cheeks, a tiny shiver running up your spine at the mere thought.
Din reaches forward to start the engine. Much to both of your dismay, it sputters weakly. “It's not turning over.”
“Give it a little bit more juice.” Peli encourages.
You press a key button on the console whilst Din attempts to start the engine, and suddenly, it roars to life. The engine is so loud you can hardly hear yourself think.
“That's a lot of engine for a little ship.” Din says, impressed.
 “Yeah, well, see what she can do!”
“Shouldn't we run a diagnostic first?” You question.  
Peli waves a hand dismissively and yells over the roar of the engine, “Nah! I can hear her! She's purring! Send her up!“
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After a brief test drive, (followed by being temporarily accosted by New Republic Officers and meeting with Fennec Shand once again) You and Din were now comfortably in lightspeed.
“This thing really does handle nicely,” You comment. 
Din hums. His gloved hand is idly rubbing your thigh. You continue to enjoy the comforting hum of the ship, and the fact that you're pressed against your Mandalorian in the best of ways.
His hand slowly trails up until it’s resting just above your waistband. He begins stroking through your pants subtly, his touch far too gentle. His other hand is gently caressing your shoulder. 
"Din," You breathe. “If you could just...”
His voice sounds somewhat amused, “Cyar'ika, do you need something?”
“Need you,” You murmur, trying to angle your hips upward. You need more. 
“So impatient,” he chides gently in that same aroused, yet slightly amused voice. He continues to stroke you as your legs begin to quiver.
You nearly whimper whenever he lifts his hand briefly. He tugs off the leather glove before his hand is back; he trails his hand along the hem of your pants. His touch is so unbelievably close, prompting you to rub your ass against his semi-hard length.  His head tilts back and you can just faintly hear his breath hitch slightly.
His fingers fumble with the button on your cargo pants. With surprising (though at this point, it really shouldn’t surprise you anymore) swiftness, before you can do a thing, he’s unbuttoned your pants and yanked them down.
You whisper, “I need you, Din. I need you inside me.”
To that, he has the audacity to tsk. “Cyar’ika, we have a long trip ahead of us.” he’s grasping at your thighs, teasing you. His voice drops slightly. “We’re not getting started until you come on my hand at least twice,”
You let out a moan at the prospect. 
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a/n: hey if you liked or if you want a sequel, please reblog! (actually please reblog anyway, considering that’s how tumblr’s algorithm works, hehe) reblogs = love :) and my inbox is open so feel free to send in requests!! 
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thecleverqueer · 2 years ago
Random Thoughts during The Clone Wars Movie:
*Full discretion: I’ve never watched this before. I’ve watched the series (some arcs I’ve watched an embarrassing number of times). I’ve heard people bitch about this being terrible, so I’m excited about it! Here we go!
*Clone radio chatter… Hmm…
*I find it odd that the Jedi would help Jabba the Hutt, but I’ll let it pass. Oh, but of course it’s Palpatine’s idea. Oh, trade routes, blah, blah, blah. Of course, it’s political.
*Wullf Yularen looks so young. Wow. All that dark brown hair and lack of wrinkles (or maybe the lack of wrinkles has to do with the primitive CGI).
*I love how Anakin and Obi-Wan argue like an old married couple. Like, dude… you’re being very, VERY passive aggressive. “Well, it wasn’t MY idea!”
*I’ve never really understood why folks always pet R2-D2’s head. Everyone does it. Literally everyone. Is it because he’s cute, or does he have some sort of circuitry up there that allows him to feel? Both?
*Through all my Ahsoka simping, I don’t talk enough about how much I truly love, LOVE Obi-Wan Kenobi. I adore Obi-Wan Kenobi. He’s such a bad ass. He seems like a guy that should be reading a book quietly in private library some place while sipping tea, and yet here he is out in the galaxy just slaying.
*Why is Anakin being the voice of reason here!? No! He’s right. It absolutely isn’t a good idea to bring a padawan learner into battle like that. It’s war. They’re literally children. You’re making them child soldiers. Stop it! Quit being crazy!
