#not because of trans just because that is who he is
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 days ago
dim - march 27 - jegulus - trans!regulus - based on an anonymous request - cw: dysphoria - word count: 552
“He’s here.”
Regulus shot upright in bed, greasy, tangled curls plastered to his head and face, clothes in disarray. “Who-”
But he fell silent when he saw who was at the door of the dorm room, his stomach sinking to his toes. “I don’t want you here, James,” he murmured, sinking back into his bed and pulling the blankets. “And fuck you, Barty, for letting him in.”
“You know I’m worried about you, mate. I’m just trying-”
“Both of you leave now or I’ll hex you so horribly you won’t know where one of you starts and the other ends.”
But even as the door swung closed a few moments later, Regulus registered the presence of someone, and he knew James had stayed. 
“Fuck off, James,” he mumbled into his pillow, hating himself for what he was saying. James was so good, so kind, he didn’t deserve-
“Sit up, love. C’mon.”
Gentle hands pulled him around so, suddenly, he was being cradled into the older boy’s arms. Even in the dim light, he could make out the concern in his hazel eyes. “I don’t need help,” he whispered, but his resolve was breaking–it was clear in his tone.
“Frankly, I don’t care,” James replied, smiling a bit as he pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his hair.
It took Regulus a total of one minute for his tense muscles to relax into James’s hold. Slowly, he buried his head into the older boy’s chest.
“It’s bad today?”
“And yesterday. And the day before,” Regulus admitted, biting his lip. His dysphoria hadn’t been this bad in a long time. He hadn’t been able to get out of bed other than to go to the bathroom for a day, and he’d been unable to look in the mirror or shower for almost three days, now.
James made a little noise that sounded like a wounded animal. “Baby,” he said, knitting his eyebrows together. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Guilt flooded his body. “You’re studying for NEWTS. You don’t need me bothering-” he started to explain, but the older boy interrupted right away.
“No. Shut up,” James cut him off, shaking his head. “You’re more important than a million tests. Regulus, I love you. And I’m here to help.”
He felt so small in James’s arms. The horrible stomach aches and prickling goosebumps that always haunted him when he was feeling like this eased just a bit. “It’s stupid,” he mumbled.
“It’s not,” James insisted.
He sat there for a long while, turning the words over and over in his head, trying to believe them. “I…can you…” he tried to ask, but he couldn’t quite get the words out.
“Anything, love. What do you need?” the Gryffindor asked, a genuine look on his face.
“Will you sit in the bathroom while I shower? Not to–y’know. Just because…it helps. A distraction,” he shrugged, feeling ridiculous again.
But James smiled. “Of course!” he stood up, pulling Regulus with him. “Shall I tell you jokes to distract you? Did you hear the one about the five hundred bricks on the top of a Muggle airplane?”
Regulus, who had heard that joke from James far too many times to count, groaned. But as he followed his boyfriend into the bathroom, a small smile was playing on his lips.
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c-l-y-d-e · 2 days ago
In the early 2010s my brother asked me if I was a feminist, in a bit of a disparaging way.
Unfortunately for him, I was quick to respond with “of course I’m a feminist. I like being allowed to vote and go to school and get a drivers license” (particularly relevant as I was literally driving the car at the time).
He really seemed thrown by my response (because feminists are supposed to be just man hating harpies or whatever) and we ended up having a good talk about it. I was already a few years into a career in humanitarian aid, and was able to talk from personal experience about how there are many women in the world who don’t have the most basic rights. And that it was a spectrum: I might have those rights, but there were still important things to fight for where we lived. iirc I mentioned the pay gap, reproductive rights, and the freedom to chose how I wanted to live my life (working a job I was passionate about, and not being forced to marry and have kids).
Really basic stuff, but I don’t think he’d ever thought about it in those terms, or had someone he was close to go “uh, duh, wtf man.”
(He absolutely took it to heart however, and is these days a super progressive well-adjusted man in a relationship with a fabulous vegan social worker / human rights lawyer and daughters he would die for.)
Idk what my point is. I guess: go forth young annoying feminists! Fight against oppressive gender roles! (And because it bears emphasizing, support your trans sisters!)
why do so many ppl my age want to reinvent gender roles so bad. this is what happens when you weren’t an annoying 13 year old feminist in the early 2010s who had people explaining to u that you should be an egalitarian instead bc feminists are man haters i guess.
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plaidos · 6 hours ago
the craziest thing about all of this is how obviously it underlines some of the broader dynamics at play. enter, white trans guy being spreading racially charged misinformation. a puerto rican cis woman responds, telling him as such and so of course he starts having a racist meltdown about how she’s the real racist for criticising him for sharing an article he didn’t read because at least he is “spreading the news” (read: racially charged misinformation).
even though he is a white guy who will face no consequence for racism, he identifies that it will “look bad” if he starts screaming at a Latina woman for correcting how he frames news stories about deportation, so he makes the conscious decision to instead pretend that she is her white fiancee (me) so he can throw a tantrum about “white trans woman” daring to call him white (he is) and how she (me?) actually hates brown men AND disabled men (because he is disabled, which is apparently why he didn’t read the article).
to recap: he played the same “shut up you’re just a white tranny who doesn’t know real oppression” that everybody pulls on trans women of color… on a cis woman of color.
i think it couldn’t be any more obvious how TME people complaining about “white trans women” is almost always just a racist & transmisogynistic shorthand for “anybody i can get away with dismissing by calling them a white trans woman”
this guy is like a perfect cross section case study into how white trans men treat trans women & women of color.
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allykakamatsu · 2 days ago
TWST Headcanons
Some of these will be more in dept than others, one or two will be AU specific, either way, enjoy~
Bi disaster and is in hardcore denial over it
Didn't have any scars coming into NRC but by the time the year was over he had thorn pricks all over him (from the Rose Garden and from OB!Malleus) plus some nasty marks from the STYX guards that never went away.
Nowhere near as bad as Cater, but is afraid of loosing the people he's close to which is why he acts so abrasive.
On that note, post book 7 Cater is 100% is favourite senpai.
Before going to NRC got gifted a pocketwatch by his brother. Mostly not a big deal but in Twisted Hearts it's a big part of the inciting incident.
Also a bi disaster, in slightly less denial about it.
Covered head to toe in scratches and scars due to how many fights he got into during his delinquent days.
Not sure if canon refutes this in any way, but he feels pretty resentful for his dad leaving him and Dylla alone.
After seeing Ace's dream he starts worrying he's a bad friend to Yuu as he wasn't even thinking that much about what would happen when Yuu is eventually allowed to go home.
Gay and proud.
Doesn't have many scars but like everyone in Heartslaybul he does have some marks from the rose garden, plus a few burn marks from cooking mishaps.
After an incident with Rook in science club, always carries a spare pair of glasses with him to be safe.
Does not know his dad puns suck ass and no one has the heart to tell him despite the cringe.
Bi, though tbh if you're playing the JP side that one's honestly just canon-
Also some flavour of trans but idk which one yet.
Another rose thorn victim, and also has some burn marks from when he had to do the cooking at home and it went wrong.
