#high level sessions
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repsolhonda · 4 months ago
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Victories give you confidence. My confidence are super high, but still, in some situations, I'm still struggling a bit. But, in that situation, with more confidence, I think I would have struggled less. So, let's see if we can continue working in that way.
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ophthalmotropy · 25 days ago
I just need to force myself to overwork myself this year and all shall be swell.
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seilon · 8 months ago
love when this is referred to as the gifted kid website. shockingly my mental disorders made me mentally disordered and school never really vibed with that so. couldn’t be me
#ppl always talking about their whatever grade reading level and how many books they’d read as kids and im just over here like🧍🏽#I’ve never been actually bad at english or reading but I couldn’t focus on reading books to save my fucking life#I hated those sheets where you had to read like a certain number of books or whatever over the course of a semester or the year or whatever#my GATE test scores for english were super high but my math was bad enough that I never qualified#and adhd made me not even perform well in English half the time because I couldn’t pay attention I couldn’t read long books I couldn’t turn#in my assignments or if I did they were late and etc etc etc#don’t get me started with math#I was the worst in my class in third grade at minute math and never made it to the levels of minute math my classmates did#(they posted results on the wall for everyone to see)#and in 6th grade I was put into an additional remedial math class#throughout middle-high school I was at the level of most classmates in terms of the classes I took but that’s only because I was not allowe#to fail and was put through absolute fucking hell with a billion tutors and grueling hours of extra work from them and blah blah blah#like I remember how I felt in those tutoring sessions and half the time I actually wanted to cry.#I didn’t start doing solidly genuinely Good in school until senior year of high school.#not coincidentally around the same time I started taking adderall I think#I had accommodations by 9th grade but they didn’t do that much except for the function that let me turn in assignments up to 2 days late#without penalty. which i had teachers question sometimes and i had to pull the Yeah it’s Literally Against The Law to not allow me this car#anyway. point is. i was never in the gate program and most of my friends were and it was mostly adhd related#adhd is considered such a quirky nothing disorder nowadays that I don’t even like mentioning I have it really. because what people think of#when I say the term is Not what i actually dealt with and made school torturous and made my parents lash out at me for things and etc etc#depression and dysphoria did not help either. but I digress#I’m not sure why im making this post#kibumblabs
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months ago
trying to look for a ttrpg group in spaces where I can't just go 'listen I want to play this shit in the tumblr fandom kind of model (gay subtext extremely welcome bordering on essential, mutual unhinged character psychoanalysis, we could create a novel of a backstory together to make this sadder, let's all play with our OC dolls together and also sometimes dice are rolled I guess)' and be readily understood and/or not be immediately side-eyed or denigrated for my inherent unavoidable tumblerinaness feels like such an annoying debuff to deal with on the quest. like I know my people exist out there but how do I express myself in the right way and wade through all the copious not-it (not for me) dynamics to find them!!!
#I feel like a weird kid in the playground trying to find someone who plays the same way as me all over again fhdksjfa#(and if/when I find them -- how the fuck to approach them)#turns out there are so many ways to play rpgs that do not appeal to me in the slightest#there are so many dimensions -- creative interpersonal gameplay-wise -- where you can severely not match with someone lmao#with half of the people I've come across it seems like it would be a struggle just to agree there should be a session 0 :')#but I know I KNOW this could be exactly my kind of fun with the right people it's a little maddening#(my group of friends when I was 12-13 was like... we were trying SO hard to play an rpg without having an rpg to play#some from first principles but with no guidelines to help us stuff#and it was one of my rare 'oh fuck. oh fuck yeah this could be it!!' social moments at that time lol. clearly something instinctive there)#I have been lurking around in a discord server on a more national/local level but I'm not gonna lie... a lot of The Good Old Boys shit#dominating the conversation there. I really don't think they mean to take all the oxygen out of the room for everyone else but uh#it's kind of just what happens. I have seen seen hour-long debates over definitions so esoteric and navel-gazing it would haunt your dreams#trying to wade through that to find the people who might vibe more with me seems... so exhausting and I don't know howww!!#the high masking autistic blues plays again
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norfkid · 2 months ago
love coming across some absolute divas in this delegate acquisition job. oh i’m so sorry you have to answer some mandatory questions about your organisation’s use and integration of ai, data & cybersecurity on the registration form for the ai, data & cybersecurity conference um ???
