#hey mom i'm gay
pardonmydelays · 4 months
i had so much fun last night omg
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dappersfm · 1 year
unfinnished wip
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so i just remembered i have like 45 different unfinnished wips (aka like all my art) and i remembered i was going to make som e art for a sound i found on tiktok, i never finnished it duh but heres a frame of the "not animation but its like 3 different images that change when the time is right so its basicaly an animation but now im rambling and entirely forgot what i was talking about because my brain is entirely focused on being gay". i thought this frame was the funniest
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domorebemore · 4 months
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dtaegis · 1 year
y'know what i think best than a death note should be like. an ethic/morals note. like you write the name of someone and what they've been doing and suddenly they feel Very Bad about it and do something
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karmaphone · 1 year
anyways witchblade (2000) revival when
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they came home in the same summon...thank goodness
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thisisapaige · 3 months
mom called commented yesterday that i seem taller and maybe that weight off your shoulders thing is a bit more literal than i thought
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fictiffelix · 4 months
It's such a shame that my littlest brother who was born in June on the same day as my hometown pride festival is in fact baby homophobic
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fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
Yall wanna hear a kinda funny, kinda sad story about my grandmother and hetero-normativity?
Ok, so... when my grandmother was in her 50s (I was an infant), she met a woman at the Unitarian Church. And, as can happen when you meet your soul mate, this event made it impossible for her to deny parts of herself that she had fiercely hidden her whole life.
All the drama- their affair being found out, the divorce with my grandfather, the court battle over who got the house, happened while I was a baby. Even in my earliest memories, it's just Mama Jo and Oma, and my grandfather lived elsewhere (first his own apartment, then a nursing home, then with us.)
But here's the thing- no one ever explained any of this to me. No one ever sat down and was like "hey, Rosie, so do you know what a lesbian is?" It was the 90s. It was Texas. I think my mom was still kinda processing all this, and just assumed that like... I was gonna figure it out. Don't mention it, let it just be normal. Like I think my mom thought that if she explained the situation, she would be making it weird? I dunno.
But like. In the 90s, in all the movies I had seen and books I had read, do you know how many same sex couples I had seen? Like. 0. Do you know how many "platonic best friend/roommates" I had seen? A lot. I had no context, is what I'm saying.
I literally thought this was a Golden Girls, roommates, besties situation until I was like...I dunno, 11? 12?
It was actually their parrot, an African Grey named Spike, imitating my grandmothers voice saying "Johanna, honey, it's getting late", that triggered the MIND BLOWN moment as I realized that *there's only one master bedroom and it only has 1 waterbed* when all the pieces finally clicked.
Anyway. I think it's a real important thing for kids to know queer people exist, for a lot of reasons, but also because kids can be clueless and it's embarrassing to have your grandmother be outted by a parrot because everyone just thought you'd figure it out on your own.
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Anyway, here is my grandma and her wife, my Oma, after they moved to Albuquerque to be artsy gay cowboys and live their best life. They helped run a "Lesbian Dude Ranch" out there (basically just with funding and financial support. As Oma has explained "traditionally, most lesbians don't have a lot of money" so they wrote the checks and let the younger ladies actually run the ranch.)
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
The batkids (and their partners/crushes/friends) with pride month hcs?
Tim: Lady. Gentleman. Bart. You are about to meet my boyfriend. Now remember, he doesn't know I'm Robin, so you need to act like human people. Can you do that?
Kon, Cassie, and Bart: Yes sir!
Bernard, entering: Hey, it's nice to meet you guys. I'm so glad we're going to Pride together.
Cassie: *lasso immediately falls out of her bag*
Kon: *lasers the ground at Bernard's feet*
Bart: Hi, I'm Impulse.
Tim: *facepalm*
Bart: What? We didn't give away YOUR identity.
Steph, running a food truck: Pride snacks! Get your Pride snacks hot 'n ready! Get two-for-one on the bi-rria tacos!
Margie: I bet you don't have anything for straight pride. You know, the rest of us normal people.
Steph: Yo Cass, one cishet sizzler!
Cass: *throws coffee in Margie's face*
Steph: That'll be $19.99.
Steph: *turns the screen around for tips*
Selina: *wears a shirt saying Free Mom Hugs*
Bruce: *wears a shirt saying Inclusive Dad Jokes*
Alfred: *wears a shirt saying Weird Grandpa Stories*
Kate: *wears a shirt saying I'm Just Gonna Tell You To Dump Them*
Harper: Since this is your first Pride, we're gonna show you the ropes.