*Holy shit! Ahsoka is so tiny! Obi-Wan is like, “A youngling!?” Oh! Squee! She’s so ridiculously small! Ugh, they should have given the little thing Jedi robes... Poor little ‘Soka!
*Ooo! I didn’t know Ventress was in this. Maybe I did? I don’t know.
*I love Rex. When referring to Ahsoka for the first time, he’s like, “who is this child?”
*Hey! Rex and Ahsoka are having that same conversation from Rebels almost:
Rex says, “In my book, experience outranks everything.” Then Ahsoka goes, “Well if experience outranks everything, then I better start getting some.” Cute. For the record, Rex, she’s definitely going to outrank you… later.
*Obi-Wan is always so quick to surrender. He’s going to choose to charm/ sweet-talk/whore his way out of violence and/ or buy time every time.
*Yikes! Ahsoka f*^%s up royally when attempting to set those charges on that shield generator. She’s just a baby, so you can’t be too mad at her for f*^%ing up like that as she’s really got no business on a battlefield in the first place honestly. “Sorry!” Don’t be sorry, Ahsoka. It’s not your fault.
*Obi-Wan sipping tea. I love to see it.
*That conversation that Anakin has with Ahsoka about her making it as his padawan is so sweet. Then, they start playing Ahsoka’s theme… how adorable!
*Yoda says, “To let go of his pupil, a greater challenge this will be. Master this, Skywalker must.” I get Yoda’s angle here. Anakin’s arduous issues with attachment need to be addressed. It didn’t seem to matter much in the end though. I’d say he did let go of Ahsoka. It was his irrational fear of losing Padme that got him (that and old Palpatine being a manipulative cocksplat).
*The council sending Obi-Wan to make a deal with Jabba because he’s such a smooth talker.
*Wow. A bunch of alien heads on a gurney… This is a kids’ movie.
*Jabba calls his child a “punky muffin.” Interesting. What do the Hutts know of muffins?
*Do monasteries usually have detention levels?
*Holy shit, Ahsoka! A protocol droid calls her a servant girl, and she nearly slices it in half! Not that I don’t appreciate the moment of feminist rage, I do, but, hey, it’s okay there, spunky! Chill. You’ll be a Jedi… well, maybe… jury is still out on that one.
*So, I am 40 minutes in, and I’m trying to figure out why Ahsoka got so much vitriolic hate when people first watched this. She’s clearly stubborn, impatient, reckless, slightly obnoxious and a little arrogant, but she’s just a baby. She’s like 14 here, right? I think? She’s no more annoying than any other teenager would be.
I’m assuming that I’m not being bias here because I fell in love with Ahsoka in Rebels and she can do no wrong in my eyes, but I don’t think that I am? So, what was it? Did folks just have their drawers bunched up so tight about canon breaking or whatever? Could they not overlook her being a typical teenaged turd in this? Was it just because she is a girl?
*Ahsoka already has auntie vibes at 14. IYKYK.
*How dare Ventress force choke Rex! I love his resolve to not do what she says. Oh. Jedi mind trick… never mind.
*OMG! Ahsoka called the droidekas “Rolling death balls.” I can’t.
*Um… aside from “Ahsoka’s Theme” which always brings me joy when I hear it because… Ahsoka… this soundtrack leaves A LOT to be desired. What is this? This kind of reminds me of something I might have heard in The Power Rangers or that X-Men cartoon from the 90s.
*Obi-Wan flirts with everyone. This flirting with Ventress is cracking me up. Now Ventress is flirting back. Is this a ship!? It isn’t as fun as Codywan to me, but hey. Straight ships never are.
*I feel like everyone ends up on Tatooine at some point or another. It’s like a dust-bowl fly trap.
*Yeah. The soundtrack is f*^%ing awful.*Grits teeth*
*Bith Bands on Tatooine > Bith Bands on Coruscant.
*This queer-coded Hutt bothers me. I know I’ve seen him in The Clone Wars, and I know that Filoni tried to sell me on the fact that he was with Sy Snootles, but he’s clearly meant to be a flamboyantly queer, and I’m miffed.
The one constant with homosexual/ queer-coded characters is that we’re ALWAYS the f*^%ing bad guy. Do we make great bad guys? Compelling bad guys? Probably. Gays will go scorched-earth if the occasion warrants it. But, why?! Why must we always be bad? We’re not all bad! Most of us are awesome.