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bookworm-2692 · 2 years ago
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Here's the life tracker with session 5 included! Far less chaos and carnage, and in fact the first death didn't occur until more than an hour into the session. Here is the session 4 post with more explanation and detail! And here are session 6 and session 7 and session 8!
The gap between the top few and the bottom many grows even larger now, and Bdubs has fallen from the first group to the latter group.
Close ups and data and further analysis below the cut!
First of all, here is the close up of session 5. I'm going to leave the session 1-4 close ups in the session 4 post.
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Since Tango has only had two regular deaths, and two boogey kills, this means his offset is zero... so if we had someone who didn't die or kill at all, they'd actually have the same amount of life that Tango currently has!
And speaking of: this session had Tango and Skizz's times corrected to what they should have been, which I was already showing in the graph. However, in the process of this I realised Martyn's time was half an hour off - turns out he gained 30 minutes between session 3 and 4 which I did not notice before hand. I'm not actually sure why he would have gained that time - and in fact I sent Martyn an ask on tumblr on the off chance he'd answer and explain (he hasn't yet). Since this occurred two sessions ago, I went back and added the time then, which is why if you zoom in to the 7 hour mark you can see a diagonal up on Martyn's line. That's what that is.
If Martyn hadn't randomly gained the extra 30 minutes, he'd be on the same time as Skizz, and currently red. As it is, he is 20 minutes away from turning red. Assuming no deaths at all, Martyn, Bdubs, Jimmy, and Pearl will all fall red within the first hour of session 6, and Cleo, Grian, Joel, and BigB will join them by the second hour.
However, we all saw what happened when everyone was yellow with only a handful of greens. Everyone is only gonna become more feral when red, so given that half the server is guaranteed to be red by the first hour, and there's no way they don't try to kill others... I predict the entire server will be red by the end of the next session. Ten players are guaranteed to go red anyway, since sessions are 2-2.5 hours long, and these ten are either already red, or only 1 hour and 50 minutes at most away from turning red... there is no way they don't attack Tango, Etho, Impulse, and Scott, and drag the four of them down to red too.
There is going to be so much chaos and carnage and killing and death next session and I, for one, cannot wait to see it and track it.
Anyway, here's the number data for session 5:
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A much shorter screenshot, because far less death to track... but those two reds are ominously there.
And yes, I kept on counting down Scar's time even though he logged out. We'll see next session if they retroactively make him lose that time or not, but for now I kept the downward line as it was.
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nejackdaw · 1 year ago
Thinking about that time in our first campaign my character's dad (adoptive, a very important baron) almost died.
Apparently, he was supposed to. He was not supposed to survive contact with the lich. Don't even ask me how or why we got to the lich, genuinely all I remember is panicking because all of a sudden he had like five hit points and as the party schemer I had two thoughts that erased my awareness of everything else: (1) MY FUCKING DAD (2) THIS LICH IS GOING TO KILL US.
See, my job is finding ways to get us out of things, and as a wizard, I was well equipped to handle that. Except thought one, "MY FUCKING DAD," took priority over EVERYTHING ELSE. My little wizard was orphaned and down his only brother. This guy was all he had. His whole world. World's #1 dad.
... And the lich almost one shot him. He was collapsed on the ground and struggling for breath. This did not register as a cinematic moment to me because I was PANICKING. We roll initiative.
The lich rolls highest. I'm frantically looking through my notes to see what's available to me. Tries to kill me, too. Counterspell.