Has a pretty big crush on Vil (again this one is debatably canon on the JP side if nothing else)
Admittedly I'm borrowing this one from @ladyazurith but due to his clones he was in charge of being everywhere and getting all the manual work done, which is why he was so quick to pawn it on Ace and Deuce during Book 1.
Wants to open up about his issues to his friends but has no idea how, plus there's the fear that he won't see them after NRC anyway, or that they won't like him anymore once he's more honest.
Gay and (somehow) even deeper in denial than Ace is about it.
The one with the least amount of rose thorn scars but still has a few. Also has some very slight burn marks from some reckless fire magic usage.
Also this one is for all the OB bois but some of the ink markings from his Overblot left behind some faint lines that become more visible when he (or any other OB boy) use magic.
Naturally white hair, his mother made him use magic to turn it red, and post book 6 he let's a little bit of the white show.
Not the worst at NRC with this, but has no idea the average price of most things so he has a decent chance of getting scammed.
Post book 1 once he admits he's never had a sleepover among other things Cater immediately drags the group into one. It goes well and Riddle has fun despite some initial awkwardness.
(more underneath cut)
Asexual Biromantic. Also some flavour of trans but idk which.
Got his scar from when the rude son of guest visiting the Savannah pushed him while they were playing outside and he hit a rock. Also because of the scar his depth perception is fucked.
Has had to deal with a few assassination attempts and has some scars from it but is somehow not the one with the highest score of those.
Used to date Vil during the stars first year but they broke it off before the year was over. Now they've had some time to cool off (plus Jack and Epel joining NRC who they both care for) they're stuck in will they won't they hell.
Made the day Rook transferred out of Savannahclaw a dorm-wide holiday-
Will never admit it, but has a soft spot for Cheka and kids in general.
Unlabelled but know he likes dudes.
Has a few nicks due to his thievery back home, but the only scar he bothers to cover up is the mark on his arm he still has after Leona almost killed him, mainly to make sure no one starts treating him like a kicked puppy due to it.
Has vitiligo
Frequently mails canned food he got from Sam as well as cash he stole from Leona's account back home to his Grandma.
Despite the rough start due to Book 2 he and Jamil are besties and meet up at least twice a week to shit talk everyone on campus.
Is not the Vice Housewarden, however no one can remember who Leona actually picked so they kinda just give him all the jobs a vice would have.
Bi, also I can't prove it but something not cis is going on with his gender.
Has some nicks cause Savannahclaw has a lot of uneven edges all over the place, however most of his scars come from book 2.
On that note, gets pushed around by the whole dorm a lot in book 2, both figuratively and literally, due to him being the only one who still cared about playing fair. It’s better post Book 2 but he’s still not treated great by his dorm.
Doesn't get to hang out as much as he'd like but is really glad NRC gave him a chance to see Vil again.
Occasionally gets roped into the Diasomnia training due to Sebek offering and him wanting to mix it up.
Gay and generfluid but prefers male pronouns.
Aside from the standard OB scars he has some scars from when his classmates back in the Coral Sea were poking him with sharp coral.
An ever so slightly better flier than Jade, or at least can last longer without having a heart attack.
Honest to the Seven just wants to help Jamil out in his own... unique way, the fact that he'd have such a powerful mage in his dorm is honestly just a bonus.
Frequently turns board game club into personal issues venting, much to Idia's dismay.
Hasn't thought much about sexuality but he knows he likes guys. Is also generfluid though they don't have a preference.
Not nearly as many as Floyd but still has a lot of scars, including a large and nasty one on his back from when a strong mer attacked him when he was younger.
Part of a mob family and is the one set to take over the family business, a prospect he doesn't hate but would rather have as much fun as he can on land in the meantime.
Had a few more siblings when they were younger, however a group of predators showed up one day and killed most of them. Jade (the only one awake due to him getting a midnight snack) managed to keep himself and Floyd safe but he didn't bother trying to help the others, leading to him watching them all die.
Would rather die than admit it, but is pretty insecure about his UM and it's many limitations and worries that he might get replaced for not being strong enough.
Gay and generfluid, though like Azul he tends to prefer he/him most days.
Head to toe in scars, there's barely a part of him that isn't scratched in some way.
Also forgot to mention this with Jade but the two of them both have their mer cheek stripes showing at all times.
Too young to remember their other siblings and Jade plus their parents never told him so he doesn't know.
Not as down horrendous as Azul but also likes Jamil a lot and wants his sea snake to have nice things.
On that note, his favourite people are the kind that aren't afraid of him and are even not afraid to fight him, which is why he latched onto Riddle so fast after the chaos that was their Opening Ceremony.
Pan, he just loves everyone.
Multiple scars from the assassination attempts, most notably rope burns on his wrists which he usually tries to cover with either long sleeves or jewellery as a distraction.
The one time he tried to go to a therapist for his issues it ended up being an assassin so that scared him off for life.
Once a month after book 4 he goes over to Heartslaybul so Riddle can teach him law so he has more of an idea how to help Jamil and the rest of the Vipers.
Bi with a male preference and Bigender, but you can only call him she if he gave explicit permission (thank @blondeaxolotl for that one)
Hard to tell due to how well he hides them with his magic, but is the only one at NRC who can compete with Floyd and Lilia in the scars amount. Stab wounds, rope burns, marks left by Ruggie making him fall down the stairs, burns from when he was learning to cook, OB scars, you name it Jamil probably has it.
Half snake beastman on his mom's side, all that really shows is a snake tongue and sharper fangs
Major complex over needing to feel needed given that being essential to Kalim was all he had going for him most of his life. Only starts to deal with it and by extension accept Kalim's help after Book 6 when Leona turns their tower trip into a therapy session.
Will never admit it out loud but is warming up to Azul and Floyd (not that he’ll admit it) However while things are a bit better he and Jade still don't get along though, partly cause they spend less time together and partly because they're too similar in a lot of ways.
Never liked Rook much to begin with, but the mild dislike turned to full on salt after VDC. Like, he gets that Vil probably needed some consequences but did he have to drag everyone else down with him?
Bi but a male preference and genderfluid, no pronoun preference.
The only scars he had before his OB was one he got when he was 6 and he accidentally cut himself with a knife, and has done everything in his power to hide it.
Not many other kids where he grew up so he didn't have many friends, Jack being his only one for a good while.
Part of him wishes he could meet his mother but doesn't have any regrets about being raised by Eric.
He and Rook are a package deal. If you want to date one, the other is there. Platonic or romantic, RookVil are a pair you do not seperate.
Speaking of Rook though, while Vil knows Rook did the right thing at VDC and he'd probably feel awful if he won after what he did and almost did, the dumb emotional part of his brain was still hurt, though the two patched things up by the end of book 6.
Gay, like so gay it almost makes everyone else look straight by comparison. Also idk his gender but he ain't cis.
Has a decent number of hunting scars. Isn't ashamed at all but they're usually covered since they're mostly on his hands and he usually wears gloves.
Half of Savannahclaw has filed a restraining order against him though none have gone through.