*He’s a southern gay, too. Damn. I just picture him in a swanky gay bar in Atlanta some place hitting on, like, the youngest twink in the room. He probably drives a luxury sedan and is paying for all of the twink’s drinks. Somebody’s getting laid tonight!
*What is up with that feather hat on this queer Hutt’s head? Oh, honey, no…. Why? Why? Why? Filoni should feel shame for this.
*And, what’s going on with that Twi-lek dancer back behind him to the left all but twerking? Get it, girl! Get it! Twerk it!
*Padme getting herself into some shit.
*Okay, Ahsoka calling R2 “artooey” is a little annoying… still not annoying enough to hate her guts.
*I can’t get over this stupid Hutt! Goddammit. Why doesn’t he gurgle and speak Huttese like the rest of the Hutts? Why does he sound like a giant slug from Georgia?! Why, Filoni, why!?
*Awww! Anakin putting his hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder at sunset, and she so stinking cute and small!
*There goes Count Dooku with his force lightning. Force lightning is one of those powers that I wish I had. No. I’d want force storm. To hell with playing around, I want to just lift my hand up and an entire room of enemies drop dead… that was always my favorite power in KOTOR. Just brutal. But, I need to stop. I’m being an evil gay.
*Hold up! Is this Hutt RUNNING a swanky gay bar on Coruscant!? FFS… Ziro shame. Absolutely none….
*Sigh* The luxury sedan is the Star Wars version of a black Cadillac CT5 with white leather interior and a wood grained trim, by the way. He barely fits into it because he’s a goddamned space slug, but he manages. He smokes cheap cigarettes, but only drinks from the top shelf. He has an army of twinks… he won’t remember the name of the one he’s getting wasted tonight... Dammit!
*Dude! Anakin! SMH. He just waltzes into Jabba’s palace and goes, “where’s Ahsoka?” You literally JUST SAW DOOKU’S HOLO OF HER ASS GETTING KICKED BY THREE DROIDS! So… you should have found her before you did anything else. Goddammit man, don’t be an idiot!
*You bring back the slugglet, but Jabba is going to kill your asses anyway (no, not really, we know y’all survive).
*Padme saving the day through diplomacy as Padme does.
*Final thought: it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared.
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arc-misadventures · 3 years ago
Hunter Drones: How would Jaune's lets say robotic team introduce themselves to Jaune's parents?
Hunter Drones IX
Jaune: Ughhhh…
OAI: I take it your conversation with, General Ironwood was productive?
Jaune: ‘Why are they so psychotic?!’ That’s what he asked when he saw the remains of the White Fang members who snuck in here… He was utterly appalled by the way the hallway was splattered in their remains… If he really, really wanted to be appalled by what they did, he should have seen their eye camera footage… Gods, I’m not going to be getting a good nights sleep tonight… Haaa
OAI: At least the combat data we have acquired from their engagement with the, White Fang will be invaluable.
Jaune: Yes, and no; that fight was highly one sided, in their favour. The White Famg are comparable to an armed civilians militia most of the time. The Hunter Drones will have to fight some experienced, Hunters to gain real data at their combat capabilities against human/faunas opponents. At most, the data shows us how fast, and quick they are to react to incoming foes. But, that’s it. Haa… More tests need to be run…
OAI: Very well, what test shall I…?! INTRUDER DETECTED! Preparing counter measures.
Jaune: Wait, what?! Who the hell got into my lab?! There is no way anyone can…?!
Juniper: Jauney~!
Jaune: Oh… That’s who… OAI, deacti…?! GRK?!
Juniper: Oh, how I’ve missed you my little mad scientist! You look tired, have you been getting enough sleep? Eating well? How goes things with that, Schnee~?
Jaune: Oww… There was an incident last night so I didn’t get much sleep. Yes, I’ve been eating well. I refuse to talk about that to anyone much less you.
Juniper: Rude.
Jaune: And, lastly; How the hell did you get in here?!
Juniper: Language, little one.
Jaune: Just answer the question!
