She/Her - I'm just here to have fun! Let's be honest, this is mostly a Tech appreciation account, but I'll write for anything Star Wars! (other fandoms might open up in time...) Feel free to send a request my way (This account is purely SFW, lovelies!)
Last active 2 hours ago
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The Bad Batch S1 E14: War-Mantle
- Finding the beacon with Omega. Their bond is everything to me. ❤
- "That data appears to be inaccurate." He's willing to admit when he's wrong.
- He gives Omega a quick glance when they leave her with Wrecker.
- Jumping over obstacles like a parkour master. ❤
- “TK trooper? I’m not familiar with that designation.”
- There's this moment where it looks like he's almost looking straight at the camera, and it's just-
Hello there, sir. (I know he's looking at Echo, it's just at first glance it kind of looks that way.)
- “I don’t know what happened.” He sounds kind of panicked here. Just a little, but that’s crazy for him! ❤
- Sneaky stun. ❤
- I love his interactions with Gregor. ("And you were captured!")
- Even though he's been irritated with Gregor for most of this whole experience, he's still listening to him with complete attention.
- “You were saying?” ❤
- Walking off getting beat up. He tends to do that.
- He's the one providing cover fire the whole way out.
- SO casually tossing an explosive and blasting a way out. ❤
- He gets everyone else into the ventilation shaft first.
- He's actually so stunning in this episode, it's not even funny anymore.
- Smoothly dodging blaster fire like it’s easy. (His moves here convince me that he could dance.) ❤
- “That is sufficient. I’ll take it from here.” Aka: You did good, Omega. Now let me handle this. ❤
- Diving like a madman and pulling up just in time.
- Refusing to leave Hunter behind and hesitating to do so when he has no choice.
- The way he sags when Omega begs him to turn around. The thought of leaving another brother behind almost physically pains him. ❤
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The Bad Batch S1 E14: War-Mantle
- Finding the beacon with Omega. Their bond is everything to me. ❤
- "That data appears to be inaccurate." He's willing to admit when he's wrong.
- He gives Omega a quick glance when they leave her with Wrecker.
- Jumping over obstacles like a parkour master. ❤
- “TK trooper? I’m not familiar with that designation.”
- There's this moment where it looks like he's almost looking straight at the camera, and it's just-
Hello there, sir. (I know he's looking at Echo, it's just at first glance it kind of looks that way.)
- “I don’t know what happened.” He sounds kind of panicked here. Just a little, but that’s crazy for him! ❤
- Sneaky stun. ❤
- I love his interactions with Gregor. ("And you were captured!")
- Even though he's been irritated with Gregor for most of this whole experience, he's still listening to him with complete attention.
- “You were saying?” ❤
- Walking off getting beat up. He tends to do that.
- He's the one providing cover fire the whole way out.
- SO casually tossing an explosive and blasting a way out. ❤
- He gets everyone else into the ventilation shaft first.
- He's actually so stunning in this episode, it's not even funny anymore.
- Smoothly dodging blaster fire like it’s easy. (His moves here convince me that he could dance.) ❤
- “That is sufficient. I’ll take it from here.” Aka: You did good, Omega. Now let me handle this. ❤
- Diving like a madman and pulling up just in time.
- Refusing to leave Hunter behind and hesitating to do so when he has no choice.
- The way he sags when Omega begs him to turn around. The thought of leaving another brother behind almost physically pains him. ❤
#tech moments#tech tuesday#the bad batch#tbb#sw the bad batch#star wars tbb#bad batch#tbb tech#star wars#sw tbb#tech bad batch#tech tbb#bad batch tech
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He's actually gorgeous. 🤩

#the bad batch#the bad batch ghost agents#the bad batch spoilers#the bad batch ghost agents spoilers#tech#tbb#star wars#tbb tech#tech tbb
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my contribution to @wrenkenstein's dtiys over on insta :)
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This is the first time I make a request so sorry if it's a little unclear.
Could you write a Tech x femreader where after a mission or something else (you can decide), reader is really tense at the shoulders and overall just kinda tired/stressed, so Tech offers giving her a quick massage. Maybe stablished relationship ? Better if it isn’t suggestive and just fluff.
thanks in advance if you choose to write this <3
I love this request so much, and I sincerely apologize that it took me this long to get to it. What I wouldn't give to relax with Tech. Thank you for the request, anon. (And requests are still open to all, BTW.)