Still feels some guilt over book 5 cause he knew how much it hurt Vil plus it got the others caught in the middle but he knew that he couldn't let NRC win after Vil tried to poison Neige.
Vil and Leona's biggest shipper when they were together, low key trying to set them back up now that they're on better terms.
Gay and transmasc. Overcompensating masculinity wise big time.
Has a decent few scrapes from the farm, and also has a gap tooth that he doesn't mind but Vil is desperately trying to convince him to go to the dentist to fix with the actor even offered to pay for.
Goes back and forward between thinking Deuce is the coolest or the lamest affectionate. Either way they love talking Blastcycles.
Looks up to Leona a lot, low key horrified to learn that he and Vil somehow used to date.
Was sweating a lot during the Harveston trip as he was worried the group would see his old pictures and figure out he wasn't born a boy, but while the truth didn't come out seeing how well they reacted when they thought Marja's old picture was him did give him a lot of peace of mind.
The one besides Ace who crashes at Ramshackle the most so he can get a break from Pomfiore.
Asexual and demiromantic. Also some flavour of trans but idk which
Has a few burn scars, some from the obvious source and others from wires sparking while he tried to fix something.
Actually descended from Hades, he and his parents are just hesitant to admit it due to the inevitable multiple follow up questions.
Addicted to this worlds version of Project Sekai. Do I have any evidence besides vibes? No but I still believe it-
After a few too many near death experiences calls he's just started making prosthetic limbs just in case he needs to replace something, and even if he never needs them he can just use them for Ortho when he's ready for a size upgrade.
Has only just gained sentience and doesn't really care about romance or gender rn
No real scars cause well, robot, though he does let the first years have some fun and do marker graffiti on him sometimes.
Has all of OG!Ortho's memories, and while he knows it's silly he still finds himself dealing with imposter syndrome a fair bit.
Has figured out that everyone thinks anything rude he says is unintentional, and uses this to occasionally back talk people who make him mad and get away with it.
His type is anyone who likes him back and he barely knows what gender is.
Doesn't really have any scars on him prior to loosing his horn during book 7. The people close to him on the other hand...
Due to them both being in one man clubs whenever cross club competitions arise Crowley usually pairs Malleus and Jade together, leading to a surprising friendship between the two.
To some people (Leona's) annoyance, post horn breaking he's still plenty powerful, just not god level like he used to be.
Speaking of Leona. They dated. It was only for a week as Leona was rebounding hard after Vil, it was messy, both of them regret it, but it happened, though Mal is open to trying again.
Also a surprisingly good cook, if only to keep Silver alive until he learned how.
Bi and polyamorous. Also doesn't give a fuck about gender.
Probably the most scared one at NRC for obvious reasons, man is covered in stab wounds as well as lightning scars from both Melanor and Malleus.
Speaking of Melanor, the two of them along with Levan/Raverne were all dating though the royal couple made sure the senate didn;t find out about Lilia.
Genuinely oblivious to how awful his cooking is. He managed to raise Silver without him dying so how bad can it be? (Silver has an iron stomach as well as Malleus saving him)
Demi. Thinks he's cis but is open to experiment.
Has a few scratches and bruises from his training but nothing too major.
Post book 7 he briefly experiments with dying a streak of his hair blonde but quickly gives up on that idea and just goes back to no dye, or if he does want to dye he goes black like Lilia and Malleus.
Loves singing. Wanted to audition for VDC but didn't want to risk screwing it up by falling asleep mid song.
Forgot to mention with Kalim but those two are pure lights. More so relevant for Twisted Hearts but in cannon it means they're less likely to Overblot and blots tend to keep their distance.
Doesn't really have a label for it but he knows he likes guys.
Like Silver just has a few training nicks though he has a few more due to being more reckless.
One time nearly had a heart attack and destroyed half the dorm looking for his Malleus painting, only to find out that Lilia just took it to clean the frame. Afterwards Sebek cleaned up and sent himself to detention out of shame-
Due to his dad being a dentist he has some of the best dental hygiene on campus and knows a lot about teeth, leading to a surprise friendship with Trey.
Eventually remembers the events of NBC Lost in the book, but whether that's because he finds Skully's painting, meeting his ghost at Ramshackle or actually sees his friend in person again depends on the setting and how I'm feeling.
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This is exactly what I find so interesting about the anime/manga How I attended an All guy's mixer. On a surface level it's about the romances between 3 men and 3 women who happen to also work as drag kings and sometimes present as male outside of work as well, despite being (as far as I know) cis women.
I honestly was really impressed by the level of seriousness and depth they go into in regards to gender expression and societal expectations and pressures associated with that. They're not just cross dressing as a joke or for a shock factor but actually exploring performative masculinity.
There's a woman who is a perfect gentleman and a handsome prince and she tries to woo the boy she likes by being a perfect gentleman to him and treating him like a princess, in the same way she would flirt with girls as part of her job at the drag king bar. And he initially is really self conscious about her being a more handsome man and better boyfriend than he is, not because he's intimidated by her but because he feels like the expectations for him are much higher than he initially thought and feels very inadequate in comparison to her.
Eventually he comes to realize that she doesn't expect him to be a more perfect gentleman than she is, and comes to accept that he really likes being treated like her princess. It's an experience he thought only women were allowed to have.
There's also a scene where she talks about the things she's not allowed to do in boy mode, like go into women's spaces. Since despite being a cis woman, she understands that women read her as male and would feel uncomfortable by her presence in a woman-only area. And while she could try to explain, it's just easier to avoid them.
And he has moments where he's hyper aware that people in public are reading the two of them as a gay couple, which he is initially very uncomfortable with before deciding he likes her and he's enjoying himself on their date and whatever other people think doesn't matter.
There's another woman who is really self conscious about being a proper boy and manly man when she's in boy mode until the cis boy she likes also admits to liking the same "feminine" things and demonstrates there's no one proper way to be a boy. Again, she's not even trans, she just knows people are reading her as a boy in boy mode and wants to get a good grade in gender performance.
It's just so beautiful to watch them teach each other to unlearn internalized gender roles and stereotypes and feel more confident and free in just being themselves and being together.
i do think there should be more stories and shows and stuff about guys falling in love with butch women actually, i think that’d be a good thing. and not ‘this is as butch as twitter can handle’, i mean butch as can fucking be without apology, and making those boys weak in the knees about it. i think it’s great actually to have f/m romances that exist to break gender norms, too. i think it sucks that the only mainstream het romances that exist are either about women who are already feminine or with women who are just a little too scarily masculine and have to be fixed into being girlier. that’s shit.
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plaidos · 18 hours ago
genuinely gobsmacked that a white guy called me “trans girly eva braun” because my puerto rican girlfriend politely asked him to stop spreading misinformation about who is getting deported & being intellectually dishonest about why. and he assumed that my fiancee was me because he saw her pinned post about my immigration fund. and now he’s posting vile transmisogynistic creeds about how nobody wants to donate to me because im ugly and just spend all my money on makeup and clothes. and now he’s calling me a sexual abuser because somebody said something to the level of “she’s not gonna fuck you bro” in his inbox and, of course, he is blaming it on me.