Duke: Thanks, I appreciate it.
Harper: Over there we have the Batgirls food truck. Over there is Cullen's evil mafia boyfriend selling Uno cards. And over there is the Justice League in Justice League themed drag.
Cullen: And over there is the porta potty.
Duke: Only one?
Cullen: We ran over budget. But it's gender-neutral.
Renee: Kate's busy telling people to dump their partners. Mind if I hang out here?
Harley: Not a problem! Want a bi-rria taco?
Renee: Nah, but I'll take the les-beans if you don't want them.
Ivy: We were just about to start a game of Gay Uno.
Renee: Gay Uno?
Harley: It's like regular Uno except when you put down a +4 you have to kiss.
Renee: Deal me in.
Jason: You take the Main Street entrance. I'll cover Atlantic up to Washington. Rendezvous here in an hour.
Roy: And then we make out?
Jason, sighing: Sure.
Roy: Sloppy style?
Jason: This is a PG-13 post, Roy.
Dick: Of course I make people question their sexuality with a face like this.
Wally: Sure, your face...
Wally: *glances down*
Donna: You guys are exhausting. I'm joining Roy on patrol.
Barbara: Welcome to the annual conference of Sapphics Who Used To Date Dick Grayson. Helena, what's the first item on our agenda?
Helena: Discussing forming a polycule over dinner.
Bette: I already made a reservation.
Kory: I call braiding everyone's hair.
Luke: Thanks for giving me a hand with the fireworks.
Carrie: Of course. By the way, I have something to tell you. You're the first person I've told.
Luke: I accept you.
Carrie: Thanks, but I was actually gonna say that I scratched your car in the parking lot.
Luke: WHAT?!
Carrie: Also I go by she/they.
Lois: How on Earth did you burn your cape at a Pride festival?
Jon: Well...
Damian and Jon: *watching the fireworks*
Damian: I like that flower one.
Jon: *shoots into the sky to grab it*
Damian: *facepalm*
Tim, sitting nearby: You and me both.
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reginaofdoctorwho · 2 years
i am going to Fucking Scream
#>:( i guess i like him now this sucks#also i already sent him a friend playlist with songs that are like ''snap out of ur stupid crush buddy''#and ''not gonna date'' songs which is like funny i guess but >:(#also i sent him the ''how do you get beautiful women to smoke weed with you in seven words'' post and based on his reaction#he seems still into me?? like even included a fuckin ;)#also i slid down an entire fuckin hill tonight in the dark because all the snow froze solid and turned to very painful ice#it took an HOUR to get back in my house#with help from my mom and brother who had to tie a rope around a tree stump and throw it down#also the sheep were ALSO skidding on the ice which was concerning because they're dumb enough to break legs doing that#i used more muscles trying to move in my own backyard without hitting a wild animal that i saw a couple days ago or a tree#than i have in the fucking WEEKS i have done of ballet classes#but back to the guy! he's also got a date coming up with a goth chick that used to do ballet#how the FUCK am i supposed to compete with that? does NOT help that i also started nerding out about how strong ballerinas get#like i KNOW we would not work out for multiple reasons one of which i'm still catholic but also like. i'm afraid of men ig?#and i didn't think it was a big thing but w the anniversary last week i was like 'i must be feeling like shit for NO REASON#IT CAN'T HAVE BEEN THAT BAD I'LL READ THE OLD MESSAGES TO CONFIRM IT WASN'T' uh besties it was WORSE#and like i know he's into consent and shit (which is SO weird to say because everyone should be) but like. smsjskdjdhfk the fuck#and i can't just SAY THAT#and it's not like w people you've been gay w since high school#because then u can be like 'hey i like u i know u like me but i don't wanna do anything about it'#and like you'll both be sad but also get it
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Charlie Morningstar, actual princess of hell, sitting very stiff and straight and awkward on the throne of hell during a Formal Thing, looking very Uncomfy about it... until....
Vaggie: "Are you guys all blind? She's gorgeous up there."
Angel Dust: "No surprises YOU'D like seein' her all stiff."
Vaggie: "Fuck off. She looks dignified. Formal-"
Alastor: "Tense?"
Niffty: "Like rigger mortis!"
Cherri Bomb: "Like she's sitting on TNT."