Reblogs and comments mean the world! Let me know what you think! Enjoy!
Tech x F!Reader
Warnings: Kisses, but that's basically it
Word Count: 1,035
All was quiet in the Marauder as you made your way up to the cockpit. Your ears were still ringing from the firefight your squad had barely escaped from just a few minutes ago. One of these days, you were really going to give Cid a piece of your mind… just once your head wasn’t pounding.
The consistent hum of hyperspace became louder inside the cockpit, and you slumped into the co-pilot’s seat. It was no feather mattress, but it was more comfortable than most other places on this ship. That, and the company found there could soothe you better than anyone else.
Tech took a second to adjust the controls one last time before swiveling his seat to face you. The blue glow emanating from the viewport made the lenses of his goggles almost opaque at this angle, but it couldn’t hide the way his brow furrowed as he looked you over. “Mesh’la… you look unwell.”
A heavy sigh left your chest as you brought a hand up to rub your eyes. “I’m okay. Just tired.”
He nodded as he pulled out his datapad, dropping his eyes to the screen for the moment. “That is understandable. Cid seems to have a habit of sending us on missions that are… far from relaxing.”
All you offered in response was a hum, your eyes closed as you tried to calm yourself. Maybe some of those breathing exercises you’d been learning would help. You took a deep breath, but that breath caught as your lungs expanded, exposing a pinched nerve toward the top of your spine. It took everything in you not to grumble as you rolled your shoulders carefully, trying to work at the sore spot without aggravating it too much.
There was silence beside you until you heard Tech sigh heavily. When you opened your eyes to look at him, he was putting the datapad down, a question in his gaze. Your sigh echoed his as you nodded, shifting in the seat so your back was facing him. It wasn’t often that he offered something as intimate as a massage, and you normally had to fight not to appear too eager when he did. Tonight, however, you were too exhausted to feel much about it other than relief.
Your hair was carefully swept over your left shoulder, and Tech rested his hands on your shoulders. “Where does it hurt?”
“Between my shoulders… mostly.”
His hands slid to the indicated spot, and you tried not to gasp as his fingertips gently rubbed at your skin. He had removed his gloves - you could feel it in the warmth of his touch.
“How are you holding up?” he whispered softly. “I want to know everything.”
You leaned your head back, keeping your shrug slight as not to impede his progress down your back. “It’s just… not easy. I love running around with you guys, seeing new places and helping people where we can. But every once in a while, I wish things were different.”
Tech hummed, letting his hands move up to the back of your neck. “In what way?”
“Well, for one, we wouldn’t be working for some self-obsessed sleemo who hardly pays us enough to cover one meal, let alone six.”
He laughed, but there was a resigned tone to it. “You’re not alone in that sentiment.” Tech rested his chin on your shoulder, his cheek against the side of your neck as his fingers ran up and down the opposite side. “What else?”
You opened your eyes, shifting so your cheek lightly rubbed against his hair. “I wouldn’t say no to more of this. We don’t spend enough time together where it’s just us.”
“Now that is a fact.” Tech’s breath warmed your face as he leaned around to kiss your cheek. “I will admit, there are times when we’re on a mission, and I look at you and I just…” He paused as another quiet sigh escaped him. “It’s almost impossible to describe. There’s this magnetism, this… gravity to you. If I allowed myself, I’m certain I would crash into you and never separate from you.” Tech reached around to take the armrests of your chair and turn you to face him. “Am I making any sense?”
You smiled affectionately. “Just a little.”
To your surprise, Tech’s hand slid up to your cheek, cupping your face gently. “I can offer more of an explanation, if you’d permit me.”
“It’s okay. I think I understand.”
“Do you?” He tilted his head with a small smile as his thumb traced over your cheekbone. “Enlighten me, mesh’la.”
You leaned into his touch, sighing for what had to be the hundredth time. “It’s simple. It only makes sense that you would be drawn to someone you love.”
His touch stilled, and then his hand shifted slowly, coming to rest beneath your chin and lift your face tenderly. “Cyar’ika, you truly are brilliant.”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t make that connection.”