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dresshistorynerd · 1 day ago
I don't know what motivated you to write out that super detailed response to the Choctaw kindness to the Irish, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication to sharing humanitarian acts of kindness. I'm a trans guy in the US american south and I feel so alone and despised, but things like that story give me hope that someone, somewhere, will understand and give compassion. Thank you for sharing humanity.
Thank you very much for this lovely message. I'm really sorry things are looking so bleak for you. I'm not USAmerican, but I've been watching the the situation there spiral into fascism with horror. Things are not looking so good here in Europe either, in general, it's quite a dark moment in history.
I write about history because it gives perspective for times like these. Every time I read about a horrific moment in history, the horrors are not what stay with me but the endless human resilience that lead humans to endure and build something beautiful from the ashes. Human kindness, bravery and resilience - humanity - shines brightest in inhuman times. We have survived so many terrible times and we will survive this as well. One of my best friends is a trans masc German, a proof that even genocide can't erase trans people, so neither will this US administration. Knowing we are not the first people to face such times, nor to survive such times, makes me feel less alone. So maybe I can tell you some stories of trans and queer history in the US, and perhaps that'll make you feel tiny bit less alone.
The period of New World chattel slavery is one of the darkest periods in history, but Black people were able to survive even that and create vibrant cultural expressions from the ashes. People always resisted slavery. There was not a moment, when everyone gave up. In Caribbean, slaves escaped all the time and became Maroons, who found home in the insular communities of the surviving indigenous Taino people of the genocides against them. They formed mixed settlement of indigenous people and escaped slaves, where their languages and traditions were mixed together to create a new culture, that preserved two traditions under threat of annihilation. They resisted constantly the tyrannical colonial powers, waged guerilla warfare against them and assisted in slave rebellions even when the punishments for them were extreme and severe. There were maroons in US as well. They didn't have dense jungle islands where they could hide their settlements in the US South, but they had swamps they used in a similar way. In the swamp settlements the maroons also were joined by indigenous people escaping the genocidal onslaught as well as other outcasts of the colonial society. Together they survived and resisted. In US too the slaves didn't just escape to freedom, they orchestrated numerous slave rebellions from the very beginning to the bitter end.
There were also some white abolitionists too, who did the right thing. John Brown was of course one of them. He believed it was his secret duty as a Christian to wage war against US until slavery was abolished and he gladly died for it. But I want to shout out a trans masc abolitionist, Public Universal Friend. Public Universal Friend has possibly the most wild and interesting story ever. The Friend was a Quaker. Quakers have always been abolitionists, even in England before slavery was banned there. The Friend lived from 1752 to 1819 in New England, dressed mostly masculine, rejected gendered pronouns and used instead The Friend and PUF as pronouns (though some of the Friend's followers referred to the Friend with he/him), became a Quaker cult leader, made the Friend's cult followers to free their slaves and preached about gender equality, universal salvation and abolition of slavery. Basically the Friend was a cult leader for good. Truly chaotic good alignment. I write about the Friend more in my post about some cool historical queer figures.
Another story starts with a pioneering American trans man, Alan L. Hart. He was born in 1890 and presented as a boy from a very young age. His parents and grandparents accepted him as a boy. In school he was forced to present as a girl, but in college he fully presented as a man. He became the first recorded trans man to surgically transition in US in 1917-1918. He was not only pioneering as a trans man, but as a doctor as well. He was instrumental in developing x-ray screening for tuberculosis, which at the time was one of the leading causes of death. His contribution has saved thousands of lives.
He was undoubtedly a trans man (he expressed it to his doctors to gain access to medical transition and in an interview after he was outed once and in all the possible ways he could really), but still couple of decades after his death in 1980s and 90s, trans-exclusionary lesbians "reclaimed" him as a historical lesbian figure. This caused a battle in the Portland queer community. Trans people, who had of course been part of the community forever, did not take such blatant erasure lying down and protested the organizations, who insisted on misgendering Hart and touting him as a "lesbian hero". They were not alone though. After being presented with the historical facts, the Lesbian Avengers joined their trans siblings in the fight. Eventually the organizations, which had kept misgendering him relented, but some trans-exclusionary lesbians still kept bringing doubt to his very clearly expressed gender identity even afterwards.
Lesbian Avengers, a direct action group, has many amazing stories in their history. One of those is told in Weird Little Guy's podcast episode Fire Will Not Consume Us. The podcast is about fascists, and this particular episode tells the story of how KKK waged a war against a rural gay bar kept by a local elderly straight couple, who had lost a child to AIDS. Their gay patrons called the lady their mom. The Lesbian Avengers showed up to stand with their gay brothers against the KKK. They chanted "Fire will not burns us. We'll take it and make it our own." to burning crosses and a KKK preacher telling them they would burn in hell. They had an fire-eating act, during which they chanted that chant, they had started after Hattie Mae Cohens and Brian Mock, a lesbian and a gay man, had been murdered with a Molotov cocktail thrown into their apartment. I really recommend that episode, it's a beautiful story of solidarity and resistance.
The lesson I take from these stories, and history in general, is that survival is resistance and we survive with solidarity. Alone we are outcasts, but together we are strong. I can only imagine how lonely it must be for you right now, but you are not alone. You have never been. Behind you is a long line of trans and queer ancestors, who stood in the same ground before you. Around you are so many facing the same enemy.
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romanarose · 2 days ago
Beyond a blank slate reader
Hello everyone! There's been some wonderful discussions about inclusivity in the PPCU recently and I highly encourage them to keep on! A lot of it how certain phrases can code a reader as white, like "you blushed" etc. It's important to try and make your reader as inclusive as possible!
But I wanted to share some stories that aren't just a blank slate reader, but are my attempt to make people not only not feel excluded, but specifically included.
A lot of this is stuff i wrote because I wanted to see myself, like jewish or transmasc readers, in fics. Others I wrote because I want others to have that same feeling. That not only can you put yourself in the story, but you can actually see it clearly there.
I'll be honest, this came after getting an anon calling me not one but two slurs (three? They repeated one with a shortened version lol) and I wanted to be EVEN MORE LOUD about writing trans characters. i figured why not highlight all sorts of things that readers might like to read that are hard to find!
I've also included anything I think is under represented, like Boston!Joel with no age gap reader, or plus sized readers.
Below will be fics with readers and OC's with different gender identities, race, ethnicity, religion, and disabilties.
Most are Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac, but there's some with the other triple frontier boys <3
And to be clear, there is NOTHING wrong with a blank slate. MOST of what I write is blank slate. But you can absolutly be descriptive as long as you are tagging properly! And you can write for more than just no descripters. I am white, but I have no desire to only ever write white characters. We can all branch out and learn.
I've asked this before, what representation specifically do YOU want to see? Drop in my inbox, and I'll consider it, as going forward I think I'm more interested in x oc rather than x reader.
Last year I tried to compile a list of explicitly non-white fics by other writers and only got two people replying so it didnt go anywhere, but I'm going to try again this weekend! That way I can highlight not just myself.