Angel Dust: "Stiffer than a porn star tryn'a pay rent."
Husk: "I can hear her fucking teeth grinding through that forced grin."
Vaggie: "Alright, she's a bit nervous sitting on the throne of hell for the first time, filling in for the absent queen mom and the shut in king dad. So what."
Alastor: "It is becoming SLIGHTLY detrimental, ha ha!"
Vaggie: "You told her to sit still up there and look pretty. Look. She's sitting. She's pretty."
Angel Dust: "You're gay."
Vaggie: "Hi gay I'm her girlfriend."
Husk: (snorts)
Alastor: "I'm SURE she is ALL those things, my dear-"
Vaggie: "Touch me and the sleeve comes off with your arm in it."
Alastor: "-but she IS mainly meant to be inspiring CONFIDENCE in her ability to run hell as it's de-facto ruler!"
Vaggie: "And?"
Alastor: "Well it WOULD be nice if she could make the symbolic at of sitting on the throne of hell, in full view of what is MEANT to be HER royal court, seem just a BIT more, hrmm... NATURAL~"
Vaggie: "What the fuck does that mean. She's princess of Hell. However she sits on the dumb chair is natural."
Angel Dust: "Toots, she's third in line ruler of all Pride, an' she looks..."
Niffty: "WRETCHED!"
Husk: "Fucking pitiful."
Alastor: "Once again I shall go with TENSE."
Vaggie: "You want her to relax up there?"
Alastor: "I would rather say, it is VITAL that she does so~!"
Cherri Bomb: "No sweat. Someone give me a drink and I'll slip her a chill pill."
Vaggie: "No."
Angel Dust: "NO!"
Niffty: "I could try giving her acupuncture!"
Angel Dust: "Cherri, we've TALKED about this-"
Husk: "You fucking know how?"
Cherri Bomb: "-don't be sucha stick in the mud, Angie."
Niffty: "You PUNCTURE!"
Angel Dust: "I ain't being a stick in the mud! You-"
Husk: "Unholy shit stop giggling and give me that fucking knife-"
Cherri Bomb: "Yeah, and I wasn't gonna get her royal highness high for real. Just something to take off the edge-"
Angel Dust: "She's got no history with that stuff! She'd be a KITE!"
Vaggie: "Someone hold my drink."
Husk: "-and where the fuck are YOU going?"
Vaggie: "Gonna go help my girlfriend."
Angel Dust: "Whoa whoa wait toots- ya supposed to be lying LOW here, Vagisaurus! Ex-exorcist bitch, remember? Lot's a people here who'd like to KILL ya???"
Vaggie: "If anyone's pissed enough to run up the dais steps and try murdering the princess of hell's partner right in front of her then they deserve to get at least one hit on me. You guys have fun, stick together, don't get killed."
Husk: "Take your own fucking advice-"
Angel Dust: "-aaaand she's took off, right in front of EVERYBODY oh that's just GREAT."
Niffty: "Alastor? Do you want her to die..?"
Alastor: "Right now, dearest? Well! If it helps our princess put on more of a royal bearing, then I fail to see why she shouldn't!"
Cherri Bomb: "Dude."
Charlie: "-eighty-three million ducks on the wall, eighty-three million duuucks... take one down.... pass it around..."
Charlie: "-don't think about how easy mom made this look don't think about her seeing you up here and wondering where she went wrong and maybe she did and that's why she left don't think about it don't think-"
Charlie: "... eighty-two million nine-hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred and ninety-nine ducks on the waaalllll-"
Vaggie: (swoops down) "Hey."
Charlie: "-oh thank HELL Vaggie! I was just getting-"
(gets smooched)
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: ".... hhh...hi..."
Vaggie: "This armrest taken?"
Charlie: "What armrest. Oh! The THRONE right um no I mean yes you can, or- or we could get you your own chair if you want-!"
Vaggie: "Thanks babe, this is good."
Charlie: "It's- it's close!"
Vaggie: "Nice being on eye level for once."
Charlie: "or kiss level."
Vaggie: "Hm?"
Charlie: "NO NOTHING. Ahem!" (using gf's thigh as armrest)
Charlie: "Sooo, how's the party going down there?"
Vaggie: "Typical. Niffty brought a knife."
Charlie: "A knife? Just one??"
Vaggie: "We'll see."
Charlie: "I... guess just a knife's not too bad-"
Vaggie: "Heavenly steel."