“I did, but there’s a beauty in the simplicity of your explanation.” His lips quirked into a bigger smile, a twinkle visible in his eyes through the lenses of his goggles. “As well as other aspects about you, obviously.”
You wrinkled your nose playfully. “Obviously.”
“Hush.” Tech’s fingers tightened around your chin as he pulled you closer, allowing his lips to hover over yours for a moment before fully committing to the kiss. And the sigh that escaped you this time wasn’t long-suffering or weary. It was nothing short of blissful.
After a moment, Tech pulled away just enough to whisper. “Now, my darling. You need to rest.” He smiled at your almost comically disappointed expression. “We can continue this at another time.”
He placed a kiss on your left cheek. “I swear on your heart.” And then your right. “And on mine.”
You tried to pull him into another kiss, but you leaned back with a laugh when you saw his firm expression. “Fine, fine, I’m going. But I’m holding you to that promise.”
“I expect nothing less from you.” His expression softened as he watched you leave the cockpit, glad to see you leaving in better spirits than you had arrived. “Sleep well, my darling.”
#tbb tech x reader#tech x reader#the bad batch#tbb#sw the bad batch#star wars tbb#bad batch#tbb tech#sw tbb#tech bad batch#bad batch tech#umbra-writes
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The Bad Batch S1 E13: Infested
- “It is not the first time she has left out key details.”
- Tech notices the mysterious guards right away, and you can tell he’s keeping an eye on them as he walks.
- “And who are they?”
- The way he and his squad pull out their blasters in sync.
- “Given his tone, it is a plausible assumption that Cid was either forced out or taken out.”
- Omega looks back at Tech when Cid explains how dangerous the situation is.
- “I believe she’s threatening us.” ❤
- He immediately catches on to Cid's plan.
- Cid: “Very good, Goggles.” Tech smiles at Wrecker like, hey, did you see that? ❤
- He gets paired up with Omega and Cid (I think Cid secretly likes Tech more than she lets on).
- Tech is the first to enter Cid's office and see if it's safe. (He's the last one out, too)
- Even when the others start fighting, Tech stays quiet. He only starts shooting when the Irlings come out.
- Tech holds his flashlight next to his blaster to see where he’s aiming. Smart. ❤
- “They’re avoiding the light. Use your torches.”
- You can see him breathing hard when they make it out. That situation really stressed him out.
- He looks startled when he sees the parlor full of bodies.
- His jaw drops when he hears that Omega has to stay with the Pykes. Then he aims his blaster like everyone else. NO ONE threatens his sister. ❤
- Basically forming the whole plan to retrieve the spice.
- “I am preparing for that possibility.” ❤
- Casually builds nuke (I know it's just a flashbomb, it's a joke my brother made that stuck around). ❤
- “This should distract them.” He sounds so chill. ❤
- “Incoming!” ❤
- He looks nervous after he throws the flashbomb.
- The way he runs when Cid offers free drinks. ❤
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I'll never forget about these. 🩷

For anyone to use on valentines I found on Pinterest ❤️🤍💗
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The Bad Batch S1 E11 & 12: Devil's Deal & Rescue on Ryloth
Decided to combine these two since they're both pretty small
"Devil's Deal"
- Tech is last to exit the ship, right before Omega.
- He won’t let Omega train until she knows the ship well.
- Omega: “Did you know that flying’s about a feeling?”
Tech: “What… feeling?” ❤
“Rescue on Ryloth”
- “Perhaps the situation is not as dire as described. Children often overreact.” Is that an attempt at comfort? Because it’s not helping.
- Geeking out over Cham.
- He gives Wrecker such an incredulous look when Hera asks them to free her parents from the Capitol.
- He sounds genuinely concerned about the occupation of Ryloth.
- “Oh, good. A probe droid.” ❤
- Tech is immediately on board with the girls' plan and even backs it up.
- “By… themselves?” I don’t know if he’s concerned for the girls’ safety or the overall mission working out, but I love it either way. ❤
- “Wait, what shuttle?” A rare show of confusion.