Moon Knight
Seattle (Series): Marc Spector x Jewish!fem!OC. Marc trying to help Rebecca leave an abusive relationship.
Both of Us: Marc Spector x muslism!fem!Reader. Reader and Marc expecting a baby <3
The Times, they are a-chang'n: Marc Spector x Jewish!fem!Reader
Steven With A Non-Verbal reader: Steven Grant with selectively mute reader.
Marc with a Plus Sized reader: Marc Spector x plus sized! reader. Reader
Her Hair Reminds Me of a Warm Safe Place: Marc Spector x Layla El-Faouly. I didn't add every Marc x Layla here but I wrote this one specifically for my friend Clem who is arab and curly haired like Layla and has so much joy seeing Layla and her curls on screen, so I emphasized Marc finding safety in her.
Moon Boys with an agoraphobic reader: Headcanons of a reader with agoraphobia
I wrote one with Steven with a reader with ocd but i cant fucking find it so if you see it lmk lol
Triple Frontier
If You Wanna be Wild: Javier Pena x Latina!fem!Reader/oc x Santiago Garcia. Javier gets a new partner, a young Santi, and they go after Lorea together. He does not account for both of them sleeping with the same prositute. Partway through, "reader" became more of an oc, but the description is clear. She's latina and Colombian, curly hair. When I start moving everything to my new blog I'll just edit everything as an OC.
Big Boys Don't Cry: Trans! Santiago Garcia x transmasc!reader
Santi With a Curly Haired Reader: Just what it says. Not explicitly POC but can easily imagine if you have curly hair no matter the race.
See more at the bottom about the leather and lace universe
The Last of Us
Darkness on the Edge of Town: Joel Miller x older!fem!reader. By older, I mean she's the same age as Joel in boston, post-menopause. Joel saves a woman from FEDRA guards and they are stuck together in his apartment during a lockdown.
Lights: Joel Miller x jewish!fem!reader. Jackson!Joel asks out Jewish!reader
About a Girl: Joel Miller x trans!fem!reader. Joel, a single dad of a kindergarten aged Sarah, meets Blue, and is instantly attracted, but he doesn't know she's trans yet. Heavy on themes of found family, domestic abuse to Joel, addiction, transphobia.
Joel Takes a Strap: Joel x trans!masc!reader. Is exactly what it says LOL
The River: Joel Miller x black!fem!reader. Sarah's mom reader, Joel and you lose your virginities together, Sarah is conceived.
Happy Birthday, Joel: Trans!Joel x male!reader. You and Joel pic out a new name for him.
Santa Joel-y: Joel Miller x plus sized!Fem!Reader. Joel is feeling down about his weight gain, reader cheers him up.
If You Wanna be Wild: Javier Pena x Latina!fem!Reader/oc x Santiago Garcia. Partway through, "reader" became more of an oc, but the description is clear. She's latina and Colombian, curly hair. When I start moving everything to my new blog I'll just edit everything as an OC. Javier gets a new partner, a young Santi, and they go after Lorea together. He does not account for both of them sleeping with the same prositute.
Leather and Lace universe (Triple Frontier)
Putting this at the bottom because it's my baby and i know I promo it a lot so I wanted to give people a chance to see the other stuff.
Leather and Lace universe started with Just writing the series leather and Lace. I wasn't ready to let go of the characters i created, so I branched off with Frankie and Jana's story. now it's an anthology.
Each series can be read seperately, but are best all together because there are side arches. Each series is a different TF boy and their OC, each OC is wildly varied.
The full LaL masterlist with chronological pieces here if you want to read it all to date, OR you can look below for one that fits your tastes.
Please be mindful of warnings of each. heavy themes of domestic violence, rape, addiction, and child abuse are present.
Leather and Lace: Santiago Garcia x oc, Laci. The Tf boys find laci in Colombia, a victim of sex trafficking and they rescue her. She's deeply traumatized, but Santi is there to help her every step. Santi is coded to be autistic and is non-verbal often (more in the begining, she talks more as her anxiety eases.) and she has severe PTSD.
Take Your Time: Francisco Morales x oc, Jana. frankie is struggling to stay sober. Despite his attempts to push people away, Jana won't allow him to lose himself in addiction and depression, for his own and for their daughter's sake. Jana is a bisexual icon, and Afro-latina.
For the Longest Time: William Miller x OC, Lorelei. Lorelei and Will keep accidentally meeting. Suspicious and often judgmental, Lorelei is hesitant to let Will and his friends in. She learns she can trust them, and they learn she has a heart of gold and is the most loyal friend you could have. Lorelei is Vietnamese.
Coming soon... No Surrender: Ben Miller x oc, Cam. Join the tag list! Stuck in an abusive relationship and drinking heavily, Ben is just trying to get through this harvest and sell the family farm. Will calls in the only person he thinks can help his brother. Cam is Scottish and part Vietnamese (1/4), and has a hearing aid.
If any incorrect, outdated, or offensive langauge was used in any of these descripters, please let me know! I do my best to research and ask people in any groups I am not a part of, but I know things can slip through and I will never be above being corrected
Thank you for taking the time to read my works! If you are so inclinced, check out my event, disability visibility, to highlight disability awareness!
Follow @cosmic-kid-in-motion which will be my new blog! Im going to start moving things over there. Don't worry, ill keep things up at this blog for a long while, but if by chance you are seeing this list and links dont work, go over to that blog and i'll hopefully have this list with SO MUCH MORE I have planned, like marcus acacius x muslism!reader, and wheelchair user Santi!
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sachikoq · 12 hours ago
I don't really know if this is the place to post this, I'm undiagnosed so if this doesn't really belong I'll delete it if need be, but the moment this really well and truly sank in for me was in 6th grade. I was entering a new school and it being one of those "charter schools" that required uniforms and whatnot, the whole place had this air of self-importance. I'd been bullied by both other kids and adults before but here after a certain point basically everyone began to avoid or start shit with me. There was this one guy in particular who particularly didn't like me and definitely convinced a lot of others to avoid me at that, but it's not really like anyone else did anything about it nor was he really the only one so much as just the most vocal. I'd end up sitting alone unless forced into being in a group at any point. for basically the entire year and any friends I did make tended to go away when they didn't really have to be around. I remember teachers singling me out often for doodling in my notes or something or for the things I liked or for how poor I was or the way I carried myself. At the end of the year, on the last day that school year anyway, One of the only people I managed to convince to talk to me at all came up and told me he was just putting up with having me around so I didn't feel bad, and that nobody really liked me. I started crying heavily in the corner of the room I was already sat in and I just couldn't really stop. Eventually some of the girls in class noticed and the teacher from one of our other classes came over in a rage and demanded we all follow her to another room as she scolded everyone for what had been going on. I remember her being so fucking mad, she was red in the face yelling at them and even when it should've felt like I was finally "winning" or something it still felt awful that it really had to come to that. The one thing I remember her saying was along the lines of "The moment you make anyone feel less is when I have to step in and this becomes a problem." I want to go back someday and thank her but I became a shitty student and for a while in the years after that I began to lash out at others a bit as well, so even if I wasn't worried about the optics of a trans woman randomly visiting a middle school in Florida, I don't think she'd really want to hear from me again anyway. Even so she was one of the only people who ever came off like she actually gave a fuck. I wish I could apologize to so many fucking people from back then for lashing out afterward or for not doing the same but it's neither here nor there ig I know saying things like that comes off like a demand for forgiveness when that's not really ever gonna happen nor does it need to.