Charlie: "H- Did you confiscate-?"
Vaggie: "Husk's working on it. I had better things to do."
Charlie: "Oh." (drooping) "Better things right. Other things. Just checking in on me huh? Um, what is the other things that need doing?"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "Shoot did I forget something?"
Vaggie: "You didn't-"
Charlie: "Something IMPORTANT?"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, you're things."
Charlie: "My things??"
Vaggie: "The things are you."
Charlie: "I'M things? What things- OH I'M THE-"
Charlie: "-I'm the things that need doing."
Vaggie: "Do you?"
Charlie: "N-not in public!"
Vaggie: "Guess you'll have to wait, then."
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: "You know, these are the only times I ever wonder about you maybe being a liiiittle itty bit evil."
Vaggie: "Punishment to fit the sin, babe. I've been having to look at you all evening."
Charlie: "I was WONDERING why your wings were showing!"
Vaggie: "You bring it out in me."
Charlie: "HEHEHEHEH."
Vaggie: "So now we're just gonna have to suffer together for the rest of the night."
Charlie: "That phrasing isn't helping."
Vaggie: "You playing with the hem of my skirt isn't helping."
Charlie: "YOU'RE the one almost sitting on my LAP."
Vaggie: "Emphasis on almost."
Charlie: (sigh) "I wish you were sitting on my lap..."
Vaggie: "You're basically melting into mine now, so there's that."
Charlie: "Your fault." (pouts) "Evil temptress of cuddles denied."
Vaggie: "Hellishly cute seductress."
Charlie: "Distracting tease."
Vaggie: "Speaking of distracting, think the whole room's looking this way now."
Charlie: "Can't blame them. You're lovely, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Charmer."
Charlie: "Beautiful~"
Random Sinner: (charges over) "Murdering EXORCIST! You-"
Demon Charlie: (SNARLS)
Random Sinner: "...."
Random Sinner: "..... your wings are.. very pretty."
Vaggie: "Thanks."
Demon Charlie: "ANY oThER WORDS?"
Random Sinner: "C-congratulations on the girlfriend, your highness!"
Charlie: (beaming) (sparkling) "Thank you!!"
Random Sinner: (slightly charred) (eases back into the crowd)
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "I know I know..." (huffs) "That was a bit-"
Vaggie: "Hot."
Charlie: "Oh hush." (smirks) (drapes herself over gf's lap again)
Alastor: "...Well!"
Angel Dust: "She sure ain't stiff anymore."
Alastor: "Quite so."
Husk: "She's fucking liquefying."
Alastor: "Hrmm..."
Angel Dust: "Liquid like lighter fluid. She ROASTED that guy."
Cherri Bomb: "Are we like, SURE no one slipped anything in her drink..?"
Niffty: "Do you see any DEAD BODIES around Vaggie!?"
Cherri Bomb: "Uh, no?"
Niffty: "Awww. Then no."
Husk: "My grip hasn't gone limp though- Niffty, stop trying to take back the fucking angel knife."
Husk: "Fuck no! You'll make corpses!"
Niffty: "I KNOOOOW!!!"
Angel Dust: "Not tonight, Niff."
Niffty: (hanging limply off of knife handle) (sobbing)
Alastor: "Oh dearest don't CRY~" (pats niffty) "Come now- why don't we RELISH how the crowd shies back in FEAR from our DARLING hotel founder!"
Cherri Bomb: "Uhh, they might just be cringing back from all the glittery rainbows..?"
Niffty: (sniffling) "Cr- cringing's good..."
Husk: "She sure as fuck does look full of pride now."
Alastor: "Indeed! MOST satisfactory!"
Cherri Bomb: "Gay pride."
Angel Dust: "In her fucked up battle scarred heavenly wash out murder girlfriend who's giving her big soppy I'm-so-in-love looks."
Alastor: "Ah HA...! Close enough~"
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mellori · 1 year
Hey so was ascrolling the locked tomb tag and saw a thing.
