velvateen · 15 hours
“i can fix him” together we could be evil and disgusting in ways you could never imagine
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velvateen · 1 day
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he would 100% use his restoring powers once the paint chips
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velvateen · 1 day
oooouggh fuck hear me out . what if the first time we see both of sanji's eyes at the same time is when he pushes aside his hair to get a full look at the all blue
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velvateen · 1 day
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Men used to go to war for women like this
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velvateen · 2 days
"love is love" until it doesn't include sex
"love is love" until it lives in separate beds
"love is love" until it is queer platonic
"love is love" until it does not comply with compulsory sexuality and amatonormativity
love IS love, for aspecs, for sex repulsed folk and for platonic relationships
"love is love" apply to more than same-sex relationships in a world where romantic and sexual relationships are considered more valuable
Remember to advocate for Asexuals and Aromantics this pride. Because we are also here, and we are also queer
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velvateen · 3 days
been touching a lot of grass lately and thinking about the concept of virginity & the perpetuation of purity culture through, of all things, smutty fanfiction.
there is so much veneration of virginity/chasteness, especially in reader-insert circles, to the point where, as someone who hasn't been a virgin in nearly a decade, is at points uncomfortable to read. i had fun for a while subverting this "trope" of sorts by having reader take the virginity of certain male characters, which is fun to write, but even still, the pervading insistence that your "first" is somehow more special, more spiritual, and more pure, is harmful and damaging.
there's also something to be said about constantly depicting grown, adult women as idiots who don't know the first thing about their own anatomy or sex in general.
i dunno, just some food for thought.
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velvateen · 8 days
hi guys teacheesee is soooo 5 mins ago… new name dropped,,, add me on animal jam lol velveteen3
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velvateen · 11 days
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stupid idea became a real
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velvateen · 13 days
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have not posted in a bit take some MARCILLE
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velvateen · 13 days
best friend so talented it’s bonkers
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i'm normal about him heeheehoohoo
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velvateen · 14 days
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the one piece is kind of real
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velvateen · 15 days
It's fanfiction it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't have to be accurate this is a hobby you're doing this for fun it's okay if it isn't perfect and polished you're doing it for fun [talking to myself in the mirror]
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velvateen · 15 days
hahaha AGAIN!
Hi you, I'm writing to you from Belgium! Thank you so much for your work, omg I love your writing so much!!! (you managed to make me get SICK butterflies in my stomach on your fiction "i am your singer" -smut LMAO-)
I'd like to suggest a story idea for zoro, I dreamt about him yesterday and in my dream he always found an excuse to get into the rooms I was in (very often the bathroom… While I was showering of course…) (example: it's dinner time // we're looking for you everywhere, I wanted to make sure you were okay…) Would you be willing to smut this dream into reality? 💚
(of course, it's a proposal, you're free to choose! Thank you so much for reading! 🥰)
don’t bother knocking - zoro x reader nsfw
hiiiii tysm for the request this is lowkey one of my fav pieces for this blog yet lol. enjoy!!
warnings: oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, fem bodied reader, no pronouns used
1.6k words
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You ran your hands through your hair, making sure all of the soap had been wrung out. Ears blocked by water, you nearly missed the squeak of the door hinge as it opened. Sticking your head out of the shower, you saw Zoro, leaning against the counter.
“Can I help you?” You drew back into the water.
“No,” he hummed, “Just wanted to let you know that dinner’s ready.”
“Alright, yeah, I’ll be out in a minute! Don’t let them all wait up for me, alright?”
He grunted in response, and it took a few more seconds for you to hear the door open and close again.
Weird. Whatever. You stepped out of the shower, spotting wet footprints across the bathmat as you dried yourself off.
Zoro’s been acting this way lately. Always seeming to be where you want to go. Always showing up where you are. You try not to read too much into stuff with Zoro, maybe it’s just his way of trying to be closer friends with you. He’s got so many lofty aspirations that it’s hard for you to justify what your heart wants and what the crew already sees unfolding: Zoro’s got a thing for you. He just doesn’t know how to show it.
You towel off your hair and make your way to the kitchen, where you take your seat next to Zoro. Luffy is lunging for everyone’s plates although they’re all almost done eating, Zoro included. You sigh as you start to eat, relishing in the taste of Sanji’s perfect meal, and you rest your head on your hand as you start to pick at the plate. Distracted by the dinner, you don’t notice how close your arm on the table has gotten to Zoro’s. The heat of the shower is radiating off of your skin and onto his, and the hair on his arms raises. He fights the blush that settles on his ears, making no effort to pull away from your touch.
He stays there long after he’s finished eating.
The knock on your door is most unexpected, at this hour. You get out of your bed, setting down the book you’d been reading, and peek through the sliver of the door. When you see who it is, you open it wider.
“Oh hey, what’s up?” Zoro avoids your gaze a bit. Not completely, just enough to notice. He shrugs.
“Was bored. Mind if I hang out with you?”
You lick your lips. Zoro notices.
“Yeah, come on in, I was just reading,” you back away from the door and fall back into place on your bed. Picking up your book, Zoro sits on the side of your bed.
“What’s this about?” You take the book from him and set it down on your nightstand.
“I don’t really know yet, just started it tonight. But the cover is pretty so that means its gotta be good,” you laugh.
“Pretty sure there’s a phrase advising directly against that way of thinking but whatever,” Zoro mutters. You lean against the headboard as you laugh.
“Right, yeah, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, well I happen to find that is the best method to finding anything good.”
“Is that right?” Zoro inches unperceptively closer to you, the arm bracing himself now over your legs.
“Yeah, that’s right.” Zoro licks his lips. You notice.
“What have you been doing hanging out with me so much? What’s the angle?”
“No angle.”
“No angle?”