I'd tell my parents and they didn't really get it, my stepdad's also a so-called "vaccine truther" and has since spread that to the rest of my immediate family so that ship sailed long ago, and only solidified itself when we were having an argument and I said "what exactly is so wrong with having an autistic child?" and he responded "That's easy for you to say, imagine being the parent to a child like that." Our issues even when like 99.9% of neurotypicals claim to give a fuck about them are never our own to them. It's about the parents or the community they live in or this and that. Nobody ever wants to fucking address the elephant in the room with this shit and it's probably because they already know where the fuck they stand.
I failed a grade after that and the next years after that it never really got any easier or better aside from finding other people who'd been through similar. The only people I ever really felt safe around after this were other autistics. To this day the only people I ever truly feel OK around are other autistics. Being an adult and leaving my parents' has made it easier to take hold of my life but it doesn't make that feeling of "does this person really just hate me" ever go away.
every piece of ""autistic representation"" in hollywood sucks not just because of the infantalization and inspiration porn but because movie executives always fail to realize the real universal autistic experience: spending your childhood slowly and unfalteringly realizing all of your friends not so secretly hated and/or merely tolerated you at best and you've missed every social signal about it ever
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joeloverture · 3 days ago
whist i get what you are saying about confederate flag, why is it deemed completely okay to write about joel saying that he would have fucked his 15 year old daughter given the chance. this isn’t trying to be hateful, i’m just genuinely curious
okay hi! thank you for being sane about this and actually approaching from a place of wanting to widen your scope. id direct you to @whataperfectwasteoftime for more on the confederate flag stuff. they made a well developed post on that for a much more aggressive version of this ask.
im sure u can guess what’s under the cut so heed any triggers you may have and put u first.
i want to make something clear here that i previously haven’t. i don’t think this fic belonged on tumblr. it’s ambiguous in its TOS whether its actually a violation or not, but since tumblr operates in areas where writing csa is illegal, it was never meant to be here in the first place. ao3? sure. whatever. but this is stirring things up because it was in an unexpected place. tumblr has more rules whereas ao3 is the scarcely contained Wild West of fanfic.
furthermore — i wouldn’t say it’s completely okay. these things have nuance. i read the fic, because I saw something like this coming from down the road considering the fandom climate. i do think the fic was stylistically written in a way that was self aware of the characters mutual destruction of each other. i also think it was intentionally inflammatory in some ways. however, everything was adequately tagged. people were free to move on if it caused discomfort, which i also want to make clear is a normal feeling. whether it be interacting with eroticized fanfiction or fiction in general, it is an inherently uncomfortable feeling sometimes! it’s up to us to determine what agitates our personal limits. i don’t think others should be held responsible for our consumption. what joel said in that fic was repulsive. it was meant to be! i also want to reiterate here that darkfic isn’t for me. dark fiction, though? that’s my shit — and i don’t mean dark romance or a little life, but the same theory can apply to those.
if we begin to crack down on eroticized fanfiction, the terminology they use will bleed into other areas of literature. suddenly the language used to describe a minor in an erotic work (and trust me, the thought of this does nauseate me — emphasis on this not being for me) is forbidden in a work that is raising awareness or telling a story. these may seem like far jumps, but loopholes like this exist everywhere in the law. it is why worries about rights to privacy emerged during roe v wade. especially with the right, famously laden with pedos and their enablers, they will pretend to be protecting people by silencing any dubious erotic work, then trans and queer voices (notice how they are constantly called pedos), and then real csa stories will be suppressed so they can get away with more.
id direct you to a pending law in tx, in which any obscene depiction of a minor or someone who looks like one. (senate bill 20)
big win, right?
nope. it’s far too up to interpretation at the prosecutorial level. scotus actually deemed this unconstitutional in 2003.
it is legal to marry a child in texas. these lawmakers use fiction as their scapegoat to avoid the moral consequences of actions they participate in. laws like this may start at the level of, say, anime or manga. but it very rapidly will spread to appropriate television, art, etc that depicts trans and queer people. and even beyond that.
i worry where this goes. if we don’t speak up now, who will speak up for us when they come for us? because they will.
additionally, fiction ≠ reality. this is an important distinction. fiction can be a powerful tool to explore what we fear, what we have experienced, and what we wish would happen. i cannot police what others do. only what i write and how i respond to their words.
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i-maj-ine · 2 days ago
Just started reading ORV (not that far in but I am lightly spoiled on some plot points bc of friends) and trans Kim Dokja would hit diff if Fourth Wall's censor helped cover how fem his body shape is
Like that'd be fucking hilarious
'i didn't think the apocalypse had to happen for people to be more accepting of my gender' says local man, who has a skill that literally convinces others that his boobs don't exist
Imagine the misunderstandings. Imagine them, please, I beg of you. I need someone to vibrate on the same wavelength as me when it comes to everyone literally not Knowing He Is Trans because HE LOOKS LIKE A FUZZY BLOB.
Kim Dokja, very confused but very glad that people are so accepting when he knows he doesn't pass as a guy. Kim Dokja, scrunching his face when people talk down to women and look at him like he'll implicitly agree because he's one of the boysss. Kim Dokja, getting weird ass stares for the menstrual products he has on hand-- (OH GOD BATHROOM BREAKS, BATHROOM BREAKS WOULD BE SUCH A HILARIOUS SUBJECT, IMAGINE HIM GOING TO THE WOMEN'S BC OF HABIT AND GETTING TUGGED BACK BY SOMEONE ELSE STERNLY LIke stop laughing Sangah-ssi, you're being such a bully rn)
He just looks like a thin frail looking stick of a guy, it's like only when people get close and touch (if you're even allowed to... the kids get that privilege via hugs) that some areas seem to have more give than others while others seem more expansive than they actually are. When you set your hand on his shoulder, the hazy form is lower and tinier than you expected... He's so weird.
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cultkinkcoven · 2 days ago
yknow what I like being a trans man. It isn’t just some bleak reality I have to deal with. I like being a trans man.
I like growing hair on my tummy and between my thighs
I like growing my little greasy boy stache, I like feeling my skin texture change
I like that I gained weight on testosterone and now have rolls and flesh in places I didn’t before
I like that I grew past my skinny twink phase, I like seeing myself mature into adulthood, and eventually old age, I will like being a creaky old man
I like that my arms have gotten bigger and my voice has gotten deeper
I like having those awkward voice cracks, I like learning how to talk from my chest instead of my throat
I love feeling how my voice has gotten thicker and vibrates my vocal chords harder when I speak
I like that my voice has gotten deeper than my boyfriend’s
I like having bottom growth and getting to experience new sensations
I like feeling my dick get hard, I like being slightly uncomfortable that my dick is sitting weirdly in my pants, because hey I have a dick, nice.