Everybody knows the list of reasons Kiriona's a big sad gay b-word when she shows up in Nona the Ninth. We've got:
• Hey so I just woke up in the corpse of my crush who sure seemed like she reciprocated my confession of love right up until she rejected my mortal sacrifice and decided she never wanted to think about me ever again
• My dead mom doesn't love me, actually, she passionately hated me and found the experience of having me both completely repugnant and horribly inconvenient
• The one thing I thought she'd given me across the veil of death i.e. my name - that was petty revenge against the guy who killed her and has nothing to do with me
• The name she did bother to give me was a not particularly funny joke about her plan to kill me immediately after my birth
• Also she's fr dead now I don't get to confront her about/unpack any of this
• Whoops I'm dead again. Totally speedran "fail my sworn oath to protect Harrowhark" this time let's relive that particular trauma
• Back again sorta and now my body is a horrific mockery of humanity meant to protect and preserve me forever because my Dad definitely asked before he did this
• Dad gave me everything I ever told myself that I wanted so now I can never earn any of it and all of it sucks actually, thanks pops
• Also he's currently in a depression spiral because his polycule imploded with a bunch of attempted and/or successful murders
• Also he's 10,000 years old and completely incapable of relating to me in any way
• Sudden onset proximity to power and influence means I can never trust anybody genuinely wants to be my friend and/or is actually attracted to me and not just sucking up to the new crown prince and heir
• Ianthe
I've read or listened to these books at least five times each and totally missed:
• Dad sure is famous for being the only person capable of performing a ressurection and he hasn't bothered to do that to me
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nor-4 · 4 months
Formula 1 Incorrect Quotes with reader Two
F1IQ - Part One
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Y/n: Bitch why don't you shut the fuck up before i slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Max: Are you threatening me??
Y/n: No, I'm hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch.
Lewis: Yeah uh, there's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Y/n: Oh what's that?
Lewis: The N-Word
Y/n looking at toto: Look at your dad. Such a dork, keeping bees.
Y/n: I mean atleast it's interesting though. At least like, i wish my dad kept bees.
Y/n: I mean it's kind of cute. Like, your dad keeps bees.
Y/n: How old is your dad? He's obviously beekeeping age. I dont know. I think It's kind of sweet.
Y/n: George, i wanna fuck your dad.
George: Oh really?
Yuki: Hey can i sit with you?
Y/n: Why
Yuki looking at stroll and ocon: The kids at the other table keep throwing ketchup packets at me.
Y/n: You're not covered in ketchup, though
Yuki: They don't know you have to open it first
Y/n: Damn. We need remedial bullying class too.
Yuki: So how do you like your remedial english?
Y/n: I guess it's whatever. My mom was really pissed, though.
Yuki: Yeah? What about your dad?
Y/n: My dad killed himself.
Charles: I'm finally seeing someone good for me.
Alex: Omg who is it?
Charles: A therapist
Y/n: max is pissing me off *20 minutes ago*
Y/n: nvm just got dicked down
George: Girl what..
Fernando: Every time i talk to you i feel confused.
Fernando: I've never met anyone that speaks like you do
Y/n: Stop lovebombing me
Fernando: what? It's not a compliment
Fernando: You scare me
Y/n: What are you hiding from me?
Zhou: Nothing..
Y/n: Zhou Guanyu.
Zhou pulls out a cat: The cat distribution system chose me okay
Y/n at drive to survive: If he cheats on you, put hair remover in his shampoo, you wanna act like Andrew tate, u gon look like him too.
Lewis wearing a beanie: I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS FOREVER
Toto: That's your fault. Being too quick signing your seat with ferrari
Oscar: Are you high?
Lando: Am i what?
Oscar: High
Lando: Hello
Christian: So what could a Mercedes principal possibly have then?
Y/n: I just feel like he'd be into satan-worship, or at the very least have a sex diary.
Christian: A toto wolff sex diary would be horrifying. He's like our rival.
Y/n: We say that about Stephen king books, we still read those.
Daniel: "Dear diary, hot candle wax hurts so good"
Christian: No it'd probably be like a thesaurus of words for "Good"
Daniel: Yeah he probably sexts with perfect grammar.
Y/n: "My wife showed an exquisite exhibition of lust for me."
Toto: Let me try something different here. Do you guys have thoughts and feelings for one another?
Y/n: Uhh i think George's kinda spoiled
George: And i feel like y/n's a bitch
Y/n: What're you gay?
Alex: What.. How did you know? I've never told anyone that.
Y/n: Dude look at your hair dye, you're either gay or color blind.
