#hes literally remus
princeloww · 1 year
Why is Davis from Black Mirror literally Remus Lupin ???
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aeteut · 10 months
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The love drunk in Remus’s eyes gazing at the prettiest star; he breathes Sirius.
By likeafunerall, and reposted with permission.
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kaaaaaaarf · 3 months
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Was no one gonna tell me that Esteban Kukuriczka was just out there being Remus Lupin, or....?
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b0wi3sgir1 · 1 year
Marauders and Reg group chat
Remus: who the fuck added me to the group chat?
Sirius: >:O language.
Regulus: yeah watch your fucking language.
Peter: ‘the fuck word’
James: You guys use the f word all the time??
Regulus: Merlin’s beard you don’t have to censor it.
Peter: say fuck James.
Regulus: Do it, James. Say fuck.
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
"Not to sound like a slut or anything but can I please peel your orange for you?"
Sirius Black to Remus Lupin at some point, probably.
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elilelibeli · 16 days
When Regulus starts dating James, Barty and Evan are super iffy with him. They are like complaint machines thinking James is this judgy goody two shoes guy. So one time James is hanging out with them alone so he can “win them over” but Barty and Evan have this secret agenda to mess with James and scare him or wtv.
So they take him to get drugs, they are thinking that James will get scared to meet their dealer who has face scars and always grumbles and doesn’t say two words to them. Barty and Evan are intimidated by him, but at the same time they have a huge crush on the dude cause he is scary and quiet and fucking hot. So they say to James something like “if you get weed from this super scary dealer you will prove to us that you are not some uptight softy” James is super intimidated at first but then he overhears Barty and Evan saying how The Wolf will scare James and The Wolf this and The Wolf that so James knows exactly who they are meeting, but he shuts up to win against Barty and Evan in their own game.
So they go to meet the infamous Wolf and Barty and Evan stay behind so James can go and meet the scary guy alone. When they see the Wolf approaching with his usual grumbling they snigger and wait for the show.
But instead of usual, cold and intimidating interactions they see the big and scary Wolf fucking smile.
“Oh Jamie (Jamie?? What the fuck?) what are you doing here, I thought I was meeting the blond kid and his weird boyfriend.(boyfriend?? What the hell?)”
“Oh Hi Moons (Moons??? For gods sake what the fuck is going on? how does James know this guy?), yeah the weeds for them, just asked me to get it for them, some kind of test I think, they are Reg’s friends.”
“Oh fuck Sirius is going to kill me, his baby brother’s best friends are my best clients.”
“Well, he will love the new bike you paid with their money tho.” (Fuck even Regulus’s brother knows this guy????)
As Barty and Evan look back and forth at Moons (?) and Jamie (????) hugging (???????) and each others dumbfounded faces, they realize that James is not a goody two shoes, he definitely isn’t what they thought and they will definitely be getting on well with him and his super hot, weed dealing, weird nickname having friends.
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i see a lot of people saying that Remus is the embodiment of intrusive thoughts, or that he is Thomas's intrusive thoughts, and i just want to remind y'all he's not.
he is Creativity, or more accurately, Forbidden Creativity. his job is intrusive thoughts. intrusive thoughts are something that he creates, knowingly or unknowingly, but he is not them. just like how Virgil is the root of panic attacks but he is not the embodiment of panic attacks alone. and Patton is the core of Thomas's emotions, but he is not one emotion.
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alltoounwellll · 6 months
guys plz stop with the “I hate feminine sirius” I’m tired
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moonlightdancer26 · 4 months
Hello, why do people who say Snape outed Remus out of spite still exist? I thought we all knew that it was because Remus quite literally endangered the lives of all the students, of Harry (who Snape literally swore to protect), of the staff, and of Severus himself.
If he truly wanted to out Remus out of spite, why couldn’t he have done it when he was a Death Eater and Remus was an Order Member, when Dumbledore no longer had any control over Snape’s actions and when he and Remus were on opposite sides of the war? Why couldn’t he have done it at any point throughout the year in PoA? Why did he only expose Remus after he found out that Remus endangered students’ lives by not only forgetting the complicated potion Snape took the time to brew for him, but by also purposefully holding back info that could’ve prevented Sirius Black (who everyone, including Remus, believed was a mass-murderer) from entering the castle and hurting/killing students? Do you believe that’s merely some coincidence?