- His smile when Omega tells Wrecker to do some damage. ❤
- HE'S SUCH A PHENOMENAL PILOT! Literally, he is so skilled. Also, someone pointed out that this is the first time we see him fly after Omega tells him flying is about a feeling (Also, first sighting of the infamous "Tech Turn). ❤
- Hera: “We are getting the hang of this.”
Tech: “Yes. Your dangerous and uncontrolled maneuvering is as confusing to them as it is to us.” ❤
- “Gladly. Because there are multiple imperial vessels inbound.” AND YOU’RE SAYING IT LIKE THAT?! ❤
- “Tech showed me how to scramble a ship’s signature.” He taught her a skill that saved her life on multiple occasions.
- He has such a warm expression as he watches Omega and Hera say goodbye.
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It's going to be set in Season 2 in that period after the tsunami where the boys were helping to rebuild Pabu! And Phee is going to be a big part of it! AND TECH IS HERE!
Please please PLEASE give me more TechPhee scraps.
#im shaking#the bad batch#tbb#sw the bad batch#bad batch#star wars tbb#star wars#sw tbb#tbb sanctuary
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The Bad Batch S1 E10: Common Ground
- “With two bounty hunters after you, it’d be wise to keep a low profile.” He cares about his ‘little’ sister so much. ❤
- Holding out his arms to ensure Omega doesn’t fall over, making her smile up at him. ❤
- His little smile when Echo is skeptical about the Mantell Mix. ❤
- Stepping out of the way so Hunter can go through.
- “Raxus?” He leans forward and adjusts his goggles. He’s so cute. ❤
- Cid tossed the chip to HIM instead of Hunter, and he was ready to catch it. ❤
- He looks a little unhappy when Hunter says they won't take the mission. Like, he looks ready to protest.
- He’s so expressive when he talks. You can tell he’s speaking in the background, even with low resolution.
- Echo: “I can’t believe we’re helping a Separatist senator.”
Tech: “So you have said. Repeatedly.” He’s so done with him. ❤
- “Now are you convinced?”
- “I am simply stating that the codes did, in fact, work. The client being a Separatist is not relevant.” ❤
- “Who are you?” That’s the second time he’s done that. I still love it!
- He's one of the first to follow GS-8 after Hunter.
- Peace sign. ❤
- “I am tapped into their security system.” He looks so proud of himself.
- Hunter was going to pair him with Omega.
- “That would be impossible, seeing as Omega is not on this mission.”
- I feel like it had to be Tech who sent that droidpopper. He pulled the exact same move (rolling it through an ally’s legs to reach their enemy) in the Clone Wars.
- Tech is the one to free Senator Singh. Probably because he’s the least biased.
- “Our position has been compromised.” I love his voice.
- Sliding down the cable and shooting before he even hits the surface. This man is such a legend. ❤
- He literally takes over the walker all by himself like it’s easy. (THANK YOU, GS-8, IT WAS VERY IMPRESSIVE) ❤
- His nod when Hunter tells him to get the walker moving.
- “The rear axel stabilizer is offline.” The way he holds up his hand to shield his face from the sparks. ❤
- The way his head shoots up when the other walker blows up. He was worried about his brothers for a second. ❤
- "I need more time."
- Feigning surrender and then taking down the troopers like it’s nothing. I love the way he instantly takes advantage of the distractions around him. ❤
- "Repairs complete."
- That suspicious look in his eyes when the Senator tells him to move into a chokepoint.
- Even though Tech is a little suspicious, he still goes ahead with it when Hunter gives the order. He has so much faith in his Sergeant.
- He takes off like a shot when the Senator tells them which way to run.
- Tech looks surprised at Omega’s skills but also proud.
#tech moments#tech tuesday#the bad batch#tbb#sw the bad batch#star wars tbb#bad batch#tbb tech#star wars#sw tbb#tech bad batch#tech tbb#bad batch tech
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The eye contact. The way he's holding her. The TENDERNESS. You all have no idea how much I love them.
Lost in your brown eyes
#now kiss#tech fanart#phee fanart#canon in my heart#tbb art#tbb fanart#the bad batch#i've been having random heart palpitations for the last few days#is it a medical issue?#no this post just had that much aura#I SENSED IT
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The Bad Batch S1 E9: Bounty Lost
- “The only vessel on our scanners is Crosshair’s. And he’s right on top of us.”