I like being gay and shaving with my boyfriend in the bathroom
I like sharing clothes with him, I like outgrowing his jeans and flannels that used to be huge on me
I like that clothes sit differently on my body than they do on his
I like when he comments on how much my body has changed, sometimes I don’t even notice, but he does
I like getting stronger than him. I like to see his surprise every time I throw him around with greater ease.
I like that I can see homophobes get uncomfortable when they see me kiss him in public
I like when strangers greet me with sir, only to see my ID and still instinctively call me sir, even though they saw the F
I like that I can confuse people
I like that I get sweaty and stinky a little faster
I like that my relationship with sex has changed I like that my sexuality has evolved as I become more comfortable having sex as a man
I like that I get to experiment with different hard packers and strap ons, I like having the option to personally customize my genitalia according to my and my partner’s needs
I like having a pussy, I like having the option to be penetrated if I want to be, I like that I am a man with a hairy ass
I like topping, I like being able to be dominant or submissive and still be a man regardless
I like being able to wear whatever and still be referred to as sir
I like having man tits, even if I won’t have them forever. I like being a dude with curves. I like that my hips sit where they do.
I like having a body that is not identical to a cis man’s. I like being my own authentic version of a man
I like being able to relate to girl’s and women’s experiences even if I don’t claim to be one
I like that I can use my new strength to protect others
I like that I can be the guy who says something and makes a girl feel a little more safe
I like changing and looking back on all my phases. My hair, my clothes, my aesthetic, never static. I like being a vessel of transformation
I think I really like being a trans man. They told me this would be hell, I think they were wrong.
I love being a trans man.
- A little thing I wrote for Aphrodite and Inanna today after doing my T shot. I love that she gives me the space to think about appreciate these things. Happy Venus Day! ✴️
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plaidos · 2 days ago
genuine question: are there any canonically cis characters in Homestuck? And I do truly mean ones who haven't been confirmed trans and/or are not coded as such whatsoever and truly cannot be read that way in the source (i mean of course you can always go the fun AU/headcanon route of "super cis person realized they were wrong" cuz duh, but I'm sure you know what I'm trying to word? I haven't read the comic in YEARS -- plan to after i'm done this semester! -- and from what you've said about June/from what I remember, I'd reckon that it's safe to say her dad is cis mcgee lol but i was wondering if there's anyone else)
i mean this is kind of an impossible question to answer right? like "not coded as such whatsoever and truly cannot be read that way in the source" is doing a lot of work here. people can and WILL interpret any and all of the characters as cisgender even if they on screen say that they're not. i mean, look at the response to June being confirmed multiple times over a five year period.
i could just as easily say, well actually, in MY opinion, Dad Egbert's values about gender stem from his transmasculinity & the way he has misshapen himself under the pressures of toxic masculinity, and it would make some kind of sense.
there are definitely characters who are meant to represent gender rigidity & unwillingness to self-examine their gender, but like... i think these characters exist to subvert the nigh-mythological status of gender just as much as the actual trans characters do. like, gender isn't real, it's totally made up, cis and trans people alike are engaging in constructed gender roles and Homestuck is totally totally aware of this. in that sense, no, i don't think anybody is fully "cis coded" in Homestuck (at least, not in the way this ask is looking for) because Homestuck presents all cis people's genders as subject to re-evaluation. that's like, the point of The Homestuck Epilogues & Beyond Canon -- to draw a parallel between fanfiction and transition.
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take a look at the absolute copium being huffed by Dirk here (Meat 19) about how he's totally definitely 100% comfortable and unchallenged by his friends being trans, about how he doesn't owe anybody an explanation abourt how confident he is with who he is.
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wolfertinger · 2 days ago
I have been really thinking a lot about everything as all of this Wis stuff is going down. And I’m just perplexed by her inclination at every move to demonize Sawyer when Sawyer has always been simply REACTING to Wis’s outbursts and the situations in front of them. However Mari would always project her insecurities onto Wis, Sawyer calling her out on this as seen in a screenshot posted here. Even with this Wis insists on protecting her, a literal rapist.
I am coming as a former friend of Mari, we had became friends in 2023 if I remember correctly Via Sawyer. Me and Sawyer have been friends for YEARS(2017) I know them very well, we lost contact for a bit but gladly able to find eachother again.
Something about Mari that simply Wis chooses to ignore is the fact she’s a HUGE Salem / Puppychan orbiter and has been for years. And she constantly tried to get Sawyer and Salem to be friends acting as if she were a peacemaker. By doing this it constantly undermined Sawyer’s comfortability and problems with Salem for keeping contact with Torin and LYING.
Mari by forcing a friendship between the three of them in itself shows you her character. To be quite frank, I don’t care if my gf’s ex is someone I had idolized, just the fact they’re broken up and have good reason to not talk to their ex anymore is ENOUGH for me. But Mari doesn’t hold much consideration for anyone but herself.
As Mari continuously did this making Sawyer uncomfortable, she held no regard to anyone but herself. She wanted to befriend Salem, She didn’t want to loose Salem, even if it made her partner upset. Even calling Salem cutting contact with her “almost like a breakup”. This was said during a call we had that night as she messaged me but was very rude to me for some reason because I was saying things she did not like??? Keep in mind I was at work closing a drive thru by myself, she was aware of this too.
I’m not sure why Wis has this narrative that Sawyer bad Sawyer evil Sawyer stalker when I’ve only ever seen her tweak on the internet about them. Mari was the one concerned about Salem, even making an alt to comment on a vent he made on cohost because she wanted to be friends with him still.
Mari has always been the one concerned with Salem and always was watching even going to him and Wis after the breakup crying wolf. Why is that your first thought, to plead sympathy from an ex of ur current ex and their current partner. Who you said you thought was so ugly bla bla bla, projecting your internalized transphobia on how a trans person should look onto her.
That is more in line with stalker behavior than anything Sawyer has ever done. And to be really honest as I write this it’s almost funny how Wis has like this self importance in the narrative. Mari never wanted to really be friends with Wis, only Salem. Cat had no concrete opinion on Wis, the issue lied between Sawyer and Salem. Wis really has nothing to do with any of this, yea protect your partner but you have insane self importance if you think you’re the one anyone is worried about let alone stalking ??
Yet Wis has her own narrative of events, kinda admire her ability to lie so much and pretend she hasn’t admitted and posted herself scrolling on Sawyer’s page. It’s really weird how much she deflects simply because she just really wants Sawyer to be a bad guy in this situation.
It’s just really bizarre, and reading everything on this page made me really see an extreme version of Mari on Wis. They both love to deflect things they have done onto their enemy of the week. They claim to take accountability but when nobody gives them easy forgiveness it’s “FUCK YOU, YOU ARE EVIL YOU HURT ME”. They parallel each other extremely. I don’t understand how you can live life like this not wanting to change for yourself or the better, instead
I can go on about how Mari was not a good friend to have, as there were many situations she had expected me to be emotionally available for her despite me going through a really hard time in my life as me and current gf were having one of the worst years of our lives and had split for a very long time. Mari knew this too, this was no secret.