My turn. Throwing ALL CAUTION to the wind, plan only vaguely half formed, I run up to the baron and tell the DM I'm going to drag him back to the party.
"Your speed is halved from carrying him. You can't make it in 15 feet."
There's dead silence. Everyone is waiting for my response. Seconds of silence. "What are you going to do?" (DM speak for "please hurry up.")
"... I'm a tabaxi. I can make it in 30."
I double my movement speed and drag him back there anyway, to the confused relief of the party. Our sponsor (MY FUCKING DAD) is safe for right this second, but how are we going to fight a LICH?
"Anything else?"
"... I have a scroll of teleport in my bag. And I'm within 10 feet of everyone." Most importantly, I'd DUCKED BEHIND A WALL OF BARRELS AND CRATES so the motherfucker couldn't see me to counterspell.
There's dead silence for a few moments. The voice chat proceeds to blast my eardrums with excited cheering and laughing. The DM and I both pull up the spell. "Roll for it. Where are you going?"
I roll a 99. We vanish from the lich's lair and are deposited, battered, bleeding, without guidance, in the charred, crumbled ruins of what had been the baron and I's residence. (It had not been that way until very recently. It was news to me.) There's relieved silence. There's an emotional reunion in what remains of our living room. I cast Tiny Hut in a defensible corner of the ruins after we all chat and we get what sleep we can.
(The DM would later confess that the baron wasn't supposed to survive and he had to change his plans now lol. We were supposed to be cut off from all resources at that point. My dad showed up in the final fight since he'd survived TWO murder attempts [ig the BBEG was the third lmao] and, well. I schemed then, too.)
#dnd#LET ME TELL YOU#the utter SILENCE. after 'you cant make it'#my heart was POUNDING. there was NOTHING to me other than this situation i was blind to the world#the DESPERATION when i remembered im a tabaxi and YES i COULD#but there were still other variables i had to account for#positioning. THE LICH. would the spell even work? where would we end up? we were out of almost everything#would i just drop us into another danger and it was all for nothing?#UGH#'i can make it in 30' i have never sounded so determined about ANYTHING in my LIFE#other schemes include 'suggest spell the enemy wizard give me his spell focus'#(he was too high level for us to fight but they wouldnt run. session ended mid combat and i spent the week plotting)#(roughly the decision was 'well he thinks were friends [charmed] and im ALSO a wizard so he wouldnt see an issue')#(dm had the spell wear off as soon as i grabbed it and we. two WIZARDS. played tug of war with the staff)#there was also 'i dont think we can destroy this magic rune about to explode but i can turn the table its on to ash'#not to mention 'hey i dont think we can fight that giant. phantasmal force loser' (we were in a narrow mountain pass)#(we were apparently supposed to fight him. the dm just had him show up when we went to go BACK through the pass)#update: it was phantasmal KILLER not force. i needed the fear effect so we could escape. i got the names mixed up#also i won the tug of war and proceeded to never use the magic item#now. the fully charged staff of power. well. thats a different story#rip the bbeg#oh this is. a long post i should add a read more#also on the slim off chance one of you recognizes this post no you didnt im not here
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pardalidae · 1 year ago
strangely validated at the beauty clinic
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ellipsea · 2 years ago
exu calamity absolutely dusting the ravening war is sooo funny like they fully intended it to be a mirror of External Big DM coming in for a Short Series to do a Violent Serious Event Prequel only for the ball to be dropped so completely. solid unintentional comedy from a comedy show
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 2 years ago
My goal for the rest of the week is to update 2 more fics. Maybe 3 if I'm lucky. Probably on Thursday and Saturday. Wish me luck y'all
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orcelito · 2 years ago
real talk, fang is sooooooooo close to realizing his big fat crush on the paladin. i think he just needs a moment to Think & then he'll get there, bc there really is a lot going on rn lol
in other news, i got TWO successful counterspells. i also got hit a bunch, dropped down to ONE hp (literally just 1), healed myself, got hit some more, currently pinned against a pillar with a lizard guy biting at me
fang, barely hanging onto life, pressed against a pillar by a lizard guy that's trying to bite him while the paladin (his big fat crush) is next to them trying to keep Fang from dying too, & fang quips, "Wow, buy a guy dinner first." & the dude replied, "I don't take dinner to dinner." & Fang, bloodied as all hell and bleeding from his Ears from all the psychic damage, laughingly replies, "Ooh, kinky."