- His tiny look of alarm when he tells them that the rear deflector shields are failing.
- He looks a little upset that he has to jump away from Bracca. Is that because of leaving Omega or leaving Crosshair? Probably both.
- “Because she’s more valuable than we realized.” Dropping even more info about Omega.
- Hunter assigns Tech to talk with Cid, which is interesting since they clearly don't get along very well. But he's amicable enough to not cause any problems. (Cid even admits later on that she always liked him.)
- The way he turns around so quickly when he hears Omega’s voice. He's managed to remain calm this whole time, but he's clearly just as worried as everyone else. ❤
- Walking Omega through how to boost the signal. ❤
- He teaches Omega in such a patient, constructive way, too. He takes time to build her up a tiny bit and reassure her even though the situation is urgent. "That's good."
- Perking up when Echo says he found Omega.
- He would have had to have made a REALLY difficult maneuver to catch Omega's pod in freefall. Once again just subtly showing how skilled of a pilot he is.
- Getting some well-deserved rest after they have Omega back. There’s no way he could have slept while she was gone. Same with the rest of his brothers. ❤
- TECH SNORES. It's such a soft, cute little sound. And gosh it would be such a soothing noise to fall asleep next to...❤
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The Bad Batch S1 E8: Reunion
- He looks beautiful in the sun.
- “That’s not comforting.” I say this on the daily. ❤
- Calling Omega to help him. You'd think Echo would be better suited for this kind of work, but he asked for her. ❤
- There was no need for that shot of him lying beneath the panel like that. They're onto us.
- “Hm? I just told you.” He was confused by her question, but he still answered in the best way he knew how. (I also wonder if there was a little bit of avoidance here, like he didn't want to tell his precious, innocent sister about how horrible war can be.) ❤
- “It’s most likely a short circuit.” *Immediately gets proved wrong.*
- Tapping into the enemy’s comms is brilliant.
- The way he immediately perks up when he hears Crosshair’s voice over the comms. He misses him so much. ❤
- He's totally unconcerned with being surrounded and starts looking for a solution. ❤
- Tech: “Reroute reserve power to the cannons.”
Echo: “If these cannons fire, this whole deck will collapse.”
Tech: “Exactly.” That cute little smile in his voice. ❤
- Lol, the way he DIVES out of the way of that flamethrower.
- Helping Omega into the Ion Engine and keeping his arms out behind her so she doesn’t fall. PLEASE he’s so gentle with her! ❤
- “I could not have been clearer.” ❤
- He automatically starts ranting about the blast primer coating like the sweet nerd he is. LET HIM FINISH, WRECKER. (Also, the way he strokes the side of the ship to examine it. ❤)
- “Technically, it is. I restored the ship’s main power core when I accessed the central system, which means the engines can be activated.”
- Echo: “How much time do we have?”
Tech: “I estimate less than two minutes.” Somehow not worried about his imminent death.
- How he facepalms and shakes his head when Wrecker suggests plan seven.
- That plan to blow up the outside edge of the engine is really clever.
- He lifts Omega up so she can place her explosive. (They're my favorite duo.) ❤
- “We have to get him on board!” He gets in so close to Hunter's face here, but hey, it gives us a nice view of his gorgeous eyes.
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The Bad Batch S1 E8: Reunion
- He looks beautiful in the sun.
- “That’s not comforting.” I say this on the daily. ❤
- Calling Omega to help him. You'd think Echo would be better suited for this kind of work, but he asked for her. ❤
- There was no need for that shot of him lying beneath the panel like that. They're onto us.
- “Hm? I just told you.” He was confused by her question, but he still answered in the best way he knew how. (I also wonder if there was a little bit of avoidance here, like he didn't want to tell his precious, innocent sister about how horrible war can be.) ❤
- “It’s most likely a short circuit.” *Immediately gets proved wrong.*
- Tapping into the enemy’s comms is brilliant.
- The way he immediately perks up when he hears Crosshair’s voice over the comms. He misses him so much. ❤
- He's totally unconcerned with being surrounded and starts looking for a solution. ❤
- Tech: “Reroute reserve power to the cannons.”