Juniper: Haa… very well; I hacked into the Atlas Military computers mainframe, imputed the necessary biometric data into their database, and gave myself command access to all facilities, outposts, weapon depots, officer bathrooms… anything I could really. I am curious why an alarm sounded when I entered this room, it shouldn’t have done that?
Jaune: …
Jaune: OAI…?!
OAI: Confirmed: A one, Juniper Vintiz Auburn Arc, has been imputed into the data archive as of yesterday, with high level command codes.
Jaune: Then, why did you activate the security measures if she’s in the system.
OAI: She does not have proper clearance form the General, and yourself to enter the premises.
Jaune: …
Jaune: C-Couldn’t you have just called…?
Juniper: But, I wanted to see what you were up to; you never tell me whenever we call.
Jaune: Mom, I work in a secret lab, on secret military projects! Key word, secret! I’m not suppose to tell anyone what I’m working on, much less my mother!
Juniper: What, do you think I would tell the whole family you created an artificial intelligence around the dinner table, or something?
Jaune: …
Juniper: Okay, I’ve only done that once!
Jaune: …
Juniper: This year…
Jaune: This far…
Juniper: Hey!
Jaune: Okay… Lets start of with the introductions… OAI, my I present, Juniper, Arc, my mother. Mom, may I present, OAI, The Original Artificial Intelligence.
OAI: Hello, Mrs. Arc, it is a pleas to meet my creators, creator.
Juniper: Oh… Oh my… You created an AI…? My Little Mad Scientist created an, AI! A true AI, and not whatever those little droids, Atlas loves to parade around are. Oh, I’m so proud of you! How strong of a processor do you have? What’s your computing power?
Yang: Who the hell are you?
Juniper: Hmm~?
Blake: Yang, why are you…?! Get your hands off of, Master! NOW!!!
Ruby: What?! How did she get in here?!
Penny: Meat detected: Preparing to engage.
Jaune: Wait, hold on girls…?!
Yang: Don’t worry, Jaune; We’ll keep this floozy away from you!
Juniper: What did you just call me…?
Blake: You heard her, bitch!
Ruby: Get away from our man, or else!
Penny: Do we have to talk with her; can’t we just kill her?
Jaune: G-Guys! D-Don’t start…?!
Juniper: Shh shh shh… Quiet now, Jauney… It appears I need to teach these ladies a lesson in etiquette. Particularly, respect to their elders…
Jaune: W-W-Wait! Don’t…?! Oh gods no! Uhh…?!!OAI?! OAI a little help here?!
OAI: I have already started recording the battle for future data analysis.
Jaune: Why?!
OAI: You said we need the Hunter Drones to fight against, seasoned Hunters, considering your mothers record, I see no one else more than qualified to help evaluate their combat efficiency.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Haa… Fine! Get everything you can get! In the meantime, contact the General and let him know of our guest. And, acti…?! Ahh!!!
OAI: Hardlight shields activated.
Jaune: Ughh… No! Not again! This is the third time this week someone messed up my lab?! And, its only, Monday?! WHYYYYY?!!
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countrymusiclover · 3 years ago
15 - No Normal Reunion
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Part 16
Kenobi's Future
Tag list - @tyrionsprincess30 @nanagoswife @lycaonpictusphotography @bigbendyhorns @abaker74 @haideehaids @sassycowboygoatee @jedi-archives @iifloweringnightsii
I aimed it at the Droid who spoke glancing between our current situation. "This is a happy family reunion wouldn't you say." Kiera smacked her hand over her face locking eyes with the guy eyeing me and Obi-wan.
Steadily holding the blaster in my hands I keep my eyes locked onto my husband. Obi-wan aimed his own towards the man I could only assume is the pilot my daughter spoke of earlier. Kiera stands beside me while her little sister was by the Empirial Droid. The intense air probably couldn't be cut with a knife if you tried. Either of us was ready to pull the trigger at the smallest movement from our new guests. "Mom. Dad, it's okay. They're my friends alright. Leia sent them. So let's just lower the blasters." Kiera jumped in between our weapons hands raised in the air. Obi-wan raised his voice to his eldest daughter believing we knew best. "Kiera get out of the way. We can't trust them!" She whipped her head around to her father snapping off. "Oh and I'm supposed to trust you. Because I don't think I can do that anymore. Knowing my sister and I are the nieces of Darth Vader!"