again, when his crush is literally right next to him & trying to keep him alive. reportedly tho, she found it funny
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ominous-meme · 6 months ago
So it's come my attention that there are a lot of students, particularly in humanities and social sciences disciplines, who need to hear this, so here goes:
Do the readings.
Oh my God, just do the readings. I promise, it gets easier once you get into the habit of it.
What makes a good student? Doing the readings. Literally just doing the readings is enough to make you a good student.
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 months ago
It has happened! (rogue rolled a nat 19 on Stealth while Pass Without A Trace was up)
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ranger-danger · 4 months ago
Sorry can’t Shadowheart tomorrow. It’s Kane and Wyrmling time. Or in other words The Mystery Of The Egg Solved By A DnD Party Entirely Made Of Freaks.*
*Doesn’t help that Kane calls almost all races “lactaters” and “milk drinkers” despite having a preference for boobs. As well as the fact he’s pretending to be human.
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Why RVR School of Photography is Your Gateway to a Thriving Photography Career
Introduction: Photography as a Career There is a huge market gap and in this gap the art of photography career has come up from being just a hobby to a fully fledged profession. Apart from media and advertisements, photography career  now have a significant opportunity in fashion and social media also. At the RVR school of photography, we focus on the development of such skills and taking enthusiastic photographers as our students, we convert them into professionals. Our students have already worked with TCS, Wipro, Times amongst others. This speaks volumes of our training and the changing perception of the employers towards our students.
1. The Growing Demand for Professional Photographers
It became quite apparent that there is an increased need for photographers not only for social functions or individual projects but rather for the e-commerce, media and fashion industries. As marketing experts seek to impress customers with great product photography, storytelling, and other visual elements, skilled photographers are in high demand. Demand for photographers has exploded virtually with the advent of the digital age. At the RVR school of photography, we take the students through the necessary training, which will encourage  them to built their photography career with all the needs to succeed as photographers in the current market situation.
2. Why Choose RVR School of Photography?
At RVR, we don’t only teach photography; we build photography career. This is what makes us unique:
Comprehensive Curriculum: In our courses, we start with the basics of photography and proceed to advanced editing, lighting, and image processing.
Industry Trained Faculty: Our teachers have more than just teaching as they have been active photographers themselves and know what it means to be in the profession.
Practice: Theory is not enough for us. The program has lots of practical sessions for the learners to further their skills and techniques.
Career Counselling and Job Placement: RVR pays particular attention to all students. Many of our students have received jobs in the companies that qualified them.
3. Courses Offered at RVR School of Photography
Our programs target all  photographers to buit there photography career  at all levels. That’s new photographers who want to acquire basic skills and professional ones who wish to perfect their skills.
 Beginner Photography Course: Photography course for beginners covers the fundamentals how to hold and use a camera, basic light, composition, and how to take pictures. This is an appropriate course for everyone who has never taken a photograph; hence, this course provides a good base.
Advanced Photography Course: In our Advanced Course, some students are equipped with more advanced skills in low-light techniques, portrait photography, and image retouching so that they will be able to manage more difficult work and high quality tools.
Specialized Photography Courses: We have organized specialized courses, such as Fashion Photography, Landscape Photography, and Wedding Photography that let the students develop much interest in the specific field of their choice.
Editing and Post-Production: Our courses on editing and post-production concentrate on industry-recognized tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, and other similar programs. In this digital age, editing techniques are indispensable in content creation, and our students are well trained in those techniques.