Say whatever you want about Snape, but one thing about him is that he will NOT stand for anyone endangering the lives of his students, especially not Lily’s son. He prioritises safety above all else. He may be an asshole to his students, but he’ll protect them with his life. The fact that he only outed Remus once he knew what Remus did should tell you enough, I don’t know why people choose to live in denial over this debate even though it’s practically spelled out to us in the text. It makes sense for a kid reading PoA to think “wow! Snape is so mean for that! How could he do that to Professor Lupin?!!” but for grown adults to still think this? It’s ridiculous.
And to the people who think “Oh yeah Snape totally outed Remus because he lost the chance of receiving an Order of Merlin,” did this part of The Prince’s Tale chapter completely fly over your heads:
There was a long pause, and slowly Snape regained control of himself, mastered his own breathing. At last he said, “Very well. Very well. But never — never tell, Dumbledore! This must be between us! Swear it! I cannot bear . . . especially Potter’s son . . . I want your word!”
“My word, Severus, that I shall never reveal the best of you?” Dumbledore sighed, looking down into Snape’s ferocious, anguished face. “If you insist . . .”
This simply goes to show how little Snape antis actually understand Snape’s character. He wanted no one to know of the good things he’s done. He never did anything for positive attention or praise, and he certainly would not expose Remus out of pure spite of having lost his opportunity to win a stupid award.
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gabihime-jegulusseeker · 11 months
wolfstar + regulus
Sirius: Remus and I are adopting a kid!~
Regulus: that's great-
Sirius & Remus*slamming adoption papers on the table* It's you, sign here
(I've seen this trope so much lately and i love it, Sirius and Remus being regulus """parents""" its so funny to me)
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stargazingtranquility · 2 months
James: *frolicking through hogwarts*
Sirius, Remus, and Peter: *on guard, ready to protect their golden retriever sunshine boy at all costs*
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serenisastar · 2 months
Chat I’ve discovered something. The name Conan means wolf/hound and gray well that’s literally just another shade of black
Conan Gray means black dog
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loganslowdown4 · 29 days
Remus: So are you two friends.. with benefits? *waggles eyebrows*
Logan: Ye-
Roman: NO
Logan: …. yes.
Roman: NO!!
Logan: But… being friends with you has lots of benefits?
Remus: *snorts*
Roman: *exasperated* tHATS NOT WHAT HE MEANS-
Logan: And we help each other out-
Remus: *starts giggling uncontrollably*
Roman: *sobs* please STOP
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foursaints · 1 month
my peter pettigrew exists mostly in terms of gender transgression 🐀. i feel that the specific kind of envy he holds for james — the mingled love & admiration, the longing, the wistful psychosexualism of it— it’s the kind of jealousy that young girls feel towards other girls.
peter is more complex in his longing than someone like severus! he’s more cynical about it! because peter doesn’t even necessarily want to BE james anymore, he’s known for a very long time that it’s impossible, all he wants is to subsume him. it’s like— 19th century sapphic vampire romance levels of psychosexual. Carmilla levels.
because the tragedy of it is that he loves james! not even romantically: peter KNOWS him, better and longer than anyone else. and the insane duality of that love is slowly driving him mad.
peter might be the most romantic character in canon to me. he’s the only marauder that knows they’re all doomed! he gave up the idea he could ever be normal about james a long time ago, but he also can’t not be around him, because he loves him. so he’s resigned to giving his entire life away - just wants to be near him, let it consume him, let it ruin them both! let them burn up with it!
it’s shakespearean in the scope of it. it’s the slow horror of this psychosexual envy overtaking him, extinguishing all that he cares about. not wanting to hurt someone and being unable to let them go.
and i think he’s pretty. these are thin actors and my peter is fat but i picture his facial structure all mousy & angelic like these two:
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jackie4dinner · 9 months
Fuck your Andrew Garfield fancast, this is Remus lupin (literally):
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
Marauders and Co. playing Never Have I Ever
Remus: *bluntly* Never have I ever been a dog.
Everyone else: ?
Sirius: *drinks*
Everyone else: ?????
Marauders: *refuses to elaborate*
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