"I hate to interpret but we must leave now. But we have a low rate of survival if we don't leave now." The Droid spoke raising his hand. The pilot reaches into his jacket revealing our lightsabers to Kiera with a slight smirk. "I bet your happy I stole these from the stormtroopers now. K2SO start up the ship. We have to get out of here now!" The Droid moved into the pilot seat closing the ramp door up behind me and Kiera. She takes our lightsabers from his hands when I lowered my blaster. Obi-wan still pointed his up not trusting anyone new still since the fall of the Jedi. "Sissy. Oh I missed you. Is that the guy is it is it?" Padme shoved past his legs rushing to her sister jumping into her arms for a hug. She bends down on her knees hugging her sister until a warning alarm blared through the ship. Obi-wan and I rushed forward seeing a bunch of stormtroopers heading our way. Surrounding us on all sides of the ship. "We're never getting out of here now." My husband explained running a nervous hand through his hair. The pilot spun in his chair calling to our eldest. "Kiera can you handle them this time." She nodded her head running to get into the gunners seat.
The pilot and the Empirial Droid started the engines up yanking the ship up into the air. Stumbling backwards into my husband's chest he wrapped his arm around my waist holding onto a handle with the other. Padme sits down in a seat watching the pair. Kiera started firing off rounds of troopers to the ground as we flew quickly out of the hanger bay. I released a breath thankful to be out of there and the pilot makes the jump to lightspeed before they can follow us. "Sweetheart that was...I'm proud of you-" Kiera cuts her father off tossing us each our lightsabers back then storming into the bunks of the ship with the door closed. "So um - I'm Y/n and this is my husband Obi-wan. That's our youngest Padme who you've already met...what's your name?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck nervously wanting to break the heated tension that lingers in the room still. The pilot stuck his hand out introducing himself and I shake his hand. "Cassian Andor. I was charged with bringing your daughter home. Until she discovered you weren't..."
Obi-wan locked eyes with Cassian putting his blaster onto his belt alongside his lightsaber. I can feel he doesn't trust these people but we have to be greatful. If it weren't for them we would still be on that ship getting tortured by Darth Vader. "So you're the man my daughter likes hmm?" He asked stepping up being the same height as the man before him unlike me since I am slightly shorter than my husband. "Yes sir...we only just kissed on this mission. So I'm not - sure what we are exactly yet." Cassian chuckled nervously at the end of his sentence until Padme yawned throwing her arms up. "Daddy, I'm sleepy." She mumbled so he strides over picking her up carrying her over his shoulder. He opened the door closing it back with his foot leaving me alone with the two rebels. "Thank you - thank you for risking your life to save ours. I don't know how we can ever repay you both." Intertwining my hands together in front of me I gave the gratitude my husband was afraid to give them. Cassian smiled lightly shrugging of his jacket hanging it on a hook on the wall. "It was no big deal Mrs. Kenobi. It was the right thing to do, plus your daughter was pretty determined to rescue you."
"And once the little princess Padme was safe and sound back home in her bed. She drifted off for a long peaceful nap. Goodnight babygirl." Obi-wan sat at the foot of the bed kissing Padme on her forehead before she closes her eyes. Leaning against the wall arms crossed over my chest I looked at my boots sadly knowing Kiera was mad at us in the other room with the door locked. He finally glanced over his shoulder to me breaking the silence. "I can't believe she found out about Darth. I don't even understand how would she have found out?" He runs his fingers against his bearded chin thinking until I answer his question. "She faced him...Vader Obi-wan. He told her the truth. She told me right before we got on the ship with you." He bends his head running his hands through his messy hair with a heavy sigh. "Oh the maker. I thought we could keep that from her for well...forever. Now what's to stop her from telling Leia who her father is Y/n?" Coming to lay down at the end of the long bed I lay my head on his shoulder feeling him draping an arm over my shoulder. "We just have to hope darling. That she knows it's safer if Leia never finds out." He kisses my forehead closing his eyes as we crawl under the covers at the foot of the bed. Snuggling into his chest my eyes caught sight of the marks on his neck from Vader's choking that I kiss before falling asleep wishing we were back home.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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feltpool · 4 years ago
Before the Finale
With only 2 episodes remaining this season I bring you Bad Batch fans another theory.