RVR School: Paving the Way to Photography Excellence and Shaping the Future of Creative TalentBy Simran
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4. Photography Career: Gain Real-World Experience and Build a Stunning Portfolio
In the same mindset, it is quite safe to say that a photographer’s portfolio is their visual CV, one of the most vital components needed to utilize their expertise and up to clients and or employers. At RVR School of Photography, we believe having an impressive portfolio is of utmost importance especially when starting a career as a photographer. 
Students of RVR have opportunities to participate in real product photoshoots, fashion editorials, etc, which are supervised by the instructors. These projects not only sharpen their practical skills but also prepare students to work in the real world where they have to please people, and complete the tasks given to them on time.
Such projects are led by instructors who are experienced practitioners in the industry and have mentored the students themselves through projects. They help the students with their feedback and how to use techniques that will help the students create an artistic identity that is uniquely theirs.
Also we encourage active learning through portfolios and conduct regular practice in fine al placement where students are given constructive feedback on their work. Feedback always highlights where the student is strong and where the student has room for growth so that the end product is always balance and professional.
5. RVR School of Photography Alumni Success Stories
Our students have to achieve great milestones by getting jobs in well-known companies such as TCS, WIPRO, TIMES, et cetera. These milestones achieved by some of our students bring glory to our school and prove that the training we provide has immense value in the field.
Some of our alumni who have been successful are:
Ravi Sharma: Worked with times as a corporate photographer and covered events of the high management.
Sneha Kapoor: Worked in the TCS marketing team and was involved in the creation of visuals for the campaigns.
Arjun Mehta: Worked as a fashion photographer in Wipro showcasing their apparel lines in the most appealing way.
These stories inspire our students and demonstrate the quality of training they receive at RVR.
6. Photography Career Skills You’ll Master at RVR School of Photography
The skills our students achieve go beyond the basics:
Mastering Composition: Composing a frame that tells a story with a thousand visual elements.
Lighting Techniques: Using natural and artificial lighting for accentuation and photography.
Editing Mastery: Students’ skills with tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Light room, and others.
Client Management: How to handle clients and their expectations and how to put them to fruition.
7. photography Career Paths After Completing a Photography Course
A degree from RVR School of Photography helps in getting various types of jobs:
Corporate Photographer: Photograph brand images, teams, events.
Fashion Photographer: Work with Brands, models, and designers.
Freelance Photographer: Own Photography business.
Media Photographer: Creative visual images for stories for newspapers, magazines.
With our guidance, students can tailor their skills to the path that suits them best.
8. How RVR School of Photography Supports Your photography Career
We don’t stop with the coursework only, it doesn’t end there. We help them to bulit their photography career:
Placements: With a reach over leading employers like TCS, Wipro and Times. We place students at the best jobs available. TCS, Wipro and Times
Networking Events: We provide events to the students where they meet potential employers and industry leaders (Photography).
Career Counseling: Counseling for photography career selection, for portfolio development, for interview skills etc.
9. Why Photography is a Lucrative Career Choice
Modern-day photography has reached unbelievable heights and most people have accepted it as an industry that encompasses numerous photography career opportunities. Photography career is self-employment, creativity and self actualization all in one package.
Consistently Develops:There is no industry today that does not have specialization in photography career. Companies reach out to professional photographers in other sectors such as marketing, advertising, content creation and social media. The same expertise is requested for events such as weddings, business meetings or product launches. It creates a continuous search for new talented professionals in detail work and creative design.
Different photography Career Opportunities:Several professional paths are available even when one has selected the field of phototgraphy. People of all skills and preferences: travel, fashion, wildlife, food, event and much more can all find their field in photography. Freelancers have freedom to select jobs, individuals focusing on photography career in occupations have a fixed salary and constant work.