Echo: “If these cannons fire, this whole deck will collapse.”
Tech: “Exactly.” That cute little smile in his voice. ❤
- Lol, the way he DIVES out of the way of that flamethrower.
- Helping Omega into the Ion Engine and keeping his arms out behind her so she doesn’t fall. PLEASE he’s so gentle with her! ❤
- “I could not have been clearer.” ❤
- He automatically starts ranting about the blast primer coating like the sweet nerd he is. LET HIM FINISH, WRECKER. (Also, the way he strokes the side of the ship to examine it. ❤)
- “Technically, it is. I restored the ship’s main power core when I accessed the central system, which means the engines can be activated.”
- Echo: “How much time do we have?”
Tech: “I estimate less than two minutes.” Somehow not worried about his imminent death.
- How he facepalms and shakes his head when Wrecker suggests plan seven.
- That plan to blow up the outside edge of the engine is really clever.
- He lifts Omega up so she can place her explosive. (They're my favorite duo.) ❤
- “We have to get him on board!” He gets in so close to Hunter's face here, but hey, it gives us a nice view of his gorgeous eyes.
#tech moments#tech tuesday#the bad batch#tbb#sw the bad batch#star wars tbb#bad batch#tbb tech#star wars#sw tbb#tech bad batch#tech tbb#bad batch tech
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My head fr
#so real#the bad batch#tbb#sw the bad batch#bad batch#star wars tbb#tbb tech#star wars#sw tbb#tech bad batch#bad batch tech
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The Bad Batch S1 E7: Battle Scars
- “That depends on when Echo plans on getting the hyperdrive online.” ❤
- “That’s not her ugly side?” I love his sassy streak. ❤
- Handing out drinks to everyone.
- His smile when Wrecker hugs Rex. ❤
- He’s still smiling when Rex crouches down to talk to Omega.
- You get the idea, he's smiling a lot in this scene. Adorable.
- He immediately sits up straighter when Wrecker shows that he’s in pain.
- Once Wrecker starts complaining about his head, Tech won’t stop staring at him. He is CONCERNED. ❤
- He looks so disturbed about Rex’s warning; you can see the wheels turning in his head.
- Letting Omega help him with the chip scanner. ❤
- “All of our heads, actually.” ❤
- That little appreciative smile when Omega hands him the tool he needs. ❤
- “Since Rex’s chip was removed, I am able to establish a baseline by comparing his brain scan to ours. Allowing for the detection of any cellular anomaly.” I don’t get why the others are all so confused. No, Omega, he didn’t say it’s almost finished. He said he’s using Rex’s brain scan to find anything that’s not meant to be inside their heads. Rex doesn’t have a chip, so anything showing up in the Batch’s scans that isn’t on Rex’s is most likely a chip.
- Jumping and sliding down the side of a ship. Tech looks like he has fun every time he does something like that. ❤
- Stopping to check what’s up with Hunter.
- He’s the one to help Rex lift the medbay door, not Hunter or even Wrecker. ❤
- Tech’s blacks seem shorter than everyone else’s. Or maybe his helmet doesn’t come as low? Either way, you can occasionally see the top of his neck, which doesn’t happen with the others as often. ❤
- Rex: “This will do nicely.”
Tech: “I would no longer call this medical bay a sterile environment.”
Rex: “Do you prefer to use the facility on Kamino?”
Tech: “This will do nicely.” ❤
- He looks seriously concerned when Wrecker starts showing aggression. He barely takes his eyes off him.
- Even when Wrecker has his hand around his throat, he doesn’t panic. Sure, he's trying to free himself, but the look on his face is more frustrated than scared.
- He looks a little worried when he says that they'll have to wait for Wrecker to wake up.
- Yes, he’s taking a nap; he needs it.
- “Oh. You made it.” As if he wasn’t worried at all.
- His little smile when he gets his chip removed. He’s so relieved.
- His feet don’t reach the ground when he's sitting on the edge of the surgical pod. ❤
#tech moments#tech tuesday#the bad batch#tbb#sw the bad batch#star wars tbb#bad batch#tbb tech#star wars#sw tbb#tech bad batch#tech tbb#bad batch tech
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