It’s long, and not everyone is going to like it, but here it is:
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Cut to TCW s7, ep 2: A Distant Echo
[Wrecker is eating and lifting Gonky noisily in the background] Rex: I know you work with Cody sometimes, but who do you guys report to? [Wrecker stops as Rex asks this] Hunter: Hmm... good question.  Can't say I've got an answer. [as he speaks Hunter folds his arms across his chest. Defensively?] Wrecker: Yeah .
Is THAT what Cid knows?
What she's holding over them?
Does she know who they've been working for all along and Hunter DOES NOT want that info to get out?
Have they always been the bad guys? The self named Bad Batch?
But most of them simply didn't know it?
Bear with me here
In TBB ep 3 Lama Su refers to the Batch as being Kaminoan property. Why?
If the Republic have bought the clones then why are they considered Kaminoan property.
Or is it just them?
Do they report to the Kaminoans? Or more specifically, does Hunter report to them?
Doing whatever mission the long necks tell them to do, for whoever has paid to have their job done, while allowing them enough contact with the GAR to maintain their cover as special ops?
Cody is the only clone they're referred to as having worked with before. It'd explain why Hunter maintains the whole ‘we don’t like ‘regs’ line if he/the Kams want to keep them distanced from them so that they don't get chatting and give the game away. (No one else there has their own cosy little private barracks)
It'd explain why Hunter is so keen to keep his boys under his total control and not asking independent questions. Why he keeps them so reliant upon him.
It'd explain why they turned down the opportunity to receive medals for their part in Echo’s rescue. The boys have been well schooled in ‘not wanting that sort of thing’, regardless of the medals Hunter has hanging on his bunk wall, or the targets Crosshair has hung proudly for all to see his marksmanship skills. That sort of thing could draw the wrong sort of attention and might make someone look into their records.
And it'd explain why Cid has been able to blackmail them into working for her on such a shitty deal for so long, even after they'd paid the debt they owed her.
Not convinced?
Ok, let’s look at this angle then:
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"Wireless communication uses electromagnetic radiation - radio waves and microwaves - to send information. Radio waves are essentially electromagnetic waves radiating from an antenna (like the antennas of a WiFi router). So, wireless communication is always broadcast. In other words, the signals from the WiFi routers can be heard by other WiFi devices tuned into the same radio frequency."
So... if you know his frequency you can send a message to Hunter without anyone else knowing as long as he’s in range? And the range is 'anywhere on the planet'
When they first meet Omega he seems confused by her, uninterested beyond the basic curiosity they all have. Omega asks to come to Onderon with the team and he brushes her off easily.
No sooner have the team departed:
Nala Se approaches Omega from behind.
Nala Se: Omega. Come along. I told you to stay close.
Nala Se turns and walks away, Omega follows.
Cut to the team on Onderon.
Crosshair has challenged Hunter over not following orders when Hunter whips out his blaster, fires right past Crosshair’s head and hits the probe droid watching them from the trees.
All the focus is on Crosshair at this point
The group approach the downed droid, Tech points out that it’s a probe droid, and Hunter suddenly looks up from the droid for no apparent reason
Hunter: Omega.
Hunter turns to walk back to the Marauder
Echo: What about her?
Hunter: She warned me about the mission. And Tarkin
She said not to return to Kamino, that it’s not safe for us anymore.
Wrecker: [grunts] Maybe she’s right.
Crosshair: We’re taking the word of a child now?
It’s an incredibly sudden change of mind that they go get Omega, and there’s no apparent reason for it.
But if you consider that the droid relayed a message only Hunter could pick up telling him to come back and get Omega, that it was important that she be kept out of Empire hands?
Well, that’s another matter entirely.
Hunter has been willing to drop everything to go after Omega when she was lost, or taken by bounty hunters, but he’s shown no sign of actually caring for her.
He could have trained her to use the energy bow, but that was left to Echo.