Financial Stability and Growth:Would you consider photography career as an art or a business? For any professional photographer, it’s both. On the one hand, established photographers can offer a large range of services as well as find themselves to have long-term relationships with their clients. For instance, wedding photographers have good returns in each event during the busy season. On the other hand, commercial photographers working for top companies can receive good commissions on their projects as well.
Freelance Freedom:If you are one of those people that does not like having a boss, freelancing enables you to live a different lifestyle. A photographer who works on a one-off basis gets to select what project to work on, when to work, and how to sell themselves. This path of employment also means you can work with brands from a different country which means other markets always exist.
10. How to Apply to RVR School of Photography
Do you want to begin your photography career? The application to RVR is straightforward and needs no additional stress:
Select the Desired Course: Review the courses we offer and select the course you want.
Utilize the Application to Apply: Complete the provided form with the required information.
Meet Our Team For An Interview: Here we evaluate your interest in pursuing photography career and your vision.
Our admissions team is here to help you through each step.
Conclusion: Start Your Photography Career with RVR School of Photography
Photography is not simply a play of light and chemistry, but rather a story, an imagination, and a moment that strikes the heart of many. A photography career is endless since it can either be an exploration of artistic vision or a stable and rewarding profession. RVR School of Photography offers world-class training that combines sound theoretical knowledge with practical experience to make sure our students are industry-ready from day one.
Our professional mentorship builds students’ technical abilities and the assurance that they can succeed in a competitive marketplace. We help them create a solid portfolio, which is the foundation of every successful Registrant photographer, and we prepare them for different photography career paths from freelancing to working with renowned companies.
Whether you aspire to be a fashion photographer, specialize in stunning landscapes, or focus on corporate and media photography, RVR School of Photography is the best starting point. Our graduates speak volumes about the quality of education we offer, as many have attained outstanding milestones in their photography career.
Keep your passion for photography as a hobby, or let it change your life. RVR School of Photography provides tailored mentoring, world-class infrastructure, and an energetic learning environment to help you make creative dreams a successful photography career.
So what are you waiting for? Take action today, and allow us to guide you in unlocking your potential and creating an enjoyable career in photography. Become a student at RVR School of Photography, and see your passion become a successful professio
#Introduction: Photography as a Career#There is a huge market gap and in this gap the art of photography career has come up from being just a hobby to a fully fledged profession.#photography career now have a significant opportunity in fashion and social media also. At the RVR school of photography#we focus on the development of such skills and taking enthusiastic photographers as our students#we convert them into professionals. Our students have already worked with TCS#Wipro#Times amongst others. This speaks volumes of our training and the changing perception of the employers towards our students.#1. The Growing Demand for Professional Photographers#It became quite apparent that there is an increased need for photographers not only for social functions or individual projects but rather#media and fashion industries. As marketing experts seek to impress customers with great product photography#storytelling#and other visual elements#skilled photographers are in high demand. Demand for photographers has exploded virtually with the advent of the digital age. At the RVR sc#we take the students through the necessary training#which will encourage them to built their photography career with all the needs to succeed as photographers in the current market situation#2. Why Choose RVR School of Photography?#At RVR#we don’t only teach photography; we build photography career. This is what makes us unique:#Comprehensive Curriculum: In our courses#we start with the basics of photography and proceed to advanced editing#lighting#and image processing.#Industry Trained Faculty: Our teachers have more than just teaching as they have been active photographers themselves and know what it mean#Practice: Theory is not enough for us. The program has lots of practical sessions for the learners to further their skills and techniques.#Career Counselling and Job Placement: RVR pays particular attention to all students. Many of our students have received jobs in the compani#3. Courses Offered at RVR School of Photography#Our programs target all photographers to buit there photography career at all levels. That’s new photographers who want to acquire basic#Beginner Photography Course:#Photography course for beginners covers the fundamentals how to hold and use a camera#basic light
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catsidhesilvie · 1 year ago
Signs your courtship(?) is going well(?):
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