Lance: bro stop chanting in dead language's your scaring the hoes
Y/n: Bitch you is so lonely I'm summoning the hoes
Sebastian: You used to be shy, now you're a whore
Y/n: There's a thing called character development
Oscar: Reminder that I'm very sweet and endearing so be nice to me
Carlos: or what
Oscar: or I'll punch your lights out
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Hey yall this is a bit short cause I'm finna make a random crack twitter posts n I'll post it in the most random day. I love yall baby💋
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 3 months
Another alternate universe where Riddle's sibling dating Ace and coming out gay--......I should make this a series.
In the Heartslabyul Dorm Lounge, Ace is playing cards with Deuce instead of doing homework.
???: "....a......where.....he....."
Ace: "Hm? Hey Juice, do hear that?"
Deuce: "Ugh, for the last time--"
A student suddenly ran past the lounge
Heartslabyul Student A: "I-I-It's bad! Everyone, save your heads!"
Deuce: "What the--"
Deuce: "Ace! W-What did you do this time?!"
Ace: "I didn't do anything, i swear!"
Trey, trying to stop Riddle: "Cater, hold him back!!"
Cater, summoning clones: "I'm trying!"
Ace: "What did I even do?!--"
Sibling!Rosehearts arriving
Sibling!Rosehearts: "Riddle, calm down! It was just a confession!"
Heartslabyul Student B: "S-someone do something!"
Deuce: "Uhhhh....I-i summon thee. CAULDRON!"
Riddle: "ACK!"
A cauldron dropped on top of Riddle, effectively knocking him out.
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Phew! Thanks, Deuce."
Deuce: "Um, no problem?... I'll probably be get beheaded after this..."
Ace: ".... Sibling! Rosehearts. Did you tell him?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "He only listened halfway."
Ace: "So uh, we gonna drag him to the infirmary or...?"
At the infirmary
Ghost: "Ok, his head injury doesn't seem to show any complications. But I suggest he stays here just in case."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Thank you, sir... Trey, Cater, Deuce. Can you guys leave me and Ace some space?"
Deuce: "Why--"
Cater: "Oh, don't worry, Sibling! Rosehearts. Cay-Cay, Trey, and Deucey got your back!"
Trey: "We're gonna be at the dorm lounge if you need us."
Trey, Cater and Deuce left Ace, Riddle and Sibling! Rosehearts in the infirmary. Leaving a long silence between the two.
Ace: "....."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "....."
Ace: "....I thought we agreed to keep US a secret?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "So you think WE can keep living like this? A lie? We can't fool everyone, especially my brother."
Ace: "I know, it's just.... I don't know what my family might feel. What the rest of the guys might think."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Me too..."
Ace: "..."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "... Maybe you're right. I think we can just keep this a secret a while longer--"
Riddle, sober and wide awake: "KEEP WHAT A SECRET?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "SSSHHH! Don't shout! His head might still be ringing!"
Riddle: "Oh no, no. I heard EVERYTHING clearly."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Well shit."
Ace: "Well shit, indeed."
Surprisingly the elder Rosehearts did not scold the two and instead brought another silence. He finally speaks up.
Riddle: "...How long?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: " What?"
Riddle: "How long were you two together a secret?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Since we participated VDC."
Riddle: "Why him? Can't you see he is obnoxious? Can't you see he's a horrible influence on you? Do you not see that he's a male? What will mother--"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "What mother says is not always right. She tormented us. Eventually leading you to Overblot. We have our own bodies, our own souls, our own LIVES. She cannot place us in an impossibly high pedestal to begin with."
Riddle: "... But... You..."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "I am still me. No matter how much I change, I'm still your sibling. But I feel trapped. I still yearn for my freedom to do anything. I feel suffocated for I can't have my own way of loving someone without thinking of what will our family might say."
Riddle, tears building up in his eyes: "...Why are you like this?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "...if you still don't understand, it's ok. I'll--"
Ace: "Alright, you know what? FUCK IT. Riddle, your only sibling are trying their best explaining to you why they want to break free from your mom's astronomical expectations. We thought you already learned this after your Overblot. How she also chained you down to be defined as her trophy. If you can't accept Sibling! Rosehearts for the way they are then... Maybe you're still holding on to what's left of the chains."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "... A-Ace..."
Riddle: "........"
Ace: "I... Love your sibling just the way they are and they love me back despite me being a major asshole. Don't believe me? How about this..."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "ACE WHAT ARE YOU DOING--"
Ace opened a window next to Riddle's bed and inhaled a large sum of air. He didn't care if someone listened or not. He's gonna shout it out to the top of his lungs anyway.