He could have provided her with a room of her own, but Wrecker did that.
She so painfully clearly wanted him to hold her and reassure her after they got her back from Bane, but he made no move to do that. He only responded after she threw herself at him bodily.
She’s a job. Nothing more.
Hunter only cares about Hunter.
We saw Nala Se override the door controls so that they could leave Kamino, but what else could she has been doing with that datapad before they left?
What final instructions could she have issued Hunter regarding protecting her little science project and keeping her safe until she needs her?
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I’ve pointed out before that I think Hunter’s massive tattoo makes him look two-faced, and that this is reflected in his helmet’s paint job.
But it only struck me yesterday (and I don’t know how I failed to spot it before) but the design of his helmet (the eye shape, the grill) looks like a stormtrooper helmet. Certainly closer to one than any other team member.
And yes, it was the same design in the CW arc.
Hunter doesn’t strike me as someone who had to work for his place as team leader. He hasn’t shown the confidence in his decision making skills that I’d except to see in someone who had. My guess is that it was simply assigned to him from the moment they completed basic training, and it’s simply always been that way.
He likes it though, being in charge. He likes being the leader of the team with a 100% success rate. He likes to stand at the front, he always walks through doors first, and makes the most obvious statement with his physical appearance. Everything about him screams ‘look at me!’
So, what else is there?
Well, there’s whatever it is with Hunter and Crosshair.
Does Hunter suspect that Crosshair has worked out all by himself that something just isn't right. That the jobs they're doing just don't add up to being loyal to the Republic?
Because Crosshair was questioning his authority back in the CW arc. It isn’t only since Order 66 kicked in.
Is that why he hasn’t given a shit about trying to get him back?
Because his life is easier without him getting underfoot?
Does Hunter fear that the Empire will have told Crosshair about his double dealing?
And have they? Or is that part yet to come?
What if Hunter told Tech to leave him there because he's still following his primary order to keep Omega safe. Not yet knowing that Nala Se likely didn’t draw breath before heading to Rampart’s office and selling her own people out to the Empire so that she could find good favour with them and carry on her work without Lama Su getting in her way.
After all the shit she pulled in the Fives arc I wouldn’t put anything past her!
Hunter promised Omega she’d never go back to Kamino, he didn’t say that that was because he’d end up luring her to the Empire instead.
Because she'll want to go with Hunter, because it's him. If he calls to her, she’ll go without hesitation. She's started to doubt in his ability to be her perfect hero after seeing him be so callous towards Hera and Cid, but unless others can convince her otherwise beforehand she’ll come when he calls.
Doubly so, potentially, if Nala Se is there to back him up. She knows Nala Se, she’s known her her whole life. Why wouldn’t she trust her?
Maybe he’s also pretty fucking sure he can talk his way out of this situation. Because he knows that he's been working against the Republic all this time. Because he's confident that he can spin his boys a story about how he escaped and returned to them. I mean, Gregor escaped. Why wouldn't he be able to?
And Crosshair wasn’t there at the time.
And what about Echo in all of this. Where does he fit in. Because he doesn’t.
No effort has been made to accommodate him, his trauma or his disabilities, or integrate him into their established group. They’re been together for quite a while now, but Hunter still refers to him as being ‘new’, reminding him that he doesn’t fit in.
What if they didn't take Echo with them because they wanted him. What if they took him because they didn't want the Republic to have him. Because Hunter was told to make him that offer.
And that's why they've done fuck all with him since he's been with them.
One final terrible thought to finish with
Cody (AKA Wireless Router Husband) is the only Clone Commander we know of who has previously had contact with TBB.
In previous canon Cody, after Order 66, was kept Empire side and became an instructor.
Maybe Hunter isn't the only one already being influenced by non GAR sources?
Is there a chance that Cody has been too? I wonder what his frequency is?
I don't want to think that, because it's Cody.
But I'm considering all the options here.
But please not Cody!
However, it's an opportunity for the writers to break the hearts of both the Batch boys and Rex in one cruel go.
So I'm not ruling it out.
Where does that leave us with Gregor, the Batch boys, etc?
Well, I have thoughts on that too, but this post isn’t about them.
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