“Maybe there’s an angle,” he smiles. His eyes dart down to your lips for a fraction of a second, but long enough to ignite a heat that’s started to burn in your stomach. Maybe, you realize, it’s been burning for a while now.
Zoro’s grown closer to you now, something you both realize. But the realization doesn’t make you pull away, not now that he’s got a hand cupping your jaw and tilting your face as if he’s practiced it a thousand times, just for this. Just for you.
You eyes close slowly as you feel the touch of warm, chapped, rough lips ghost your own. It’s as if he’s afraid to push too hard, to break a spell or scare you off, he touches you so dearly. The kiss deepens slightly, but never in a rough way, no, Zoro’s staked so much on this moment to ever make any motion that might scare you off.
You pull away, a giddy laugh making it’s way past your lips. Zoro searches your eyes for any trace of doubt or unrequited emotion, but he doesn’t find it. And he can’t help but catch that infectious laugh, that smile that cracks across your face with such abandon that it takes all of his efforts to not let it consume the entirety of his soul. It does anyway. You lean back up and let Zoro follow you down to where you sat against the headboard, and he moved to straddle you, running a hand through your hair and gently holding by the roots, committing all of these feelings to memory. He’s waited long enough to feel you, and now that he’s got you in his hands, he wants nothing more than to break down every wall you’ve built around yourself, to touch your skin, to sink into you.
He sinks his teeth, experimentally, into you. Not to damage, but to be able to look back tomorrow at breakfast and know that it wasn’t all a dream. Your fingers make his earrings clink as you run a thumb over them, tugging his ear close to your mouth.
“You wanna?” You whisper, the soft smile you’re wearing evident in your cadence.
“If you’ll let me,” he answers, trying not to give himself away. He does anyways. His hands, antsy to roam, have made their way down to your pajama pants and make a move to tug, but you pull away.
“Me first.”
You move to the floor, and Zoro’s hand flies to your nape, not wanting to lose touch with you for a second. His pants have pooled near you on the floor, and with it come his boxers. You lick your lips. And boy, does he notice.
The grip he has on your hair tightens, but is never harsh. Never with you. Even as your lips and tongue start to envelop and swirl around the tip of his dick. Never harsh. Even when his other hand clenches tightly into the mattress. Even as you take him further, noting every vein present and pulsing under your administrations. Even as he fights the urge to tell you every thought he’s ever had about you. Never harsh. Even when his hand leaves your hair to wipe tears brimming at your eyes, he does it with such tenderness that you start to question if the tears are from the gag at all.
Zoro pulls away from you, clearly a motion of great strain, and he pulls you back up to the bed, where you finally kick off those damn pajama pants. Laying down, Zoro’s eyes ask an unspoken affirmation from you, as his fingers hook around the edges of your underwear. You nod, and the haste of which he pulls them down makes you laugh. His lips are back on yours, tasting your laughter, until he pulls away to cup a hand on your cheek, slipping his thumb into your mouth, greeted by an unexpecting hum. He draws it out of your mouth with a pop, and brings it down to your center, dragging it across your folds, holding you open. You take in a sharp inhale as he rubs his thumb across your clit in circular, steady motions. He smiles, watching as you start to clench around nothing, and all for him. His lips are back on your neck, kissing further down until they ghost over your chest, pause, and continue kissing over the cloth of your shirt. Your back arches towards his warm breath, the fire in your stomach reaching a blaze. Your hands are all over his back as he continues to work you open, steadily puting more pressure on your nerves. You groan at the feeling, impatience starting to wear you down.
Zoro hears the quickening of your breath, and decides to sink a finger into you, working it around to get you adjusted. You huff in exasperation as he pulls away, only long enough to get himself settled towards you. His hand is above your head as he angles himself, dragging his dick along your folds. You groan in unison as you feel each other’s warmth, the culmination of all this waiting paying off after all these years. He sinks in, slightly, not so much to satiate you by any means, no, but it’s enough to get you adjusted.
Zoro takes a deep breath, and lets it go as he slides fully, sheathed impossibly tight within you.
You take a deep breath, and you let it go as you’re filled, depths reached.
With your affirmation, he moves, slowly at first, and then picking up the pace. But never harsh, never abrasive.
Not tonight.
There will be other nights, nights with less on the line, where Zoro will allow himself to tear into you, to deny and restrain you, but not tonight.
Tonight, Zoro focuses on loving you, which comes easily, given that it seems as he was born to do just that.
The warmth of the hot water soothes your legs as you bend down to turn the shower off. The cool air of the night hits you as you step out of the shower, not surprised to see Zoro leaning against the counter. He watches as you wrap the towel around yourself.
“Can I help you?” You muse, tucking the towel in and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He smiles at you, resting his hands on your waist.
“Nope,” he presses a kiss onto your lips, “no angle here.”
a/n: hey everypony mwahahaha almost got carried away w this one it’s like one billion words. anyways school is still kicking my ass. sorry responding to this took so long!! hope everyone has a good day and eats good food! okay bye kitties meow
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velvateen · 19 days
hey i know i asked for constructive criticism but what i actually wanted was for you to tell me i'm extremely talented. and also pretty. sorry if that was unclear
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velvateen · 19 days
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stupid idea became a real
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velvateen · 19 days
Ok, real quick, speaking as a librarian, you absolutely cannot despair about the adult literacy crisis and shame adults for reading fiction books you do not personally care for or think are "challenging" at the same time. It doesn't work with kids, and it doesn't work with adults.
Here's how to increase someone's reading level:
1) Let them read whatever they choose without shame or judgment. Maybe get them talking about it using open-ended, non-leading questions to encourage critical thinking and comprehension.
2) Let them get bored after a while and seek out different books.
3) Repeat.
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velvateen · 19 days
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Straw hat bandits!!
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