Riddle: "!!!"
Sibling! Rosehearts, all red-faced: "A-A-ACE STOP THAT YOU MIGHT GET DISTURB THE CLASSES!"
Sibling! Rosehearts immediately dragged Ace by the collar and shut the window.
Riddle: "Ace... You're lucky I can't move right now. Otherwise I'd strangle you."
Ace: "Sorry, but I gotta since you won't believe me."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "That doesn't mean you should shout it out!"
Ace: "I can't prove it any way else other than that!"
Riddle: "Actually, there is. If you manage to beat me in a game of croquet, I'll let you court Sibling! Rosehearts. If you lose, I'll collar you for a year."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Great Sevens, Riddle!"
Ace: "Ah crap."
The three hear snickering outside the door. Sibling! Rosehearts opened it and Trey, Cater and Deuce came falling in.
Sibling! Rosehearts: "!!!"
Riddle, with a cruel smirk: "Well, well, well... It looks like you three weren't supervising the dorm."
Cater: "Uhhhh... hahaha...."
Trey: "...S-sorry for eavesdropping?"
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Some more little mostly Glassheart/CharmingHeart incorrect quotes
(with other ships)
Bridget: Why do you act like we’re three year olds?
Ella, exasperated: WHY?!?
Ella points at Red: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR!
(Ella is so done with them. Red wants to leave. Chloe wanted to do some parkour. And Bridget forgot they weren't in Wonderland.)
Red: I don’t know, this plan seems complicated.
Chloe: You once said that about an orange.
Red: They don’t make sense. Apples, you eat their clothes but oranges you don’t.
(Red finds Auradon weird)
Red: Are you okay?
Chloe, crying: Yeah, it was just the onions.
Red: *Picks up an onion* What the fuck did you say to Chloe?
(That's adorable. Red, honey. You're not in wonderland. Not everything can talk)
Red: Mom, if you don't shut up I'm going to throw myself out of the car.
(She cares. Even if it's just for her own gain.)
Red: *on the phone* Hey Mom, do you know my blood type?
Queen of Hearts: Of course, it's B-.
Red: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
((Red is in the hospital with Chloe. Red doesn't know her blood type so she just shrugs and guesses. She tells Chloe that she doesn't know and Chloe then makes some comment about getting the wrong blood type and it not being good, red finally decides to call her mother and ask her.))
Chloe: But what about Bridget?
Ella: Don't worry about them.
Ella: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their cupcake like nothing happened.
(Either Bridget is a people pleaser or she's just incredible. Probably both.)
Bridget: *accidentally eats something too spicy so their eyes start to water*
Ella: Bridget, look at me. It's okay. I would die for you. I love you so much. You're the best person I know.
Bridget: I'm not crying?
Ella, hugging Bridget's head: Shush baby, it's okay. Ella is here and they love you with their whole heart.
(wHy iS It sPicY. Bridget gay panicking)
Ella: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
(Facts. But also. Stop trying to deny the gay. Accept it fully)
Red: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weirdly.
Chloe: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Red: Awww, thanks-
Chloe: That’s not a good thing.
Red: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
(trying to deflect again. You can't run forever Red)
Chloe: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking.
Red: Huh?
Chloe: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to piss me off. So cut it out-
Red: I love you.
Red: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
Chloe: I KNEW IT!!
(Red had her Cheshire cat Smile growing. Canon)
Red: I was arrested for being too cool.
Chloe: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
(Go Chloe! She and her comebacks are like this 🤞)
Chloe: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
(Red was being crowded by a group of people and Chloe was about to throw hands. Or well, rocks.)
Chloe: You know, Red, you are the sun in my life.
Red: Why? Cause I'm smoking hot?
Chloe: Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
(the only person that can bully Red is her Girlfriend, Chloe)
Cinderella: I’m not mad, I just need to know why you two had a fake ID.
Red: *Incoherent mumbling*
Cinderella: Huh?
Chloe: …You need to be 18 to hold the puppies at PetCo.
(Ella hadn't had a good laugh in a while. She's so relieved and amused)
Red: Are you mad?
Chloe: No.
Red: So sharpening your sword at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
(Actually yes. But maybe not at 3 am... Better watch out..)
Cinderella: How has life been treating you lately?
Queen of Hearts: Horribly.
Hope you liked it!
I have more but not for now.
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