Sawyer has always been a very blunt and honest person. I never understood why Wis is on this tirade of how they are dishonest. As no matter what Sawyer has kept it real with me, never hiding anything from me. They don’t expect me to formulate an opinion that aligns with them, they give me the facts and I bounce off what I see. We have a very open and honest friendship, there is nothing I wouldn’t say to them I don’t fear anything.
Apologies for the literal novel, I just feel like I needed to say my piece as I have a perceptive that hasn’t been brought up. I don’t engage in stuff like this often, I have nothing to gain from this at all as my online presence is kinda dead as I work and go to school full time.
i have some screens I attached validating the aggressiveness from Mari and harping over Salem cutting her off not worried about her partner being upset and hurt by this only what she felt about it. Most of what she told me was during calls.
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greenevergreens · 2 days ago
I also want to add that a lot of the complaints about trans people also have and are said about lgb folk.
Lots of people today think being lgb is a mental illness, or that it's not real and just people wanting to be special and get attention. That they're choosing to be lgb. That they're predators and just want to abuse or even rape kids.
We have VERY similar struggles, and it boggles my mind that people who know and are treated extremely similar to us, want to distance themselves from us.
Like yeah, we aren't exactly the same, we don't have exactly the same struggles, but for fuck's sake we're family, metaphorically of course.
We all have people who want us dead for whom we love or how we exist in the world. We all have to deal with people who think that being LGBT+ or queer or whatever word you want to use, somehow makes us dangerous, perverse, and should therefore be eradicated.
You don't have to like trans people to understand that we are all in the same boat. Hell, you don't even have to think being trans is a real thing to understand that we're on your side, we want exactly what you want, to exist as our true self.
Your ability to exist as a Lesbian, Gay, or Bi person wasn't gained alone. We fought together, alongside each other. Now more than ever we need unity.
This isn't about the identity, this is about our right to exist outside what the republican, MAGA, Christian world thinks we should exist. It's about making sure women can still be masculine if they want to, it's about making sure men can be feminine if they want to. Whether it's about, presentation or gender, they can't stand people being different. They hate it so much they're willing to kill us over it.
So whether you see trans people as their identified gender, or just as men and women playing dress up, that too should be defended.
Not to mention, if you want to bring up the bathroom or sports debate, your problem is NOT with trans women, it's always been about cis men.
“What if a guy dresses up as a lady to sneak into the women's restroom” So your issue is with cis men, not trans women. Also, MEN DON'T NEED TO PLAY DRESS UP TO ASSAULT WOMEN, men have been assaulting women inside and outside of women's restrooms for forever and only extremely rarely do so by dressing up as women first. Also, just in case you forgot, CIS WOMEN CAN ALSO BE SEXUAL PREDATORS!!! I never see that being brought up, because it's not about the safety of the American restroom, it's about, demonizing trans women.
“Okay, but what if a man dresses up as a lady to compete in women's sports!?” When in the history of EVER has a man, who's so sexist he thinks women don't deserve their own space, who would want to degrade (I say degrade because that's how he'd see it), himself by PERMANENTLY changing his body. Making himself grow breasts, putting in all the effort of voice training, wearing dresses, wearing makeup. Men who hate women like that would NEVER want to do anything to associate themselves with womanhood.
Trans women don't just get to say they're women and then jump into women's sports, there's a process and that involves making sure she's been on Estrogen long enough to have muscle mass comparable to cis women.
And that's not even acknowledging the most glaring and obvious thing. SPORTS ARE NEVER, HAVE NEVER BEEN, AND WILL NEVER BE 100% FAIR. Any good athlete is bound to have some sort of natural biological advantage. Micheal helps has an unnaturally large lung capacity, by transphobic logic, he's cheating by the way his body was born. He doesn't deserve any of his metals.
Bodies are different, one person may have a biological advantage in swimming due to a large lung capacity. Other's may have an advantage in running due to the way their body doesn't make as much of a specific chemical that causes muscle fatigue. Others may be inherently better at marksmanship due to some weird thing about their body that gives them unnatural control over how stable their hands are.
That's life, trans women included or not, SPORTS ARE NOT 100% FAIR THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN 100% FAIR AND THEY NEVER WILL BE 100% FAIR!! That's how bodies work, that's how sports work.
so many of those "drop the t" people make no fucking sense.
"lesbians don't want to suck dick!" and nobody is forcing you to. if they are that's just rape and has nothing to do with their transition
"it's weird!" .. okay??? and?? so what.
"well its too complicated and they talk about dysphoria and stuff instead of just your attraction to other people!!!" life isn't that simple. if somebody's identity is complicated, that is fine. and even then transitioning isn't as confusing as you're making it sound.
"it's a mental illness!!!" I heavily doubt you're qualified enough to make that statement. and, regardless, in the hypothetical scenario that it was a mental illness (its literally not), not all mentally illnesses can go away! not all illnesses are developed throughout life; a lot of them you were born with but you didn't know!
to add more onto that, if you replace the word trans with any form of neurodivergency then things show a lot clearer on how stupid it sounds. let me demonstrate
"(having autism) is so weird" "people with (adhd) don't exist, theyre just troubled and (easily distracted) people who want attention" "(npd) is just an excuse for (people) to (act egotistical), its not an actual thing!"
that doesn't make any sense and is really stupid. so do you know what else is stupid?
"being transgender is so weird" "people with gender dysphoria don't exist, theyre just troubled and confused people who want attention" "transgenderism is just an excuse for men to creep on women, it's not an actual thing!"
summary/tldr, transphobes should fuck off.
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princess-glassred · 2 days ago
I saw a post that was like "the fact people are harassing jk rowling over just some mean tweets while stephen king can write disgusting things 24/7 and recieve nothing but praise just shows that this really all just about sexism" and it pissed me off so bad.
Listen, stephen king is not perfect and you're allowed to not like him, dare i say, you're allowed to even hate him. I personally like him but I will not lie to you and tell you he's never written a racist trope or been creepy about women before. However, jk rowling isn't just "making mean tweets" SHE'S ENGAGING IN HOLOCAUST DENIALISM. SHE ACCUSED A WOMAN OF COLOR OF BEING TRANS WHEN SHES A PUBLIC FIGURE FROM A COUNTRY WHERE BEING TRANS IS ILLEGAL. HER BOOKS ARE ALSO FILLED WITH PROBLEMATIC TROPES.
Stephen King, as far as i'm aware, has never actually done any of the problematic things he's written about. He's definitely said shitty things before, but i've never heard any serious allegations levied at him of anything he writes about, neither murder, cheating, pedophilia, or racism. As far as i'm concerned stephen king is actually a leftist, like about as left leaning as an older white dude could be. He outright advocates for trans rights and is anti book banning, as opposed to rowling who literally denies that trans healthcare books were burned by nazis.
Here's a thought: Maybe the reason people hate jk rowling and not stephen king isn't sexism, maybe it's because they both hold problematic views and write problematic content, but one of them is using their platform to actively lobby against minorities.
It also probably helps that one is a good writer and the other isn't.
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